?: THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL 13 SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 192L PORTLAND, OREGON. episcopalians a Centennial Jlissionary Celebration for .the jfall iBlontlis EPISCOPALIANS TO HAVE CENTENNIAL - Plana are, being made by the Prot estant Episcopal church of America for the celebration t the centennial of the founding: of the missionary society in this country. Under the immediate di rection of Bishop Walter T. Sumner and 8. Dean Vincent, who has been appolnt- , ed as national committeeman from ; the . diocese of Oregon, special meetings are being arranged for beginning in Septem ber ana .lasting through- the falL Pageants depicting the progress of the ' Church as it has advanced in America will be held in various churches in the diocese and November' has been set aside as a day for special thanks offer lng for the work accomplished, i Founded 100 years ago, the missionary , society followed the frontiers -j of the United States west and in many cases preceded them. Missions were estab- ; llshed in the Middle West and West as ' the communities were settled by white people and they In turn became parishes when fully organized. ; The history of the missionary society - in "Oregon Is that of the church. May 11, 1851, the Rev. William Richmond ar . rived in Portland to establish the first mission of the Episcopal church. . The town at that time had some 1500 inhabi tants and the principal buildings eon ' stated of two churches, a school build ing, and two saw mills. ; Two years later the first convocation . . was held in St Paul's church at Oregon City. Three clergy a ere present, i In 1854 Bishop Thomas Fielding Scott, known as - the builder, was appointed to the newly . created diocese of Oregon, He presided ever the diocese until his death in 1866. Bishop Morris was their" appointed and held the position Until 1906. Bishop Charles Scadding , was then chosen to fill the vacancy created by the death of Bishop Morris. Hei died May 14. 1914. : and the place was then filled, by: Bishop Sumner, incumbent, j - - i From one mission In the old i Oregon . territory the church has steadily grown and in the state of Oregon at the present ' time there are 41 parishes and several missions. In Portland alone there are :, 14. parishes and missions at Mount Tabor : and St. Johns. Three church schools ' are In operation in the town, St. Helen's - hall and two others, one in fit, Johns and ' one In Mount Tabor. Beside the parishes ; and schools the church controls the Good Samaritan hospital, one of the largest ' and beBt equipped hospitals in the state. - The church plans; to hold the general convention in- Portland in the tall of - 1922. .More than 3000 clergy and laymen will attend the conference. , Tent Meetings to j Keep Up for Week Services at the Glad Tidings Pente costal mission tent meeting at Grays Crossing wiU be continued during the week. - The schedule for Sunday services follows: Preaching at 11 a. m., S p. m. ' and 1p.m. The meetings began Thus day evening and are being conducted by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Liovejoy. White Temple 12TH AND TAYLOR TS. : REV, HERMAN H. HULTEN, D. D. OF OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Will Preach Every Sunday During the Month of August. Services 11 A. M. and f:45 P. M. DR. HULTEJT is one of the foremoBt pulpit orators in the country. Evan gelistic. - dynamic and earnest, he never fails to preach to crowded .houses. i MRS. E. MILTON RUNYAN GOSPEL SOLOIST Will Sing1 at the Services August, with PROF., J. S. Accompanist. : - During VANN, , FIRST NAZARENE CHURCH COR. TWELFTH AND MAIN STS. ; A. M. BOWES, PASTOR Preaching Services 11 A. M- and 7:45 P. M. i ' Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Young People's Service 6:45 P. M. ifkl-Weck Service, Wednesday at , 8 P.M. First SPIRITUALIST CHURCH EAST ITH AlfD HASSALO STS. Saaday HetUags at S P. M. ADDRESS BY MR. IRA TAYLOR Messages by MRS. WILLIAMS of Lba Angelea and MRS. M- J. DQWNES FIRST DIY1NE SCIENCE CHURCH IK E. Clay St, Near Corner of E. 25th v J DR. D. V. BUSH Subject -Getting the Beet Oat ef Life" ' RET. T. M. MIXARD. Pastor ' "CHRISTENDOM'S BLIND FLIGHT" - . . IF ANARCHY COMES, WHAT WILL FOLLOW? ? Many fulfilled scriptural prophecies pointed i out, also what the Bible ; ha$ to say in regard to future dYelopraent of earth's affairs. jr, - . . , . YOU WILL SURELY WISH TO HEAR C. J. Le Roy . . SUNDAY," 8 P. hU W. O. V. TEMPLE -- ., , Elercnth Street, Between Wasbingtoii and Alder " International Bible Students Association , ' - SEATS FREE -You Ar iHissionary iSeal 3s tlToiHark Centennial Reproduction of medallion designed by Hobart TJpjohn and adopted by Episcopalian church as seal for centennial missionary, celebration scheduled for this falL , Revival Meetings At Baptist Mission Revival meetings being conducted at the new Baptist mussion chapel, 430 East Forty-fourth street, will continue all during the coming week. Sunday at 2 :30 p. m. there will he a special object lesson on "Strings," and j the children are to bring their pockets I full of: strings, which Rev. K. D. Sims, leader, f will use - in illustrating gospel truths. ; ' , '; ' : Sunday at 8 p. m. Rev.. Mr. Sims will speak on "Heaven." Monday evening he will lecture on ""My Travels Through Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Siberia and the Japanese-Russian War." Following this, meetings will be conducted. Free Methodists to Convene at Amity i - With the Rev. W. N. Coffey and the Rev. W T. Klotzbach as presiding elders the annual camp meeting of the Oregon conference of the Free Methodist church will convene for a 10 day session at Amity, August 18. The Rev. B. W. Huckabee, general conference evangelist, will conduct the : meetings. The daily program follows : Morning prayer, 6 a. m. ; love feast, 9:30 a. m. ; children's meeting, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 10 :30 a. m. ; preaching, 2 :30 p. m. ; ring meeting, 7 p. m. ; song service, 7 :45 p. m. and preach ing at 8. Noble W. Jones V Invited to Session -Noble W. Jones,' president of the PoVt land chapter of the Unitarian Laymen's league, has ' been invited to attend a convention of the officers, council and presidents of the 242 chapters ' of the league, to be held at Narragansett Pier, R. I., September 16 to 18. The convention is announced as one having no precedent in the history of religious, professional or industrial or ganizations, because "only a combina tion of all three could approximate the purpose and possibilities of ths lay men's league convention." First Congregational i Church PARK A5D MAD1SOIT STS. OR. WM.I T. McELYEEN i PASTOR Dr. j Caradoc Morgan Will Preach Saaday, Aagast 14, lttl 11 A. M "AMERICA A7TD ISTERXATIOXALISM J:4i P. M "THE REJECTION OF j THE ESSENTIAL" Special Masle Tnder the Direction of f JOS. A. FISLET - TWELFTH AND TAYLOH ; 10:90 A. M. :' DR STANSFIELD "These Words of Mine" . - , . . 7:4S P.M. '' DR. LOUIS ALBERT BANKS - ; op boston, mass. ? america's popular preacher East Side Baptist Church EAST 0TH AND SALMON STS. WALTER BESWELL H15SOX.D.D. Minister 11:0O A. M. "RESENERATION ARB RENEWAL" P. M. "AMONG THE RANCHERS AND COWBOYS OP MONTANA" -VRKACHIXO BY Rev. Daniel Bryant " GREAT FALLS. MONTANA. t Ewt Morraoa or Hawthorn. Avenoe CM Welcejnw NO COLLECTION J First Methodist VESPER SERIES IN PAR S ATTRACT Attendance at the . vesper service at Laurelhurst park last Sunday was about twice as large aa on any previous week. The attendance at Peninsula park also continues good. These meetings are be ing conducted under the auspices of the Portland Federation of Churches at 4 :30 p. m. in the above parks. At Peninsula park Rev. J. H. Irvine of the Woodlawn Methodist church will pre side. Rev. J. Francis Morgan of Pied mont Presbyterian church will read the scripture lesson. Rev. W L. Riley of the Highland - Baptist church will : offer prayer and Rev. Norman Johnson of the East Side Christian church will speak on the subject "The Church of the Fu ture." Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Davis will sing a duet and Mr. Davis will lead the congregational singing, which Is a fea ture of these services. . ' The speaker at Laurelhurst park will be Rev. L. K. Tully. assistant pastor of the: First Presbyterian church, whose subject will be "The Greatest Fact In the; World." The male quartet from the Glencoe Baptist church will sing and as sist in the congregational singing. Rev. W. B. Stewart of the Glencoe, Baptist church will preside. Rev. H. F. Given wUl read the scripture lesson and Rev. J. J. Staub will offer prayer. Half C. McAfee Is Home From Seabeck ! ' ; " . Ralph C. McAfee, executive secretary of the Portland federation of churches. has returned from Puget Sound, where with Mrs. McAfee and their little daugh ter, merruie, iney attended the mission ary ; educational conference at Seabeck. They spent a few days in Seattle, at tending the presentation of "The Way farer," and also took a trip to Paradise valley. Mr. McAfee will occupy the pulpit of the Rose City Presbyterian church for the remaining Sunday morn ings in August. Oklahoma Speaker ; To Talk at Lents Dr. H. H. Hulten of Oklahoma City will address the meeting of Baptist Sun day; school superintendents and workers' union at Lenta church Tuesday night at 7:30. The meeting is being held to discuss general Bible study work for the coming year. A supper will be served the members in the church at 6:30. DIRECTORY Twelfth Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sunday School Tjeaaon "Paul in Cmrus and in Autioch of Pisidia." Acts 14:1-T, 21-28. Golden Text "Thou fths.lt worshiD the Lord thy God and to him only ahalt thou serve." Matt 4:10. r Xountc People Topics Christian Endeavor "True Temueranca in Heart and Life. L These., 5:4-11. Eoworth Iieaxue My Favorite Sartnar of Christ and Why." John 6:63-68. Uatt. 7:4. - I Baptist First White Temnle. 12th and Tavlor. Preaching by Dr. H. H. Hulten, 11 a. S3.. "The Universal Solvent": 7:45. "Journeying Without Jesus." East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Dr. W. B. Hinton. oermona by Bev. Daniel Bryant 11. Regeneration and Kenewal : 7:45. "Among the Rancher and Cowboys of Montana." Third Vancouver and Knott. Rev. K. E. Close. 11, 8. Arleta 48th ave. and 64th it- 8. E. Bev. Owen T. Day. 11, 8. Calvarv E. Kth and Crsnt. Bev. J. E. Thomas, 11, "The State Convention at Cohrmbia llty ; 8. Bennon by Bev. B, B. Thomas of Roundup, Mont, i ' l.lencoa m. 4ath and Main. Bev. W. is. Stewart. 11, 8. i KeUwood Bethany Bev. C 8. TunnaL 11, 7:30. . : Grace E. 76th and Ash. Bev. W. H. Tol- hver. 11. 7:30. I Swedish 15th snd Hoyt Eev. T. G. Sjolaa der. : 10:45. 7:30. St. Johns- Chicago and Leonard. ' 11. 7:30. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Bev. Walter 1- Kiley. 11. 8. i Tabernacle E. 45th and Woodstock. 11. University Par Drew and Fiske. ; Bev. Charles A. Davis i (supnly). 11. 7:30. Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Bev. J. W. Anderson, 11.8. Elim Swedish E. 6U and Alberta. Bev. August Olson. 2:30. Lents 88th it. and 60th ave. Bev. E. A. Smith. 11,8. I Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Bev. F. Hoffman. -1 1. 7 :30. :; CathoHe - Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis. Bev. George T. I'ampbea , 7:15. 8:30. 9:45. 11. St Peters Lents. Bev. J. P. O'Flynn. 8. v:3u, i :3U. St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman. Rev. J. C ttarnea. a. 8:30. 10:30. 7:80. - St Francis E. 12th snd Pine. Bev. L K MOsmee. e. . 9. ig. 11 Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton. Bev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamia. . Bev. E. 8. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:30. St. Rose rE. 53d and Alameda. Rev. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. . Rev. Thomas Kjernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24 th and 8iskiyo. Bev. George F. Thompern. 7:30. t, 11. - Ascension K. 76th snd Tarn hill. 1 Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena. Bev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Croxs 774 Rowdcin. Bev. C Ray mond, 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6.30. 8, 10:30. 7. St. Btephens E. 42d and Taylor. Bev. Wsrren A. Wait. 6. 8. 9:15. 11. 7 JO. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Taa eouvrr ave, Bev. . William J. Devine. - 6. a. 10:30. 7:30. St Philip Neri (PauBst Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory. Rev. M. L. Ferry. -6. 8:30. 10:30. . St CTementa S. ; Smith ' ave. and Newton. Servrte Fathers. 6. S, 10:80. 7:30. Sacred Heart K. 11th and Center. Rev. Gregory BobL 8. 100. 7:80. St Aratiu E. 15th and Nebaletn. Rev. John Cummisky. 8. 10:30. 7:30. "St Stanislam (Poheh) Maryland and Fail ing. Rev. F. Martusevmki. 8. 10:30. 7:30. ' St Joseph (German) 15th snd Couch. Rev. Frowin Epper. 8. 10:30. 7:30. ' St Michael (Italian) 4th and MilL . Rev. M. Bakstra. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St Clare's Capitol H0L Father Aloyxta 0. V. M. 7U5. 9:15. 8t Charles R. 33d and Alberta. Rev. It Wallace, 8, 10.80. An Saints K. 39th and Glisen. , Bev. W0 ham Cronin. 8. 100. 8t Patricks 19th and 6avier. Rev. Charles If Smith. Maseea, 7:30. . 10:30. T:45. 8t BrigHta's Chapel Linntnn-Glen Harbor. (Attended from 8t Patricks), tan. . Our lady of Sorrows E. B2d and Wood stock." " Bev. G. C. Falhv 8. 10:45. 4:30. St Anthony Chapel 7023 4th eve. Rev. G. C FaDu. 9a.m. . Holy FsmDy Chape) E. S7th end Rex. Rev. G. C. Fallu. 9:45. 7:45.. Frrst Park and Columbia," . Rev. Harold H. Griffia. 11. "Why Should 1 Join a Churcht"; 7:46, "The Uplifted Christ the World's Uphfter." East Side K. lSlh and Taylor Bev. Norman F. Johmon. 11. -God a Spirit"; 7:30. "Dif ferent Kinds of Sou. Church of Christ Rodney and Eaott. ' Rev. Joseph Boyd. 11. 8. Hon tan lie E. 70th and GUsan. 11. 7:30. Kern Park Rev. F. H, Ghorsaley. : 11. 7:30.'. . ; - St. John Central and Oswego, v Rev. Her bert Jones. 11. 8. Tabernacle K. 28th and Alberta. . Rev. B. TSbbs Maxey. 11. 7:30. 1 SeDwood 569 Teuino. Rev. J.-S. Johnson. 11, 7 suhjeet: "Soul.- important cwsvin " COJTGKEGATIOKAL Dr. Carsdoe Morgan, pastor of the First Congregational church of Oregon City, will occupy the pulpit of the First Congregational church this Sunday, both morning and evening. Ir Morsui ha. but eetly earn, to th. North wart, hi former perish betas in Minnesota, "America, and Internationalism" wQl be the thesae or Dr. Uoma's morninc sermon and ia the evenlnc he will diacnsi ::The Kejeotion of the Essential" : . The church school asd the 'Toons people's societies have continoed their recalsr .ewinni dartns the summer months, and sreat plans are bt-in made for- all work connected with the church for the fall and winter months. lr. Mr KJ Tarn is expected to return from his vaca tion some time during the eominc week and will eccupT the pulpit on Sunday, August 21. ' Mn. U. A. AoberU and her dausbtera. hUases Henrietta, and Helm, hare returned from the conference of the mnaonaiy education movement held at Seabeck. Wash, Miss Dorothy Bice, who went as a representative from the church school, has also returned. The subject of Dr. J. J. Staub's ser mon next Sunday morning at Sunnyside Congregational church will be, "The Se cret of Christlikeness. Mr. Gordon Onstad will sing "Before The Cross," by La Forge. i The vesper serric in Laurelhsnit Park at 4:30 p. m. will take the pisce of the resular erenlns service at the church. . The Joint intermediate and senior Endeavor service at 6:10 p. m. will have for the topic of discusdoa "True Temperance ia Heart and Ufa." The Atkinson Memorial Congregation al church will hold its "One-Sunday-Service" tomorrow. . Tbe one-reel picture of "Ancient Jerusalem" will be shone. These pictures made by Burton Holmes are of the most beautiful as well aa enlichtenins pictures on the screen. The pastor, Krr. KTbert E. Flint, will speak on "The Un failing Christ." Sunday school 10:80, uniting with the church service at 11 o'clock. Sunday the pulpit of the St. John Community church ( Congregational ) will be filled in the morning by Rev. J. S. Edwards and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Hoffman of the Rose City Park Con gregational church. Bev. Noon pastor of the St. Johns church, left Monday for Newport, Wann.. where he will visit a few days. He will return about August 10 and will bring his family with him. . BAPTIST At the First Baptist church (White Temple) Dr. H. H. Hulten, D.D., of Oklahoma City, Okla., will speay Sunday morning at 11 o'clock i on the subject, "The Universal Solvent." His evening theme will be "Journeying- Without Jesus." It is an open secret that Dr. Hulten is here to consider the work of this field, and if he can be prevailed upon to accept a call to the pastor ate of the White Temple he will not only be a credit to the church but to our city as well, as ha a man who takes great interest in all nublie enterprises. Dr. Hulten. during his min istry iof more than 20 years, has held bat three pastorates, and m every instance has stroociy identified himself with all affairs of public inter est and proven a forceful speaker oa subject! of that sort as well as in the pulpit. Inl the East Side Baptist church Sun day morning the Rev. Daniel Bryant, who1 is supplying the pulpit during tne month of August, while the pastor, Dr. W. B. Hinson, is taking a vacation, will preach at 11 o'clock from the subject,' "Regeneration and Renewal." And in the evening, at 7:45 Rev. Bryant's theme will be "Among the Ranchers and Cow boys of Montana." The regular services of this church will eon- OF CHURCH First 19th and Everett 11. 8. ( I Seoond E. 6th and Holladay. 11. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic temple. 868 TamhiO. 11. 8. Seventh Smith ave. and New Tors. 11. All ichurches Wednesday, 8 p. m. I Oongrnoatlanal . e First Park and Madison. Dr. Cardoe Morgan. 11 a. 1 m.. "America and Internationalism"; 8 p. m., "Rejection of the Essential. - Sunnvside TC 82d and Tavlor. ' Dr. M. 7. Staub. 11. "The Secret of Christlikeness": 4:30. union, service at Laurelhurst park; 6:30. Christian Endeavor meeting. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Bev. E. E. Flint 10.45. Sunday school: 11. "The' Unfailing Christ" Hie-bland E. 8th and Prevotl. Rev. Herbert P. Lee. 11. No evening service. Wsverly Heights E. 82d snd Woodward. Rev. OUver P. Avery. 11. 7:80. Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th it, 8. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 10:80. 7:30. Pilgrim Missouri snd Shaver. 11. I'niver-tty Park Haven and Lombard. Rev. O H. Johnston. 10:80. 7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina. , Rev. A, A. Harju. 6 and 8 p. m. St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Rev. D. Elmer Nourse. 11. Bev. J. S. Edwards; 7:45. Aev. nofiman. ' Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner. Bev. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:30. First German Ebenexer E. 7th and Stanton. Bev. George Zocher. 10:30. 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmom. Rev. Henry Hagelgana. 10:30, 7:30. - Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. a. Uoup. 11. 7:30. , Donkard Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Brahv ard. Be. George C. CarL 11. 7. Kplseopel Pre-Cathedral of St Stephens 13th and Clay. Rt Bev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Very nee. k. t. t. hicks, a ran. 7:43. holy com munion; 9:45. school; 11. morning prayer and sermon; o:ou. young peoples social and meeting. Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. - 11. St Davids East 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11. 7:30. t. alars 'lt ana Marshall. Bev. 1. U. Hatton, rector. 7:30. 11. No evening service. St Philips 242 Russell. 10. 11. St Andrews Hereford sc. Portsmouth. Rev. John D. Rice. 8. 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial Eart 17th and Weidler. Kev. o. W. Taylor. 11. 8. St Michaels and AH Angels E. 43d and Broadway. Kev. '. T. Bowea, vicar. 8, 11. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st ft 8. E. Kev. John B. McCormick. 9 a. Buhop Mortis Memorial -Good Samaritan hospital- Rev. F. K. Howard. 7. 9:30 a. St Pauls Woodmera. Bev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4 p. m. 8t Johns Memorial 15th and Harney. Sell- wooa. Kev. Joan n. Mcutrmtck. 11 a. m. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bev. t rL. Clara, vicar. 10 and 11 a u Good 8hcpherd Vancouver and Graham. Rev. John Dawson, rector. 7:30. 9:45. 11, I :ov. Mission of St Johns Biekner's haO. Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 2 and 3 p. m. St Peters Chapel 1973 E. Stark. 10 a. aa. St James Chapel E. 72d at and 87th ave. 10, T:ao. Church of the Trentfifuraiioo E. 50th and uivuaoa a p. m. . . ' EtTiosltcsi - East Market 8treet E. 6th tad Market Bev. Ezra Maurer. 11. 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob storaer. iv:i, o. Swedish Tabernacle X- 17th and Glisan. uev. j. uais; 1 :30. Lents F. B. Culver. 11. 1:30.. West Portland Multnomah atatam. ' Rev. H. n. ecneoerman. - 11. 7:30. Free snathodlat Flrat E. 9th and MSL Rev. W. J. Johnson. 11, 7:30. Central E. 55th and Flanders, Rev. 8. Q. Eoper. 11. 70. . ' Alberta E. 30th and Wygant Rev. S. U Burns. 11. 7 :4a. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson. Rev. F. R. Daw-en. 11. T o. Lenta Bev. a K. Blair. 11. TO. rrtaneTe . . '. First B. 35th and Main. Bev. Homer X. VOX. XX. Second E. 92d and 61st ave. 11. T:0. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey. Bev. varey wesson. 11. a , Concregation Beth Israel ' f Reformed) 12th and Main, Babbi Jonah B. VTiaa Office 716 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sabbath services anoay-at 8 P. m. and Batnrdav at 10:80 a. Osngregatkm Ahavai bhoiosn Park and Clay eta. Rabbi R. Abrahamson.- Friday. 8 n. nv. aausv, s .9v a. so. Congregation Novah ' Zedek ' Talmud Torah th and HaO. Rev. Abraham L Isoseacran Friday. 8 p. ea. Saturday. 9 a. mT Sunday. 10 a. ssw .. wriiginwe smew, :-.-. . :. letter per aalnta Church of Jesus Christ ef Latter Day Saints ci. zata ana auosaon. xierbert C Iveraon. auHoa prasaarns. - 19. e :su. Reorganised Church K. 76th . ami Irving. emki v. tones. iv:, " trtharns) St James W. Park and Jeffersoa Bett vruuaa Xk. xuwirmt,r, ax, i:a, , Portland Cburclies thrae throughout the month, and at the mid-1 service, which Is held oa Wednesday eve ning at 1 :43. Be. Bryant's topic will be The Holy Spirit the Administrator of the Church." Sunday afternoon at S o'clock a mass meet ing will be held in this church, when, the Bev. Elias Zimmerman of Jiew York. . a Christian Jew. wiU tell "Why Jews Do Not Accey Christ.". And at :4S Iht B. T. P. V. wiU meet ia the lower hall for thear regular service, led by Edward Seotten, suhiect "True Temper- sues in Heart and Life." Rev.: Chester S. TnnneU. the new pas tor of the Sell wood Baptist church, will preach his second series of sermons Sun day. He arrived last week. . In SDite of the fact that many members are out of the city on their . vacations, he was greeted o ytwo large congregations ana was greatly pleased with the way things are starting out. Be. Tunnell comes from Pocatello, Idaho, where be has been pastor of the Itnt Baptiat church for the past fire years, during which time ho hss seen the membership more than doubled and the church grow to be one of the moat influential Baptist churches in the state of Idaho. Tbe reason tor his leaving there was that the church had outgrown ua building and be was unwilling to see the work remain at a standstfll because local financial conditions were swob that the congregation could not ailord to enlarge or rebuild the church, dans are be ing made to enlarge1 the SeUwood Baptist church in the near future, under the lraflrntiia of the new pastor. Active- hi the young people's work, local ath letics, etc. Mr. TunseU was very popular in PocateUo. - He waa a member of the crack volley ball team of the X. it. C A., which beid the championship of the intermountain country, defeating the team from tbe Y. It. C A. at Salt Lake CitJ. He ia s member of the L O. U F. I . Plans are under way for the organixatiou of a Baptist men's chorus or male quartet in Bell wood, under the direction of the new pas tor, who is a fine singer and waa for four years the manager of tha William Jewel college glee club and male Quartet, which toured several state in concerts. Two new members united with the church last Sunday and several are awaiting baptism. Kev. Tunnell ia aa evangeiistie preacher and his work during the past four, years has resulted in conTersions : almost every week. Prior to his locating-ai PocateUo he held a pastorate in St. Lotus and also ia a smaller city in Mm.ourL i.tTXITED BKETHRE5 In the absence of Dr. Byron J. Clark, who is away on his vacation, the pulpit at First United Brethren church. Fif teenth and East Morrison streets, will be filled Sunday morning by Rev. C. M. Beeler. and in the evening by Rev. J. E. Conner. "Led in Dangerous Paths" is the' theme for dtscu.Hion by the Be. Ira Hawley. pastor of the Bervid -United Brethren church. Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets. Sunday morning, snd in the evening be will speak oa "Tbe father and Me." Bev. E. O. shepherd, pastor of the Third United Brethren church. Sixty-eeventh street and Thirty-second avenne southeast, will speak Sunday morning on "tiirinc Offense." Tbe theme for the ovening discourse will be "Near Christians." 'At he. Fourth United Brethren church. Tre- mont Station, the pastor. Kev. Leua Luckey, will speak in the morning on "Requirement for Heavenly Citlsenship." The subject (or eve ning will be "Christ, the Corner Stone." PRESBYTERIAN The second of a series of song service programs to be given in the Millard Ave nue Presbyterian church during the month of August will be held in this SERVICES IN St Paul E. 12th and Clinton. Bev. A Era tne. 10 (English). "The Importance of Striving to Enter at the Straight Gate": 11 (German). "Tbe Lord Has Dona All Things Well." Trinity (Missouri SrU3d) Rodney and Ivy Bev. J. E. Bimbach. 10:13, 2:30. Church far Deaf Rodney and Ivy Bev. J. C Beyer. 2:30 p. m. Our : Savior's TS. 10th and Grant Bev. M. A. Christensen. 11 (Norwegian), to be followed by the Holy Communion. Bethlehem Kerweaian 14th and Davis. Rev. H. J. Thorpe. 11. Betner Evangelical Norweeiaa (Free) Wy gant and Rodney. Bev. . A. Borrevik. 11. 7:45. Grace (Enxlteb) E. 24th and xtroaaway. Rev. C. H. Bern hard. 11. Bethanv Danish Evancalical Union and Mor ris Bev. U P. KjolUr. 10. 11. 7:30. St Johns Peninsula and KilDS trick Bev. L. Ludwig. 10:43. 7:30. Swedish Angus tana Stanton and Roaney. Rev. V. G. Ocren. 10:45. 7:45. Immanuel 19 th and Irving. Bev. A. T. An derson. 11-. 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune. Rev. 8. C B Knutsen. 11, 7:30. - Zion Evangelical ( Missouri Synod) Chap man and t Salmon. Rev. H. H. Koppelmann. 9:15. 10:15. 7:45. Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo. Bev. H. C. Ebeling. 9:30. 10:30. Ger man. Church of the Redeemer (English) E. 15th north and Wygant School 10. service 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Balminen. 10, Sundsy school 7. ' St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Msllory and Skidmore. Rev. P. Hinderer. 9:30. 10:30; except on fourth Sundays. 9:30. 2:30. taethodlrt CpiscopU Centenary-Wribur E. 9th and Pine. Dr. Frank L Wemett 11. Rev. C. C. Bariek. "Soma Mod ern Gouaths"; -7:43. Illustrated lecture. Central Vancouver and Fargo. Bev. A. R. Maclean. ,11; no evening service. ' Clrntou-Kelly E. 40th and r-awen. Rev. E. 8. Mace. , 11. Epworth 26th and Savier. Rev. Frank L. Moore. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. First 12th snd Taylor. Rev. Joshua S Lana rk Id. 10:30. 7:43. First Norwegian-Danish- 18th and Hoyt Rev. C August Peterson, 11, "Christians Not' to Live t Themselves ; 8. "The Voice of God." German Rodney and Stanton. BeV. T. A. Schumann. 10:45, 8. Hoyt St 15th and Hoyt Rev. E. E. Heruier. 11, 7:30. v Laurelwood K. 63d and Foster. Rev. F. E. Finley. 11. 7:80. Lente 86th st and 58th eve. Rev. F. R. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E. S2d and Lincoln. Rev. W. N. Byars. 11a m. and 8 p. m. M on ta villa E. 80th and Pine. Rev. F. A. Ginn. 11; 7:80. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. A. L. Fields. 11. 8. Path Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George H. Bennett 11. 7:80. Rosa City Park E. 58th and Alameda. Rev. C. W. Huett It, 8. SeUwood E. 15 th and Taeoma. Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 8. . Sunnyside E. 55th and TamhilL Rev. T. H- Gallagher. 11. No evening ervice. St Johns W.. Lesvitt and avyrscuae. Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:80. 8wediah Beech and Borthwick. Rev. 8 Moody, lit 7:80. University Park Flake and Lombard. Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidmore and Vancouver. Rev. Gustavo A. Storakec 11, 8. - Westmoreland MOwaukie and Midway. Bev. E. S. Mace. 8. vermon by the pa "tor. Woodwork 44th asd Woodstock 8. B. Rev. L, C Poor. 11. 8. Woodlawn E. 10th near Durham ave, Rev. J. H. Irving. 11. 8. African Ixom (17 Williams ave. Rev. L A. Moore. 11, 7:80. District Superintendent Rev. William Wallace Toungsoa. 691 JC 62C at N. Tabor 2790. M. K. 800O1 Pint Union and MnWnomsh Rev. J. B. Harria, 11. 8. Plat E. 10th and Weidler. Bev. A. U. 11. 7:80. 8el)oud F- nth end Xiaaua. Mm J f- IsBringdala. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. sa lt redwood esth and 67th sta. Rev. C V. Fowler. 11. 7:30. . Highland Park fc 14th and Jaxrstt, Bev. W. P. Keebeagh. 11. 7:30. . fandinavaan 948 Garfield. Bev. . J. B. Kittby. 11. 7 JO. . Pint 1 5th and Aider. Dr. Harc4d Leonard Bowman. 10:80. 7:45. Westminster East 17th and SchnyWr. ' Dr. Edward H. Pence. 10 JO (no evening serrfee) . Central E. 11th and Pine. - Dr. W. H. Nugent, pastor. 11. eermon by Dr. Stephen Phelps. ho evening service. Calvary 11th and Chy. Bev. I. A. McVeigh. 11. "8nne Oad Friends.' Ne evening servVw. Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev. Ward MarHenry. 11. , Merrier. 11, 7:30. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett. Rev. J. Francis Mnrgan, 11. God'a Imago and Man's Bsepunsibuity." Xo evening service. - Fourth First and Cibbe. Rev. Monroe G. Everett 10J0. 7:30. . Kenilworth K 34th and Gladstone. Bev L. K. Grimes. 11. 8.' Hope lb ih and EveretL Bev. H. B. GUea. church Sunday evening at S o'clock. The numbers include tne following: Prerade. "Humoresque" Dvorak) : kymm. 1 Have Heard the Jovful Sound"; hymn. "I ll Go Where Ton Want Me to Go": hymn. There la Sunshine in My Soul Today"; responaivo read ing. N 2 in the Psalter: sole. "O Lev That Wul Not Let Me tie" (Harker) . Careneo B. eemaa: invocation from Presbytenaa ritual. followed by the Lord's prayer: a 7 ma. "Conquer ing Now. and Sun to Conquer": nedmg. ( s) "True Patriot." (b) "Transformed." Mrs. ems Walton: avian. Blessed Assurance. Jesus Is M-jw": responsive reading. Net. S in Psalter: hymn, "I Lovo to Tell the Story": an nouncements; offertory. "Andante" Page) ; solo. "He Is Coming Again" (McKee). Clarenee B. Freeman; reading. 4a) "Oregon Lync. 4b) "The Violet. Mrs. Emma Walton: hymn. "Stand Up. Stand I'r. for Jean": Mispeh bene diction; sweUude. "Soldiers' Chorus" (Faust). At 7 0 Mrs. Ethel Weed Lewrllee will give a piano recital of 10 minutes. tier numbers will be "The Marvelou Work" and "The Pil grim's Song of Hopa." . ' ' EYAXGELICAL Rev. C J. Ledin. pastor of the Swedish Tabernacle. Gllaan - and Seventeenth streets, has returned from his vacation and will preach. next Sunday at 11 a. m. At S:S0 p. m. the young people's societies of all the Swedish churcnes. except the Lutherans, wdl hold a union meeting at the Tabernacle. Bev. H. J. Conradson from Kingmenfw. Hnpeh. China, will speak at 7 -.SO p. m. and bnng greetings from Mas Ctelia Heudricksou of Port land, a missicnary of the local church, stationed at Kingmeani, China. 1 PRESBYTERIAX Rev. Stephen Phelps. D. D. LL. D.. of Vancouver. Wash formerly of the First church. Omaha, N'eb., will occupy the Central Presbyterian pulpit tomorrow morning. There will be ao eveuinsV service until the first Sundsy In September. Dr. and Mrs. Nngent and children are enjoy ing a month's vacation at Nea-Kaa-Ie, Or. During the absence of the Bev. L. B. Quick, pastor of Calvary Presbyterian church, the pul ptt will be occupied by the Be. J. A. McVeigh. The sermon Sunday morning will be "Some Old Friends." No service will be held ia the evening. Bev. J. Francis Morgan wiU give as his ser mon in the morning ' at Piedmont Presbyterian church "Cod's Image and Man's Responsibility.' . CHRISTIAN The official board of the First Chris tian church has granted the pastor, the Rev. Harold II. Griffls. a month'a leave of absence that he may attend the na tional assembly of Christian churches, which will be held at Winona Lake, Ind., and also that he may visit with his parents, who live at Middetown, Ind near the convention city. The ansembly opens on August SO and the Rer. Griffis will have two more Bundays with his congregation before starting for the Ease Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock the sermon will deal with the subject of organised Chris tianity and the necessity for some kind of etiurcb, the specific topic being "Why Should I Join a Oiurcht" In the evening at 7:45 the Bev. Griffis will give a study in the history of the influence of Jaras Christ on civil station, tha title of the serr'tn being "The L'p lifted Christ the World's I'phrter." The church quartet of mixed voices will sing at both services, the special evening program inducing the baritone solo, "Forgive Me, Lord" (Ackley). by C&ps Cramer, also the quartet num ber. "I'll Follow to the End' (tune. "Okt Black Joe.')' METHODIST EPISCOPAL At Centenary-Wilbur church, Sunday morning. Dr. C C. Rarick. who is well known in Portland, will speak on the subject, "Some Modern Goliath a." PORTLAND Bose CUy Bev. Donald W. M. McClure, 11. 8. 1 Forbes Graham and Can ten be in. Rev, George B Lewiv 11. "The Faithfulness of God"; 7:30. "Salvation Applied." Trinity Virginia and Nebraska.. Rev. John D McLennan. 11. 7:30. AnabeJ 56th at and 37th are. 11. 7:30. MUIard Avenue 55th a'e. and 73d at Dr. Henry White. 11; B. Song service. Marshall street t-17 lb and Marshall, Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11. Mixpah . 19th and Division. Rev. D. A. Thorn poo n. 11. 7:46. Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Rev. 8. W. See- man. 11. 7:80.' Arbor Ledge Bryant and Curtis. Bev. Alex ander R. Evans, 11. 7:30. Holt Chinese 133 H First Rev. Gee Sing Uoy. 7 p. BL-. acbool; 8. preaching. I Ref armed evangelical First 12th and Clay. Rev. G. Hafner. 10:43.1 7:30. Second E. 83d and Columbia blvd. Rev. H. Hevser. 11. Third Lenta. Rev. . F. Lienkaempcr. (German); 8, (English). I rUfermed fi siunterlaa ' First Minnesota and Ainsworth. Rev. F. Fraxer.: 11. 7:30. Sevan ta Day AdvantMa 11, D. Note Regular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett TU K. Dick ton, pastor. 9:45. 11:15. Tabernacle 6lh and Montgomery. E. J. Hi board, minister. 9:60. 11. Monta villa E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger hart. 10. 11. Lenta 94th at aad 68th ave. D. J. Chit- wood. 10, 11. St Johns CentraJ ave.- aad Charles ton. J, M. Meikleiohn. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder John 10. 11. 1 Salvatlofi Army Corp No. 1. 243 Ash st Commandant A. x. ntti lit m., s:ia and s p. Corps No. 4 128 H 1st Enaign Jessie Millar aad Captain Mis. !. tpton. and 8 p. m. " Spiritualist First Spiritualist E. 7th and Haasalo. 8 Scientific Christian rpinnislut slliry Rev. It. M. Singleton. 3. 5. 8. i Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and TamhilL Rev. Thomas E- Eliot. IX I)., minister emeritus Rev. William C. Eliot Jr.. minister. 10:30. A v aeauon upponunuy. j UnKed arsthren Conference Superintendent Rev. Donald. First- E. 15th and Morrison. J. Clark. 11. 8. G. E. Mc- Bev. Byroa Second E. 27th snd Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11. "Led in Dangerous Paths '; 7,:45, Third 7th st aad 3 2d ave. 8. E. E. O. Shephard. 11. "Giving Offense"; "Near Chrirtians. Rev. 7:43, Fourth Tremont ' Rev. Lefla Lackey. 11, " riequuvments lor Heavenly uuxcastup ; 7 :ou "Christ the Corner Stone." Cloverdale (Old Constitution) (46 Jessnp Kev. waiter iteynolda, 10. school; 7. X. P. a. sermon. United Evaneatfem A 16th and Feci la r. Bev. H. H. rarnham. 11. 7:80. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. Bev. A. P. Scbmakx, 11. 8. St Johns Ivanhoe aad John, Gates. 11, 7:80. United rVesbTtarlasv First- E. 37th and Hawthorne. Given. 11 (no evening service). Be. 0. r. Bev. H. r. Church of the Strangers Grand and W Bev. b. can in Hots. 10:80. 7:BO. Kenton 120 W. Lombard, Rev. Cad Scott Dunn. 11. 7 :B0. Multnomah Multnomah Station. Bee. David Bleat auarp. 10. 11. :4. 7:36. Clay. Rev. John E. Fee.. Christian and Missionary tTTUieno T 9th and Ulay. xtev. John EL Fee. Peniel Mission 109 V Second, 2. 8. 8; daily except Monday at 8 p. as. Portland Commons Front and Barmnde. Bev. sxyra as. bdiu, eupc. m. e. Pentecostal It"lrt and Washiaartoav Will C. Trotter. All services at the campgrounds at av owrn st. ana uu ave. o. n. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal) 249 1st 8. Lore Joy. 2. school ; preaching. 8 and 8 Apoatoiie Faith Front and Burnside. Fiorenee Crawford and R. B. Crmsrtord, All asrvicea at camp grounds. East 624 at, and 65 ta ave. o. xv. Christian Assembly E. 20th end Pastor A. W. Smith. 11. 2:45. 7:41. Volunteers ef America 224 Burmuda. Zva- nmgs exeept Monday, 8 ; Sunday. 8. - a. iospe nail TJO. -K. 28th and Stark. ;10a0. - RiMe ' Standard ' Miadoa 2d V, . . 11 1 . n F nsi 11 001 ninn aw -ev.- w. , Church at God 868 FaXIing. Rev. Harry KeaL 11. 7.-45. lieattiatina league 148 13th. Bev. H. Zd- wara Mills. 11. - . Church of Divine Troth 205 Ceatarl Talda 11, "Look Up." by Ana 8. Smith. Dmne Seaeaoa 816 E. Clay. Rev. T. M. nunaro. 11. Chrsjtadeiphiaa 621 R Washington. 1 1. The Society f"T Spreadiat the Janewledge ef True rrayer f ee xleicLner bade Maadsv. 8 p. m. r6utaUace.f . ' nurchHeao'eriX&Ul I ------ 23 diver 33 Is course 7 The Ilex. Charles C Rarick, well known Portland minister, now at tached to Methodist temperance board at " Waahlngton. . Dr. Ranch is now, extension eeeretary of the board of prohibition, public saorasi and reform of the Methodist church, with headquarters ia Washington. IX. C. At the evening service hour. Dr. Edward LairS Mills wiU deliver a lantern slide lecture. "Pioneer Trails." giving the story of Jason Lee, his eoming to the Northwest, and his preai him to the Indians and whit people ia - those early uays oi lss. Mrs. MaJdwyn E. Evaat win sing at both The First NorweciaB Daniah M. E. church. eorner 01 a.nLeenta and xioyt streets. C Aug, PtfMM thm n..tM will nM..l. 1 . theme. "Christiana Not to Live to Themselves." At 8 p. m. the subject will be "The Voice of J( EPISCOPALIAjrr Services for the day at St. Stenhena pro-cathedral will commence) with holy communion at 7:45 a. m. Moraine prayer and aernion at 11 a. m. No eve ning aervioe.- lhe koung People's society will hold their rewaiax weeaiy meeting la tne parish house at P- bl Miss Anne Nagel win lead. After the meettnsT lieht nlnhmuii wfii - by Maw Edna D. Vaon. ki a v-11 ... tendance Is requested, aa the contemplated pic nic at Oswego lake Will be considered aa thi. meeting. 9f E-TDEAYOBERS TO TAKE TBIP x ne annual river excursion f tv.. ChrisUan Endeavor will be held August 22 on the barge Swan. The party wiU leave the TamhiU street dock at 7M5 In we evening:. 9 CHRISTIAN" JE,T TO SPEAK E3iaa Zimmerman. Chrlntlan Jew win wuurcsa a mass meeting; at the East Side Baptist church Sunday afternoon at I o'clock n the subject, "Why the Jews Do Not Accept Christ." The public la la- VllCO. THE BEST f 1 THE SEA SHORE The finest ocean resorts In the Northwest ire at Clatsop, Cannon and North Beaches, reached by a delightful short trip along the wonderful Lower Columbia river on the fast trains of the North Bank road. i ' ; ' ! .''' i ' Limited train leave Portlaxvrl 8:30 A. M. dally aad 1(45 P. M. Saturday. Empress train 620 P. M- daily. Similar service return ing. Observation parlor cars and first-class coaches. . Tickets sold to Seaside, Gearhart and North Beach' points. Tickets, parlor car seats and details at CONSOLIDATED TICKET, OFFICE, Tkird and Washington Streets, NORTH BANK STATION, Tentb and Hoyt Streets. D9NT FORGET that the AS1 on which you tickets BACK Summer Excursion Fares now in For any desired a . . - - Monday, August . . ... : . ' i ' - . WM. McMURRAY, General Pissenger Atent. " -. Portland, Orejon - . , . REV. MR. RARICK TO PREACH HERE "Some Modern Goliatha will be the topic of the sermon to be delivered at - Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morninc by Rev. C C. Rarick. t executive secretary f the Method iat board of temperance, prohibi tion and public morala with headquar ters at Waahlncton. D. C, and formerly . of Portland. An analogy will be drawn. of Iavid eettinx- out to slay doliatlO armed with a aline and five stoaea. Rev. Rarick will teQ the use that the four stonea nnuaed by David can be put to In the modern world. Tha Rev. Mr. Rarick waa formerly pastor of Mt Tabor and Central M. E. churchaa. He waa appointed to the board of temperance, prohibition and public morala in 191S and has made bis . headauarters in Waahinrton since. He has Juat finished a Jecture tq,ur In North Dakota, Montana and Idaho, where ha rave 40 lectures on "Christian Citizen-ahip.- - . ,. ASK FOB LECTUBEBS . The board baa done wood work la fltfitimr tha "wet" forces Rev. Mr. Ra rick states, and will carry on tha work. By means of Questionnaires sent broad-' cast in the country information has been. received Indicating; that the American people, that la the greater majority of them are for .prohibition and against any attempt to revert to the old order, be said. Success of prohibition in this country baa led the leading statesmen of other nations to request detailed information and to aak for lecture ra. . Among- the na tions making' such requests la England. France, Italy. Austria. Germany and Japan. South America. India aad China. he, said, were particularly anxious to have lecturers sent. xnnsTZKs go otxbseas Two of tbe members of tha board. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, formerly of Port land and now general secretary of the board, and Dr. D. Pickett are now on their way to Europe. Dr. Wilson is to attend the ecumenical . conference at London in September and afterwards will tour England delivering a series of 13 lecturea Dr. Pickett has been ap pointed by President Harding aa a rep resentative from the United States to the " International Anti-Alcoholic confer ence at Luaanne, Switzerland. Tha Rev. Rarick will leave Portland Friday and will deliver a series of 20 lectures on bis way back to Washington. Hie first stop will be Salt Lake City. He expects to arrive In the Capitol City Oc tober It after lecturing In Nebraaka, Missouri. Wlaconrrtn. Illinois and Ohio. SEBTICES AT HEX'S BESOBT Services at the Men's resort. Fourth and Burnside streets, will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by tha Rev. A. J. Hanna. paator of fe Marshal street Presbyterian church. Miss Julia Anderson, mexao soprano, will give sev eral solos. She will be accompanied by Mrs. C C. Tripp. VACATION IS AT ROUND TRIP FARES OA C A WEEK ENDSTiekaU on OlefJU vaaU Friday, Saturday and Sunday, return limit Monday. OO fl A EVERY DAY, return limit OUeUU October 31. : War Tax 8S In addition. DAY can purchase EAST at the effect is 15th xaorrnatiogx, call L. E. OMER. City Passenter Atent ; 701 Wells Farro Buildint, Broadway 4$ 00 v ' C E. WARREN Utent. Consolidated Ticket ; Office, Third and Washington Streets T : , ; :- Main 3530. . - - s I . - -. x-. r - ' . : ' J. L. MILLER, Ticket Arent, Union Station . " r ..r - ' Broadway 802 ; " ' ; ! t ' A ! f