REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 "Yoi'r' tiiiuU, is here! Com in now and select it! More than 1200 home Ira' rnir district! Every one rjeraonally inspected, appraised and photographed. - - If nn Miry, mil help you auk jaur -. down payment r . SERVICE Select your home MOVE IX NOW I And apply your bonus later. . - - .- " 28 alennra at your eerviee. : Open all day Sunday. r A Few Rose City . . ' 'Specials $6280 Beautiful 6 rooms and sleeping - - porch arc in thia charming bunga- -. . low; everything that you'd want A C Tour bom - to haTe; hardwood ,, --ftoora, latest built-tn- feature, fireplace, furnace, lovely corner lawn, flower, etc, E. 49th at.. $4850 A brand new luting in Boas City I ... . One that youH be proud to own. Shining with happiness. 6 rooms. hardwood floor. maanvel 10 -ft. buffet fa dining room with ., i cove ceilings, pipeless furnace, art . fireplace, model built-in kitchen, etc You've wasted thia all along. K. Slat at. " 3990 IDEAL ROSE CITY that will mean home to you. Cnumally ar tiatic lines, rooma, every mod ern convenience, fireplace, garage, -." fruit. grape, berries, lawn, flower; a real snap. $2590 EAST TERMS. 75100 corner. ... a loveablo ROSS CITT gem bun galow of, 8 rooms, built-in eon- . . veniencee,' combination living and dining room, a beautyjil lawn, . . lruit, berries, flower. ttH Just "fit to." Fremont, . : Surinysidefiawtf.orne 15500 In district of charming bunga lows and thia one of the most at ' tractive of an; 5-rootn immaculate pergola bungalow with hardwood ' floor and Try builUn feature, . i ".' furnace, fireplace, etc.; paved at; .":. '! : Mixter at. . ; ' . $4190 Homelike Hawthorne bungalow. 5 ' rooms, latest modern effects, bard- : " wood floors, tapestry paper, old :' . ivory finish" throughout, sange. E. 45 th st. . - . " $2980 Mt Tabor artistic bungalow. 8 rooma, all modem conveniences, nice corner lot on pared at, E. 54th at-. ; ' Sellwood Bargains V: . 4190 $SO0 down. Rrt eaaier than rent. TITTO. REATTTIFTT. JUST COM PLETED BUNGALOW i A SAC RIFICE BALE1 OWStK UiA v. " ING CITT! Built-in feature, firo : place, French doors, every desired -convenience. Thia to . your BUN- : GALOW. B- 11th at. i - 1 $2750 Dainty shingled bungalow, 6 room . and full attic, otutt-iris. law lot. pad at: term. Ellia av. BROOKLYN SNAP $2590 Brooklyn bungalow bargain, ' 6 rooma, very attractive lines, every modem ounrenience. white enamel plumbing, electricity, U, paved r st. lima paid, close to car. E. 10th st. . - Alberta District $8150 EASYTERMS. A beautiful little . colonial type in a modem Air " RFRTA BUNGALOW. 5 rooma. '',. v. . fireplace, etc; in the cool shade ' ' i of giant trees, velvety lawn, flow ers, etc FOB AN IDEAL AL- BERTA. see this. E. 80th st $2490 -room sabstantial modem bungs " . low type Alberta home, built-in ' buffet, Dutch kitchen, whit ' enamel plumbing, electricity, gaa, 8 lightv airy bedrooms, etc -.. E. -''. 19th st. EAST TERMS. v PENlNSCIiA FURNISHED i toon .VnrrmA sals. - Owner Urine alone. wants to sen. Here', a furnished i . Lnnm rlaan.- modem, substan- V tial and attractive PENINSULA HOME on a Urge lot wwn an i abundance of frait, Howe, shrub bery, bam. garage. BRING THE CHILDREN OUT WHERE THERE IS PLENTT OF BUN ' ' . chtvp and rrvmi to romo around. i . ONLI $500 down, JOmt tot this. Byraeuse at. I ' rxrtnKVXH IVCUTDTO 1 : $2990 This to wonderful -value in a per fectly delightful bungalow qf rooms . with- every modern venienee, wrote enamel pnrmomg, . , gas. 80x120 with all kinds of n fmit fliirwri and ahmbbery. 2 good cows and 20 chicken ra- .' Miw1rl. One lot without cows for -V- ' t2400.- E. 62d st m Wood stock distrtct IOOK THIS OVER, f- - Tcnrrr.4 wx tSRO DOWN i $1890 $850 down: large e-room mod s) m home in good condition, plas tered and Tjanered. 8 light, airy bedrooms, plumbing, close to car and school. Magnolia aw ; . ' vMontavilla ae,e. eaaa J,.., 7n S- room artiatie - Montavilia bnhgw , . . low, white enamel plumbing. 4 Ox : 1SZ lot witn garoen. wooosuau, - eblcVen bonse. 51st are. $1$90 -$4S0, homelike MootavflTa btm , galow cottar in good condition, 5 rooms, built-tna, bath, plumbing. ' ! !..( i tlt ml. fruit, flower, rar- den. K. 74th St. EXCEPTIONAL ' Frank Lr. McGuire. To Buy Tour Home. - Realtor. . Ahmrtca hide. Main 1068. " Third at be. Wahrn ft on and Stark. FOR BALE 130.000 Beantfful modem duplex lie! deaea on utiHianat eeraeg Everett at. at SSd, west aids; corner lot f 100x100; ayiimdid oprJortnnity for one seeking an investment. Be owner at 750 Everett at corner 2 3d. - w.rirvjvrja5 BOYS $150 DOWN -40 PER MONTH BUYS 5 ROOM PIEDMONT HOUSE $2850 Her. vou are. buy Just Kke rant on. half block cast of Union ava.. Hear Emerson. - Good snMtanual a-story o-rooro oouse. rnu cement unnt and nuble aarac. Ton can buy on straight monthly payments until you get your bonus Loan to pay on property, and save rent in the meantime. I. T. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 208. r OWNER IJ5AVINO CTTT ' A home near Reed college and munict , pal golf links. Seven rooms aod sleeping ' TJorrh. Beautifully finished. 1 extra tins bedroom with windows on 8 sides. Large living room with window on 8 aidn. All in fine condition. Lot 75x100. 'Cowerete esrage. ' Owner leaving city. $1600 cash fl"t ruyment needed. See thm or. onr $6500 bungalow in mrae neicbborhood. LAD1 ESTATE CO., Real tor , v 246 Stark- at 2-FTAT building, wQ : meated betwewn v Hawthorne and ' Sunnyside nuet; 12 per cant inonmo on pnoa, $8500. i A-l T-roora bou?e near Hawthorne line! t aTeal an . MC . .1 a, Var il " IT. ' T - aV4JWfa lJwnwsV BW. , IV WTawM DflOtW . , $5250. - - "j New 5-roora ecttage. with H acre, near Hawthorn bne, only $4150. See it and ., jrou will want it v " - L G. DAVIDSON, REALTOR .. .. i . 818 Chamber of Commerce , , REtttB LOOg THIS VP O&ty $3600, small payment down, near Penla snla park. Six room bungalow, anunie eon. etructed: better than new: comer Tot Vacant, more neht-ta. Faona owner, woodJawa 410. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 "7-Bo6ii bCnaLoW slCRtFica-i40iS PmuAi was Rcwntlv anoraised at atavw for a nan; S room and bath down and 2 . niea rooms bp: hardwood floors, bouuns ra duung room and kitchen, good basemen. . tray and fine furnace: suxivv m; 4 im . and 2 walnut trees. 1191 Detroit are., one block from' ear tin on aUUingsworta are. . Bee this horns. It's a bargain: 1000 -cash. uance easy. - B. M. BBOWW 1122 N. W. Bank BMg. ' " tiDM0NJ"t ndui $6606 ." '-' : . ' Ona of the most desirable locations tn . thto , beautiful district, 1163 - Commercial . st: close to library. Jefferson high, renin- - snla park and the beet ear service in the city; T rooms and sleeping porch; boose ; in splendid condition ana is ocenpiea oy owner: lot 68x100; good double Eaxsge, nic trees' and shrubbery; good terms can be arranged. - ' . - . K. M. B BOW 31 .i 1122 N. W. Bank BMg. " 1 r REAL BARGAIN ROSE CITT -$5750 KITE ROOM BUNGALOW' WTTH ' ATTIC PREPARED TO MAKE S ROOMS. LAR'JE PLATE WINDOWS. UNUSUAL BUlLT-INS, FURNACE. FIREPACE. i GOOD UABAUE. EAST TERMS. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 204 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 37, Sunday 223-$7. 1014 HAWTHORNE ATEN Sonthwest corner of E. 84th. 7 and sleeping porch, fireplace. - furnace and raiiunn; ouxxuu lot; garage, z caerry ana 2 apple trees. Price $6300, terms. This property fa ecctipied by tenant and cao only be shown by appointment E. M. MOWS 1122 K. W. Bank Bids. ! MODERN 7 room boiue. .fine place, bnutin buffet, - Dutch kitchen, i hardwood floors. Whita enamel plumbing, cement basement and wash trays; $4000. $2000 cash: will take auto as part payment; tnurt be good. B west weoster st vtvsaap woodiawn sue. Cloae to Jefferaon H. school ; good car jcrrice. 7 ROOM bungalow, hardwood Doors in living room and dining room. '. 1 bedroom down. up, lovely fireplace, food location, near Penin sula, park,- in a district that is fast increasing In value. 305O. term. Wilbur F, Jouno, Henry nidg. -Bdwy. 4PS7. : Evenings Wdln. 033. ACREAGE 405 5 ACRES, 1 mil from ! good town, near Portland - and electric station., on main traveled road, nice building spot, 1 aorea reaay; to oui urate. running . creek, plenty of wood for home use some verv fine bottom land. This place is worth $2000 and can be sold for $1100. HILL8BORO LAND AND REALTT CO.. By England and Mellar, managers, ; . j HiUsbogo, Or. s THE MONET TOD PAT FOR RENT Will bur a deed for 1 acre where von can hav I health land freedom of country life, without r acniicins u wa anvantagea oi tne city, m a community wnera every homo is an investment that -will riie in value as tha growth of the city rolls eastward. The soil is first-clam garden land, high and sightly, with Bull Run water. Priced at $860. Easy terms if desired. V, B- H- CONFRET, Realtor. I All ir.K, LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. KKJHT AT UlCtiON iLl'iKlt) ST A. 10 acres, all dear, on oared hurhwav. 200 feet from store and P. O., only $2000; $1000 Lsn. oaianca 0 years; think of the location. ' Also ,10 acres. 1 mile Orecon Electric station. 5 acres clear, balance second growth, fin soil, for fruit and vegetables, only $1200, good terms. Don't pass this up, it is Just aa represented. See I. H. RICHARDS, SOS McKay blag.. Third and 1 stars: sea. ' '. . : " ! 5 ACRES Good level 'land, tn cultivation, on Carver lino out of Portland; crop goes with place ' -81600, $600 cash, balance ' payable yearly. See me- for acreage. A. a HOWLAND 820 Main St, Oregon City, Or. or - 80X Swetland Bldg., Portland. Ox. FOR SALE &hk' acres, just outaide city limit t on isortn Main street, fins soil, all m culti vation, 5-roora honse, cement block foundation, city water, good ban, chicken house with larga run, some fruit, 1 acres in garden truck, fine cow, horse and all of crop go with plane; $4000, some terms, . Owner, L. M. Nys, R. 1, New berg. Or. . i FTVI7 acres onion land, near Stanley sta tion, . to trade for honse in city from $5000 up. Call Sunday. Main 6023. Braham- Wells ' S07-8 Couch: bids. FOR SALE or rant my nice, improved $ V acrea r en west aids,, dose to city, excellent location, on fine road: good building, good aod. fret from gravel or rocks, at a bargain. Forced to sell, need a little money. Time on balance. Might take a tittle trade it suited. For particulars call on owner at 1298 East 15th at. N. . Portland. Or . i or paone woonawn oisuo. DECLARE YOURSELF lNDEPEVDlSJiT of paying rent and buy 1 acre out Section Lin read, just east of 82nd st,. where you can put up a amaH bldg., grow your own garden truck ana pay tor It on easy term. S880. it. tt iXMiFKEY. Realtor.. R1TTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. You'll Be, Sorry I H yon 1st thto bargain go by. California owner to selling for the pries of improvement!, Hng I J sut oi ws una to acres), vritn o r. bungalow, on the Oregon City car, near station. oeg noes, ua jooen Didg. 30. AdRfi SNAP Two house, ahed. spring, 10 acrea in cultiva tion, fenced. 1 1 am kvubmfat- lOoa tn Willamina. Yamhill county. . Price cut $1850. $600 down, balance 6 par cent: 226 Chambe I ot Commerce bldg. SEACHREST BROS. A SUBURBAN HOilE $806 D6wS "' 2 acre of garden land at Garden Bom miles out, rooked street, near car, 4-room bun galow, modem plumbing, garage, chicken house, bra, fan. Bull Run, eisctririty available, fruit ana Domes, iuv. J. O. CORBIN CO., B0H-S-T Lewto oWg. REAL ACREAGE SACRIFIOB 20 acres, si rood arnL in tha wonderfhl fihar- wooa aistnct lor only slbuu, away below value; $-room house, 2H acres cleared, balance good pasture, some timber, live creek, water piped to bunding. Personally inspected. H. Akamon. 4Zt Henry pMg. i FACING BASELINE ROAD - A e i . m fn. eoiso . . . I,. T it I-.- v ,1., w, i W w , IJ 1 1 1 J , , , V out and look It over, about 9 miles oat; you win see our Dig sign on ins right - R. . H. CONFRET. Realtor, v RITTER, LOWB CO., 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. HALF acre tracts and lots dose in. Small down payment Call Sunday, Main 802$. Bratoam- Wells 807-8 Couch bldg. 2 ROOM aback and nearly acre, bear 42d st N. E. Gravel road. City water. City school. No city asMeamenta. $100 cash, balance $20 I month. - Let Bis show yon. R. W. Oary. 2218 IN. W. Bank bldg. Main 1843., Bol. Main I $1500 CASH for 20 acres, coed level aoiL 6 - acres in naatiir. KalanAe tiBih.r- Mnuh mnl I to pay tor tana, pe-'ed road, near taneourer la real bargain. Personally. Inspected. J. B. WMfT. 418 Henry Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE 2 to 5 acre tracts on East 82d at ' fmain Oregon City road), near Kendall station; paved ? ."ii C"J r : " ".CT-V , "T", -rs I r r ie, vnuuiiu corner iv-acre tract close to station, on sand rocked - road 14 miles out on Oregon Electric ; good soil,, all give address and phone number. V-703. Jonrnal. SPECIAL bargain 6 acrea near electric ear, all cleared, good nous, good bam, - M chicken houses, good orchard, all kinds of berries; only suuo. siuoe cash, bat good terma. Hobos, b04 Spalding bldg. I have others for leas money. BY OWNER 1. 3 or 8 acre. aU under cuhl- vauon: some bnlidings, iota of frait; this plaos at a bargain on easy . term. Call Aummatie iz- or soa exd at B. K. SIX ACRES, close to Nowhere, good 2 room house, and bam; some timber, ummproved. Price $1500. Some terma. Write Mrs. Sauna Wilson. 203 E. Third st. Nawberg, Or. 7 ACRES. 3 blocks from highway, -aver Hilla bore, all in cultivation. 8 room house, good well. Went canity in bouse, lota, er what have you, i 415 Piatt bldg., Main 7027. 30 AND 40-acre tracts, on CUckamaa river, near ralh-oad. 18 toUes front Portland; beautiful lying land, 840 an acre, easy terms or trade. o. a... smitn. Beuwooa 2Z7. . 20 ACRES, 18 milea out," 2 acres dearea. abaci! will and force num. fmit tree ttaietMiuiW! plenty timber for wood. $2200. Sea 8714. FOR SALE Fine acreage adjoining Sherwood. Or. Running water. $250 an acre. T-880. JonrnaL 6 ACRES, clear. 12 milea from Portland aa urn paymen on a or s loom house. K-8B8. iNnni, - - - V ACRE in Park Roaa. all ia trail ami mnUi. - S-room house, garage and chicken house, on roro ooniawn .090. ACRKAGE near Oregon City, $50 per aore. to v-mus ior a or & ecrsa, close xa rsntana. Johnstont 264 Tillamook at. BARUAIN. 5 acres cius to eity. West aide. st-son journal. 0 ACRES 17 in cultivation, Sherwood distriat; term, it-uoa. journal. 1 ACRE at Park rose. 4-room houaa. doss to car;. S.IUV. tU W Oin. SBB4, THE OREGON ,SUNDAY j JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE" 405 A GOOD CHEAP PLACE 10 acres. 1$ miles west of Portland, near. Hillsfooro; hk mile from . Etoctne utadusi and school, good black loam soil. 2 acrea in potatoes, corn and beans. 2 acrea very easy -to pow, no waste land. Place' all level and seeded to clover and other grass, wire feneea, 5-rooui noosa, 2 chicken house, Prico $2250; $1530 cash, balance for 2 . LOTS OF BERRIES B Vk acres, 20 miles from center of Port- sear Caintol highway, buw teat -to iectnc station, woven wire fences, 9 acrea strawberries and black cans, 1 acre other -berries. 13 assorted bearing fruit trees; . cheap 4-room houne. barn 16x24. chicken bou 12x20. Price $2750; $1200 cash, balance for 2H yean at 6 per cent or will eonsid'-r dear lot as part payment. In spected by Hunter. , , FURNITURE AND CHICKENS Over acre, ia.t outride city limits of , Portland. 7 blocks from station and school. ' woTen, wire fences, city water and gaa in ' honse, electric lights ' avaalahle, . 4-room pla.-tered house with 2 sleeping i porches, . - chicken hoase. . Price $1800 which in eludes chickens and soma furniture. $300 ' cash, balance $20 per month and tntareat ' at 0 per cent 10 acres, 80 mjlea from city Emits of - Portland, 4 miles from small town. rnila to school: 2 acrea under cultivation. 5 acrea can be farmed when cleared, balance ta . steep and in timber. 4-room bowse with . water piped in; good spring. . Price. $650; -' $350 cash. .. . ONLY $1280; EAST TERMS 1 le acres east of Gresham. in small town. ' Good macadamised road. 1 block -from electrio- station. - All under cultiva tionand the best of loam soil. New 4 ' room house, largo barn. Offered on easy ' terms. . .,,.-;'. LESS THAN COST OF BUILDINGS 8 acres, between - Beaverton and Orenco. with modern 7-room plastered house, best of white enamel plumbing. Other building. All nearly new. Fruit, ate. Offered for lea than the cost of the buildinga, which i - are nearly new. Ask for Mr. Hunter. r . JOHN FERfJUSON. . r REALTOR, .. . ! v -V. . .Qerlinger Bldg. ' ? - rrer J 500 Small I'kusrn Near Portland. Get Our Extenalva Claaaifiad lists . I Lots FreelLots Free $250 Lot Free off Charge WITH EVERT ACRE Here's your big opportunity; near Gilbert road, only a few blocks to school and 8o ear line, we have SO tract of 1" acre each ; every aero to in a high state of enltivstlou and tha soil is a rich deep black, loam, positively tha very beat for garden buck and1 berries; the acre I tracts are priced from $850 to $950, with 8 xeara or more to pay; U you'll buy l acre wall V. - - ftOCA I 1 UIU, juu m v v,uw iu, ua www, i the water and gaa am tn tha street in front of I each lot; the 4oction is fine, just outside the I citr limits: ho city taxes to Day: you 11 make a mistake II you buy without aeeing tneae acre I tracts; remember, a lot free with each acre. I Call us np today (Sunday) and take a free auto I ride to the property. - COMTE ft KOHL BIAS 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 8550. and 20 Acre Tracts $25 Acre Up ; i - .- - . .j . $10 down and $3 per month buys a 8 sere tract in thto addition of 800 aorea, down the Columbia river on tbe Oregon aide, -close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and track. Beautiful laying land, -free from rock or gravel; asms tracts have beautiful view of river: there Is also some with streams. Fine location tor chirkens. dairy, bernes. fruit and vegetables : ' CHARLES DELFEL SIS Railway Exchange Bids, : ' Ascot Acre Tracts i City Water and Gas . Facing m Base Line road, ear oho goes through tract; most of thia land to ready for plow, few fir trees; best of gar den soil; wonderful view of the mountain. Easy term. W will give you eoonral mortgage privnege if responsible. , , Boone-Clearwater j , 806-S08 Conch Bldg.-' - '- Main 6201- , i45 DOWN. 87.50 MONTHLY T Buys a splendid tract of 0.02 acres,- splendid soil, no rock, on macadamised road, 1 H mims from city limits, fine for chicken, berries and fruit: nrice 8700. We have onhr 14 tracta in this platting leit. some as urge u is acrea i and proportionately on the tame terms. Autos at I your ; service. . v - ReLTCS 782 Chamber of Commerce' $90 Down , 1 2 acTea, all . cleared, now tn clover, close to car line and main highway; dose to; straight contract on baL. $1700. - -1 . - I Boone-Clearwater 605-506 Couch Bid. i 6201. ; . ! IF YOU ONLY KNEW . what : ah advantage it would be to live in the great outdoors, when you have room for garden, trait and chickens.' and so doss in that you could still pursue your vocation in tha city, you would buy this a ss acre at ones. it iaces Barker road just north of Section, Line and will be sold on easy terms for $1750. : it H. uomiBKI, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO.. I 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ARE YOtf LOOKING FOR AN ACRE 'WHERE TOD CAN GET ALL CITY CONVENIENCES . Water, electricity and gas! Hare's on on main road at Garden Horn 25 minutes ride on Oregon Else.; 10c commutation fare. All tn cultivation; Apple, pear and cherry tin. One block from good school. - If you ana interested call Main 6071 and get in touch with owner. HERE ia your chance to own a small farm down I the Columbia river, 18.61 acres, on pay ments that you can make. t It to rich, produc-1 five soil on a good road. Fries 8556, terms I $140 cash, balance $83 n year, Lt as show n, I to you at once. Johnson-Dodson Co. " ' 682 Northwestern Bank Bldg. i ACRES IMPROVED $1000 """"" . Dandy UtUe place located $0 miles from Portland. 1 mile from station and P. O. Good oabin, bam and chicken house; family orchard and .berries; 8 acres cleared: fin. soil; no rock.) Price 81000; terma. $340 cash, bal ance - 2 equal annual payments. - , I , LUKDDKMANN COMPANY, -. 918 Chamber or lommerco. f Mat nave surer tor ia good oisincs u 1 of trees: gas and mty pnone: aooua v nun Prioea are right List yours with as and we I utes drivw. paved road within . k mile and wiu try and sell it lor you. JohnsonDodson : Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldf. Main 878T. : SMALL HOUSE AND 2 Vft ACRES On Bert road. 8 mile from dsy; house to new with good well; rich, deep aoO, partly deared; 81750 take it, 8175 down and 820 par month. jSTKU.tU S tu., Bearcors, 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE tS FOR CLOSE IN- ACREAGE" Some vary choice acreage en 62d st: aba some of the best garden land on Johnson . creek, near 2d st Tbe price to right easy term. Let ns snow yo some acreage. STOCKS EXCH. SMITH-WAGONER CO, FOR S.VLK 5 acres, - mue trum Snertdao, Or 2 seres in losnnberriss snd garde w AU deared, plenty of water for irrigation, house, barn, chicken houaa. shickens, eow snd hay, aU fenced with woven wire. Pries $1700. Some term. Address P. O. Box 406. Sheridan, Or " tiS PER "ACRE '" 4H Kile north of Cathlamet, Wash, t run- nine Water antna tracts on highway, few seattei- ht stums : 60 down. $50 svery months. par nnnt 224 Chamber of Commerce fcldav- otH.n. """"oSroN 0a OELEks la.v'o ' ' 9 ima ta eron. F. F. Beavam. R. 1. Shar- a..t n -- ' . .Sivi JnSa aiannau e tow or. manwiaii vvw. . ACRES. S acrea. $10 down. $10 month; near 1 m ausTOia. " " K. W. uary, 1Z1 n-vv. nana eiag. loO ACRES land in Lann oouaty; trade ior tour- ing car or truck. John Buttle. Ian tea, uc. PboTje 18F24. - ENCEIAXNT toad at an acre on the Co- l :, ttmbia rncT, good roeo, and easy tarms. JolinsonDoason Co. 8 Nortnwetl Bank Mg. tT sTooaUf cSTTTll Butoy. W diav 5583. Mok and Tuea. tec, thd a -,,s a. TV -, . . , . . m . .1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 Down 2 Acres, Water and Gas AH in clover; close to oar line, 250 . feet to pared highway, 20 minutes art re to 5th and Wa&bmgton. This is a at! $1700; only $17 norma, Boone-Clearwater , - 505 Couch BUc. ' "- Main 3201. ' NEARLY I ACRE, ft-room house, bam. fenced garden, ifnut: can rent or bur - it at onea. McMillan. vMapleWood. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 AT BEAVERTON. OREGON Nearly 4 acres on good macadamised .road, south of Beaverton; S acrea under ' culuvation, balance in pasture, a few fruit trees; S 'room house with electric ngbta, - good chicken hou. garage, small ham ; in- -. eluded with place 100 thoroughbred Rhode Island Red chickena and acme equipment ; - atoo household furniture; price $3500, large cash payment, ' Personally inspected. ! - On acre, on maeadamiaeu road. 2 mOea ; from city limits of Portland; under cultiva- ' tion ; dose to paved highway; attractive 8- room plastered bungalow, full cement base ment, fireplace, whita enamel plumbing, garage, water aystem. etc Pnoa $BHOO. oaay terma, ' ! ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY . j 7 5 acres, 11 miles from eentar of Port land, 8 Vt acre under cultivation, all can . bo farmed when cleared; good loam soil: new. attractive 5 -room plastered bungalow with two porches, cement basement; bunsa - low wired for electric Ughta; garage 12x 1 8. Only 1 miles from important city. Price $4200. $1200 cash, balance aaay ' terms.. Will duount for all cash. ON THE PAVEMENT S acres, 12 H milea northeast of Port" land, on- block from electric station ana ' school; all under cultivation; good car eer- - vice. Price $1750. Incumbrance $40O. : which to included in price; will turn ta thto ' equity on house of 4 rooma and full lot in St Johns. AUuna or Woodlawn up to $2300. - ! ONLY" $100 DOWN " Acre ' tracts. Alberta district , On paved street, with walks and paving paid. All in - fruit and berriea. Very best of land. Fruit in fine condition. $100 down, easy tarns at 6 par cent JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. - Gt our axUnaiva clisrtftrd hats. . YOTJB RENT WILL BUY IT I WESTHAMPTON (At Woodrow Station) TWENTY MINUTES OUT BT FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC COMMUTATION FARE 8 CENTS H ACRES $250 to $500 ONLY FEW OF FORMER LEFT CHOICE SUBURBAN LOCALITY BULL RUN WATER NO CITY TAXES-NO CITY RESTRICTIONS. . ONE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. MODERN. WITH GROUND $50x145 FT. FOR SALE. WIS WILL CONTRACT AND BUILD TO TOUR PLANS TO DRIVE OUT TAKE TERWTLLIGER BOULEVARD AND BEAVERTON ROAD TO FAIRVALE STORE. THEN OB SOUTH to CAMERON. ROAD. AGENT ON TRACT DAILT. UAH. TO 4 P. M. CITY OFFICE 708 GASOO BLDG. Telephone Aut 627-81. -I. D. HAN LET. 02 Acres$4 MODERN SUBURBAN HOME T rooms and bath, gaa, electricity, wa ter, basement furnace; 200 feet from Whiteford station on Oregon Electric t Portland Golf club grounds; only 7 miles from Portland post off ice; ground all in cultivation; fine garden; fine stream of water crosses land; lota of raspbemeaj black berriea, strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries, blackcaps, currants; fine - chicken bouse, garage; fine yard; rosea and shrubs; this is an ideal strictly . modem country home, only a few minutes . from Portland, either by electric train ' or auteenobile; and terma to suit your own con Ten le no may be arranged; inuno- riiat. i i i .inn Wakefield, Fries & Co. REALTORS 85 Fourth St Broadway 2880. S2500Ryan Station 6-ROOM cottage, combination living room and dining room all on one floor, gas, city water, city carfare, garage, on full H sere, choice orchard, IS . full bearing cherry trees, berries, house ' built back about 100 feet from a good stone road, showing s splendid yard which to sheltered in the cool shade of beautiful trees. Cash $700. balance $20 par month. :, ' a aaa LaritnTDTilM TVTSTRTCT $4000 a ua. A room California mission I bungalow, bath with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, aemi-Dutch kitchen, gas city mtmr wirwi foe else., modem chicken house. located on a weu nuitr. atone ma w station. Cash $1000. balance $25 per monUu I' you want a choice 6 acre tract that to selling Oalow eosi oe sure w m - M. E. DeJOICK CU. 221 HENRY BTJXJ. BROADWAY 1681.. $50 Cash ; $28 FEB MONTH Quarter Acre Good 4 roam house, garage, plenty Of fine fruit on macadam road, near ear. 20 minutes from Portland. Price 81250. Your rent will buy . you a home here. ' Peterson & York i 43T N. W. Bank bids. Main 8008. ' ; tt AcnM. Thta . a fcaantifal eountr nome. dove to the Oregon City eerlino. You have aB the advantages of the city electrio lights, gas. telephone, good road. You win have roaas. xou inn nsvw appreciate It Nine plastered. With' baso r trie ken nouse, frait. to see this place to room house. 7 room - sunt small ham -and fin town; $7000. $4000 cash. See ass tot - suburban home. A. C. Howland 656 Main street, Oregon City, Or., si 601 Swetland bldg.. Portland, Or; REALISATION. Fins $-acre country home, weTJ eetavtrneteu 5-room bungalow of splendid arohitectur ; pure 11 0MMb. Il n. VI tl f Til i.i. 5-passenger auto, all 'for . 84500; very good terms; . - - . . RTT OON-rRTTT. Realtor. . RTTTEB, LOWE CO.. 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Tfad. . nldg. .' AN tduel suburban home with all mty conven iences; good car Service. 22 minute to buaV nem center. To ear fare, less than 2 block te oari good residence district; grounds 100x140; all kinds of fruit; close to good srhoot: good new 6-room bungalow, gaa, deotridty. Bull Run water, Prioe 83500. with terms to suit. Thto place will produce half tbe living for small family. Meal Brown, OPT' lnxon eve. mutow iiai. FOR SALE or rent my nice, improved 6 H acres aa waa ckia. doss to eitf . excellent location. rtw.d;,oL buUding, fdsoU. from uui money. Time on balance. Might tsks a little trade if suitedr Pot particular call on owner at 1288 East 16th St. It Partisan, Ot. or phone Woodlawn 6803. ONE ACRE, fenoed; 4 room house, fruit cellar, chicken house, fins garden, fruit and berriea, creak; on food road. 8 minutes' walk to ststieui 22 minutes out en Oregon Electric- Terms or very cheap for cash. M. Mason. Metave, Or. 61 ViCLTNOMA: Virrf-'r-vnlAtt ftTTtrtV Beautiful 6 room bungalow. acre, aa etty cveniencea. lota of shrubbery, ' garage, fire- plsr. baeeinent, plenty ef be me, fruit; $6000, nail raiih. Main 8272. IFOR. SALSL 4 44 aerea lmorsved acrease 1 . n . w, 1 :t 1 rT-. 1 Incnrae. T. B. Sparks. Beaverton, Or.. R. 4. 1 -tr,' .nrT-u BCTCTBAN KOMmT UrTS AND ACRKAOK d K. APPI FT Phone 111. W. UAJl iiKUIB. ttm aJT a ar-ura li.i-i ' f l K VMM, cm.i, -..1 n house, near station, S m0 crrHe. small pay ments. McOure. 0Q Oaweord Bids, $1273. SUBURBAN 6 rooma, with 100x100 lights, water, gas. frutt view. Sw fare, terms. MrClure, 800 Concord Bids. . ' . - FOR SALS or trade for PorUand property. 4 end n-rrni modern nooe. upttoi highway, valne 3300O, U-42T, Journal, APRE with 4 room hoou $0S0 bjlf caeh. Mu !: sm ,. CJ .61 B, 11th S. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 REAL ESTATE at . : 'MULIHOMA'H is a ': - '' PRIME INVESTMENT No district adjacent to the Citr of Port land can compare with MULTNOMAH in rapid growth and devalopmenC 1 own . and control most of the vacant property in and about Multnomah and can give -yea almart anything you want on easy terms bu ineaa property or building arte. My term mostly are 19 per cent down and monthly payment thereafter with tow rate of interest. 1 also offer for roof consideration tha foDowrnc homes- x S50 Z-room houao on largo lot oox - - 14 rt $1275 Small house with - utilities, on 2 , lam U aem tracta. $1400 4-room house on 100x100. v $1600 S-room house with M . acre of - ' ground. -' $2000 Modern 4-room hovw In Bucking- - , ham HeLghta, on choice sightly sot . $2850 S-room boue on burg, tract, on , the boulevard. $3000 -6 lota and 5-room modem besoe : in Lyndhurst $3600 1 H -story 4-room houw In Maple- wood Fuatrlct wMn X acre oc arround. v , $4000 Modern B room bungalow tn HW- . vate Tracts, linuu iv i srround. - " $4250 New modern bungalow ia Buck' lngnam . licignt, witn a caoaes - sightly lota. . BuUding lust eom Dieted. - - $4500 4 large lots with modem 5-room , bungalow, all kinaa or irun ana flowers, overlooking the Tuatoun valley. $8000-' Large modern 8-roora bungalow. with double set of pmmo:ng. a fireplaces. 2 4 acrea of grouno. very beautiful. AH of the foregoing are" at or 'near Multnomah on the Oregon Electric, - only 20 minutes from the center of tne city rjy good railroad si ikj. or 16 minutes by automobile. If these do not suit you. let us ahow you building sites of ail kind in one of my choice addition. There are FR1MK08S PLACE. BUCKINGHAM HEIRHT8, ALLEN QUARTERS, QUEENSLAND. lt.lLI HEIGHTS, SOUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. LGKALILO and LXNDHCB.ST, ranging rrom lot to acre. - Mm MtSLAIw. Exeluslve Operator in the Multnomah District Main Office 404 Piatt bldg.. 427 Park St Branch Office Multnomah, on the boulevard, Mr. Rogers in charge; for , appointment call turn at Main 8488. , , -' COUNTRY HOME Stt acrea at Aloha ate. on good graveled road. 2 mlnutae walk to paved highway. - 1 acre in heavy bearing loganberries, 230 bearing fruit treea, lota or - red cap tmvpnemsa, goowoemes and atrawbenea. Enure S hi acrea under high state of cultivation. -'The house to only IK yearn old. baa 8 rooms, with hardwood floors downstair, all bniltin conveniences; heated and liEhbed bv caa: mrv water DUwa in nouse ana oarn, also on tana lor impisDo. uuw win, chicken house, cow and hay abed, large woodshed and double garage. Thn is an ideal country home. I Price only $8000; $5500 down, balance mort-1 t See us at anoe. I tB J " i JUraiaSUntUU2Uaa VyU. . 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 87ST, CHOICE BUYS HIGH CLASS flnWK.. Krwn. with 4 u Wrfilv devet d: vanity 100 fruit trees, bearing; sere de- k-.-w-,. ..y I aence ia mooem, garage ana ui city cwrence; . incai location, rtwi owue city omiia tui waciT- i Co. $3500 oauit, or exrhano and a-ume, I 5 aor- rich loam Z right at .metric rta.. on weH aide. Easily worth double the money. Easy I terms to right party. H SCKE3 Choice location on Orecon City carline: build- in c fair: best soil in state: excellent to subdi vide: sacrificing at half price. $4500, terms. See LA. K. Hill. 428 Lnmaermens PMg. FOR SALE By owner, a suburban home near Peruana. 10 acres, on paved nignway. near river: city water, electricity, choice fruit and walnut tree, berriea. lawn and roses, garage. substantial buildinga, chicken park, space for I cow and hone; wonderful view; was built fori my permanent home, but family grown now and property unsuitable home for one elderly person. Phone forenoon. Broadway 4478. 8 ACRES, 1 $ miles out on torel paved road. mils off St Helena road. e room bowse. heiiies. spring, trout stream through place ; about I 8 acrea cultivation: will make splendid chicken I ranch and summer home. 51600: smalt pay-1 ment easy terma. Welch. 838 Morgan bldg. BARGAIN Very fine acre home, just outside city -limits at 7 2d st. Rose mty park; mod em bungalow; $2750: good terms; owner lea ring. Tabor 4988. - NOW i the time to buy; 6 room modem house and 1 acre at a bargain and en very easy term. Owner, Automatic azo-47. FARMS 407 :- 160 Acres ' - $30 Per Acre About 23 acres tn cultivation, more not hard to dear: soms good timber; running water; good 6-room house with fireplace, fine bit frame bam, hen house, good stone cellar, wood bona, family fruit; this to a dandv stock ranch: leas than 1 mile from the place the outranre starts (thousands of acres) 1 place Is 6 V miles of Molalla; the buildings on the plsce could not be put up for tern than $3500. so whst to the land costinr yout It to 2 miles te school . .1 i I sn . a irtMB vm ymomi pnum $w y ww, wmrn E. P. Elliott & Son Tib and Mam Bts, Oregon CUT. Or. FOR BALE ISO acrea of dairy and fruit ranch I x in Clark county, black, rich soil, SO miles I from Vancouver en K. u , n . . . a i. VT"J . J 14 ,IKf' 3 cultivation. 20 acres in acrea in eoru. be ns. potato. dover. 86. seres m psstare .lend witn lots, of I timber.. 10.000 cords of Wood, 2 lan spring and 2 good wells. Cream house and (separator. sirgv Drn ooawv, . w iwai iiuhiiw wiui porch, cnletea nouse, wou nouse, ete. - All tarrn- I lag tools to run place. One buggy, one doable I spring wagon, one -two-horse farm wsgon, one I ESV" hM fiie is te"fr-aSn.I v.n. .buk 11 1.. fumiahed comnleta. EvemtLma goes at the pries of $9000; will givs terms. Write owner. I J. E. BCTTXER. Hei-aon. Wjh. UNUSUAL PROPOSITION Fine mountain ranch, hotel, valuable sutohur tpringa. on main highway leading to Tillamook coast romrto; 160 sere, about 20 acne in cultj - ration, balance burned over timber; fine erasing. almost unlimited outrange) 14 room hotel; rapid - ly trowing eusines. double present capacity needed now: averace of 800 Cars daily naasinc te beach ea: lane barn, store and Poatoffice bids. concrete bathhouse, 14 tub capadty, ready for equipment Fnrriture. farm tools, team. 2 food cows, 2. heifers, stump puller and cable. Ne limit to poenbUitieB by developing. Will con sider residenc property in exchange for part Price 814.000. $8000 ran stand at 6 tier oent O. B. Bippey, Realtor.- 410-11, McKay .bldf.. am ana guars. FOR SALE $6 acres, 4 miles from New berg. mOk and- mau route. mile to scnoov on n-eouniy roau; acres in , cuiuva- . .. -. . . . . : ... vun, in ' . . ,w lUW 1 1 ,im IUT HU land, 88 acre eu lover, 42 acrss standing timber, mostly old fir. fins cord wood timber. Pries 86600, $2500 down, balance at 6 per cent Owner. H. J. Fisher. Roots 8. Neweerg. Or. DAIRY STOCntED AD KQUTTPED" 110 acres, near Columbls highway. 20 cul tivated. Good 7 room house, large barn, out buildings, blacksmith shop, orchard, fine timber, creek, apringa, 10 cows, ether cattle, team, all kinds tools, implements, crop. 30 tens hay ia barn. Only 8T0OO. term. 804 Spalding bldg. EXCELLENT toad at $S per acre on the Co teabte. river: isod toed sad cast term. " JohnsonDodson Co - ' 688 NcrthweateTn Bnk BMg. ; ' 10 TO 40 ACRES, 4 milea from Portland. 62 acre in cultivation, large spring snd dairy barn, fine garden land, mile to earttnei at4 eu thia week, see owner, 104$ Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEST BUY IN WASHINGTON COC5TY ' 40 scree near Forot Grove, partly eulUsated. fine California bungalow, spiewdwi bam, yount orchard water piped to building; $2000 ensh. H eah. Dnboi, 804 Spalding bklg . ' BARGAIN 40 acre nnimp.. fine so-1. nice creek. K. Vs of ffW. Va Bea. IS, 1 It.. 4 T... near Wsshougal. Wash., only $720, terma. Box 111. Watts, Cal. LOOK SO acres, Washington eouoty, nearXish- wax snd school. 20 cultivated, buildmaa. or chard, fine timber arid cedar, creek, springs; 8Z5PO; good term. Pobo, 604 Bpaldlng bids. FOR SALE 104 acres, 7 room modern houee. with gravity system vat t, with or wtth out tnck and machinery. Owner. C E May hew, Winkx. Wash R. r. D. No. 1. hot 21. 20 ACRES 10 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; 4-room bones, barn, mthuildinc. one fruit treea, water on porch, 81200. C W. Vuleryhip. H eth t Mw " FINE farm." 120 acrea. $13,000. half down; bal. 6 per cent payments, . Janes, Crabtyes. Or. AUGUST 7 , IT 21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 ' 158 ACRES of good Saatlam bottom land. ' 80 acrea anojer enltivataen. in timbor and paaturo; family orchard; ft room' ' hones, largo barn, other buildings; gaa en gine, water aystem. Included with place horses, $ cow. 1 buU. brood auws. 1 1 nigs,' o cmctens. tractor, btnoer.- inu ana very complete ho of machinery and areas. Prico 8B4UO. Clear. Consider amaH bowse a Portland aa to $2000. balance aaay tar. Over 23 acrea. 2 miles from Oregon City. station on plaoa, mile to school: 1$ acrea nder enltivaUon and in crop; ail can bo cnlarated; 1 - acre bearing orchard: good a room hanss. bam 24x30, 2 chicken h ci Tie. - Pmrsonal property: 1 team, 8 cows. 70 chickena, 2 pigs, complete lino of ma chinery, including potato digger, harries. Also ail crops. Pnce $8130. 82830 cash, balance $ years at 8f. 84 acre. 82 milee from Port kind, in T Coiumbm county. Or.. 2 miles from good town.' 4 mile to achool; 15 acre under eultivatfao, balance in pasture: family or--' chard; 4 room honse, barn, ehiekhn house. checaa "factory and equipment - lndnded wtth ptaew 5 cow, team of hovape. regis tered bull, 7 ealvea, 2 pig, chickens and machinery. racer aae7a, l7S cash. baiance easy terns. Consider Ikxtland bouse of 4 rooms. "CONSIDER CROP PAYMENTS -100 acre. SO miles south of Portland. 1 H milea from good town: wire fences: gravel road. New berg vicinity. 65 acrea under cultivation; all can be cultivated. This to good river bottom land. 4 room house, bam, chickeji house, eta. Price $12$ . par acre; $1500 caah, balance in crop , peymanta, - - . 20 seres. 12 miles south -W Portland. 1.2 milea from electric station, near Sher wood. Or. Fences on 3 sides; 8 acres under cultivation: L7 acres caa be cultivated' when Bleared. Over 100 cords of wood. 8 room house, bam. chicken noma. Pric $1100 cash. An exceptional bargain. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Qerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast Over 600 Small Places Near Portland Got Our Extensive fln-rifrni Lists 42 Acres. 28 acres under eultivatiorj. balance pas ture and timber for house - use; good buildinga. well fenced, good well and run ning water, fruit and berriea ; on macadam road. mile of New Era and highway, hi ' mile good school. $ miles Oregon City. Proe for place with stock. Implements and eropa. $50O. Will take part trade. Plaos will bear tnapection. 160:Acres: $5 acres cleared, , balance timber. Honse. bam. an fenced, good road. 6 milea of Moialto, Or., on read to Wilhoit Spring. Prioe $40 per acre, part cash or will trade and take part city property. W. F. Schooley - 612 Main St Oregon Uty. Or. vj.- & k: a lyj buii,vax uo Your Last Opportunity la Central Alberta sad Saskatchewan are rich park lands open praine rraoy ior ue plow. Interspersed with wuku iiora exceiiens aneiter lor sweat. tiers gram growing, dairying and 11 vest oak ling are being carried on swocessfully. The country M weal for mixed farming. The -1 Canadian Pacific railway to offering a large area oi tncea laruis tanas tn Uoydminster and Battle ford district. Thto fertile land will hum tn nom or thousands of properous fan . otmma- vtrneewr grov im ausilar land Seager Wheeler grows the ZS-Z JSSS? ' ?r h' . ,ha hliriMS onalft w,aW a Ml k- . tBan.aimt mm . t. .wi A tk . 1.-1. . - - 1 Tbll.e1 Vow"" v "loww I lt't I'tl TOT .1. int-reat is 8 af E THfiBNTflV. Sunt rf 126 Ninth eve. E Calgary. Albrta. $800 Aa tillable when cleared. This has been logged off. Some not so hard to riser. It to 4 tails of the town of MolaRe. on graveled road, doss to good school, on mail' route, cream route and phone line. Well settled up-ell around. 2 miles- f the Col ton bich school and Store; stage line to Portland a times a Week. Price $800. m eaah. balance at 6 per sent - E. P. EUiott & Son 7th and Main St. Oregon City. Oc FINE STOCK RANCH 1800 acres. Western Oregon. Fully eauipped and stocked Abundanoa of water and spring. Half practically level, rest gently rolling. Free from rock and travel. Over half cultivated. Fenced and erosa feneed. Large house, rood ontbnildine. fine water aystem. Thoroughbred stock. goam, aneep, bog, ealckena, taws, etc. Fine iuv una ana asiry. FULL DKTAILS FURNISHED iisui oat iitvvaww uswrse Realtors S99-S-4 r.llln kU . v...n tlst 120 ACRES LINCOLN CO. EQUIPPED, 82600. 120 acre with 10 k. under dow and hi I crop, orchard and berriea, 4-room houe, run ning water, earn ioxiz, e Jersey eowa,i 1 I tools and f urniUlre included, at ooly $ 2 6 0 0 I iisnn i. 4DUU' 1 t I F. Ia EDDY. Realtor. , RrTTFJL LOWB CO., 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM 130 seres: 100 acres bottom land. 86 under I auw suiwii avv acre WHom aanu, ow wwrri cultivation, fair buildinga, electrio ngbta. 22 1 mUk 11 ether eattle. hones; aU kinds of farm machinery, eropa. ete. Located 40 mOea fro,. Portland. Will ssR reasons bis -or exehaaca I tor I ALBERT HARALA. 801 M1trlpTt I 1 FOR 8 ALE 168 acres, stock and frait farm, rich dark loam soil, abundant water, good road, near school sad msrket; 80 acres in oul- tiatiov the rest to good pasture and valuable 'od. sood bam, fair houas. team, I I 8 cows, o a-year-old heifer: all farming me - eninery; would consider small place with bouse f . t?Z,. XT0 I tJchanov. Chltwood, Or. ' . AS. Arr0- AKiffh , ' VWUU 2$ miles from Portlsnd. 22 seres in euWva- I t'on, 6 room houee, bath, toilet, good barn, 1 nne pair yount mule. 1 eow. chickens all kind 1 farm : asacbinery. 1 sil eropa, orchard and ail I kinds amall fruit; close to school; telephone and mail route. $3000 eaah, fcalaace to east Bundy, 010 vianoer 0 jovnseree oion. IRRIGATED FARM - - 120 seres stock and alfalfa land, near wou uu iwuumHj: Ale itiu irnaaoie3 - all been deared and cultivated; about 20 wire. All 1 want to my aumty, $860 8404 1 vm g. A 5. ; FOR SALE. 60 acres of irrigable land 12 sties 1 Bortil W Bend, I miles West of Redmond. 66 acres to alfalfa, balance la wheat rye and po- .wi in .a l e xs vJ-IT -Za an farm imolementa from a monkr wrwneh tLltttiiiO a.nhiM mTo aM inrauLM. owner. Andrew NimehL Tumalo, Or. ' Atoo 820 acre stock ranch. 80 ACRES, well improved, fair bunding. 1 ACKLS, W.U Imprsvia, fair building,, S modem atoek or dry- ranch, creek through ice; n bargain at 610.600; $3000 win handle, 10 ere on paved bighway. partly improved. P $1800: a snap at thatrieeV place 10 lor sisve: a snap at that price. F. L Blanchard 401-2 Swetland Bldg. - Msnhell 8 CHEAP FARM KEAR JXt'LLAS. acre am miles irom uauas: low acres in cultivation, bala-ce timto,; 11 iw. gwou nam ana crucceu Tjwues, mos sos S sere. inrs s i certain. . I Ts"rrC?-'-vrwSi' sxin" All e"n "Z,,w v.. about IV aorea eleaiea. Z e prune tree, good route and phone line peat place. Julius Krister, ov. - niuau ow.a. ww aKiiw uiiiL HUl r.'teearta ire - $2400 DAIEtur 200 acre. sU. ti k . 1 v - - . " bank of river. 3 -saUea of Portland. J. P. McKrnna. 1161 Bdmtmt at 8 2d. Tabor 849$. FINE little home, en Mcadmiad county road.! JtO acraa. acrea botte-a. halanca banah. T culnvatom: $ room hew-; eew, team, wegwa . toam..wat-n and farm Implements: $t0 per now. Iff" a. u. rtmitn, i 11 , FOR SALE-r-20 acre stock ranch. amaH saw. in nd kmriaa aaxfit S30OO. HX-t, 1 '1 Journal. tl. .fRACRr, toe-iJ acre, goj1 Un4 near Koana iaanflllaiMiita. aaorl era bargain; term. J. R. Woff. 4 It Henry bl4. aa irct ,k . . utlLt eS2? . 8o8 Beard or Tredo bldg. : i tun 6iu, tl acres, good eouajrir ana good water. Mrs. C MeUika. Cotton, Ot, REAL ESTATE FOrl SAXE FARMS '407 5 Acres AO in cultivatiaa; wtmm ml.n . galow. bam 14x30. chicken house, brooder neaue with eneat . Tl buildinga equippod with electzie lights; naif r.V., scnooi: on rock road. Price $4500. part cash: o4 terms. 10 Acres t glares in croni all levaL-M jm b wood and paatnra, nice 4 room em ; galow, ham; chicken house, woodshed. 2 weltot- owner will rneludo 8 wove. 1 horse. 4 hog. 80 etteaeus. wish, hack. -'all farm tools, new cream evparator and seme 1 furniture. This place will produce good hring. - Price 82750. - WtU consider Part In- Portland property. - . "7 10 Acres 4 MILES FROM PORTLAND LIMITS All ta cultivation: aU ta tk kt eiejweiany adapted to fruit berries and gar- uew iruex: a noun acre in berries, 4 sere of commercial orchard; 8 room bourn, bam. ' iiwaai mouses warn lata run inclosed in wire netting; place fronts on two rock " roads; 'close to school; mail- and cream routas past door. Price $4600. part cash. Acres 12 in cultivation wnad vt.. Piped to houee: half, mile to school and ' a, sa, kioos, - race iiuso. isoa 40 ACRES Alt good tillable land 8 ama .!. - ' balance wood and mw timber; I miles to school and R. R. statioa; on good road. some improvement. T Timber will pay for place. Price $3100: small payment dawn. 80 ACRES " ' STJ haMl .imiI f.Mlt . v -m , - . - vrewiq, wen, 5 room house, bam 32x86, ehickra nouse, nog uouse; ctoee to acnool; part in cultivation aod crop. balance timber. Some stock and all tools Co. Price 24200. part cash. . 95 Acres ' " DIVERSIFIED FARM '80 acres 10 crop. 23 oats. 1$ wheat 12 corn, 1 acre bests and carrots; good lam fly orchard SiBMr Crona Thto farm has an unbroken record tor fine eropa excelled every farm tn the com munity hast yeas nvsrage ytoht 48 buahals of wheat per acre. - Buildings consist of room house, barn 22x50. eauipped for dairying: torn tile silo, good granary and outbuild Inn. ln dnded in sale price are 18 high grade Guernsey enttl., 4 horses.- IS hogs, ma-, ehinery, 2 sulkey plows, disc, harrow, drill, binder, mower.- rake, - Buick automobile. Prioe $15,000, $6000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Will eonaider $5000 in Portland property, We have some of the choicest Ratings In Clanks mas county, all photographed for your inspection; eall and look them over if yon. are interns ud in good property. S. 6. DILLMAN 214 7th st, Oregon City. Oregon. Near S. P. Depot - . Farm Sacrifice! . BIB THIS I 40-ecrs farm, only 8 smiles from Taa- 18 acrea in prunes, acrea ta potatoes. 7 fce one. 2 acrea in kale: 8 - fine hanss, 4 splendid milch eowe, 40 - chickens; 4-room house, 2 bams, granary, woodshed, toolahed, ailo, garage, cream separator, power sprayer, buggy, wagon, row harrow and all assail farm tools; walls; hot and cold water tn tha houee; brmked up cellar; travel road; 1 mils to pavement; all for $8600; good ternu.-w mortgsge of $2600, or we will trade ' equity for clear residence to $6000; this to a real snap: posseasion at once if wanted: everything goes at thia prion, . EB - - - Reverman Investment Company REALTORS 210 Bids. Broadway 2854. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE MS a milea seat of Estaoada. on county road, does to school, wheat 26 a. with hegOght I- fence, baavnoe timber ana open,, nmau nowee and nam. but plenty of lumber en ground for aU nirmsry buildinga. 2 good sprmgs and a vfMri tAmmA Bdad OB DISCS. ' BODS I TT11V uw M .1 T Mm tak 120O or 1600 eorda of) wood off of place and still have enough timber left for n lifetime. Most -of una n vei ana 1 thia ia ma of tha most desirable places in thto section and you can double your money on It in 2 years time. Price ftovo. vome. on, asn wa it over or write : M. M. DUN CAM Eetscada , Or.. Route 1 . 40 :ACRS HOMESTEAD I ' - 1 acre tn oats and garden, 2600 ecras wood. 7000 cedar posts, small lot bungalow. barn, good wier. 4Jprtn no te Oregon Citr. 1260. ea vn tm'Hlwi'hmr. 2008 cords wood. Umber fine to cut, aU level good sou. 4-room nouse. oar. 1 1 1 1 City. 5U00: terms. B. XL STEWART . at aa . 1 827$. aw. -m . . - - j- J 80 ACRES STOCKED AND EQIIPPED, XS"J The owner must sell this 80 losated to,BL. 2.Sr!wl It TTviT I cultivation, good orchard and lotek of small I fr-ntr la. .vnilm gvhrVhi Bs-.tTsnTjaj HsStBM. BstaTsi frait: fe -mils to school, 6-room houee, bam 20x36, fun set of term tools, team, 1 eow, 1 hatler, 2 hot: swervthtng, todadlct rop. at only fltov: muu essa, V. STTinT Waaltn eaah.- I -Iter. v: CO, 1 7UTTE1L. LOWst At CO 201-2-8-8-7 Bcurd of Trade Wdf. 286 ACRES. . Logged off 2$ years ago. Seeded, fine pastara. anju i i . w j vm i mmv. i im. " Oh fine highway. 1 mile R. R. sad sehsoi, mile f rentes Willamette river, Ne bottomland. Itvea. Water en every part Small trout I c. !.. Bj. wh. Vfor I easy to slash. Several ash swslea. over zooo 1 eords wood, slae 2.600.000 old growth timber f left Wood and timber worth 88600. Very old I buildinga. No fences; plenty Cedar tor posts; I cheap lumber elaae. Only 87800; I Owner. MX-677. Journal. MOUXTA1N RANCH FOB SALE 1 1 aa a .iu vm. wwt bm sesithM Orecon. about 20 acres cleared, about 70 mors could he ckmred and put under plow. eeX need 1 timber and wood; plenty of water: seed U I "' , 1 - r''"Ti r.v" Trsi il nlor IMM lllLa if.V, .1 1 . I iorVHme AorJlr ewner Box 14 Rlddto. Or w J A .vf- . '-J, CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block ef tAnadian Pacific nail way company s re serve hands, remarkably cheap, on long and aaay term. Xandaeeker' excursion party leave Port- 1T1 ,!rrr,-, AaKrr- r?.si! 13. lteduoed railway rates. For further psrtie- ZoV-oTT ,-a? "fVj- SZZZVZ' !2JfUW"' Echn" bW- U ' Taacntou. distrkt repraamutire. I- 840 AI.KJlK S20 aukdae nlM. atabla rooaa for 100 head eattle. lam dry bam and hone stable, ntenen. root eellare and bunk hoar. i"!1 ulam' d welitng h rras. ; all I kd" "tt,t! Brtn water. Can be divided; SO n,T " Trt; VTT " I tesan Powell Valley mad and teoada ear to I , . Owner. Tabor. 2240, X0S3 I t pa, 1 40 Acres $2000 2t hrllea trom Portland, 12 aorea ta eultlv - ."7 rgroama, a m ajrm ru sveliaid. barn, 2 spring. Be. fine, 26 acre fj timber, new saw right .by the pUco and " enough to nay tor the plaee, $600 eaah, J2 . . I ... ' Bi-vnr m mv ru. u, BET BARGAIN KVkR OHERKD 40 acres near Grmham, sU fenced. 20 Seres cultivated, some timber, fwod orchard.! running I ' .t ' - - . - . I . TT as ai vf2 1 r"- ,;A ZZL. pi-uii '4. T I . . .Tn "L r ;" : S04 Spsldln Bldt, " .xTlFOR SALPe 140 aerea, steek. te. tmpie - I . rnenia crm , w " cuhm.uto, - ' I ear sad pastor : plenty water for power; mile I v,vi. - - - . - - i r I iaa .ar ansa ih iub aejaoaiz . r. rmt ras T "1 1 ana aaude Jensen. Aswn, r I 30 ACRES 6 acre in cultivation, balance I - faM'irv, evwid 4-rnem houxet bam. out JJdrnta. Jf t-?- . ia I amreim, a salves, team oervea, mail. mm. Kt JUM-V "Z .Th."' aganip. aa m , " I luitt orvertamty: 1 own ewe 01 tne oem eta, I . sere ptaeaa m .". par in run oear- 1 - 1 ft erenara. wnsra umew ewes wte 10 earn- j fiee. Act now and you msy have thto property rj!".,? " " I 610 Pr.H At Kc. lv.u acr i iaoau,, scree I eiearea, nous, cam. orcnaru, nvuig waier, I vry suitable tor dairy. teck or fruit and herna: I wiU ancpt aot. or auto for 3400. balance- eaah arxl terma. . penosaUy iAeacted. J. it WoUf, I 418 Henry bail. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Modern Dairj-$1S00 Reduction in Price - 60 acre, all tillable, $5 scree in erop, . 10 acres more easily cleared: timber- -." nosHstie am; -exceptionally well fenced; exeelleat spring piped to all building;.'. 12 acrea aseded to clover and timothy; ' saaorud orchard, tne lading English wel-' nuU. grape, all kind of heme; good . . T-roosa tnodem ban- white porcelain. plumbing: new dairy bam. large uo. urge general store: only 6 mikes (roes -.' end park, asewad bam for young stack and machinery; buUdincs aB painte , ed and in good repair, including $ dairy v eww 3 eelve. good farm team. 100 pure--. ore" coickenv registered Duroe brood seeream separator, ensilage cutter, 2 waona, ham, mower, rake, spring-... tool k harrow, dhc, plow, harrow, ail . small tooto. kitchen mage, heater. 2 V swdwaads. epnaga. nmuea. aewing machine, eoaeb, chair, china etoeet, - kitchen cabinet, hneleum. milk cans and . many other thing, toe numerous to men- '. fciou; aU crop; thia to an ideal country . ham: gently sloping to the south; thick. bjr settled community, elcee to erhool and Jarg ecuntry ater; only t mOe from North bawk highway town; 80 minutes . from Vsncouver; ail rural advantage; on ssain auto road: pric $7500. $$000 eaah. balance to su t. Thompson, Swan & Lee REALTORS - - .. $4 and Main Ste., Tanoonver, Wash. NoM66Small Farm For Sale " Near S. D. A. Academy, about mile . from pavement in dandy district . - About 8 acrea tn potetoe. some of - balance easily cleared: all fenced and " . cross fenoed; good sprint and well, - black loam soil: small house and small bam, Prioe (3500. Small payment down. No. 481. 14 A., about 6 under cultivation, some of balance easily cleared; psrnty of - timber for domettie uaa, All " : ' fenoed and - eroas fenced. Mas Wge ranntnaT-stream through tha place and . good sprint. Wster can be piped to . building. . 8 room farm house. Good new barn, hog honass. chicken houses . and rrd, and other outbuildings too numerous to mention. -This price in- -dudes cow. hone, wagon, cultivator, plow, harrow, about 7 tons of hay In barn, chickena and wood -enough tor winter in woorLhed. Thto to located , about 100 yards from paved highway, about half a mOe from good town. Sale price $8500. Terms, 8S MB. 8TKEK. WITH - Thompson, Swan & Lee Sd and Main SU. Vancouver. Wash. WE HAVE SOME OF THE BEST BARGAINS NEAR PORTLAND; WHY NOT SEE US BEFORE. TOO BUY. Only $110 per sere, all ta cultiva. tion but 8 acres, fair building, or chard, plenty of water, good road. 8 ; miles town. H mil school. 84 sens, 65600; terma. Buy now and save -money. Nothing in tbe neighborhood for lees than 6200 per acre. Thto farm to lam than 23 miles from Port land, pavement most all the way, extra good soil, no rock or gravel, nearly level, well drained, will grow fruit train or grass,. It is aheap, investigate at our expense. On the pavement, 12 miles from Port land; electric light, good water, 48 H acres extra good prune land, 80 acres in eultivaUoe, 4-room houee, good barn, 60x60. only H mile to grade school, high school bus- at the door, $12,000, will take $8000 in trade. 'Atkinson & Porter , 705 Main St " - Tanoouver. Wash, " , Acre Farm 40 acres, paved road, 1 mils from ' . good town; fine creek on corner of place; 80 acres under . cultivation ; dandy farm house, ewment sidewalks, 2 large barns with goad silo, . chicken hones.; hoc houao,- fruit houee, eepa- - rater houao and other eutbuUdinga; -' fine crop of grain; 1 acre of straw- berries; enough com ' and sunflowers ' 1 to fill sOo; good family orchard. Per- - so sal property including 18 cows, 1 "' regiatered bull, heavy apan of mules. . wagon, harneaa, chicken, plows, bar- . rowa, cultivator, tc, cream separator '- - and milk can. Thia to n beautiful place and must be seen te be ap preciated. Price $11,000.' small cash payment down, with long time en bai. Columbia Invest. Co. 407 Main i Vanceuver. Washington,' ' . 40 Acre Bargain 40 acre. aU tha very finest of loam -. - . soil, all level. 6 acrea in eulUvation . and erop, several acrea more . easily deared. soms timber, balance - fine -pastor, all well fenoed and eroea fenced. email house, good bam. fine well and outbuildings, Thto place to . very well located on mala road In the " boat farming district in dark eventy, 10 miles from Vancouver. Owner has ta r. eow and asaohinery which he ' will son vary nsisaskln, Price $$$0Q. The aeSe Thompson Co. REALTORS 410 Washington St, . Vanoouvac. Wash, OWNER MUST DISPOSE OF THIS . 2T-ACKE HOME NEAR SHERWOOD " 6-room houao, large barn, eaubuildings, 1 acre ia orchard and berriea, good wall -water,' also running ereek, 4 good eow, team of horses, $ brood sows, will farrow thie motith; lots of chickens, full one ef -tooto and mschinery, bam to full of hay, " some train to thresh, potatoes and family tardea, on milk and mail route, on toad -auto near the paswment; prioe to 1 8300 ; will take small acreage near the carhae up to $2600. bal long term of year at 4. . STEWART a JOHNSON, 615 Northwestern Bank BMg. ' NO CASH REQUIRED 220 acre Wallowa county train ranch. mile from Enterprise, on- eounty road, 4 mil from arhool; 110 acres planted to wheat hat year. 100 ' d tra7g.. 4 rhoiW: I Mtxnm nsuinst elec for 86600 due 8 rear. Wteret 8 per cent Will take bankable note for ,,3a ad. 10 rnn, interest per Cent tor I Mvlit, . ta trad Mult for dt wreoerte or" I s fiat 14 N. Second ss, Broadway 2278. ' 1 t'LLLY 1,'JIU'PLD DAIRY RAXCii 160 aerea. 2 acre now fn cultivatinn, 100 ' acres can be plowed when cleared; 800.00 ft , mw timber; eon cut SUUO cord first growth.; wood. One mile from railroad ee county road. Fruit on place win pay tax; 1 acre nww planted to corn and potatoes, 16 acres clover snd. meadow. 16 tone bay in bam. 1 team. 6 cow. . mm atoi iae7 aaj ablrkel tJJ,-j. ,, " aopTx.'I-'r rvp7nTMF. - rK)IM raPLOTME ' lwl5T7?s want stock, pig snd ehteSen. Pay 399 EMPLOYMENT CO., forth Meconn st I Bt-wdwiy 22T8. I-'OB SALii o-scre ctikken and. "berry ramC I "" prnwe tree., 1 sen strewberrias I "n etner SMortd iruiui ana wtti : vwui M y I . 1 1 .1,.1. v. I an"trriL 2 H miles fi 1 eouver city hmite. -ill. to eon bd 1 , I knHaa ta. Una and mtaint: anod raaaoa fnv !"'; . $3?0. $1S0 .oaeft. balancp terma, 1 . ""' ro 1 m . . . . . ... a a.AAa f ... 10 1"S' J",?Sl"u V. ! .-.. i m i i . wwww -, -- - - - - . . B0x0, l eow snd 1 oos, nens xncinaea in price of only $2000; $300 uh. - . . w 1. r-nnv. Hntb. . .. BITTER. LOWS A W.. ''.. C 200 ACUES, Central Orecon: , 1 U)i '' . cuv, c-t-i Oreaon: 10U sere, grail 1 in stack ready to thresh; only 82800 if aold 1 naat 10 das: easv terma. Addism avot 28. st 2. Bsttleerownd. Wr. 18 AC1.ES. cultivated, on h.ghway. 1 mile eonlh wlV snrTy. Wdir 3231 of Hubbard. F.n buildings. Uf to I7U9' FOR RENT FARMS 405 71 ACRES. 28 in erop. a-aiHillaoro, rent - 6360. Did to Decemb.r: stock, rruo and equipment $2500: term. tftilhur r. lirnry hiut. .A .... Ml -I! i; . B