The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 23, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1921.
Baptists to fold (Srand penxng Services on tTCkeir Grounds at Columbia City
Baptists of Oregon are looking for
ward to next Friday evening when the
frand opening services of the state
young people's assembly will be held at
the new assembly grounds at Columbia
City. This will be followed by 12 days
of conference and convention work, with
which will be mingled much pleasure.
The seven-acre tract at Columbia City,
which was a shipyard during the war,
has been purchased by the Baptist
church as a permanent site for -the an
nual Baptist meetings in Oregon, which
include the young people's assembly,
state convention, ministers' conference
and the woman's missionary convention.
On the opening night the Rev. Anton
Hok, noted Czecho-Slovak singer and
preacher, will give his famous lecture.
A recent telegram received here states
that Dr. George Middleton, a leading
Baptist pastor from Syracuse. N. Y.,
will be able to attend and conduct sev
eral classes.
Other leaders in the church who are
on the program are the Rev. T. B. Fri
zelle of Philadelphia; the Rev. T. H.
Hagen of Seattle and the Rev. George
It. White of Los Angeles, superintend
ent of the publication society in the
Arrangements have been made for
girls and married people to sleep in
nearbyjhjstel, and for the men and boys
to sleep in a dormitory. Members of the
colored Baptist church will have charge
of the dining room, and have planned
a menu that will cost the delegates but
SI a day, as no profits are sought.
No bedding will be furnished, but all
will be given a cot and mattress free of
charge. The' grounds are on the Colum-
bia river near Columbia City, 30 miles I
nejow t-oruana, ana can De reacnea oy
train or automobile. A depot has been
constructed on the grounds.
The program for the first three days
follows :
Frlday, July 29 I
prelude, Professor Harold Adams: lecture, aer-1
mon. Her. Anton io, nnca uxecno-oiovus.
July SO
8:30 L a. to 1!
noon Orrirrisarion
S tv m Berinnins of athletic camel.
7 D. m. Reception of Willamette association
to State Young People.
7:30 p. m. Popular mass service ; music.
prelude. Professor Harold Adams: address, "The
victorious Life"; around the campfire.
Sunday, July SI
. -8:80-9 a. m. Homing prayers.
10 a. m Bible claims.
11 a m. Sermon. Rer. B. T. Starkey.
8 p. m. Great dedicatory service and sermon
Dr. w. n. mnaon.
7 t. m. B. T. F. V. meetinra.
8 P. an. Praise service and sermon by Dr. H.
P. StiUweu,
. nw ,
The Spiritual Uses of Sleep" will be 1
the subject of a sermon Sunday at 10 :30
a. m.. by the Rev. WilUam G. Eliot Jr.
.t ttim, -V,n.h nf fin, TTathor I TTn i 1 a ri n n 1
Broadway and Yamhill street.
OtSA A- M,
'The Hope of the
7:46 P-wX,
"Jean Val Jean"
Japan's Attitude
Pastor E. J. Hibbard
Sixth at Montgomery
First Congregational
Dr. John W. Wilson
Of Ripon, TCI will preach
11:00 A. M, "The Ampler Vision"
7:45 P. M. "Men aad Battgioa
MRS. D. D. FISHER of Spokane.
wash., win sing at both services.
Snsday Moottags at S P. M.
Teaching jfetaff 2irleta aily Vacation JJible jfeckool
c fc
LaaeaeaCi. HMHk aSao?'' KBUBrV IbamT aL bK or anamaMB ""eBsassV 9
bbbbw. BBfltuvv wtSsiS m bbbbabbbbbwI Ev w IB (Lw B
mYmm ' mtW Mr bbbmP Ibbbsbbb W
BSrabMI W W bbbwbob bbB B
SiiKiH HHRS3iBBR9B LbS i -Wm B
bbvbBbbIXbbwI mJBk wmmmmmWvm'-' y9bbby tmm bbsm?-"; m. BSH M
HaiHAI F! bbsst Cbbm! bbbbvs!:-' ftyK V9
Front row, reading from the left, Mrs.
Via, Miss Nancy Carlson, Miss Lola Holmes. Second row, Rev. F. E. Flnley, Mrs. Leonard Fish burn, Mrs,
Helen E. Workman, Mrs. H. E. Hall, Mrs. John J. Hansaker, principal; Miss Hazel Robuck, Mrs. W. I.
Ormandy, John James, janitor, nurd row, Mrs. W. L. Wilson, Rev. R. HOd, Mrs. C. M Gaines, Mrs. E. O.
Shepherd, Miss Alms E. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Glen Sanders. Back row, Rev. E. O. Shepherd. Rev. Henry
White, Mrs. S. L. Burnett, Mrs. J. H. Zehrung, Mrs. Mattie E. Belmore, Mrs, Lulu Brooks, Rev. O. T. Day,
Miss Elwil da Hen lira, Mrs. E. L.
Barry Monday morning hosts of Port
land Epworth leaguers will leave for
Jefferson to attend their annual six-day
summer institute. Three hundred and
I ,. '
I0fty are expected this year from the
northern part of the state. The leaguers
in Southern Oregon are closing their in-
started last Monday
The two Western Oregon institutes are
part of a chain of 76 which the Epworth
league . department of . the Methodist
Bpiscopaj church is holding this year in
all parts of the United States. A total
registration of about 60,000 young people
is forecast. This year has also seen the
establishment of similar work in Mexico,
India, South America and Singapore.
The purpose of this annual institute is
to train young people in the work of the
church and at the same time give them
ample opportunity to enjoy a vacation.
The faculty at the Jefferson institute
are: The Rev. Blaine E. Kirk pat rick.
president of the board of control; Dr.
E. C. Hickman, dean; Dr. J. O. Van
Winkle, local manager; P M. Blenkin-
ulrecJor 01 maslc' , ft7'
15 f reCreaUon; Virginia Mason.
I registrar.
Board and lodging will be furnished
en. iiuuuuAi tales, ur utuiipuiK ldcuiues
are provided for those bringing their own
bedding. The daily schedule follows
6:30 Moraine -watch, E. E. Gilbert.
7 -30 Breakfast.
8:30 Bible study, Blaine E. Eorrpatrkk.
9:16 John Waaler Junior (Home httedonl
Marey Bate; Sunday 1011001 methods, A. Gillette.
9:55 Recreational demonstrations. AL
10 :ZD Lire service
data, E. C. Hickman;
E. S. Hammond; advanced Jnrior
Mrs. Minnie Marcv Bates.
11:10 John Wesley Junior (Toreum lOs-
siona., Carl G. Doner; recreation and culture.
J. u. spencer; evangelism. W. 8. Gordon.
11:45 Epworth lea rue methods. Blaine K.
1 .00 Best sad
3:00 Recreation.
6:00 Sapper.
6 :45 Community Sins.
8 -.00 Eveninr awasawMaBa
RET. ta, BO WRING QUICK, Minister
H A. M. Jsaior Sermon
"The Boy Kin"
Moraiag Topie
7.-4S p.
East Side Baptist Church
7:40 f. M.
B. y. w. o. 0:48 . M
(set Morrison or Hawrasj.a. Ave. Cam.)
First Presbyterian Church
AMar at TwafrtS
Mlalsters Jk
lttM Am Mm M
I 7:45 P. M,
B Mr. Tolly Preaehesfl
Freeman 'Whitman, Miss Gladys Cram, Ml Myrtle Lewis, Ml
Services feunday in
$arks at peninsula
rSlnd at Laurelburst
Religious services will be held Sunday
at 4:30 p. m. in Laurelburst and Penin
sula parks under the auspices of the
Portland Federation of Churches. The
meetings last week were well attended
and it is anticipated even a greater num
ber will attend this week.
At Peninsula park Dr. J. Francis Mor
gan, pastor of Piedmont Preabterian
church will preside ; Rev. W. L. Riley,
pastor of Highland Baptist church will
preach the sermon ; Rev. W. EL Kloster.
pastor of St. Johns Methodist Episcopal
church, will read the Scripture lesson ;
Ninth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School Reason
"Sard Basins His Ministry.'' Acts 9:19 30;
GaX 1:15-17.
Golden Text "Thou Art the Christ, the 80a
of the Lavinc God." Matt. 16 16.
Young People's Topics
Christian Endeavor 'The Perils of Material
ism." I John 2:15-17.
Epworth Learoe "Bsadinc for Recreation."
Med. 12:10-12.
Itat Whlta- Temple. 12th and Taylor. Re
service; otmreh closed for repairs.
East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Dr. W. B
Hfamoo, 11. -Where Are the Dead?" 7:48.
"Gatdac Ta-ed of God,"
Third) Vancouver and Knott Bar. B. X.
Close. 11, "The By-Product of Christian
Achievement"; 8, "Bafreahlns Drana-hts From
the Walls of Him.".
Arleia 48th ave. sad 64th st. S. E Bar.
Oken T. Day. 11, 8.
S. 8th and Grant. Rer. J. E.
11. "A Good Man ": 8. "The Golden
Rale la Office sad Factory."
oiencoe K. 40th and Matt. Be. W. B
Stewart. 11. 8.
SeUwood Bethanv Rev W K FWi. 11.
7:10. V
Grace E. 76th and Ash Rev. W H. Tol-
rrver. 11. 7:30.-
Swedish 16th and HeyL
tar. 10:45. 7:80.
Rev T. G. Bioiaa-
Bt. Johns Chicaro and 1
11. 7:80.
Bev. Walter
Hisfalanrt E. 6th and Alberts.
1 nuey. 11. 8.
Tabernacle E. 45 th and Woodstock.
TJntvendtv Park Dm and Fiake.
Charles A. Davis (wrpply). 11, 7:30.
ML Olivet J colored) Breadway and Everett.
r. J. W.
A ode
arson. 11, 8.
Earn Swedish E. Sth and Alberta. Bev.
August Olscn. 2:30.
Lenta SSth st. aad 0th ave. Bev. B A.
Second (German 1 Rodnev and Morris. Rev.
F. Hoffmsn. 11. 1M.
Pro-Cathedral 13th and Da via. Rev Georre
T. Campbell 6. 7:15, 8:80. 9:45, 11.
St Peters Lrsnts. Hev. J. P. O Flynn. 8.
7 40.
Bev. J. C
Bev. L B.
6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80.
St Francis E. 18th aad Pine.
MeNamee. 0. 8, 9:30, 11. 7:4.
Immaculate Heart of Marv Williams and
Stanton. Bar. W. A Daly. S. 8. 8. 11. 7:80.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas. Rev.
B 8. Oason. S. 7. 8. t. 11. 7:80.
St. Rose E 53d and Alameda. Rev J.
O'FarrelL 8, 10:30, 4.
St Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. Rev.
8. 10 -AO. 7:30.
The Madeleine E 24th and Wkalveai. Rv
George F. "Thompson. 7:30, 0, 11.
76th and TamhilL
Fathers. 8. 10:30. T .30.
Blessed Sacrament Marrland and
Bev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Rev. C. Ray
ond. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St, Ignatius 8220 43d st. S. K.
Fathers. 6.80. S. 10:80. T.
8t Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor. Rev.
Warren A. Warn. 6, 8. 9:15. 11. 7:30
Holy Redeemer Portland btvd. aad Van-
iver ave. Bev. William J. Devine. 6. 8.
10:30. 7:S.-
St PhUip Seri (Paunst Fathers E. 16th
and Hickory. Brr. M. Lv Ferry. . 8 SO.
8t Clements S. Smith tVe. and N
Servite Fathers. 0, 8. 10:80. 7:80.
E, 11th and Center. Rev
Gregory BohL 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Agatha K. 15th and Nehalem. Bev. Joan
Curanusky. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St Stamslans Polish) Maryland and Fail
ing, aev. f. Matnuarwsgi. s. 10:30. 7 :SO
St Aoaanh (Oermsn) 15th sad Conch.
Kev. tTowin tipper. 8. 10:80. 7.80.
St Michael (Italian) 1th and MilL
ML. Balertra. 8:30, 10 3O. 7:30
St Clare's Capitol HilL
lather Aloyatas
O. F. M 7 :15. 9:15.
St Charles K. 33d and
Bev. M.
Wsllace. 8. 10.30.
All Saints E. 80th and Glhaa.
Bev. WU-
Bam Cronin. 8. 10:30.
St Patricks 18th aad Savier.
M Smith. Mam 11. 7:30. 9. 10:30. 7:43.
Mt Brtgitta's Chapel T awsam nim
(Attended from St Patricks) . 9 a.m.
Oar Lady.ef Sorrows E. 5 2d aad W
stock. Rev. G. C. Falls. 8. 10:43. 4:30
1 St Anthony Chapel 7022 43th ave. Bev.
a, . isaa a. m.
Hotv Family Chapel B. 8 7th
G. C. FaOa. 9:45. 7:45.
Fin Park and Coasmhes Bev. Harold H
unrcu, 11, -Tnenaogieal Meddlers": 7:4 5
"Htcaing xear Tent Tewyrd sodom."
Beat Side E. 1 2th and Taylor. Bar.
F Johnson. 11. "Why We Are Called": 7 JO,
uea or nam.
11. 8.
70th and GBsan. 11. 740.
v. h 1 1 1
1 -9m.
' St
wart Jesse, 11. 8.
11. T:so.
11. 7 AO.
Chrkvt Rodney aad Kaott.
Joseph Boyd.
Kern Park Bev
wee. 1L,
Lesson subject: "Truth."
Ftraa isA iad Bwnttll. 8.
Tted B"l am? aSm 11"'
rmft '"ttu b. " ilL
j-yi and Nev Tort 11.
Rev. Joseph D. Boyd, pastor of Wood
lawn Christian church, will offer prayer,
and Rev. Carl a Dunn, pastor of Kenton
United Presbyterian church, will have
charge of the music.
At Laurelhurst park. Rev. H. F. Given.
pastor of the First United Presbyterian
church, will preside ; Dr. Edward H
Pence of Westminster Presbyterian
church will preach the sermon ; Rev. W
B. Stewart, pastor of Glencoe Baptist
church, will read the scripture ; Rev
Homer L. Cox. pastor of First Friends
church, will offer prayer, and J. Fergu
son of the Sunnyside Congregational
cnurch will have charge of the music
There is quite a movement on in New
Zealand to put the Bible back in the
public school. A recent issue of the
Salvation army War Cry, published at
Wellington, devotes considerable space
to this question.
rtrat Part and Madamn. Dr. W. T. Mo-
vevn. Snwnj hv IVr Jnhn W Vtkm nf
Ripon. Wis.; 11. "The Ampler Vision"; 7:48.
"Mwa and rUhrlon."
Sunnyside E. 8 2d aad Taylor. Dr. J. 3.
Staub. 11. "Whan Jeans Rsfwssd to Spsal ';
no evaninc service.
Atkinson Memorial E. 30th and EvwrstL
Bar. E. E. Flint. 11. "The National Coun
cil at Los Inrssm"; 7 .48. The Hichway of
Hishland B. 0th aad Presrott. Bev. Edward
Constsnt. 11, "Moraine Walks With the Crea
tor Among the Monataiaa." Mo evwainc service.
Waverry Beichta E. 83d and Woodward.
Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11. 7:80.
Lanrehrood (5th ave. aad SSth it.Lt
Mrs Alice M. Harxfaaker. 10:80. 7:80.
FQrrim Missonri and 8 haver. 11.
I'aivernty park Haven and Lombard. Bev.
H. Johnston. 10:S0. 7:80.
Finnish Mason and A Thins. Rr A A.
Harju. S and 8 p. m.
St Johns S. Ivanhoe aad Rirhaaoad Bar.
Elmer N'ocrse. 11. 7:48.
Danish-Norwegian K. 23d and Snmwr
Bev. Oie Torawama. 11, 7:80.
First German Ebeneaer E. 7th and Stanton.
Bev. George Zoeher. 10:80. 7:30.
Second German E 8th and Rkidmore. Rev
Henry TTlyilsamT 10:80. 7:80.
Zion German B. 0th and Fremont Bev. J.
H. Honp. 11. 7:80.
Chnrrh of the Brethren Borthwiek and Brain
ard. Rv. George C. Carl 11. 7.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stonhens 13th and Clsv
Rt Bev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop: Very
Bev. B. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:48. holy com
m union ; 9:45, school; 11, morning prayer and
mon; 5, young people's social aad satins
Trinitr 19th and Kvarati. Bev. A. A Mor
rison, rector. 11.
St Davids East 12 th and Belmont Rev.
JUS III I. rector. 7:30. 9 30. 11. 7:30.
Hattoe, rector. 7 :30. 1 1 ; no evening service.
Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J G
rector. 7:30 a. as.: 11. sermon bv Bev.
n.. Howard. Ho evening aerWw,
St Philips 242 Russell 10, li
st Andrews Hereford stl. Portsmouth Rev.
John D. Riee. 8. 11. 7:80.
Grace Memorial Bast 1 7 th and WeidW.
ev. o. W. Taylor. 11. 8.
baela and An Aawels K. 4Sd and
Broadway. Kev. r . T. Bowen. vicar 8. 11.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 4 1st
st S. E. Bev. John B. McOormlck. 9
Baboo Morris Memorial Good
hospital. Bev. F. K Howard. 7. 8:80
t- Pauls Woodmen. Rev. Oswald W Tav-
lor. 4 av m.
St Jonas Memorial 15th and Harney, SeO-
Bev. jonn a. Md.rauck. 11 1
St- Matthews Oocbett aad Bancroft
H. Clark, vicar. 10 aad 11 a at
Oood bhepherd ancouver an
Rev. John Dawson, rector. 7:80.
8:48. 11.
1 an.
Mission of St Johns Btokarr's ban.
John D. Bice, vicar. 2 aad 3 p. m.
8t Peter-i Chapel 1973 E SUrk. 10
St James Chapel E. 72d st and 17th are.
IO, 7:30.
Church of the Transfiguration B 50th and
P- BV,
Market Street B Oth aad Market.
aev. san. Maurer. 11. 7 so.
day Street 10th sad Clay. Bev. Jacob
10:45. sermon by the Bev H E.
Abel of Canby: no evening service.
Swedish Tabernacle K. 17th and GUssst
aer. . c lsoia: 7 30.
LenU F. B. Culver. 11, 7 30.
Wast Portland Multnomah station. Bev H
tt Bcneuerman. 11, 7:80. . ' '
9th and MSI
Bev. W. J. 3,
11. 7:30.
Central E. SSth aad
Bev. B O
par. 11. 7:30
Alberta E. 80th aad Wygant
Bev. S. L,
11. T:48.
St Johns K Richmon
F. B, Daaaia. 11. 7 30
O. .V Blair. 11. 7:80.
SSth 1
ft. 03d aad Slat ave. 11. 7 SO
West Piedmont Borthwiek and Jerarv. Rev
carwy Jeesup. 11, 8.
Friday at 8 p. am. aad Bsleiday at 10:30 a. m.
Ana val Shoiaes park aad Chvr
it Abraaamaoa. mou. B o. aa.
8:80 a m.
Novah Zedek Talasud Torah
Sth aad BaJL Bee. Abraham L Beeeaeraava
Friday, 8 p. as. Saturday. 8 a. as. Sunday. 10
Christ of Latter Day Saints
IS.- S AO.
Caarreh B. 70th and Irving.
iw:as, y:ea.
. C Beyer. 2:80 a.
Oar Sevier's B 10th
11. (Me
First E
Oorarrwgatkwa Beth Israel (Reformed)
and kUhv. Baktd Jwaaa Wkes. OWee
Charch ef Jeaws
mmstou,25 reaidealt
w.ShJw""- aS adlefl'eiasa
St Paul E. 12th aad Chhton. Bar. A.
11. (seaa FiJth b the TraaWaoai."
BeTE. (Bnmaach-8"od15TVtoT
Church for OwM-sshadaey sad Ivy Bev. J.
Important ews in
Renovation of the First Baotlst church
will be completed In time to begin regu
lar cnurch set aaaln on soaaay.
July IX Dr. B B. Sutdiffe will preach
both mm iimiiis that Sunday. Arrange
ments nave been completed to have Rev.
Herman H. Hulten. D. D., ef Oklahoma
City. Okla occupy the pulpit during his
vacation in August. He will preach Bars
four Sundays. Dr. Hulten baa not been
tendered a call to the pulpit, but should
tne coorregauon care to invite htm at
the close of August a call may be Issued.
it Is understood Dr. Hulten is ajrree-
ble to onrstng West. Dr. Hulten is one
of the leading speakers la the denomina
tion ana according to reports reaching
here always speaks to a crowded boast
at home.
Dr. W. S Btaa. neater of 1
uptsi enatm wui prraea at 11 o
day from the subject "When An Our Dead?
tome US be "Oetttns Tired
God." On Tun lay afternoon at 3 o'clock day
awe, in Urns church in a
ins to hear the reports from the N
a. Mr. Pattine and Mm. Hia
Tuaaday luc aft 7 45 Rer
Antes Hok. paster of the Catcko-Blorak church
in W York city, who is makinr a tour of the
United States under the inaptera ot
Wilis board, will lecture on the
of the Caecho-Sloeak people t
and in Korape. The automobile
eaatet vMsk started taw weeks aco in the Sea-
day school, la creatine a treat deal of
and each class is tryins to arte in the
the Lincoln (uahwaj. There wSl be no
of work in this church d urine the
The GA R. quartet erffl eta, aft the Third
Baptist church Sunday 11 lei, and Brr. B. E.
Close will prmrjh the fourth ssrsaaa of the
the weBa ef Scripture, tektec the
Befreahinr Draachte from tee Wells
of Earn."
Dr. B. B. ButelifTe. director of the Moody
Bibie institute work la Oresoa, will naarhiot the
drop-in" Bible clam, at the East Side Ban not
church Sunday morrdna Dr. SutaVfe will use
for the day.
-Theological Meddlers" will be the ser
mon subject of the Rev. Harold H Grif
fis at the First Christian church. Sunday
morning, the discourse being a discussion
of Biblical teaching respecting the lim
itations of man's knowledge of things re
ligious. la the leieJst the waster wffl apeak oa the
tresedr ef Let hi modem life. The music for
these Sunday set ilues win include the haritoae
selection, "Out of the Depths' (Scott) , by A. E.
Davidson, also the Quartet, "The Gates ef
Heaven" IT meal) .
Oa Friday eveejn at this church the mem
bers of the ete-bt Christian sasSmmnakway at
Portland wui unite in a reception for Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Hendricks, who will sail in An
rust as missionaries to Japan. Mr. and Mrs.
Hendricks are taoai the most prominent of the
missionary volunteers of the Dhikjilii of Carter,
both he vine- been aTadaakrd (mm the I'mrersity
or urecon ana nanat taawn social conres dur-
ms the pant year tn the CoOese ef
at Indianapolis, tad,
The First Congregational church has
secured Dr. John
Wilson of Ripon,
Evaneelieal Nerwesma (Free) Wy-
gant and Rodney. Rev. . A. Borrevik. 11. 7 43.
Grace (Kagnah) B. 24th aad Broadway.
Bev. C. H Berahard. 11.
Bethany Danish Evangellral Caaoa and Mor
ris Bev. U P. KjoOer. 10. 11. 7 30.
St Joaat Peninsula aad gilpatrirfc Bev. L.
Lodwig. 10:48. 7:30.
Swedish Ausoatana Staatoa aad Rodney
Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:48. T:48.
Imaaawe) 19th and Irving Bar. A. V. An
derson. 11. 8.
Portsmouth Lovely aad Fortune. Bev. B C
B Knutaen. 11. 7:30.
Zion Evsngelioal (Missouri Synod)
man ana Salmon. Bar.
9 15, 10:18. 7:45.
H. H. giemihsasii
Immsnael (Missouri Synod) B 15th aad
Leo. Bev. H. C. Ebeliue. 0:30. 10 30. Ger
Chorea ef tb
north aad Wygant
nrmiah 178 Fargo.
aunoay school 7.
St Marks (Wktoonein Synod) Mallory and
klmora. Rev. P. Hinder, r 9.30. 10 80:
except on fourth Sundays, 9:30. 2:30.
Centeuarv Wilbur E Oth and Pine. Dr. Frank
U Warn art 11. "Christ's Proffer ef SatJefac
tion ': 7:30. Personal lmnreaeioni of the Mor
mon People. "
Central Vancouver and Farco. Bev. A. B
Maries a, 11, sermon by J. W. Day; no evening
CUn ton-Kelly E. 40th and PoweR Rev. X
S. Maes. 11. coltbratioa of Fourteenth nslin
aary with sermon by Dr. W. W. Toungaon; 7,
Epworth League service.
Epworth 26th and Savier. Bev. Frank L.
Moore. 11 t a aad 8 a at
First 12th aad Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stsns-
nekL 10:80, "The Glorious Hope ef the Goepel
of God"; 7:48. lecture by Dr. James U Gardi
r of Swath Bead, lad.
Ftrst WuraaHaa Pa nfcwl 18th end Hoyt Bev.
August Peterson. 11 "Cabahef fat Christian
aple '; 8. "Are Wa Going to Heaven f "
German Rodney aad Stanton. Bev. F. A.
Schumann. 10:43. 8.
Hoyt St-e-15th sad Hoyt Rev. B B
Heruier. 11. 7:80.
Laurel wood B 6Sd and Foster. Bev. B E
Flnley. 11. 7:80
SSth st sad ssth are. Bev. F. R
Sibley. 11, 7:4 3
Lincoln B 5 2d and Ijncola. Bev. W. N
Byan. 11 1 a aad 8 p. m
Montavtua B. Both aad Pine. Bev. r. A.
Gmn. 11. 7:80.
Mt Tabor E. 61st aad Stark. Bev. D. L.
11. 8.
nd Miehigaa Bev. George
H. Bennett. 11, 7:30.
Rose City Park B SSth aad Alameda. Rev
C W. Haatt 11, "The Treasure Hoaae of the
8, ' Stopping Snort of Buceess. "
15th and Tacoeaa. Bev. w. S.
11. "The I a j men as Preathem " ; 8,
by the Bev. Franca Zieba.
Sunnyside B SSth and TamhilL Rev. T
H Gasagher. 11. 7:43.
St Johns W Leavttt and Byre BMP Bev
B Kloster. 11. 7:30.
Swedish Beech sad Borthwiek. Bev. S.
Moody. 11. 7 40.
Lnivenatv Park Dske and Lombard. Rev
H. T. Atkinaoo 11.7:80.
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidssen
i Vancouver. Bev. Gusts v A. Struaker. 11. S
Westmoreland Mtrweukis aad Midway Bev
8. Macs. 8
Woodstock 44th aad
SB Rev
L. C. Poor. 11. 8.
Woadkesra B 10th near rJurham ave. Bev.
J. HIrvfne. 11. "Trwe Fiiiiesaliin of Christian
My"; 8. "Life for tan LI filial "
Atneaa atoa tit wimsms ave. aver, l a.
Mama 11. 7 30
Dmtriot Superiotendent Bev. WHnam Wallace
Toungaon. 691 K. 6 2d. at Bh Tabor ZTva
t SL Sowth
First Colon and MuBnoanah. Bev. J. B
Harris. 11. 8.
First B.
10th aad Waadfar. Bev. A.
Oth and Spokane. Bev. J. G.
11 a. m- and 7 :30 p m.
09th aad 67th ate, B
11. 7:30.
14th and JarraCt B
11. 7 JO.
Garfield. Bev. J.
11. 7:30.
First 12th sad Alder. Dr. Herald
Tally 10.80. "The Qreatset Fact
la the
World": 7:48.
Westminster Beat 17th
Edward H. Pm a 10A0. sermon by
tor (no iniias esrvtaa-
Central B. 13 th aad Pine. Dr Walter
Henry M us 11 11, "The Cere For Troobls'
and Clay. Bar. B Bowrin
7 .4 3
Mt Tabor B 55th aad Bilmiat Bev. Ward
MarHaay. 11, "The OaB to Chrwtava
by Man Faye Milam ill
Vernon 19th aad Wygant Bev.
11. 7:30.
Jsrrett Dr. J
11. a evening sin
and Gtbha. Bev. Monroe G
10 :30. 7 :80
Lw K. Gits 1 11. "The Fees ef J
Own"; 8. "The Gardea aad Oardiai "
Hope 78th sad Everett Bev. H.
11. A
Base City Bev Donald W. M.
11. A
B 'liwbt ?-TbiJWof"the" Deva": .TaT
n Bteaav1'!!. and ITgsiiSii Bev. J
n. r rww
Highland Park E
W. P. Kerbs ugh.
Scandinavian 048
Calvary 11th
oasnk. 11. "Urea
r. H. ariwin 11. 7 bs.
ansa m vu -
Portland Ckurclics
Wis- to fin the pulpit Bandar at both
services. Ripoa is an edaoatlooal cen
ter and as pastor of the Congregational
church of that city Dr. Wilson has been
very Donular with the students. He was
a delegate from Wlsconam to the recent
national to as ell of Congregational
churches held in Lea Angeles, and is at
present visiting a sister, Mrs Harriet W.
Fitch, of this city.
wml tree a
each serrice. and Ha D. G
Wash.. fl ates "Taa Tease
fScott) in the marsmt sad
"Hew Lovely Are Thy Dwell
(Uttlo). The B
at 9 45 a. aa.. Is
la betes taken la
period. Intel H ka
Next w
Dr. 1. J. Steak wUl talk on the
ef eanrtfaa Work ea the
b pnier Ins and wui be
aerrioe wui be held.
Sunday's services win start at St
Stephens Pro-cathedral with holy com
munion at 7 :45 a. m. and church school
at 9 : 45 a. m. Morning prayer and ser
mon will be by the Very Rev. R. T. T.
Hicks, dean. The Young People s society
will meet at the main entrance of the
Good Samaritan hospital at I o'clock to
stag in the wards. They will meet again
at 5 o'clock ln.tbe parish house asm re-
rreanments will be served, a Iter which
they wlU hold their regular weekly meet
ing. Miss Martha W. Batter-son will
lead, her subject being oa the word "Co
operation." W. F. Robertson will be host
at the luncheon.
Rev. H. El Abel of Canby will occupy
the pulpit; of the Rev. Jacob Stocker at
the Clay Street Evangelical church on
Sunday morning. No evening service will
After almost three weeks disability on
account of a Fourth of Ju'.y accident.
Rev. H L Cox. pastor of the First
Friends church, will occupy his pulpit
Sunday. His morning topic will be
Kaith's Foundations. this being the
third sermon fea a series on "Faith."
-here will be no evening service at tb-
church on account of the union services
being conducted by the churches of this
district in Laurelhurst Park.
In the St. Paul's Lutheran church Rev.
A Krause, pastor, two services will be
held in the morning The subject for the
Knglleh sermon at 10 a. m. will be "The
Prodigal Son. The German sermon st
11 a. m. will be based on the gospel of
the day with the theme "Faith Is the
True Wisdom." The Sunday School meets
at 9 a. m. No evening service. The choir
rehearses Tuesday at 8 p. m. Summer
Approve Things That Differ;" 8. "The Good
IMMTt'ltsj IU
Marshall street 17th and Marshall w
A J. Hasan. 11. "The Better Day" bv the Bev
Ralph McAfee.
10th aad Division. Bev. D. A
. Putting First Things First"
Out Par rirtrf
Unity B. 71st aad Sandy. Bee. S. W. See-
in. 11, 7 so.
Arbor Lodge Brwaat and Curtis. Ri
"Holt Chinees 138 a First Bev. Gee
Bey. 7 p. m.. school; 8. preaching.
First 12th
10:4 3. 7:80.
8 3d
aad Columbia Blvd.
ffote Regular services of thkt
are held oa Saturday.
Central B 11th aad Everett
I. Beater. 10. 11:15.
U K. Dies
Takes m nls Sth mA w
Hibbard. minister. in 11
MontavUla E 80th and Everett,
hart. 10. 11.
A A Ger
Lents 94th st and 58th are.
W. D. Hunt
ingtoa. 10. 11.
St Johns ' Central and
a, miaennerg. 10. 11.
Albms Skidsaore and Mallory
Elder John
10. IX.
Corns No. 1. 243 Ash it
T. Pitt 11 a, bl. 8:18 and 8 o. m
Corps Na 4 188 H lot Eastea J
and Captain Mrs. L. Upton.
Pint Spiritualist B 7th and Pimiln 8. 8.
ScienHfie Christian Spiritualist Ahaky haXL
Inl i iadail
li. aa
II B 12th.
First Sptritaal Science 200
B. S.
Church of Our Father Broad war and Tasahill
Bev. Thomas L. BThS Dl D . - sea. 1 Ilea
Bev. WUliam G. Eliot Jr . miakrter. 10:80.
The Scriptural Cam of Sleep. '
B Me
First B 15th and Morrison. Bev. Brran
J inn 11, rae Buperaatarei troepei ; 8
Habit and Example."
Seoond B 27th and Sumner. Bev. Ira
Hawley. 11. 7:48.
Third 67th st aad 82d ave. 8
B O. Shepherd. 11. "How b Tour Con-
scienceT '. 7:45. "Dauniassl of Gods Servant
Bev. Leila Locker. 11
Cloverdale (OM CimatllnHiwl 440
Bev. Walter Beynolda. 10. school; T. T.
18th and Poplar.
11. 7:80.
Ocktey Green WSMmetta bird.
r. A P. Bibmili 11. A
St Johns Ivanhoe aad Jetm.
Bev. a P.
11. 7 :80.
First B 37th and Hawthorne.
Bev. H. F
Given. 11 (no evening service).
1 ef the Btraneers Grand and 1
Bev. S Bar! Da Beta. 10 AO, 7 80.
Kenton 120 W. Lore bard. Bev. Carl
mm. 11. 7:80.
-10, 11. 0:48. TAB
Clay. Bev Joha B
WiA C. Trotter AB services st the
at B SSth at aad SSth ave, A E
fPantaiiiBlal) 10 let
A Leweyey. 2. aehool: preaching. 8 and 8
Apoatnbc Faith Front aad Bansakto.
Crawford aad H. B Crawford.
at earns grounos. Bast 5 2d st and S3
S. K.
W. Smith. 11. 2 43. 7 4$.
. 8: Bandar 8. 8.
28th and Stark. 10:30
f jast
19M. 2:30. 8.
Dr. Wilson wOl take as ha miawlns theme
Tbe Amnkdon jdta tlaei inlay wSJ
in the reawhac
Vniii ssir'ii h VlTi mffis
TairS Lenta. Bev. . F. I lieki sjpB 11.
German); 8( Enabah).
II. 7 30.
Conference Baperintendeat Bev. G.
oaary AQlanee B Oth aao
MJastea lOOVs Second. 2. 8. 8;
daily except Monday at 8 pm.
MyraBjanSSSt- 3 ""
GeaPd HaO B
7 .3-0.
Bev. Fred Buraahah. 1
T. M C. A. Sixth aad Taylor A
Chmsah ef God 303 Paths. Bev. Harry
Seal 11. 1:48.
BnlBllliB I isai 148 18th. Bev. H. Ed
ward Mine. 11, learn rag Life's Leasea" by
G. Wesley BaTford,
Drrkea Bllian 818 E Clay. Bev. T M.
MtensA 11.
Caaaeh ef ravine Truth 201 Central bkte
BeOSe Taylor Bash. 11. 1.
Thiiil 1 Soetety 801 Cewlnl bMs. A
11Fliat Charch ef ruTiis f SwJaaaw llttaiag
keeS! IM.'' 7" Wtlamt
The Swetety far Strmsaag tha f aiislsdsa' ef
Tree Prayer 201 Coatml kiss. Moaday, 8
a m.. "Pumet"
leaves for Cast
Fa ye StHnmeCa, former presi
dent of Use Oregon Crn-lstlan En
deavor Union, who will leave Mon
day for New York city tq become
naitonsl secretary of youdg peo
ple's work for the Presbyterian
's foreign missionary board.
school will be held daily except Saturday
from I to 1! a. m,
Of Lhw four Sunday night specials ia
July at Cm First Methodist church- the
lactase on next Sunday evening- at 7 :4S.
will be the climax number, a monolosrue
lecture on 'Jean Val Jean' by Rev. James
Im. Uardlner L. Li. or South Bend. Ind.
The following ia a aiBBjih of Use lecture
(I) Jean VaOeaa steals a teat. -Nineteen years
at the aaBeys; (X) He rake the bishop gad
Little Gervals; (8) Be beooanea mayor. Javert
Farewell to anUne; (4) Trial at Arras. "1 am
Jean Vabeaa"; 8 To the galleys lor tife.
oapea. TlMtviej CUeette: (6) Tan Goareat Ms
rtes aad Ousette. They are ta love; (T) At the
senrtoede Me comes Marias through the t right
fat sewer; (8) The editing Jean TaUaan sad.
BOB farewell to Marias and Coeette.
The morwtes sermea at 10:30 wis he by the
pastor. Dr. StaasftehL The animal soluaa for
J Bay P. A. Tea Haft, who wSl etes Sunday
aaoratag "Then la a Green Hill Far Away"
(Gounod), aad la the n en Ins "Abide Wah
Me" ( Hoffmann .
Sunday night at Centenary WUbur Methodist
charch Or. Frank ta Weaseu will give a wrasoa
ea his psnmsal Imiimli 111 of the M
pie. nr. Wtanrt iiirems tegbi
with the people during a five
ta Ma ho
the SeOwnod Methodtet
will apeak at 1 1 o'clock
oa "The Laymen aa Preachers." la the
Bev. Francis Zwha wBl occupy the pul
pit Maate wfll be farms hwi for each aarviee
wader the dlrartioa of Piijfaayai T. C. Stray
feller The pastor will be away for the two
Sundaya following, bat the pulpit will be sup-
He a one of the lectarom at taa n
at Jeff era aa, Tha Baa-
8:48. aad the Bps
t let. The umiat walls of taa
to the church an
ta going ea rapidly, a
of M A CcalL
"Chrtetiena enjoy privileges equal or
to the naaaoial power beat by the
pte. la niasua renin to the re
id, " says Bev. C. W Hawtt. pastor ef
City Park Methavhat chorea. I
he wui tell his arsarregstirn how be
will talk from tha aaayect "Biowptng abort ef
rt 11 a at. Kev.
D. D
wfA pros i h the aer
rt T a, at Be B
will Drench at Westmoreland rt 8 p. m.
Cubimia leads the oaaf erencsa ef the charch
hi the average annuity paid to retired
eaaa ta 8000. Southern Calif on
is afarbth with a raring ef 8814. Oklahoma
in with 3512 bat no
n fa la the highest IA
At the First Presbyterian church Rev
Norman Kendall Tully will preach at
both services tomorrow. Tbechotr will
sine "Eye Hath Not Seen" iKoote) in the
awtwiia, aim . . mm 1 1, v mmm
(Chadwlck) ia the evening.
B B Coarsen will give an organ Tw Wsl at
7 SO p. nv. preoeding the evening service. Hte
m will iarJudw " Allegretto EsnrwmTvo''
Rbermrrl . "I rets ate Barbel n" (LeweCkgre) ,
be Baacwase (Gsimaat) . At the same
service Otto Wuiasmmir wui mac "Draw Near
AB Te People." from "Eajah" (Miiilihenki). .
Mas Faye BteiamiU, former preakleat of the
agon Christian Endeavor sal is. wll srea
vwwH meeeag Bswasay morning paxtlculariy
for yoang people tn her home charch. Meant
Tabor Preabrtorlas, on the ashyest, "The Can
to Chileans Service. ' The Sunday school assets
hi aaaembly rt the regular boar aad the V. O
K. giria dam wui present the program featuring
a mtroanaarr play. "The Songs Thar Sana," aad
illustrated hymn. "From GnveaUand's Icy
vtea ia Iaretsmmt park at 4:80 p. vs.
The pulpit of the kftepah Pieatiylerisn eaarek
win be uouanesd both asorahas and iveamg by
r. Be. D. A. Tbompaoa. The theme
for the morning aarviee will be the serf Bath
hi the series oa "Taa Birmas aa the
The Toung People's soetety wffl ssswt
at 0:48 te the teetan rosea. The leader will
raeeter. There wta aa.eaey eae
of the soetety until after the
The anneal BObla eaaoel me
beid at Laantburst park The
la the oatkog.
of ice
'a Borne aad Foreign Mis
C. McAfee, a locative garrets
Federation ef fwanhea.
Menken Street
11 ei
ter Day.'
Or. Byron J. Clark, paster of tha First
United Brethren church, will use for the
theme of his Sunday morning discourse.
"Tha Supernatural OoepeL" In the even-
inr ha will sneak of "Habit
ample, The chorus choir will
special music.
ia x ear waewesaaeer m a
Blessed Hope for
Many script ami evid eases that the
part ee( ruTU-oameata, ea this earth.
Sam ben 14:S1 -Bst ss truly as
J. F.
B. Gordon,
worth League lastlln
der the eapstirtea
mainder ef the
Sunday morning
TsB foCrtBBBmlteh gUaBsAwWXBVI'f flf BBBt C9bbBBws
KaUy Memorial Metaoeast Eaaiajal ehuraa. Pew
stneta, wui be oeie-
W. W. Teaanff
m. There wffl
rrwam was served The Ladies' AM so
ld the Weeaaa'a Borne aad FervAsa Mis-
good ectendwace aad s ptoammt time wee had
by alL The paster aad his family will leave
oa Aaraet tint for their vaisrlns at their
wattage at Weah.a-irW mowatate- mr
Presbyterian church an steseet mantel art aad
the 4 eoo rating and peintkag will be done te
IsamM AB teak forward te BanUmkai as the
1 1 T lu'sstai ef big things for tide aeigrbor
km tAarcsa.
Bee Basra
mow is rear taaacsamBsr m a persons i
Third" CySted Brethren church, "Pirns wail of
God s Servant" la the theme efaesea for rae
wfw'djBveBBsat Ml ktSJ.
far the lateraatlaaaJ Bfbee Stadeate' AsaeriatieB
Moaday night at 11 o'clock Crnrtetiaa
Brrdeavorers of Oregon aril) lose to other
work the young woman who for sev
eral years has been their leader. Miss
papa Stelnmers, former president aad .
of lata advisor to tha president of the
state union, will leave Portland at that
ttee for Now York city to become na
tional seen t ery la tha young people's
department of the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society of the Presbyterian
church in the U. B A. J
The position is a new one, and tha
country was searched by Presbyterian
leaders to find a young peraou cuvpbdvo
of filling It. Tha risafflwiartan cnurcn
feels as though lu young peopie ..
not been taking the proper inteo-eat in
missions and blames Ka BFStera pras
entaiion for the caBvdfBon. To -Mlaa
Stelnmetx has bean aaelgned tha wheat or
breaking down tha prejudice which W
young people have against missions and
with causing them to see tha great chal
lenge which the church faces if it evan
gelises the world.
Miss Stelnmets is a lover or missions
aad believes she understands young peo
ple so thoroughly after her experiences
ia Oregon that aha can onUloe s pro
gram that win revolutionise mission
study work in the young peoples' socie
ties of tha Presbyterian church.
Portland Endeavorers feel highly hon
oner at having one of their number
chosen for this national position, and
have been busy daring the past week
entertaining; their leader. Mass Steln
mets will give her parting talk Sunday
morning at Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church, her home church.
Daily Attendance
At Bible School Is
Declared to Be 276
Sunday school workers of the Mount
flmtt district, known as district No.
of the Multnomah County Sunday School
ociation. are wall pleased with the
results obtained In the dally vacation
Bible school which closed recently. From
tha public school board they aseured
permission to use the Arleta public
school. Four hundred and sixty-nine
pupils were registered In tha IS rooms
which were used. Of this number 804
were girls and 185 boya. There were
also 30 instructors and helpers. During
tha term, which was from Jane SI to
July t, 11S students had perfect si
tendance, and 2SS wera awarded
diplomas. There waa nothing com
pulsory about attendance aad none of
the Instructors were salaried. The
average daily attendance waa STS and
the highest waa SSI. Mrs. J. J. Hand
anker waa principal. Last year the
name district held the school in the
Millard Avenue Pi sattflBi Is n church,
where SSS were enrolled, but this year
the district was divided and schools
held la each end, one at Arleta and the
other at Lnu.
Parents Hear Class
Recite Scripture
Promotion exercises for the Grace
BaDtlst church's dairy vacation
school were bald Friday night at
church under the direction of
Parent, principal of the school. Tha va
rious i liases recited to their parents,
who made up tha major portion of the
audience, iissssgas of scripture they
hava learned during the last four weeks.
Following tha program the parents
viewed a large exhibit of handwork. The
school has an enrollment of IBS and
average dally attendance of 11. Twenty-four
scholars had perfect attendance
Tha average number of regular teachers
present each day waa SO. Aa additional
SO members helped throughout the term
aa they had time to spare. Tha entire
exhibition showed careful work on the
part of tha faculty, who donated their
services for the month to the causa.
Czecho-Slovak Story
Will Be Transmitted
a i
The Rev. Anton Hok. prominent Bap
tist worker and noted Cxecho-Slovak
preacher and singer, win fill the follow
ing appointment in Oregon during next
week: July SS, Salem; July 24. East
Side Baptist church, Portland ; July ST.
McMinnvllVe ; July 13, Albany: July 28,
opening night at the young people's aa
aembly at Columbia City : Jury 80, Eu
gene ; July SI, morning at Med ford and
siasllis at Ashland. The stow of Chris
tian program In Csecbo-Slovakia la thril
ling, aad everywhere the Rev. Mr. Hok
is heard with great enLhugaagea. -
Trie renovation of the Whits
pie Chares building will be completed
ready for the beginning of tha regu
lar sbi 'lw off the church on Ssaday
Morula. Jsly 81. Da. B. B. SIT.
CUFF win be preacher morning aad
Arrangements are completed for
the coming of Bev. He rasa a H. Hal'
tea, D. D- ef Oklahoma City. Okla
homa, Aetna. T. to begin aa appoint
ment for the month of August.
Dr. Hal ten has a national reputa
tion aa on of tha greatest pulpit ora
tors and prea chars of tha old gospel
in this country. The White Teen pes
membership ana coiiai sgs tKiu ana
their visiting friends have a gospel
ta store.
Suffering Humanity
BShSo facets Us ef
life, ssder
I Bra afl the
be rtlled with
bb pleased to beab
H. A