TOT OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PQKTLAMP, SUNDAY MOKMING, JULY IT, lttl. bbbw X - tVft vtjtt t ?3U W - ". 'xSmjm Saw I Ball wY J? ,v l-w 111 1r-'f'.i:'.- :: Be ! S If JHbb Iff iff B B 1 K ia Kw that Hampden Plans Coast Tour in Bard's Dramas W7.U.TEK HAMPDKN. vv sis wtki" ennftaiut York, convinced the ertUas stands hick smena; Amijf hu planned a teur far next whleh will take him te all the principal citiee ef the Fouth, Middle Wee, North west and Pacific coast. The rise of tall yeuna- actor baa teen eaeerneelehed aear the Itlaatia seaboard he haa papa a star la the Bast." aa it were end he ha decided that between next October and Jane he will play mostly In cities where hp paver has appeared at the head a hia ewn company Opening in Montreal early ia October Hampden will spend a month in Can ada and New fork state, gains thai straight to Richmond. Norfolk. Raleigh Charleston. Jacksonville, Atlanta, Bir mingham and ether intermediate citia in the Atlantic coast states. Near Or leans will be the farthest point south touched, after which will cease Memphis Naahville. Louisville, St. Louis, several of the larger one night stands in Illinol Kansas City, St. Joseph and Omaha Than in succession are Denver. Colorado Springs. Ogden, Salt Lake City. Lew An geles, the Important smaller cities In California and San Francisco. The Northwest territory, of course Will include Portland, Seattle, Tacoma Vancouver, Victoria and Spokane. Up turning via Butte, Helena, Fargo, Win nipeg and Duluth. with the tour endlnr in St. Paul and Minneapolis On this tour Hampden will present all six ef the plays in which he is said te have ne peer at the present day "Hasp let." "Macbeth,- "The Merchant ef Vea lee," "Borneo and Juliet." "The Taming of the Shrew" and Charles Rana Ken nedy's great plgy, The Servant tp the House." He wilt also have in prepare tion "Othello" and "Twelfth Night" and perhaps) will present them for the first time on the Pacific coast. Hampden wfll be supported by a com pany, whose leading members have been with htm during the last two seasons. these including Mary Hall. Mabel Moore Elsie Hemdon Kearns, J. Harry Irvine William Sauter, Ernest Rowan, Allen Thomas, LcRoi Oeertl and Hannam Clark. rpHE two Mgrys at tht tomb on Eastwrn In the wayfarer, "America's Passion Pimat," to be ducod aa vast scale at Seattle nest week. Seattle is to be the permanent home of the pageant. gwaasaaa.-waw,a I ii "'r ifBfVSj HEILIG "Irene," the smart musical hit, will be seen at the Heillg the atre for six lights, beginning tomorrow. Monday, with Wednesday and Saturday matinees. The adventures of the little Cinderella shop girl, suddenly lifted to the ranks ef high society, will be seen. The book, by James Montgomery, au thor of "Nothing But the Truth," and "Going Up," stands high aa an example of its kind- Harry Tierney hap woven about this production a real wealth of melody, including such numbers as "Alice Blue Sown," 'We're Getting Away With It" "Sky Rocket," "Castle of Dreams," "Irene," and 'The Last Part of Every Party." These, however, are only high lights of a score that bub bles with rhythm and harmony. Joseph McCarthy wrote the lyrics and Edward Royce, of the Gaiety theatre, London, staged the production. "Irene" is the story of a shop girl who enlWis a rich young man's interest through her personality. He indulges in he extravagance ef dressing her and two girl friends in the meet fashionable clothes through the art of a male mo- olste, who is hitherto unknown. The ad ventures of "Irene" and her shop girl hums in blue-blooded Long Island so ciety form the basis ef the amusing plot. hich results in the young man falling an love with his own creation, and the transition of ' Irene" from Ninth avenue to Fifth avenue is accomplished through a made-to-order family-tree as well as by her beauty and charm. ine vanderout Producing company has provided the cast of principals and the production. There is a beauty chorus that wears wonderful gowns and that ran both sing and dance. The company includes Dale Winter. Howard Free man. Robert Knight. Henry Coote, Ger ald Gilbert. Earl Redding, Margaret Pid gin, Erica Mackay, Marjorie Dalton, Be atrice Burrows, Flo Irwin, Jean Kear ney, J ere Delaney and a large chorus. Lyiuc Ike Leach in ski blossoms eat oa the Lyric stage this afternoon as uie great American novelist. He is en the hunt for a very wicked man. This causes a Hit of grief in Ted Howland's latest musical comedy production, "A College Vamp," which will appear all HippSroME TODAY f lake pleasure ta aaaeanelag that J neginaing today toe Tending or randy In the Hippodrome will be discos- This Is a happy message to aa tlsoed. my nnmerons friends who have alimented Hippodrome shews as Bis Time Shews hat have com plained at Use reading of candy. 4 W. W. J5LT, Maaager. 1 EDDIE HOW ATT PRESENTS HIS NAVAL SIX FEATURING CARL C 17 BRIER MUSICAL AJJIM ATIOX f the Farm ef Bvaeensutlen aarf TlssJinr; Taaes Combined With Smiles BERT LYTELL IN A PRE-RELEASE SHOWING LLOTD OBBOsUTS SATIRICAL FARCE THE MAN WHO if (Adapted Barter from directed by Maxwell the Saturday Etenlsr rosi sioryor tne same name.) Buhla M. Pearl IN A CLASS BT HERSELF Silvers and Fuller HARMONY AND JOLLITY Brown and Til FATAL WBTMHHO DAT Les Perretos TFRSiTII.F VBftl.irS this week at the Lyric theater. Leschinski hunts all ever Portland, even gees to Goose Hollow and over into Rose City park looking for a bad acter. But after getting Police Sergeant Kee- gan's moral squad to help out ike gives up the search. Then a happy thought comes to him very suddenly. He thinks there may he some bad man lurking around a slrls' college, so ha ftads such school. Ike reaches the place just as How land, chief of police, comes upon the scene. The chief is hunting for an escaped con vict, who is supposed to be hiding in the school building. The girls there are nearly soared out of their wits, pretty Dorothy Raymond and her little chum. BUHe Bingham, being frightened out of a year's growth. Everyone mistakes everyone else for the criminal. After lots of other trouble Al Franks finds his bad man and gets the story for the new novel. Vaudeville pANTAGES Vaudeville at its best is A scheduled for Pantages for the week commencing with the matinee Monday, when William Brandell presents the unique musical comedy, "The Green wich Villagers," with Johany Dyer Earle B. Mountain, the Bars Sisters and a company of Greenwich village artist models included in the large and attrac tive cast. The production is one of the big hits of vaudeville and it brings to local audi ences the delightful distinct atmosphere of the quaint New York colony which nas oeeome aa wiaeiy Known in recent years. The song hits are many and in clude "Wondsrful Girl." "Oriental Green wich Nights," "Paint the Town Red" and "A Symphony In color." The Berg Sis ters are among Broadway's best known dancers. Perry and Psppino have become fa miliar to thousands of phonograph own ers through their accordion and violin records. They appear in parson. Dick Harry and Carrie Adelaide are noted dancers who present their latest crea tions. Leo Greenwood, Jewish char acter player, and his company In the remarkable Hugh Herbert play, "Pre diction." will score. Davey Jemieaon in "Aa You Like It" has a moat entertain ing diversity. The final episode of "The Purple Riders" will be shown. Inadvert ently, it was announced last week that the thriller had ended. 'A Japanese Romance" concludes Its local engagement with the continuous performance today, commencing at 1 :S0. TTIPPODROM&-In the estimation of XX most of the patrons of the Hippo drome the announcement that, beginning today, the candy selling concession will be abolished will be of mere importance than the announcement that the new bill will consist of a clever ooraelnaHow of vaudeville specialties featuring melody and mirth la proportions designed to ap peal to the midsummer pleasure seekers. In costuming and scenic effects, there Is the freshness and tana ef the sea la the offering of Eddie Ho watt's Naval Six, a musical offering en the sea of synco pation bound for the Wee of harmony," according to the billing. Carl Currier Is the featured artist among the sextet of men and women. waie singing organisations are ever popular, and. therefore, Freddy. Silvers and Fuller should feel sure ef a hearty welcome. They are reputed to possess pleasing voices that harmonise agreeably In a repertoire of popular songs, and con siderable comedy action revolves around the blackface comedian of the company. "Here comas the bride" is the signal for much laughable comedy In the skit. "The Fatal Wedding Day, promised by Brown and Elaine. Buhla pari hi said ta be la a class by herself aa a story teller, sad she haa an original manner ef delivering cute lyrics and jingling tunes of the popular and restricted sort. Versatile and accomplished as aerial ists, balancers and acrobats are Les Per retos, a due of European novelty nasts. Sparlal apparatus ia neceesi idst them in the Introduction of of their mesa startling facta. Newport's New Show Branded Successful Newport, July ef the Nat 1 hia near uaniiifA AND WHERE THEY PHY MAJESTIC "The Uu of the toast." HUt Dal Carl GaatTeai Helm Rarnor Clair A cUm "Be" Kynor ChrloUe Pierce Hnw Rigs Robert UeKln al Auchinclaa imm Henhalt BMuhf .....Beavaia Gilbert "ti Vccu" frank Bar Jim WUsoe-.. mdaricx Starr ParKs and Resorts pOLUMBIA BEACH When Columbia Beach opens its gates this morning it will be a thoroughly overhauled park. For the last few weeks, crews af men have been engaged in getting the bath ing resort en the Columbia In shape and today many aew amusement features will line the beard walk. Bathing will be the main attraction, with three floats placed conveniently along the beach. A chutes has been in stalled for the amusement of the bath ers. As in the past, a life guard will be on hapd. The beach is an ideal one for the chil dren, who are admitted free at aU times and for whom special entertainment fea tures have been provided. The merry-go-round, the fervis wheal and the miniature railway will be run ning and for the older persons in search of excitement there will be hydroplane flighta The big new dance hall. Just been erected, will be used far the first time. The upper portion ef the build ing will be usee far dancing end the lower is eeeupled by cloak and rest rooms. The gas kitchenettes and other facil ities for picnic parties are In shape. AU buildings have received a new coat ef paint, the flower hexes have been re filled and new shrubbery has been planted about the park. Basks .Obarlas Murphy RIVOLI "BftiTiae" Brai Bidxewar ) KU M.rtla ) Psolia rdrirk Fred Martin Milun Sill Cyrus Rideewey Balsa Lawis 1 te I'nppl Bsjmond HUlu i.iuie till in Ulaa Stoa CrippM Babr Hobart KUr 'wi, vim staut son ie S stair. theatre, reports that ' COLUMBIA What Ererr Woman Kjiovt" Maasi Wyli, Leb VTUaoa John Shaad Conrad Naad Abck Wyiie .('harl dSlf 1 Tia wrua, , : ma neatly Wylia. , . . . V enable. JaSMB Charles Sybil T as tardea Cerate da 1 limn Scotch Lawyer LIBERTY "To Much Doety Bkoadas virtHU BtavBasarTaa .... Pat MacMnrrea Tyler HUi , Jimmy Rodman ....... "Hovdy" Seeker Billy Dawson , navae .Oa 01ir Winter Hall LUUaa Tnafcer ..Clair MeDowU . . . kosaft. .WeBaee Bald Ames Ayr . Theodore Robert .Jack Rich re Laden UtUefield Gay Hirer ., Henry Johnson . .. .Jack Herbert PEOPLES 'Th Palace of Darkened Wssdow.' Aria Clair Andereon Th Rajaa Arthur Edmund Car Billy Hill Jay Belaaco Asade Christine Mayo Captain Falconer , . ,. Gerald Print Mis Ets ETanhaja Aeal Farrinetas Vinpsus Caldwell raTt Mariayah .Virnaia Nicholas Dnnae Tree Boardmaa TAB RBth Richard J Lucia Daaaahaf . Mm Jaaewey. , .Walter McGrail Gray Tarry Elsie Janis Expects To Eetufn in August Paris, July Is. Ms Janis has closed her season here, after starring for six weeks. Misa Janis haa gene to London and will sail for America some tune In August. Next fall she plans to produce Elsie Janis' Revue In New York under the auspices ef Charles Dillingham, By Freak C Belg 's Paaaioo Pageaat. Wayfarer, will be produced la the Uni versity of Washington stadium, Seattle. July It te M, emitting Sunday. The pageant has been taken to Seattle as Its permanent home and will be produced there each summer. Nowhere alee can this beautiful production be seen, ac cording to the Rev. James K. Crewther. its author, who wrote The Wayfarer while pastor af a gonitis church The Wayfarer was produced first ta Columbus, Ohio, la ills, and although 1 performs neea were given, s lancet aa many psaasae as saw It sought la vain to obtain admission, so great was the press of the throngs seeking entrance to the gates. Ia New York The Way farer ran for flee weeks at Madison Square Garden Montgomery Lynch, who produced aad directed the pageaat in Columbus, ia a Seattle man aad Is aew training a chorus of 3000 voices for the pageant. In ad dition to the singers there will ha 1000 other participants. In Columbus and New York the choruses contained only SJ00 voices, so Seattle's chortle will be the largest .ever assembled aad trained to sing the music of the great masters. Mrs. Lynch, who was the accompanist at Columbus, is also the organist at Seattle. But when the pageant Is produced ia Seattle an orchestral band of more than tOO instruments in addition to two grand pianos and an organ will be u The story of The Wayfarer ia Intensely religious and fascinating. Wayfarer is symbolic of doubting, wandering bu ntanity. in a war-blasted village of Flanders, Wayfarer steads aghast, Ur the destruction and death of rltled by battle Under the guidance of Understanding Wayfarer is shins the way af the Cross ia the world ef men. Understanding takes Wayfarer ta the rivers of ancient Babylon, where he beholds the faithful remnant of the captive Jews in prayer Wayfarer sees their faith re warded by renewed hope In the coming of the Wayfarer then la transported te the plains of jBdea. He experiences the thrill that weat over the earth ss the shepherds watched their flecks aad the Mseeish was bora. The angels appear with ' Qlad tidings of great ley Before the gates ef Jeruealem Way ferer sees the triumphant entry ef the Christ, the crowds waving shouting hsaannaa. The Si assess ale hail their Messiah. Wayfarer learn af the sraaaflsiss and does not comprehend until understand ing explains the victory ef the Cross and its tree meaning, Still under the guidance af Under standing. Wayfarer visits the Messiah's tesah. They are Just ta Unas ta two Mans setae with stMaas ta anoint His body The stoa rolls aay. War fsrer beholds the empty teeab and re allxes that death has bean eenauerei Hua vision new cleared. Wayfarer sees the nations of earth threes ging through the portals leading to the CJolden Age. A realisation of the New Jerusalem aa folds before Wayfarer's eyas. Geo. M. Cohan May Join Ball Magnate Clique r BO ROB M. COHAN'S offices ta New y York, which he opened a snore ago after his saps rat ton tram H Harris, have been alaaad. The i office force has been tjgajisiil Mad aU departraenta. including production, pea. licMy aad play- reading, have been diS coaUnoed. All of the six umngajsg Cohan had oa the read in "The Meanest Man In the World." "Mary" aad Tn TavafW- have closed, although several ef them were booked until Agguat 1- All are sakfl te have been playing te profitable bust neea. la "The Tavern" easapany Cohan awe appearing, to demonstrate, ha saka. that he ws the greatest actor in tne or 14. This leaves bat one Cohan at -The O'Brieq 0.rt" which is playing to big easiness In the Trsmsnt theatre in Boston. It will probably eeav tiaee there indefinitely A see rd ing to Us heat available Infer. matien. fJufglgwUI fulfill g lngea preaeed dee re te make a rtp with baseball team Unemployed asters of the rriara club. of which Cohan is sull abbot (it will be reseesneered he re lamed from this eeet- I frees the club at the time of his previous retirement' ) are areang ing te give performances ta various etios on the seeps re ttvo ptsa to age istesp over the msnmer Hkeseos Heading the list of names ef uneeapleyed Friars on the bulletin board at the clubhouse, who win pert kti pete in this enterprise. Is of Cohan. It was written there by Cohan himself, er by isms in 1 whf sen dangerously duplicate his signature However it is admitted by Cohan s former saoocl's that he win net make the trip with the Friars, but will merely give the venture his moral support. After he eeenpletes his baa nan trip khan If awing te Europe While he characterless this trip purely as vaca tion, it is said that he will study the field there very carefully. John Meehaa, who has long been Co han's general stage director, emergency sctor sad heady man, has already sev ered his connection with the organ na tion nd is aew staging George White's "ScandaU af lUl" After he finishes Mhaa wlQ bases.' s producer ta bis ewn right- Hia first production will be a drama, "The Making or a at upon which he will start as aeon as completes his work ea "Scandsls " No announcement haa yet of the future plana of Kdward W. Dunn. personal representative of coaan ana with whom he has boon eaaseiem for saany years. It Is believed, however, that he wl remain la Cohan 1 employ far the time being, siscjag 99 mm Mm Meantime there are a prober ef there aad eean poo re who ware, la 1 rieasenabto for Cohan s shows that 1 Maa ta the World- aad Ta vera" slapaa ta eater a few af priaetaal cities this season, aad at) have bean profitable ea the read several years to eetne. Ne) oae eoeaai resw what will bappea .te them now. "I am withdrawing from th with a great deal of regret," Cohan ft leada. "I am not doing It being fares d into 1L if I could stay retain say self -reap scL I would do Same ear, perhaps. If y can a way. and Whan lager no longer hag strangle hold ea the prsfi salsa. 1 saay he able to retugfi.' Julia Sanderson t Marry Produoer. 8a: Riimor8 From Got Miss Julia Sanderson, star of the Maaaeal oa reedy 'TeJlgeftue., ry again, this time Carls Carle lea. dacer of "Tangeriae." was fermerty the wife ef Teal Slenn, tachey Neither win eoafirm the Miss gandsrnsn has pat af both producer aad sggita far leng that even stage ehreelclers have meet forgcttea aha was enee a Clpdcrslts af the owelntflsls s went te New York and I nta the Saubarta office, where f mptly eeeured an engspesaoat er.ri est the etreaath af her sweet amsatsna vena an ea at the start aad frankly admitted tasew nothing about act ing This frankness ss startled the gam 8 Shubert that be kept aa era her during rehearsala she tasew g tat about that rarest stage sataieveeacnts being natural. etas learned every fan sis rasa, happened aa the epentag night ef m tana " at the Wrte theatre, Julia da ream suddenly supped fate the tit role aad became truly "a star ever Bight." This talent, which the astuteness af " Shubert dissevered SO early was foetered by Charles Pro h mar. and Charles B. Df lingham and. according te Carle Carte teek, stiU eeastltutss Miss sndsrean's unkeaa eharsg, iCBBIT COMEDY DOSE Jimmy Akdjssy haa computed hu new inanity. "Xfas Risu" Jimmy appears ad an amateur golfer, who finds a deteetrve badge ea the links aad foolishly plan It ea his saw. ' After that ho hag aseayh than the usual trials aad tribal rises at a beginner at the aneiaat and tensrsjkfg Owen Moore soon begins 'The PorgatUrs," a "A Divorce of Convenience HPHE OAKS With en naae laid in a X Nsw York cabaret, "The Winter Garden Girl," the latest revue to be of fered by the Oaks amusement park, will open Monday. One of the particularly entrancing scenes will feature sains Lucile De Nevers and the beauty chorus singing "Broken Moon," while a pretty maid is posed in aa electrical moon in the background. Mtas Eva Gregory will sing a lata novelty song called "Tunes They Croon ta the Old U. & A.." assisted by the full chorus of singing and dancing girls. Alan Mac Donald, a recently added baritone, will sing "The Thoughts Wrote In My Heart" and "A Dream of the Last Walts Witt You." Lucile Waldroa and the chorus have a comedy sketch entitled "I Guess III Soon Be Back In Dixieland," wherela the chorus Imitates various kinds of passenger trains. Maris Celestins has an un usually good comedy specialty. The fe male trio in "The Wans Wang Blues and the male trio staging "Honolulu Byes" and other songs, with a final sketch by the entire company, are ad dltional special features. The latest effort of Miss Gregory Is even better than the standard she has set In the previous snows. Patronage to the park is increasing aad shows a substantial Increase over the attendance of last year. It is said. If the weather warms up Manager Cor- dray atwdiots ens of the beat years be has experienced far several seasons Alger Was Truthful If Neilan Is Proof . Marshall Nedtan alkas "Mickey- proves that Horatio Alger's works were not ell fiction. Ten yearh ago -Mickey" was earning fit a weak filling la aa atmosohere In a San Francisco stock company. Today he Is at the head ef a company which turns out a product grossing tt.OOO.OCg a yog. Kxdttaa aeeaea ta a gtrTu reforms torv are Pictured ta Blaine Hammer- "Handcuffs or E7CS ss' ssa-ii i,ai mm wm II II H -TaKE CARS FIRST AND ALO! STgXttV FARES 6 n PflKIJIAN FVIellCX STARTING MONDAY, JULY 18 THE WINTER GARDEN GIRL" New Isejfl, Haw Dances MW C1 Effacta Tke Biggest aaei feet Show in tke City for tne Price BIST RESERVED SEATS 20c AFTERNOONS AT 3 EVENINGS AT t New is tke time for Organisations, Club, arrange dates for Outings, Picaiee, splaodU facilities. Free Teases, 30 te of etc. ( Real Treat -Guaranteed Attraction t r i i i o theatr e A . tl lreadway a T s y 1 e f J 6 NIGHTS Beginning -FOPCLAB FRJCB MAT. WED. TOMORROW (Monday, July 18) -8 FECIAL PBJCB- MAT. SAT. The Smart Musical Comedy Hit P i COMING! For Limitod BtlS BtlB AUGUST 1 HEILIG THEATRE D. W. Griffith', Greatest Way Down East The supreme film sensation of the nation. The incomparable epic .t 4k. . ..... -i-v- .... . 1 - .1... irrt. . b:.l s . j . ,1 u ANTAGEsT" 3l raeercaied TasdseBss Bisadasy at aider Matfaee Dally iS. Twlee Hlgbtly 7 aad Pepalar Prleei WEEK COMMENCING TOMORROWS MATINEE WILLIAM BRANDELL PRESENTS "THE GREENWICH VILLAGERS" with Johnny Dyer, Earle B. Mountain, the Serf Sisttrt Company of Greenwich Artist Models WS asy JTkGgnktkA num. Csas HBgia gSBt rliagBgslgsaygrf FBIC -BTBB1BCS- ADD IS PKB CB5T WAS TAX Floor Balcony, s Balcony. 4 rows. . Balcony, it rows. GaL. 7 rows ree. . GaL, admission... H-sSJ S.00 Ltd I 1 00 ! WlOJCEsDiT XATI5EB Floor $1.56 Balcony Ltd Gallery, rsasr ill and admlaeioa.. AO At gFKCIAL TUBS AT MAT, 1 sxsw sews lac; Balcony. 17 rows 1-0S I Gallery, 7 rows. .77 I Gallery, adm.. .. J ' 1 " Ticket. Now Selling LYRIC and Perry & Pcppino Btars Davcy Ji la "As Ten Uke If Purple Riders" PoelU vely the Leo Greenwood & Co. In Henry & Adelaide la -A Chance in PintafB Oi cIwsbiU a MUSICAL COMEDY KEATING & FLOOD, Owners i i i STARTING THIS AFTERNOON 'A COLLEGE VAMP' In this merry little comedy everyone on the stage is mistaken for an escaped convict. Ike Leschinski la looking for a real wicked man and hopes to get the ail bird to tell the story of his life, so Ike can make a novel of the yarn. The college vamp has plenty of vamping to do. ROSEBUD CHORUS IN ALL ITS PRETTY GLORY I I Tuday night, Country Storm. Friday night, C Girl Lyric matinees great bargains 10 and SO cents. Every t. . fl nn,i K.i WTmArtt