11 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2i ISil. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FOR i LAND, OKtuUN i 1 TOWN TOPICS i July 26 COMING BVESTS Orexoo Portland. Joiv 21 to 11. Ibwoitk Leagus Institute, io ax. Oregon Baptist young people's assembly, Oo tambia City. Jul; 29 to August 8. Baptist stata coarsOtiea. t.wwbia City. Aog nat 8 to 10. National Association tw Portlind. August. Stat Dental (octet. Portland, yers wee, rorusna. August 1 to a. UMat Had Mam. sv Bon Ha. August 22, Pacific German Mathodht 24. State Christian Endeavor summer conference. Columbia City, must 29 to September 5. None west eonterenc uthr cb Portland. September 7. Lena Conntj Mr, Claciamaa Countj Fair. Canby. Northwest Hay and Grata IS September 19 to 24. aauitnomab Fair. Grashaav, SepUm- Canute oer i to 23. Columbia Countj Fair. St. 11 to 21. Oraesa State Fair, Una County Fair, Albany, October 1 to 8. Wasco County rate. Tha Dalles, October 4 Oregon Methodist eonTerence, Foreat Grore. October 1. gott County Fate. Dallas. October 8 to 8. Hoyal Arcanum, grand council. Portland. Oc tober 11. " " Kaigata Templar, grand commandery. La Grande, (Vtnha 11 National Grange ' meeting. Portland, bar 8 to 11 Pacific International Livestock Foraand, November 21 to 2d. BisrTcan Historical association. Pscfflo Branca, Portland. November za ana is. uregon oar association, rorusoa. WEATHER C OXDITIOS8 Portland and vicinity: Thursday fate; north westerly winds. Oregon and Washington: Thursday fair; moderate westerly winds. WEATHER COHDTTIOSS Low pressure prevails over the Southwest and from the northern Dlaina states eastward to the upper lake region. Klsewhere the pressure is moderate! hieh. Precipitation has occurred over most of Western Canada, reacmng soainwara into Montana, the Dakota, and Minnesota. Local rains are reported from Arizona and Tennes see. The temperature is generally above normal east of the Rocky mountains and below normal on the Pacific slope. The greatest excess is in Illinois and the greatest deficiency is in Wash ington and Nevada. Relative humidity at Portland'. Noon jester day. 57 per cent; 5 p.m. yesterday, 48 per cent; 3 a. m. today. 88 per cent. Precipitation since January 1: Total. 24.06 inches; normal. 25.10 inches; deficiency, 1.04 EDWARD L, WBL1A M. L. VACATION OR SUMMER 6CB SCRIPTIOJfS W Be a rotas; away for the s a mer. or on yoar Taeatloa. hare The Joar Bal follow job St the regalar rata, or the following agent will maply yo at oar rearalar etty rates: day City. Or- Bars. a. 9. Ossssa or., j. c. was) avian. Carl B. Or, Or.. Hot Manhattan Blsnianiu Beach. Or.. Nahcetu. Wash., Trondasn Maa-Kah-Rks, Or.. . C. A HSfiaMvn, or., nsnajem I NetarU, Or. , Ban. M. F Newport. Or., M. 8. Hunt. Oeaan Park. Wash.. O Soros H. I Otter Week, Or- T. N. Horntna. Pacific CIU, Or- E. L. Walters Rocsawsy, or- J. B. L. fail k Chlrvook , Mfgtth, ItflssW bC lAtsagwi OslaiwBIa Beach. Or- W. B. B II 1 1 It, B). O. BBSS. Btetvin Gtene. Hat Laka h, Wash., Btrauhal as Co. Beach. Or- awn. a. I. Huston. South Beach. Or.. H. D Tillamook, Or- Clayton Mar, Twin Banks. Or, D. J. Van Wal lews Lake , Or- Wal lew a wlthaK Barings. Or- B. O. Rowan. streets at 9 :55 p. m. Tuesday by three masked men who took $20. One of the men carried a revolver, he said. They were described as being- about 20 yefars old, medium weight, and all three wore slouch hats. ' Mill Beiaaata Attract Maay me spe cial offering- of mill remnants, blankets and robes slightly damaged In manufac ture at the Portland Woolen mills Is at tracting many to the mills in St. Johns. The bargains and great reductions made by the mills make the trip well worth while. Take St. Johns car to Baltimore street. The plant - occupies five city blocks at St. Johns with entrance at Crawford and Baltimore streets. Sales room open from It. n. to S p. m. Adv. OBSERVATIONS ft STATIONS Tanya. Baker, Or. Boise, Idaho ........ Boston, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y Calgary. Alberta .... Chicago. 111. Denver, Colo. ...... Des Moines, Iowa .... Fresno. Cel. GalTeaton, Texas .... Helena, Mont. Honolulu, T. H Huron. S. D Juneau. Alaska Kansas City. Mo Loo Angeles, Cal Mar-hfieki. Or. ..... Medford. Or. Memphis, Tenn. .... New Orleans, La New York. N. Y Nome, Alaska North Head, Wash... North Platte. Neb Oklahoma City, Ok la . . Phoenix, Aria. Pittsburg, Pa. Pocatello, Idaho Portland, Or. Prince. Albert, Sask . . . Roseburg, Or. Roswell, N. M Sacramento, Cal. . . . . St.- Louis, Mo ....... St. Paul. Minn ... Halt Lake City. Utah . . San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal. . . Seattle, Wash Sheridan. Wyo. ...... Sitka. Alaska ...... 8poka.se." Wash. Tanana, Alaska . Tatoosh Island, Wash. Tonopah, Nov Vsldei. Alaska Vancouver, B. C WsSla Walla, Wash. . . Washington, D. C Yakima. Wash. . . . . . , il U H U li if "80 50 T 86 58 0 02 74 0 78 74 0 76 92 78 0 86 62 0 90 78 0 98 62 0 86 74 54 0 84 0 86 68 .06 66 16 88 74 0 80 62 0 66 50 0 88 50 0 90 76 0 86 76 0 88 72 0 88 0 58 52 0 92 64 0 86 70 0 94 74 .16 88 70 0 82 56 0 74 56 0 64 52 0 82 50 0 90 66 0 88 56 0 90 76 0 90 70 .18 84 66 0 72 64 0 60 50 0 68 50 0 82 48 0 56 14 82 54 0 76 0 58 52 0 92 60 0 60 0. 68 58 0 82 60 0 92 72 I 0 86 54J 0 Shepard's Auto Bas r.rnes Portland St Helens division Leave Portland 6 :45, 8 :30 a. m., 10 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m., 7 o'clock daily and 11 :15 p. m. Saturday. Sunday and holidays. Leave St. Helens 7:30 a. m., 10:55 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 1:45 p. m., 5:15 p. m. and 9:45 p. m. daily and 6:15 p. m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Buses leave St. Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Telephone Marshall 4381. Adv. Shepard's Aato Baa Lines Portland Astoria-Seaside division Leave Portland at 6 :45 a. m.. 8 :30 a. m., 10 a. m.. 1 p. m.. 4:15 p. m. and 7 p. m. Leaving Astoria 7 : 15 a. m.. 8 :15 a. m., 10 a. m., 1 :30 p. m., 2:45 p. m. and 6:15 p. m. Direct connec tions at Astoria to and from Seaside and Clatsop Beach points. Buses leave St. Charles hotel, 204 Morrison street Tele phone Marshall 4381. Adv. Ore go a Products Show Arrangements for an Oregon products exhibition at Bend in September are under way and, according to D. C Freeman, manager of the Associated Industries of Oregon, the event will be the most successful of its kind ever held. Freeman left for Bend Tuesday night to assist in plans for the exposition. Shepard's Aato Bat Lines Multnomah Falls division. Leave Portland 9:30 a. m., 11 a. m 2:45 p. m.. 4:30 p. m. and p. m. daily. Leave Multnomah Falls r:15 a. m.. 11:15 a. m.. 12:55 p. m., 4 p. m. and 6:10 p. m. daily. Buses leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison street Tele phone Marshall 4381. Adv. r. YoBBgsoB to Speak Dr. William Wallace Youngson. who recently returned from the Far North, will speak to the Progressive Business Men's club at the Benson hotel Thursday noon on "Alas ka." H. F. Cbafin, department manager of the Pacific Stationery Printing com pany, will preside. Steadier Iralda for Astoria, Ji.oo and tax; Seaside $1.60; round trip S3. 00, in cluding tax. Passengers only. Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 a. m., Alder street dock. Main 8323. Leaves Astoria Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a. m. Adv. Bankers to Attend Meeting- Two of Portland's bankers, A. L. Mills, presi dent of the U. 8. National bank, and Edward Cookingham. vice president of Ladd TUton bank, left Tuesday to at tend a conference of the advisory coun cil, of Use federal reserve board at San Francisco. Shepard's Aato Bas Llaea Portland Hood River division Leave Portland 9 :30 a. m. , 11 a. m.. 2 45 p. m. and 4 :30 p. m. daily. Leave Hood River 8 :J0 a. m., 11 a. m., 2 :20 p. m. and 4 :S0 p. m. dally. Buses leave St Charles hotel. 204 Morrison at Telephone Mar. 4381. Adv. Tie only proper limber ta call is East 3088 when you require ' the Salvation Army truck to call for your waste ma tertat Help as to help others by your help Address 24 Union ave. Major John Bree. district officer. Adv. Steamer Georglaaa Five and one half hours to Astoria. Special excur sion to Astoria and way points. 91. Down trio on Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. Leave Portland 8 a. m . Alder street dock Adv. Portland Tillamook Cadillac stage, Hoyt hotel, daily at 8 :15 a, m. and 2 p. m. Special arrangements made for fish ing parties. Adv. Steamer Cadlae Astoria to Portland. Special excursion, up trip ft. Leave As toria daily except Sunday and Monday. 9 a. m. Passengers only. O-W. R. N. company dock. Aav. Portland-New Bert" Baa Leave Fourth and Aider dally. 1 :30, 9 .30. 11 a. m , and L 2 :10. 4 :15, 6 :3t, 6 :10 p. m. ; saiuraay and Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone Main wi. Adv. X-Ray Service Free Tired, aching feet can be relieved ; consult mjt. Vnivht Ssns Pa Morrison, near Broad- wav Art V Portland-Salem Stage Leaves Seward hotel. Tenth and Alder, every hour from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Fare, 11.7b- Aav. RHektwnod Ststa-e leave Lenta Junction 2 :30 daily except Wednesday. Friday, for Loop road construction camps- Adv. Salem-Mill City Stage Connect O. El trains No. 5 and 9 for Mill City. Joseph Ham man, Salem, Prop. Adv. 8. t H. Green Stamps far Cask Hoi Fuel Co. Main 353. 560-7.1. Adv. Safety Boxes le Daily, 184 Oak. Adv. Frank Payne Canght Soon After Escape From Penitentiary Salem. Or., Jury 27. Frank Payne, It, an inmate of the state penitentiary, who made hi aacapB Tuesday afternoon, waa captured by guards in a hobo camp, about midway between Marion and Tur ner, between and o'clock Tuesday evening He offered no resistance. A track walker, who had been asked by Payne to boy a fountain pen carried by tha convict immediately notified of ficials and several guards were dis patched to Marion. Hoboes in that vicin ity had seen the arrival of the officer and had warned Payne, but the escaped man waa discovered a few minutes later, hiding behind a log located a short dis tance from the railroad track. Payne had not discarded his prison garb, and the red numbers, boldly show ing him to be a convict made him easily recognised. Payne escaped about 2 o clock Tues day after be had forged a note which gained him permission to visit the state highway garage. He had been working in a gang; at the prison brickyard and was not a trusty. shop The by David Tteaat. Tha not yet been Motorcycle Rider Is Hurt in Crash With Automobile Harry Fontaine, a mechanic at Linn ton, suffered injuries to his left lag Tuesday night when a motorcycle he waa riding on the Linn ton road, col lided with an automobile driven by Tony Helbach. 211 Stanton street He waa taken to the Good Samaritan hospital Helbach said he turned out to pass another car going In the same direc tion when be saw Fontaine approach ing at high speed. He applied his brakes and had nearly brought his car stop when Fontaine crashed into hi to a Alsea River Lumber Company Goes Into Hands of Receiver Eugene. July M The Alsea River Lumber company, a coescern capitalised at 1 1.506. 00. waa granted a receivership in Judge Q. F. SBlpwortn a court Here Tuesday. Heavy Fisher was appointed receiver. Tha firm owas about ISOO.iao to var ious creditor and has a number of suits oa Its hands. It is understood that the receivership waa a friendly ene. ao that the company would be able to reorganise. The assets are said to be about 31 eaa, cona4tirag of a large sawmill at Glenbrook. railroad, equipment, stand ing timber In the Alsea river Batata and that territory . which is in Deavtani county The offices of the company, which is about two years old. are in JBugBBW- K. B. Kingman la M am riant X. T.. capital, I company. ta be behiad the WHIHET PBOTIDK8 1TUIKCI Mr. and Mrs. John Nygron, tat Jef ferson street, were fined tll td each by Municipal Judge Russiiiaii oa i bones of being drank and diaoraeriy. Neigb- to tha talk aad quarreling arrive several bottles have been thrown with ara aJkw- from a window. UnoMgh BThBah ij was found to Introahaggj Fire Destroys Two- Buildings at Pe Ell Pe Mk Wash.. July 27. (U. P.) Two building were completely destroyed aad telephone and light wires are: down for some distance as a resultfijf-4.he blaze which early this morning wTflfcinated in an old building; uaed as a "blacksmith avsai the picnic sandwich! Take thin cut slices of bread and spread first with mustard and then with Biuhill, Bluhlll Green Chile Chi rz Only 65 Days Till October! Have you arranged for your Gasco Furnace? The Fall Raat. already making itself fait. 't wait until wa ana display at the Gaa Co.. A im CHATJATTJQTJA BACKED Forest Grove. JLuly 27. Twenty-one business and professional men have sisrned for the return of Chautauqua In 1922. with Hiss Manche Langiey, presi dent of the committee. J. L- Van Kirk, vice president, and M. R. Johnson treas urer. This year's assembly was largely attended. -swkBswal 1 If You WiU Come Into My Store for Five . Minutes We can tell you how to end forever any ordinary foot troubles you may have. Breaking down arches, cal louses, bunions, corns, cramps in toes, or foot and limbs, and swollen feet can be relieved instantly. ROBT. FISHER FOOT SPECIALIST 152 4th St.. Bat. Alder and Morrison 'Afternoon report of preceding day. Vladivostok- Mall Uncertain Because of the unsettled conditions in Siberia, the postal service has announced that no letters for Vladivostok will be sub ject to indemnity ll lose rosunasur John M. Jones received word from "Wash- 1 ington that the Vladivostok postomce would not guarantee the delivery of any mail. Jvaa14 h, Thr. Men R Hill. 187 Russell street, reported to the police that he was held up at ureetey ana xtrynni Si Arm Your Going to Europe? Or the Orient? Or Around the World? Why not get experienced and accu rate information from one who baa traveled extensively tor tha benefit of his patrons? Sacaxe Steamship Reservations aad Tickets From DORSEY B. SMITH MASAGEB JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU 16 BBOAJDWAT, POBTLAJfD, OB. FBOB Marsball Wt I I CLOSE OUT SALE WATCH FOB OCR AD THIS SATURDAY GROCERIES SACRIFICED TO MAKE A QUICK CUE AS TUP We Are Going to Save Ton Money aa Sugar, Too. D. C. BURNS CO. I , 1 ssva Grocers far Fnrtv Tr. S0S-S1B THIRD STREET yOLTLL say "No better than it's made at the Imperial Lunchrooms." A full slice of Swift's Premium Ham crowded between the halves of a soft, light bun, cooked the very same day in our own electrical bake-shop, and generously spread with Maid O' Clover butter. That's an Imperial Lunchroom's cold ham sandwich. It's a luxury at a plain-food cost. Try One Today . Three Convenient Locations 291 Washington St Near Fifth liberty Theatre BWg. "For your convenience we never close. Washington St at West Park tea Take a 20 Pay Life Policy With Uo UNITED ARTISANS 8 ARTISANS BUILDISO Assets Over IUN.IM.N Your Home Society far St Years tJk LH SI & 3 awwi aB BbbV BBslawaBsBanaP .bssBbbbbsI bbbbbbbW gassV ggaffZliaH BatlBBBsaBa.BaV'li UZ bbbbbbbV. SJ Hr!BBBBBfB& iPBBTa-BB-BV SBBSsi BBBBv6ffi$ W aajfa-a-l jtt Ljrki WhwW sptfjgfv'n' mfT Bssswaswi Sbbbw! PBsnaasswT BjVQgaSjaVI gsP ' 101 aanBjw ..a g?wr ansa! Bw" awaswaswawl asw"TsU J w9 Bsi Hg' waggggj BBSswBwBwP- BBSwBBBr4BhS? BBwBT BarwT ataj gsaH bKbb! Klf tfl Mat P-PBSafa-H V I EataftatatfS last. agOLH BaaaalaaS WJ 'AaS0 MmJw MM asBwr! )SSBmJx39! Vim jj jtf you know iu bW watarBBBBT fal Imm m mm WW "HhhiiillP and the blend can't be copied eNlH! CIGARETTES 20fir20cmni8 iiiHiuiNiiiiiiiihiuiiiH BBswBBw'