THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAt, - PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21, 1S21. QIIEEtl MOTHER ILL; j, where disarmament conference may sit . HIGH BATES Oil ALL ANXIETY IS SHOWN i--m BY ROYAL FAMILYi .m-mmmiJlWm American Women Are Petted by' Royalty, Former Mrs. Astor Is Hostess to Prince and Princess By GertrBde La4y Itorfcs ; Special Cab Pixpatch to Cniventl Sernec : London, Augl 20. A sudden change for the worse in the state of Queen Alex andra'a health la causing the greatest anxiety to the royal family. - It has re sulted In her canceling practically all of her social engagement on the urgent ad vice of her physicians. .-. Queen Alexandra has not been In the best of health for the past 'three years. - In recent months j ear and throat trouble has been causing! her Intense discomfort,' which explains why she has been Been so little in public Much against her own wishes she has been-obliged, to participate in important functions, but even this has been stopped for fear of overtaxing her strength.-- At the present moment she requires the most careful nursing at , Sandringham, where it Is hoped that the quiet and the bracing air may aid in her recovery.;' King George and Queen Mary are most anxlotas about , Queen Alexandra's condition and are getting daily reports. Lady Ribblesdale,' formerly Mrs. John Jacob Astor, has been a particular pet of royalty this season. ' At every function vhe has given she has been honored by the presence of some of the members of the royal family, which is regarded as unusual among London hostesses, where it is realised that the 'members of the royal family have many calls upon their time and during the season to distribute their patronage so as not to . excite jealousy. One night last week Princess Mary arid Prince Henry accepted an invitation from Lady Ribblesdale, and later in the eve , ing the' Prince of Wales dropped in. This sets a new record for achievement of this king among the hostesses who vie with each other in attracting royalty to their parties. .. The Duchess of- Roxburghe" and Lady Crewe are exciting considerable com ment, in society on account of the fre quency with which -they were seen in each other's society during the present social season at important social events. , Afternoon teas at the Crewe house in Curzon street, under the combined di rection of these two ladies, were known as "Ttoxburghe-Crewe exclusives."' These affaira were confined to the particular women friends of the hostesses, tie men - being Invitid. Princess May generally honored these parties with her presence, and the two hostesses usually accom panied her on her shopping expeditions. Although Lady Newborough let her London residence, it is not her intention to abandon the pleasure of Mayfair so ciety. Her health has not been up to standard the past few months, and she has been obliged to spend some time abroad to avoid the treacherous British climate, which never agreed with her. She has often expressed a wish to go hack to "dear old Kentucky" to live. She has been popular with the king and queen since coming to England, and par ticularly a favorite with Queen. Alex andra and Princess Victoria. . .'. "The Ihichess of Marlborough, formerly Gladys Deacon of Boston, has purchased a motion picture camera . and-intends. to "picturize" Blenheim castle. She is, tak ing lessons with the camera from a regu lar operator and is showing keen interest In the production end of photoplays, vis iting many English studios. .Young William Leeds, who Is going to marry Princess Xenia of Greece, is look ing for a town house in London. At the present time both he and his financee are living at Harrowgate, the famous British Spa. Leeds plans to embark in future London seasons with the same degree of lavishness as his mother when she was at the height of her popularity here. Ijady Rhonda. Britain's busiest busi ness woman, who controls the immense business properties left by her father. the famous wartime food controller of England, is now engaged in writing a life history of her father. It promises to be one of the most interesting books of the year. - -, -.. - -? : ., - The Pan-American building. Washington, home of the Pan-American Union, which has been named aa the most , ' probable meeting place of the disarmament conference called by President Harding In Washington in the fl si . ' i i i ii ii miMinfl-n-H, A.tAi ' r t.., , . j - t I:: i, i T, ...... 'f IL EDITOR CDirn" A T-MfYTTf','ir Remember, Out Stora ai at 1 P. M. WainesJsy Darin the Hot M Leixl Thia Mc HoCday. MAIL ORDERS ' CAREFULLY . AND PROMPTLY. FILLED , t J.! mmA i OroW Thai Our EaaUyM May Eajoy a Waekly Half- t. Your Support by Arramgin Yar I Skoppiag mm. Wdaae4aya m tha tores oca. PACKACT2 Samuel Gr Dunn ' Figures Public Is Paying Less Than It Would iM Under ; Government Operaton. J We Are. AgenU fer th ; BattaHck Pattarna and, tLa DWiaeator All 5 New SryUe Are Nmw Saowiag. The Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash PARCELS POST PREPAID ON SS PURCHASES E - , ii - . fT Tka Da W Faatnra 1m Oattariek Pattarna I. Previa f Great eUtanea taHoaaa fall. PROVSQN FOR NEW GENERAL ; STAFF IN ARMY Board Created by! Order of Sec retary Weeks; General Per shing to Have- Full Control. He gaspd and then ran from the office. calling fur help. Douglas reached the street and - yelled to a policeman, wbo placed Hunt under arrest. Hunt was found sitting in the chair recently vacated by Douglas, despite the fact that the air was heavy with the fumes from the ether. '? ' "I thought I could gef rid of' him by etherizing him." Hunt told ''Judge Clifford Sanborn. "I'd. like to be build ing" inspector myself, and if your honor would fire Mr. Douglas I would take the position. Judge Sanborn ordered Hunt put under observation. - COMPLETION New) - ,: ' 20. r- Creation, of ; (By t'nitrd Washington,. Aug, a new general ' staff, similar to that offered for the American expedition ary forces is provided! in orders just is sued -by Secretary of War Weeks. The staff, at the head of. which will All U. S.Troperty Is to Be Looked f After by One Office war. ESTABLISHES WAR corxciL . - By United News) Washington. Aug. 20. All government real estate outside the District of Co lumbia, owned or rented by any agency H r:t.rai Wrshins. la tr fnotion hothf ' federal government, will be put in Tjeace and in war. and marks a com- u"ucr "".! i nltlv iaw svstom armv adminla- office, under terms of an order issued tration. It will have charge of all mill- by m Charles O. Dawes, director of the tary policies, the procurement of muni- '- wun me approval or we Posi tions and other supplies, and the organi-1 "ent- xntinh nf Iho armv a?d the reserve, and I 1 ne ODject or tne order, it was ex seeks to apply lessons derived from the piainea. is 10 promote economy, coorain- aie me various on ice scattered through the country and utilize space to the best The order- estaDllsnes a war . council i a survpvnr rmiral nf roa.1 tt in which will-' be composed of secretary of I created, under the secretary of the war. me asnsuini --reiry ui v. i , nu i treasury. m cn.e. m "if I "It shall be his duty to collect all I " SJr" .r: V ",TJV vr.v necessary information pertaining , to coiisiueiuoa. P" '"s owned or leased real estate of whatever military and munitkns problems of the character , or wheresoever situated, and war department The abstain director to determine what changes should be , , , as Wic nil CBl Va. CUVIIUIIlli:! UU OI Procuring suppues. I efficient use of lands, buildings and nor. j-ne stan is to re suDQiviaea mio nv( i,.5 j,, K, - - , . divisions, each of which Swjll be-under rifj"r the Immediate control Tot ah assistant 153 irnrowt' : Md ordec. -I..-. .v. .. i , - . j .Butrcj-or general win aeiertnine powers. The divisions are personnel "iT; . u (G-l), mihUry intelligence tt5r2, oper ations and -training (G-3) supply (Q-4) and war plans (wpd)J - There is also a deputy chief of staff,, to assist the assis tant enter. - r MADE OF FOUR DIVISIONS ? ' Spanish Army Bids For Unemployed in U. S. and Britain (Univeml Serriea London, Aug. 20. Unenroloved In Enc. land and America are expected to be in terested in the announcement made today by the Spanish ministry attache in Lon don that an unlimited number of volun teers with military experience are re quired to fight in Morocco. Th torrm. offered are an immediate payment of iw pius 7& cents per day with alt food ana ciotning round. : s A I 1 . t . ' aii-v onuHi ex-serviee nn am hurrying to the Spanish flag. The Span ish battleship, the Almirante Lobo. which has arrived at Southhampton, has the first contingent ready to sail today. , No awkward questions are asked and there is no trouble ; about Dassnorts. r A photo is all that is required and the only inquiry made is: . - "Can you. and will you fightr Wants $1,500,000 For Soldiers' Home Washinrtok Aug. 20. X vl si - appropriation of $1,500,000 for a new fire proof hospital ill connection with the national soldiers' home at Santa Monica. Cat., mas urged before the house public building and; grounds committee by Rep resentative Osborne. California. Os borne said adequate hospital facilities were -needed badly at Santa Monica for inmates of the soldiers home and for the veterans of all wars fought by the United States. . - The same plan of order stipulates, is to headquarters of corps areas, while at other headquarters the staffs are to be organised into four divisions. The war plan division of the Stair, in addition, will be so organized that it can furnish the nucleus of general staff I organisation the be carried out at nave power to reallocate space. Leases in the future .will be subject' to nis approval. ' , . f Getting Real Truth ; Regarding Business Deals in Brazil (By United. Newn) Kio de Janeiro, Aug. 20. The United personnel for units Irequirlng general ,st"'" Chamber-of Commerce has sent headquarters in the field. . . trr"?' 10 u. Am'rlcn business men in The order also i seti up an -advisory d Janeiro requesting confidential council on legislation, composed of the information as to the amount of goods deputy chief of staff, the assistants, and these companies have now unclaimed in one other officer. The council. will seek, to promote economy andj will study army legislation. Proposed legislation win pass through the hands of the council before it reaches the secretary. ' '1 - GESEBAL FERSHISG EXPLAINS General Pershing explained that the new system would greatly aid efficient administration. Ub to the present time the organisa tion of the war department general staff has been unscientific and dependent to a large- extent on the personnel of indi vidual members." he said. "The faults of this organization were magnified tre mendously on the entrance of the United States into the WorldJ war and the or ganization of the general staff built up within the'wer department to meet the problems presented was nevertheless on wieldy and productive; of many faults, particularly the assumption of adminis trative and operative duties that should have been performed by the existing op erating agencies.' 1 tion of the general staff built up within the war department to meet the prob lems presented was nevertheless unwieldy and productive of many faults, particu larly the assumption of administrative and operative duties that should have been performed by the existing operating agencies." Man Seeking Office Resorts to Ether to Create a Vacancy SEA CRAFT HALTS; FUNDS L AG NG Superdreadnaughts- and Battle ships and Cruisers Languish in Yards, Only Partly Finished. Washington, Aug. 20. Lack of appro priations has made it impossible to say when any of the great capital' ships now building for the U. S. navy will be com pleted. This was revealed today when the navy department gave out a table of con struction progress on the 1918 program. Under heading "Probable Date of Com pletion" the word "indefinite" appears opposite these vessels : Baltimore, Colo rado. Washington, West Virginia. South Dakota, .Indiana, Montana.' North Dako ta. Iowa, and Massachusetts. Battle cruisers Lexington. Constella tion. Saratoga, Ranger, Constitution and United States. This includes all of the battle cruisers. The superdreadnaught California is due for. completion on September IS and the Maryland has been delivered. The far thest advanced of the remainder is the Colorado. 77 per cent completed. Six of the others are less than 17 per cent com pleted, the Massachusetts bringing up the rear with only ten per rent toward completion. - V" . liw-frcai Dame cruisers - are even worse off. the report shows. The farthest advanced is the Saratoga, with 25 pef cent, while the Ranger ; faae- progressed only 2.2 per cent. - - - : -y-- 1 The Omaha will be completed in March. 1922, but the date of completion of the remaining 9 light cruisers Is indefinite. Of -these the Milwaukee is the farthest advanced, with 91 per cent, and the Memphis farthest behind at 98 per cent. Brazilian custom houses, the number of cancellations of orders and other statis tical information. An effort is being made to analyse the rea condition of American business in BrasiL The chamber believes that re ports from New York, and Washington regarding unclaimed . goods from the United States are exaggerated and plana to issue a statement as soon as an-accu rate report can be compiled from the re sult of the questionnaire. Chautauqua, K. Aug. 20. (1. N. S.) -"During the 10 months from September 1920 to June 30, 1921 the owners of the a3way lost 175,000,000 aa a result of heir return- to private operation" said '.amuel O. Dunn, editor of the Railway -ge in an address before the Chautau- ia. Institution here today. - "The taxpsyera of the country saved 'his entire amount 'and probably more e aaaeo. " Referring to the fact that former DI- . -'Ctor General 'pf. Railroads W. O. Me- I '.do and Director General Walker D. lilies' advocated the continued operation of the railroads fay the government for a period ox two Ho rive years. Mr. Dunn said u ' ' V If government operation and the gov ernment guarantees had been continued. the. rental paid by the government to I the railroad companies in the 10 months ended June. 1921. would have been 1742.- &00.900. In these same 10 months the .railroads actually earned a net operating income or only f2SC.700.000. -less than thel rental the government would have. had to pay . the - companies If government operation had been . continued. There fore, in these 10 months the - owners of the railroads lost thia much as a result of the return of their properties to them. and the taxpayers of the country saved thia much. . . . , ... t Answering public -complaint r of the present high railroad rates. Mr. Dunn said that if 'government operation had continued - the. rates possibly would not have been -advanced but the taxpayers would have had to pay at least 11.150.- 000.000 to make up the deficit. Tie saving to the public of this huge amount of taxes ia surely Mist offset to the' advances in Tates." .the editor de clared.- He replied to the freight rate complaints with a similar argument. Mr. Dun a opposed agitation for early general reductions In rates and the re peat of the provisions of the transport a ' ' -Tn-J v i rn present rats were fixed, asserting that the railroads no-yct (u ucriii't. ..o benelit trom these rate making provislona. He stated that Instead -of earning a return at the rate of per cent during the first 10 mociths the present rates were in effect. f earned a. return of less than 2V4 per cent he public-has no right to demand reductions in rates made necessary by high expenses caused by the action of government bodies representing the pub lic itself until the public has removed the conditions created by Itself which eluded. - Sam $2.95 pie Corsets $2.95 SEIZE 21 QUARTS ' Houlton. Maine. Aug. 20. (L K. S.) Sheriff Edward Grant, assisted by Depu ties James Ross and James Jackins, seized CM quarts of Canadian whiskey. which was en route from .vanburen tol Buiror. Tit automobila nsed ta carrv the whiskey was operated by w. C. May- nard of Bangor, according to the offi cers,- and was seised together with the whiskey. DANCING TAUGHT ALL NEW rraS AMD POPULAR MOBS UARANTBCB (N KIHT - S-HOUR LKSSONS Ladiea 3.00, gentlemen 1 .(). De Honey's beauti ful academy. Twenty ' third and Washington. Beginners' class starts Tuesday and Thursdav evenings. 8 to 11:30. Plen ty ty - of desirable - partners ana practice: no em bar - rassment. You can never . learn -dancing in private lessons- from inferior ' teachers you must have oracticeL . LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL. Phone 1 Main-7656.' Private lessons all hours. (By L'aitad ") . Dedham, Mass.. Aug. 20. William J. Hunt, building contractor, was anxious to become the town's building inspector. The only thing that interfered was For est M. Douglas, who now holds the office.. . Hunt decided he could not wait for official appointment,, so armed with can of ether he. went I to Douglas' of fice, v ' - - - - - Douglas was sitting in .his office with, his back to the window when without warning he was showered with ether. BLUE BIRD-Tonight SPECIAL SF5BU AMtSEMEXT BOAT IEAYFS 2i4S P it axrnnna' AT WOOD FEBRY (C1TT LWITSlV ItETCUfl Til! r. t.HM THREE HOURS OF DANCING BILLY WEBBS' ORCHESTRA FJrtJul,hf? eV7 80 mjta from Morrison Bridge to and from the Blue Bird. Autos and street cfcra. io Seliwood at iiiton " . Launches Every 10 Minutes. corns 'axb go. as. tou please. umn's guafr in Modes for Men is now Arriving at B en S eliiii g Js HERE ARE NEW CLOTHES, FAULT LESSLY TAILORED. FROM FABRICS STURDY IN TEXTURE, IRRE PROACHABLE IN PATTERN AND COLOR. - " - MANY OF THE NEW SUITS HA VE AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS. Suits for Men and Young Men Twenty - five Dollars to Sixty . - . - . -' '- " - - Exceptional Quality at $35, $40, $45 """.- - " " -A' -.-. - - j 1 ' .t. .. . - .. A j-- : . 'ii" ; : , BEN SELLING lading Clothier Morrison Street at Fourth . : Clearance: Sale ' -' w Women's All-Wool Sweaters at y3: Off S-:'- Coit and Tuxedo styles in all-wool worsted and zephyr yarns. .AH sizes In the assortment. Colors are navy, peacock, turquoise, golden brown,, buff, rose, maroon, American Beauty and purple. . R.&CL. Lady Ruth samples and dropped "models. Strictly, hi lb. srade selected Satins. Brocades, : Silk Stripe Batistes, Fancy Bandeau doth,. Overweight Coutils (the best the fabric market affords), and in addition to this we have decided to sacrifice with out reserve some 30 other stock models of the Just past spring and summer shipments at one-half and less .than that in many instances.: ; ' These. lots include models from such makes as Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Ren ro Belt, Thompson Clove fit-; tint, Treo, Merito, Calm and otters. Seldom, if erer. : do you have such an opportunity to purchase high grade models at such great reductions.' :- About 20 front-lace, in sizes i9 to 32; some 2$ other average; average to full and reinforced stouts in sizes 19 to 30 and -30 to 36. Your unrestricted choice at $2.95. Others at 95c S1.95 d $3.95. 11 The Revelation , . ; Silk Hose .' With Lace 'Boot Insert . at-$1.98 Pair High grade full fashioned SHk Hose with" rein forced lisle heel and toe, lisle garter top and wide -garter hem.: Several new lace patterns in black. Sizes 8Ji to 10. on sale at $1.98 pair. LAGES AND EMBROIDERIES r Come to our Fancy Goods section and see how splendidly ready we are to supply your needs for Fall sewing. Here youll find generous assortments of both Laces and Embroideries in worthy-qualities so temptingly low priced that you'll be impatient to. purchase. Here's just a hint : t - m ; . ' Narrow Laces 1 5c Yard : Imitation Crochet, Filet, Cluny. Torchon and Vals in a big range of edgings and insertion. Venise Laces 7c Yard A big line of the popular narrow Venise laces in white and cream.- . ... Four-Inch 'Laces ' 10c Yard 3, 3yi and 4-inch white, cream and ecru laces in imitation Crochet, filet, Cluny very good qualities, 'especially adapted for brassieres, cami soles, center pieces, etc. Fourteen-Inch Laces" - ' . 25c Yard v v - 1 -.-- - . A wonderful line of imported laces in widths up to 14-inch,' in the imitation Duchess, Carrick microMiTJea aiid'-lliit Val -watterns. -7 Sale Aluminum Ware Choice at$1.79 From'.1 4-Piece Combinatien Cookers 10-Quart WaUr Pail 8-Quart Prrriig Kettles 6-Quart Cevrcl Convex KertUa Also' Alnnainiun CasseroUs - A $1.79 Ech Narrow Embroideries : 7c Yard Narrow edgings and Insertions on Swiss, Cam- brie and Longclothi. j 36-Inch Voile Flouncings 59c Yard Fine quality white Voile with colored yarn em broidery ' r : 9 to 17-In. Embroideries 25c Yard A wonderful value in 9 to 17-inch Skirting and Flouhdnf at this popular price. A bij range of small and 1 large . patterns ' of Swiss,' Cambric and Longcloth.. 27-Inch Flouncings 1 47c Yard . 27-inch Swiss Flouncing with ruffled, and scal loped edge. A big range of small and medium New Fall Style ' - .; - Pumps and Oxfords at $4.85 Both black and brown kid Pumps and Oxfords in the latest and best styles strap, lace and straight cut models in reliable makes t $4.85. ; Men's Dress and Work Shoes at $4.85 Wide and medium toe models in black and brown vici kid.. Also heavy and medium weight work shoes, in durable leathers. Sires 6 to 11, on sale at $4.85. - . ' 50c Yard Final End of the Season. SALE OF DRESS VOILES Choice From Our Entire Stock of Finest Qualities at . : v. . .... Those beautiful high grade rress Voiles you have admired in our Wash Goods Section are now offered for final clearance' at in extraordinary price reduction. Included are light, dark and medium colofs in choice patterns. Make an early selection. More Than 1500 Yards Dress Voiles to Close at 25c Yd! . Splendid selection,; mostly in . light colorings and, short lengths all quite desirable dependable In quality and most unusual 'value at this low price. ' . -. .t . " . , - Ne wf Dress Ginghams at 25c Yard Best standard Domestic Dress Ginghams In a full showing of the most popular and pleasing colors in plaids, checks, stripeand; plain shades.- . '. - . , Feather Pillows $1.00 Each They . come 17x24 inches filled with nice clean leathers and covered with fine -quality ticking. New Arrivals in Fall' Suits '- You are invited to inspect the . new arrivals in " Fall Suits. The - best styles are represented in Tri cotine, Yalama, Velour, Duvet de Laine, etc. Particularly pleasing are the new.long lines that slen derize.. Others are embroidered, belted and with fur collars. All sizes all prices.' '. J " ' " 'i Fiber Tricolettes- A f CI AO Vrl A fine heary weight 3- z n H'J-.w -a.v- .inch fiber sHk fabric shown In more than twenty-five desirable colors, Including: black and white. . Bungalow Nets at 39c Yd. We are now showing a complete stock of dainty Bungalow Nets in white and cream color. Crepe de Chine 7 i 1 1 ii Waists at Price Without restriction we place on sale at a uniform reduction of exactly one-half priced All broken lines' in fine Crepe de Chine Waists they come in flesh and in white, and all sizes from 36 to 44 are in the assortment. Two Special Offerings A 4.' D1 Af T J A fine 38-inch Tricolette In L P1T vl flesh and white. Comes In a tubular ..weave and is women's undergarments. especially desirable - for