SECTION THREE BUSINESS NEWS TENPA GES WANT ADS PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 5, MM. PORTLAND MADE TRAIN TO CARRY REALTORS EAST Local Shops Turn Out de Luxe , Equipment for Excursion of 150 Business Men to Chicago. REALTORS OFFER FRE SERVICE TO WORLD WAR VETS Portland Board Would Make Ap praisals Under Soldier Bonus Law; Membership of Women Deferred. Main Street Parcel Sold for $11,000 A parcel of ground with a frontage of M feet on the north side of. Main street near Fourteenth was sold last week by A Baling as administrator for the estate of Mrs. & Burchard. to Mrs. M. Peterson for a consideration of $11,000. There are two frame dwelling houses on the site. The purchase was according to REALTOR BUYS IRVINGTON HOME To Resurvey La La Grande. July !. A a a raring reached by the city commission this week to have the entire city resurveyed this summer. Inaccurate surveys In the past have caused a great deal of trou ble ta setting grade stakes and doing other engineering work and permanent monuments will be established to make future work easy. The finest train that ever rolled oat of Portland will leave Union sta tion at 11 a. m. Wednesday, carrying 160 Realtors and business men to the annual convention of the Nation al Association of Real Estate Boards at Chicago. The train will consist of 10 brand new coaches, manufac tured in Portland car shops, and placed in commission for the first time by William McMurray, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific system, for the special use of the Northwest delegation of Realtors. Five Pullman sleepers., two diners, a library, and observation car and two baggage cars will constitute the equip ment of this train de luxe. One of the baggage cars has been prepared with a waxed floor for dancing. Other special features include a barber shop, bath rooms, a manicure artiste- and a stenog rapher. A section of one of the baggage cars has been partitioned off for use as a press room and composing room for a daily paper which will be published under the supervision of Fred O. Brock man, secretary of the Interstate Realty association, with the assistance of Dud ley Westler. The press and other print ing equipment is furnished by A. B. Carlson, who will have charge of the mechanical work on the paper. Three regular editions and two special editions will be published each day of the trip The Portland Realty board has se cured 30 by 50 feet of floor space in the' Auditorium hotel at Chicago as head quarters for the Oregon and Northwest delegation. The walls of the room will be hung with pictures of Oregon scenery furnished by the Chamber of Oommerce. Thousands of gallons of Oregon logan berry juice will be provided to slake the thirst of visitors and an abundant Supply of elaborately printed circulars advertising Portland and Oregon will be distributed, from the headquarters. Special advertising features for the Atlantic-Pacific Highways Electrical ex position will be taken along by the Portland realtors. More than 5000 bronze pins bearing the legend "Oregon 1925" have been turned, out by a Portland manufacturer for distribution at the con vention and an equal number of artificial rose buds will go with the 1925 emblem. Thousands of real roses, fresh cut every day. will also be distributed. One of the best advertising features is a booklet dlscriptlve of the Northwest, printed In colors and prepared under auspices of the Interstate Realty asso ciation. Publication of this book cost the Interstate association $4000 and con tributions toward a still larger sum have been .secured, by the Portland Realty board to defray the expense of other advertising material. Frank Branch Riley will accompany the excursion as a guest of the realty board and' will address the convention on "America for Americans." The Port land Realtors quartet consisting of W. A Zimmerman, Willis Bowes. Carlos Marsters and O. O. Sletton, will voice praises of the Pacific Northwest with numerous specially prepared exposition and Northwest realty songs. Stopovers of from eight to 12 hours have been arranged for the realtors' excursion at Salt Lake city, Denver and Omaha, Local realty boards in these cities have prepared elaborate entertain ment for the visitors, including banquets and auto trips to points of scenic in terest. The. train will arrive at Chicago in time for the opening of the convention en the morning of July 12. The conven tion closes July 15, but tickets on the special train are good for return In 90 days, and many of the delegation will extend their stay in the East Special Interest Is attached to the Chi cago .convention by real estate men of Portland and the Northwest through the success of Fred E. Taylor of Portland as president of the national association. During the past year the membership of the association has been approxi mately doubled and the fact that the convention the largest gathering of business men ever held in the United States is attributed largely to his efforts. Advance hotel reservations indicate that there will be a registration of 10,000 delegates. 9-Story Apartment House Built in East :4: Ore of the largest apartment house projects undertaken In recent months Is a nine story building capable of housing 169 families, under construction at Rochester, N. Y. The enterprise is be ing financed by S. W. Straus A Co.. who have underwritten a first mortgage of C per cent serial bond, issue of $2,225,000 for the promoters. JThe value of the land, building, equipment and furnish ings Is. given at $3,400,000. The build ing will be of steel and reinforced con crete construction and the lower story will be used for retail shopa New Bungalow Being Built Melalla, Or.. July 2. Clyde Engle is laying the foundation for a new bunga low. .Albert Engle has sold his farm, lo cated seven mile east of Moiaila. He has purchased and moved into the house recently owned by A P. Mosbberger. X- Men We hire installed department that will fie yos U the infor mation re La tire, to the obtabuss ox u aovuu uaaer uie boms bill ELWOOD WILES & SON, INC. "BUILDERS OF HOMES" Ms Stork, at 4th Phone A. x4-C3 VILLA ST. CLARA BRINGS $175,000 99 wBbBBW SQH BhsS BBBBBBBBBhw. We?h P-irr-"r ?!yliitss J sSsBSSBkS 1 wWHB ' im ' mmBSSSSSSSSSsI Apartment house at Twelfth and Taylor streets transferred from Wein hard estate to Enos Betteneourt. Transfer of the Villa St Clara apart ment house at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets from the Weinhard estate to Enos, Betteneourt was announced Saturday' by O. W. Bryan, who handled the transaction. The price paid for the property by Bet teneourt was. announced as $175,000. The Villa St Clara is a five story and basement structure with a frontage Alterations Planned For Store of Eastern Outfitting Company Architect's plana have been completed for the reconstruction of the interior of the Eastern Outfitting company's store at the northwest corner ' of Tenth and Washington streets. All fixtures and equipment of the store will be removed and replaced with modern furnishings, according to Joseph Shemanski, man ager of the company, Readjustment of the various departments of the mercan tile concern will Increase available floor space approximately 30 per cent, She manski stated. Show eases, cabinets, counters and other equipment have been ordered from Portland factories and so far as possi ble all materials used in the reconstruc tion of the store will be of local manu facture The Eastern Outfitting com pany has been engaged in business In Portland for about 30 years with a con stantly Increasing volume of trade. MODERATE Plans Show Arrangement signed for Occupants' Convenience. De- The Sun House Building company, which recently opened offices in the Ald ington building, is meeting with encour aging success in the construction and sale of five and six room houses ranging in prices from $3000 to $4500. A five room cottage now under way for Mrs. E E. Paisley, at 129 East Fourteenth street north is one of a type which has been highly favored by clients of the company. The five rooms on the ground floor are well planned ; there Is a full concrete basement with laundry trays and fur nace installed ; the living room is graced with a handsomely built fireplace ; the kitchen is equipped with the usual built in conveniences; all wiring and plumb ing are of modern standards. y All ground floor rooms are finished with hardwood floors and the house is double constructed throughout. Substan tially built for convenience and comfort, this cottage will cost the owner approxi mately $3406. 49 Homes Planned in Wilshire Addition The J. J. Hartman company reports the sale of 49 building sites in Wilshire ad dition during June The addition joins Olmstead Park and Alameda Park on the east and is about four blocks from the Broadway carline. According to A H. Hickman, sales muunr nt th. company, 45 of the parcels sold during m Hiuuui were purchased by private builders and four purchases were made by contractors. Building Home at Beaverion. Or., July J. Vasile Opris, of the fur department of the Meier A Frank company, Portland, is erecting a modem bungalow on his lots in the Wil ft the highway Just east of Beaverton. w m . , a sRS v'pHwSkv. !5a fc-sEI r4' .saW tbt Sbhe as smS SwB rtB-srBt?'J sssbV '.,' JMbI JrjsBssl RLsl Sr" mBbbYVS. e. fisawi Mb 28 mwBtVbbbs bkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbT 9 LbbbvSswbKSI Bfi nW Wsm bbMH SIT """ . b3 bS. .awPT asm IsV ' gS3sl BjfiBwSSB lfl fcffiiChffl,dBBtBnU3BBB)H ' f'ifBMSMaasssssssjssisMsesMiBnMgw of 100 feet on Twelfth street and 70 feet on Taylor. The exterior is of white brick and the Interior is finished in mahogany. The building contains CO apartments of two and three rooms each. Betteneourt formerly owned the Rose lyn apartment house at 110 North Twenty-first street which was recently sold by Bryan to H. Moumal for 140.000. East Side Property Placed on. Market For Factory Sites Albina Square, a tract of approxi mately 26 acres of filled ground bounded on the west by Goldsmith street on the north by Gage street and on the East by Gantenbetn avenue, will be divided into industrial sites and offered for sale by the Portland Realty Trust com pany. Liberal terms- will be given new industries wishing to locate on the tract according to officials of the selling con cern. A deep gulch formerly crossed Gold smith street at this point and the ground In the neighborhood was unsuitable for building purposes. About 10 years ago the street and adjoining property was regraded, and since then. Albina Square has been a favorite resort for amateur baseball teams. A spur from the O-W. R. & N. tracks crosses'' the property. PRICED FIVE ROOM COTTAGE ta i I CMAnrr.T eatm CHAtEr.L T LnssiZZZSBfipBBl I sJ o'o' tgl-cr - P-LiviiQ tzoon DiAwa Pooyd-- fOGCH JLOOIl Home wader construction by the Sun E. EL Paisley at ISM Em Fourteenth street north . Type of house which has proved Cooperation of the Portland Realty board with the state commission in charge of the allotment of loans to ex-soldiers will be offered to Gover nor Olcott, chairman of the com mission, as a result of action taken by the board at a meeting in the as sembly room of the Portland hotel Friday noon. The board voted to offer its services free of charge In making appraisals on the valuation of property on which loans are asked by ex-soldiers and sailors in Mult nomah county. The law requires that the commission appoint three appraisers in each county In the state and provides for a fee of 915 for each appraisal made. It is estl- j mated that mors than 7000 applications ror loans wui be made by veterans in Multnomah county within a few months after the commission begins operations, and the task of properly appraising so great a number of properties could not be handled by three men. according to officials of the realty hoard. effect a saving of 315 to each veteran receiving a loan under the act Accord ing to C. V. Johnson, Oregon real estate commissioner, the soldiers bonus law is flexible enough to permit of the accept ance of the service offered by the realty men. Johnson stated that organizations of real estate men in other counties of the state would be encouraged to make similar 'offers. Proposed amendment of the constitu tion of the realty board, waking- women real estate operators eligible for mem bership, will be taken up at the first meeting of the board in September. In troduction of the resolution resulted in a livery debate in which the members were about evenly divided. Those favoring the adoption of the measure insisted that inasmuch as women have equal civil rights with men in Oregon, they should be accepted on equal terms with men as members 6f the board. Commissioner Johnson re ported that licenses have been issued to 70 Portland women under the real estate license law. The board voted to defer action until the first meeting of the board In Septem ber. A committee was appointed by President Coe A McKenna to investi gate' the status of women in other boards at the Chicago convention. PJA1 House Building Of SS400. pomdar with the firm's Ah f fill, m WmjNmwm Ws 4 at East Thirteenth and Thompson by Frank K. Watkins Lowe Co. tor $7500. Prank E. Watkins of the firm of Par riah Watkins. closed a deal last week for the purchase of the handsome Italian chalet at the northwest corner of East Thirteenth and Thompson streets from W. C Alvord, consideration being an HOME SITES SOLD AT BARGAIN PRICE Liberal Terms for .Quarter Acre Tracts Prove Lure to Home Builders in S. W. Portland. The unsold portion of Carson Heights, consisting of 150 quarter acre tracts, will be placed on the market this week by Frank I Mc Guire. Carson Heights adjoins Ful ton Park on the south and west and was platted several years ago. The property is owned by Piatt dt Piatt and the McGulre agency has been instructed to offer it at less than 10 per cent of the prices originally asked. The addition lies between First and Eleventh streets in the southwestern section of the city. Taylor Ferry road passes through the sou them portion and streetcar lines are accessible from all the tracts. Streets are graded and city water is available. McGulre stated Saturday that 25 extra salesmen would be secured' to handle Carson Heights and other vacant prop- Does Your Heating Equipment Heat Or Only Provoke You? A heating plant needs a certain amount of upkeep attention.. Often what appears to be serious trouble is only something that needs adjustment or a minor re placement. Let one of our men be your "trouble shooter." Minor repairs ind adjustments will nnf ex. pensive and will pay for them selves in labor ana fuel saving. We are specialists on Steam Vapor and Hot Water Heating. We will gladly a plant for your new home. Alaska Plumbing & Heating Co. EL 2954 353 E. nsmsswrnsmstsmsmnm--" . . -,-mgmmtmmsmsmm -- fsenmswmswssswsssSssWssM bbwPt bVbbbbbWP wBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBwW LbbWb3bbbwbwP LJSw ' wl LbbbbbLbbbbbbbwIbbbbbI bbfPbbbbWwI njDigl mwA wM IibbbI Bwisi SBBw IS HOMES BOW UNDER CON8TRCCTION BUILT TO ENDURE SEE THRU TOUR OWN DESIGN PORTLAND CONSTRUCTION CO. SUCCESSORS TO FANCHKR-McLEAN CO. DESIGNERS BUILDERS Lewto Bldg Bdwy. SMS TO THE HOME BUILDER Oar specialty is boilding homes and financing the homebuilder. Dozens of hones built throughout the city by as is our best advertisement. Economy consistent witb the best workmanship is our idea in homebuilding. Hundreds of plans on file for your inspection. Let as submit you designs and costs. "SUN -HOUSE" BUILDING CO. Builders of Fuse Hin 216 ABOfGTON BLDG. MAIN 101S pun hssul from W. C Alvord Bitter, nounced at $7500. The noose is a two story structure with cement stucco ex terior and tile roof, occupying a site TS by 10 feet In area. It was built about nine years ago by P. EL Bowman. The sale of the property last week handled by Bitter, Lowe a Co. rte tvIsmA few mmlM with hU Durinr the oast month $0 lots have been sold by the Arm in the capital tmi addition. Residence districts in the south western section of Portland are largely on rolling ground and command a fine view. The soil Is suitable for gardening and many r amines are taxing savanna or the liberal terms ozxerea to homes! tea. for Beaverton. Or.. July 2. F. O- Haas of Portland, recently of North Dakota, has traded his Portland bungalow to w. Newton for his nine acres south of Reedvtlle and will make his home here. The consideration was $5000 in each in stance. LENSCH BROS. 841 PROMT mllT &. W. Ooe BOLE AGENTS FLCHHER BROS. 10 VCmoAL 4111111 SHINGLES ALSO STAR-a-STARS MACf 2599 AUTO. A 2599 Ideal Automatic Cement Blocks and Brick Far AU Balldimg Pareosss Ornamentals of AU Kinds nit work guaranteed. Prices reasonable, PETER SCHLUNG SI E. Kniiagsworth Wdla. SM Boynton Furnaces Oar SpecUl System of SOYFTTOM PIFgkSM FURNACES A SUCCESS LET US INSTALL YOUM J. 0. BAYER FURNACE CO. PHONE MAIN 41 t BUY FIXTURES Wholesale 1 Chain Drop f 1.25 S Light Drop l3. 75 lS-lach Bowl . S6.50 ELECTRIC WLBUro RELIABLE ELECTRIC uirioir AT RUSSELL EAST 3686 C. J. KELLY PLUMBING, HEATING nd TINNING is Um 1259 Belmont St. PORTLAND. ORCOON Off ics. Nek. TS SECURITY Storage & Transfer Co STORAGE PACKING MOVING SHIPPING REPAIRS RENTALS f Money Loaned on Goods in Storage 53 Fourth Street, Opp. Multnomah Hotel PHONE BROADWAY 3715 Acme Lumber Co. Retail Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings and Building Paper WE HAVE WOOD TO BURN x Give at a call and we feel satisfied can meet Columbia 341 JONES LUMBER CO Established 1859 MAIN 277 Office and Retail Yard, 291 Fourth St. Mills, South Portland BRAHCH TARBS Forest Grore, Oregon; Gresaem, Oregon A BOARD OR A TRUCKLOAD HELP! HELP! Make the OU PERFECTION Plaster W all Boara The Original Plaster Wall Beard for Walls sad CeBings Fire retardent; strong; easy to apply. Can be painted, tinted or papered. PLAIN OR PANELED WALLS TIMMS, CRESS & CO. Sole Distributor. LANN ING & HOGG AN MASON. PLASTER CONTRACTORS HIGH-CLASS STUCCO A SPECIALTY Estimate! EarsUbet 515 Henry Building Broadway Mtt OUR PRICES -ARB RIGHT ROETTGER HARDWARE CO. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. PAINTS, CUTLERY. TOOLS, SCREENS, SCREEN BOORS, ETC 1M EABT RILLING 9 WORTH AYENCE Weodlawa SM SALES your requirements. 1420 Willamette Blvd. Why not help this poor fellow oat by betiding a borne of your own. whicb you can for about the same amount you are paying in rent, thereby turn ing an expense item into an invest ment, and we will be pleased to help you solve this important problem by giving you a price ou your complete louse Diu, inducing lumoer, windows, moulding, shine lea. doors. hardware, paints, oils and wood. We can also deliver on the lob at nae. uearnarc. Astoria ana tjaimoo Beach from oar mill connection at Warren ton. Oregon. G.A.Morrison Lumber Co. PORTLA1TD, OREGON. City Tarsi Sttt ?Sd 8L s. R. i Phose lt-U Dowatows Offices MS Gsteo Bleg. Phose Mart sail lit! Room New With ltd East Side MillandLumber Co. Lumber Box Shooks General Mill Work SELLWOOD 597 B-1563 Second Street