THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 8UNPAY MORNING, JULY 17, SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE .OR EXCHANGE 414 FOE SALE OR EXCHANGE This ) bargain. 10 mw, S in cuidTtion, good hnusa, m bum. 1 acre in orchard, excellent road, S mile from Graham. Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d. Ideal for Chicken Ranch 7 hi lew, room bungalow, cement and rock toMtat, good barn, chicken house and yards, fruit and berries; good well sad running water; 2 hi miles Oregon City. This is ft nice country hems and best place in county for chicken ranch. Will take good runabout car and some cash. bal ance terms or some oUr property. j W. F. Schooley 013 Mate St. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE 160 acres, 2 mile from Eddyrille. Lincoln Co. Hons, barn, chicken houses, 10 acres in grass, orchard, garden. 3 creeks, springs, hilly, timbered, oa county road, school 2 miles, center of big, ont rsnge; good for goats sad sheep, fruits, poultry and small dairy; price reasons his; would ex change for small farm good for poultry and gar de in Willamette valley, near town and railway station. 160 acres adjoining can be had cheap. Address H. B. Luce. Eddyville. Or. OOBNEB lot on pared street smaU payanl down, or wilt take light car in arena ngs Woodlawn 660. IMPROVED 23-acre farm, seU or trade for apartment boose. What have you? F-693, ' Journal FOR SALE Milk route; 85 sustomers; in good town tar Portland: land : building ; stock; lakes; 1.2500 caah. F-674. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY ' 450 HOUSB OWNERS. ATTENTION ! We hsre established a "HOUSE SELLING DEPARTMENT" to our gen eral real uetatu business, in charge of MR J. W. CROSS LEY. who to widely known as authority oa values of city properties and who has been very suo i isssfiU in the. matter of selling proper ties that in his judgment were worth the price asked by owners. . If you want to seU your property, call or phone to Mr. Oroesluy, who will promptly call and took over same, and. if values are right, will vigorously push ELROD aV DRYER Seal Batata in All Its Branches. Second Floor Gordon Bids. Fourth and Stark Sta., Portland. Broadway 118S. WE RATE BITTERS For small properties, must not exceed $2250 in price. If you will call at the office or nnone we will ceil and see you. Do not delay as these people want to get settled. Mariek A William.'. 820 Chamber of Commence bldg WANTED To lease by a middle-aged couple, bo children, 4 or 6 room house or ground apartment; oaa give references; might consider buying or installment, if reasonable; will pay "ft few months id advance if we leave. Call East 7425 after 10:30 a. m. WANTED For client. 6 or 7 room house, near Washington high school. Win pay cash. Mutt be priced right. Bdwy. 576. REAL ESTATE AGENTS LET US WRITE YOUR BOND NO FINANCIAL STATEMENT REQUIRED WE TAKE CARE OF DETAILS SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH WK HATE clients tor tots in all parte of the city, providing your price is right. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 WB HATE several clients desiring property in anv food district. value $1800 to $2000 who bare from $200 to $300 as first payment. Must hare bath and electricity- Main 7027. WANT modern 4 -room bungalow in good district, close in; must be close in and under $4000. HENRY W. GODDABD. 243 Stark St WANT 5 room modern bungalow, R. C. Park " below bill, close to ear, oak floors, gangs or room, large living room, not over $6000. $1500 cash. East 4074. LIST your property of any nature with us. We ean sell it, BRA BAM -WELLS, 307-8 Couch Bldg. Main 6023. WANT lot 50x100 or larger, clwe school , car. not over $500; gaa. water, lights. F-713. Journal. WANTED 7-roosn modern, west side bungalow. Hawthorns. Owners only 6 F-800. Journal. SMALL store or half of store for cigars, etc! Must be good central location. Boese, Im- perial hotel. HAVE a buyer for small rooming house, oloss to Brabsm-WeUa. 307-8 Couch bldg Main 6023. .. WA"NT small home, Gregory Heights preferred; trade late model light suto and some cash. Tabor 7796. WANT Bargain in 5 -room bungalow, desirable district: quick deal. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber- mens Wag. W ANTED Cash grocery. $40 to $5 tales. WIR pay cash Phone Woodlawn 3505. WANT small home to $2300. WiU give $600 ear and monthly payments. A-7 18, Journal. WANT cheap lot in or near Kenton. F-930 Journal. ACREAGE WE WANT OLOSE IN FARMS 456 AND ACREAGE V you want to sell it costs nothing to let as know. Personal inspection snd individual at tention. . J. a CORBTN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WILL LEASE or buy from owner only well improved acreage, close In; give particulars. F-725, journal. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 WANTED To buy small equipped farms that $1000 cash will buy, rest March 1; give lowest price, description, first latter. Box 103 Vancouver. Wash. IF YOU have a farm to rent, leaee to transfer. lal property to sell, send description to W. Jeuno. Henry Mug. HOMESTEAD wanted. State looatton, pries aad sll information. F-BT8, Jmirnal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 50O WELL EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP West side location; very weO equipped mafihma shop, suitable for auto and general repair work, win sen for lam t meat invoices. Mrs. Snow Broadway 4004. FOB SALE Good established ra misery store for the tost 25 years; owner must leave oa account of ill health; guarantee from 83000 to 4uw a year son investment, u properly handled. rnone Main no. 8405 BUYS GROCERY 5 Store if sold Monday. Shelving, counters, scales. showcases, coffee mill, awniags. paper neks, good stock groceries; big bargain for some one. Peters, 15 N. 5th st RESTAURANT for sale. We have an exoottoat opportunity for some one to get Into the bust aces. Good downtown Idbstion. Will seU half in terest to dependable patty. Call 200 MORGAN BLDG SNAP Stock snd power machinery for a black smith shop; building for rent; to a dandy lo cation; Stock And machinery for sale: step lively if you get wis. write ears. j. i. aiooney Kelso. Wash WILL tell established electrical snd repair bai- nees at junk prices for inventory, allowing buyer to deduct items not wanted. Reason, wish to open manufacturing plant $1000 to $2000 to handle. i-93o. Journal. CONFECTIONERY west side brick comer, a fine location and plenty at rooa for drug store or hatch counter. Ave rase sales now $75 a dev. Good toase, stock and fixtures at invoice. Mast a sow this week. Main 3393. AUTO MECHANIC. GET THIS General mechanic for towing and minor re pairing work: plenty work for two: valuable equipment, and auto. Net over $400 monthly Can at 206 Morgan bg jr. j.i-j -u. . . . i u . FAKIM.K K MAN UFA (.TUBE cement one, blocks, etc: want wonting partner; pro; its extra good; $700 re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg. Bj5WiCRANTXND 14 ROOMS WeO furnished: dandy business for the right people. Only $1200, an terms. Peters. 15th It. Fttth. $200 WILL start you to a small business that win pay every day. See The winder, 67 6th St. POOL room, ormfactaeoery and hutch: just aew- hj remodeled, for sale, cheap, by r. 2081 stark at : A ?6UNfBT GARAGE Live town; Invoice $1600: $500 dim it 401 Dekum aMg. CONFECTIONERY, grocery, tuft drink. Bring rooms; good business; sacrifice. $11 First st LOMO SalshTf iha.1 Istlm all fi. aalu iihini ereq Kicmoon, eneap rent, sas laaaatu at. B I TTBBKI8T $270 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 TTRE AND VULCANIZING SHOP Central In nillna, doing KM monthly business. Cheap rear. Wffl pay you to in vestigate. $2000 caah. WBST SIDE GROCERY Doing nice business; on busy street. $1100, or wffi invoice. Beat $40. GBOCEKT AND LIVING BOOMS Baft side, good location ; stoves and some furniture. Bent $25. Price 397. CANDY SHOP A SOFT DRINK PARLOR Bast side, fully equipped for candy making. Elegant marble bar sad efamlain Owner tearing for Canada. 02000. JCT QUICK. RESTAURANT For working people, doing flaw business. Beat $15 mo., including 2 living rooms. Snap at $7004850 cash, $35 mom. SOFT DRINK CABDBOOM Central location; eatatiltohed long Una Good in noma, $2000. CIGAR STAND. SOFT DRINK BAB Fruit and candy stand: comer location; doing fine business. $200 12000 or invoice. Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bio. Marshall 3993 Pendleton Dental Office For, Sale Everrthine ready to practice: best location: 7200 population: 25.000 trading poo.; richest fanning country; biggest ens to yean; excellent lees; must sell at once; S0; worth $2000. DR. THOS. C. OMMART. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Corner store. New and second hand furniture, tools, machinery. New truck. Working 4 laorhnnfcfg steady. Also 14 rooms overhead, furniture for alL Beat only $30. This to a bargain at $3500; $2000 wiB handle. Good terms. MARSH A MeCABE CO., REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3963 DO NT OVERLOOK THIS One of the best restaurants in city. ' Ufflt. a daily cash business of $150; cheap rent; good lease, $8006. BRA BAM WELLS 807-8 Couch Bldg. Main 6023. BABBEB SHOP SNAP New brick bldg.; heart of cap; 2 chairs, room for S; doing nice buxtoeas; rent $20, fully equipped; elec clippers; 0400 takes it. MAKE rl & Mct'ABE UU.. REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3083. FOR SALE Cheap, store building and lots, in Business center or fine town, 80 utiles from Portland, flue location for millinery and dress making, shoes and repair shop, etottitug snd furnishings, groceries, etc Might consider Ford ear or house equity. For particulars write or J R. WOLFF. 412 Henry Bldg. GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN Oaa of the beat little busteesee in. Port land; right to an apartment house dis trict; makes ft nice Income for owner; only $975; some terms. BUSINESS SERVICE, T18 Datum Bldg. FOR SALE at sacrifice, confectionery and light grocery: lot 621100. 2 storerooms, living rooms, bath, toilet, stationary tuba. 8-foot soda fountain, showcases and sll fixtures, some fur niture; will sell everything at a bargain, as I am sick and roust change climate, or will sell stock and futures separate. Call Owner tomatic 615-47. DBUG STORE An Active business snd locality, equipment A 1, up-to-date, serving many M.D.s; fountain and misd. sales extra good. Paying about 60 per cent on $20,000. Also my other store, paying so per cent; requires 12700 down. No dealers. jcooers or trade, rnt, Journal. D? YOU are looking for an A-l restaurant, one or the best in Portland, has nice kitchen fix tures, elegant equipment, doing good business. $5000. Johnson-Dodson Co. 688 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CABH GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY only t'l-.nA 1 u , . , , 1 .ww, wuwcu vii wim m low imaeasaoe district, rasing 340 daily business; living rooms in connection; rent only $35; big snap lor man and wife: don't want young children: owner quitting on account of health. Hurry, this as ona real bargain. McCormic. 242 Washington Alain sxzo or Main 9318. PARTNER FOB AUTO SHOP ' Want ft live young man to hato'to auto repair shop; tots of work and profits good, only 8625. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Boa. CLOTHING and general furnishing store, a nice cieaa stock, good iocs Don. Will invoice about $7000. Good reason for selling. Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2T1T. DANDY grocery, confectionery, lee cream and soft a rinks, on prominent comer: fine fix tures, rent with building; reasonable rent. In cludes 2 or 8 living rooms, gaa range; good trade, in good locality; please no stents. Woodlawn 4339. ' A PARTNER WANTED Auto PssnqneT business: plenty work and mod profits; will sell equal half Interest for 8323: can soon learn the Business. Boom 401 Dekum bldg. , sv PERMANENT position with 3 H ton truck; 3 I KAK CONTRACT: WINTER and SUM MER; good money. Apply 480 Burnside. FIGURE IT YOURSELF Saks 20.600.000 nee veer ore fit las wk Oaa you beat it 7 to Interest for sals cheap to start it going; don't overlook that F-733. journal. A PARTNER WANTED Auto body building, auto tops, etc: owns rates shop, wants a partner for office, etc. good profits and ft growing huainesa Boom 401 Dekum bang. 1 a Printing for Less Rap FOB cr Printing Co. Mate 8820. 182 3d R SALE Eculnment ot two motion rrietnr. theatres doing good business in good towns only three miles apart, running three nights a week in each town. Box 264, Sutherlin. Or. NEAR Portland grocery store, stock about $3000, ouuumg and nxtnres snout tuoo. Doing $4500 per month Good paring nrerxwitinn Rail Harry E. Taylor, Bast 00. Write 8 E. 20th N. GROCERY STORE with 8 living rooms fur nished: fixtures, furniture. $S50: will invoice stock or sell st romp. Call Bast 7754, or 877 m atarg st, wanasBtaan Partner wanted far the office, check canda. de liveries, etc. draw $50 Week, $1250 required itoom 401 Dekum bids. Watt BUSINESS MAS Off MBASS TO TOlft ME in placing on the market recently patented novelty which cannot fail to net a fortune. F- 734, Journal. $8000 BUYS an electric lantern bmansat with stock, machinery aad equipment for manufac turing same, together with patent issued July 5, 1821. Call Woodlawn 4060. STEADY Job with track WLtTEB sad SUM MSB; $000 wfll handle; 480 Burnside. CLEANING and pressing shop. $300; a live wire oaa make money with this; have other business. Broadway 10TT. vTLCiNtKMO shop doing good rant ISth $10: must sail oa account of air a nam and Thurnian sta. Pott 9A..K cheap, nnastabashed stock o gro- cene. No reasonable offer refuse!. Call at S9Q E. 3tc St, H INTEREST in blacksmith and hnassiliiialaa shop at Forest Grove, Or. Inquire J. C Wagner. Forest Grove. FOR SALE Suburban dairy serving 65 null customers at 83 a month : small 10 sere plant. F-678. Journal. STOCK and lease fur sale on a 6-tabte pant ha& eardreom 818 Union sve. CONFECTIONER? and light grocery, goodloea uon; augnt take ford cl ear aad Columbia 1282. H INTEREST in earaje. gas pump, tools and supplies, $350; must sell on account af other boainoas. 781 1st st- Mate 5260. OLD estebUsbed abas stora to praapeguaa suburb. Owner going sway. $4090 handles. 1670 B 13th at. Sell. 276. I HAVE a 1 maimer, store. In fine location: stock, doing good can ex anno or or Sell 3406 Sunder and MILLINERY department for rent in old department store la hast town to Ore- For particulars aoelr MuBar A Co. PAWNBROKER stoe. snd fixtures, dandy TSes ttoa. 52 s N. 6th st FOB SALE Beat corner oa Yamhill far fratt aad fish. 221 Yamhill A REAL BARGAIN Best restaurant in North Bend, Or., far asm. E-681. Journal. FOR SALE Abstract U $Ms plant F-717, Jet RESf ACTtAN'T fog sste. Cat ai Ul Oraad OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 .BEST BUY IN CITY em apartment; heart of city, ana n rise Netting $330 month. $120. Good fatal tnre and Price $400. $2500 wBl handle. S 6 40 rooa gserhni; fine fur ruins: house just say offered at $3600: good terms. Bast S1M; year torn Whit TsallMa. 24 rooms at fine furni ture, nice Mean house. Bent $00 month. Showing act profit $200 mo. $2000 will t rooms aa W. Park: bast location la city; lady must sell; ebuasaa $130 act. Bent $50. $700 will handle. 12 rooms NOB HILL: fme furniture: 38 lea corner house, near hospital. First to see wiE buy. tf. Fan price $1200 20 NOB HILL. 18 rooms, good furniture and 1 Lady very HI, must go south- $1100 caah takes hay WHITE TEMPLE SNAP! 11 rooms, corner bouse, netting $75 mo. Only $$00. $650 cash. Hum. WHITE TEMPLE, 10 housekeeping rooms: mot $40: good furniture snd clean house. Price only $700. $400 cash. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SIZE HOTEL, APARTMENT OB BOOMING HOUSE - Marsh & McCabe Co. , REALTORS 322 3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 800$. Cash Grocery Snap Stock and Fixtures About $4750. BUSINESS $100 DAILY Portland cash grocery, located on eood busi ness corner. Williams ave. : good, dean stock: fme cssh bosses, no deliveries. Wonderful opportunity for man and wife. Fiatures $1500 stock will Invoice shout $$000; will sell ail for $4500. or win sell fixture, for $1500 and take, iaveSBB for stock. Beat only $40. Owner wants quick action oa account of other busi ness tutu fits. Investigate. This U positively the beat proposition far sale to Portland. Of fice open Sunday. G. C. MeOOBMIC CO. 242 Washington St Near Second. Main 820 or Main 8318. A BABGAIN FOB YOU - 82300 Grocery, eoaf. and stationery, fine loca tion on 6th street; rent $$6. The owner bought this store about two weeks ago and finds he does not understand the busi ness, having had no gapamtogaa This place is a good one and someone who wants a real store should grab this place. We have other good little stores for sale at bargain prices and we can give you very good terms oa all of them. Quick Sales Co. 400 Couch bldg. Aut 511-00. Best Garage Buy in Portland Owner leaving city, must sacrifice beat money maker in Portland: daily income $100 to $1.40 per day. Very, fine new brick corner 100x100; excellent repair bop; fins offlae; good stock of accessories. Beat $150 per month. Price $8500. MBS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. INCORPORATE IX NEVADA S We draw all papers, incorporate your company hold your meetings, elect directors, fix it so you control, issue and transfer your stock, act as your broker, resident snd transfer 'agent, help finance your company and make it possible for you to sail your stock anywhere. Charges reas onable. INVESTMENT TBUST COMPANY OF NEVADA Reno, Nevada. WANT partner with $500 to invest as half interest in garage, repair shop, -mnld-lng, tools, filling station; mate highway, close to; 8 year lease an ground; no ex perience necessary Present owner to A-l mechanic MABSH A MeCABE CO.. BEALTORB 3-2-3-4 Failing Bldg. w.vrf..n song. BBST INVESTMENT IN PORTLAND I have for sale aa absolutely modern brick apartment building, located aear heart of city. Income over 8700 a mo. Property would cost now aver $45,000. Special reasons for offering at St $$6,000, with $10,000 cash. No lease to buy. For stuiuJptmanl writs J-47$, Journal. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and man age salesmen, $800 to $2000 necessary; handle your own money. Exclusive riathta: ds ten ted article; money making poesi Dili ties unlimited. Will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Secretary, 600 N. Bute st. Bait more, Md. MANUFACTURES wants live hustler to handle products In Oregon; you buy di rect from manufacturer; big profits; s chance to build up a business that you will BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. BREAD and doughnut stand in Liberty market will posiuveiy De sold to someone wtuiin s few days. The right person can do wonders. The people are there. Call between 4 snd 6 P. sa. to see owner. Yum Yum Doughnut stand. sth and I am hill say SOFT DRINK and lunch room on N. 6th M. fixtures and stock $2500. A very good prop osiaon for the right party. v Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W BanktBldg. Mate 3787. IF you have a few hundred dollars saved ap and want to go Into business where your service ean be used at a sued monthly in come, call aad see us. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71S Dekum Bldg. GROCERY WIU sell stock St invoice snd give ttaee on fixtures; doing better than $40 per dsy. BUSINESS SEBVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. VERY reasonable, centrally located on east side: 2 floors, 50x100 feet each; rented separately or together; equipped witn oft we, snipping plat form, elevator, eta.; on the railroad track: suit able for warehouse ot manufacturing parpasss. F-808, Journal, i OONFBCIONEBY Doing bitter than 6300 a month dear fine location; can be handled1 for $2300. BUSINESS SEBVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg WANTED A good mechanic as a working pert- ner to buy Interest la s well oats ana nsa wood working ahoo in one of the best towns in Oregon; shop always full of work; a fine Opening fi for a good rnan. E 723. Journal. smalT corner cash snd earn grocery. soft drinks, ice cream; good living lunaaa. 785 Vaughn, cor. 24th. APARTMENTS FOR SALE Ml Is'too aWSBB .Fine modem 3-story Nob Hill apartment bouse, yielding almost 65000 s year, with lease: 806.000 equity at bargain price for cash might accept clear Income property as part psj meat CaB owner Marshall 4416. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 12 BOOMS, 6 furnished liiiuoslsapiiig apartments, vary good furniture, fur nace at stove heat; good location aad always full: rent 880. $000 handles. Mrs. Al baugh, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg 4 BOOMS furnished! toilet, sink, lights and gas: 2 porches, fair foundation, $2300. $480 down. $30 per month, in cluding 6 per cent interest. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE Mala 6800. li BOOMi. TRANiBSt or (toady Heart of mast side. Good furniture, private botaae. A good buy far 81200; some terms. Patera, 15 N 5th. WBST ade. dose in. In the spartmeat hoiaaa district, N. E. corner. 18th and Marshall 60 X100. with 7 3 5 $8000. Owner. 0TS Marshall at. I AM looking for a rooming n fee 25 rooms, h. k. pietoried. Mast be rea- inoabls in price aad direct r Oall 5157. $150 Cash : PRICE $4S Bun 10 Just the place to fix es and SeB rent set ode feera. is otn. FOB bargatea to rooming biases. aB f event Intsairma. ass gat, 227 H $ Na. S12. $850 BUYS 16 mrhbv ge. hot and cold water Owner. 288 N. 16th St tl50 bOWS flaaafl roaaatea'Tsmae $2$. 1 First 'and Madison r rent $13, balance $000 easy 227 hi Washington. No. $12. BY owner. 10 recess, 2 baths, dose tn. WTTi hast. 0000 IF YOU want to saB OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND HOUSES FOR SALE SOS RYAN REALTY CO.. 41$ ABESGTON BLDG. APASTmXnTS $ 8.750 Apt. 21 rail 81800 will handle. $1800 $5000 8T0OO $ 4.504) Apt,. 12 bathe, $3500 will handle. 6.560 Apt.. 40 wiD handle: $11, $ AC, 67 $70OO wiO handle. $13.500 Apt. 70 rooms. 00000 will HOTEL $ 8.500 Hotel 30 rooms. 88000 wiO JkandV. $15.000 Hotel. 76 rmaai. $10,000 wufhandla. a S.UOO Hotel, so room, gnawv wui aantue. BOOMING HOUSBB 0 2.50O B. H-, 22 rooms. 31800 win handle. $ 3.50O R H . 12 rooms. $ 1 6M wtRbTndle. $ 4.200 R H, 16 rooms $3100 will handle. RYAN BBAIjTT CJ.. 41 S ABINGTON BLDO. 21 HOUBSKEBPING rooms; down town: lease. $1000. IB. $2300 10 room boarding beaye good few furniture. $1150. terms 6 room flat, fctoee in. B. gfcto: aha rent $ rooms; $276. Others, large and email see raw. . EIGSMf HELXiEB, HeftJtW. 261 West ParTu Mam 2590. 1 " 11 LAKE RESORT Fine hotel oa Lake Creeeeat, 40 rooms, fully equipped dating team and kitchen, also cUnee hall. Fine load house ha lie mi, Bant $600 per year. Price $2000, in eluding rent to May. 1922 Bea Mia. Atoaagh. with JOHN FERGUSON. REAL TOE. Gariinger Bang ABE YOU IN THE MARKET For a rooming bourn, apartment house or a good farm? If so, we have them, any kind you want and oa easy terms. Quick Safes Co. 400 Couch Mdg HOTEL. WEST SIDE Brick building. completely furnished. money wh-iw oronoaition. It will veuuire $20. 000 caah to handle this place. All information given at the office. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Ttsnk Bldg. a. Main 8787. APARTMENT house, nicely furniahed. brick bldg Close to. wast aide, batf Woe trees Washing ton st. Clearing $800 s moatB A good money making proposition. $10,000 will handle thia. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. WTBank mdg. Mala 3787. 13 ROOMS. H. K . close in, west aide, very reasonable rent, good furniture, clears $140 per month tamdt own living room. Price $1800 $1000 cash. 087 Taylor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 WANT RETAIL BUSINESS FOB 8 room bouse, close uv east aide, good Voca tion. Acreage, aear city and, Base Line road. Acreage adjoining city of Twin Falls, Idaho. This has paved streets on one sade of it and all built up all around it. Ready for planting right now. Fine apple orchard on it. Big crop thia year. Also some farm lands. For particulars phone East 7076. Owner. HAVE buyer for grocery store, with living rooms, in good neighborhood. Will pay up to 32000. Johnson-Dodson Co. 083 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3 7 87. ' WANTED To buy furnished flat or small roomeng house (housekeeping). WUI give clear lota or subur ban acreage in part or whole payment: prefer west side, but will consider east or north side. 969 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HOTELS, rooming houses, or any other kind of business to buy or sell. See Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Maui 3787. HARDWARE man wants to locate in ESSa able town of Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Give date regarding place, insurance, stock, etc Up to 850.000. Call or write OPE. ;06 Morgan Mdg REALTOR WANTED Position ss manager, or lease fur nished apartment or rooming bouse, with op tion of buying. Give full particulars. F-67U. Journal. BAKERY shop wanted by capable baker: no 00 jection to country if good North.. it town. Give information and number leaves made. Write X-664. Journal WANT grocery or genera) store tn city or coon try oonsidered. Must show reasonable profits Write- F-742. Journal. CIGAR STAND Mast ba eh asp sad excellent central location, store, office building or hotel; street frontage preferred. Boese, Imperial hotel. WANTED, to rent small apace suitable for light lunch aad soft drink stead. Send full par ticulsrs to F-728, Journal. HOUSE and tot with carafe Must be cheap. Also rooming bouse, 11. K. F 11, Journal. PARTNER for the Mobile grocer busi Small capital required. Phone Auto. 629-88 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On unproved property or for improvement The best and easiest method of paying loan is our monthly payment plan. 832.26 per month for 86 atonths. or $21.84 per month, for 00 months, a 815.17 per month for 06 months pays loan of 81000 sad interest Loans of other amounts in same proportion Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N. 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. 1 HAVE THE MONEY READY NO WAITING: SEVERAL CLIENTS AFTER MB TO PLACE THEIR MONEY FOB THEM. IF YOU WANT A CITY LOAN IN ANT AMOUNT FROM 11000 TO 812.000 AT 6 AND 7 INTEREST. COMB AND SEE MB ROW, WHILE I HAVE THE MONEY AVAILABLE. FRED & WILLIAMS, I PANAMA BLDG WE HAVE $500. $800, $1000 B $2500 T tint mortgages, loans, or wui Duy first con tracts or mortgagee. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Beeitora, 816 Chamber of Commerce. Mate 0624 8300. $400, $800. $600. $780, 81000 AND up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 or mere sny interest date. Gotdoa Mortgage Co 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mate 1870 PRIVATE FUNDS to .oan oa mortgagee, second mortgages snd aellen' contracts on real estate In Oregon aad Washington. Charles DetfeL SIS Railway Elehaoge bldg WANTED MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED We have on band a number of small amounts. 8860. 8500. 8800. for loans. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EI CHANGE. $1500 to loan at 7 per cent en good city prop- erty. R. J. McGuire, 645 N. Union sve. East 6407. MOO. 0400, $300. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Germss Co.. 732 Chamber of ftsiswm Mate 0446 BUILDIfG loans on citr snd suburoaa property moawy advanced as work iiiuglssaas W. G. Beak. 216 sad 216 Falling bldg. Mate 8407. 8500. $1000. 31500. 82000. $2600 AND UP F H DESHON. 61$ I h. saber ot Com bldg. MONEY to loan. 810O to 85000. A I 11 MaJkef bldg. Main 4376 1 HAVE $10 or $1000, 8 par cent for good improved security 662 (jhatebor of WOULD like to make small lean on good lot for building Tabor 7889. Bee ORBgoS In, a- kOBTOifjfc CO.. 322 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th snd Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OS AUTOMOBILES . FURNITURE. I IAN OS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BBAL ESTATE BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN TOUR POSSESSION. , Also Salary Loans TO SAIJIBIBD PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR OX FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ABB TOO LARGE. WB WILL PAY 7 HEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MOBB MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR CONVENDSNCE LEttAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO (LICENSED) 300-307 DEKUM BLDG.. SO and WASH SALARY LOAN'S CHATTEL WS LOAN MONEY salaried or Weekly. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELT NO SECTH Wa atoo toaa on kramrrlill goods. SECT" R ITT CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COhtFARY (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDYNG MONEY TO TSET Bete. CO.. on Short notice at thetTownMtas. MafUentaaT 00 4th St.. M FINANCIAL FINANCIAL 503 $1050 Mtrtgage for $875 wTTS ae& 8146)0 mortgsge. payaftt. g Iher with leasees at 7 par .eat, per r 0078. Good security; city proper. r msmtA far 0070. city property, dees in. Tabor T890. Wanted give 20 seres, clear, hi fail Mr. Davk Marshall 1716 UcvsUtiEb IBVUYouai Behable tsonatoa -moafld TfllBATr fee at D-916. WB BUY flan i aad i 210 CkS- area,. Mam $026 Noble. 816 RH I B.. L i K 1ST Mar. 818$. eveaiaga. MONEY W4NTED ( HAVE seller's contract aa m m 6628; tots rest 7 paying $20 par ax Payments prompt ptincaneU and Interest. ho other indebtedness agataat ptoperty. Would dtoeouat contract far nick sale. F-T22, Joaraai. WASTED ilJOO to 11404 from prlvata pan aa new bungalow and large tot Owner. Weed- I WANTBar- For 8 SBC. $404) an sail tract of P tap art valued at 88600. Journal F-702 wl ANTED First re est pan toaa at 8. per 1 sj, $2800. TakarOOaO. OB WANT Short time loan so 1 will not hsve to aarrtflee stocks. F-728. JournsL SBB OBBOOB DTt. MOBTOAOB OO . 82$ WaST Vidd. B6 days; UUral t aad (dad irity. F-720. Jeumal HORSES gND VEHICLES TOO H ami oTHOBiM CHBaT 3 white at 1800 lbs., with very gentie. 300 2 street asad $2.- and $66 weight 1430 Brown mare and black bone, weight 2806: sound; 4 and 6 years osd, $280. 4 head of 4 -year old colts, 3100 each. 0. K. HOWITT. Columbia Stables. Front and M'f. HAtE ifl6 ft m Em of horses that hrra We are stasia ready fe have all kinds of harnesses that are' far sale or to show them. W plows and ban Baa. fkaaanea New mowing ma chine. 10 ft rake; only cat 40 acres of bay with it win m PHIL SVETTER. 285 CROWN STABLES, Inc. Just received, a comugnmeat of big borses from the Bridal Veil Lumber Co They must be sold. Will sell with or without harness. These horses right oat of work. Suitable for all kinds of work PHIL SCETTFR. Pres. 286 FRONT. TWO teams, one weight 3800 aad oaa 364)0 Both young snd sound: true workers: also 8 odd horses weighing from 1100 to 1400 lbs. All good workers. Price from 845 to 865. A.i one good cow very ciieap urcnaras, waau.. R. 1. box 165 FOR SALB 1200-lb. Pereberon mare, g worker aad fat 826. Spring wagea. heavy! ounje aerw; yvav wro price, sjoai bbii. t Moata villa, on Base Una road. 8 blocks south Russell nil. school Geo. Butcher. FOR SALE Cheap or trade for cow. ooi good fat 14 00 lb. work hone, sound snd true: also fine standard breed black driving bone. Phone East 4313 BLOCK Y built team, sorrels, weighing 2800 lbs., fat and good workers, harness sad farm gaa; saQ ressranshls 4016 67th st, Mt Scott ear. AS"" I AM through with contract. wtB sell IS large mules and 10 need 01 nones witn nar as. Come, ass ka an offer 410 Hawthorne ave., after Sunday . FINE sorrel riding mare for sale cheap; weight y..o. Call Woodlawn 4S4. Mrs. Ju. it- Crawford. FOR SALE Pedigreed Sneuand ponies. George Callan. MUwaukie. Or.. Rt 2. Box 101. or phone Bdwy. 4880. GOOD pair moles, barnms. wagon; true PuUeta; win work saywnere szzs rnone uosuaunta 138. Coulter. 423 Chicago st SALE or trade for cow. or heifers. I good work Oregon Elee- R Webb. Beaverton. trie. Whit ford station. 2800 LB TEAM, harness aad good farm wagon no further use for then : sell cheap. Hayt st FOR SALE Reciatered Hoist tin ball, papers furnished. See Bodiae A Clark, at stack yards VI , I STILL nave the imported stud horse 8mmaBj$ for sale or for esrvtea 840 av etb at 8. Williamson. FOR HALF. Nice gray horse. A rears. 1600 lbs. Work any place chase $01 E. Richmond at. St Johns J. B WILLIAMSON always has bones tar ash or hire 240 E 8th East 210. $35 PONY, saddle snd bridle: gentle to ride Woodward. 327 Front ALL KINDS of wagons snd horses for hire Water at PASTURE. I add'a Canyeg. Firm, close in. Phone Main 4S1S. Ho miimaaa Sundays. DOUBLE te 10 da, saaatle II 66 day 64 6 Front st Main 2266, fid LB team, harness snd wood a im 5416 64th at Woodstock ear FAT 1400 LB. work horse cheap. Farm wagon $15. 351 Bums Id. st LIVESTOCK 701 LIVESTOCK Dome pica. S to 3 months, beat $10T boar and 2 sow $28; snd crated. SHADELAND FA Rasas Amitv. Or. GOOD family Jersey cow givteg 2 hi gallons s day. mostly oream; gentle and easy tor any child to handle: tuberculosis test: will sell st $50. If cow does not prove satlsfaetory win buy her back again. Call Woodlawn 1235 or 863 William ave. HIGH grade Toawenbera milch goats 1 fresh ; aiaVi doe aids, by raanawaren purebred buck. They are priced tor sale. Don t write, aut eoaae ana i for yourself. 793 K sail worth sve.. Wood stock car. FOR SALE Fresh goats snd coming fresh, from 325 up; a an milk sad kids, sad for service two pure Baanen IM one Nubian 01 tfie best in the West, st Porttond Cost Dstgjr -2d snd Fremont sts. Address R. 1. Box 466 TEN head of eowe, all lust fresh: lsrge Jerseys. Durhams aad Hotetstna: 4 to $ gallons. These cattle token In exchange. 1138 Macadam road. S. Portland ear to aad of Baa. 1 block soata. 1 east . FINE, birge, rnan Durham family cow; vary gentle, very easy milker-, good srsndfOBa with no faults- eh-ep for cash. no. it at, od st cornrr Asii WANTED Good Oua raotj saw Mast be T. tasted. G. 6405 42d at S Phone Auto. 681-85. C6W FOfc ALEaLagWfW Jersey, fresh first M Av,- . at ...I - - 1 bastomm Vafta. 6 gal sow; w. - at V fBem. avw , wa iea sa m 1 sejsa.a Vtaka- 1v 1 assBsamgm asww, REGISTERED Gaernsey bull. 3 years old. gen tle; has beea asad bat Uttle for service. $100 W. F. Young. Sherwood. Or. MTLPH goats, 1 soon freak 116 to $2$ Ssg milk. 4061 11O0 Henry see. Esswjuarvasnd ear. HOLBTETN dairy cows and calrea, $7 5 per Bruce. Union Stockyards GOOD J ersey cow, sooa f 1 ism, rack aailk aad easy milker 1641 Minnesota avw. eosra giving from 430 8 2d st 4 to 6 gsJtoaa; aTach" at bargain Heraberg, 040 FOB SALE Milch aaat tad kid. 6002 00th FOb'saLK 8 good milk asms. Jerarta. Tto $ years Told. B H Wills. 170$ MeKeanassve. JbBOeT. $: ttolstata, 7; Ayeawhire7$l 000 East 28d at N. WANTED Good gentle cow 8 months for its good home guaranteed; -gaaor 7taa TWO arflck goats, must he said. OaB kfaasVa 1786. TOGGENBERG doe kid. 3 months old. vary cheap. Phoae Tabor 8779. TOCGENBURG BriBt goats. 880 B 420 st. FOB SALE- i Sio. "1 .ream Jersey aows (4aaan gallons s day). 1967 K. JOth. Oafl Monday- U'ANTVlt Good oow. rich safRt Aut 572-96. FOR SALB Fresh youaag sMeaT Tabor twwf faawr faH. FOB SALE 2 BkOch goats. 8297 00th st, SB TWO good mOck asau ckaaap 146 Baeaaulst POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 100 U pound cockerels, f ohl St. . 9116 7 3d sv. ft. F, U KUrTK Leraofw.. Me sptoc. ere 4110 99th tit I OR SALS Dark Cernisb csek Atosv rtae cecfteeet Wis aeu miaf. Taswr 7fi FOR SAIE Whtto Pwkin daek egth for batch teat 238 sv nosn at, is. Tenor iu fOR SALE Good taring hens ami pallet eCap 228 11. . FLEMISH GIANTS. 7611. BLR iwoster. 701 FULaJfTT" lam at aT agon, eoaae ready to tog ; Barred Beck pallets 10 ami 10 weeks aad 8 atoaths cad. Mack Mil telle srillrh 16 wests eat. also emae 1 aad 2 year ell Beam Mkoaroa aad Whtea Leg- ally flaw ranee seised km Mein 4046. 100 Front Porttond Bead Co.. ska 'rem Petxrama a We pan reals, safe wriiI L kmsftost LEO riOES' arrival. Literature ea lesraeat. FIONBXB HATCHERY. a rats is OaL CHICK, week aM. 8, X maetas old wmm Basra Or. smO Balaton hare rabbits, ehoioo blocks east and 4 L K. Falkner. 1 ' LATSiG ywareel Wait. Laghora koa toed, heavy toytog. guaranteed: $1 B Magulrv. 787 Oregon aear East : W.l TBr n. svaar KskaMt 54 th ft smvetgmva iv ipi V'eajwai - j TAXCBED White Leghoras April hatched puT lets. Tabor $$22. Part rose Btobery Part fOTTO far saJb sad eaap: B 74tb ft. sooth iaTir- pick. Will be there ail day Onday HALE IB Mammoth Putin ducks. 6 ! FOB old. 61 aacb. 3T Arlington ram St Johns ns ear to Wahaah BED psutora. 2 ave., north to red bouse. 7T ine laying 3111 62d B. B. 686 22. WANTED -PuUeta far a new 0100 gas mage. or wQl sell cheap; will denser aad lastsll 4 5th sve snd 1080 at. B B THOKntViHRRED l) A C Berred Bock katSBV ing eggs cheep Tsber oaaa YOUR af t m 'hite Leg bora Si if 21t-l. f ANClED oceherek, 1 aaoanha eU. high kaytog 12 W. M Lases. Waluga. Or FOB SALE FlO 1 year oU Whiu Laghora $01 gam st IT 205 E. :sj st DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 703 ROSE CITY CATTERY for a BEG. STUDS AT SEBVICE. $0 1248 X Morrises Tat 7274 PET STUCK aad rnpphea. We are aeadquarters an pa H. W for birds sad -cages, doga, sat rabbits, eaviea, eta. Food, remedies, eta, Oa er write Pet stack catalog a. en 1 squeak Baa. )dg Seed A Floral Co.. 143 2d -t . Portland R ANIiRKASBURG rollers. SS imported, or I trade for anything oaa ggake u.v t 1 105 K, CliBtee st Tjhor 5807. x.l.UH raetter WrrUog for age 1 year, ot or will trade for a bicycir tomatic 286 02 REGISTE BID orange sal si rhteaa for sato. Ma Piraisni at I ' m 1 ilue, dale. Or. Mate $430. Hilla- R,i SI PADEREWSKI CATTERY Has for salt ha oraaae tabbv and hiark atwats. Kiu for aaaa Tabor 7778. ONLY $23 and $13 fox terrier Daamtsi CaD after Surdsy Bast 181S. FEDIOBEBD pal doc ouomas from the cele- n rated Speedway keaoala: week dan Main 20 between 8 s sa. snd 4:00 a. m bUl.D!.E but male, age 3. price If. 86 watch dog for house or auto. 7518 53d ave. S. E. Phone Ant 620-17 IMPORTED trained Chinese, beautiful singer. guaranteed, with bamboo castes. (15: white rrwaca poodle. $1$. 487 E. Centners at FOR SALE- Beautiful Persisa kittens, 84 snd 35; eats boarded. Portiand Cattery. Phone 614 64 FRENCH TERRIER ;-up. 2 months old. weight 10 I ha when grown. 103d st 10302 3j-h sve. Hear Lents Junction. 0C0R SALE ColUe puppies: also growa Eag- liah bulldogs- Call Tabor 121 R 4 C B. Campion. SILVER PERSIAN male rat for sale or trade tor St Artel resabrre asnawr. 713 Kaai Main 1608. MALE Colhe puppy, cheep, Woadyard. 027 Front at PEDIGREED orange Angora kittens for ml. 480 h Beimoet. GOOD baalthy eoine pup and mother dog Persian kittens. Tabor 6874. TWO cahary birds. 1 year old. goad stagers. $10 each. X-6SS, Journal. uOOO home in country for thooughbred lie for use of saasa, F-710. Journal FEDIGRBED feaaato aotlto pass, sabes, $3. 1 Ha u pert, Tualatin. Oregon. FIVE alee kittons to give away Call Monday morning, lsua Cornea at. DOG COLLARS ami as mem at reasonable prices. Keller Har 49 N. 0th FOB really good orange Persian kits call 630 33 eveamgs only. FOB SALE -Beautiful I Telepammi Persian cat: party leav- lag town. taat 8uos. IT A N DREAdb Ri RoUera.' rouse and ofo stoca sou t. Herat THOROUGHBRED blue Persian kittens for sale call star. 2178. BOSTON TerYier puppies, sire Wheatland J acker. oow. AIREDALE puppies, pedigreed, bea a ties. Tabor 1474. WELL bred Fox imei puppy, snaia. 400 B Oak. FOR SALB PVse Ssoteh Collie puppiea. TaboV 1 am SCOTCH Coiile puppy, fegaale.' 874 E. 6th corner Harrieaa. 1 CHOICE Chow puppy lor sate. aver Woodlawn 1310. BOSTON Terrier, champion stock, red mark ings, screw tail AUt 325-86. 684 E Slat, N BEST bred Pointer puppiw oa coast. 504 Key eeed btdg. Main 1521. BOSTON Terrier pupptoa. pealigreed stock; aired by Wahmt Duke Woodlawn 4464 SPLENDID White Persian fog sale. Tabor 698. AUTOMOBILES lOR SALE sop BKOADWJBY TIRE SHOP BROADWJ JJK AND WILLIAMS AVE. TIRES. ACCESSORIES. OILS. OAS. CRANK CABS FLUSHINGS TIRE SERVICE FORD bug. $256. A dandy Ford bag. flae ihan &twi . eood looker. Easy terms. UNIVERSAL CAB EXCHANGE Grand Ave. sad East Ydhehlll. Optra Bienliigs sad Sundays. Bast 471 West Side Branch. Broadway near GRaan. THE FENDER ivlAN J. B. DURHAM, takes the kinks oat while you ws!; repairs radiators and bodies Liberty radi ator cores (or aB types at can te stock. Bdwy. 3214 80 N. 11th at. aear Baraskto RADIATOR SERVICE CO. TT WILL PAY" you to see us about fwsairtod that RADIATOR. FENDER or BODY Expert work ssaarsateed snd et moderate sviesat Car. Uaaea aad Hawthorne avenues. Bast 8408. 1920 FORD twartan. 8500 ker ehssA-abeorben. dash light. nn tire. reamer tn I a as, na condition. Sunday Tersav Broadway 1572 before 12 rrn-r Www isf tuaiteg ear. brand aww. at 8390 Don't overtook that St George. Bdwy. 1460. Earths sat A a to Co.. 10th at Alder. WB CUT your sale seats to a steeper , tyvteas dass ant weaken the body B B Body Works. 660 WlUaama sve. East 1138. GET oar la retaainae aad oeernsuUng. ear atiargei wui interest yon. Carry's Ford hep, 227 Salmon, between let aad 2d sta. 1$1$ tlAYBEB light 0 4 ear te One raw gam at a bargain; a Beat 196Z. TsiT OLE in elmn-. 8 down wiU handle. Call Duffy, Broadway 3376. Wf. Ylil 'ret a sad sta t sato vsrecaing vo.. eaa Broadway 8284 resdway lilt Ford tourteg. tiTo rklBingalry Motor Co., ave. at Sth 720 00x6 MICHELJN 5 ply Urea, $10.00. ItesM bettec We know bow to repair ttraa Vul eaa Tire Stoap. Oraad sve. at Ptee B 4696 BBAl wkwato teak c A VI. el avtaaaen For asm A tracks. Carry's Po-d Pqo. bet- 1st sad 2d sta. 1917 Mnlrk aafht six. Cord tires 3673. T Tram in men minaaraer Motor Co.. Ha aaae assy at Sth. Bast 720. the .IT MOftma, 400 tVvraWt, gW Cmmutot. gaad rmasmat ar topa: 810$ takes itit hi East 877. - te and to fair shame: 8108 Uatoa gee. paons smst 877 1619 Ford lewsteker. StaW-r 0040. Term. WOli g 1 11 type Flaw shapa. Meter Co.. Haw ave at atb Kat 729 Auto Tops : OsOsaaa at., betweea 0th snd 828 1924 Ford tourrag Self atattar. 6638 BBOhwaUesy Meter Co. am 72. 1813 FOBD POULTRY 0 as paecea, Portland Alder star 17th: rilled. KL. a- . HAVE a gaad aaad ear. Wta trads far a e4 SALE Twin States Motor Car Company Mid-Summer Sale of Used and Rebuilt Cars a labge errors of standabd cabs TO SELECT FROM 1020 fine 1816 Touring, gaad ea rear, eagra Ufa. . . . TOO 1618 7 1 1917 T 1 475 CHALMERS l. A-l eaaditioa 1010 7 1816 Be 1818 8 1018 Tv 1817 Ti A-l 760 1814 Tourtag. good uewahtton 200 EXCEPT ION ALLY EASY TERMS OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Twin States Motor Car Company Washington at 10th. Broadway 404. 100 Per Cent SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Investigate Our New Potior Oaa Week's Trial 1814 MAXWELL ROADSTER, s wonder lul buy 32 W. C. QARBE, Inc. Broadway aad Burnside. Phone Broadway 610. Open Ouadays aad Ei eaten 100 Per cent SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Investigate Our New Pobey One Week's Trial. 1815 STCDEBAEEB 8 pass. .8876 W. C. QARBE, Inc. pL tmn. 111 Opea Sundays aad Ford delivery Ford touring .0000 .037$ Is Good Oeaitrtiea C H CO I -BURN 86 Tenth at Bdwy. $201. "BUILT TO ENDUES ' Pwrtehto sad Parma aaat 84$ to $090 Beat intlnsil Garage Bai REDIMADE BLDG. CO., POBTLAND. OR E. 11th and Market. Phone East 5114. Downtown sales office Comaroawealth bldg flth snd Ankenv Fhuaa Broadway 481 88. '20 Chandler Dispatch This ear will do year work st lew and light 1 in ease Is sarw to has everything to make a car complete, Yaa n Kan I 1 1 mA kUsaVBl term, .nrf W. Will take ear in trade if late asodeU or 8699 bai. monthly ao days. 16th sad Alder st mu sty its Mtnvat iAk w. COLE SACRIFICE SALE $676 The former owners paid $1880 for B teat recently but they bad to have iosbs aaaaiy aad we bought it at a bargain. Good cord tires aad two aperea. Tats aa I at us as good a oar aa you would expect far only 8076. See It right away. St George, at Itarthasst A a to Oft. 16th st Aider. Bdwy 1460. MORE MILES FOR YOUR MONEY A Ford sO do all any oar will do and won't coat half ss much to do it. 130 aaad Fa to choose from. UNIVERSAL CAB EXCHANGE Grand Ave. aad Bast Yamhill. Open Evenings aad etoamnss. Bast 4Y1 West Sid Bra ask. Broadway aear Gusts. 1920 FORD 0070. a! UN'TVBBBAL CAB EXCHANGE Oraad Ave. aad Bast YssahiO. Open Fisalaat sad Ouadays. East 471 West Etna Branch. Broadway aear Ghana. FOBll SEDAN, 1926 I wire wheels with saw Flak Bad Te tires rear sad Parsons, 00 N. Brasataay. FBoaw m.n BTgUllttMB A , and repainted, baa rood esrd tires sad askt with the mm gaarantee at a warn ana. Thto to a as aft Call Proper. Broadway 84 FOR SALB Cheap. 3 pass. sato. te fine run - - z snaps aim a lag BBS ass PITS wor0 make an offer or trade for Ford re as boa! F. A. Errehner. 158 B 26th at X . aear Sandy klvsL FORD aedan. drivw torn than iwM mOMk Starter, am rtaas. . sew spara tire", smaapsr. shock sbnrarnera, eve. Trraaa. Trade to Ford tour ing. BtBinr-rev Mwtor Co.. Hawtburas tea. st ath. Bast 720. YOlS BEO Bto Taartkg Car. I wui saaba yaa a apeeml ixispuastasa ss to prase ana torma. Tk is a real buy. Ceil Uoodfeilew. Bdwy. 1466. CrLCNl.Lr.U tusfitot totT rat aad ru Uavoa ave ama N. 34 842 BURNSIDE ST. NBAS BROADWAY. FOBD SBYJAnT paint; $47$. 11. ftD aea Mate $161 or 1020 oLbsyofcrLI I. us Ian Near east tirea. sxastUrt, $1960. UftU Durnaas, Broadway 3270 "wO1 Overiead to flaw oa Trade te Feed theme are, st $th Bast 1010 DODGE ran gain St $678, Schuyler et. A NEW Che freest, I taBBa, aamata will bear Una 1 tins Mr. JanOat 1672 before 12 aeoa Snaaaj. 1916 6lds to ttoa aksagw, rgmaT tfsea. tl Motor Cat. 729 tirea. 6201. -TUT car tost tths asm. Can Mast 807 DODGE. at 264 1921 FOBD eaape. wtB give trade. Tabev 1512 er take atn OLAOSY Fwed CaB Z2T0. FOB BALE at a ToTT 9622 Farter HB TO party 83. $878 esah Mata TS1L FT7T BlFASIlOy ILBAltlH sat" WeaOte, O Saggato O. ton wans track te First St.. ettr. far Bfht car.H daanaT- tUlL BOAlVr'M. 6259; give 00 OeesHsasl. TT ttoa. 8 aaad ttraa. 878 E. 8TU at. Hawtherne ave, at 0th. FOBD touring. 161$. at a 1417 0AZOW. tVVatV THIS IS YOCB LAST CBANCB TO BUY A CAB AT THESE PRICES MONDAY MOBBING THIS BALE 15 Of KB. AND THE B EG U LA B PRICK GOBS BACK OK THSaa CABS! 00 PLEASURE CABS. $4 TRUCKS . ALL STYLES ABD PRICES SO BYE BY OSS CAN OWE A CAB. MAKE YUCB OWN TERMS ! HEBE ABB A PXw New fdooa. .82813.00 81807.70 . 20OO.0O 1030.00 . 2650 00 2232.00 . $300 00 2720.00 . $$00 00 8026 00 Sew Nearly State 11 ad at it 2000.00 Mitchell, kast everh l d 760.60 Grant 600.00 Oakland 000.00 Nearly new Aabura. . . 1400 00 i.OO 250.00 TRUCKS Old Hickory $1700.00 $1487 00 Gary. 1 tt-teu 2600.00 2128.00 Gary. 2 w ton tOOO.OO 2100.00 Gary. S toe 3 064) 00 8316.00 Meealaad. 4-eaa .... $800.00 3236.00 Fultoa. 1-tea 000 00 007.00 Graassn-Sirnatsto. S-toa 2000.00 2128.00 BapabBr. h lea .... 750 00 007.00 Indtoaa. late 2000.00 2210.00 Ford. 1 400.00 040.00 2660.00 2210.00 sF 4000.00 8376.09 8206.00 0070.00 THIS IS YOCB LAST CHANCE WB WONT HAVE THEM AGAIN. IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH MONEY NOW, AND YOCB CREDIT 18 GOOD. DOST LET THE CAB TOO WANT BB SOLD YOU CANT BEPLACB IT WB ABB OPEN SUNDAY. American Warehouse Sales Co. 415 rL CORNER Edit 8310, 1 B STH ST. sat 0511. PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS WE WRECK 'EM WE WRECK 'EM WE WRECK 'EM PARTS FOB ALL MAKES ANT) MODELS. WB JUST PUBCHAS03 FEB BBTYBB STOCK FROM TWO LABOB GARAGES OVER FOSTT CABS ADDED TO OCR VEST LABOB STOCK GIVES US A VEST UNB IN FTTB MILUOW PARTS IB $B 0UB TRRBB BOB OB THE COAST, Auto Rcoiistncflon am9m Company MdGlIsan 112 3rd at, K. at. 241 3d st 3T1A- 5ZA- SBB $160 cssh. 001 W . I.saakara, xlaame Coi. 496. BEB, 0400. EAST 6900.