WEDNESDAY. JULY tT. lttl. 13 Tf7SlaTrKIC AO the rear CAP T I7TVIO nt and most to Th Jwuatl bra the social of Portland tage Screen feoctetp Clubs WUmWl O leltog of the aetjvtttos of the fair uUVj L Ej"L I D llshed. The same infinite pains la use to make the society of threeshset the entire Tiaras! ftst iltucy Clue The Journal, daily and Sunday, up-to-date, pithy and readable as is used DOINGS AC II VITIESSaM ZZZTZTbiZ in preparing other news for reader consumption, ion wui on tne way The Journal society news is THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. UKKOON laasershtn h the ehren-1 alone ta Perused to June Bride Will Be Honor Guest At Bridge Tea By Helen Bttekton MISS NANCY HOLT, daughter of Mr. W. A. Holt, witt be hostess for Midge tea Thursday honoring Mrs. ?e Allen Lawrence, who was JBlsabeth Peacock before her mar in June. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence only recently returned from their honeymoon trip. Guests to make up four tables of bridge have been invited for the afternoon and a few additional guests will be called for the tea hours. Mrs; Willis 8. Ashley and Mrs. Oerrfll Swigert will preside at the tea table. V The Woman of Rotary will give a nlcnic for the diss hied veterans and their families Sunday on the barge wan. The use of the boat , has been donated by Mr. R. J. Belland and of the few boat by Graham brothers fori the las'. The Swan will leave the foot of Jamhill street at 1 o'clock and return t 6 o'clock. Music and refreshments Will be furnished during the day. j Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Kiehle will en tertain this evenine at a dancinar nartv tor their guests, the Misses dare and Catherine sbenehon of Minneapolis, who are visitors here this summer. Thurs day they will be guests at a dinner for Which Mrs. Estes Snedecor will be host- Ass, and Friday Mrs. Preston W. Smith nill entertain for them. r CENE from "Desperate Trail,' in which admirers of Harry Carey's portrayal of rugged Western types are finding much of interest at the Star theatre :::!4K4?'fnaaBBsa.B&- vWBSSSSSSSSBBBSSSSSSSsl MS SuS SB ..' t:: ' "f&SRfS Si -j SSSSSSKr.v vZfOU BM 'fdlHi hss6ssijBS im Em wiBBBBSBBBBBsl BBBbHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVISwVwWBBBBbI HHeesssWessssssi A'!sbbbbbH tmW sHbKsbbI " what? Miss Dorothy B. Miller and Mr. Mar- eld Stevenson were married at Halsey Sunday at the home of the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller. The bridegroom Is a pharmacist and a re cent graduate of Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. Stevenson was graduated from the University of Oregon and has een teaching high school at Cottage Grove during the past year. - Miss Flo Irwin of the Irene company. Which appeared last week at the Heilig 8eatre, was the guest of Mrs. Mable S. mway for several 'day a During her Stay in the city she was much entertain ed. Mrs. .Otis Aikin gave a picnic party at Eagle Creek Friday, the party motor ing up for the occasion. Mrs. C. M. Wonacot of New York city is a visitor in Portland at the home of Her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dilg, at 333 Bast Forty-secor.d street. Mrs. Wonacot is accompanied by her two children, Ruth and Paul. Last Friday Mrs. Dilg gave a bridge party of eight tables for her sister. -!. The Misses Vida and Margueretta Marshall, who have been absent from the city nearly a year, during which : time they have been visitors in New York city, have returned to Portland and are again making their home at Alexandra court. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bargelt and little daughter Dorothy have come to Sortland from Marsh field 'to make their me. They are at present guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Watson in Irvlngton. : Miss Loretta Hussey of Spokane, Wash., who is the house guest of Miss Sadinc Caswell, will be honored Friday at a tea for which Miss Caswell and Miss Marion Howe will entertain at the home of the former. ;Mr. and Mrs. John Farrington spent a short time in Eugene on their way to crater Lake where they are enjoying an outing. In Eugene they were guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Span tier, who are cousins of Mrs. Farrington i Mrs. Laura E Irvine spent a few days in Salem as the guest of Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Irvine also visited her sesther, Mrs. E J. Harding IB Gervais for a short time. I Centralla. Wash., Jury 87. 'Miss Grace C. Carpenter of Centralis and C C. Hay of Chehalis were united in marriage . suncay oy Rev. E. Burton in this city. Miss Dorothy Tingman of San Fran Pisco, is a visitor in the city at the Some of Miss Dorothy Logan for short time. . . VAUDEVILLE PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. Hich-claas Taudenlle and photoplay features. Afternoon and (.renin. Program chance Monday afternoon. LOEWS HIPPODROME Broadway St Yam- hilL Direction Ackerman A llama. Vaude ville. Afternoon and night. STOCK r.TRIP Brmilint inH UorraolL f.TTt- Mil TraTty company tn "uoooeye, a.Tery " sUtiaee daily. S:3S; ertoinc. 8.20. PHOTOPLAYS COLUMBIA SUth at Stark. is "Plaything of Destiny" 11 p. m. LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. MacDonald in "Trust lour WHS. m to 11 p, m. RIVOLI Washington at Park. .Hay McAroy tn A Prirate Scandal." il a, a W 11 p. m. MAJESTIC Washington at Park. D. Turin Changes Name Of Wilson Avenue Turin, July 27. (L N. S The mu nicipality has changed the name of Wil eon avenue to Flume avenue. It i named Wilson avenue in honor of the lormer American president during his jvtsii to Rome while the peace confer ence was on. 11 aa. to 11 a "Dream Street.' 11 S to 11 FRATERNAL Griffith', d am. PEOPLES West Park at Alder. Mary Milea Minter in "Jem." 11 L n. to 11 n. n STAR Washington at Park. Bam Carey is "Dej, Derate Trails." 11 a. S. to 11 V. m CIRCLE Fourth near Waahtseton. Edgar Lewis' "Lahoma. " 9 a. m. to 4 o clock the next morning. PARKS AND RESORTS OAKS AM1SEMENT PABJt "The Winter Gardes Girl. Afte.noon at 3 o clock and etening at 9. Skating, concessions. WINDEML'TH Boas Ulaad. Dancing, swim ming. Erery day. , Daughter of Song TTT a . T-i a writer m roverty Seeks Accounting New York. July 2. (I. N. S.) Al though the royalties accruing to the es tate of the late Hart P. Banks from his popular classic. "Silver Threads Among the Gold," have amounted to Between $40,000 and $50,000, the composer's daugh ter. Miss Gertrude Danks, is in such poverty that she can't buy a pair Of shoes. The statement was made to Surrogate Cohalan by Miss Danks' lawyer to sup port of a motion to declare Albert V. Danks, the composer's son, in contempt of court for disregarding court orders to account for the royalties. Surrogate Cohalan reserved decision. A number of prominent members of the Knights of Pythias of this city left for' Marshf ield Tuesday night to attend the dedication of the new Pythian tem ple building, the ceremonial of which will be held Thursday. Friday they will unite with a stream fo Knights of Pyth ias to attend the Pythian jubilee at Ban don. which will continue Friday. Sat urday and Sunday. The Dramatic Or der, Knights of Korassan, the sunny smile order of the K. of P.. will stage a ceremonial Friday at Bandon with 150 neophytes seeking admission to Abd- TJhl-Atef temple, which "will have the divan, patrol and the Hood River. K. of P. band. Knights of Pythias and Pyth ian Sisters from many parts of the state and some from Northern California wilt be in attendance. All of Bandon is seeking to make the affair the most at tractive Pythian Jubilee ever held on the shores of the Pacific ocean. Mrs. Julia Bilyeu of Scion, Or. grand chief of the Pythian Sisters, Is now visiting temples in the vicinity of Portland. She will be the official guest Thursday night of Orphta temple at the Pythian building. Saturday evening Phalena Temple on the east side w visited, and last Thursday evening Rose temple of St. Johns received her. Mrs. Bilyeu will visit every temple of the Pythian Sisters in this state before her term of office expires. She is much pleased with the growth and develop ment of the order, which is enjoying one of the most prosperous years in its existence. Faithful Wife Portrays Moral ItW.aW. TTiRAUOHT with dramatic situations J? that border the grim field of tragedy, 'Trust Your Wife." now playtng at the Liberty, pats across its moral, as in dicated by the title. In a manner that leaves It indelibly on the mind of the spectator. The story tells of the triumph of ideals against the wolf-like methods of New York business, and how Mrs. Dick Hast lngs (Kstherine McDonald) plays a lone hand and wins a long sought contract from a big financier by pitting her high ideals sgatrrt his. Coming to New York from the Middle West, the young couple meet with dis appointment and almost disaster, only to be saved by tactics that threaten to wreck both the home and Uvea or the two. The moral of trusting a good and faithful wife is strongly brought out In the story as It unfolds on the screen. Besides the news feature and a com edy, the Liberty offers as a delightful specialty operatic selections by mem bers of the Sonora Grand Opera com pany, who sing favorite bits from the big operas. Lip Sticks Needed . To Keep Husbands At Home, Is Advice Harold Hurlbut, Tenor, in Portland, After Stay in Italy HaroM Hurlbut. Portland toner, who now makes his home In New York, ar rived la Portland Monday for a stay of three weeks and is registered at the Multnomah. Mrs, Hurlbut and baby are spending the summer at -Chair rails. N. J., with her parents. Mr. Hurlbut left Portland about a year ago to study with Jean de Resske. and since his return to the States fed has de live-red many lectures before vocal teach ers and students on the technique meth ods employed by the famous and emi nent Italian tenor. After his stay la Portland: Mr. Hurlbut will lecture tn Seattle. Yakima. Duluth. Minn.: Kvas ton. IlL. and East Aurora. N. Y.. before reaching his home in New York Au gust 31. a Conditions are still bad in both Italy and France, Mr. Hurlbut explains. Portland chapter, Order Sastern Star, will join with Mount Hood Lodge. A. F. and A. M., to have a midsummer o til ing at Peninsula park Saturday after noon and evening. All members and their friends are invited and ail mem bers of the fraternities will be welcome. An enjoyable time is anticipated. Adrift 12 Days in Motorboat; Rescued Rockland, Maine, July 27. A. B. Tun ning Of Nantucket was rescued by fisher men Monday night off Metinlc island after he had been adrift at i sea In a disabled 42-foot motor boat for 12 days. It was learned here Tuesday, a When picked up. Tunning was nearly starved and told his rescuers that in another day he had planned to cut off a toe and use it tor bait in an attempt to catch some fish. REICHSTAG LEADER BIBS Berlin. July 17. (I. N. S.) Karl Trim born. Centrist leader and member of the reichstag, died today, aged M. He was secretary of state under the old Hohensollern regime and was floor leader of the coalition in the present reichstag. -kf at -- v. seal 1. S Jl A DIARY (Best Is stall, meet win as- i this J sty tl) July 15th. EACH DAY IS MORE BEAUTI FUL.! I put away the soft, fleecy ntghties and two warm robes with the bath supplies, under thinrs and bedding. Tom could scarcely believe that I did all the needlework, on them myself. "I haven't seen any muss or cutting or any thing!" he exclaimed. "Well," I said wisely, "There isn't any, when one knows how to buy!" I wish 1 could tell every expectant mother how I bought my baby's layette, all cat, stamped and ready to finish 5 1 of the 78 pieces ready for use: Two packages contained nainsook Ger trudes, stamped, to embroider even cotton and buttons provided. They button over the shoul der in the cunningest way! There are also two soft flannel Gertrudes, one stamped for em broidery, and one for crochet work, with both embroidery and crochet cotton and the buttons. Four dresses have been provided for my baby! Three envelopes each contain a simple nain sook dayslir, ready to finish, with tying tape, lace edging for neck and sleeves, and buttons. Tiny cluster tucks will be the only trimming. The fourth dress a for "best" with cluster tucks at the neck and shoulder sleeves, neck and front of dress stamped, and even embroid ery cotton and ribbon for the sleeves Included. During the last few months, all I have to do is iuc cmcroiaery wors. i now tag It with me wnerever i go. Chicago, Jury 27. (TJ. P.) A wire's failure to use a Up stick has wrecked many a happy home. The 6000 members of the American Cosmetician society. In convention here this week, .are converts to the doctrine that curbing the male instinct to wander is part of their Job. "Men don't want to admit it. but they Won't be good unless their wives make them," declared Mrs. M. F. Balrd of Champaign. 111., president of the society. 'and when a man wanders there s gen erally one answer: His wife has let herself become dowdy. "The man who declares he won t let his wife do things to make herself at tractive Is generally looking over his shoulder st some woman who la" the president continued. When reminded that the recent world's convention of Christian Endeavorers had severely and especially criticised the use of rouge, Mrs. Balrd countered sharply : Why does goodness have to be ugly? "It IS deplorable that virtue should often be unattractive. When the really good women pay more attention to making themselves beautiful they will have done much toward getting a better hold on the boys and girls who are grow ing up." Greatest War Hero Prefers Poverty to .Capitalizing Fame Nineteep Students From 0. A. C. Attain High Bank at Camp Oregon Agricultural College, Corvaills. July 27. Distinguished students at the R. O. T. C. camp at Camp Lewi. Wash. include two men from the infantry unit of the Oregon Agricultural college. Sev enteen O. A. C. men have been named as honor students. Ralph W. Miller. Corvaills, and Wal lace K. KUes, Grants Pasa are rated as distinguished. The following O. A C men are rated as honor students Paul W. Scea, Milton ; W. L. Van Allen. Redmond ; F. E. Hartung, Eugene ; Don Swarthout, San Bernadino, CaL ; J. S. Bixby, Freewater; R W. Miller, Corvai lls : EL C. Anderson. C re swell ! W. H. Denlinger, Independence; F. R Cartln Corvaills; A. R Kirk, Milton ; E. U Larson. Ewer : C. T. Ornsdork. Battle Ground, Wash. ; H. E. Sherfy. Corvaills E. V. Abbott. Ashland ; U P. Lind, Port land : H. L. Wilson. Hornet. CsX, and M. W. Buxton. Corvaills. aSaswawBSssnv The Vogue Pattern show, on thin page tor sale tn Portland only at Portland Hotel C wa Talcum While the stisaehtlmsd silhouette predominates, in spits of the many period to fluent as, there are usdsnlsbls signs of a departure from the regulation chemise frock which has as tone held sway. For Instance, the serge frock Illustrated at the left retains the slender outlines of the chemise frock, but baa a broad, lew girdle which frankly defines the hips and suppoits the fine side pteau mat the new fullness. Shallow side pleats also suggest s waistcoat in the long Mail Thief Suspect Saws Bars, Escapes Yakima. Wash.. July 17. Harry Payne, negro federal prisoner held for mail rob bery, escaped from the county Jell Mon day night by sawing his way througB the bare He wss In the hospital ward suffering from s gunshot wound In the which extends slightly below the normal waistline The manner to which the neckline complements the airdle is noteworthy, and the long bell sleeves may be cut above tne elbow . tf desired. This latter asset is eiso true or tne rroca at tne right, which Is more truly chemise-like in Its conception. The sleeve detail la perhaps, the most interesting, although the set-in side pie diagonal nipune. are wormy or con side rauon. make an unusually smart trimming. (Coawrisai, 1S21 by The V Is so sonftifnej god tooting baby's tsAder skin after b Wrtiw tarOCUafea SChs pleat, which fall from a ends of black otre ribbon AMUSEMENTS Oa. Mew Tori) leg' and could only hobble about oa crutches. The fact that ha left his crutches and has made a clean getaway Indicates he had help from the outside. Hs was held for robbing mall sacks st Toppenlsh last winter. CBEBBT PAC KKB tBatCBBB Bonne Jury : Frank lUkiluut fett from a cherry tree while per slag sher ries Saturday and suffered several broken ribs and other injuries. He Is at Good Samaritan hospital at Portland. Ta Carnation Conduct exd by essons HonieCookinq Mrs-M.rBUke QJ 122.50 Up 388 Morrison St, Near Park Willamette tribe, Improved Order or Red Men, has passed Its forty-sixth an niversary and a committee Is sashing to arrange some social celebration of the event - Ivanhoe Lodge, Knights of Pythias, enjoyed a lively social closed session Tuesday evening. Chancellor Commander Alfred O. Jones presiding. Speeches were made by visiting and new mem bers and final arrangements announced for the Crystal tasks park celebration Saturday, and for the Jubilee trip to Bandon for the week end. e State Manager Esell of Denver is to be received Wednesday evening by Ivan hoe homestead of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, meeting at Neigh bora of Woodcraft hall. An totsrsstlng session is expected. Thursday evening he will be the guest of Portland Star Homestead st 255 Thirteenth street. Portland Tent of the Maccabees wants large attendance Thursday night at its regular meeting In its hall at SSStt Washington street. The entertainment committee has a report to make on s proposed outing. Portland aerie. Brotherhood of Eagles. Tuesday night enjoyed a lively session at Pacific States hall. An effort is be ing made to start a building fund and erect a hall and dub building. Anchor council. Security Benefit As sociation, gave another of its summer lies of dances at the W. O. W. tem ple Tuesday night that was much en- Joyed. (By bnWasjal Berrlee) Pall Mall. Term.. July 17 Althougn Sergeant Calvin York, the outstanding hero of the Argonne, is likely to lo his farm by foreclosure, he Is sticking to his refusal to exhibit himself fof money. The drop in the prices of farm prod ucts leaves the man who single handed captured 1SS Germans, facing the al ternative of raising $12,500 this fan or losing his homestead. Tork's religious scruples prevent his acquiring wealth through what be calls 'an act of Providence." He has been offered generous pay for lectures, news paper articles, appearing; in the films and msgaslne stories, but has refused. "I would rather lose my farm and go back to work as a common laborer," he says, "than to commercialise the fame which was only incidental to an act of Providence." Contract Marriage Unites Instructor To Brooklyn Woman Seattle. July 27. (U. P.) Dr. Ieslie Spier, teacher of anthropology In the department of sociology at the University of Washington, has entered into a marriage-contract by which he has been married to Miss Erna Ounther of Brook lyn tn a New York Justice court. The stoning'' of the marriage contract by the Couple constituted the ceremony. A marriage of this kind is legal in New York state but very unusual. Dr. Spier and his bride will return to Seattle in the fall. There has been some question as to their status on reaching the state or Washington. Hanging Will Be No 'Pink Tea' Affair, Declares Sheriff Chicago. July 27. (U. P.) Plans to make a "pink tea" affair out of a hang ing bee were thwarted by Sheriff Peters today. The Sheriff stated he hsd turned down many society women and other promi nent Chteagoans who asked trim for an Invitation to witness, the hanging of Carl O. Wanderer who killed his girl wife and a ragged stranger be hired to stage a fake holdup. "Only the usual number of invitations will be issued." said the sheriff. Dak to s rieh tw SB rich for Sprains and Strains Liniment Spirit of 'Honest Abe' Aids Judge in Giving Decision Springfield. 111.. July 27. U. P.) The spirit of "Honest Abe" Lincoln, zealous exponent of the majesty of the law, per vaded the drama. ic proceedings In San gamon county courthouse here yesterday. involving issuance of warrants for the arrest of Governor Small on charges of embesslsment. Behind Judge Smith's head, as he read his momentous decision holding that governor mast bow to the law, was an inscription, a testimonial to that great Illinois son who held the law dearer perhaps than anything else, save liberty. The inscription read : "This room is memorable as the scene of Important events in the life of Abra ham Lincoln. Here he delivered his tm- I mortal house divided against It speech. June IS. 185. Here his resM lay tn state when brought to Springfield for burial May 4. ISM." Judge Smith psnsed In his reading once and glanced at the tablet, though for inspiration. Tl,.. L.... tn.Zic ennkrr will avvear weekly. Mr. BUke't will be helpful mmd tUmuUting, became of Bar frmtMmi etperieuee im home cooking. She will muwer any quettion On cookery hod by her rfiert. Addree Mrs. Mmrt Bloke, tort Carnation Milk ProdmeU Cb. 6t Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. LMS3QH 3BVBX Some Breakfast Suggestions BREAKFAST is perhaps the bugaboo of housewives, the most perplexing meal to plan and prepare. With appe tites often finicky in the morning, with the early rush ta school, business or may be only to play, the question of what to serve for breakfast somethisg that may he prepared quickly, yet is wholesome and has the touch of variety, becomes s daily morning problem. Many women depend upon the con venient cereal and the soft-boiled egg until the breakfast is rob bod of the ele ment of surprise a valuable aid to di gestion. Cereals are, of course, s perfect breakfast food. Carnation Milk is espe cislly useful for serring with them. For yon don't worry shout whether you have cream and will it keep sweet over night. Cama tjon's Richness When serving Carnation with cereals, yon can afford to be liberal, for this rich, pure milk sdda flavor and wholesomemca. to the breakfast food. The "baby" size can is very handy for table use. Even the universal favorite, toast, sometimes fails to tempt, if served every morning. Serve French Toast made with Carnation, form different and satisfying flavor. French Toast with and nutmeg, and 3 beaten 0SBB. Boat the mixture until light, and try. Carnation Popov ers Probably nothing is SB sMsaltag to the delicate morning appetite as Sot muffins, or popover bust Ins with the hint of tsser goodness. Made with Car nation Milk, popovers WtO rlossy brown crust and will ho as when made with ordinary mUk. 2 cups flour, 1 ens Carnation Milk. 1 rup water, 2 eggs. 1 tablespoonfni butter. 1 tea iful salt Beat the egga. as add the in the hatter as thoy are. Add the Son r . salt and Carnattoa Max diluted with the water. la a bnttar-greasod gem pan IB asaftek la Team Waat to Bee "A CHINESE FESTIVAL" The Hew Revue Presented by the r abisia n rOLLtse CO, Afternoons at I. Srvenmgs at I. Sect Reserved Seats Hew in. oaty (to War Tax) IV6 SPECIAL BBBB ATTBACTIOBT The Great BeXebta is Their Stair ef Beats Asa, Aftsrassas aad Krsatetn. Admission to nark free unut t P. M , except Sundays, holidays ana Special da ye. Cars at rst and Alder. Pare Sc. PANTAGES add salt aad Vh cn V4 cup of the Two New set look aad salt. Mix ind water, wait. Dip I try to a 'as s art? either ef Fraser Hirer Fanners Object to Orientals Vancouver, a C July 17. L K. & I Seventy-five farmers who Bve on thai delta lands at the mouth of the Fra ser river, have organised against the leasing of lands to Orientate, having signed an agrsssatnt which wUl be at- festive tor five years. Q. Dott Conmtim MUk kooe the tame food value oa froth otdkt Mrt. AT C. C. A. The beat food authorities agree that the beating proeess necessary in the ean ning of pure cow's milk ta make Carna tion brand milk does net change its nour ishing and growth-promoting qualities. But perfect sterilization is effected, and you ean count en finding in Carnation Milk the same health-giving bslsaeed ration that milk has always supplied. Carnation ia just pure cow's milk, evap orated, sealed in sir-tight cans, and steril ised to preserve its wholesomeneea. Q. Wky mutt I tometimet pay more for at saw Neiokkorhood ttortt Mrt. H. 8. R. It is explained ta Me that retail vary between certain kinds of stores because the expense of doing busi ness varies, The store that allows credit and delivers feeds ta your heme renders elements of service that yea de not even expect from the stores who do business on the "cash and carry" plan. It is to he expected therefore that when you as sume the east ef delivery, the cash stars should be able to sell at a slightly lower price. -a ear littvi mows. SPXClAl'. ATTSASTTO? Dance Tonight! BROADWAY HALL 4CMMV sYsVTalar J " Son s rrma CIRCLE at W SI. 'The Gilded Lily" axo tux vox saws DANCE TONIGHT 25c a a sols a jeraass pox twov. a eers a mr WAL TT AWAIT TOM ST COLUMBIA BEACH BTffl Military Aeadesjy, Portland, Or.. is the school that gets results. Opens greeted with aathKht 1 cap Carnation StSk mixed With 4 them. . a . - SSi laia 1 I- . iimI. u - - tSftkr 1 I a ii ii Sal CSa m aatuw i, mbmw i w 1 t -wasHSamcwsAw baking rxrwdear. aad aHtttossOC AOdhe (CrVp awaf st that latotm nomr took look. If yon hams miatad am OrrZant 1n. J wiTI It fJad ta tend yew a rwe tf H oa rawwasft.) DANCINGtaught tftS? 'rimat m eawatSs mnmmt 'tat aW t rrTaalaaawaaan ftwaPbawa SUaa " ' N imZm BOTre nFrmt wVsV--aa t isTMssi a ooc run os a nor bat tdoat ram -a reeas sax si Sei J