THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, FORTLAIU. SUNDAY UORNINt, 21, FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES ' 824 Heights Terrace, 2 and rooms and porrh. fine view mountains and city. 20 minutes' walk to Meier A frank; Hall st ear. Mormon to lath at., 2 block west. Kee to appreciate. Don't mot it. Rent reasonable and. fine place to He. 1 AAV 6-room buncaow. Hawthorne ear at K. 54th. ! partly furnuhed For two months, owner to ; occupy cue loom, Pomace, fireplace, new brass bed, dishes, table linen, kitchen utensils, plate, ironing board and electric inn, wash tubs. To responsible couple. $40, includlne furnace TueL Pbone SeTrwood 143. VIIJ share house with, employed couple. CoL 1101. ' 6-ROOM f urnithed bouse, modern, Jani. walking distance. 538 Market. 4 ROOMS, Sell wood district 30 Leo avenue. HOUSES-FURNTTURE FOR SALE 313 AM LEAVING city. Will seU furniture of 4 room eottace, completely furnished, and rent rnttage to permanent, responsible people. Main 7061. EIGHT rooms for rent and sleeping- porch, fur niture ; tor sale ree-sonabie; trood income on investment 412 Ka.t fth nortn. FOR RENT- 1-rocm bouse, in splendid condition-. eme furniture for sale.'- Columbia 1081. FLRNITURK for sale, hotbe for rent 10th at. North. 35 K. FOUR rooms, elegant furniture for sale, tacri fice. Apartment for rent Main, 4 12. FIVE rooms furniture for sale, house for rent to responsible parties. 417 Beech at. MODERN- 5 room house for rent; furniture for sale. ' 63 E. 11th st N., corner Dans. FURNITURE for sale. Montgomery. Flat for rwit 302 STORES AND HALLS 314 $110 VERY attractive location tor dry goods, notions, etc. ; nice, large store and living rooms ini last-growing neighborhood on carline. naved street. Wood lawn 3219. WEST SIDE 50x100, concrete building on 5th at., fine location for auto paint shop. machine shop, carnage worss or top repairing. Will lease all or prt C-225. Jrairnal. . TWO store rooms tin W. Park st,-1 jxr.0, new building, light and clean; rent $100 each. I'lirme Main 957. FOB desirable - space la Pbone Bdwy. 9716. uraproet OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, witc ieievncne and sunagraphie serWej Prions Broadway all SUMMER RESORTS 316 MAKR VACATION TIME A PLEA3CRB Clssaie: Ridge Hours and Carapi tNehalem. Or. via TJllamook train), cpena July 1. For res ervation address J. II.. L. H. Edwards, 165't Fourth street, at Morrison. Main ?22. Kernes or self service. BEACH TEXTS In Ocean Grove; completely equipped for housekeeping; $10 per week. 248 Stark st. Mam szv. FOR REST At See view, 5 -room cottage, fac- ing boulevard, ocean, phone East 1241. mountain. Walker, VERY desirable, cosy, clean cottages, apartmenta and rooms: reduced rente during Sept. Address Rockview Vtlla. Twin Rocks, Or.; Tillamook Co. NICE little eottage for rent at Gearheart un til Sept. 1st, $13. Call Tabor 1850. CANNON BEACH cottaje, 3 last weeks cf September. Apply P. O. Box Sill. Portland WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 JIONTAVUAA SCHOOL, DISTRICT 5 or 6 room bungalow, about September 1 Call Tabor 2457. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 TOUNG man wishes to continue course at Ben son, wants room with board in exchange for work. LN-319. Journal. HOUSES 361 WANTED to rent-any time from September 1 to Ortrber 1, 4, 5 or 6 nn.' bungalow or rouse. Strictly modem, hdw. floors and garage. . Irvington. laurel liurst or Mt Tabor, 1 to 3 year lease with right to buy 1st year if suitable Am with local bank and can give any reference required. l-aow. journal. -RENTAL BUREAU Lfct your houses, flats or apvrtments with us; quick resulU and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE, LOANS SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth st. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715 ' WANT to rent 5 or 6 -room bouse for on. year; possession last of August. Must be near car, xt'.t too far out nor over $25. Adults only. Best , cf references. . Give full particulars or no re- ply. V-704, Journal. - LIST your houses snd flats with us for rent. We have' many daily calls for them in all parts of the city. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 252 Stark ft. Main 1644. 3 OR 4 room modern unfurnished: good residen tial district. Must be reasonable rent. Call st or write D. C. Crampton, Apt. D. 1103 Vi Hawthorne sve. i BY RELIABLE party with 2 children (refer. ences, furnished housekeeping rooms or an apartment for 2 months, September and Octo ber. THbor 2222. WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room hou.-e just out-ida city hunts, near carline. l-347 Journal. HOUSE, unfurnished. H-897. Journal. near Catholic school. SMALL famil v adults want houe. Iza month. leate, excellent care, rer. v-734. Journal. WANTED To rent, small funili!lied house, near .ietifron men tcnoci. V-78H. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PEACH PROPERTY 400 ROCKAWAY beach lot. Will exchange for small fireproof wife. C-213. Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY , 401 West Side Corner Close to shopping district, festival cen ter, .schools and ' churches; ideal location for apartment or hotel ; offered at ex tremely low figures; will consider part trade - F. E. Taylor Co. v 1201 Yeon Bldg. , Marshall 892. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 AI A RTM EXT IKirsK 4-stcry attractive looking brick buOdihg. west side, nicely furnished, cl.we to shopping dis trict; long lese. clearing -$fiO0 a month. Price $22,000. half rash. Thii is positively the best ouy in rue city. invnnigate. Jo!hiisoiiDodon' Co. f,33 N W. Bank Bldg. I Main 3787 $500 DOWN- Three 4reom flats, can be arranged to bring in etu a montn; cloe to 3 schools, block v. hu-w, inui, saruooery, etc l nee only -sooti. JohnsonDodon Co. 633 N. V. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 JSAO LAUKEUirKST ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID JohnsonDodson Co. 6X8 N.1 W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HAVE an exceptionally fine laurelhurst home; would cost $15,000 to .duplicate today; de sire income property to $35,000; pay balance 3 to 5 years- Edgar Brajfiekl. P. o. Box 4, city. . LOTS 403 ALAMEDA LOT ' Attractive lot, 50x100; st imp. in and paid, j i Price $R25. " I MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. KCV.SK CITY 54 ft lot on 45th, with beaud- ful trees. $1000. v : RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS on' a barcain counter. S lots 60x100, $200; aewer in, part paid. 4 room cottage, a great bargain; $1150. terras. Reduced Jur rash. 6128 52nd st Woodstock car. LAURELHURST BARGAIN WiU sell lot 1. block 51. Laurelhurst East 39th at; all as sessments paid, far below cost to me. Charles H. Fisher, Eugene. Or. I OWNER wiU sell lot 50x107. North irvington. nice location, cheap for cash. Inquire 10 E. 14th st. fi. ALAMEDA FA UK. extra sise lot near Broad way, car; allow buyer commission. Owner, TVS 1 5. Journal. 4- SPLENDH) corner, 100x100. priced right; 29th and Division sts. Owner. 812 Division st KeHwood 1185. 1 WO lota, 25x100 ill Peuo. dial. $195. or will trade for horse, wagoa and harness. Near St Jcnni car. Call at-1592 Prumraond ave. M It BUILDER, see there S lota, one on corner. $883 per lot Auto. 634-71. LOT. 50x110. on Siantos et. Rose City Park, $325, cash or terms. Phone Tabor 4244. - 50x50 ON EAST STARK st, between 19th and - 20th, all fanprovements in. Owner, East 2997. FOR SALE 100x100. cor. 2S;h avt Vllffci-' tat,, $1600. Phone Broadway SvOs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 COME OCT TODAY t And select a lot for your sew bone. - 50x105. $750. $100 down and- $10 per no. ' 60x100, (875, $100 down and $10 per ma 50x150, $1250, $100 down end $10 per no. '43x205. $1000, $100 down ,nd $10 per na 50x100 ejrner. $1000. $10O down and $10 per month.- ; 49x100. $62$ cash. . eiioo. $i3oo ca.h. Come out Sunday trout 1 p. m. uotil 6 p. m. and make your selection and aee the new booses under construction. Salesmen will meet yon at East 16th and Fremont sts. Sea the bis sign. Thee lota are to car. school and new Bark. Psvmg. aewer, walks, all m and paid for. JOHN SON -DODSON CO. . -s . 633 W.-W. Bank Bide. ' Main $787. 30 mscocxT -. CA&B ' .. LAURELHURST CORNER . ' $1350 Beautiful site. 39 ft front, faeina- east and north, it blocks from car; everything paid; cor ner Laurelhurst ave.- and Imperial, stands own er twice our price. See this and call MR. CHESSMAN. . J. D. HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Com. bklg. Main 208, PARKROSE LAKE FRONT 4 ACRES $32 down, $32 month, all cleared, good riew: beautiful building. site: dee. cold lake, boating. swimming, ti&hing, rich garden sou, no building restrictions; low county tax, North of Sandy Dira. ana canine i J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. , WILSHIRE ACRES . 12T308 , ' $1373 $20 month, total pajment including interest at 6 per cent; trees, also cleared land; riew of valley and mountains; graveled street. Bull Run water; north of Beaumont car, just outside city Bmiu; 10 per cent down. J. I HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of C(pnmerce Bldg. Main 208. '$350 Rose City, 50x100. $1150 'Laurelhurst, fine lot. $1000 Laurelhurst, 50x100. Laurelhurst business lot. Glisan St., cor 45th. $1600 Inrmgtcn. 97xSO. $1600 E. 8th and Mason sU $1200 E. 29th and Clinton sts. 8 850 K. Taylor st, near 47th. $1250 F 40th and Dvrbion Eta. ' . Chas. Ringler & Co. 225 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE CHEAP BT OWNER 100x100 CORNER TEN BLOCKS FROM POSTOFF1CE Desirable for Apartment House or Garage. INQUIRE 207 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. ATTRACTIVE CLOSE-IN LOT S CITABLE FOR APT. HOI SE SITE PRICE ONLY $1250. CASH $200. 50x100 attractive lot, on Rodney av enue between Going and Wygant street; improvements paid. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. LOTS near Reed college and golf links, with every improvement and natural advantage, at an average price of about $800: terms. May we show you Eastmoreland f LAUD ESTATE CO.. Realtors' 246 STARK ST. ALAMEDA LOT At your own price. Just off Regent drive on 24th St., be low the hill; st. improvements paid; great sacrifice for cash. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. BEAUTIFULLY WOODED HOMESITE 60x155. large as two lots, $700. $70 cash. balance monthly. 50x100, $500, $50 cash, balance easy. These are near Jefferson high school and Peninmla park. - JolhnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HOME builders, here is the best buy in Port land; beautiful corner, 50x100, on Yukon ave., 1 block from car, in good residence district. close to store and school: 11 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, cherries and plums. Price $1100 every improvement in. Hsve other lota in same district, some fine M. blks. Very cheap con sidering location. Neil Brown, 607 Yukon ave. Sell. 2252. CORNER LOTS with an street im provementa in and paid, $600 to $1200 each; inside lots in proportion; fine streetcar service. In Westmore land' For terms see , LADD ESTATE CO.'. Realtors 246 STARK ST. " : 1RVINGTON IMPROVED LOT . 50x100 On Weidler at-, near 21st. with fine concrete garage, several full bearing fruit and shade trees; all street improvements in. Will con sider cheap lot for part payment. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors, -201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade- Bldg. WESTOVER TERRACE TIEW LOT ' Beautiful view lot, equal to 2 H lots, having fina spring, with possibilities of fountains and aquarium, which can be bought at right price and some terms. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. CLOSING OUT 12 LOTS IN WAVERLEIGH . - HEIGHTS DISTRICT Paved streets, sidewalks and sewers pakL Price $650 for inside,: $350 for corners. Easy terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINCTOV CORNER LOT PRICE $1250. 50x100 corner, close in; st. improve ments paid. i MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. Portland Heights 14 lots, comprising 2 acres, at one of the high points in select district; paved boulevards; will dispose of at net cost. GORDON MORTGAGE CO . 631 Chamber of Commsrre bldg.. Main 1370, SACRIFICE IN LOTS 50x100 lot .north of Peninsula park. Price $450; sidewalks included in price. Easy terms. JohnsonBodson Co. - 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST district. 1 blk. to ear. only ' $350, E. Flanders, near 47th: easy terms. Better hurry. This bargain won't keep. RITTER, LOWE CO.. -Realtors, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bkig. VERY ATTRACTIVE ALAMEDA LOT Choice ; district of lovely homes, 50x 100, st improvements paid. Price $1250. ; MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. IKY IN t, TON' 100x100. & E. eor. E. 22d and . Schuyler, your opportunity to get a dose-in corner at a low price. ! RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors.-201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Blag. LOTS IN WOODSTOCK - $500; sewer and 1 sidewalks paid: 1 block car and school. We can help yoa build on it GORDON MORTGAGE CO 631 Cham, of Com. Bnihiing. Matn 1370. $350 DANDY level lot, just east of 47th on Flanders, 1 block to car; cement walks, curbs, water in and paid. $50 down. -. RITTER. LOWE CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OX GLEX AVE. 50x100 lot; st improvements are paid. Price $825. i - MRS. BXOW. BDWT. 44. JUST east of Laurelhurst M a dandy, corner 47th and Flanders, for $600; have a look, then, see us. ' RITTER, LOWE CO., Realtors. 201-S-3-S-7 Board of - Trade BWg. .... $650 B, C. PARK SNAP Z M0al00:--ssts. paid; H blk. Bandy bird. Real sacrifice. Tabor 53. $700 nnsK citv park- Kice 80x100; pavement paid. Tabor 480S. $250 BUYS lot 50x100. oa Multnomah stZ. 60 teet west 62d st. facing S. Tabor 6441. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS? 403 FACES NEW BOSK CTTT COTJSTKT CTXB - - - - PARK i 212 FEET OS HIIJ. CREST DKIVE 1 22S FEET OS 70TH STREET Here la a piece ef property " that yon should buy. This tract fn use is equal to 11 full lets; price only $2730. Remember, this piece of property to on the main drive that aindas the park from this piece. ''. T-. JT. U BARTMAS COMPAST , 8 Oamber of Com. bldg. . - Main 208. ROSE CTTT PARK 50x100 CORNER LA)T . $1825 I - i - This is only I block to ear: everything In and paid: good location, line snrrounmngs; uus in 43d it. t a. L. HARTMAN COMPAN'T Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. ' $23 E. G LI SAN 50x90,' with all improvements paid. 1 $700 E. 9th ST. $200 down, $10 per month, all improvements in and paid. $873 E. 40TH 50x100, Improvements paid, easy terms. - $1250 E. 14.TB Near Stanton, faces east, improvementa paid. JohnsonDodson Co. ' 633 N. V Bank Bldg. i Main 8787. ROSE CTTT PARK Paved street, everything In and paid. East facing on 40th st. between Siskiyou and Kuca uat. This u pncea lor casn. .. , . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT Branch Office, 45th and Sandy bird. LOT BARGAINS Alameda Park 50x100, $1200; surrounded by fine homes, beautifully wooded. Corner E. 25th and Skidmore. $950,. all im provements in and paid. Will consider second mortgage. i t f ine view tan auxiou. an smprovemema paia. terms. ! JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. i Main 3787. PIEDMONT comer, on MaUory are., clear, fori $1250; can you beat It I ' RITTER. LOWE CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bklg. FINE- building lot. cherries, pears, apples, grapes. berries and roses, near Mb Tabor scoot L Ad dress owner. Box 106. Route 2, Mirweukie. Or. HOUSES 404 WEST OF PIEDMONT We have the moft attractive bargain in a bungalow to offer which we bare ever had I frtai? ,,un1c?,0M- Meflrd in cold dollars and cents, it in well worth con sidersbly more, but its price is only $3500; all the essentials of a strict Iv modern house enter into its 5 rooms, including hardwood fkot, concrete basement, rvory finished wood work, fine fireplsce. 50x100 lot, on a paved street and no mortgage to assume; only $750 asked for the down payment. This is one rara avis. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth Street . Main 4522. ALAMEDA -$4750 S FIVE ROOMS AND ATTIC A complete little home, including a garage. in the heart of this desirable district. jut a few steps from the Broadway car, with all the necessary built-ins : there is nothing in the whole district that will come within $750 of the price I quoted for th one; $4750. with $1250 casn. balance as .rent. Call Mr. liarp, with COE A. McKENNA tt Co., Realtors, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ROSE CITT $500 CASH 14500 NEW ATTRACTIVF RCVGATjOW I otjjiin i nr. niiiij a. i i unr, ij biaui i BLVD., LARGE COMBINED LIVING AND I DIN IM ROOM WITH KIKEPUAtTi, rTNry I BUFFET. HI1WD. FLOORS. 2 LARGE BED- I wjAia n i m run ti.iop.ra, xa r, ei i in. itrs fv 1 1 ' iir..- , ri j.i, v r.Aic. I nAtsr MKNT WITH FURNACE AND LAUNDRY TRAYS. ' R. 80MERVILLE, BDWY. 2478 FOR SALE BT OWNER Sacrifice buy. Think of this 140x28$ H with aU paved - streets, cement sidewalk, with sewers in and paid for, lots of grapes, berries of aU kinds, fine garden soil and a good, attractive, modern, substantial 7 room roomy bonse that was built to be lived in. Owner will be on premises today to show it On carline. Price Is very reasonable at $5190. CaU Tabor 4766. . WILL TAKE SMALL PATMENT DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH WITH INTEREST AT 6 Good 7 room house, recently tinted and painted, modern plumbing with toilet up and downstairs. Lot 80x100. 2 blocks from car. Several nice fruit trees. Side-, walk in and paid. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' HAWTHORNE AVENUE CORNER EAST 84TH STREET Modern home, 7 rooma and . aleeptng porch, cement basenyntt furnace, fire place and builtin features: lot SOxlpO and" good garase. Price $6500. terms. This property has speculative possibilities and the price is right E M BROWN 1122 Northwest Bank Bldg. " Main 2422 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4075 1191 Detroit ave.. 1 block from ear line on Killingsworth sve.. -and 2 blocks from Willamette boulevard; lot 50x100 and several fruit trees; 5 rooms and bath, first ' floor and 2 nice rooms on second; hard wood floors, built in buffet and cabinet kitchen ; large basemerlt, trays and furnace; $1000 cash, balance like rent $650 cash or win take car as first pay ment Bel. monthly. 8-r. colonial, near Jeff. high. Modern, fireplace. 50x100, cor ner, on paved st AU improvements paid. $3250. Main 7036 or E. -852. IRVINGTON 579 K. 25TH ST. X. PRETTIEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW TN IRVINGTON; OPEN SUNDAY FOR INSPECTION. R. SOME R VI LLE, BDWY. 2478. $ 4250 brInd Sew bungalow BY OWNER Modem 5 room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet dandy kiteben. with breakfast nook; faces east . ,ZlSt-T?Lr?Zt1 dMtriCt- 7 . ONLY $26.0 I Owner called from city, will sacrifice modern I a room bungalow; fireplace, bookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement etc Main 4803. Tabor 864. A BUNGALOW FOR i00 DOWN" If you are responsible you can buy thia bean tiful buncal"w on your own terma; has 8 large rooms, piped for furnace, full basement, km itt'uia, iniivu in a ui istavr, x -11 1 1 ansa, invt-rv 1 . hi ,Vua lot" Geo- pt Crow- 801 Mi- ALBERTA 6-ROOM HOME $15 monthly terms; dandy cottage, 2 bed- rorma, screened Porch, bath, etc., big lot frmt; 1 V. 1 .OSKA . . 1 1 . .AAA CU aiW KUWk .A.V. t tUXTH ffVW down. S OUTX. 206 Morgan bHg. REALTOR. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW - $500 down, cozy, pretty. 4-room modern I bungakrw. acoeasfble to car and school. W01 acept Ford or standard make, piano. CaU 206 Morgan bHg. ' I - - FURNISHED BUNGALOW ' $250 down; furnished 4-roora dandy bunga low, couple blocks Franklin high; full lot, fruit etc ss monthly terms. i- OUIX. 206 Morgan Ndr. REALTOR ..uo TWO 6-room houses, corner lot, im - proved streets. 1 block from Miatassippi ave.. terms half cash, balance 7 1 . 5 years' time. OUDxvN . URAVIvLa.S IVI niSTT STWOWWII 1U., MT. TABLOR HeighU bungalow. Nearly new! 5 rooms, extra wen built all modern except nirnaoa. nssnaUt pneo and I' una 91 K. 73d. st, near Alder. ALBKRf A" BCNGAtXW Bf OWNER. Modern and Al condition, 6 rooms,' iTorr trK white enamel, tapestry paper, very reasonable terms. lt'-' B. 2KtB st .V 3 BLOCKS FRANKUN HIGH : $500 down, cosy 5-room bungalow, modern. ruu mr, terms 89 monthly, per eent interest, QUIX. 206 Morgari bldg. REALTOR HAVE aa exceptionally fine Laarehnrst noma. Would cost $15,000 to ttaolieate tnrtav. Ik. aire income property to $ 35.OO0. Pay balanea e vo a years, risar sirayrieio. f.- ij. pox a. city. MODERN bungalow. 6 rooms, hardwood floors. fireplace, built-ins. inlaid . Knolrwm. kitchew. furnace. 4 tons brkroettes. 6 cords wood. $5200. Tabor 9161. i 4 ROOM house, hi acre. ! 30 minutes sot; electricity, gaa. water; school near; aril $1600 ca easy terms. Mr. Brand, 420 Henry bkig. $225 DOWN 5 room ' Bouse, close in. lltk and E. Grant, Only $1615. $3 anesitnly payments. 206 Morgan bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 GOOD BCTS IN HOMES - 100x100 Res City Park. 4 roosm mod ern hottae; floored attic; basement; mod era plumbing and fighting fixtures. Price enly $2650. $630 cash, balance $85 per mo., inc. tnt,: t rooms and sleets ng porch. 2 blocks to Hawthorne car, in fine condition ; garagev corner lot. This is a snap for only $3100. $500 cash, baL like rest. S room Alberta bungalow. ' 50x100 lot, large attic, only two rears old, $8150.. $500 cash. Might oonidar lot la Irvinr toa park or Alberta, aa first payment.- We have booses in all parts of the city. Tell aa what you want and we, will abow you. MAIN 7027 SUITE 413 WASH PARK PLATT BLDC ' BETTER HOCSES FOR LESS $2780 New .Bungalow near Milwankie at: rooms and bath; small cash payment, balance easy. $2950 Bungalow. 4 rooms, Stafford at. Bear turn, easy terms. $3200 On Halleck near Burrage; new 4 room bungalow: all of the built-ins: 8 aleen- ing rooms; modern plumbing; hardwood floor in living room; cement 4asement . and cement porch. - Very reasonable terms. $3350 -Comer of Halleck and Barrage; new 4 room bungalow; breakfast nook; Dutch kitchen; buffet and linen closet; modern phunbing; bookcases; 2 sleep ing rooms; hardwood floor In living room; cement porch and cement base ment. Easy terms. We are the build ers and owners of the Hl'wk at. houses. RiALTORS Irvington Sacrifice 1 rooma and 2 sleeping porches, full cement basement, Boynton furnace, fire place; will leave gaa range, gas plate, water heater and linoleum: lot 50x100. lota of fruit; all street improvements tn and paid; ideal neighborhood; immediate pnaaeaeioo; 687 Wasco st. bet. 19th-21st.: Wakefield, Fries & Co. Realtors 83 Fourth st. CLOSE IN Rose City Bungalow $5650--1250 T)0 V JCST AS YOU WOL'M) Rrri.n A s iwu STRICTLY MODERN. LARGE FLOORED AT- iVJ."111J.Jsi!-11,TH,' INCLUDING GA RAGE. FINE SURROUNDINGS VKKT PH l ip BRING YOUR CARPENTER AND HAVE HIM TELL WHAT IT IS WORTH. YOUR TROUBLES WILL BE OVER. ALVIN JOHNSON, KKAL.TOR 204 BD. OP TRATIR ouwi. a? SUNDAY. WDLN 6260 Choice Chance JUST COMPLETED come oat tomorrow and see one of uie nicest, cosiest a-room strictly mod ern bungalows in the city; strictly modern in all respects, including all builtins, etc; finished in hard white enamel: located on a 50x100 lot and just 100 feet off Sandv oiva.; at 807 E. 75th st. N.; Rose City Park car seller will be on the place Sun day from 10:80 a. m. until 5 o'clock in the afternoon; this is a rare bargain, and Best Buy in Woodstock NEAR RKRT1 mi lvcr $500 cash, very attraetWa and iwm twin.. R rooms, bungalow atvle nlentv i ibuhuij hit m aitcnen, electricity gas bath and toilet, nice lawn and berries. $0x100 corner, on paved street. 1 block from car. YouTl enjoy every minute in this home. Special bar-1 .-ww.- win enz to ' ' 11 tor an mk SAVE rominuiinv Bay from Owner. Aut. 60-06 LOOK AT THIS PIEDMONT HOME AND THEN BUY IT Beautiful location lies Commercial st; convenient to library. Jefferson high. Peninsula park and best ear service In the city; lot 68x100. splendid double garage and nice trees; 7 rooms and large aleep " Prch. laundry room, cement basement a''ne tornece: aU city improvementa VTJilTi" T"' Hi rKl- Price $6000; $1500 cash will handle, provided good monthly payments can be made FOR SALE IX FOREST GROVE BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE TOWK MODERN 6-ROOM .... . NEW HOUSE X DIOCK vrmn cmmntiB hw. SI s . modern Dlnmhin. m i-.n.. i v. . , . . . Jn completed; giant sUver cuapie tree priced for quick sale. $1700. ... - - v. ... . ..,ui k ini mi n. . ti-tTIjE. FOREST GROTK. . 4 ROOMFTRNISHED BUNGALOW BtrlCUT mlern firanl... i . -I P?r ''.plD Porch, disappearing bed, indirect . lot. una service, omy 1 5 VmVF tnmitun- l"dfng pian" T vciuia, vwoer. seuwooa xhh. FURNISHED HOME" $3000 ft rOOma .ml Ka.k H.ll a . . .ti,4i u i rmutfi-u interior, aigliu location on paved at: only 1 blk, from SUiJrnI-MSnt e f0"001: assorted fruit and . oat. easy terms. mast,-Realtor. . - RITTER, LOWE . CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. S42UU KOSKl I'll V l.ibt' Excellent Hct w " ealow. doable constructed, fine condition, very convenient splendid furnace, beautiful fireplace, all built-ins, A-l double plumbing, fall cement wraiau. wasn trays. Uwn. shrubbery, shade - "mt nome. i a nor eoriV. ' WELL BUILT BUNGALOW arre rooma and lam atrw. firwi... oasement paved street, aewer. all light -Waa, aarraig x CUUlaHUf. TlrX. 4iOUU. 415O0 CllO. JonnsanDodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $3850 ROHK l iTT pur Nice. Aew ftirnitiim '.K.ti . galow. double nnu, ? place, built-ins, large porches, fine plumWng. wash trays, lanre Imtch kito .rJZTZr I fh 1 lock. 8dy Wd. street paved; owner , mj- irrms I aoor .. WHY WILL YOU PAY RENTf Good 4 1WMI1 rOa at.rvl im..., . snA 100 lot, in garden track; gtwd chicken i nc. omy siauv; 8400 cash, bal- Z. - 7- montn locraamg interest .V..- rj- "e your own landlord. SMITH-WAGONER tX.. STOCK EXCH. MOVING TO-IOWA - - - - pl750, Terms $250 Down REAL BARGAIN ton a uavtu I mUSt Sell mV hoan. Of it vnmma 1a KlI.IAA I 2040 E Tavlor I SJWT - 7 1 1 uil irrsss. a DiocK at Taoor car. layior at. fnone Tabor 5198. WEST SWA HOME $6500' T room, well built home, in excellent m moaera conveniences; 25th " nuncui SOV. rooa lot HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR 48 Start Bt kUin 881. TAKE CAR AS PART I'inirvT C-roora charming bungalow, located oa edge of Iauirelhurst: hdwd. firs., white ivory finish, fireplace, furnace, cement Daaement, trays, pleasant: view; $1830 erraty lor llliiu Mam 632T. $4000. lEKiiK c.lTv Waklv' I fty. new. modern 6-room bungalow, hard- I noors, iirepiace. gas floor, furnace, bruit- I pa, fuU cement basement, wash trays, nice full I "t vacant, move rurnt In. Tabor 4 80S. I HAKljAlN. ebe.D toT CUh louHilsl I . hom. near Seirweod Park and blvL. garage. I ' worLa wnue. bee tt oeii. Zt !898. Value $4500. BEHIND every policy et True Insurance ts a oepont with the state of Oregon to Droteet I yon against loss, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Title A Trust company. 6-ROOM bangalow. furnace. fuU seeni, garage, aleeping porch; close in. near scnooi aatt park: $3750, $500. 762 E. 82d neiiwooa na. owner. 3200 MILL HANDLE. Six rooaaa. sannmL Price 8930. halann. l!S Me aiatk 7001 V4TU aw. TITLE insurance is the modern way of bandUnc ma - - i m . . . . imuur i hw x xtws csmTvawv. nil TfiTT ir.vs. . - v . . . - . " o so, at a bargain J. J. Fisher. Aatemaoe 640-41. " " 33SO $J4d DOWX " " evemmng new. . taa owner after Sunday at Marshall 3597, apt 410. ALBERTA Fine heme, $1300 cash, easy terms; ccvyt age, car. raone woodlaw 8674. A GOOD 5-ROOM roUage in Mt Soott. $150 dowa. 4930 41st S. E. Aut 622 96. - Every week The Journal gives three cash prizes for the best letters telling of results obtained from Journal- want ads.- $5.00 for the best letter, $2.50 for the second and $1.00 for the third best letter. The letters printed below are the winners for last week. v Increases business by 1 want ad columns. -: Journal Publishing Company. Fortland. Or. Aug-uat IS. 19TL. Dear Sir: Since we have been running our advertisement in your - Sunday paper under the "For Sale Miscellaneous." me find that it is bringing us great returns, far greater than we anticipated. Your paper is the only one that has this sort fit an adver tisement with us. We take this opportunity of expressing: our appreciation to you. V e think it has brought us a great deal of out-of-town trade which shows that your Sunday paper covers the state of Oregon thoroughly. Tours very truly. . ARMY AND NAVY STORE. Per C. Willlarnson, Manager. The above prizewinning letter . wins 1st prize of $5 J00. Send in Your Letters Telling of Results From Journal .Want Ads - - ... i jSj 7T T?Q Your letter must rea:h The Journi! before Friday to compete in this week's contest. The Journal is to be sole Judge IA.IJjL1-jO of which letters are to receive. prizes. Announcement of winners will be made by publishing the winning letters in the classified pages every Sunday. If Possible, Send in a Clipping of the Re$uIt-Producing Advertisement and the Date on Which Adver tisement Ran in Tha Journal. Address your letter to the "Classified Advertising Manager,' Care The Oregon Journal, Po'tiird, Or., $8J50 Will Be Given Each Week Until Further Notice , Watch the Classified Advertising Pages Every Sunday for Winning Letters Over, a Quarter of a Million People Read The Journal Every Day and N early Half a Million on Sunday WF.A1. ESTATE FOR SALE, HOUSES 404 IF TOU ARE CONTEMPLATING estab lishing a heme In or about Portland, be rare to investigate MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric, only 20 minute, from th. city of Portland. The extension of Terwilliger blva. runs of Multnignah. i Multnomah has all modern utilities in the ground and paid for. Her. you en joy the freedom of the country with aU the advantages oi me cnj. t" 1L m I well as Domes can oe l'"'-1'-""-,- eay terms. If you are urea ot rent, come in and talk this matter over with me. Or if you are at Multtomah, call at my office on the boulevard and Mrs. Grant, my local agent, wm about. , . , . Multnomah is the coming west side sub- Look'lrour-lf. No district about, the city is enjoying such a healthy growth. There is a reason, am ine pwv there will tail you. Office open all day Sunday and weekdays. You can make ar rangements to see the property after busi ness hours. BEN RIESLAND Operator Exclusively in Multnomah District 404 Piatt sUdg., 127 Park St Make It Yours IF I WERE RICH AND COULD HAVE THE REST THIS ONE. WITH ME. WOULD PASS THE liar $5800 for quick sale. It's the best buy ever for the money, a brand new beautiful, peoer than 6 room modern borne with fine sleeping porch. This is on 10 lota of the best of groomi. right on nam mi n ace street, ncauwiuu? and in a splenaia DMguoomoou, cux w Portlands best schools; has a ime garage, etc The nremisea are in fine shape and very desirable. Prefer to sell it with the 10 lots but you may have it with 4 lots. Price reduced accordingly. This house was not built to sell, but now owner s business compels his sacrifice. inquire of Cable Realty Co. 8820 7 2d st. S. E. Aut 613 33. Open Every Day. SRoom Cottage ONE ACRE GROUND Bath, electric lighta, chicken sheds, 1 black off Sellwood car, close in; small ca&h payment balance easy terms; pnee for quick sale $5000. Mr. Bowes. F. E. Taylor Co. 1201 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 892. LOVELY LITTLE SCBCBBAX BUNGALOW 5 rooms and sleeping porch. gs best; $ minutes walk to electric line, all con- -eeniences of city, . occupying one acre, in choieet varieties of fruit and grapes, located In Portland's most popular suburban district; fine garage. Thia place will soon pay for itself. . PRICE ONLY $3000 SOME TERMS, MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4664. CORNER BUNGALOW $2600 tVOxlOO corner bungalow of 5 large, at tractive rooms, basement newly plastered and tinted: 1 block from paved st, $ from car. Can take light auto. Ford or Chevrolet, as part of first payment baL easy terms. itlCMAKO . HASl, neautor. RITTER. LOWE CO. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE Oft PARK Bv owner, new 6 room bungalow, hsj Awimd floors throughout, linoleum in kitchen and bath ; modern in every way; ivory and white enamel finish; large attic, cement basement furnace, gar age; open Sunday from 2 to 6. 496 E. 62nd st N. ALAMEDA. $30O rasb snd $30 monthly. 7-r.. modern hosne. built a boat 8 years. Garage, 50x100, corner, at. paved nad paid for. $3330. Main 7036 or E. 3592. A TITLE Insurance Policy a guarantee by a responsible . eompaey that yoa wiU not snifrt loss on account ef the title to your real estate. Whea yova buy real estata get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. 6UNXYSIDE For quick sale I offer at bis barcain for 83800 extra wen built nsodem. 5 room cottage, with den: all in finest eoadition: situated No. 970 E. Taylor, near 83d; terms. 1-8 cash. See owner at Baa K. Taylor. Tabor 219. See thia for location and price. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 4-room bunaakrw style, around 100x100: fruit trees, berries,' large garden, chicken hmse aad woodshed; a good buy; $1273. RoyaL 7 2d and Sandy. Tabor 155. Eves., Tabor T174. 6 ROOM boose, completely furnished, in line condition, owner leaving Portland.- Price " for aU. $2500. $500 rash. DOMES DOLRON 9183 Fester mad. . Antomatic 646-26. FOR SALE, by owner, T room bouse, newly renovated, lot 132x240: all kinds of frmt and berries, oa Portland brrd,' Phone Wdin, !;. - 4-room bungalow, new, large atbe. cement basement, lot 50x93. reetrieted district; $500 cash. Tabor 6493. - J. P. Me- fevenna. Realtor. 1131 Belmont - e GET SETTLED t'osy bungalow. 4 roosM. aeex school and R. C. car; modera eonvenieneea; partlr foraiahed, . $3400. Terms. 659 E. 78th st N. . , 4800 R6sfi CtT tkkii MotklcTC 4-room boose, cttr water, ma ILrht. ate SOs 100 lot small frajt, 7 bearing fruit trees, oe- aiews sroesvaias. easy term. Tabor I isV Is BBI.fc 7 fouaa Baskdena bf&nealow. eood I i . . , , . . T . ." , : I i'vwir "a" eJsalWTswwivamse am lout.-- mce 8700. Pbone Wdin. 964 NORTH PIEDMONT HOME New 4 roosa hnmui. fine lot, all imp. tn and paid; attractive price and term. Phorve 227-16. ullllt LS! l .. .. mv wJfLii 'I'Ll XlJ ! " VL?-J I Mtcaea; price reasonable. FOR SALE a-eoom U. .n huv rf. U t school snd carline. At 714 E. 14th at M. jPhons Wdin. 62S9- - - use, of ; Sells chicken customer. The Oregon -Journal Company ; Gentlemen : In all my life I never m-as more' pleased than when I advertised in The Journal. Lost June I placed an ad in The - Sunday Journal, saying that I wanted to sell my chicken ranch. Before I was awake and out of bed that Sunday morning people begnn coming, and they kept' right on a' coming for two days after. I sold the ranch, though, to the very first customer, for cash. - The Journal want ad Is surely the ltve ' wire advertiser of Portland. Yours truly. The above prizewinning letter wins 2nd prize of. $2JS0. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City Park Laurelhurst Ex-Service Men, Attention If you are going to buy in either of these popular dUtrirts. you owe it to yourself to iruqiect our h'tings. Those who want to seU naturally list their property with us. No obliga tions positively. , DRIVE OUT TODAY TO OUR EAST SIDE OFFICE. 40TH AND SANDY. A.C.TCEPE CO. OCALTOBS A iwSuOANCC 170 STM310 CT s-J IV. 40T1 A"0kirOY main zotz. a .sfc TA.BOB.95oi5 UN FIN LS HED BUNGAIX)W Owner leaving the city will sell his home for only $1400. New. attractive; nice district; 50x100 liw. .Very easy terms. Jonnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington Park, bouse, 4 rooma. bath, fireplace, large attic, screens and shades, screened porchea. $3990. Ternvx A-k for the Webster property, E. 82ad st X. Frank I McGuire. Abington bldg. Tel. Main 1068. $2500 NIFTY 4 room bungalow at Multnoma station; all city conveniences, fireplace, sleep ing pcrcn. garage; easy terms. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. DANDY small house. Piedmont dit; sUUonary tdbs. bath room, basement, brick foundation. $1700. $500 down, $20 month. 023 Railway ucnaoge. QUICK BAIJCS REALTY CO. HOLLADAY Irrington bungalow. 5 rooms and aleeping porch, large floored attic. Every con venience. $3700; $2000 nandlea. Win not so into oetails. drive out to i s I Multnomah st snd form year own opinion. Phone East 8631 BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA Wonderful 9 room bungalow, hardwood floors fireplace, Dutch kitchen. This is a real home. Built by owner for himself. Shown by appoiitt ment only. Pbone Main 6102 any time Sunday. LAURELHUUST By owner, going away, modern S room bun galow, almoxt new, bnilt for a home; $4750, half cash. 985 K. Wasco at, north 1 block, north of 83d and Sandy. 3-ROOM house, lot 4oxio0, ligm snd water. near carline. close to school, at $ 1 1 50. Terras, corner lot Also Ford truck and wood saw. $6o0 rash. 9523 5th ave. B. E. 4 ROOMS, new, modern oungaiow, 3 blorkt from Sandy boulevard, 2 blocks from school; will accept tight auto snd some cash as first pay ment Pbone Tabor 5736. . ATTRACTIVE 3-room mouern bungalow. fuU cement basement furnace, fruit trees and chickens, block to ear. lot 40x120, price eery reasonaoie. owner am, wooostocl sve. WHY PAY RENT f Five roosa bonse for sale. $1750; terms, $400 down, balance $15 month and interest; in Senwood. Sellwood 1450. WILL sell or trade my equity in 7 room house and 2 -lots on 84th st WiU take auto as part payment Owner. 605 Haig e MODERN. 4 rooms and bath, nerly painted. mt 100x100; $2900. $500 cavh, terms. Also furniture for sabs. Owner. Setlword 2836. 2-ROOM bouse with carrge. Lot 50x105, on hard surface st Price $850. $200 cash, baL easy terms. Phone A. 628-41. . FOR SALE 2 -story- 4 room Bouse, corner lot, good dfetrict; a sacrifice; leaving city. Cole. 861 R. Taylor st Phono Tabor 8341. - $3600 FROM owner;, vacant! small payment. 6 room bungalow, corner lot, splendid con dition. Nnr Peninsnls rmrk. W(fln. 410. STRICTLY modern 6-rootxt bungalow,' newly painted, all improvements: owner forced to sell. 171 K. 44th st. Tshoe 628. FOR 8 A IV.- or trad. 4 room scaled house, newly renovated. 60x100 lot 669 Junior st Wdin. car to 18th. WANT light car as part ot lirst tsaynient on 5- room modem tmngslow In Rose Citv nark Owner, 661 East 81 at st N.. evenings. A BARGAIN A 3 -room bouse, full basement. 2 blocks to rsr. ea paved street and paid, for $2300; $500 wiH hsTKNe. w din. 5l)4. THE BEST BUY IX ALBERTA A 6 mom bungalow tn Alberta. Dutch kitchen. garage, iun asemenx, lot aiiv to an alley. sznwo, witn good terms. Ham. BH4. A TITLE Inaaranee foiicy as a guarantee of the title to yoar borne. When yoa buy your home bava tbe title Insured. Better be safe than sorry Title A Tnrt eomreny. LEAVING ForUaod. must sell modera 8 home in Ladd's Add.; reception hall,- den. steeping porch, built-ina, garage, flowers. East 2V9I. ... rote SALE U you art looking for a good home- can at 1 0-e e. atadisoa at This 9 room modera borne is lor sale by esisi. Terma given; 6 per cent on all deferred payments paid a nnaally. BIX room, plastered house; best location, liat SOx - 100, all improvements in and ysaid: $3670. $10OO rash, balance easy terms. 62$ Railway 4 -ROOM modern buugauw. lot 50x100, elitckea houee and run. gardes. I want my equity; will take light ear aa part. Waodlaws '2723 1316 Ovaaiia ave. - - MODERN 5-ruom bungaiow ior sale and rent, partly famisaied; a eoople; no children: ona that la resoonaible and with reference. CaH- at 401 wth st p. K.. a Mora rrosa ear. bargain. GET title insurance instead of aa aaotract It a quicker aad cheaper snd yoa are absolutely protectee agaimat error. ntie at Tran company. 4 ROOMS, eiectang porca, paved at. lawn. uowvTs, (snm stato.; wear x canines: reasoas Ma. Owner. Wdm. 1863. 68 W. Emerson. 6 ROOM eottage. $2o0; ail street imp. la aad peaL 1 e 14 uraad avt x.. or call owner, Tabor 2977. daring business, bo-irs. A SNAP, by owner, bones, large s rounds, gun. ayaidc. lis r-ast zta st. Tabor 484. BEAUTIFUL 7 room bungalow. Lin ntoft road all conveniences: garage. Main 8172. $1759 $500 cash. 7 good bargain: Woodlawn 9064 SMALL liOC&E AND LOT. TABO& ' 460i ranch to first Portland. Or. -Augusts. 12L P. P. BAXTER,' 5028 62d SL S. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 IRVINGTON HOME 8 rooms. 1 St blocks from Irringtan school and car, near Knott st First floor reception ball, large living and dining. Dutch kiteben. plenty built-ins and hardwood floors; second floor 4 lovely bedrooms and floored attic: full cement basement rot Mi furnace and garage; easy terms. Owner East 5636. 5TF i- FINE 6-rnom Queen Ann bungalow, lot 53x100: all assessments paid; a bargain, $333. $800 cash. Braham & Wells 307-8 Couch Bldg. Main 6023. MUST SEU. for best reasonable offer. 6-room modern home, east e-.posure. Hawthorne addi tion, soathwest corner E. 14th snd sladison sts., hardeood floors. 2 firevlaoei, furnace, full ce ment basement garage, paved streets. 6 blocks from high and grammar schools; now "orcuiaed by owner, who desires to sell direct 263 E. 14th st. East 2874. - . HOUSES FOR SALE Free plans, free estimates, free advice. Talk with our practical building man. "No cash pay ment down." Let us build for you oa easy repayment plan. 'SUN-HOrSE" BUILDING CO, On 3d. bet Stark and Wash. 216 Abinatcn Bidau CLOSE IN. NEAR SANDT BLVD. $2650 EASY TERMS 2 H blocks Rose City and Montavilla ears, modern, cosy 4 room house, pleasant surround ings, paved street, gjod electric fixtures, wash treys, extra dressing room and closet bath. 2 Royal Anne cherry trees. See owner today. 122 E. 27th it X. East 6012. A WONDERFUL BUY LV PIEDMONT A strictly modern 6 mom home, in the heart of Piedmont: lot SOxlOO; hardwood floors, fire place, all built-ina. full cement basement, wash trays and floored attic Thnik of it only $5i0. Will consider a light car. late modeL Wdin. 5684. WE DRAW PLANS WE BUILD WE HELP FINANCE Take your building problems to us. we save you money. HEDSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO. 614 Henry Bldg. Phone Bilwy. 1831. SOUTH MT. TABU R 5 room bungalow. Fully modem except furn ace. Hardwood floors, Thiwe bkx-ks to car. This is s dandy bargain. $S00. oa ea?y terms. Will sell fumUied for 8440O. See this Sunday. 218 Rly. Kschange bldg. Main 61Q2. A NICE ALBERTA HOME - A strictly modern 6 room Alberta home. A real buy; garage, .lot 50x100. everything mod ern and up to date; with good terms; $5000. Wdin. 5684. - J OWNER'S SACRIFICE FOR gllfK SAKE New modern bungalow, corner lot, good ga rage, cement driveway, improvements aU in and paid, good location, clos. in. Priced - to aeil. $2950; $1450 rash. Tabor 1555. A GOOD BUY. IN WALNUT PARK A 6 room house. sleen,ng north, fireplace. garage, lot 50x100. full basement st. paved and paid. You wiU have to hurry. Only $4100; terms. Wdin. 5684. SirVEX UlKlM HOME ' On Marguerite street garage, fully modern. four bedroi-ma. Has all been, redecorated rnid and out $4200. with $700 cs-h. H this tu fts y. it may be sold tomfrrrw. Main ai 12. - A GOOD BUY IN PARKROSE 1 acre at Parkroie. 6 room bungalow, all modern, all cleared, 2 large chicken houses, 1 block to ear. $4500. with terma. Call Wood lawn 6684. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 4-room bouse, water, fights, gas. cement walk: 2 blocks from car; only $90: $200 down, bal ance easy. Royal. 7 2d and Sandy. Tabor' 155. r.venltia-s. Tabor 1174. 2!j0 BY OWNER i mio ouagatow. modern, dooble constructed hardwood floors l kitchen: good condition; small payment; terms, 2170 Tamhiil st. $27.50 FURNISHED HOI SE iNEVS'l 4 rooms, rink, lights amk m tmn mn-l. $450 cseli. $30 per month. QUICK SALES REALTT CO. FURNISHED BUNGALOW . rooms, bath and tartlet cement basenwnt, ne fruit Full Price $2300. 85O0 rasb. Main 6102. Phone early. Sunday is our b-rirrt cfsy. ROSE CITY PARK fiUNf: Faces east: 5 rooma: Hdw. floors fm.rj. furnace, garage, full cement hesement; also sierx ing. $4650; terms. Ess 6962. A FINK 8 room, all modem house, suitable foe Z lamibea. 1 block from ear. A beuirlful lot; good location. $1200. with terms. C.l Wdin. 6684. $1250 COTTAGE of 3 rooms; $150 cash; lot 69x80. several bearing fruit trees, i P. McKenns, Realtor. 1151 Belmont at 39th, Tabor 6493. 4 ROOM modern house, full cement basement floored attic, lot 60x100. fruit trees; $20041. with easy terms; smaU payment down. 9$f Margmrite ave. X. Phone Wdin. 1 60S. BY OWNER 7 rooms snd steeping porch mod- era lot, 80x133. 1864 E. Taylor at Tabor 1747. . FTVe rooms and bath, garage, fruit sidewalk snd aewer: $2204), $104 cash, adjoining lot if desired. Wood, awn . " 8 ROOM hu. ap to data, wit a garjga. day Park additMa. Will ereuance for bonse rn good location. East 8376. mailer FOUR mom house, modern, double coretrocted. lot 76xl)4. price $2876. $500 cash, balance use rant ese naiiwsy ajc. cMg. 4 ROOM modera borne in Moatavi!la: lot 4Sx90 enw ana nvw oown, $25 mo. with v. cm. sost. $(04) WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, modera 8 room ex use. 100x100, lawn, frmt, treer. roses, paveq street, nellwonj 8552. WBHAVB already exammed tne title to your pvsaparviy ana ess ansae yoa a Title Insurance I oury wrivnot oeiay Title A Trust eomrwnv WOODLAWN HOMl" ' 6 rooms, all - eonveniences. prartiear.y are; I"ks-. nan V. X a ... , . . . ' ' nvnm A a I. ..-io. a J t ' ; . i 'a.. oouse. nice lot, at end ef r-astnaore-. lead carline: pnee $1250. ay terms; aiutly xuaca. msranaai aaxv Gets quick results from two line aaV Classified Adv. Mgr. , - ' Oregon Journal : ' Dear Sir: Had a one room shack standing vacant, so last Monday while over town just -wondered what results an advertisement would brine, so dropped into The Journal building and had a two-line advertisement, inserted to run a week. The shack wae rented an hour after the afternoon delivery of The Journal I have had everything at the door after that shack, -from pedestrians to large touring cars. Some result, truly, for the little Uwo-lme advert iaement Here's to The ' Journar everybody reads it, . r . '. - Tours for future prosperity, ? ' SIRS. J. RVDOBGE,' .1395 K. Hjoyt .st. City. The above prizewinning letter wins 3rd prize of 11 DO. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FOR SALE tn Westampton. . 20 snln- ntea out en 4th st e eetric.-Woodrew ststioa; commutation fare 84e; new . hoitse, 4 moms and bath, standard " " piumbinc. breakfast nock, many built in featnrefv Bull Rnn water. Grounds -150x125 fcr: no citv restriction, M " city taxes: $30o0. Terms. - - , J-. - HAVLEY ) 709 Casoo Bids. Phone 327-31. A COUNTRY HOME -IX THE CITY , Three 50x1 no lots. H block from ear, ' with 20 ft alley. -One lot in garden. 100 -feet of grapes, several valuable holly trees, fruit and berries: Broom boose, full c-''' mrnt basement, in good condition. , -BEE " Js-.'u OXLr $1200 YOUR OWX Marsh & McCafoe Co..- ' 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall J993. . -HUU.T TO ENUSU" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger. Better, Houses lay Less Money. CEDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND. OB. . E. 1 1th snd Market Pbone East 5ll4. Do w town sales office. Commonwealth mdg. 6th and Ankeny. Pbone Broadway 4$SS. $2100, $350 BOWH ' Balance $20 per month at 6 per centj rooms, neat and comfortable; good plumbing;' en corner k; yes, and a garage; 4 blocks front Kenton or St Johns can . . Open Evenings ani Sundays. - KAB1N A RIMA 1032 T"nln ave K. Wnodlawa 889 S580s3Worth $7500 ' -. The beat buy in the city. T rooms, garage, furnace, hdwd. floors, cooler, full basement; ail . st imps, in and paid for; lot 168 ft deetx Tbi ' property is close, near carline. wiU be ready ta 10 days. 530 E. 35th st I have two others nist started for $4 800; beautiful locality. See the owner at 1016 Brooklyn or phone 218-82. $4200 $500 DOWN. BALANCE EASY . Lovely 5 room bungalow,- close to. Alameda park: all the conveniences which will attract the housewife; modem in every respect: garage: close to car and school: must be seen to be appreciated. . Open evenings and Sundays - - KABIN A RIMA 1032 Union sve. N. Woedlaws 89 FLEE PI .AX ft FRK.E ADVlcJ ARE YOTJ GOING TO BUILD! - LET VS HELP TOO - " Come to oar office and let our designer he9 you plsn rnor home. PORTLAND HOVE BUILDERS - 216 ABINKTON BIJJG. FOR SALE MONTAVILLA CtyTTAGE New. eooy, 4 room, modern cottage, $2600. Lot 0x100 oa 78th street north, corner Holla day. two blocks north of Monlsvilia ear liae.' $500 down and $25 per month. tTbarlea Hyla. owner. 25 Eart 81t st. X. cor. Hoiladay. ' '- A KNAr- . - A 2 room bungalow, newly built, with pantry, large closet basement back and front porch. Well water, on 1 H acre land with fruit trees snd thrre.newiy buslt chicken houses. Close to Bull Run car. Must be sold at once. Leavrng town. $550 cah.- Tabor 419. Sandy. Or. - ' $1,0.1-WOOXLAWN BUNGALOW TEKMi Artistic $ room bungalow, with bath and kitchenette, finished througliout in white and ivory enamel : beautiful laws snd shrubbery, rarage and . rhieken house, gas and eleotririty. Cor. 17th and Highland st Take Wdin. car to 17th vt. walk 4 blocks south to Highland. AN ABSTRACT of une aa not a guarantee of your title; it ia snereW a history of your title. A Title Insurance- policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yoa buy property get a Title Intiranro policy. No abstract required, Tile A Trrtt eoawrsiny. ' b:;ai Tin l rse city bungalow 5-Hoom. rtrirtlr modem Irangalow with lares attic, hdw. floors, fireplace, sil built-ins. fumsce. garage, imp. in an dr-ai.L 1IW ft, eff Sandy, a areai. oareain. saiou, iiuisi aovn. oasaaee ms tn snit. F. 1 Fee. Tahor 644?. - Best Buy in Rose City A strir-Cy modern home ia Rose City, hard wood floors, garage, fireplace, furnace sad every thing: s rennme bar-rain: $S75. Wdin. 6684. 3-HOoll HOME. $130 SOxlOO lot. 8-room bouse, city water.1, gas. electricity, bath, built-ins; 1 Mock to car. K. it S.. 513 Cow bug. f.694. - EEAUTIrTL llOMF. IN ROSil CITY 5 room strictly ood rn new home, 50x160 i corner lot, hardwood floors aU over bouse, . s3 bui;t-!ns, firrxilsce, garage. Tbe bargain yea have been lci?ig for. i ll! Wdin. i4. LAURELHURST BARGAIN -Room modern bungalow, all builtmsi; fire place, gas. furnace, garage, imp. m and paid. . l f fixlOO. only $4750. Siona down, balance e-s. K. 1 F.e T-rir 614?. ANOTHER SNAP Dandy 6-room home adjoining Abwneda. 8 Ox 100 lot, 10 fru't trees, grapes, lawn, ebirkr-a house and ran to an alley: rarage, basement; $2 ion. $VM) down. Wdln.-66-4., - WE3TMORELAM' $3KO0. 5. room buacalww. exceiiert cond.tion, fireplace', fuU cement hasemeat wash trays, large attic: 17th st Son., terms. See it Max. 1022. After 6 pbone feeiP wood 2706. , ' WOODLAWN BARGAIN. 4 room hursi low, blk. to car $2400, $339 down, bstsrtre essy. Tabor 7547. 4 ROOMS on iOilUil corner, ail ianist. ia aiI paid ; ia Tine district; garage with cement Poor. $2250. $300 down. See tids soon. Tifrsr T54 7. - . WHEN yon porcbase yoor seme nave the title insured. Get a Title lasorance Polk-J. Tius A Trtm ronrpany. r " ' EVERY purcuaaer ot real ebsite should have f e title tasured Better be safe thaa sorry. Title A Trust comnawy. , - - l)H SALA, or rent, 6 room house, end of Woodctock car, $13; adalta. ' Auto. 626-21. jllllL