The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 21, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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Children's Hair
and Heart's -Desire Curl all-for
50c - Expert service. Phone for
appointment.- Beauty Shop, 2d FL
We Give S.&H.
willi purchases amounting to 10c
or more.. Don't overlook this di-
- rect cash saving.' Get your Stamps.
Get Ready
NLY A FEW MORE DAYS and the youngsters will go
! happily back to school. And a good number of
them will go back with supplies purchased at this store.
The children know we always cater to their needs, but
we want them to know that this vear. in particular, we
Y are Still better prepared and are able to save them worth
while sums on their purchases.
, 12 for 55c
Main Floor 5000 Children's school Handkerchiefs at
very special price this week. - Good quality plain white
material with neat corner embroidery in white, PP
colors. Also colored hems, lace edges. Doz. tJOl
for School!
GEE! WON'T IT BE GREAT to crawl out a little
earlier in the morning almost swallow your break
fast whole, run a few errands for mother, do a few chores
and then. hike out for school. And best of all, to.
meet the same boys tnd girl; you chummed with last
year! There'll be many new faces his year and t few
of the old ones will be missing but it will be the same
old school Get ready early!
Monday's - v
. Service 11:30 to 3:30: v
CHOICE or1 r .
Clara Chowder Chicken proth
With Rice
Baked Salmon Steak With
Parsley Butter - "
' Boston Codfish Cakes
Tomato Sauce
Braised Short Kibs. of Beef -
Browned frotatoee
Currte or Veal With Rice :
Assorted Cold Meats .
With Potato Salad
OWK Special Baked Beans ' ,
' -With Boston Brown Bread."'
. choice or
Cake Warm Olneer Bread
Ice Cream
Tea Coftes HUk
Tea Room,
Fourth Floor : '
$2.25 School Serge
$1.89 Yard
At this special price for "Children's Week" only.
Splendid quality all-wool Serge in good weight for
children's school dresses and skirts. 54 and 56
inches wide. Navy, black, array,. tan, fawn, OQ
copen. Regular 12.25 grade. Special yard DXsOi7
Juniors' School Coats
Juniors' School Apparel in Matchless Assortments
Suits, Goats, Dresses, Sweaters, Skirts Everything in the Way of School Togs at Lowest Possible Prices
$13.50 o $45.00
Second Floor The beauty and charm of youth is reflected in these
new Coat modes that are correct and will continue to be correct
throughout the Fall and Winter seasons. All youthful in line, handsome
in fabric and colorings, this showing will be both pleasing and profitable
to the particular Miss and her mother. Belted, loose and flaring models
Coats that are especially smart for school wear. Velour, Cheviot, Chin
chilla and other desirable materials. Beaver, copen, brown, reindeer,
navy. Many fur trimmed. -Sizes from 6 to 16 $13.50 to $45.00
Junior Shop, Second Floor
Girls' Felt Hats
Second Floor Smart Fall Hats, espe
cially desirable . for school wear.
New soft crown effects with me
dium narrow brims. Shown in as
sorted colors. Priced only $3.50
Other Felt Hats $7.50- and $10
Sale of Hairbow
Plain Taffeta and Moire Ribbons
in scarlet, mais, pink, old
rose, white. 69c grade, yard OUC
Fancy Hairbow .Ribbons In a-large
selection bf light and dark stripes'
and plaids. Excellent 69c PA
values. Priced special, yard OUC
Girls' andjMisses' Muslinwear
Special display all this week in the
Muslinwear Section, i Second Flooc
Princess Slips, Night Gowns, Combi
nations, Bloomers, etc., in daintiest
of styles and materials.
PRINCESS SUPS, I or Petticoats,
waists attached. Plain tailored -and
fancy styles trimmed j with laces and
embroideries. 8 to 4. $l-$2.98
NIGHT GOWNS of muslin, batiste
and crepe. Tailored and fancy styles.
Priced special, from $1.25 to $2.50
trimmed and plain styles. . Muslin and
batiste materials. Ages 8, 10, . 12.
Priced - special at $1;00 to $1.9$
GIRLS' BLOOMERS of "muslin gal
atea, batiste and sateen. Age 8 to 14
years. Special 69c ur to $2.50
i ; --Second
'v - I- --
Smart New Tailored Suits
For Juniors
Second Floor Young women going away to college and girls of
high school age will find here an excellent showing of the new sea
son's favored modes in Tailored Suits. Beautiful models developed
in Velour, Serge, Tricotine, Tweed and many other high class mate
rials. There are plain colors, checks and stripes in all the new Fall
shades. Straightline, box and pleated effects. Some of the more
dressy Suits are trimmed with fur. Prices range $29.75 to $65.00
The School Miss Requires
A Good Sweater
and to meet this demand we have assembled a wonderful assort
ment of these serviceable garments at prices within the reach of
all. ' Every new and popular style represented,- including tuxedo
,and coat, effects. Plain knit and novelty weaves, and there isn't a
desirable color missing. Prices range from $3.50 to $7.95
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
$1.10 and $1.45
Main Floor The famous Phoenix Silk Hose with lislereinforced heel
and toe.. Unsurpassed for service and beautiful appearance. The school
wardrobe should include several pairs of Phoenix Silk Hose. Seamless
style at $1.10 and $1.45- Full fashioned style $1.95 and $2.35
Children's Hose
3 Prs. $1
Main Floor Quality Hose that will
give best of service. Some are
shown in the fine elastic rib, others
in the. heavier quality. AA
All sizes. 35c, 3 pairs DAUU
3-4 Wool Sox
Main Floor An exceptionally good
Hose at the price. All-wool and
mixed wool Sox for boys and girls.
H length with roll tops.: Sizes
6J6 to 11. Specially priced QQ
this week, the .pair only IO C
Portland Agency for Famous "Pony" Stockings
Coats and Gap
For Giris 6 to 14 Years
Second Floor Extensive showing of wet weather needs for school
girls and misses. Rubberized Rain Coats of Poplin, Twe'ed and
Cravenette materials. Latest winter styles with storm collars and
hoods, fitted sleeves, large, roomy pockets. Rain Capes In full
styles some with cloth collars. Red, navy, tan. $2.49 to $17.50 V.
Junior Corsets
We specialize in Corsets for
girls ! and misses. Gossard, La
Camille. Adeline and other fam
ous makes. Expert corsetieres
to help you select the model best
suited to daughter's require
ments. Dept., Second Floor.
Main Floor Excellent quality of
shower-proof Umbrellas for boys
and girls. Best Paragon frames,
fancy ring or crook han- (J rJC
dies." Priced special only D-L I O
Children's Underwear 69c
Vests and Pants Sizes 2 to 14
Main Floor A rousing 6-Day Sale of Children's Fall and Winter
Underwear that will appeal to mothers who would save on school
wearables. Celebrated "Royal Mills Underwear Vests and Pants
in all sizes from 2 to 14 years. Fleece ribbed garments of Qf
superior quality and finish. Specially priced this week only Utls
Special Showing
Betty Wales
. Dresses
INDIVIDUALITY the one word
that best describes these chirmmg,
youthful frocks for. Juniors. Betty
Wales styles are always distinctive
this season more so than ever be
fore. Our Fall showing is replete
with lovely models especially adapted
for school wear. Tricotine, Poiret
Twill and Serge materials. Long and'
short sleeves. At $22.50 to $60
Wool Dresses
$13.50 to $60
Socond Floor Undoubtedly the most
complete stotfk of Girls' and Misses'
Fall Dresses in Portland. Beautiful
new models developed in Velour,
Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Velveteen
and Jersey. Sizes for girls 6 to 16.
Priced from $13.50 to $60.00
Girls Petticoats
$2.98 to $5
Second Floor Plaited, tucked, ruf
fled and tailored styles also some
with novelty trimmings. Taffeta
and Jersey. All colors. 30 to 34-in.
Windsor Ties
to wear with Middy Blouses and
Dresses. Full assortment of the
wanted colors. Crepe or Silk.
Prices range 35c up to 75c
Buster Brown
Main Floor It is not what you pay,
but what you get, that makes the
value In Children's Shoes. There is
more of health and more of wear
in Buster Brown Shoes than you ever
found elsewhere. Over a million
children .have proved these facts by
actual use. Try a pair and see.
For; Girls v
Butter Brown Shoe for big girls.
Dark tan calfskin, sizes 2 J4 to 1.
All widths $8.50. Black $8.00
Brogue patterns,- 2 Ji to 7. $9.00
Misses and Children's laced and
buttoned shoes, sizes ltH to 2 at
$6.50; sizes V to it at $6.00.
Black at $5.50 and $6.00T Lotus
Calf Play Shoes, verydurable, 1 1 y
to 2 at $5.50; &es iy to n
priced , at thrpair ; only $5.00
.'Fbr ' Boys' ?'
BfUter Brown Shoo for boys and
little gents. Dark tan calfskin on
English, - medium, round and full
toes. Sizes l to 6 at $6.00. $6.50
$7.00, $7.50; sizes 9 to 134 at
$5.00 and $5.50. Brogue and ball
strap styles, sizes 1 to 6, at $7.00
and $7.50. Gunmetal Calf Shoes
?izes 1 to 6. at $6.00; sizes 9 to
t3H. at $5.00. -
s' School Suits
With 2 Pairs of Knickers
Main Floor Bring your boy in Monday morning and let him try
on one of these splendid Suits. Nothing to compare with them
in town for style, quality and serviceability. Good, sturdy fabrics
In brown, gray, green mixtures. Coats have all-around PQ Qpr
belts. Two pairs full lined pants with each suit. Special nDUmOD
Other 2-Pant Suits, cheviots, serges, mixtures, $15.00-$27.50
Corduroy Suits $8.95
Main' Floor1 These smart Suits
of dark brown Corduroy will
give excellent service and hold
their shape to the . last. ' Best
of tailoring.; Ages 8 CQ QJT
to 18. Special suit OOwO
in dark gray and -brown shade.
. Full cut ' styles. Get your boy
a pair or two of these good Cor
duroys. At pair $2.25-$2.80
Underweari Hosiery, Blouses
For School Wear
famous Buster Brown make.
Extra strong and durable.' Black
only . All sizes. Priced ffT
for special selling pair
or cotton Complete showing
Carter and Thornapple makes.
All sizes at $1.25 to $4.50
styles with . small collars, also
the slip-on effects. Several well
known v makes. Best colors.
Prices range $4.00 to $9.50
BOYS' JERSEYS, plaio gray,
maroon and navy blue. All sizes
24 to 36. $3.00 and $3.50
latest styles and colors 98cw$3
and felt' . New styles. Priced
for special sale $1.00-$3.00
in a large selection of styles and
colors. Sizes 6 to 16, $1.00
One lot Bojrs Blouses HQ
at lV,
worth $1.00,-special
Boys Store, Main Floor
"Children's Week"
In. the Basement
Special lines of School Needs selected from various sections of the
Basement Store will go on Sale Monday at extremely low prices. Watch
our advertisements from day to day for additional merchandise offerings.
Boys' Suits $6.95
Basement These Suits represent the "peak in value for the present
season no doubt about it. But come in and see them with your own
eyes we're 'wimng to let you be.tne judge. Belted coats C Qpr
Plain corduroys and mixtures. Sale tJJuJtJ
Always good-looking and pretty, ind always in :
good taste. Jack Tar Togs are the most, popular
of garments for school and sports wear- Our new
Fall and Winter lines now on display Second Floor
' t V " "-:
Middy Dresses
$3150 to $25.00
New Middy Dresses of Serge, Linen, Galatea
Chambray and Khaki materials. , Popular plaited
styles. Some in 3-piece effects middy, skirt and
bloomers. Navy, white, pink and stripes. Ages
6 to 16 years. Priced from $3.SO to 25.00
Girls' New Middy Blouses
At Popular Prices
Second Floor Here is, we believe, the most complete showing of Middy
Blouses in the city. We have taken particular pains to have our stock
ready, so that our customers may choose from the newest styles now,
instead of waiting till later in the season. Inspection cordially invited.
and full cut knickers.
Boys' Knickers
At 98c '
BsMment Special shipment Just
in by express. Good, .well-made
Knickers for school wear. Fancy
mixtures and stripes in serviceable
colors. Ages 6 to 17. QQa
Priced special for sale at vOC
Girls' Bloomers
At 50c
Basammt Pink and white Jersey
Bloomers in a broken range of
sizes. Made with elastic at top
and at knee. Only 100 pairs in
this lot. On sale Mon- Ktn
day special at pair only OUl
Girls' Galatea
Second Floor White and Ted Gal.
atea Middies with contrasting col
lars and cuffs of . self-material, or
with detachable collars in navy
blue. V necks. ' Trimmed with
white braid. All sizes for girls 6 to
16 years. Priced $1.75 to $3.50
Girls' Flannel
Middies Second Floor Exceptionally well
made and of splendid quality mate
riiL Navy blue and red flannel,
trimmed with white or black braid.
Styled with laced front or with
fitted-yokes. Ages 8 to 16 years.
Prices range from $5.50 to $7.95
Gymnasium Bloomers $1.75
Sateen Bloomers 69c to 89c
Children's Black Cotton Hose, Special 25c
Boys' School ShirtsSizes I2y2 to 14, at 98c
Children's School Handkerchiefs, Special 5c .
Second Floor Girls' and Misses'
Gymnasium . Bloomers of good
quality cotton Serge. Plaited styles
with belted waist line and elastic
at knee. Sizes 8 to 14.
Priced special each at
: For School Frocks
Main Floor Immense . display of new
Fall Ginghams ready in the Wash Goods
Section. ' Beautiful . patterns. Priced
special at 25c to $1.25 yard.
Also new Devonshire Cloth Beach
Suitings, Percales, Cheviots and other
tub fabrics suitable for school dresses.
DRESS VOILES SOc to 1 1.2$ values -on
sale at speAal 25c and 88c yard..
Heavy Bleached Sheeting for QQA
Single bt&s.' Priced at yard OOC
' --Headquarters for Sheets, Towels,
Pillow, Cases, Bed . Spreads, etc, etc.
- i - Ti
"1900" Electric Washers
The -1900" is the perfect Wash
ing Machine. Come in and let our
demonstrator show, you the many
superior features of this remark
able washer. Swirls the water
through the clothes instead of
forcing It into the garments.
5RS Down
and convenient .weekly or monthly
payments arranged for '.balance.
?ee Demonatratio oa Third Floor
Third Floor.
Second Floor Girls' Sateen Bloom
ers at moderate price. Just ' the
thing for- Fall ' and Winter wear.
Belted styles with elastic at waist
line. Good - grade - black sateen.
Ages 6 to 14, special 69c to 89c
: Fourth Floor
j Experienced telephone clerks at
I your service 8 a. m. to 5:45 p. m.
Monday Specials
74 c
IngsfordV Gloss
Starch, 6-Ib. box, special
--Preferred Stock - To- OKf
mato Soup, 3 cans special tOVf
Crystal White Laundry. Off '
Soap, 5 cakes( special at AOS
Mazola Oil, for salad flfl
dressing", special gallon Wtt.UU