THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14, 1S21. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 EXPERIENCED Janflress and attendant for em ploy' locker room,' Apply employment bu reau befor 10:80 a, m. Lipoma. Well . Co. WANTED-aa-eewoaun experienced la selling drygeodS, ready-to-wear, ate, nice etore in -wheat belt of Eastern Oregon; pmuimt poo turn. gongenisl work; references required; per sonal Interview arranged, VX-722. Journal.. EXPERIENCED aaleawoman for lse Isnd m ' broideries. Apply employment bureau before 1040 a. m. Lipnj. WoUa 4k Co. , WANTED 3 eiutitenced power ; machine op-- enters for sewing bags. Piece work. GlrU -moat not bo over 25 7 tan of ass. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Bag Co., 15th aad Bon t , -vbiitii Aifffib- " --' Work on pera, to start about Aug. IS for a : Song - run - Have your nam neutered early. Libby, McN eiil A Libby, The Dalles. Or. LAJJY HOUSEKEEPER for hotel, ia chars et 4 chambermaids. f50, room attfLboard. PIONEER EJtP, CO.. T" ' . 14 W. 2d at Bdwy. 8278. : tX PER IKS CED girl for general housework! Good wages, bo laundry, nice room and pri- rata bsth. line borne. Three ia family. 1092 ,fi. B preside at. Tabor 7048. : GOOI borne and email wage to elderly woman to tsk care of invalid.. Inquire 4925 33d - Ate. 8. B. Mt Scott ear. J FIRST "CLASe. trimmer tor out of town pos rion. Salary 3S. Malltr aV .. Baas , Co., .Boyal bldg. FAMILY in Ladd's addition want woman to do . homework daily. Kafereaeaa required. U-7uy. '. Journal AT GIRL in need ol a .iruno. apply to the BalraUoB Amy Rescue Home, Mayfair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. D-M ear. WANTED Elderly lady to care for child ia ' country; good wage aad good home. Inquire 612 Kerby at. GOOD, all around chocolate dipper;" steady work; s state experience, references, salary expectea, jGive phone nvraber. X-691, Journal. ' - 'MITiIH-E-AGF.D or elderly lad to eare for old - lady with brokea hip; small wagaa aad good -homo, Y-S38. JonmaL - GIRL with prarioua binding experience preferred. National Coiortypa Co., 49 ft 1st at. WAMtlJ-tliU girla. ' Apply MoodaylT i0 - Kalwlgh bldg. LADY to take care of soft drink and fruit stand out of city; good aalary. Call 407 4th at. h HELP WANTED MALE AND ' - s FEMALE 205 i HOP PICKERS. ATTENTIOJi ':.- Want 800 more hop pickers. Pay 3L per 100 " Dm. green hops. Hare 10 yards soma on Wil lamette rirer. Shady camp grounds, pure well water, usual accommodations. Free transporta tion to and from yards to rise rest R. R. station. . Coma and enjoy a pleasant, profitable outing. -For further particulars address or phone HENRY L, BATES, Aurora. Or. V HOP PICKERS WANTED ' -- Bit seres, clean yard, good camp ground, free wood snd clean straw furnished; wood ia eat in store lengths;' good store near. Will take '6out 1 5 days to pick. Will pay customary - prices. Write to Dy Foon, Route 3, Aurora, Or., or call rrpreaeataU, C. D. Blair, 67 at. and '67th are. 8- E Portland. Or. Phoa Aut. 617-31. .' i WANTED 4 solicitors, men or women, house to- bouse work for Portland, also 2 each far '-Salem and Vancouver, 1 for Astoria: permanent, 'profitable work for producers. Money every night. Call any evening after 5 p. m.. all day 8undar. The Economy Co., apt. 1, 223 West Park. Phone Marshall 3388. : HOPtPICKEBS wanted. Only families with " tents need apply. 31 per 100. Picking starts f about Sept lj For particulars write Lorin ;iey- Aurora, Or.. B. N. 5 ' HOP .PICKERS wanted. Call Wuodlawn 5254. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 ..HUSKY 14-yesr-old boy ia ia need of work so ' that he can complete his schooling. ( Parents moved to country and boy wishes to' remain in. foreland tor anotber school year, la energetic , dependable and trustworthy.. Can give first class recommendations. Write " F-016, Journal. Grading and Excavating Day or eotatraet; dumpwagona and team for ' hire by tbs day. Main 6744. -BETEl have "that leaky root' ahingted."'Vill - do a good weather tiiibt lob for yon. . 8. M. Aumlck, Uoatsstes Hotel 1st snd Jefferson st Koom 42. - . EXPERIENCED auditor-sceounuint or office .' manager deeirea connection with a Portland . concern, will respond to telegram. A. E. Baxter, - 818 Baha court, Kansas City, Mo. at Bofiftts; , PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING JOBBING A SPECIALTY I PHONE EAST 8843: , reshingle before the winter That's , our speciality. Phone rain sets in. -Tabor' 1758. 'CARPENTER as ti metre, given on building sad epal to order; , shop .1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. , YOCNC. AtAii wants position, all or part time. bookkaenins and general office work. East 025. WE DO In ana esatside painting, paper hanging and tinting; estimates given proraot attention. Our work guaranteed. Call Main 0164. k WANTED T"eut 1800 to 2300 cords of wood suywher ia the stats on a contract A-o, - Jotirnal - MAN wants steady job to care tor private place, s..OB P?ultrf' 'soeh. on fana, or as gardener. - Can milk s few cows. J-853. JournaL woman wants bouse work by tit hour er dsy, Tuesday and Thursday. Call for Ml, fjtseel. Woodlawa 8357. , A GOOD electrical and auto mechanic; wants - work of any kind. Y-869, Journal. .ELDERLY man wishes work for room and board, H-,ftt Journal. jPALSTLNG, tinuet, 1st elaaa work,. 15 years' i experience, wain. ous. your roof leak; let us tlx it We sr V aiuagiera.- Sellwood 2408. COLORED man Wants position in gangs or private family. Marshall 84 1. ( CARPENTER and contractor, Jobbing, built-ina, ' estimate oa new?, work. Aut 620-81. LATHING snd shtngiing. . Call Cooper. Main 541. ilcfiTENT foundations, houses rased, cement L. . , ii i : i . m v . . . . wurk of all kinds. Beaaonable. East 2181 done very reasons u la by. the hoar er by iob. Ant 235-51. CARTEXTTBt sad eoatrector, jobbing, anything in m puuomg nne. rnon aast gaga. r, . BOOFS I BESHIXGLED A SPECIALTY , ! Phone Eaat 120J. . . CEMENT work; alj k-naa fsu elam ealy Sejlwood 1 PAPKBHANG1NU ard tinUng. inside finishing first cla-w work. Tabor 8080. -' ROOFS painted, bert ol paint, wotk right prices right Prone Tsbor 829. , 'GARAGES Ibuilt, 387.60 snd up; garage doors Z ' 12-60 nd up. . Aut 817-27. Al CARPENTER Build sad remodel cheap. - by eootract Wdln. 126. -1 FDISI4 CLASS painters want work; can furolab f, tools and, referencea, Phone East 212. . J-OR PAlNtPffi "and ksisoauning. sXworT guar - aateed. charge reaaenable. call Ant 8 2-2 9. 'FAiynNCV tinting, day or eootract Ea-t 7880. SITUATIONS WANTETi FEMALE 254 Af WOMAN aver 30 with tr pksew as mother's helper. Saturdays off, ftne i and asperienoed wither hi den; esn (ire. refer ences; wage 313 to 320 s month. G-710. .. eouraai. ' WIDOW' with 10-year-old daughter akhes good , home m prrvato family: ne other children .- Bear good school. East 1493. -5C5TST A5T7 PEBli atAMVir iSSlTB' ' CCS- TAOIS, PaaraiUSa, . 1XJNB lie Ll&E KtW. . WILL CALL. L. EA 1ST 8318. s WOMAN, traiued in the care of chiijrn, wants wie for s weeks; invand or any light ttork. H-niBj JonmaL ' Vv ANTED -Position 'a coauietdoafr to '- Invalid or atiierty may by refined Toung . Jbmui. i Writ Brookings. Or., box . 85. WIDOW with oy. . wishes positton as bouse, keeper ta apartment or rooming bouse. Phoa Marshall 1180. : W7MAN wsats posiiioB -as housekeeper for " Iderty eouple or widower., H-901, Journal ;. MEN DIN O for geatlemea by deiefrfng elderly wesnaa. Phone Wdla. 2683 mornings. -"tHlNCLKiLS When yon need rsslunghog Oaua eaB MarshaB 1073. - : ; , liX BBIED woman take ear rooms ex change lor coueekeeptas room. J-831. JournaL .". BivUABLK girt wishea to go to beach and cars i iw uii r,- n- Sellwood 8434. fiiKL wants general house work by day . or hour. aacerita per boor. Call warn. 27 8 s. Monday. M RSE, will take maternity cases in home, best of care. Eaat 868. . - - :- .'r -- - -YOUNG LAJDY wishes work .evening; priveta ''- . family for room and board A ata. 641-27. r WOMAN wants day work. Main 5349. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 253 FASHIONABLE dressraaung by day or borne; alterations ratsoaable. 393 S- Grand are, East 944. ' DRESSMAKING rSS DYEING. Dovuif. numn, aaterafinna, pamw, m tenable from The Cabinet Diamnlm patVes, 434 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1826. DRESSMAKING. Potty apron mad to order. Pnra and Bungalow 741 JEUis va. SoU- wood 1385. WE AIM TO PLEASE; Oont worry about making tbat new dress. Let us do it for yon. Price reasonable. 268 EasseJ st Esat 838. DRESSMAKING, reasonable, any kind of sawing. Main 254. HOUSE and school drawees Hiada at your home, Mrs, Morris, Main 7343. T DRESSMAKING by the day; aatiafactioa guar- anteeo. lnor 1124. NURSES ! " 257 GRADUATE NCBJSE would like" a 'position in hospital or - phrate nursirig; apecialiae ia aerrous cases.- Bea., van E.-6th at. N. EXPERIENCED nurse, IS yeaxa' experieaoa, I want nursing, matarnity eaaaa preferred, 323 week. Tabor 8505. - PRIVATE mauinity home; raaaooable terms. East 1748. ' PRACTICAL nurse will care for inTsiid. eidorlj or childrea. Aut 620-32. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL BARB' 112 if. 8th. 2 blocks of depot, Day 'tee and (1, week 34 aad up. Jt ree pbooe and batha. atoam heat, hot and cold water ia each room. - - - . " - - - - 1 CALL at X. U. U A. to aee free list of moder ate priced room for young men ia all pans o tba city, including - room at the Central X. iL C. A. with telephone in each room, shower batha and club facilities. . TOURIST ;H0TEL Modera. free bath, redoced rata. ?te pey day gnd up; f4 a week and op. Traaaient trad toUcited. Mrv. M. J, Walker, proprietor. 7BC) Day, $2.5 Week up Clean, baths ' free, hot water at all hours. HOTEL CADILLAC. 3d ST.. Near Jeffereoa. CLEVENGEB HOTEL , 418 K .Washington at, corner 11th. l a day, $4.5i a week and up; fin dowa town location; hot and cold water; steam heat Hotel Bedford .-Sl5J- ' Two blocks of Depot. T5e sad vp. 4 a week up. Hot,- cold water each room HOTEL; ARTHUR"; '- 1T0 11th St., neer Morrison. Clean, modera rooms by day, wek or month; reasonable rates. CLEVENGEB HOTEL - -412 H Washington id., corner ltth. . 31 a day, 34.50 a weak and' up; fin down town location; hot arid, cold water: tem heat. TAIT HOTEL ATI outside rooms, best 81 day hotel in the eity; rooms 34 to 37. and with bsth 38 to. 310 per week; pleasant lobby; auto matic elevator. 12th -and Stark. HOTEL Morrison at 10th. 31 a day; weekly 33 aad up; free phone and bath; light and airy. BAKEB HOTEL. 265 FIFTH ST. Under new management, newly renovated, strictly modern, transient 81 sod up, steadies 83. week and up. Special rates 2 or more in room. " ! BECTOB HOTEL , " 3 North Broadway, new and modem. Yale locks on doors, 31 a day up, 85 per week up. Private baths. Maxwell HaHio,14. st. bet Taylor and Salmon. Furnished sleeping rooms, bsth, hot and cold water; It uo wees ana up. - WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. . Attractive rooms and suites at reasonable rat by week or month. . - , LARGE sleeping room, including hot and cold water and phone, closa su. 188 13th at. pear Taylor. i - NICELY furnished front bedroom for gentleman. 300 E. :24th, corner 24th aad PscincEast 6378. 2 blocks to car. - . - GOOD, large outside sleeping rooms. 3d i floor, 82.60 par .week up. One front room? first floor. 426 Burnstde between 10th and 11th. 1 SEPARATE sleeping porch, 1 very good aleep- ing room. 1 2-room apartmeat witn porcn. all very clean. 665 Waaliingtoa st Bdwy. 3477. 2 WELL FURNISHED rooms, walking distaac reasonable. - Phdne Mar. 3233 before I p. m. FURNISHED front .'room, suitable for 2 gentle. -men, un csrsuae. gawy QI3. NEWHALL hotel, 402 E. Washington at. mod ern sleeping rooms, oy nay or ; wees. BOOM In clean homs;lsdy; $2.60 per wfc. 1239 E. 12th W. SLEEPING rooms at 806 K PsriT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CLEAN, well furnished rooma, all modern con . vemences, reasonable rent; gentlemen pre ferred; walking distance. -, 5C3 Hoyt st, eor- per N. 17th. . EXCEPTIONALLY aice furnished rooms Ti private family, 34 per week up. Abo large 3-room apartment completely furnished, only (ID per month. ' u8 Kverett NICELY furnished room for rent very dean. oso-a ubtis. xvawy 4i7. . - ATTRACTIVE sieepiug room suitable for one or two persons. - targe close u, arawers ana (helves, every convenience., walking distance. 181 UMl St tat DM84. RESIDKNTIA district, room with private bath also one with private entrance ; in refined Dome; lawn; walking distance. 64 N. 21st it, corner Everett I I h 2 LARGE clean rooms. Sink in kitchen, pantry, clothes closet laundry I prirflegea. water, liabts. very reasonable, must be seen to' be appeeisted. as &. Kelly st, Bciiwooa car. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE SLEEPING BOOH. -bath and -phone;- walking distance; rtaioa Sble. Kan 7172. WELL FURNISHED room in beautiful home. all conveniences, home privileges; board if desired. 615 K. Alder. HAVE tiOOti SLEEPING" feOOif j "ptKNlTf LIGHT. ALL CONVENIENCES. NEAR ES, CALL EAST 3704, 426 E. HARRISON. NICELY furnished roont In modera noose Urge clothes eloeet 124 East 24th st N. East 6332. BEAUTIFUL' room, walking distance, close car with or without 'garage. .. Inguira .701 Hawthorne ava Phone Kast t041. EXCEPTIONALLY welt famished, dean, light - sleeping snd H. K. rooms. Very low ia price. oOB V Olnan. 8 AND 83 per month; corner rooms; good beds, - in modem house, all home privileges, electric Hghts, bath toilet j 703 Northrop. Aut 824-33. FUBNISHED front room in modem horn; pri vate family. 3 : block from Franklin . high. 2913 38th at S. E. . t lNE, large cool rooms, running wster, tele phone, fireplace in, room, don in. .321 t2th at cor. Clay. Main 481. . f ! . GIRL to ahare flat, who wish to stuiy musie; - piano lessons and home privileges; desirable. 360 Vt Park, cor. MCL Marshall 813. ' DKSI-RABLE room in refiaed home, walking dts- iaed horaeT ' tsnae; 360 H Park. cor. Mul; very conven- tence. Marshall 815. - ' : 4 FURNISHED, rooms, modern, 325 month. 4583 88th st ft.- E. Call mornings and evo alngs. Ant 615-2S. ' , . KICELY furnished sleeping ' roams, also rooms with hatha. 263V 6th at. 126 Vt 16TH ST.: N. Large front room, auiTsLle for two. Ve of -the kitchen. ' - ' BOOM for working girl; private home, kitchen privilege. 1181 B. 16th st N. 33 per wk. LARGS tumihd room, close in, bath,' furnace heat breakfast, garage. Tabor 6936. PLEASANT, airy rooms in furaished flat, elose in, reasonable reat Maia 1127.'; Apt ' 201. 469 H Jefierjon. NICE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY j- NEWLY FUBNISHED HOME. ftKUADWAi 4434 Very' nne. modera iront room, close in. suit- sble for 1 or 2 ; busine man preferred; noroeiuie; very reasonapie. mst PPoa. NlWLT lurni-hed froat room, al-to nice room joraiHi oatn iot x or & ganueman. waixing mwiwe ei eirersiB ar, ---- FOB BENT ' man with -Front room and garage to geu lie- ear. 3.. 629 B. Ash street East 6741. (XiMlXiRTABLE front room.- modem, walking - wniwiivg, in, nut u u,i ( v. eiaiH riii, i BOOMS for geBtlemaa. Z alir modera" veiuMes. private home. Tabor 3822. i LARGE. dean, airy sleeping room for rent . reasonanie. s:i Moms rt rrtone East 1181. KtMiji i or rem; use ot piano; homa oomforts; clo-e lav Main 2979. 444 3rd t NICELY -furnished rooms., privata family, S3 a week. J Wdln. 3 698. CLEAN rooma. single or double; modern hem. w,xTng uirance. statu vs:9. 1 ROOM AND BOARD 302 GOOD SUED comfortable room,, big timet, suitable for "2. with breakfast or board, Pri rate family. Can East 6592.; 8 Bachte; ave. .n. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -Virely furnished rooms, stress heat hot and cold water, with goud table board, . 332 . 10th st. corner of Market . Main 6331. ' FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel i EUTVENTH OI"F WASHINGTON Portland'a high rlssa ' dowa-towa rradential boteL W gis yon the comforts - of bomai. Amerinea and Earopeaa plsn. Rata reaaonabiA ONE of finest Auasaa ia. city coBterted into x eteaiT family bowl, catering to families, boai aea mea sod women; homo cooking; tranaiatit tatea reaaoriabla. lM 7384. White Hall Hotel TPnmislied room with priate ath; board. Main 13. ' MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 Tenth at. ba- tel for bqsineaa girla at moderate rata. WANT (o room and board boy, bet, 6-8 yearn, 320. 861 E- 12th N. ROOMS AND BOARD i C - PRIVATE FAMILY "303 LARGE room, splendid view mountains, cuitabie 3 mea at 2 mdiea, furnish if aaceaaary; good hrgne-oooked aneals; horn priyUagaa; 15 minutes from downtown district; garage, Wdln. 4210. KlCte FH6NT1 ROOM" AND BOAKO. bOMK PR IT II. EG ES, CLOSE IN ON WEST 8IDE. ACTO. 510-36. i LA BOB. Hcht. clean with or without board; ery oos lenience. ast 7009. . HOMB FOB INVALID AND ELDERLY LADIES. GOOD POOD. GOOD CARE AND num. z wuuuwaiui E. 27TH BT. VOX furnished room with good board. Flanders at. Maia 1858. i 70S BOOK aad board at 145 21st 6 Lb 2. at aorti; naa si"g I OS. 2 GENTLEMAN, ideal horn with beat home onoaing daintily eerred. reaaonabla. Ladd's Addition. BeUwooel 8037. BOOM ANT) SLEEPTNQ POBCIi FOR YOUNG MEN; GOOD TABLE; WALKING DIS- TANCE; HOME PBIVILEGES. BAST 156. CHILDREN BOARDED BEST OF CARR BROADWAY 4211 TWO rooms, 1 with sieepiug porch, twin beda. running water, excellent meals, ta block from ear; garage next block. Phone Bdwy, 4633. BOOM AND SLEEPING PORCH FOB YOtTNG MEN GOOD TABLE; WALKING DIS TANCE; HOMB PRIVILEGES. EAST 156. LADY with good home would like to hare some boarders, or will eare for children. 553 M. 23d and Nlcolai Phone Main 2695. FINB table board, borne cooking, including special chicken dinners Sunday, near Dental college. 201 Union are. N. Phone East 1774. BOOM snd board, private family. gentleman 846 Bar- only; privata bsth sad telephone. ylsoa t ..!,, BOABD sad room, widow's home; borne com forts; reasonable; walking distance. Main S325. klND, motherly lady will gladly eare for two or more children. Mam 4121. 210 N. 23d. WILL board school girl, mora for company ; no otner emiarea; gzv per mo. wain. 4434. BOARD and rooms in widow's house, ail house comforts; reasonable rates, walking riWanoa 22fe Halsey, near Larrabee. B. T. ear. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 TWO large rooma, with large pantry and clothes closet, nicely furnished for nousekeeping, with free lie Lit. both electric and ess: with free ana of bath, to adults only for 820 per month, ia auou kki Buutung canine at ovam Williams avenue. FURNISHED 2 rm.. sleeping sorch, 3d floor: fine view, all convenience, everrthino' fur nished. 238 E. 20th. nr. Hawthorne. E. 7267. Donot phone or can before 12 m. COOLEST place in town. 1 very large front H. K. room: also small 3 room sDartmant lean and well furnished: parking space if de- aired. 898 W. Park.. - I FUUNISHJCD housekeeping ' room, double or single. Gas, Walking distance. Free lielits. bsth and phone. Beaaonable rent. 549 H Mor- riBon Ft Phone rTrrwdway 1644. . 14 A MONTH, 2 eleaa furnished H. K. rooms, steam heat electric liehts. free nbone. huas- dry, hot and cold water. 406 Vancouver ave.. near Broadwsy. LARGE room and kitchenette, single , rooms. sleetnns norch room, hot water alwava for batha snd laundry, walking distance ; nice, . cjiiet place. 655 Flanders t , ONE large furnished housekeeping room; light gsa, water, pnone ana laundry, bath, 816. 308 Crosby at, 2 blocks from east and Broadway bridge. 16 M0. Nice H. K. rooms for girls or couple employed; bsth. hxht heat snd laun dry privileges with' rent; easy walking distance. 825 12th at FURNISHED heuaekeeping rooma in desirable neighborhood. . 427 N". 21st eor. Vaughn. Broadway 5561. I 1 LARGE single H. K. room, walking distance; hot and oold water and phone. 188 18th. near Taylor. 2 LARGE front rooms on first floor, with kitchenette, very reasonable reat 427 Montr gomery st.. near 11th and 12th. 2 BOOMS, furaisbed complete for housekeeping : walking distance. 11 js. 14th K between Anxeny ana eurnside. PARTLT furnished h. k. apt. private entrance Data ana absolutely clean adulta only. 1029 E. Alder. Tabor 4277. FURNISHED H. &. rooms. 31-bo per week aad up; eleetno lights, one froat room. 826m 1st bet Clsy snd Market st (4 WEEK, large furnished housekeeping room; free phone, electricity, bath. 51 E. Mor- rison. TWO nice lier t H. K. rooms on first floor. Water in room. Private entrance. Free phone light and water. (6 per week. 472 Main st i WELL-FCBN1SHED H.K rooms close reasonabls rent East 7279. 324 K. st N. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric lights. hot and coir water, bath, .tree phone. 82 per week ana up. aaa Mood at- Main 726 TWO room apt. also sleeping rooms, with naa of parlor sad kitchen, m a modem flat waixing gartance. oi a uavis rt. eor. 1 wtn. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, with bath, for rent, nee O- r. car siiopa. fhon Auto. 212- 4S. ONE aad two room furnished housekeeping - watar, lights, bath included; pant reduced walking distance, west side. 843 H First 2 OB 3 H. K. rooms; water, light phoae; rea- ao liable rant well fumiithed. 694 Clinton at. elose in. TWO 2 room H. K. apta, good home for win- - ter, naeaerjt, au eoaventenos. bght and airy good location, do in. 170 12th. Maia 4412 K housekaersrig rooms, nicelv "-i-la 2S2 Clay st. cor. 3d. upstairs. FOR RENT 2 or 3 h. k. roanu; win eareTor cniia. Betrwooa osss. 2 -ROOM ' fi. Jt. sot. lis at nbo ihone. aaa free close in; reasonable rent 293 Vk W sidle st ONE very large, light IL K. room, for rent. ressonaoie. a as mius, aor. Broadwsy. YEBT pleasant front noosakeeritna room for rent, 4.80 per week, at 186 14th rt. S. FRONT basemeat rooms; a range, running water and electric Bght close ire 191 Park. 1, 2 and 8 H. K. roomsi electricity; dose to 2 COZY wefl furabbed 2 room suits 37 weakly. x iv linn at, . ! 1171 MINNESOTA are., 2 rooms, furnished for li get bonsekeepmg. Wdln. I486. - WANTED Working lady to aliare expense of list witn stay ot 3 j. csU Sunday or after 8 p. m. 305 E. 11th st 8. TWO lance light ewtside housekeeping rooms tor tent at 40tt Belmont at. 4 blocks east ot Grand ave.; 88.60 to 4.30 per week.1 GOOD S-room apartment, 2 separate bedrooms. gooa Kitenen, running water: aice for 2 or 3 taen. 194 N. 17th. Broadwsy 2069. i, 2 AND 3 room HST apta. Banning water. elee. phone, good Vacation. 806 12th st TJne nicely furnished tront rocm for hxht bonekeet--ini 1: 808 12th. Mala 8390.; . K. moat Newly f umirhed. . Abe FIRST Onor - basement basement rooros. 294 Jefferson. FOCB famished H. K. rooms. 06 Park et FURNISHED AND 4JNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FURNISHED light aoueekeeping rooms, also up per flat .- 331 Clackamas st Close la. be tween B. 1st snd 2d. it K. ROOMS, cteaa and modem, all eonveai- ences and hosaeliks. by week or month; alee tric hghts. 180 17th S-. corner Yamhia. 23 ALL tower floor. 3 nice rooms, ha Lb, wa ter, lights. 476 tiHreer see. VvA-ri tt c wJy.. 4 irr snfTirniiihod! 763 st Hawthorne-ave. I HOUSEKEEPINO rooms. 812 month. Bear flora and car, 494 Mag'bolia st Wdin, 4725. UK FUBNISHED . Bovtfcwck st. as nnvato 84 pear FSrga. . NICELY fumisbed nousekeeiuBg moras. - rent very reasonable yice loesttm. - 8I7 Mkrket B LABiE froat rooms, all equipped tor house keping: price reeaneable 178 Vk N. 31st 8 BOOMS firl floor with piano, close in; vary e-onvenieni. :i39. TWO furnished hesawkgeriiBg rooms, with sleeB- ins fwm. pnraT, ramify, fie c numsMe. 2 OR ROOMS for Tabor 426, K. Awl (as. water aa licrits. B FULASiST famished H. K. reoi aaa, lower Tlor-r, reenraWe. BO Fl. Bumri. FOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 308 NEWLY furnnshcd front eorner room, snitahle foe 2; atodera Yernoa bungalow. - af kitchen and dining room : bath, hghta, water free. S2.bO-33.oO per week; 3 btocka to Z car Has. 0 . 17th St. N. 183 fornished rooms, m aoUage. aewbr pa pered aad painted, separata entraarw. gas. Be La, yasd. wood rang aad gas pUta. . Haiaung dis tance, sis rim , 2 NICE H. K. BOOMS OX FIRST FLOOB KEAB SCHOOLS. 415 3D ST. t FINE house keep ins rooms, everything tur- aished. furnace heat, electrte lis at. gas lev eookmg, walking distance; 2 people, no children ; price 83S. 441 E. Coach, ear. 1th. East 1316. 2 FINE how keeping rooms, eearythina furaisbed. furnace beat. aJectne ught. gss for cooting. ws!kicg distance ; 3 people, ao childrea; pnee 335. 441 . coucn. cor. Tin. Ust 1S1. FOR RKNT With mite famil, 2 tare, (rant 1 inrauli l liol, i I rag; suitable for 4 ad Bits. 424 3d st eoraef 1 Hall Maia S830. 2 LARGE front rooms for light housekeeping ; also one lam mom oa around, floor wits kitchenette aad tunning watoc Prisato a-1 trance. 246 N. ZOth. WILL rent 4 funuahed ronsaa, whit enamel kitchen, dining room, sitting soma sad bed room to responsible parties I furnish fight, gas, heat, bath. phoa. 4t8 K. 3 2d C SeU. S765. Itn' I-iwus sDsruBsst. vacant "todas-. is'aies rasuoenee; au rooms are mrga. essaa aaa weu i famished; adults eoly, ti& Intarstats see, I vooalawa 404 1. - I 1 K SL' BOOM, heat, iight. phoae. baLh, nice ssamdr walkin distance. 814 a month will taks ear of child if another works, 387 CoUsc St.. Maia 3154. DESIRABLE second floor front room tor H. K., sleeping porch, bath, gas, electricity, phone, 33.50 wash; auitabls for working gjrL Main 8412. FURNISHEV room suitable iter tw. with asa of oneenient kitchen and dining room or board If desired. blocks to 2 caxbnes, library.- 0 B. 17th st. N. or phone East 6635. FURNISHED H. K .rooms, aast snd clean. Close in. Near Stoma schoci. Rant rsa aonable. 371 B. Tth st g. - TWO furnished housekeepiug rooms, yard, side eatranoe. close ia watt aids. 816 per month. 246 Lincoln. . ... - - THREE nioe, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch, private phone, rasaoa- able; siults. oil Koaney ave. ONE large furnished BV K. room, completely furnished, free light, water, separata) entrance; sduiu only; z blocks from car. wcua. asT. BOUSEKElPCVG-ir3 single rooms; lighTTeal snd us ef laundry room. ' Tags Boss City et Montavilla car. ,33fr E. 16th st, N. CLEAN, pleasant H. K. room. 1 block from Broadway; easy walking distance ; close to 3 car lines. 828 Ross... - FURNISHED II. K. room. Tabor 4387. TWO H. K. rooma at 467 K. Pine at ' ATAIi 1 IWLn 1 J f UrlPmnHJ aU7 I FINE, furnished, modem 8-rooia apt, every I .1 eonvemenoe, rent reasonable. Apply at one, I Arbor Court Apt.. 14th and Columbia APt 85. I THE JEFFERY S.rmw fnnil,bMl sTstrtsBeefm SIS. Corn I JtnaseU an Kerby ata. East 1594, LARGE. Uaht front 2 room apt.. On Keuton I car. 20 minutes to town, tdulta. 322.50. Albin ave. at Lombard st Wdln. 2642 Auto. 811-78. Carlois Apartments 2 -room famished modem apartment able. Fourteenth and Market sts. THE STaAN FIELD Clean, outside 2 room apta Lights phone. 620 and 822.50. Main T392. beat, SHEFFIELD APTS., 8 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; also aingle haaoiaaiit room for gentleman. BUSHMARK HOTEL. Wasa. at. cor. 17th. Clean, modera, completely furnished. 1 and room eutsid seta., reasonable: also al use hag rocma, 63.60 per wk. up. - - King Albert Apartments 2 and 8-room furaisbed. strictly modera. tfle bath, elevator, 11th and ontgomery. Main 386. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. ST.. S AND 4 BOOM APARTMENTS. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS Two rooms, furnished, hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modera: aa outside; walking dis tance, asa intra st Katherine Apartments 140 N. 23d. 3 room apartment 842.50 and up; roomy, witn nice kitcoena. Marshall 2990. BAN MARCO E. STH AND COUCH S-BOOM MODERN APT. E. 2312. 2 FUBNISHED apts.. good house snd furniture. 1 block to ear. Bent 323 sad 335. includ ing gas. phone and - lights. . 685 Coanmarcisl st, near Emanuel hospital. " PORTNOMAH 3 andT rooms, hardwood floors. sleapihg porches, well furnished, walking die ts nee, adults. 2Q0 East 18th. Phone East 4278. BEAUTIFUL west aids front apt. large alcova and kitchenette. 1 lame front mm. ln lloor. for Hunt hnnaeaeenine ; - a housekeeping room. 893 Wee Park. HOUSEMAN APARTMENTS Large desirable 2 to room omely furnished ; closet and sleeping porch. him noyt st, ssam lft. THE-EDENHOLM Zi 3 and 8 room fnmishrd apt. : modem cooTem ences; prVvste baths: 825 to- 335 per month. LAMBROOK APT 8. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST., CORNER UTTf For rent, reasonable, 2 room tarnished apt Eaat 4062. " Beilingliam ApartmentS 42i e. Mornsod st e 1 and S-room suites, H. K, moms, reasonable. Bleeping room, free' phone, light aad water. MjH Washington. KING'S HILL APATMENTS ' Wn arraaged, - specious 6-room apt. ta one ef best houses ia eity, 80. Beftrsacas required. 171 King. Main 6744. , 'THE WATSON Two 2 -room and 1 singlej steam heated. Harrison, cor. Bdwy. Ml HAWTHORNE APTS.. 3 sad I a inun.i. aria., a ana o room lurnisnea apts., private bath, hot and Bold water; 820 snd 345. 366 First tt. bet Lincoln and Grant. wesi axie. GARFIELD 3 rooms, sleeping perch, aardwoow floors, well furaaihed and eleaa; very rea sonable. 861 K. Failing. 1 block west Union are. Phone Woodlawa 4662. WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS Sixth aad Madison t-raoaa comer famished apartment for rent; new vacant Main 6582. apartment first floor, piece for car ia yard. 335; ether rooms ether prices. 171 18th cor. TsmhilL Msin 94,51. rmSiSHfiD snd " unurnJshed. cool ' ffonT2 and 3-room arertmenta, 1378 H E. Gliata st., eor. 60th. Tabor 7023. 1, 1 OB 3 room nicely furnished apartments; clean and airy; adults. East 4832. 763 E. Broadway. - COMFORTABLE H. K, sad sleeping roomiF room spartatent 312 and up. An single mom. ii K. 1 ltn at, jv. . NICELY famished bedraemT next to bath, steam heat near Good Samaritaa hospital. RcL exchanged. Maia 8449. AND 4 room fumiehed strictly modem: elevator and nafunuLvhed, reasonable rent 2S8 S. 20th. Bdwy. 2071. The ALtAMoS'T 'apTS. ' 3t4 CoLLgfll CooL eosy. modem 3 and 4 apts.. raav soaabie rent OUR 2 room h. k. apta, ea second end third floors an ' neat and reasonable. Cell and them, 404 Park st B0ZANTA APTS. ' Nicely fnrnisned 4 room front apt, 1(8 N. 23d st ' Mar-hall 294 3. FOR SALE High-grade, complete (arnisainge of a room apsrtmauc vnraer leaving ouy. Apt, ror reat atomon nam. Mala 4125. NICELT ramisbed 4-room apartment "io." rent . in private novee, eoneenlencee, (40. piano, furnace and modem Cell Ttoor 2649 sfter S-BOOM furnished apartment with bath, lights, water, phoae tree. 335. S82 E, Ash, The Atta. - MODERN S room apt; nicely furnished, aase one 2 room apt,; private bath. - aVpnty 147 Park tt GARFIELD 3 and 4 rooms, aioeiy furnished, private bath, steam heat reasons Mo. 861 Failing. 1 bKsek vet ef I rtfon see. Wdln4662. i" BOOM - APARTMENT, W ALBINO DY? TANCES.SO PKB WEEK. - MAR. 1299. 264 JEFFER8QX. - ONE clean 2 room H. K. apt. In bssesaeat: everytrnnt ncroaea. t: Momsna st THE G ROVER. 161 Graver au. aieely furnished Land 2 r. a. k. apta. tow ratee. Msin eS. WfeAN. .Utelj fumisbed I room apartment! H Lombard. Pheaw Oolumbsa alt. eomi, S. K0 THE ALB BET, furaauwd apt; steam hast, pd-j vara cam. evus missisaippi ave. AUDITORIUM Court. 3-room Modern aparUaent, free M err, or. 831 3d at - SLL CuMPLETe.; concrete eauliag comer Ltuc eve. aad Killings worth. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 4-BOOM FCBXISHED APARTMENT T18 WAYNB IB ST. NEAR WASHINGTON Ground floor. arrest ntranee. heat and water; aiea and aUaa; sdnlta saly: abowa. by atToiatmeatt eoly. Maim, 620. 34- . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHAWGB. Harrison Court 3 aad S Fifth , at famished spartawmts. DUNDEE APTS. Huiiaik sarins looms. 32' to 33 a wesat. SS0A Dswthorae see. East 8x3. . 2-BOOM fwraiabed front apartaseat Vsta and 0ossm Apts Bdwy. 4364. . - APARTMENTS LTNFURNISHED-508 U&AI AND WATER WUHISBZO reams, atricaty modera, bigh-slass wast M diatj4et: adulas anirt 370. SMITH - WAGON EB CO., ffTOCK gXCHAXGE. I IT " r Garfield. 361 Failing: phoa Woodlawa 4662. 3 ana 4 rooms, tssepmg porcne. asrawooa uooca, CIsaB sod nasoaabieL STEVENS aota 191 North uo. Bear 24th: lam smi ontssda ' mat fiwat. hack aad sleeping porches; heat, watar, yard. Phooe Maia 8338. . CrfLD'APTSL 4oosa ufwraiahed ant., bis elissi fill rooms j a-toeca furnished. - 334 Gajid. aaar 23d aad Tburmaa, alala BTU3. J"0H FURNISHED sr uafuratahed apartmeota caJi ( Bdwy. 2664. or sail at La am apart- snsnta. ISth and Daeia. GaUCE Apfl."l4tk sod SorthrupL outside rooma. Newly Front sad slaernag parches. Janitor East 131. 1.SOOV uutnsit nrlrate lata. elaCDing aorch. priTsta. entrance: sdaim: refsrencea. 641 MoBtgomery sc. evening. I BOOMS, newly tinted, bard wood floors, fire- plaee. srtesm best, shower bath. Janitor ice; no raise in rent this winter. 678 Overton. UN FURNISH tD acta. The WaaaeL E. 13th a Yamhill. 4 room apta. New management. Phone East 3252. Walking distance. Adults. THE ORMONDE 3 room unfurnished apt 656 Flanders. Broadway 6873, I 4 OR t BOOM frosrt apsiLmenU; povsto bath. 242 Killrngsworth. Wdin. 8-BOOM anfuraiahed apt. : running water, eleo- tridty. gaa. 173 E. Ttn, eor. xamniu. S-BOOM unfurnished apartment with bath, all poilt-iris. hot water, ateam neat, ran sail. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FCr" BENT Large . 6-room furnkhed " upper flat, xer sleeping porch; adults only; 343 month. 691 Williams av. Apply 593 William ave. Woodlawa 109. ' i FURNISHED flat, close an. lor rent to re aponaihls party until Oct, 1. Phone Broadway 4816. - IN IBVINGTON, 3-room h. k. suite, suiuble for 3 or 4 people: clesa and well furnished. AH eeavenieneea: near Broadway ear. 412 E, wth N. MODERN, dean, light airy 4 -room upper flat. completely furnished, piano and sewing ma- chine. 325. Woodlawa lain. kick, cWn fiat l..r rent. 1 block from Laurel- w t p.A mitahla for 2 adults, 81 K. 85th at Gang if desired. CLOSE IN 6 room flat tor rent, furniture for sale reasonable. Can rent 3 rooms if desired. U,in 71X2 J KOOiI modern 'flats, S3 H 80th at. Monta- sills. Stark st ear; 315 aad 820, with light water, s-arbsae. 118 2 ROOM modern flat partly furnished. M.K.M ln.hiAMl TH'1 K B)ta W.WI. " W KMWe ' . .- Beuweoa asa FOB RENT 6 room Oat. furnished, modem. basement and garage. No children. Befereaee. 665 E. 10th st 8. Sellwood car. 3-ROOM furnished flat. 826 Vk Vaughn, near Mootgomery. Vara, gzu; aaana, vau as 746 wi Roosevelt Mar. 8719. TWO lower floor front rooms. Lights gas. bath, fnmi'hed. "88 Clinton. B BOOM furnished upper flat modern, garage. Adnlta emir. CsU at 1073 hi. letn sr. FURNISHED flat 3 nice large roomv front eersnda. reference. ' 765 E. Boraside st' 6 BOOM flat completely famished; hslf block from ear; $26. Phone Oolnmbis 1172, MCE 6-room furnished Oat close in; walking distance. 73 Union ave. W. FURNISHED fist of H, K. rooms, reasonable garage. Sellwood 3898. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 WEST side near fcedd school. 2 modem rooms. Sunday Main 6431. week Maia 3744. 2 to a'elnrk. VviVRKrSiTlI. h flat 6 room lower flat 336 Walking distance, 633 B. Main. Phong- East 8994. Adnlta prercrroq. THREB room modem flat extra good, close in. east aids, everything private. East 7 th aad Conch; 330, East 1816. FOB RENT Cnfumiahed flats, 414 end 414 m Harriscn st mens CTwumois mn. 4-BOOM lower Oat, private bath and eatranoe. 634 6th sc. , ' MODRN 6-room Cat, 67 Nevada street Fulton CLEAN 6 room lowee flat Brooklyn district; large yard; desirable Broadway 6157 S-feVl. flat tor rent, modem. 211 Curry.- Main 6S0S. 4-BOOM modern upper flat; adulta) only; J20 per. Woodlawn 94 7. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 20 PER MONTH for one year: 4 rooma, 1 acre, erop ef vegetables, fruit sad berries in- eladed, . Inquire 31 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370. FIVE room cotug, gs range connected, elec tricity, treaniy csswmiinea. i -v c . . 82S; al four-room flat, 672 Mississippi ave. East 2911. MODERN 7-room house. 84th and Gltssn sts.. fireplace, stationary waah trays, furnace. Urge chicken boos, garde Inquire mornings, 515 FOR" BENT Modern 1 room house; hardwood I . '"CTTn in .J.--T,T ii I .ri J?' 60ilS0- Fog appointment call Columbia 1262. fireplace, hardwood floor,, - bnilt-ia effecta. Dutch Jtitchen. Inquir. 1S30. E. Taylor Adulta, Nice yard. Beferences exchanted 3 OB 4 rooms, part tarnished or unfurnished, l. mA. Ijmm Konsa. double rnnstraeted: na. lacrncitT. full basement 806 E, 8th- TSenter sts. Sellwood car, 4 Works 7 . ROOMS, sleeping porch, double gsrsgi ;e, sed Loose to. ansi If desired. 4614 E. 4lt. W to door. Bargain. i ,, ..4. . t MODERN room house. dose ia on east aide, t. fsmilv. HERMAN MOELLEB. REALTOR 105 Gaaco Bldg. Main 1480. FOR SALE OB KENT Te right party, good. clean room house, es pavsd st, near ear; good neighborfaood. For najrrJenlaa phone own er. Aut eo-s. UODERN' bungalow lamace. fireplace; dose Jefferson blga eenooi; anuita; reierences; sas. 988 VsBCoaver are. Weodlswa 196. ; FOft'RENT 7 room house, right on oatline; elose in; 719 Vinton are. .j ao eauorta,. usq East 7619. ' ELK TRANSf FH t dTORA.iai tO. 16 Dsyt Seme Free. -FlirwHui BroeH for less. Bros (twe 3446 WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest pries. Green Trass. Co... Maia 1381. 302 H Alder st tX)B BENT, good 2-reota Itouse, Mt Scott ear to Trcmonr, etoexs soulu. eaocaa yess, t tan 8 a. m.. sfter 6 p. m. FC5 BENT 3-room cottage snd sleeping porch. 312.30. 633 Tioga st, St John car, key at house in rear. - ' ' Sf. J0UN3 Modem 8 ream house, furnace. garage. 1 Mock- to ear. Bear atmness center St Johns, - 303 N. Smith see. - East 1820. FOR RENT Modem room kou-e at 8?? Whitman , ave. UaU it 111 aseraeiey st. for ewaer. 1 . 3 ROOM hour-, suitable for 2 families er room- toig house to rent Open from 2 to 6. 419 Tillamook tt Phone East 7076. BOOM house, large tleerjng porch and garage age m. auinsaaa. raone sea ii. TO RELIABLE tenant adults, modem hotne. hot-water heating system. s. sstn st a. FOR BENT Modern room house. 2 0 1 Cherry st. block oserUi Broadway. f-BtViMSr modem. Urge lot, on carlioa.,621 Dekum ve.. Woodlawa WE move rurrmure of . -- room bow fw 310. For rurtaev inrormaoon. atsrs tire. WILL lease '. small houe with option to bay! 01 Steek Exchsrige bldg. 8-BOOM newly tinted and papered, gas, electricity and water, garden. 820. East 6889. 13 7-ROOM hettae. 816 Syracw- sf. 8t Johns. Owner, Maia 4631, HOUSB for rent 4 Urge .108 G rover. Apply lie Orever at two for rent. . 1 . 5 room sad 1 183 roster read.- Aut 646-26. 17.50 7 ROOM house. 12 20th, W alking -distance. I RENT 4 teem .atedern bouse, aaae Un. fruit and flowers. Auto. 324-92. I k01ERN 7 I 2Mb at rm. bouse wtrH fireplace. 413 Phowe East 3973." 3 BOOM shack, 6353 69th st aad'Csd ssa., Mt S-iott car to Tremont sts. 88 mo. WIT -ill mt yoar vecsnt . boose free. Kastam Exrhenr. 327 Vk Wash, at 6-ki.oM bonse, 315. 8009 41-t s. S. E. . 14l1i and Oak. L. 2 J7 J 4-BOOM aou-e 23. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 METER rBANX-3 TfFfrBMATrn AJTT BSNTAL BUBKA0 I BeUabla, Wp boosaa. apartmei a date Bat of desirable apartmeata aai flats, with datiaita tafas- Btm porta mm r,wr wis ts rortiaB4 ana rasa J7T21 eg aeepeny aaa i areat vaaae i aicajy loeatad, EIGHTH FLOOB IF YOU HAVE A tACAXT flat, apartment or store, we aaa give yt mlubto-lament We shall be pleased to take ! ear of your property aad we are equ gaud far Johnson-Dodson Co. S3 X. W. Bank Bldg. Maia 378T. PIANOS moved 111 staim astra. tl each Eiihi; SO days' free storage cm all . hawsehold goods; fumitare gaoviBg. - 1-toa truck. - par hoar; mm track 82.18 ner hoar: we are exnerieaeed aaa aava good packing, can JJroadaray 1207. AUss Transfer St Storasa Cw lOA M. th at, Opea Saadaye aad eveainga, FOB LEASE. 1 year, cosy 4 room modem house. en paved at, lor sua; tree asa eg aur garage est dear, if d mi red, or caa pa 390 dowa and bataac la 6 months: boose now rented lor 813 per month aad garage 82.30, bat must have some cash ta tew days, gee owner, 4208 34th . B I.- 1 HOUSES FURNISHED 312 Call Today and See Me Have) nice, eleaa 6-room furnished Trtnv r new st.. ouia see. se-watar; ga rnat only. 380. Adulta Dre'erred. Ref- rene raqulrsd. For particnlara call 4607 70th st. eor. 46th ave. Mt Scott ear. FOB BENT 8-room house, very nicely - fur nianea. west srae, ctoee la. giuo a asoata va responsible people.. Owner wtn asaa for year at ar mora, .... - JohnsonDodson Co. 38 N. W. Bank Bids. Vain 3 TIT. 4 ROOMS aad sttio, oompletel furnished,""! lots: good chickanhouee and nena, Wi stock district, Will give good responsible party lees for month. 330 per month. Call today. ixu ijrana ave., or prion Jst 640. FINE west aid home. spletoly and elagaouy furnished : win lease for 1 or . ' years. . , WAKKFTKLD, FRIES eV CO. REALTORS 86 4th St ' FUBNISHED room house, 106 E. l6th. Sun-I nrside. bet Alder and Wash. sts.. 846: gaa. light and bath. Call Monday. 1027 Belmont isoor Zl. FOR RENT In Irvingtoa. beautifuHr furnished iw room nouse. .ew grsna piano ana grsio- noia incmaea: garage. 1 block from street ear. rnone iast ouuu. 35 NICELY furni4ied -room modera house, 1 ter. phone, lixhta. gas for cooking fr brington or Broadway car. 67 S Tiliaanook corner 19th. WILL LEASE furnished 3-room bungalow fog 1 year, at Gsrdea Horns, all modern eonven lences. (83 per month. Call slain 3460, ask lor Mr. winn. - ROOM PABTLY FURNISHED HOUSE. WILLIAMS REALTY CO.. 617 45th, WILL ahare by Sept 1. beautiful strictly mod em home in Laarelhurrt, tor fsw months; ref erences. Phone Tsbor 6963. 6-ROOM House for rent, large yard and lota of I blsck berries. 18 per month, S17 Moon ave. Sell, car. LADY with little girl will rent pert of boos furnished to family who will care for child days. W-717. Journal. F ABOUT Sept 1. 6-room house, finely located. east side. Wsshington high school district Fnmace. Information. 173 Park at 4 BOOM house, furniahed weeks. 136. In-I clodea Bght. gsa, water. WdTn. 4084 or Ta- bor 9274. 25 4-BOOM furnished hone, water, phone, gaa. - shed, close in, ws Iking distance, adulta space in yard for auUx 246 Lincoln. DESIRABLE furnished" 7 room buncakrw la Alberta district. Wdln. 4225. 1222 E. 15 th north. tEKT desirable, eompsetely funtaJied 7 room hood. Will lease. 65 E. 8th M. East 7167, all day Sunday, after 8 p. m. wek days. FURNISHED, modem 6-room house with piano. can neuwooq ltfja. - 4 ROOM furnished house for rent; gas, lights, 25 s month. Adults only. Call 104 6tanton st FOB BENT Furnished shack with g&rags, !, witnoot garage m. lsva k. noyt at. WILL Rr.NT my home, modern 7-roora. com- i pletely ramlahed; piano, etc. Can 011-43. 6-BM. famished modem house. 840. Tabor 743. 1191 Vermont 2 ROOM furnished cottage, light, bath, 614 1 rettygrove st. FCBNLSHED 6 room house, un Portland heights. Marshall 2293. FIVE room hou-e for rent furnished. 312.0 per montn. L"iira vannonten. b. Bt jonna. FOR BENT Furnished room house; Good location. 646 Willisma ave. WTIOW will sham home with congenial coup's. Phone Wdln. 1216. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 1 3 AtuL-EHN 4 -room cottage tor rent gawd fuxni- I ture for sale. Main 1061. -BOOM modera flat, good location, furniture. for sale st s bargain. Phone East 4172. STORES AND HALLS 314 WiiOLE 3d floor, space 23x48. no elevator but rood stairs; Iignt and airy; cheap rent 42a Bnmside between 10th snd 11th. Bdwy. 1884. CORNER store for rent: will rent part 114 1st and wssn, fcast 6704. FOB desirable Phone Bdwy. 3718. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 FOB BENT Room suiuble for office, also garage for rest, 37 per mouth. 343 Salmon. Main 4243. ONE nicely furnished desirable office or desk apse. 1113 N. W. Bank bldg. Telephone Sn- day. Bell. 14 55. - DESK wite telephone snd staaaamehst Phone Broedway 3713 SUMMER RESORTS 318 MAKE VACATION TIME A PLKAjUBB - Claasie Bidg Howve and Camp (Nehslem, Or. via Tfflameo tram) r opens July 1. For raa errs tines addrsm J. H. L H. Edwards, 141 Vi Fourth street, at Morrison Main "292. Service or lf srvVe. IOLOTANA PARK. Cannon Beach Now m the time to enjoy your vacation. Reduced rates I for September at this wonderful beach. C L. Wingard, Ecola, Or. THE ADVERTISER effete his taker of a beech cot tax during Us vacancy. No eetnpensation. other than ase of cottage. Ba epectrul references, C-231, Journal. VERY dreirabia. Cosy, dean eoUagea, spanmenU and rooms: reduced rents during Sept Address mwwview vmt. Twin Kocta, ur.. TUlsmook la 1909" cottage. Long Beach, Wvk, for rent for Sept. 883. Facing the meadow. Prettiest place on beech. 4614 E. 41t Wood-tor car. TENT bans for tent Seaside, including tuts parking apace. OeUl Mar. .4431. or Mar. 7T7. APARTMENTS 357 WANTED 4 room unfurnished apartment by October 1. Phone Max. 2420. Monday after I 9 a. mr HOUSES 3S1 - RENTAL BUREAU -'list yesxr bouses, fasts er apartments with as; quirk results sad gout tenant. PACKING, MOVINO. 8TORAGE. J.OANS ECUBTTY STORAGE at TBANKFEB CO. 58 FoarBh st. opp. Multnevnah Hotel -Phnne Bieedsray 3718 WANT to rent 6 er 6-room house for one ycaT ef Aunt Must he near car 823. Adults oaly Beat I partkrolars er aa re - not too far out nor ever ef rif'reiwes. Give full ply. T-704-, JeorasL LIST yoar bouea and flats with us for rent W asm xnaay daily caQa for- thaws ia ail parts ef the eity. pareish; -WATxrts . cc..- - - 283 Stark at ... Mala 1644. WANTED Famished bowse, esose in. 3 te 40: nrest take by Aug. 17. Cal sfarshsll 1C05. UN FUBNISHED ec room modem Fes near ear lies. Mast be clean. Phoae 1113. References eschsnred. SMALL. torlem heeee. fumMied ir unfur- rtHhsd. Will. 4641. Ne childrea. Can Tsbot WANTED 6 er room boose, prefer Haw-! thorae ave. er BeQwood ear, - Good care. 3 ,a 1 , i a, aa ... U I.. v& 1 ln , V. BAUJABUC tsnaat want uafamished modera er 4 mom bungalow. , Mar. 3071. CK FURNISHED in suoerua aumrr. BOW er by rpt 1; e rbCdrea. -Wdrn. 416T. WANTED T rent .4 or 6 room baagaiow.. aot t L-Hd. Jowrnel. too far ewt FLATS 359 WANTED Lower flat eleaa. aot ever )25 Phone Woodlawa 2383 or Aat 82M4. " HOUSES Tii JtENld" 5 roonT 361 ' good dislrirt, K-40. Journal. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WANTED RENT HOl'SE.S WANTED SEND IX YOUB VACANT HOUSES -KKK THE TTIXOW SIGN" ! VTTH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. Wanted Te rM 4 8-i er Hawthorn : Monday. Aatoraatia 233-40. .. REACH PROPERTY v. 400 f03 eitWa T room heu wiLk I tmulK ctaemi all fitted with eiertrio. , nghta sad eats' water aad rare Bed for light i keeping. Address Box 804, Newport, Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BUaLNEe PROPERTY Maw store building and 3-reom aaodem aot tasw aad garage. Location Maw saline ava- For Bcaoa aad tvm e OGDEN V GRAYELLB 16T Shaver st WeofHaww 202. APARTMENTS AND FLAT f - PROPERTY 402 WEST SIDB APARTMENT Witk t-swar lease aad ealr 8300 Bar aaoath rent aad only ISOOO to baads. bai. manthly; act vo pec SBeaaa. On of the tba eity. F. U Blanchard, 601-3 Bwwtlaad Bids. . Marshall 629. : lots .: . . 403 it" artvtM KOBTH PAKKROSB " TBEKa. TBEKIi, TKKEB 1 ' . ; 20 DOWH 30 month, total payment per eant Inter est incrnded. Basming stream, rich gilt laad. beau of ul building eat, about hslf cleared; bal aae ia ahada trees, aorth of bandy blvd. aad aariiao; aa building restrictions; low eon sty taxes; BO stress Improvements ta pay; great ! Kc. anly 2015. J. U HABTMAX COMPANY, i 9 Chamber ef Coomerce bidg. Main 101. Bnvaeh Office and af Park rose eariiae. Phone Tabor 2904. , Open every day He this today. JTEW WTLSHTBE TBA0T3 165X113 FEET BEACTU'VL Flit T&XXS - 867.80 down, balsaew 318 m stadia tatareat, 3 avtocks from caxiia. Will give deed to -ths aad : tat bask . a Branch Office open every day an til I a i at 83d and Brye ave. Take Broadway ear to Brye are., walk 4 b looks east J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber ef Commerce, bldg. Maia ,208. -j FOB besuuful building lot see us. For instance. took at those in Lavona Park. 60x100 and some of them 86x180. for only 8223 to 8423, Terms. Bare are also 2 fine lota 50x100 each ea 69th- ave.. right in Wood mere, for (173 cash each, and 2 Bar .re bctohs the street tec nme price. Tbeee are very cheap, aa they are being ead to settle aa estate. W hare 4 Iota, each 40x120. with allev. These am only 80 feet from Millard ave. Win sell them ta pairs or all together for 8250 a lot. All esh pre, lerreo. Many otner Oram bis lota. Do yon want good buys ar don't yen rm to save sny ri ' Jtecor saber vre nands only good bays. CABLE REALTY CO. OPEN EYEBY DAY. 582 72d at. S. E. Ante. 613-33. ACRE TRACT PABKBOSB J 160O-, 2 blocks froa Bsady blvd.. and earUae. Good view, rich garden aoO. corner. 878 dewn. 813 month, interest included at 6 per cent Pressure water, gaa. - J. U HARTMAN COMPANY 3 Chamber ef Commerce bkXg. Mala 208. Branch Office st end of Parkrose aarlme. Open every dsy. 330 Boss City. 60x100. . ' 81150 Laurelhurst fin lot. 1000 Laurelhurst, 60x100. Leurwlhant lneiane lot Gnaaa at. eor 45th. 1600 Irringtoa, 07x80. 81600 K. 6th aad Hun sto. 1200 E. 29th aad CUatoa ata. 8 850 E. Taylor st near 47th. 1230 E. 40th and Dirwion ata, ' Chas. Ringler S:Co. 223 HENBY BLDG. LOTS near Reed college aad golf links, - with every improvement and nataral advantage, at as average price et bout 3800:' term. May we sheer yoa Esstmorelsad t LADD ESTATE CO.. Bealtors 244 STARK ST. Lots! 19o ii Mfi.vtlUT PUT UP A SHACK ! Save your rent money. Buy 330 worth ef lumber and put np a small bowse aad pay rant to yourself. 50x100 lots. Bull Bua watar, gas. Be rariine, aice district Remember, only 15 a month. Call mt today ( Sonde). CU.WTE at KOHLMAN. Mala 530, 20. Cbmeer of Commeroe bldg. rBKE PLANS. FUSE ADVICE. , ABB YOU GOING TO BUILD! LET US HELP YOU Cease to our office aad let ear .designer bob yon -wlaa year home. rUKTIANP HOME BUILDERS. 316 ABTNGTOX BLDG., . On Third st, between Washingtnn and ftfark. BEAUTIFULLY" wooded Wa, near P. in sale park and Jefferson high. 60x100: 300. (10 cash, baJaBae aasy. Alae a 60x163. far 700. 310 eaab. walaaee Isms, This is the gig ef twe lots sad is a aaa p. Johnson-Dodson Co. W. W. Bank Md. - - Mala 8787 POWTf : X acre, beaatiful bunding site, dost tn," dote to ear sod pared highway; finest gar--den eil; 39 per saonth and latsrmt 6 per cent Mala 8201. . fcxcTLl.rVT Ttrvy 1500 EASY TERMS 10x120, all improvement paid. park. Be tt at Slice. Johnson-Dodson Co. 38 If, W.Btnk Mdg. Main 37T. '. bobe crrf "park! ' 50x116, 2d. 3 blocks aorta Seady. Par ing, sewers, all la and paid. 3750. View lot, 47th, between Broadway snd Hslwy. sll -paid, 50. Otrner ef 34th aad Haarock, ne nana, 323. ' J. C. CCmBTN CO , 308 Q-7 Lewis tldg. " , SACRIFICE SALE ; KEAB AINSWOBTH AYE. 160x100 let, walkiag assteBoe to twsa parks. Bwt district Price ealy 700. Ask for Mr..PWB4r, Mar. 334A, 24 LOTS on-Dlvistoa at. froa (200 to . Termi Baarrirted di-trert . j J. P. MeKENNA. REALTOR. Betmoat at 9tAv Tabor 4493. tloo EACH tsa LowS I 3 morrtiiiy, snd bonded sewer, oars x 1 moated bnikliDg sate lota, 100x100; farm- 1 ""t need thrxa. Sea Fraatt, 6248 i"oe- "T FOB SALE Comer. 98x100. free ef eneaaub- walks, an Tter, 1 Mock from saved atreet. S from . carline. Windsor Heights, 4 7 that, aad 29th tea., close to Frsaklia high. 3nao, terms, bargain. V-706. JonmaV STRAIGHT TIP Ii yoa knew a bona fide bar gain when ywd set rt, snap ap this lot. Bear Laareihnrst Pork, ear hn 1 Week, 3130. terms. 416 Board ef Trade. , " youb 0PrHaTcxrrY ! " Iaardlrarat lots.. . while they last, at et rtemely tow price. See J. A. MeChny. 27 stark. Mala 170O. Kveaiags, Taaor S04I. Bofif tiTt DISTRICT 100xl0. 3 bl ,cka. from Bandy. 4S0. wareala. ttertl. 724 sed ft, My. TsKor 166. LOT 60x100 ee traded -wt. sidees ky S-aeet I . , . , . , . . , , , S I strand. 1 S 74 H " GreeW. VftMlaww 5943. Jtof- I U1H is I aaam. I tec, cn 361 K. 11th t 8. j t WO lota and small shack. 380. terms. ' Rnett I , nw iixtt Owner. WemDswn 173. 3 LOTS near Coiasubia blvd; my equity. 320 cash, balance M50. term. Woodlawa 1763. GOOD 1U. 3 bieBss irons Alberta st, ciee to; give ft wty for 3375. 7. "s. Imrnti UliAT ttava yew to tnde f a lot at Ternrbuone, Or Co-1 rr Mey 41. .,i u,e City Park bargain, 3bth st Bear la Send hltd. Tabor 4503. . ... . ... , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 iaviNaTONrB0PEa MiWuIIt kM thie list, of the Hughe s tat avaldiagsC lesaember. thee mm sast be soid. , Go aut today and make yoar IneuecUoa. thea as as tor special low pheea . 8. W. aor. E. 17th sad Fremont, 70x160..' ' E. 20th. facing W 223 ft aorth of glirkltat, - rsxioo. . N. W. eor. E. 5Jst sad EBckitat 50x190. 224. facin wesu . serweeB Stantoa. aad E. 33th. tae. E. bet, SUstoa and SWriyeaa.;' 1 N. K. eor. E. ITtk aad Stanton. 95x100. -j 8. K. eor. E. 16th and Staatoa. 100x100. I.E.! 6th. fac. E. be. Stantaei and Siskivea. . K. 13th, tae. W. bet Samoa and 8i5kiyo, B. E, eor. E. 18:h and Stantna,. Tsl"(t. 8. W. gor. E. 19th and Staatoa, 130x100. 8. W. eor. B. 20th sad Stanton, 250x100. B- W. eor. B. 21st and Stanton. 250x100,. &. W. aor. E. 2tth and Knott, 100x100. B. 23d. tae. W. 130 ft N. of Brssea, 73x100. E. 24th, fee. E. 150 ft B of Knott, 60x100. N W. eor, E. Ixd and Brsaee, 3 lots. . 8. W. eoe. E, 21st aad Kaott, 160x109 . 8. B. eor. E, 21st sad Knott. ltKlxlOn. N. K, ear. E. 19th aad Brasea, 100x100. E, 15th. fac. F. bet Braaee and Kaotx. E..14ta. tae. W. bet Rnaw and Kaott. . 8. St eon E, 13th and Bum. .A km. N. E. Cor. E. ltth and Thompson. 100x4 06. I E. 17th. fan W. 175 ft 8. at Brass, 100X 160. , i S E. eor. E. 22d ssd Brxsee. 100x100. T BITTER. LOWE CO., Bealtors, -201-3-3-5-7 Board ef Tr.rl. km,.' , 1 WE WBTTK ALL KINDS OF INSUBAXCaV MIL Value 50x100 en E. 30th M.. ea Md street aad carline, all improvements included ta price, only eivv wn, eiu a moatn. 30x100 on K Btk near Msm mTI ssenta paid. S200 down, 310 a month, prkw asuv. i 60x100 ea E. Madison, near B. VatV g9S uown. lis a monu, rnce , 300, dear. I free and 40x100 earner ea E. 82 aad K 50 down, 810 a month, free sad .dear. OxIOO on . Sbermaa, Bear K. 2 4th. 3750. half cash, free and clear. 1100 ea Division at. near 33th, alt wnpreve ments paid. (lOO down. ! a month. 1 1 200 in Alameda, all improvements paid, ea DuskWy era., beaauful tmea, eery ssvay terma. -...) 0x30 eayX. Guam a. near E. tith, t0 eaab, aO impravements paid, ' ' 80x100 Beaomoet 3873. a3 laipeueemeBts paid, yoar-ewm tersna. JohnsonDodson Co. 33 N. W. Bank bldg. t Maia 3787. .CORNER LOTS with sTJ street nw f proveaoenta ia and paid. 3600 to 120O each; lasade lots ta proportion ; lice streetcar service, u W a L For terms see LADD EATATB CO.. BaaBar 246 111 ABA. 8X. ! - t ACRES j PARK ROSE 13 DOWN. (13 MONTH I - i 1 1283. rich nut mnd. ready for plow. TVw ef valley and monauins. Low eounry tax. ne street improvement to psy. Ne isU a.Uoeim. Yoa ean build a little borne here - and should mala your payment from produce.. J.'U HARTMAN COMPANY. . Chamber of Commsrea bldg. Main 208. t - Branch Office aad ef . Partrrose gmrTlaa Opea every day. COME 6UT 6bAY And select a lot tor yonr new 60x106. 8 760, 8100 down, 310 a month. 60x100, 875, 8100 down. 310 a month, 60x150. (1250. 3100 dowa. 310 a month. 43x205. 81000, 8100 down. 310 a month. 60x100. corner. (1000. 3100 dowa. 310 a month; 49x100. 325 ease; 6x100, 31300 Com eut Sunday fmm 1 n, en, until C p. as.. aad make yoar selectiosi end the new hums trader snttstruction now. Salesman will meet yoa at E. 16th and Fremont, , The Big Sign. The lots sr. close to ear. school snd new park, paving, sidewalks, sewers, ate, all ia and paid en above. soxiao eu Baaver,- near . ista,. snea. 60x100 en K. 1 9th near Failing. 3500. 3100 down, S10 a month. aidewalka snd curbs In sad paid. We have several others. JohnsonDod5cn Co. 38 N. W. Bsnb bldg. Vain 8787. f.21.50 MONTH 2 ACBES . ; . - PABKBOSB - 21.50 down, shad trees, on me of fh main atreeta. Banning stream. Berth hoandary. beaadful - build mg site, . view of valley and nntaina Itica garden seat ynst a short daa- aaee north ef . Bsady- bird, and oar-tins, Fnoe 2130. i . J. I HARTMAN COMPANY t Chamber ot Commerce bldg. . . Main. 20 8. j l Branch Offiee end ef Psrkrose esrTlne. .: Opea every dsy. ,.i ... ... 100X28S FT. - WTLSHIRE ACRES 1100 . i 20 month, interest included at teg errrt aoaesdam road, just aerosa street from city limits en 42d St. north ef Beeameut ear. No street 1 assessments te pay. Low coonry tag. 43 other choice tracts in this new sdditjoa slso. . 200 building sites, iasid city limits in 'WILSHIBE ADDITION. - i. U HARTMAW COMPANY. Chamber ef Commerce bldg: Maia I OS. Branca. Of flee open every day naiil dark, i Take Broad way, ear to Bryce ave-, go east 4 blocks. . J0TW8 TBA NR. LIN n l'H 8( IH HJL , 0x281 ' FEET WITH TBEE3 ' t J2S down. SIS war awonth. whieh toeanaai in. terast at 6 per eent. Exeetlent btUlding site: beautiful shade tree. This large tract terpml te over a lots) is ea 3 2d et, sad only 2 blocks from the esrlnss, Price ealy 31100. This m it sversge of lens thsa (500 per lot J. L, HART MAN COMPANY. 3 Chamber of Coesameree bldg, Maia 208, ' - , i CLOSE te JefTrrson high sehool em KiD-' iaawwerth a.. we have a 60x100 lot st the low price of 3400. 160 dowa. bal ance to gait st 6. . Riely & Qustafson, " 1203 Teon Bldg. Marshall 14( UR. HOMEBL'ILDEB; Let me caU your sttee- tioa te the beaaty spot of all Portland, wltere Ssture has dene eneve to beautify-, the howve sites than xa sny ether part of the city. If looking for a bomesid see these lots. Take Sdlweed ear to Taken are, One block west to 07 Yukon ave. Nasi Brawn, SelL 2232. ULcRELBURsf : : I 8850 eask on kinltaecnah at..neer 89th all Kaprovemna paid,- See a at once. - i Johnson-Dodson Co. I K. W, Bsnk bldg. Msin 3787. LOta 60x161. price 350; (10 down, 33 per ! amnth. Soon as they srs filled in they will be worth 8H00. . Near World a faig addition, . Woodlawa 4106 i - ' LACREiJiTRst sn'ap i6o EViViTTuINil .ta and paid. .-,-, ! RUMMELL aV RUMMELU 274 Stark St tWO LOTS ia Milwaukee near carline, value 700. W01 sail for (330 cash. : Writs B Ctnbloom, Peodletow, Or. - . LACBELHURST LOT BAR3aN ' ' He J. A. MeCsrty. 270 . Burg- st ; Malh 1700. Evenings. Tabor, 6)67. I OWNER must -sea thu week. 60x56 en East I i ntark tt. kstwssa 19th aad 20tB sta.. Last I VHT. I LOTS ia Wabash park. 326 dowa. 8760 per ne tntrst. WondTavra 30J. ROSE CITY, N. E. cerner 41st and Tiliuiret, i lmprevemerrts In, re id. 31100. Tabor 6441. tl LOTS, total cah price tJK5, near Worlds fair add tion. Woodlawa 4306. ' - l'U SALE Geud re-ideiice Im. 2l0. terau. ' 408 Railway Esrharre. Main 3109. FOR SALE Lot In Bend, Or.- , UU f llln K ath et N. or after n, m. $32.". BOMB 1 block Hsndr: I CITY PARK TERM8 sseasmeosa psid. Tsbor 550. HOUSES .404 7-room W liX)W BBost dienose of" eo'iirv a diepose ' modem nonm. aarax. alae furniture; terma. . Inquire ef owner, 634 Kerby. Woedlaarn 860. LAU ULLHUEST bancslow. new and modem, bv ewnee. 1167 Multaoauh rt. cor. 39th. Broadway 2984. - - NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH S-mora Kengalow tor. sate at a bargain. Ante. 638-2. - r - . - TITUS insurance is the modem way f bandlang : tltsse te teal eatate. wuicseT. easts less and tie t b t rsd req'r'red Tl'te A TPl-t cornreay 8lX r-sj liM'-e, beta, lunm. fu-vUc. 34ii). . lewf r)-w 6S F.. rt-sr 1n. MODERN 3 room hoase. cneap af taaea soosv , 111 424 srs. 3. E, tf is-.. ' )