THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREOON ' 1 mmmmimmmmmmmtmtmmmmmmmmmmSmmmmm SATURDAY, JUL! MfSn's- Tennis Championship on Tap Today "Chick" Evans to Defend Golf Tide Miss McDonald State Tennis hamp Again Br Georire Bert VpOR the fourth consecutive time Miss i- Uftym MacDonald, Seattle's tennis walked off with the women's championship of Oregon.' defeating Kiss Stella Fording of Portland m the finals of the mi title play In tiro easy sets, 8-1. 8-1. Miss MaePonald did not exert herself the least hit In the same and won by forcing her opponent to play almost continually from the hack line. Her strokes in the second set were Tefy ac curately placed, while Miss Fordiijg jras decidedly off form, her backnana ei forts going Into the net time after time. The two game annexed by Miss Ford ing Were the second in each set In the ffrat set she won her Own serve and In the second she broke through and won Miss MacDonald's serve in a deuce game. FOfB GAMES GO TO DEUCE Only four" games went to deuce, two til each get In the first set. Jaiss Mac Donald won two t-7 games on her own serve. Miss Fording had the advantage in the first deuce games three times. hut Miss Maertonald made the play deuce With-brilliant passes. The second deuce aamea decided the first set. Following Is the summary of the match : Point seore: MM MDanald . . Miss routine 8 trot analysis: 'lib Mar Donald . Miss fttittn Point seore: Mla MseDoeald . . Mi5i Fording Stroke analysis: MIm MseDenaM . . MM Fordi ng rim .... I 10 .414 404 9 .141 272 7- Oot. 10 10 -S5 -24 i ....484 454 4- 052 131 2- Net. Oats. 10 T 1 8 t -28 -14 MM KMOoaSld 18 Wm Porting 4 Net. 1 25 Out. D.r. a Boxing CALIFORHIAHS" WIS DOUBLES After two brilliant and hard-foujht matches lfl the semi-final round of the i men's doubles, with PhU Bettens and Herbert Suhf 6t San Francisco and Bill Xnrraham and Charles Stlckney emerg tag victors, the Caiifornians grabbed the title by taking Ingraham and Stickney Into ' camp in a four-set match, 8-4, 1-8, 3-4, 6-8. I,07TG SET GOES 29 GAMES Bettens and Suhr won from Catlin Wolf. Yard and Henry Stevens of Portland in a 4-set match. 8-1. 8-2, 10-12. 8.0. The third set of 12 games was the longest of the . tourney and some of the best playing of the week was seen In this set Eddie Murphy and Walter Ooss were eliminated In the lower bracket semi finals by Inaraham and Stickney in five-set match. 1-8. 6-0, 8-4, 4-6, 6-2 This was a wonderful match, replete with sensational volleying and rallies. In the final match, Bettens and Suhr re more steady and accurate in their play, as the recapitulation of the match Bhows. Bettens and Suhr made 41 passes as against 82 for tnelr opponents. Stickney was off color in his play at the nets and numerous times he lost points by driving Into the net tn attempt ' tm make passes. 'BAILIES A HE FBEQrrEITT e There was a number of good rallies in the match. 12 of the games going into deuce, - with the games 4-all In the first set, if Bettens and Suhr won the ninth game . on Ingraham's serve, and finished the V set with a love game, the second on the first set. four beautiful passes in the lath game resulting In the other love game. b c T ostox. Mat, war ld-ehany wn- son successfully defended 1 velxht title ajrainrt George the Cambridge colored man, taking the decision tn their 10-round bout at the Boston arena aray aigni. Robinson was outtooxed, though he Outdo a sensational start in the tint round and alia bad two other rounds to his credit. A crowd of 12,800 saw the battle. Aurora. 111.. July II. (L N, my Mandell of Kocaiora Asher, A. E. F. bantamweight in 10 rounds Friday nijrnt. gcheffer beat Gene Wilson in 10 rounds. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Jimmy Brady won from Jack Carter ih 10 rounds Fri day night. ' New York. July 1. L N. 8. Tom- . . .. ;; . . ray Oibbons, at. rana xiaany neavy-wels-ht, orobably will bo matched with Georges Carpentler before sundown to night. Eddie Kane, manager! or Gib bons, and Richard were scheduled to meet today and Kane indicated that bo expected to sign articles. Promoter Richard plans to Bold too match either in his big arena at Jersey City or in Madison Square Garden. Calgary, July 16. Freddie Welsh, ex- lightweight champion, has aoooptoo terms to box here August 15. He will probably meet Bert Hughes of Seattle. New York, July 16. (O. P.) Even, If the state boxing commission refuses to srrant a license, the International Sport ing; club will stage the Liyncn-Herman bantamweight championship -scrap July 25. officials of the club said Friday, as a final recourse the license or the Kbbets-McKeever company will be used. according to Tex CTBoufke. New York, July 18.--TJ. P.) Jack Johnson's claim for the' negro heavy weight chamnionshiD found a vehement oh lector here today in the person of Harrv Wills. "Just as soon as Johnson gets me out of the Way he can get some place with his claims. It's easy enough to be a talk champion but the titles don't Come that way," Wills aid Young Iawan Wins Right to PlayChampion EVANSTON. m, JnJy 18. CO. Rudy -HIM". Sioux City. chick m holes la Cbo up at the end of nine the match at Westmoreland tab bar today for the Western golf championship. Knepper went oat In ft. one above par. while Ev an was taking 88. New York, July 16. Reinstatement of Charley White, Chicago lightweight, w announced by the National Boxing ass ciatlon. While, it is understood, may box in Portland, Or., Labor day. Dan Edwards 4iidLee Put Up Slow Bout Denny Edwards was awarded the referee's decision over Georgie Lee, the Chinese battler, m the 10-round main event at the Milwaukie Boxing commis sion arena Friday night Tha contest was slow and uninteresting for a great er nart of the 10 rounds, Edwards do ing the forcing in the early rounds and Lee uncovering during the final three sessions, but he could not offset the handicap piled up by the colored bat tier. The Chinese boy, fully aware of Ed wards' ability, kept covered up as much as possible during the early rounds. At that, Lee is a pretty good battler for a Chinese, but before he will make any great headway in the ring game he wih have to show a little more aggressive ness. The other bouts on the card rave the fans their money's worth. Eddie Gor man won a technical knockout decision over Duffy Knorr, the Bend, Or., bat tler in the sixth round. Referee Louttit Ingraham and Stickney won the first "topped this encounter in the sixth' round -v Km v. aauui . uuui aeu lueji inuiiau four games of the second set. Including a love tame, and after losing a game ttenned out and won the set. In the third set, Bettens and Suhr won the first three games and then dropped four strati t. Including two deuce games. Four straight passes In the eighth game mad the -match 4-all and from then on Wet fens and Suhr beean to rally and won the set. 27 points to 24. TOLLETIWG IS SIZZLING The fourth set v it lour deuce games saw the Callfornlana f their best They passed with great accuracy and returned several hard strokes. Summary of the match: fir 8M Pwint mea BwUetr-Snhr 484 414 JH 4-14-4 Ingraham Stirling 241 140 471 ' 0 244 St roi. analgia; T'"s Aces. Net. Oats. D.F. Betene-Snhr . 18 8 8 Inaraliam RUrkney ... 8 8 18 -t- OUTDOOR SPORTS at try Hear F. t Country Club. lvrtil. Tn Tw.T V C e-r-l - - - prevent Charles Evans Jr, national ama teur golf champion, from playing In the national open ebamnooahlp next week One is the brand of golf that; Roddy Knepper, the Iowa champion, 18 playing. The other Is bis health. Both are difficult to prejudice. KSEPPEE BEATS HARTMA Evans will meet Knooper Saturday in the finals of the western championship Tha young lowan won the right to meet Evans Friday by smashing through a 3 and 2 victory Over George Hartman, Chicago, while the champion waa Quell ing the aspirations of E a Johnston, St Paul, S and 4. Knepper is a corking fine golfer and the way ho baa plowed through the field here this week makes the Issue Saturday decidedly doubtful, for while Evans is back on his game life for him for the last throe months has been one tournament after another on both sides of the Atlantic played In the face Of recurrent neuritis. If Evans wins, and his health con tinues to improve, bo will probably play in the Washington tournament it was learned. SQUARE IN FIRST TTJRH The champion had to use all of his skill and generalship Friday bu defeat Johnston. At the first turn they were all square and for the next 8 boles came a battle royal with the match generally all square. In the last nine holes x perience and endurance told the story and Evans pulled away and, ended the maicn on me in green. The Knepper-Hartman match was not decided until 34 holes of pretty golf had been played and the lowan showed that he. too, Is a strong Jt finisher by taking the last four holes and winning to 1. Knepper played the last nine in 34, two under par. By Tad m . a -e"r Bf iV a swicr ??ZZ v WWStSA SSM CnrFot vouftSfci-r- rw rtrvt a 8M m bf . I ?tocfM or a 4iccr wtrr CrLfeNMD mOMT" 3wTr4Crt WCKT . ment Knorr started like a whirlwind. floored Gorman twice in the first round but later In the same round Gorman also scored two knock downs. The bout was full of action. Johnny Fugate and Tim Callahan put up a hard six round battle, the former gaining the decision. Eddie Richards scored a technical knockout over Johnny Wade in the first round, the latter s seconds throwing the towel Into the ring Just before the bell. Richards was swinging like a Dutch windmill. "Brick" Coyls won a four round de cision over Dan .Heavy, former P. N. A, champion. . A good sized crowd witnessed the card, but it Was mors or less disap pointed by the showing made by toe main eventers. Cof froth May Hold Boxing Contests On Polo Grounds By W. S. Farnsworth t'niTertal Sarrica luff Correspondent. NEW YORK, July 16 James W. Cof roth. tor years considered the leading fight promoter in the country, will prob ably branch out In a few days as the owner of a boxing club right on Man hattan island. The famous Son Francisco fistic expert has been in New York since the middle of June. It was thought hs was here to get horses for bis race track at Tijuana, but the writer learned today that "Sun ny Jim" has been looking over several Sites and has practically obtained the consent of the managers of Benny Leon ard and JackDempsey to fight for him at his first two shows. It is believed Coffroth is endeavoring to get the Polo grounds for his open air club, and it he secures this fine plant and is successful, be may erect a build ing exclusively for athletic events in the winter. When the late John T. Brush owned the Giants he was against allowing fights to be held in the park, and his heirs carried out his wishes after his death. But Charles A. Stoneham. who now controls the Giants, is a boxing fan and probably would permit Coffroth to hold bouts at the Polo grounds if be got the right term. ' Racing rpOLEDO. Ohio. July 16 Neva Brooke, J. driven by Tommy Murphy, won the feature event of getaway at the local grand circuit meeting Fridayjn straight heats. Hal Mahsne won the Willys-Overland stake, taking the second and third heats. ine Jiaiamasoo meeting will open Monday with a record breaking entry list Results : 2:18 pace, three beat. 'oua jn. uuvec Baby Gintor lrd Bnaby DanUnell . . . Prlne a Uttl Grams, ganflash abo started Tim 2:06 14, 2 05 . 8.-04 U 2:15 trot, three beata. pone 81200: Sea Brnok 1 1 Touay Kins i . . 8 8 The Are M 8 Jhoter , 1 8 4 7 81200. . .. 3 . . . 1 ... 4 . . . 3 1 Z sad Lady rUu Pacific Coast League Games IPeaaav. Crag victory to Coach. Chars defeat to Pasasr. Syatphoay and Worthy Bond also resrahaja- Bttcknar BMtMnr-snar , , . , i Stroke analyi! b Ta ham Stickney betters-Ruhr , , . , 4R5 OtS Am P!nt eret SI 4 4 Z9 488 10 1 Nets. Oota D P. 8 S 4 4 11 18 1 Third Set Peint eemait atteas-Suhr ,...014 014 545 4 87 8 biirraha SMrkHBt 883 440 70S S 84 4 Stroke analytic! Paaal, Arm. Nett, Oota. D.F tQeni-Suhr 14 1 11 IB I bwraham-StickiMY ... 7 IS 8 Fourth Set Peinl Btottona-Sithr 484 80S 84 8(1 8 hirmliana SUcknoy ... .341 340 80 28 8 Rtroke analyrja: Paaaoa. Arc. Nets. Onta. D.F. Beaten- Buhr 13 1 0 12 SMrahaar-atiekney ... 4 1 11 8 8 Maosphulathka Btmke aaalrds: Pateea. Aaea. Msta Outa D F ettMw-rMhe , 44 8 87 4 4 toMhank-atikny ..23 1 40 SB 2 Good matches were played tn the mixed doubles, Mrs. Braadon and Wal lace Scott m-on over Miss Fairchild and B1M Ingraham In a hard two-set match. While Miss Campbell and A. D. Wake- man boat Dorthy Ettinger and Ed Mur phy In a three set-match. The Mrs. Mulder-W. A. Ooss duo was eliminated from the event by Susanna Piatt and A. 8. FTohman. The finals in the men's singles is scheduled for this afternoon, Phil Bet tana opposing w. a. Ingraham. a numoer oi orunant strokes were made by the players throughout tha match. There was also some hot volley- tttg in a couple of the sets. Ace points were tow ana tar between, Bettens scor tag twice on his serve and Ingraham Baking one ace. i rte women s aouoies semt-rtnals re sulted tn easy victories for the expert en ceo players. alias Mac Donald and Mrs. R. E. Bragdon of Seattle winning over Miss Betty tiatcn and Miss Ann Towey In love sets, while Miss Adele Jones and Mrs. Ryan fall before the consistency of Mrs. W. L Northup and Miss FOraing tn lova sets also. - Prtday a reaatta: - . Portland Oarsman yVins Junior Title VancouvSr, B. C, July it Lewis H. Mills was the only member of the Port land Rowing club to score a victory in the opening day's program of the annual regatta Of the North Pacific Association of Amateur Oarsmen held yesterday Mills won the junior singles title after rowing one of the closest races of tha afternoon. The James Bay Athletic club of Victoria, B. C, won the 140 pound fours as well as the junior doubles, while Vancouver captured tha junior tours. Only one record waa broken and that was in the doubles, when M. Scott and H. Cummins of Victoria won In 8 min utes and 14 seconds, six Seconds faster than the previous mark. The senior events will wind up the program this afternoon. Yesterday's results follow Junior ainclea First. Lewi H. Milk. Port land: second. G. KincScy. Victoria: third. H. Watson. Victoria. Tune. 10:18. 140 pound foam First Victoria, MetcTprnUn (stroke). Hartley, Riddle, Watson; sacond. Port land. Yettielt (atroko). Bitmner. Ijn- gass, R. Humphrey; third. Vaaceover, Nelson i stroke). Finlayson, Coatee, Franca: fourth Victoria. Johnson (stroke). G. Paulina, Bay bone, f. V. Pawns. Time, 9:S4. Junior doubles First. Victoria. Scott Cummins: second. Vancouver, Black and Marri scher: third, Portland, will Oratory Haraaker. Junior fours First, Vaaaiiusai. ( stroke) . Hclntoah. gwasaaw. Wood Victoria. WSckson (stroke). Bond, Scott, Cum mins; third, Portland. DiUum (stroke). Strata, Hoaford. MacCumaey; fourth. TseNW. Patter- son ( stroke . Wnwh, Paart. Croery; flfth.- tona, jonaaoB (strotei, uoorce, c v, a. Time. Duncan. 18:28. Veteran Major Scout Missing From Boat Rrvstrvn Tolv 11 It XT C irthti. m?1ttti2? JPuJtlS- ,rwin oldtlme big league baseball player a4. 4-8. a-8 boat Goaa and Mar tnrrahsm atSHt Murphy. ParUand, 6 1. Hortland. 1-8, t t Btwney pott Q -2. In IS. 8 . Final raoad Mlaa Mayas MaeBoaaM. soatOc, am aaiao Bieuai fsnusg, roruaao. o t, o-i. Second round , Jlas. R. g. Braedon. Brattle. and major league scoot, vanished from the steamship Calvin Austin. Now Tors to Boston, early today. It is believed ho either jumped or tell bverboaxd and waa drowned. and WaJlaee Scott. Taceata, beat laoa Pairchild and W. A Ingraham. 8-8, -; ilea Irene R. K PisaSua host Towey. 8-0. 8-0; Mrs. V. Fording boat Mas adorn Ryan, 8-0. 0. 04. Hatch is Aim ford Smith. 8-1 Bay Gray boat Mrs. J. R. worta. a s, 4a. 2 1 I 4 Choi Bath 8 toot Will Star, started. Tune 2 .09 t .2 OS 14 . 8:8814. ii01. hU- WUlya-Orcrland stake. r ssj svvv . Hal Maloao Rod Lancelot Jay Brook John Henry Johnny Quirk Juno also started. Tlas 2:0Sli. 3:08, 2:04 44. Two-year-Old trot, the i v . ; three, ratrko 11500 Good Watts a 1 PaaOBM a The Great Midwest a a 5 Ttnse 2 20H, 2:18t, 2:181. 2:20 trot, threw hi, V.. aivaa. The Great Miss kl orris ill Wiggins Worthy a n i Bavie Worths a. Baron Haaorer a 7 Maxey Todd dla.. Tims 2:08ii. 2.08 H . 2:18. 40H5805'8 WILDJtESS I3T THE STKTH BEATS MACKME5 LOS ANGELKS, CaL. July 16 Vernon l beat Portland-Friday, aa usual The score Was 4 to I. With the- bases full, two outs, the score tied 1-aJl, sad the last half of the ninth. Ham Hyatt stopped one of Syl Johnson's slants with his back, forcing In the winning marker. Johnson allowed IS hits durlsg tha mat inee hot ha twirled such good ball in tha pinches, save the final frame, that the Tigers found It difficult to register runs. Tha Beavers scored la the first after two were out when Dick Cox tripled and waa followed by Hale's double. In the sixth the Oregonlans Jumped Into the lead by making two runs on three bits only to have Vernon tie it up la tha eighth and win out in the ninth, btc Qraw started the twirling for tha locals. but Manager Essie took him out and permitted "Slim" Lova to pitch the bast two innings, and as a result "Slim" gats credit for tha victory. The Northerners made five hits off McGraw and one off Lova The score i PORTLAND as. r. h ro. 0 MlNQn BASEBAIX Centralta, Wash., July 18. A. . Judd of Chehalis has been elected to succeed H. Simonaon of South Band as presi dent of the Southwest Washington league. Simonaon waa arrested last week and was taken to Portland to an swer charges of a forgery of an endorse ment aad larceny by halloa. BldgVlald, Wash., July Is. A return game between tha Ridgefleld Amateur Athletic club and Lake Shore will be played next Sunday at Lake Shore. Tha locals won the first matinee. 11 to 8, and they are out to duplicate the feat Bo far Ridgefleld has woo three straight contests. Metsger, Or., July 1. The Metxger baseball team walloped the starahall Wells company toassrs of Portland by aa 18 to 7 score bare Sunday. Tarr. twirl teg for tha winners, was in great form. M stager wfll Journey to Tualatin tor a return clash next Sunday. Kalama, Wash., July 16 Ad-Clark is manager of tha Kalama baseball team and virgu Stevens is captain, sum uie two are busily engaged In potting the new diamond In shape. The grounds bava boon leaaad for five years and games Will be played every Sunday as soon as the field Is put in condition, too first set to is billed for July 24. and either Ridgefleld or Woodland will form the op position, f The North Portland Juniors, claimants of the 1921 Juntor baseball title Of Port land, will meet the Sellwood grammar school representatives next Sunday after noon at Sellwood Park, starting at l :e o'clock. Metsger. Or, July 18. Work of scrap- tag tha infield of tha atetxger baseball diamond is progressing rapiaiy. Tommy Milton Will Race at Los Angeles Los Angolas, CaL, July 18 (L N. S.) 4 What is expected to bo one of the most exoitinx automobile raoss ever staged in Southern California will be run at the speedway next Sunday, when Tommy Milton meets Roocoe Sartos tn a H Dionshin consent. The cent riders agreed today to let the winner take all of the 818,000 purse, offered by the tracx man agement for tha 100-mile s i sat to bo run in throe boats. A mock air battle sHll be one of sev eral features also staged at the si way Sunday in aa air tournament u the auspices of the Southern California Aero etab. It ts announced that Captain 1 Rk-kenbacker will be among the notable Legion-Vets Ready lo Meet Woodlawn Coach Lowry put his Lesion-Vet hae- ball tossers through a hard workout Frl- aay evening on the East Twelfth and Davis streets grounds and now he says they are ready to appear against Wood lawn in the first game of a doublehead- er oiiiea ior Sunday afternoon on the vaugnn street enclosure. Sixteen players are signed up with the squad. Joe Barr, bsh moo re and R. Wilson are the catch ers ; Doc Besson. Xi. Watson. Heinle w.i- ler and Ducky Drake era the twlrlers ; Al Jones. Jerry Miller. Brownie Pritch- ard and Fred Gamer. Inf ielders : Rainh Dickey, Alex Donaldson and Jake Rau. ouuteiaers ; wun "Lofty" Goodwin. Johnny and Leo Faust, utility athletes. The three latter players are youngsters who look like comers. The Standard Oil-American Railway ITlpissB contest Is slated to begin at 3 O'clock. Geain, el. . . Krug. 2B. ... Coa, if Hal. 38 Pool. Ik. .. Waller, If. .. Baker, s .... Toting, aa, Johnaoa, s . . Totals .... i Smith, 8b. d bourn cf. Looker, lb. . . , Hyatt, rf. .... a laso , If. ., nwnnwo, c. ...... 1 srwocn, aa ...... 4 Uefoaaa, 2s. 8 MeGrew. s. 2 Sch n-ider. rt .... 8 tHigh 1 Lovo. p. 3 4 .88 8 V K R.N ON aa k. o 0 o H. 0 1 i 2 88 PO. 0 0 5 I 8 0 0 0 o 0 a o i 0 ..j. ..8T oat wffn winning run srorad. 18 2T LOS A HOE LBS WIES. 1M SERIES 8TAHBS 8 TO 1 Salt Lake. Jury It. Los Angelas made tha series three to one by winning Friday. lto 4. Rieger blew up in the sixth. the change making five runt. Hughes pitched as good ball as wss necessary. Niehoff and Griggs each hit homers, with two on. Wllhoit knocked It over for the locals. Score: SALT LAKE MM. R. H. B. TEAM STANPINGS raciric coast leagce W. I. Pet. W L. Pet. 84 48 .SUrverass 83 44 .648 B8 4S SSI X4 61 42 .SAyoaaasokM. 33 4! 5 8 41 ASalrlak Las. . if 42 .1 63 44 .tiajPlirtlaSl. H74.2 M A. J OR LEAGUES' HATIOEAX au - rtragn BSatss sasa gassasBSBSS, rl wm Lw m'Mm ' Ta asa- AMKBJCAlf aai aoa -TJa1 : Li At CWv I 4rtSd .:::!:::: aoa At Dotrott (18 sSastSSa) raaoto ot At 8t La: B. Tor SOe 188 004) T at Losjtt eia aoa aoa a BatSfrtas Host sad 8 Uss tears aad Oa Taa H. lO T 3 TRAJ SPORT ATTO l-i white Star lalMBga tiara 38-. Earth Elver. E. T. Ew York Llveraool OaTLTjC- Joly 28. Ass. 80. Sea. IT BAI.TtC Jaly 88. Aoa. 17. Bas. 84 CBDRIC Aoa 8. SaoA 8. Ost 1 ?ET.r..Cfc-rt:iSf rsn OLTMP1C. Asa 18. Baaw. 8. Soot 34 aad Eostoa Aaeroa Usees tar. a aptt Bow Torh sea Gibraltar. CONOPIC CEETIO agios aad Oaaoa a T PeHadlb!s LlTerpoel BATEETOBD Asg IS. Bapt IT. Oat II V Red Star Line V. T..Plyaath-Chrsoirt-Astwr fTSLA-H Jaty 88. Aa. ST. Oct 1 SBELAJtD Jaty 38. Sept 8. OtA 8 EEOfjtTLAMD Aoa 13. Sept, IT. Oet, 23 LAPLAWD Aa. 20. Sept. 24. OoL 28 !ffiri?a,UW' OOTHLAKD. . . BAIBDX . .Jory 80. Bwpt. 28. Woo. 8 . Bsst, i. on m. Rv. 38 Pittsburg. . Maw York. , NATIONAL LEAGCE W. U Pct. 68 28 .S54 LOS ANG AB. B. It. E . . 8 118 4 1 CavrTotU7. 8 8 8 8 ElUs.rf . . . 8 1 N-lor. off. Ib. 8 8 US aMK.ab 8 1 Baaarsn.e. 8 1 8 0 .glin.Ib. . Brown. 2k. . Lef . . . Strand. rt. . . . OIL SlEyksr. . . . raLp.p: TtHtMon.p. 3 8 8 1 8 0 8 8 8 10 1 Total. .88 4 11 3 -11 -17 - 4 -11 Total .43 11 IT 1 Batted Cor Oosdd sa tghtk. 8COBJ5 BY LNMMGS Lo Ansa! SI 010 006 33 . Hlk. 021 104 ii Slt Lak 101 000 82 Eia 311 318 13 smcvtftY Hoes run WUh Ju Urate, Niebott. base hit Cartoll. Two bawe bit Oris, Xs hort MeAuiey. CarraD. Undtmoro. SitfiB. Leo-i. nrown. aaeraic Bit Uogbea. StrurX out By Rsssor 4. by Gould 2. By Ttanua 1. by Hash 1. Bom as balls Off Baches 8. Wild Hu BuillJ. Hit ks pitcher Lynn, bf Haghaa Six rasa.' 8 Alt off Kioawr. lis at bat la 8 1-3 hrntaas: 8 rasa T hrts off Conld. 13 at bat in 2 2-8 inniaaa. Chars defeat to issssi. two rwspoMDi roe Hiaawr s, G 4. MUgho. . Double pla to Gay. MeAslao to Niehoff. 60 20 88 I S3 .884 St. LOsna. rUwslanA. . ar Tort. . DwtrotL . W. I Mkl 40 40 .BOO SS 48 .888 82 84 .3T2 33 64 .888 w. L ha 38 48 .448 S 4 7 .434 88 4T .427 88 48 .407 2 (IB 8; Lass 8: tea Fraa- 11. 45 as aa .bis AJtEEICAM LBAGCB W . L. Pet. 88 30 .836 B 48 31 318 Ckweago V . 4 41 .828 84. Looik. . . 4 2 48 .440raa railiAT'S BJSBCLTB Pactfio Cooat Loaanaa Vernon 4. Boatu Oaaland cio-o 7. staawai Ik 4. Batloaal Lass AO sissl ot rain or wwi arroasd. Aaswieas Lawoo Dotrott 2 tlS ataa: Mr Torh 7. St. 8. Cktswlaod 2; Ckliaao 8, Inn in ) . v Aaertaaa rile 1 : KXaa City T. t ash 11. Twtsdo 4: St. Pass Wasters 111 SSI WTSMU la, Os JapBs s. at. Joswph 8: oaiikiaas ctty 4 City 3: Tate 8. Dos slags 6. PBcih laUtaaOoe-l loajro Vaetorl Taiseoarrer 5: Yak-tsaa 1. Taoosa 2. Baffalo T. JeSsoy City 8: TavaSa 8. Beeer 3: SyrMosrS. Baitlaior. 8. 8acki1sr 18, las 0. . LiK4 Waabincura S (11 14 V American Link To Ham barr vie Cberboarg MONCOUA Jaly 28. Sopt 8 KAKCHCElA A ag . 26. $ 8 Etrect to Haaikarg MrXNEEARTM An 11. Bas. SS WHITE STAR Dominion SfOBtreal Qscsee LIvsraoaA ST. LAWBB34CS EITEB Only gs Day aa Ops CAWaftA July 80. Asa 3T. Sopt. 24 VEDIC Asa 8. Sag. IT ktkWA.NTIC ; . .Asa IS. Sept 18. pet. 8 IstorsaUoaal sreasUI Maria Ce. 114 Btesaiar 1. 260,000 Toe Per pwasrsaaaMss and tints aassry a keaj O P. SAM Si 8 Soooo Assv, isstlll, e wtB. srBeaT . s ; r to a3 Miller Is Awarded Decision Over Thye Los Angeles. Cel.. July id fTT t i Walter Miller of the Los Angeles Ath letic ciun was given a decision over Ted Thye. wrestling instructor of Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. Portland, at the conclusion of a two hour bout bore last nignt. -s. Both nren were on their feet when time was called. Eddie O'Connell refereed the matcn. his decision was given Miller on alleged aggressiveness. Jack Dempgey and Jim Jeffries were Introduced to the crowd of 1808 spec tators before the Mlller-Thye match and given an ovation. Total. To. 01 t Batted tor McGraw In seventh. 8CORK BY INKIKMS Portland 100 002 000 8 Hit foe aos 01a a Ye taoa 001 180.011 4 Hit 022 800 132 a.8 SCMMABT Three be hit Co. Two Be hit Rale. Krug. Smith. S track oat By MeOrBw 4. by Johnooa 2. by Law 1. Ems on halt Off McGraw 1. off Mesas 8. Baas. eaoponaibU for MeOra 8, J an sat 8. 31t alls, s run. at hat off McGraw la T Innings: 1 ait, no runs, 7 at bat off Loo In 2 tcjiiats Credit Tictory to Law. Hit by pitch.r Hannah SEATTLE BEATS OAKLAND IV EIFTBBN-INNINO GAME San FrBnclsco, July 18. Seattle won 15-inning game Friday from Oakland by a score of 3 to J. At the end of the eighth Inning the Oaks were leading to 1. but the Indians tied it up In the ninth and won Out tn the fifteenth. when they bunched three hits off Kremer. Score : SEATTLE AB. It H K T 1 2 0 Midduarf a 8 Udred.ef . . a Knwor-y.2b 8 laUrs n.Sb 8 . 8 Gardner p . a French Net Star to ' Sail for TS. S". July 23 New York. Jury 18. (I. N. S.) Dfi nite word from France todav tn h United States Lawn Tennis association announces mat Mile. Susanna Lenglon will come to the United States for tha woman national cnampionanip and a ries ot exniotuon sgatchea More than 38 clubs have a trolled for oatea on tne scbedule of matches tn which Mile. Lensrlen will arroear and which is being arranged for the benefit or tne American committee tor de tated France. Mile Lengn wiU for this country July 23. So me thing New tn A new departure In yachting In this country is the establishment bp the Eastern Tacht club of Boston sd a tiliu ohamptonship for boys and it irk of the Mas i hueetts coast. The event will be sailed during the week of Auruat 11 in three IS foot knockaboeta. specially de- SBgnea oy Jonn a. ABBen end built by syndicate of dub members. 1 The Kteolai Door A Lumber Company squaa wui go to est. netasss Bar g game Bunoay, sa. lasisaw was pat out of base ball for a time oa account of the high water in tne toiumoti river, out every tnmg as an i an J ssr ism at l o OAKLAND Aa B. Hjg, . o w a CoOPwT.Cf . Wlho.if . . . Milktrjr.. . Xnlght.2b . 'Cataor. .8. , ft. . 6 5 TotaJa. .84 8 11 4 Totals Batt4 (as Xreaser ts fifteenth. 49 2 27 1 COBB BY 1NV1MGS , ioo eee eei oee ee 1 s .Sao tee aos oee iss n WHITE SOX MAKE TBJPbE PLAT Chicago, July 18. (L N. S) Tha White Sox made their first triple play of the season against the Washington Senators here Friday. With Ohairlty on :ond and O'Rourke on first throuATb singles. Krlckson lined to Sheely. The Sox first seeker stepped on the bag. doubling O'Rourke. and threw to John son, getting Oharrtty for a triple play. 1 I Braves Expected to Put Up Big Battle New Tork. July 18. U. P. T don't know where we're going, but we'll be flchting when we get there." Oeerga Olbeon. manager of the Pittsburg Pi rates, said here tods y. "Around New Tork they think the Giants are the only club we have to beat to win the pennant,' be said. "Fact Is that the Boston Br s tree are just about the toughest proposition wa have faced. They're going to get soma place in the race." Olbeon and his Pirates are here for a four-game series with tha Clients that may have something to say about where the pennant files next spring. .Kbi TRANSPORTATION TirjnnORTATioN 1 ' J t i I I a I -Eft mm BC-aw-- mmu "j "EtEj 41 H P AxsuJgQt grassMM al ajBl f . .000 110 800 404 000 2 t . .804 131 001 018 041 T STJMMABY Hrta . Oakland Hits . 2. Mm. Breaefear. Bertflo alt PlaUi. Coos. MlekUetoB. Bwsaa ass ban Off Gardner 8. ff Efasaer 1. Strae osrt ,,' Y . 5 nsr 4rscMii.pUtwArj Gar er 8. ? 3:48. SEALS ETEK VP fEEIESl WIN BY bCO&K OF 3 TO 8 Sacramento. July 18- The Baals slammed Nelhaus and Penner here Fri day and evened up the series by win ning. 7 to 2. 8am LseMs was Ineffec tive la the first inning and was sue- by Coach, after O Doul had hat ted, tor him in the second. The score: BAN rVCBBCO SACBA MaTO AB. B- H El AB. B. H. E. .W. . 6 1 1 OiMeGafTn.tb Silt ntaaarcH a i 2 a -Tf? ;1 I ! I 4 118 0: Moll WiU. lb 0-Ry.rf . orr. . . . KlZwJtt,.. . OOMTLlb 4 8 3 Body jtt. ..881 ai ii.ab . 8 a l a Yu,c 4 e a a lwis,p .. oao ipttiBseu Oasekji. .. 8 4 8 8.raar p. sbta.3. .. iSS B.BaaaJf .. O-DoaX... 4848I Totals. .88 T 14 1 Total. .88 Bt foe Law ka, sera a . SCOEE Ex bTTwbw3BMbW8b .. MnTf! s a 4 8 4 a 3 a a a s a 1 8 2 n 3 a i a a a i o 3 8 8 INMVGS sd lea ass aa , tea aoa ibs t , 318 31A 1 BI'MSf IRT in sr s. utwm a. USSS I. so two NEW THROUGH sasgsr aad Prelght Eei itee as SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AN D SAN DIEGO SS. Senator, July 16, 9:00 P. M. SS. Admiral Evans, July 22, 9 P.M. -EOCLAE BUI TEQE BTET PE1PAY TE EEEAFTEE Local Patten ger and Freight Service Eetweea Portlaad aad MABSHFIELD. F.LEKEA A5D SAE PEAS CISCO SS. Curacao, July 22 SS. Curacao, Aug. 5 8AIL1M6S JtTEET II PATS THP.BEAPTEE Trans Pacific Services BeiwasB PsrtJaa d aad Yskeaaaka, Esaa, aVaaagbsL Heag keag, MasBa. Dalres aad Tisdlvestek (Freight Oaty) SS. PawltH, Aug. If SS. Coaxet, Sept. 6 SS. Montague, Oct. 2 Batwaea Paget Eeasd aad TsSsbssia, Kobe. Ebaagbat, Hoag Karat. Msatia (Pisagfca aad Pssssagafsi aad Dedras. Tladl veatoB. Blsgspsra (Freight Osly) SS. Keystone State, Aug. 6 SS. Wena tehee, Aug. 27 SS. Silver State, Sept, 17 rreigat Only "FraigBt sad PsniBfSra FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY TO 101 Third Street n ftxone mam a i (Wasnilar service betweea Pirtlabi I. staine ; Pbtisdoipnta, fjeetoa ess Los AfigoJwa. San rraiseieeo, PorUaad. Oregevj ; satds al .TB kajjs. vt the Panama can.) North Atlantis aad Wastern & & Ca. s SBBS tea aaeei veaaela EAST BOOTH) WEaVTBOCE B POTtlaod Portland, ale Hootoa Phlla. a. a. Talaa .......Jaly It 3. ft. Brwab laly jaly 81 Asg. I Si S. Wee IstsWaai I ER. West Tegaa Aea. IS Asg. tt Asg. tt I at AJtlga-TT.Aag. U ft. a. Tataa Asg. 3d Beg. 1 a, f TEE AOM1BAX L1EE, Pa-Mfle Coaa4 Agest 1 Ml Third Baa sot Thtem MsJa ant SAN nUWClSCO PORTLAND Proas Portod Awot Dock ALASKA ..10 A. M., Jury 17, ROSE CITY . 10 AM, Jedy 21 ALASKA. . -10 A. bU Jwiy 27 ROSE CUT. MAIL. Aoa- 1 ALASKA. . .10 A BL. Assg. 6 m Decs. Deck.. SB JO Is Theas Saras do sot tech 8 war tax, oats mat as sooed. AU t fcacaadc bartb sad ynssls wbew t Dock Pboo Ida 3630 HONOLULU! Direct freight and passenger service from Port of Aarorla to Hawaiian Isaanda via the Alaska snisssatllB innnvA "CORDOVA ruly Z6. First cabin pases gr fares 380. steersge 84a, including a no oertn. ror zretgnt ana Cora par. y sanina; July 4ht passenger rate and reservations ap ply (o PORT OF ASTORIA, Astoria, Oregon. ARROW BUS LINE Portland, Astoria, S Baa SB trs ta awasn ts raws i.ettwT'rLiXo n.rroMgn JAMS. 4TM an PMS ST8., Ti B P. Lgayga aaToaia artiawAWB Mev T BL. ai A .. aad 8 P. 83. was TAB e DAILY PASSEN6ER SERVICE bfgvga roervasD roa asToaia, NAHM. 8 AJ-aA. 8A, 18 83. cos ivaacTT rt mxm ar NORTH BEACH STR. UNDINE Direct to Megler DAILY ( 4 Y : aeai ALOIS ST. ASTORIA, SEASIDE, KORTfl IEACI ra aaoaieiaa a, aaa to arrsatA Bassd tafe asstty. ass as Vraaa. SAM. ITta Bast daily. T AO P. M AB keaW aak Sbnist usajiiii iaa at AaaBa Per SBASIBS sad SaaTB S8A8N POtalTa. 0004 IAS saaaas Strwrt a'sas ttisi for Rr Baa rB, ran to astobia. oo caom vbt. FBI BAY TO kwOwOAY. E4MIEB TBIP. BA-Ot. Ma 1411; 841-33. Aax Blial r iak