The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 14, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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    I aT I
soiii,.- Srao - y
fracuio tiwui Methodist
Lan. Couw, ri,; Xxom, sMasaaas IS
Maitno,h Coun,, rU. Or-Isua,
aiaa! Conm Bahot Ssptassbar
Oc?'lBUto ur; -8mtaj Sesatessbs '
C?fBy 'tir. Albany. Oetofear to 1
to Count, iralt; th,, Ocoe7 4
00J5-1 lUttodi soaf., IWt
BT" Pctob" 12. 18. 14.
tobii.Ac,,m' .;w-BBi PorSaaS. Oo-
lil!L "Pr. sxaBd eossauader. La
t"??' l. , aoasmaaOBiy. US
""mm lirann a . w
Ptdiie IntarnaUonal Uveatocs
, Fonjnd, NoTembT 21 to 2?
. uiccos Bar ssanrtaOoa. Portland. Dnabo.
Awpi wtgt Redaction Shop craft
.ivijre or tne American Railway Ex
press - company, through their represen
tatives,, have agreed to accept a reduc
tion in wages which- will become ef
fective September l, according to ad
vice received by Rex N. Shinn, business
representative for the International As
sociation of Mechanic, The reduction
amounts to 4 cents , an hour, and while
affecting' a large number of employes
throughout the country, s only affects a
small group- locally. The proposition
has been submitted to the employes af
fected. Espee' Employes Pteaie Approximate
ly 2500 Southern Pacific railway com
pany j employes . and members of their
families attended the annual picnic of
the S. P. company held - at the f air
grounds at Salem Saturday. A special
train of 14 cars carried 1500 Portland
employes to the picnic and another spe- I
ciai train of seven cars operated from
., Roseburg to the fair grounds to bring
the employes on the southern half of
the Oregon lines to the gathering. An
extensive entertainment program includ
ing sports of all kinds, was provide by
tne entertainment committee.
Counterfeit Half Dollars Found Two
clever imitation half dollars were taken
to the police station Friday by victims o
a gang of counterfeiters believed
operating in the city. Both coins were
made of lead and struck off from a die
exactly like the latest design for Liberty
naif dollars. J. Kreiger, 803 tJnion ave
nue, and the Twentieth Century grocery
store were, the victims. The police ia
sued a warning against the counterfeit
ers, advising the public to examine their
change carefully and notified the federa
Shepard's Auto Bag Lines Portland
St. Helens division Leave Portland :45,"
8:30 a. m. 10 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m.,
7 o'clock dally and 11 :15 p. m. Saturday,
Sunday and holidays. Leave St. Jlelens
7:30 a. mJ, 10:55 a. m., 1.15 p. m., 1:45
p. m., 5 :15 p. m. and 9 :45 p. m. daily
and 6 :15 p. m. Saturday, Sunday and
holidays. Buses leave St. Charles hotel,
204 Morrison street. Telephone Marshall
4381. Adv.
Pheasants Being Raised in Islands
With the cooperation of the game author
ities of this state, H. L. Kelly, former
master of Oregon fish hatcheries and
. fish and game commissioner for the
Hawaiian j islands, is establishing . the
China phesants in the island possessions
or uus country. Kelly has sent a message
to Captain A. E. Burghduff, state game
Warden, announcing that pheasant eggs
shipped to the islands have been received
I and are being hatched..
Shepard's Aato Bat Lines Portland
. Astoria-Seaside division Leave Portland
at 6 :45 a. m., 8 :30 a. m., 10 a. m., 1 p. m:,
4 :15 p. m.' and 7 p. m. Leaving Astoria
7 :15 a. m. 8 :15 a m., 10 a. m., 1 :30 p. m..
2 :45 p. m. and 6 :15 p. m. Direct connec
tions at Astoria to and from Seaside and
Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St.
Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street. Tele
phone Marshall 4381. Adv.
Pagan Company (Bets Agency An
! nouncement has been received by - the
Charles C. Fagan company, agents for
the Pierce-Arrow automobiles, that the
agency for the Wills-St. Clair automo
biles has been 'obtained by the company
for the Northwest and that the first
carload of the new motors has been
shipped from Detroit. Fagan Is at De
troit and has been working to obtain
the new agency. .
Shepard's An to Bas Lines Multnomah
Falls division. Leave Portland 9 :30 a.
m., 11 a. m., 2 :45 p. m., 4 :30 p. m. and 6
p. m. daily. Leave Multnomah Falls
7 :15 a. m., 11 :15 a. m., 12 :55 p m., 4 p.m.
and 6:10 p. m. daily. Buses leave St.
Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Tele
phone Marshall 4381. Adv.
Scientific Fanning Grows Farmers of
the Grays Harbor district are learning
the value of scientific farming methods
and are adopting some organization poli
cies that should push the industry ahead
in that district, said C. L. (Farmer)
Smith, agriculturist for the O-W. R. &
N., who returned Saturday from a meet
ing of farmers of Grays Harbor county
at Elma, Wash.
Shepard's Anto Bns Lines Portland
Hood River division Leave Portland
9:30 a. m 11 a., m.. 2:45 p. m. and 4:30
P. m. daily. Leave Hood River 9:80 a.
m., U a. m., 2:20 p. m. and 4:30 p. m.
daily. Buses leave St. Charles hotel, 204
Morrison st TaJephe Mar. 4381. Adv.
Petition -FUe Petitions have been
filed with City Auditor Funk asking the
city council to start proceedings for the
improvement of St. Johns avenue, from
Willamette boulevard to James street;
Reno street, - from Edison to James
streets; weyernauser avenue, from Kel-
log to James streets, and Mason street.
When going away far the snmner,
er on yoar vacation, hare. The Jov
ial follow yea at the regmlar rate,
or the following agrnts will snpply
rom at oar regular city tates: - , ,
Bandan, Or, F. T. Trtttla. '
Bar ww. Or, Ralph B. SlppraiU
ay City. Or, Mrs. a. f. Donaan.
aarocaan. Or, l. O. Vaa Etten. v
iSlnafcam Sprints Hotaf, Sibaon, .
-Cannon Baach and Eoola, Or, H. t. Harris.
Canon. Wath, aotfaiMphara tpram. Cari
B. BmlUi.
Chtneok, Wash, Isaac Knutatn.
Cotumbla Beach. Or, W. B. Carraa.
OarttoaMI, Or,. O. O. Cilia.
Oaarhart, Or, Melvln Stan.
Haimana, Wath, Jamas Cereoran.
Hot Laks, Or, Hot Lake Hotel.
Long Baach, Wash, Btrauhal Co.
Manhatun Baach. Or, Mrs. a. I. Huston.
Manunlta Beach, or. Emit Q. . Kardell.
Naheotta, Wash, Trondasn Brown.
Naa-Kah-Nia, Or.. . c. Jtndanon.
Nehalam, Or, Nehaiem Drua Co.
Mataru, Or, Mrs. M. F. Cross. ,
Newport, Or, M. S. Hunt.
Oooan Park, Wain, Oooroo H. Kramar.
Ottar Rock, Or, T. H. Horning.
Pacific City, Or, E. U Walton. "
Rockaway. Or, 4. B, L. Godboy.. I
Saasida, Or, Jason McCuno.
Baoslsw, Wash, Osoros L. Putnam.,
aouth Bosch, Or, H. O. Omlid.
Tillamook, Or, Clayton Hoy.
Twin Recks, Or, D. J. Von Scyoo.
Wallowa Lako, Or Wallowa Lako Park.
Wllhoit Sprinos, Or, B. O. Rowan.
way lines, who, with Major W. M. Kirk
patrlck, assistant freight traffic man
ager for the C P. western lines at Win
nipeg, arrived here Saturday. Mac
Innes has been making a tour of the
Pacific coast states to famlliariae him
self with conditions. He wUl leave this
evening for Puget Sound. -
The only proper nnmbet to call is East
3088 when you reauire th RaintiA.
Army truck to call for your waste ma
terial. Help us to help others by your
help.. Address 21 Union avenue Major
vti" "cD, uatrici onicer. Adv.
PortUnd-Sewberg BsLeave Fourth
and Alder daily, 8, 9:30. 11:00 a, m, and
f :33 4Jla' 5:30 6:30 P- : Saturday
sustuav : II in Tl- m Phnn.
3314. Adv. .. .
ReUanee Mt. niMi iin c. ,
iZ. , . u OLOTe a. m. and 2 p. m.
for Welch's, Tawney'a, Rhododendron
Oregon Boy's; Body'
France for Burial
V. v""' " V .-'MBBJHwawawawBBwawaw ', '.'" t
Cornelius, Aug. 13. The body of Wes
ley J. Cooper, who lost his life in Francs;
was brought to Forest GrOve July Jl
- " ; ror burial, the fu
1 neral taking place
I1 h Cornelius
'- - cemetery last Sun-
f3 d&y morning at 10
7 - - J - J ?4 o'clock, i under the
"F?'VSCV? P1e of the
f Loyal Legion. Re
i 4?I J. G. Crosier, for-
s-1r' s il mer pastor of the
v. fjf Methodist Church,
J- had charge of the
services. -
I - -v i ton. Kansas Sep--.?.
I t ember 24, 1893.
-mmcir Though he grew up
from boyhood here,
he was In Laramie, Wyo, when called
to; the colors. After . few months'
training ha was sent to France, taking
pan in several Important battles, and
on September 6, 1918, he was mortally
wounded, with a piece of shrapnel, dying
lew noura later.
Goin Clan Honors
Iowa Member , at
Jeff erson Reunion
r? , - Tillamook Cadillac stage,
Hoyt : hotel, daily at 8:15 a. m. and 2 n.
m. Special arrangements made for fish
ing parties. Adv. j
JTnnsnal Attention given primary de
partment at Hill Military academy, Port
land, Or. Opens September 14. Adv.
hTrirtJ?BduSalem sta Seward
hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from
7 a. m. to 7 p. m.i Fare, X1.75. Adv.
tlf,a,et'M1L1 C?T Se-Connects0. E.
l ?nd 9for MiCity. Joseph
Hamman, Salem, Prop. Adv.
11S00 'r'ff' Prtland to Astoria,
l!oo:-Adv Astria to Porttand.
S. R. Green Stamps for Cash Hol
Fu Co ' MaiO 353. 560-21. Adv"
Final Services' for
Pioneer of 1857 Held
Hasley, Or., Aug, 13.-Funeral services
for Philo Thomas Starr, pioneer of 1857
who died In, Eugene early .WedneMa'-
were held at Pinesrrove,
m - '-j Atiuio
Aw..AaJ a -i- .
l-uu oy jur. r H. Leach
sistea by Rev. C. T. Cook. Qr. Starr was
" years old.' After farming in unn
wlr ."". he moved to
.....c, jbu. OIX years ago Dr and
ttrt.?t5hT.f0k' UP homet with theS
three children near Portage Mont
wbere they.lived ntii his hefuh
Aberdeen Friends of
50 Years Celebrate
Aberdeen, Wash, jAug. 13. A friend
ship formed 50 years ago in Michigan
between J. B. Haynes and Councilman
A" Taft of this city, was renewed at
a dinner given by Haynes In honor of his
seventy-fifth birthday anniversary at
which. Taft was the honor guest The
men were in partnership in a mill in
Michigan 50 years ago. Taft, who is 76
years of age, was a member of the city
council here 35 years ago and recently
was el.ted a member of the present
council. i i
jerrerson, Aug. 13. The Goin clan
met Sunday In reunion for the first time
In many years, members com In e from
L various places in Oregon and Washing
ton, une reunion honored Mrs. Eva
Goin of Fort Dodge, Iowa, who is SDend
Ing the summer in Salem as the guest
of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Fisher. About
45 members took part In the celebration
m Jefferson park. ; I -
Those attending were: ;Mr. and Mrs.
H. Goin and family. Mr. and Mr
A." N. Goin and family.Mr. and Mrs.
iiewis Goin and family, R. T. Gobi. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Goin. Dr. Jeut Onin
Zarian Goin, Mrs. Eva Goin, Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Goin, Miss Lulu Goin, Mr,
ana mrs. s. j. uenny, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Funk, Mr. and Mrs.; Wlnslow C.
Shilling, Miss Rose Wlnslow, Tyn Goin
Fielding Goin, Mr, and Mrs. F. Hicham.
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gala van, Mr. j and
Mrs. Z. Goin, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Berry,
j-t. aim mrs. m. ML Wisher and . nnn
Brownsville Plans
Community Fair arid
Brownsville, Aug. 13. Brownsville haa
planned two of the biggest events of jher
history .for this fall, a communitv fair
and celebration of the paving of Browns
ville streets. .
The fair Idea Was inaugurated hv
Brownsville chamber of commerce and
will exhibit Calapooia river valley fruit
ana agricultural products. The date has
been set for October 1. Probably the
paving ceieDration will be held simul
taneously as, the Warren Construction
company expects to complete the hard
surfacing job in September. The pav
ing piani is running run blast and pav
ing in South Brownsville is going for
ward. '. ' I
Hot Lake, Aug. 13. Arrivals at Hbt
Lake sanatorium Thursday were: Mrs.
W. H. Ellis and Mrs. William Baird,
Baker; L. C. Wisdom, Payette. 'Idaho;
W. H. Dalheer, Portland ; D. C. Case,
neppner; j. -T. brown, Pendleton; Mrs.
B. F. i Be Freece, Baker ; T. N. Kerr,
Nampa, Idaho ; C. W. Craddick, Connell,
Wash. ; Mrs. Maud Redir and Mrs. Alice
uooper, Seattle. . i
5tK and Taylor Sts.
Apply for Catalogue
Steamer Iralda for Astoria, 1.0; Sea
side, 1.C0; round trip, $3.00, including
tax. Passengers only. Leaves Tnrtin
. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 9 a. m..
Alder street dock. Main 8323, Leaves
" Astorii Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9
a. m.-M$ s. f .
Roads Ask for Fair Details An invi
tation to detail the plans for the 1925
exposition to railway passenger agents
from' all parts of the country during
their meeting at Salt Lake City Septem
ber 12 to 14. was extended to John Grat
ke of the faie board by .William McMur
ray; general, passenger . agent of the O
W. R. & N. Saturday,. , t
" Sixteen Cases Appealed Sixteen cases
were appealed from the decision of the
municipal jcourt to the circuit court dint
ing the month of Julyj; according to a
report filed with the city s auditor by
. N. D. Beutgen, clerk of the court. Tlu
cases brought sentences totaling $1121 In
fines and in four of them there were
jail sentences . as ' well.
Do yon want teeth that are comfort
able l Tou can get sucft service at my
office. Dr. E. C. Rossman. plate special
ist, Sll Journal bldg. Adv.
Drs. Kleseadahl It Marshal 307 Jour
nal building, specialists in nerve bloci-
ing. extracting ' and ' better artificial
teeth. Adv. .
Canadian Crops Reported Proml&IngH
Prospects for the grain and fruit crops
,Hand are excellent, according to
ii. mmwura ui .juontreak vice
uresident of the Canadian Pajlfit raif-.
. It is the result of efficiency and efficiency
m turn, is possible only where modern office
devices predominate. The time saved by these
important new inventions will astound you,
. and if you'll but let us demonstrate - them,
you ll recognize them us a vital part of any
modern office. Among other office tools, we
have a complete stock of '
.K. Gill Co.
f Third and Alder Streets'
Bid on Flint Street?
' Work -Is Rejected;
New Bids Are Asked
A .difference of Jt7l o w
between the estimate of the city, engineer
u "io oju or in arming Co, for the
Improvement of Flint street, from the
north line of Tillamook street to 250 feet
northerly, when the bid was opened at
the city council session. This company
was the only bidder on the work. The
city engineer's estimate was $11,882. The
offer was 116, 01.0.
Th result will be that the city engineer
u reoommena tne rejection of the bid
and a readvertialng for offers.
City Engineer Laurgaard states that
u proposea improvement Is filling of a
deep depression at the point mentioned.
wmm. uts uoweu a years time, in the
specifications, so that the contractor
might make use of the earth excavated
from basements, etc, and thus redoes the
cost of the work. He believes on this
basis a much better offer will be secured
on the call for new bida
Sale of Inferior
Lubricating Oils
Arouses Tradesmen
F" - ' ' .i !
It Is probable that the Portland Auto.
moUve Trades association will ask the
city council to pass an ordlnancennaklng
it a misdemeanor for any dealer to sell
inferior lubricating oils on the represen
tation that they are 'standard grades or
brsnds. i
vThe charge Is made that various sup
ply men have been guilty of this practice,
drawing from one tank oils of whatever
Bams called for. At tha request of Com
missioner Barbur. a conference Is to be
held by R. s. Dulln. chief, of the city
wurvaa ox Kanoaros, and James H. Cas-
SelL manarer Of tha Portland Inlnmntln
Trades) association, to discuss provisions
"e proposea orainancs. Cassell states
that the organisation he represents is
decidely against any practic of mlarep-
resenisuon ana win ao all in Its power
10 protect tne public,
Pasco OouncilTs to.
Elect New Member
Pasco, Wash, Aug. 13. Considerable
Interest is "being manifested In the Tues
day evening meeting of tha city council.
when a successor to E. W. Newman
as councilman la to be selected. - New
man .resigned," giving as his reason that
he did not car to ' be a member ot
council when little or no effort Is being
mads to enforce ordinances regulating
or forbidding gambling, bootlegging, etc.
While several business men have side
stepped offers of' the post, others are
willing to serve, Including , several
women. v
Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. 13. With
the plans , for . the remodeling of Fort
Walla Walla for hospital service under
way," Arthur L- Blakeslee, supervising
architect, has left for Washington, D,
C, and arrangements ars being mads to
have the --work dons on tha. purchase
and hire basis.
La Grande. Ausr. 12. Evidencs -was
taken this week by H. A. Hanna, ref
eree, in. a divorce suit filed by Gertrude
Spiker against Joseph N. Spiker. -
Odds and Ends of
At Remarkable Price Concessions .
Sets of Six in the
A Hallmark Pattern
Knives, were J10, eiC TE
Sow ; ODtlO
Forks, were 16.60. 03 7C
Now tfOaO
Teaspoons, were nfi
14.50 now 9mCimCO
Soup Spoons, were o
36.00 now s3e O
Salad Forks, were C A t"f
$7.00 now . o4.QU
Butter Spreaders, q mm
, were $6.25 now. . . OO I O
Sets of Six in the
A Corham Pattern
Dessert Spoons. 6A 7C
were $7.50 now. . . f O
were $7.75 now. .
Table Forks, were fc CA
$9.25 sow OD.OU
Oyster Forks, (q or?
were $4.60 now... sDOaiaO
Butter Spreaders, 0 A rfA
were $6.00 now... 9tiUU
ouiuon spoons.
Forks, e 7f
jn Spoons, fr O Cf
$6.50 BOW... OD,mCO
Specials in Sterling Silver
"Carthage" ;.
A Wallace Pattern
Sets of Six
in Odds and Ends
Dessert Spoons. . .$12.50
, Monticello ; worth $20.00
Dessert Knivt.
Apollo; worth
Oyster Forks ... . . $7.00
Newbury; worth $11.00
Dessert Spoons, v. $12.50
Irian ; worth $26.00 .
Dinner Forks . . . . $9.00
Worth $20.00
6 Oyster Forks $7.00
Regularly $9.50
6 Coffee Spoons $4.00
Regularly $5.00
6 Dessert Spoons. ..$12.00
Regularly $17.00
Ocrr $100 Diamond
Rings Present
the Best Values in
Portland See Them
131-J33 Sixth St. : , Oronian Bid,.
Cle Hum Men Make
lBidvfor 7,000,000
5 Feet Forest; Timber
BW for the sale of T.000,000 fee of Um-
or oa the Mosquito creek watershed ta
tha Wena tehee National forest was re
cerred from JCIUer ft Dunn ot Cle Elura
by T-JT-,Mnnffr of foresf manage
ment division of the U. a Fnrastwvteel
The stand, located a few mUeTfrorn
Easton, consists of Douglas Crwestera
whits pins, hemlock aid westamed
cedar. The bid was $J a thousand Ss
whits pins.JLM for the fir and cMa?
and T5 cents for the remaining i species.
Twntract. with a pries revon Tue
1""? fn Dd.of Tra, allocs
Tf" which to cut tha timber. A
mail mfll near Cla Slum win 1.
k i ,: . w
La Graniss Aur. 11. Plan. .M k.(
TJ a night .chool to lbs held
at the T. M. C A. during thai wint.r-
montha A class in saleamanshio cmder
C E. Short, manager ft the local branch
of J. C Penney company, has boss or
ganised and classes ars being formed la
English for foreigners and bookkeeping.
Tha school will probably- open about
September 15. i
Vancouver Claims
Oldest Apple Tee
Vancouver. Wash.; Aug. H-Ths old
est apple tree in the Northwest stands
on the military reservation below Fifth
street. It is $9 years old this year. asJ
u grew zrom a seed brought from Lon
don in 1S2C by tn official ot the Hudson
Bay company, then sola occupants of the
present sits of Vancouver. In l$n the
discovery was mads thatthe trunk of
the tree was rotting at points where
limbs had broken off, leaving depressions
that .held moisture. Chat Knight and
A. A. Quarnbrg scooped out tha rotten
wood and fUled the holes with concrete
and saved the life of the tree. The old
tre Is IS Inches In diameter and stands
about 40 feet high and la still bearing
apples -which ars eatable, although, not
up 'to the standard ot Clarke county
production, "
La Grands, Aug. 13. Charles Brill,
who. was Injured In a hayfletd several
days ago, died Friday as the result of
his Injuries. ; He slid down a hay stack,
landing on a fork, aixt waa Ini.miltr
Injured. He was 14 years of age.. .
Eugene. Aug. It Bishop Heads ot
Denver - will speak at the . Methodist
church Sunday morning. He is hers to
attend the Oregon conference camp meet
Ing at Cottage Grove next week.
The most drasaatle preseatatiea ea ins
Americas platform. ,
' 1
Special Group at
Formerly Priced at $45. to $60
CTYLE, saving, long
? wear, satisfaction
you get it all in these
nc?Xc-s lii o uuix. maicrs -a '
this hotel society's favor
ite place to dine? It is the ex
cellent c,uisine, super-courteous
.service and the atmosphere of
quiet gentility- which prdomi
nates here. .
The Grille or the Dining
Room, as you choose.
The price is low because
this group contains "broken
lines" one or two of a kind
left from our best j sellers.
Your neighbor saved from
$11 to 26 on his new suit
so can you; act quickly.
Hundred MiIpq
and a piir of
Dr. C; F. li.ts, Dr. Virga Mscmickl. Dr Mabel C. Easter
aire to -Be IHfMW
. . ' sasj MWWUlalaa V
TT AMn nDiiri pnn " .V- . i . er
t"MT a am nn.i.
THERAPF.I mr IWCTITl t-rr 205 215 Column Bid.
SccobhI Floor
Main, 6477.
from Portland
broken glasses.
Many vacationists have found '
themselves in this very predica
ment within the last few weeks.
We stronrly advise yoa to
take an extra pair of glasses
with you. You will find them
useful after you come home loo.
Have your eyes exam
. : ined today.
ST APLES-The Jeweler-Optician I
MERGEimaAllVlodel 9
Nine Facs l- Fow Molds I ;
Sam'l Rosenblatt
Fifth at Alder
Gasco Building
. . 4SbSbW-
8x12 and 12x18 C & P."
not. Term if desired.
Journal. ...
Separate or
Box E-546,
I .. i .lAnmal V
m itai tm
I V. '
,m iir ' rri's.
Served 12:00 to 9:00 P. M.
388 Washington St.
Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.00
Plate Dinner, 75c
Vegetable Dinner, 40c
Music by the Hazelwood Orchestra
' X o 89:30 to 11:30 Daily
. 127 Broadway
Table cTHote Dinner, $liX)
- Plate Dinner, 75c
. Vegetable Dinner, 40c
SS8 Washington Street : 127 Broadway
Car Owners, Attention
Guaranteed Work
Uve and Dead Storage .
Packard Laundalet
ST0 !? rar opportunity to buy
$2700 -
Can be seen at our plant.
Covey Motor Car Co.
flstaswasblartossts. HaJaKii.
- i
Jacobs Shirt Co.
Kalelch BUf, t27 ITaskjBrtoa 8b
. r-:- 1888- -.V-
aTonrtai "want" -no eet tha bert
results.' Hie cost U ma3. Use therz.