THE OREGON SUNDAY IOURNAL PORTLAND RTINDAV UHVimiR TTTT V 10 1M1 . L I II I I. .. .7- -Vl I IIMM 1I WWW GOVERNMENT PORTLAND WHEAT E Merchant Exchange Bids Have Been Advanced From 5 to 7 Cents During past Week. Jffceat pneet hare tan ea the upsrade IB "he Portland end Chicago market all week, with trading quits active, prices on the various t advanced from 5 to 7 cent per bushel, closing t tl 21 Ftldi) on hard white. Ka ttds wars made Ssturday. In spit of the lower price which the North -west wheat rancher expect to receive for his trap, he also expects Uu to be a prosperous W. owing to the u&usually large yield. As the crop has been above expectations, the farm er will be able to realise neat profit, even at the lower price. a willingness on the part of the majority of wheat grower? to dispose of their erop at present Prices has been noticed by all buyers who hare U) raied the wheat (rowing aecUoaa. Chicago grata market continue to advance following the bad report from the North and South Dakota, section-. Quality of Northwest wheat will be very high thia year, grata dealer era declare. some of the samples trading; aa high as the hard wheat tna Montana, which la always sought for by a certain class. Russell's News bureau reported Saturday the an tire southern and central Dart of It that to parched ar.rt dry, and that there win be no harvest worth mentioning. Thia district is threatened . with a severe famine nest winter. Australian prospects were reported fee bright, but shipment will be light, owing to taw short age of carriers. Range of prices oa the Portland Merchants' Xxchang for the past week hare been: B.W. S.W. W.C H.W. R.S. R.W. Monday 1.18 1.14 1.14 1.09 1.08 1.07 Tuesday 1.1T 1.15 1.14 1.10 1.10 1.08 Wed. .1.18 118 1.15 1.12 1.12 1.10 Thursday Friday . .1.20 US 1.18 1.15 1.15 1.12 .l.ftl 1.19 1.10 1.15 1.16 1.14 PI OCR SeUinw n rices, mill flnnr: Patent. 87.90; Willamette valley brands, 85.30; local traight, 6.10; bakers' hard wheat. $7.25; bak ers' blaeaUm. 16.75; bakers' valley, $800; gra ham. tS.OO; whole wheat, $'5.20; Montana arias wheat, patent, 17.20 07.23 per barrel; price fat city delivery, 15e extra; suburban. 20e HAT Buying price tor old crop: Willamette timothy, fancy, (23.00 0 24.00 per too; East ern Oregon omothy, $2808 per too; clover, 112.88; straw, (14.00; alfalfa, new crop, $1 6.00 16.50 per ten. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1 Calcutta, ?es dametUc. 6c to car lota; last amounts hither. . MiLUSTrrrs MB ma at mm. naked, ton low. 3u.uu; carloads, (27,00. OATH per ton. buying price: Feed. $38.88 30.00, BAKLET Buying price: Feed, (22.00 22.50; brewing, $24.50. SEED Buying price, nominal. FEE DST UFFS F. 0. B. mills: Rolled bar . ar. (46.00 38.00: whale barter. (33 00: al falfa meal $2800: eoeoanut meals. (22.00: cracssa corn, (41.00; whole corn, $39.00 pet ton; Tfhoie oats. $85.00; rolled oata. $38.00; crucxen wneau $51.00; scratch feed. $52.00 per ton. . OATS Merchants' exchange bid: July. No. 2 White feed $28 00 mtiu Aarust. $24.00 Ho. 2 Eastern yellow Ho bids were made on Wheat. 30.00 30 00 HOLLAND'S SEED EXPORTS TO TH rsiTED STATES ISCBEASES General George E. Anderson reports from Rotterdam under date Of tune If) tht the . port seed trad of the Netherlands seems to be in a eery unsatisfactory state. The acreage under cultivation la seed production this year is far smaller than that of a year ago a a result of the treat slump in prices in 1920. This slump was due meetly to the inability of sawraanr ana Austria to say raetr usual sup plies, As a result of the falling off in de mand ias ,ear, considerable stocks Were The export of seeds' to all eswmfriea aa tar teas year nas amounted to only 50 per cent M toe shipments in the same neeinri nf IBM On the other hand, the exports of the prin cipal seeds to the United States has increased materially. The export of caraway seed fell from a value of ever 800,000 gilders (1 gilder equals 42 cents at normal exchange) in the first five months of 1920 to half that Talus to the same months of the current year, while ex ports to the Cnitot State increased from a value of $24,570 to a value of $47,363. Ex portation of other seeds to the United States ha increased proportionately . There have been increased exports ot grass seed, of which toe TJhitad States received a large share, and of Unseed. There waa a large increase in ship ments of sugar beet seed, nearly all of which went to the United States. Meet of the gar den seeds exported showed material fiiiniM POTATOIS ALONG THE COAST tan Francisco Market Ssn Vrsnelseo, July 1$. u. P.)- Old crop nominal: new Carnsts, 1.50; new whites, $1.500 2.00. 31 i nuon iew red. 75 085e; 31.50 0 LIS. Seattle, July 18. tL N. S.) terra, insite. Poiatoes- Takima Gems, 30 ($ 35c; 38 0 238, tea aneeigs Market ls Angeles. July 18. (I. N. S.) P Hew stock, meetly 45 0 50c: poorer. 35 per lug; No. 1 sacked, mostly $1.25; poorer. . 0 1.10; bakers', (2.50. e daisy FRontTK or turn coast 8eattlS Market Seaty, July 18. ft N. 8) gg Select saneh, 88c; pullets. 82c Batter City creamery, 87c; bricks, 38c Cheese Oregon triplets. 20c; Tount Amen- ssa, 25c tea knosles Market Ue Angelas, Cat. July 18 t !t S.) IMUeTT, Vr. 34e: pul Poultry Hens. 12 Jt 31c : broilers. 3stM! fryers, 84c Good Vralt Crop Expected Preewater, Or.. July 16. The frmtemwers Milton -Free water district are realimtm their hep of a sood crop this season. WhUe the eherry crop was not heavy, due to cold winds this spring and the damage to the trees a y, aeo, stall the eherry tonnage was equal to that of last year and the prunes, pears and apples pyemia a good yield. The prunes, despite the dataats by aphis, will probably be double the tonnage of a year ago and top apples are hat ing to be thinned to lighten the tree and to insure food sited fruit Due to- the crop short age in toe East good prices are anticipated, ted as the Oftst of production is less this year, tnoi cations are that the fru t growers, will hat a prosperous season. Coinmhla Cohaty ttnudy to Barrett Dayton, Wash., July 1$. Harvesting opera tions In Columbia county will be in tali blast m a few days and the way men Bare teen -appearing this week shows there wtU be no labor shortage. it a anticipated there will be 258,000 mora bushels of wheat than last year, although the aareate is considerably lees. About 80 per cent of the trait is in fall wheat, which a going from ttte to 20 bushels taert ' per sera than tost year, sad toe other ttaka divided between , spring wheat and barley. Spring wheat has failed owing to the anus sally dry season, bat barley always doss wall here. aa Francisco Poultry Market San Frtjielsco, July 16 Hi. p.) Poultry Diwen, uwsn; large Dsns, 3c; b nicks. 20c Fruit and Produce Shipments Solicited If you want Quick returns 3t the top market price, ship us. Write or wire, we will keep you 'posted Ob the mrket. SEND FOR STAMP Reference, The Guide 890k WILsLEY FRUIT COMPANY, INC. First and Washington Sift. PRICES ADVANC FINDS SMALLER NUMBER BUTTER AND EGGS END WEEK HIGHER All Dairy Lines Show Price Increase For the Week Good Quality Stock Greatly in Demand. Portland dairy market continued Its aemse climb dunnc the nasi ate due naak aa it MA during the previous week. Market closed Saturday with a una tone throughout and with a liberal call for high-grade stock. Butter market started the weak at 3c per pound for prints and clo-ed at 40c, with the enee manes at 35c. Portland waa not the only market to show aa advance, as practically every market of any consequence advanced dur ing the week. Further advance in price was predicted Saturday for this week, as the short ate of cream a becoming souta. Mutter prices 'for toe week were: a Port. Chi. rl. T. S. F. Boat L. A. Mon... .88s SSc 40 Vie 41 He 88 48 Ttte. . . 38c Wed. . .SSc She 30 HO 41 He 38c 43c 9 He 42c 41 He 3e 43c 39 He 42 He 41 He 3c 43c 48He 44He 42He 3e 43e Thu. . .3 s0 Fri. ...40c U . .40c 43 He 3Se 44c Ceo prvoee H iurtoe the ec market also rnlerl firmer wuue uis wwe. wufi m ic auviuice in puna. tfexsl etts were rery scarce. rtooetpta are drop ping off daily as the warm weather continues. Pnces on extras for the Weak ware: Port Chi. N. T. S. F. Seat L. A Hna. 2c 2Sc 48e MVS Ms 34c Tue. ,.32e SSe SOo 41 He 36c 85e Wed. ..34c 2 Vie 50o 41 HC 85e $5o Thu. ..30c 28 HO 52e 42c 38c 35c Fri. .,.330 28c 52e 42 H c 38e 37ft flat. ..38c ... 52c 36c 37c Loral cheese market has also been in rood snaps during me past six nays, sad closed Wttn s firm tone Saturday. Prices advanced ic following the double advanea en Wisconsin stock. Poultry markets DruooJo Demand hat been, limited, and as a result the poultry market ha been slow during the Week. Merchants have been sMe to clean up their supply at the market price, but if re ceipts . had been heavy the price would have dropped. a Seest Prices StstKrv Dreeaaft meat prices bald their own durint the week because receipts were light, with the exception of two days, and then the shipments wort not he rv enouth to flood the market. but merely filled the shortage which had been existing several days previous. Barry Prices RSraed , The berry market has been sbedly mixed, ail unas ot prices Deint asaea. some uays ine market had plenty and otner days it was .short. Berry market has been a puzzle to the trade this year owing to the unfilled promises of certain organizations to give the consun cheap fruit They were unable to supply the demand and the trad fell back an the whole salers, who did not have cheap fruit to offer because) they were forced to pay a hither price i or it. WHOLESALE PRICES IK PORTLAND That are prices retailers pay Shelssahrs. ex cept a otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER Selling price, box lots: Creamery, extra, parchment wrapped, 40c lb. Jobbing prices: Cubes, extra, 82 ft 3m lb. ; dairy, buying prices, 17c per In. BUTTEKFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1 grade, 34e; No. 2, 32c; country stations, 2$ ig sue per lb. CHEESE SeOrSg Price: Oregon fancy triplet, 23c per lb.; Tount Americas, 24c par lb.; Oregon-Washington triplets, 17 9 18c lb. Price to Jobbers, t. o. . Tillamook, triplet 20c: Tount Americas, 21a. Selling price: Block Swiss, fancy old. 38 48c: aew stock. (4 m SSc; lunburger. 34 36e lb.; cream bricks. 28 St 28c per m. EGGS Burins price: Current receipts 28 BJ 29e dozen; candled, selling price, S4c; select (Be down. 1.1 VK POULTRY SeSina price: Rsavr h , 23 25c lb.: light hens, 1617e lb.; broil ers, .'ISH3C in. ; oia roosters, iue id. ; tur keys. 88 0 40c lb.; ducks, 22c IB. Fresh Vegetables and fruit FRESH FRUIT Oranses. (4.25 gr 5.75 bos bananas, 10 per pound; lemons, (7 75 ) A OS . . . r ( , WUm T AAA 11.00: California. (2 75 tf 4.50; cherries, 3 melons, 2 03c per lb.; apricots, 82 in lugs (ad teur basket crates: peace ea. lOtii.ou nor. BEERIES Strawberries, Oreson, $2.50 crate. 24; blsekberrin. 82.28; raspberries. 81.25 0 1.75; lrcanberriea, $1.25 07.65. DRIED FRUITS Dates, 86.85; tarda, $3.38 3.75 ner box: fits. 32.00 0 3.50: prone. 70s to 80s, 80-lb. box, 7 He per lb. ' ONIONS Selling price to retailers! Local. 81.0001.30; garlic, 15c lb.; green onion, BO 0 45c deem bunches: new Imperial. $1.00 1.25 crate: reds. $1.68 cental POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Ore ton fancy, $1.28 01.80; new potatoes. 3 He per lb. VEGETABLES Beans, Oregon wax. 14e per lb.; beets, new, sacked, (2.23 per cwt ; do beached. 30o par docea; cabbage, crated, 2c tv . kMMkut an . a Am sacked, 2 He per lb.; cucumbers, faney, 31. 88 0 31.75 box; carrots, bunched. 80s Sea.; do No. 2, $1,26 01.50; lettuce, 8s. 8308 per crate, 65 0 80c per aoeea; parsley, sue per decent seas. 9 10c lb.: peppers, green, 45c lb.: peppers, California dry chut, 80c per lb.; peppers, Mexican dry emu (mimi. sae per m. radishes, local, 83 0 40c per doten bunches rhubarb, Oregon, 6c per lb.; rutabagas, select tl M ner sank: sauash. summer. 4 0 3c ner lb.: tomatoes, California, Merced 83.25 per lug; do The Dalles. $4 per peach box; turnips, new, sacked $2.26 per ct; celery, $1.25 per do. Meats and Provision COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country him 118 14c ner lb. for top blockers, about 128 to 110 lbs.; heavy stuff test; veal, top, sheet 88 to 118 lee,, ic; seavy sum less spring lsmbs, 13 H 0 14e per in. SMOKED MEATS. Ham. 31038s par lb. breakfast, bacon. 25 0C3c LARD Kettle ren red. IT He Ik: tierce basis, compound, lie. ' PACKING HOUSE MEATS Steer beef, 11 V. 1 2c: eases-belter. 8 010c: lamb. 12 0 12He pet to.: yearUngs, 709c; ewes, 6 0 7c Fish and Shsitftsh FRESH FISH Chinook. 15 016c per TV halibut. 150200 per lb.: sturgeon, 200238 h ack end. 10 011c: khmered salmon. 32.35 eer 10 -lb. basket: kippered cod, $3.38; toad, 7 8c per lb.; ling cod, 8c per IB. OYSTERS Eastern, per gallon. 35.00; Olym pn, (5.50. Hons. Wool and Hides HOPS Nominal. 1920 erco. 18 20c HIDES Calfskin, 10 012c; sips. 5 0 8c Sreen hides, 2 0 3c: salted. 3 4e per lb. MOHAIR Nominal. 18ff 22c per lb. TALLOW AND U&EASE No, 1 tallow, 4 Sa 2, 8. CASCARA BABtt New. he: old. 5 He to WOOL Willamette valley, coarse, 10c; me dium, 15c: fine, 20c per to; Beaters Oretea- Idaho. 12 020c per lb. BEANS Smalt white. 4e: large white. 4e; pink, ae; Unas, Tsi; eayou, line tea, 10c lb. HON ET Per case. 8880. RICE Japan style. No. 1, 4ic; Blue Boss, 8 He per lb.; New Orisens head, 8c currst: Boated. 19 0 SIC to sacks or arums. SALT Course, half pound, 100s. (15.50 per ton; 50. (17.83: tab,, dairy. 888 327.33; bales. (3.50 0 4.00; fancy table and dairy (34.50: lump, 828.60 per ton. SUGAR Cubes, 87.65; fruit and berry. 3880; yellow D, 8820; best granulated. 8888; extra C, 36.40: Golden C 8886. CANNED MILK Carnation. Alpine. Borden. 85.15: Astor, 85.05; Eagle, jgll. 00; Ltoby. IMS; Mont Vernon, $5.05 per dhte, BUUA t HACKERS In balk, iTe per lb. NVTS Walnuts. 2S0 32C to; lmonds, 280 owe; lunert. tic in sack lots: peanuts. stfiBc pecans, lite; Braxils, toe. Hope. Pal nU, 01 It ROPE Sisal, dark, lSe: White. 14e per standard Manila, 16 H c UNSEED Oil, Raw. bbls., 81.02; kettle bouea.bbls. 31.04; raw. eases. 81.17: boiles. case?. (1.19 ner eallon. COAL OIL Pearl r water white, to ansa or iron barrels, 17 He tel.; eases, 30 per sal. GASOLINE Iron barrel, 284; cases, fofc per gallon. FUEL OIL mart, tl 10 ttu. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 12 c; 808 to. 40C ID. TVRPENTB.-S Taaka, 82c gallon. Flrtt DellrerT 1921 Wleat ' Spokane. Wash., July 18. Th first skit sad delivery ot 1831 wheat is reported by Peter McGregor, who hat sold 14,600 bushels of bis crop st (1 per bushel. Th wheel is harvested near Hooper and being hauled to the elevator as it is threshed in the field. Mc Gregor reports that a ta running about 85 Basnets to the acre, s hit yield for that sac New York-London Silver Et Tort, July 16 fl X. ft.) bar silver was aaotad aa faBowat chanted today at 94 e; toresra, unchanged at wsa London, July 16. IL K. ft.) aachaaaed at 37 d. Naval stores Market Nation s Markets Will Have Less Feeding A comrvnrative scarcity of feed ine: cattle next fall ssanma smsiMa snwestns to information srathr-rv-d bv the United St a The number of beef cattle on hand January 1 tn Waahing-tori, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming. North Dakota and South Dakota waa 5.000,000, or 400.048 tens uian on January l, tsev. accorainsj represents a decrease of aDDroximatelv above named states the decrease was undoubtedly more than that, some stockmen declaring that in their particular localities Use number of beef cattle available was not more man au per cent or normal. That there' has been a general decrees to the number ot beef cattle to the United States would seem to be proved by the fact that during each of the past 11 months receipts at 88 live stock markets have been lees than during the corresponding month a year previous, the total mrisn tor the fast fire months of 1921 emsuattat to approximately 828,000 head. Furthermore toe fact that receipts of eatUe and calves durint the month of May st such mar kets as Denver, Cheyenne. Salt Lake City, Pueblo, Ban Antonio and Fort worth were in many insane lets than half these of the corre sponding month last year would seem to indicate that the shortate was erriBy great to the range sections of the conn try Open Winter Faeorutols Normally a considerable percentage of the cattle marketed from the mate states consists of stackers and feeders. These are bought on the treat middle western markets by feeders and taken back to the earn belt sad eastern feed lots for fini-hint. The past winter, however, waa vary favorable from the standpoint of to cattle raisers of the Northwest. The weather, as a rule, was miM and sprint opened early. Good tram was favorable at a much earlier date than usual. Calving occurred under favorable condi tions and a subnormal number of cows produced a comparatively high average of offspring. Ex cept for high winds, weather and rant condl- uens nave been toad throughout the sprint, and reports indicate a sufficient supply of gram and leguminous crop to carry a normal snnolv of cattle through an entire year. tdjs abundance of feed and the fact that cattle went onto sprint tram in much better Protest Against Limitation Clause Madeby WoolGrowers H rings oa the French-(tapper truth in -fabric bin bar fust beta sompketed before the sub committee of toe interstate sad foreign com mere committee st the senate, in which repre sentatives of toe National Sheep and Woe) bureau protested th 35 per cent sd valorem umiassaou clause tn tfte wool schedule. Th wool schedule provides a direct duty of 35 coats a pound on toe clean content, but the National Sheep and Wool bureau points out that with tola 33 per cent sd valorem limi tation causa on thai ttthter shrinking wools too actual protection would only amount to about 6 cents per treses pound, and in scans instances less. J. B. Wilson, vice nraaident arm areretarr af the bureau, in to brief which be presented before the ways and means committee on July 12, insisted that it was unfair to be.-, th. mm. ponsstory duty of the textile manufacturers on cent a pound clean content, whereas be cause of this 35 per cent sd valorem limita tion clause the wools rower would actually re ceive only protection of 10 cent a tmnaH dan content on the nthssr shrinking wools. Wilson explained that unless Uu 86 per cent ad valorem limitation Clause is struck rat of the bill, sad unless the French Capner tmth in-fabric bill ta immediate) eeadal law. the sheep industry of the United State Columbia River Salmon Pack Below Normal; Market Dull Salmon pack for 1821 will fall way below normal sad stay he the smallest pack on record since toe salmon pecking buetoses has been an industry en the Columbia river, seeerdtot to ea announcement made Saturday by t leading stoker. With three fourths of the season gone It M estimated that only en eighth ot the normal pack has been pat up. This Is attributed to two causes: First, to the 10 days' strike which occurred at th beginning of the season because the canners would not pay the prise the fisher men tsked. st which dms the fish wets run ning toed. tad. second, to the high water which followed tf her the strifes was settled and which (topped the fish run. Another condition Which win help to reduce the park is the percentage at large fish which are being received, which are put down in aerces ana are not packed in cans. It is doubt ful it there win be over 200.000 full cases U. S. Egg Demands Exceed the Supply Exports of ease from the Cnited State, dur int the first five months of 1821 show s de er of 14.2 per cent when compared with to Stast It tar the corresponding period at 1920. While the imports of etts during th same periods show an increase of 190.5 per cent. The total quantity of etss exported from the United 8 takes durint the tint fly mouths Of 1921 amounted to 10,747,203 dossa as compared with 12.525.899 fa the month of 1920. The total imports of err daring the first five tannins of toe cur rent year amounted to 2.426,226 donee as compared with 836,131 down during the same period of 1920. China a the chief source of the United States' foreign supply, while Cuba a the chief market for the etobtttd surplus. Duriag the first five months of 1921 the United State exported 6.318.316 doxen etts to Cuba and received 1.124.166 dosea frett China Dur ing the corresponding fire month of 1920 ex ports from the United States to Cuba totaled 4.904.074 dotes, while the imports from Chita amounted tn 622.788 doxati. This shows sn amounted w - -increase of 28 8 and of 80.5 per Canada furnished 28 8 per sent ft reports to Cuba cent la imports from China. the second most important market for ears ah toned from this country taking 2.178,945 doten during the first Ore months of 1921, sad during the ssast parted Of 1920 abuut 3,584.000 dozen. Mixed Tone Ruled On Chicago Grain Chicago. July 18. (L St. S.) Lack of oat- side interest and t disposition oa the port at kmts to realise resulted in a lower does far wbeat after Working erratically most of the dag. Corn Sbd eats displayed iadependent strength, fin ishing with sharp gain. July wheat 1 lie lower, September 1 2e off and December 3 down. Core futures closed 102 hither sad cats 1 0 1 He advanced. . Chicago, July Id (L X. S-) Uncertainty featured wheat at the opening today and trade was light. July waa '. t hither, sad Dot em her lie to tte tower. The corn trade was mixed, with Budtaihir steady to He higher aad Pre ember unchanged ta He uo. Oats were lsetHa with Se posts ber sad December anohal 1'ro visions showed strength is (rake, sod started sharply higher of Chicago prices, furnished by toe Uased Press WHEAT High. Opea. 131 138 88 a 61 H , ta 41 Iow 128 H 180 68 8ft 89 41 Oca. 128 181 SIS ills' 1308 1217 tiia, 1120 July sept, Jaly 133 V Us col 66 tv OA July Sept tSL tut Sept. S& 68 PORE LtoBb- Rilr 1120 1200 1318 iiad 1183 1383 HIT 60 Tork Pntitry Markrt New Tork, July 16 (L w. S. tare aoai- OF BEEF CATTLE IN THE Cattle in Fall tea hureiu n market. sM omn otimsi u ine Dureau OI crop estimates. This 9 oar rent In eartsin avtlnns nf the ftosk condition toea Ber that rant cattle will not only Mart mar ket ward earner than tarsal, but that toe averat weight and quality WtU be above normal, ghculd this last condition svaataato it will probably mesa that next tail feeder Mn have to eeu pete with daogbssrem for s Mrger percentage of the otterint than usual, sad to ueh competi tion the siaughtsrer sssjaDy baa aa advantage. Tariff Use a faster Another factor which may be stpsUsd to re duce the number of stock and fstto( cattle a the emergency tariff set Durint 1920 importa tions of beef cattle from Canada amounted to approximately 1 00.088 head. Competent ob servers hare estimated that of amah fft1 cattle fully 75 per cent may be eUaatfied a stock ars and feeders. Most of these rattle are distributed to to feeders of toe middle western sad eastern part of th United fttttSS through the markets at Chicago sad East Buffalo, The fact that to new tariff law Issrnssi I hi a 80 per cent ed valorem en oattl imported tor other than breeding purposes may reasonably be expected to materially curtail these rvw. import. la brief, it can be stated that It she tatori Pated shortage of stouter end feeder cattle ma terializes next tall, it will probably be due largely to: First, a known and material decrease in toe number of cattle to toe rang states; second, a marked improvement tn to average weight and flesh condition of th cattle offered, rendering a larger percentage than usual suitable tor immediate slaughter, sad. third, s sharp curtailment of imparts sf stacker and feeder cattle from Canada. win bo destroyed. la tM. orougnt attention to the fact that the census ntures for 1920 mads public by the govern ment a few days ago, gave toe total aheap population at approximately only 88,000,000. a against oz.uuu.puu 10 years ago. At an illustration of tome of the eravditinas the wtayltrewers are now contending with, Wil son cited the lastsaew ot aa Afisona wool grower who on J vine 1 sad June 13 mar keted 1017 lambs in Chicago, and. after pay ing, the teed bill, frtitht, yardage, commissions and other thereto, was out sf posket 81445.41. Farm orteauaattona and the woeagnrwers are uniting to their effort to tat adequate tariff protection, and at the hearings just held on the truth-in-fabric till not only all the farm organisations sad woolgrower.- organisation, but ales prominent retailers end thousands of women's sad dvic organisation through their representatives, SS wed SS representatives of various other ortaaisationa, anitad in their ap peal for rsamedial enactment of the troth-la -fabric bill. Herman C. Rtttor. a retailer of Taunts town. Ohio, and ea president of the Na tional Retail GlotbJsrs' association, presented a telegram from the Ohio Federation of West en's Clubs, with s membership of 180,000, in which it waa stated that the aetata of thai club were unanimously in favor ot the French Oapper truth in fab no bill. lLim "J eatirs Colombia river this season. Eastern jobbers are sis. alow about piecing their orders for futures this season, owing to the contemplated reduction to freight rates, sffee f,Tf Anjrust 22. Th saw rat will reduce freight charges from (1.15 tn 95 cents, that en abunt a mvtag to eastern houses of shout (200 per ear. The only markets buying futures at present are ocean point on the Atlantic tea board. Aa order for a ear of salmon, ta be p-,1lr wakw' f feeeiv-d Saturday from a New Orleans house by Everdtot ft Farrell. local merchants, who operate toe cannery at Pillar prices sf salmon thia year st th OMnerla hare been announced a follows: CS lumbia river rhlnook 32 10 for H flats, 83.15 re 83 for J4 fats, (ft for Is talis and 38.25 rwr itai. Humors are current that - na. have been shaded oa large orders Umatilla Ranchers Predict Large Crop torwi. uassui Preewater. Weston and Athena the opbaioa st VTemmA. 5T e that there Was aever such s crop of fall wheat In tha valley as at the pret-"t"- CcburrTof MinormTr eounty cammkatfoawr, a authority for the Ttd towtot: The wheat crop in this Jmrt of Cms tills eounty was never better. The acreage a practically the same as last year aad it a aas verasl sll over the eounty." H. ft. Murray, manager of to Peacock MU1 co?aT..t.. eesater. give the foil owing re- FSB wheat m above average end tke oUi.1 ilT'r Prague between and 6,006.000 kushett of toed auallty Wheat The acreat is about the stsss to ta part years jsg will be generally good in both Utht tad heavy soil districts. BPrttg wheat ""se is exceptionally small and th eonditiea is hardly up to normal, but the acreage at to msll that the total crop of Spring and fall whegl wui probably ex read any preview year is tie htotory. Harvest a getting well started and tfte Quality appears to be above the average is so 3 vai nvmpaen oi ine trains are con cerned. There does not sPpear to be more than the usual amount of smut m evtS.n,. At C manioc tha aecocJ cuttira ml .if. If. v.. commerced It is at avcrtart eroo. There will not be s large a crop ss tost year, as eany ot toe ranchers plowed up some of their acreage ta Srcoust tf the small ret am they received for their hay. The labor last year Was high and the hay sold for a .mad nrtee,'' a. GMeaen, aseaaaer of to Fruit Growers' nn Inn rmrti- rha roJiaos'.. -sa. rtea, inehsding Bksaks and Bofal Anns. 41 ears; I cars. 1 Or re WUI a. 4 5 aaea aa euo csi Dried Fruit and New Tork w tork. July 16 (L N. s.) Bean eJaiSto. 34.86; ton kidney, eheic. $11.75. art Dried f roils" Prune Aprleo, choice to e at 037 net 30a to Os. 6 015 H e; 60s fsney. 12 0 1(Hc; fancy. 18 0 81 He. Alberta's Wool Clip far 1936 According to figures given oat by the mary or tea tenHwra Alberto Weal Glowers' association the total .hipmerik. oFtoe pro ttee'S 1618 wool dip amounted to 1.488.844 povavaa. wvan mw ma t a. ft, talariat points prise per petjrsi a 36.88 cents, ta ketog 8422.602. reeetvws tor ta woof La Grande Market Resort Lt Grande, Jaly 16. laarsiihi i itoi and black eaps in the Covg section see en the market now a sngnt a rap ta ta retail prise rmtltod with th ripening of tha Cove crop. Blackcaps are 1ft sees a boa sad loganberries 16 cents. Local anna nsni are uso auanint to eost ea I Mlhteapolls-Dslstk Flax nanth, July 1611. N. ft.) Fist: 389. 91 98; September. 31 99 H ; Otttosi. Ift.81: liwci m imrft, 8d. T3. Mtosamimia. July 16 (t R ft.) jary. l.81 ; isai i at lt. tlift; 1.98; trsck add Srtiv. tl 93 01 94. Maw Tork Potato Market New Tork. Jaly 16 (I. X. ft,) Pseataaa. yraaetstw kartey Market LEADING ISSUES - RALLY AT CLOSE New York Stock Stdmdy Saturday After Going; Through Dull New Turk. Jaty lsti-d. N. 6.1 The stack msrket chased steady Stoy, most at th lesding tomes rallying fractionally from toe low la, ,1a. lorofTTt .nT Je-TSoTeuT IK to 184 14. while Pan American Petroleum rallied nearly X VMM SB 48 V, . Atlantic Huff advanced t 23t, sat Studebaker recovered to 76. Deelfcegs la toe railroad tat were sktssst at 8 isseini Government bends ether bond irrecular. railway Total sales today. 111.300 ss.ess.wvo. Total asset sales tar the weak, 2.079,600 share., beads. 83S.40a.8a8. Mew Tort. Jaly IB. (L K. ft) The stork market was very dull sad unmterssttoa at th earning twday with tradsag almost at a sterartU cmted its us Bteei was unehansstd st 1 1 vt . sad Bald win Uissssstrts reacted H to 72 Bkvyai Dutch ysssted to 64 . ' Pat role. was unehaased at 1 03 a The railroad share w.r fraetosaaOy hither was w jower at TS. Furnished by Overheat 0 Cooks Oa, of Trad buUdtnt: rrtJTi VUiU LOW 1 Adraace IS T2"H a4 18H 1 88 61 70 7 25 88 132 H 106 16 88 10H 50 H 53 ii h 66 86 8a afd, Agr Caess, . . 8e pfd . . . , Ajax Rubber , Gold . . Allied Chert. .. AUls-Cbalseerk . . 8a pfd, Asa. Beet Sugar Am Can. Co. . . 88 pfd. Am Car 4 Fdy de afd Am. Oot, OM . . de pfd Aa Drat Sred . 81 a 31 H 26 25 128 138 Ass MM 0 4 Am. Ic Am. InU Corp. S214 32 Am Id de pfd Am Lora. do pfd Am. Sat. 86 86 US 4 H 6 73 " 36 66 87 46 103 136 116 7 64 8 Am Skip a Oomrt . . . Am Smelter do pfd . Am. Steal fdy Aa Sugar do pfd ... Am. Sumatra Am. Tel. ft Tel...... Am. Tobacco . , do a Acs, Wool 8 6T 8dfk 66 48 a 803 188 138 139 7 67' do pfd. Am W. P. Anaconda . Pfd. 36 ft" 86 82 Associated OU Atchison de pfd AtL. Gujf 0 W. 1..... Baldwin Lose ds pfd . . . , 0 Ohio de pfd Beth. Steel 8 do B B. R. T Butte a Superior Oaafeenia 1'acking California Petroleum ... do pfd . Canadian Pacific Central Leather . , Chandler Motor Chicago a N.rtJb west era . 78 81 7ft 78 37 H 60 87 H ts a 87 H 45. 46 H 10 12 S7 83 H cm. a. w. do sM. rhui dtV. Cbtoa . . 5 M. St, . Aa pfd ........... CesteCsto , .,. c, o. Colo. f. 0 L Cole. Southern Colo. Gas a Kiev Columbia Graph ....... Con. Gas Coos. Citar Contt Ota ContL Candy Cera Pred, ., de pfd Osadea Oil C. R. I. a P. ........ fo A pim. a . do "B" pfd ....... Crucible 8o pfd. Cuba Can do pfd 16 'is' 84 80 H CUban-Amn. Del. a Hudson Itotaa Mi D. Jt R. G do Jfd laidModk-doatBDa Erie do 1st pfd. do 2d pfd. 47 '48 P.mous Players Fed ktlnt. a Smart do pfd. Flak Tir Gaston W ma. Gen. -iters Oca. Flectrte Gen. Motor . Gen. Mot, 6 Gen. Aspkstt Gevsirtoh . Goodyear . Great Ner. Ore t , . de pfd. ......... .... Greene OS a 668 46 Hask Barker Hosstoa Oil Hupp Meter Inspiration . . Int. Agr. Corp.. t Interboro do pfd ...... ,.Sa Interstate Callahan Int. Bare a pfd. Int. Ntekat let Paper d pfd- Island Oil E. S Southern 66 E. 0. See. Pfd . r Kelly-Springfield SBH 85 Kennecott .......... (eyetoa Tir act. Steel if "H Lee Tir Lehigh vi aBey ....... Ix we Theatres Mexkcaa Petroleum Miami t. 10 H 104 H Middle states oa . . . MMvel Steel M. W. A T do nfd Mont W.rd i Pee do old M. it p. as. 8 M . Nat. Lead Rusts Oat ........ New Haven , . Norfolk 0 W Ret. Par. N T. Central ., Otto Prod, ref , Pee. Gas d Etot Partil Ofl. tflt :::::::: 34 ! SBte Pen n. 34 Peo. Gas Philadelphia Co. Part om . .......... Pierce-Arrow Plerc OU PKte Coal Pitte. d West Vt... at tea. Pressed tsei Oar ..... Piaga Readint . !!. IssI! B0latlS Steel ftissbia l a as prd ..j, Royal Dutch OH Ry Steel apt 16 H 1ft 67 . . 45 Sean ii 20 Stand. OU tod Sou PasMt't Sam. Ry ta. 0 ft. r. Carb er ... 8k Oa. . " Teas Pee, Tests Paeifte C d 0 . . . Tat, Pitta ta Trae OtatV Oft Uatoa Oil Del. . W ii aaaa re. L3 ! R. ft.'I.,. NORTHWEST ALL LIVESTOCK PRICES ADVANCE North PORTLAND UVK8TOCE EUR Cattox Calvaa. 718 746 384 lit 11.316 6.483 16.963 13,707 7.887 d.4l tl0S l51 88 141 17 lis 146 tas te zwwstaago .1836 3266 186 4 wwatosg .8866 9886 147 4 wetosago .8866 886 147 ffeaeaage! 883ft 1888 986 Syeamsgo .9868 8188 188 4 yaartago .1986 8166 ftt , Aftl total Uvea took markets Base beea to ased hap toe past sit days. Prkss sa vrytatag has tdvsssad, sad at khe same at to. market y I joes, there wss aa uals-a Mot day aa snaaual i-ao sag market advanced 13 during tha Ttds a s aa eovsnce wuntn tw tin it firm at tkw ssm offered Rseekpte hav. Prime light .812.88 0 13 00 . 16.00 f 11 DO . 6 66 $16.66 . 6.80 808 . 13.888)1800 . 11.0O8l2.0ft Ssaooto heavy. 330-300 lbs. Smooth haavy, S00 ft, up. RrpttT".''.:;:::::::::: reader pita 6.800 868 In Cast Atast Plrst Of toe want the eattl market advanced It rente, but toward the middle ef the - a tweak undertone wss noticed. Ttds eonditien so tost to market is now tha past two week., aneea sd vanctog 76 cants during that tana Otaaial catu sjiitn sassrsi Caotse steam -ST ItXt 878 i86 0 too measagt to toed asset rsir to sardium steers Uhole eowa sad "batters' .".".'." Medio ss good cow. .ed batters 8.66 8.16 5.36 888 6.68 4.78 8.75 2 75 4.60 5.50 888 m 2.78 Fair to ssedinai eowa and Crmtnoo cows and heifer Canners , 1.75( nulla . Choice ft. 08 1 8.081 Fate te graa. 4.881 Casta dairy caress .... Prime fight dairy calve. 68010 06 mi m 4 (0 0 6 60 M tea am inrht dairy Heavy oalvse . .. . Owint to to targe aaaant af coa tract atuff arrtrint la tha teetl alley., to araep sag ftstb amrkete have beea dtfT trait ones to tat s Rao on during tn pat weak. Afthough th tat tavaacad 60 cents on Wedaassday and appeared t be nominally steady. of s weak aad.-vtoae were act sJtcgether tack ins. ssn ot vue mountain lambs hav Oetwral sheep and lamb market rang icral ahsep and lamb market rants: St mountain lamb 7 00 0 7 75 rsOey lsmbs 6 50 0 7.66 good tastht 5 50 0 6.50 Umbs . . . 4.800 6.50 yearlings 4 00 6.60 East er mountain lamb nam raney k sir ko Cull Itoat Heeeg yeertost 3 io 4.88 l.oot wetaem 8.06 4 00 Heavy wether. 2 to (.50 atoet 1.66 0 8.60 ftlmsetuea sf Lteettasft Following was the diapcaito e at Rrsstosft st North Portland far the work Cattle Calves, S. Captor . Tf . . BwaaeU Meat tl 44 1661 1686 S14 iooo 318 822 6t) 42 847 135 8125 168 29 llertcn a Ce. Caraeetas Pkt. .434 . 44 .. 28 Hi ;:4.. . . SS , . 86 !:J . . 78 Oasmbem I'kg. . FafcrahiM. Ray . Fry d Co. ... M. J. GIU . , . . Henry Pkt. Oa T R, Howitt . S Otto . 4 . . . . Behlesmr Bros, . surest t Pkc . swift a GO, . . . carted kfaal .. North Marwltanone . . Through Stork . Oregon Feeders 78 166 117 88 si? is 16 6 8 1 41 16 t9 463 rtr AMERICAN LTVERTOCK PRICKS OriSSM Heat 310 80 Chicago, July 1ft. (T N. ft.) Beea Re ertpta. 6000. Market tcvjv and 150 1 to hisher. Baft. 86 80 0 1 6 50; top, 816.60; betv weight. 37.70 010.35; aMdlem weight. 816.15010.60; Bstot weight. (10 4f)0 18.80; iigni ugnsx,; aeavy --x a. . 8; wcklpg rasga. ss.swtte SS; gs. (B PO0 1 ' 10.66 HtU Beaetota, aaeep ttte tip te. 400. tots 81 6.1 ft Dtevor. Jaly 16. IfJL p.). ceipta none; nominal Steers, 88.6607 56, eowa and neirera, te.ao0e.BO: steekera sad feeder.. 34 0008 50; calvoa, (7 00 0 10 00 H-aj Reretpta Boa; actatoaL tap. 310.18; befk. (9 880919. Sleep Receipts 1300; steady. iprtog isteks. 36 85 0 10.88; swet, 14 000 4 30 Seattle Lllllli il Raport Baattte, Jaly 16 (L N. ft.) Bogs News. OttU sjSsstPM lift: steady. Pratt steers, 87 3507.76; eagsteen to gaved 64 800( 66; msalam ta rhotos. 88.86 0 6 60; best cow tsd heifers, (S 50 06.88 1 rossmaa to good. 8Sp8 0 4.88; medium to skoSr. 64 2(0 5.23; prime light eslvea, 86 86 0 7.08: heavy aalvts. It 00 0 5.00; buQs. 18.88 04.66. Sheep Rone. a ansa, on, Meat Kansas City, Mo. Jaly 16. ll. R. ft ) Ostato ftaeeipte 300. Market scti ftkasfk, 0 6 78. Ho. Bc-pta. 808. Market steady. Butt at met. 86 830 10.15; tap, 3 1 0 0 T haseies. 68.88016.10: liahta. (10 00010.80. tts ainma. 616 10016.25, Sll eeeixrts, 800. Market d BOO. 19 50 16.88; ewea, 83.75 0 4 06 61 South Omaha. Jaly 18. U N. ft.) Ute fctfTTst fl W Begs Rserrpft, 11.888. Msrket (TSde strong to 10e higher; other alow, stostry 10 lower.. Bulk. II 78 0 id 88; top. 610 20 Cattle Reeetpt. 30. Market tor toe wetk ending Friday. J Si IS: Rett aera uneven. food sbtSft 28 068a asther. others strong to Bsc seiner: top steers, lien, an. atock 15 058e higher: bulls. 50076c htyher; veal.. 5 Or a. (1.(0 higher, atak er aad feeder., ateady Market fer the week Jul With week ago: I 15021 te lower, Sheeft stroag to 25e lug bar, teadiag lamb 56 0 766 bktl CRMftga Cask Grata Chicago. Jaly 16. tU. P.) Cash wheat Re, 1 ted. 81 S9H 01.86: Ro. 3 red. 31 29 0 1.36 H ; N. 8 red. 31 27 01.28 H ; No. ft bard. II (0 01 31; Re ft bard. 61 29 01.18 s PACIFIC COAST BARK STATEMENT Ctaerings The Week aetag 8 6.447.662 ; 076.88 ST Thursday. . 4.630.626.68 7.004.6if 61 Saturday Week 6.022,088 97 .327.754.454 (8 841.495.338 13 Hi flats Sttarday 1. mum RSBheat satarday rietringk sHtatdsy (02.607 00 76.879 60 Saturday .6 4.879,886 06 Tss.eaa.aa 1. 288.088 60 ?!T?ll2.S76jS8 88 STOCK ,j a' s-rnr; u a, anof . . C ft Steel Po nfd ?fe-:; lTRtRI LOW I RfO 72 18 1 109 47H V.nadiam Tlvasttoa 28 H 28 Wthpsh rsbaab . . . a.ffi:: ra7 IV3 SL- Wmtsra Caiea ftft- S3 a I s H tte peft it.stfttee, WaJ Good mm for Pat Six Payg Hotra AdvTurrc $2. to gSgSf rtuuit.1, ted rndina July IB. eossrared Lambs sad rsartraaj tatarday Bait ami Saturday rim m ft ftexarday Batatce 68twMay ... fca Ptoattoie CTesrtofts Satnrdsy . .... aa I Wssatt snea r 1 aadaSftaT Pasco Wheat Yield WiU Fall Short of The Earl y Estimate .rHese, Wash., Jaly 16. -Graven V reewrt that sasaaTwad sf jw iat.. a w68 tat aawrt f watt bad ba rreto'li ft? weaksa, to 2erv 16 tohkUal year the tort ytekaa 8H net eaeeed syttsatosa sf sprteg wheat tad 18 r;TaHl I be eaeaArsanSa at wtt be as peach, at aft. a. Caatetoessss base sJways prosed S ptwftmbn toaaOy beavy. bat ft ha not don so waU this reara, although a wa Iraft etl tot it as Walla Walla Onions Ready for Harvest WsBa Walm. Wssft. July 18 ?" "t ef enaoaa will be toirmsg t at toe WaBa WaBa vsjary teas year aeaardtot to s Oteatss made by totfag prsgaus tsea sf 00 city. Ttte a eevast 6e psr tent ef ftst year-, rrrm, which koSalod 688 ears. TV. market fer onions ner ft aaselllil sad sll tosMaeats are being made ea edaebrnment The esmsh barsmt is now fully wndwr way and it a tiHstil that N6 Tork Ratter Nw Tork. July 16. (L H. 0) Market atronavr. Ovttry extra. ( snsahedl. 4104Se; cr.ttery first. 0 fit? entry tan, iigtla st Cssm Msrket tend. milk -p-eaata. 20; whet Ssfik sstft. 16016 wn4 stilt lower graftea. 16018e; Wtm antes. (satg Tewat Americaa. 28 ft 31c. et irregutar Nearby white, rktsxr. BiaTBfte; taarty krwwn. faney. 41 0 46c; attra 89 0 89c; firsts Sl0ft8a. 11 fll le: weari Milk the wtaatassta prtee to 82 28 per 1 pound of 86 stilt, within 300-810 Rest TvWft Coffee aad Hegar New Terk. Jar it u. p. (3.26 0 3.78 , . M 50. Caffe N 7 Rte. Saaros, 9 09c. atMftW L'. ft ARMY OOOna ftw ret a. prists redtes 2d St. or 204 1st at ITTOtlltl EASTMAN, lawyer tod notary eajfeUt. 984 Chamber af Pimnill nkdc lWTKR Advace free and eaesfteateStal in sh tiVaT 816 sf Trad bids- BtdWR 00QR eftaptftwa DAVIS a HGLMAN. IRC, 18 ftd book OMnursr4wrera. A-818ft. 188. oasrrgsrrgsst ganp ault-htat GeuinttAi eemiraeear'a pi item af kafliMtti ato Ussatos 0-a Paaaa Wal 4S80 0AT ARB 006) r0aerTftt. I.rrE CITT VF1EB1NART rORPTTAU lor. K 7ib and Or at. Reel tsjht Sarvtos. Taree vetortnarisaa CHirtOPRACTORt CHIROPRACTIC. bath sad stmt 16th floor MarakaaJ! 8161 TV La ra E. Tisegrex Oeare ev FS MsMABoat IMetsea) his tyat'm -IVopte tektot eatoirtmsmtt whale svaoiag. Uta year CLCAi" iRtRa t NO OTIISO REGAL CM Bert Tailors tad Hstt. and dyetttg , aamitr. (Sat 6f 12T Porttaad Or, ooftt, an tvooa t bates on in i lrt trbwth cord Wood. 89 ta 6 cord toft stdt: reaartt stab. 86 per card; block aad sab. 95.56 per load to f toed toft eeJy. tte eaal. ft'W, 3 ff eary- W0n.4IV. 8 BATED ON FCEL ft lt rrowth cordwood. II is I cord lot try slab. 86.23 per cord, btoto ead alab. 63 30 per load. 2 lead tots, tltoh eaal. 13 to get 8ta iota. ore. rent, was. eiaz. OAK WOOD fol SALE, 10,36 A fOBb DEtdVRRKD ANTWH8XU Rr ft KIN 3 MILK LIMIT or o. ft W. FUSIUHT BJtEDS EAST PORTLAND. EAftT 8310. EAST 8511. BLOCK WOOD AND SLAB WOOD, PIB AND OAK CORDWOOD. WtJOArM. MPI.TNOMAH FV KL CO MAIN 5440 WE tr. saw to poauoa ss taraato A 1 aftWa 46 N. 13th. Bdwy. 1783. thtok beavy OI Kual Co mn ttvwtn rwrdwat. Itewrsi resbeitos--ge: avered from car Rat, Fuel Cry. ftfe4,, BEST oid ssswto tMaettedaeod. 36.38, tat sard Be 11 wood i sit. RM tfOAD ef cesawand tt 66 set set Ci Woodtawa 8646 or 873 W. Lombard. grniRJ srderktf roar wvaWrJood cah Aetft Ste-ss. rtoorsa (ktas pnssi o.. agg oeahar. BIG toad sf botwond 3t (0 tosl Cad Ws3T- laws 6BQ4 or list Bt-teae s-. EXTRA twod turds sua, 69 cwfd: lrvtagt8 Piedmoat aad Afterto. Call Woodlewa 4887 tawa 6684 or 116ft M ftfaVt ad UA a. tei.W 111 tte llil. Dentistry UCnai3"7 S61 Wsabinrtoa ftt WHhout Pain.. latest Msrea-ttWktof, Methed D A PI CI H Q THE DAN B ertfDIO, 688 Dekam bid . Waaa- totloa at Third Private bwar r half beert iMaaaa- tav IliatSS 8:88 a. aa a, S a Frirlay. 7 06 p m MVat tretaad. . 61HIMEB-8 Aaaarta sradossg, 6t 6tU8tO 64r1Ot.6 AW8 TE t CM t Rl ito3.6- - 81 LAWlTlVj I rear asaaa at your tease. $1. AftV 646 18. For tegetaet. 7fe. Pea Aat. 812-82. p. the. -fftait Ai 0rW M8RB ASftft BMV0 fMsgsft PORTLAND kUd CO. 167( 8622 raawiTWRft atriais-itD IftUU teds d. til kind, at metal 'a. "a '"- r'! J, ,, WDbOvf etosalng. fleer wattog tsaarateg estot tt the efwp at to6Bsto 8 eermal yteM, sad toert it creamd acraag ever preteoas yean. fWar eaxt trnt are asaJt ft toft seestse wfto s ytoM of from fiv to ekyht sssa per sate. Mrtoas tad caBteluaasi era keessstog watte a IVk68agag assksttfta iaa ftttttm satastas.0ea m- - a Mason as la fersssi rkete! tne crop ww te 1 1 sMitetiri an sna smittl within 16 days. Tha crop a s week ssrBtr tken toe Lissiiaeftua of tort ysar tmtea bar. ask. m ftlJJMARti WoOb ' Kick eawaatrs stab wmrt 88.86 a eatd; art 12 (ad 16-Ml slab 7 88 totd; Ne. 1 sr6 Wood 68.80 PStl Fuel Uo.. Bell, 1766. a MHHBOHBBBVavavavanVaVHHMmOM Demand Greater for Finer Clips, Owing' To Iiimited Supply s in vaSfwd that ta market edrasce rtUrd th they era nothing tost, coat u a sooa msiset. to tote market erhaea the wool tem a ftrasty oa at mbmaatotp. ft t a aeea moa mrtnt that a a wot aunt so , atwa i tiff n'nim'. tot k""1 1immxVwSxmi)mrm press, are rsaaatag ss kre been sta-ttitsf fag, Vtotrsss'' woohv The-, atone tack iirtsteiftsaj km; ft ft the 6ewerl orastoe that ta ab SftWH aft sxvatt ft tke market, to aware hi ill more emat has chelated band, during toe tost SktftCj Raerptei?'tos week were: PimiiMt ft.Hlv sow poamoa; iwsns rsi.zww PBJCES START 6 TO 8 POIRTS MIOMKK AT COTTOR OPF.MRO New Tork. Jaly 16. tL R SI or ta gottaa tearttt sa by WaU Chicago Dairy Prod see Cbtshge. JHty Id iL N. ft) 15.601 tubs No gsarka tot laky and Aegast. 8381 '"d tssi Twtosw. 8401fte; 16H 016 c; toast Americaa. 180 18018He: brtea. It 014 tea. Use gessRiy Tarswys, SOc; tstasnsai, 804 aprtngs, 86 0 3as; rassstea, 18e; gsssa, 13088, Potsto. Rates w. 86 esra. isttotss, 88.60 0 5 35; Nerth CeroUns 82.76. LoORfttftrTM saw riLiaa Loi'ItUpTlltS'G. saw flktas, fftodtoa. mSa mowtr trtodtot aad repairtog 4(7 WlSBatsg stfUMTrfaflH rMaa-te 66 Maertean to. Mat. 8088. eT UTUs sriemificaliy .aatSaT era inatrunaenta; gain fitted tt ft Ti .TiCrr ftj SL-tftf OR PAaRTDftJ foot Paint Security Co.. B71. Baa., sa- aa 'YfFPA "aiR 7833 Unl Bros. Inc. PdLsffWu ttd torBHg PAJRTlrtTl sal sal reel st PftTtftT ATToaatrs U S GOURKRf;, ngnra. in Cbambet ot Crsntsaore pftTsiaiaftft &M. ft. ft. Brmdwar Ofttos PtarSte. onto PtA6Tftatft0 i'etsstte ""AoTBRINo. 910 ( rotsa -1--- - - I ! . pair wwn tr toe day Aat SIS 3t rtUd9ftlRa 8916) tTg A ft pi Lfir artom aa ail ktoeV eJttoXasTl t2aTJto , iastaxtetoasTd Ca. BIT Oaton see. R.. tovwo rl Nils PRtCRB. i...r.i r.r ri6m6Mt, ftftaaaegati. tMftasttav JUMl stti.Mtl CAftQ 11 11 W LDfkN CARDft63.66 I Printer. ItKU a.a J .. aataal '6t'Jft ' 1 aapawjg - ft 00BJ, 6Mtote. aaa rteitL trtciaL trV aSft ft l Mtt 7- aV -,L-mm.:.. a SvALP AND FACI SPECILIST dr. rvst TW U Tsato fNHa 426 Moeasa Rldg. 4484 tWIftr SttTAL toNRR Multnomah smur METAL WORKS irr-ersi'lrCSsr Smarts'. 8H grbwa Why Buy a New Stovi? toatojf. rskdstapfta awa rroetAsat aUtMTTRAgr,, OftA SIO.WET M5IU OS COODI Df 68 Fswrui st. ts. tjasMssataft 8716, PICK THF BtaST SFEnAI.IST and ftovtot etsl rataa to sQ point. C O PICK I TRA NSPFR d 6TORAO0 "a9la- Saasd8jg8fta I In l 11 iSMtdteni 1 '"MT "eaelsamaft.sts Oregon Transfer Co., -T Vf f !L r wi IT ftlfil tsteatt. SSettan. toT 1231 Foraritiar. Co. Mate 19277 at-3dftdil8 6th haTa-a at" paeirkc ceart c. 8tii d steyt. ttewy. Ttte. stoats. Jaly 16. Moderate anprovessent SJ PrSsm rssnsfts Steak as prevvoaaaty aSSottt Buyasa tem BBKraaa setae ssgstniasi far toe finer gmdftftj 6s ftkftto sr. ft laftaejiso saasn supply. A toft d. mand to itliil far torse esthths bloods. MS ssijr lua that ssast of the lsadiat t asu BbsJ tea to stack tha wag 0raat af rVXTVarv Bfta 1 aberta. hani on balhsh ast sag atostettss sad M8rtos sad spot'aeaaar? ea beCker waatts swwa troft the keft, aad tha eaaaed tedsta 5Jf etas s recti after the etarettek- Th eaarket wss dull te to tats I Fattens MM ekwe was farm at a net sdvaaas sf f to 30 apes- eothse asm astket today: a 98881 Sd) petoaTkjhr m lifts. ia tntm. PHisiskiS by Overbed ft Oatftt Co.. Statttt St Traft buOaiiiac Its, . 1333 1316 1880 Marck 1888 1877 1337 Me? '' 1866 iSftft 1868 MSI HBt 1888 J ear 1287 1338 lift 334f act. 1265 K07 ism flB Roe JBJSBJ Oea. 1388 is6 1381 1(16 s s t i etatoritsy dmr- EB OPTf6l6Tai6T8 ' mn tow wu eiwZ."3 2ns2Ll!? JIP 226 Board tJ Tu 6K sit Air rr Vrs tnd .ate naalU BDUCtD KattSOMT ma ii qwwa. .mm.m : .,f a asa aa. ! 81.160 tiei aw mm lanaaai a .ra ww I i a ocftaaftag