CITY EDITION If Ail Here and Jf s All Tram SUNDAY R ISO R T DIRECTORY Every Sunday The Sunday Journal prints a page of the most desirable resorts sea beach and mountain and suburban. Con salt this pare and yea will set the best there is going. ( I VOL. XX. NO. 120. w Second Clw Mfcttar PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 26, 1821. EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS ass s at r cat office, Portland, Onsoa STUSJSw Fill PinOCK WILL IS UPHELD BY HIGH COURT Legal Fight Over Testament Left by Late Publisher Ends When Justices Decide It Is Declara tory of Author's Last Wishes. Salem. July 26. The will of Henry L. Pittock, late publisher of the Oregonlan, was upheld by the supreme court this morning, the opinion being unanimous. According to -the opinion,, the Instru ment was a "valid document, declara tory of his disposition of his estate." The decree affirms Judge Tazwell of the Multnomah county circuit court. The opinion was written by Chief Justice Burnett. -The proceeding to set aside the will was instituted by Caroline P. Leadbet ter, one of Mr. Pittbck's daughters. In her contest Mrs. Leadbetter contended that the will was the product and re sult of undue influence exercised over the testator by the men appointed as trustees, so that in fact it was their will instead of Mr. Pittock's. Disposing of this contention as without any support in the evidence the opinion declares that "it is apparent that he (Pittock), had very much more Influence over the defendants than they had over him and that it was theirs to obey and not to influence or dic tate." WIIiIj HELD VALID In disposing of the contention raised by Mrs. Leadbetter to the effect that the will was void on its face because the trustees were vested with unrestrict ed and unlimited- discretion the opinion points out that "the action of the tes tator in thus reposing so large a trust in two employes who had been faithful to him through many years may or may not have been provident as the sequel shall prove, but it was not unlawful and (Concluded on Pace Three, Column Five) FIVE MEN FINED Stating that such conduct would net be tolerated in the city of Portland Mu nicipal Judge Rossman fined five men, WU1 J. Harbke, Jefferson Harbke, Phil Owens, Robert Sheppard and Russell Ferguson $200 each and also sentenced them to serve five days in jail for ac costing two - girls. Maybelle K. Harris and Marie. Harris, at Twelfth and Washington streets, Monday night and forcibly abducting them. The young men said they Would ap peal the case and were released on a bond of $500 each. They were served with warrants this morning and ap peared in court this afternoon. "There, has been too much of this sort of thing going on," Judge Rossman said, "and I am not going to tolerate It when It comes to my attention. Each of you will receive a stiff sentence and if possible every effort will be made to prevent a reoccurence of such thinars. To trail girls on the street and then ask them to go for a ride is abominable enough but forcibly abducting them Is entirely too much." The two girls, Marie Harris. 26. and a cousin. Maybelle K. Harris, 15, living at 656 CHisan street, were walking; along the street when the automobile containing the five young men drew up io ine euro. According to Btadter the men were apparently drunk. They in vited the girls to ride. When the girls refused the men are said to have iumoed from -the automobile, surrounded them and forced them to get into the car. Stadter stated, he had been informed the gins were lifted bodily into the automo bile. When the automobile reached West over Terrace the girls fought and de manded that they be released. Their clothing was badly torn, Stadter stated The girls resisted so strongly to the rough treatment that the five boys fin ally drove back to town. When the party reached Twenty-first and Glisan streets. Patrolman Wright was attracted by the disturbance In the automobile and came over, jumping on the running board. Three of the boys ran and the two girls with Owens got out of the automo bile. The two girls complained to the policeman and Owens was arrested. The driver of the automobile and the other boys escaped but gave themselves up this morning. Tampico Fields to Resume August ! Mexico, City. Jury 26. -(L N. S.V The oil companies In the Tampico fields that suspended operations in protest against the increased export tax on oil have officially notified the ministry of the interior that they will resume opera tions August 1. it was stated by officials of the ministry of interior today. The workmen who were discharged are now A NEW PICTURE FEATURE "Attractive girls of the Oregon country." This mem picture feature of The Sunday Journal begins next Sun day. Each succeeding Sunday a pace of photographs of representative maids of the several Oregon cities I will be reproduced In color in The Sunday Journal. The first group Includes girls of The Dalles. NEXT SUNDAY GIRLS ABDUCTED; MRS. AGEE AND HER FATHER BEFORE a courtroom filled with friends and curious folk, Mrs. Ann Louise A gee is today defending herself from charges that she killed her husband, Harry. Beside her constantly is her gray haired father, D. J. Swing, who came half way across the continent to be with his girl in her hour of reckoning. I asaaaMsBBB I IsVlSMHHHHPiiSasH BrwK BBaaaaaaBS9BaaaaaaaBSBaaaK??4BBafl mm m in L:::.'::: m 1 wt- 31 mm w a mm' mm gsr If m mr-' L 1 NJ'V- . Vujjs saH mmmmm. JBBmmmmmmmm BamVBBBBBBBlai? BsVV "and wXing tSmW . mi mnWmrmmmmW&ifSmmmJ Banff, Alberta, July 26 (L N. & No' trace had 'been found early today of Dr. W. E. Stone, head of Purdue uni versity, and Mrs. Stone, who have been missing since July 17. Searching par ties are scouring the country around Mount Eanon and increasing alarm is felt for the safety of Dr. and Mrs. Stone. Dr. Stone and his wife, who are ex perienced mountaineers, left Mount As- siniboln camp on July 17, provisioned for a four day walking tour in the Ca nadian Rockies. The only trace of them that has since been' found was the dis covery on Sunday last of the remains of a fire and some toilet articles' that were discovered at the foot of Mount Eanon, an unsealed peak. Additional searching parties are being organised today by Professor Fay and by Mr. Wheeler, director of the Alpine club. A large number of experienced mountaineers are in this region in prep aration for the annual meet of the Alpine club at Lake O'Hara and they will be called upon to aid the search. Two of the game wardens sent out to discover traces of Dr. Stane and his wife have returned with no news. Ru dolph, the Swiss guide, and W. Peto, the game warden, are still searching. STOKES WELL K OW HEBE; ABE MEMBERS OF MAZAMAS Both Dr. Stone and his wife are mem bers of the Mesa ma club of mountain climbers and have made many trips with the Portland mountain climbing organization. They have' many friends In Portland who experienced concern to day to hear of their being missing but who were confident such experienced mountaineers as the Stones would show up without fall unless some extraordinary accident, has occurred. The Stones made their last trio .with the Masamas in 1917 when they climbed Mount Jefferson. They have , oi imbed all the snow peaks of the Pacific Northwest and were so confident .of their ability they seldom availed them selves of the professional guides. Dr. Stone hi 60 years old and is a famous chemist. Both he and Mrs. Stone, besides being members of the Masamas. are active members of the Alpine club of Canada and of the Amer ican Alpine club. Gamp Lewis One of Those Retained by War Department Washington, July 26. (L N. S.) The war department has decided to retain Camp Dix, N. J. ; Camp Travis. Texas ; Cam Lewis. Wash, and Camp Knox, Kentucky, it was announced this after noon. The camps to be abandoned are Devans, Massachusetts ; Sherman. Onto ; urant, uunois : Pike. Arkansas : Ma Bd; Jackson. South Carolina, nana aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HT FARMER BLINDED BY POWDER BLAST Salem. Or., July 26. Temporarily blinded and suffering excruciating pain as tne result or a powder blast this morning, Francis Blackmer, 38, a farmer residing in Keixer Bottom, north of Salem, groped his way to the home of W. G. Pearmlne, neighboring farmer. who rushed him to Salem for medical treatment. Blackmer explains that he was dipping powder from a can with a spoon when the explosion occurred. The blast ap parently caught him fully in the face, rendering him terporarily sightless and burning his face to a raw pulp. Unable to gain assistance through shouting he Started groping his way in' the direction of the Pearmine farm, a quarter of a mile away. Mrs. Blackmer. wife of the injured man. was taken to Portland Monday where she will undergo a major oper ation. Blackmer, thinking only of his wife, begged that the news of his acci dent be kept from her. Oregon Forestry To Be Discussed At 3-Day Session To discuss forestry in Oregon a three day seaekm of the forest committee of the United States Chamber of Com merce will be convened in the Portland Chamber of Commerce rooms Friday, Saturday of this week, according to T. T. Munger of the United forest service. After the indoor session there will be s two-day field trip through the Douglas fir forests. George H. Cecil, district forester, and Fred Ames of the timber sales division left for Seattle to attend the conference of the chamber and will return to Portland with them The committee, composed of 10. has been making a survey of forest condi tions throughout the nation. From here they will ga to San Francisco. Lillian Russell's Sister, 62, Is Dead Los Angeles, Cel.. July 16. ( I. N. S.) Mrs. Leon Leonard Ross, sister of Lil lian Russell, noted stage favorite, is dead today at the home of her daughter Mrs. Jack, Brammel. a Los Angeles resi dent. Mrs. Rosa was 63 years old. services will be held here. MASKED MAN KILLED AGEE, SAYS DEFENSE Unidentified Person, It Is Said, Was Seen Running From Home; Razor Held Not Instrument of Death; Frame-Up Is Alleged. A man wearing a white mask and s black flowing overcoat killed Harry Agee, who was found dying on the porch of his home at 1770 Druid avenue on June 11, and the razor found on the lawn was not used by the murderer. The silverware, carving set. watch and bracelet found under the south window of the house were placed there some time after the murder, by persons or a person who wished to give the impres sion that a burglar had entered the house or that Mrs. Agee had killed her husband. The findings were part of a i treacherous "frameup." These are the startling contentions of I John Collier, chief defense counsel for I Mrs. Ann Louise Agee, who is on trial in ! Circuit Judge Morrow's court, charged with killing her husband by cutting his throat with a razor. At 1 :15 this afternoon Judge Morrow the jurors and the opposing attorneys left the courtroom for a personal in spection of the scene of the crime. When Mrs. Agee ran from the little home in which her husband was dying early on the morning of June 11. she screamed : "Someone Is killing Harry," and ! pleaded for aid. Such was the testimony this morning of R. E. Green, who. with Mrs. Green, was the first person at the scene of the crime that has resulted in the present charge of first degree murder against Mrs. Agee. Agee died shortly after Green arrived, he testified. Mrs. Green remained with Mrs. Agee a short dis tance from the house. But before Mrs. Agee. screaming at the top of her voice, rushed to the street a man wearing a white mask and black overcoat leaped off the porch and es- (Concluded on Paaa Three. Column Two) TAXES UNDER WAV Washington, July 26. The house ways and mesne -committee opened hearings on tax revisions today amidst a storm of protest. From the number of witnesses who asked that they might be given a hear ing It appeared that there will be a vig orous protest offered against every tax now in existence and every tax which is suggested. Particular opposition was voiced to day against the small war taxes, espe cially the stamp taxes. TOBACCO ME.V PROTEST Representatives of the bottling and confectionery interests were heard in appeals for removal of taxes on fruit juices and mild beverages and on ice cream and soda waters. These taxes have been alluded to as the "nuisance" taxes. Their repeal is expected by many committee members. Discussion of the ssles tax opened up before the committee by Rep resentative Freer, Wisconsin, who is op posed to the tax and had brought op ponents of the proposition forward to argue against it. Announcement was made that the sales tax was not under consideration by the committee at the present time. Southern tobacco growers and manu facturers were represented and a protest wss made before the committee against increases in the taxes on cigars, cigar ettes and other forms of tobacco manu factures. REDLCTIOX EXPECTED The new tax bill, members of the mlttee admit, must raise at least $3,600.- 000,000. This represents a reduction of only about $500,000,000 from the other taxes Four steps seemed certain as the com mittee met to begin hearings. The excess profits taxes will be pealed. The higher surtax rates win bo duced. Some of the more annoying and petty consumption taxes will be repealed. There will be no sales tax. Some tax to replace the excess profits levy must be found, and it probably will be a flat 15 per cent on the earnings of corporations. Chairman Fordney said. Seattle Decides on Skagit River Project Seattle. July 26 (U. P.) Despite as sertions that the city would save be tween $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 by post poning the work for at last two years, the city council Monday night nssurt the ordinance authorising en additional bond Issue of $5,500,000 for the George creek unit of the city's Skagit river power Japanese Note Not Received at Capital Washington. July 26. L N. S.) The Japanese note of acceptance has not been received here, either at the state department or at the Japanese embassy, according to official announcement kite this afternoon. 3-Cent Postage Is Part of Program Washington, July 26. (L N. &) The administration expects that first class postage rates will be fixed at 1 cents as a part of the program of tax revision. It was stated of,ftrlslly at the White House this afternoon. ROARING FIGHT ON PHONE SPIES AT HEARING, CHARGE MADE Attorney Tomlinson for Portland Tells Commission Men Repre senting Company Sitting Be hind Him and Eavesdropping. By Ralph Watsea Staff Correspondent of The Joereal Salem, July 26 Charging that the "Pacific Telephone company was at tacking the city of Portland from the rear" by having Its witnesses grouped back of him and his assistants, "appar ently to eavesdrop upon "our conversa tion and to watch our papers," Assistant City Attorney Tomlinson started the rate hearing off this morning with the customary explosion right at the begin ning rather than just before the adjourn meat. When the commission called the hear Ing to order Tomlinson at once told It that the company "for the first few days had been sitting across the table with its back to the mall." but. he insisted, that "during the last two days I notice that we are being attacked from the rear.1 SATS SPIES PRESENT He went on to say that two men who were witnesses' for or employes of the company had taken up their places right oaca oi nun ana nis associates and that they had evidently all been listening In on his conversations and looking over his papers. He turned and pointed the two men out and asked -that they be made to get back across "no man's land with their fellows on the other side of the room. "We have no spy In their camn and don't want any. We are willing to fight in the open," Tomlinson told the com mission. Attorney Shaw, for the company, de nied that he or his associates were doing wnat Tomlinson charged against them. MAKES DE.MAL T don't know what to say In response to the charges made by Mr. Tomlinson." he said, "It seems to be beneath the dignity of these proceedlnrs. If anybody on the part of the company nas been sitting where he could see or hear anytal thing from the other side I hoard of t, and have not bean mah ja Wl n Biz. Cohnaa One) have COME GET ME,' SMALL'S ANSWER Springfield. TIL. July 26, (L N. S come and get me. -This, In substance, was the reply of Governor Len Small today when he was informed that Judge EL S. Smith had denied him immunity from state crimi nal procedure, involving alleged misuse of state interest funds. "Tell my attorneys not to attempt to delay the order of the court Issuing warrants for my arrest," said the gov ernor. At an early hour this Afternoon n move had been taken by county authori ties to carry out the order of Judge E. & Smith to place Governor Small un der arrest. The warrant remained in the hands of Circuit Court Clerk Charles Klohn. GOVERNOR NOT INTERESTED Fred Mortimer, prosecuting attorney, made the first move to carry out the court's order later in the day. The attorney called George Sutton, secretary to the governor, on the tele phone and asked that the governor send a representative to confer with Mortimer regarding the warrant. Sutton replied the governor "wasn't Interested" in the proposal and said he had no desire to enter into a conference. Mortimer said he had not decided on his next step, but indicated it would not be taken before tomorrow. The governor reached the capitol with out a bodyguard He was accompanied by his son. Leslie Small, and Senator John A. Wheeler of Springfield. He appeared unconcerned about the case. Warrants charging the governor with a confidence game, embezzlement and conspiracy to defraud. Involving $2,600. 000 were In the hands of Circuit Court Clerk Charles L. Koehn when Judge Smith handed down his Informal de cision. They were to be given to Sheriff Henry Mester for Immediate service. GOVERNOR GIVEN TIKE The court offered to grant the gov ernor a "reasonable period" in which to submit to arrest, but warned the gov ernor's attorneys that the sheriff would be "compelled by law to serve the war rants. He also decried the report that the governor might can out troops. The judge declared he did not believe that national guardsmen, if called oat by the governor, would obey orders to obstruct the law by protecting the chief executive from arrest. Just as court was adjourned, the judge received a large bouquet of "Someone has sent the court i quet," he said. "I hops that after they have beard what the court has to say they win want the bouquet to remain ' Southern Famine Survey Is Ordered Washington. July J. CO. P.) A of famine ooaditJeeis la ordered today by the Red Cross fol- wtth the United States public health act vice. As soon as the seeds of the Pellagra-ridden terri tory are determined, the two organisa tions wIU rash food, madid nea and doc- Cnsslnar of the and Dr. Livingstone Far- PACIFIC COAST MAY LAND BIG WORLD MEET Dominion Premiers to Demand That Disarmament Session Be on West Slope) Britain May Interject War Debt in Session. By Ed L. Keen London, July 26. (U. P.) The Pa ciflc coast of America may be the scene of a momentous meeting of powers to discuss Pacific questions. Dominion premiers, according to information here, intend to recommend that the gathering proposed by President Harding be held in a coast city. , Another suggestion, understood to be Incorporated in a note which will be submitted to Washington, is that the meeting be moved up from November to late In September or early in Oc tober. The note will answer Secretary Hughes' message in which he disap proved the suggestion that a preliminary conference on the Pacific problem be held in London. It wee reported today that the Brit ish will attempt to bring the Question of war debts into the disarmament con ference. Premier Lloyd George will take a corps of financial experts with him to waanington. The experts will be armed with In formation and rnmeals. for the ban dling of Britain's debt to the United States. It is reported that the British note agrees that the conference should be on American soil and adds a suggestion that a Pacific coast city be selected be cause Premier Hughes of Australia and Premier Massey of New Zealand are anxious to return home with the least possible delay. The coast city preferred for the meet lag. It is reported, wss not mentioned in the note. PORTLAND LAVNCBES PLAN TO GET DISARMAMENT MEET Immediate steps should be taken by the Portland Chamber of Commerce to secure for this city the proposed con fere nee on the peace of the Pacific ac cording to a statement issued this morn ing by H. B. Van Duxer, president of the chamber. "Portland's geographical position and the close commercial relations of the city with Japan and other Oriental con f'e rerTceTasI Van use? P. Hetherton. executive secretary of the chamber, sent telegrams to the state apartment and to the Oregon delegation at Washington today, urging the pediency of hold Ing the proposed ference here. One of the main reasons why the con ference should be held here, it is pointed out, is that Portland Is the only large city on the coast where there has been no radical anti-Japanese propaganda. Both in California and in Washington feeling against the Japanese is so strong It is believed, that Japan would not con sent to San Francisco, Los Angeles or Seattle being selected as the meeting place. Portland" is much better supplied with hotel and club accommodations than Se attle, and no coast city could make more convenient arrangements for the sessions of the delegates. WOMAN IS SECOND ACCIDENT VICTIM Salem. Or.. July 26. Mrs. Roy R. Westley, 28, of St. Johns, Portland, died at a hospital here this morning as the result of Injuries sustained in an auto mobile accident on the Pacific highway near Brooks three weeks ago. Mrs. Westley wss an occupant of the Mal colm Ramp car which was struck by s car driven by E O. Osborne, Portland tire salesman. At the time of the acci dent It was believed that Mrs. Westley t Injuries were only slight and that she would soon recover. Mrs. Westley Is the second victim of this accident to succumb to Injuries sus tained at that time. Rudolph Sarnuel soa of Can by, an employe of the State hospital here, who was riding with Os borne at the time, died the day after the accident as the result of a fractured skull. Osborne himself to now in a Portland hospital, suffering from inju ries sustained la the accident Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ramp and little son, Bobbie, aad little Luclle Westley were also injured in the crash, which completely demolished both automobiles. The death of Mrs. WasOey has re vived agitation for a charge of man slaughter against Osborne. Who was said to have been driving at a terrific pace when his car crashed into the Ramp car just as it turned Into the Pacific high wsy from Brook Mrs. Westley is survived by her pa rents, nr. ana his. J. A. Maplethorpe of Lang Beach. CaL, her husband and a daughter. Locue. Funeral is ilias will be conducted In Salem, but the time has not yet been definitely rtioMsd "POn" d ' Washington Postal Examinations Set Washington. July 26. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) russoffli exam Ine tines on August 26 are snoonnosd for the following offices m Washington. Carson. Long Ms savins. La Crosse sad Teniae George Kelly Hits His 17th Home Run July 2a. (U. P.) Long of the usan tnthsssy tt today's gases batwaan New Tork and Pittsburg. Mo Pittsburg. George KeUy tasath hoaesr nth inning , Haasnrsn was the FULL TEXT OF MESSAGE Washington. Jury 26. fTJ P.) The text of President Harding's to congress follows : To the Senate and House of Represen tatives: It Is necessary to can the attention of congress to the obligations of the gov ernment to the railroads and ask your cooperation In order to enable the gov ernment to discharge these obligations. There Is nothing new about them, but only recently has there come an under standing which seems weU to Justify a sincere endeavor to effect an early set tlement. These obligations already have been recognised by the congress in the pessage of the transportation act restor ing the railroads to their owners, but previous recognition was made in the contract under which the railroads were operated by the government for the period of the World war. JUSTICE BOT IB DOUBT The contract covering operation pro vided that the railways should be re turned to their owners In as good condi tion as when taken over by the govern ment, and the transportation act, recog nising that betterments and additions belong to capital accounts, provided tnat such funds as the railway companies owe the government for betterments and new equipment added during the period or government operation migm funded. There has been at no time any ques tion about the justice of funding such In. debtedneas. to the government. Indeed It has been in progress to a measureable degree ever since the return of the rail roads to their owners. It has been lim ited, however, to such esses ss those in which final settlements with the railway administrations have been effected. TTRGES SPEED The process Is admittedly too slow to meet the difficult situation which the owners of the railroads have been fac ing, and I believe It essential to restore railway activities, and essential to the country's good fortune to ha atari both funding and settlement. Quite apart from the large sums owing to the government, which we are morally and legally bound to fund, the govern ment admittedly owes the railway com panies large sums on those accounts. such as compensation, depreciation and maintenance. There has been a wide difference In opinion relating to the amount the gov (Coaehtded an Page Two, Cohan Three) MORRIS BOND POOL NOW READY TO B! The- Morris Brothers reorganisation committee has completed its pool and Is ready to bid on the assets of the bank rupt bond bouse, according to a state ment made this afternoon by officers of the committee. Eighty per cent of the banks, bond houses and trust companies and a large majority of the other unsecured credit ors are declared to have Joined the pooL The tender of a hid awaits the comple tion of an accurate list of the assets for sale by Trustee Earl C Bronaugh. Dif ficulty has been encountered in com pleting the list of the assets for sale, as almost every day some creditor is filing a reclamation suit with Referee A. M. Cannon. As soon as auditors for the trustee can eliminate all bonds from the assets over which there to a possibility of being any further court litigation, the reorganization committee will be able to bid for the entire assets within a very short time. It was announced. This announcement was made todays because Wednesday was the 60-day limit previously agreed upon between the trustee end committee upon which the committee could submit its bid. Wednesday before Federal Judge R. a Bean the A. C Hopkins estate win start suit to reclaim $60,000 worth of bonds. It is alleged that the estate pur chased $60,600 worth of bonds and that 660,000 worth were in Morris Brothers three days before the Institution closed, and should have been delivered. Locomotive Hits Truck; Portland Man Hurt, May Die Dallas. Or.. Juhr 26. Abner Magers. aged about 60, wax probably fatally in jured at noon today when he drove an auto truck In front of a Southern Pacific locomotive on Church street. Magers and bis brother. George Magers, who rests a in Portland, were driving to New port and had stopped st the home of their brother. James Magers, In this city for lunch. They wore pulling away from the letter's home to resume their Journey when the accident happened. George Magers saw the approaching en gine and Jumped, escaping injury. The injured man to at the Dallas hospital. The truck to a complete wreck. The locomoUtve was derailed. Baseball Results BATTOBAL At Chares R. H. a Braoaira OO0 O01 020 6 6 1 mfcage see eee oeo i t Haras sad Uiru. At B. B- S x Tetk see ooe in i t i o tea. Caieaa. Glaiaar aad likarHl At niiasiM n aeaaa past, AM Sit A At gaaais B. B. K. Ckweassd SOS SOS SSO IS ""affliiilii 'rk'i'itoatl! aad Tfrsasi " aad At Wadlislia 4fc- H. X curse ooo see see r i Waahbareaa T L?'mdy as At rWhlisaMa EBB Daoadt 000 001 MO 6 til rtoasliliilli 60 OOO 000 6 6 2 Gaaaa eashd aad f uwtt tats. HARDING ASKS AID FOR ROADS AND FARMERS Sends Message to Congress in Which He Makes Suggestions for Relief of Two Industries Through War Finance Board. By L. C. Marti a Washington. July 26. (U. P.; dent Harding today asked broaden the warn of th war ft corporation so that it could give financisB relief to the railroads and agriculture! fl He made this request In a short mess addressed to the senate and bouse of roa- V rasentatlves. Wt Harding gave only the bare outline of the plan he wants congress to approve. Details are to be given out later bar tab railroad administration. The president, however, made dear these salient points of his plank: That the war finance corporation bo empowered to buy railway securities now held by the director general so that of- 3 flcials may have funds to settle with the railroads without dipping Into the inn ury. OWE EACH OTBEB That the powers of the corporation he broadened so that it can extend further relief to the livestock raisen farmers. Harding revealed also that to a settlement with the government, the railroads have consented to waive their claims based on the assertion that labor depreciated in value during eve eminent control, and that the government should pey for this. The waiver, ho sea or. will not prejudice their rights if they shanM take their claim to the courts. Harding then explained that the gov ernment owed the railroads and the roads owed the government, and that settlements have already been made of claims totaling $226,666,764. WANTS DEBT FFBDSD "The way would seem clear to very early adjustment and relief except for the fact thai the railway administration, though possessing assets, does not com mand the funds neeeesary to meet what will be its admitted obligations,- the message said. The proposal that the war froanee cor poration be empowered to segutlUs payments to the laluoads. the debt to the t win be that to. of years. Harding merely touched on the agri cultural relief feature of his (CoBchM oa Papa Three, Column Three) HOSPITAL ADDITION APPROVED BY CITY Plans for the erection of an addition to the Good Samaritan hospital, submit ted by Lawrence h Holford. were fa vorably ps nil on by the city baflillin department and a permit for cuushu Uon work was Issued Monday. The building will be a five story concrete struction and to estimated to cost $200, ooo. It win have a frnotage of 161 feet on Marshall street, between Toon-ty-eecond sad Twenty-third, and a depth of 40 feet to s connection with the present hospital building. The upper story of the addition win house the Clark Memorial surgery and the remainder of the structure win bo used for general hospital purposes. Con struction work will begin liiiniartlilslj. according to Rodney L. Glisan and other officers of Good Samaritan. Ten residence eprmits wore Issinil by the building department Monday. "Vrg for an expenditure of more than I fi 6.66)6. Bar to Duiuping of Overseas Surplus On U. S. Requested N'ewCMoans, July 26 (U. P.) idles, which wore ooM to a French dlcate, are being brought into the of New Orleans to be sold on the lean market, according to made public by the New Oi elation of Commerce today. Fearing this action will have moralising effect oa the American ket. the Association of rvr.... wired ail state members of aongrsoi the senate urging them to snaet w legislation to prevent Importation of the suppUea Journal Plane Coast Service i Today's Trip Pilot Archie Roth Seagull Wt Portland . . .1:31 p. as. Seagull loft Portland. l.OJ p-m. 2 : 60 p. so. Arrived (Fog night to Seaside.) .: P-1 ivi