THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 'WA'JfTEDWeswoinan experienced in selling dryronds. ready-to-wear, etc. luce stora in wheat belt of Kwtetn Oregon: permanent poa- , turn, congenial work: ttfennnt required; per sonal interview arranged. VX-722, Journal WANTED--- -etjwrirawed ynwet machine op , orators far tewing bask. Piece work. Girls moat not be over 25 years at age.. Apply Jkno, Harris. Mevffle Bag Co.. 15th and Ho at. WOMEN" WANTED " Work an pears, to (tart about Awe 15 for one run IVave Tour name registered early. Libby. McNeill at Libby. Tha DaBo. Or. WANTED Stenographer for stenographic and general office work. Mast be well recommended by previous employer. Apply at once. Wey embcrr Shoe Mfg. Co.. 61 Mb-at i LADY areola to sell home comfort article. Oar line ia first class. Can earn op to f 10 per Say. ; Lady agent wanted for Oregon City and BaJem. Kid stock Exchange. FIRST CLASS trimmer for out of tow a posi tion. Salary 833. : Moller At Raaa Co. Roval bid. - . . WANTFlDMiddle-aged woman with one child. or old lady, a housekeeper on ranch for bachelor: steady position. WX-736, Journal. " U ANTED A , rood housekeeper and cook . foi family of 2 job a farm. C 11. Owens, Box 317 (Istskanie. .Or, - ; STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of tire business . preferred; state experience, salary and tele phone number. F-S27, Journal - HELP -WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE 205 - HOP PICKERS WANTED 61 acres, clean yard, rood camp around. free wood and clean straw famished; wood is cut in store lengths; rood store near. . Will take about 15 days to pick. 'Will pay customary prices, write to ly toon. Route 3. Aurora. Or. or call representative, O. D. Blair, '67 st and 67th are. 8., E., Portland. Or. Phone Aut- 2ii HOP pickers wanted Feller's hoDjard, Feller's sta.. Ore. Electric. 40 acres best hops, two pickings, early and lata crops. First picking to begin about Aug. 22. Only 28 miles from city. Register August 10-11, Imperial hotel. Fami lies with tents only. C. 43. Feller. FAIR attraction, amusements and concessionist wanted for Lincoln county fair, Sept. 8, 9, 10. . Write or wire Manager Lincoln County Fair, Toledo, Oregon WANTED Man and wife to work for room and board: woman to do housework; man to milk cow. . 072-93. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 Grading and Excavating Day or contract; dnmpwagona and teams for hire by the day. Majj 6746. KALSOMINING and painting. Kslanmrnmg ' saeeialty: best work, reasonable rate; an service nun need work. Phone East 6291 Apt 4. A TJOOD, willing boy about 14 yean old who eaa mil 8 or cows ana take a small mils- route; room and board and some wages. 23 E. 63th st. N. Tabor 1696. WANTED Work with Fordson tractor, Fresno work, plow work ; would yard out wood where tractor can be used. Call or write J. W. Woods. 64 Fourth at. EXPERIENCED fireman for coal, wood or oil burners; also experienced handling crane steam hoist. . Phone Main 6866, Room S. CARPENTER estimates given on building and repair work: screens made to order: shop 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. WE DO in and outside painting, paper hanging and tinting; estimate given prompt attention. Our work guaranteed. Call Main 184. SUNSHINE PAINT CO. RELIABLE Painting-tinting contractor. Ant. 614-43. EXPERIENCED man wishes employment helper or dishwasher in kitchen. X-676 Journal. ' OARl'ENTKR and millwright want position as general repair man; non-union. East 4570. PLUMBING dona nry reasonable by the hour or by lob. Ant MAN with 1 ton Republic truck, wants banting by hour or contract Tabor 8237. CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing, anything in me pnuaing Jina. f Pone ssast BBS. BA8EMKNTS, uRADING, GEN'L TEAMING contract or day work. Ant. 622-85, alter 6. ifAKRIED man wants track driving or garage work; experienced. U-639, Journal. ROOFS BBSHINGLKD A 6PECIALTT" Phone- East 1201. CEMENT work; all tanon,' First . class oulyT be 11 wood 818. KALSOMINLNG, painting, reasonable, - by tne day; any shade mixed. Phone Bellwood 202. PAPERHANGING and tinting, inside finishing; first dsss work. Tabor 8080. PAINTING and calsomining work guaranteed; - prices reasonable. Bellwood 1027.i CARPENTER and builder! Jobbing. Bullt-lna, eatimatea on new work. Auto. oUrBi. 8KWER CONNECTIONS. RAIN DRAINS. AND PJ.LMBINU. EAST 824 A YOUNG Filipino wishes to work as school boy. 8-676. Journal. I LAND clearing done, any kind, have own outfit C. P. Suppe. Ronte 1, Hill -dale. Or. WANT any kind of work done! 5730. Phone Tabor GARAGES built 887.60 and up; garage doors . 312-5Q and up. Ant 3l7-a7. SOOTS painted. Pert of paint; prices right, work right Tabor 929. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 Lack, scrim makwuisetts cur- tains, draperies. done up ukjb --iHW,- WILL. USLU EAST 6318, REl'lN'KD, elderly woman wants housekeeping; pleasant horns mora than high wages. Tabor B384. - i " WOMAN wants work by hour or day. reliable references, navy, lzza. Wanted By colored laundress, i small bundles. Phone Woodlawn 4' WOMAN wishes cjeaning washing and ironing by day or hour. Bellwood 170. GOOD laundress wants washing Thursday, 40c per hour. Broadway zo4. LACK curtains, hand laundered, work guaranteed. tto up to one pair. East 6IH8. UOilAN wants work by, day. Broadway 793. DRESSMAKING I 256 MEXNG, cleaning, p teasing- dremmiking. re asodeUng. relining. alterations, pleating, ree aonabla Price. The Cabinet Dreeiaiiring parXgra, vav amenson. near lltn. main MRS. OKK, Panama bide. SUH benutitf hine. silk and cotton: all colors, 8c. yard, while you waifc anu pleating, inirq ana Akler st. DRESSM A K IN reasonable, any kind of sewing. Mam 254. .DRESSMAKING and piaia sewing by the day; can lurnisn city reierencee. Mam 8154. INFANTS and children's sewing, layettes made to oraer. sot vnion ff. East 7150. NURSES 257 PRACTICAL nurse will take care of invalid res sonable. Tabor 5384. PRIVATE maternity East 1748. home; reasonable terms. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 RECTOR HOTEL ftortn Broadway, new and modern. Yale jrcas en ooors, as per oay up, per week up. a i vs ve sbui4. - - - . . - " ' FlEVen'ger H6tfeL " 41314 Washington st. corner HHl 81 day,-34.50 .a week and up; fine down- locanon; not ; ana ccia water; steam heat HOTEL ARTHUR - 170llth st. neay Morriran. Clean, modern rooms by day, week or month; reasonable rates. LARGE tunny toons, beautifully furnUhed. bath .. un poone; rcieranoes xenanged; must - be seen to be appreciated: gentlemen. Bdwy. 4232. a nan jipck apt, aw. unsiou tiuttA. Moaern rooms 62.60 week up; close to dental col lege and 3 blocks front steel bridge. Eat 849-, A -BEAUTIFLLS.T lamished room ia 1st class apt. eenuaiiy noateo, suits oie lor 1 or nurses or business . girls. , Phone 6-8 a. i Mar. 345.- T-. - Maxwell Hallu 1 . Farnished sleefring rooms, bath, hot and cold water; 4.uu wee ana up. "T WASHINGTON HOTEL - HTH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. Attractive rooms and anitat at reasonable nto by week -or month. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attraotiv rooms ana suites at mtee by week or month. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 4u sc. rates 7 Sc. .81. 81.50 ner day: 84 and 87. and with bath 38 to II. par week; kitchen prlTUagas to XR RENT Two anbdow farnished rooms, evar- - looking ctty; everything new and dean. Phoca, ww, woine pnvueige-y men oniy. aiam oats. - &1CELY furnished frbet 'bedroom for gentleman. ZOO K. 24th, comer ,3Ox and Pacific. East Z Btorts te car. FTTRNISHED , rooss, geniiesaaa prwierred. M. 15th at .-. . 43 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL. BARK 113 1C 6Hl 2 blocks af depot. Day T8a and 81. week 84 and an. F baths, steam heat, hot and cold water TOURIST HOTEL Modern, free bath, reduced rates, 75e par day and up; 84 a weak and op. Transient trade solicited. Mrs. M. i. Walker, proprictar. BAKER HOTEL, 268 Fifth St t7nder new manaawment. newhr renovated. strictly modern, transients 31 and Up, steadies week ana up. special rata to two or more 7Sc Day, $2.50 Week up ' Clean, baths free, not water at all howra. HOTEL CADILLAC. 84 ST.. hear Jeff Hotel Medford 120 JL Two block of Depot TSa and up. 34 a week up. Hot, eoM water each room B.OSE-FRIEND, Broadway and Jefferson; fur- n tared room wita private patn. star. ni. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY ' 301 8MA1X aleeptig room, 88 per month. Any respectable person desired. 120 N, 18th. CLEAN, well furnished meirii, afl modem con venience. , reasonable rent; gentlemen pre ferred; walking distance, 858 Hurt at. cor ner N". 17th. " 2 NICELX FURNISHED ROOMS , IN FINE HOME. ONE 816 PEB MONTH. ONB -' PER MONTH- NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. MAIN 4254. ' . c'CRMISHED Private family, nieo lsrge room; central and very convenient for gentleman em ployed near, in; refeieniies. Apply 664 Conch . Apartment 1. TeL Bdwy. 1T1. -. FOR RENT Lane alaeoina- room, nice! for con. pie; piano and home privilege : Sannyside dis trict; one block front fritF'T. 136 HL S4ta av Phone Tabor 5188. t1 CO ZT sleeping room.' phone, bath, neat; cT in west side. Washington : reasonable rent: business w preferred. Phono day- time. Main 8452 FOB gentleman. - beautiful furnished sleeping room and carue. in strictly private family, reasonable: references required. . Irrlngton, East 8454. SLEEPING room in private fam ily,. 312; near hospital. 254 N. 24th, cor. Northrop. Mar shall 1699. ' LARGE, pleasant nicely furnished room, ia Irrinaton. 1 block from Broadway car line; suitable for two ladies employed; U. B. ferred: all home nvivileeea. - East T518. REiUDENTIAU district room with private bath; also one with private entrance: : in reimsa noma; lawn: walking distance. 8-4 K. 31st at, corner Everett CLEAN, quiet room in modern homo, pleasant siirroondings: close in, gooa netgODornooa: reasonable: 3 blocks Broadway , bridge 832 ROSS St. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE 8LEBPING ROOM, bath and phone; walking - distance; able. East 7172. A LARGE furnished front room, with bath a home with family of two people. 1159 Hawthorne are., cor. 89th t Tabor 4341. FINE, large eool rooms, running water, telephone. nreplaee in room, close in. ai ma si., oar. Clay. Main 4831. LOVELY, lisrht. clean room, in private family, suitable for one or two. . Very close an, 366 Broadway. Mar. 1596. : ' PLEASANT, airy rooms in furnished flat, close in, reesona Die rent ssain uii. pw us 468 H Jetierson. NICE LARGE SIJlEPCiG ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; NEWLY i rUBMUSU hUHli. BROADWAY 4484. COMFORTABLY furnished room lor eongenial gentleman, walking distance, home privileges. close Multnomah club. Marshall 8295. VERY fine, modern front room, close in, suit able for 1 or 2: basinms man preferred; homelike: very reasonable. East 6963. WALKING distance, with or without sleeping porch, nicely furnished front room, for ladies or gentlemen. 881 12th at Main 486. PLEASANT outside room, bath adjoining: anit able for one or two employed men; reaaon able. MarahaU 8440. 823 North 23d st CLEAN and nicely furnished front room, ia niee home, on west aide; walking distance. 89 N. 17th. , NICELY furnished room in private home for gentleman, close in. $3 per week. Free phone. East 1202. - - BEAUTIFULLY turnisned room, 1st clam apt. central; suitable for 1 n 1 narsea or bosv m eirls Phone Mar 845 from 6 to 8 n. m. FURNISHED room for rent la private family bath; airy rooms, dose, walking distance. 16 its K, corner nsn. NOB HILL Nicely furnished room la refined family, lares lawn, walking '" 84 K. gist, corner Everett ' ' ' NICELY furnished room, running hot and eold water. Also nice room with steeping porch; 310 month. 431 West Park. WKLL FURNISHED i Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 363 m 8th street - , i FOR RENT Nice. dean, cosy room in pri- TSta family. Phona Tabor 4887. Mrs. Fhi Hps. ; ; EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished, clean, liaht. airy aleening and houeskeepfng rooms, very Teasonanie in pnee. og o viaaan. ROOM and garage for rent lhone, etc. in- eluded: elose in. near wasnington high schorl. Call East 8587 evenings. STEAM heated furnished rooms, i modern con veniences. 549 Wash. St., flat B. MCELX furnished rooms, private family, 33 a week. wain. 6db. 1 FURNISHED room. bath, porch, 810 per mo. 1184 union sve. N. FURNISHED rorsn for gentleman in prirato home, 869 William ave, Esrt 4828. 311. CLEAN front room. bath, telephone, walk ing distance; gentlemen proterrec m 7847. NICE airy front room, modern home, 547 East Taylor, near 12th. East 3748.' ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's high-dam down-town residential hotel. W glvt t yon the comforts of borne. American and European plan. Rates reasonable. MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 Tenth st, ho- tel for business girls st moderate' rata. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WANTED BOTS TO CARE FOR. AGE TO 8. SUBURBAN HOME. CLOSE IN. PLENTY OF mitk, SCHOOL AND CHURCH NEAR. AUTO 646-SO- ' WANTED A child to- board in my country home. 40 minutes irom city: plant r of fresh milk and eggs; beat of references., , Phone Aut. 646-60. BEST OF COOKING AND HOME PRIV ILEGES TO TWO GENTLEMEN IN FAM ILY OK JOLLY YOUNG PEOPLE. 312-86. 869 COMMERCIAL. 487.34TH AND DIVISION, board and room for two in nicely luroiansa . Bungalow ; gaa per month. BeU. Z27Q. ; - YOUNG man to- room ana board; small. genial family, young people, piano, moaern; dose in. 38 wee. Mam aa. , LADY baring large handsomely furnished home. with all moaern conveniences, wouia use two people to room and board, i Wdln. 8031. NICE FRONT ROOM AND BOARD. HOMB PRIVILEGES,. CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. QUITE REASONABLE. AUTO. 519-36. NICELY furnished large front room. 3 double beds, homo cooking for 1 or 2; in imngton modern private home; reasonable. 463 & 8th N. East 5897. ' LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for on or two; - very best of home cooking; assail private fam ily; ideal place for somcon who appreciates a good nomar . Kait zm. - ' ; BIG. LIGHT rooms, with board.' 88 a wek bath and Doona: board served farmer rtvle. 85 10th st, between Oak and Stark. Broad- way 8072. . - . i ii BOOM AND SLEEPING PORCH FOR YOUNG MEN; GOOD TABLE; WALKING DIS- TANvE; HOME PRIVILEGES. EAST 186. TWO rooms, 1 with sleeping porch, twin beds, running water, excellent nMsIa, H black from ear; garago next Mock. Phono Bdwy. 4633. LADY with good borne, would like to have soma boarders, or will care for children. 83 M. 23rd and Nicolai. Phone Main 2693. WIDOW, near school, will room and board children in exchange for fang pmducta. Write r-aio, journal, or caa Taoor 87 vv. . ' NEAR . WESTOVER TERRACE Large" room,' range spleTKHd view; neighborhood; Teferenees. : Main 883. ROOM with meals, strictly nrivate family. splendid food, sleeping porch, real home; ref- erencea. , Slam git WANTED CHILD ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD. PARENTS OB PARENT MAT ROOM AND m'ARf) ALSO. PHONE EAST 1997, FINE table board, homo oeokiag, incrodiag special ohieken dinners Bandar, near Dental coOega, 301 Union ave. N. Phone East 1774. KIND, "motherly lady will gladly , oars for tw or more emwren. Main 41Z1-' ZIP N. 23d. WANTED To board an room two guai; rear vowapie. ' aaor enua. NICE reosa and good . aeard. Withia walking iikwk r-wewwi ssarsaaif away. UOOM and board ui aniet modern home. OanaT awnd eats, pbowe. 547 H 6th at LOOM. BOARD AND CARE FOR 1 OS . CiULDRKX IX GOOD HOME, i SELL. 182. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 BOOM and board, borne privileges: Cm fcea - tisn, dose in: good sleeping porch, with rn vato sitting room. 295 W. Park- Main 8181. BOARD and rooms ra widow's home, all com torts; reasonable rates, walking ifTT 327 H Hal y. wear Lamsbee. B. T. car. - - LARGE Bpona, with board or privileges of kitchen, near Bertha, 1 3 miaatoe on Red Electric Phong Main 6346. SICE. CLEAN ROOMS IN A PRIVATE FAM ILY; BOARD IF DESIRED. OR LIGHT H. It. FOR BUSINESS PARTY. 617 BPWT. 8355. TEACHERS of Jefferson hich. Highland and Wdln. aelsaois. - Have large bate, every mod I convenience; walking disc to these schools; trees. TJew; will serve meals. Main. 42i. WILL board school girl, more tor company ; no otner children: 829 per mo. wain. 4434. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 OR 2 H. K ROOMS. 1 front sleeping room. Clean.' furnace neat bath, phone, light nice tenndrr; walking distance. 387 College St.. near w. pare. Mam 8184. FRONT, 1 rand 2 room furnished housekeep ing, low tent water, nghta. beta included Quiet place, married couple or bachelors, walk- rog nistance. zio still. 823. LOWER floor; 2 large well furnished H. K. rooms; 2 porches; nice location: lawn, MB. eiec lichta free. Md-arland. 208 Fsil- rng Piqg. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN adgoi nouseaeeping ana sleeping, clean ana homelike; walking distance; 82.50 week and OP. zwa vt t mon sve. FURNSHED 1L K. rooma, gas, walking dis- tence; ires phone, lights and Rea- aonable rent 649 Morrieon St. Phooe Bdwy. 1644. AT 655 FLANDERS st. yon will fine nice. large room and kitchenette; single rooms for and working giris. 815 monthly. Hot water always. I FOR RENT Attactive 2 -room h. k. apartment. 1st floor front, 9 windows, 334; also -single sievpuiB or n. a. room, sio; vaiaing mstanea. Bdwy. JD19. r4 Everett COOLEST place in town. 1 very large boot H K. room: also small S room apartment. (lean and well furnished; parking space if de sired. 393 W. Park. LARGE, airy housekeeping rooms, ras raaae. bath and Unndry lacuiaes: summer rates. 833 Clay, corner Broadway and Clay. Main 3640, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric, lilchta. bet and cold water, bath, free phone, 82 per week and up. r Hood sr. Main 2 ROOMS, furnished complete for housekeeping; walking distance. H E. 14th between Anfceny and Burnside. YOUNG man wishes companion to share 8-room nooaekeeping apartment, reasonable rent 1 628. Journal. - PARTLY furnished h. k. apt. private entrance bath and absolutely elean; adults only. 1029 E. Alder. Tabor 4277. . . 3 AND 3 H. K. rooms, clean and comfortable; free light and bath, 33.50 per week and up. 872 H Hawthorne. ; 3 ROOMS, furnished complete for housekeeping, walking distance. 11 E. 14th N.. between Ankeny and Burnside. , i ' - FURNISHED H- K. rooms. 31.30 per week a"na up; eiecLrie lights, on front room. 826 m 1st bet Clay and Market at ONE and two room furnished housekeeping; water, lights, bath included; rent reduced; walking distance, west side. 64 04 First. ONE 2 and one 8 room suite, near 8 carlines, 34 and 85 week, free baths, water, phone, slsc- trieity- 29e V N. 21st Bdwy. 1226.- 3 SLEEPING rooms and housekeeping rooms. 31.60 and 82 per week. No objection to children. Bdwy. 2589. ' 129 14th st ONE large housekeeping room with sink and water, walking distance, on 16th. car to Sherman; free phone, bath. 605 6th. 2 and 3 H. K. rooms; electricity; dose to 2 carlines: 87 a month ap 203 Stanton st. COZY well furnished 2 room suite $7 weekly. 170 10th at tO nice h. k. rooms tor rent 73 E. 28th N., 324 per month. East 5301. MODERN, cheerful, clean 3 room h. k. apart, with porch. 00 A. 2 1st st. yast on wasn. 2 NICE larga housekeeping rooms, also 1 single room; dose in. 60S Dsvis. CHEAP Furnished H. K. Rooms. 368 First st, near Mill st FURNISHED H. K. Rooms. Cheap rent 253 hk Washington at., eomer TBird at. LARGE 2 room apt. very clean, 'with running water Bdwy. ZU6. 14 ,N. - I7tn. NEAT, clean aingla H. K. rooms, with neeting bath, 34 per week. 170 10th FOR RENT Furnianed H. K. rooms. Under new management 163 16th st . 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE Moving for less. Bdwy. 244 ft. VERY pleasant front H. K. room for rent 84.50 per week, at 186 14th st. B. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, rent reer sonable: nice location. 807 Market at. 1171 MINNESOTA are.. 2 rooms, furnished for light faousekeepmg. Wdln. 14 88. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 - UNFURNISHED rooms with bath, walking distance. 286 N. 20th St. UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT CALL EAST 6436 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 $18 3 furnished rooms ii cottage, newly pa pered and painted, separate entrance, gas, bath. yard, wood range and gas plate. Walking dis- tanco. 610 First st 3 LARGE, clean, airy furnished h. k. rooms porch. as. sink, tree' electric nghta ana pbone. Adults. 822. Walking distance. 6S7 E. Morrison. - . DELIGHTFUL homelike rooms. -newly renovated and furnished.' especially desirable: botn sleeping and L K. ; ona sleeping porch. 648 Yamhill. - ; TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, gas range, light heat and telephone, in private home. Just tha place for a couple. Close. Bell wood 1068. - WILL rent 4 fum. rooms, white enamel kitchen. dining room, sitting room and bedroom to responsible parties. I fn mufti light, gas. beat bath, pbone. 493 E. 23d at Bell. 3765. FURNISHED room suitable for two, with or convenient kitchen ana awing room or board if desired. 3 blocks to 2 carlines. KtfO E. 17th st N. or phone Ea.t 6635. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. water, large pantry in kitchen: also large clothes closet in front room; reasons ble rent including light wa ter, gas tor cooking, zoo ueoa sve. LARGE cooL eosr room, oomoletelr furnished" free light water and bedding, separata en trance.' Reasonable, Adults. Wdln. 3878; call mornings. 2 FURNSHED housekeeping rooms; oool, clean coxy; light and phone free. 427 N. Slat at, corner Vaughn. Bdwy. 5561. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. I To" per month. 529 Kearney. Phone Bdwy. 783. c" t! . ' ' . ' c nir.i a nouses .eepmg room completely i ui- nished: Tery nice: electricity, gas and beat furnished. 318. East 6436. WHOLE floor. 3 large rooma, modern. 1 block of East Moraiand achooL 001 stock Jtz- change thlg - HOUSEKEEPING room ror working man. free eookina ras: 83.25 Per week: walking dia- tance. 654 Johnson at Bdwy. 646. TWO furnished light houseaeeping rooma and sleeping porch, suitable for 2 or S Is ales; pri vate family. 715 a. Burnside. UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms, neat and dean all conaected,' rent reasonable ;JAdulta, "1066 E. Washington. Tabor 382. 3 LARGE, dean, well furnisbxd H. K. in nice residence, cuitsble for 8 persons, adults only. 835 Interstate sve Wdln. 4381 UNFURNISHED room in private home. Borthwick at; near Fargo. . . 684 2 OR 3 ROOMS -for H. K,; gas, watar and lights. Tabor 420. ' - - - NEAT, aingla h. k. rooms. 88 an. 206 13th at Parlor 1st floor, reasonable. 615 Morrison at TWO housekeeping rooms 318 month; single room 88. 898 9. Grand aw. Phone East 944. 8-rooaa suite, also 3 room: 830. bath, alec, pnone. 66 is. z 1st. 3 CLEAN famished H- K. rooma. 40 E. Stark. 825 MONTH 3 cosy, dean housekeeping rooms, also 1 deeping room. 854 V Hawthorne ava. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 4 ROOM comer furnished apartment for rent now yaeaat , Westsunstar apta..- 6th Madison. Main 6683. FURNISHED rooms in private family: two or three room apartatent dose in. modem, adults only. : Pnoaa Last BOSa. 862 R 3 BOOM f-iminhcd arvrtment riih bath, liirhta. watar. pnona tree, saa. 883 S. Ash. - The Attn. MODERN-3 room apt.: nicely tarnisbed; also ana 3 rooca apt; private bath. -Apply 147 Park at CLEAN, completely furniahed 2 room apartmen 823. bH Lombard. Phone Columbia 6 IT, 3-ROOM fiirnisaed apt, private phone and bath. 394 8th sr.. Harrison Ceart Main 6148. THE ALB RET. furnisaed apt: pr. vara bath. 840e Mississippi ave. AUDITORIUM Court 3-roooi modern apartment. inm tatepnooei. SSI sa sc THS G ROVER. 181 Grover at. nicely furnished 1 and br. h. k. apta few rates. Maia 3053. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 : $13 wesTTtokTpt-; One block off W'ashinxton: heat and water furnished ; newly renoeaiad: no e&Odreai boss west aide district SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCTC EICHAM, 6 ROOil1 "FtRNlHED APt. Walking distance: beat and water furnished; best West Side dirtrk-t; no childrea : 373. . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCHAHGf DUNDEE APT3. Bonaekeecing ronrea. II to II t SSOm Dewthome are. East 825. , MARSHALL APTS. S rones apt : alxs senmi-basement apt. : ele vator service; private phones. 824 Marshall at Bdwy. 8831. - . HAWfHORNV IMS, 3 ami If room TurnishV! a Ms-, nnvate hath, hot and cold water: st and 845. 660 First at. bet Lincoia and Grant, west side. NICELY FURNISHED 2 ROOM APTS. Steam heat No extra chare for lights and private phone- Adults.' 830 to 840 month. Tbe Lincoln. 4th and Unooia. THE JEFFERY 2-roeat tarnished apartments, 318. Bnssell and Kerby eta. East 1594. Cariois Apartments 2-room furnished modem anartment, r sen in anie. rmrrteenta and Market ats. THE STAIN FIELD Lmii. nunv ran Phone. 120 and 122.50 . . spta , Light, beat Mam T3ITJ. BrSHMARK HOTEL. Want, st,, cor. 17 th Clean, modern, completely rernisned. 1- s 3 room outside apok. reasonable 2 alee leaping rooms, as. op per vt wp. - King Albert Apartments 3 and 8-room furnished. - etrlrtly modern, tile bath, elevator, 1 1 th and Montgomery- Mala 8s. JEFFERSON LAN apta.. 18 tie and Jefferson pleasant large, airy, 3 and 8 room suites; usual conveniences; very reasonably priced to nent tenants. GLADSTONE apartmenta, Tl Grand ass. N. modern, elean and neat: single apartment 316 2-room apartment 827.30; 4 -room apartment n:.DO a month. 3-ROOM famished apartmenta, convenient to street car. good neighborhood; rent I aonabla EAST 6435. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.- Leeds Apts., fireproof building, modern 2-room apt 820 per month; also 8 and 4 room apta, with private patn. ail atar. bout. COMFORTABLE housekeeping aad sleeping rooms, quiet district; seen to be srprsciatsd. -room apartments, 323 and 830: aingla rooma 12.50. Kast 8383. 71 East 11th st N. HOUSEMAN APARTMENTS Largs desirable 3 to 4 room: dean, hand somely farnished; closets and alveping porch. 73 Hoyt at. Main 1652. PCRTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches. hardwood floors, walking distance, well fur nished and dean, reasonable, adults. 200 E. 3th st Phone East 4276. Bellingham Apartments ", ia. v if i ..I i- 2 W. m .A, rm asaat aOUa 4 HUH Sa. vnd 2-room snitea. H. K. rooms. rtM9ombl. GARFIELD 3 rooms, liesfiig poech, hardwood floors, well furnished and dean, very teaion able. 861 E. Faihnr. 1 block. west Union aaa. Phone Woodlawn 4662. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST.. CORNER 11TH. ror rent, reasonable. Z-room furnished apt East 4062. THE NORTHWEST Nice furnished 2 room anartment and ainrla sleeping room, free phone, lights and water. 545 H Waihington. - KING'S HILL APATMENTS Wall arranged, snadous 6-rooaa ant. in one Of Best nouses In dty. 550. inferences required. Jilting, Main 6744. THE WATSON Two 2-room and 1 single, steam heated. 341 Harrison, cor. Bdwy. NICELY furnish ad ted room, next to bath, steam neat near Good Samaritan h normal, Raf. exchanged. Maia 8449. AND 4 room furnished and unfumuhed. atnstly modern : elevator: reasonable rent zzs m. zotn. xtdwy. 2071. THE ALTAMONT APTS: 304 C61XegT CooL cozy, modern 8 and 4 sonable rent BOZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 4 room front ant. 183 N. 23d st Marshall 294 5. RATHE KINK APARTMENTS 140 N. 23d, 8 foora apartment 842.80 and np; roomy, wit nice kitchens. Marshall 3998. FURNISHED ' and uni'urnisheir. ' cool frobt 3 and 3-room apartmenta, 1678 Va & Gliasn st., cor. oota. Tabor 7025. 3-ROOM apartment private bath, not and eold water; with or without garage. - 727 hk Mil- watuie st. Beuwood 11 1. P (JUTLAND HEIGHTS HOME1 ' ' 850 furnished: ! blocks to ear. SMITH-WAGON ER CO.. STOCK EXCH. FOR RENT Nice 2 room or single) apartments. All outside rooms, 83.50 per week and nn. vm7 n. neimont sr.. eor. ta. clan 7433. WILL sublet my high class 4 room bungalow apt,, furnianed. with overstaffed and mahog any furniture, oriental ruga. Phone Mala 8272. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment for rent In prirato noma, piano, furnace and modern conveniences, 140. Gall Tabor 2640 after 6. FINE, dean 2-room apt, also elean single n, k. rooms tor business atria, lii Everett But. from vtasiL 830 THURMAN, at 25th at, west aide. 2 and 8 room ants., running water, f raw nhona and bath, ngbt snd comfortable; reasonable rent TWO room apartment first floor, place for car in yard. 885. Other rooms other eric 171 13th, cor. Yamhill. Main 9451. 325 TO 340. by month or week, for 2 room ant. with or without prirato bath, Warrantoa tpa-. tuaa gq st- NICELY furnished 2-room apU reasonable; moaern. elose in. u wtiiiama ave. ALL GOMPLETsr, 21.b0; concrete building corner I moo sve. ana itiinngswortn. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED SOS Gcl.jJ APTS. 4 room unfurnished apt, big cheerful rooms. as cumfortable as s bungalow. 394 Guild, near 2Rd and Thurman. Main 8709. PORTNOMAH 200 E. 13th; phona East 4276, Garfield. 361 Failing: phona Woodlawn 4662. 3 and 4 rooms, aleeping porches, hardwood floors. t Iran and reasonable. ROOMS, newly tinted., hardwood floors, fire place, steam heat shower bath, janitor serv ice; no raise in rent this winter. 675 Overton. FOR RENT Apartment 4 larga light rooms. kitchen furnxdied. breakfast 101 Vi E. 33d. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment with bath, all boilt-lna, hot water, steam heat. East 3611. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FURNISHED flat at 631. Kearney st Call Main 1398. 4-ROOM furnished flats. walking dis noa. OHjca to Morruoa ear. 5520. - 899 Belmont" East 2 ROOM modern flats. 63 H 80th et.'Monta- viila. stark st car: 315 and 820. with light water, garoage. 31S 2 ROOM modern flat partly furnished, watar. hebt. ear ban included. 702 K. Brh neuwooa 83. . COMFORTABLE furnb-bed 4-room flat ntaao; cloaa id; 886. Sunday and. evenings. Mar- COZY 3-room modem flat dean and nicely fur- nsoeo. oeaauiui sooauoa; pnea 837. close la. aenwooa ivbb. MODERN S room and private bath; rent 83S, taeradiag phone, water and garbage. Phone Woodlawn 6111. . . FOR RENT Desirable room flat partly far- nwneq; rent saa. inqtrire 260 Stout st- 5 ROOM Cat completely furnished; half block irom car; t-j- rnone torumbla 1172.- MODF.RN 4-ROOM FUBNIHIIED FLAT All! 1.1TJ V.VLI. OK LWOOD &VO. IN PRIVATE family. 3-roora flat, ana cheap. 983 E. 10th at, N. Woodlawn Q283. NICE S room furnahed flat close in; waikiag distance. 73 Union ava. jr 3 ROOM furnished flat for rent reasonable, dose in: E. 8th and Belmont East 7389. FURNISHED flat. 3 nice large roeasa, front veranoa. reierenca. Ill K. Burasfde at A FT'RNISHEll 5 room flat at 491 v4 Market 'st! FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 32 4-e F1FT EENTH ST. FLAT 0 room anfumished flat; no children ; walking uiatance ; water rurriisnea. - SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. PLEASANT a roam nrscnainected lower flat 1218 Mall at. near Ho teste; 818. -Block Woodstock car. Private bath. Kay wf-irg Phona owner, marsnau izve,. FOR BENT S-ro-m unfurnished flat, modern. dose ia: children baa, 694 Clinton at Seflwaod 614. 3 ROOM modern flat waU side, aoath. 820 rke 6 rooma. modem, ea.i aide. Joanaon, MODERN 3-room flat, extra good, very close ia on, easz not; raw paojse only: aa i Inkliaa gaa. r. tin and t,wscvi. Eaai lgia. - KICK &-ronm flat .walking daHanea, 620; alee. 4-room iias sia. Apply 414 JC pta aad lamniiL 120 SIX room Cat. 67th and candy, fhoaw lab ox 2S10. or Xtbof lii FOR RENT ' HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 PIANOS meeed 33; stain extra. 81 each Cight; SO days' free atorag on all household goads; fnrnitare moving. 1-ton track. 82 per boor; re track 82.73 twr hoar: ww area exnwrieneed and. have good packing. CaU Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer Storage C 104 N. 6U st Open Bundsye end evwamgd. 352.50 5 ROOK house. TO F- 21st st: walk- tag rlUtinra East 3310. Call at 727 East Stark. . . WANTED RENT HOUSES WANTED ' SEND IW YOCR VACANT HOC11ES --SEE THE YELLOW SIGN- SMITH -WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. STRICTLY modem 6 room . duplex, eloee in. firenlaee. hardwood floors. bailt-ia effects. Dutch kitchea. - Iaaaira 1330 E, Taytor sL Adnlta. Nice yard. Refew una exchanged. MODERN room house, aewly painted, large sleeping perch, good mcation. 100 K. 68th at. Mount Tabor, near Balmoat Broadway 2920. FOR RENT 7 room modern boose, at 673 K. 83d st X. Gas and fall basement. 3 rise tr-ts, good bam nasi chicken yardw uat a fiaa lit tle ranch for 3:3 per month. Marsnau ls. S OR 4 rooms, part tarnished or unfurnished. la modern 7-roona hoasa. doable eanArnctea gas. eseouicity. full baaamenl 804 K. bta- Ceater ts. Selrwocd car, 4 blocks 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, doabio garage, sell fme fumitnre. piano. Terms. Lease boose if desired.' 4614 K. 41st Woodatoek ear ta door. Bargam. MODERN bungalow, furnace, firaplacai dose Jefferson high school: adaUar refereaeast 346. I 958 Vancoover ave, Woodlawa 196. tXB RENT T room house, right on a rime; dose in: TIP laion are. Mas rthiklrea Van east joi . - ELK TRANSFER et oTORAliK CO. 15 Days' S'joraga rres. Fa mil ure mrnwd for leeh Broedwey 2448. 7-ROOM modern house, good location, number of good dosa in (lata. U. W. elson. 283 m RusseU at - ' FOR RENT t-room bungslov, 80 minutes out 8. P. electric, 812 month ; adults. Writs or call at 88H Uorbett. at., -Portland.- FUK RENT Good 7 room bouse. fme locatioa. rent reasonable. Inquire 821 , Kaliy at Mar. WHEN moving, city or country, gat the beet at lowest pnee. Green Trana, Oo., 121. 202 H Alder st. 826 PER mo -room house, pantry, bath, I large basement. eJectnc ugnta. gaa, yara. aa I Vancoover ave.. near Bdwy. I 7 ROOMS, modern. 2 blks. garage, fruit her- rlea and garden: for rent. 1383 n. 1 ,), san. I Tabor 5603. I TO RELIABLE tenant dulu) ,- modern home. I novwatsr neaung ayscem. oaa a. aota i t 8- ' 1 332 60 3-ROOM oottage. dosa In, . Phona 1 Wdln. 460. MODERN 6 room coUag. near car. Si E 89th st 330. T?rMlUA. elewjk. eosivenient. 32TT 3 blocks from Mt Scott car A pry 8415 Foster rd. TO RENT 4 or 6 room modern house. in good district 1,-40, Journal. HAWTHORNE district Keat 8 room house. CaU quick. 1112 East Hsjrhym. .ROOM house, full basement statioaary tubs. garage: near Peninsula school. Wdln. 8620. WnX. rent or leesa 1 room mod. and garage. Paved st Phone Woodlawn 841. WX move furniture f 8-4-6 room house for 810. For further informatics. Main 6290. ROOMS. bath, gaa, aiectricit. SwllTvf alVa. 410 Yan- FOR RENT 7 -mora houaa, Portsmouth ava. Can Onrnmbta 872. MODERN 6 rooms, aleepisg porch, oa car una Fast 7281. 18 CLEAN 6-room h 1105 S. 1st st HOUSES FURNISHED 312 WELL FURNISHED M - room house, 4 bed- rmnii tares llrina loom, every convenience. with or without garage; permanent tenant. 712 E. Taylor at. WILL LEASE furnished 6-room bungalow for 1 vear. at Garden Home, all modern enarea- iencee, 835 per month. Call Maia 8460, ask for Mr. Winn. 6 ROOM nicely furnished house and garage. -a desired: fixed for 3 apta.: adults only, 874 E. Stark, eomer 19th at; 856. w ' ' l - I I P6CS. rooa.. outiy lurivUhcd .oum, wit. xr- 1 - . a ar Aa I age. gas ana electric; 848 a month. 608 Ross st. near Russell. nvr mm mnd.n bonzalow. nartiaUy fuTniahed. nicely arranged rooms; 3a. at nil aw au at. Alberta car ta Emerson. FOR RENT or sale Partly furnished oottage. - u. block ground. 748 JC lta at, fnona Mar. 865 or Wdln. 8403. 6-ROOM house for rent large yard and lot of blackberries. 815 par month. 817 Moores sve. SelL car. FURNISHED, modem 6-room house with piano. Uall Bouwood 1830. FURNISHED 9 room bouse for rent 1 block from my car una. ia a., noyt. eor. ct oaa. FOR RENT Furnished shack with garage, 813, without garage 310- lava B. rtoyt at. WILL RENT mm boma. modern 7-room. eon- pletely fnrnished: piano, eto. CaU 681-4 3. FURNISHED 6 room house, on Portland heights. Marshall 2295. STORES AND HALLS 314 WHOLE 3d floor, apace 23x48. no elevator but rood aiain: light and airy: cheap rent 426 .Burnside between 10th and 11th. Bdwy. 1584. GOOD store room near depot 124 N. 6th 850 per month. Joy tbe Tailor. 1Q4 4tn sr. FOR RENT Store in concrete building, rea sonable. TOO Sandy bird. desirsbla space la taravreat Pbone Bdwy. 8713. OFHCES AND DESK ROOM 31 S FOR RENT Room soluble for office. garage for rant ST per month. . 848 Balmoa. Main 4245. DESK witn Bsseobcna end suaagraphie Pbone Broedwey 8713 SUMMER RESORTS 316 CANNON BEACH cottage and substantial .teat houses. Write for reservations lor August B and 15; only a few left; free particulars. CI la wtngarq. Ecoia. ur. BEACH CENTER. Wash., on ndx 9.-roo furnished bonse. running water, electric Bgbta, for rest of summer. Call Sell. 646 COTTAGE for rent Gear hart, on ridge; eleo- trie bgbta, bath; 1st 2 weeks la August. 850. Postmaster. Gearhart SEASIDE Four rooms furnished. IStti ava: vacant after Aug. 13; 832 a month, wood lawn 1763. FOR RENT Summer cottage at Rockanay beach fdr the month of September or more. Apply 273 Yamhill at, or phone Main ol4. SEAsIbtS 3 room furnished cottage.' &0 tor : balance of season. Main 6b3P. TENT house for 'rent Seaside, including tuts parking specs. Call liar. 4431. or Mar..T77. KOCKAWAT beach cottage for 4. September. 826. or 310 P we Phone East 4 523. 4-ROOM furnished cottag at Gearhart. 845. Woodlawn 3728. WANTED TO RENT i ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Heme for boy of 12 where he can work for room and board and go ta aeoaoi: C. 8. borne preferred. Wdln. 84. APARTMENTS 357 WAS'Tt!l To rant 2 room furnished apart- menta. between. 4 th and 20th ate., and Jeffer son and Everett ats. ; rent not more than 825 month. Will move ia Aug. 15. v-7Zj. journal. HOUSE? 361 RENTAL BUREAU Last your houses, flats ar apartmenta with OS; quick results and toed tenants. . PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS ' 8ECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth at, opp. Multnomah nottl Phone Biuadway 6715 WANTED to rent with privilege of buying, bonw and raraee ia good feeatioa; rent not more than 340 Auto. 511-13. COUPLE with girl, 4. desire 6 room bungalow or Cat good aeighborbood; moat be -dean. Bdwy. 3937. - ' , UNFURNISHED 6 or room modera hoaso. ir one. . Must be clean 1813. Rate rent eg exchanged. 6-ROOM boos, not ever 330. Fhooe Sei wood 1183 WANT to rent 4 or 3 rooms, modem bangalow. unfurnished. Automatic 237-20. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 FOR KALE One 7 roue house with 8 coast resort cottages; all fitted with electrie Tight aad dty water and famished for light hoasa keeping. Address Boa 304. Newport Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 TWO 8TORT busineaa Wdg. sad apta. oa - Thurman. A bargain. Main 3023. Braham & Wells -. 807-8 Coach Bidet LOTS 403 . 3323 ROSS CITY. PARK SNAP 1 hlk, ta car: ails ta&S Tahor Hi 9. CITt, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 tOfR DREAM H6M WILL BB fctlLt 0 BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL HILL1 Tha Meal. Reetfal Homesrtal ONE-FOrRTH ACRFJvJ . . OMR-FOURTH ACRES! - 84041 Total Pnca. 840 Dowa. 88 Par Mtt"S Wonderful leratioa, ea tha wast aide of tha river. aa bridge to Croat; splendid baaaeaitas that are being offered 'at avmruve aamfiea in that FINAL GREAT CLEAN -CP SALE; 2 bsoeka to " cart futa rich aoil; all cleared; aa travel ; city watar te treat; telephone, eaa, eteo triesty avaUahwr 4 r locks to twjbha scSnot This is your greet K E V ER-TO-BK- FOUND-AG A LN OPPORTUNITY I Bay bow. Sea C. W. dera, wsth FRANK L. McGriRB , Ta Bay Xonr Idaal Homesite. ' . Abiagtoa Bldg.. 3d at., be. Washington ' and Stark. Maia 1048. - - OTCT 4 ACBFS LAKE FRONT PARXROSK . P-r aTaTclJrXWdT pTowTRiek H W- erf win af wllM Sfwt auwatiM! I atR land ; good view of valley and monntamaH cold water lake, aorta of Sandy alvd. and caruna; tow eouaty tax. no. street aaseasmeats, a rattne- J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. Maia SOS I "Branch affiea at and af Psrtmat easHs I vpea vary any. : i I Lotw TXTiRRPRirrn roa" tSnrnr gii ft IK on rw r mh v..nn. I 36:8 Oa E. GUsaa. near 65th. ' I 3700 on K. - 30th rL.taear laningswnrth: I Sta aww kin a .ll I 800 On East 9th. near Maeoo; 8200 down.! 810 a month. I 81100 Carner. Rosa City. Park. I 81200 Alameda Park, oa Dunkley ava.: vary I aasy terms. . i i 3950 On B. 1 8th N.. nor. Beech. I 3860 Cor.. Alameda Park: easy terms, or I win take 2d mtg ; paving, gawer. aide-1 walks. etc, are t induded ia these I bee an at onoa. JohnsonDodson Co. 688 W. W. Bank bldg. Maia 378T. MR. 1IOMEBUILDER: Let me call rour attaa- rioa to tha beaaty snot of all Portland, where nature naa oono mors to oeantuy tha pome ia any other vert af tha dtv. This district has been held back by lark of ravaaaent untu last year, ana rs utile gnown. Them are several fme homes along tha bluff aad not ana V J .VTJJ 1 ' -'; . - . a aitaavwa owswwea sairwauia ax. ana the hmft- wswa af tha nri,.. it O. moraiand. If looking for a homesite sea these jots. 7 axe eliwood ear to Yakoa ava. Ona block west to 607 Take ava. Meal Brown. Bdlwood 2252. OVER THRES LOTS 8823 1 388 DOWN 813 pA MONTH This tract is la the NEW WILSHIRB AD-1 ditiu; eloee to arnooi and eartine;,haa many I nataraj fir troaa. Graveled macadam street aad water la. ' J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 3 Chamber of Com. bldg. - Main 208. LOTS near Reed coDaga aad golf links, with every improvement and na tarsi advantage, at aa average pries of about 8800: tarma. May wo show you Kaaunorelandf , LADD ESTATE CO., Realtora 848 STARK ST. . ! CORNER LOTS vrlth all r (vementa in aad paid, 81200 each; Inside lota ia free streetcar mi rlea. ia afreet 8600 to ' Fnr tarma see LADD ESTATE CO. 343 STARK ST. TERWILLIGER HEIGHTS It would be a mistake not to look at Ter- wfntger Heights before baying elsewhere. I We think these bull ding sites are the bast that nave been offered. They command un irpaaaed views "" lln,m gstwusMm ot-it, .ana I I- rmwa of thm city, TlTr vod motrntaiii. Tom mt hsm , as aas a i B from 35,000 aoaare feet up, wooded tract or I clear: rwstxicttona, Improvements in duded in low price and easy tarma. R. F. Bryan, DOB Chamber of Coma res. Main 16. NEAR AINSWORTH AVE. 80x100 lots, 8475. Easy term. 100s 100. 8800 cash. Good district. Walking distance ta two parka. Ask tog Mr. Poena- der. Mar. 3243 15. LOTS 8130 88 MONTHLY I 60x100 feet aiea level lots; Bull Bam water;;! no dry taxes to pay; Just oatatde dty pmita. Bur 850 worth of lumber and nut wp a ahaek and forget tha rent man, .Hurry and aee those I colore- way re aueoio. COMTE e KDRTJUN. Main 6560. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg I BIO SACRIFICE Beautiful wast side building site. 80x90. eloee in. restricted district, all improvements paid; very choico; cost over 850001 will aacruic at 32230. Main 1968.- 360 DOWN 810 A MONTH 60x100. on hard eurfaee at,: n Wfll help yon build a home: 8600 with all Kens paid. Evenings. Ear 6962. 1 YOUR OPPORTUNITY LavmOhnnt lota. " while ey last ' at tremely few prices. See J. A. McCerty. 270 Va Stark. Mala 1700. Bveaings Taoor eosi. 8400 FOR 60x100 IN SWXNTON ADD. Close to earnne: all etty liens paia; sou aown. 810 per month including Interest; pat ap lor.tA 6962' MAO 44VALCE. 1 ELK. W-S CAR Splendid tract 82x120 and alley, tm aaU thia week. 8300 cash. ' RYDER REALTY CTO.. A OX, 620-. 3275 TO 3550 Lots en Division at.. 826 cash. balance montniy; raatneted property; mm before they are ail gene. J. P. MeKeana, Realtor, I 1 1 61 Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6498. I LAURELHCRST IOT BARGAINS So J. A. McCarty. 270H Stark St Vala I 1700. Evenings. Tsbor 5087. I FOR fiALE 10 Va 80xlOO-ft lota en SOU. or will sell- separately 3600 seen- 088 Uagv tenbein ava. Woodlawa 664. iiso rose Mty parK Corner 68th -at near Sandy blvd. Tabor 4803. FOR SALE Rosa City Park lot 3860. Owner. East 7077. HOUSES 404 BY OWNER 6 room modem baagalow. hasd- wood floors, builtrta bookoaaa aad bullet. flrwplaor. furnace, full cement basement, wash trays: lot 60x100. newer, water, wal electricity is aad paid for. Price 86000. 8600 down, 330 per month. Owner. Overlook Land Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. TeL Msm 2j0. 8UNNXSIDE. BET. E. 32D AND E. 33D Six room, 3 stones, newiy painiap. pavea street vary easy terms: two blka from trance to LaareUmrst par: price isovo. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 343 Stark Street NEAR LAURELHCRST New T room bangalow. modern. A-1 tfoo. This price for east of construe tio a. . plus price of lot 35250. 8750 cash, term oo bal ance. Rock. Marshall 3353. HAWTHORNE noma. 861 Glenn ate.. 7 rooms. modern, large lot; fruit, flowers, garden, fine lawn; garage; ail improvements paid. $3000. i If interested phase owner. Aat 324-13, to go through. 34100 ROnB. CITY PARK orfw A e knMhl Re.. place, all boil tine, nice ti cures! cement base- merit, wash traya. fruit room, close to Sandy nrra. be low bum, terms. Taoor 4ws. MODERN T room houaa, with Calorie furnace. street improvements In and paid; arerythiag ia first clam condition; 83(00. 131 E, 34th at near Sandy road. NEW, asodera bangalow, 4 rocaas, fireplace, breakfast Book. Terms. House open Sunday afternoon. 1339 East 14th at, N. Phona Tabs 627. before 10 a. m. 32325 6-reora bungalow, 60x100 lot, ail venieaaaa aad hi aa aad hi good eoodltioa. Streets paved, aectod. i860 ansa. Cast atope Mt ewer Tabor 2934 83160 each. 2 modem 4 room baagalows, larga at tie. la re set, re trie tea eucrvt. sooo casn. Splendid bargain. Will trad for small ranch. J. P. VcKenna. 1181 Belmont. Taanr 6496. LAURELHCRST up-to-date modem bangalow. 86300. Mast aeO Quick. Let.OOx 100. Garage, atreet, sewer paid. J. P. Mc- Kenna. 1151 Belmont at tn, Tsbor 6408. A BARGAIN Bangalow, 3 largo room, all oa one floor modem throughout; has -dandy garage, 33800. 31000 down, bat en East 8088, DANDY modem 7 room hoasa af bungalow type: be man t bsaienent. farnaea, faraihed ar unfurnished, near Bonnysxie ear. Ant. 22-TI. WEST SIDE Good T Jefferson at.. 65000; 804 Srwldipg bldg. Duboia, 3 ROOM boas, fall fcM. modern. Kawthorwe district: paved at. 8300 down, priaa 33600. A good bay. Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bldg. I ROOM houaa, bath. Easy atwa 3130. 3-ROOM, ewngalow. Qiaplaoa. OK kwingaloer. fireplace, garaga, Albarta. 62ft0. 640U. Mala 7. Bdwy. 474 owe. S-BOOM houaa oa Unas, 40x106 fet, lliou. rjuM Tabor 3730. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 MftDERAtB TRICED TMET BIGGEST BARGAINS IN THE- CITT . -wa n hab yam mate yoar awa paj mailt. j, - TTMK AND MONEY SATKX 1200 00 PVrtacraphs af Homes for Sale gaaaT Seteet year horns now . APPLY YOUkt BONUS LATER 38 Salesman at Tear eWrvtoo Opea Kvanings Until 9 A COOL GREEN SPOT SJ3v-3500 dep. 8 8 f That la a auudeiful bar room it macule ts bungalow; built-in eonvwoiemoes; sSrepiag porch; woadarfal gteawaa with trait Lowers, greea has, Mcl Hdasaay at- 320 AS0O stow. PaalBMsa T rooa street, ivoxivw, irait. ALBF.KTA BTTVfJALOW BARGAIN 8283A ONK OF ALBERTA'S BIGGEST BAR- isAIAS. - A. lovely atue ramming evnv alow thai wm aa yoar aaart good ta seel 4 rooms, built-in labor saving doobis eleaptag parch; . . a aoiwlai tiillt keot . eaot green. vety laws and goada a flowers: VACA - TION RIGHT Hiss, 5, .arret PENINSULA 83330 3(00 down! room attractive baa- aasaw oa - WOlametta blvd.: built-to - crmveadeneea : pared at. Look tha up. 81890 EASY TERMS 1 . Neat Paninsaia eot- tare or rooms: puivia eonveoieaoes fruit berries, garden, paved at ia aad naid for. Alberta et 81490 8260 downl VACANT 1 Brand maw hula two roam bungalow. 67th ave.. ta Mt eatt. 82810 8250 downl READ THIS! waxti a room oeaaarai very ry mod- era bungalow with Paneled dining room. beamed nai lings: bailt-ia labor earing eonreajeacee: large eleaets in bedrooms navsd at. T2d at,, ta Mt Scott, 62810 S60O down. A.100 4 aanaiat ImA at it right away! xnis ts reajy 1J aader valaa today. FORCED BALK I t room artistic medarn bungalow with bailt-ia eoavcrdenees; fall basement;, paved at. I X but. to- ear. S. 87U at . SKB Frank I McQuire Ta 'Buy Tow Home Abiagtoa bldg. .- . Mal 1083. 8d at. Bet wasn, and otar. - MT. TABOR DISTRICT 3 bean of ol reoma and larga attic, flra plaea. Datch fcatohea. fall esmeat base meat breakfast naah; k era, with aiea mwrg shade trees; near car and achool; 36230. tarma, wm pay yoa to ana OWNER, TABOR 808T ANOTHER SNAP AND VACANT - - VERY EA8Y TERMS IT yoa harry this may be yours: 3 ia Snnnvsada in vary best of eondir kioo, feu of windows, "Ivory finish, tapestry walls, garage, east front; 83300. It ouy- ti au xe.nss.. .... 13U X. W. Bank Bide Mar. 2243. FETTER HOUSES FOR LESS If yoa have a dear lot aad 3300 i will I build yoa a arodera IRVING TON SACRIFICE. OWRKR LEAVING TOWJT 86500 - ' ROOM BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD 0 a JAW" PV.WMV" - T I FLvOORfl THROCGH0UT, 1VLJ& BATHROOM. I n . . . . a . . ti rm a n a wwaf gaw a a aT1 "aa r.imr.I vnll'lJ. HATE TO ACT QUICK' I.T, AS THIS IS IN Ill BBI rati U IRTENGTON AND WILL SOON SELL, ALT IN JOttSSOS. 1TJIV, - 304 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PHONE BDWY. 37. 3100 CASH PRICE 31330 "TOPPAYCMJ BXNT rooma down and 8 np. aad acta of ground. anxd ashaol and- not far- from 8e ear hna. for 81830. Kamamber, only 8100 cash, bal ance Ilka rent, Xew d bettor harry if yea want -" -r- ; COMT KOHTJalAX. ' ' ' 308 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. 0550. HOUSES FOR SALE - ' . r Free plana, free aatJmatoa, tree adviea. - Talk with oar practical building man, "He cash pay meat down.- Let as Baud lor yoa ass away repayment plan. - - - . "ata-nuvia' bui i:w f-. Ob Sd. bet. Stark and Wash. ' 218 Abmttan Bldg. MOUNT TABOB ' 34800 YOUR OWN TERMS ' , 3 largo rooms, hdw. floors, brapmea..,., buffet, fine hot water beating system. . Yoa can't bast this for real valaa. - '-:.-MARSH MeCABE Co., Realton 323-3-4 Failing Bldg.- Marshall 3933. , 54650 SI CO Down . 330 per month to x-erriee men aaly: classy. new double eonstracted 6 roam bungalow, dm pnrmenu U ia aad paid; goad oar Use; hard wood floors: aR built-in, full cement basement 310O deera and 60 per anoatn nam wocn yaws aa ansoiers soaa w eveJiBows. swimft . IRVrNOTOX BUNGALOW --rt.-.-'j Ona of tha most eompleta 6 room. bwa galowa yoa have seen, very ' modern, . (ia lawn, wall loos ted; only 84760. C ht DERB, --.- 1X18 K. W. Bank Bids, v Mar. 22.43 . NEW bungalow, modern; a real soap; 6 rooms. fireplace, buffet book cases! old ivory firuan; near Peninsula Park and . Jeffaraoa xuga; 32860. 8760 cash.. - . . , Johnson-Dodson Co. Ill K. W. Baftk bldg. - Maia '3787. OXE OF THE FINEST houses ta th dty. Lance taunt bargaia. Maia 6023. . . Braham & -Wells 807-8 Cooxh Bklg. - , - -- 64 200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Eaoelleat strictly modern 8 room typical bonenlow: double eonstracted: fine condition; err convenient: snlendid farnaen: beaaurui ura te; all sautrHBe. A-l oouase ptasaotac; rau aeat basement wash trays: lawn, shrubbery. shad trass, A real boma , Tabor 6559. NEWCOMERS. ATTENTIONI Account of illness wifl aaerifie gay bom tha hi oast Boatt district. 1 block to ear: 8 ram dera boose, wan tamlaned; ease, or tarma Phone Sunday and eveoiaga. Maia 3B6P, Week days irom 3 to 6. Aut, 10-79. "IN" tXCEPtlONlL- bargaW PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME ' Modera 10 ream reevdeaca. like new; lar ga race: beaatiful groaada; paved atreet. ovist leaving. wUT poaitivdy aecrillce; terms. Owner. afar. 2486. .5 Rooms. Bathsw-S2200 Oa beaatiful 100x110 corner, sidewalk gad sewer paid; beaatlfal laws aad garden. Xeuag trait trees. 3 block to ear, cloaa library, ate. Tsbor 747. BIO aaaaaive 8 room home, full lot, garage. aot tha ordinary atnch np bouse, bat a substantial, double eoBstruoted artistie heme: take a oar a part payment; price 34600. Main 6327. " COME AND SEX THU Beautiful 10 rosea, modera hoasa. Best part of livinktoa. nines fas. hardwood floors. Open fireplace, fall be sea nut Let 75x100. Pnee 84200. 32600 cash. Owner 46T E. 14th at N S-ROOM 63x100 lot, garage. ail axtraa. firer Jaea hardwood floors, bailuaa. buffet aad Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash traya; ass raagw eoad with house ; tarma. 3613 7tn. Tabor tgs. - 100 .ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 4 room hoasa. dty water, gas, light. 60x100 lot. sanaA (rait. T hearing trait t es, cwmeat sidewalks; easy term. ' Tabor 6550. 6300 CASH 8 ROOMS 82350 Bath, elect, gaa. fan , tasimiat. sewir eaav aa Hon. paved at; 3Tz210, fete af berriaa and gardra; taxes ritesp Beiiweoa 1Z. Uso-l B007 50x150 fet a!0fet fTVXma S BOOM kswaaa. all nana, ta, 8876 ; 8TT5 dwwm, 612-30 mosxth. U ia new ranted tar 61 me ni A arts. sii-i or 7a ta at, a. rok KAlX bdngalowT' 8326a. 48 Pawaa Talasy yoa CaA 34 34 at Mdarm. - NEW BUNGALOW 1 Mack to car. aaedem ia 3300 down. bL Hke rent. East 608. SEMI-MODERN 2 roa barigaliws. furaithea, far eala ar win real. 4 aa4 BlaHora at Wdla. 0199. I UODEBX room louse for "sale. iilt&; Unas ale ia and cloaa to car. 663 BmmaaxaJaQrV MIMES va d -s wj lvyr REAL ESTATES-FPU SALS HOUSES 404 3i0 SKAT iiule 2 room plastered I eeailt. tall Basement, eoocrvie laasaiuna, - yard.. enUt raaae aad ' aarwbbaty. 869 -k - .aVvssa, 320 tnoavthry. - 8950 Neat ptiie reoes' rattsga, - gaa. rtty , watsw, tulet. to fatr eamdiuoev u n ' ahado treasr 610O down. 616 monthly 11003 story f room plastered house, gas, bath and Toilet ia fair some a me apple and cherry trees, all kinds ol berries, lot 60x100. St- John eat; 8160 gash: the bast value ia town. CaU aa Wa aad seat taw. vttartwmtnhn of these mm, aaaaTrada at .. other woriiininaa a T 9 3 Chart br of Cymmrm- BETTER HOMES FOR LKaS . 790 landy foar rocaa bang ale a; 3500 aad 825 a month. . 32950 This is s good ana:' 1500 aad 358 per month. . 31850 Thia aoe is ia Kentoa ; two leerinf .noma, breakfast nook, buffet -bnea doaet hardwood floors. . cejMnt "bs- sent and ceaswnt porch. Small payment and easy terms. ' IT - ROSE CITT PARK ' 6-reoeB modern , bungalow, had. floare, furnace, at imp. paid, tapestry paper In - h ring aad.dinrag rooma. 80x160 hw." 3 hi km. from Sandy. - Price aaly- 34360 : 81000 cash. Tarma ta suit on balaaoa, A beantifol 3-roora bangalow near Bandy , blvd.. had. floors, hirdo-ere aaspie through . . eat fireplace, breakfast nook, good garage . with cement driveway.' Pnce only 35500. -Terms arranged.. , - HAM 7027 V VASKatPARX BOSK CITY PARK ALAMEDA PARK LA I' RET .HURST HAWTHORNE We Isave wiM , h. w - - districts, and we know the -tree values thor oughly. It will be to yoar advantage to let as she yoa what we Wa. - If we ha vent xactly what yoa want wa deem it a pleasure cp easts yoa ia locating yar ideal boma. toorteoaa aalasmea alwaya at yoar tarried. J, A. Wickman Co. ' REALTORS - Shorwat Way Home" ' : - ' 364 Stark at 'Mara 663 and -1004. LOOK AT THIS FTTRN1SHED 8 -COM SUNNYSIDK BCNGALOW -Six room down 3 rooms up. Hdw. floora. hot water heat s.. FTreplac-e, all builtina. 80x100 lot COMPLETELY FURNISHED including billiard mom with bQltard table. Thia is EXCEIXNT VALUE AND tKESIRABLR. . . - ..."SJla MoCABS CO.. Realtora 323-3-4 Fa-inf 3s4g.. t. Marshall 3933. EXCEPTIONAL BUY - Jaat off Hawthorn ava.; ta the best raatdewra district, an 8 room strictly modem home; bea every desirable featura, improvement all ia; no tnrumbraaee; lot 61x114; Pienty af beautiful, well bearing trait treea and berries; also very niee ah rubbery and nice law? excellent location and neighborhood. Yoa mast sea thia to appre oata it. You may phono for appointment or farther iafermaanav Price 352110. 82500 dowa. CABLE REALTY CO. 3829 7 2d St 8. E. Aat 613-38. Always st Topr gemca ... , , Chance of a Lifetime : - 1500 cash. Toa may never cava another opportonitr ta secure a bargain take this; owner forced to eeerifioe. going to . Italy. Besatiful boma, 6 rooms, could not be built under 33000; iuii pato, gaa, puiiet Datch kitchen, full ce ment basement, laundry trass, wood lift, lawa. flewera, fruit; walking diatancsr Bead Uiliesa and. LISTEN, only 12200. - . , Il)Ut CO Phone Ant 620-96. ' " . BUILT TO . ENDURE" 6100 to 88000 . INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better. House fog urm oney. BEDDfADB BLDO. CO.. PORTLAND .- OB. E. 11th and Market Phono East 6114. Downtown salsa affiea. CommonsMalth bMs. th and Ankeny. Pbone Broadway 4385. GENUINE snap, ' o-roora - bungalow,, price ' only 8150. Thm a weB built Ho ma with doable walla and floora, aiea front porch, entrance hall, living room, dining room' with window mat aad buUet built-in kitchen, with linoleum on. floor, wood and gas range. 2 eocaf actable bedrooms,-, bathraom, back porch, stairway ta attic, where x rooma eouid De made, tot oxi wtta garaea. This house could aot be built tor fern than 62500. Don't answer If yen mind a 10-minute walk ta streetcar, 6800 cash will handle thia. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th. Bdwy. 4881.. inm : : MT. TABOB VIEW BUNGALOW ". Five rooms, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen. buffet, bookcases, cement basement laundry traya, 60x100 lot aR improvements paidr beau. ttful greunds. shad trees aad shrubbery. Coxa and see it i9 Henry Bldg. Broadway- 4754. 6600 CASH. 83300 - i tusivvus puiaiui New btmrslow . extra large- Hviag rrjroa - with hardwood floom and fireplace; 'Da ten kitchen. 2 bedrosma sad bath, cement basement, sundry traya, double exmatrnctrd aad oa full lot; Bear ear" and schools. 60 Chamber of Csxcaserce bldg. - Main 1968. Re. Marshan 8S. ACRE AND BUNGALOW . -Kearty . aera with new donbla eonatraeted bangalow, 4 room gad bath room below; rooca for. 2 rooms above. 100 feet from ear: lust Mmtxide dry Bmrta with all Hty convesieaees. naauuriu grave naave trees, near uiaaa atreet; bargain at 82450; easy terms. S.-P. Oabura, owner, 610 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. - - 84500 . . . . CLOSE TO FRANKLTX Hiafl Eight rooma. modem throusrhont. firenlaee. furnace, buffet, bookoaaa. Datob. kitchen, full eemeat base merit, laaadry traya, g--r. paved street and sewers. No bonded Ben. , HEN PERSON-BAN KU S CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. - Baoadwtr 4754. ALBERTA DISTRICT . , Six rooma. besides breakfast room. - fnhuiw. a-ewiy painted, eoncrata garaa-a. fruit paved street, easy terms; price 66450. ttfNHX W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark Street Only SSOCw -$250. Down " 8 mm, steep big parch. 80x100 ft lot only 1 blooh to hard surf aee street eloee ta school end ear. Tabor 7547. 3-ROOM modern bungalow, furnace, full bs-e- meat garaga, sleeping porch, - good .fecality. elose in; bast bar ia Portland today for 837SO. ioma ana oaa tor yewsett. 762 E. 824 at n. 11 50. Owner. 8250 RICHMOND BUNGALOW 83250 Madam 6 room bungalow, nreplaee, Dutch kitobea. garaga, paved streets, 1 block from Richmond car. 641 E. 81st at Call Mt, Gabriel. East 3809. BUT frees owner; 6 rooms with both, ia good baa fruit treea and berries: auod basement, oarage, chicken bowse, bam: will sad far 824008400 cash, balance ea racy terms. a-tz oein sve. rnone Auto, aio-av. ATTRACTlVt noma la Ladda add.. 3 rooms,. leeiiiai norch. awn. taceDCioa had. built-ins. parwo4 Isoor, garage, ioig of uowers, . 3T. - - - BUILDERS. ATTENTIONI Fin eomer fet near East S2d. LaareThuret all improvements in and paid, enfy 81100. oa year aw a terms, twipoia, bos npauing iag. iT66 " Tot 8 il 4 room house, modern; halite tits, gas. elect ria. 60x100 lot, oa paved street, 339 East 80th at Sell. 2378. ' WALDEMERE. Lianteal beaatiful 7-room bua gafew, aaamal and mahogaay.- hardwood Gjots, rga attic aad basrawwt garage; view 4 maaa- taina. Call Main 6172. . .' .. - FOR SALE Modem house, 300 ft-of ground, between 60th and ' 6irth eta. Fruit trees, paved street, 34300. 4831 60th at a. E. ha. Scott ear line. IN ALBERTA, for 62260. 6 roam ongaiew and 3 -well improved lots: 8750 will handia and butanea 3-9 month. ' Ooa. Ant 319-97. : BRAND-NEW Overlook Bangalow: 8. rooms: breakfast Book, fall base meat, large- floored atria. 833 Lonrriew . Wdla. 1777. FOR SALE 6-roeax, new bongalow, ' bre merrt, 33280, 49 Powell Tall7,3Vmd. Cl S34 Third st, cor Madrsoa. 2w0 CASH. 62200. aoom houaa. bauu ee saaest anna ant; paved atreet; ateaa fav, 1028 Belmont. 3-ROOM eottag for sal, newly bated a.-,l painted. Price 32800. Taeut, gaadz to auora ra. 86 East 76th st. X. $16606 room rnmahed kancalaw; wiu ao- ear and part eaa aa first paymei it. 1818 va. List t6uA"HoiiI : With C. D. CTsytwn. Omca acooa Esvt FOR BALE 8 swam hoae and' fee ' 1.-, .. , - -6094 44th aw. 6. P., 310, ear or i-- tCatiavsad aa raflowina PasaJ iSTtff r5nTL2 )0) SUITE 41