THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 17, 181. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $350 DOWN KOBE CITT PARK $3625 New 3-roora bungalow, nearly com pleted, hardwood floors, obi ivory finished; price includes electric imam and snide; sewer Im provements in and paid: this is a verv sand oo- pprtunity for an ex we nice man, as you could pay una up wild your loan. J. L. H ARTS! AN COMPANY, 6 Chamber at Com. Bids. Main 208. Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. MODERN 7 ROOM BUNG-Al-OW WEST PIEDMONT DISTRICT House is almost like new; has good basement, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in-; golden oak and white enamel finish, 50x100 lot, several fruit trees; close to car, school and walking distance - Jefferson high. Price $4 500; consider smaller house, semi-modern, up to $3000, on pared street. E. M. BROWN 201 Consolidated Securities Building Broadway 3222 BT OWNER TERMS COZY 5 ROOM .. BUNGALOW Interim- done, in whit ivory finish. 2 bedrooms in pussywillow gray, bath, built-in features In parlor, dining room, Dutch xitciien. run Base ment, wash trays, newly pa m ted inside and out attic, garden wot, street mired and all paid close to school and best car service in city; am leaving city: wil sell for (3675. 1364 E. Salmon st Tabor 1567. WE HAVE a nice listing of homes in Irrington, It will be to your interest to . consult oor realtor. Call him for ap pointment. Yrur every interest will be protected. I UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943 284 Oak St. ROSE CTTi SMALL DOWN PAYMENT S5200 ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BCNGA 1iW WITH ELEGANT PLATE GLASS WIN DOWS ANI MIRRORS: LONG LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. COVE CEILINGS, FINE W FFET, HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN WITH -BREAKFAST NOOK; LARGE ATTIC; MIL LER FURNACE. R. SOMEBVTLLE. BROADWAY 2478. A GOOD BUNGALOW BUY CASH I $850 PRICE 34250 Five lovely rooms and breakfast nook, old ivory finish, every modern convenience, best hardwood floors, fireplace in white marble brick, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, ttreet improvements paid. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4664. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 83000 And a big lot 133x110, with an abundance of fruit, concrete basement, furnace, located in University Park, close to ear and school. Only 1500 down, balance easy. . COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS. (Meaning Reliability. ) 82 4 th st Main 4522 EX SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION ! Get your bungalow plana. 325 homes to select from. HERBERT A. WILLIAMS, 909 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Designing and Building. OWNER has 4 of the best houses in Portlsnd under construction ; son resdy to move into all double constructed, built-ins, hardwood floor. French doors, fireplaces, cement floor and auto drive; splendid neighborhood; street improve ments all in and paid for. Take Richmond car to 35th, go south 1 block; price $4700; rea- aonable terms. Owner, Automatic 218-32. I.ARGE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Built-ins, white ivory finish, fine place, H. floora, beautiful view ; cement basement, new furnace, trays; hmi-e 6 years old. It would cost you 85500 to build a house like this, plus $1000 for a lot. My pnee $4 500. Call owner, Main 6327, ALBERTA BUNGALOW Modern 5-roora bungalow in excellent condi tion nntbma rundown about this borne: it near the car. schools, stores and churches; paved street and sewer; room for garage; pnee $3300 terms. Can 540 Webster st (Alberta car to E. 12th St.. 1 block north). Woodlawn 8296. STRICTLY MODERN, ft ROOMS. $3000 Nice 5 room cottage, sleeping porch, garage, fruit trees, berries, nice lot 50x100, funrnace, wash trays. In good neighborhood, near schools and car. All improvements. By owner. Auto. C44-41. ' $300 DOWN - 6 room" plastered house, bath, lights, gas. cement basement. Corner lot, 1 block to paving. Price $2150. Easy terms. 401 Stock Exchange. Main 5335. RICHMOND BUNGALOW Beautiful 5 -room modern home, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc. ; some fruit trees and flowers ; price $3500: easy 1st payment, balance $40 monthly. Call Main 3S06. Mr. Koenigs. QCIN. 206 Morgan bldg. REALTOR. STOP PAYING rent, own your own home ; small payment down, balance like rent. Would take good late model Ford car part payment; 3 room house, new, $1600. 1660 Hassalo su Monta viiia ear to 63rd, 4 blocks north. . ROSE CITY Coxy 4 room house, paved street, close in pleasant surroundings. 2 ft blocks Rose City and Montaviiia cars; good value at $3750. 123 E,. 27th st. N. East 6012. $500 DOWN Montaviiia SNAP; cozy 4 room serai-modern bungalow; price $2500, on easy monthly pajanents; accept Ford car. Call Main 3S06. Mr. Koenigs. QUIN -206 Morgan bldg REALTOR. SACRIFICE 4 room houe. full basement, im provementa all in and paid, full lot, paved st Plenty of room for garage. 10 minutes' ride east aide, $2600; terms, $15 per month. Owner. 841 East 8 th N. A BARGAIN MUST SELL Four large rooms, all conveniences, large attic basement, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen; lot 57x1 Oft. My equity cash, balance 830 month. Two blocks to car. Wdln. 1212. ' 2 HOU8ES $2600 $300 CASH 7 -room and 3 -room house on 50x100 lot, paved street, all paid, 1 block of Irrington car. R. J. McGUIRE 84$ North Union Are. East 5407. FOR SALE City-country home, 2 blocks from St. Jons car. Paved St., 7 rooms, 4 lots, lawn, shrubbery, flowers, fruit, berries, garden, .chicken house and ran. barn and garage. Owner leaving city. University Park. 709 Girard st.. near Fisk. ONLY $1650 EASY PAYMENTS Takes 4 -room house, bath, etc.; garage in base ment, full lot. garden, chicken house, etc., near Clinton Kelly school, block to car. Call 206 Morgan bldg. - Z 5 ROOMS $1800 Rooms all downstair bath, toilet, electricity; corner lot. $500 cash, bl. to suit. R. J. McGUIRE 545 North Union Ave. East 5407. 100X100 ON MONTGOMERY st,, with three 8 room houses now being painted. This is a bargain at $17,000, half cash. Want to leave town. See this. If you want to save money deal with owner. V-994. Journal BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME Exceptional bargain: 12 .rooms steam heat. 100x100. deuble garage, beautiful shrubs; all improvements in and paid; any terms. Sellwood 2633. 4-ROOM modern bunjialow. furnished: lot lOOx 100, fenced; berries and fruit trees: 125 White Leghorn pullets; all improvements in: elose to school and car. 1169 E. 33d st N. $3250: terms. ' LEAVING PORTLAND; my home for sale in Land s add..; t rooms, also sleeping porch and den; built-ins, hardwood floors in principal rooms downstairs; garage and lots of flowers. East 2997. 1 WANT to show you the best' 4 room modern house in the world since Noah built the ark. Aa ideal home for the newlyweds or a retired couple.. Woodstock district. F-680. JoornaL BUY from owner. 4 frooa new bungalow, full basement, large attic, enameled bath, built-in Dutch kitchen. See it, 600 Liberty st Phone Wdln 866 82600. Terms. WEST SIDE 7 ROOMS. GA8. BATH AND KI J3CTRICTTY . 2: FIREPLACES, CEMENT BASEMENT, LOT 50x100. OWNER, 467 TENTH ST. NEW 6 room modern house on 30th and B. Harrison, good car service, location and view; large lot and frnrt trees; cash, with terms. Call and see owner. 565 Bslmont st. East 3213. LADD'S ADDITION. 7 room modern house, with garage and paved alley; also 10 room house adjoining Ladd's Addition, ground 100x100; oa easy terms. Phone Tabor 704. WESTMORELAND BUNGA 1XW. $3600 5 rooms, modern. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, paved st, extra large lot easy terms. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706 evenings. IJSAVING TOWN By owner, modern home, 8 rooms, fun cement basement, 100x100; garden all growing. A bargain. $2600; some terms. See owner. 1872 McKeana ave.. neat Houghton. MODERN 6-room home on beautiful corner. Hawthorne district; small payment down.' bal ance $35 month, including int Owner. Tabor 3359. FOR SALE by owner, hk acre. 2 houses aad ban in Irrington. 40 acres 2 V miles from Oregon City, "it 762. MODERN six room home, corner kit. fine m eatioa. 1108 Canton at. cor. 87th, $5300. Term. Owner. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ATTENTION HOMESEEKER8 ROSE CTTT PARK LArRELHTTOT IBV1NGTON ALAMEDA rH Our Service Means MIMIU DOLLARS $tttf tt to you. Oar 14 veers' experience in veiling hemes and honallM in these beautiful districts has put US in position to be of ACTUAL SERVICE to those desiring homes. We may not hare listen tne KKI HUME you are looking for, but our close attention and ACOCAINTANt. K m tnee ox-mcts ename u to put you in tmm"- touch with your IDEAL, HOME. If on ccntemrtfate owning a Home in eitoer of the,e select districts, think ot the J. A W1CKMAN CO: as the one place in the city where you will be rendered real SERVICE and HELP w locating that noma. We haven t 1500 listings, or even 1000. frit what we have are selected from about 1200 in sncctions. We culled about 50 per cent. There fore our h tings, consist of about BOO good buys that we believe are WORTH THK MONK x . Now SERVICE is our motto and it l just what we expect to. give you whin you come h re looking for a home. So when you are in need of a HOME think of J. A. WICKMAN CO. REALTORS, " Shortest War Home," 264 Stark st. Main 583 and 1094. 1RVINGTON BEAUTY! 579 E. 25TH ST. N. FINEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE 7 BOOM BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON. INCH OAK FLOORING. LONG LIVING ROOM. BEAUTI FUL FIREPLACE. DEN. WONDERFUL DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK VENT HOOD OVER RANGE. TILE BATH ROOM. RECESS TUB. LAUNDRY ROOM FINISHED ATTIC, FURNACE AND GARAGE. rnACiitJAA.i.1 jscw. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $7500 TERMS ATTRACTIVE NEW BUNGALOW WITH FIVE SPACIOUS ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR, LARGE LIVING ROOM. MASSIVE FIRE- PLACE. BUILTIN BOOKCASES. BEAUTIFUL FIXTURES, FRENCH DOORS TO DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. HOOD OVER RANGE. T1I.K UKAI BOARDS, ri K .N ACl, GARAGE. EAST FRONT. IF IT IS IN IRVINGTON WE HAVE IT! R SOMERVILLE, BROADWAY 247. REALTOR. U. . NAT. BANK WLDG. $800 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK Price only $4850: exceptionally attractive new bungalow. 5 rooms and large attic; has all the up-to-date features, wen located, nice sur roundings, on paved street and all assessments paid; about 3 blocks from Rose City car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. EXTRA GOOD VALUE PIEDMONT HOME 7 rooms and sleeping porch; double construction and all modern except hard wood floors; house is In splendid condition; lot 68x100, new double garage and several nice trees; half block north of library and convenient to 3 car lines; number of house, 1165 Commercial street. Price $6000, good terms. E. M. BROWN 201 Consolidated Securities Building Broadway 3222 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW $2600 EASY TERMS 50x100 corner, lawn, garden, fruit and ber ries. large living and dining room, 2 bedrooms and bath, built-ins, 1 block from paved street. 3 blocks from car. This must be sacrificed for a quick sale and will consider a light 5 passenger car as first payment. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write AU Kinds of Insurance. IATRELHtRST BUNGALOW Five room bungalow having breakfast nook. fnraartv firetHace. garage. haruwood floors French doors and built in bath. Windows in all the clothes closets. An up to the minute home that you would appreciate seeing. Only $6500. on easy terms. Office open Sunday. 11 to 2. . OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398 $100 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY Buys a 3-room shingled shack. 50x100 lot. graveled street, electric lights and city water total price $800. fie altorS 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A Common Sense Home This is a dandy 6-room bungalow on north slope of Mt Tabor; one of the best built homes in this section. The owner stands back of the material and workmanship; has furnace, cement basement and garage, sidewalk and sewer in and paid; only $4500. Tabor 7547. NEW HOME FOR $950. $250 cash and $15 per month and interest buys this new 3 room bungalow, near Lnts. Only S blocks from the carline. on a 50x100 lot. 4 small fruit trees on the property. A very neat little place. Office open Sunday, 11 to 2 OTTO at HAKK.SON. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398 BY OWNER Neat 6-room bungalow, sightly location, double construction, hardwood floors, fireplace, boos cases, buffet, handy kitchen .breakfast nook, full plumbing; finished in ivory and white enamel near Franklin high and Creston school; 5 blocks to WW car. on Powell between 42d and 43d; no incumbrances, easy terms. V-1000, Journal. $1650 WILL buy a dandy little 4 -room house with cement basement, concrete wall, electricity, gas. Bull Run water; wonderful lot with all kinds of fruit, ber ries, grapes and flowers. A perfect little home. Can be handled on easy terms. $650 cash. Far particulars see BEN RIES LAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. One Half Acre BRAND NEW FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW $1900 TERMS $400 DOWN It is plastered; has city water, sink, toilet; ideal for berries, garden, chickens; 3 blocks Mt. Tabor car. 2200 E. Taylor. Tabor 5196. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lot, near Jefferson high and Peninsula Park; 50x100. $500, $50 cash, $10 monthly; also 60x155, $700. easy terms, JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Main 3787. BY SOME oyner, corner lot 50x100, cogy 5 room bungalow, east front and fireplace, bookcases and cement basement, laundry trays, cement garage, streets all in and paid, clear of all incumbrancea. Price $4200. Part cash. Phone Wdln. 1026. 925 E. 12th N. Irving ton district ReaS Sacrifice Three-room cottage. $650, $150 down. $20 per month. EDWARD T. ORR, REALTOR 115 Grand Ave. ROSE CITY $2875 FURNISHED , Charming, under pines, little, cheerful home in splendid condition. Act Quick. Easy terms. Auto. 310-10. 7-ROOM. 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, built ins, garage, fine fruit and shrubbery; only $4000; very small payment will handle this beautiful home, balance small monthly pay meat Wilbur F. Jouno. 228 Henry bldg. Broadway 4837. MODERN 5 room house, large eatie and eleep ing porch. Full cement basement. 28x44 feet 2 full lots. Nice trees and shrubbery. $7500. All improvements paid. Owner, 658 E. 47tn st N. Tabor 4211. $1450. EASY terms. Beautiful new. cheap. classy bungalow, now under construction. If you want a home below the market see thia at once. N. Pea. park. Bear school and industrial center. 1645 Miss. are. N ICE 4 room plastered cottage, some built-in fixtures, gas and water, lot OOxlZO; garage aad chicken house; garden all in and several rows of loganberries; $75 down, balance $1130. Phone Tabor 7172. A TITLE In-urance Policy a a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title insured. Better be safe than serry. Title A Trust company. 7-ROOM house, 2H lots, 12 fruit trees. Iota ot berries; roses, holly bushes, cement garage will take light car in trade. Tabor 5603. 131 Division. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy, you oo not need an abstract of title. One pre raiora pays for all time. Title A Trust company 4-ROOM house, lot 50x100. Woodlawn district ods some repairs. Will sell tor $1200. . sar. oraou. azu Henry dku. 3 -ROOM house; gas. wale, sewer In, flowers and some fruit. $700. $300 down aad $12.50 per montn. 4704 E. 65th st- S. E KENTON dtrict Nice 4 room furnished bun Saiow. $1450: including furniture. $4 Winched FOR SAIE 6 room hone at 1512 E. Flan oers. tig i o. AUtO. 3:17-27 SMALL house, lot in Centea. furniture. $700 8812 56th ave. S. E. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern; will take car, aome caan. uaB Tabor Mil arte nnw REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES RALPH HARRIS COMPANY SEAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE $300 DOWN $ room bungalow type horns. Franklin high. Vacant, very neat and $2000. $27.50 par month. $400 DOWN 4 room cottage ami braslrfart nook beautiful let. fruit, berries, chicken bouse. $1750. Close in ot Woodstock car. $00 DOWN 5 room bungalow. Alberta di trict. 25th street. A nifty hole home with full basement $2800. A good buy. Ralph Harris Co. REALTORS 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main $624. BRAND NEW R08E CITY BUNGALOW S39S0Terms 749 E. 63D ST. N.. BOSS CITY CAR Just completed, fi rooms aad large sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, plenty built-ins, breakfast nook, with tables, etc; ele gant electric fixtures, plumbing, sewers, com plete: all finished in white and ivory; tapestry decorations: full cemented basement: full east front lot: handy to ear. The best buy in Port land: fine locality: restricted district. See this today, on premises from 1 to 5 daily, or phone East 6516 day or Woodlawn 1550 evenings. BEAT THE HIGH COST OF BUILDING $2500 NEW 5 BOOM HOUSE $2300 I can build a commodious 5 room noose, complete plumbing, wired, V base ment with cement floor, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-ins. double con structed of very best materials, for $2500. EARL E. FOG EL. Designer aad Builder. Call Aut 625-70. 7056 30th Are. Do Not Forget We have the best buys. Tell us what you want. Is it this one? Beautiful o room mod ern home on 1 floor; it's a beauty, nicely sr noted, dandy rooms cement foundation. lull reea and some berries; very pretty yard; only 3 blocks to C res ton school; a splendid buy for $3100; would like $1150 down, balance $20 a month. We are at your service every day.' Cable Realty Co. 8829 72d st. 8. E. Automatic 613-83. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Beautiful bungalow on paved street, combine tion living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, mod ern kitchen and breakfast nook. All assessments paid. If you have been looking for a home that is priced right with very easy terms to responsible parties, don't fail to see this place. $3375. This home is on a 50x100 lot and only H block to the car. Office open' Sunday. 11 to 2. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 639 $6500 ROSE CTTT BUNGALOW $5800 IF TAKEN THIS WEEK Five rooms, beautifully finished, strictly mod ern, large corner lot. with pretty trees, shrubs, flowers and berries. Reasonable terms. CaU today or any forenoon this week. 553 E. 46th N., oor. Wisteria drive. OWNER Furnished bungalow. $3600: $800 cash Modern 4 room with sleeping porch and attrac tive sunroom; large Living room, decorated nicely; breakfast nook; gas furnace: cement basement: fun lot; paved street: close to Richmond car. r radically new house. Has $150 carpet. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 204 Board of Trade Phone Bdwy. 37. Evening. 223 6 V $2300 RODNEY AND MORGAN $2300 Big Bargain 62 H xlOO lot. 8 r. house, cement base ment Purchaser assume $138 sewer aseesments. $1000 cash. bL terms. Chas. Ringler & Co. 225 Henry bldg. Near Hawthorne One of the very beat constructed houses in the city. H rooms. 3 bedrooms, every modern con vi-mence. beautiful 50x100 lot; owner leaving for California: must sell before Aiup. 1 irrthin in excellent condition ; fruit and berries; a spLen- aa Bargain at sazau. easy terms. O. B. Rippey. Realtor. 610-11 McKay bldg. Main 6229 or r.ast 2i A BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, large attic, full basement, saraee. 60x100 comer lot- fir.. place, furnace, bookcases, buffet, many builtins in kitchen; roses, shrubbery. Wss built for no me, nut owner Is compelled to sail. JolhnsonDodson Co. fi33 V W. Bank Bldg. Main $787. 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW HAWTHORNE DISTRICT New, modern, vacant bungalow, builtins, fire place, garage, near car. hard surface streets, everything paid, at the bargain price of $47"0. easy terms, or would consider lot in Roes City, Alameda or other good district as first payment s um owner, saoor Slow. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $4 50 CASH attractive 5 room bungalow, fully modern. nueet, nest aistnct 44T00, $450 oea Our very best buy in R. C. Park. O. A. Pearce Company -m Oregon Hldg. Bdwy. 4R35 Mr. Homeseeker Have just completed 2 new bungalows with all modern features. Can be bought on terras like rent. We invite you to see them. Houses open afternoons and evenings. 32d and E. -Morrison, sunnysxie car. $ l R00 WHITWOOD COURT tinfin" Across river from St. Johns: 2 i0 M.u so. 100 ft. 13 bearing fruit trees, berries and goou games ; v -room bungalow, newly painted num. sua out; aouDie cenea basement garage. Come see this. Inquire at Ferry Service Garage wner, joe ROSE CITY DISTRICT Here s your chance. 3 room house. eectrie light;, gas. wster. close to car and school, full size lot, an kinds of fine fruit trees full bear inc. several kinds of berries, mm flnl. soon Terms. Let your rent money buy this. Royal. 72d inoiwiy. laoor laa. ATTRACTIVE home, 398 E 38th N cor Hsn cock, living room. den. dining room, kitchen breakfast room, lavatory on fine floor. 4 bed rooms and bath upstairs, hardwood floors throughout; excellent condition. Owner, Tabor ,1.14. A GOOD R A R i ; A IV Modern 10 room house, fall basement tn.l fireplace and 7 room house, both on Kflvinn i in seuwona. Mocks from carline. $3500 owner, tseii. 3437. K-712. Journal FOR SALE by owner, neat 4 room house, with bath, lawn, fruit, flowers, small basement and store room, on paved st Sewer ia and paid ior. t diooks irom Alberta car. 1141 K. lam st .. si BOO. some terms. LATEST model 5-room bungalow in best part xv. v. v.. oeauuiui interior rmiah. paved st. everything paid in full: big discount for all rash or taae late model light car as part of first pay ava, tuner, i aoor vauri. EAST of 39th. 1 block from Belmont. $3630 very neat 5-room bungalow, extra fine cor ner 50x124, fine fruit trees; good buy. H. H. ataun. lo.'7 Helmont Tabor 219. Will Handle This 100x150. northwest corner. 1110 Mill: the price. $24,000. F-929. Journal. HAVE A IXKiK 5 rooms, strictly modern. 1184 Mixter st Hawthorne district CaU Main 1038 or SeU. 1159. Mr. Willing. FOR SALE by owner, 7 room w.H built bouse lot SOslOO. garage. 100 ft Alberta car $10O0 will hndle. Wdln. 180. 1061 E. 19th . l-nce S40P0. $3800 New Rose Citv Park bonemlow 3 rooms batb and breakfast, hardwood floors and all builtins; rag finish two rooms uostaids. Woodlawn 4982 4 ROOM house, sleeping porch. lot 100x100. chicken house, fruit of aU kinds, garage, paved street. $2950 if sold this week; terms. 708 Nehalem ave.. Sellwood. IRVINGT65T" BLOCK. $ Good cement house, garage: splendid location. E. 18th aad Multnomah. Hones aad oae lot $4500. East 7848. $250 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN Modern 6 rrom bungalow, hardwood floors, full plumbing, good fixtures. Dutch kitchen. 1 ft blocks to Sandy bird Terms. Taper 4S03 7 ROOM bungalow fruii; screened porch: cloa car. Price $2800 $280 cash. $23 month ly. including interest. Aut 048-89. $6000 ROSE CITY PARK home of 6 moms modem, full lot, street improvements ia and paid. Phone Woodlawn 1017. tJTOo NEAT 5-room house, fall baeeaeat, 1 block from ear line and paved eti reet, aaar Franklin high. Call owner. Tabor 2786 TITLE Insurance arm time and money tirreaa no abstract ia raw nil eu. Title A Treat eom- rany. 7 ROOM bnngalow ia Newberg Price $$000. Win consider exchange for Portland property Tabor 3555 KOR SALE By owner. 7 room house, 5 Ate, 7 fruit tram, loganberries, currants, gnoss berries: pnee $2900. Aut 622-30. GET title insurance instead of aa abstract R quicker aad cheaper and you are absolutely protected against error. Title A Trust eoapaay. DON'T bus. thai: 6- 1 acre, at a bargain aad oa very Owner, Automatic 626-47. y terms. 7 ROOM bungalow for sale; equity $900. Price $3500. 2 hoacha from ear. Pione Sail 2000. 6-ROOM house. $1150: take eeea ear oa net payment, aad easy Una 4704 63th A E. EIGHT room howe with aB meata, at a sacrifice. BOO Going at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES BIG HOME SPECIALS! Ckoarn out of our mora tkaa 1200 boa far Bk Photographs of every home are posted on the walls of our immense display room. Every torn is personally inspected and appraised. If ary. we'll hem yom make your down payment. we have hundreds or homes upon which the SKRVICE MAN CAN APPLY HIS BONIS. Move in now. Apply your bonus later! 28 SALESMEN AT YOUR SKRVICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. $650 WONDERFUL room ROSE CITY bungalow, with massive baes; beautifully appointed throughout: up to the minute la every detail; hardwood floors; sleep ing porch: garage. This la aa home In every way. Can t w show R to you? East 58th cU $2990 A bit of pleasant bungalow land. The little home you se been dreaming about $ rooms, combination living aad dining room; built-in conveniences. Situated in a lovely cool natural grove. FI R M.-SHKD. Milton St. Can arrange terms. $5250 ISM down! Exceptional HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE. 8 rooms, very attractive and well built: 2 sleeping porches: fur nace and every convenience; paved st bens an paid. E. 31st st. 1 elk to car $4850 One of the moat beautiful bungalow m the Hawthorne district 5 cool rooms hardwood floors, white enamel finish throughout; lares plate glass windows. Investigate this. E. 39th st Te can be arranged. $3990 A lovely 4 room bungalow among the cool firs in beautiful Irrington Park contains every modern feature, full at tic, where mote rooms could be fin ished; you'll love thia. E 32d it $3250 $400 down! Big 8 room Central Pea insula home. On Oatman st. 5 fire places. 2 baths, furnace, every conven ienee ; beautiful large grounds, 1 S3 x 100. with an abundance of fruit, flow en. berries, grapes, nuts. Come in and investigate this. OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY. Don't let this paaa 390 Real bargain! 5 room substantial h white enamel plumbing, electricity. pared St. paid.; right on carline. Brook lyn district, bear terms. $3490 $500 down! Beautiful new dainty 4 room Kenton bungalow; built-ins; Mis sissippi ave. $2990 600 down! Furnished Wavertev- Kicnmooa bungalow, on E. 24th st Typical California bungalow lines. 4 1 rooms, fireplace every modern conven- ience; garage. We have several other furnished bungalows for sale, near bi I at $600 down! $2850 $500 down! Union are. Bargain Here's I a snap m a good business property. I with v large living rooms in rear. Can be used as a grocery, market, etc. Splen- a. a nnsiness location. A CHANCE TO MAM: Mo.NLY $3190 -Easy terms'. Very neat 6 room bun- talow cottage on the west side of the river. No bridges to cross, in excellent condition, being newly painted tinted. Water st 1 block to ear. $1690 $500 down! Mount Scott gem! 4 rooms, with built-in. labor ami con veniences; nice white enamel plumbing fixtures ; inverted lights ; beautiful lawn; vines; shrubs: ota of hemes. A LIT TI E HOME YOU'LL RE PROUD TO OWN. 62d st OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE See FRANK I., McGUIRE To Buy Your Ho Realtor. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet Washington and Stark. EAST TERM HOMES BROOKLYN $3150 6 room modern bungalow, lot 50x100 it. paved street side walks and sewer on Powell street. $800 cash, bat terms. RICHMOND $2750 4 room modern house, completely far- maned on Cora ave.. lot 50x100 ft: ce ment basement $500 cash baL easy. RICHMOND $3700 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace. bookcases, Dutch kitchen, good basement; 4 blocks to Clinton Kelly school. $430 cash, terms to suit HAWTHORNE $1675 S room modern borne, buffet eases, good basement. $675 cash, to suit IRVINGTON $4600 terms 6 room modern home, hot water heat ing system, built-ins, finished ia old ivory and white ensmel; 50to,o ft lot; garage. only 1 1 oo caan to handle. ROSE CITY PARK $4500 5 room modern bungalow with sleep ing porch, turnare. fireplace, Iuteh kitch en; 1 oiorg to it. C. P. car. $1500 cash; easy terms. MAIN 7027 WESff SUITE 415 Kv8j2t8y KPLATT BLDG, WASRtt PARK Alberta St. Bargain Cozy 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors; has halt cement basement with wash trays, also fireplace. All newly painted inside and out Interior aU white enamel. Has French glass doors, an abundance of flowers aad good hemes and bearing fruit trees. Street paving. sewer aad cement sidewalks in and paid i or. PRICE $3500. TERMS SEE Webster L Klncaid REALTOR 401 LEWIS BLDG Phone Broadway 471$. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. GARAGE 118 FLANDERS ST., AT 418T ST. PRICE $6000 TERMS .-sew mooem 9 room Bungalow, narawood nooa thrqughout, plate aiass windows, fireplace, built ins, large attic aad basement garage aad full cement driveway, splendidly located Bear park ana car. tor ale by owner. Open for inspection Sunday after 1 p. m MR HANDYMAN A R room unfinished house, gat aad city water, concrete foundation, extra good value; $1000. $$00 cash, $25 monthly. 782 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROSE CITY $5200 $2.00 5-ROOM RUNGALOW AND DEN. SLEEP ING PORCH. FURNACE. FIREPLACE IN LARGE LIVING ROOM: BEAM CEILING IN DINING ROOM: CHOICE LOCATION. BE LOW THE HUJj QN 4TH ST. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT, R SOMERVILLE, BROADWAY 24 78. A SNAP. CLOSE IN Save carfare. 6 rma. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 large kitchen cabinets included . fall cement basement and furnace. 488 East Da via, near 10th. half buck to Rose City car tine: $3750, $750 cash, bilsnos long time. Pneno R R. R.. Maia 172, or call 145 3d st ROSE CITY DISTRICT Cute looking 4 room bungalow. Tapestry paper ia living room, 2 bedrooms, hail tin kitchen, pretty electric fixtures, no bath but completely furnished. Everything goes for $1080. Term. If you want this hurry, tt won't last Royal. 72 d and Sandy. Tabor 111 AN ABSTRACT at title a not a guarantee of yoOr title; it is merely a history of your title. A Title Insurance Policy ia a guarantee of your title Therefore, when you buy property get a Title I lain a ate Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. BEST BUYS IN WOODSTOCK 4 room cottage, gas. garage, let 41x110, $1150. $330 down. Reduced for cash. 3 room bungalow, flaipaia. ateeptag porch, all modern. $3200. $1600 cask. 0128 824 at Woodstock ear. NEW ssodera 4 rooa bungalow, breakfast nook. fir space, bo open Sunday Phone Tabor 6274. 1229 ave. Terms. isia at v TITLE I asars nee ft the modern way of handling titles to real estate, vfuicxrr. costs lea aad no abstract required. Title A Treat i wiubj lKVLVOTOX 5 room eunaamw. pake,; a PanT arae or anraas ami T lowers, vtted. Maia 6327. 1 ROOMS and bath node alar datrtct $1800. East 4S-.2 after 8pm ACRE harries, small 76th (improved) : $1930. BY OWN1 a 4 Tabor 1926. ONEFlFTM $450. mjg3jfi7 warn ifflas REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY' BARGAINS 81250 4 r-wa cottage, bath. teak, els tricity. gas; paved street, aewet. 1BU 1 room airty bungalow. M Tatar; bath, electricity, gai $175 5 room cottage. Peroneals: VERY FINE AND CLEAN: bath, etc S.suo room cottage, bat. bath, toilet. $2900 7- tr. Onr 7 veers old. good location. 50x100 lot. NEW NEW N CW $3250 Coay bungalow. Ing-nvtng. 2 kitchen, rail ivory finish. $3600 5 room bungalow. meat: Ivory rialah. ail buut-lna. 50x100. Windsor Heights. HAWTHONE BARGAINS $3350 4 room bungalow and sleeping porch, cement basement, trays, paved anl tewvr. $1400 5-room bungalow, cement base ment, trays, paved, sewer. $1700 5-room bungalow. corner lot. res nan, newly decorated , v nr attractive aad low price. BARGAIN. MARSH A Met' ABE CO.. Realtors. 122 1-4 Failing Bkig. Marshall 1991 Rose City Park Laurel hurst Folks, if you contemplate buying ia either oae of these districts, you owe It to yourseH to inspect oar listings. We give moat of our time and attention to the sale of houses in Rose Oily Park and Laurelhunst and we can serve you beat Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. Our sales men are instructed never to urge oae to buy. The houses must sell them selves. Come, see for yourself what wonderful buys we have to offer. You'll be under Bo nbligalkiiai uai tively. A.C.TEEPE CO. DCALTOOS A irSuOAMC ?70 STARK. CT x- IV, 40T1 AH0 ilHTTY MtT- OOZ, VAjeJh? TABOR. 95 S6 OPEN EVENINGS. WE ARE OFFER1NO TonAT An 8 room house in the Irvine ton district .t a bargain, hardwood floors throughout all the blllltins. plate class window- r- . r, u rvU will, Iln snruooery, st ii.'.uuo A 4 room bungalow, with sD the builtins. breakfast nook, cogy: iust for two: 1400ft 9 room bungalow just being finished, at lea than cost We will follow your color a. heme tinting if bought now; corner of 10th ami Holman. $5650. 11 " above does not meet your approval w wiu ouiw to your own good taste within ln" limits ol your nprse. using sound construe ess cieap cut aesigns e speoaliee in commercial houses. Sea Mr ' ait FINANCE SERVICK CO 909 Wilcs Bldg. Main 4441. HOME 8EEKERS. we hare a number of homes ranging in price from $2100 to $1600 that are aaap buys and on very easy terms. Ton should rail us for ap pointment and see them before you buy UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943 284 Oak 8t $4000 VERNON $4000 DISCOUNT FOB CASH Splendid home in fine imuViu-. ,l,.in, ,n improvements in aad paid for. 2 blocks from car, lot 60x100, good 5 room bungalow, sleep ing porch can be used for sewing room, full cement basement, wash trays, good plumbing, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, window seat built-ins, white enamel Dutch kitchen, "siler. newly painted inside snd out Owner 990 E 17th at. N.. near Going. HAVE YOU $2500 VERY BEST VALUE LAURELHURST BUNUAIXW Most cheerful laree mmii lnnr-h w,tK,. breakfast Book all the builtins. plateglam win dows, oak polished floors down. Including the - ranram . men class plumbing: also 2 fia- iieu oeurooms up. i on can choree your paper S : he .nt " irory finish. Choose your "'c mwiw. sou cant peat una. $0500 mit. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME FOB LARUE FAMILY Beautiful 7 room bunealnw h.4n iUm.. porch, located oa the east slope of Mt Tabor having a wonderful view of Mt Hood and St iicioui. t uepiace. lavatories, large basement and garage. Half block to the car. An excep tional bargain at'ttOOO with . Office open Sunday. 11 to 2. OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce Main 6Sa HEART Of .XAURELHT RBT ? $6000 Bargain hunters. vou'Il have .-.w " a eweiy, close to tne park, a unuual builtins. wonderfully built Terms. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 204 nt TeA. I none Bdwy. 37. Evening. 221-67. MODERN BUNGALOW $3200. $300 TO $800 CASH large, attractive- room :ih f,.,.i.,, bniM-.n feature, full concrete basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc.: ruu' on mnrf i., t blocks from car line. Easy terms. RICHARD V. MAST. REALTOR RITTER. lOWE A CO.. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. EXTRA1 EXTRA! EXTRA! HAWTHORNE BARGAIN Brand new double rorai mrtl s. nw,M i. talow with large living room screws frost hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen. . . Doom, cement oaaement 50x100 lot street in and paid. Price $4 504). Terms. K. U McGREW 1089 Hawthorne ave Tabor 8892. WEST SIDE $$30 DOWN ' A 6-room hoaae. with cement Ku.n k.k te. oo Kearney street. Dear 2$d. City ira S77S"t" to Bd "id- Frioe only $4 5oo. 350 down, balance terms. House is in fine condition and vacant RUMMELL A RUkTMELL 274 Stark St WIDOW lady moving to California win arti fice modern Walnut Park home. 2-tary, rooms, bath, inclosed sleeping porch, buill ins, washtub. furnace, fnll k. ..... ... - .v...- sreea. soma hemes and fruit ; $1500 wil han- die. be lanes like rent 306 Railway r-a-ee bldg. Maia 1 503. BOSE CTTT PARK 6-ROOM RUNGALOW A eery coxy sad complete home with 8 bed rooms aU en one floor .11 f k. Mll.m. Place, furnace, garage, i block from Ross City ear. below bin. all impmveeeeata paid; $3500. . i caan. East 4U74. 00 ANb LOOK 1152 GLADSTONE AVE. 3 rooms; large bedroom, bath and we irate toilet down. 1 bedroom up. lots of closet beans of fruit berries, grape, aad m $3500. $500 cash. Call East 4074 V. move right la. 5-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW $1880 80x100 lot, fliauraua. roomy and convenient ; fruit etc Easy terras. Sea this and enbmit an offer. RICHARD W. MART. REALTOR. RITTER, lOWE A CO.. 201 3-3-7 Beard of Trade Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 769 E 6lh N. : el. tricity. gas. bath, lot 50x1 OO, harries and fruit trees, paved streets. aB leanim assail paid. weuing luiranvs; aievv. rest eg TO. 292 Tillamook. FOR SALE by uenee: Modem 0 rooa howe. bungalow -tyre; (nod barn, chicken run. 50 1 100 lot. 82700 cash. 8 blocks east from Stark M. T. rag, CaU Set afternoon, Sunday or eve nings. 55 East SBd St. aaar Stark. $3600 BY OWNER, $500 down; vacant at tractive, double-i yak acted 6 rosea buaga Vow : $ bedrooms, all oa ground floor; fireplace; corner lot ism congress, oor. or Morn Call owaer. Widlawn 410. SPECIAL BARGAIN All furnished ready-to 4 room bungalow. ik 31500. terms. Duhora, I $boo cash. $8s:.o Run 1088 FOUR room plastered house, lot lOxlOO. fruit tree and tloweve. close to Kenton. $1550 Tens td R CllTiette 1 TBI IWw rVERS' room auagalow. 120$ aT Laurefhorst Bargaia far qwiek earn, waving maw. taaa or anas, swas gie asj. WK have several new Bp to-date Lawralhant that $650 first pay at win buy nms neimont IN ROSE CITT PARK Far ale by owner, a Tabor 81. A SNAP for s few dan only: 8030 rash. 829SO: 0 rooa laagall . tot lOOxlOO. trait, berries aad garden. 1088 It ' nl $1075 CASH. $$0OO: 4 ro-m coaapestob; fur Tab. IM1 $24MvO CASH. $4000 Cety Park. 1018 moDkrn 8 1808 E. Hoyt peeteTflnTlotl combination ota hiiirnnmi. Dutch : a beauttfal basin to Bars Taker 2 $88 WM A HOGHBS CO. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG SD AND STARK 8TB. MAC 6102 86300 Rase Cits. close to oar. lisou $3750 lot good luntlii 880O cash km -Alameda Park. $10OO eaaa. You see tma bungalow. Thia m oae $4950 which waa karat right aad tt Juat as good aa it looks. Ha nail floors, fire paaos. cove hrubberj. Deal heat laundry trays, thra earn. $500 oaah. Harry oa $4200 Hawthorne 5 impiwemaata in, 3 hardwood floors. Preplaeo. eta. $3 400 $1000 oaah. Hawthorne, S Thra a home, mat $1200 Albiaa. clow u oar aad J school, fatbr improved lot 7 hanraret One of our maay ear in tr.u deerv-t Easy terms. VM A. HDiHGI CU. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. SD AND STARK 8TS. MAIN 6102. $4 r.rto A REAL Waverly Rirhaec-nd borne. rooms, all sea oae floor, hke new. weeraerfal view; built in bookcases, buffet, fireplace, far aeee. beautiful electric fixtures, paved street WU1 take light ear or mt oa paved street aa part payment Owner. 927 Brook Ira at Soil wood $71. Bl'S'GAbf.VV MT. SCOTT Owner leaving, city aad will sell his 5 room bungalow, aire large bedrooms and a real cosy home. S blocks from car. fa $2400; $.'.0(1 oaah: worn cannot afield to Bay runt East 4074. KENTON. 4 room house, lot SOxlOO. street improver. .ntj and sewer in. all paid: must be sold in $ days. $1100 $500 down. Mr. Gil lette. 1761 Dearer are. ACREAGE 405 $14 DOWN $14 FEB MONTH PARK ROBE GARDEN LAND NEARLY 2 ACRES Greased aD cleared, fine ailt lead. Thai to that wonderful diking dletrtot recently nompaeted Now a the tirae to buy as thai land will surely advance la price; corner tract, Aa thia hi oat aide of the city limits you do not Bead a city building permit, therefore, you aaa start coa tructioa of a temporary home at oace, only re t notions are that you keep bark 15 ft from the street Price male $1177 j this la oary $750 per acre. .Come out aad ase it today. Parkroae branch office opaa every day. L HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Mam 208. Parkroae branch office of Parkroae car baa 10 ARE.S-1 s, mile, from Ridgwfield. WaST. n s acres r lea red. Balance pasture; 4 acres seeded to clover and timothy: house, barn and chicken house: Oae garden, all of the I at red gmuad In good giuwlm crops; l and wagon. 1 fresh Jersey cow. $0 Red chickens. Implements, tools and feral tare free from encumbrance Price $1900. eoma 78 arras 4 aOea east of La Center. Wash, i a good rork mad. dark day ami. ralmag 28 acres cleared: balance. 47 acres. seeded pasture; good mixed family orchard. 5 room house, 40x40 barn and other oo.t'Od. buiMlnga. all ia fair condition j :fened aad crow- fenced; water supply. S walk. 1 sprtag: ft ralw to good school : 1, Urge young team. 6 and 7 years old: 9 milch cows, 1 heifer. 2 sows, 1 boar. It pigs. SO Angara goata, 1 wagon and hi mara and all farm Implements for running place. Cash price $8800, terms 890O0; half down, balance reea arable- terms at 6 per cent Thia place has a federal loaa of $ 1 TOO at 6 H per cent for $1 yean. It la your time to look this over. H. TANNER, Real Eetate and Farm 1 oases. Wnodraad. 2ft ACRES, nicely situated, rich, culti vated lead, at end of Hawthorne ave. carline. an t be beat at a hoae site aad a food producer ia hard times. A way to beat the lanCrd aad a good many other bills. Price $200, aa taraa. Re member, you are in city, handy to street can and only a few blocks beyond quar ter black coating same money. Owner. IS Railway Kxca. Bldg. Fhaai Mar. 1585 WEST SIDE ACREAGE Have a few choice acre tracts within 4 blocks of Couacii Crest oar. with city, water, gas. eta. that I will sell as low as $1500 per acre on very easy terms to parties that win build within 60 days. I have a large tract, 20 acres, elose to the above acreage, without improvement, aa low as $700 per acre cash. If you an to the market for west side land, ase me before buyiag, as I know where the bargains are. J. J. McCarthy, abington bldg ROCKWOOD 4 acres or lea. 10 miles from hard surface road and near electric: real bargain, easy terms. GILXJS a. s.n D . . . 4 w or lea unimproved, and 5 acres or lea unproved fine ami: suitable for chicken farm and berries tremen lou sacrifice, easy terras. UMBDEN STOCK A T ARSON CO.. 210 Oregon bldg Broadway 1658 SACRIFICE 10 acres Oregon City line. 11 raues south Portlsnd N mile east Jennings Lodge station. oa oat f ieid read. 1 ft acres ia culrjettioa. at which 1 acre la new hemes. 4 room hoaae. won derful new of Oregon itv in! country. A 1 soil for a nla and vegetable. Lots of pasture. A little improvement oa thia will double value. Lead Bear selling at 81000 per acre. Price 830O0. $1200 cash, bat time Owaer on place. R. 1. box 237-D. Milwaukee. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER 10 acres rood land. 8 acres aB state of cultivation 2 acres easily cleared. spring on place: 25 fruit trees: as 4 m lea frora city limits Portland. 3 mua f Oregon City, oae quarter of a mile from Ore City carline. Oa the Outfield macadi For fall particulars and terras see owi at 104S CboaaboT of Commerce bldg. .'a ACkM wvh large modem bungalow of 9 rooms, 2 fireplaces. 2 every convenience, sightly location, beauti fully arranged for Urge family, club or aaniUnum : only $800(1 on For particulars can on BEN RIES LAND. 404 Piatt bldg . 12T Park at. or at the oaburUQB office at Multnomah oa the boulevard Mr. Rowers hi charge. CHICKEN RANCH orchard, berries, 'crop. team. Irapliaiata, all goes, close to Amity, fine soil: $2300; terms. -3 acres, ft fat ca Hive ttoa. fenced, cematy road, fine view; $1780. $400 down, beX kft 226 Chamber of Ccremerce bldg. SKA CHRIST BROS. Snap$!450 EAST TERMS 5 acres. CLOSE IN: aft euHivated. nch mam soil : at electric station, neat atd win sell quickly See A K. HOI. 426 bcrraoni bldg YAMHILL COUNTY RANCMES 04 acres close to Amity, running water, pari ia cultivation, fenced, about 100 sards of wood to the acre: market far wood aa place. Sen say pari nf It; fiae let of aw I Basel $75 per acre; naan payment dears. baL as you sell the 726 l number of toast eves BEACH REST BROS BUf g palmar 25 feet frontage. 7 station, natural ah rubbery. akeT sad to suit C O0RBIN CO.. 101 e. 7 Levels bsdg. cJTrdwood PROPOSITION 1 sere oats. baJaace tiraber. 2SOO wrn. 5000 cedar poeta. land has Is to Oregon City; 82500. tersss. bV H tew art 1W 4th st Maia 8278. SEE STOKES TRACTS Half acres to Cstg water. No aaaaaaaarara or gravel berta ear. Near 4 2d aad Alarworth pay asm. R. W. Car. 121$ N. W. Al $10 8-ROOM flat aleety famish 'd rent 833 SeD rami tare West side, rlees C. W. mlltonrafp. 108 ft 4th 3278. It e to 10- 88950: only 38O0 VlwTTl lawan 4Mb eve aV K. 810 ACRE, ft river. 19 awe. Portuad 0 alas Foce-t Grove, bank $s.n E. I asra, warren. Or, LOOK! LOOK! Gaed heeae cheap. 16 at Wdln. 2$$. Don t aba thai BY OWNER 20 Acres$600 426 leratiraaa bag. 80 ACRES wf aajsd erf land at Wsabw-k. vTesh . burned aad sseded. vll trade for rwetaad Win pay part eaaa. Pkpai Wdts 0871. 4 3 ACRE. aatoUe elty jraaas; $71 $130 Ms-n 4112. FIRST - ' LASS aaaatity to Partraad. 748. FO nALk Berry, frafa i. 1600 aft derful maeae drama; Forced sale. $4250 Irvirartoa. $-room Buagale etc ea. kh. car Mae. garage, ran cesaeat modern aad a-to-data. REAL ESTA 10 ACRES, located II the center of Portia ad. oa SarwTwra-1! m over half nadir caltivataoa. all (armed when cleared; 8 acres of ft acre etrawberries. family ae trtehgbta caa be had, bare 20g$O.. good milch cows. 70 chirk sea. 1 "worse.' V bean and UmoI wicnraary Price 85OO0. ft rTHMTTRl AND CHICKKNK over acre, rust ot r r a: A GOOp CHEAP PLACE iu a-re.. ia exiles west of HilLbom. si anile from ataitri. eta. ttoa and school, goad brack loam soil: 2 seres la potatoes, corn aad betas: 2 acres very easy to plow no v all level and eroded to grew, wire foneoa. $ room Tiiirama. 2 chicken houses. Price $221. $1550 each. 1 acres, l ft aims from good town, with high -hot5. Sft acres under rulti vauoa. heanag orchard, $ room house, barn, ehiefcea tow Price $1000. taehsd tog stack aad nuliimiu- Only 20 aOaa from Portland Exi nin-iaa n v fiae seal. a part ONLY $ 1 260 EASY TERMS lft ervwa eatt of Gresham. la town, coed raai aiairalieil road. 1 from electric tf Mow, all aadcr cuKlsattoa ana tne east of mara aotL new 4 Offered oa easy 5 acres. 1 ft miles front Fwftmad city limits, all can be ouiawjted whoa cleared, ear school, gawd soil. Mt Scott rarhaa Pnee $775 cash. Inspected nv Kemp JOHN lnGUSON. HEtl.piK Qerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near PorUaaaL Get Oar Extensive Claaetfled Lists 5, 10 and 20 Acre Tracts $25 Acre Up $10 down aad $3 per aonth buy, a re tract a this sikktaua af M0 am dewa the Caraabaa river ea the Oregon aaa. close to CMamba highway aad river; fins tranapeitatiea, raiboed. river, sate stage aad trunk, Beautiful laying had. free from rock at gravel: seese tracts haws beautiful view of river: then it also so ase awry, berrsa. fruit so, CHARLES DELFEL 81S BaUway Exchange $tOO CASH. $13 MONTHLY A sc lend id tract of 1.7 acres with brand $ room cottage, aad easily cleared: ft from Carver line, oa good macedaaised res ailes frees Portlsnd : we have $ of than tracts iiialsta are being erected aa aa wf thea Total price $1480; win take vacant lot as first urml i -w ER or t OMMEBXB 733 CHAMBER $4$ ASCOT ACRE TRACT $4$ DOWN. Close to carline and paved highway, ex cellent soil. aU rlrared. close to town, beau tiful view. $4$ down. baL SO per aaa. CaU Maia $201. Open evenings snd Sunday Boone Clearwater REALTORS 603 Couch bldg. 109 4th at 10 ACRES. 4 acres fruit aad berriea. '. I ft aera hay. 1 ft aera garden, etc noma growtfe timber: new ben for 500 chickens: $ room bourn, bars, wood hoaae aad garage: 1 cow. 1 heifer. 300 chicken. an took aad bapl era eats. Will take place ta rewn to ssuoo. terms on balaeoe. 1 1 from rnnrthiraa. Price 63300 Phone W lawa 0066 864 Vancouver are HERE fc you chance ta own a naaO far down tbe i .numbia nver 18 i a -e -r. ;s: aii'j you caa make. It is rich, productive soil. oa a good road. Price 8358 Terms 8146 Mlaaea $81 a year. Let aa show it la Johnson DcKison Co. EM N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787 FOB SALE Oft sera, located between Beaver Baa ami Keednlie. 4 rooa hnnsaliia 500 laying hens. 800 8 mo. -old chicks, earn; aB gaed outbuildings. 2 aera to swanbe fries sad 1 acre trawberrtea. Price $$000. half cash, rest terras. sugnt eoosmer some trade. Ton will hare u. see this little place to appreciate u. Wsj t. b. sparas. ,o. 4. Beaverjm. Or. Ill PEB AfMUC 4 ft aula aorth of Ckthlaawt. Wsak Saaae of the tracts ea highway, ruaaing water, feu mattering stumps, fine land. 1000 aera to se lect from; 30 sera. $300. $30 dwn. $30 every 6 months. Oft. Close ta logging camp. 226 Chamber of Commerce Mdg. SEACHREBT BROS. VEhT CHEAP. CLOSE IN About 20 aera aa the Barr road. 2 ft altos K of city limits. 2 acres cultivated faeaflv orchard ef 88 treat bout ta full heariae. fine soil; price 8630O: very easy terns. D. McKINNON. 8. E. 6 3d sc. tmraer Baavadoe. UHo WanTS fTt 82250 FXB THREE ACRES At Meltaoaah station, oa caved huhwav enei tamx, acres tor pnee of oae: Bacl aa owner to give this to ou $500 balance to rait SMITH WAGONER CO. STOCK EACH oav 2 gains ait ef city. AB rlraad SBS am balance 817 per rau. aad 6 late rest. CaU Main $201. ETCELLXNT Und st 310 par sere on tne BF tosabta river, good road, aad easy taraa. JohnsonDodson Co. 083 Northevestrra Bjanh esdg. SCY DIB EOT frea owner. 40-acre fsrn, 12 a cultivated, fenced, 40 anas frea Portland. 4 Bila frora B R ; fair bulldtage, running water, crops ta, family orchard: an Tor t2OO0, terras, laourre eataga. after 7 SO. Ot E. 7 2d at N . Portland. Or A. fctS a lanu for as. by oenrar, weth bam. garaae and 4 : eprlag water; plenty ef Umber for : all for g3100 Write Davvdeoa. Brush Prairie. Weak, 22 Ai'RES. 4 y dee red. use. cloa to school aad R. R station, ta W Co c-mnty road. A a. 828 SaT 3 aera eaiaifal sefl. I ro 4 btorks f rem Taxi 32 7 no. Eustace. Box 101. Route A. G Jf'ST outside dty liratts. oa paved PwemO valley 62d st. ft arm, with aU Hu :. at Mara 1308. 3 ACRES. 81100 Near Taaatto, S ban. station. 2 cleared, ber "J. C. OOESTN CO., Actjs. a C CORBIN CO.. 303 6 7 Lewis lft ACRiM. bTdl taws. 4 a haul. $0 rataara oat, 82250: $500 dawn, 420 Henry badg. trade. Mr. XiTW yftfSE ami weH vritk Tg $1730. $173 m Co.. SSS FOR SALE ta Chehahs. VTsah.. ta 82800. terns. I. G Gay. SACRIFICE 20 $1600. Or i20Ow CASH Ways HI aera We, with thou Mans af ream at nan timber. 7 bums Win jlna.. Weak; bargain. J R Fotff. 41 Henry $10 to, $10 ts or gravel Oty A W. Gary. 1210 N W. Baa 1043. Res. Mean 1877 MODERN g raaiiace wth uraety eaW cultivation, oaaooa la pastare: all caa be cultivated weaa ilea red; faaattr nsrtraiu. acre etrawwerrras ; 6 room house, bare 28x10. chicken house 12x14. Price 6AOOO. whims - --- the erea: SlOM cash, balance years at Oft. 1 acres near Newberg. Or. 1 miles to grade aad kkdk school, awed wire r hiLj le c-.t limits N-s-k. :no rararara id school wevea wire fences, city water aad gas J swmee atatrrVBgflsumn he had. Irele chicken aouw- '"price $tSOo! auaoa achat ihahioa aad same runu ture. $100 cash, balance at $20 per month aad interest at 6 ft. 21 Near J ACRES ft seres. ameru ear. me aa water. Let ae skew yea k bads. Maa fseaaa, etato 840 '' H Xntn aaar ear, fnat water, aeed Wara. hawk Swig. Aft a as usa ACRE, snail hnasi. Bsra. enrahea heaaa. or ahiaj. saaB (rast. at BftlajaHi, 8750. U W. Mil i lk. 164 ft tk at, Matojy,TH ACCTAiaB Sunderland Acres 81 NDERLAND COLUMBIA Bot LEYARD. est 30th at East $Sd era. K. at I van la aaatty of a nek river (aa gravel) and it to Ire avowee ca Part of the to vwaaeward aad East 20th at aa the aerth lira usa af the I red a te the no that win mere then nog far nraeT ia a atom wane bp prod icing Ml eeeaa aad a a ikstrli t when property vaV aaa wtO tor i aaa. ransot aftard ta neglect mvaartgstiag thra. COME OCT STNDAY AND PICK OCT TOCB TRACT to a datnrt that k aratrawsl ta be aaa of the aeat vsraaees aad ! raan i usa eeramwmtrtos ta the arama. Get ia ob the grew ad fleer wkaft tta Mr. Nay lor oa the gi Quads El. ROD A DRYER. Owvara. ESS Stark St. 2d Finer Gordon Baft. Broadway 1166. 1 ACRE. Park. : ea hoase 14x16 feet (or 81610. $400 cash will an. MAIN 7027 Sunt 415 M ASKS' PARK PtATT BLDG. TKRWILI.Ii.KR BO U LEYARD ACRES Tn Ulllgii beum- eftored far eah) in treats at ant or i Yea may have your or cleared, with Barnaul rvewa ef the ctty. riven and avsuataina. U k as park, oa a 3 pa east grawe a b tka The sarin tract ram been nbinraal tote smaller uniu of frea 1 te Sft acres each, and will be aakt at very attractive aricas aad taraa. FRUIT LANDS GARfMEN TRACTS BEACTIFl L HOME BITES tract at ap well aad i aaraia I- a dandy view Ht inm. A read blocks aerth af Raws Ot cultivation AM tar $1600. $400 oaah. $1800 ban taw sera aaar Atoka sta tion, ea Ongaa Etoctrie, 4 rooa bias. 2 chicken hraraa. fruits aad santoa, lft blocks oft highway, ft cash 1 aare aa Oeagoa latifa aaar Tlgard. 3 rooa hones, nut snd berriea. itorkal ft aera, S large beartag fruit treea. bema. fine gardes. 4 rasa keaa, ohsok- ceearat waBta All lea than 10 miseries' aria frea etath aaa j W asm nates streets: bwUdtng naUhlkBi Na each veto, has ever ban offered ear the rasaey; , it is the iheapest acreage offered to the eity aaa ea easy lei as win; go a auen runaar ami ft aad lay a. aaek e' Why aw the aaa dta taaes eat and pay w ranch more for a cats to than we are aakxmi for aa acre af aieaed 7 Wag pay more fee a era? tot with are asking for aa acre with aa win sooa be unable te pure aera at any R. F. Bryan. 308 Chamber of Main IMS : ASCOT ACREAGE $4 DOWN Bull Run Water mm t mikai out of city. Base Law read, close to own Isles Tma' k" trict: only $0 par aad Oft in 3201. Boone-Clearwater REALTORS. 805 ,5s bowS i? &o UoVTMLt ibIibH 1-acre tract, good Bail, araal c Mr chick aaa. berries aad fruit: 1 i city halts: total price $880: we have A fine from city 14 tracts in tarn urainag ran, some a Oft acre, aad pruaortionately oa fe.tjjraaaAflg 732 GHAMBER OF COMMENCE CHEAP AgREAGE FvlaCEb BAH WHhin 80 aula af PraNaawl. 80 PEB per Lad. $$ nor sen, 120 aera burned over land, easy 1 Ira red. Bra tflleMe: fine soil: 86.28 per arte. 180 aera, teas a barn, fruit. 3 era cleared: fine soil; furniture . $$ $3u0 cash. A W. ESTES. REALTOR, 003 Chanber af Commerce Auto. 314 OS. Ascot Acre Trcict $000 ELK. TO CARLINE Hun water, all cleared. $42 84 dewa. baL 88.30 par aonth aad auy 0 per cent Int. Lead aD level, perfect view af tka biobb tains, daady ail Can Mato 620L Boone-Clearwater REALTORS 305 Couch Bear, DIKED I-AND-lwst oatidato ba boulevard. 840O to 3OO0. value ef this Und after denliman place, eay within 1 or yean. BL W. Gary. 1218 N W SUBURBAN HOMES 8650 DOWN; easy terras aa hasaaee. Asms a new aaodwrn kaagtks to ABaa Qaar- tera aa large tract af ground dandy buy. lft R1RSLA ND. 404 Piatt brig.. 127 Park Bt, or see my rrpraeataUve. Mr. aVogars. at the MaRnouwh office aa the blvA . MR. WORKING llA-V Here k s snap. 8 bus a sad a 4 rsa. city water. 60 fruit Ibb, gaed trie beat available, aaar 72d sc. only 8S84BB. gSOO down, or nj take 3 ACRES At Rf AN A real pace. 3 fireplace, gas. BaB Raa 4 Mocks to station aad raw) trees aad shrubbery; 811 PARRISH A PARRI8H. SOS Maia 43 2T. -top looe! uamDf! ONLY 8203 DOWN t OREGON CTTT UNB 6638. easy terms: 4 lets eta red; bu:U in 10 Bk R Howard. Oak et. waath ef Ev 8 A ALL ta station, aa as 'h baL to ease WJbur F 22S 2 Hi rim bungalow with pantry. ( front and bark porch: ea 1 ft ta afl 8T2S. r! -rk-r. gen City 1 MU wanks. . rowte 1. 166. fo st J aiaga Lodge, near highway aad rtvar. aaa. elertneita: fins well: lata ef frajt, street Part cash, seed teens. GEORGE MORSE. Jean nge Lodge, Or 8I5O0 WTLL way 3 frtot, gas. city ua tor. rasttrtritl V avr N 681. Baa: S A DANDY esrhts. wster. large etens to 81400; 8200 !' ery baft. . NEARLY aa acre. BBS tiful grove of ftr Owner E-872 tlOO UVwTJ New b Bags I'm maa. 83 ra F 600. Journal. eartteeMhant m ideal sukeuaaa ear ra tanas, aaa. A PA RAISE Mato 0S3T. PLACE e0 will k IB til rftaftral sttAa. Reraaee Fine rev ia ataatae aremaA Bias, ft A-l shape Price 147 MuBantaak Taker 4106. c il'H'KAN pkes tor ase. I sen ttOw; kata banes, fee t, Caartinj Ustlsa. Oes 1 lee trie railroad, east a Otaftokl reads e- s . a- enftsasra sramssS ana mwaratrarararaS aattraraas MtCI, lawai waftft unSS aTsBswawswanwawft Iraaa, a and (togwoad; $2$ dawft. Jsmresl Owner. 10 A : 4 room u net ana haene; aksrat 4 a. ' wared. 4ft aftn fraa Usaita ef Tea., ft By eerarr. CaB ratot 7182- V ACRE and two reaa shark. Baall aaaeS down Easy tanas aa III Apaty tSf F. 7th N. MSBBBT t-naea nildiBsi with fgaaft aerate rated acre See S. L N. Plana. Geenraa Home Mam Mb4 1JTTLE rear acre with 3 rotes hoau. ease to fwrUanA good car aervtea. Pea. 0004). pars tenaa Laavtag eky. Owaer. S01 E. lltk etj. 6 A-4 bUXral J ', T to m,iS,