14 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL PORTLAND, JDREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1S2L NORMAL (LUMBER 29 FCC ; OEQOW For the week ending August . 10 f mill in Western Oregon and . Western Washington report production at 51,642, 024 feet which is 29 per cent - below normal, according to the weekly review : of tie West Coast Lumbermen's associ ation. New business totaled 58.324.716 feet, and shipments totaled 57,412,076 feet. F;or de:;very by'rail. new business included 1211 cars ; rail, shipments, 1)9 - car. Unshipped balance in the rail trade was 202 stare. Local business totaled 3,613,919 feet. In. the cargo trade, do mestic orders totaled 11,600.184 feet; ex port. 6.780,611 feet. Coastwise and inter coastal cargo shipments totaled 19,188,238 feet; export shipments 5,023,915 feet. ' , V .. ' Honey ana Exchange - - New York, Aug. 11. (L N. 8.) Call mm- , cr on the floor of the New York stock exchange today ruled at 6 per cent; high, 6 per cent; low, e per cent. Tun money wuunuet. Bates were per oent. The market for prime mercantile paper wma quiet. 'all money in London today was 4 per cent. . - Mtcrling exchange was steady, with business tn tankers' bills at 3.65.7-19 for demand. Xew Tork FeUto Market New Tork. An. It. 4-(I. N. 8.) Potatoes (in balk, barrel.. or bar)- firmer: nearby white, $4.00 & 6.00; Sou thems, (1.00 5.30. . Winnipeg Cash Grala Winnipeg. Ana. 11. Cash wheat No. 1 Northern. 183 : No. 2, 178 ; No. 3, 170 ; 2o. 4. 1551; -o. a, l as , ; track, 105 Oats No. .2 White, 50; No. 3. 4; No. 1 feed. 48: No. 2. 461,. Barley tNo. 8. 81 la : No. 4. 77 H. Rye No. 2.' 122 14; track, 128. Forelga Bosd Market - A Cooke company. Fnnrahed by Orcrbeck Board of Trad building: Rassiaa SHs, 1921 ...'. Rnasiaa 5 Vis. 12 .... Bnssaan SVi. 1919 French Ss. 191 ...... 1917 ...... 1920 ....... 191 122 ...... 1927 129 ...... 4s Krench 5s, French 5. ItaliaawSe.' British 5s, British 5a, Britieb -5s. British va. British ref. Belgimm .rest. 5s '-... Belgium prem. 5s , (iertnan W- Ia. 5- ... Berlin 4s .......... Hamburg 4s Hamburs 4 Vi s ...... . Leipsig 4 Vis........ Lcipng 5s , .". ....... Munich 4s . , . . . . . . , Munich 5s ...... ... Frankfort 4s . ; ... . Japanese 4a. ........ Japanese 1st 4Vs . . Jspanes Zi 4 lis. . . . . Paris sixes '. . . .... . . U. K. 5Hs. 1921... U.. K. 5.HV 1823.,. . , K. 5 Vis, 1.'. ... K. 5tts, 1937..,; ,i.. Bid.. - 1 5 -17 ' '. ;-' 4 Vi I 69 : 82 872 864 355 ,273 35 : !' 67 , TV : ' 9 r io h V lVi it f' HVi -1 12 j 11 11 70 85 14 8514 99. 89 9914 88 87 Vi Asked 19 .7 2 63 49 76 38 .. 382 374,; 365 . 285 -266 . ,71 . 74 10 .' 11 12 12 - 18 , 14 . 13 14 V1S 70 83 - 85 100 10O 99 89 88 ,v.Forelgn Exchange Market New Tork, Au. .11. etT. P.) Foreign ei rhsitee wu firm at the onenins today. 8ter- hnr. 83.65 : francs, i .9782; lire. .0437; marks. .0123 . foreign exchange closed .. steady. Sterling, 88.65; francs, .0783; lire .0438; marks. .0128. - I World's Breadstsff Shlpmeats World's shipments of wheat and flour bushes: Week Ending. From. . Ang. 6. '21.: V. 8. and Canada. .12,983,000 Argentine 1.044,000 j Australia . . . . .... ' 960,000 : Others ....... j . 256,000 i Water Company Is : Ready to , Extend : Service to Madras Arrangements have been completed by the Opal Springs Water company of Me- tolius for the extension of its service to .Madras, through the building of 10 miles of pipeline. .The Opal Springs company supplies domestic water to the cities of Culver and Metolius as well a." to about 25.000 acres of farm land The service to these 'two towns is maintained through an agreement with the Deschutes valley water district and about 35 mile of pipe have been laid from Opal springs in Deschutes canyon. ; T ! - To finance the Madras extension the company has issued 125,000 in first mort gage bonds, dated June 1, 1921, and ma turing June 1, 1929, The bonds beart in terest at 8 . per cent," . payable semi annually. The Title Trust company is trustee to the issue and the bonds . are being handled by the Ralph A. Blanchaid eompany. I WESTERN UNION RECOVERS BUT QIL SHARES ARE SLUMPING OIL SHARES IN ST. LOUIS TRAD E ABAD TUMBLE New York,. Aug. 11. (L N. S.) The stock market closed unsettled today, business consisting' f liquidation and bear raids which resulted in further de clines in the prices in a number of is sues, although rallies occurred at the same time in stocks that had been over sold ' in recent trading. The shipping stocks became prominent, - Marine pre ferred showing a loss of over X points to 41 and there were heavy offerings of American International and American Shipping Commerce. General Asphalt, after rallying slightly, was again in supply and in the last few minutes sold at a new low price for the day. Government bonds, unchanged ; rail way and other bonds, strong. Total sales, 574.500 shares ; bonds, 310,- 170,000. Week Ending. AU. 7. '20. 6.181.000 .4,422.000 672.000 Total . .13.245,000 11.275.000 TURIN BA3B FAILS Milan. Aug. 11. (L N. 8.) The Kuster bank at Turin failed today .with liabilities of 48,000,000 lire. , A Week-End Specials Sport Oxfords, White Oxfords, Pumps n $2.98 Values to tc.ee White Oxfords aad Strap Pomps, Freneh or Cabas heels; Sport Pumps and Oxfords with btaek aad browa trimmings special $2.98 $2.98 $1.48-White Pumps and Shoes -$1.48 $1.48 Values to $6 White Reignskla Fab rie. Duck and Casvas with Freneh, kidney or Lonls heels, flexible sewed soles. Special, per pair . $1.48 0 $1.48 98c 98c SO Ladies9, White Shoes Two lines of Freneh heels one line and 49 pairs samples with Cnban heels (09 pairs fiber soles with low heels CLEAN SWEEP, valnes to ( Extra Special 98c All Sizes -98c n 98c 98c 'VS MARY JANE PUMPS Patent leather or gaametal Mary Jane Slippers, ankle strap. - Infants' sizes, no heel, qq 9 to 4. now 70C Children's sises, qq sarin gheeV to 8 . . VOC Children's sises, CI Qfi spring heel, 8Vi to IS yl.IO Misses' sizes, 12 CO AQ. to 9. heel pa&.0 Ladles' sises s to 8.. .92.98 White Mary Jane Pumps Some Kid and Others Canvas. Ankle Straps, sises 1 to 4 no heel 79c Sizes 4 to 8. 9Ises V to 11. Sises IV, to 8.. Some Fiber aad Some Leather Soles ...... ...98 .81.48 81.48 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS SOft, Strong1 Leather, With Substantial Sewed Soles FOOTFORM OR MEDIUM TOES Children's, 7 to 8, spring heel Children's, H to Jl, spring heel. .. Misses', 11 to 2. with heels ....... (Growing G i r 1 s', islzes 2V4 to 7 ALL SIZES $2.38 V -aS $1.98 Men's a,nd Boys'' Heavy Duck Scouts Ideal Shoe I "i for every VL I day. Cool, ' l csniert- X Xfvl.'n! and f j strong. Per I Per Pair V 1 to v. .1 Scouts $1 Boys leather scouts, lea. soles. iv to 13 K1.4N 134 to 2 81.98 a to 82.45 - Men's. 6 1 to ia 82. KEDS (Ladies' and Men's) 98c O A L l)0 (S?C BETWEEN AVASHI JSGTON AND ALDER STREETS OIT FOCBTH SEND MAIL ORDERS TO WRIGHTS, 131 4TH ST. OPT M SM GROWS By J. If. Flnlgln Special Correspondent of The Journal St. Louis,' - Aug. 11. The conspicuous feature of commerce in general through out this district is a firmer, livelier and broader optimism. Business men are sure they see an open road ahead. This optimism has its source in ; conditions deemed, both material and permanent such as easier financial conditions In agricultural districts and adjustment of business in the cities and towns. There are signs of a vigorous liquidation of re tail stocks at lower prices, following the example set by the larger department stores although the smaller i shops be' yond-the .sphere of strong competition have not joined this movement. Much of the buying is done by women and fol lows aggressive advertising of real bar gains. Unsettled and fluctuating prices are impeding the progress of wholesale business in this territory, although re tail stocks are very low. The financial strain in the grain and cotton districts has slackened because of foreign grain purchases and arrange ments for. "credit to finance cotton mar keting for export. New York. Aug. lL-rL N S.) The stock market was irregular again this morning. Baldwin was down 4 at 73. Mexican Petroleum declined 14 to 964. General Electric lost to 114. U. S. Steel declined to 73. Sears Roebuck was off 4 to 65. Studebaker advanced to 73. Anaconda gained H to 35. Famous Players declined hi to 49. Cruci ble Steel declined to 53 "4- Northern Pacific receded hi to 75 and Inspira tion Copper declined to 314. The most important feature of the market, however, was the gain of 2 points in Western Union on the opening transaction, indicating that yesterday's Belling had been wholly for bear ac counts. Pullman was in supply, falling 1 points to 91. American Sugar Refin ing dropped 1 points to 61, the low est since 1893. Kelly-Springfield tire was again heavy and yielded one point to 38. The steel industries were in supply at concessions. The interests which had been aggres sive for some days on the short side of the market found many weak spots in the market. The oil group was espe cially sensitive to bear attacks and many of those issues sold at new low records for the 'year. Union Oil fell 2 points to 25.-a new low record, and California Petroleum also suffered severely, being offered in large amounts, yielding 2 to 29. Steel Industrials were well maintained. Frank H. Doherty Is Honor Guest of (Pnrniahgd by Orgrtwck and Cooka Company) Bates. I STOCK- .... Advance Kym. 1 do pfd. .. 1600;Acr. Chem. . do pfd. Title & Trust Co. . ' Frank H. Doherty, "secretary of the National Association of Title Men, was today the guest of honor at a luncheon given by the officers of the Title & Trust company at the University club. At the invitation of Walter Paly of the TiUe & Trust company a number of out-of-town title men attended the luncheon and lis tened to an address by Doherty. Doherty Is returning to Los Angeles from a tour of the eastern and middle western states in the Interests of tne Title Men's association. lAlaaka Jgimg . . 4 500; Allied Chem. . . . 2400!AUia-Chahnen . . 200 do pfd 4001Am. Beet Susar. 10Am. Boach Rich. Low. Bid. 30 S 22 2000 600 100 400 200 200 VlOOIAm. U4UO Am. 200 NEW CORPORATIONS Salpm. Or.. Auk. 11. The Disabled Veterans' auxiliary, with headquarters in Portland, filed articles or incorpora tion with the corporation department here Tuesday. The assets oi tne cor tioration are given as 31000. The lncor norsLtora are G. U. Williams, w. u. a. Dodson and Juanita Wax. Other articles were filed as follows Cutler - Dimmick Lumber company Portland. S25.000 : F. S. Cutler. A. A. Dimmick. V. W. White. Th Democracy Publishing company, Portland, J150.000; Simon Gertsman, W. M. Leach.- Bernard Muinne. Pacific Pine Lumber company, Port land- $75,000: A. E. Peakem,, Artnur Peake. J. E. M Orson. Preston Ranch company, Mearora, 175.000: Frank C Preston. Robert J Dunham Lincoln McCormack. Western Products company, portiana. $20,000: N. B. Stone, N. L. Robinson, K. P. W. Prentys. Wevenbersr Shoe Manufacturing com pany, a Wisconsin corporation, iied at $1,750,000. was granted a permit to operate in Oregon. Harry J. Fitts of Portland is named as attorney in fact. Willamette Timber and investment romianv or .fontanel mea arucies oi dissolution. The Globe Hat and Cap manufacturing eomnanv filed a certificate showing an Increase in capitalization rrom io,wu to $20,000. Can Co do pfd. Am. Car, A. Wis. . do pfd. Am. Cot Oil do pfd. Am. Drue. Sjnd . . Am. Hide A Lea. . do pfd. Ice . . . Intl. Corp. . . Am. Linseed do pfd. ...... 2200 Am. Loco do pfd llOOIAm. Safety Haror. 700 Am. Ship. A Com lOOOIAm. Smelter ..... 4001 do pfd Am. Steel Fdy 13900IAm. Sog&r 100 do pfd. 4200!Am. Sumatra lOOOIAm. Tel. & Tel 1700, Am. Tobacco ... 600 do. "B" .... 10000 Am. Wool Am Wool pfd. 100'Am. W. P. pfd lOOlAm. Zinc 3000Anaconda Aw'd Oil 1600Atchison 100! do. pfd. 4200 AtL Gulf 4b W. L. 12200, Baldwin Loco. .... I da. pfd. 3600 Balto. A Ohio a00 do. pfd. 4 100! Beth Steel "B" . . . .... Booth Fiah 8200 B. K. T .... Butte C. A Z 200Botte ft Sup. 300 Caddo Oil . . ." 1100 Calif. Packinc 270OCalif. Pet. 1300Canadian Pac. . ... 6100 Cen. Leather lOOiOeiro de Paico . . . 4S00Chandler .Motor. . . 500Chicao- Ji. W. . . OOOjChio. (It. W 100) do pfd. 700Chui Cop. 200 i 2000C. 800 1300i 150011 37 80 H 72 28 '29 " 123 4 10 49 65 H 31 21 '83 vi ..... 35 71 87 46 105 Vi 119H 119H 6914 7T, 85 Va 84 2l" 73 Vi 29 85 Vi 29 72 27 25 37 50 49H PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Banks Clearings This Week. Monday 6.822.771.2R Tuesday 4.357.950.32 Wednesday.. . t.nes.i is.i i Thursday.... 4.676.539.07 Tear Acs. 6.741.MX.M 4.985.160.77 B. 727.431 93 6.560.237.78 .11.204.104 00 376.365.00 470.224.00 81.936.00 Spokane Bank Clearings Thnreday Balances Thursday . Tacoma Banks Clearings Thursday Balance Thursday . . . Seattle Banks . Clearings Thursday '. . ... . . Balances Thursday San Francisco Banks Clearings Thursday $20,300,000.00 Lea Anseles Banks Clearings Thursday' $13,439,517.00 j SHQBT TEBM XOTES Fnrnfehed by Clark. Kendall Security Maturity. Am. Am. Ana. Am. la Cotton Oil 6a.. 9-2-24 T. A T. 6a. 10- 1-22 T. A T. 6a. 2- 1-24 Thread s .. .12- 1-28 Tobacco 7.. ..II- 1-21 do ;7a .11- 1-22 do 7s 11- 1-23 Anglo. Am. Oil 7 Ha 4- 1-25 Armour Coot. 7a. . 7-15-30 Belgian Got. 7 Hi.. 6- 1-43 Belgian Got. 6a ..1-1-25 BethL Steel 7s 7-15-22 do 7s , 7-15-23 British Got. 5 Vis ..11- 1-21 British Got. 5 Vis. .11- 1-21 Canadian toT. 6a 8- 1-21 do 5 Vis 8- 1-20 Cudahy Packing 7a.. 7-15-23 Inter. K- T. 7s 9- 1-21 Japanese Got. s 7-10-25 Kennecott Cop. 7s. . 2- 1-30 N. Pacifio By. Tx. 7s 6-15-22 Pacific Gas 7a .... 5-1125 Swift 6a 8-15-21 V. O. Bubber 7s. .12- 1-23 FOBEIGK EXCHANGE BATES . Corrected daily by the foreign exchange de- Quotatioiia below (except the pound sterling) are quoted ea the basis of 100 units foreign currency. Open nominal rate ea hank transactions Uraft Cable Par London Checks. : Tranafera. Varae. Lba. Stirling. $ 3.65 $ 3.45 $ 4 866 Part Francs.. 7.83 7.84 1V.30 Berlin Marks. 1.23 1.23 - 23.81 Genoa Lire .. 4.38 . 4.39 19.30 Athens , Hrechras ... 5.63 . 5.68 ' 19.30 Copenhagen . " Kroner .... 15.73 15.78 ' Chrfetiaaiar Kroner .... 12.80 12.85 ' . 26.70. Stockholm , Krooear .... 20.90 20.95 26,70 Hongkons -:- Currency ... 50.16. 50.8 S Japan Yen. .. 48.20 49,85 ... hlmngbai Xaels 67.76 . . tAO Chino M. St, P do pfd. ....... Coco Cola C. 4 O. Colo. F. ft L lOOIColo Couthern . . . . 2000Clo. Gas ft Klec... HOOIColombia Graph. 200;Corw. Gas .... Cons. Cigars t do pfd. 400Cona Can 400jOontL Candy 4 00, Corn Prod. . . . 2oo do rfd. 43001Coden Oil 5100 C. R. I. ft P. .,. . . 300 do "A" pfd. .. do "B" pfd. . . . 4400 Crucible do pfd. 370OCuba Cane $4,933,386.00 I IU0L ! - 848,783.00 I ; Ai!..." ' n'u ;j ei. ec tiuoson .. lOOjDome Mines D. ft R. G 300 do pfd. SOOIEndicoU Johnson . 1700;Erie 400 do 1st pfd. ... 600 do 2nd pfd. . . , 6500 Famons Players .., Fed. Min. ft Smelt do rfd. 2700!Fbk Tire lOOIGaston Williams . 100!Gen Clean. 1700010a. Elec. 7600jGen. Motor ...... do 6 5. 48300lGen. Asphalt . . . 400);o6drich , 97 I Goodyear soo ,ranby K00 'Great Nor. Ore... 7500)Great Jfor., pfd... 2000rrene Cananea .. 200fGulf States Steel.. 200IHaak Barker 1300!Houston Oil .... 200IHnpp Motor 100 1 Illinois Central .. ISOOIInspiration . . . . 1000 Interboro do pfd J 000 Inter. Callahan .. 2100 Int. Harrester ... . . . . . do pfd. ...... 00 Int. Merc. Marine. 5300 do r4 SOOIInt Nickel ..... 420O!Int. Parer I do pfd. 200AtInTinrible Oil ... 2600lhlandOfl 2 OO (Jewel Tea 600:K- C SnutheTa .. . .... I do pfd. ...... 4000'Keny-Spgfld. . 220 Kennecott 1200 Keystone Tire ... 6O0!Leck Steel .... . 200tte Tire 400!Lhigb V alley . . . . . Il,orillard l.lOO'Ijowe Theatres . . 34OO.Mex. Pet ...... 300!Miaati . .. 8700 Mxldle States OB. 170O!Midrale Steel... 2O01M. K. A T.... -1601 do pfd. ..... JMoert. - Power . 'Moot. Ward . . 900:Mo. Pac. ..... - 18001 do stfdfs ... . . -A.' 12 10 60 32 113 31 47 66 7 io" 22 28 39 32 63 36 54 4 85 4 10 48 65 29 21 '82 "s' 6 84 71 i 87 44 104 118 117 67 7 34 83 20 72 86 6t 48 44 66 26 31 75, 64' 9 23 14 Bid. Asked. 90 91 98 98 97 97 96 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 97 97 101 102 9 100 A9 100 99 100 99 99 9 100 9 100 93 . 93 99 99 97 80 83 85 93 93 3 . 96 97 99 100 99 99 68 13 18 49 66 114 10 49 31 16 29 73 21 31 49 10 93 31 8 4 72 43 13 48 "7 9 24 89' 18 12 88 26 61 ii 7 19 11 23 1 .1 89 13 33 29 55 21Vs 1 83 29 71r 27 29 25 81 23 108 16 39 4 10 48 55 20 21 45 83 101 3 6 34 71 25 62 87 43 104 118 117 68 95 2 7 84 96 84 79 201 72 92 86 50 48 8 10 4 12 10 59 30 12 31 24 47 63 7 16 9 22 25 38 31 52 22 85 58 4 as 28 67 43 65 101 28 80 74 62 68 78 9 23 13 99 16 1 1 67 12 18 12 47 S 22 9 1 54 V, 113 111 63 44 31 13 16 29 72 80 57 46 io- 93 80 3 10 4 72 7 9 41 13 45 1 7 2 8 24 49 38 17 12 87 26 60 143 11 96 19 10 28 2 3 43 II 18 19 87f 87 Salea. STOCK, I lfitb. I Low. Bid. .. M. 8. P. A S. A M-l 48 M. A St. L... 11 ' . Nat . Barsrit 11" 200 Nat. Knamel 47 200 Nat, bead ...... 73 TS 18 06 Nevada Coo. 9 16 1100 New Ha Ten 16 13 18 600 Norfolk W.... 94 -94 93 8160 Nor. Pac 73 74 73 100 Nora Scotia Steel 23 200 N. T. Air Brake . . 53 34 34 800 IN. T. Central ... 69 M 69 200Kla. Prod. rf. . . 2 3 1 (Ontario SUrer 3 Ontario AW. 17 200 Otia Steel 9 ...... Pacifio Dev. 9 Pac Gaa A Elec 54 ,4200iPacific Oil 84 83 33 7500!Paa Am. Pet.. ... 46 44 45 1600 1 Pan Am. Pet. B'. 89 88 38 S700 Penna 37 37 87 8500 Peoples Gaa 63 51 61 60OPere Marquette .. 18 18 18 500 Philadelphia Co. . . 29 29 28 1000! Pierce Oil T 6 6 6700Pierce Arrow ... 14 18 14 lOOtPieree Oil 7 6 I Pitta Coal 38 SOO Pitts ft West Va. . 26 26 23 do pfd. ...i 71 SOOIPreseed Steel Oar . 68 88 58 450OjPuIlinan 93 I 91 92 4O0Ray Coos. . . 12 1 12 12 4000i Reading 67 65 66 Replocle Steal 21 1800 ttepubUo L ft S. . 46 45 45 100 do pfd. - 84 100 Rep. Motors 8 8 8 2000 Royal Dutch Oil . 50 49 49 400 Ry Steel 8pc ... 73. 72 78 ISaion Motors 8 2000 Sears Roebuck ... 65 64 64 iBhattwk. Arts 7 100 Shell T. A T. ... 86 36 86 17800 Sinclair 18 18 18 Standard" Oil CaL 70 20O Sloes Snef S3 83 83 4800 Sou. Pacific 76 75 76 800 Sou. By. ...i.... 19 19 19 800 do pfd. 45 45 45 700 St U ft S. F 22 22 22 100 Stromberg Carb. .. 29 29 29 24400 Studebaker 74 72 72 Swift ft Co 96 500 Tena. Cop. A Chm. 7 7 7 9700 Texas Oil 34 33 38 20O0 Texas Pac 23 21 22 6200 Tex. Pac C A O.. 17 16 16 3200 Tob. Products 57 56 56 2300 Tran. ContL Oil. . . 7 6 6 11200 I'nton Oil Dei ... 17 13 16 1400 Union Pac 119 118 119 SOO Cnited Alloy 23 23 23 900 United Drag . .... 63 52 58 600 United Food Prod.. 16 16 16 1800 United Fruit 103 101 102 3900 United Retail Storea 51 50 51 7100 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 48 47 47 6100 C. S. Rub 51 49 50 400 do pfd. 96 95 95 100 U. 8. Smelting.... 28 29 27 209001U. 8. Steel 74 73 73 do pfd 109 940Tt!ruh Copper 46 44 43 700 Va. Chem 24 23 23 100 do pfd. . . 68" 68 67 300 Vanadium Steel ... 28 27 27 VtTandou 6 100 Wabash 7 500 do A pfd 20 20 20 ..... do B pfd 13 Wells Fargo 66 800 Western Pac 23 22 22 do pfd 58 1500 Western Union ... 79 77 78 1 00 Westinghooae A. B. 87 87 87 1600 West house E. ft M 4 8 42 42 400 Weat Md 9 9 9 200 White Motors ... 81 81 81 1100 Willys Orerland .. 6 6 6 do pfd. 29 Wilson Packing S3 Wisconsin Central 23 Woolworth -. 108 400 Worthtagton Pump 38 36 87 100 W. ft U. K 8 SOUTHERN LUMBER OUTPUT INCREASES A Trust company, announced today that 11 banking firms had pledged themselves to provide a fund of $2,300,000 for mort gage loans to allow the, building of small homes In the greater city. Sew Tork Bond Market Furnished by, OTerbeck ft Cooke company. Atchison grnl. 4s BaL ft Ohio gold 4s..... Beth. Steel ref. 5s Cent. Pacific 1st 4s St. Paul gent 4s Chicago N. W. GenL 4s. . . Lcuisrille ft NasfaTille 4s. . New Tork Ry. 5 Northern Pacific Pi L. 4s. . Reading genL 4 s Union Pacific lat 4s r. S. Steel 5s Union Pacific 1st ref. 4s. . . Southern Pacific coht. 5s. . Southern Pacific cuct. 4s.. Penna. Conr. 4 s Penna. 1st 4 Vis Ches. ft Ohio cost. 6s. . . . Ore. Short Line 4s Bid. 77 69 86 74 67 76 81 21 76 75 81 94 77 90 81 86 80 82 83 12 10 59 29 12 80 46 65 7 9 22 23 88 81 62 36 63 4 85 44 65 25 30 74 52 8 23 13 57 12 18 47 56 111 IO 44 31 16 29 72 20 80 45 10 9 81 3 4 71 Va' 39 18 45 7 2 8 24 88 17 12 88 24 31 11 95 19 10 23 Liberty Bond Sales (Reported by Orerberk ft High. Liberty 3s 8864 Liberty First 4 s Liberty Second 4s Liberty First 4s 8798 Liberty Second 4s .. 8780 Liberty Third 4 s ... 9200 Liberty Fourth 4 a.. 8790 Victory 4 a 9874 Victory 3 9874 Cooke Iow. 8840 8790 8752 9188 8774 9864 9864 Ask. 78 70 88 74 67 77 83 21 77 W 811 95 82 94 82 si 83 " 84 Co.) Clone. 8840 8790 8756 8790 8764 6186 8782 9886 0866 Standard Oil Stocks (Reported by OTerbeck ft Cooks Co.) Bid. Ak. Anglo 13 15 Rome Scrysmer 340 360 Buckeye 81 83 Cbeeeebrough 160 180 do. pfd. 95 98 Continental 106 110 Crescent 26 28 Cumberland 113 .125 Knreka 75 79 Galena com. t... 33 85 do. Old pfd. 90 94 do. New ufd. 87 90 Illinois Pipe ISO 134 Nat l Transit 22 28 N. T. Transit 140 143 Northern Pipe 87 90 Ohio Oil , 250 255 Inter 1 Pete. 10 10 Penn. Mex . 19 22 Prairie Oil 420 430 Prairie Pipe 186 190 Solar Refg 825 350 Southern Pipe 78 . 80 South Penn Oil 180 ' 188 ' S. W. Penn. Oil 67 60 8. O. Calif 76 8. O. Ind. Tlf 70 S. O. Kansas 540 350 8- O. Kentucky 330 840 8. O. S. T 810 820 S. Or Ohio 860 370 8. O. Ohio. pfd. 107 110 Swan ft Finch 80 33 Vacuum 260 270 Washington 25 80 8. O. Nebraska 160 163 Imperial Oil 82 84 DEVELOP HALL MINE Placer. Or.. Aug. 1L William Barker has arrived from Butte. Mont., and tak en up development work on the Hall mine, wbich has been Idle for six years. Several other properties, long idle, are being worked. Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, Aug. 11. The Diamond Match company has completed its nine-mile aerial tramway which will carry lumber fro in Diamond City, "Wash to the railroad. It is estimated that the sum will save $300,000 in transportation costs In the holdings affected. New Orleans. Aug. 11. Lumber pro duction In this region is on the increase and lumber companies, are increasing forces rapidly. A large demand for lum ber in connection with railroads is fore cast for the near future. GLASS Pittsburg. Aug. 1L Compared with the demand in recent months window glass shows improvement, although it is still far below that of a year ago. Stocks of hand blown glass have been reduced In the last several weeks. Window glass manufacturers meet in Atlantic City August 12. Hand blown plants are pre paring to resume operations about the middle of September, but much will de pend upon the wage conference which probably will be held In Cleveland about the middle of this month. Prices remain stationary, fr FRUIT San Francisco, Aug. 11. California vineydrdists are exercised over the lack of demand for grape Juice and it is pos sible that some wineries may crush no grapes this season. This would leave large amount of surplus grapes for ship ment, GRAIN Galveston. Aug. 11. The rates on heavy grains from Gulf ports to Rot terdam. Antwcro and Havre have been fixed at 27 cents for the second half of August. The rate is the same fixed for the first two weeks of this month, Chicago, Aug. 11. The strike of the men employed at 'grain elevators here which for a time delayed grain ship ments to some extent, has been called off. Elevator owners declared no con cession had been made the strikers. GARMENTS New Tork. Aug. 11. There has been a reduction in prices charged manufac turers of dresses this season for boxes, twine, paper and other accessories. This has contributed materially to reduction of costs as boxes especially have been a heavy item of expense. METALS Cleveland. Aug. 11. The price of cop per products in this section have been cut by manufacturers an average of cent a pound. CHEMICALS New Tork. Aug. 11. There is little movement in the fertilisers in this mar ket. Some trading is reported in potash but the buying is listless as though buy ers had no fear of a reduction in prices. The cost of nitrate is at a low ebb. STEEIj Sharon, Pa, Aug. 11. An optimistic feeling prevails in Industrial circles in the Shenango valley," and practically every manufacturing head says condi tions are admittedly better. While there have been no large orders booked up to the present time for future shipment, it Is known that inquiries for iron and steel are more frequent and requests are made for prices on steel for delivery the latter part of the year and early next year. The Sharon Steel Hoop Co. has purchased 2000 tons of basic pig iron for $18 a ton. the lowest quotation on pig iron for some time. DRT GOODS Atlanta, Aug. 11. Walter Rich, head of one of the largest department stores in the South, announced today his firm had made imusually large purchases in France, Germany and Belgium in antici pation of heavy business during the fall and winter. Other merchants have made similar purchases.. AUTOMOBILE SUNDRIES Port Huron, Mich.. Aug. 11. The Mueller Metals company, makers of au tomobile parts, announce that alterna tion periods of depression and activity were being experienced but that the plants were turning out about SO per cent of 1920. production. BUILDING MATERIALS New .York, Aug.. 11. Clarence H. Kelsey, president of the Title Guarantee Wholesale Goods . Trade Is Active; Many Reorders John 1". Far-well company of Chicago. weetfly review of trade Wholesale dry goods business is manifesting the great est activity in many; weeks. Buyers have been in the market this week In about triple the number compared with corresponding week In-August of last year. About every state is reoresented in this market, showing the widespread influence of the pageant of nrorresa. Buying at present reflects the low con dition of retailers' stocks. Merchants are open for novelties and goods at rieht prices. One noticeable feature is the pronounced reordering of white goods, which is unusual for this time of the year. Sheeting markets are much firmer. caused by the large sale of cotton goods ror export, it is estimated that at least 100.000 bales of cotton goods have been exported to date. Outinir flannels are selling very freely, also ginghams, both iot at once and spring delivery. Stock ibpics MakketI Bank of England rates unchanged at av per cent. Great Britain's total imports for July 80.760.000 pounds and exports 52.S30.OO0 pounds, excess of Imports 28.230.00v pounds, against 8,041,968 pounds in July, 1920. SEMCE SIMPLEST F.lV.Baltes I Company j Printers steiasS Stocks. Boards, Cottea. Grain, fit. 316-317 Board of Trad Building OYerbeck&GookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES . sibers CaJeagj Board ef Trade -GemsessAeat Co gaa Bryas - . tftJaatf .. ... jiw let- F. I ,M .U .U J JL. J. .1. .1.003 Factors I of I I Safety B A THOROUGH, expert H H analysis of each issue u L3 precedes our purchase M po and offering of bonds, fcj This, together with the iH Lj stability and experience H n reflected in the sixty-two fJ H years continuous standing H W of the Ladd & Tilton Bank, H furnishes the maximum CH Lj of safety to those with H H funds to invest, LJ Lj ' -1 R BOND DEPT. g : Ladd & Tilton 1 I Bank LX Oldest is the northwest H H WASHISOTOir AT THIBB B ivivivivivivi'i'ivivi'wr7i Known and Unknown The trade name of the known, established product is for your pro tection as well as that of the maker. In fact, it is only because the trade name protects you that it Is profit able to him. Warrenite-Bitulithic . pavement has become known for its resiliency and exceptional dura bilityv That Warren Brothers are sealous in their efforts to maintain . this reputation is a . natural se 1 quence of 75 years' active work in their line of activity. Idle freight cars on July 31 totaled 526.177.' decrease of 28.293 from previous weett. , ABXOCat BRANCH AT BCGETB Eurene, Or, Aug. Is. Eugene is to have the only branch house of Armour A Co, In Oregon outside of Portland, according to the announcement of F. H. -Johnson, former Eugene newspaper man who has been representative f the com pany in this district since the close of the war. The branch will b oniwd Anrust U in the Oregon Klec trie depot building, and the territory covered .will be from saiera to Ashland. Mr. Johnson will be manager. Canadian Pacific earnings first week of August $673,000, decrease $283,000. Twenty industrials 68.71, off L29. 20 rails 72.02, oft .59. Endicott Johnson net profits for first six months of year equal to $4.29 a share on common stock after preferred dividend. Western Union sells $15,000,000 bonds to Kuhn, Loeb A Co., to yield 6.6 per cent. Northwestern Bank Employes to Picjiic T, T 1 I , . uia win tomorrow arternoon ... , cciiinj, ue uie scene oi merry making by the members of the North western club, the social organisation of the employes of the Northwestern Na tional bank. P. A. Strach. treasurer of the club. In charge of affairs, has ar ranged a program of various events along with swimming and dancing. smite That which promises most does not necessarily perform best. We have a list of depend able bonds that will re turn you from 6 to over 8 as certainly as it is humanly possible to assure. Municipal bonds are the safest investment you can obtain. The bonds we offer are bonds we own and that we have pur chased after the most ex acting scrutiny. Our rep utation is behind them. Our reputation is the most valuable asset ' we have. May we be of serv ice to you? Call, phone or write. or write. We specialise in Liberty anil Victory Bonds See us before yon buy or ell WOUND 1VOOR REEMANe SMITH Camp These bonds are of the character that makes them LEGAL INVESTMENTS FOR SAVINGS BANKS. 6 Park Bonds IR-nA General Obligations of JlJCllU. Property of more than $700,000. A bonded debt of only $213,839. Not alone has Bend's growth been phe nomenal, but the value of taxable prop erty has increased at a tremendous rate due to the construction of modern business blocks and permanent homes and industrial plants. Behind these general obligation bonds stand pledged the faith and credit of a city of 5500 people with taxable property paying an estimated value of over J7.5O0.0o0. Including this issue its bonded debt amounts to only $213,839. Invest in the bonds of a city with a real future. Due Serially- 1922-41 Den. $500 Income Tax Exempt Prices to Yield 6.25 Let as explain the possibilities of profit in Brazilian bonds. LTJMBERMENS t - Broadway and Oak Hydro-Eletfbic Dividends and How to Get Them" This often is limited to 10,000 shares A booklet with map, illustrations, and text pre senting tne hydro-eledric situation in the Portland Power area, and explaining the Special Savings Plan of interest-bearing partial payments in the purchase of Northwestern Electric Cumulative First Preferred Stock, paying 7.37 on the invest ment. Free copy on recjuest. Telephone, call or write i ' ' ' "i x NoimiwESTERN Electric Company I . .G.'TAVAn.t&,Sf(i SIa Mmter j j 10th and Washington Streets, Portland i TeUpbomet: Bioadwat 580 Automatic 56747 - This is No. li of a aeries of adrertieeneata. j We Otter and Recommend WHEELER COUNTY, OREGON General Obligation 6 Bonds. Due Serially 1932-1951 Price 100 and Interest to Net 6 Income Tax Exempt ' " Rl.nevepeaux&fQmpanv INVESTMENT OONDS ST SIXTH THCtT PORTLAND. OREGON ROAOWAY 104 - GROUND FLOOR WCLLS-TARCO BUILDING ' ' ' 4.