FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 FURNISHED eii Baodern conveniences. wn suited for gemleman employed central part of city. Apply- ApartaKt 1. (M Coach, between lift agT8th. Broadway 171 . NOB HILl. 2 lovely famished room, ona with private bath and fireplace, the other smaller, with private entrance. 84 N. Slat St.. cor. Everett. Walking distance. IRVfNGTON Boom and breakfast $85 ; 1 block to ear and Braxee at.; near club; Eaat 4.18. ' LIGHT housekeeping room or sleeping room with Carat, hot and eojd water. 321 E. 8th at. K. Phone East 219. FOB gmttaan, nJlb room with or without board. Mar. 3008. ,y . CLEAN room, phone aod bath; walking distance. Broadway 1993. ROOM AND BOARD 302 NORTON! A HOTEL. Portland's dosrotcwu bigh ' chua family hotel; rooms en suite or tingle, with or without board for families and business men and women. We give yea all too ccmioru of a borne. Reasonable rate. CHKSTEHBCHY HOTEL 201 N. 20TH 8T. Transient and residential. Rates by day, week or Jnonth. Meals served to transients. HALL, HOTEL. 25S 6TH ST. Board and room, also suite of rooms with bath and board: CLEAN, airy sleeping rooms, bath and lobby, $1.50 to 83. Board if desired. Home cook ing, $7 week, 35e meal. 414 N. 19th. FINEST room in the city with board, walking distance. East 8609. 631 E. Conch. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 tHVINGTON Nicely furnished room with sleep ing porch adjoining; excellent table board; in noma of refinement; pleasant surroundings; "- Z-147, Journal. oot girl other children: 320 per month. 343 F re Wood lawn 4434. s' ICE targe airy room with board, close to, on west aide; home privileges; rate very rea sonable, Ant 519 86. CLEAN, coxy rooms, with 2 meals, for 2 or 3 gentlemen; home privileges; parlor; piano. Main 7023. ' T40 rooms, ona with sleeping: porch, twin beds. running water, excellent meals, hi block from car: garage next block. Phono Bdwy. 4633. A LADY with a good noma desires to take care of 1 or 2 children. place where father can board and room. Main 2695. , EXCELLENT home-cocked meals served at 320 Montgomery St., 35c, or meal tickets; rooms reasonable. Phone Main 2753. BOOM and board in Laurelhurst, horns privi- leces. home cooking. bath across hall. Tabor 915. NICELY furnished steeping room, sleeping porch; if desired will give breaklaat, also garage. Sell 3415. FOB BENT 2 comfortable sleeping rooaas, in private Hawthorne home. Will consider board. Phone Tabor 5667. BOOM with 2 meals, pririleges. close in. clean end modern, home Phone Main 9821, WILL board school girl, more for company; no other children; $20 per mo. Woodlawn 4434. CLEAN, pleasant room. home privileges. $8. MV car to 26th, 1 block south. WILL care for children to my bo ale. Christian Science children preferred. Mar. 251 2537. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 NICE, clean housekeeping room, also sleep tog room, easy walking. 120 N. 18th st 2 COMFORTABLE h. k. rooms and sleeping porch, suitable for 8, $6.50 week; also 2 room apt, $6. Free light phone and water. 472 Main. . FINE housekeeping rooms at $2.50 per week up, linen changed and bed cared for. for men bachelors; also good sleeping rooms. 426 Burntide, between 10th and 11th. 312 MONTH 2 furnished H. K. rooms, steam heat electric lights, laundry, hot and cold water, free phone, yard. 406 Vancouver ave., near Broadway. . TWO housekeeping reams, double or single; also 1 front sleeping room, everything furnished; walking distance. 887 College at near West Park. Main 3184. 2 front 'rooms, first floor; atso front zoom and, kitchenette: a nice single room 315 monthly; see these at once; very desirable. 655 Flanders st HOUSEKEEPING room, cozy, clean, tor girls or couple; light beat bath and use of laun dry; walking distsnce, $16 month, or Will rant by week. 325 12th. 2 ROOMS en suite, 328: stogie, $15; includes water, electricity, phone and garbage, bath and laundry privileges; 3d Hoot, rooms, 310. 195 21st st south of Washington. NICE, dean 2-room front housekeeping apart ment; everything furnished and every conveni ence for laundry; reasonable rent 695 E. Ash at, corner 15th st, 1 block from Monte villa car. 8 CLEAN furnished outside rooms. $30 month. including water, light and phone. It. J. McGuire, 545 Union ave. N. Esst 5407. 25 3 furnished H. K. rooms, with sleeping porch. Alto 2 rooms. 427 N. 21st st, cor- ner Vaughn, Broadway 5561, NICE front 2 furnished rooms, married couple r; water, lights, bath included; low - or bachelor rent warning distance. 215 Mill. FURNISHED or unfurnished apt in .private resi dence, for light housekeeping, gas, water, light and heat furnished. 1117 E. Market Tabor 426. TWO small, dean h. k. rooms, $4 ; elec. lights, gas, walking dist 528 Morrison at Main 8899. . FOB RENT 1 aad 2 room apts., near U. P. shops, infants welcome, newly papered. 152 hi Russell at ' ft H. K BOOMS. E water to all rooms. Mar. 768. G., 2 baths, 3 toilets. 428 Yamhill. Phone TWO large front rooms, ground floor; furnished complete for H. K. Walking distance. Adults. 11 E. 14th N. NICE front room, suitable for light housekeeping, modern conveniences; also garage for rant 124 E. 15th st Eaat 4504, 7" HOUSEKEEPING rooms, moaern, free gas lights, baths. 84 a week, 521 Johnson at, cor. 15th. LARGE, airy - housekeeping rooms, gas range, " bath and laundry facilities; summer rates, 385 Ckty, corner Broadway and Clay. Main 3640. HOUSEKEEPING roomsT $3 a week and up: close in at 225 11th at; gas, light, and bath free with rent , FURNISHED housekeeping zooms, stogie and double, clean outside rooms, running water; reasonable. 214 18th at FURNISHED M K. rooms, electric light hot ' and cold water, 'bath, free phone, 32 per week and up. 663 Hood st Phone Main 726. FURNISHED H. K rooms, 81-50 per weak and up; electric lights, one front room. 326 hi 1st bet Clay and Market it NEAT, trim, well furnished 1-rooca apts., $5 and M weekly. Phone, electric installations. hot baths, etc 17.0 ,10th st ONE 8 roo msuite $5 week; near 3 290 hi N. 21st st Broadway 1228, TWO room flat. $7 single rooms $TTT week. 843 f ront near Market FURNISHED housekeeping rooms desirable To- cation, rent reasonable, 833 Johnson at NICELY furnished H. K. room, tingle, rent rea. sonable. nice location. 307 Market 8 BOOM 'Wto, running water, ranee, clean. close in. modern. 191 Park at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 ftV6 larre front rooms clean aad cool: bath. phone and large yard, children welcome: ideal location, wafting distance. X Dioeka to car. 93 . E. 12tto and Washington. ONE large single H. K. xoom; 1 aleeping (front): also 3d floor H. K. room for bach elor. Absolutely dean. 49 Ella at Broadway 8686. I IN MARKET drive. Council Crest or Chapman ears; 20 minutes' . walk from business sec tion; hou tea re ping suite with sleeping porch. Phone Marsnaii 4188 or wooaia wn 8889. 2 LARGE and airv. also single, housekeeping rooms, newly cleaned, nice furniture; every convenience; walking distance. 464 E. Oak, between 8th and. 9tto sts. East 37. FOR RENT- daaa furnished housekeeping rooms; aba 1 housekeeping room; pleasant 1 3 private family pabhc library. 226 14th TWO furnished h. k. rooaas tar rent aB private borne, on first floor. Call from 8 to 12. East 1827. 89 Rodney. 3 PLEASANT" dean fatnisbed ainkesritoa- rooms, ground floor. o.u at ator- rtsoc at, cor. 16th. j BtltE 2 front rooms. Mist floor, well rushed housekeeping : cosy, convenient rur- 496 ciay, near nth. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, dose in. 331 bridge. 'TWO H. S, rooms 314. three rooms $18 per . . mo., gas, elec. free. 840 Upshur st 3D FLOOR H.-K1 with alcove and kitch- enette. 154 N. 18th. A NICE clean -sB- E. room at 549 Washington. t- Flat B. HOUSEKEEPING room with tttaptoa pegeb. light heat gas and phone. Phone Main 5413. X BOOMS, wen famished and clean, ta modern home, 68T Ghaan. Mar. 3311. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 -sssr ; . i. floors, well furnished and dean, very abb. 361 E. Failing. 1 block west Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 4 66 2. WATSON APABTMBNtft. 1 2-rooea faraUocd tment electric Ilgntx, steam neat, clean as 2 blocks to Ltecota high. 341 Hamaon, Broadway. ATTRACTIVE front suite of roc, fireplace, electric ligfau, gas plate, etc; also nJrottt room with cooking . privileges and agog if de sired. Tabor 8850. 1441 K. THE LILLIAN APTS. Close to. atrre light, clean land modem: ref erences required. 381 6th st Marshal 1378. 3 BOOM apartments, complete. 317 to 827. 690 E. 10th; paved at. toed location, plenty of air, good view. SELL WOOD 1838. BOZANTA APARTMENTS Nicely furnished t room apartment with bath. an outside rooms 18 N. 2M sU 2945. Belli ogham Apts. 421 hi E. Morrison st. 1 and 2-rooaa suites. H. K. rooms, reasonable. UNDER new management, Leeds sots. : fire- Drool Qui arms', moaern. --room ant. 120 a month; also 3 and 4 -room apts. with private bath. Marshall 8597. DUNDEE APTS. Housekeeping rooms, 82 to 33 a week. 350 hi Hawthorne ave. East 825.' FURNISHED apt.. 2 rooms, light and clean, comfortable furnished, steam heat, hot water; west side, easy walking distance. 330. 401 10th. Main 2480. PORTNOMAH 3 emjT rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, walking distance, well fur nished and dean, reasonable, adults. 200 E. 13th ft- Phone Eaat 4276. HOUSMAN APARTMENTS Large desirable 2 to 4 room; clean, handsome ly furnished; closets and sleeping porch. 730 Hoyt T Main 1552. Elbridtre Ants Two and 3 room apts., thoroughly cleaned and newly decorated. 274 N. 2Ut. Bdwy. 4736. THE JEFFERY 2-room furnished apartments. $16. Russell and Kerby sts. East 1594. Comer THE STAN FIELD Clean, outside 2 room apts. Light, heat. phone. $20 and $22.80. Main 7392. BUSHMABK HOTEL. Wash. at, cor. 17th Clean, modern, completely furnished. 1 and 2 room outside apts., reasonable; also sleeping rooms, $3.50 per wk. up. King Albert Apartments 2 and 3 -room famished, strictly modern, tils bath, elevator, 11th and Montgomery. Main 353. THREE-ROOM apartment, newly furnished sad renovated. Private bath. Holmes disap pearing bed. Walking distance, 840. 494 Market at, near 14th. Main 2686. j - ROOM furnished apt, with 2 bedrooms, phone, private bath, steam heat Woodlawn 4971. 886 Eaat 6 to st N. ' 340 and $28 by week or month for beautiful furnished modern 2 room front apartments. Warren too apartments. ' 402 H 3d st FURNISHED apartments ; frcgn 1 to 3-room apartments, also sleeping room. 388-90 Jet ferscn : apply 390 : Main 5866, ONE 3 room and one 2 room well furnished apt Abo one single room. Hot and cold water. 326 Hall st. near Broadway. Main 3223. 3 AND 4 room furnisheC and unfurnished, strictly modern; elevator"; reasonable rent 228 N. 20th. Bdwy. 2071. NICELY FURNISHED apt tor two or three: electric lights, gas range, reasonable. 850 Thurman at 25th st ss.-k.ii 224. NOB HILL district, nicely furnished 4 apt, including piano,; phone Main 6380 or Main 5126. I have a 2-room modern housekeeping front apartment, porch, clean and walking distance. See this. Main 5223. ONE 3-room apartment one 2-room apartment and one stogie room apartment 836 Hall at Main 3223. TWO room apartment, clean and close in, free lights, water and phono. Address 545 hi Washington. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Place, nice 4 room basement apt. wanting distance. Mar. 1950. Apt 6. WILL share apartment with business woman; walking dBtanca. Phone Main 6885. THE G ROVER. 181 G rover st. nicely furnished 1 and 2 r. h. k. apts. low rates. Main 9058. 3-BnrOMH. K. APT., light gas aad phone free; Reasonable, close in. 298 hi Weidler street THE ALBBET. famished apt, steam heat. prT- rate bath. 840 hi Misstonppi are. FURNISHED apt: private phone Harrison' Court, 394 5th st and bath. SEVERAL nicely furnished 1 room apartments. 170 lotn st- gnu, monthly. CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apartment $23. 680 hi Lombard. Phone Columbia 617,. ALL OOMPLETa-I i21.oO; concrete building earner Union ave. and Killings wort n. FOUR-ROOM fiat clean, newly furnished, close in; adults; reierences- ail Benton sc. 4-BOOM am., via no. hot and cold .water Sell. 1719. adnlia. 727 Mllwankie. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 PORfNOMAH 200 E. 13th; phone East 4276 Garfield. 381 Failing : phone Woodlawn 4462 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors. Clean and reasonable. rBEAUTIFUL 6-room unfurnished spt Mary. 4858. . THE ORMONDE, 5 room unfurnished apt. 656 Flanders. Broadway 3873, FLATS FURNISHED 309 8 ROOM furnished flat walking diatsnee. Nob HiU district, dean, airy. $65 per month. Call Wiley, Broadway 200, Sunday and evenings. Main 8180. 2 AND 3 BOOM modem fsata, $15 and $20 a month; 53 hi 80th at; in business section; take Montaviila-Stark at eat or phone Broad. way 421. NICELY furnished lower flat, nice yard, $37.80. including water and phone. 4TS union ave. I. Kast Biys.- , THREE room flat 1st floor, deaa aad nicely furnished, lawn and shade trees, dose in. 43 T. Sen 1M8. FURNISHED flat -New 8 mom fist and bath. Adults only. Call after or Sunday. Col. 784, or 1608 Huron st FURNISHED 5 room flat electric, light and gas; 15 minutes walk to P. O. ; rent rea sonable. 620 8th st 4 LARGE clean rooms, moaern, comfortably famished; suitable for 3 or 4 adults; 847.50. Close in, west side. 401 10th st Msin 2480. CLOSE to desirable 3 room finished flat ; front porch. Phone toast 6184. TWO room flat partly furniahed. $15, water included. 668 Market at NICELY FURNISHED modern flat 230 Al- berta st near Jefferson high school. THREE room base'mtnt apartment 120 N 23d at FURNISHED 5 room flat; 491 Market st FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 HOLLADAY addition. For lease, modern 5 room lower flat with or without garage; adult; 840; close in. 264 E. 2d st N.. cor. Multnomah. GROUND floor flat 53 hi 80th st. to business section. 810 per month under conditions. Phone Bdwy. 421: evenings, Ant 61 8-M. UPPER, unfurnished 8 rooms and bath, elec- tricitv and gas: walking distance; adults only. Call 535 E. Stark. CLEAN 5-room modem flat walking distance. 184 B. 13th at at Taylor. Phone Bdwy. 1762. , MAIN 8744, 2 3 o'clock, for modkrn flat. 3 rooms. Three block south of Journal. Elec tricity and gas. 825 t ROOM flat Rose City Park; water in duded. Booms are large, clean and very light 1424 hi Sandy bird. Boss City Park ear. BOOM Hawthorne Hat 818 par athTCaJl Tabor 82. " 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FULL SET OF PLUMBING. 3M SAM RAFAEL. NEWLY tfatea 4 room flat bath, porch and lawn: some furniture. Apt 544-35. NEWLY ttoted 5 room flat, 2d and Mbntgom- 335. Bast 8013. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 8 ROOM on 24th and Main for rent 378 Call Tabor 2032. ELS TRANSFER STORAGE CO. j IB Days' Storage Frve. Fnnvlture moved for lea, Broadway 344 IXR KENT 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, built-ius, modem. - Call 710 E. 63th st N.. Rote City Park. UNFURNISHED hoaaa tor rent aa. wrtb or without garage. Sunday, between 9 and 12. 422 Tillamook st. or any time week days. FOR RENT A 6 roam boose on B. 9th and Clay; Aut 41-B. SBTBRAL boatas for sale or rent 9133 Aot 646-26. ROOM Oat bntb. Bstm btr-ton. ImxwJra 1MT Division. MODERN 5 room cottage, newly tinted. 862 Sarier at 312 2vtb at wast side: walking distance aa rggaa g e HOUSES . i HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 the city; rtwa of fruit and shade; 6- I aiiuicMttiSw formJn.""24 "4m ' st B.. corner Bmmadi at. Bat I nrelhortt j FOB RENT Unfnrnjefaea 7 m. ttecptaa KENT L'nfurniebeo porch, garage, or aeS t furmiare. 4614 E. 41st st. Woodstock car. CQZT 4 room hwiwrstaw, gaa. net all modem. garden planted bat ta far sale to nflaltt eaUy. 842 84th ave. bat. 68th and 6th ate. II lit to Tremont Automatic 612-44. COB KENT Will lease 6 r tage, on B. 64th at. K.. Bear Boas City car line. Inquire of owner at No. 506 Buchanan bldg. PUB RENT room bouse. $14 per 5 room bungalow for sale; price; 31450. 1331 KENT $35 or sell 3100 down. 335 month, which includes interest. 6 room bouse, 301100. dose to. Sooth Portland. Inquire 4314 E. 41st at. Woodstock car. $50 Large 13 room bouse. 601 Tillamook, near 15th. Fine location for reassert. Close to Dental college- Will lease. Call 3X3 Main 4733. 3 ROOM unfurnished East 44th and Mato. for rent or sale. Tabor 5777. UNFURNISHED Beautiful 6 close to car and stores; references. AuL 613 31. ' 5 ROOMS sad hath, E. 18th and Belmont, 1 block irom car, 330. Phone U 8480. FOR RENT 7 house, Portsmouth- Phone Cot. 872. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FURNISHED with acre at Garden Home, Rent 840 no small children. See MeCOBMIC, 242 Washington 8220. or Mam 9318. F0b REST 850 7 room, furnathed house; piano. 710 2nd it, bet. Meade and Hooker. Phone Mar. 942. ak can at SO 3d at. WELL furnished bungalow, bat and cold water. telephone, gas heat sun parlor, close in. ex cellent car service. 903 E. Conch. Phone Boat 7684. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished, modern, nice: yard, all kinds of flowers; adults only. 955 Vancouver ave. Wdln. 3040, 5 ROOM furnSed" house; modern : large yard; rent reasonable; 600 Clinton, corner E. 15th st. Richmond car, $65 New! furnished, seven-room house, sleeps tog porch. Irringtoo district 354 Praacott Call SetL 684, . COZY 3 room cottage, bath, electric lights and gas: good location; adults. 351 Sacramento st Ant 311 60. 5 ROOM bungalow, well furnished. 4728 70th st S. E. Class to ear. Adults only. Phone 634-77. . 6-KOOM modern bouse, furnace, fireplace, all conveniences, large yard, completely fnrnashed. piano included. Call East 8801 eventoga after 8. S-BOOM modem furnished beam, including piano. Desirable location. Wdln. 2111. FOR BENT Furnished house, garage. Walnut Park, near Jefferson high. Wdln. 3690. .4 ROOM furnished house. 800 E. 32d st block north of Woodstock caritoo. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent modernT" East 14th at N. 8 ROOM fumbhed 875. Call Marshall 200. HOUSES--FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 SACRIFICING 7 rooms (3 apartments) $300; one Days house rent Will consider 8235 two apartments, making rent $22. 9.52 Will iams ave. Phone Main CI 66. 5 BOOM flat for rent front room and dining room furniture for sale. Fine condition. 726 Johnson. STK room bouse for rent 825 per month, good f oak furniture for sale, very abk. terms. Main 4245. HOUSE FOR RENT, furniture for tale, a real bargain. Phone Marshall 1363. 820 f RENT 6 rooaas, do enrUne. 601 Sth at in STORES AND HALLS 314 NICE large store room for rent, suitable for meat market or other business excepting gro cery; rent reasonable, 242 Killings orth. wain. dbz. BOB desirable Phone Bdwy. STORE fcr rent 8713. Phone Wdln 5055. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 UNFURNISHED office room for rent E. Morrison; Eaat 888. 886H DESK With telephone and aUnagrepbio service. Phone Broadway 8713 SUMMER RESORTS 316 BOB BENT Gearhart cottage, completely fnr niahed, 3 rooms aad eating porch, pantry, clothes closet: also water furnished; 2 blocks from beach. 850 tor 6 weeks' season. Write Box 47. Warren ton. Or. A L6NG BEACB FINE 4 BOOM FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR AUGUST; RENT REASONABLE. FULL PARTICULARS GASCO BUG. CIGAR STAND. CANNON BEACH cottage, available July 8; also tent houses. AU new, completely fur nished, right near beach. For full particulars see 5 L. Wingard 553 Morrison tt BEAUTIFUL 1909 cottage. Long Beach, facto meadows, 2 blocks from ocean. Flowers. Ideal for children. 3150. Inquire 4614 E 41st at Woodstock car. SEASIDE, Or.. Cory Nook 2 room cottages, fur nished, free shower, bath, fuel, electricity; accommodate 3 or 4 persons. L. F. McNeil, P. O. box 288. 100 1st are, W. COMPLETELY furnished house for rent at Maaawaato Beach, For information call Eaat 648 or 24 E. 24th N. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, with bath, from Aug. 15 to Sept 15. 850 Bayocean. Or. Ant 631-35. FOR RENT 7 room modern cottage; atoo 4 room cottage for August Phone East 7474 or Box 68. Sea view. Wash, OCEAN PARK. WASiL- f. apt. centrally located. 313 per week. King, Main 5185. SEASIDE 5-room ramxvhed cottage, north and of beach. Bdwy. 1782. FOR BENT 5 mom furnished cottage at 6ea View, Wash. 226 Stork at SEASIDE 6 room 'umisbed cottage, north end ef beach, good location. Broadway 1762. FURNISHED 1 room bungalow." RoeVaway. right on the ooan. Woodlawn 2341. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU List your h onsen, Oats or apartments with us; quick salts and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFEB CO. 63 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah HbteL Phone Broadway 3715 5 OR 6 room modem bungalow to rent or lease. .with option of buying; or may bay immedi ately if price it right; most be up to date, walk ing distance of Catholic school, rental or monthly payments reason aMe. Ante. 315-20. WANTED 4 or 5 room unfurnished modern bungalow by August IS or Sept 1, close in; will lease. Aut 237-20. WANT TO rent 5 or 6-root n house within walk ing distance of 28th and Thurman st, able rent F 515. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 resorts! large 9 Team boose, T 3 plumbing all in. showers and bath, including furniture: a bargain if taken at ence, P O Box 383. Seaside, Or. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 BOOM furnished flat and sleeping porch West Bade, oak furniture. Brunswick Grafonola. Beat $37.50. $600 wfll handle. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Main 5385 LOTS 403 ALAMEDA PARK 1M ft N. Fremont W. facing: improvements all paid; 3850, Tabor 441. HERE 18 big bargain: must ham saoaay: tot in Hawthorne district; limn n aiMli to. paid tor; can Main 8592 between and W evenings. ROSE CltY BARGAIN FoB stxe tot tab paid. 3250, half Royal. 73d and Sandy. Tabor IBS. LOTS. 3 of them early pate Tabor S3 "iTM down. 813 per tweea 4. aad 7. 94. CaB be- FINK, residence lot 50x100 for mis all paid. Phone 17M. BARGAIN Bontheast oaartar Eaat Sth aad ate.. S35M. smafl payment down CaB 361 Eaat 11th at B. LOT Boat City Park district 50x110. for $350. Phone 1 Tabor 4S44. . A SNAP tot 40x100 oa pared stdewaJk paid; 35M casta; 41M Bth at B B. FOR BALE By owner, one of the beat tote to Irringtoa Park. It-182 OVERLOOK lot aa Capital ave, $800, Phono Woodlawn 4M7. 50x50 OS east ante. Stork. X. 13th W U- ukJmubc rmwil mi laarto I , " aad 20th. Owner. East 2837 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 cYME out sundaY IRVING TON D1BT ItM TO 3878 FOB INSIDE LOTS 31M0 TO 3 ISM FOB COB-NEBS - SIM OOWN. $13 A MONTH ALL IMPBOrXMBKTS PAID NEAR SCHOOL. CAB AND PA XX wtB asset you at the bag saga, E. 16th from 1 a a until 6 n. a Johnson-Dodson Co. S3 N. W. Bank Mdc Main 3787. ACRE lobs between Irvtogton Park and (oinaaMa Med. Convenient to Al berta aad Wood lawn cars. DaaalMnl h a nitea. dandy view, rich aoiL See NaT lor. with ELBOD aV DRYER, Owners. 283 Stark st. Bdwy. 1188. FOR SALE 100x146 feet at Multnomah. 4 Mocks to. highway aad ears. Bull Ban water, gas, electric to- street. Price $650: Unas CaTJ evenings. Joe Lamp. 4411 East 5 2d at south. $TTo 50x100. on to and paid. East 6962. st.. all dty im Waverteagh FINE building 1st, ntairrlil. pears, apples. Mt Tabor school. Address owner, Mflwaakte. Or. 106. 2. FOB SALE 100x100 26th aad part terms. Klickitat. Sacrifice . for 2906 LOT 30x100. on 15th and KsUingsworth, 8350. Wdln. 2831. 414 J arret! st HOUSES 404 BEAT THE HIGH COST OF BUTLOCfO $2300 NEW 3 BOOM HOUSE $2500 I nan build a commodious 3 room boose, complete plumbing, wired, hi base ment with remartt floor, fireplace, hard wood floors, all buSt in double con structed of eery baa materials, tor $28M. EARL E FOG EL, Designer and Builder. Can Aut 623-70. 7056 3 Otto Art Portland Heights Bungalow Now 6 -room colonial bungalow, just completed, rage, choice location, fine view, ultra modem interior, built by owner for a home: will sacrifice at SMM: about $1800 rath Phone afternoon. Main 5729. 7 room modem f . duplex style, fur nace, fireplace, sleeping porches, lot 88x137 fast, garage. East 53d st. near M V. car; price 837M. 81000 caah. bat easy. This is a real bargain room modem house to first class condi tion. E. S5th at. near car; 34300; good terms. R. M GATE WOOD aV CO.. 165 hi 4th at SUNNTBIDB 141 E. S2D STREET 6 dandy rooms, enamel finish, tapestry walls, lota of windows, bast of condition, concrete bast m nt. garage, east front; best bay to Sunnjside, $3500. $500. Owner. 1213 N. W. BANK BLDG. ABE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? Coma out to 3 2d and Eaat Morrison sts, and see the two new bungalows just completed. They bra the last words ta beauty and convenience, a home yon will be proud" to show to your friends. Small payments down and balance like rent Open afternoons and evenings. Sunnyside car. HOUSES FOB SALE Free plana, free evtimatea, free advice. Talk with oar practical building man. "No cash pay ment down." Let us build for yon on easy repayment plan. "8UN-HOU8E" BUILDING CO.. On 3d. bet Start and Wash. 216 Abincton Bldg- OWNER wall sell 7-room. newly painted borne an 100x100 ground to Oakbnrat Large new garage with conarete floor and driveway. Four teen bearing fruit trees, plenty of berries. House and grounds in nice condition. Price, tanas, 64730. BubttsntisL reduction for caah. 1188 E. 18th at N. Woodlawn 6303. FOB SALE, on street car Una, nifty 4 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors, breakfast nook, full basement i mm tail floor, 50x100 ft tot built about 2 years. Side walk and paving paid. By owner. No agents. 1508 Alblna ave. ALBERTA BUNGALOW Modem 5-room bungalow in excellent ahapa. Not the run down kind. Near car and school. Take Alberta car to 12th at one block north to 340 Webster at Price $3300 Terms. Wdln. 6296. 8 BOOM two family house, corner lot aB t provemenU in and paid. Upper flat rented for $25 per month. Win take light late model ear as part of first payment balance $25 per montn. uaii wain. 333. A BABGAIN. YOU'LL BAY New room bungalow, every improvement No. ZBZ4 0 0th st. south of Division, near Franklin high. One lot or naif acre. Just tee bow different Main 532. Mar. 2899. BABGAIN Modem room bungalow, A 1 condition, basement doable garage, fruit berries. 857 E. 7th st north. $1000 cash balance arranged. Will take light automobile aa part payment. Wdln. 1027. BKAfTtr III. 4-ra itntfm fn ,lari fIl house, furnathed raent. lot 100x100, abundance of flowers and shrubbery. 9 bearing fruit trace, 3 varieties of berries, garden spot and garage: terms. Sen. 2 8 an. NEW 5 room bungalow, hardwood, full ment floors, built- ins; near Park school block Kenton ear; improvements paid: $730 cash or bonds, balance terms. 1511 Mississippi. comer Morgan, fast 6733. 38250 RICHMOND BUNGALOW $3250 Modem 5 room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, garage, pared ttreets, 1 blk. from Rich mond car. 641 E. 81st at Can Mr. Gabriel. East 2MB. 8800 FIRST PAYMENT" Hawthorne1 5 room bungalow, paved at. fruit good condition. 82300, 820 par month. Baa it T. O. Bird. 828 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022. 0NLT 83600 By owner, vacant double ccav structed six-room bungalow, fireplace: Jef ferson high district; small payment down. Woodlawn 410. FOR BALE. 5-room boons and Ave full 25 lota, including dairy bouse, room for 31 oowa; chicken house, smoke house; aB for 38300. 1848 Wootecy st Bdsl 8M MsTWCT 3 room house, plastered, ground 100x100. several nice fruit trees. 3650; a bargain. Royal, 7 2d and Sandy. Tabor 155. ' 81800 For sab, 4 -room boose, modem, built ins, gas. elsctiierly. hi block to car. on Woodstock line. Bejlwood 2378. FOR SALE By owner -room bouse aad gar age on lOOxlM, Walnat Park, near Jed high. Wood wn 3830. ROUSE less than year old. B rooms and bath, gas, electric, hi aero ground, on 73d at, dose to school and car. CaB Tabor 74B. FOR SALE 5 rooms, bath, modern, at 864 Gentenbein. Good condition, newly painted aod shingted. Tatephoae Automatic 313-80. BUNGALOW just cawnplsted; bast of work and materials ; modem throughout Tabor B087. 2504 67th st S. E. BT OWNER, 7-room boos, full basement wash Trays, garage, lot 50x120. aaoaable price oa easy terms. Ill wuitama ave. GOOD room bonee. bath, i , etoetridteT- BOxlM, fruit trees, etc Good Owner. S89 E. 86th nt 8. 6 ROOMS, baa" t done to scbaoi. price 8930. p ta 32M Terms. 7903 Wifl take car 52nd ave.. B FOR SALE, good 4-room bungalow. Inside ivory white. By reti at 201 Jar SUN NT SIDE teas, 6-room modern bowas aad garage, to first-dam condition. 50x100 tot 12M E. Tamtam at Terms. FOR SALE Five roomed bungalow. except fireplace, all built ins, furnace, corner mt; 10 fruit trees, $67 50. Wdln. loss WEST SID 7 BOOMS. GAB. BATH. ELEC- TRICITY. 2 FIREPLACES. CEMENT BASE MENT, LOT 50x100. OWNER. 467 10TM FOR SALE Small beaaa on ftoa lot. Tabor 4888. 5 ROOM plastered bungalow, block Kenton ear; tainrn imawsj paid; BOxlM; 8173U. terms. (lvu oaaa oatcouat igas Morgan. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 room modem bungalow. foU cement basement, furnace, tot 40x120. hi block to ear. Pries rran tthta Owner. 8721 Woodstock ave. FOB SALE BT OWNER Half" all fine aate; be toed this $3250 Awt S40-33. LEAVING Portland tat Bl lib lmfltlia. hardwood ftoara ta stairs; garage aad tote ef FOB SAUL Warns aad t aad nark. Atoo smaU 4 Bl B Portland blvd. 7 RM HOUSE. 4 BOSK CTTT PARK. S I Btrage Price $4$0O Mast sen atatry FOB SALE 3 room bo lJ m Bgt ear; arry water, 8 FOB QUICK aate. raomn, atom to setaoal IBM. casta L28L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE At tM E lata at. cJaae to WT ston st. a beautiful S-raosn near bnxtaalow. aB BWaraarawB, hardwood Ooasn, furnace, bustois. all extra sua renews. Has and coed water, gas, sisHibUj. fnl aaesaeest eenaatt Moors tm baeeaaesat. tray. 5oxlM Into. aB limn Mints to paid far. Raw lawn, frarft trees. Raw garage, is a One peace, price 350. On vert ansa at at. phone Mate TIN, sd 3308. new rosk crrr buncalow $4350 TERMS 533 BAST 60TH ST. BOSS CITY CAB Brand new B-r bag nana, hardwood Soon. Dutch m enacts, area a; fa at fine sraasklig aad electric fixtures, rati haasaaint eaat front tot, parang and sr eroded, fine loeahty. 1 H blocks to oar. I from 1 to 3 p. m. BTJTLT TO ENDUBBT ISMS INVESTIO A1 11th sad Market 8 114. tales office th aad Ankeny. '433. UN IVEBSITT PARK CORNER 33730 Strictly atodern 8 room bviaasslnw, with etsctrie Hgbta. gas. furnace, firentoea. fan kasimiat 52x100 lot pianty of fruit and shrubbery; terms. J. L. Karnopp & Co. 673. 319 RT. LICH. . Read Carefully 4 roam bow and 3 late, price 8140V. Win take carpenter work as first payment balance motrkbly. WILLIAMS REALTY CO., Grays Creaming. Aut. 17-4B $2390 MODERN 5 ROOM COTTAGE; FURNISHED WB bwin, eaaaawt basement connected with sewer sad paid, fall lot berries, trees, half block to oarihae. Owner. Ante. 331-58 NEAT 4 room hoone with ivory finiah. through out; furnace, fireplace, cement baacaaent atricOy modem. 1 block from Franklin 827M. Tabor 8312- BY OWNER 5 room bouse, lot 88x100. 3 blocks to Mtodstdppi aad St Johns earUnaa, 82600. half caah. balance 6 per cent Call 84 East Jet tp at ACREAGE 405 DIVERSIFIED FARMING PATS BEST If yon are looking for acreage where investment at as care, don't boy until yon see SUNDERLAND ACRES, at B. 19th at N. aad Columbia blvd. Only 4 miles out 1 to 20 acre tracts. Protected river bottom lands. No bet ter soil any place for diversified farm tag. Choice tracts 3400 to $600 aa acre, balance annual payments. See Naylor. with ELBOD A DBYEB, Owners. 283 Stark at Broadway 1188. 1 ACBES good garden land under cultivation. few berries, garden .in, 1 acre potatoes ready for use. fine for poultry yards, good 18x24 thick, 2 rooms, cellar underneath, small chicken house and bam. located at Sprtagdale on Colum bia highway, close to school Buy direct from owner and aave 850. Price 8330; lata II pay ment down; 815 a 'month. L. C. Dunlap, Trout dale. Or. SMALL HOUSE AND 2 hi ACRES On Be it road. 8 miles from dty. Haass b w with good wall. Rich deep toil, partly cleared. 81750 takes it 8173 down aad $20 """'STRONG St CO.. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. hi ACRES at Ryan tattoo, Oregon Electric R. R . 15 minutes oat on Bsird ave. Mast beautiful view, about 40 fruit trees of different variettoa. Will seU cheap for cash. Address Carbon. Hillsdale, Or. Route 2. Box 27. EXCEL! -EST land tt $8u per sere on the Co- lam ma river, good road, and easy terms, JohnsonDodson Co. 33 Northwestern Bank 8800 8800. full price, caah. 401 Stock Exch.' HURRY 4 hi acraa, hi mile to station aad school. Washington Co.; little cleared, rustic hoaaa, running water: some timber; 8430. Da bob, 804 Spalding bldg. 10 ACBB peace for aakt. minutes' walk from Mulloy station. Oregon Electric A. BadoM. Sherwood. Or., R, 3. 0NE acre, all cleared ftne mO. Rosa City dk- triet 31400 terms, Royal. 7 2d and Sandy. Tabor 188. ACRE, dose in . Gre ntoam cartine. Bell stetson lie tare, 8780 830 down; will discount 31M far caah, Mara 4113, FINELY located acre at Garden Home en terms of 8100 down, 310 a month. Oilman. Main 8480. Garden Home. ' TWO ACRES close tat A bargain. Tabor M87. CHOICE acreage adjoining Portland; ow nar. Bast 743. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 "SUBURBAN 8 acraa of choice. HOMES choice, level land. 3 acres in cultivation. 3 room new cottage, fur nathed complete, 1M White Leghorn chickens.' year old, near Clackamas river. Just off pavement near school. 10 court boose. 32750. 8750 caah. hi B acraa extra choice level tend. 4 neat furnished cottage, on the pavement at By. 8 U ; 10 Bailee oat 83780. $1300 rash, bet to salt This is choice. B. M. GATE WOOD CO., 165 hi 4th st Lovely xi Acre Home Classy 4 room bungalow, bath. gat. electric hghta. garage with cement floor, beautiful lawn. hi acre of most wonderful flowers and fruit baa barn reduced to $3500 for quick tela. Tarn Tabor 7547. BUT DIRECT FROM OWNER 5-room mods a bungalow, ban mint fireplace, 1 hi acraa. 1 acre to fruit aad berries. acre potatoes, hennery far 22, garage, doss to school and car. Ton most hare SUM to handle this, babnra $20 monthly. Interest 6 payable semi-annually. Automatic 33-54. ONLY 8200 DOWN! OBEGON CITY UK Balance 8840. easy terms, hi acre, cultivated, aaw bungalow, built-in cupboards, cooker, city gas, 8 cent fare, fine' view. B Howard. Oak st , tooth of Evergreen ave.. Evergreen station HOUSE with 5 rooms aad bath, cement base ment gas and electricity; near Treatoat; 3 ar more tots: house with 2 lots $2700 . $300 down, balance Uka rent Tabor 74M. BARGAIN Acre with 4-room house, good ear price $800. hi cash, balance easy CaB 361 E. 11th st S. between 10 5. FARMS 407 EXCELLENT ORCHARD For mis with eroo of ftoa eoormarctal a peats M acraa land. 88 acres in bearing orchard. 10 timber, balance partially rice rea ; good 3 li awra In large bam and other out that ta) aa unusual rhanre to bay a nianni Im property which should pay for itself to a very few years. The locattea ia an that can be desired, near Lyle oa North Bank railroad. Delightful disss ti aad good water supply; price reaacnabte. easy terms. Owners must sell. John Bate. B07 Portland. Or. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of faratdlan Pacific Railway company's Baste n tamai ITsiiitikalill cheap, oa tang and eaay tan aa Laadmokers excursion party Isevea Port tend for Calgary. Alberts, oa Saturday. August 13th. Eodtasd railway rates, mr lortner par ttotttara are Canadian Pacific Railway company. 208 Railway Exehaabe Building. L, P. Thorn - FOR ftALE ill acres. mum aorth oi forest Grove. Or.: good wheat and eto rr tend ideal dairy farm; 'two good wells aad oaa fata mile tram railroad station, toss at of ta the valley, all cleared, only for nm en farm. Write or cam a to Far sat Grove for more information. Franeaa M. White, Forest Grows, Or. Bag BBS. Bt bwNEfc SNAP I-tNCOLN CO. 1M acraa, good baaa. 3 barns. hand of stock, young team, (ana teapaaaseata, crop aad about 28 acraa cleared. All for 3M00. No trade. 303 hi st CaB between 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 4M E. Yamhill, apt 33. BEST BUT IN WASHINGTON CO 40 acraa near Forest Grove, good awB. partly cultivated. 2000 cords of for q.uct Spalding t ttobate, BQ4 EXCELLENT tend at 3S per acre aa Johnson-Dodson Co. is ACRE taT aata. wfB ng-lit aoad ra a in the (oOowtag towns: Aa- ca property Carn Oba, aa part pey- oa a trade. H. J. Btohter. Amity. Or. af at-t t 4 ACBB N-. kttehen. aasBt- Better. Hou Lass Master, nvnniinr n r nr. rv pnnn ivn l-hooe lst cteared; good ha ae. bam, tate af and i ml growth fir; tete of nuiagi Pxtos 812M B-780. JamraaL abtokaa ranch for sate ctaasa. 808 Board of Xrmto hkto REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Linn County Farms Cheap That at a real ; prio 320.0M. taV bal- aaao 8 years u . the beat aad ihiaput aad sea. We have dtotrirt GIBSON A ALVDf "THE LAND MEN" REALTORS TW FARMS at tha best tanas to tl. frm f i ink Or., aa rat each. aB natter if Una tana aa an i um tioa with alfalfa ami grain. Will drrete pieces in 40 aad 80 acraa. Water coat freaa 80c to $1 pet acre, with an a bonds ace of water at all Una Fair bnildinga. weO fenced with woven wire: good weeks: electric power aad atootrfa lsghta WILL 8ACBIFICE FOB $130 FEB ACRE. F. D. HcCUlLY Jatrph. Or FOR SALE ISO acres of e4ry aad I rait SB to Clarke nam tr. Mack, rich aoiL from Vancouver oa N. P. B B . 83 csUtivaUcn. 20 acres to seta. 4 acres to fruit. 4 acraa to com. beans, potatoes, some tteaotby aad ctover. S3 acraa to pasture toad with tote of timber. 10.0M cords of wood. 3 large spriags aad 2 good wells. Cream how and separator. Urge ban S8x0. room house with targe waB hot ate. etc. An farm- One fa built. 78 chickens. 13 ream. 33 fumtehad aaawaarta Evemhtog a as at the price of $9000: wiU give terms. Write J. E. BUTTNEB. Hetason. Waah. FOB SALE 130 ACRE ALFALFA RANCH hi mile from Merrill Or . gravel road, all un der Ktaamth frrlaattoa ditch. TO acraa alfalfa. 25 acraa grain, ananas to brae grass pasture, pod 7 room house, bsra aad other buildings; head of horses. 3 milk cows, hogs, checker-. IM bead of rwwa. second crop of alfalfa .all farm machinery and household aacna; price 320.000. half caah. balance terms. Address Box 4. Merrill. Or. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FABM for rent equipment for tale; 138 acres, all excellent soil; 50 seres in cultivation, balance fwd bwildinga; cows. 3 calves, 2 about 35 una hay. machinery, etc . rural lUalta ieneea; all tor $1500. Including 1 paar'a rant of farm: anally worth $2000 - H E Warren, owner. Battleground. Wash., or phone Tabor 1970, FOB BENT 200 acre Umatilla wheat raadt, ar sell on easy terms. C-211. Journal. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt mane ahowiax W bomaatead bnda, 81- Oar charges sm rea aenabla aad oar am rlLaa the bant on '" 1 References given, M. J. ANDERSON. Mt By. urai Mag. a ra la worth located by locator Helm. 816 Board of Trade blag. TIMBER LANDS 411 6 MIL! JON yellow fir with aawmiB for leas than vara of timber: bandy to Portland; good terms. E-336. Journal. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 E xc ha nges Exchanges Valley Farms Na 173 It a fine loan nail, nearly til of 145 level Plow, wuh ru.,dirgs fnlly cauipbed. lnctadiae tractor. Hot- ttein oowa, etc. price, including crap b 323. 0M. clear. W01 trade to same value far Gil liam or Baai mag coanty wheat farm. Ho. 102 b a good 18 acre dairy and stock farm. 30 in crop, B0 l lathed pastnre. bad. roll ing pastare; otd ho te. good barn with 60-ton concrete nuo and Individual water milking machine, inatbai cutter. rase, wagon, nack. boggy, plows. com drill, wnateroas other tooat; 13 grade G ary cows aad betf art ; reg. 4 onas. naraam, MBM. WIU trade for acreaaa or amafl farm Washington county, preferably around Baa ton. What have yon? We want Portland property for valley fa alto wheat ranches for valley farms. Give full roura la first trttar aad tall, aa watt Owaeo or BaaJtors reply. GIBSON A ALVIN "THE I -AN I) MEN REALTORS BARGAIN FOR CASH OR EXCHANGE A Fine 200-Acre Ranch Good beaver' dam and a ate son. Some ocated near railroad , 2 bama. akede and cultivated: all farm bloeded stock and milk bay in bam. etc Mortgage SBMM0: will exchange sanity for Portland property ar Canada land around Calgary, or tail cheap for cash. T. M KELLER, 301 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Main 8MB 25 ACRES. 18 in eolttrattaa. B room boaaatew: a 13 mites oat $8000; about hi down, balance to salt Might take hoaaa and tot up to 33500 or $4000. M. J. Edwards. 488 B. 34Ul BaD. 83 M. Don't Worry Can trade anything 008 CTiimt of WANT small ear aa first payment on acreage dty. or B 173. Jour 4 LOW . i-room SEE fruit berrtea, for acreage not over 25 mils of dty. 1027 Oswego st. Bt Johns car. WANTED To trade 10 acraa of land in proa- . ing oil structure to Montana for G-707. JoaraaL WILL etchings my Oak Grove me. at $8500 Write to Box for roar dty home: no sgenu 45. Oak Grove. 42 ACRES. near Bend and fscttoorry or Hoyt at Mrs. 78S fine soil. WILL trade beautiful player piano for good rmUian tot value $M0. Tabor M43. EQUITY in for sale or trade for Ford ear ar Irwin and caah. 7711 Woodstock are. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 KCHANGB Tf bam. state, oat rock road, hi mite froa way. school, store &ad ebareb: 7 land. 810O0 cot lev for stock aad a farm. $230 mrirtgaae dwa Jan. 1. 1922. Hillsdale. Or.. B No. 3. w. Tomer, WILL TBADB farm with buildings, for Port land property. Owner. 31 Bast Portland Blvd. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 -WANTED. HOUSES Wanted, to Bat aillaa priced boaa aad shacks that oaa be sold aa easy terms, R. M GAT" .WOOD A CO.. 15 hi 4th st WOULD I D-824. If priced right JoaraaL FARM LANDS RENT OR BUT 457 WANT small (arm ; will aril or trade oar sgaKy 4-room boaaa with batto, tafBlai. lot 50x100; atoo lawaarlsr Bght car. Omaha ata. Wdbt 2T23. 1 31 I AM EXPERIENCED FABMBB aad dairy man: woaJd Bkw a at it acraa oa abas, with IB or 38 cows oa ft 878 B 38th st B WANTED ta rent aad date Jap Hsarkias. B. F. It No. 1. Brad. Or. STORES. ETC. 500 FOB SALE. s aga battenr aad ilnlrlLiI highway. Te aa. G-71. FOB BAl 3M par acre far tans dandy ansa IBS acre farm. M sera to csUtlvatton. extra nswd btoaatngv; good roads; atone ta aaboal and to the OIL dsstrart 8 asAaa from I as arm a issmlai sacraTtoa at Mka prase. Half caah. 31 acres, river buUSm soil. 83 In igatliadlii; plenty g ,a soB fcJSenrts-ur taam rriwa' Cbarast at 88M0 Tarans, $3)838 lM-arra dalrfajn: all to ewittoattoaiaaaa tM 9 kM sssran aad sate: fbso loam aofl: 1 mis to town aad bach scans. lag toots as rea pmce. vne r ggy. eats ooaaaa spring wagon, aas two-horse farm wagon, was boggy bone, erne man of h arias. 10 boo. 26 hand of mlk-h cows aad betfe , 14 to frith ra. 3 docks, bonne low la for oowa: harrows. eg. Xtaroc tow Price coaantete timber aad .apteadjj B roam boose, small trait bast weU fa) the 1MB B. OfTORTUWI 1 US STORES, ETC. be to raharn & Wells rreaa 823M to wf.v-h tm be mmmt bi in lor out of proftov Tory praOtole Can draw satory f 32M aad more K 349. Journal FOB BALE J75d In c cry to ; eats Market to ptoaa at 13M: -aWgwaar booae. aad dote a good k t in iss ; or win trade tar stock reach. f F. Boar. W abaa, Oc No 48. BLACKSMITH that can do sato repairing to take half ante repairing. Na teach aaoaa for teraaa. Bag 416 aVaxtaa, Or. Printing for Less Beder rtettoa Qa. Msto 3 193 3d st A SNAP WU1 etfl any ear third latereet to for SMO: I want a Atoerta. MUST sell on at i.Lne-. tted. doing fair trade tor let b Baaa Clay Park Mate 7181. of itanavs MAN or wwman who ta 3730 with servw i an eat from $200 J-478. Jowrwal MANUFAITUB1SG amend, profitable. As dlimsl eamaateaata. for teDIng iOOfl wUI handle V 566. SK EE-BALL I bare conramtoa to Baastde. Win trade far ante or what- have year 8413. . TTBB store. complete 409 roc t'ltj DESIRABLE raaliiaul ta at rated i tallaaaaall g.'.OO Olymptc Box A Package Co.. Olymate, Wash. HATE repair tbog. 100x110: lanhl. 1028 B Alder. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 Stop the Rent I will sell ron a buna 3 story babkltog OxM UA. dose to. west side, for 35BM: 8400 down, bate ace lest than rent Ton can bnf the fwrnttore for about $1200: $100 down, if yon want it Tbb) b worth comaderably mon tbaa the price attest. It baa always baaa poem aB aatteaaa Mrat vS S'saTatoy. BauMtoa bow for 873 nar month. Located S. W. Hood and Grant Owner. Martha", 746, 30 BOOM hotel ta good coamty town and antchetr fully equipped: I am lore 1 to sell en I aba toon, tost got to at price. Do you araat the bargain? BX-168, Journal. BUY FBOM OWNER 1: room hotel and apts.; good fa gate 32300. 81230 oath, baton . A bar $33 month. Will take Ford at part proposed fair gi innate H. L. uaj atsa Bante. t: 801 Main at. Vancoarer. Waah. FINELY faraamad targe baee- pantry can be used for mt. laondry: niei toecane. 468 10th at Marshall 168. FOR SALE Hotet oa Coos Bay. 42 7 H. K. ante, goad furniture Center of town, it 373. price 8 IBM. Box 7M. Merstv fhrtd. Or. FOB SALE 85 mom hotel and 2 cutteawa. fnl ly furnished. That pteca is a bargain. SMM part time. P. O. box 101, Beavtew. WML BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 hotels: or any other ktod of Dtmmaas ta Bay ar sail. Baa Johnson-Dodson Co. 33 If. W. Bank Bids. Mato 3737 tBl'cT maM Wanted Have Job for 8-ton track arms tola cash matt ate down Call Barns. Broadway 140. GROCERY store wanted. If you baaa the right location write roil details; aa igaali. ttal. B H Johnson. 47 B 83d at FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS MO COMMISSION Oa The bl b oa 832-26 par 631.34 par 313.17 per moot a of $1000 and Loans of other si EQUITABLE BAY IN OB ' A ToAlt ASS'N 343 Stark Bt. Perttoad. Or. 830O. $400. MM. $600. 37M. 810OO ABO aav Lowest rataa. awAck acttoav Pay SIM ar more any interest data Gordon Mortgage Co.. Ml Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mala 1ST. PRIVATE FUNDS to an on mortamma aad aaatest aaatracta oa real to Oregon aad Waahtegtoa. Char tat raatfai, 818 Railway Avchange Ptdg. MM. 8400, MOW. 37 M. 81M0 AND Low rataa. aosck sctton. Fred W. G Co., 783 Chambtr of Comma rev, Mato 6448 BCTXJJlf G Beak. 213 and 21 Falling bids. 20M TO $3000 ON CITY PROPERTY. FBKD B WILLIAMS. SM PANAMA BLDG. tBOO, HAM. BltM. 8200O. I3BM AlTlirCp'. r. tt DKSHoa. aia tmtmair ot uoaa. mag. MONEY to 81M to 8 BOM A. H. 11 "- M Main 4378. prIvaTe Party ha. 8480 ta U m da- No ambstoa 01713 JoaraaL BEB OREGON LNV. MOKTGAGE CO.. 333 of commerce. 4 in san aura. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADat OB AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. I IAN OS. HOCaEHOIJ) GOODS REAL ESTATE B04DS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE. SBCUBITY LSLALI.Y LEFT IN Y0UB POS8ES8ION AIso Salary Loans TO SAL MED PEOPLE ON THEIR MOTES WtTHOUT SBCL'BfTI IF TOUB PAY MENTS TO OTBTEB LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FTRNTTTRE OB AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ABB TOO LARGE. WB WIU, PAT 7 HEM UP. ADVANCE TOO MOBE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND TOC CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOCR CONVJCX5 LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. r LICENSED) SM-M7 DICTUM BLOG.. 3d aad WASH SALARY CALL, AMD INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DBSCOrNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 318 FAILING BUTLTMBO MONET TO LOAN On Gmnto to Storage. Bank Bate. BBCUBTTT STORAGE A CO-. BS 4th at. opp. Malta n mato Bioadaay 8718 iilM WO LOAN 8 yearv, T. city aeeor- B J. MoG ire, 54 B Uataa as N. E. 64 OT MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 and trUecs- MONEY WANTED 651 WUN 'fb Partv saooo 313 82. oUOosf fir. Wilff SMM tor -rl ami mtate. wabm G 70 saws ESs U IS ay" Pto-e Ma 6033- M7-8 Cwaen Btdav lbm.hb aii M Mk .t (. CM Stoataa, tea. If cwweot with to tabs as toad PABTNBB WANTED toB thay haa.k.gter m areaawA Ptol B 1 18111. Waat partner inilrlit wttb akrrtoal werk Prna ten Ibakt, Bar-. SSS Frasn st or stole to ma asajmsaa namman tna aaaaua ' men. Freaa $23 ta oaaa I I J SHETLAND pony. ears, tare naaan ks tour tar veto warn or- dbralft-d. gotng bwtiaew. Wan 'tawgell" 'abeit "$' 1 76" sT" Wt rtTg dty 421 E Barnstda I i ata i il 1 tt fix tares, votoantotac aB at bag tlii.iaat Tarawa, 1 1 ass il i lUTWAlb vwlVsmiawag awfb, coaaalrte; 5aT $aoo aa eaar terms. 17 Beaver bldg.. Ore of note coml mocttktr paymiat plan. month tor s atajb, ar neata, tor M moatba, a to for 3 aaoatbs nays a loans on city and rabomaa proparty. advanced as work prog an W. U. Mate 3407. Loan di-iTLL wy f yta a vnvrv ton tttktto mJartad er wwrktamstea oa No'mORTGAGB NO INDORSEE ABBOLUTELT NO BEUURfTI Wa aba teaa am iikita goods, atoaaa, ate, WB BUT first and -cod awjriaw. b-"af' tjaaaxaerea bawTatoto BOM. CASH paid tot mariaaaaa aad aatb eemtoMte B "Betas. 318 Lnmkirmtat bhto- "la finance liafkTlaa freaa BtasdbaaaMm. Ftaaa 3 ' 'bk"' SATURDAY, JULY 80, 1M1. HORSES AND VEH1C1XS 700 roe? sua ona 14M-to Pasibainn batae. goad to work and fat. M: S sat naavy doable bamaaa. 1 act stoats harases aad saajaat an st yasav own price G. Bnakjaaar. eaat MtativOk Baas line rwast S btoeba rtoniPtflto itbill wU aaaUV. f - $110, Bee B B Carey. Blew t wood hotel Ktalaa. PwrUaad. BOM AN to esxtxry tat ForUaad aa aasa HEAD moles, 10 make me aa offer. 424 theme ave. HORSE, wag s and ktraea. $7 3. $83 rraaa hit a taw at. 2 blocks aonta of Pre c ai lftth aad 2Bth FOB SALE toa gaay" ier sate ar trade. ter. Carver. Or. vATr" Ught l-borte miA iniiaj i Pbcae 13 12. DOL-HLB 33 -way A4C FOR .SALE, aorrU Snaari. Portland, 7 yr old Bog 116 LIVESTOCK 701 M KITH Jersey. HlUsaore datfeery. far maaito pnltsas, W. rich saaBt Trade J C-rke, Bt 3 Or WANTED Good gredn dairy f ah: state sate am 2M K. Gkbaa at FOB 1ALE 4 galton Je y e . Ilk. at ill Milwaakto. 93 X FOB SALE. &S qt bar I2M per clear with 1 a. t.-jiio a: a baraato. EX 531 FOR SA1 K. pto and fraah Jersey Fred Frits. of biwaaw. (W i iraak. prv r.ghi to 22ad tt. 2 blocks tooth. WaodtawaeaTr 72 JEitSKV -.w Tor 110 E. Watt. -cTu after 4 .30 ITJHH Jersey family cow for mle. 8li4 Wk alt FOB SALE Nice young Durham Wdln 4318. FOB BALK. 25 ega for 830. V A Bona, 835 G awB cotored brtndle, 4 rich mite U ill p. m Taw lasary sve , Sell aod ear. Tab- run POULTRY AND RABBITS 703 PTJLLETS We oaa mmnty O. A. C and Taaered Whfte Lest. paUsu: also Barred U4n and Ban to ItttiiJ Bedt aoana ready to uy. t ami - y'r- cJd bees, good br-de . These are evreeenwgty file istge retard bint, aaain 40tu. law a ma loiiktnd Seed Ct. INDIAN BU! tUNNER ducks. B eld darks aad 1 old yweng dacha aad 1 young drake; aad breeding jarnt . aba 3Jap Sfflkto H M. Powefi, Garden Hoaaa, Or. drake. Phone Main 1848. 7$ B C W. LEGHORN aad 26 Btach a for aata. $1 each. MB the pullrte brad Trigialta. Corbett. Or. TRIO New Zend,. aaan hack, $.v M M Araat Moarjaoath. Oc. NICE fat milk fed ktaa. Ue. 4ill E. 78th 42-11. 40 OR 50 two" rmW and a few B. Taytar st Leghorn; will tell cheap WANTED W. U nalbda, Muwaakte. Route 1 til FOR SA1J5 PuOets aad fr a Tabor 4833. SQUABS for sale. 840 Macadam mad. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 FRENCH terrier puppy 10 or 11 tea. when i haired, weight grown. 130 E. 80th at Phone Tabor 313. PEDIGREED Persian rats aad kittens for tela reaaamhW Main 5450. HUtolale. Or.. Bam 22. 2 FINE St Andrvaafc daaare. oae 1 the other 1 year. Price a 87. M $15. Tabor 7388. 1'EDIGKEKD rohc. dog pwa-tea frem (Aw eeW- b rated Speedway ksaaela; week days 2MB between 8 a. at- aad 4M a. St. BOSTON terrtera from beat pedigreed Aut 325-83. 884 East Slat B. BOSTON Jaekto. terrier W d by WbaatBad Eaat M 224 E 24 N. Scratch iili CCCn Maab tSM Wheat $2.73 aT C C U Wdln 4344 FOB SALE Ftoa Scotch Tabor 7828 CoUte BOSTON TERRIER paxaMra, rilbrrasd stack, naaoaabte. 120 KUHnasaurth ant AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEREriL TIRES OREGON TULCAXTBCtQ CO. TIBB BEPATBIKO 333-333 BaraaMi at 1818 BCICK TOCBtNO 14.BM mate, had bast of care, to ite I HAVB 1 Cbahaari bog. SIM raring to go. 8Z: j tratte ing trip; 1 Oakland to good 2 modal 28 Bates. (3M each; 1 good eaanmxaa, g 4 on Bead Garage. 24 th at 7783. CLOSED CABS of bu1ni a USED FORD HEADQUARTERS Broadway at uoyt opp. FOB SALE Abaotom bargain. Ute dkteat al'tb!atl'abBaM, new. Tbto car a worth SIM. WUI take MM far accept Ford or Casnatat aa part SM th at N. Apt B. USED FORDS Each aasd tm d we aaB ta g imatawd exactly i cseama i; amy ran aa exciaaive rora USED FORD HBADQDABTEBB Broadway at Hoyt opp. leaving city aanatey at new Lexington Mtoate Man drmftiM Run nnh, ?M at entice for $1850 eattoi r terms. CaB Mr. art n, Mara B87S or Broadway 2825. Baal -102 FORD" With starter aad aM mirror, daah light trie bom. snare Ore Strry. Look It over. Eve nines. Bat B IM. CAInJ-AC TOURING CAB A good Cadillac ceadtttoa: newly desaoatrate. Mr. Jagrr. Nc (orth aat Ante Co.. 18th aad Alder ata. Bdwy. 14M. sr.. tUws mad W tn A-l hi aeery way. Rate ia it Oa, boy! work of pan. Soaa tan rropat. nawj. 3MB. 1821 CHEVROLET toariag. 3 aacriftoe prtoe ot $78 with win art yoa !-. tor 17g. REBUILT Mitchell tab. b mpars. ra tew. to A-l roa- dtttoa all aroond. tockt ear to trade. Mr. J angers. Broadway 1 78; even. Mar-all 4M 1818 OAKLAND at In Al aoaaBtton In Good urea. For p. down. Call Proaet, 1 OADSTE ItM DODGE ROA 1921 aaodaL driven only 2M0 tires: tonka aad runs hke new. $8O0 tat SMB. FORDS FORDS FORDS 117 IBIS IBM cheap for cash call east mm 1813 OAKLAND ti a. newly painted aa oaa. A real too. Call Pro t, Bdwy. 8MB rrrr'BTTf PT r Tt sedan imt aad upholstering very good. Privately aad driven. Shawn by asetgeataaa at Warn 78. Ml B Bbbmiai ALL IrVPB ae waa-at a.4 kwata s far Wire CTT Wtter rt. TEAM of bom for aakt ar trade! A. M. Fatt mare. 7 yr otd iU Bt 2. Ufrom"iem that year. Fred Bbtoaaag obarxwt nabt o 1 red bag . ready :;r camp Cbabnam ta Sa.idj coupe Hera b a bargain imnmatikb ttaa,- n Utabt ymanrnttar. clock, etee- t-fara aW2T. COOt VftBB- a ught Ttake 21 MR. 1813 CHEVROLET t cal l latdatlial, has I ftoa 1M2 REAR C a a. Carry's Ti 1813 rORDUnrit. stsxbtocAdsBaaaataljla 280 33. OVEBLAND 8-paaa.; M4 C a aarcteJ. WaaB at WW 8144 FORD 1818 model, at tap, aaod raaaaag isam. awJy 81M. tarma. Eaat SMB. FLANDERS tearing. SM; aaoa III II on w. taraa fair cwaaBflna Mato SMB. FORD lsil tawxbag. t ara.giM Owaar. Maktoaaaah atottaan. Mato 7M 37