rue: 021EG01I WAGING CLEWS PILE UP AGAINST ARTHUR BURGH Suspect. in Kenned; Murder It j: Said tojlave Had Gun When J, He Left Illinois for Los Angeles V 14 Angeles, Aug! U Arthur C - i Burch faced new da making: t evidence tonight' ; j '. iThI Ik i fh rlrrunut.Xl.l flung atvthe easy mannered minister ' SOIL. WhO. tOrethlr WftWHIa nlafont tul Madalynne Obenchain. i charged with ! killing J. Fteltnn Ki,nner t- 1 The shotgun believed to have dealt ; , ueaui m me j weauny nenneoy . wai - ' found by Roy and Bert Mooney, who ; stumbled over it in the I surf at Ocean v Far IS miles from Beverly Olen. The . r eus was believed thrown in the ocean rafter Kennedy-was shot r , H. M. Bartlett, Evaneton, tlL, in- formed authorities Burch bad a gun in ;his luggage wtn he left for Ix. An ts geles in answer to the call of Madalynne, . Mrs. James WarfeB, wife of a , :t: banker, said She had talked with Burch . ). n his way to the coast ahd he. told her was "going, to Los Angele to tee that a certain party treats a friend of '. ., r mine right and If he doesn't III get him." f'MOWElr, ROT LOTE !'- Idtonev.. nat 1 ' .'friendship, was the motive for Arthur 4 Cf Burch's response to Madaiyniie's ap- o vunra ii uus Aogeiee, ac- cording to the latest theory being oon . sidered by- the authorities. . Since Burch's arrest. ,4he - authorities i have been ceaselessly working to as v t eartaln hit ltitM i h4 thu ... ; strong enough to have led him to come w Anstiw at jnaaaiynne s DecK , ( and call and to explain his willingness to , kid her In her admitted efforts to get Kennedy to "do the right thingV and , marry her. -Burch, it is believed, knew a ft friend. --.'I of Madalynne's trouble with Kennedy. ; Madalynne has admitted that she fre : a fluently loaned money . to Burch. t The , present theory being Worked on by the i ; police is to the effect that Burclvknow . jlt that his moving picture business In Chicago was about to go n the rocks. ; nswered Madalynne's appeal largely for tha purpose eventually of i borrowing ; money from her with which to meet his . Obligations in Chicago and put his busi ness on its feet again. ' AY IT WAS JLOAJT A letter -addressed Mayalynn from ; j Burch on the morning of her arrest and t his precipitate departure from Chicago ('Contained . 85. Madalynne Mold the authorities, when Questioned regarding i It, that it was the return of some money ! she had lent him and that she had fre quently nafl transactions of this sort . with him before. According to he pres , ent theory, Burch. knowing of Mada ' lvnn's arrst. immonintaiv trHn,in ,. murder at the Olenn. mailed the $85 to ner eitner because he feared she plight -need it or because he feared to have I money tn his possession she might ad--, tnlt to. the authorities she had given him j -preceding tha Shooting of Kennedy. . , 1: Burch's record at Northwestern Unl Hies, as Tell as his record since he left '' colge, is said - to have been on of scheming for ' money, rather than for devotion or love, which, are the motives . wnich nave been thUfifaromost Tre- quently advanced for his Strang edtf ; nectlon with the case. t ........ . - y ::American Invitation j; To Arms CoMerence ; ; Is Received at Tokio ! tninfsal Bn, Btwciil Cbl Disfttteh .Tokio, Aug. 13.-Press reports state ; that American charge d'affaires Bell has received Presidj..t Harding's formal ; Invitation to the disarmament confer Mile for transmission to Japan. , . : The foreign office states that it is ; ready to accept, the Invitation at once, '.but is not ready to name the number of ; delegates that will represent Japan. Premier Hara appear to be tha first . choice to head the Japanese delegation. . with Baron Uchid. foreign minister, as ; second choice, Baron Chinda, embassador to the ; united States ShideharA ahd Ambassador t Gfeat Britain Ishll im tMiaAiKiutiAa . .' The Ashait today gives prominence to- ine statement- tnat vice Admiral. Kato of th Naval Stall colfege will repre- sent Japan's navy at the conference. Ford Bid Only One r For Musole Shoals - . "'..N Washington. Aug. ll.Purchase"f the Mhreat Muscle Shoals nitrate plant by 'Henry Pofd seemed assured today when . . Secretary Weeks announced he doubted ( Whether any bid in opposition to Ford's ,"WbUld be made. As soon as it is defl nitely determined that no more offers tor . Muscle Shoals are forthcoming, Weeks will begin negoiaUng with Foru .on his proposal. Congress Asked;to v Cut Rates on Bonds Washington, Aut. ij. (tr. p. a tesolutlon expressing lha belief of con ' gress that the federal reserve board should reduce the rediscount rates on Ubefty bonds to 4 pf cent aftd on agri cultural and commercial paper to 5 per cent was introduced in .the house today .by Representative f ilmr of South .Carolina. ' ; - MNCINGtaoght ALL NCW STEPS ARB POPULAf) DANCES dUARANTCEDilN CIOHT "lAaies tS-00, "gentlWen 5.0. D Honey's beauti ful academy. Twenty third and Washington. Beginners e 1 a s s starts Taesday and ' Thursday -evenings, s to plen- . and practice; no embar- rawuicai. mm social rea turt alone is worth double the prk. Individual prl- W - - uwu uviiuni tor DMK -all dances, etiquette, etc, tree. You can never learn dancing In private lessons : from inferior teachers or in public halls. You must have practice tn a real school l We positively guarantee to teach you to -dance, tn one term or give you the second term free.- There is no other school with .this kind of a guarantee or. the above .desirable features. Join our new sum mer classes this Wi.k. Phone Main riUVATK LESSONS AXI. HOU&S , V ' SUKDAY JOURIIAL, POHTLAIJD. SUIIDAY HORNING. AUGUST. 14. "THE WOMAN" IN KENNEDY CASE tr. T ' v X a A '' - 5 . 1 ' Mir,,,, J, f , v S 4 . .z r . s . S) - r Vt. Above: ; Mf. Madalynne Obenchalflj, r-f f - unde indlctiheat in Loi 'Angelas '"' I- fof mnrder of J. fielton Kennedy. Below: Ralph B. ObenchAln, Chi cago lawyer, who had been sum moned by his former wife to ooroe to her -aid. . . . Dr. Solomon CoEen Of Philadelphia Is . To Be a Guest Here I. , , i j t)r. Solomon Soils Cohen, famous med ical authority of Philadelphia ahd broth er of David Soils Cohen of this city, will be given an honorary luncheon by mem bers of Portland lodge No. 85, B"hal Brlth, at the Benson hotel Tuesday noon. Ben selling will nresida at the luncheon. Dr. Cohen has been professor of clln leal medicine at Jefferson- Medical col lege since 1902 and is prominent tn med ical college wdrlt all through the East. He la the author of a number of val uable contributions to medical science and is considered an authority on thara. peutics. In addition ha has subliBhed original verses and translations of the original Hebrew poets, ahd political, . eco nomic, historical and hygienic essays in' magazines. - General Wood Is Against Freedom For Philippines I Washington. Aug. IS. tti P.SJen- eral Leonard Wood, who has bean Id-. vestig&ting conditions la the Philippines. Is understood to have advised against Independence for the Isands In" the im mediate future. e Secretary Wee! i said today he desired to have : General Wood, id tha position of governor-general' of the Philippines during the next year, and that there, was no possiDuity tnat lnttependenca would be granted within that tima.: Agreement Reaohe T On Capper Measure , Washington. Aue. 14 .- Sen at ,nH house conferees on the Capper-Tlncher future trading. blU which, la -designed to Drevent ' SDeculation anl mininniaiinn on grain 'exchanges, reached a complete agreement today on amendments adopt ed by tha senate. Final action on the bill is expected early next wek. Baker Marks Found About Body in Iowa Baker. Ahsr. ll-P6itc hM aea i ceipt of a telegram' from Braddyville, Iowa, describing a man found dead in a Cfarnfinld there Ul. ii , from Bowen A Denefe. Ideal clothier. ana ne naa meaicine Trom th Llva and Lt Live Drug company, and bank notes from the Prairie bank. He is described as having red hair. Weighing- 1(0 r 170 pounds. No Clues hava been un covered hre. ' Patrolman Killed At Station Door TtAstm. aM . if : . " , man. Anthony Cuneo was shot dead by tu tront or tna Haa- over street poliee Station her today. The assailant wa shot through the leg and jaw by the squad of policemen who rushed, outto Cuneo's aid. Cuneo was and head and diM i.. a' few. minutes. ,' -lts- tAWBBSCK BCRIEB - Funeral services for Ura Freda Law rence, who died at her home. ISSi icaat Fifteenth street north, were held at the Finler thtpel. Saturday morning. Inter ment was made at ML Scott cemetery. Mrs. Lawrence who was . a natitra tt Hamburr. Oermanv. it upmvu nwn. daughter, Miss Lillian Lawrence of this - S THOMPSON'S 1 I DeebCarve Leases 5 , Are Better ' T (Trademark reg. v Thm Sign tt Perfect Service J Thm Sign of Perfect Service Take Car e of Your Eyes' Our system of examining eyes and making glasses is based oh many years' . ex : perience. , ' Each step 1A our Work is carefully checked and In spected. . , . The raftkh la- glasses that look especially well When you V are . wearing them ; that are accurate, depend-, -able and satisfactory-, in every -particular. .. . Our optical shop Is one of ' the most thoroughly equip ped in Portland, enabling 'us to produce the best .glasses at lowest cost Oar Owa Complete Leas ; driaaiag Plant a the Premises. I 8ATK TOU& EYES . THOMPSON OPTICAL, INSTITUTE Clas. A. Kasea, Pfeftldeat -aad Ceaerat ataaager - Eyesight Specialists rertlaacrs 4 target, Mstt Seders, Bwt F.eatpped : Exelaslve Oatieal EstaMisksjeat . vt-U-ll CORBETT BLt4. FIFTH AHD MOBBiSOK " ' Hiaee iw -. - .. 'Si i - mi r? k? II II al 1 I I i I I I I I I I iJllli ir ti Whltaer at Eitrg Special Sal Prices or BOtt 'ftny or .all oodi - telected will be held tor .fatare delivery without .additional charge. From Draperies and Bedding to Co ol UMas At New Lowered Prices See the Windows Today -Many Pieces 25 to 40 Below Last Year's Value Everything goes on one VccounC with no' addit Atld wards'" eAy trnn are personally arranged to please each individual? requirement and.-not joncrCCnt of .interest is charged, regardless of what you may select. :(Brunswick Ph6nographs and Records. included.) ...;. f . . r . -b . 1 JOU , 7 p:::::;:p SIMMON'S CONTINUOUS POST BED SIMMON'S STEEL LINK SPRING AtiD 45-LB. FELTED COTTON MATTRESS Be Sure and See These Two . Waxed Oak Finished to Match Four Pieces, an exceptional value, too -$73.50- i oa library Table with Xtxtl- Inch. topi Bona oak Round Ami Rocker and tha Opera-Seated Oak Rocker are identical te tha illustra tion. Arm chair baa been replaced wita a ciever wjcxer en air uphol stered with cretonne, adding much tone to the ault. On tha doorway window today. . Six-Foot Table and ' Six Solid Oak Chairs -$49,85-- Hand-rubbed was fintah to match tha living room - suites . at 7l.o. Table la lnchaa in diameter, and tha massive base la Identical to th Illustration. Each chair is securely - built with saddle-shaped seats, sup ported with- angles against tha bade posts. Alao displayed la th front window today. $3 Cash $1 Wcek-No Interest Detailed explanation of each la unnecessary. You have read and heard much about Simmon'i Beds and Spring that are "Built for Sleep" lately; but Edwarda would Ilk to haw you note that !ti a FORTI-FIVE POUND Fslted Cotton Mattress that's with .this Simmon's "Built for Sleep' Bed and Springs. ' Cl '1 " . ' w- T. - .;.'.! . 'Here's a Wonderful 'Value Three Massive Pieces $94.50 Massive Mission-Post Library Table, with very pretty grain quartered oak top and legs ; rockers are of solid oak and the auto-cushion seats are covered With heavy veal stock genuine leather. Not Identical, though very similar to illustration. Colonial Suite in Walnut 1 or Mahogany $148 Bed, resser and Chiffonier, quit similar to illustration, and, for your convenience, they're in the front window today. , You. Ilk many others, since the price has been reduced, will be surprised and pleased to know such fine Pieces as these can be had for bo little money. . Queen 'Anne Walnut or Mahogany Table & Chairs $169 Queen Anna, th. mast lovable and charming of all periods. Tahl has It-inch diameter top and at of six chairs are finely : finished to match either walnut or mahogany table. Bin or brown genuine leata . ef slip aeata, . ' i " New! Basasa Second to None Is Edwards Variety of Charming and Distinctive Tap es try Cleverly . Decorated Novelty c Breakfast Sets VU9JS0 . Pal green, old ivory and warm gray. Four - chairs to -match each table, and every piece decorated with striking Colors. On set Is in the win dow today. and -... ' . . .'" ' .". ," jo.. ; Velour Overstuffed J Whether Your Desire Be for Wilton; Axminster Brussels orRagRugs Edwards has a almost Unlimited assortment to show you th mighty wall rack, with over 200 new and, beautiful samples of tha maker s Choicest creations, continuously away a as. fart fea. I ' w 1 1 .. itue6ssror XtVpleea Be Selected, Tsrsls tolpias i oar lsaiTissai, jtetsireaisats WIU Be Arranged For Ytiur Cditeideratioh There A re fill WUtohs at ............ t...t,.m....:. Tft kn . w . ( i k iim v , . . j. Divenports ; J $9650' to $298.00 - Chairs and Rockers $29.50 to $135.00 Xll Axminsters at.......... .' viii onuMu ax.., tall Waahahla i IxU Reversible! 75-Ort . ; r - " ' ---------jjcvaejy 1 ::::::il?:lo There' nothing quite so luxurious as Overstuffed, and. when it comes PPfr ;f flTJlytng Jfctmgs. Overstuffed again tops th fist. WTrtBn.hM? IPTtng : 1uinass thers ar many single pieces left from Iww and tarea-Ptoe sUfteac -Thas ara at ktra apecial prices. - SMail Bars t Keariy Every Klad aad DeMrtplioa Linoleums' Too! Genuine Inlaid, per squar yard fl.35, $1.55 and ftl.ftft Genutt Prints, per square yard7.957 fl.lO nd IlIlE BBl!TO TO Tftrj TB HKCOftBCTr MrSlC oVtHB OBt1 tTITH vtx.AiTi,jUJiiu All VAATAUES DlrtXRxT ASS BEXTKB This Model With . .r" ; s . ii .. :. m. L ... ' -- ,s . . r 10 Records and Equipment -$158.50- $10 CashfZ Week No Interest The most, popular of all the Brunswick models. Can be bad tn waxed oak. fumed oak or mahog any. Th newest records ar ready. Step In and bear them on thia Brunswick.' . " ' ' ' ' 1 ' ilD Many Families Are Burning Up Red Money yrljxel Bills! : -v-- -Tr r Here's a cuWrTlulf self-explanltory view of fhehew laborless, odorless, smokeless, pipeless, sanitary and economical ." . . v I rmt V 'Gas DVDl 4 es Being given' a special rat on gad used for heat, your ruel rat with . burners regulated will ' be only about 4e PER HOUR AGoodfettTbTfi s . . 3 Besides thia lowered cost St fuel you'll not have aahaf. soot. . dust r dirt. . . s.-. ; Then. too. yottH not hay pipes In th basement nor will you have all floors tul up tor registers on register docs It all ; take tha aM air dawn and snds th warmth up. . Installed complete oa terms ta fit your rettuireiBent. sad th pric Is 7S lass than last year. ! ft? s. Xx II hi If HI V I dsVV f 1 1 t It ft 1 1 a m I a i mm r yii - ii- 1111 mm This Guaranteed to Please Gas Range and Kitchen Heater, Combination v f aa - - 1 "- . Now $125 , Coaaeettd &ady for Use, Iaeladlag . Ht-Water C1U - - -tHttX - iVo Interest. Top of th two-lid kitchen heater lif ts up and catches you gat th free us of both hands. Burns wood, soal and kitchen rtfus U eaulpfjed with -gas lighter oo fctwHfit ' aedd at Any tios. .- - I A 'I 'I .1 '!