SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1C2I. 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON i . 1 TOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD . PRIVATE FAMILY 303 "WAXT5D To board 1 or 2 small cliiklren": also baby over 0 months aid; excellent care; references. Terms reasonable. 6403 89th at, E-- Ant 614-24. NICE. CLEAN ROOMS IX A PRIVATE FAM1- 1LT; uaki uceinu, jm rtnx n K. FOB BCBIXjSSS PARTY. 617 MARSHALL. BDWT. 388S. WANTED BOYS TO CASE FOR, AGE 6 TO llt'D ID 13 XT HAUL1 riABV TV XT It'XlT V" OF MILK. SCHOOL AXD CHURCH NEAR. AUTO 646-ao. I FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 X r'lXE housekeeping rooms, everything fux - xashed including furnace hnt, electric light, gaa (or cooking; easy walking distance; 2 people, no children;: price $39, .441 E- Coach, cor. 7th. East 1318. - " - BEST OF COOKING AND HOME PRTV I LEGES TO TWO GENTLEMEN IN FAM ILY OF JOLLY YOUNG , PEOPLE. 812-96. 669 COMMERCIAL. - 2 LARGE H. K. rooms, clean, and cool, well furnished, i - furnace beat, ' electric lights, phone included; walking distance; 464 K. Oak, between stn and win. tast 3657. TWO nicely, furnished housekeeping room. 2d floor. 2 I windows ia each room, modern sdtUU ; people empejxl prel erred. ll Ky. Manual! aoia. N 14 'ELY fnrnisbed large front room. 2 doable bed, homo eooking (or 1 or 2; in Irvington; modem private home; reasonable. -462 K. 8th N. East 5897. , - -" . -- - ,- - TWO large convenient housekeeping rooms, light and attractive; walking distance; . electric Bgba and telephone. 632 Handera." Bdwy. 2256. LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for one or two; - very beat o home cooking; small private fam- By; ideal place (or someone v who appreciates a good home. Ea-t.2119. - - BIG, LIGHT rooma. with board. 38 a week; hath and ohona : board aerved (armor stile. S inth st-. between Oak and Stark. Broad way 072.: ... BOOM AND BLEEPING PORCH FOR YOUNG MEN; GOOD TABLE: WALKING DIS TANCE; HOME PRIVILEGES. EAST 158. TWO nice clean housekeeping rooms, caa range, rata, cloth closet, . pantry. . water ana lights. Close in. $6 per week. 838 E. Kelly. oeuwooa esF SIS 2 (nrtiisned roams. V, cottage, newly neved ami sainted amarate entrance, aaa, bath. yard, woodjrange and aaa plate. Walking diat- snee. 610 First st. FOR RENT With private family, two Urgi (ront . rnoiu. nicely furnished (or licbt house keeping: suitable (or (oar adults. 424 Thud sC eorner HaU. I Main 8SW. TWO rooms. 1 with sleepinc porch, twin beds. running; water, excellent meals, block (rom ear? garag next block. Pnone Mir. 4 833. LADY with food home, would like to hare soma boarders, or will care for children. s . 23rd and Nicolai. Phone Main 2695. GENTLEMAN to room and board; small, con cerns! family. ' Piano; modern; close m. : Main 698. school, will room and board COMFORTABLE housekeeping and sleeping rooms, antet district : seen to be appreevatea. room apartment. 125 and 830; single rooms 14 itU. - Sl 94a. MX MZM 11U1 I.ARGE. clean, airy fumithed b, k. rooms porch, cm. i. sink, free electric lights and prone. Adults, 322. Walkinc disUnce. 6S7 J. Morrison. - WIIXTiw' children in exchange for farm prod acta. Write F-Bl", Journal, or call Tabor 879. v. NR1R WESTOVER TERRACE Large room, rance splendid riew; ezchisiTa neighborhood; references. Main 8563. UOOM with meals, strictly private family, splendid food, Meeping porch, real home; ref erences. Main oil. ' 487 84TH AND DIVISION, board and room for two in nicely (urhiahed bungalow ; , 865 per month. - Bell. 2270. WANTED CHILD ABOUT 2 TEAR8 OLD. PARENTS OR PARENT MAT ROOM AND BOARD ALSO. PHONE EAST 1007. WANTED To board and room two girl; rea sonable. Tabor 8605. WILL board school girl, more (or company; no other children; 820 per mo. Wooaiawn 4434. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' FURNISHED 304 TWO housekeeping rooms, double or single; also i . 1 (ront sleebina room, ererythiu furnished: : walking distance, af 87 College sU. sear West l Park. Main 8164. AT 655 FLANDERS St. tau will find nice, large room snd kitchenette; sincle rooms (or mem and working girls, 815 monthly. Hot water always. - - i'l RMfSilk-U houaekeepinc looms, single double, gas. walking distance, free phone, lights and bath; reasonable rent. 04 aiomson aw Hpiadway 1W44. FURNISHED or unfurnished Housekeeping rooms. Gas ranges, running water in the rooms. Make your own rates within reason. lotf first at. ' ' 8. W. eorner Morrison, orer drug atore. C 1 1 a mrv lame front furnished H. K. room, stesm heat, laundry, hot and cold water, elec tric lights. Free phone. 4Utj vancouror are. Bear Broadway LARGE 2 -room housekeeping apartment. First " flmr. lara-a claaet. fine bath, toilet connected. electric light, sax rang, hot-cold water, phone free. B28 Morrison st. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN Light housekeeping end sleeping, clean and homelike: walking distance; su.oo week and up. 23tt Union are. ' - 1 OR 2 H. K, ROOMS. 1 front sleeping room. Clean, furnace heat, bath, phone, light, nice laundry: walking distance. 887 College st., near W. Park. Mam 3154. . - FRONT, 1 and 2 room furnished bouaekeep- bis. low tent, water, lights, bath included quiet place, married couple or bachelors, walk' tag distance, 21 & MILL TEftY attract! re 1 and X room apartments (or housekeeping, newly . decora tea, jignt ana cheerful; bath, phone, gas, electricity; walkinc distance, pnonv iwt. xna. FOR RENT Attactire 2 -room h. k. apartment, 1st floor front, 8 windows, 334 ; also single sleeping M b. k room. 315; walking distance. Bdwy. 3058. 594 Everett. LARGE, airy housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath and laundry facilities; summer rates, 335 Clay, comer Broadway and Clay. Main 3S40 "tHREK nice furnkhed housekeeping rooma. con- nected. Electric lights. Phone, gaa range and bath. 860 I4ta st. n;KNISHED housekeeoina rooms, electric lilahts. hot and cold water, bath, free phone, $2 per week and up, 63 Hood st, Msln 726. PARTLY furnished h. a ant., rmrate entrance, ' bath and absolutely dean; adults only. 1028 : E. Ahler. Tabor 4277. TWO desirable front rooms completely fur nished for H. K. ; free bath, light, water. phone. 821 Kelly St. Marshall 3256 IX IRVINGTON Three room h. k. suites, bath and well furnished, clean ana convenient, axs Esst tn .- , - ' FURNISHED Two 2 -room apta., and 1 3-room - ant. Rent reasonable. Good location. 683 Jnl'nron t- . 2 AND 3 H. K. rooms, clean and comfortable free fight and bath, 33.50 per week and up. 1 1 ii .i "7S mwuiuim. - 2 ROOMS, furnished complete for housekeeping, walking distance. 11 E. 14th N., between Ankeny and Burnside. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 31.50 per week and up: clectrio lights, on front room, am 1st. bet. Clay and Market st ONE and two room furnished housekeeping water, lights, bath included; rent reduced walking distance, west side. 645 First. ONE 2 and on 2 room suite, near 3 earlines. 84 and 83 week, free baths, water, phone, elec tricity. 290 H N. 2 1st Bdwy. 1228. S SLEEPING rooms and housekeeping rooms. 81.60 and 32 per week. No objection to children. Bdwy. 2689. 128 14th st. ONE large housekeeping room with sink and water. , walking distance, on ietn. car Sherman; free phone, bath. 605 6th. TWO nice h. k. rooms for rent. 73 E. 28th N 324 per month. East 0301. MODERN, cheerful, clean' 2 room h. k. apart., Kith porch. 60 N. 21st st, hist off Wash. 2 NICE large housekeeping rooms, also 1 single room; close in. 608 Darts. CHEAP Furnished H. K. Rooms. 366 First st. NICE, clean, airy housekeeping room ; - bath. nhone raa far cookinc included: reasonable home privileges; walking distance;'- girls pre lerrea. mi oiz. . WILL rent 4 (urn. rooms, white enamel kitchen. dinina room, sitting room and bedroom to responsible parties. I furnish tight, raa, heat. oath, phone, i 4 3 E. Z3d st. Bell. 37tta. - FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, water, large nantrr in i kitchen : also large clothes closet in front room; reasonable rent, including light, wa ter, gas tor cooking. zoo cooa are.' H. K ROOMS, nmtaira. use of nhone. wash trays andi bath, 335; 2 adults. Woodlawn 672. 862 i Miss are. Must be seen to be ap preciated. 1 . LARGE cooL oozy room, completely furnished free hahU water and bedding, separate en trance. Reasonable. Adults. Wain. 3873; call mornings. f , NICE HOME-LIKE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY; StlTABLci IVtt OR 2. BROADWAY 4434. FURXSHED housekeeping rooms; cool, clean and cozy: light and phone free. 427 N. 21st . corner Vaughn. Bdwy. 5561. 2 NICELY jtumifhed housekeeping rooms, tl 3 CLEAN, pleasant, wed tumisbed housekeeping rooms, conrenient, first lioor. suitahie lor four adults. 620 E. Morrison St.. cor. 16th. FRONT housekeeping room completely fur- nished: rery nice; electricity, gas and heat furnished. 118. East 6436.' FOR RENT WANTED TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FLATS FURNISHED. 309 TTratra.Bnfl .paximant Oat., all large sooaaa. light and sunny, comiortaniy weu roraawieQ. sleepinc accommodatioaw for 4 or people, 830. ; 426 Bamside. between 10th and 11th. Bdwy. 1584. ' THREE room eor. flat lor rent, modern and clean, well rum., prrrata entrance, nam, e-sc, no objection to one or two children.- Call Sun. or after 7:3" eres., at HH sen st. HOUSES - 361 HOUSES 404! PLEASAST, airy rooms in furnished Oat, close in. reasonable rent, mm nil. apb jut. 468 H Jefferson. ' " FURNISHED flat for rent till Oct. 1. terms reasonable. Can Monday . or Tuesday. ZVU IStb. st. ' walking distance ' RENTAL BURIAD - - Lfct yowr booses, flats or apartments withl VB:-jUck reanita and gobd tenants. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY 8 TO RAGE 4V TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth at., opp. Multnomah HoUL Phono Brosdwa 8715 FOR RENT 7-rooea asodera house, at 67"K7 82d ac X. jGas and full basement. 2 fine lots, good barn .and chicken yard. Just a fine ! Httle ranch for ,323 per. month. Phono alar- snaH WANTED To rent house and garage in good location, Lanrelhunt or Willamette bird, pre ferred. Rent not more than 840. At 811-12. FARMS iJEAfc. OREG6S C1K" 407 Orer 18 acres. IT miles from eenter of Port- : mad, on grarol road, 8 blocks to electric starkoa. mile to school: gofel aprmg. dark loam sou; -z acrea under eoldrauon. baianco in timber and 8s5t NEAT betas 2 room pkweered eottatv. - full basement, eoncreta foundation, ntee yard, with reaea and abruhbery. 838 Am amtlilc. - ' a'aaav a ,,. f acrea under euldrataan. baianco " , - water, toilet, in fair condition, full to. I elhed to bo rough. 1 1M heasao with wmtsg - . i .T . i.iu i iii hW I eaoed in. bam, emraae. chick en hsuss. tool huuaa. 31600 2 story 7 room plastered howa. gaa, 2000- ckr iJ?J?!L hath toilet, in fair oocalition. an ma I der 8 room - eottaca in PorUaad. 4Mnsrwada , bibb inai and eherr trees. aU kinda of I disaiet. FOR SALE By sestt, apartxaent hoaao, eome thing extra good. 23 rooma and one sleeping porch, all famished and rented. Each apart ment haa lta electric meter, ran oaseaaent witb tubs and (rait room, hop no nearly an new, newly painted, wareaneot said; brings in 3304) a month and turning away people every day. Ago and poor health the reason, for sailing. 638 Jef fcrsoa sc. Corral) tv berries, lot 69x100. St. 3ohne car 1 3230 cash; the best Value m town, i Call on as and eeo tho photographe of thoat and hundreds of other workingmeu'a hnenoa. j JOHX FERGTJSOX. REALTOR. Oerlinger blda. , a -ROOM fnmiihed flats. block to Morrison car. 669 Belmont, feast) wiifuni wita giri. 4. dware room bungalow I 5520. - ' I or , flat, good; neignborhood; must be ft-RfM IV aiHier flat, comnletelj famished- nelr 1 rldwr- 3857 Rt tTCi papered, walking distance. 8909. 830 12th, Main I WANT to rent 4 or 3 rooms, modem bungalow. nnfnmisbed. Automatic 237-20. 32 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT- 73 ACRES ii FARMS ; 408 7 -room houae. large bam; 6 miles from Camaa, Wash. For fall perriculara addreas C. A. Binder. Boa 108. B- I. (jamas, waan. Must eamT CWMl aP f f!"1? TICw'JL. - FOUR-BOOM Hat tor rent, second floor, light and airy. 820 per month: party must buy I fomrtnro. 30. . 466 ota sc. near Jscsson. &-ROOM, upper, tarnished flat; heat, light, water included, 4Q9.H Jackson. 8 ROOM modem furnUbed flat, stove heat. , - ..A ' , C . . . 1- . ... wsisine oistance. ttv. tsi via at. NICE 6 room furaicbed flat, done in; walking distance. 73 Cnlon ave. f. 310 FLATS UNFURNISHED PLEASANT 4 room disconnected lower flat. 1218 Mall St., near o!cate; 318. Block Woodstock car. Private bath. Key upstairs. Phone owner, Marshall 1204.- 6-ROOM flat, clean and comfortable, built-ins. with or without garage. Rent reasonable. 825 Deknm, corner Rodney. $35.00 5 ROOM modem lower flat with beau tiful 'yard and fruit. Adults. Piedmont. Inquire 1387 Garfield. - FOR RENT 3-room. unfurnished flat, modem. close in; no children ; Richmond line. 594 Clinton at. Sellwood 614. - 3-ROOM. 325; 4-room, S30; lowers, with sa- rsgea. Union and Graham; incmnaa water. East 2195. 2 LIGHT, clean front rooms. 820, including heat, water, gaa, lights; some furniture if de sired. Tsbor 2515. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 SEASIDE 31S30 buys a 6-room house, fur nihed; bath, electric lights: lot 60x107 feet; less witnout luraitare; tais m a good buy. Addrea Mrs. Bmma Weed. 1034 7th are.. Seaside. Or. i ' - LOTS "-'403 " BOSS CTTT PARS -,WITHr J BLOCKS OF CAB - Fine 88x100 ft. corner lot on 43d st.. aU I streets paved and everything paid. This it choica level lot. i Prlco 81400. gfnww VBU1LT TO KNDUlUk , $10 to 33000 IXVRSTIGA.TE Bigger. Better. Hossea tor Lee Money. BEDIMADE BLDG. COl. PORTLAND OR. E. 11th and Market. Phone East 5il4. Ilnwfitnwii uUi nlfacai Camaaoawealth bade. 6th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4838. 800-ACRE Canadian grain farm for rent; con- aider to take prooertv here for tho oaaipment. ! Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermena bide. BEAT THE HIGH COST Or BUILDING 82500 NEW ROOM HOUSE 82500 . I can build a commodious 8 ,. room house, complete plumbing, wired, U base ment with cement floor, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-in, double cost, atructed of very best materials, for 82300. . . EARL E. FOGEL. , Designer and Builder. Call Autl 625-70. . T056 80th Ave. HOMESTEADS - 410 COPT govt, maps showing Western - Oragja hoaaeatead lands, ftl. : Our charaea are rea sonable and our services the beet on locations. Reference given. M. 1. AND ARSON. 831 aty Exch. bids.. Poithrnd. j HOMESTEADS (or ex-service men or others; I will locate yoa on timber or farm lands, tak ing you out in my own oar. . E. W. Helm. 816 ! Board of Trade, Portland. ' TIMBER LANDS 411 WIIJ. aril or trade 160 acrea timber land, about lO.OOO.OOO feet timber. Wnto B. 4. Box A4, MeMmnniie, Cr. I TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 J. Lt HARTMAX CO., IF YOU are looking for a good home priced right, wo have it. Modern, double construct ed bungalow, six -rooms, foil basement, good furnace, carage with concrete floor, nice chicken house and rard. fruit and flowers and garden soot. House newts painted, ail in good eondt- I Uon: lot 60x125 ft. on nared street, vntn street I fusrnv aJI a real bargain; lots, suxiua, in I Improvements paid; on Lancoin near out. I Marina are., near Urhim ave., 8199; 825 I Priced for quick sale 8440O, 31000 cash. 340 Branch Office 45th and Sandy bird. - ij- Tabor 252 . down. 310 per month. Woodlawn 4306. 4-ROOM flat, modem, (20. at 1108 Hawthorne are. $20 SIX room flat. 57th and Sandy. Phone 3475 50x100 lot, 66th Owner. Phone 217-06. X. R. C car. Tabor 2840, or Tabor 6142. 6-ROOM FLAT. 6142.' $20. 'Xaocc 2840 or Tabor HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 CHOICE Laurelhunt lot for sale at a sacrifice. Improvements paid. Fhone Tabor 408. 50x50 ON -East Stark St.. between 19th and 20th sts.. all improvements in. East 2997. PIEDMONT LOT, east front, improvements in; 31050. Owner, East 3463. - PIANOS moved $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight; 30 days' free storage on all household goods; I furniture moving. 1-ton track. 32 ner hour: large truck $2.75 per hour; we are experienced I and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer It Storage Co., 104 N. 6th L Open Sundays and evenings. BENT Lease 5 years or sen with terms, won derful Home, garage, trait, flowers, fine fwr- niture for sale, terms : . piano ; also big bargain I cottage a, peacn. 4614 K. 4 1st . . STRICTLY modem 5 room Duplex, close in. fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in HOUSES 404 cold wate Shaver st WANTED by working lady of 35, with own furniture, i one or two ladv comnaniona' to share expenses. Aut. 642-96. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, walking distance. 173 E. 7th st.j Cor. Yamhill. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 , DUNDEE APTS. Hrmsekeetrinr rooms. 32 to S3 a week. 850 TJswthorae ave. East 825. st. Adults. Nice yard. References exchanged. 10-ROOM house. 601 Tillamook st near 15th: Fine location for roomers; newly painted, re modeled; 2 baths: give lease. a Inquire 829 Sal mon St. Main 4789. J. D. zvennedy. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, close Jefferson high school; adults; references; $45. 958 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 196. ELK TRANSFER ac STOKaGJ. CO. I IS Days' Sxirsgs Free. Furniture moved (or less. Broadway 2443. WILL LEASE (or k long .Ume, BEST OF BUT 5 room modem bungalow, entirely fin ished in old ivory, tapestry paper, built-in buffet, Dutch 1 kitchen, cement basemenU. hard surface street. Hawthorne district one block to ear. Price $3900. $500 down, baL same as rent, Riely & Qustaf son 1203 Toon Bids. Mar. 1436. Suftnyside Bungalows DO IOU WANT A CLASSY HOME per ma Tabor 8653 or call a( reatdenoe, IS 14 E. Harrison. . . ; HOITSEA FTIR SALE . t I Free plans, free estimates, free advice. Taw with our practical building man. "So cash pay ment down. Let us build (or you .on easy I repayment plan. "8UX-HOU8E" BUILDING CO.. On 3d. bet. Stark end Wash . 216 Abington. Brdg. $2500 TERMS, OR $2300 WITH $1500 CASH My B rooms, gas. eic iignt, toilet and oetn. 4 rooms, plastered. Lot 60x160. 2 blks. (rom ear, sidewalks, lawn, rosea, 7 bearing (rait trees. lots or Hemes, large garden spot, X ciucken yards. Come and see it. i 4543 E. 61st at 8. .. Laurel wood eta. rnone auiow uia-04. TRADE TOR TOU Wa have an apartment bouse oa East Gliaan to trade for land in Idaho; We have TOO ' acres of fine land ta Eaatern Oregon, under irrigation, worth 350.0O0. and $15,000 in cash to trade for property in Portland, VWe have an $88,000 hotel ha Seattle, Wash. It is a beauty. 3 atory brick; S stores on tho ground floor. This is one of Seattle's best hotels, furnished. Will trade for A-l ranch near Portland, Or. Wa bare a $95,000 brick hotel hero in Portland which we can sell' you; furnished, for $25,000 down, balance easy terma. Tea, wa have anything you want; make us prove it. Quick Sales Co. 403 COUCH BLDG. i WEST SIDE, modem cottage, S rooms, re ception ban, bath, large pantry, house in fine shape, clear of incumbrances. Will eell on easy terms. 509 Chamber, of Com- i bide Main 1963. WILL TRADE , W are prepared to arrange a trade fog you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything that haa merit; Iocs, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. R. 8.. 513 Couch bldg.. Portland.. STOCK RAXOU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 S3 ROOM hotel, in good town; dining room and kitchen roily equipped, i am doing a nice sinesa, but other bnnnaaa desaanda my atten tion at coco. If yoa are looking tor a snap I have it. and terma to sou. Addrea Commercial Hotel, Or. $1000 CASH 8500 FuTattnre of dean, attractive eorner flats for sale. Good home for couple and small ro se. See owner Sunday of after 7 .30 eve nings at 381 H 5th at. 4 ROOM botaL good bmuneaa. steam beau. good furniture, including good piano, ahower and the baths, fine dinina anoen, everrthina ames at 8180O. $1000 handles, iodndlng stork. AH reeay m wan uwnisaa. tnrser, loramDta aaz. WAXTfeU To buy H. K, rooms or moaning nouao. - Tip agents. 269 Montgomery. 8 BOOM house, aioiiem: very good furniture. Z mome r-nted ; foO will tundle. Marsh. 66s BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i- WANTED 550 HOTELS, rooming honaaa. or any other kind of ousinees to Buy or sell, see JohnsonDodson Co.! 633 N. W. Rank BMk. - Main 3T87. $1000 to inre-t in good garage, tire or baUrry shop: aU answers treated confkdeotiauy. X- 682. Journal. WANT all or part interest ia good going Kard- ware buMneea In Portland. W-754. Journal POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 1.5 White Legh6rS" hens.' so BhoioTZHa ehk-kens. 10 weeks old; furniture tar S-roosa honaa; house and 4 acrea (or leaae; H cord ssw. saweo.. annr am A. js. uiu, uaaa-j anaa, rr. YOUNG White Pakia ducka for sale at Beau- wood. I leans are., eotwam air-Cos? anal Stor- : ling. Call oatnrday after or Sunday before . 13. Mt. Scort ear Una. tEAkUsG tancrad White Laghorea. 516-240" egg strain. $1 each, Everiey Egg I"sjas. the Dellea, Or. - THOROUGH b6eZ Fox terrier pups. -'Evana Foultrv Yards. 863 Eaak Lflaahaid. Wand- lawn 1656. Scratch $2.73 r? C K r Mash 82 60 Wheat $2.73 U CCU Wdln. 4344 DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC 703 PEDIGREED police d. pujvie. trom the "eeTJ b rated gneedarav Imi.).- wnk ka W aim 2003 between a. m. and 430 p. m. - . AM closing out SU Andrea, b ag aingers at vary ' reJucrd prices; females almost given away. ' Tabor 736. FOR SALE PeduirceT" Persian oata and kit tens, orange and silver. Main 6430, Hills--dale. Or. B. 22. - - - CASlRiES" in elegant Mig at Scenic Studio Aviary. 634 Front st. Main 46H. FINELY .bred Pointer puppiea, cheap. Ewen. 304. Concnrd bklg. - 2 MALE Airedale iL good breeding; $T0 . each. H. B McCrfrJ . Camaa. Wash. HART MOUNTAIN birds for sale cheap. K. Gluan. 191T BEAfttFtt. Boston Terrier pupa, '"lau 660, 224 K. 2d at. - - FOR 8ALE Englian terrier .puppies, ehesp. Tabor 8136. . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 8C0 WANTED 10-20 668. 47 LIGHT CARS TO PICK FROM PRICED TO SELL -A 191T Saxon 4, roadster, starter 8 195.00 housekeeping rooms. Mar. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CTTT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved "property or for improvement pui iHsiea. Tho best and eaxiext snethod of paying loan is oar monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month (or 86 months, or 821.34 per month, for 60 months, or 36.1 7 per month for 96 months pay loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounta in same (proportion. Repayment Privuegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS'X 242 Stark 61. Portland. Or. i Ford Bug. 4 passenger . 1914 Apperson 4. t.mruvi. stsrter. . . . 1915 Velie 4 touring, starter r 1917 Buck 4. touring. B-23. sUrter overhauled 1917 Chevrolet touring J..... 1916 Oakland 6. Urn ring; A-l 1916 Oakland 0 rcadsb-r 1919 Oakland 6. tounng. overhauled 1918 Overland 90 Country Club.... 1920 Overland 4 riadUT 1918 Chevrolet touring, overhauled.. 1918 Chevrolet delivery, overhauled..' 1916 Jackson 6. 7 passenger...... Packard 80. 7 passenger. ... 1917 Cole 8. 7 passenger 1918 Studebaker 6, 7 passenger ... 1920 Chevrolet touring. A-l 1916 Ford express deL .......... 1916 Ford touring 191T Ford touring 191 8 Ford touring, extras, repainted PRIVATE FUNDS to luaai on mortgagea. eeeood I 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras. AT BIG REDUCTION . 1 Must sell at once, new 7 -room , 1 atory I have 2 modem bungalows for sale at rea- I bungalow at 936 E. Broadway, double constructed CarSois Apartments 2 room furnished modern ' apt reasonable 14th and Market st. buildings, for F-932. Journal. convalescent 10 acres and home. Owner, MODERX 4 room apartment for rent, west side, walking distance from loon.' 320 per month. Party must buy furniture, $300. 466 K Sixth st - I e Two and 8 room ants., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. 274 X. 21st. Bdwy. 4730. NEAT 5 room cottage, oa 23d st. carline, west i rode. 466 24th st. near baseball grounds. Gas. Rent $29. Phone Tabor 776. 7-ROOM modem house, good location, number of good close in flats. G. W. Nelson. 288 M Russell st. - - FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, 30 minutes out, S. P. electric 312 month; adults. Write or call at 999 Vi Corbett St.. Portland. sonahle prices; full cement- basement, ' garage. rurnace, snaaea, narawood uoors, located on a sightly comer 2 blocks (rom car; price $3200 ana gauu; una payment down, $25 per montn and interest. jau site moons- and eve ninga at 128 E. 82d st- PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive, small house, hardwood floors, gas heat, beautiful view; pared street, near car and school ; seldom any . place oh heights can be bought for leas than' $5000. Price, partly fur nished, 34250. some terms. 553 Terrace Drive. Auto. 527-28. j ' throughout, all buUt-ina, oak floors downstairs. stained floors up, finest of wall paper, best of plumbing. Rudy furnace, xarsae. full lot, all im provements in snd paid ; look it over or call owner, raar. sau ana i wm can. NEWCOMERS. ATTENTION! T Account of i'lneia will sacrifice my home m the ML Scott district, 1 block to car; 5 (room modem houe. well famished; cash or terms. Phone Sundaya and evenings. Main 8359. Week days (rom 9 to 5 A-610-79. IRVINGTON 6-room bungalow . $6000. half cash; hardwood floors, tapestry paper, ivory enamel finish, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-m I hare a stock ranch east of Bead. Or.. 638 acres, abundance of outrange, good water; value 36500; will exchange for bouse and lota ia Portland or small ranch close in. Write E." M. Peck. Sisters. Or. Don't Worry ' Can trade anything anywhere. 909 Chamber of Commerce. COMPLETE wholaaale and retail muk plant. 1920 Ford touring, starter, dem, rims. A-l 1921 Ford touring, starter, ext., new 1920 Ford -coupe, starter, repainted.. 1917 Hupp 4. touring, new urea.... 1919 Buick 6 touring, dandy mortgages and Bailers' coa tracts on real estate in Oregon and Washington, Charles Delfel. 818 Kstiwsy r.xcnsnge bldg. SSOO. $400. $300. $600. $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest rates. Quick action. Pay $100 at more any Interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mam 1370. uon tinn icnu nui ainnu ivn rrt Low ratesl Quick action! red W. German I mn Sunday. Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6446. BUILDIi'G loans on city and suburban property. money advanced aa work progreaiaa, w. va. Beck. 216 snd 216 FsOioc bldg. Main 3407, $2000 TO $3000 ON CITY PROPERTY. FRED 8. W UXIAMS. 806 PANAMA BLDG. 2o 00 200 06 2OU.0O 275 00 200 00 34 5 06 895.00. , 4 73.00" 495 001 645.00 850.O0 323.00 : 850 OO 4 25.0O 530.00 6OO.00 673.00 25O.00 .24 5.00 ; 293.0O S33.00 . 473.00 800.00 673.00 600.00 850.00 1030.00. V RAN SON S USED CAR EXC. Union are. and Belmont (upstairs). East 43T6. located close in. on east aide, cheap rent I $300. $1000, $1500. $2000. $280(TaXD CP". Win sell or exchange for small residence. L. Miller. 355 Wash. St. Mala 1J79, F. $5500 NEW modem bungalow. 6 large rooms I hnffet, full cement basement, also garage, on and bath: attic and 1 roam upstairs: radiant fire in fireplace, gas range, kitchen heater, gas I owner. East 8463. water neater, nnoieum on aitcnen ana oatn; 800 ACRE Canadian grain farm with equip ment, will exchange for farm here. Writ direct to owner, . Claude Cole, 426 Lamber- mens bldg. - . WILL sell or exchange (or city property my 20 acre ranch, under cultivation. 16 H miles from town on paved road, Dave Eammet jr., 869 r. H. DE8HOX. 616 Chamber of Com, bldg. MONEY to loan, 3100 to 66000. A. U. Bell. 11 Mnlkey bldg. Mala 4379 SEE OREGON IXt.' MOkTGAGK CO.. Hi I 6th and Ankeny. "BUILT TO HTVDURE Portable and Permanent -843 to $300 Best Sectional Garage Bnfik oa Pacific Coast - BEDIMADE BLIXJ. CO., RlKTLaAD, OKa f t- si.k I U.m. Phnn. V . . Rita m uowniown saam oaiice aoaumpwiu nsis. wm Phone Broadway 4338. 50x100 lot. east front, sightly view. Buy from 1 RodnrJ ,T. WoodUwn 1984 high; torms .cash. Call 1025 Garfield ave.1 Woodlawn 400. FOR REN t Good 7 room house, fine location. WE8TJ"R!'LAD' W??lcmL TTT rent reasonable. Inquire 821 Ivelly at. Mar. 3256. . close to grade acbool and convenient toJefferson HOME AND INCOME. -MODERX 8-roonv ha MAR SHALL APTS. S room apt. ; also semi-basement apt. : ele vator service; private phones. 624 MarshaS st. Bdwy. 3851. i HAWTHORNE APTS.. 3 and 5 room furnished WHEN moving, citv or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans.- Co., Main 1261. 202 H Alder st. $25 PER mo. 6-room house, pantry, bath. large basement, electric lignta, gas, yard. 458 apta., private bath, hot and cold water; $20 I Vancouver ave.. near Bdwy. and $45. 666 First St., bet. Lincoln and Grant, west side. THE JEFFERY i 2-room furnished apartments $16. Corner Russell and Kerby st. Eest 1594. ' THE FIELD Clean, outside 2 room apta. Light; phone, $20 and $22.50. Main 7392. concrete porches, eye brow design, finished in ivory; Hardwood floors, elaborate Dutch kitchen. furnace, fireplace, large attic, full cement base ment, fine garage, cor. lot. will sell at cost. Terms 526 Chamber - of Commerce, or phone I Mar, mzz. $2960 6-room modem cottage. 286 Tillamook, 100 ft. from Williams car; walkinc dis tance; interior splendid condition. Price in cludes kitchen inlaid linoleum, nice electric fix tures, new winddi shaes, awning, screen win dows and doors. Owner in the house. East 6571. FOR SALE 5 rooms, modem house. 50x100 lot; all improvements ia and paid ; full base- I mcnt ; gas. electricity, fine bath, hot and cold water: clear from all incumbrance, at 609 Sdo- clean. convenient, a; blocks I kan. ave.. Sellwood. Price $2250, on easy Apiy ovio rosier rq. I terms. Call at 324 Front a. Phone Main 7806. ment, perfect condition, near 8. P. ehopa and business district; all street am pa. in and paid; fine garden, fruit. $1300 cash, bai. easy. Sellwood 1250. . WELL improved clear valley ranches for equip ped cattle ranch; will aasnme soma indebted ness. T-94 8, Journal. NEAR MOSIER, Or.. 160 acres, 33 in apples; I 34000 cash for my equity or 83000 Port- land residence, clear. 674 fopiar st. or aacouver. Wash. want more imrirr AnlSlTo" TRADE Vancouver income property To A-nLAtiL vo I stock tulci 1514 Esther ave., Vancouvei : I rr..h 5, 10 and 20 Acre Tracts Kera t" 25 Acre Up . A MODERX 5 -room house with large attic. 1 V, blocks to St. Johns ear line, $20 mo. 1117 S Kellogg. St Johns. Chamber of Commerce. 4tb and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OX' AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. IIAXOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE BO D8 OR ANYTHING OF I Grand Ave. at Hawthorne. VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IX YOUR POS8ES8IOX. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OX THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COM P ANTES OR ON FURNITURE. OR AUTOMOBILE COX- TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT 1 HEM CP, ADVANCE TOU MORE MONET REAL BARGAINS HERE'S TOUR CHAXCM ' 1917 Bnirk 4. delivery ........S283 1916 Buick . touring 1916 Saxon 6. touring .............. 295 1916 Mai well, touring 105 1917 Chalmers, roadster ............. 575 1918 Ford, touring - 293 Terms II iieairea. FRAN CI 3 MOTOR CAR COMPANT. feast alio. MODERX 6-room cottage, near car. 39th st. 330. 838 E. MODERX 5 -room cottage, newly anted. Saner st. 862 6 ROOMS, from Mt. Scott car. SEVERAL .bouses for sale or rent. road. Auto. 646-26. "or S" REAL ESTATE 810 down and $3 per month btrya a 6 i I (OR SALE. OK tALrtATvtit 414 I IF NECESSARY. AND TOU CAS REPAY -I S acre tract this addition of 800 aerea. I TU,NESS compel disposition of neat, clean. I IX SMALL MONTHLY PATVENT8 TO SUIT 2 Zrr. . L, . . ' T" I nouaewoat at saenfica price of 3140W on eaiy I i"ta wuiaajwn side, dose to Columbia .highway and river; I o-.,.,. a .nd hath, aaa. electriritv. Bon I LEGAL RATES NO DELAY rtun water. Auto, s 15-20. I UIILII A FM 1 1 I II AIM I '.1 1 aS "asst aTTX M email U aW aawsf kel chaV V gaw 9 airs a. waaap- m at aawaswa. I eXeait VY ATM 1LL KLAL U1AIL I SO8-S0T DEETM BLDG- 3d and WASH .V.rrrf. BUT THIS FAIGB TOURING 8 pasa, touring car; ahock absurbera. spot light and extra tire; newly painted a -dark green. Tires all good and ready to run. Should bring a lot more, but the. first man who gives us $250 cash and easy term note for balance of $525. rets at. Mr. Chiarmonto. Broadway 1460. Xorta west Auto Co.. ISth at Alder. - fine tnnsportataoa. railroad, river, ante stage and truck. Beautiful taring land, free from rock or gravel; some tracts have I beautiful view of river; there is also some ' with streams. - Fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables , j CITY PROPERTY 450 9133 Foster BUSHMABK HOTEL. Wash. St.. cor. 17th. Clean, modern, - completely furnished, 1 and I TO RENT 4 or 5 room modem bouas, in Z room outside, apta., reasonable;. also sleeping I good district. K-4U, jonrnsL rocrns. 33.50 per wk. up. ' I 3 noOMS. oarUv famished. 8 lots, free water. Call 4407 51st st, 8. E. ROOM house ior rent; garden and chicken house. Aut. 632-01. King Albert Apartments $ 2 and 8 -room famished, strictlv modem, tile bath, elevator, 11th and Montgomery. Main Bay. HOUSMAX APARTMENTS Large desirable 2 to 4 room; clean, hand somely furnished; closets and sleeping porcn, 780 Hoyt. Msln 1552 'THE "WATSON ; Two 2 room and 1 aingle. steam heated. Harrison, cor. Bdwy. 71 S41 GLADSTONE aoartments. 71 Grand ve. N. modem, clean and neat: single apartment $16; 2-room apartment $27.50; 4-room apartment $32.50 a month. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Leeds Apta., fireproof building, modem 2-room apt. 820 FOR 8 ALE 6 room house, on 16th and Wood ward are., in fine condition; gas, easctricity. suxiou comer lot; au improvements In ana paid; clear from all incumbrance.. Price 32600. on easy terms. - Call at 824 Front st. Phone Mam 7806. - OWNER LEAVING CITY Win sacrifice my 8 -room strictly modern house, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, full cement basement, garage, furnace. Don't overlook this. CsU owner, 935 E. 15th st- X. PIEDMONT $5000 Fight-room house, tile bath, laundry tray, furnace, cement basement, two blosks to ear. 335 Portland blvd. E. FOR SALE 5 room modem bouse, half acre ground. 20 fruit trees, grapes, raspberries; ben house 20x38. brooder houae 8x16: 200 nnl- fumiahed modern 7 -room I lets. 27 year old bens. Must be sold this week CHARLES D ELF EL 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. LOAN WTT -trAK iinirrT vt.o-.-s a. a or o r. Jae or acnasge nan l-1 I en abort aotico to salaried or WILI. rent or lease 7 room mod. and garage. Paved st. Phone Woodlawn 8619. WE move furniture of 3-4-5 room house for $10. For further information. Main 6290. 6-ROOM house for rent with or without gar- age. 422 Tillamook. 5 ROOM house, $20. 8009 41st are. S. E. tig CLEAN 5-room house. 1105 S. 1st st. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 CLARKE COUNTY LANDS. $7 PER ACRE We have a- very large and complete assort ment of Clarke county lands, ranging in siae I Columbia 851 from 20 to 040 acres, at price ranging rrom $7 per acre up. In many cases, we can get yon started on 40 or 80 with as small payment down aa $50. touring car aa first payaaent, 1 Car ran 900 miles and first class in every way. T-933. Journal. TWENTY , acres good land near White Salmon Wash., for first payment on House. Phone I HAVE customer for 4 tor 3 room bungalow near end of Alberta carline. B, I. McGuire, 645 N. Union ave. East 5407. their own autea. onthhr lie tmeaio cot.fidentiaL hO MORTGAGE Weekly. fcaca asapthty atncuy - FORD WIZARD CHARGER Charges 6-volt battery i'rom Ford auaaraeta. . insures bright headlights, gives steadier spark. no more oil lamps; electruy your cord: luura guaranteed; price 810. Ford owners, get our introductory offer. Garages, accessory dealers, agenta. investigate, $10 offer for vampire . and -sturk. Wnard Mfg. Co.. 210 Jetiersoa sc. Portland. ' 1 DID TOC SAY TOURING CAR? riere as aouia w "w un ws. wu . atarket I wid have to saenfica my 19 IT Sv v I g St C ALTO Bt 8 732 Chamber ot Commerce. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 SMALL HOUSE AND 2 ACRES i On Barr road. 3 miles from city; bouse is new with good well; rich, deep soil, partly cleared; $1750 takes it, $175 down and $20 per mouth. - i STRONG eV CO.. Realtors. AAA riamh A fjiniHiiM TIM. ! hardwood floors, walking distance, we'd fur nished and clean, reasonable, adults. 200 E. 13th st. Phone East 4276. DUEL APTS. 790 E. Ankeny st. Modem com pletely furnished 3-room apartment; large, clean, light, cool and airy; Urge closet. East - 1808. CLEAN completely house, 8 bedrooms, piano and furnace; Haw- I at a price that will surprise yon. T-929. Journal. thorae district: lease to permanent adults only: I . . .. . . : - . . .,-h.need. Tabor 4679 I A l us ouy in a a room mouem nrmse. l blk. I -- l references exenangea. nwr I . o v. i t ...aI rrmicvT i i im . .k. r. month and interest. I nun ma nver. good road, ana easy terma. iAIS u mt a r 310 per month. Maria Hamilton. Phone Col . TTT. rTr,-K hL , . ' - BAKERS. ATTENTION 1 AHE TOC GOING TO START A BAKERY? IF SO I HAVE 2 COMPLETE OUTFITS IN CLUDING MIXERS. MOULDERS ROUNDERS. DIVIDERS AND ELECTRIC OVENS, ALMOST NEW. TO BE SOLD AT BARGAINS. AD- DRESS P. O. BOX 3524, PORTLAND; OR. ABSOLUTELT NO SECTRITT Wo also loan oa besxtehcld goods, paaaos, eta CALL. AND INVESTIOATs. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUTLMXQ MONEY TO LOAN On Good. In Storage. Rank Rate. SECURITY STORAGE at TRANSFER CO, 63 4th ft., opp. Mnltnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. NO TXTJORSEB j Cualmers; just overhauled, new lop. good rmfc- h. a ns tires, lota of extras: lesTinc the city. 44 . Jerrett at., can alter i:tu is. ibu. lawn 4077. . i FORD TOURING, $130 Fair shape; equipped with Strom berg cart) ; speedometer, cutout, toolbox snd angle iron radius rod support. Only $150 with eei terma. UNIVERSAL UK t..i tlA.vur. Grand are.- and E. YamhilL ' E. 471. Open Sundays and Evenings.' 90 1 OVERLAND sedan' one of the classiest little MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 11' (rom I new one? gZrteed to mechanically perfect. Don t overuse uus obm. some rasa, oa- WE BUY first and second mortgages sod sellers contracts F K. Bowman A Co.. 210 Cham- I as the rain atarta pretty soon her of Commerce bMg Main 3026. per month; also 3 and 4 room apta. with private I r -. ; r-r r-r I to car. 2 blks. to achoo bathT Call Mar 8597 " I WILL share my 4-room furnished cottage with I down, balance $17 per . S.ZlS ,.; ' eongemal adult couple. 11E. 78th st, X, Phone automatie 637-85. . v... . w-.- v - . r - a 1 u ner moQU. nana namuwo. a-uooe voa I . m n . .n.p , ' , . ., aiisatiira noma in uwi aaa. on real estate in Washington or Oregon. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermena bldg. f, .... I Mciuif 1W41.U, ucii, mcimuu i'sii, uullL-ma, -ROOM house, completely (umisned including 1 hardaood floors, garage, lota of flowers. East in. iiu. euuru wwciii. , i. ciuw t.. . . u - , m m , nsce and lireplaoe. reaaonaoie rent. Ankeny ft . FURNISHED cottage. 6 JohnsonDodson Co. 633 Xorthwestem Bank bldg. 757 E. ONION OR CELERY LAND , j 2 acre in crop. F. F. Seavers. B, l,Bbet- wood. Or. 1 WANTED A man to Invest in small mfg. I CASH Psd o mortgage, and eelrsccntrscts punt, investor to be able to Handle buainesa I end and receive 8 per cent on investment, also one third profit, which will amount to from 86 to 80 per cent; new patent For appointment cau alter n p.. m.. Ant, oia-Bi. BUSINESS opportunity tor a good man. Buy H MONEY WANTED 651 Bellinghani Apartments 421 4 E. Morrison st. 1 and 2-room suites, H. K. rooms, reasonable. GARFIELD 8 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, wen furnished and clean, very reason able. 361 E. Fading. 1 block west Union ave. Phone WoodUwn 4662. rooms and bath, for lie ehesp; 8 blocks from Washington st. ln- quire at 15 X. 9th at- - $30 Per Month; 5 -Room Furnished Cottage at Lenta; Reference Required. Call 128 First St. near Alder. FURNISHED II. K. Rooms. Cheap rent. 253 Vi : Washington st.. corner Third st. LARGE 2 room apt. very clean, with running water. Bdwy. 2069, ' 194 X. 17th - NEAT, clean single IL K. rooms, with coo : necting bath. $4' per week. 170 10th st. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE Moving for leas. Bdwy. 2445. VERY pleasant front Ii. KJ room for rent, 4 34.50 per week, at 186 14th at. S. TWO completely furnished IL K rooms, private family. Pftone, litht. water. $20. Tabor 2729. NICELY (urniahed housekeeping rooms, rent rea sonable; nice location. 307 -Market at. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 UNFURNISHED ROtlM FOR RENT CALL EAST 6436 f HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ' 306 TWO large, dean.' well (unrtthed housekeeping rooma in nice residence, very reasonable. Adulta only. 055 Interstate ave. Wdln. 4551. ..THREE wall furnished J housekeeping rooms. aTouna uoor, near car woe; no cnirdren. iVl K. 39th. V 1 8 UNFURNISHED H. E. looms, $15; no ob jection to cniidren; lota of playground space. 1747 Diviaion st. ',2 WELL furaished housekeeping rooms ; . walking oistance, 10 10c z wo rung guts; xia for one. east T2T9. liOUSEKEEPIXG room for working man, free cooking "gaa: $3.23 per week; walking dis- tance. aaa jonnson st. nawy. U4. - FURXISHEB houaekeeping rooma; 1, 2 and 3 room apartments. Electricity, gaa, private patn. etc.; furnisned very neat. 371 IS. Tth at. S. , FOR RENT Furnished h. k. rooms on ground floor, near carline; free light and water; bo children. IS1 A 39tn. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms and vote aleeping porch, auitabie for 8 or 3 ladies; pra te family. T15 E. Burnside. i 1'NFLBXISHED 0. k. rooms, neat and dean; ' all connected, rent reasonaba; adulta. .1066 E. Washington. Tabor 3882. SEAT, aingle h. k. rooms, $8 up. 206 13th at. Parlor 1st floor, reasonable. 513 Morrison st. - TWO housekeeping rooms $13 month; single room ' 38. B3 3. urana are. rnone ijlm 944. THREE pteaaaat uniurnianed H. K. rooma ia private family. Phone Wdm. 8338. NICE 3-room suite, also 2 room; $30. $25 .'. bath, elec, phone. 66 N. 21st. FOUR furnished H. 847 E. Broadway. H. C SUITE, wita porch. 154 N. 18th. ia private family. table for 8 people. , ONB lance front houaekeeping room. Apply Mon day. 334 Mill at. 2 OR. 3 FURNISHED gaa roc haded. 814 Failing st. light, phona aa 823 MONTH 8 coxy, dean housekeeping rooasa. also X aleeping room. 354 Va Hawthosne v. 6 ROOM modem house, furnished, for rent for three months; rent reasonable. 70S Gasco bldg.. or caU Main 8975. FOUR room, neatly furaished house, with gar-1 bldg. or Main 3806. age. gaa ana electric ; is a montu. auo 9 ROOMS and sleepinc porch 82200 SMALL, 1 WELL-BUILT HOUSE. 5-rooms, furniture, fuel, cement - basement. I if'cr w mi Mt-w limlrm muW .nltiwins electricity, gas, roi plumbing, full lot, near ear is fruit' trees. $800. Terms. J. F. Roach, bne. Owner. 821-58. Marshall 6100 or Marshall 3099. : WALDEMERE beautUul 7-room bun- ACRES. H acres. 810 down. $10 month; near , gsiow enamel and mahogany, hardwood floors, 42J 4nj Ainsworth. Water to each tract No large atttc and basement, garage; new 4 moun- assessments. R. W. Cary,1219 N-W. Bank bldg. tains. Can Main 8172. - , . . . , ..-np.-r. DI(,mif,vr, 160 ACRES land ia Una county; trade for tour- , HAWTHORN E RICHMON D ing car or truck. John Buttle.. Yankton. Ok. AT, f; I Phone 19tT4. - ! iniereet in established fuel business, yard. stock, office. 2 trucks, woodaaw. ate. Do not an swer unless yon mean cosiness and nave azauu I Improvements in and paid. Cash value over WANTED To borrow direct from private party. $6,000 for S veara at 7 . Security offered ia one of the finest homes In Laurelburst, all cash. CaU at 881 E. Harrison st. Scbmanch Co.. 306 818.000. McCture aV Railway aTxehange bldg. HAVE 3468 personal note due October 10; for immediate cash will discount 3100. Including accrued interest. 426 Lumbermen's bldg., phona Broadway 4Z1. home. 34500, on easy trenxs. Call 206 Morgan LAM BROOK APTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST., CORNER 11TH. Boss iitsj Russell. .'".y .ii.. -. FIVE room modem bungalow, partially furaished. ment; paved street,, good neighborhood. SUBURBAN HOMES FURNISHED and unfurnished, cod front 2 and 3-room apartments. 1578 K. Glisaa st., cor. 60th. - Tabor. 7025. nicely arranged rooms; ao. at nil t. aim I no j St., Alberta car to t-merson. FURNISHED 9 room house for rent, 1 block from MV car line. 1 430 E. noyt, cor 01 aaa. . n .-w" f - a . nH lutl, 1. , l 1 1 water: with or without garage. 727 Mil- I B boaBe- fafllUB4K1- ctno nghta. East nbl. A K.Ilwnwl 171 O I ' will l.W. 1. IM Rose City Park or small house as first pay- I FOR SALE By owner, a suburban home near Portland, 10 acrea. on paved highway, near river; city water, electricity, choice (rait and walnut trees, berries, 'lawn and rosea, garage, substantial buildings, chicken park, space (Or cow and hone; wonderful view; was built (or my permanent home, but family grown- now and property unsuitable home for one elderly person. Phone forenoons, Broadway 4478. j COMPAXY now manufacturing in Portland, Or., article of merit, 100 per cent profit; demand for this article already created: state and county representatives wanted. No ex perience necessary. See Scott, 721 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Good meat market in eoontrr I WAXTED To borrow direct from private party - town: only market in nlaca of 1500: aisuchter I 88.500 for 8 Tears at 7 on modem buncsv- housa, and doing a good business; or will trade 1 low home in Lauralhar-t. all improvements in for stock ranch. P. Jr. Bohr, Wallowa. Or.. I and paid, a Value over S7.00O. McClure No. 4 8. I Schmaoch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. 406 1 WAXTED Man with small capital to take I $2500 WANTED from private party. 7. on' ance on ca-y terms. Call Propst, . Bdwy. 3Kg- . WEAVER TIRE COMPAXY FEREDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. - TIKE KEl'AUII.VU SS3-335 Burnside at. Broadway. ' iftiO FORD TOURING , Equipped with lota .of extras. - Only $465, easy terms. i t.Ml E.U9AU LAn f..v na.ui. Grand ave. and E. YamhilL . E. .471. . Open Sundays and g.venlnga. - - . IDEAL HOME CI.OSK IX OX PORTLAND HEIGHTS CORNER. MARSHALL 1084 MRS. BERRY - MODERX 7 room house, with Caloric (urnacoT l , street improvements m ana paid, everything 1S1 J . . u I X . , L-' 850 TUIWIAS, at zaui St., west side, a and I - 1 in and paid: first class condition: 33500 3 room apta.. running water, free pnone and I UI TC.FS. Yl TW rVT II IR K FT 1H SAI Kilt I v 9i.k .h u.h. bath, light and comfortable; reasonable rent. I " - ' " r- ' r LiuUtiui ior rooma, pracucauy new; too i ton oi.r., .awu o r. mooera noma interest ia going concern ; must be able to give fall time; bustneeu too large to, handle with present force. No experience necessary. Bee Scott, 721 Corbett bMg. Printing for Less Ryder Prrnrmg Co Mara S8. 192 8d st FOR SALE, hardware aei! fumitnn new . nA BARGAIN Very fine acre home, just outside J second band. 8 atore room, basement, 4 Uv- eity hmiu at 72d St.. Rosa City Park; mod- Ing apt. above rented; a $6000 stock for $4000. close tn pirnerty. Y-945, Journal. BEB OREGON IX V. MUBTGAGI CO 822 T,y jfl,.6 r i ' 1918 MAXWELL . t - i S Urea, S new tires, bumper, origin si fire, . fch, mechanically perfect; a, snap if sold ( today or tomorrow, $375. (- 630 Alder st. Broadway 1852. r 3 1920 PAIGE. 5-paas.; has been tub Just 4800 miles: has new cord tire ana tooas jus uks m A ml ear at a small 'trriee. Some cash. snd balance oa easy terms. Call Propst, Broad- HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 TEAM colts, foil sisters, well broke. 2800 Ins.. nam ess. wacoa: will take tn rord car. No reasonable offer refused. One block south 8. P. depot, MOwaukie. Phono 80W. Henry Smith. Also one Guernsey cow. 8 AND . 4 room tumisbed and unfurnished. strictly modern; elevator; reasonable rent. 228 X. 20th, Bdwy. 2071. ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat, free Dhoue. 1 block from 2 ear lines. 843 Nelson St. near Bandy Mvq. treasonable rent. can rent House. ouae 405 11th st TUephone Main 6605; for $3000 and aa much mora aa you want to give. No agents of dealers need ana. P-56, Journal. 1 em bungalow; $2750; good terms; owner leaving. Tsbor 4988. Must be -sold at once. Phone Tabor, 1481. S BOOMS and bath, an outside, nice quiet place. rent 330. The Alta. 882 East Ash. ONE 3-room apartment, one 2-room apartment. large yard, free phone: corner of 865 E. Mill and Third sts. , STORES AND HALLS 314 1 OXE whole floor. 25x40 feet, light and aunny. right in the heart of the city, near 10th and Burnside; cheap rent. Call and Inspect it. Bdwy. 1584. NEW 4 room coUage with large-lot. for rent. I Forced sale only $4000; terma. K 46TH ST.... WOODSTOCK ATE Five room bungalow, modern, oa corner lot, I 50x100, garage: $3150. For 'particulars sea KjAn.Lt nr.nnr.a, tan o 1st are. 8. E. ' SXAPS NEAR CITY HALT. Old house, but lot alone is worth $5000. FARMS 4071 FOR SALE 30 acres of Oairy and fruit ranch ia Clarke county, black, rarn ami.- 20 nules NOTICE l . . j . i i a norses oa oe sora ior leea ouis e we sisvww , . , wholesale and retail muk plant. I gtabiea. Inc. If wish to take up feed - c" . araa. eneap rent I biU tbey had better get around. Pha Suetter, " C . 5iI:i""a" veroiesioa. a. I prea Crown Rabies, Inc.. ZS rvont I l saiiier. aaa hul as, nil . i . ' . . , . . . ' . IBALE or trade 30 eastern Oregon horses for eva oiu. boii arma ana eara room, lease. V t-j, ,o- notea. eattls. 1921 Buick. Dodzo 1918 OLDS six roalter. good tires; fa i fine condition. A fine car- at a real price. N ester. - Bdwy. 2270. 1919 PAIGE, 7-paaa.; baa good tires, bumper ni anotliirftt and is mechanically perfect. Ask the -price and drop deed with surprise. A small payment down, baiarvy oa easy terma. ( aU Propst, Bdwy. 3606. I 1918 FORD ROADSTER . , A dandv bnv at 825- long easy terms. . 1 UNIVERSAL OAR EXCHANGE Grand are. and E, Yamhill. E. 47a. Open Sundays and r-renlngs. from Vancoaver on N. P. R. R.. S3 acres ia I ..CBeP. ""K UWe. bargain. S48ior Ford. Want -pasture. Address or caU on 11818 OLDS 8. guaranteed to be mechanically cultivation, 20 acres ia oats. 4 acres m fruit, 4 Gliaan at. Main 6133. fk N. E. MofTitt, CUckamaa. - I perfect, good 'tires: (or sale (or $800; soma aerea in corn, beans, potatoes, soma timothy and KESTAURAXT with 2 living rooms; - will eell I fOk SALE Work hor. 1600 lba.; 8 years; I od paint, top ananpiiomery. was caan. wu mil wmj . xmjm . - ww - clover. 85 acrea in pasta re land with lota of I right if aoM Boon. 310 Front at. See Call Mob. Main. I Wdln. 5533. FURNISHED room, in private family; two three room apartment, close in, modern, adults only. Phone East 8084. 352 Rosa at. 2-ROOM modem apartments. 51 Vi 80th St.: Montavllla-Stark st. car. in business section. 320 per month. Ton will be delighted. NICK clean 3-room completely furaished aparC ment: free phone, light and water, bath; nice lawn: 325. Tsbor 2649. good furniture for sale. 7061. FOR RENT Store ia concrete building, rea sonable. TOO Bandy prva. FOR desirable apace ia uraproet wajamoaaaT Pbone Bdwy. 3718. ' OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 1215 Height I timber, 10.000 cords of wood. 2 largo springs owner 6 to 7:30 p. ana z gooa wens, irream nouao ana separator. large nam asxoo, room noose with porch, chicken house, well bouse, etc. All fa Biebmnnd St.. St Johns ear. FOR SALK 8 room house, 5 full lota; dairy Isnw ,t .Tl f rv. si mwm (Hmm w m .4 and improvements. - Price reaaooable. loauire I tD. tooU to ran P5- ,0n buggy, one double 1948 Woobry st i spring wagon, one two-horse farm wagon, one DESK room, witc ieiephoae and slcaagraphitf Phone Broadway IT 1 a buggy horse, one span of horses, 10 hogs, 26 head of milch Cows and heifers, 18 to freshen, 2 bulla. T3 chickens. 15 geese, 23 ducka, bourn fnrnisbed - conic! ete. Everrthma goes at the SEVEN-BOOM house, bath, caa, sewer and I P M 3900O: win give terms. Write street paid, walking fwtsnr-n. Easy terma. I butt nek. Hetsson. Wssh. I DESIRABLE emoloraoent in box nlank srtiieh 1 i-f a . i a- . ii nil iu ( IS- n,JrC?tA4 50 required. h.y 1029 E. Yamhill st. EES-TAUrTn? fo7 orT350 LM,2ffi SSt FORD ROADSTER Ford with starter- and extras. 1920 rea an Ford in town; only $450; terms. area ana in peneci eovwitjusi , vw i . i FIVE-ROOM furnished, in Piedmont, 43266. $550 down, bal. bke rent. ' 401 Stmk Ei. change, 3d and Yamhill sts. caah. terma. Portland. 775 Savier at, at 23d st, N 1800 lba. Wdln. 3131. DAVENPORT APTS. a room tumisbed SOU. Private bath and phone. Ako a houstkeeping room. 505 Jefferson st Main 5435. THE G ROVER. 181 G rover at., nicely furnished 1 and 2 r. h. k. apta., low rates. Main 9058. 316 3 ROOM apartment, neat, lights,! bath, laundry trays, close m. reasonable. Phone aast 4S49. SUMMER RESORTS FOR REXT, at the beach. Furaished lent bouses, cottages, H. K. rooms, near stores. Hotel rooms, board, bath, sleeping porches, fire place. J. M. - uawaras, io 4tn at. 7292. Or address to Nehalem. Or. UNUSUAL PROPOSITION 1 Fine mountain, ranch, hotel, valuable aulpbur I day businesa PATENT FOR SALE A beautiful wooden toy patent for aale. Mr. 8. Wojcik. Box 53. Orenco. Or. WDLN. 1196 ! r rwe rent, grocery ana conlectiociery, $40 a I .Xm. SALE Young sound horse Phone East 4989. 6 HEAD of mules. 6 head of horses, also some I na loess. 429 Hawthorne ave. 1917 OAKLAND tounng. just bsen overhauled; aaa fair tires and good paint, ana is a real buy at the price asked. Small payment down.; Call ITopet. Bdwy. ato. ; LATE - model Buick louring, fully equipped. eord tires, bumper, deflectors, etc; bargain; hke new. Dr. Patton. Mar. 398. ' 81030 8300 down for l-nms , aixed lot with fruit trees 3 hha-ka to u, I springs, oa main highway leading to Tlllaaaook I iyid cm' ..... ... ... . , -X 1 s Ann. M; i - I mmmt 1 All .Iwm. 9 A mwmm. im. 1.-. I wmiU SWSI IM gOOO I v I - - -- . - - I socataom. For fun See . .. i nun. Balance onmaa over mnner? Tin mymmmm i -- . . -- r,Luu seu oa easy terms or take auto or lot aa I al-t unlimited uu: la -ni. WrfT ru I isvnon. trr. LIVESTOCK 701 ALL COMPLETar. 821.50; concrete- building comer Cnion ava. and Kil tines worth. -. 4-RM. neatly fnmi-htd. $25 265 Russell st 7-ROOM. modern house oa ocean froat. balance of aaaioa. . Vail Mr. Prag. Broadway la present capacity I CONFECTIONERY, cigar and hght grocery. 812 1-Ari l.t f Ss ,HOaulyjvamnrto to 320 a day tmssnom; living room te back; f LfLfh-tar't poatoffice bUUL: I rent 314. Phono Woodlawn 3986. wflTnd?a b I aaa a" i I tl aaaaslM faraa I w-,sr awwi T " """ APARTMENTS - UNFURNISHED 308 PORTNOMAH 200 E. 13th; phone East 4276. iirsi payment on axr. Bcoa residence. Knsad. I w n.. k.., ji.i. T ' ! . I Beede(i now; average of 300 cars FOR SALE 3-room house, citv wmier a hwk. I beaches; large bare, store and Carc, -mwTT25fI rt,rrTtnre, fm tteaTsTgood 'onTn, towa."!? ZtT FOR SALE Going to California, will 2 ' 'S. -"; o " aaASTAM j as- . 1 . . .1Tji. u. uuwvuj U69S 8T WTCIIIDIIU. Willi " - - - ' ayawjaatam. rw IHJ CANNON BEACH eottaca and substantial tent I i'A jng wTtX" t"0; I aider resilenre property ia exchange for part. I M A ti ,A 5' 51000; aa honor-1 f-0ft SALE ii bead ewa sheep. 'A. 6. Sogers. . . . . , - - - - nm tni. . . T T Fill ISO SIS. WT. 5 room bungalow, 3 lota, JO. B. Bippey. Realtor. 610-11 McKay bldg.. I ner wsugea. 1920 STEVENS rdatr.; haa wire wheels, cord tires: rust been owmscied and varmanea. I oa FOR SALK A good Uttle dairy basineas with 1 raa hardly tell it from a new one. Long. t or without a good auburoan nosse; 4W min. from city, paved road. : T. H. F., Ltnatou. Or., Houte 2. ou bottle route. $200 per with 10 a. dikeaand. $2500 bargain. EX-635. JonrnaL Ptga. of raa sianu seu s. i ' . mmm terms if desired. Cell Propft. Bdwy. 3605. , 1920 NASH tourinc. run 3.80 milea, nut off . pavement, good as new, 31.230, at Globe Garage. 1919 CHANDLER Dwastch, put ben .rev- FOR BALE Fresh Guernsey cow, J Fred vttx. KoFtv-r road. Z treats, by Homo bridge. Write for reservations, for August 8 and IB; only a few left; free partimlara t, i Wmgard, Ecola, or. crfuu aat umi venAimmn aa,a 8 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floora j FX3R KNT Summer coltaae atlockawaj beach I or afl day Sunday Clean and reasonable. 4ea"tbe month ot September or more. 275 Yamhill at. or phone Main 6194. Apply BARGAIN For sale. , 5 room bungalow. 2 lota I O. B. Riroey. Realtor. 610-11 McKay bid.. I ncva exchanged. Z-281, JoarnaJ. $2500 caah. Call Auto. 641 99 ia evenings I 8rd and Stark. ; VULCAXIZIXG shop, must be sacrificed at CUICKEX-FRUIT FARM BACKlFICK 7 I good going bneineaa. Rmt 810. 18th aad 6 ROOMS aad aleenina Dorch. hardwood floora. steam heat, gaa, log !1 replace, saower and 1 FOR REXT. at Seaside, for August and one tub bath. Overton. gaa ranga and refrigerator. 678 WHY PAY rent wheal you can buy a 8 room houae with lot 80x123 on monthly vau insula. Fhone Bdwy. 5443 or Maa 3229. 6-ROOM bungalow, new. PORTNOMAH 200 E. 13th: nhone East 4276. Garfield, 361 Failing: phona Woodlawn 4662, t and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors. Clean and reasonable. e week in Sept.. cottage. 8 rooma. fine view; 3200: all modem conveniences. Main 7732. dt'lfcilit'-Z-A rrrr. ' fi.U.l tM 1 balance terms; price 38350. balance of season. - Mala ess. 06 ACRES 87500 NEAR PORTLAND 15 aerea orchard, walanta, prunes, appiea. 8 springs. 2 houses almost new. large bam, 2 large modem equipped chicken hoaaia, 600 high class Thur I Hillsdale, Or. fOR SALE A fresh caw. gives 7 gaL a day.. 2d st. RESTAURAXT Dandv oLaee for wife; low rem. goad business, fine locataoa. aoBs av Mornaon; must leave town. 713 Reed at. eor. X. 2 PURE goats' milk, delivered to aU parts of city. T Tabor 807. Portland Goat at Dairy Co. haaued. haa new ton. new seat covering. wheeks, fair tires. A real tuy: small payment down. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. NEW FORD demonsUator; can save you .soma . money if yoa want a new rord, Harmon, T125 63d ave. Auto. 622-2T. 1919 OAKLAND -touring, just beea rebuilt; has new Ores, newly peintea ana yoei caa t tell it from a new one; a real bay: some cash. . balance eay terms. Call Propst.'Bdwy. S 805. FOR REXT Apartment, 4 large tight rooms, ' kitchen - fnrniahed, break fast , nook, new. 101 E. 83d. S AXD 4 largo room apt ciean, snodem, light. a Irving. .i. 60x100 lot, at 1100 Francis ave.; $600 eaah, I cluck ana, 3 Jersey aowa, 2 homes, wagons, plows. I FOR SALE Long established kackamiji and geav-1 a0B SALE. 2 etc. reaay to move in. atnax oa gout quick, 1 oral repair ahop; wall located aad steady I ' r"T OXLX $450 6-room- cottage with furniture. I 1'"vw wmvaaaaaae, eaauaauei am caam enm. J.- 1 1 . journal. railroad, properur lease. 813 vear. aoane I raWKlenca. Dealera pkesaa do not answer. ; I xtetX. bnilto vW i.t.. K. t. bargain, don t miss It. Main 7135. I T. O. BIRD (Owner). 826 Cham, of Com. I 1 - office for sale. Main 7511. " 1 1' GOOD CdW or saaa or exchange for chick- i 1918 1X)BD during, overnanied, almost new rubber, s:9 caan or uivaaa. -' avaw. ens; R. L R. a preferred. Tabor 7548 S bailer calves. 1 billy goaf, I iiU TEXT boose for rent. Seaside, including ante nrkhf anaee. Call Mar. 4431. or Mar. 7T7. v.V i-nriV w,k fa, a R.s..' I S2500 4 BOOM furnished coUaga. near Coun- I FOR SALE 80 acrea 4 misee from Newberg. I FOB oALa--kiilWry shop. (W 825. or 810 ner week. Phone East 4523. ml Crest car. Mari 5209. : - I or cream, milk aad Xaaul route, smile to I owner haa other bnaineam. 610 Mirwaukio at. machine. 1020 Interstate avenue. S YEAR old Jersey-Guernsey lor sale. ' 4 1st ave, S. E. 8022 Wanted Beef. veai and brarv Tabor 7832. 1 aunnvf Irvine Main 9289. Apta 2rt . aad WoodUwn 3728. MRS. BERRY. MARSHALL 1684- FINEST 4 rooms private bath, ia town, 323. s-nono laoor 9979. -- WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE; 5 room houae, lot 80x123. $2000. mono xsuwr. ovvs or stain iz:s. i.Rnnu .f.Tskhl eotian at ..rhrt" to I ATTRACTIVE HOME IX ALAMEDA PARK I CDOl- B4la ouotyroaa; a acrea to eultiva. I BAKBER SHOP for sale, eorner of - T -I . , Tl a UlSea it r 1 tM M Tl II. WimiM 7D .I Wim rtM tmm nlM 1 k. . mmm. : i i .- . w . 7 ' . r i i v reaaorvi, i 2 a aa aw aw i pi in i remout. "V"". cuwvor, nw, sssanina; omoer, I ria gai .-.. A. .A K.i 'U gooa town. ox so, Newport, jr. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 mostly old fir. fine cmdwuud timber. Price $5500. $2500 down, baianco at per cent. FLATS FURNISHED 309 3 ROOM furnished flat for rent, reasonable, close in; E. 8th and Belmont East 7389. LOWER flat. 4 Call Tab. !64. and hath, modern, $40. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 ELDERLX lady and eon desire room and board, garage. Tteinity . Mt. Tabor. K-28. I Youraal. ' " ' ' WANTED Homo for boy of 12 where ho caa work for room aad board and go to acaoot; C 8. homo preferred. Wdln. 3646. , . I I..W, wwb. nm lam i. pwv c FOR SALE 4-room house, partly fnrniahed, I Owner. H. 1. Fisher. Route 8, Kewberg, Or. 3150 earwn. gioper mouta. Wdln. 5059, If-fArMK-v i . a.. - .... mm baa nver; good road and easy taraaa. ROSE City Park, new- 7 -room bungalow. 885 K Slat st trsmer. Automatic 317-70. FOR SALE Cleaning and petering ahop. Pbone kau S4o. I 81600 THREE ROOM MODERX BUNGA LOW. OAKAGE. I tU. IXrT. TAB. 6644. FOR SALE or trade. , 3 room Johnson-Dodson fCo. jr i man rresa. i I iu.i or woma 1 I with service. Boff- a can rrrrort from 3200 to 8750 at-221, Journal, i lOUXG White LegDom as ring hens, boeamaed i stock. 81.25 as, J. R. Maguira. 787 Oregoa St., aear 24th aad Bandy. B. L RED pcUlats S saontha old; good ntility I stock. $1.78 each. J. R. Maguira, 787 Ore- goa at LAYING yoang White Leghorn bene $1 each. J. n, Maguire. TBI trregoa at. " 633 vrrbwreTn Bank BMg. house aad kit. I iff STBF rhirkra ran-a taa- sale "rhaa 80xl2i. Phone Bdwy. 5443 or Mara 8229.' Beard of Trade aUg. 803 I1 XIFTT coxtfeotsnsiery arsd light -greoary. living I FAT friers, also fine lot of 4 posusdera, Phona iwtM hi ww nar. eo aagria.' - - I . TSOOT 1BZ4. - . - MILLINERY, atore oa oast aide, living rooms; I Vif RABBITS and autcbee lor sale.' because of paruxraian csvu seu. .. . . moTing put ox cnj. l'boaa bcilweod 2313. lava KTEPHKN8 roadUor. has wire wheels, eord- I tires; lust been overhauled and varnished. Tou , j' can hardly tell it tnen a new one. Ixg, easy tenaa if derived. Call Propst. Bdwy 8606. - ' BUICK 8 pe. In exe llent condition; a real t I j aacrifice. Tabor 8011 for appointment. , 1919 REO, 6-paes.; juat been overhauled fronrft I stem to stem; haa six good tires and for sale . I very cheap. Small payment down. Call Propst, 1 Bdwy. 8606. - - - I 1920 CHEVROLET, ia excellent mechanical . j condition: only Mi. terms. r.ast rvnaa. PAIGE, excellent atue -car. aacrifice for ukk. I aale. rnoee ozvie. - , - j 1916 FORI, touring, good condition. $228 ' eaah. - Phooe Aut. 221-42. . ; i 1918 FORD touring, in A-l condition ia every '-" way. fsoeso tmy. Call Propst, Bdwy. 3406. - . ' i . tOontiOwad aa. Fallowinf Paael -.'I I