The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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PaeOie Gamaa HatbodM
State CbrfsUw Endeavor nmr mfmm
CoJumbja City. Aacvst 3 to September
Moittnreet eomfnmar Vleltniiltal Tnn-fc, Sooth.
rortUnd, Scpumbrr , . mmarT
to- j. . ... ... : rr--
.Clackamas . Oaaty (Mfc
.14 to 1. .... i .
iorftVBa - data
aw 1 to 23.
.coJj owner riz. n.
BU Sataa. iipUto to
October 1. --- . ... ,.
una Coast i"el. Albaar,. Oetobar S to .
CoBt Jail. Tae DeUaa, Octobac 4
0ta IbltoiM mbtatov Itojt Grat
Oetobav A . ... .
Aanaal Conntion Orecoa W .C T. U.. On-
Brl' Aicawua, craad' aDOBeO. PorOaaS. Oe-
Kaichto Tempiu. aaad mnuatel. j La
wrna, October IS.
Nadoeal Graaa iBmv TartUcd.
bar to J8.
. Aatricu Hwtorieal aawciatioB. TaeOa Oaaat
Shapard's AU Bu Uae Portland
SC. Helens division Leave Portland 6 :45,
4 :30 a. m., 10 a, m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m..
7 o'clock daily and 11 :15 p. m. Saturday,
Sunday and holiday. Leave St Helena
7 30.a. ra., 10:65 a. m., 1:15 p. m.. 1:45
p. nL, 5:15 p. m. and 9:45 p. m. dally
- and :15 p. in. Saturday, Sunday and
holidays. Buses leave St. Charles hotel,
204 Morrison street. Telephone Marshall
Minister to lecture The Rev. E. A.
Cantrell, Episcopal - minister and lec
turer of national reputation, will be the
guest of Portland officers of the Amen
can Association for the Recognition of
the Irish Republic, on next Friday. Ar
rangements are Toeing made for his re
- ception and for a lecture on Friday eve
' ning. . Full details ' will be announced
when the program is completed.
Shepard't Amto Bat "Lines Portland
Astoria-Seaside division Leave Portland
at :45 a. m., 8:30 a. m.,10a.nv.l p. in..
4 :15 p. m, and 7 p.m. Leaving Astoria
7 :15 a. m., 8 :15 a m., 10 a. m., 1:30 p. m..
2 :5 p. m. and 6 :15 p. m. Direct connec-
Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St.
Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street. Tele
phone Marshall .4381. Adv. ;
Labor to Meet October 8 The State
Federation of Labor will meet In Port
land October 3 and it is expected that
the formal dedication of the new Labor
temple will be held on that date. The
convention will be held In yie ' Labor
temple, now being pushed to completion
at Fourth and Jefferson street, ,
Shepard's Aato Baa Lines Multnomah
rails envision. 'Leave Portland 9 :zo a.
m., 1 a. m., 2 :45 p. m.. 4 :30 p. m. and 6
p. m., daily. Leave Multnomah Falls
7 :15 a. m., 11 :15 a. m.,-12 :55 p m., 4 p.m.
and 6:10 p. m. daily. Buses Jeave St.
Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street. ' Tele
phone Marshall 4381. Adv.
Girl's Parse Stolen Miss Frankie Mc
Donald, 501 Main street, Vancouver. re
ported to Inspector Kellaher that her
nurse., left with her clothlne .while sh
; was swimming at Columbia beach sear
. the Kenton bridge, was stolen Saturday
afternoon. . The puree contained several
dollars, a pawn ticket for a diamond
ring held as security on a $20 loan, a
' coiucu pin ana jl pair ox glasses.
. .Sbepard'a Aato Bus Lines Portland-
Hood River division Leave Portland
8:30 a m., 11 a. m., 2:45 p. m. and 4:30
D. m.. dally. Leava Hood "Rvir 9 -SO
m., XI a. m., 2:20 p. no. and 4 .-30 p. m.
i daUy. Buses leave St. Charles hotel, 204
- Morrison st. Telephone Mar. 438L Adv.
Fainter Is Isjnred Ernest Paquette,
D95 Overton street, 18-year-old painter,
was SUghUy Injured about the head Sat
urday afternoon, when he fell from a
tree .while picking j fruit In . his front
yard. 1 He was sent to St. Vincents hos-
; pitaL , , - " . .
Aavni&rv tn tifrtt fail rnk.
' department of Oregon, -Auxiliary United
spanisn war veterans, will give a bene
fit card party in room 625, courthouse,
on Tuesaay evening to which all com
; rades. Bisters and friends are invited. '
: The only proper Bimber to can is East
Army truck to call for your waste ma
terial. Help us to help others by your
help;. Address 21 Union avenue. Major
jonn uree, district officer. Adv.
Firefighters' Plealc The Firefighters
union of Portland will hold an outing
today at Crystal lake park. There is a
long list of prizes for contests offered.
-Many, tickets have been sold unong the
labor unions of the city.
Fortland-Xewberg Bus Leave Fourth
and Aider daily, 8, 9:30, 11:00 a. m and
1, 2:30, 4:15, 5 :30, 8:30 p. m. ; Saturday
and Sunday 11 :15 p. m. Phone Main
3314. Adv. .
Reliance Mt. Hood Amto SUges leave
Kouueage seed store 8 a. m. and 2 p. m.
for Welch's, Tawney's, Rhododendron
and Government Camp. Adv.
Correct Facial Expression ' or just
"false teeth !" Secure the better kind
from the plate 'special 1st. Dr. E. C.'Ross
man, 311 Journal bldg. Adv. . f
Portland Tillamook Cadillac stage!
Hoyt hotel, dally at 8 :15 a. m. and 2. p.
m. - Special arrangements made for fish
ing parties. Adv. , -
Str. America St. Helens via Columbia
river, 2:30 p. m. daily; 11:30 a m. Sun
day. Alder st. dock. Main 8323. Adv.
Portland-Salem Stage -Leaves Seward
hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare, 8L75. Adv.
Salem-MHl City Stage Connects O. E.
trains .No. 6 and 9 for Mill City. Joseph
Hamman, Salem. Prop. Adv.
8tr. GeorgUna, Portland to Astoria,
31.00. Str. Undine. Astoria to Portland.
81.00. Adv! , v!.
"Drl Geo. M. SewaU has returned. .415
Morgan bldg. Main 7423. Adv.
Dr. Farle Henton has returned, t Mor
gan building. Adv. .
Cathlamet, Wash, Aug. 20. Cathlamet
plans for a big celebration on Labor day
were made at at special meeting of the
Commercial dut$. Posters are out an
nouncing' the program, which includes a
parade, picnic in. Erickson's park, ball
game, speaking, band concert, land and
water sports and a ball in the evening.
Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. 20. For the
purpose of inspecting'. the plans and
buildings of Fort Walla Walla with re
gard to their relation to the surgical de
partment of the hospital for ex-service
men to be established ! here. Dr. ,B. W.
Hart, chief of the United. States public
health surgical service -at Washington,
D. is here." . r?-'
Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 2a One of the
"leading attractions of the Grays Harbor
county fair, at Elma Is to be a public
wedding Sunday. September 4:
Bet. Taylor aad Salmon., Red Freak
I- I
t , -I
' ' Aixnee IB. Brunn ; ' - r
Since women do most of the world's
shopping, advertisers" are appreciating
as never "before that tho woman's view
point in the writing and Illustrating of
advertisements does have real value and
carries weight," said - Miss J Aimle B.
irunn, head of the Brunn Advertising;
bervice, which recently opened offices in
me Northwestern Bank building. '
"In the East women are rapidly com
ing 'to the front In both large agencies
and. specialized service. Anyone - can
put an ad. in the paper, but unless it
is illustrated so as to attract attention
and worded so as to be both inJLeresting
and convincing, - the money spent on it
is vrfcsted.:- The only advertisement that
is or real value: Is the onei that makes
the reader want to own the article men
tioned.- '. , ",
!The smaller' shops -which cannot af
ford the services of an advertising man
ager are appreciative of the specialized
service given just when they need It.
instead of following: the old method of
having their advertisements prepared by
a salesman or bookkeeper, who happens
to have a little- extra time, but who
knows nothing about the business ' of
writing advertisements. ; In . no other
linehas the value of specialization been
found greater than in advertising."
Conspicuous in Miss Brunn'S work In
recent years in the field of advertlslsg
is tne planning, and writing of adver
tisements in . national publications. . in
eluding Vogue, Life, and Saturday Eve
ning Post.. A . notice ; commending; her
work in connection 5 with . copy written
ion ar local swimming suit appeared re
cenuy m Printers Ink. : .
2iss Brunn studied , art urA iitvar
Using in New. York city, was a member
of the staff of the Evening Telegram
for. a time, has been connected with the
advertising denartmentu nf 'Mstsv
Frank and LIpman, Wolfe & Co. and for
me past two years sne has-been associ
ated with Botsford-Constantine Adver-
using company. . - , .
Miss . Brunn will si
tentionto a few accounts.. She feels
that her exoerienrs In lm A-nmrtt
stores has given her a peculiarly . valu
able knowledge af I
much" needed in the' preparation of ad-
veruaemenw ior.smauer. snops., . ; ,
in Oity ;
Attorney's Office
- WiU Open Office
- . - ;
Y. Lansing .. Jr.". "vice- president of
the Multnomah Barf association ; and
deputy city . attorney for the past "four
years,: will retire
from the staff of
City Attorney Grant
the first of Septem
ber' and will open
offices for the1 gen
eral' practice of law
at 321-22 ' Chamber
of Commerce build
ing. ... ...
Lansing was for
merly engaged in
newspaper, work, in
Portland,- and car
ried -. on , his law
studies during that
period.- : He began
his work In . the
city attorney's office under the encum
bency of W. P, LaKoche and " con
tinued it under. Frank S. Grant. Lansing
has worked in every department of the
city attorney's : office, including T the
municipal . and circuit : courts.
Eugene W.Munson
To Give Lecture on
Thebsophy Free
Kugene. W. Munson, national lecturer
for the Theosophlcal society, will give a
course of lour free lectures at the head
quarters of the 'Portland lodge of the
Theosophlcal society. 3d floor. Central
building : beglning Sunday night at 8
o'clock. . . . ;
."It Is. the one real question of absolute
ly j universal- interest this problem of
whether we live again, or, more accurate
ly whether we really die at all." Munson
said. ; "I hold that we do not ; that . we
merely drop the physical body, and con
tinue in full consciousness in - an astral
body composed- of matter, but a grade of
matter that is invisible and Impalpable.
This is no more remarkable than that
we now exist in bodies that are aggre
gations of matter that Is by no means
so dense .as it appears and that is con
stantly coming and going that has no
permanent relationship to the conscious
ness that dwells in it." The Hidden Side
of Things' is the I subject for tonight.
xnere are no charges for admission.
Hot Lake, Aug. 20. Arrivals at Hot
Lake ' sanatorium - Thursdays were'f-'T.
Brown, Pendleton L: 1 Cvs Bowser,:? La
Grande Sarah E. Lauphear, . Crystal
Lake. I1I. Mrs. Herman Sie grist and Su
sanna Deal, La Grande; Mrs. John T.
Dirks. Boise. Idaho; Mrs. Charlea H.
Anderson. Kllensburg, " Wash; ; v Archie
Lawsbiv. Hot Springs ;, E. r Hi Horner.
Baker ; Albert Barkdoll, Spokane. . f -:f..;
" . i a ;,i , .-':. :
McMinnville, Aug.r 20. Rotarlans of
high school "class in agriculture.- ' On
August ai . at tne- wneauar.a ferry
Joint DkniC win ho "hold ttv M-Mi,mirll
and Salem Rotariahs. Tom Kay has
Issued a defl for a boxing match, which
has been accepted bv Matt- CofHtran nf
this cityv , .
Hill Military Academy. Portland. Or
opens September . 14. Adv. - r - k
Portland Man Arrive With Relief
Expedition at Athens in Time
to Witness Frolic.
' Th celebratlpn of the victory of the
Greeks over the Turks at Bsklshehir by
means of bell ringing shouting; shoot
ing and parades, such, as America held
to celebrate the signing of the armistice
greeted X. J. Handsaker of the Portland
division of the Near Kast Belief, when
he with other relief workers arrived in
the harbor of Athens. - In a recent let
ter from Constantinople under date of
July 28. Mr. Handsaker writes r
we visited the Greek parliament Just
as it was ready to adjourn to go to the
cathedral to give thanks to God for the
destruction of their ancient enemy. . AH
morning a cannon boomed from the
heights above the Acropolis. -
I confess to pretty deep emotion as
I looked at the Boy Scouts and the girls
from the orphanages drawn up on the
wharf at Constantinople to greet us with
songs and flowers. ' They are just a few
of the multiplied thousands whom Amer
ica is salvaging from the war. ;
"My first refugee camp seen In the city
of Constantinople again impressed the
nearness of war. for the relief workers
are expecting another 2000 group of refu
gees soon as a result of the Greek of
fensive. These they must stow away
somewhere. This particular camp has a
capacity of 800. but 1100 were already
there and 2000 more coming; It is hard
on the eyes and throat to see babies, half
starved, fed on Oregon bread and on milk
bought with Oregon money. .Nothing is
given an able bodied man, no matter how
needy or deserving or unable he may be
to find work. There are too many women
and children to be fed.
"As we are taking 7000 tons of sup
plies with us .from Constantinople we
dropped down the Gulf of Ismid 60 miles
to Derinje, where our warehouses are lo
cated, to take on flour, beans, rice, cloth
ing, knitting machines and other sup
plies, enough for a month for the Cau
"Down the gulf from Derinje is Ismid
and across the gulf is Bardesag. Two
hundred and .fifty boys are sleeping on the
stone floor of the stables in Derinje who
until the sacking of Bardesag on June 23
five weeks ago, were inmates of our or
phanage there. They were rushed ont on
only a few hours' notice.. At Derinje
I found a shack. 8 by 12, made from
packing boxes once filled with Oregon
clothes, while another box bearing , an
Oregon name was used as a bread-box.
The shack is used as sleeping quarters
lor nve people. -
"This was our first and probably only
visit to the territory held by the Turkish
Nationalists under Mustapha Kemal
pasna. we were not allowed outside the
premises except when provided with
passes. Kemalist sentries guarded the
ground from the bandits that usually in
rest the war regions. ,
"With Dr. Esther Pohl Love Joy I vis
ited our hospital at Ismid. This hospital
Is conducted jointly by the Near Kast
Belief and the American Medical Wom
an's association. A view equal to that
from Crown Point is obtained, from the
steps' of the hospital, gardens, fields, the
gult, forests and hills, but perhaps the
Just Received
THRE styles of fancy mountings In eich group -all
white gold. All high grade stones. We have '.
"this attractive line " exclusively in. Portland. Let us
show them to you. '
Watches $30 Up
We pffer a very com
plete line of Hamilton
watches and other
standard makes ; the
very finest.
The Hallmark Store of Portland
After Vatering Your Lavm
v ' ALL SUMMER . '
Do You Vant to Stoke a Furnace
," .- . ALL WINTER -
o -
. ; v. - .. . .' . 1 ' ' - - -
Let the Casco Furnace or Ga-Fired Boiler
. -i Be Your Servant and. Relieve You r
of Basement Chores
Gasco Pipeless S150
Case Furnaces
Whea gehig away for the smmaaaar.
er ea year vaeatloa, fcava The Jaar
aal fellow yea at the regalar. rate
er the (oDowiag agaats will saaaly
m at oar rarxlar dty raten : -r-r
BawaVw. r,"r. T. Tattle,'
aarrtaw. Or, Hal B. aiatpeag.
St cay. Or, aara. . n
aaraeaan. Or, J. O. Van Kuan. .
inetaaa Sarin Hotal, Clhaait. Or.
Cimh tniN mat Seaia, Or, H. t Harrrta.
Carnn. Waaaw a4 tfcaharaa prtaaa. Carl
- - B. aatttli.
Chlaeok. Wath, baas Kaotaaa,
0lumkta Baach. Or, W. B. toni
BafltalaT. Or, D. C KlUa. - .
Oaarkart, Or, BWHa IImm.
Hainan. Waatk. Javnaa Cariarn.
Mat Lake. Or, Hat Lake II ml.
Lat Baach, Waati, airauhal Oa.
Manaiattaii Baach. Or, Bar, a. I. Haataa.
Btaroaatu Baaaa, Or -CmB . Karaaii.
Hahaaua. Wart, Tranaaan t Beaaov - . ,
Baa Kah-Wla, Or, A. C Aneanaa.
Nahalam, Or, Wahalam Drw Co.
Matarta. Or, Bars. Bk W. Oraaa. - - v.
Maw pan. Or, BU S. NhrU ,
Oeaaa ar, Waah, Baaraa H. Kramar.
Ottar Rock. Or, T. M. . Nanrina,
Paotrta Clt. Or, K. i, Waltara.
Raeaavay, Or, J. B. 8, Biaaaf. . i
Baaawaa. Or, Jaaan aacOnna. -aalaw.
Waah, Oairaa l,-aUiam.
South Baaah, Or, H. O. Otnlam, .
Til law t. or, Clartaa) Nor.
Twia ' Reeka. Or, o. 4, Van teyaa.
Waltoara Laka, fcr, Wallawa Lata Park. "
Wllheit B-Hinta, Or, B. O. Rawaa,
most significant to us was the sight of
Old Glory flying on the destroyer
Brooks, which . Admiral Bristol "has
placed- there to see that American prop
erty, American lives and the orphans in
American care are safe.
"I am writing this from the home of
Rev. J. P. McNaughton, In a suburb of
Constantinople. Dr. McNaughton will be
remembered by many as the first speaker
wbo came to Oregon for the Near Kast
Relief. . He was principal of the school
at Bardesag, where he had several hun
dred boys. In his home is Miss Mar
garet Hlnman from Forest Grove, who is
awaiting the stabilising of -conditions' in
the interior from. which she was recently
driven by a ' Kemalist' governor. ' Mrs.
Burt of Bend is tn charge of two of our
personnel houses in Constantinople. She
has promised me a message to her Ore
gon friends - on my return from the
Caucasus about August 18. - Yesterday
I had a never-to-be-forgotten hour with
Mrs. R. S. M. Kmerich. who is so well
known in Portland as the chief speaker
in our 1918 campaign." - -
Oiympia, Wash, Aug. 20. P.)
Albert Kimball, who escaped from train
ing school at Chehalis, Friday after
noon, was arrested here ' later, driving
a car belonging1 to Charles B. Reich of
route 3, Chehalfs.
Dallas,. Aug. 20.-A default decree of
divoroe was granted this week by Judge
H. H. Belt to Oliver P. Chase, city
marshal of Dallas, from Mildred Chase
Divorce cases were filed by Kosa' Trigg
against P. H. Trigg and Clyde Hill
against . Pearl Hill.
Bend, Aug. 20. New teachers elected
for Bend schools are Miss Kva Mo wry
of Aberdeen, high school ; Miss Irene
Karr of Portland. Miss Ora Tucker of
Salem. Miss Alma Gephart of Portland
and Miss Effie Williamson of Tachats,
grades. . -,
Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 20. An import
ant real estate deal in Napavine was the
purchase from ELF. Coulson of a 60x90
foot lot by Russell L. Llnhart. proprietor
of the Napavine garage, as a sita f or. a
new garage building. s -
- Binocular
If. you are going hunt
ing this season you will
want binoculars. - We
have some good ones
reasonably priced. -
Sixth St.
Gasc'o Bungalow $125
$250 and
,UT the
ity and s rii a. r t styles are of ;
greatest importance.'
The one-third price reduc
tion in the past year is vorth
Fifth' at Aldef
The Burning Question
' Home Owners and Home Builders
. 1 ; . . .. - ' -
; The HESS ' GAS FURNACES are the most wonderful
contributors to your home comfort that money can buy.
Do not buy or change your heating plant, or buy-your
winter's fuel, until you have investigated the merits of ,
- - ,i -" - . . j . ' . ' . - -. - ;
Sec them demonstrated at our .
: Office and Salesroom, .
- 304 Oak St. . ' ;
: . i - ; v" "! r- . -
; Hess Furnace Miifacturing
-T ' m
prices aren't the
chaf filer &
best things .about these
clothies: The Jiigh qual
Rosenblatt &
Nine Faces Four Molds
8x12 and 12x18 C & P. Sparate or
: not. Terms if desired. Box E-5 46,
. Journal. .. T ' v ' " -
prices are
lower for
while; but it wouldn't be wbrtK
a "hoot" unless the quality
was Hght. : - -: !-
So. look for something more
than "low, prices." We've got
everything -yo u w ant here
they're ready; now, V
Bumside, Between Fourti. and Fifth ; v :
Clever Comedians ' Sweet Singers
he . Crazy Moiii$e
Three Shows Daily
J Adnussion 22c , i r
'Country Store Every Tuesday
A Show for' Ladies and- Gentlemen. .
Jacobs Shirt Co.
Kalalck BMr-. SSY Waaalartoa Sb
- . WAS A PUP" . o
' . 1&88- ' - ' . - .
' - 'A
Gasco Building
2:30, 7:30 and 9 :00- ;
ChUdren lie
mm am