-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ; 17r. 1S21... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON JTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 ANTED -A position a nitna or washing dishes to a small restaurant or would con sider a position to a togging camp kitchen. Call 142 H First St. or Auto. 328-65. Apt 67. or N-373. Journal. - WANTED Position a housekeeper where then are chiWim to tare (or or take ear of elder ly person. C 9- preferred. Experienced. L-152, Journal. . - :-: LACK. C61 AMU MAHUtjiaETTX CCR- TAOtS. DRAPERIXS. DOSK CP ., UU HEW, WILL, CALL. EAST 8518. DRESSMAKING 256 DYEING, cleanto-. mi ins smummu. m and-. M-nta. - al-rrattoaa, pleetto. tea enable price. Toe Cabinet Drum making pa-tun. -sorra a. near tin, SSSIB 1B3B. Hi5oMALG, Polly Prim snd Bungalow aprons made to order. : 741 Ellia ava. - 1411- wood laoo. . - - - -:. - NORSES - - - : 2ST l KLRSE. wiU take j-aternity e in borne, beat of care. East 868. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL it I. M. C A. to see free Iwt of moder ate priced rooms: for younc men in all pana p- we cuy,: including rooms at the Central X. M. C . A.1 with telephone in each room, shower "ma ina cmo lacmtic. - TOURIST HOTEL Modern, free bsth. red need rates. 75 per day .mp.' A4. we d op. Transient trade oucite Mtv at. j. walker, proprietor. ' ' '. ". ' tfrVr1 rf" tn iv'i ' Washington, at lath. Rates b the week. IS and np; hot find cold running water; hot water system; tup ana shower hatha. 75c Day,$2.50 Week up -,.CV.ir. J!""1" ij n water at au Doors. V" I.1U1LUU. sa BT.. Near Jeffi Hotel Meflford 120 N. 5th 8t.- Tw blocks of Depot" TSe and la 34 a- week np. Hot. cold water each room, THE T PACX. ISO 4th, cor. Alder. A EB 8PECTABLE -downtown HOTEL. Bates 75c up. Private bath 12.. Special rates by week or ipimin. - . . . y CLEYENGEB HOTEL v 413 Washington t. cornet -11th. 11 a day, $4. SO a weak and up; fine down town location; hot and cold water; steam heat. TA1T HOTEL An outside rooms, best tl dsy hotel to the dty: rooms $4 to 67, and with bath $8 to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; auto- matic elevator, - i am ana qjanr. - - -HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison at 10th. 1 a day; weekly 33 and np; tree pnone ana natn; mat ana airy. BAKER HOTEL, 265 FIFTH ST. under new, mans cement, newly renovated, strictly modern, transients f 1 and np. steadies $5 week .and up. Special rate 2 or. more in room. ' WASHINGTON HOTEL " 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. Attract! re rooms and suites at reasonable rate ny w or montn. PLEASANT, AIRY ROOMS IN FURNISHED lT, CLOb- LN, REASONABLE- RENT. MAIN 7127, APT. 201. , 469 JEFFEB- BU.l. ' - . - - - WASHINGTON HOTEL T 12TH AND WASHINGTON RTS. Attrmctire rooms and suites at reasonable rate y weea or montn. SECTOR HOTEL 9 North - Broadway, new- and -mnlam. T.U lacks on doors, l.a day up, 15 per week up. ariTste oatna. . - Mnvnull IMlm 18 207 14th St.. bet - rnrnisMd sleeping rooms, bath, hot and cold water! 14. WO week ana op HOTE ARTHUR -170 11th st, nesr Morrison. Clean,1, modem rooms by day, week or month ; reasonable rates. . EMPBESS HOTEL . . Suite or single rooms, nicely furnished, at , attractive rates to permanent guests. Bight in the center of the city. 6th and Stark. LARGE kleepicg room. Including hot and cold water and phone, close in. , 188 13th st. Bear Taylor. ' . OOOD, large outside sleeping rooms, 3d floor, 82.80 pet Week np. One front room, firyt floor. 426 Bufnside between 10th snd 11th. 1 SEPARATE sleeping porch, 1 very good sleep- ing room, X --room apartment with porch, all very clean. 658 Washington st Bdwy. 8477. 3 WELL FURNISHED rooim. walking distance reasonable. Phone Mar. 8233 before p. m. 0t FURNISHED front room, suitable for 2 gentle ' men. On carline. Bdwy 4572. NEAT and clean sleeping room at 228 it Wa&t -,-ington at--Price 68 mil and up. - : KEWHALt hotel, 402 E. Waahineton ' st. mod rn s lev ping rooms, by day or week. . FURNISHED ROOMS - fKlVAlb I AM1L.Y 9UI . v . -,.....l . . . i I-- r.r 1 l).Ai.L,l nice lunusuw iqouu is prirate family, $4 per week up. Abo large 2-room spartment eomplefely fuiUbed. only 326 pe month, 68 Everett. . CLEAN, quiet room in modern home, pleasant aurroundings; close in, good neighborhood: reasonable; 2 block Broadway bridge. 882 Bow M- . - RICELT furnished room for tent, very clean. 695 H Davia. Bdwy 4317. - LARGE dean rooms. in In kitchen, pantry, clothe closet, laundry privileges,, water, lights, very reasonable, must be seen, to bs.appeciated. 838 E. Kelly st., Sellwood oar. 2 ROOMS Will make kitchen or give use of mine; prefer business girls; ideal place in -room modern bouse; all bom privileges. East 6105. 646 E. Ash. . " ... WELL FURNISHED room m beautiful home all conveniences, bom privileges; board il desired, sift K. Alder, HIV, '66ob sLeepiSV. room-' plenty LIGHT, ALL COJi V tlK.-. NEAR IN. CAIJ. EAST 8704. 426 E. HARRISON J! I CELT furnished room la modern house; large clothe atosrt. 12 at 24th at n, rt 6832. . - . BSAUTIFUL room, walhini distance, close to ear with .or without garage. . Inquire 701 FasrWln is sve. Pbon Esst 6041. tcfcPXiA.'ALL' w.ii furniOied. 'clean. light , - sleeping tnd H. K. T00dss.v Ten low In rtr 683 Glis- NOB ' HILL room, private entrance in refined borne, 84 N. Slat. 1 block from. Washington. wslking distance. References exchangert. 88 AND 83 ner month: corner room: good bed. in modern hods, all home privilege, electric lightA. bsth tMlet, 108 North rup. Ant, 624-86. FURNISHED front room in modern horns; pri , vsts family. S blocks from Frank lua high, 1815 68th pv B. E. : FINK, large cool rooms, running water. teie phone, fireplace in room, cloea in. 821 12th st. nor. Clav. Main 4831. .t)EStRABLE room In reiined horn, walking dis tanos; 360 H Park, eor. Mill; every ooovatt' tenee. Msnball 815. 4 FURNISHED room, modern, - 825 - month. 4633 88th st 3. E. CaU mornings and eve nings, Aut 613-28. On front sleeping room for gentleman. $2 per week. 1Z9 14tn. Mdwy., 25y. : NEWLY fumlhed front room, also tuoe'room jointnt bath for 1 or 2 gentlsman, walking dtstane. 4o jeiterson st. FOB REN'T- Front room sna garage to gentle- ssa .with eat. 330. 629 . Ash street. Kast 6741. LARGE furnished room.. dose in, bath, furnao heat, breakfast, garage. Tabor 6988. LARGE, clean, airy sleeping rooms' for rent, reasonable 821 Moms rt. phone East 1184. BOOM for rent; us of pisno; horn comforts elos in. Msin S879. 444 8rd st. FOR gentleman, strictly modern furnished room. 867 K. 7th St. N. ROOM AND BOARD :302 Nortonia Hotel ELETENTH OFF WASHINGTON . Portland's high-class down-town residential hotel. We tiv you the comforts of boms. American and Boropeeh plea. Rstes ressonsbla. 6n'E of finest homes ia city converted into ea elusiv family hotel, cstntai to fsmill , bu Aes men aad women; boms cwoking; transient meals; rates reasonable. . East. T384 White Hall Hotel ranished room with prirate bath; exceHent rq. siatn 1898.' . . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Nleely furnished rooms, stsam heat, hot and Cold water, with good tsbl beard. . 333 10th st, corner of Msrfcct Main 0361. J ' j MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 Tenth W tel for basiiness girli st Woderste rata. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 -com an stEp-S. poaca foa T6Wq m:v-. ;imi1i Titt.lt- U'ii-ivu ma. fANCB; HOME PRIVILEGES. " EAST 186. LADT with good horns would lik ta hare tw rAmr ne All eons foe etnlttMS 668 N zia snd Kicoiai. rhone asm 203. WILL glv boy between 6 end S years mother's .ears in ood home. Tabor 4008. , 28 t ' Tth St N. - ; : -v-- ... ; .. lOAKD Sad rooms in widow bouse. 11 huus - e-",: rsobl rstea, walking distaae v 12 H Habtey, nr Lrrbe. Ft. T. r. r ib-RD and room:- widow' heme; horn com--ts; ree-oaabiei a-trng distance. Main 932-. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LARGE roorn splendid Tiew Mountains, suitable 2 men or 2 ladies, furnish if necessary; food horne-cooked meals; homo privileges; 1 5 minutes rrom ownww Q-ifcirict,, s-1-. gig, til WILL board school girl, more for oompary ; no other children; $Z0 per no, . wain. 4 4 J. LARGE, lieht. clean room, with or without board; very .coaveiiienceL Jt . luwa HOME FOR INVALID - AND ELDERLY LADIES, GOOD FOOD, GOOD -CARE AN D4 HOME. 842 WUODMAJU AVK., - UJKJtK E. 27TH ST. WELL furnished room with good board. 70 Flanders sC Mais 1858. BOOM and beard at 143 H 21st st. north; fin cookie. Msin 612. - ' GOOD 8IZEO comfortable room, big closet. suitable for 2. with; breakfast or board. Prirate family. Can East 8282. 8 Bocitei are. f. ROOM nd board, 810 per week: clone in. good location; downstairs front room; suitable for 2 gentlemen. 40 EUa st-, near Wash. Broadway 5878. - - - - BOARD and Moms in widow' home, all home comforts; reasonable rates, walking distance. ZZ7 Vt Halxey, near Larrabee. BT car. TWO room. 1 with sleeping porch, twin beds. running water, excellent meals, H niece irom car: garage next block. Phone Bdwy. 4833. 1 OR 2 GENTLEMAN, ideal home with best Dome cooking nalntiiy eerred. reasonable. Laoa s Aaaition. seuwooa boot. CHILDREN BOARDED BEST OF CARS. - BROADWAY 4211. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED ' 304 FURNISHED 2 rm., sleeping porch. Sd floor; fine new. all convenience, everything fur- cubed. 228 E. 20th, nr. Hawtlur,, E. 7287. mjo novpnoneor can oetore jjewu - FURNISHED houwkeeping roonw, doubie ol single. Gs. Walking distance. Free h slits. bath and phone. Reasonable rent. 049 H Mor- rwon st. Phone Broadway 1B44. TWO large liiht otrtside housekeeping rcoma for rent at 480 Belmont t-. 4 blocks cart of Grand are.; 83-50 to $4.50 per week. - Pbon East 740Z. 814 A MONTH,. 2 elean furnished H. K. rooms, , steam heat.' electric lights, free phono,, laun dry, hot and cold water. 406 Vancouver arc, near Broadway.- ONE and" 2 room furnuaed housekeeping; water. light, bath included : bachelor or married couples; quiet place; walking istancea west (ide. 218 Mill, cor. 1st. HOt'SEKEEPIKG suites. $5 week up; singls H. K. rooms, for men. $3; absolutely dean, every convenience hot water all hours. Th Cadil lae. 3d near Jefferson. LARGE room and kitchenette, single rooms, sleeping porch room, hot water always for baths and laundry, walking distance; nice, quiet place. -Q88 FT nders st. - : - - $16 MO.- Nice H. K. rooms for girls or eouplo' employed; bath, light, heat snd laun dry privileges with rent; easy walking distance. 823 12th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in desirable - neighborhood.. 427 N. 2 1st : eor. Vaughn. Broadway 5581. ' I LARGE single H. K. room, walking disUnce hot and cold water and phono. 188 13th. ear Taylor. 2 LARGE front rooms on first floor, with kitchenette, very reasonable rent. . 427 Monb- fomery st.; near-11th snd 12th. COZY 2 room suit. $25 monthly, Urge, well lurnisnea angle housekeeping room, with con' netting bath, $5 Weekly. 170 10th st. CLEAN Furnished ln gle, double housekeeptng and -alffenaiUF rooms. wsTkinff Hifne 482. Wsa&ngton t.. , . CLEAN H. KU and sleeping rooms. Walking aiatance. nstn. nnone. launarv. H2.iv, w Water St. Main- 5686. , $4 WEEK, large furnished housekeeping room; free phone. - electricity, bath. 031 . Mor- rison. - WELL-FURNISHED H.K. rooms close in. reasonable rent.- East 7279. 324 E. 1st N. - . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric lights. hot and cold water, bath, free phone. 32 per week ana up. 683 Hood st. Main 726. TWO. room apt., also sleeping rooms, with use oi psrior ana Kitcnen. in a modern list. waiting distance. n aJana at-, cor, lgtn. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, with bath, for rent, near a. 1 . car anopa I'hone Auto. 212- 43. ONE and two. room furnished . housekeeping; water, lights, bath included ; rent reduced; waning amtance, west side. 545 H .First. OR 3 H. K. rooms : water, bght. phone: rea sonable rent, well furnished. SUA Clinton mi close in. TWO 2 room H. K. apta.. good home for win- ter, modern, all conveniences, light snd airy; good location, close in. 170 12th. Main 4412. GOOD 3 -room -soartment. 2 scDarste bedrooms. gooa sitcnen, running water; nice tor a or 3 men 194 N. 17th. Broadway 2069. TWO nice, light H. K. rooms, on first floor, water in room, private entrance free phone. ngnt ana water,- H per wee. 4T2 Main st. EXTRA well furnished 1 and 2 room H. K. apt, at 228 Washartoa St. Price 33.50 and up. . TWO toft front H. K. rooms, nartlv furnisherf. -314 month. Or four for 321. 788 Corbett st-j FURNISHED , H. K. rooms ia. two-room spart- ments; very nice ana clean. 413 Msin U . 2 AND 3 room HK. spta. Running water, 306 12th st. elee., phone, good location. 2 FRONT basement rooms a ralufn. runniiur water and electric light, close in. 191 Park. ONE nicely furnished front room for light housekeeping. 808 1 2th. Main 8390. FIRST floor IL K. room. Newly furnu-Ued, A1m casement rooms'. 4 .lerrerson. EXTRA well furnished 1 and 3 room, H. K. . apts st 141 Lownsdale st. Price 33.50 amtnp. ONB II. E. room, 1 sleeping mom, front room. on msin floor. 168 N. 18th. THREE housekeeping room, nicely fura-thed. zos tuj st.-, eor. sa, upststrs. - - ' FOR RENT 2 or 8 K k. rooms; win csr for child. Seawootl 8323. -: FCRNlgttEb hodsekeepihg rooms. 165 Morris street. 3-ROOM H. K. spc. light. phone, gas free; 263 H Weidler at, cfos m: reasonable renk TKHI pleasant front housekeeping room for rent. 34.60 Per week, at 186 14th st H f WO-ROOM fists," 33. single 31.78 per week. 842 Front t., ner Market. ' HOUSEKEEPING' ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 LARGE unfurnished H. K. rooms, $1 per week. lev t s ront si t ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 H. K. BOOM. beat. bght. Phone, bath, bice laundry, welkin, distance. $14 a month will take car of child if mother works. 887 College sx assin siov. DESIRABLE aecond fioor front room for H. . K., slseping porch, bsth, gsa, electricity, phone, ' 88. SO -week; suitab! for working girL Main 5412. FURNISHED H. k .rooms, neat . snd clean. Close in. Near Stevens school. Bent rem - so-able. 871 E. 7th st S. CLEAN, pleasant H. K. rooms. 1 block from Broadway;-easy walking distance: dose to 3 carline. 329 Rots. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,' yard, side entrance, close in wen aiae, l o per monu. 246 Lincoln. THRkl 1 nice, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch, privet pbon, reasoa able; adnlta, 511 vgodhey ve. LADT would rent part of house to soma coupl er omou with baby. 4p. 7th at. S. E. Mt Scott, car. ONE targe furnished BL. K. room, completely furnished, free tight, water. separate entrance; Sdults only; 2 blocks from csr. Wdln. 8873. HOUSEKEEPING snd single rooms: nght, heat - ana use ei laanary room, l sge it nee caty or Montavills ear. 83 H E. 16th st N. CLEAN, pleasant H. K. room. 1 block from Broadway; easy waiag dlstaaces close ts o car. lines. s-9 ttoss. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, also up- per fist 831 Clack : . w se in. ne twee li E. 1st tnd 2d. HOUSEKEEPING suite' with pore-. 154 N. 18th. $25 ALL tower floor. 8 nice rooms, bath, wa ter, ufnra. tie Vancouver ave. tHRg- UnfnVh .' rooms to private home. Wdln. 5388.. X HOUSEKEEPINQ moms, 612 month, near tore and csr. 494 Magnolia st Wdln. 4725. UNFURNISHED, room to private -684 . poruiwia. e. n NICELY norm wick, et.. ner rsrgov aTMfiin . rrVtM SMamw : 31 l-ARia-fck I runt tjom mil eQUivtied for botat. - - ..wl. Iflll a t a Tiu jvt rc-ar rcmwiMiyin. a i -j -1st TWO furnished housekeeping room, with sleep ing porch, privste family. 713 E. Bnrnsido.. PLEASANT nraisbed II. K rooms, lew-r floor. reas-niHe. 690 E. BurnsWe. ONE 6 room apt., 1 2 room ap-i ell euttid rooms. 863 Last Mill st Pbon E. 2949. LARGS room with kitchenet , 14 k. istk. FUBN1SHED f room, .shot itSTT- FOR RENT FURNISHED . AND UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 306 SEWLJ furnished - front orner room, suitable for 2 : modem Vernon bnngalow, axe of kitchen and dining room: bath, liehte. water free, $2.50 3 50 per ' week; 2 block to 2 car lines. E. 17th st. N. -- 2 NICE H. K. BOOMS OX FIRST FLOOR NEAR SCHOOLS. 413 3D ST. 2 FINE housekeeping rooms, everything fur akhed. furnace heat, electric light, aaa for cooking, walking distance: 2 people, no children; price $35 441 ri Couch, cor, itn. East lain. FOR BENT With private family, 2 larre front moms, nicely f urnwhed for. nght houneksep- ing: suitable for 4 adults. 424 Sd St.. corner rialL Mam Beau. 2 LARGE front rooms for lie tit housekeeping ; also one large room on ground Uoor with kitchenette and running water. ravata i trance. 248 N. 20th. ' - 2 LABffE sleeping . rooms for business couple. with housekeeping pnmego or board. -Near park; bath, telephone, garag. 1024 Holgata. Sellwood 1112. . $7 per month, furnished bacnetor s h. k. room. steam heat, electric bghts. laundry hot and cold water, free phone.. 406 Taacouver avenue. near Bdwy. 11 WILL rent 4 furnished rooms, white enamel kitchen, dining room, fitting room and bed room to responsible parties; I furnish light, gas. beat, bath, phone. 9 J 1X2 Sd t- Sell. 5 7 5. AP ARTMENTS--FURNISHED 307 FINE, furnished, modern S-room apt., every eonvemmce. rent .reasonable. Apply at once. Arbor Court Apt.. 14th and Columbia st.. Apt. 85. - ' THE JEFFERY 2-room furnished' apartments $16. Corner BuawU nd Kerby sts. 'Et 1894. LARGE. lLbt. front 2 room apu. On Ker.toc ear. 20 minutes to town. Adult. 822.80. Albina ave. at Lombard St. Wdla, 2642 or Auto. 511-73. Cariois Apartments 2-roam furnished modern spartmecW icaaoav- sble. Fourteenth and Market sta. THE STANF1ELD Clean, outside 2 room spta tLigt. beat phone. $20 and $22.50. Main 1392. SHEFFIELD APTS., 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; also sin! basemen room for gentleman. sr:fiuiriDc- uhtci s-. . , v.k V "i v.. . - - ". . , v.,. (Jlraa. modern, completely rumisned. 1 and S room outsid pt.. ressonsbU; ! itotiK roc mi. 33.50 per wk. np. Kinsr Albert Apartments. - 3 and S-room furnished, strictly modern, til bath, elevator, 11th snd Montgomery. Hits 659. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST.. .3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS. - MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS Two rooms, furnished, hsrdwood floor, els vi tor, strictly modern;-sll outaidss walking dis Unce. Sstt Third st. - BAN MARCO E. 8TH AND "COUCH $ BOOM MODERN AtPT. E. 2312. 2 FURNISHED apts.. good house and furniture. 1 block to car. Bent 525 -and 839. includ ing gas, - phone and lights. 585 Commercial St., near Emanuel hospital. Harrison Court - 2 snd 3 room furnished apartmcntob 394 mtB st. lJUNDEE APTS. . Housekeeping rooms, $2 to 15 I week. 350 14 -Ttwthorne sve. East 825. 2-ROOM furnished Xront spartment, bath tnd phone. Nokomis Apt.. Bdwy. 4964. - WANT couple of young ladies to share large apartment - with sisters employed. Everything new and modern; use of piano. Alice court, 8th Burnside. Bent to suit. Call after 6. East 232. THE.GROVER -. .- 181 G rover st, nicely furnished' 1 and 2 room housekeeping spto., low rates.- Mam 9058 PORTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porches, well furnished, walking dis tance, adult. 200 East ' 13t , phone East 4276. , ; THE WATSON Two 2 room and 1 single, steam heated. 341 Harrison, jpmtr -Broadway. -. -J- - - BEAUTIFUL west aid front pt-. lrg room. - alcove and kitchenette.- 1 lars f roat room, lit floor, for light housekeeping; also ai-gl nowseaeepmg room. ays west j'srs. Katlierine Apartments 149 N. 23d, 3 room spartment. 842.50 and up: roomy, with nice kitchen. Marshall 2998. 30ZANTA' APTS. ' Nicely furnished 4 room front apt. 183 -3d sj. Maransil -94 j. TH E EDENHOLM 2 and 3 room furaisbed apts.; modem convni encee: private bsths; $25 to $36 per month. LAM BROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST.. CORNER 11TH For rent, reasonable. 2 room furnished apt Esst 4062. Bellingham Apartments ' 421 T5. Morrison Bt" ' 1 snd 2 -room suites. H. K. 'rooms, ressonsble. ktNG'S HILL APATMENTS ' Well arranged , spacious 5-room apt. In' one of best houses in city. $80. References required. 171 King, Main 3744. HAWTHORNE APTS.. 3 and 5 room fasnlshe? apts.. private bath, hot and cold water; 3.0 and 843. 666 Ficst L, bet Lincoln and Grant. WW fllQO ' CUMBERLAN'b "APART MfcS'f S ' ' ' 3 room apartment, thoroughly renovated, all outside room, walking distance, . West Park srxi t ommbia. GARFIELD 8 room, deeping porch, hardwood floors, well furnished, and clean: .very rea- tonsble. 361 K. FaiUng, 1 block west, Union st. Phone Woodlswn 4662. WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS 8ixth and Madison 4-room comer - furnished apartment for rent: now vacant. Mam 5582. 2-ROOM apartment, first uoor, place lor car in yard, S-i; ether room ether prices. 171 13th cor. YsmhilL Main 9451. FURNISHED and unfuro-bed.' cool' lint - and S-roont apartment. 1678). E. - Glisan st.. cor. 60th. Tsbor 7025. - tWO 2 -room beta., nicelx furnished. Gss ranrn. heat, lights and phone. Nice location, in pri vate nome; close tn. eeiiwooa toes. COMFORTABLE H. K. and sleeping room; 2- room apartment 313 and up. Also single room. 71 E. llth il K. NICELY furnished bedroom, next to bath, steam - heat, aear Good Bamaritaa hospital, exehsaged. Msia 8449: . -- Kef. 8 -ASD 4. room furnished and unfurnished. strictly modem: alevstor! reason bl rent 228 J. 20th. Bdwy. 2071. FOB SALE High-grade, complete furnishings of room spsrtment owner leaving city. Apt iot rent jsortoo Apt. Mats 4128. THE ALTAkONT Ipf S.. -04 COLtEd - CooL cocy. modern 8 and 4 room apts.. rea- NICE, clean, cloee-in pto, and deeping- ire lis at. water aaa p-ona. 943 hk Wash ington. ' 3 ROOM apt, private bath, with or without garage, near o. f. aoep. 7.1 Milwaakw st. Sell. 1719. 5 ROOM upper flat, furnished, light wster. phone and gas to cook. $25. 32 E. 79th st. p. TSbor ls. 8 BOOM APARTMENT. WALKING DIS- l.TANCK. 33.BO PER WEEK. MAR. 1299. ZO itiTISKSU.V. - BOOMS, nicely furnished, privste bsth. piaaa. 1623 V. E. Glisan et. Tiber 9978. modern 3 room furnished spartment pre Tate bath, steam best, hot water. East 8611. THE ALBRKT furnished apt. steam test, pri vste pstn. 84B s attwiwuppt sve. TWO APARTMENTS. i30 had $32.iu" modera. egr Tsyior. - . - a Li. comfLeTw. i.i.iu" APARTMENTS UNFURNBHED 308 Ionian Court aGunASD . Four room front corner pt,-nwly renovated. Adults; cms tn. Bdwy. 2Till. FOR FURNISHED or tuuunus-cd. apanment all Bdwy. 2664. or oall at ,Lawa apart ments. 18th aad Davis. GRACE APIs.. 4th and Northrup.'. mod. I autsad rooms,- Newly deberatad. Front and alaeping porches. Janitor servic. East 1309. I -BOOM apartment, private bath, sle-p.ng pore-. private entraaee: aauiu; , reicreooea. at Montremerv et; evenm-. UNKl KMSHLD at.U. The KsmI, E. 18th t Yamhill.- 4 room apt. New msnagemeat Fhcne East 8232. Wstking fli-tsnfe'. dmt. . FOR RENT 2 lam rooms, around floor. 68 Powell st. New, eleaa. gas, electricity, toilet. i- ti: montB. - - - THE ORMONDE 6 room unf-rMdapT 636 nawdeTs,pr-sdwsy- 3l73v . 4 OR 6 ElHM front anartmenvi private to . 42 M worth. WdUt 6633, FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WAYNE STREET NEAR SUNG . ' 8 BOOM I NFI RNISHED APT. r 870 AU larre outaido rooms, . with best of surroundings and walking distance of 6 th and vtaKhtnston. Adults. SMITH WAGONER CO.. STOCK: EXCH. PORTNOMAH 200 E 1SU; phone Eeat. 4278. Garfield. 861 Failing; phono Wood lawn 4662. S and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floor. Clean and reasonable. . STEVENS aptf., 791 Northup, near 24th; 6 large cunny outside rooms, front, back snd sleeping- porches; heat, water, yard. Pboa Main 0838. - GflLb ATTS. 4 -room unfurnished apt., big cheerful rooms; 8 -room furnished. 894 Guild, near JtJd aad Thurman. Main 8706. 8 ROOM unfurnished apt.: running water. - tricity. gaa. 176 E. tth. eor. TamhllL FTJT3-i-4TJRNISHED 309 FOR RENT Lars 6 room funuabed upper flat, rear sleeping porch; adults only: a month. 591 Will isms ave. Apply 893 WUluun ave. Woodlswn 10V6. rrKMSHKU ft eloae m. for- rent to sponsible nrty until ucv . raoa uroaawar 4S1B IN IBVINGTON. 3-room b. k. suite, suits bl for X or 4 people: clean and well lurmsnea. u eonveniencee: near Broadway car. 412 E. 9th K MODERN, dean, light, airy 4 -room upper flat. completely furnu.bed. piano ana sswmg chine, 325. Woodlswn 1018. . t-KOOM turubned flat. -26 Vughn Mont-omerr. Wsrd. 820; adulta. Call at 743 H Roosevelt. Mar. 3719. 5-ROOM flat. Nob HilL fireplao. modern, 701 Everett st.. Bear 21t. - MODERN fit room flat, walking disteoc. Msin 2350. NICE 5 -room furnished flat, close in; lklng distance. 73 Union ave. N. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 WEST side near I -add school, .3 modern rooms. Sunday Main 3431. week Mala 3744. 2 to 6 1 clock. ' UNFt'RNIbHED flat. 5 room lower flat. 833. Walking distance; 633 E. Main. Phone East 8994. Adults preferred. THREE room modern Oat. extra good, clot in. - east side, everything private. Et 7 th and Couch ; $30. East 1316. f .. HOLLADAY addition, modern 8 room upper flat. ga stove, water heater, dose in, -; adults. 291 . 2d st. . cor. Multnonun. FOR RENT Unfurnished flats. 414 and 414 East Harn'on st. Phone Coramnia oio. 4-ROOM lower flat, private th and entranca. I 624 6th st. M0DRN S-room Oat, 67 Nevada street ear. Fnltoa 6-ROOM flat. Nob HilL .fireplace, modem. 7011 vans St.. near -1st. SAVE carfare. Nice 5-room Cat, dose Apply 449. Belmont. B-Ril. flat faf rent, modern. 211 Curry. "XtaTn 8808. 4 ROOM flat, for rent. 575 E. Burnsid. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 PIANOS moved $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight"; 30 days' free storags on all household goods; furniture moving 1-ton track, 82 per hour large truck 32.75 per hour; we are experienced and have cood use kin. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer V Storage Co.. 104 N. 6th st. Open Sunday and vemns 7 ROOMS, modern house, on 15 th snd Clinton. " 6 rooms, modern house, 683 -Clinton at. a rooms; modern house. 5ZT E. 17 tn t- v . 10 room house, 13th and Division. call at 3-4 Front sc. i none Main 7suo. MODERN 7-room house. 64th and Glisan ate.. fireplsc. stationsry wash trays, furnace, largs enicxen nous, garaeo. inquire mornings, i Ross St.. bet. Page and Russell sta. . FOR KENT Modem 7 room boose: hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace ; 2 blocks from et. Johns 'ear; lot 60x150. For appointment sell Columbia 1262. - e 3 OR 4 rooms, part furnished or unfurnished. 1 1 i v .1 ikl. . gas. eiocinciiy. iuu . Da-eueou ouu a. oj- i Center its. Sellwood cat, 4 blocks west. i ELK TRANSFEk s -JOHaGB CCIl 16 Dsvs B rate Frv. FumHnr moved for lee. Broedwsy 2446. FOR BENT 3 room house,' 118 low St. j $2250. Call Msin S310, or th next door I esst. WHEN shoving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Greea Trana. Co.. 1261. 202 H Alder t FOR RENT, good 2 -room house, Mt. Scott car to Tremont. 4 block south, 4 block west, be- rore a. m.. arter e p. m. FOR RENT 3-room cottage and sleeping porch. $12.50. 6S2 Tinea at, t. Jobs' ear, key at house in rear! - - - ' 8 ROOM hoe. suitable for 2 families or room- ing house to rent. Opea from 2 to 6.- 415 Tillamook, st. Phone East 7076. SIX. room house, newly tinted, full basement. ' IK block carline; 340. Will 8iv loaae. 25th I ann invmion. iao Division. MODERN bungslow, fnrnsre, flreplsce; close Jefferson high school: sdults: references: 845. vo9 Vancouver ave. woodlawa 199, FIVE room houaa for rent, walk in- distaaca. 875 I r com si. . I TO RELIABLE tenant, sdalta. modem home, 1 not-water beaung system, bos e. 30th st. S. FIVE rooms, W-S car,- nic lawn, shade' trees. -a. Kyaer Realty Co.. Aut. e.o-90. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, at 6547 81st rt. p. ., SIB ROOMS, modern, large iot, oa . carline, 621 uesum ave., wooniawn csr. WE mots furarturo of B-4-3 room house for 110. For further i-formsrstm. aseiu sivv. ROOM house. . 94 East 8th Everett tnd Flanders. East 836 N. between 17.50 7 ROOM bouse. 812 20th, West aide. Walking distance. 5-KOOM house. 315. 8009 41st a've. S. B. HOUSES -r-URrNLSHED 312 OR BENT 8 room bouae, very nicely fur- nisned. west side, close ia: SlUO a month to responsible people. Owner will lease for year or more. Jofanson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 8787. FOR BENT In Irrtngton. besutlfuiiy furnished lu room no use. new grsna ptsno snd grsto nola Included: csrtt. 1 block from street cat. Phone East 3090. ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE. WiLLJAMS REALTY CO., 617 46th. SEVEN-BOOM furnished bouse, furnace, fire- Plsce and ptsno. 1 yesr lease. 860 ner mrnith, first and last month In advance. East 6192. t-tii. -I --' fa 11 : -I'.l- I ii, u uri. . . tt: auut u. mikuj uu- I ... .-. J ' ii . it LADY ith litue girt will rent part of house .... w - ABOUT Sept 1. 6-room bouse, finely located. east Me, v si ning urn nign scuooi dutnet Furnace. Information. 172 Park st NICELY furnished 7 room modem bungslow. wita sleeping porcn: ptsno. incraaea: a parrot for sale. Inquire at 959 E. 20th N. ROOM bouse, funushed 6 weeks 830. in clndee light xt water. Wdln. 4034 or Ta bor 9274. 825 4-ROOM furnished hoise. wster. phone, tas. na. Close in, walking oistaao. . aauits space in yara lor autow 4 -.incoin. FIVE-ROOM . house, nicely furnished ; also 3 room tanas ihed upper flat loo KkMmore st I 4 ROOM furnished boas, tor rent: aaa. liahta. 325 a month. Adnlta only. Can 104 Btantoa st PARTLY furnished 8 room cottsce, eleaa. '146 Beech st, near Misswippt ave. . - 5 ROOM how, furnished. $24 per month. 602 E. 18th P., near Powell -street -RM. furnished modem house. 840. Tabor 6743. . 1-3- Beunont , , .... . 2 ROOM furnished cottage, light bath,- 686 i-exTygrove sv. - WIDOW will share home with congenial ceopfe. nwn warn, izib. . HOUSES-iaiRNITURE FOR SALE 313 MODERN 4-room cottage iur teat. god tui-f tare for sale, ktta 7061. STORES AND HALLS 314 820 VERY attractive location far dry good. notions, etc : nice, larre - More and livina nna in last-growing eigupornoeu ea car line. navea Brreev. v ocaiswu sxib. - CORNER store far rent; will rent part 114 1st and Wash. East 6704. WANTED A auia to rent half ptaea, at 21 "sn. sr.. iot men s lumisnings. sun desirable Pbeae Bdwy. 8713. OFFICES AND PnnM HI jPNS nicety furnished de-rshi etiice or dot a., mi a, yv . b-u.bui, -depaoae Bun- DESK room, wits tewyheae and tLaaaTaB rnone nroaowiy an SUMMER RESORTS 318 TOLOVAXA PARK. Cannon Beach Now k the time to cntoy you Vacation. Red need rates for September at this Wonderful beach. . C . I v uigaray tcm, jr. . "1909 couare. Long Beach. Wa-h.. ft-r rent - m Beet. 639. Facing the meadow., p ttiest place ow beech. 4614 K. 4 1st.' Wood'trx-t ear. TENT ho for rest Seaside, toduding snta -parang apace, vau aux. asst. er -tax. ill. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES ' ren tax. B.au I your knsmi. flat oc AM its wU ws: nick teeults and roud tenant. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS BEcuBrrr storage 4k transfer co. . 63 Fourth st, opp. MuItnoh Phono Broadway 8716 WANT to rent 8 or 6 -room bou for owe yr. pcanea an km t of AW4. M- ha Bear ear. not Too far out nor over 823. Adutca cwjy. Bart of raferencaa. Give full particulam mm re ply. T-794, Jowma- - waS-ted-bent HorsfcA Vs AS'Tfib SEND IN YOCB VACANT HOUSK3 , -SEE THE TELLOW SKJN" 8MTTH-WAtNER CO. STOCK EXCH. WANTED Unfurnished modem bouae. T to T4 rnwma, emaa us, win ssas pisisrrsa. sssrsnyi s. WANTED i or 4 room fum-d bou-S by Sepc 1. Call WdTn. 4847. BUSINESSPROPERTY 401 GOOD value with Rvenlativ DOsibIitie. 67000. 63x100 corner. Williams ave. aad Wevtier; 2 store doww. four 4-room Oats ap; 82690 eash. goov yearly at per cent. T. B. unsl, in Haignt ave. Phone Woodlawa ss. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE LOTS 403 GOING TO BUILD T LOOK THESE 0TE8 700 1 5x100. Garfield are., near Skid more, everything paid. 1 700 60x100 on 50th near Division. fruit, shade tree, everything paid. t 700 50x100. 8. Portlaad. corner, paved street, very fin lot. SHOO SOxibo. E. 21th oser Knott, ay erything included. - $1600 50x100. comer. E. 23th and Knott, everything paid. ' 81000 60x100, Broadway, near 35 th, 1700 75xl$. C 62d Bear Stork, ev en thing dear. 890--100x103, corner lot, oa 61rt, iaewix , ana curnng, . gtrwt Traded. -I $ 350 30x1 0d, comer 40th avenue and t 45th street, everytning Included. $150050x100. Lauralhurst. Multaomsb near S tn. everytning nK 1210(975x100. Laurslhnrst, Haselfcra near Glisan. evervthinc paid. ' $1330 54x140. Imperial avenue, every thing in and-paid. . - -$1230 30x100. Piedmont, verything in and paid. $1300 100x100, X. 17th aear Dirialoa. verything . clear. - . , : Henry W. Goddard REALTOR. 243 Stark at . Mala 831. 3 ACRES NORTH PARKB09B TBEES. TRKKH. TREES $20 DOWN 820 month, total payment 6 per sent Inter est included. Bunning strmm. ' rich silt ' laad. beautiful building sit.. about bU cleared; bal ance in shade trees, north of Bandy blvd. and carline; no building restricuaj; km county Uxe; ne street improvements to psy. great pue for chickens, garden aad berries. Price omy uio. i. L, HABTM AN COMPANY. 8 Chsmber of Commerce bkbr. Main 208. Branch Office end of Park rose carline. v - Phone Tsbor 2904. Open every day 4 thi today. $21.50 MONTH 3 ACRES PABKR08B $21.50 'down, shade treea, en ea of the im nMii au ,. aus "i'7. .,;- Ri,h -4,n .u tu, . .h-rt dm. mount ance north of Sandy blvd. aad carline, Price $2130. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY 3 Chamber of Commerce bklg. Mala 203.. . . Brtoeh Office tad of paikroe carline. Open every day. LOTS aear Reed college and golf Haka, with averv imDroventeat and atural -' adva-tege. at an Average price of . about 5800: term May we show you r.ssi morel nor - - . . LAUD ESTATE CO., Bealtor 346 STARK ST. 1RVINGTON DISTRICT 8878 $100 down. $10 a month, all im provements paid, near achool. car and new park. Surrounded by new home. Bee us at ence. InhneAM.nAffeAM r". 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mai 8787. CORNER LOTS with T1 Street tm provements ia and paid. 8600 to 31200 each; insido pU la proportiotv; 'fie streetcar service, ia Westmore land. For terms see LADU ESTATE- CO.. Realtor - 248 STARK ST. . 3568 8100 DOWN 810 A MONTH 60x100. fine soil for garden. block to car. 6 Dior as to scbooL See as st once. JohnsonDodson Co. 638 If. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. CLOSE to Jefferson high school oa KU 1 togsworth sve., w hav 60100 tot t the low price of 8600. $160 down, bal ance to suit at 6. Riely & Gustafson 1S03 Yeon bids.' Marshall I486. LISTEN TO THIS 81050 CORNER LOT ON ALAMEDA DRIVE All imDrovementa are naid ea both sides, to eluding pavement aawer, sidewalks, curb aad water. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 1 62$ Henry bldg I Broadway 47 94 I 1JTIT 1 1 00 LOTS 1 1 90 i - - - j 7t carline; water and gaa; beautiful district ; 60s i i level tov tor i vu. aney re seiuna iiae . I ., 1 $5 monthly. Bus- 650 worto of lumber and build a shsc and forget ta lent Call today. COMTK A K0HLMAN. 308 Cham, of Com. bldg. Msia 6580. $700 $50 DOWN $10 A MONTH AB Improvements is and paid. Oa car. hear School. See a at once. Johnson-Dodson Co 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3187. SACRIFICE SALE . NEAR AlNSWORTH AYE. 100x100 lot walking distance to two park. Beet -district. Price only, $700. Ask for Mr. Pownder. Msr, 2243. 4S D0W5T 1 cr. beantifnl building Kite, dose In. do to eat. aad pa tad highway; finest gar den soli: $9 per month and Interest per eent Maia 620L. MR HOM E BUILDER Let m csil your s Men- boa to th beauty spot of all -Portland, when aatur ha done more to beeutifr the borne ftitea than to anw other wart nf the eit. If sT'wS, 'r "to YTkon vT tTbiock t U looking for a homesite se the Iota. Take I BUT Tnkon are. Neal Brown. SeU. 8282, AU Improve BMata to aad paid. This it real value. Johnson-Dodson Co 1 6am f W tk M Main 3787. 34 LOTS ea Dfftatoa st. from 6200 to $330. Terms. Restricted di-trict J. P. McKEXNA. REALTOR, . Belmont at 39th. Tsbor 3493. Iglt U TO BELL TOL'ft'Lof Johnson-Dodson Co. K W. Bank BMg. . Main 8787 ... . : i TQCR t OPPOHTUNITT Laurelhamt lota, while they last at trrmely low prices. See t. A. McCarty. 7H tark. Msin 1700. Evetitnrs. Tsbor 6061. TWO LOTS ia U-wauee near earlia, valtte 4700. WiH eeU fee SSta Writ at Om ItVlOO Da 1 affvOO, 47fa lauRELHtRsl Lof SArgain See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark t Main 1100. Evenifig-, Tabor 6081. HOUSES 404 BCY from . owner, modem CH Ms-hsU 2119. sfter 3 p. m. MOUfcRN 6-reom eouas to AiberiA disiAet. $2800. temuk Call 671- i ersoa 9t , - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 REAL HOMK BARGAINS EAST PAYMENT PLAN Mors than 1209 rbotngvaph at ala. IF NECESSARY we U betp row mate yowr I " down paymaat. . Serview men! Select yowr om If T MOVE IN NOW I, Apply yowr , bones later. I v' Ope- eveninss antl 9 00. 28 mleemen at your servjc. 84690 EAST TEEMS! You east get ahmg wrtnout connieat Bungalow use tan TODAY! Everything to mk yew r iuwuai iighwrl Hardwood .floors: rrsri f- bsffet; furwaee; ftrep re; 6 , airy room in a MUCH IN DEMAND ' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Garage; ' VL 4 X4 at. 12590 3300 do-rat East Tsmhill St.. sub stantial modem T room Hawthorne home. Just renovated: fireplace; VA CANT, close to car and school. 33230 $300 doww! HERB S WHERE THE BOAD BEG IN 8 1 - A cheery, happ Bose City bungalow, with a uiet. reM ful homiy appeal; 4 rooms, with every modem ceaventsace; woBderful fresh greea law : wealth of flower: treea etc; gsragej COME DOWN AND SEE THIS1 E. 7 Id st. 84T50 For a large family this Is a splendid. uno-pneatod home bergaia la Alberta ; I T rooms in A-l eoBdiUoa : yesy prac tical floor arrenarBMat: all light room 4 sun ay bedrooms aad steeping porch. etc $8250 Oa Borthwick st. near Jeseup. con venient to Jefferson high, library aad - carbarn; very attractive aad Beat 8 1 room ban-atow: woodwork and ivory: -tapestry paper; built-ine : fireplace: 60 X100 lot with fruit, flower, shrub- bery. : INVESTIGATE TJiLSl Terms. Opea this evening for your cooveaieace. FRANK L. McGTTRE. Te Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abingtoa bg. . Main 1068. Sd St.. between Washingtoa and Stark. LITTLE COUNTBT HOMIS In SUNDERLAND ACRE8. at East 2Bth aad Columbia bird. Rich river bottom lands, fruit snd vase tables grown ia Abundance ; road bow being built to choice traete, outsid dty Ha lts, low taxes, 6 to 20 acre tracts. 8400 to $600 per acre, easy terms. If Interacted ia dose la ereg where your investment is atoolutely secure. ct ukly, for this tract will eJl test. ' Elrod&Dryef 0WNEB8 -283 Stark St Broadway U88 p0rTT1n- HeTgHT- BCtLb-Jg &.' 8600 down snd 825 monthly buys a 4-room rustle cottage, with 8-10 of an acre or ground; all kinds of native trees aad assorted bearing trees and berries. It is located to a district of home oa paved street aad has cost the owner nearly 87000. - W are bow aathor- isa to oiler tins property? lor 64600, whiea I includes - street work. - Tax t nam per or vommeroe - - ' $4200 Terms .. - 733 E. 63d ST. N.' BOS-! CTTT CAB ' Just completed, strictly modern. 6 raoam sad large steeping porch, fireplace,- hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen. . breakfast Book with portable tables, ate.) plenty bsflt-lna, fine plumbing and fixture; elegantly finished la ivory and white; taat front lot, comer: sewer, et. included ; foil cement basement; best plan yoa ever saw. See this today. Owner ba premise 1 to 6. or phpo East 6316 day or Woodlawa 1650 evsaings. -. "BUILT TO EN DUBS" 6100 to 38009 - INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better. House fog s-ms Honey. BEDIM ADE BLDO. CO.. PORTLAND, OR! E. llth and Market Phone East 8ll4. ttowatowa ealaa off ice. Confmon wealth bldg. th snd Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4838. Mr. & Mrs. Homeseeker ! Just Look at This: room cottage, 50x100 lot dose to ear and store and srkool. 81200. I bar ataay, others . from 82500 to 84500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR. 214-21 Panama Bldg. e 6-BOOM BUNGALOW BY OWNER 'Modem 3-room bunralow. double constructed. v.,li i a i a . v,.ii . . -..... i. t . '. . charming living and dining rooms, hardwood floors, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen and- fine 1 bsth: A-l plumbing, big floored attic all rooms nicely plastered and tie ted; good location oa paved street convenient to 2 csr unea, school and stores: will be sold oa easy terms er lea for cash. inquire iua . Ztn. st. HOUSES FOR S A LE FT el-, free cstissate. f re sdric. Talk vrhh our practical bail ng ma a. "No eash pay ment dowa." Let a build . for yoa ea easy repayment pia. "SCH-HOUSE- BUILDING COW Oa Sd. bet. Stark and Wash. jl6 Abington Bldg. ' FINE new madam 4-room famished or anfarniahed bungalow, a bargain, oa 33d st Berth. , Braham & Wells 301-3 Ouch bldg. CLOSE TN. NEAR SANDY BLVD. 82850 EASY TEBMS 2Vi blocks Rose City sad MonUvilla ear. modem, eoay 4 room house, pleasant surround- I togs, paved street good elect rie fixture, wash trays, extra dra-ang room and doset bsth, 2 Royal Anne cherry trees. 8ee owner today. i-z K. ZTtn St. n. East 601 z.- NEW unfinished 4 room bungalow; owner de- homes foi " mmw - " - mmmr mu s i is iu mrmnm turn buy It; a good tot. e-y payment-. Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. Vf. Bank bMg. Mdn 3181. WE DRAW PLANS , -WB BUILD W. HELP FINANCK Take your building prableai to as, we mve yoa moaey. - HEDSTROM OONSTBUCTIOM CO. - 614 Henry Building. Pbon Bdwy. 1831 ROOM Queen Ana bungalow, a seerifire, 88550. 3600 cash) this is a buy. Braham & Wells 307-8 Coach Bid. SIX ROOM HOUSE - Close in. 1 blk. car, 4 bll. school: 1m toovament paid: yuat vacated; move ta to day. Price 829fM: will take automobile p to 8-0 or 6600; 6-100 eash. balance to oit yon. E. B. S.. 6LS Couch bldg. IBVINGTON 3 room ma-sir, doubla con strue ted bungalow, strictly mo era ; sac rifice for cash. Maia 6327. $2500 NIFTY 4 room bungalow at Multaomal 1 station: all city ceovea-mee. Breplaee. aieeo- ing porehj gsrage: eesy term. UUIWU.V MU-IUAUS IX).. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1 370. ATTRACTIVE 8-reom mom bung-low. furni ture, full eeaacnt Basement, Isnuw, trait tree aow ew -e-., mb m war, so iviiit, one very naoniM, vwaw aisx. - naodr stock v. i ROOM new aad iera bunaalow ea east aide at $4200 and term to suit. Maia 6023 Braham & Wells ; 807 Couch bldg. BOSS CITY DISTRICT 3 room bouae, water and light full -hud lot. close t cer, only 3800. t It beets feat Be Royal. 73d and Sandy. . . J ROOMS, modern except ae garage. . large - wooded grounds. $43. Irwin, end of Por te Oder t Tk Portland Heights car to Pattoa read. 4 Works wtet ' 1 FOR SALE- room. Ung-low. 1. 5. ie&, d garage: fruit, berries and garden. Mt mil t edce: bf e ner. half blk. from Weduck ear. 832 E. gist st city. 8200 CASH. 4-mem banf 1 a splendid bar- . gain. 81900. Maia 7086 or . 3592. WEisTUofifcLASb HOMK liooo 8300 caeh; electric light-, bath, raved st. 3 block er. 4 srhont Be st T. O. Bird. Realtor. Mar. 1 62. " I 81730 siuo cash, t room moera houn; a J - good kargaia. Woodlawa $944. Elf4-. -"! tOT "ir ! 01400 wiUltato details, drive ewt to 181 Multnomah st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Ex-Service Men, Attention! . Rose City Park Bargain $45GO Folks. w have rs solesxtid bwmmlewa at 84300 aach that am really wonder. Owe lo cated below too bill wear 8 sdy. with a bvina room, hardwood - floora. real h-aeet to goodnma fireplace - and ewe of Uteea kind of furnaeea that s mad for sere wmther. AU you need to mm is to hisiiate either of these spWadid home. We'll wager you U fmd thing like there to the district for U asoney. Tow know . we - rather sne-ialie to BOSS CITI PARK aad LACK ELHl'RST.. and if ymm -- r" . T- " buy to either of the-a diatr-ta. Tri . wove got aom wsaninm edsbtton to oar dowawwa office I w have ha oftme at 40th aad Baady. Pboa I eirner erare. If row re going te bay la hay f rorUsnd't beet districts, yow ewe M to yourself to make e r aesraaiBtancc, to see tgr yourself the et-w- am vara otierro ea aom oc wiuca use noau I eaa be applied. t A.C. TEEPE CQ OCACTOCrS A - rSuOAsiCC i ' 2 TO CTMMcffT w l yriAioCArY. 3 ROOMS AND GARAGE BOSK CITY PARh $3000 ONLY 370 DOWN This hoe baa been built tboat tww year. Everything is to A-l eesutitton; bardweetf fleers ta living "loom and dining room: ts p try paper; n bath room. 8 bedroom aad a large attic, large enough for two bedrooms, but not finished: cement barmnt. If yom caa pay 867.50 a asantb. which includm all totermt, you caa buy tb patee with a small payment down. One-hall block off of paved street and 3 M Mocks from no tat Park car. . 1- J. t- HARTMAN COMPANY S Chamber of Commerce bide Breach office 48th aad Bandy blvd. j CHOICE BUNGALOW WONDERFULLY -LOCATED - i Thi ideal 8 -recta bungalow ia located 1 block from Mt. Tabor ear with view of mountains and beautiful valley. If .you d air a classy tittle borne call at 1884 B. Yamhill and t-et thi property. If yea -wnl not admit it to be the mo t choice view location ea east side and mat t cUasy bun galow yea hav ever inspected I will pay yoa well for your trouble. Take the tim to look thi ever or call at 102 North western Bank bktr , nd to-pect picture. 1 BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS ! If yoa have clear lot aad 8300 we will build yoa a modem bungalow. ON THE PENINSULA New. ha never hesn oecuoied. doal ana-1 atructed 4-room bungalow with full plumbing: with laundry tray; 60x100 let. Price $286o; 5S30 cash. - : : ' C W SES3i3 fir v 132 Chamber of Commerce COZT 4-ROOM BUNGALOW . - j ONLY 833003600 CASH ! Thi brsnd new bungslow ha real fir place, buffet, oak floors,. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, eement basnent large com bins ti on living and dining room, 3 fine bedrooms, full lot, double eoaatrncted throng bout Call t R. I MoGRXW. ! . 1089 .Hawthorne ate. Tabor 3832; ftoNt's UfeN ATTfirffioS T New room house to Hawthorn -district, with hardwood floors. Preach door, Dutch kitch en, full cat-eat bemeat Ivory interior fiaish and en paved street T a reliabl cx-Mrvice man who w eltgibls for th state ken. the owner" will sell for 3200 -down payment- d reaMmsDia. toootmy paymeots anal the loan as available. Price 14750. Call today. Marvfaall 863. 603 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Maui 1968. READ, READ, BEFO-E YOU BUY . We help with the first payment if neeesairy. 327008 r.. 42 and Hawthorne, bungalow. 38400 6 r., 44 aad Hawthorae. furshad. 136236 r.. 81 and Bdmoat. corner. -324506. r.. 83 and Alder. $160 00 eash. s-oou o t. i and Salatoa. bargata. A few of oar maay bargatoa. We have trade, at H kinda CLOW, Realtor, 88 and Belmoat A to 223-80. FOR BALK by owner, pretty a-room bungalow with er without furniture; large attic and tleeptnr -porch; bath, hot and cold: dectrto Bghts. gas aad builtin: fruit tree aad berries; bam and ehlekea boa; dew to Arieta school ; 0 blocka to Stewart staUon, M. 8. hae; 94 Ht -ov ,cb vu msisB a ana o p. as. also I "tn K- c-v .nq s nae a. e. Paved rtreeL SUNNTSLDE room .eottage. ia elegant eoedltle-. garage, ea-t Ucnt impro-emente paid, one block to car 63800. terms, isi K. 82d. tlea from 6 to 8 p. as. Call owner, Mar shall 2245. 1650 WILL tab 2-fnnm hobs with elee - tricity. Bull Rua wster. ea targe tract ' of sightly ground ia th Muhnomsh district. For particulars call oa Bea Btwlsnd. 404 . Piatt bldg. FREE PLANS . FREE ADVICE ARE YOU GOINO TO BUILDt . - Ijbt f wvt is wnn Com to wur efficw and let ear designer' help yoa plea your Mm. -PORTLAND HOMB BUILDERS - - -. 216 A BIN ETON, BLDG. '" NICK LITTLE HCTMB - FOR $2000 TERMS 4 room bung.. 2 bedrm.. 60U.7 lot. 10 f rait trees, berries. Bear achool. - MARSH It McCABE, REALTORS, 322-3-4 'Failimt bldg. ' Marshall 3393. . . t . . ' . HOLLADAY Irvingtoa bui ssuav. a ii--os anA Sleeping porcn, large floored attic. Every eaa- g TBnHSrV-l J Bin H7IIII1I a w4 1 WTI .- . sod form yew ewa opinion.' Phone East 8631. - M . 10 ROoi-3 ALL 6tib)i ATI far airy bght close in. west side, werh lng pMpto district Will leas 3 mt years. 876 per mo. Entire bpikUng. S. W. cer. Hoed aad Grant. Mars lis 11 748. . MODERN 4 rooms sad hath, 3 porches, newly Painted In side and eat. completely famished, to rag. 63230. owner. Lot 100x100, im piano '. 1, practically nw $400, terms. Sellwood JVi una -.orx riv -.-.Jl" Eight hiraa tis toth K...-t e i Oil 00 lot oa St John carline, near Porte -mouth, la fine condition, for only $26 per as, I House open. T709 Berkwley. Mar.. 746. venu 8800 CASH, $23 monthly. 4-room bang, to ooaiawa a . ; lull lot; 32500. 7086 er K. 8592. "81730 4-BOOM BU.SGaU)W 61769'. On 1 62d St.. elna. t Me i-l Kj i-s Hss electric, gas. A-l plumbing, full baaemnt: 8400 cash, balance to euit SMITH-WAGON KB On.. lnW CTt' KEAR LAUHEIirRST, 3 room strictly modem bdngalow; a peeiiltiua $300 dowa.. Mala 6327. - j - I a BOOM hMaa. to 4txlOO. l.s ... 1 . earim. elr. t si ila corner lot Alao Wmm-A tikri mnA mm mui I cash 9529 8Bth ive. 6. E. : 616O0 I . For ml 4 room house, modern; bulltins. ta. dectrie. 30x100 tot ea paved street. 639 39th st Belrwobd -378. t6A SALE WAVEk'lEl-H hEIgh.. MOdera -room bungalow, new furnace, c3o-t 'w -iiwi sns as- iuw; woaaeTTUi new: S4SOO 626 E. 2Mb st g. . Senwocd J258. By ewner! FURNISHED bnlow. i rwom. ti-ptoee, fwr aaee. buffet. Ivory waodwork. tovely kite ban. i-f.'-fo-00 of windo--, is eg, eWu. eor. tot 94306. Wdln. 988.. 7-ROOM M:MI-BUNC,aLOW, 43600 Furnace, excellent ceodittoa. ee-w terass -jorvgage. t. h. rl-rd. Mar. 1022 U T lIlAd m j q rrJ9 , The beat buy te a modem 5 room boagalow ta Pwrt-wd. Owner, Tsbor 867. $3130 NEW mod. bungalow, lot 30x100: $800 cash. A enap. Sef I. p. McKena... Belmoat t 69th.. realtor. Tsbor 6493. 3-ROOM beuee. 80x100 mt. blocks (o St ion car. 950. . M. fori. 621 Corbett bldg. NEW bungatow, 6 rooms, ready to eccupy, 1260 East Aide, - Msm $514, - - " miTTr . li'.a r..n k . 1 Daad 6-room bona, saat aMa -IVh. j;.. ii?cv,: . e-svyrmng 01 to very ocst; reems, JSTrnm iftAr mAXiL e-2! REAL ESTATE TOT SL HOUSES 404 SELECT BARGAL.V5 NEAR JEFTERaON HIGH" $3606 8509 down. Qwns Aae room bom . mm 33H66 foot tot. Only ahan Us .tanea to Jetferana high; 3 mam beo- roema. bath and toilet up. Full cement bseseat aad. a fe garaga. . Get UuS befora achool start-. ' AJJSKRTA-TUESDAT BARGAIN $2F00 New. a rooms aad sleep perch, en 49x100 foot lot. Living room, dining room. Dutch kitehea. bath, ilma-t parch, sa saint Kal d- . , . . tog room, new Haoiewm. fruit." AU serta mt bwiiviaa. --sage aad per bis bed . . . g with tots. ' GAXTENBEIN CENTRAL ALBINA- " $3 J0s We have tww nod buy en tiaateabeis . sc. to th Jefferson high district. ... 4aat uiater m .earning hob and ywt wnt v aetueo. t cewra. Beror scnoet open, .sue IS tn time ta get the bt , tmys to all district-, and w have them. 3. A. WICEMAN lTj., BE ALTO BA "Shortwt Way Home" 264 Strk St. Mai 683 and 1094. ROSE CTTT DISTRICT $lfl0 380) DOWN . 4 BOOMS AND CA-AGE This i eat saaong the fir treea where yna us kee a oow and chicken if row wish. Its a dandy little bungalow. 4 rooms and bath, good flrepasce; 60x100 lot. tmamt aest, and about. blecka from Ran City Park ear. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY -3 Chamber M Coaamerea bkid. , . '- - - Branch office 43th and Baady Blvd. . Every One a Bargain $5000 Weetmoeel a home, 60.190 lot. 8 rooms end large attic; every Torn is right VP to date with every convenience; a tine hems and weU located; eaa asake terms. 83300 A dandy flue home oa East 37th t edwth : nearly new 4-roo-a bowse, aroands 100x140 feet: all -tods of fruit: dose te car: 8600 ch and easy terms. Thas to m real bar- I30ol- 84300 A fin home attt far -at. etna ta ear svvx.vv ground. I room boat, fall base- snt best at r-umbias-.- harin- fraiv of 1 kinds: u faapro mata to. A splendid bom (or the prioe. Hav many other. Also hav ww real bargain to vacant lota. Come aad see them. yEAL BROWN. 807 Teton v. Sell. 2.5S. $200 cash. $13 monthly, buys lot 80x100 with weu Bout S-room eottaj j week from ear; total price 81100. $230 cash. $13 monthly bay fct 100x100. with plastered eotts,. 6Modu from ear; total price $1123. -.-. $460 cash. , 825 . monthly buys tot 100x174. - with 3 roeena and sleeping porch,' Stt- frait liim. total tifin, tut $350 tmm, 329 monthly bey 73x100 M with e rooms ana eotn, 1 tnut tree; Vat price 82400. - - . t T8S Chambef of CaBserre " ; ".. . 13750 TRYTNGTON $5760 A POSITIVE BARGAIN " The ceae ha tost eat sprvew frswa-96600 to $6750. W want you to eompere Us bungs- ' tow with other you re eea to thi district up. to $6600. There are 8 room and bath on lower aad another finished bedroom and de-ptog porch to th attic: hardwood floors, a big. btoutiful fi rep! see, builtin bookotses and haadsom buffet;" Dutch kite hen. big glassed-in porch i full cooemte ba-pmeet furnac. garaga. Owner- mast hav ' 870 cash, balaae like reht - Better sea this today. Call us. - ' - 1 - COUTE ROrlilA.: w ' 308 Chsmber of Commerce bldg-.'Main 6580. iRVINGTON charming baas-low, large Br-, --in.. room, tile fireplace, old ivory ftnbh, tapestrr paper. h. w. floor- threathoac " , dining room, breakfast room, large tunny ' V . Dutcif kitchen. 2 , large comer b rooms, " which insure " rirrula-on of food,' 1ml) air and sunlight, acreened back porch, front ' " porch, cement larg basement GVo fur- . ace. Mrg lot with a world oT choice Dow ers and- ah rubs: a mighty low price iot ..eah..Mi 6327? . . I . - .. . - u m-rtir.ov-i - V1 - ,T" . ' E00IS.'NAt Drtisiox. , r . - '' A dandy nnm with -itr- Ure i,i,h mmut " ,- doseU. full cement ksssmtnt laundry ton tod - furnace; house in A-l eoodit-oa and to a snap st 04260., with .$760 codw haleae tm- jmat. Mr. ' Harp, with - - ..... , OOK A. Vitrvti rn 1 l 82 ruurth St - . I .'Main 6811. " MODERN BUNGALOW OF i ROOMS ' ' -- ONLY 83900 ., . " - - i 'i A beautiful Bo-ie on paved jtreet, with tan- " eCtrt flnisbing; kvaly larre titfEeuina. 'delightful kitchen, full of built-ins. vrith brrskfsst nor.k be- -rtdea. Think I only S89O0J 630w cash ill - handle. -Pay bsL monthly like rent -- - - - INTERSTATE IN V BATMEN T CO..'- BJ , REALTORS - -Bdwv. 4731. 410 Heitry Bids. for sale at redickd price 7 ' THIS MONTH ONLY - - i T 8 roost, 3 story, howae,' n modern, and ga rage; all imprnv-mefita to aad paid; ia oo of the best residrntial districts of " etty. Price 87000. eae half eash. If yoa went Ihfc kind of a houssee It - . - Johnson-Dodson' Co. 633 N. W. -Bank bldg - Msin $71. - NEAR JEFFXRHON HIGH-SCHOOL 88600 . -Seven-room hung alow in Untne absod: aeeda no tinting er painting: 0 bedroom-, buffet. Dutch kitchen, large eement basement with laundry tray: ooxioo lot, -east front: walking "iet to JeffenoB high sehooL Term. HENDERHON-BANKL'S CO.. 353 Henry Bid.. Broadway 478. A K-AL good Bi t : - 3 room modem bungalow. flrtDlae buffet , book. aml flni-h. $2950. balaae. aay.- i .-soar iieraoa nign ana I i iiiihis panu Jojinson-Dodson Co. ' 683 X. W. Bank bldg Main S1T- f .. . i i . mm ; - $500 CASH and monthly payment-. t. relohid, near Jeff. htgh. fireplace. 60s 109 c ner, oa paved at Mato 7080 East 8392. i . ' NEAR' LAuRELHL RAT PARK " ' " 7 room, bungalow style: bedroem down; -earner lot trge; new, doubla ee -atructed throng boat, modern f $750 rash, term ea bal- " nee. Price $3700. Bock, Marshall 8362. . Tsbor 8090. - - 9400 CASH. bal. $80 monthly. 6 t.. ' bu8-. 8 yearn old. on Ainsworth a., . full tot Price 68100. Msia 1086 er East 3492. . . . . $4250 BRAND NEW 14250 5-room modern bunaalow. full eement ' ment hardwood floors, etc ; street paved: re stricted district Owner and builder. Mate 4808. Tabor 364. 424 Abrngtoa bldg. ALAMEDA At.-r.h-1 " Oae-of the best com itractod home ia thi die - 1 LEAVING PorUsnd; must sell sttnctiv 3-room saodera baas to Ladds addition; my new 3230 phonograph SKx to party baying . bat East 2997. $1000 EQUITY to A room hous, sera, with mat turn berri; trad a -first payment oa farm, 20 to 80 acraa. Bet over 83000. Call 6557 95th st t). E. - . APARTMENT bungdow. Just completed, ia Irv ingtoa district.- for 64200; 8100O cash, bal abre terms: Bill conaidef good lot at aato'.M part payment Call ewner. $19-70..' BY OWNER 7 room nd sleeping porch, mod em, lot. 60x18. 1804. E. Taylor st Tsbec 7141. . :- 3 ROOM bouse, 6 blocks iroa. RweeU stToT ft of-Untoa r..s 34009f .term.- Phone East 1039. ? ' i.. WELL built boose. 4 rooms, lull baamnt. $2000. 200 dowa.' $23 month. incTnding to te reet 42S1 89th eve. B. K. T ROOMS, modem, paved t. paved only $8260; terass to suit immediate Phone Woodlawa 8819. ; WANT light car as part of first pymet ea -- 3-room modem bungalow to Boa City Park. . Owner. 661 East 61st N.. evening!. 8TBICTLT -modem 6 room wungalow, aewiy - pdn'ed. aR Improvement; owner forced to elf 111 E. 4fth t Tabor 62 1. v 8 BOOM cottage. $2600: ail street imp.' to tnd , pass. IV1I itrem -, v. 1 Tsbor 2977.' durlpg pmi-ess bonr. . . . . , . ' . . . . r er call owner. FOR SALE 6 furnished or ua- rnmished. $300 eash. ft N. ..... Owner, 14)4, K, 8lal $1900 4 room bungow, arw. bate, basement, sewrr eymnwrrd C. C. P. Bargin. Mito T, FOR SALE Moitora roowa aausw wtta sarag. fall Col. 223. Owner. -. ; NEW 4 iwa bona. 1479 Camden st Go loua. ,Bilider tlwre tsdsy. H:'". Tes-ps., (OeoUaeed mm reitowing Pe)