The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 17, 1921, Page 32, Image 32

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Engagement of
Miss Peters Is
Told By Parents
rpHE engagement of Miss Elisabeth
X Peters and Mr. Edwin Blnney Jr. baa
been announced by the parents of the
bnae-eiect, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. ra
ters ot Irvtngton. Miss Peters was a
student at Pin Manor, the graduate
school of Wellesley, Mass. Mr. Blnney
is a member of Beta Tbeta Pi fraternity
and was a graduate in Jane from Tale,
where he is a member of the swimming
team which will sail for Honolulu July
20 with the Tale crew. Miss Peters left
Friday for the South to attend the swim
mine meet in San Francisco. The wed
ding will take place in August in Port
committee of women has been
chosen by the mayor to look after de
tails for the entertainment of visiting
women In the city during this week who
are on their way home from Los Ange
les, CaL, where they have been guests
of the Elks' convention. Mrs. George
L. Williams Is chairman of the commit
tee for the reception of the visitors, Mrs.
Harry Green will have charge of infor
mation booths at the hotels for the con
venience of the visitors, and Mrs. J,
Curtis Simmons of the Portland Rose
society, will supply the guests with flow
ers during their stay in the city. It
is expected that-about 1800 visitors will
pass through the city during the week.
The Illinois society held Its annual
picnic Tuesday evening at Laurelhurst
park, which was attended by a large
number of Illinoisans and their friends.
After supper was served an Interesting
talk was given by Mr. J. E. Gratke on
the exposition planned for 1925. The
Illinois society pledged its full support
in helping to make the fair a success.
The first fall meeting of the society will
be held September 13 In the assembly
rooms of the Portland hotel. Plans are
being made for a large meeting in
September. ,
About 20 friends of Miss Helen Wheel-
ONE of the attractive brides of the summer season was Miss Dorothy Englehart, daughter of I
Mr. and Mrs. George Englehart. whose marriage to Mr. David E. Kellogg Jr. of Seattle I
Miss Curtin Is
Made Bride at
was solemnised at Trinity Episcopal chapel last week. Dr. A. A Morrison officiating.
and Mrs. Kellogg will make their home in Seattle.
It. A
er honored her with a luncheon at the
Benson hotel Saturday. Among the
guests were Caroline Barbey, Ruth Ehl
ers, Lucille Hickox. Marion Schoch
Madeline Ryan, Ida Scoggin, Nettie
Meyer, Vera Warinner, Margaret Gam
ble, Betty Ziegler, Alice Hugill, Ruth
Endlcott, Mabel Reynolds, Dora Scoggin,
Florence Smith and Frances Wiley. Miss
"Wheeler is a talented young pianist and
is planning to leave for the East soon
where she will travel as an accompanist
for a musical company.
Interesting visitors in the city are Mr.
and Mrs. R W. Emerson of Washington
D. C, who arrived this morning to be
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Wilfred T. Stott in Laurelhurst. Mrs.
Emerson is a sister of Mrs. Stott, whose
mother. Mrs. Helen Dodge, arrived from
(jnicago saiuraay 10 visit ner son-in
law and daughter during the summer
The regular Thursday evening card
party was held at Laurelhurst club
Prizes in "500" were won by Mrs. M
A. Swearinger and W. B. Haines. In
bridge the. prises were won by Mrs. C
D. Christensen and J. D. Boentz. The
regular Thursday dance was held at the
clubhouse, with a large attendance.
. .
Miss Zelma Ziegler Sauvain of Port
land and Mrs. Elsie Krieg-Bolt of Leba
non sailed July 8 on the Mlnnedosa
for the British Isles. From there they
will visit France, Belgium, Alsace
Lorraine, Switzerland and Italy. They
will sail from Liverpool September 6
for Hew York. They were both mem
bers ot the June, 1921, class at Mon
mouth. ."
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Dlshong of Omaha,
Neb., and their daughter. Miss G re ten en,
sura in the city visiting at the home of
his sister, Mrs. G. C. Pewtherer. Dr.
Dlshong served with the A. E. F. as
captain with base hospital 49 of Ne
braska and la a prominent specialist in
mental and nervous diseases.
White Salmon, Wash, July 18. The
Eyrie was the scene of a number of de
lightful motor parties last weekend, one
party Including Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Bruun, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Grif
fith, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Prael and Dr.
and Mrs. A. E. Mackay.
Mrs. D. E. Taylor and Mrs. Lewis
Sondheim of this city spent a few days
In Pendleton at the home of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boothby.
last weejc
White Salmon, Wash-, July 18. Mrs.
M Wiley, with Miss Clarissa Wiley.
Mr. Joseph E Wiley, Miss Kate Corbett
and Miss Helen Calbreath, spent last
weekend at the Eyrie.
. e
White Salmon, Wash.. Jury 18. Mr
and Mrs. F. C. Knapp and their family
were guests at the Eyrie for the week
Miss Bertha Enderly, secretary from
ice rmxiaio, n. x l. w. (j. A- was a
visitor in the city during the past week
at the home or her cousin, Mrs. 8, B.
:Bfe -iA hb?3bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9bbbbbbb! wbtfii
,- 0
I BsaassV sbbbbbbL
stopped at various points of Interest
along the route and will visit California
before returning to her home in the
East. She was. a classmate of Miss Marie
Rockwell of Portland at the Bible
Teachers Training school In New York
city and with Miss Rockwell was enter
tained at luncheon Wednesday along
with Mrs. Robert H. Tate, religious di
rector of the local Y. W. C A and Miss
Oril Henthorne.
Mrs. C. H. Chambreau has as her
guests her daughter, Mrs. Harry M.
Bouvy of La Grande, and Mrs. C. G.
Dougherty and daughter Barbara Ann
of Fresno, CaL
The alumnae and active members of
Chi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega are re
quested to be present at a business
meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
Library hall, room E.
The marriage of Miss Thelroa McEwen
and Freeman Thronson has been post
poned because of the serious illness of
Mr. Thronson's father.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neustadter and little
Jack Neustadter have left the city for
Seaside, where they will spend the re
maining Weeks of the season.
The girls of the Beaux Arts society
will entertain with an informal dance
Monday evening.
Mrs. M H. Lam on d was hostess Wed
nesday for an informal luncheon at
White. On her way West Miss Enderly Columbia Gorge hotel.
Shoe Sale
$1.00 Pair
Woman Outdoes
" t RS. N. A. VYSE, oldest resident of
ItJ. Glenhaven park, outdid her great
grandchildren in the classic game of
"duck on the rock" when four genera
tions assembled at Dodge park last Sun
day to honor "Grandma Vyse on her
seventy-fifth birthday. The party, num
bering about IS people, went to the Bull
Run outing spot by automobile, and
spent the day along the river..
"Why don't you Join this game?" de
manded one of the youngsters in the
midst of the romping, shin-damaging
pastime. "I'm too old," Mrs. Vyse re
plied, but Immediately proceeded to get
in and knocked the duck off the rock be
fore the nimblest of the others could
get near enough.
Mrs. Rose Coursen-Reed who has taken
the Pattullo cottage at Ecola for the
Mr. and
season, had as
Mrs. James R. MoCracken
Mrs. John D. WUoox.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Aver art enjoying
a motor trip to Seattle and into British
Mr. and Mrs. Holt W. Cooklngfaaaa
are spending the summer at GearharL
was a visitor ta
the guest of her
Mrs. David B
BBBH she is
aunt. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. X W. Sanders and Mrs.
H. C Ashby of Tulsa. Okie,, arrived on
flaailsi morning, after a tow of the
Orient, and are the guests of Dr
Mrs. Ousts re E
Mr. I 7ANCOTJvTO. Wash.. July
V pretty wedding took place
I home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Curtin at
Barberton Tuesday at high noon, when
their daughter. Miss Margaret Curtin.
became the bride of Donald H- Perctval
of Vancouver. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. M CT Donald beneath a
large wedding ben hung from aa arch
of ferns and orange blossoms.
The wedding march from Mendelssohn
was played by Miss Catherine Montptar
of Portland. Just preceding the cere
mony Miss Montpler sang, accompanied
on the piano by Miss Margaret Con
nolly, also of Portland. Miss Frances
Curtin, sister of the bride, was the
bridesmaid and Clifford Munger was
best man.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served to the bridal party
and the immediate relatives and friends.
A wedding bell of pink roses bung over
the center of the table and at either end
the large white wedding and bride's
cakes ware placed.
Mr. and Mrs. Peroral left by automo
bile for a wedding trip to the north
beaches. They will be at home to their
friends after July 10 at their new home
in Vancouver.
Mrs. Perctval Is the daughter of Mr.
Mis. A. M Curtin of Barberton.
She began her school days at the Provi
dance academy of this city and gradu
a ted from Tmmamlstta scademy in
Mr. Perctval la the son of the late
mayor of Vancouver and Mrs. C R. Per
ctval. He Is a graduate of the Van
couver high school.
event of Interest this week will
be the "Prom." midsummer water car
nival and dance, to be given at Wlnde-
muth Friday evening.
Among the features will be the exhibi
tion diving and swimming contests by
local stars at 7 o'clock. There will be
representatives from all the colleges,
which promises to make it the largest
water carnival given by the students.
A large attendance Is expected at the
dance for the latter part of the evening
This will be the chief attraction and
the committee in charge is working to
make It the best dance of the season.
These socials are given for the students
of the various colleges.
A meeting was held last Wednesday
evening and the following chairmen
were appointed: Bus Douglas, swim
ming and diving committee; Douglas
FarrelL canoes. The committee for the
dance Includes Frances Lounsbury. Earl
Clark. -Elsie Clodius, Albert uugan
Arthur Base, Alma Schart, Marjone
Kruse. Elisabeth Wiggins and Edward
Burness and Curt tea Philips.
The Kl wants club of Portland will give
a picnic and dance at Montrose ParK on
Columbia river highway ruesaay ai.rr
noon and evening. The committee on
nrranrements includes Messrs. Charles
Via Horn. H. P. Harrison and R. H.
Sip-ham. A program of rsces and stunts
will occupy the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Miner left the
eitv Saturday for Manila. P. I- where
Mr. MHIer win be a member of the fac
ulty of the University of the Philippines
Mrs. Herbert D. Lsndls and son, Her
bert Jr., are visitors in the city from
Halt lakt eitv St the home of Mrs.
T-andls- Barents. Mr. and Mrs W. D.
Miss Elisabeth Patton and Miss Jean
ette Bewail are spending a few days at
Nlmrod, near Eugene.
Mrs Folger Johnson and her young
son. Folger Jr.. have returned rrom
visit at Seaside.
Mrs. Msthew P. Beebe Is s visitor for
a short time at the Columbia Gorge ho
tel on Columbia river highway.
Mr. and Mrs Reads M Ireland are
making plans for a trip to British Co
lumbia. They exppect to leave the city
by motor Monday.
Mr. sad Mrs.
have left the city for
sail h) a short time tor
sent a lew w
to be ab-
Mabel Helaer left the city last
week for Southern Oregon and Cali
fornia. She la making the trip by motor.
Mrs Arthur Robinson Is s visitor is
Eugene at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Rooms and of Mr. sad Mrs.
W. Sims for the next few
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith
last weekend at Nlmrod, near
Wedding Comes
As Surprise to
Couple's Friends
Miss Barbara Stanfleld. daughter of
Senator and Mrs. Robert N. Stanfleld
smIt manv friends was tne mar
to Mr.
the ML Tabor Presbyterian church.
Saturday evening, the Rev. Ward T. Me
Henry officiating.
The bride Is an attractive and popu
lar Washington high school student and
the youngest daughter of Mrs A B
McEwen and the late A B. McBwsn.
who was s prominent Eastern Oregon
Mr. Thronson is the son of Mr
Mrs T. C. Thronson of this city.
After a short huusjuxiss the coupst
wtB be dosslcnsd at the horns of tM
bride's mother at 88 East IHMoth asms
Mr. sad Mrs B. C Darnell. Mr. as
Mrs Fred Plain, and Mrs Ql ISO's ss
,tr. Miss A. W. TTUrmaa of Kisest
City, were sssmhsrs of a party was
dined at Crows Point chalet Ssnssi
their way some from the upper Co
lumbia River highway.
Mrs Ansa Newman of
Is s visiter m the city at
her sos m law and daughter.
Mrs J alius tntessna. for the
Press a. Cat
the home mt
Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs H A. Webbs
day on a two months motor trip to CaB
forsia. They aspect to spend most of
the time at the heachei in t
Mrs Owen R Maris en torts toad s few
gtri friends Informally at her homo St
ITilsw street Wednesday afternoon.
Knight Shoe Company
342 Morrison, Near Broadway
Eye Troubles
gERKXJS ailment, soseo-
neglect ot the eyea. Prob
ably 90 par cent of all
haaiiachaa ers duo to eye-
troubles are
.1 . ,
rocny to poor'
Our method of
bios sw to 'correct
fault sad s
U thus assured!
Exanomatkm Fre Satis.
saving. Bring your eye
Orsxt IsstsO
BMOt will sp
in tus
J sly St)
when I untied the box! There were first, the
bath supplies that 1 put away In the top drawer
of the dear little wardrobe that Tom rot yes
terday. Not a thine was omitted there was a
cake of pare castile soap, sanitary wrapped a
box of boric acid, a can of finest baby talcum
powder, a bottle of olive oil, a jar of vaseline,
and a package of medicated absorbent cotton.
Then there was the softest cotton receiving
blanket, the first thing that is to touch my baby!
Two soft Turkish knit bath towels, three
little blue edged wash cloths, and a large blan
ket of the same material, edged all the way
'round In blue! And the cunningest little quilted
padl Even the baby's little bassinet has not been
forgottena fine piece of rubber sheeting, and
a double wool fleeced crib blanket with dainty
stripes and cunning blue ribbon binding! I
put these things all away, as there is nothing
to do but use them when the time comes. Tom
came home Just then and took me out for a
$22.50 Up
388 Morrison St, Near Park
ft 1 1
to us.
Jewelers and Opticians
240 Alder, fit
when 70a can reduce
your weieht a pound a
the only NATURAL way? No drugs. Consultation free.
If you live out of the city write for FREE information.
Only Establishment at Itn Kind in the Wast
PerUasd. Or.
oppinq 7
"There's one girl," said Patricia the other day, "who is positively the
most fascitis tine thine in this entire city, and it's every bit a matter of clothes.
She's just pretty enough to be easy to look at and I even doubt if you'd feel her charm
if it wasn't for the fact that every time you see her she impresses you as being a differ
ent nrson. And at last I discovered how she did it. You may see her at ten in the
mornine, digfrine. around in her garden with the most boyishly fetching overalls on and
at one o clock she is tne typical sportswoman mncmng ai uic country emu. ones iouici
sophisticated then and has added several years to her appearance. 1 nen at -our in tne
afternoon she is undeniably French in her beautifully dark tailored suit and has the
interesting air of a woman of the world. And just when you have begun to notice this
fact, she saunters across your horizon in a guileless frock of white organdy sashed in
blue." Ever thought of giving yourself variety in this manner?
Better Than
a Cold Medal
Real merit lnrartably is recog
nised, sad it seems mlshty stmin
cant to me that the Btilham Sta
Uonery Company nas been chosen
to supply the stationery and en
irrsvlng for the many letters that
Gorernor Olcott and the different
mayors of Oreson are sending out
across the country about the 188
Fair. Don't yon think so? Tears
of perfecting their own engraving
department and a well earned repu
tlon for carrying the highest grades
of stationery have brought them
this honor. And so I wasn't a bit
surprised to find In glancing over
their correspondence paper to find
some clever new innovations that
are sure to appeal to women who
are discriminating . In their choice
of stationery. Whatever your needs,
they can surely supply them. Fifth
and Oak streets.
A morning attire suitable for a
busy young man of four summers
msy consist Of a. brown dotted
Swiss smock, linen trimmed end
worn with brown poplin trousers
that are very straight and nifty
The Call of the
Camping Trip
struck me with full fores as I
browsed around the camping de
partments of the Honoyman Hard
ware Company. I decided there was
nothing to It when one might buy
such remarkable outfits as they
showed me. Folding beds that were
wonders; tables that reduced to
nothing on the trip : sir maitrsoses
and plUows that I am sore wtll beat
the fir boughs I once tried to sleep
on : but the biggest find of all was
their Hardy's -Camper's Friend
A marvelous invention which looks
like a nice stsed box resting on the
running bosrd but which unfolds it
self to give forth as if by magic all
the cooking utensils yon need, a gas
stove, your coffee pot. in fact,
everything that the "cook" needa is
In that one box. And the box Itself
develops into a two-tiered table!
And. of course, my feminine mind
cannot overlook their khaki, Pux
Bak. ' Will Wear and Aladdin
hiking suits I'm not exaggerating
when 1 say that they have the best
In town ; the best in style, fit and
material. And you can't help look
ing mighty attractive ana jaunty u
jrounn ana aiuoi
a thing that she is stfll raving
about as she continues her rounds.
Strawberries seem personal friends
when one learns that they grow os
the Columbia Highway, just about
two miles above Multnomah Falls
And personally. I consider Mr. W.
J. Franklyn a most modern wlssrd.
for it is through his cultivation that
we get the chance to buy these
berries from either of the two
Haselwoods But remember, the
season Is st Its height for only s
few weeks, so dont delsy to open
the eyes of your guests with aston
ishment by serving them the best
strawberries in the whole world.
There's no "fish" about this tale, as
a glimpse Into the windows of the
Hasslwood Restaurants will prove
to you.
Gold to match the wearer's frock,
round to suit the youthful charm
of her face, and ltrht because It la
summer was a little felt hat with a
matching feather that curled be
comtnrTv over the cheek of a little
Miss that I saw yesterday.
For the
Fall Wedding
urn oh that the Marineuo
shop holds over the ordinary beauty
parlor. Their facials do not put the
beauty on your face, but bring tt
out Their permanent wave is
given by artists and results not In
a carved looking head of stiff an
gles but a mass of gleaming, shim
mering waves that Is exquisite IB
Its nsturslness Second f
Broadway building.
"Any weather, any destination,"
says a voluminous khakl color mo
tor oast of wool velours with collar
and cuffs striped with Unas of
white wooL
The Tench Thai Telle
may be small aa the tip of a cigar
ette or large as the season's hats,
but the difference It makes la aa
great aa the proverbial Inch on a
noss A bit of brilliant embroidery
on s somber frock; s U sooty of
delicate hemstitching on the sneer
blouses of the moment ; Blastings
thatt draw the eye to s distinctive
neckline or cuff ; those are the tail
ing touches, and you will find them
executed with the acme of stylo at
K. Stephen s shop, on the ssoond
floor of the Broadway building,
The smartest thing towear und
a smart motor cost would bo
wear under
waist -coat of orange auvetyn
quilted with rows of black and
white stitching.
Ohhh, Baddy!
lee Cream 'rt Cake!
And all for a dime! Of course,
kiddles are supposed to like Ice
cream and cake the best, but I'U
warrant there's many a grown-up
that will make it a point to go into
one of the two big Coffee Cup lunch
rooms between 8 sad 8 In the after
noon. Just think of ft J Frosen
custard French Ice ei saw, every
spoonful of which is rich and won
derfully delicious And the cake la
flaky enough to melt In your
mouth. Of course, these popular
lunch rooms live up to the reputa
tion they have built for savory and
delicious food In everything they
serve, bwt this seams to be s per
sonal triumph that la bringing a
great deal of delight to all ot us.
Remember. It hi only between 8 and
8 In the afternoon that this big 10
cent offer for les cream and cake
holds good. Park street near Alder
and Broadway sad Washington
Portland ers are beginning to real
ise this year as never before the
unusual opportunities Ussy have at
hand for deitghtrui wees
even longer camping trips. Thar
no seed for us to go tar sway ;
fact, other states are nov
their quota of tourists to Oregon.
Strawberries From Oar
Own Larch M oantain I
80 monstrous in else that tt la a
saying that a baker's do sea makes
a box ! And Polly found from ex
perience that tt took two bites to
abolish ons Their asltclBossssa 8s
There are such delightful new .in
novations tn wedding announce
ments. Bo varied are the designs
that the little bride can choose one
that matches no with her Individu
ality And for this blsnrast event of
her Hfs the Irwin Hod son Company
can assure her of the hebrht of per
fection tn the quality of her sta
tionery and In the exquisite finish
of her engraving. 887 Washington
Poles automaticsUy comes Into
the tlfe of a 8-year-old miss with
the advent of a ruffled eld -blue taf
feta hat and a ruffled blue taffeta
bag to match.
There Are Three Anrles
from which to view the advisability
of visiting the Powers Furniture
Store this week The ebsrm of a
markedly lovely room is rarely for
rotten. and you purchase this
charm tn the lovely Jacobean dlnlnar
room sets and the lovely tapestried
davenports and chairs that titer
are making a special showing of
this week And since all mut
think of the cost of things, tt to
suits a noint to note that the re
duction In prtoos of these sets Is
really greater than one ulv
nc in a sals And with ft all.
credit Is gladly given you. aad
terms can always be srranred
whereby you may have your charm
furniture now and pay for it tn a
manner convenient to you. Third
and Yamhill streets.
when the Paris! en ne smol
and that to very often the cigar
ette becomes a part of her istnras,
matching by its tip. Or It may be
scarlet tipped to hide the rouge
The Charm ot Pool
and Pergola
lend beauty to the summer and fan
garden. But the highest perfection
of effect is only to be ga roes' when
you plan and place those bits of
artistry to the best advantage ta
your garden. They must be sur
rounded and treiused with vtvM
flowers sad backgrounded with
superb shrubs. In the expert
bants of she Swiss Floral 00m
pany, this does not mesa a
great expense, for their experience
In laying out and planning garden
effects has given them the ability
to gain .the greatest value at the
least expenditure. East
As old as Snatn are htsrh eombs
and yet there Is s very new note In
one of green feathers and another
of gleaming kins flatter feathers.
As Lovely em a
Sufi iff 1 err Home
could ask for are the very new
nieces of Reed Furniture that the
Reed Specialty Shoo has Just fin
ished ta shades of old Ivory, weath
ered blue, midnight blue, frosted
brown, stiver grey and golden bine.
These tints are unusually cat lied
out and they are evidence that this
specialised little shoe gtveo you
even more then splendid values: It
glees you the moat exquisite and
artistic of reed furnltuT. 8is Wil
liams avenue. Phone Cast 8808.
The most Important thtnx that
happened at a very smart dance re
cently was s frock of black chiffon
banded tn silver. The wide gynsy
skirt was very fun over the hlos
snd the hem-line fell below the
Are Yarn
a Bonbon Beauty?
What a lot of scorn there was In
Molly's vols 1 the other day whoa
she said .of Jane. -Poll she's hast a
dent a I Basil beauty : the kind that
rube off and drips down her cheeks
with the first tear sad is lost for
ever wtfh the first wrinkle," And
that made me do a lot of thinking.
The face that eaa ranisr a song
without words hss a lasting charm,
and beauty that la like a still Ufa
patathsg ta aadoatabty muf. I've
realised as never before the tri-
"Dress me, dress my dog." says
the modern miss snd fashion pro
vides s motor jacket of plaid lined
with vicuna cloth and wrought
with the monogram of the adoring
mistress for master doggie and he.
too. is fitted oat with goggles for
the drtvs
e e e
It Almost Takes
Your Breath Away
to run across just adorable bits Of
sports wear as the violet, blue and
rose smocks of rajaae that I found
at the Five Dollar Waist Shop, and
then to find on top of all that they
are priced at only five dollars Ton
will find the new Vogue patterns
there, also. Portland Hotel Court.
There are so many delightful
things about a caps It will wrap
around one warmly, or flutter be
hind one coolly, and It to equally
successful st serving as a back
ground ta emphasise one's good
points or envelop one in order to
conceal the bad ones.
"Tired Mother r
Tired a bit by the years she has
spent In caring for her babies ta
bringing them past childhood s
days, Aad somehow, even whoa
Ussy are grown men and women,
she still finds that every moment
of her day ta filled and so she
goes on, always becoming wearier.
Than corues the dsy when her chil
dren, realising how precious she to
to thorn bundle her oft laughing
and excited, for s four weeks' milk
diet and rest treatment at the
Moors Sanitarium. Here trained
and efficient attendants choose the
most nutritious of diets for her.
sad la the midst of one of the kyra
Uaet cardans In Portland, she rests
s new lease en up.
Don't yea wonder If your mother
IT rw n
Lovely as
frock of soft
mia-ht not need this1
Uob, call or phone st the office, SSS
Belring ssTsslsg
summer dead to a
gray cobweb lace over
trron. a no it nas a au-
shell nrnk ch
contours o
ver lining. Way lace
r a array
It, and a few potato
horsehair hat ta
of a