6 !." THE OREGON t SUNDAY JOURNAL, v PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST : 14. 1S2L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ExServIce Men ! Attention W. hav Kml splendid bungalow in ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHCR8T and ALAMEDA PARK, on which the prospective lean eu be applied. If you want to build we'U auk the neeeaasry imsitmcntt. By ail means see m before you buy. $4500 ROSE CITT PAEK. Say. folks JooTl appreciate th real valu here. , Really, hen is ft nifty bungalow with a great big Bring room; modern to the lut detail, with hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace; located below the hill. Now "". hurry- -: 44800 "HOSE CITT PARK. "New S bungalow with - garage; modern to the last detail; moderate term; price ii low. Ton will want this for your home. $5780 ROSE CITT PARK. Beautiful corner lot. 7 mom buncaiow with double Ca . . race. This is a genuine bargain, but it i requires mostly eash to handle. If . you have the money, here's . your bar gain. Modern La rrery ny- ; .WE HATE THE BEST' BUYS IN ROSE CITT PARK. KANT NEW LISTINGS I- ' i T.AURELHURST LACRELHCBST tiiSO LACRELHCRST. We are offering . this splendid bungalow, under con , , strection. with hardwood floors through- . out. furnace. - fireplace, nant iixiures. . shades, linoleum in kitchen and bith- ' rooms; garage. Built by eue of Port " land's best builders. Finished in rich old ivory and .white throughout; ex pensive tapestry paper. A real buy, See this.' ' c - i 86500 LAURELHTJRST. Vacant; more right - , in. Here's your choice, folks, to get a real attractive bungalow of 7 rooms. exceptionally well built; a home yom will be proud to own; hardwood floors rhmna-hout: every conceivable built-in convenience nothing lacking to make ' this the perfect home. Let us show you. - 'In the other popular districts we hare any umber of I good buys which can be handled j . on very reasonable terms. : $6$00 ALAMEDA PARK. ..W. jreoffering a diatinctive home of earn and chsr- " aeter at a price $1000 lew then its real value: 8 rooms with 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement, garsge. etc. The quality of material speaks for itself. $6)00 NEAR 83d and Hawthorne. Price was $7300. Folks, if you want a ' real bargain, if you're in the market for a downright classy bungalow with lota of class and distinction, we want yno to see this. Located at 299 East SSd. near Hawthorne. You'll find everything here one could possibly ex pect: garage too. $1000 cash will f handle. See for yourself. . 14500 Beautiful 5 room bungalow with lOOx . 100 and garage; facing one of Purt land's most beautiful parks. You would expect to pay at least $5500; I n,n, m, tprma. See this. $4800 MT TABOR DISTRICT. A splendid 6 room colonial home. New. Move right in. A wonderful buy on easy . terms. AC. TE CPE CO. OGAUTOOS A INVJOANCC UMR 302, riAJ TA.BOR.95SS - ' atrfa riiiuie uth and Sandy Onen Sunday. Tabor 9586. ftVT.T 1100 DOWN 8 ROOM BUNGALOW Oa S Full Lota, xvm la a anan for nnmeone. A large bunga low located less than 2 blocks from Union ave. The place could be arranged so that it may be eecupied by 2 families. There Is also a garsge. Monthly terms. I Tbia is indeed an ODTiortunity. tie nar month whifh includes interest. race I only $4750 for this 8-room .bungalow with ga : rag on 100x150 feet. J. L HARTM AN COMPANY. S ; Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. a i HOUSES TOR SALE V..-.? $2850 $500 DOWN . . . IIS i MfWfTH AND INTEREST New bungalow, 4 rooms and hath, 50x100 ft. lot, sewer, sidewalk and curb in and all paid. Tbia ia a dandy little home and it's ft bargain. Already- to mev inT Thi horn must be . sold snd if you pay $1000 down I will make the nrina $2750. Come in and aee ma. MR. BRIC&NELL. 1285 Sandy Blvd.. or Tabor 2$2. 1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY". Branch Office No. 1. Sandy Blvd... cor. 45th St. $2850 $650 DOWN 3, BLOCKS TO BOSK CITY CAR 4 rooms and attic. Nice living room with fire- I pUoe. dining room, kitchen, hath and one bedroom downstairs and room for bedroom up stairs. Everything in fine condition, tiuxiuv ft. corner. $350. sewer asKesBment to be sumed. This i a very good buy. J. Ii. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. i Main 208. Branch office 45th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 252. 1 ROOM BUNGALOW $4075 i , . Tbia property was .recently appraised at $4500 for a 6 per cent loan; 5 rooms and bath down and 2 'nice rooms up; hardwood loan in i living room, - dining room and on bedroom, built-ins in dining room and kitchen, large basement, plpelesa furnace and trays; lot 50x100, 7 fruit and 2 walnut trees. 1191 Detroit ave., on block from ' earlin) on Killingsworth ave. See this home. It bargain; occupied by owner. ' $1000 cash, balance easy. i E. M. BROWN 1122 North ww tern Bank bldg. Main 2422. V?- ' 1'- " INCOME ' DOUBLE HOUSE EAST TERMS : 'f 50x100 lot, double garage, full cement ' runway. Gaa heater all rooms upstairs. 'Very modern throughout. 4 Urge rooms 'with builtin features downstairs; 5 large , rooms un.j Will pay for itself. - " MARSH A McCABE CO.. REALTORS - 832-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 8993 "' ttttsri kKAn' BEFORE Y6u BUV We help with the first payment 11 necessary. IHIMlS f.. 42 and Hawthorne, bungalow. $3400- r.. 44 andnwthorne, furnished. " $2625 -5: f.. 87 and Belmont, comer. 42450 5 r.. 82 and Alder. $150.00 cash. - -$26508 r.. 41 and Salmon, bargain. ' A fa of oar many bargain, XX- wan irala of all kinds. Ctitvr. Realtor, 88 and Belmont An to 228-89. T" OWNER LEAVING CITY . , . HAS REDUCED PRICE ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME Large living room, library, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, 5 bedroom, bath room. ' m twv finish, hardwood floor, fireplace, fur nace. Hows up to date and practically like . new. Large gangs. Two lots, beautiful trees, shrub, flowers; paved street Price only - $9600; terms. Owner. Marshall 248. tainfi ROSE" CITY PABKblSTRICT Craiuat ; atrirtlv modern 8 room typical bungalow, thoroughly 'wen built ind conveniently arrangra. nrepiac. rurwace, au i mumna, uu. good- plumbing, full cement basement, fruit and - laundry rooms, trays;; splendid bungalow. Tabor 6589. G ROY ELAND PARK $4950 NEAR ,- . FRArvLl Beautiful new modern 7-room bungalow, partly turnishadV $1000 under value. Small payment and ey term to responsible buver. Overlooks eity and near Franklin. Owner 882 E. 54th st. Phone Teovr il.RESTi A room, doable eonsuueted. fin condition, strictly modem, except h. w. flebrs, snd furnace; full lot, fin. lwn. garage. Take car, good lot, as part payment. Main 63S7. RiDAlIS S room. California bungalow. furnneei trays, fireplace, builtins. Dutch 'kitchen, fine lawn, fruit. 4411 44th st. . ., near Holgate. Go look Sunday sura. Fhwt eutrer get H. - -$TS6 SSAP-i-$?S6 1 ' ; S rooms, : g. water, fine lot. fru't trees, garden, on R. 88th St.. $200 cash. bI- to suit. - SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. BXTTlND every policy of Title lanmcs t deposit with th state of Oregon to protect on against kwe, yrf it H cheaper than the rrset w-thnd. Title Trnst enrrenv s stiW-Ca FRANKLIN HIGH )$800 down. Cosy room hunt alow, modern, em ctrline. terms. Only $25 monthlv. QUIN. 206 'Morgan Bldg. Realtor, a 1 9 AO COMFORTABLE 4 rm. house, in Tan- - eonver, Vs., near ear. aehnol and store. Elec, bath, toilet. Lot 60x200, sy term. r-zs, JoumsL ' SACSmCi: 7 room house for $5300 for quirk ami. Block to Lnurclhnjst park. 81 T. 85th. eor. Stark. . ' till A x-T-rr- . a ft l ui Utlnft. SaAA eau-h. A snap.; Se J. P. McKenn,: Belmont t th. realtor. Tabnr 649S; - Lf OWNER 6 room house, doe in. lOii had Eat 515. East REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FOR SALE in Wasthnmptoo, 20 min utes out oa 4th st- electric, W oodrow station; commutation tare 8 c ; new bouse, 4 rooms and bath, - standard plumbing, breakfast nook, many built-in features. Bull Run water, Grounds 150 xl25 feet; no city restriction, no city taxes. $S0o0. Terms.' J. D. HAN LET M . .. . 709 Gaaco bldg. Phone 527-81. i . NORTHEAST bIDK HOMES ; I4T50 Beautiful 8-room bunzalow. ; 8 tots .. .- ........ .$100 cash 3200 10 -room duplex house.... 390 cash 4500 Queen Anne bungalow. Jot 80x100 ... ., 500 cash 8250 8-room duplex house, lot 4 Ox i 125 .U." 650 cash 44002 stories, 7 rooms, garage . 750 cash If you want to locate in northeast side, see us for, good buys. Our autoa at your service. George F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mis sissippi are., Woodlawn 1201; or Res.. Wood lawn 2785. ; . BT OWNER ' Ai;. IBVINGTON BUNGALOW j" . (5500 ' ' - ' JC8T COMPLETklU. MUST SELL, FTVE ROOMS, SOLID OAK FLOORS INCH THICK IN LIVING ROOMS AND BEDROOMS. TOU COULDN'T HAVE A ! HOUSE BUILT BETTER IF YOU HAD IT BUILT YOUR SELF, AS IT IS DOUBLE i CONSTRUCTED AND INTERLINED WITH HEAVY PAPER. FULL BASEMENT. BEST PLUMBING WITH BUILT-IN TUB. OPEN SUNDAY. 525 K. 8TH ST. N. . ! - i BEAUTIFUL ROSE BUNGALOW If yoo, are on the market for a real dsn bungalow is Rote City park let us show yon this. It has. 5 large airy moms, hardwood floors throughout; every imaginable builtin feature; wonderful breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen. 8 ft. cement basement. laundry treys, furnace, fire place, large- clothes closets, 2 linen closets, beauti fui light fixtures, large bathroom, tub, etc 50x100 corner lot, garage and runway, city improvements paid. Price $6800. terms to suit. RUMMELL oc RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. VERY fine Rose City home. 6 room bungalow. large living room, with fireplace and built-ins, P. f. window, pretty dining room with buffet, hardwood floors, indirect lizhts. 8 hrizht and siry bed rooms with closets, sewing room, pretty aniicu siicnen, cement casement, trays, lull lot wiui suruoa ana i lowers, garage and runway &'&Jik& by appointment Price $5800; $1000 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO. 201 Oregon bldg. Bdwy 4835, Sell. 1115 DEAR LITTLE BUNGALOW SNAP Located in Kenton, near Kenton schcol and streetcar. It has 4 rooms and acreened-in porch snd basement, beautiful lot i all covered with fruit, flowers, garden and berries and is a dear little home snap for $1400. $500 cash will handle, balance like rent. If you want a fine little home please come in and I -will gladly iae you out to see tms one. ' Bee E. W. HUGHES, i 1 507 Jnurasl bldg. ' Main 285S FURNISHED ROSJB CITY PARK . H Get the price on this. The swellest Iocs tion in ROSE CITY PARK. Furnished with the swelled furniture imaginable. uh aa ma- hogany living room furniture, brown walnut dining room furniture, ivory bedroom furniture and Oriental rugs, Haviland j china., etc. Call uxiay Mxntuui 1-JS7 or tiam aoo. After to day call Main 083. REAL IBYTNGtbN SNA . ' ' $8000 , I ' 6 beautiful rooms: this strihtlv mndurn bnnn. low. complete.! with elaborate builtins. hardwood floors, ivory finish, double garage and draperies worm over tivuu; xzsuo cash; you mnt see una. i ) , INTERSTATE INVESTMNT CO. i i REALTORS Broadway '4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, pretty, 6-room bungalow with or without furniture: la nm attin and sleeping porch; bath, hot and cold: electric ugnts, gas ana trautins; fruit trees and berries; barn and chicken house; close to Arleta school: 6 blocks to Stewart station. M. H. line- llu OQil , . tn . . icew kui oeiweeu a ana o p. m. biso cor pna avenue (4. H. Paved stmt. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW Westmoreland. Never been occupied. Very classy. Hardwood floor. kmlv rnifoh wi, fnace, fireplace, large attic, . cement pore boa! iuu, uj i owner, selling ai oost. No mortsiM. T A. Bird, S26 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 1022. LAURELWOOD Upper and tower flat, 12-room nnunra; jqoks ana is rood in and out; large Dght rooms, plumbing, electricity, gss; 2 lots; nesr car and school; for sale Monday for $2500. $1000 down.; Later, miaht nnt 4nrt f,,. nished) to adults for $45. Mt Scott car to tsnrelwood. see 6248 Foster road. a noon but Five-room house bath, gaa, lights, fireplace. with 3 lots, clone to school and car. ; fruit and I station, splendid soil, no rock, most all culti berriea. Mt. Scott district. Mvrtle Park ata. I mat 1 acre notatoea.' k acre sweet corn. tion. Price $2300.00. $500.00 down, bal- I SUNXTSIDE. one block Belmont, $4500. $1000 rfnrwn aTvtra fin. nwLm A.mam house.. lot 50x100; stone wall; fine garage and driveway; nothing like it offered anywhere; worth good deal more. El K Staub. 1027 Belmont. Tabor 210. Call Monday. ROOM modern house, lot 50x100 ; "fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 1 hlnnk- to car. Price $4200, $1000 - cash, balance oay terms. 1202 jb,. xamouj. Phone Tabor I 5777. MAPLE WOOD STATION ' Four-roomed modern hau. fnmlahed nr im. furnished; lotl 00x121 H. with building could be mad into dwelling included; $2950 fur- nished. Mrs. Falconer, M-980 Journal. BY OWNER, A modern 6-room bnnralow. ntt mtnl ati mmt nrepiaoe. furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen and full cement basement. t reasonable price. 5319 siw n a. li. rnone Auto. 630-58 BY OWNER 5 room cottage, electric. SSL ESSS fJAATiL j ceiling and built-ins, buffet; on paved street z4uu casn, f-jeuv terms, south. 630 E. 18th st. LAURELHURST By owner going away. 5 room modern bun galow, almost new, furnished or unfurnished. 085 Wasco at.. 1 block north of 33d at. and Sandy blvd. i - BARGAIN 5 room. California bungalow, furnace, trays, fireplace,! builtins. Dutch kitchen, fine lawn, fruit. 4411 44th st. S. E., near Holgate. Go look Sunday sure. First customer get it. i WOODLAWN $2650 ; 6 rooms, modem. Queen i Ann. arrlp, with full lot j better than new; close to psved street and park; must be sold. Apply 621 Henry bldg.. uroaaway lis. - i 1 ROOM BUNGALOW. IS600 . , $1600 cash, no mortgage. Excellent eondi- tJon. Furr.sce. Owner must sea immediately. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1023 Monday.?' FIVE, room cottage, light, water, gas, 75x100 It., fruit, garage. Price 11600. Term. Mr. M. A. Johnson. Mllwaukie pnene 61 -M or : 141-t. $3600. SMALI. payment down, near Peninsula nark. Vacant six room bungalow. ' Double eonstructed. Best condition. Phone owner. Woodlawn 410. OB oaxjs 4-room plastered house. Vt acre; $300 down; win take auto as Bret payment. E-298, Journal. ACREAGE 405 - " " ' $900 ONE ACRE WATER AND GAS Only $42.50 down, balance 8.60 per month and interest at 6 per cent, straight contract; finest garden sou, close to car and pavement. Main 5201. i . !'.'-''. : " : - , , BASE LINE SNAP Beautiful 4 H acre wooded tract on Base line near Barker road. Price only $2000. Terms. - .-. i -,.., j. t .., . . HOLCOMB REALTY CO.. i - - 211 Washington Bldg. $50 DOWN, balance 4 years, no tnterert. H ACRES. $750 up. Under cultivatioa. Bull Run water, 8 min. Walk from 7e car fare. Call Ant. 648-:01 for appointment. " 10 ACRES. WEST SIDE - " ' 1Z miles out, level, finest; soil, nc reek or gravel, a acres oearmg crchard. fenced, main nau. nam. iu, miiH ro snix. J. C. CORBPf CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. A GOOD BUY $1300 wi3 buy 20 acre of good level o0. ken in pasture, balance good, timber. Paved road. 8 miles from my of fice, worth inveetigsting. ' i , J. 'R. WOLBF. 419 Henry Bldg. $400 FOR SALE ! 10 acre hear Rainier and 8. P. t S. and Columbia hit li way. Very easy terms. ! i s E. D. HOBENSACK. ' 763 GUsan St. TIGARD ' 1 4-5 acre doe to station. Br stream at back. partly cleared. Call Broadway 741 or write n. n. rnsant. xigara. w. i 1 SNAP for someone: 1 acre, cleared, with small bnus 13x16, at Jennings Lodse. Oreeen City ear line; small payment down. k ! monthly. ' D-999. Journal. t -FOR SALE 3 acres choice cranberry land near Nahmtta. Wash., $4SO. $150 cash. C M. nmitn. Koute a, box baa. liieenam. Or. FRUrrVALE screeg. 10-aer tracts, unclearecC on county roaui. a mue irom vsneonrer. Owner. 680 Rsvensview Drive, Portland. Or. 0 ACRE3. good soil, logged off, creek on place. 2 mile toed town: near hirhwav. 9Ssa.i : Jar. Brsnd. 420 Henry bldg. $925 FOR 60 cr 33 mile Portland; bmsa land, eeed - soil. eoMf tnrim iwmttw wim JTerag. X-69S. JaarnaL - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 GOOD GARDEN LAND Over 10 acTos, 11 miles south of the center of Portland. 1 mile to school, ma cadamised toed, wire and rail fence; . ail under cultivation, best of black loam soil, small bearing orchard 2 tooae shack. Price $2700, half cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. Exceptionally good piece of land. in. - . . . JO acres between Portland end Hillshov, 4 mi;e from electric staoea; 6 blocks to school; under cultivation and good soil; 8 room plastered boose, barn, chicken house; bearing orchard. Price $4000, c&-h. Or wUI consider Portland nous for lull if wall located. 11 acres, 3 miles from Forest Grove. All can be farmed when cleared, aer logan berries, H acre strawberries, V acre grapes. 2 acres applea, pears and prunes, all bear teg. 1 mile to school, graveled road. fi room bungalow, bars, a chicken house. Price $2000, $1000 cash. ONLY $500 CASH 6 acres, 2 to miles from Corvallis: all under cultivation: good bearing orchard; V, mile to school; macadamized road ; ft room house, bafnTchicken house for 600 chickens. Price $3200, $500 cash, bal ance at $23 per month at per cent ONLY $100 DOWN ' : Acre tracts. Alberta district, on paved street, with walks and paving paid; ail in fruit and berries. Very beat of land: fruit ? in fine condition. $100 down, easy team at '6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON - " ! GERLINGER BLDG. REALTOR Over 500 small place near Portland Get our extensive classified liats $43 DOWN ' ! ONE 'ACRE WATER AND GAS ! , i . Close in and dose to ear snd paved highway, finest shot soil, all cleared, wonderful view of ML Hood. This is an ideal suburban home district and growing in value every day; only $43 down, balance $9 per month and int. . at 6. straight contract. Boone-Clearwater . - 605-506 Couch bldg. Main 5201. 111-4 ACRES i A Dandy Location i All in cultivation, eood barn and ben house; familv fruit: eood well. cow. chicken and tools. 1 mile of Oregon City.. on Pacific highway. This is the best soil in the county. Price $2 00 cash, balance easy terms. Call or write E.E.TEEPLE ' 7194 Main St. Oregon City. Or. " ! 7 ACRE BARGAIN Adjoining city limit of Hillsboro, all in cultivation, good 3-roora house, well, all fenced, only 3 blocks from highway and elec tric line. Price for quick mi only $3500. ' $500 cash will handle, $200 CASH $20 PER MONTH ! Buys acre. 5-room house in Maple wcod, city water and gaa, fruit, berries, chicken house. Hurry if you want a bar ' gain. Make offer. MAIN IWWSU) SUITE 415 WASH. PARK PIATT BLDG lO-ACRES At Canby All in cultivation, fine soil, good S mom house, good bsrn, wood house, ben boose, cellar, wamn shi- fruit and berries, fine water, home, cow, chickens, snd all tools. About 1 miles of PanK Or - Th, is nal anlL Price $4500. IOBM j terms. . E. P. Elliott & Son 7th and Main st. Oregon City. Or. 3)4-Acres 12 Miles Out $650 Good little farm home. 12 mOea out, right at small house, furniture and some tool go with nlace: nrice $650, rlarsrrove Realty Co. 152 N. th t. " Broadway 4381 A. 2 Mi. Oregon City EQUIPPED FOR 3S0OO tCTceocunially eood - niece of land. lay good n.. 7 a-FM in cmn. 8 a. nice timber, trood 4 room house, relendid bam 80x32, chicken bouse 16x30. 8 good cows, large horse, 4 hogs. 50 chickens. 2 . wagons, sanies, piow, narrow, cultivator, small tools. Price $3000. Hargrove Kealtyxvo. REALTORS 122 North 6th st. near Glisan. Bdwy. 3481. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 seres berry land, all level and all in cultiva tion. 1 miles from city limit of Vancouver. Wash., on Pacific highway, then mil eest Hazel Dell (tore, on macadamixea road. A-l anil Rnnnina- stream on back of place. Good chicken house 22x91. 100 White Leghorn hens. cash. Might consider some , terms. Owner, K. H. McMullen. Route e. Box 0A. Van couver, Wash. . i 160 ACRES N W. of Wfflamin. Yamhill county, running water; rolling fine for stock, $1600, $500 down, bal 6 per cent. 80 acres, close to Sheridan, spring, part clear; an very near level; no waste land, K. F. D., fenced, fine lot saw timber ana contwooa. i lone to road, $4500, $500 down, bal. 6 per cent! 226 Chamber, of Commerce bids. 9 ACRES IMPROVED $1000 Ttandv little nlace. located SO miles from Portland. 1 mil from station and P. O. Good cabin, barn and chicken house. Family orchard and berries, 8 acres cleared. Fine soil, no rock. Price 81000. Terms 8840 cua. balance tw equal annual payment. LUEillltJia.'tS tUlfaSI, 913 Chamber of Commerce. HERB ia your chance to own small farm down th Columbia river.. 18 01 acres, on pay ments that you can make; it is rich, produetiv soil, on a good road: price $558. term $140 cash, balance $83 a year, lct us snow it to you t once. JohnsonDodson Co. 638 Northwestern Bank bldg. - FOE SALE 5 Vt sore, just outside city limit on North Main street, nne sou. ail in euit 1 vatwn. 8 room .house, cement block foundation. eity water, good barn, chicken house with large run. soma -fruit. 1 acres in garden trues, tint oow. horse and all of crop go with Pise; $4000 seme term.. Owner, la. ye, ax. X. w- berg. Or. 17 a ACRES. ONLY $1100. TERMS 17 H acres, clear, level, good title, 1 mile school; good graveled road two aide. Think of it, only $1100. Good terms, Will take Ford car on desJ, or will take Liberty bonds face value. Can you beat thisT Nol Se me at one. J. it. JilCtlAiUNl. 808 iiensy is log.. Third knd Stark Sts. CHEAP ACREAGE i BO mna down the Columbia. Excellent land. easy cleared. 20 and 40 acre tracts, $12 to $15 per acre. Esfly term. - r A. W. ESTES. REALTOR 905 Chamber of Commerce. Ant 814-63. $13 PER ACRE 4U saQea north of Cathlamet. WUh.; aom tract on highway, running water, few scattering stomps, 20 acres- $800, $50 down. $50 every 8 months. per cent. 220 cnamoer oc com merce bldg. ' - - SEACHRSST BKUS. FOR SAX 5 acre, vai nuie irum SoeridsnT Or. 2 acre In loganberries and garden. AO cleared, 'nlentv of water for Irrigation, bouse. barn, chicken hodSw, chickens, cow sad hay. all fenced with wove wire. Price. $1760. Some terms. -Address P. O. Box 406, Sheridan, Or. "2 ACftES, $160 PER ACRE i l MILES OUT West atde. 7 acre under, cultivation, creek v spring., timber, no rock or gravel, nn berry proposition, Nesr school. ; i .V. lOruti-N w.. aoa-n-T l-eww piqg.; BY OWNER Beautiful 10-ecra tract. derful soiL all in cultivation: rocked road. close to car. on Orecan Kleetne. 13 mile eat sell part or all; a snap; leaving eity. Write F. La Bcnrader. K. 3. Bex l2A. seavenon, ur. a ACRE tract eutaide eity Umits; no city taxes . good road; 7 a far to Portland. Greshaaa ones water ia, gaa aoon. Some wood, garden spot, shack. - $750, terms, F. E. Shorwood. 4306 73d st, 8. a... city. BY OWNER 1. 9 or 8 acres, all ander culU vatioa: aom baildirm. Lnn of fruit: thi place at a bargain en easy term. Call Automatic 6iz-B or o: sad at. a. K. 40 ACRES 3600 SS mile from Portland: lies fine: i acrn In cult.; email shack: A-l soil. $200 cash. bal. to sun. Jfurjay, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SIX ACRES, close to Nwwberx. good 8 room noose, ana aura; sum trgtder. wurmrwed. Price $1300. 8om term, vrite Mrs. auaa Wuaon, 209 X. luiru au, awboijj, (Sr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 Why Pay-5 Per Cent:- I-;; ConimissiOAi 't.-. When You Buy Real 0 Estate? Ton eaee . half the exmanusaoa here at th same time get the rock bottom price. So pad ding of prices at this offk-e. I employ no other agents, which only add to the expense yon, the buyer, will have to pay. I have lares hat ef penonaJly inspected farms and acreage, soase of which are real bargains. Call or writ to H. A. Heater, cut rate real estate. Bank of Oregon City building. Oregon i-ity, Oregon. i 5, 10 and 20 Acre Tracts $25 Acre Up $10 down end $3 per month buy ere tract hv the) aaarooo of down the Columbia river on the Oregon aide, dose to Columbia highway snd river; fin transportation. . railroad, river, ant ' tag and truck. Beautiful laying land, free from rock or gravel; some tract have beautiful view of river; then is also some with streams, i Fine loeatien for chicken a, dairy, berries, fruit and vegstihle CHARLES DELTEL SIS Railway F.irhsnge Bids. 9 Acres Sanely .Loam. At'Canby New 4 -room i bungalow, a real house, rust eomnleted: eood well of water: nlace on eood road, just 1 mile of Canby, Or. .Can have electric lights in the house if yon want them; fine berry garden; fruit, pots toes and clover land. Can sit in the house snd look out on railroad track, see all trains go by. Very home like place. Price $3500, 14 cash, balance at 6 per cent- K. P.ilEH.ottSon 7th and Main Eta., Oregon City. Oregon. ON PAVED HIGHWAY 5 acres: about 40 old fruit trees: no build ings, nice slope, magnificent view. This side of Tigsrd. adjoining Red Rock cheese factory; splendid bomesite. Price $3250, $500 cash, $15 monthly. Will divide in 3 ptecea. Look this over and sumbit offer, a the owner is old and tiring in Canada. kbafj X-H. I 732 Chamber of Commerce. $850 An acre, all cleared, best garden soil, all level and very sightly; easy payments; build you a little bouse and let your rent money pay for ybur place ; you will be proud of this property: only $42.50 down. Boone-Clearwater 505-508 Couch Bldg. ,0201. , Acres, Eagle Creek, For $1250 Lays good, splendid soil. 5 a. in cultivation. soma nice timber, two st reams, small bouse, only mile electric station, at Eael creek. Price $1250. Hargrove Realty Co. REALTORS 122 N. 6th st near Glissn. Bdwy. 4381. $600 SACRIFICE $600 Owner moved out of state: "no acaint it." hence th sacrific offer on this beautiful 10 acre tract; oh rock road, 1 mil from Hillsboro, near Sewell station, best of soil, level, all in cul tivation. Paid $2100. Now offering for quick sale for $1500. Only requires $600 to handle. O. B. R1PPEY. REALTOR. 610-11 McKay Bldg. Main 6229. VERY tMALL PAYMENT DOWN 1 acre, all under cultivation, west of Port land: 6 blocks from Red Electric station: bear ing fruit trees and berries, city water, gas at tractive 8-rorcn plaster board bungalow chicken house runways, garage; furniture included at $2100; small payment down, balance easy terms; photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON Cerhnger Bldg. ' - 14 H ACRES on lower Columbia highway, ad joins good town. 10 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. 6 acre dyked bottom, land, fine young orchard, small barn, 5 room house, gwod outbuildings, city water, electrio lights, telephone, close to sawmill, in operation. Price include 4 cows, 1 horse and 2 wagons, 40 chirk ens, 9 tons hay, etc $5500, Call Main 946. 160 scrub n improved upland in Yamhill Co.. wet of Carlton, Very beet of toil, plenty of running water on land. Plenty of outside rang for cattle. Reasonable price and term. X. B. Duncan, 200 W. 2d at-. Newberg, Or. . SUBURBAN HOMES 406 YOUR RENT WILL BUTTT1 Westhampton (At Woodrow Station) TWENTY MINUTES OUT BT FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC COMMUTATION FARE 8 CENTS H ACRES $250 . to $500 ONLY FEW OF FORMER LEFT CHOICE SUBURBAN LOCALITY BULL RUN WATER NO CITY TAXES NO CITY RESTRICTIONS. . ONE 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. MODERN. WITH GROUND 150-145 FT FOR SALE. WE WILL CONTRACT AND BUILD TO YOUR PLANS TO DRIVE OUT TAKE TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD AND BEAVERTON ROAD TO KAIRVALE STORK. THENCE SOUTH TO CAMERON ROAD. AGENT ON TRACT DAILY. 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M. CITY OFFICE 709 GASCO BLDG. Telephone Auto. 527-31. J. D. HAN LEI. $50 Cash . $30 per month. QUARTER ACRE, 4 room house, garage, plenty fruit: ust outside city lim it. $1200: I BARGAIN YES, YOU'LL SAT SO SEE XT Peterson & York 437 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8005. FOR SALE Direct from owner, a fine .suburban bom, rust outaid city limits of Vancouver. Wash.. 12 sere of land, all in cultivation. This place can be had for th pric of a nous and lot in town. If acid this week wul make th buyer a present of Q necessary farm tools, a horse, cow and household goods. Will take a good automobile as part payment. Place located at 49th and Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. Paul G. Kxhend. owner. I era Just completed. 8 rooms, bath, breakfast room, fireplace, bookcase, all built-ins, full con crete basement, walks, garage, aer of ground. Pric $4500, H cash. 1 block west ef Mel drum station on Oregon City ear; on paved street and 4 block from Pa ill highway. By awaer, A. N. Meyer - 10 ACRES just outside of city limit. Lenta district; all improved, berriea, fruit and chick ens; 12-room modern house, gang, barn, city water, phone, gaa. Phon Auto, 628-78. Adr dreas Box 845, Kt 3. Lents, Or, A REAL BARGAIN An up-to-date suburban home, i to I seres, good 7-room bouse, other buildings; all eity con veniences; near city; good road; close to sta tion; 2 acres assorted fruit; furniture and qaip- ment if you hke. Owner. Main 7750. FOUR ' room plastered house, bath. Ball Raa water, g.. alert nc light. 1 sere Owner. C. E. Hndlev. 743 PowaU VHy, near ruckley. Anto. 825-35. 1 acre, in cultivation, 4-room bouse.- out building, lots of fruit; well, clot to school, highway, near Beeverton: $2100. $600 down. Mr. Brand, 4 TO Henry pg. $723. only $100 down. 1.3 acres cultivated. 2- room new ban. Mar station. 8 aui circle. K-42. Journal. 5-ROOM bungalew and basement, Woodrow sta.. near Bertha. 100x143 Cell 8987. - . $100 DOWN New bungalow: Urg lot; water. .light, gas. shade: - 0 fare. Priee $1178. Owner. U-641H JourasL ' ACRETialf timber, balance eieared for garden! 4 room hones, earner, en 2 main read. 8450, half cash; leaving city. Call 361 E. 11th se B. NOW i th base to buy; 6 room modern house - and 1 aer at ' bargain and lama, ., Owner. An 6-4t. sale' REAL ESTATE FOR SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ; WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE : sere. 25 miles south of Portland, right at -school, store and garage; good msrsdsmiiod road. 2 erres rsapveuks. some higanln ma. - aer stmwkerri, grape and bearing orchard. Very uttrae tiv room piaster! bungalow, full cement basement, fireplace, etc; earn, etuoken . house. Included with place, complete na etunery, gas engine, good cow, cnackeea, -hone. pig. That land ia all in fruit and vegetable. Can be irrigated by pumping from Willamette riveg. ' Price for every thing. $5250, terms; or consider Portland hau up to $3000 that hi clear, or room ing house. Land inspected. by Hunter. . J I CLOSK IN ACREAGE Six acres. miles from center of Pert- land. 4 block from electric station, be tween Gresham and Portland : H mil to school: good woven wire fence, city water in street;-26 bearing fruit trees lot of berries; ft room plastered bungalowj with bathroom, baacment, etc; barn, garage, chicken house. Included with place, good Jersey cow and some chicken. Price $4400 $2400 cash, balance $25 per month. Or will eonaidr two or three lota with small house at th dg of Portland, up to $2500. I FURNITURE INCLUDED H acre, all in bearing fruit trees and hemes. 2 blocks from city car line, ft blocks to school, good 5 room plasterboard bunga low, with best white enamel plumbing, city water, gaa and electric Usbts all in; chicken nous. 10x15. with runways. House has 11 the builtin features and is in fin condition; $800 cash, balance $25 per month. Brooks. ' j CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH STATION I H acre. 1 block from paved highway. 8ome berries, 3 room house, with gaa. city water and clertrie lights; close to school. Total price $2000, $1000 cath. Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 1 REALTOR. . Over S00 Small Placet Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified List. $40002 Acres- ! MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 7 room- and bath, gas, electricity, wattr, basement, furnace; 200 feet from Whiteford station on Oregon Electric at Portland Golf club grounds; only 7 miles from Portland poaorfiee; ground all in cultivation; fine garden; fine stream of . water crosses land: lota of raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries, blackcaps, currants; i fin chicken bouse, garage; fine yard; roe and shrubs; this is an ideal strictly modern country home, only few minute from Portland, either by electric train or automobile, and terni to suit your own convenience may be arranged: imme diate possesion. Wakefield, Fries & Co. REALTORS 85 Fourth it. Broadway 2980. Very Pretty -A. Home AT MULTNOMAH Such place bring $3000. That ia former price of this one. Going to Stell now for $2850. It is one of those homelike and well kept places where you feel at home and want to stay: nie shrubbery, all kinds beat bearing fruits, berries and grape of all kind in abundance, good 4 room well built, plastered bungalow, large liv ing room.' outbuildings; lots mighty good gar den: price $2850. Let u run you out the lerwimger boulevard and snow you this. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 K. 6th st. Broadway 431 $24GRYAN STATION 6-room cottage, combination living room and dining room ail on one floor: gaa, city water. city car fare, garage, on full H-acre choice orchard, IS full bearing cherry trees, berries and, other variety of fruit : house is back about 100 feet from a good atone road, showing a Slendid yard, which is sheltered in the cool ad of beautiful trees. Cash, $700; balance $20 per month. i Mm E. DeJoice Co., 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. NICE COUNTRY HOME 45 MINUTES OUT. OREGON ELECTRIO ' 11 acres, best of soil, all fenced and cultivated, and right at atetion; modern 5-room bungalow with electric light, bath, etc : woodshed and fruit room, small bsrn. good well water, pump and pressure tank; linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors j pric $6500, terms. E. M. BROWN,- 1122 NW. Bank bldg.. Main 2422. HTJBER STATION 2 ACRES AND HOME 33250 AU in high state of cult.; about 40 fruit trees, si i rubbery and flowers; double con structed hou-, cement walk, gaa and wa ter; outbuilding and chicken bouse;. with Just one acre, $2750; terms, - ' HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR 248 Stark street. Main 831. AT MULTNOMAH STATION A beautiful lit , tle bungalow which must be aacruiced tmrae- distrly to settle tn estate; 4 rooms, sleeping porch, practically -half acre, lawn, profusion of flbwers and big gaflen'; 81800 rh will handle; no terms. Phone Autnmatio 563-04. 7 AC&E3. all clear. 8 miles from city limits. Foster road. 90 bearing fruit treea and ber ries. 1 cow, hone. 24 chicken, tool. AuL 646-80. BY OKi'ER 2 acres; bungalow butu; chicken bouse: unfinished garage: dee to car and paved road; $2500; easy term. Sellwood 845, FARMS 407 No. 282 ! Stock and Dairy Farm Cheap ; 80 acre, most aO fin tillable land. all fenced and ecom fenced. 20 acre i in cultivation, nor easily cleared; 2 i acres "aatorted orchard, all kinds of berries. 4 -room house, new barn 54x , 74, old barn, chicken nous, amok : house, hog house, good spring and eut- buildings. Located 8 mile from i Washougal. Wash., an main road and about $0 mile from Portland. Price ! $3700. $700 cash. The R. S. Thompson Co. REALTORS. 410 Washington 8 treat, Vancouver, Waah. STOCKED IS'D WCIppEB 1 1 24 acres, 23 acre in crop, 1 aer tim ber; 7-room house (furnished), barn. ut buildings; family orchard; silo; team horses, 8 cows, 2 brood sow. 100 chicken. 15 turkeys; Msrwall touring car; 14 mil to school; 3T600. terms. C. W. Miilsrship. 165 H 4th St.. Mam 5275. 560 ACRES. 320 under plow, stebl room for 100 head cattle. large dry barn and horse stable. pigpen, root cellars and bunk nous, blacksmith shop, silos, large dwelling houas: an kinds of fruit: hvmg water, tan be divided: BO minute drive from courthouse, Portland, between PeweU Valley road and Estaeada car line. Owner, Tabor 2240. Residence. 1083 Oregon street. A FARM 31 DOWN AND 81 WK. PLAN. A nice 80 acres, well isa proved. 45 in cul tivation, running water on place: small payment down, balance lik rent. F. L Blanchard, 401-2 8 wetland bldg. Marshall 82. FOR SALE acre in cultivation, 4 room bona, tuD set chicken house for 250 chickens, 150 prun trees, 8 cherry tree, cistern. Bun Run watec On good gravel road naif mil from Has Line road. 84000. 81000 cash, 8500 Per year. By owner. Phone Woodlawn 4997. FARMING AfD 8tOC RAISING PLACE 80 aerea. Washington Co., 1 mil of high way and seheol. 20 cultivated, building, orchard. spring and creek; soma fine timber, tots of esdar: $2500; good term, unborn, apaio- ing bldg. : 58-ACRE DAIRY RANCH At Molalla. 13 a. In cult., bal pasture. Tittle timber; houea, barn: living water; good road; 860 per aer take it; aught consider light auto, torn cash and terms. J. R- WOLFF, 418 HENRY BLDO. FlMlA la-acre ranch near Hillsboro, on rock road, all - level, cultivated, good fence; all crop go; fully equipped, reedy for work I 3 cows; big hareain com -in and let n shew you. t Rigg g Taggart. Washington Hotel. Hilla boro. Or. YOUR opportunity; on of the bext 40-acrh place ia M osier district (part tn full bearing vrhard) which iilaees compete as. to tacrfic. WUI accept first reasonable wffac. L. C MiUec 884 Gikwn at, -- Ttsf What 6U WaXT t acres, H mil to" R. R, station . and School. WaahlngtSB Co.: 2 eieared; 8 room bbn-e. some timber: only 8600; term. Dubcas, 804 Spalding blag.. $42 ACRES An under cultivation, on highway, bullrt'nga, wwiav fenced, etc S100 per acre. , ;ORDON MORTGAGE CO, V 31 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg. Main" 1370. MX 40-ACRS farm tor taue; eooJaipvd. horse. cow and otcb, if tak at once. Ka agent S. 8. Box 164. Tana REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS "Bid X-aJU basgaK' 407 40 ACRES. 2 M aaQea trosa good town with high school. In mi, to grade ' achool; wa macadamised highway; 70 miles from Portland. near Columbia liver; sandy loam Mil;-. IT acre -under cultivation; 85 acta can be farmed; " sua of pasture; 10 acres Umber; 8 acre tnerkag ore hard in good condition; lt4 . acres loganberries, lot. of prunes; S-roosn bouse with water piped in from creek; . plumbing, bath, etc,; barn 20x30. ehfrk- . a house, other buildings. Included with . place good team of horse, plow, disc, har row, wagon. Sir iw. hack, 10 ton hay. 1 H aores potatoes and other crop. Pnea $300 for everything. $100 eaah. bal-. anA year. 6 per cent. Or oonaider house in Portland of sans value and assume same amount - " 44' acres, south of Portland, in lane -"eoonty. Oregon: . .mil to store, cbtrca and rural delivery: 12 acre tinder cultiva tion. 10 acre more very easily cleared: lot of pasture, some timber, 15 bearing fruit tree.; house of 8 large room, barn, chicken honje; water piped to bouse; creek, pring. Included with place cows. 1 bora. 4 aboata, 88 chicken, hay. carrots, corn, etc, wagon, buggy, cream separator, plow, harrow, household furniture, ate. Price $2250 for everything. $1150 eaah. Or eoauiuer- Ford ear for part of first pay meat. 80 acres, 88 mOea south of Portland. 2 mile from good town -with high school. . 4 mile to grade achool; good road that will be graveled this year; 11 acres ander cultivation; 00 acre can be cultivated when cleared : lots of second . growth tim ber; 40 bearing fruit trees; 6-room house, ceiled and papered, bam 24x48. workshop, chicken house, etc Included with place one. cow. heifer, plow, harrow, buggy, har ness, saddle, etc Price $3800. Urge Cash payment. Or consider one acre with shack house close to Portland a part of first payment. TAKE PORTLAND HOUSE TO $3000 . 1'U acres.. ! mile from Canby, Or. Oa a fine road. 13 acres now in crops. Bal ance can be farmed. Large orchard and tot of berries; 5 room house, new barn and silo. Included with pUee 8 cows, 3 hogs. 1 team, very complete line of ma chinery and crop, cream eepsrator. etc Pnc 86500. Take Portland house and giv easy terms on balance at 6 per cant. IRRIGATED LAND 80 acre la Baker county, Oregon. 60 acres can be cultivated. 10 acres under cultivation. 7 acre in alfalfa, bsisnce in bunch grass, pasture. Small houo 12X24, water right for the laM. Price $2000 clear. Win consider house in Portland and assume up to $1000. Ak for Mr. Hunter. 40 sere. 85 miles southeast of ' Port land. 8 mil) from small town, H mile to school. AU can be farmed when cleared. Some standing timber. Price 600 cash. Well worth $1500. JOHN J-ERGCSON GERLINGER BLDG. REALTOR I-argest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. . Ov.r 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Ol ami find Lut. 4 ACRES a Mr. Homeseeker, here' your chance to get a suburban home at your price; 4 acre 6 room modern house,- plastered, bath, electricity and gas. Right cloee to Milwaukee. All in cultiva tion. Price $4000, terms. 10 ACRES 10 acres, cloa to Canby. an lower river bot tom sand loam soil. All easily cleared, about 3 acres now cleared. Running water, all fenced bqaru and wire. A dsndy piece of bind. Pric 13UU. 3'JU or auo down, balance easy unna. 19-ACRE SNAP 1 1 H in cultivation, all level sand loam soil. river bottom; fenced with wire fencing; timber for wood, good well. 5 acre of loganberries, some strawberries and other fruit; 6 room house, ham 30x40. chicken house; other outbuildings, hi mile to railway station, close to Canby, good road, trice Jauu. term. WM. M. SMITH. WITH A. C. HOWLAND 620 Main St.. Oregon City. Or. CANADIAN PACIFIC HATLWAz LANDS Ycur Last Opportunity In .Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park land open prajri. ready for the plow, interspersed with treea. which afford excellent shelter foe nock. Here gram growing, dairying and Uvestaek ra ta rn g are nemg earned snccessruily. . Th country 4 ideal for mixed terming. ' The Canadian Pacific railway ia offering a large area of these fertile land. In Uoydmlnster and Hatua- ford districts. This fertile tend will beeoi the home of tnouaand of piuueruu farmers. On similar land Seager Wheeler grows th world' prix wheat, Near Uordtninster the worid prise oat hav been grown, and batter of tne behest auaifUr is made. A man a soon became independent on a larm in this di tnet- The lands can be nougbt now at aa average of about S18 ner .era. Yon nay down 10. no further payment of principal until end of fourth year, then 16 annual payment. Interest is 6. M E. THORNTON, Supt, of Colonisation, Canadian Pacific Railway. 139 Ninth sve. E Cslrsry Alberts. LOW PRICED FARM 60 Acres$2600 . ; 6 acre cleared. watered by good spring and creek, shot loam soil. 2 room house; young team: aom tool and household goods. Th place ha 2000 cords wood aad drag saw, ia part of equipment furnished. Th wood lon should pay for the place. Lo ' cated 2 H miles from Battleground on main road. 13 miles from Vancouver. 15 miles of which is hardmrfae and balance good gravel W consider the place an excellent buy. $1100 to Handle MR. PARTNER , Here Is What You Are Looking for SO acre. 20 acre of it is beavwrdam land and can be irrigated. No better aapragus land in th Northwest. Good building, 8 mile west ef Portland. Must sell st a sacrifice. Writ for full particulars. 8 small ' payment, F. B. Madison Oregon City, Or. Mr. Rancher: 80 sere rich shot loam, with 7-room bouse, barns aad outhuudings; 5 miles from town and railroad, in Washington county; with this goes aom stock, implements and crop, all for 83000. I hav many other farms, $50 to 4180 aa J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor. 2 1 4 -2 1 5 Panama bldg. Acres $2000 ' 27 mile -from Portland. 12 aerea ia cultiva tion, orchard, ham, 2 springs. Be fine, 25 acres of On timber, new saw right by th Pc snd timber enough "to pa for th plan; $600 cash. baiance to suit. BUNDY. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TILLAMOOK dairy farm for sal: a rare oppor tunity to act SO acres, good building, orchard. berries, several springs. SO tons of hay, large rnrk. 2 meadows. 22 good sows and heifer. team, harness, wagon, tool, chicken, etc; near factory, (tor and school; only 88000. $1000 cash, balance long time, 5: might tak good auto a part. aa-t. journal. ilvtsT ' IKVf. EVER OFFERED 40, aerea. Bear Gresham. 80 in cultivation. nttla timber, hvinc water, new modern bungalow. 2 good bam, outbuildings, good or chard. 9 horse. 3 cow, pig, chicken. aB farm implement, srwouw. vv ram m Portland home to 65OO0. . baasnce base. Na morH-y. 804 Spalding bMg r-rtn sit r ntW worth ef Sifton. 20 a WMjea noma oara: .awe. oaii awrwn. a n ttr hetaafk foutf arehasd- 1 fruits; $1504; $800 down. Inquire H. Tn tailor. Main St., Vancouver,, waaib. net 2d and 84, FOR SALE 4 acre ohiefcea ranch. H cleared. act -to fruit ef aS kind; about 600 pullet. 230 brooder. 2380-capaclty foeubator. modern chicken rMsuee: cloa to paved road. H av to school: 23 to 80 minutes' drive. T-950, Journal. 120 ACRES to Lan ooia:y. Or.; hone, wood abad aad onthttildinaa. creek and soring on th place, some timber, small payment down; terms. Writ. Mrs. Ella Welsh, Gervais. Or., mate I. FOR SALE By owner. 80 acres near Oregon City. 30 in cultivation, balanc a fat good timber; all stock, crops aad implement; want tmal'.er place, or would consider city pi opes ly. CS.-23Z. journal. 20O ACBB wheat ranch. Central Oregoa. cloa Cel. highway: 100 grate ia stark. Only 82800 if sold in next 10 days on account sick ness. R. F. D. 2. Bos 29. Battl Ground. Wash. FOR SALE, 110 acres, 40 sere In cultivation. family orchard, kelan assail timber. 2H mile frees Basra river. P. ia Freed. Rogue Rlfcf, CTr4J?V, TOO OLD TO WORK ' WU aaetifiea farm, near Portland. aS level bottom, machinery and 85 milch eowe for $9o cut Satan. 41 Scan ef Trade, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 5 AH in cvdtivetkw: 8 barn 16 by SO: chicken boas: brooder wilh eement basement : gataxe. all buildings quipped with electric light. Half mil from ah acnool; oa rock read. Pnc 84ftro; pan 10 ACRES 4 mfla from Portland Limits . All In cultivation: toil hi the host: etrjeeUlly adapted to fruit, berries sad garden truck; about 1 acre in berries : 4 acre of commerciai or chard: 0 rosea howae; barn: 3 chicken boo with large runs endoaed in wire aetring. Paace troata on two rock reads; cleee to school; mad and oream routes past door. Prion $4ft0tH part ! . - . - - 40 ACRES . 12 in eultivation; good spring; water ptpeo t nooae: nail avle to school and K- K. station. Pnc 8200O; $500 cash; balance term. 40 ACRES A3 good tillable land: 8 acres riser: balance wood and saw timber; 1 miles to school and K. R. station : on good road. Bom improve ment. Timber will pay for place. . Pno. $3700; small payment down. 80 ACRES AS fenced; good family orchard: 2 wells, 3 Muse; barn 82 by 86: chicken hrm-m hog bona. Clow to schmL Part in culuva tion and crop; balanc timber. Some stock and all tools go. Price 84200: art cash. " 95 ACRES DIVERSIFIED FARM SO seres to crop 23 oats, 13 wheat. IS corn, 1 acre beet and carrots; good family orchara. BUMPER CROPS This farm ha aa unbroken record for fin crop excelled every farm in the community r average yield 48 bushels of wheat ner acre. Buildings consist of o room nonse. barn 11 b 30 eauroDed for dairying. Urge tile so. good granary and outbuilding. Included in sale price are 13 high grade Guernsey cattle, 4 homes. 15 hoes, machinery. 2 sulky ntow. daw harrow, drill, binder, mower, rake. Buk-k automobile. Price 815.000; 38.0OO eaah. balance to sun purchaser. Will consular $3,000 m Portia: property. we have some or tne cnoicei nsungs m CUckama county, all photographed for your inspection; call and look them ever If yon are interested in good property. S. 0. DILLMAN 214 7th 8U. Oregon City. Oregon. Near 8. P. Depot BEAUTIFUL FARMS Ef OREGON Do you want a beautiful farm in Oregon at a great sacrifice. If you do you will never live to are time when you can get on so easy a yon can right now. .Among many we hav on located not far from. Eugene. Ore eon. that B' a beauty and would be considered so in any country on earth. It. consist of 80 acres of fine land all ' in cultivation; beautiful 7-room modern hooe. 2 baths, lota of builtins. fin bara and out bldg. Place is all fenced and crossed fenced with woven wire, fine water system. Tne pric of this place I $18,000. Win sell on easy terms, or will trade for Portland property. I have often heard women say if they could have very thing modern they would lik to liv on a farm. Her ia your chance. We hav many mora, any kind and any sis you want, and w will giv you a trad. Coy m and se u. W win treat you right. Quick Sales Co., -406 Couch bldg. 14Acre Bargain Located T mOea from Vancouver, adjoining Pacific highway, hardsurfsc road within 100 yards, well built, plastered hcte. 80x40 bam, other outbuilding. 70 fruit treea, mostly pears and apples; good W.U. 8 acre of thi place are cleared aad in culti vation, balanc pasture, or could b easily cleared. With thi place go Jersey cow. 8 pigs. 28 chicken, hay in barn and crop of potatoes, Tbia place is well located sad ia - a bar gain at th price. ONLY 38508 Hist hav $1500 to hand)., balance small monthly paymenta with interest at 6 per cent. Be Albert Miller, with Percival & Watts, REALTORS 8th and Washington Bta, Vancouver. Wash. Properties of Non-Resident to be sacrificed. Must hav money. Not a question of what they are worth but what will yon giv. Improved 80 acres, near Camas. Fin suburban btim. 11 acre, block Vancouver city limits; good buildings, good water; in Fenda district. Good 8 room house, 2 seres, within Vancouver city limits; improved street. 10 fin lot,- in A road Park addi tion. Vancouver. Atkinson & Porter 70S Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. .Why Pay 5 Per Cent Commssicn - When You Buy Real .Estate? Yon aav half th commission, at the mm tiro get tb rock bottom price. No padding of priee at thi office. I employ no other agent. wn?n only add to tn expense you. we owycr. will hav. to na. I have a long list of penon- alljj inspected farm and acreage, some of which re real nargama. (Jail or wnt to n. n. neater. Cu Bate Real Estate. Bank of Oregon City bid., Oregon City. Or. SMALL PAYMENT. EASY TERMS 00 acre. 120 acre lies welL 85 fenced. 25 aerea cleared, good bam. house and outbuildings. 2 aerea orchard and walnuts, creek anq spring-!,, nupvuvetnenm coa more wb Fins outrange. Excellent rtock ranch. 8 mile from Kalama. Wash. Pric $5500. KSTF.S, 908 Cbsmber of omrarre. TODAY, $850 . . eultivation. balanc ' room hon.. barn, out- porch; close to school. on- sction. uwner her. C. W. MJLIXRSH1P. 163 V 4th. Vain 8275. a j BARGAIN SELDOM OFFERED 80 aerea of bottom land. 50 in cuUivstion; av bam and aUo, good 7-room house; SO mile I aowtn of city, near racxflc nignway; isuy, very oldj must sell at one make offer. Call Main 6162. 218 Railroad Exchange bldg. . 164 ACRES, S mue N. W. Goldendale. Wah"T near auia road; 40 a. eieared. Iota of water, early hrvei. ob wood; mast be sold; 88000 equity. 81500. Tak Frd part ray. Writ n.iler, Fred Peteiwm, Vaaxixie'l. Wseh. Rt. 8. 40 ACRES. 18 ia cultivation, balanc easi ) ly cleared, all level and on a good rork anad, elos to achool and nor: price 84300. - aery easy term. B. H. Stewart. 163 4th rt.. Msia 5275. ' FOR SALE 60 aorea, 9 miles from ataeadZ ahowt 10 am cleared, 240 prune tree, teed ban as. small barn, good wisehino abed. Mail rente and phon Bag past Plana, Julia Kricger. EeteeafU. Or. FOR SAlf 10 a. land. 7 to orchard, pear aad applea, 7 -fears, rest in cultivation. Oend. larva how., right ia 4owa. With crop, $6000; without eran. 004. Cash $3000. "and rest payment Jim is Semi. Box 6$. Parvdala, Or. 240 acre, ia Willamrtls vai.av 50 acres ia . cultivation. More ily freared. 8M feet mwthnbcT. Family orchard. Fair bauMrngs. liv ing water. Ex Chang for Portia "d peuperty. Price a ooV Monre ak RnWiwi. J I.nabrr Fxsh. FOR SALS 220 aer stock ranch, email saw mill and logtmg outfit, $3000. HX-910. JournaL - - FOR SALE, by owner, 4 weU improved fmit. alfalfa aad dairy narhea, Hcrmietoa. C. S. irriganos project. I. I. Caaseriy. Hermletoa. Or. 88 ' ACRE fun bearing appi orchard. Rogu River Valley. 630OO eaah. balaace 10 years. Writ E- F. Meaermieg. tjakland. Cahf. 160 aeeea. all caa he calovatod. 4 roue house. mite Rocervalt. Wh. 92800. SW1 as- trade for how. A ms. 420 tienry nvg CRASS all the rear: 8000 acre for 81200. Running water. Hotel aad eottage. Oa high way. Vevavrd. 929 Cbmber Comrnerce. 1 13 ACRE ehueea ranch, aouae. barn. 12 miles from rit: $600: EAJIXBJi kACHA.u. 211 14 Wash, 1 MUST BE BOLD I 20 aciea, 10 acre aeture; good 4 5uikhcgs: water as mile fiom town: REAL ESTATE-IFOR SALE FARMS 407' No. 479Beautifui Farm I ; Stocked ' ... On Paved Highway 1 acraa. ail tillabt. UraM-r for da- ' mestic aw, aiwtoat level. 88 aces in -.: -crop, well ieneed. spring Um ' through place, family err herd. acre ef strawbemea. other email (nut and ' shrubbery, good b ro-am host in good repair, dairy bam, fully eeuiiiped with ' . n miens eostveeieweea, iara alio, cream ery, aa gieund cottar. OrAad. ehirav n hens end nark, hog bowse and sot, . - huildinga all painted, concert walks. Together with 10 excellent dairy now. . 4-year-old heifers. resrMeved Guern sey bull, calf, heavy farm teem. hat as. wagon, asewer, rake. ptcw. dbc. double and sing eultivaUwa, harrow, . ciamm separator.- stump puller. 23 tons hay ia barn, corn for en-llag. 800 '-. bu? hels of threshed oat, chick en and t all smsR tool. , auto stage and trunk hne. One mils from good railroad .' " town. An ideal home. $2000 undet market value. Price $10,506. Term. Thompson, Swan & Lee llealtora. t i j . 3d and Main sia., Vancouver. Wash. . . ! . - n.vi ? i no. ety i Exceptional Bargain ! SO acres, U excellent I sou. 15 arm tn cultivation, balanc Umber ' and rvture, assorted orchard, gtapes, berriea, etc New 4 room bungalow, . very fine large barn. 1 mcdevn chrkea hone 108 feet Kmg. 1 modern chick- " en housa 40 feet long, brooder hnaa. meting pen, woven wire ma windmill and tank, water piped to building, Pencnal property consist ef 42$ pure - bred Whtle. Letdiorn Haaiaed iay -in- hens. 2 hoga, pure bred If raey cow. 1 heifer, snik plow, cnltivawr, 3 brooders, averl tons elover nay, straw, potatoes, : wheat, etc, all kind of other toots Snd imn-meota. - The building are all n-w and iroured for 83000. Located 7 mile from Vaav .eouver. in fin ooanra unity, i Price, if sold st ewe, only $6000. $3000 cath, balanea $400 pr year at 8 per cent. The R. S.Thompson Co. Realtor. ! j 416 Washington st, j Vancouver. Wash. i I 160 Acres, All Clear. j ; $6700 .- j.. i T. in lit, ho. Camas county, on Big Ctma Praine. fin '(oil. 2 acre in' alfalfa: can be put in fin water. This! M fin gram and hsy land, uoom room nome. goon earn and outbuilding.. Place all fenced. ' On good ma n road. Only 4 mile of county eat. fair-. field, lilfho. The plac is worth $9000. The owner has a place here. Must tell the Idaho place. Her 1 your -chance to get a real buy. Fine for stock aad giant raising. Thi doc not have to be irrigated. ! only 4 or 6 ft. to water. Rich, black soil; no stone. WUI take $1200 down, if you can make payment a little later. en. Think of it. land all cleared for a trifle i $40 per acre, can- you neat u.i see E. P. Elliott & Son 7th and Main St.. Oregon City. Or. I ! Sy2 Acres $2800 . Ten acre, cleared, 'balanc slashed, plenty of wood for hoes was; fenced; ha weU and spring; family . orchard, berries; 4 room house aad small bam. Convenient to school. 5 miles from Cam. Wash.. I Will tak Ford ear and $500 eash For first payment, bal ance $13 par toouth at It par eenV interest. 1 See Albert Miner, with Percival & Watts REALTORS 8th and Washington Bta, Vancouver, Wash. 1 160 Acres at-Molalla . Stock Ranch 23 erea in cultivation, mors not hard to dear: running water: good 7 room house, . with , fireplace; fine big bam, good straw cellar, nes house, woodhousa; fruit. Thi pise i 8 miles of M alalia, iust 1 m i to thousand of acre of outrange. . Dandy stock ranch. 1 The buildings on thi are worth $3000. What la the tend costing you at $8-0 -per acre? 1Y0U can't -prov it for that. Owner ia a widow lady, can't ran it, Wul tak $2000 down, balance hmg tim at 6 per cent, 1 i E. P. Elliott & Son 7th and Main at.. Oregon I City. Or. MfSf "SELir I No. 275. 40 acre, all level. H th very best of loam -soil, all well fenced and erosa feared ; 5 acre in cultivation and in potatoes, eta.; a lot of cordwood. balanc pastor and easily eieared: good aman hons. barn,-fine well, etc: owner ha a fine team, aome good cows and ma chinery which he' will sell eery cheap. ' Lo cated on main road, most of which is psved ; from Portland; 10 aaile from Vancouver, naar station and aman town. This a real snap and must be sold before August 18. Price, only $3300; exceptionally easy term. . THE R. 8. THOMPSON CO. i - . .1 REALTORS 1 410 Washington St.. Vancouver.-Wash. , " llj Acres ; :. I A Dandy Home I Oaly 2H miles out. oa a fin road, alavw Hke being ia town; land all level. 6 sere in cult i ration, mors not hard to clear; spring water. . good 6 room hou.. with large rooms, good barn, outbuildings family fruit, good wall at bouse. For a location yon cannot beat thi for a hem. Prio only $$500. half eaah, bsJaac at par cent. i . - . 1 E. P-TSlHott & Son . ' ! 7th and Mam ; St.. Oregon 1 City. Or. ' 57 ACRES dose to Sandy, Or.. 25 mile front Portland en good road. dee. to high grade tchooL 18 a. in cultivatioa. 18 a. aio alder, second growth fir, balance very easy - ran ring Good stock bam. small nous, orchard. That plsce lay fin and will grow IsgaaAerrie. pesehas, . onion, spud, grain or clover, i Prin 34200. ' 62000 down, balanc 23 yean 8. 138-a. oa th : Bandy river can be subdivided ia mm mar home. Pric $380$. Phon Geo. Ian, Sandy. . Oregon, 65. 1 FINE WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 314.000 Fin house, bsrra. alio, outbuildings. 2 wall. creek, all kind fruit, wood for winter; V mil to R.R.. 1 t mile to highway and town, sock road: all farm tools go; evil accept maiden r ia Portland to 84500, cash 66000. mortgage oa balanc at ; stock oa piace caa b bought ' reasonably. j v 1168 THIRD ST.. HILLSBORO. OR. 1 ma tir,1 . 1 ISLAND XX WILLAMETTE SLOUGH 28 aerea, new 4 room houseboat, 24x44 ft bland centrally located ia dock shooting country. Can maka ideal duck lake at small cost, a. dam to build; located on rout of gas boat, pilot No. 1 - Invartiaratioa hrriiad. Call or writ. Price $$500. G-o. J. King. Car Pilot Mo. 1. Aider - st- Dock, Portland. Or. FINE term, 120 seres. $15,000. half down. baL 6 per cent psymente. E. Jone, Crabtne. Or. FOR RENT FARMS 40S 7 ACRES, about 8 mile from Portland. ; ..- goad, near electric station; . 7-room plastered heuae. basse int. furnace, privet light and water system; about 60 bearing fruit tree, rnclndmg several Eng lish walnut trsae; irg bam and other eut buildings; .Guernsey cow, 8 hogs snd 75 -chirk ana: 2 acre potatoes. 8 arret rega- table, several tons hay; pric $573 (in chiding rent to March 1. 1922). $228 eaah. $350 Oct-i 1. 1921. ( - I 192 acre, 1$ mile from PerUaad. 88 - acres cultivated; good building and a good graveled read; 8 -year la, 6300) a T . ! - r : : f 3 aerea, 8 H !m0e west of city, V euV tivated. nie creek; 3-room hooael eif ' water, ga availabla; $150 a year- - 1 Almost 2 acre. 2 block eutaid city limits; 4-room house, city water and gss; aeariy sll la trawberriet and Cuthbert mpbrrie; $18 a asoath emi-nnasily in advance. .. j j . . . . 1 acre, Caprtol hill; 4-reom bawa. gaa and eity water 1 avatlabl: .20 a meat, payable annually fat advance. W also hav evarsl other good place, for rent, be Mr. Hunter, with JOHN FEBGCSON. GERLINGER BLDG. TOR RENT 13 acre m dty ol Corvaila, a ander cultivstion: hewae. bam and asubuiid bag: oa paved highway, elective hghte, 5241 72d et. S. E. Phone Aat 625T21. FOR SALE Lea-w and stock o IZ-mcn tanca. rk tn G-727. Journal. - 200 ACKilS. 60 ciuuvaLed. gjod lam k-Zi inga, liuhsU, 804 8,11. ling , bldg.