TUESDAY. . AUGUST .16. 1S2L 14' ' THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. "PORTLAND; OREGON- - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS ' S ACRES - " NORTH PABKKOSE TREKS. TREKS. TREES ' '$28 SOWN .- ' 20 month, 'total payment per cunt inter eaT included. Running stream, rich nit land, braauul building aite, about half cleared; bal ance ia shade trees, north of Saady blvd. and : esriine; . ao building , reatrtetisns; low . county taxaa; - ao atreet knpVovemeats to pay; mt pleee for chickens, garden aad bernea. Price only $2015. t. U HARTMAN COMPANT. . f Chamber of Commerce bide Main 308. Breach Office end of Parkraaa . carline, - ' . Phone Tabor 204. .. . Open every day Sea tbia today. . Meyermead Meyermead ,2 . New Addition .T- ACRE TRACTS ACRE TRACTS $475 AND IP Fronting on 8 roads Bsae Line, Batter and Tilia road electric line, station on property; beautiful suburban sites facing - on. pared and graveled road. Pay $10 or more monthly. Don't you realise that acreage on pared roada leading out of Portland Is being rapidly taken apf Don't yon realise that roo'U pay $1000 or per haps $1500 an acre tor these acres within a few years? 'Don't you realise that there is no safer investment than aoburbaa acreage? fhia I $ W roar big opportunity. Get in en the ground I floor. , rea auto trips to toe property every i boar.' - Phone and we'll send an aoto for yon. I - ,lMIIS M.ojtuusiA I 208 Chamber of Commerce Bid a. Main 6550. 1 2 ACRES I v PABXKOSE ' i $13 DOWN, $13 MONTH , v$1285. rich sUt land, ready for plow. Ties of 'valley and mountains. Low county tax. no 1 street improvements to pay. No restrictions. You can bubd a little borne hers and should make your payments from produce. 7. L. HARTMAN COMPANT,, . $ Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. ' Sraae& Office end of Psrkrosa Open every day. carline. LOT BARGAINS $50 down, $10 a month. 50x100. on East 30th N.. near KiTlincsworth; pared street, on oar, aU . Improvamenta included in . price. Only $700. . IRVINGTON DISTRICT $500 $100 do $10 a month, on East CJ1Z kUtUiniaU sUlsTl CUT (ml I 19th lust north of Beech; sidewalks and curb in and paid, near school. 4 blocks to car. . "l titl $100 DOWN $10 A MONTH, $0x160, fine soil for garden and berries, brock to car, 3 blocks to school. This is real Johnson - Dodson Co. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. $21.50 MONTH .'' . 2 ACRES :Z f . PARKROSE . $21.50 down, shade trees, on one of the main streets. Running stream, north boundary. : beeutifal building site, view of valley and mountains. Rich garden soil, just a short da anos north of Sandy bird, said carline. Price $2150. . I. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. t Branch Office end of Parkrose earlino. ; .- Open every day. t NEW WILSHIRE TRACTS 103X125 FEET ' , BEAUTIFUL FIR TREES $67.50 down, balance $15 per month, in cluding interest, 3 blocks from carline. Will give deed to this and ; take back a second saortgsia. - Branch Office open every day until 8 p. at 33d and Bryco are. Take Broadway ear to Bryce are., walk 4 blocks east. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. $ Chamber of Commerce, bid. , Main 208. .V ACRE TRACT ' - PARKROSE $1500 3 block from Sandy blvd.. snd carline. Good view, rich garden soil, comer. $75 down, $15 month, interest included at 6 per oent, Prearare wster, gas. 5 i 3. Is. HARTMAN COMPANY - ; ' 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. v ' ? Main 208. i ; Branch Office at end of Parkrose carline. Open every day. . ' BUILDERS' ATTENTION " " Who srsnU this? Lot 9. block ' 1. Westmoreland, fronting on Milwsu- - ; kia st.; .50x100, for $600 .cash, --, everything paid. It's worth twice that. U r See Ut. CrowOey, with V - ELROD k. DRTER. " 283 Stark St. Phons Broadway 1L88 W - ' THIS IS what you .are looking for, 50x100 on Dunkley ave.. 2 short blocks to car, surrounded by high 'class homes, fine view from mar. beautiful trees, price only $1200. Very ea.Vy terms if desired. - All improvements included in price. See us st ance. . Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 3787. CLOSE to Jefferson high school on Kill-v- ingswerth st., wa have a 50x100 lot at the low price of 3600. $150 down, bal- snce to suit at 6f. Riely & Gustafson, ..1203 Yeoa Bldg. f UanhaU 1458 ' ' 60x150 ' ALL XMPROVEMEXT3 IN AND PAID 10O down. $10 a month. Price only $1250, tine soil for garden, berries snd fruit; M block to ear, 3 blocks to school, 8 blocks to new park. Close in on Fremont Near E. 15th. See : aa at one. ;. : "-f' Johnson-Bodson Co.- 83$ V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' . '.r $43 DOWN ;' ' 1 acre, beautiful building site, close in, close to car, and paved highway; finest gar . den soil; $9 per month and interest 6 per cent. Main 5201. ; -iT '---'' SACRIFICE SALE -1 NEAR ALNSWORTH AVE. i 100x100 lot, walking distance to two ( "parks. Best district, i Price only $700. . . Ask for Mr. Pownder. Mar. 2245. $950 I ALAMEDA DRIVE! f A3 improvemrnta paid. This not a aaeri fire. It is a give-away. . 1 :hendkrson-b.ankus ca, 628 Henry' Bldg. and HOUSES -LT ' SUNNYSIDE 8' room cottars, in elegant condition, ; garage, east front improvements paid, one I block to car $3300, terms. 131 E. 82d. 'i .Open from 5 to 8 p. m. i CaQ owner, Mag- shall 2240. ;:- . s ..:.- . . R08E CITY DISTRICT 3 room house, wster and tight, fun sized lot, close to ear, only $800.: It beats rent Sea . Moral. T2d and Sandy. . T ' ROOMS, modsra exceot no sarace. large wooded grounds, $43. Irwin, end of Per eander s& 1 Take PorUand Heighte ear to Pattoa road, 4 blocks west 3 ROOM cottage, $2600; all street im in and paid.' 1014 Grand ave. N., or call owner. Tabor 2977, during boMnees hours. : WEST SIDE, oa Jeffersoa, 7 room house and 'lot $5000. easy terms. Dubois, 804 Spatt- fng bldg.' - - t J.r . .- . . JK. B A L.r. M odern a aroosa Call CoL 223. Ownerj VEW 4 lorm house. 1479 Csmdea et Go look. f . HirlMer there today. 83250. Trrme. : 3- In $50O cash. 7 room modem- housa; I good bargain. Woodlswa 9064. BCT from owner, modern . 4 Tin Marshall 2119. after 9 p. m. iEW, 4 r.. bo-is. Uh 75x100 lot East "S5m v Mt Tsbor. No ageabi. Tabor 1926, ' REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE HOUSES 404 T6tf CAX't BEAT THESB'AJHERJE ftMAIJ. P1THKXT Pi AN HOMES 1200 Photographs of Him lot aasa Service Men! Select Tmt How Ke! APPLI IOU8 BONUS LATER . 28 Salomes at Tour Servica .Onrit ensinn Until 9 " KENTON $30O DOWN 750 $300 down I Hare' a dandy boy m a .... , s trKNTON bnnzalow. . NON-RESIDENT OWNER baa to sell at oneel Has a pretty built-in buffet. Dutch kitehen with all kinds ot built In enrveniences; niea lawn,! treesl,, VA CANT! Buffalo at. BARGAIN OF BARGAINS; $2190 OS USUALLY good nine! Donbla constructed 4 room Tent modern Ml Scott transalow; tapeatry papered; -piece aet beat white porcelain plumbing; electricity, gas. lawn, flowers, etc; only 1 hlrwk to ear. ttOth eve. i $50 LITTLEST PENINSULA BUNGALOW! 4 room, cosy, and neat; bookcases, I writing desk, paneled dining room, cos-1 veirieut kitchen, electricity, gsa. fruit. berries; West Colfax at. YOU CAN OWN TOUR- HOME On such easy terms. We hare helped hundreds I of now happy home owners, and are waiting to I help yon become eetMaetomy settled. sea FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Horns j Realtor i Abintrton bids. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Wssh. and Stark. ' , . MUST. BE SOLD . 7 room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, -fireplsee. buffet, bookcases, Dutch: kitchen, laundry trays, furnace and garage, on paved street, 3 blocks from car, close in; $4500, terms. .. jj THERE IS VALUE i Star Real Estate & Inv. Co. Realtors. 331 Stark St. Son. aad Eve. 319-97. Broadway 5358. NOB HILL i Large Home or -Use for Boomers, Near Hospitals.. Thirteen rooms; tea bedrooms, haadwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, on criine. lot 50x100, house one of the fineJt on s imi aarlt 1 a f.:a at 1 Nob HiU. Will sell house and furniture for $18,000. or sell furniture for $5500 and lease bouse for any number' of years. Every room is completely turn is bed with the best of every thing, including piano, victrola, bedding, linen, etc Call Frank Mahoney, with Cam A. Mc- Kenna sV Co.. Realtors. Main 4522. 82 4th st. BONUS MEN ATTENTION New 8 room house la Hawthorne district, I with hardwood floors, French doors.. Dutch kitch- I en, full cement basement. . ivory interior finish and on paved street. To a reliable ex-service men wno is eligible for the state loan, the owner will sell for $200 down ' payment and reasonable monthly payments until the loan is available. Price $4750. Call todaT. Marshall I 865. 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 1IMS3. MT. TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW $4200 EASY TERMS $4200 5 room modern bungalow, with fireplace, fur nace, buffet, bookeasn. Dutch kitchen, cement I basement with cement floor and laundry trava. 50 xi uu lot with beautiful grounds, snade trees ana a wonaertui view; una is really a bargain. tlKMJEKSON-BAXKUS CO., 628 Henry BMg. Broadway 4754. $1000 CASH ROSE CITY PARK Here's another rood bur : 8 room buncalow. I hardwood floors, ivory finish, concrete bsse i ment, fireplsee, garage, fine location beiow the bill, , The price is only 85500. with $1000 cash. Call us todsy. COMPTE eV KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.- NICE LITTLE HOME FOR $2000 TERMS I room bung.. 2 bedim.. 50x127 lot. 10 fruit trees, berriei, near school. i MARSH & McCABB.-REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall 8993. UNIVERSITY PARK BUNGALOW"" On Willis bird., near Portsmouth, new 5 room, on corner' lot, -' for ' $3750, wtth $400 cash. -See it and phone me. Mr. Harp, with COE A. McKENNA 4k CO.. REALTORS, - 82 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4522. NEW unfurnished 4 room bungalow. Owner de sirng to leave the city, desires to sell this place at a sacrifice for quick sale: $1400 will oui it; a goou lot, easy paymenta. i JohnsonBodson - Co. 633 N. W. Bank Ride. Main 8787. IRVINGTON BARGAIN nuntera. here's a typical 6 room bungalow ; it's not a shell. It's complete and compact, east front. Priced $1500 below value at $6300. Noth ing in irvington like it for the money. Phone Main 6327 for appointment. ! MONEYMAKER, close in east side, 11 rooms and aleaunx porch, furnished for lieht house keeping; owner reserves 2 rooms snd Tents balance for $154 a month; furniture and bouse i or about value of lot, Pr.ce only $8000. Wdln. 6535. MOID. 8 RMS.. BATH. A-l CONDITION. FIIA CEMENT RASKMKNT I. TRAYS SPI.EN. did l.oc. 1 biock 8ktx. car. abun dance flowers. berries imp. paid, only $1000 Cash, bau easY. sell. 1250. $3250 RICHMOND BUNGALOW $3250 Modern 8 room buna slow, nrerilaee. Dnteh kitchen, garage, pared streets. . 1 block from Richmond car. 541 E 31st st. Call Ut Gabriel. Kant 2309. HOLLADAT rlrvington bungalow. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, large floored attic Every con venience, $5700; $2000 nandles. - Will not ge into detail, drive out to 787 Multnomah' st. and form your own opinion. Phone East 8631. MODERN 4 rooms and bath, 2 Dorchea. newlv sainted inside and - out comnletelv furnished. garage. 83250, owner. Lot 100x100, alio piano for ssle. practically new $400, terms. : Sellwood 5-ROOM house, lot 40x100. light and water. near carline, close to school, at 81150. Terms. corner lot Also Ford truck and wood saw. $600 cash. 9523 58th are. S. E. A TITLE Insurance, Pohcy a a guarantee of the n tie to your borne. When you buy your home have the title insured Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trmt-romnsny. 31600 For sale 4 room house, modern : bufltim, gas, electric. 50x100 lot. on paved street' 839 E. 30th st Sellwood 2378. WEST SIDE SPECULATION Near city hall. 7 room house, lot alone worth 35000. . Price of house and lot onlv 140OO- terms. Wdln. 5535. FOB SALE WAVERLElUHr HEIGHTS Modern 5-room bungalow, new furnace, close to school and car line: wonderful view: 34500. 626 K. 28th st 3. Sellwood 2253. By owner. NEW, WALNUT PARK 7 room bungalow; h'aa est construction, modern in every detail. Mutt be s?en to be appreciated; garage. Price $6500, only $1000 ca-h. Wdln, 8535. , FURNISHED bungalow. 5 rooms, fireplsee. fur nace, buffet, ivory woodwork, lovely kitchen, breakfast nook, lots of windows, large closets, cor. lot. 941VV. vi am. van. . LEAVING Portlsnd; must sell attractive 8 room modern home ia Lad (is addition: mv new l3.a phonograph goes to party buying bouse. East APARTMENT bungalow, jost completed, in Irv- ingtoa uistnrt, tor S4Z0U; glOOO cash, bal ance terms; will consider good rot or auto as part payment Call owner. 819-70. ' FOR S11J5 Ijirge 8-roum housa, on 100x100 lot id Trait-trees, berries; splendid loca tion; near Piedmoat - $4500 and terms. Call aut. SlO-tK- i BY OWXER 7 rooms snd sleeping porch, mod- 1 em tot, 50x133. 1864 E. Taylor st Tabor I 7747. WHEN you purchase your nome have the title insured. Get a TrtW lniurance Policy. Title A- Trust eonrpany. 8 ROOM houae, 3 blocks from HmcU ft of Union avex. $4000; terms. East 7039. L. $00 Phone WEU built house. 4 rooms, full basement, 32000. 209 down. $23 month. im-iiir-g in. tarost . 4231 69tli ave. 8. K. . . 7 ROOMS, modern, paved St. garage,, only $3230;. terms to suit, immediate rn sssoas Ii in Phone Woodlawa 3619. WS HAVE already examined the title to your prupeity and eaa tens yoa a Title Insurance Policy without delay. Title- At Trust company. EQUlil- tor ssle cheap, modern bouse with"! tots, near 60th: 3 blocks, from Gtbau st Auto, 218-14. WANT light car aa part of first payment oa 5-room modem bungalow la Rose City Park. Owner. 661 East 81st M.. evenings. . TITLE insurance is the modem way of handling - tit lea ta real estate. Quicker, easts tea gad no abstract required Title At Trust eoarpany. BRAND new 5 room bungalow. oreakfat nook. . fail basement 1511 Mississippi, oa Morgan Easy terms. Evenings. East 6733. - - - STRICTLY . modem . 8 roam oungakrw, ' newly if painted, all ianrovements;. owner forced ta sett. 171 Ec44th st i Tabor 62$. ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City Park Bareain-S4S0O Folks, wa hare two splendid bmngaJows at $4500 each that are really wonder. On to- eated. below the bill Bear . Sandy, with . a big bring room, hardwood fknn, real boaest-to-aoodness firrolaoe and one of tboaa kind of furnaces that's mad for sera weather. - All yon need to do is to investigate either of these splendid homes. Well wager you'll find nothing oka them m the district for the saoney. Too. know we rather rpeciel-te ha R08B CTTT PARK and LAURELHURST. aad 11 yon are going to buy in either of tboaa districts, by aU mn ni see as. We're got some wonderful bays now. In addition to our downtown office we hare an office at 40th and bandy. Fbone either office. A.C. TEEPE CO. DCALTOOS larSuOAJsCC . YtO CnXLT, n W.1V. 4pri a0 Svircnr . tsa1 wfz, - a M.e, TABOE.95S4" LITTLE COUNTRY HOMES In SUNDERLAND ACRES, at East 29th and Columbia bird. Rich riser botton lands, traits snd - regetsblea grown in abundance; roads now being built to choice tracts, outside city lim it, low taxes. to 20 acre tracts. .. $400 to $000 per acre, easy terms. If interested in dose in acreage where yoar investment is absolutely secure, aet quickly, for this tract will sell fast . . , El rod & Dryer OWNERS " . 283 Stark St. Broadway 118S HOUSES FOR SALE - $2850 8500 DOWN 813 A MONTH AND INTEREST New bungalow. 4 rooms and bath. 50x100 ft. lot. sewer, sidewslks and curb in and all paid. This is a dandy little borne and it's a bargain. Already to, move in. Tnia noma must be sold and if you pay $1000 down 1 will make the price $2750. Come- in and see me. MR. BK1C&NELI 1285 Sandy Blvd., or Tabor 252. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office No. 1, Sandy Blvd.. cot 45tb st.' $3850 $650 DOWN 3 BLOCKS TO ROSS CITY CAR 4 rooms and attic. Nice living room with fire plsee. dining room, kitchen, bath aad one stairs. Everything in fine condition. 110x100 sTs awaa-ss r.A - - - A. V. bedroom downstairs and room for bedroom up- ft. comer. $350 sewer assessment to be as sumed. This is a very good buy. 3. TV. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch office 45th and Sandy bird. Tabor 252. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4075 This property wss recently appraised at $4500 for a 6 per cent loan: 6 rooms snd hath down and 2 nice rooms up; hard wood floors in living room, dining room snd one bedroom, built ins in dining room and kitchen, larse basement, pipe less furnace snd trays; lot 50x100, 7 fruit and 2 walnut trees; 1191 Detroit are., one block from carline on Killingsworth are. See this home: it's a bargain: occupied by owner. $1000 cash, balance easy. E. M. BROWN. , .1122 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 2422 .3 753 E. 63d ST. X. ROSE CITY CAR Jut completed, strictly modern. 3 rooms and large sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook - with portable tables, etc: plenty built-ina, fine plumbing and fixtures: elegantly finished in ivory and white; east front lot. corner; sewer, etc, included; full cement basement ; best plan you ever saw. Sec this today. Owger on premises 1 to 5. or phone East osio dsy or woodiswn lsao. evenregs. ' ni'ILT TO ENDURE" 8100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better. Houses -for Ue Money. BEDIM ABE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND OR. E. 11th and Market. Phone East 5114. Downtown ssles office. Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4335. Mr. & Mrs. Hornegeekr Just Look at This: 5 room cottage. 50x100 lot. close to car and stores and school. 81200. I have many others from $2500 to $4500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR. 214-215 Panama Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungalow, double constructed, built 1919; full cement basement, laundry trays; charming living and dining - rooms, hardwood floors, 2 large badrooms. Dutch kitchen and fine bath; A-l plumbing, big floored attic, all rooms nicely plastered and tinted; good location on paved street, convenient to z car , tines, senoot ana stores; will be sold on easy terms or teas for cash. Inquire 1032 E. 29th st N. HOUSES FOR SALfi Free plans, free estimates. . free sdvice. Tslk with our practical building man. "No cash pay ment down." Let ua build for you on easy repayment plan. "6UN-HOU8E'" BUILDING CIA.. On 3d. bet. Stark and Wash. 216 Abrnrton BMg. FINE new modem 4-room furnished or unfurnished bungalow, a bargain, on 82d st north. , Braham & Wells 307-8 Couch bldg. BY OWNER, NEAR REED COLLEGE BARGAIN PAVED 8TREET 3600 cash, sweet and eosy home 5 I reception hall, pantry, large closets, teundry tray in kitchen, new roof and paint, beautiful front porch, nice lawn, 1 block W-S car; bargain at $2600. Ant 620-96. - A REAL GOOD BUY 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, enamel finish; $2050.. balance easy. Near Jefferson high and Peninsula park. JohnsonBodsoTi Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 3787. CLOSE IN, NEAR SANDY BLVD. $2650 EASY TERMS 2!i blocks Rose City and MoataviTla ears. modern, coxy 4 room house, pleassnt surround- ings, paved street good electric fixtures, wash trays, extra dressing room and closet bath, 2 Royal Anne cherry trees. See owner today. 122 E 27th st N. East 6012. MOVING TO IOWA I $ 11 750, Terms $250 Down REAL BARGAIN 520 PER MONTH. I must sell my home of 5 rooms on 50x100; 6 bearing fruit trees; 1 blk. Mt Tabor car. 2040 E. Taylor st. Phone Tabor 5196. WE DRAW PLANS -WE BUILD WE HELP FINANCE Take your building problems to us, wa save yoa money. HEDSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO. 14 Henry Building. Phone Bdwy. 1881 AN ABSTRACT of title as not a guarantee of your title: it ia merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. no abstract lequireo. Title et Trust company. SIX ROOM HOUSE Close in. 1 blk. car, 4 blks. school: Im provemrnta paid: just vacated ; move in to- : day. Price 32950; will take sutoumbite up to $500 or. $600; $500 cash, balance to suit you. E. R. 8.. 813 Couch bldg. . NEAR GLENCOE b -OOL Get this 8 room home, plenty of room, ga rage, pretty grounds, large lot plenty fruit Couple hundred down, balance saonthly pay ments. , QU1N. gnu Morgan bHc. REALTOR. $4 LOO ROSE CTTT PARK TERMS Fine modem 0 room bungalow; beautiful fire plsee, all buildns, aies fixtures, cessent bass meat wash . trays, fruit room, good location. dose to Sandy blvd. and below tha hilL . Tabor 4803. .. WOODSTOCK ear. 3 room typical bungs-- tow, furnace and fireplace, full level tot, ' fine lawn, fruit trees, pleasant aeigbbor- - noon, convenient to car ana stores; i:v. Main 32T. - ' - $300 COZY HOME FOR COUPLE 3 teraw rooms. Dnteh kitchen, closet double floor, big tot and garden, 1 blocks to W-S ears, $1109. a bargain. RYDER REALTY CO. Aut $20-96. ATTRACTIVE 8-room mouera bungalow. furaJ tnre, full cement basement, furnace, fruit trees aad chickens. block to car, to 40x129, , uwaer aTZx. wooo- stork ave. 5 ROOM new- aad modem bungalow aa east side at 34200 and terma ta suit Main 602 A .-- Braham & Wells 307 Couch bldg. DANDY 5 room modem bungalow, meat aad attic, aa paved sv -. ' full -71.., Her REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES .404 SELECT BARCiADt" NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3800 $500 down. Queen Ann room on SlxlOw foot lot. Only snoi to Jefferson high. 8 nice bednxasw, bath ' and toib-t wp. FoR eeasent basement and a : fin garage. ' Get this before school starts. ALBERT A-TUESDAY BARGAIN $2300 New. S-reom end atoenina! porch 40x100 foot lot. .Urine room, dining I room. Dutch kitchen, bath, sleeping porch. . cement - Basement. - Aeat aressuig roo new linoleam. fruit- AB sorts of baitb " ins. Range and portable bed go with this. ' GANTENBETN -CENTRAL ALBDf A 8350O We have- two good bwya oa Genteabeaa at. m ua Jefferson high district $4200 Winter is coming soon and yon want to 1 aet settled, of coarse, before senoot opens. Now is the time to get the best buys IB - i ail distnrta, and we have them. - J. A. W ICEMAN CO.. REALTORS "Shortest War Home" 284 Stark st. Main 583 and 1094 $500 DOWN PABXROSE BUNGALOW ,1 CORNER ACRE TRACT $37303 room bungalow with plumbing. Constructed leas than one year. Full cement basement, gsV, pressure water pipe in house. Good new; 1 block from Sandy Blvd.; ground in full cultivation. Corner tract sue I 180x380 ft.: monthly payments only 838 Perl moo La, wojcb. includes interest. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Branch OfBoa and of Parkzoaa eaxlina. IHTINGTON Modern 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, Dutrh kitchen, ivory and white enamel finish, garage, furnace, laundry traya. This is a new doable constructed bungalow; price and terms are right;' im mediate possession; shown by appointment. Star Real Estate & Inv. Co. Realtors. H roadway 5358. 331 Stark St. Sun. and Eve. 319-97.' BETTER. HOUSES FOR LESS If you have a clear lot and $500 we vol ouua you a modern bungalow. AEzxncs elk. Irvington Speculation We have a strlctlv modern, nearly new. 6- room bungalow, in heart of Irvington. hardwood floors, throughout, newly painted, funnace fire place, tile bath, garage. Owner refused 88500 tor wis piace last year. Price $8500. Terms. Alvin Johnson Realtor i 204 BOARD OF TRADE Broadway 87 . SUNNY SIDE BARGAIN . 6 loom modern house on 84 th st, near car line. In A-l condition. Price $2700. soon down, baL same aa rent. ! Riely & Gustafson, 1203 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 1458 1 A REAL BUY 13 minutes out we have to offer a 6 room strictly modern bungalow on Brooklyn St.; snd 29th. at the low price of $4000. Small payment down, baL to suit, I Riely & Gustafson, 1203 Yeoa Bldg. Marshall 1458 8 ROOM modern boose, corner lot, east aide, close in. $6500; will exchange for smaller home up to $8000 and assume dif ference. Marsh & McCabe i - 822-3-4 REALTORS Failing Bldg. "Mar. 8998. FOR SALE by owner, pretty 5-room bungalow with or without furniture; large attic and poron; oatn. not ana cola: electric I Ughts.i gas and bullous ; fruit trees and berries: barn and chickea hove; close to Arleta school: 0 blocks to Stewart station. M. 8. line; 94 Hx j00 m 82nl T"m 8- R ,trt- $630 WILL (ake 2-roorn bouse with elec tricity. Bull Rub water, on large tract of sightly ground in the Multnomah district. For particulars call on Ban Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg. FREE PLANS FREE ADVICE AlU, ll'U tiUl.NU TO BUILD? LET IS HRIJi YTHI . Come to our -office and let oar designer help you pian your nome. PORTLAND HOME BUILDERS 216 ABINKTON BLDG. ! RICHMOND $400 down. Dandy 6 room modern home, excellent locality, nice lawn and shrubbery,, close to school, 3 carlines, etc , uniy .300, easy monthly terms. QUES. 206 Morgan Bldg. , Realtor. A TITLE Insurance Pols-y m a guarantee by a responsible company that yoa will not suffer toss on account of tbe title to your real estate. When Jon buy real estate get 8 Title lnrunncs Policy. No abstract required. Title At Trust company. 3105O ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN Cosy new 4 room bungalow, double con structed, bath, toilet, connected with, sewer, full basement, 60x100 lot, terms. Tabor 6559. i ' ALBERTA 8 rooms, double constructed.' fine condition, stnetly modern, except h. w. floors, snd furnace; full lot, fine J sawn, oiage. saae car, goou sot. aa part payment Main 6327. i 3300 DOWN . Dandy 6-room house, east side, walking dis tance, oa car line, close to school, public library and stores; completely refinished: price $3350. Owner, i Marshall 397. Apt 410. $1250 $ BOOM little ctxy cottage. $150 cash. lot evxov, inus, oemes, a puts, of car; Glencoe school diet You cant beat thia man. J. P. McKeana. Bealtor. Belmont at 99th. Tabor 6493. i 8 ROOM modem house, lot 50x100; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, 1 block to car. Price $4200. $1000 cash, balance savy terms. 1292 E. Yamhill. Phono Tabor 5777. I FIVE room oottage. light, water, gas. 75x100 It, fruit garage. Price 81600. Terms. Mrs. I M. A. Jolmson. Milwaukie pbene 61-M or I 141-T. ! BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance te a deposit with the state of ' Oregon to protect ynu against toss, yet it is cheaper than the sbTsct method. Title A Trust eompsny. 3 BLOCKS FRANKLIN HIGH a $500 down. Coxy 5 room bungalow, modem, on carline. Terma. Only $25 monthly. QUTN. 806 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. $1200-i-COMFORTABLE 4 rm. bouse, in Van couver. Wn.. near car. school and store. Elec, bath, toilet Lot 50x200. Easy tanas. , F-920. Journal. BY OWN EH Real borne bargain, good 5 room housev 3 fine tots, fruit and bemea. nice little bam, chickea park, . 1 block Fultca car. Tabor 1766. 5 BOOM bungalow, modem except fire pi . paved st. Hswtbome dit A rood bnv. $3750.; $500 down. Mr. Brand, 420 Henry OMg. I VI IlfcA yoa get a THrt insurane Policy, you oo not aeea sn sonnet o: otic. une pra- trrmm rays tor sit rrme. Title a Tn-t roorpany 83150 NEW mod. bungalow, tot 50x100: tson cash. A snap. See J. P. McKeana. Belssoni I at a to., realtor, l spot vs. GET btte insurance laftead of aa abstract 11 uus?ker and cneaper and you are assnlutM prosersm agaiaes error. . nut as 1 ru-t company. LDOW must dispoae cf euuity in 7 -room modem housa, garage, also furniture: terms. Inquire of owner, 634 Kerby, Woodlswa 960. CLOSE your real estate deat without annoying details by using a Title Iwwrance Policy, tit abstract ' required Title A Trust company i NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH- $-room bungalow for gala at a bargain. Auto. 638-26. TITLE IsBuraaco save, time snd money bin sum aa abstract is tvaruired. . Title At Trust com pany. 820O down. 8 room da way etnse-ia home, lltb. aear Lincoln, east, Oaty 81615. 825 ithly. 2fl Morgan bldg. EVERY purchaser of real etsatt should have ha title insured. Better be safe thaa aerry. Title er Trust company. . . BY OWNER 6 mom house, dose in. Fast 20 - srd East 8556, FOR SALE New Aiesseda ran 5-ronm Bun galow. 901 E. 28tl at K. Aat. 819-02. 3-ROOM bouse, 50x100 lot, 8 blocks to - Johns ear. Bo. M. Ford. 627 Corbett bldg. NEW bungalow. 5 rooms, ready to occupy. 1259 East AMer. ' Mam 9394. , FOR &AU 5 aad cloaa m: bavewia if rasa. 44 K. Kth S MOl'EKN 41-ruosB coture ia Alberta district, 82309. terma. Call '378 Emerson at . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES i R&6MS"rCRMSHHr 404 $50 a dandy cesnpletery famished. " Tea- step in. I start snosekeeping. 3 blks. from , carUne. eeasent baaeasenL, Price only $2750. MAIN 7027 SUITE 415 WASrtatPARX PLATTBLDG COMPLETELY furnirbed T room modern boose. foil lot, dandy location. 225-71. ACREAGE '405 ADJOIN ISO LOOTS OF M ILW AUK IB One acre, alt under cultivation; 1000 . strawberry plants on place. . 50 raspbetr ries. acre potatoes; best of garden land; good gravel road, hk mile to school; fcrw commutation fare; city wstar assl gsa in bowae; assail garage, chickea boom. Prieo $1800, lares cash payment. Personally inspected. M aero. blocks from station, mJo from city Hmks. 14 bearing fruit tress; lota of berries, 4 room bouse, chicken boose, gas - and gsa lights, 5 blocks to school. Gresbasa carline. Price 82100: wfll con sider larger place of 10 acres and go out sa far aa $0 miles. Flv acres. 1 H miles from city limits. All ean be cultivated when cleared. Near school; : good . soiL MC Scout earUno. Price 3775 eaoh, Iixnected by Kemp. ' , JOHN FERGUSON, Qerlinger Bldg. I REALTOR Over 500 small places near Portland, Get our extensive els mi find lists. 5, 10 and 20 Acre Tracts 325 Acre Up 810 down and 88 per month buys a aero tract an this garnttsai of BwV the Columbia rivsr aa the Orecoa side, dose to Columbia highway and river; nae transports aoo. rasiroaa. - nver. auto stage aad truck. Beautiful taymg tend, free from rock or gravel; some tracts have beeutifal view of river: there Is ale. soma with streams. Ftno location for chW-SseSi dairy, be tries, fruit aad vegetables. ' CHARLES DELFETj . IS Railway Kit-hangs ldg. II . $900 ONE ACRE WATER AND GAS Only $42.50 down, balance 98.50 per month and interest at 8 per cent, straight contract: finest garden soil, dose to car Main 8201. $2100 5 ACRES. EAST OF CITY. in cultivation, fruit trees, garden, berries, all kinds of buildings, nice grove, on madaca mixed road: easy teams. CLEVELAND. 808 BOARD OF TRADE BDWY. 1150 CHEAP ACREAGE 50 miles down the Columbia. Excellent tend. easy cleared. 20 and 40 acre tracts, $13 to $15 per acre. -Easy terms. A. W. KHTLS. KJLaX,TUK 903 Chamber of Commerce. Ant. 514-68. a 850 DOWN, balance 4 years, no interest. V ACRES. $750 ap. Under cultivation. Bull Run water. 5 min. walk from 7 c fare. Call Bdwy. 1323 for appointment. PRICE FOR OUICK SALE 5 acres, with 5 room bungalow, good barn. wen. on Ore. City car. near station, zu min. from city. Look, tees than land cost. $3500. with 31400 cash. Mar. 8352. Rock. L'AD C ft r S . I . B - - J V.u E I x w 13 .r. hi v w-ics wits uwiiii. . ; rent, truck garden. For stae, acres cu-1 cumbers, 4 acres potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage ana some iron, van xvvv b-u st. 1 4160 acres in improved upland la Yamhill Co.. west of Uarltoa. Yen best of rou. rMenu at running water oa tend. Plenty of outakie range for cattle. KeftsonaMe price and terms. K. ii. Duncan. 200 W. 2d t.. Newrerg. Or. I A SNAP for someone; I acre, cleared, with small house 12x16. at Jennings Lodge. Oregon City car . line; small payment down. monthly. I-9", Journal. TIGARD 1 4-5 acres close to station, lire stream at bark. part'y cleared. Call Broadway 741 or writs R. H. Tueant. Tigard. Or. ' i-B...4i,.tj ,0 FH1Ti !5m on.. ca"tT."- T ? tracts, uncleared. from Vancouver. Owner. 680 Ravena-riew Drive. Portland. Or. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 Mr. & Mrs. Ho me seeker Here is a beautiful 6 aere suburban home on tbe Capital highway, fine 5 room bungalow, orchard of pears, apples and bullies, spring water piped to the bouse, electricity aad auto service, and only 86000. Will take house- sad , tot up to $3000. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR. 214-215 Panama Bldg. HOT OFF THE BAT 5 room plastered housa, in good condition, in the Lents district; H acre of ground, chicken bouse and a few fruit trees, for $1000; must have $600 cash. This is less than of the original price, and must be sold this week. at. 11. tvrnM, Keaitor, R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Bosxd of Trade Bldg. . Suburban Home One acre with $ room house - ONLY $2300 TERMS PARKROSE MARSH McCABK CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bhig. Marshall 3998. FOR SALE One acre, $900; bouse, chickea house, fruit; also adjoining improved acres at reasonable prices. Tbsae are worth looking at Courtney station. Oregon City Electric, east to Oatfidd road, south one block, east on Pindhunt road. Fellows. Mirwsukie, Route 1-195. A BARGAIN Acre for ssle, 5400 cash; for 80 days only; lot 1. blk. 56, Metxger acre tract; cleared; shed lSa-So; fenced: 1 block from Graven road. F. P. Ren in ton, owner, address Sherwood. Or., Route 1. NOW ia the time to buy: 6 room modem house and 1 acre at a bargain and oa very easy terms. Owner. Aut , 626-47. FOR SA. E At once, a modem. 6 room bouse, with garage, in a restricted suburban dis trict : very cheap. Sellwood 3342. 1 FARMS 407 For Sale at Heavy Sacrifice 50-acre ranch, stocked and equipped. 4 miles from Woodland ; 40 scras of Lewis river bottom land, all cleared and ia cultivation, balance good pasture.' An Al smsU creek; 3 acres of as sorted orchard, berries and grapes. Fenced aad cross fenced. " Improvements consist of good 5-room house. spring water piped; good bam, 24-ton silo, etc Stock and equipment: ? cows, S calves and heifers, team of horses, 3 pigs, 1 sow, 8 stands of bees, wagon. 2 buggies, cultivator, 2 mowers, plow, drag, roller disc, good baraeaa, 109 chick ens. 47 toas ef hay. etc. etc Thia place te worth $11,000 to $12,009. but I can sell it for $8500. with $4509 cash aad balance oa long ttsso. A real snap. MURRAY 909 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HERE is you chance to own a small farm down the Columbia river 18.61 acres, on payssenta that yoa can mass, rt a rich, proa actus soil, oa a rood road. Price 8358: terms 8140 cash. bateaco $83 a year. Let aa show it to yoa at oaoa. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Msin 3787. $2500 BUYS my 160 acres western Lane Co, Or, raaca; aaoat w acraa creea nous nert cleared, rest easily else red, be Is are I bench tend; wagoa- road, telephone line through btaee: fine for dairy, fruit; close ta school: anil take good lata modal Ford touring ear aa part and give time oa 11009. w. A. Mead. Reed. Or. BEST BARGAIN YET 160 acres. 2 mites of R. R. towa. where gram grows year round; 13 cultivated, house, ' barn, outouvkbngs, orchard, creek, springs, ate; eajy 31590. DUBOIS. 804 SPALDING BLDG. FOR SALE S acraa bx cultivatioa. 4 room house. fuU basement, eakkea boasa for 250 cbiekeae, 139 prune trees. 5 cherry trees, eastern. Bull Rua water. Oa good gravel toad half mile trout Baas Lisa road. 94000. 81990 cash, 6399 par yeax. By owner, pnoae wondsswa 49BT HOME FOR ALMOST1 NOTHING? acres, te mile to R. R. ttatsoa aad school; 2 acrea cleared, house; eary 86O0; terms. DUBOIS. 84 SPALDINO BLDG. FOR SALE 19 a. saoo, 7 ta arena rd. pears aad appsss, T years, seat fa ewrtrratiou. Oood, terge bouse, right ta towa. With crop. (6wOs); without crop, 350OO. Cash $0oa. aad cast payment Jimie Sami, Boa 49, Psrkdale. Or. 88 ACRE full Kesnog apple orchard. sVrver .VsDry..830wO cash, aatearw 19- years. Write E- F. McCormica. Oaklaad, Calif. r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 ONLY $100 PER ACRE - -tg srrea. 2 milee worth seat of Port land. 1 miles freaa good sown and sta- 4 arres wJMer eniavataom: all ean be cultivated whew cleared: Vs mile of dirt road; bearing family orchard: 3 hnosts ef 4 and 3 rooms: one haa firepUesi barn. 3 chickea bsosss. Pries $5COO, clear, which includes equipment. bay terms w eeo- , sader dear reasdenee in Portlaad for fuU GOOD PLASTERED HOUSE 20 acres. 3 S aailas from electric sta oo and good town. 23 miles southeast ef roruano.; s acres under euJQvsrjosu Dartiallv cleared, balsnca in fir 1 mile to eobool; large bearing er chard. 20 English walnut trees. 400 logaa berry piaaa; 7 room bouse with soma phtmbing and good water .system; large chickea bouse for $00 chickens: has bescment Price $4300; $2500 23 acres,' IT miles from center of Port land, northeast: good marartsmissd road; all ander cultivation; good bottom land, black loam soil; cheap 1 room house; bora 18x20; 1 mils to school. Price $223i easy JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR . Gerlinger Bldcr Over 500 small places near Portland. tiet our axtenava dsssifsM Here Is What You Are Looking for 30 acres. 20 acres of it is beaverdam bad aad ean be Irrigated. No better asparagus tei in the Northwest. Good buildmgs, 8 miles wsst of Portland. Must sell at a ascrtflea. Writ for full particulam. Small payment. F. B. Madison Oregon City. Or. 80 ACRE3. Washington Co.. near highway and school: 20 cultivated, buildings, orchard, creek. springs, fine timber ana cedars: 8250O; terms. I'imilS. B04 fPiU'l.Mi BI.LMi. FOR RENT FARMS 408 3 ACRES. 8 miles west of city, cultivated. nice creek. S room bouse, etty wster, gaa a ail- I able; siaw a year. - GERLINGER BLDG. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt, ssapa showing Westera Orsgoa nawaaesd randa. 11. .Our enanes are rea- lalisa and ear ssi ik se the best oa locations. Befereacee glvea. M. J. AADK&SOa. MA sty. Exca. bldg., rortiaao. TIMBER LANDS 411 3.600.000 FFET of timber, fir. V mile to tasonabm. SeUwd. 2270. railroad; will srU r TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WHAT HAVE TOTJ . to exchange for good wheat land. Eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. Da kota or Alberta? $6000 first mortgage. 7 per cent, to ex change for small farm, fully equipped. 40 acres near Portland: will exchange for city puii-fity or take assail car aa part pay-. ment $3500. Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 322-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. DO TOO WANT A QUICK TRADE? If yea are not satisfied with what you have, we will trade you out of it We have some fine propositions to offer you. and if you are game we can trade quick. That is why wo call ourselves tha Quick Sales Co. 40 COUCH BLDG. 160 ACRE improved farm near Arlington, Or., to trad, for horn, ia city up to $3300. Braham & Wells 307-8 Coach Bldg. WILL TRAOE W are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring ia your proposition and we wiU match yoa oa anything that haa merit: lots, hnmss. acreage, farms, storks of mi u ha mil-.. E. R. S-. 813 Coach bldg. TO TRADE for city nome, 8 sere, onion tend, just- out of city; wiU accept boms up to $8000. Braham & Wells Main 6023. ' 807 8 Coach Bldg. Don't Worry Can trade anything anywhere. 909 Cnember of Comaverca, "TOO ACRES $40 EQUALS $28,000 Well improved Eastern Oregon, clear of debt; will exchange for Portland income to 40 or 50 thousand and pay cash difference. E. R. 8.. 613 Couch bldg. TRADE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR WHAT iUC WANT. WE MAT HAVE IT. A. W. ESTE8. REALTOR 905 CHAMBER OF COUAIKHCK. ALT. 614-C8 KEAA JEFF-ERSON HIGH S S-roona fiala. t&romt a0 Per asontb: 100X 100 ft tot some fruit berries, shrubs. Owner 1 will take lots for part of equity ot $4500; total price $6300. Rock. 403 Conch bldg. 25-ROOM hotel all equipped, only one in good town near Portland. WiU take ranch lor full value. J. 8. Warwick. Brio. Or. IDAHO irrigated. Want something laa PorUand. Scott Msia 9451. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 10 ACRES. White Salmon apple tend: 19 acres graaing. near Kilirss. Wash.; 2 lots. near Bead; any or alL for trade. Memo, Oak Grove. Or. FOR SALE or trads. by owner, 5 nod- era house, for farm equity 32000. 429 K. Charleston st st onus. Or. rm: i;.i,r . . , rz Kalama. Waaa., reasonable. I.ood prop esitioa. Call Week days. 8715 65th et WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 4501 "HOUSES WANTED" We want to list 4. $ and a-room nouses that ean be sold with a payment of $500 down, balance monthly. R. AC GATE WOOD Ac CfX. 165 4th st WANT Listings of property. 4 or 5 room bouse. au oa one floor, with bath, gaa and lights, ia any good district Will pay up to 84000, with 9-100 ta 880O cash.. Have ready buyers. Call Mam 7027. . ACREAGE 45S FIVE to 19 acres Improved er aaiiaproved. oa good road, within 10 miles of Portland; saast have running water; have cash casto- HENBY W. GODDARD 248 Stark at FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 MARRIED sua with family, experienced farmer aad dairyman, wants farm or dairy oa shares as am capable, ef taking complete charge. Ref- mess givea. W. J. Braatteeat R. A., box 160 B. Gresham. or phone 639-18. BUSINESS OPPORTUNrnES - STORES, ETC 500 FOR SALE Most mans ia Southern Oregoa, Portland Beaet cement plant with good pay roll located here; no eoss petition- For partaru- ters address Box 228. Gold HU1. Or. LUNCH, fountain, confectionery ; right oa Broad? way; ssaa and wife er 2 girto eaa handle; long hast; srrma. 231 Broadway. Bf Owner. garagK lOOxlOO East aide, close is: wfll Can Aat 631 5. or B1184, JoaraaL GROCERY AND LtS'CH" . Washington stork and ftxrans: 8509: Isaruire 128 14th at OLDt T cleaning aad dye shop ia city; bring in af sold Lass work. Phone Msia 8242. HAVE t room house, 4 lots, value, 340ffw ; 820w9 for vooarna; vionm or-apart- ent. Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bug. 2 te -TON track with freight hauling eoalrart ateaay posraaw. ail year around, at cba-e troek. Apply 430 Bninsste. DESIRABLE teT box pteat whk-k 9594 reoirea. ksa operated Olympic Box At Package Co. viwiss, swa BUILDiNG pteas for aa absolutely Orvproof storage garage. Write N. C. Herrmsa. R. j, Forefet ;rove. Or, BARBER shop for sale, good toes Una. Call at 1379 E. GSssa st VlTXA.MZI.NG shop. Dundy buy. good lorav tJon. Rent 310. 591 H Tburmsn st HAT WARD vutosaixtng autfit compsrteT $609; IT riaver b'ug.. Oregoa City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 "JUST WHAT TOO WANT . - - A ateo Kttla store, eleso to. Jus the place for man aad . wife. Groesrms and eorjectinm rlei. nving rooms. . Prms only $. Abo nice little- hoese in We. Piedmont. S rooms aad goad fee Will trade the score for good equity ta. small , house and isnai some, or will trade both store and 3-roosa heme for larger heae. Yoa are sssaass -offered aa opporUuuty bko this, so be quick. Wo also have several ether good, stores for sale oa as )e oa osay trrms. Quick Sales Co 408 COUCH BLDG. . Aat. 811-09. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE Loach room and oyster bouse oa Waak-" ingtoa sC ONLt .$O0 r3 year tease. . . WEST SIDE GROCERY- Corner location $3250 or iavoioe. West side cash giuceiy $950. East side gmrery at invoice. MANY OTHERS. Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. TWO GOOD GROCERY STORK BUYS 81350 JUST LOOK. No fixtures ta buy and rent only 32$. Haa 3 living rooms. SOME SNAP. 81550 No fixtures to buy; doing be tween 830 and $40 per day. about $0 on Sundays. Doing a good cash business. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum bldg. GOOD saw mul aad outfit. Attes engine. donkey engine, piaarr. ssws, log haul, etc. Over 800.000 ft. timber paid for and 4.OO0.0OO- ft- obtainable. This offered $3500 Iras than cost. Wfll consider acre age or city lota and small amount of essh. See Mrs. Albaugh. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. PARTNER WANTED Partner la good auto repair shop doing big buainew. ONLY 6630. Partner ta mlg. concern ; s chance to make some real money; about $1500 will handle. BUSINESS SERVICE, T1S Dekum bldg. feaKKUO- ITTKNTIOJi 1 ARE YOU GOING TO START A RAKEBTT If Ml 1 HAVE S COMPLETE OUTFITS IN sir r-rrj- uws-oa If API nrns sniTVTiritS niviTis-f a VIl W.ECTR1G OVENS. ALMOST NEW. TO BE SOLD AT BARGAINS. AD DRESS P. O. BOX 8524. PORTLAND. OR. WANTED A woman with about $600 capital to invest aa V tnuitet r tbe only rsstaursnt u a good sswmiU town; rooms tn connection. Writs to the Green Cafe. D. P. Powers, Bulge field. Wash. FOR SALE Sawmill 46x12 tubular boiler. 23 horsanower - enanne. aouoie raw nc au com plete, ready to be act ap and run; osMupngbt shmale -i ' goes . with outlit. SX-668, JouraaL GOOD value with speculative possihilitiea. 7000 Kkiloo comer. Williams ave. aad vteiaier; stores down, four 4 room flats bp; 82500 cash. 5500 yearly at per cent. x. a. tiraas, ma Height ave. Phone WeodolawB 5533. FfTti Candy kitchen, good retail opportunity: whole sale z if interested and not a eandymaker. will teach yoa the business. Call Woodlswa 4907 322 Alberta, near 13th. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Msta 3638. 191 3d st HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 rnrec at hat. tRICE We will seO yoa a fine hotel at half tha price other places ' are selling at to day aa 80-room brick hotel, close in, a monev-mskrr. with a good lease. Prica only 83000. Yoa can't duplicate it ia PorUand for twice too amount, aad will prove it. Quick Sales Co., 406 COUCH BLDG. IF YOU want to buy or sen anertmseta. rooming houses or aotels. see as before yoa soaate. AiS-tft AEsescafniG. Rl.KT nanns ft-rss ant in town for money, Right ia town. 330 Sth at, income Ilia. rent $40. $1200 if sold quick. Call E. 7014 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED SS0 WE HAVE CASH BUYERS for hotels, apartment bouses, grocery and confectionery stores. Our repreaentativa will call on you if you prefer. JohhsonDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 3787 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CTTT LOANS HO COMMISSION Oat lafrTOVwsal IN Ut,assstXff aVC The best and eeassst ssetbod of loaa ia oar monthly payment plaa. 932.26 per month for 86 $21.34 per most, for 60 $15.17 per month for 98 loaa of 51900 and tntseasL Loans of ether aaaoanta ta same proportioa. ' Repay me ut Privilegea, EQCTTABLE SAVINGS as LOAN ASS'S. 343 Stark Kt, PorUaad. Or. 83000 TO $5000 to toaa oa first class real estate security. Johnson-Dodson Co. cj . w. Bans rjwg. Msin 3787. - 1 s-suv a is iu.u ta suaa oa saortgsgss. sreoaa mortgsges and sellers eaatrsets oa real estate ta Orsgoa sad Washfngtoa Caartea Dastsi. $1$ stairway Kxcnanre nios. $30O. $400. $600. $60. 6769. 81000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick actioa. Pay 8199 or more any Interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 931 e hamper ot Cossnaerc. bldg. Mam 11T0 $300. $400. $50. 81 SO. $1000 AND UP Lew rates, quick aetioa. fTad W. Osrassa Co-. 732 Chamber s Commerce. Msta 9448. BCTLDU'G toans oa city and aoburbaa property", money advanced aa work progresses. W. U. Beck. 216 snd 216 Fsfliag bldg. Msia 349T. 820AO TO $3009 OS CITY PBOPERTT. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 306 PANAMA BLDG. $500. $1000. $1500. $2000. $i500 ANr5CPT F. H. DE8HOW. 613 Chamber of Com, bldg. MONEY te kea. 8109 ta 95000. A- a. 11 Mulkey bldg Msia 47 $IK ORfcGOlTlNt". as MORTGAGE CfX. 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th aad Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. I UNOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE BO DS OR ANYTHINO Of VALUE. SECURITT CSCAUJT LEFT IN TOUR POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans Tf SALARIED PBOPLs. ON THEIR NOTTS WITHOUT SECURITT IF TOUR PAT- MENT 8 TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARB TOO LARGE, WR WILL PAT 1 HEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONET IF KECESSART AND YOU CAN REPAY US 13 SiU aj I. MONTHLY PATXK.1 ra iu avir KHg tV.ltsJllsvM.B I.EGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTL.AND LOAN CO. fUCENSEDl 86-87 DrrrTM BLDG., af seel wash. SALARY LOANS WK LOAN MONET CHATTEL. oa abort aUiee to salaried ar wovMagmea oa asm ' Botes. Wsekly. sesmu-ssewtaJy or thrv mrsseats. Each tramsrtisa - strictly sMtfina'nUal a KO mobt:age no indorser ABSOLUTELY NO RBI KITT Wa alsa loan on boawrhoM goods. CAIJ, AND INVtiMTri.ATB ' . COLUMBIA KISCOUNT COMPANY .... (LICENSED! 518 TAlUSi, BUTLPTNO MONEY TO LOAN Oa Goods ta Storage. Bank Fate. SECURITY STORAGE Ac TRANSFER CO A3 4th at. opav . Mattaomeh HoteL ' ' Phone Broadway 8713. IvsTSOTXANEOUS FINANCIAL 03 WK BUY fust aad erosad auortgagse sesi eeUars- eesrtracta . F. K. Bewsssa m Cew 219 Caam- ber of Cumisi. rue bMg Msia 8016. - CASd pasl oe snorts-taws and salarrv eeatsarta oa real estate aa Wsabmgtoa c Oeegoav SL I I IIJLnJtM MIME w. .KoWe. 814 Li i ne , FINANCIAL MONEY WANTED 651 SEE OKBGON INV. e MORTGAGE CO.. 223 v namoer ot 1 msistirs WANTED tiidu oa good i n proved . rortisnd homo, from private party. Call Ant. 31-4. $1500 Oa six room buncalow near Peiasal Park, pay 7 per rewt. Ueodtawn 410. vTlNTEb Loan of tlS.Oow o. tortlaoTW- aeas erriertr. Cell Mala 3390. HORSES AND VEHICLES - 700 - CROWN 8TABLE&. tNcT ne Mm. nalr m it-n.UA suitable for crcbard or farm. Well broke. with baraass, Phil Suottar, !?5 Front st CROWN HTARIJ.J iw. - Pair bteek mutes with harnow. sMiebhse about 150 lbs. W.B broke mad Hn.. l,. mt horses. Win sell chean. Phil E Better. orea 85 Front at . CROWN STArtLES. I.NC. For sale, aair Of denote nt sssm. sarftaaJ. for archerd or farm. WeD broke, anyone cava handle them; with new hire ass pail Battier. ' res. 25 Front et CROWN 6TABt.ES. Cfti " Pair black males with bsneaa w alanine aoeai 1 1 au mt, wea arose and drive baa of fwrws. w ill aril cheap. Phil t. 285 Front st tXR SALE at a bargain. 6 bead of horses, weighing from 1350 to 150O ma.. 8 to years cad. Can be seea at K. 9th aad Flanders. 3 LARGE tea ass of mates. 1 team of horses, Wt. i S-o fbs. wita harness. -No reasons tite wtfer tv fas id. 420 Hawthorne eve. FtR SALE Cheap, two surreys, too seats, rub- ' ' orr crsa. ta good order. 40 to $30. Psoas $2W Milwsukie. Fuel At Feed Co. BARGAIN $35; pony, ssddse and bridle.'ateo 1100-lb. mare. $20; harness aad was one of all kinds. Woodyard. 327 Front st Wanted- 1200-lb. hone. Uiva carpenter Box 17, Oak Grove, Or. MULE8 Small team; young, sound aad gentle. -W'oodysrd. 327 Front. WAMEli Used 1 bone spnag msrket SnrUBk, rsuto 3. Sbrrwned. Or. lAbML-a; learn Oay. singi. kaam 5L.50 aaa. 346 Froat st Main 2208 LIVESTOCK 701 i i Registered Stock : Registered Poland China sows for sate. Win soon have pigs. . E. A. Fearing. Jennings Ledge, Orsgoa. CROWN STABLES. INC, For sale. 3 good, young, family rows, giving am 3 to 4 galloas of milk. Phil Suettar. 285 Front st ONE treah cow, 2 cows freshen soon, from tha farm. No reasonable offer refused. Ono bteck south S. P. deoot, MUwaniia. Henry Smith, Phone 80 W. Muwaukie. . FOR SALE Fresh cow aad calf, heavy, rich milker. Waitford ata.. Ore. Etectnc, A. JU Prothero. Beavertoa. B. R. 1. - CROWN STABLES. TNG. Tor aate. 1 enod vounc fassilr from 8 to 4 gallons of suUk. Phil Suettar. 285 Front rt REGISTERED will arrays Lodge. Or. GOOD family cows just fresh. BOO cheap. Mt Scott car to Tremont staooa. nsocaa aouta to 5th ave. 1 west to 71st st YOUNG Hoteteta Jersey, tresb. 7te gallona.ot'. good milk: 1 thoroughbred Jersey, iresa, vary . rich mOk. 420 82d st. " WANTED Young dairy cows, ireab or aooa ta freshen. R. 1. box 19, Portland. FRESH o tested. m and calf; first time fiwah; Woodyard. 827 Front st tubercusta FOR SALE Guernsey cow, fresh. 21$ W. Watta st, near Kentoa. 3 YOUNG fresh heavy springers. Jersey-Durhama; also too ersey-Durhaa .741 and 753 Kset Ash. FRESH cow for sate. CeU 266 E. 43d tween Hawthorn, and Madisoa st - FRESH Guernsey cow lor suae; E. 24th st 844 WANTED Beef, veal and hoga. "Tabor 7&ST i POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 i - PULLETS Wa can supply O. A. C and Tanered White Leghorn puQeta. ateo Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds, some toady to lay. and 2-year-old hens, good breeders: these are exceedingly tine raasw-rased birds. Main 4040. 180 Froat st. Portland Seed Co. lit ! R. L RED pulleu at 1313 Burrage st. 4 and 5 months old, 81.80 to $1.75 per chirk; hiring strain: take St Jonas ear. get off st Hol msa st. go one blocs east Woodiswn 4Ht - 60 YEARLING R. L.Red Mt 1st class layers. $1.60 each: 10 yearling R. L Red cocks. $3' each; some pullets, some cockerel. Progressiva Hatchery. 1M4 E. 12th st N.. Wdm. 14W5. YEARLING Tanered White Leghorns. 320-240 egg strain, 81 such. Kveriey Farm, . the Dsllea. Or. WANTED From 50 to 500 White Ighom pullets. Hatched before April 20. J. R. Bab eock. The Dalles. Or. . LAYING young Whit. Leghorn bens. 81 oacT; Hoganlsed rtoe. J. Maguire. 781 Oregon. near 24 th sad Sandy. . - R. L B. bens 1 year old. 81.40; April pullets. 76c EOioU B train. Tabor 754 8. RABBIT and young or what have you to trade r Woodiswn 1656. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC 703 CHESAPEAKE BAT r pupa., isadigreed aed registered. Finest Msgtnre. 767 Oregon, t of duck dees. J. K r 24 th end Sandy. THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier pupa. Eva as poultry ymrda, 365 E. Lombard. Woodlawa 3656. FOR SALE Pointer pup. Right age ta trelZ WoodUwn 4852. " JAPANESE spaniel lor pair. F-bl8. Journal. sale. From imported FOR SALE 8t Andreasburg singers aad fe rn ale. Call Marshall 777. WANTED Corker -Spaniel Pup. Joan 2 to months end. Bute pnee, P-47. rnsL TWO canaries and cage for sale 820. 342 Front- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1921 FORD COUPE Four months old. Been used as demonstrator. Haa speedometer; Haaaier shock absorbers, spars tire. WILLIAM I HUGHSON CO., 60 NORTH BROADWAY, ASK FOR MERRILL. MODEL 90 Overland at a prion that wfll fores you to take notice; liberal terma. Was. Is Hughson Co.. 60 N. Broadway st Davie st $225 BUTS a 1914 Cadillac wtth X ton truck attachment, ia good eoadiUoa. Phone $16-14. e.k for Mr. Arkermsn. 1921 FORD touring with extras, only drivea short distance ; prica reasonable; terma to re sponsible party. Kenwood 2016. STTDEBAKER six, 1918. by first ctess' condition. 'Looks i See ear after $ p. m. at $11 TSTff owner. Car at s good aa new. Mississippi ave. WE PUT Steel testa ra yoar cad flywheel: crankshaft turning. H, P. Bteek. machine- vbep. 634 AMer st Broadway 2661. $150 CASH. '18 Mets touring; new battery; starter. lis has, good errvicsacle ear. worta twice. Tabor 5320. El" U K 4, repainted, fine shape. $300 for quick tale. was. L Uugbaoa Co., au . Broadway at Davis st SACRIFICE SPECIAL. 1820 Ford roadster. starter. 3385: tin. condition. Owner. Taber 1669. - . BL'K'K Light Six touring! mod.! D43. oaa of the good ones. Good tirea. Exoelsent dWns, only $375. East 9049. 1920 FORD touring, with starter. 8450; terms; fine condition. Billingsley Motor Cow. Haw- thoraa ave. at Sth. East 720. 80x3 Vs MICHELLN 3 ply tires, 816.90. Kama better- Wa know bow to repair tires. Yai- raw Tivw Shori- iJrand sve. at Pwsv --E. 469a. 1919 llOIWiE dasivery oar. screen sades. 'perfect meaaanieal coaditioa: tooas ana runs lias new. $623. Term. East 8049 , Auto Tops ZZZZLrZJLTZZ Salmoa St. between Sth and Breedwey. LATE 1919 8 cade osier ansd, excellent eoaditiast 565 E. 41t st, N. lie ht au, arivateiy Terms. Tabor $661.. LEAVING towa ia day or so. will sacrifice good roadster for cash. 720 E. Ash at Pboae East 1407. 1929 FfRO TOCRING. 8423 HTABTER. SHOCK ABSORBERS ROOD RUBBER, TOP AND PA INT. WIM N. 4035. . 3Va-TON truck sntb freigbt bsulsag eaatrsct Sanady psaiusa. all year around. Mast pur chase truce.. Apply 430 Bqraode- 1917 REO. tip-top shape, 8559. Bdwy. 8 to 8. weekdays. Ak for etseabaeh. FLANDERS tearing: extra tires. 95(Lfr9. 841 E. 9 8t N. 1919 CHEVROLET tourinZ good onnditioa. Win demostrate. $323. Terms. East S949. DODGE 114 1 '16 et. comer Weshmgioa. fORD" touriug. 1920. extra: wta take old Ford ta trade. Phone 813-92. 1917 FORD tuaring. ajjotlicbt speedometer sod Uaaveters. Good buy at 8239. 31 E. 9th st N. FOR SALE I 1929 Ford truck with dump body. 634 E. Bumddo st Pnone Rest 8788. LATE 1820 Ms-iwell loui-.cg. rttnf tires, wuA maay cxtraa. 9523. Tabor 9496. T520 VQgr rsdstr sroed tirsa and Im mr.?r'i!i eonditinn. $42. terms. East an49. (CVssstessssd am Pi $14. 'r