THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1921. THE f OREGON DAILY JOURNAL-. PORTLAND. OREGON 23 AinOMOSnJSORSALEaOo At THE co-tEtTVibTo-a' CAR COMPANY PLANT KetAene. of one frank determination to oa rer the utmost possible value in every wsed r we sell Is plainly viable at Ua urn. wnen price reduction baa caused our present atoek K Affonr! in nam ruM at a much lower bur than we raid for, tha car, exclusive oi ( rebuilding expense. TTia cost of the car, the anion nt it will ten for tlx profit or loss involved does not altar our termination to pise each car. in the Tery at snap piBle. DODGE BROS. MOTOR -CARS 1916 Dodge Bros, roadster and tour ins ....,...$ 573 J 91 7 Dodge Bros, toaringt ....... 650 1917 Dodg. Bros, sedan ... ; 975 191 Dodg Bros, roadster and tour ing 725 1 91 8 Dodg Bros, sedsn . 1 1 50 1019 Dodge Bros, touring,,,...., 825 1920 Dodg Broi. touring ,..,,. . 850 ISIS Cole 7-rjsas.. privately owned , car, only ................. -. 7 30 1920 Ford coupe 675 1920 Ford sedan, a dandy, 750 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan . . . 900 1920 Chevrolet roadster, in fine shape ................... 545 1918 Maxwell touring 350 .1020 Maxwell sedan, an excellent - ear for 1200 ' 1920 Mexwetf touring 690 1919 Willys -Knight, bis snap. only. 1200 1920 Nash touring, special price of. 1195 1919 Studvrbaker Big Six. 5-pu... 1475 1917 Studebeker 4 touring ....... , 875 1919 Ktudrbaker coupe, a real buy. 600 1916 Ktudebaker 4 touring 230 1919 Haynes touring, only ...... . 1700 1919 Hudson speedster, a good on. 1785 1920 Hudson speedster, extra fine. .. 1900 1919 Chandler ehnmmf tfoulHiirr. in fin shape ............... 1295 192(1 (.'handler, eood condition, snap 1400 1916 Packard, a, wonderful buy'.... 1400 1918 Rfrippe-Booth coup 1350 1920 StuU Bear Cat. a swell, snsppy car 7...... 2750 1919 King 8 touring, in fin snap. 1400 1919 Peerless 8 touring 1475 1920 Overland roadster, a good one. 585 . 1919 Hudson limousine in fine con- -dition, a wonderful taxirab. . . " . . . . 1920 Liberty touring ........... 1275 DELIVERY CARS 1919 Dodg. Bros, screen tide del. . .$ 829 '1918 7odze Bros, screen side del. -. 725 1918 Podge Bros.-pane, good shape 775 1919 Chevrolet panel delivery . . .. . . 400 1920 Ford delivery, starter 523 The following cara are included in 6ur 925 day reduction in price sale: 1918 Chandler touring, was $1200, today's price $623 CADILLACS Cadillac sunremacv is easilv disilnrulahahl. in ha used and rebuilt models are offering. A used Cadillac offers such good material to ork from that rebuilding has been develoiwd to rie very highest decree. Such a ear ia actually tetter value than some cheap new cars. All car guaranteed ana sold on easy terms. ; We are open Sunday.' 1st at Washington St Vain 6244. Also a big display at the new Broadway sales- rm down town. Call at the salesroom most Convenient for yon. Our automobile transporta- fm service makes it- quickly possible for you to a over our enure stoeic. -xtKOADWAY USED CAR BEASCH, 8-90 N. Broadway. . . Main 6244 M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies. Hood. tanks, repaired and remodeled; auto "Sheet-metal work a specialty. 105-107 N. 15th St. Phone BROADWAY 2299. Pl'ir. KlKflATVti ' '" 918 Chevrolet roadster .$275 8 l-H t'oevrotet touring 91 7' Dodge roadster . 917 Saxon 6 touring 276 450 295 235 275 350 vii jnaxweti imtnnc ,..,.,.. 91 T Maxwell tiarinff - . . . . 917 Maxwell touring . . . , FHA.tUIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Set 8770. ;rand Ave, and .Hswt.home, r 1920.Ford'Towring - Self starter and elertrie UzhU. car in A-l ondition. AVill Uke $175 down, balance long IB. Jake's Caed Car Exchange, 925 Glisan etween uroadway ana Sixth. Open Sundays nd evenings. BE HKRK EARLY I SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT 8 A. M. Ford sedsn at touring esr prices. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Comer Grind Av. and East YamhiTt West Bide. Broadway and Glisan. BROADWAY TIRE SHOP BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS A VK. a' TIRES. ACCESSORIES. OTLS ' G A3, CRANK CASE FLUSHINGS. TIRE SERVICE. 1921 OLUHMOBILE 8' -1921 Oldsraobilo touring, brand new, ran ess than 1000 mUes, cost $2450; price $L850 f taken at once. J RANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPAST, Vt 8770. J '" Tirana Ave, iwt HivTlinnwr. rrvMonuriw ia THK RIrt DAY 1 Ford sedans at touring car pricea. B bere. Vt 8 o'clock in the morning. - . . Corner Grand Ave. and East Yamhill, - West Ride. Broadway and Glinan. lent condition; good tires, starter, -etc. ; only '825. Easy paymenU to reponible party. Call Air. St. George, Broadway 1460, Northwest iittto Co., 18th and Alder. !)(.' DGU touring, mecnanicaiiy perfect, new top 1 and good paint, a real snap; small payment )own. bafinre on long, easy terms. Call Bole 11, Broadway 3605. WB STOCK u-ed, completely overnauird fenders 1 to fit any machine. Several .thousand to pick ''rem. B. B. Body Works, 600 Williams are. Kset 1198. 1 c LARCHMONT TAIGE 4-naas.. snort, in oerfect mechanical condition. ke new in every way; a splendid buy at $1800, terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway aaI. '.. . , - MITCHELL ROADSTER SNAP - , - Late 1919. fine condition; 6 tires: i critic for $975; terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. :V:AK wheels lesk aiiain? C. & Ju oil reUloers I will positively atop it. Curlys Ford Shop. .227 Salmon, bet 1st and 2d. HAVE 1919 model 90 overland in fin shspe throughout. This car looks like new. Will exchang for Ford' roadster or touring car. Call Wood lawn 721. ' 1920 kXRD touring car with starter. 4 cord - tire, oversized, shock absorbers and speedo meter, oversized steering wheel. Looks like new. First class condition.' Call Tabor 4725. -"" " iJABV GRAND CHEVH6lET 1. mMKnil eotwlitim nwneA rv fa 'mechanic, $280; a good car for the money. Mr. Argo. nnnawav szni DOUT DKMONSTRATOR Carefully broken in; better than a new car. Be sure Xir see iu Mr. 'jager. Broadway 1400, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and AWer. .. FORD-Good condition ana rubber, $250 casK .for Quick sale 363 YsmhUi krenings or East 110 onnni oay. HUDSON, 1919. excellent condition; will sc eapt Dodge first payment; terms, J-940, Jaurnsl. - 1920 STtTDEBAKEK 4A, new paint job, 6 new . tires, Al mechanically. : This car for $1050, with terms.. Mr. Junrers, Broadway 1572 CHALMERS Light Six, in fine condition. Could V a good motorcycle on this, Call Johansen at Bdwy. 8270. - ' - .PAIGE SEDAN SNAP Late 1918, A-l mechanically, good tire. Sse rifice. $1250; terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. . WE TEAR 'em up sua seu toe pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 631 Alder near 17th; vroadway msu orders lined. 1919 CHEVROLET, 490; good tires; excellent toecha rurally. Call owner, Woodlawa 520, Otto. - v , M B CUT r your auto seats to a sleeper; our . system ooes not weaken th b dy. -B. B. Boo Works, 600 WUisms ave. East 119S. Attit TVifftS i-covenng and repairing rail HO 1 OpS t reasonable price. 32$ Salmon at.,, between 6th and Broadway. I HAVE a Maxwell, in line condition, with nt top and 5 good tires. Broadway 1572. axr. Jungers. . PAIGE in perfect running, order, paint like new, a. fin looking, efficiently- operating car. Sac rifice for $785, $225 down. Sellwood 2725. tOR SALE Buick light aix. 1917 model, good mecharrtcal condition and good paint. . Price fa. rnon cast 1414 " ROADSTER,' tarter and fuii eieetne . equipsaent; $175 cash, no terms ; good m- elMNi.,1 MMlttlAii T LSA1 r.nM.l 1917. COLE 8. This car has been in private use. Original paint, good rubber.- Will ac eept small trade. Call Hamilton.-Bdwy. 3606. CASH paid for old can, eondiuon no objeuc part for all makes of cars. Thompson A Xelly. 448 Flanders, near llth. Bdwy. 3508. o, 1 w 1 i new paint, new top, new rub- ber. Will trade for good motorcycle. - Call Hamilton. Bdwy. 8606. - . ? i921 OLDSMOBILE roadster, factory guarantee and 'service. See this today. Cash., terms or .. 1 . x 1 sraae. isu jonansen at- ouwy. VOUD touring car, overhauled, Hassier shocks! ncens ana aemounuoie nms, brand new too $325. Call Bsbcock. Tsbor 4 725 "' tFTfTPK . .. " j , ! . - - 1 a gum .ui utuuiiuQie as pttrx pay. ment en a good tued auto. CaU-Johanaen at Bdwy. 8270. , -.- . . . r tXLGE touring ear, good tires, extra tire, new r ' ton;- ttarwain - aQt 1 . 1 1 rk,,rr ta amt,. JXDGE touring car for sale. Call after 5 n. m at ftT KfK . o ORD BIG, A-l condition. Call Boaeli Rw-Al' Way 86(,'. . . . . K SALE SV OwXfcR 1920 Wweif Ore- n nqir vct., xom ma Uuaan. HSfr iUTP ruBning order; $75 down . . - yau jonansen at Bdwy. 7-T0 "Syr'i',I','-T "u' 1" overhauled; good ruboer -,ta. Gail Jir. Jungers. Bioadway 1572. AUTOMOBIIESFOR SALE 800 A C, Stevens Haynes Distributor 531 Wash. Stat 16th SI ii 4 SPECIAL JUNE SALE RUMMER IS HERE. HAVE TOTJ A CAB FOR YOUR FOURTH OK JULY WEEK END TRIPT If NOT. SEE OUR BAR GAINS THIS WEEK. PRICES SLASHED TO CLEAR OUT ALL USED CARS. 19Buiek 6. in dandy ahane.4 '... $1100 '17 Haynes 6, rebuilt and ref inished . . 1050 '18 Chandler, 4 peas, chummy ........ 1000 '16 Haynea 6, all refinlahed. ......... 850 6-40 Hudson, 7 pass. 425 '17 Oldamobil Eight, 7 pass .... 500 CadiUao Eight 800 sYour Own Terms - Within Reason . A - ' "' . . 'I k - ; ! ' :--T' i BUY FROM" A RESPONSIBLE HOUSES COME IN EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. A C. Stevens BDWT. 1614. 16TH AND WASHINGTON. BTCDEBAKER 7 pasaenger. This car baa been repainted, the ; top is in ' first-class condition and the motor and general me chanical condition are excellent. W are offering it at $650. ; . j . - White 5 passenger. ' This Is on of- the kind that will give years of excellent serv ice; $300. . ; ''Oakland touring. This Is one of the classiest jobs in the city; new top tod just repainted; $590. ; Ford touring, .in first-class condition, excellent Ures; $285. ; ' WENTWORTH it IRWIN, Inc. 200 Second Street, corner Taylor. Roadster Z: Buick2l92Cu-Buick Her is ond of the classiest roadster, in the city; run only 6000 miles;, specisl and plats glass in curtains, seat covers, 2 bumpers, spotlight, motameter, gear lock, cord tire ( two of them put on today), original finish, like new; a real' snap'; $,i00 'will handle, balance monthly payments; total price $1300. Phone Aut. 324-36 today lor demonstration. i I : ' i BUY TbCR REBCTLT CHEVROLET i FROM THE USED CHEVROLET DEPOT 1 OWNEb AND OPERATED BT THE CHEVRO LET DISTRIBUTORS j GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVROLETSj ALL MODELS ALL PRICES . EXCELLENT TERMS " Grand v., between Jtifeny and Burnside. Open Daily and SundO. Pbon East 490. "THE HOUSE WITH CHEVROLET PBtPE" MAKE DRIVING A PLEASURE OWN A FORD SEDAN . Sedans at touring car price. Sal starts to morrow, 8 a. m. ' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, , Corner Grand Ave.- and East YsrahilL West Side. Broadway and GHsan. : Ford Bug ' Classy little bog with top and windshield, price only $275. Will Uke $1.00 down, balance 10 months, sk'a Used Car Exchang, 825 Glisan. between Broadway and 6th. Open Sun days and evenings. i DRIVE A SEDAN On big sal of Ford closed car. Long, easy terms. ' Trsde in your touring. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Corner Grand Ave.- and East Yamhill. Open Evenings. . East 471. West Side, Broadway and Glisan. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEREDAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIRE REPAIRING 333-835 Burn aid at Broadway. ' SAL STARTS t6 MORROW Th biggest sal ever recorded in Forti closed cars.. Some can't be told from new. Easy terms. ' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, - . Corner Grand Ave, and East Yarn hill. West Side, Broadway and Glisan. THE FENDER MAN i . 3. E. DURHAM, take the kinks out while yon wait; repairs radiators and bodies. Liberty radi ator cores for all types of cars in stock. Bdwy. 9214 80 NVllth sr.. near Bomside " ! STARTING TOMORROW Ford sedan for th price of a touring. Make your selection early.- Forda taken fr trade. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Corner Grand Ave, and East YamhilL West Side, Broadway and Glisan. NATIONAL C1HJMMY A famoua make, 4-pass., chummy, 6-cyl., pri vately owned; wire wheels, cord t$r I A-l me chanically: a high-grade - ear; looks like new coht $2800. sacrifice for $1600; will take real estate or seller's contract on same. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. : - TOMORROW. FRIDAY. 8 A. M. Sedan sal starts at 8 o'clock. Drive ia with g touring and out with a sedan. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Corner Grand Ave. and East YamhiU. West Side", Broadway and Glisan. - Light Car Model 83 Overland, self starter: and electric lights. Price only $200. Will tak $75 down. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 823 Glisan, between Broadway and 6th. Open Sunday and evenings. CHANDLER 7-psss... extra fine condition, re- finished; tS good tries, new top. , Just right tor rental. $985. i . . 530 ALDER ST. ., ' . FORD sedan, trad for touring car. Your tour ing ear taken in trad during the great sale. All sedans greatly reduced. Starts tomorrow 8 a. m. Universal Car Exchange, cor. Grand and East Yamhill; west side, Broadway and Glisan. FORD touring, good shape, lota of extras, $165. Vraaaon's, 160 Union ave., up stairs. : t MAXWELL roadster, mecoaaically pertect. good tires and fair paint, some snap; small pay-, merit down, balance on. easy terms, usll tsoxeU. Bitwv afios. OLDSMOBILE pacemaker, overhauled, repaint ed, 5 cord tires; could use a Ford or Chev rolet as pars pvnuit. uu ooansen as xawy. 2270. SPECIAL Nice, like new car for sale, auto - mobile. Cole 8. 7-paw-, 8-cyU Price $1200 cash or $800 cash. $450 in ft months. Phone Bdwy. 4005 or Globe tarsga. STEPHENS Salient Six roadster, overhauled, re- painted; 5 cord tires.' 5 wire wheels. Se this today. Cab, term . or trade. Call Johanaea at Bdwy. , 2270. 1919 FORD touring, new- tire and paint, shock absorber and other equipment; me chanically perfect, a real fiord lor only $383. East 6234. ' " FORD touring, with aoca extra. 80x3 4 tires in front : seat covers, good mecnanieal' eon dition; good puller, $300 cash. 644 K. 18th a.. 1 block south of Clinton, after 6:30 p. 1917 BUICK. light 6. fi-pa-saenfier, good paint, A-l mechanically; good tires; $800. Reo 4, 5-pasenger; electric lights, suiter; O. K through out; $400. Woodlawn 1878. LATE 1917 Dodge touring, firstrclass condi tion; only $500. 425 East Madison. East 3857. ,,.-.;?... i FORD bug, underslung, 5 "wire wheels, electric starter, top and fender, $250. Vransona, 150 Union ave. 194.9 OLDS SIX, in elegant condition; would accept a good Ford as part payment, terms on balance. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. DODGE touring, late model, in excellent condi tion, looks snd runs like a new one; $573. terms Esst 6234. - 1917 MITCHELL- touring, in A-l condition. to trade for motorcycle, or will sell cheap for cash. Can Hamilton. Bdwy. 8606. 1917 "DODGE, excellent condition, extras;" a bargain. Call Main 2121. ; f 74 Roosevelt. John Lubich. jt FORD roadster, 1920, shocks, demountable rims, l'UIelft,1, -QiIPe. P lot Quick sate. DODGE touring ear, ea. of those good 1 6a. in fin shape and only $475. terms. E. 6284. FOR- SALE Dodge oar, 1916, good condition. Owner private party. -- Woodlawn 4001. 191 i UK1 sedan, some extra; good as new! Call evenings, tt 5184, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE B00 PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO. Is offering the following ears at eat prices. Every car is guaranteed as represented. Every used Packard anal Nash has goo through oar shop, delivered to you lis new ear. r 1918 Twin six, cord tires 1920 Kaah, T peas....... $2-250 1450 1200 ' 950 1000 1000 soo 450 450 I 450 ;476 ? 525 800 I v l r asn, 7 pass. ......... 1918 Nash. 4 pass., cord tires. 1919 Chandler, wir wtieeis. ......... . 1919 Pan-America a, refuuahed ........ 1919 Chevrolet, A-l 1918 Keo , 7 pass., all cord tire.... 1918 Studebeker roadster, a dandy..... 1918 Ford acdan, s dandy 191$ Country Club OveriaDd .......... 1920 Maxwell roadster 1918 Chandler, a -dandy ......... We've acreral Packard for stag ear. Now is th time to get in th game. There are several good runs to be had, Com la and talk it over. Sea March.. ANY TERMS IN REASON ' , 10TH AND BUBNSIDE. BDW Y. 2L GUARANTEE AND ObKVICB SAMS AS NEW CARS Howard Automobile Co. 12TH AND ALDER ITS. Broadway 1130. THE IMPROVED ''REDIMADE .'"BUILT. TO ENDURE" The 'Improved construction makes a REDIMADE better, mors substantial building at no greater cost to you. REDIMADES are the best built sectional build in r built on the Pacific coast. FIRST CLASS HOUSES. GARAGES FOB, LESS Erected in Portland practical to ship. REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND. OR. K. llth and Afafket, Phone East 511. Downtown sale office Common wealth bHg. f 6th and Ankeny. Phone Broadway 4335. Paige 7 Passenger: ? Eariv 1911k model, has new toD and paint lob: looks like new. Price $800. Will Uke $300 down, balance long time. Jake's Used Car Ex- change. 25 Glissn, bet. Broadway ana eta. BRAND NEW DORT TOURING OriH n, 1 tmnlu.w, nn.hle to aecent .delivery end will sserific $200 of amount on deposit, en model 15 Dort,' J Never been run; factory guaran tee goes with 0 car; $200 cash, balance to writ. Mr. Jssrer. Bmadwsy 1460. - NEW model lort, the season's sensation ; beau tiful body lines; refined and rmproved: only $1190. Eay payments. Call Mr. Ware ham. Broadway 1460. Northwest Auto Co.. IS til and Alder sts. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 USED TIRES AT A BARGAIN AH Kinds of Vulcanizing and Retreading. ! KILTON-WILSON TIRE CO.. 854 Burnsid (west side), t 8th. AUTO top repaired and recovered, aid. curtains, seat covers, bet workmanship, best material, lowest Price. Albina Auto Top Co., 391 Rus sell sr. WE build auen tops and do curtain repairing. B. B. Body Works, 600 William ava. East 1198. TRUCKS ANA TRACTORS 802 Two-ton CMC. This track ha pasned -i thrtmg.euT thop: every 'part ha bees in- I j speeted . nd if necessary replaced, , The , i truck ia an exceptional vain and we do 'not . hesitate to recommend it in every way pot- i. atbl ...i $2160 , fTwo-ton GMC. This truck is going through i our shop st the present time. Has new . rear and fropt tires... ........ ... $1950 ; Two-ton Diamond T; this truck Is as good as new; has 40x10 rear Urea, good plstiorra -body and cab ......... ..$1950 , - ' ' ' s 4. 1 -ton GMC; en naeuraatie tires, ever- 1 hauled, in Al condition . ... ... $1450 been used; come in. inspect it and make a ; HOT WATER TANKS 30-gaL $7; 40-gai $9'; ' oilet. , ; . ; . tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; -' . . ! .. .. ' s heaters installed; expert plumbing repairing. r. lH-ton Reo; good new tires, th motor has East-Sid Welding Shop. 208 Adams st, E. 8516. uuck .7!-.. .. fTf. ."Sso Loganberries 75c per crate, pick them ' ",- yourself, bring containers. .Two block east 1 H-ton Federal; with 21ton rear end. the depot on Washington st, ia Miiwaukie.- tire are good and. we consider this A. J. Waaler's place. . . : -- ; remarkable value at ,.....'..$1250; RASPBERRIES for sale, pick them yourself, 91 i . ' crate, $1.50 picked. Bring containers. 32d, 1-ton GMC; on rmeumstio tires; thfs Is on Rose Hill, 4 bloek North Harrison. Milwaukie, cLsS a,U U" Arm'' 'is'k'o POTATOES Pride , Multnomah, 50c, 75c. a cnaasis ...fliiV .-aaek... Gresham ear. , Gilbert station. L. 1-ton Moreland. solid tire, in first else Wgn"'- condition throughout .............. $7 75 CHOICE Bing cherries 7 Ho. loganberries $1.25 . f per crate; bring containers. H. W. Strong, 4 -ton GMC; pneumatie tires; this track . on Powell Valley road near Gresham. is an excellent example of our best work in SAFES No. 70 Sixth st.. near Oax. Kew and LhZ 'D1 re,ir ' a.Tf2 second-hand Herring-HaU-Marrin sates nd macnina $7o0 steel cabinet. Bushong A Co. Bdwy. 1262. Chevrolet Light Delivery, "ielf starter, elec- t5(f1)f BUSINES3 CARDS -Cfl ( tria lighte, express body .. , , . . $450 ,U"l BOSE CITY PRLNTERT P il Sw . . j Ton moat bring this ad. 120 5th Sr. , . , . ' CRYSTAL WHITE soap, $5 a ease; eggi car- Ventworth & Irwin, Inc. 7Zin" ?-100 200 Becona st. Cor. Tayior 'LawTiMowers Sharpened ' ' - WE CALLAND DELIVER. EAST B424. i . . BUGS washed on your1 floor with Hamilton ' . TRUCK OWNERS ' 1 S Beach electric carpet washer; also Vacuum If your truck is equipped with a Continental cleaning done. East 4045. or Buda motor. Fuller transmission. Torbensen . , . 1 t-,u ' a or rfjvf i axle, Jacox ateering gear, Sheldon or Columbia DentiStlV st u . vsrw-JS i ! front axU. you .can secure repair parts without , p., f k. rw ",5L delay from us. W also have a stock of used Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. Reo truck parts. KIPE Royal Anne cherries for canning, 5c per ! lb. 529 Columbia blvd., 6 blocks east ot ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Ino. , ; Union ave. . Srk iTvrk"" - WaYE gasoUne pump for sale, in good condi Park and Everett St. tion; your own terms within reason. T. J. . ' Stamp. 325 Wasco st. Portland. FORD ONE CTON'cABD COMPLETE WITH ' PTS, CURTAIN, CUSHION. FIRST CLASS. $83. v hhl s?(i rln ir3Mn if 1X)RD 1-TON. EXPRESS BODY COM- No children. 5630 E. 44th S. E. Auto. 630-4 5. PLETE WITH CUSHIONS. WINDSHIELD, ALL kinds of seed potatoes for sale. Portland STORM CURTAINS. FIRST CLASS. $223. Fruit Co., 153 Front near Morrison bridge. ' FORD, STAKE BODY 5 FT. WIDE. 8 FT. Msr. 1745. . V wTSSUi3 FJr3.- ROYAL ANNE cherries. 6e lb., delivered in lots BODY ? DHOPE ta AarlrMn 23 or South end of Buckley BARGAIN $1207 GOOD PAINT. A are. Tabor 8807.. - MODEL T EXPRESS COMPLETE WITH FOa SALE Woodaaw, Will take Ford tour CUSHION. STORM CURTAINS. WINDSHIELD r in ' to on trade: -also watch to trade for $168. tent, Phone Mar. 3740. ' WE MAKE SPECL4L BODIES OCB RE- KlCE large red curranta Te per lb., less for LOO PAIR DEPARTMENT OPEN DAT AND lb. lota. $013 77th st 8. ., corner 50th NIGHT. ave., Mt. Scott car. UNIVERSAL BODY CORPORATION. 1 ' . . " ' . 00 SANDY BLVD. PHONE EAST 7013. " 'TSSk -iLP BSf o "wS MANUFACTURERS HIGH GRADE COMMER- difference. Bdwy,. 2555. . 148 CIAL TRUCK BODIES. latn at- t fci-il K.,n, A't" "ji. r f 7 v - . ROYAL ANNE cherries for 4o lb. on the tree. BLw S moS 'economical hay ttTuI t Brunswick na. Tabor 8673. te Portland at a price yon ean't afford to ever- $50 GRAY reed baby carriage for sale cheap, look. Call East 5027. 6741 Woodstock ave. Phone Aut 612-13. THE WHITE COMPANY ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale on the tree 3c - Flint and Hancock Sts. lb. 69th and Division sta. Ant. 637-20. FORI one-ton truck, bought March 28. ha 4- FOR SALE 50 sacks Burbenk seed potatoes, speed transmission, 33x5 cord tires, starter and 75c per sack. 808 E. Washington stj " Uw?nto,UJvre1.dJ!'.!r FOR SALE Indian motorcycle. 2 horseWer. PtoMO-iT fte, V aoa' Price $25. 434 Skane ve;. SeUwoo WOOD SAWYERS. AUentionl A good light OOId.6 iSvlsn used truck st the right price win help you i - r . n , . i make money. Wa have the truck. Come in And CHERRIS Bings. Lambertsoyal Anne. 5o let us stow you. Call Sanford, East 6027. gie t"n- 1698 P'ht St. . . THE WHITE COMPANY .i . : FOR SALE CHEAP Chest containing necessary Flint and Hancock Sta. . ' carpenter tool. 668 E. 21st 8.. near Powell. REO SPEED WAGON, only $925. "You know ROYAL Anne cherries for sale, 6e lb., pick them the REO. Reliable and economical, electric yourself. Tabor 698. 106 E. 53d, M.-V. car. Hght.;;ttrted- Sf1.1' Gopd'eUo. d- AUTOMOBILE camp bed $15; best on the mar way 1460. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. et 106 E. 61st st N. Near Glisan. EX.SSrN T ,CSJAST'r.?T allK.f Fit? GOOD iron fence, 86 et more or loss, for sat. ACTION. 1 WOOD HAUL AND 2 GRAVEL cheap. Call 828 Carrathere M. El8 MA8241OJiB ,BSEN- BDWX' 6" FLOUtT sack.' ' lob-lb sixe.. $1.50 dosen, 9l0 A1H6ST new 1 W ton truck; must sell; srul , . "f "Z ' t" T' teke terms or small car in trad. Pbon CHERRIES, 3 and 4 cent on the tree. S. Hess, Woodlawr? 2965. M Killingsworth sve. near 57th. Wdln. 5072. 1 H -ION Bethlehem Uuck, wun stsW body, ELECT RIU vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged, for sale or trade for light touring ear. 823 repaired. Ry Bentley. Main 4907.- Alberta at. Woodlawn 1006. Q Davis. - -. ROYAL ANNE eherrie 5e pound, picked. 11 1920 rXJRD truck; rua about 6 months; $600, E. 52d St.. cor. Ash. $200 down, balance $25 per month. S per. NATIONAAL oaah regstter, almost new. 2631 cent- Ante. 64 5-6Q. - Stark. - F.Riitrk with T. nd b' A"l hP AUTO camp ouUit at ' a reduction. Used" Tor .T"" . . ' npatairs. demonstrating 'only. Wdln. 6813. FOR SAIJi-New Ford tua truck. C4 ioJty CHKkISS clieap. pu.k Uinv yourseU. 1 Tabor 475S. . Ask for Jo , . 6382. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 1 V TON - truck, pracucaliy nw. Will gtv good terms an dtrad ia eat or asaall track. Call East 1856. - MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1919, completely rebuilt. - as mechanically perfect; will aril $225 on terms and $215 eaeh. Call Tabor 7382. 1919 ' INDIAN motorcyc-ie. rebuilt, electrically : eqtrfpped, with er without aid ear.-: Call Bo gll. Broadway 3609. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS, ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. -- " rm MOTORCYCLES . . 1 91 9 Indian -and sidecar; used very litCks. 3380. Treason 'g, 150 Union, tot. Belmont. HLNDERSON Just ovrkauid. Has Z motor, tender, and ABO generator. Call JohaBMn, ar croaqway z 7 u 1919 HARLEY-DAV1SON motoreyele. A-l shape, $200. ' Union ave. and Belmont, up stairs. ioifl"' uilrr nirmerti; ' v.u.,.Ki. ' hauled: small payment, balance easy terms. Call Hamilton. Broadway 3606. 1920 HAKLEY, like new. Very cheap. Easy terms.' Call Johansen at Broadway 2270. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 "AttENTlON. CAR OWNERS ' Ws will overhaul your car, any make, and aave you money. All work don on a flat con tract basi and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the cupervisicn of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable and will surprise you. . We specialise on generator and electrical woA. battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tele phone East 8068. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .................... $20 Rear Axle overhauled .................$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. 8 Magneto recharged , . i ................. $ We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc, which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., zsu crone bl. Jorner jeiterson. PRffE Bt dJuUaeot on U brakes THE 'BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth St. Main 696. FORD repairing exclusively; guaranteed work manship. Curly ' Ford Shop, 227 Salmon at. bet- 1st and 2d Main 8154. REPAIR yotir car at your own garage. Work guaranteed. Reasonable. Est 1318. AUTOS FOR HIRE 80S ; ATJTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Late- Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St. bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 340 " JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE , New car for rent without driver, i Reason able rate. Open day and night. 325 lisan St.. between Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. B583. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN FASHION GA RAGE, MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-1283. H. g.-RNNfetT. "CARS' F6k HlR8TvVlTH0TJ DRIVERS. - ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1887. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 ILL tak car in good condition on part pay- ment on bouse on Tillamook fc Will make terms agreeable. if ear is satisfactory. Call East 7076 after 6 p. ra." and sk for 8. L. Robinson. SOME private owner; for quick sale of .19211 Lorraine, $800, if price new $1800"; in good mechanical condition. Pbon Main 3380, dui ing buBineaa honrs; Ant. 625-81 evenings. WILL tak a Ford roadster in trade for aere , age. Must be in good running order. CU r.ast T07H and ask for S. L. Robinson. WE pay cash for Fords, eondiuon no object. Ittiv them up and get your money. 800 Williams ave. Phone East 1198. WANT lata model Dodge for Hupmobile; must be cheap lor cash. Call Wdln, 5101 before S o'clock. CARS wanted to wreck, parts tor all cars under half price. 8. A S. Auto Wrecking Co., lam nq Aider, rsroaqway oao WANTED 1920 Buick or Dodge; I have 40 acres bind to trsde. East 6832. -" WANTEDA Ford touring from private party. fay eaan tor Bargain, xabor 636, WANTED A late model Ford or Dodge; must be cheap. Call 317 Hancock st, from 12 to 1. HIGHEST cash price paid lor old cars; con dition no object. 1X1 x. na at. WANT Dodg or Oakland car. 714 Willis ma ave. ; J. T. Willis. WANTED Late model touring car for less xnsn it is wortn. Woodlawn 839. waited a f6rl" tjONDiti(ii.",iff Ob ject. PHONE AUT. 633-68. WANT to buy late model Ford with starter Will pay cash. Call Woodlawn 721. FOR i SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Sewing Machines : We have the largest stork of used Sewing Machine in ' the city. Com pare price. W rent and repair. 17 2 3d, near Yamhill. WHY an everlasting aggravation by leaky roof 7 Why not a comfortable and durable roof f We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds FOR SA1X MISCnXANSQUS tvQO Dolan Wrecking Construction Co. 460 BELMONT. CORNER E. 8TH. Block of E. Momaon at, BUILDING MATERIAL 'New and the Equal " For AH Building Purpose, Complete , Hons Bill. Alteration. Additions. Saving on Every Item Lumber. Doors. Window. Frame. , Beady Roofing, Plumbing Fixtures, Pip nd Fittings. Lumber stock, complete in all grades, dimension lumber, boards, sheathing, abiplap. flooring, rustic, ceiling, shingles, mouldings, finEh, 500,000 feet heavy timbers. ' Plans listed, bats figured, estimates furnished. Garage built to order in oar shop - complete at low cost. New stock galvanized and black wrought iron pipe, H -inch to 2-inch. Any quantity at a reduced price to mora our stock of this material. Bath tubs, lavatories, kitchen rinks, laundry trays, low and high tank toilets, complete with nickel plated fittings; cast , iron pip and fittings; lead and bras goods, all priced low. New 1, 2 and 5 pern doors. $2 to $2.50, Glass door $4. tp. Windows' and sath, glased or open, 0e up. FOR ANY SUILTJINO MATERIAL - you may renuire. call, phone or write te . Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. - 460 Belmont St., corner East 8th. ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, told, repaired. Armature winding, wir ing and supplies. STAR DELTA ELECTRIC WORKS 1 5th and Glisan SU. Broadway 2748. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your horn. Tenn and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest design, ' Write for catalogue, J. W. HIGGIN8 & SON 1912-16-18 E, GLISAN. - TABOR 808 WK SAVE YOU MONET House wiring, lighting fix tures, lectrieal repairing aup pliea. Third Street Electrie Store. 234 Third sC, c Salmon. Main 6055. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New machines sold for leas: no agent employed. : Bargain in ,3 band machines. : Parte and repairs for all. Ma chines rented and repairing guar- teed. Main B431. 190 3d St.. near Taylor. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach mente, $20 each; portable electrie mac bin for rent; sewing mac nines cleaned ana repamo, E. R. Steen, 152 'Grand ave. East 3359. WOOD for sale, old growth fir, $8.50 cord; i a.innh ntoek and slab mixed, bia double load. $10 4 -ft. green slab, $6 cord, all kind dry wood. Sumner A Halts Wood Co. Phone Marshall 1156. THK birtuxtone lor June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; ideal fog gradu- -MILLER Next Door to Msjestie Theatre, r Electric Motors DM1aV.f iaU s-ftf A anil rrw irewl iniu"s wMg - Walker Electrie Works, 41S Burn- sine, comer xv tn. pmawij ooi. HEMSTITCHING and nicotine attachments. $2 buttonhole attachments $9.85; fit any sew ing machine. 'Personal checks 10c extra. IjghU Mail Order House box 127. Birming ham, Ala. i Independent Printers We are not ' members of any combine to con trol the price of printing- , Smith Printing Co., ji r. sin wt. .. .. SAFES Fire and burglar Wltf safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, nbeught. sold and exchanged. Easy terms -fcf desrred. NORR1S SAFE es LOCK CO. 105 Second Sf - . Msin 2045. ELECTRIC fixtures, wlioteeale: 1 -light fix' ture, $1.25; 8 -light fixtures, $3.75; elec- liable Electric Store, Union . ava, at RusselL East 3686. - OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged. ' HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth at Bdwy. 1877 OFFICE FURNITURE, NEW AND USED, BOUGHT. HOLD AND EXCHANGED. PRICES LOWEST. WAX OFFICE EQUIP MENT HOT'KK. 24 N. 6TH. BDWY. 739. LICENSED independent electrician, wires . i rooms for 312. 6 rooms 820. All new ras- terial used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlswn 37V1. j ELECTRIC PANS for sale or trade. Newman, 128 First, near Alder, Main 4495. . AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separata classifications. A large listing will b found under the different classi fication. LOGANBERRIES for sale, 1 crate to 1000 erates. Phone Tabor 1986, Msin 2272 or drive out to first farm other aids of Oswego cemetery. . - i'OR SALE by owner, 5 -pc. ivory bedroom set oak library table, 2 leather rockers, sanitary couch, breakfsst table snd ' dishes, all new, at Elf price. Ant. 829.51. 1893 Sandy blvd. Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and "repairing. 24 hour service; col lect ana deliver. -la Dor ou. Ttoor 4(41, ROYAL ANN cherries 5e and loganberries jSe per pound. 981 86th st Woodstock car to 48th sve., 4: (locks west F. . Seecliri&t Seil wood 2863. ROYAL ANNE 'eherrie 4c per lb., pick them yourself; bring containers; large trees, lots of cherries; 3 blocks east of S. P. depot, in Mil waukie. A. J. Walker' place.. FOR SALE CHEAP Fuel for boiler er furnace. Call or delivered. Thrgnpson Jk Builia Shingle Co., MUwaukie. Or. Call Milwaukie 82J. 16 INCH lawn mower $8; wneeibarrow, $3.75; 5 ft Simmons wood saw $4 ; water power washer $8. 6012 77th st. S. E. NEW and second hand gaa water beaters sold and installed: also plumbing done. East 4852. Tsbor 1382. - 12,000 GOOD brick; sou good second hand lumber -with nail out, and a good furnace. On job, 14 Everett. Woodlawn 5714 BOVIL ANNK CHKRRIES 4e lb. You pick them. , 210 E. Bnmbolt st. Killingsworth home near Jefferson high. UNION Apparel Excnange sella slightly used ladies clothes, new spring hats, etc 719 Union ave, N.. eer. Ivy. East 1826. FOR SALE Oil TRADE SHOTGUNS, RIFLES AND TYPEWRITERS MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST ST., AUT. 627-46 FOUND A nun who will repair, upholster your furniture at your home; prices very rea sonsble; all work guaranteed. Broadway 4765. WE BUY, sell and exchange diamonds. Zell Bros. Co., Diamond Brokers, 289 Washington street. Msr. 727. CHOICE Royal Ann cherries 6e picked. Wood stock csr to 46th st, 1 block south of drug store. Aut 645-29. COMPUTING SCALES, ajn registers, coffes mills, meat - chopper and general store fix- tore. st 226 Stark St., between 1st snd 2d. FENCE posts, cedar, direct from the woods, car lota. - - -; D. B. SCULLY CO.. 171 Front St ROYAL ANNE cherries 5c per pound Lamberts 6o; pick them yourself. Pleasant View Farm, Shattnck station, West Side Red Electric. LARGE cherries on tree, 2c a pound; 3 14 miles southeast cf Sherwood. . Bailey homestead. A. C. Denman,: enerwnoa. GET your furnace properly cleaned and over hauled. Don't wart Call Leonard, Ant. 326-61. ROYAL ANN and Black ltepublican cherries. 5 cems a pourm. ivii nuiis u. VACUUM cleaners rented. ," $1 per day, deliv ered. Bdwy. 2872, days; Tsbor 6786. eve. VACUUM cleaner tor rent. 85 a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 8495. TAILOR-MADE suite left on hand at half price. jModern Tailors, 69 N, 6th t. ' FOR BENT Electric vacuum cleaner; 24 hour day, 86e delivered. Wdln. 1259. "STAB A STAB.", shingle, direct from miiL Call Taylor ft, dock. Mam 8085. LAWN mowers ground and repaired, knives and scissors shsrpened. 881 E. Clay. East 8687. NEW Kuud water haatar. very raasnnshT Will instalL Sell. SOSl FOR SALEr Register, abowessea, Wail Cash or credit. 342 Salmon. LADIES, "be Weil djedV Exclusive" used Sir gaxiDeate la a home. Tabor 2325. FOR SAXE MISCELLANEOUS 900 VlSti ffl caLIfor.V'Ia:' f hLrsdI? $ 63 Mahogany giving room table...... $ S3 - 80 Mahagnay writing desk and chair.. 23 ' 150 largwoak dining room set. ...... 100 200 old ivory bedroom set........... 150 43 A-B gas range and heater. ...... 23 200 Wilton rnga 100 3 $2$ rockers $15; 1 Whit machine $18.59; Shetland pony $100; 1 canary $5. Near Williams ave. H. A. PHILLIPS. 298 Graham ave. BOXER TRADING CO. 24$ Washington. 113 2d - Marshall 243S . W Sell. Buy and Exchang ' Cash Regrter ' -Showcases, Fountain. Scales, Store Fixtures. - A. L. HOWARD tt .TwnivA ivnurivnift nimpt.IlJl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIPES. FITTING'S HUCLLB HUT AIR rtttAUi ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE 230 Third st - Msin 1806 GOOD cord wood $ per cord. Main 7691. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 DOWNSTAIRS star. SeJiwan iLano Co. 825 Vos A Sons dark mahogany.. $198.00 800 Bteinway Sons man.. 895.00 350 Kimball & Co., golden oak.., 265.00 675 Chase, Urge, oak ,..,. 290.00 1050 8ina-er nlaver niano .......... 695.09 $lp to $25 cash. $5, $8. $10, $15 monthly. Fbonograpa Dept.. Used Specials. Victrel as Brunswick, cab., each. . . . . . $95. OO Columbia and Pathe. cab., each....... 85.00 Btredivara, $63 : Grafonola, small. ..... 12.60 101 10th St at Wash, and Stark Sts. Rerurft Storage fa. -elosin out for Cash. $450 Spier Piano Co., upright, man..... $183 49V Btarr riano Co., upright, oax...... io 275 Collard A Ollard, amsil up....... 65 800 Pianos and player piano snd muaie 295 250 Pianola player and 35 player rolls,. 45 4 Parlor ergsna, $25. $35, 338 and.. - 48 103 10TH HT.r COR. STARK ST. PIANOS """ Every one on our floor reduced: price snd terms back to pre-war quotations. Walk two blocks, just outside high rent shopping district, sav $100 to $150. : Som bargains this week; priced $197, $225, ,$250, $275. Terms cash or $10 per month. .REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. - Broadway 750. WE HAVE a fine assortment ot nxd Phono grapha. eomprising most all the different makes, at pries that cannot fail to move them. Com In early and make your selection. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., '149 Sixth Street ' W HILE they last, 5 ' beautiful player piano bargains. This sale includes 50 rolls of aood music; prices $887, $415. $535. Any one of Uieae ottering cost you 20U more elKewnere. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO, 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. " - EVERETT Piano, mahogany esse; one ot the 3 best pisnos; come in and. bear its beautiful tone. A wonderful piano at a low price; $383; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., - 149 6th St 325 CASH $10 ner month, buys a new niano: all our strictly high-grade pianos reduced in price ana term to r re-war quotations. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. ' Broadway 750. WELLINGTON piano, oak case. $273; al-o one in mahogany case, $275 each. A bargain. Terms given. , SEIBERLING LUCAS MCSIO CO.. 123 4th St.. bet Washington) sod Aider sts. SHOP tor pianos st the one big music house jut outside- high rent district means you save a hit of money. Walk a block and see. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO, 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. VIOLIN OUTFIT, a specially good instrument, with bow and case, rosin snd extra strings, $25.00. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street SOME fin pisnos for th beach; price $100 $17. $245, etc Come early, they won't last Jong, v - REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO, 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. IB PIANOS XI 00 ti 1325.- Manv'iust ltka brand new. Kimball. Steger, Mil Ion, Well ington, Dunbar, Shoainger. Bradbury, Hobert M. Cable, Hardin an make, and many other fine one. Terms. 311 Worcester bldg. A DANDY piano tor only $197, fully guaran teed; terms cash or $10 per month. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th sad Wsshinston. - 1 ' ' Broadway 760. HUSH A LANK player piano, left by doctor to selh Eqoal to new. Make es an offer. SEIBERLING LUCAS Ml BIG CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder sts. BEST buy in town; modern case, perfect condi- tion. uon-t miss it, gino, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. : 14 otn (it. $275 FOR a very beautiful niano: aame tone value elsewhere cost you $100 more. BbtU-t KKMH yiASO.MCIj. tU, 12th and Washington. - " - " - Broadway 750. STEEL GUITAR of standard make, with euuip- snant and ease. 835. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street COLUMBIA Grafonoia. slightly ued,.,..$ 70 Packard piano, practically new......,, 488 Kindler A Collins piano (oak) ........ 300 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Tsmhill st. CONN CORNET, sU vet. with all slides, mute and esse, only $85. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street FINE upright pisnos, $100 to $150 ecb; many excellent makes; why" pay $100 more np at the big stores with big expenses? Terms. Brokerage Co., 811 Worcester bldg. KISHKK piano, $20i. Big nr. Terms given. Selnemr2, lUrss Mnste ta, iza stn n., oeu Washington nd Alder sta. ' SAXAPHON'E, melody "C." late model, silver with gold bell, all complete, $135, terms. -G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street KIMBALL grand, a bargain. Seiberling Lucas Mumc Co., 125 4th st, beV Washington and Alder sts. SMITH A BARNES; one oi th old reliables; specially priced at $810; terms, O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. ' 149 6th St. NEW O melody Buescher saxophone, bargain. Call MarahaU 1. vegetable dept., 8 to 11 or 1 to 6. HOBART M. CABLE piano, alsaost new, late plain mahogany case; less H price, or make offer. Terms. 311 Worcester nmg. KIMBALL pumo.v$26o; a snap; see it feeiber ling Lues MufiiovCo.. 123 4th St. bet Wsah Ington and Alder sts. CONN CORNET, silver, witn esse, $40. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., " - 149 Sixth Street PIANO 3250 Beautiful mahogany case, fiite condition, rich tone, artistio lines; a bargaso. Borne terms if deei ned. Sellwood 2729. -- . MILTON piano, plain mahogiiny case, $300. Seiberling Lucas Masio Co., 123 4th St, bet Washington and Alder sts. ' ! - FOR SALE New C melody saxophone, a bar gain. Call at 93 B. 12th N. or phone East 5591. ' - PLAYER attachment, $36, with rolls. i SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st,. bet, Wsahington and Alder sts. USE" your ' brains, bnya piano where you save $100 to $200. Tenia Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. :-" -' 1 ' . - WANTED Nice Main 4424. toned piano : for spot . cash. WANTED Pisno; coasider grand; pay cash. Marshall 5709. LARGE cabinet Graionola, Will sell equity. $15. Aut. 512-12. FOR RENT Piano, graionola, late'miulc. Es rir Transfer, zr4 Broadway. Birat. ioo. DIAMONDS--JEWELRY 907 EXPERT watch repairing Main springs 1 1, cleaning $1.50 and up. Jewels $1. wgtch glasses 26c ELLIS EWING 204 Geriinger. 2d and Alder. Marshall 4364 V5 YEARS WITH STAPLES 3 H CARAT diamond, bargain. Will sacrific for easn or part casn, oaiance good car or prop erty. Call East 1856 er Tabor 6046 after 6 p. ra. ' -' - ' " - nASIXft oui rriv diamond iewelry at less than half price. Diamond rings $25 to $400. See displayl only a few left. H. A. Brown. Watch maker and Jeweler, 257 Alder st. - FOR SALE Lady's ruby ring, almost new, $8. 1083 E. Webster. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 SPECIAL 6-bole steel range. 12 1-gas range, $8i gs plate, $2; dining tbale, $6; dining chair. $2; sideboard. $12.73; rockers. $1.25 up; kitchen treasure, $5.50; sanitary couch and pad. $8: mv cotton mattress, $5; bedroom spring, $3.50: baby buggy, - $2.50 : ice box. $10; sewing maenin. $. Several rugs, cneap. zat rjB7. lis l.rana sve. Reed Specialty Shop 319 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST all. Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture Reed furniture mad. to order; bo repaired and reftntfheo. Buy direct irom tsctory. FOR SALE Furniture, rug snd stoves, almost new ; ieavtng city, nun sen; no oeaiera. 83 4 H -Larrabee sr. - CsU hack door. DINING room set and rug lor sal eoeap. 9909't 39 Jti Are. S. E. C02 SAY MONZt . Try eur sales dept. kf yew want 9 omf t $ nonscneHi good; reduced fretgbt rata te sil . points In ear thvonch pool cars. packing, repairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods ia storage. Fireproof org. tow tnsnrance rate. SECuaiTT STORACB 'A TRANSIT CO. S Fourth ., opp. Multnomah hot el. , Phone Broadway 3719. BT OWNER, 6 piece ivory bed . tak hbrary table and 2 leather rockers; sanitary conch, breakfast table and dishes. All new. 1893 Ssndy blvd. FOR SALE MACHINERY 103 FRENCH motor, fine for launch. , Call Wdln. 5876, 6 to 7 ia evening. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 FOR SALE On 80-ft. trolnna boat. - Reaai bor 3443. HOUSEBOAT for sale; bargain; cash ot' terms. Auto. 811-12 or East 4051. ilOTQR boat 26 ft. long. Buick nvotor. agwsd is miles per Doer. Mrnu goo. Mr. Hates. FOR SAIJE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS "905 ALL make guaranteed on . year. Beat re-constructed typewriter on coast. New nme lint Wholesale Typewriter Co.. $21 WasUngloa St.. t ortiann. w. - UEBU1LT typewriters, sil makes, rentals, re pairing, supplies. Distributor CORONA Pot- tcble. SUN OUTRAN D adding machines. Mate Z-HB. K.;w. Pease Co.," 110 Bfxth t- REI'AIRLNG a specialty, free estimates; rentals; sunnlies: buy. sell.-eichange; sdd. mach. repaired. Typewriter Inspection Co., 812 Stark. Main 5549. ALL MAKES ef typewriter rsnUd. snd sold on monthly payment Tria. Typewriter Co.. 94 5th t Main 866. lired Oragon FOR RENT Underwood-Reminktua. 33.SO mo. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy 13S. FOR SALE No. 7 Remington typewriter, first- : class eondttlrm, only 120. pnone 647 T. SWAPS 92S HVtDEBArlkR, IB1T. in i-1 condidon; .'will accept good phonograph aa first . payment. CaU or write 8135 Woodstock w MW Scott car. Grays Crossing. - FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford bug with wire wheel and windshield, fog beet cattle eg fresh cows. 2025 E. Washington st,, cor. 81 at St TRa1K $225 Victrol. $100 worth records, even up for Ford touring: would consider any light car. 6420 62d ave. 8. M. WILL trade Bush A Lane piano for auto; will pay some difference. Carl Ant. 818-30. NEW Edison phonograph with 1 9 rwaorda; " will trade for Hariey-Dsvidsen. Broadway 2224. WANTED-- MISCELLANEOUS 950 SADDLE and bridle; must be reasonable. Phone Broadway 1122; ask for shipping elerk. A.' D. SMITH. Hermiston," Or., want uaed hand printing press, about 8x5 inches. JUNK Good price for old clothing," Bdwy. 183. metals, tools, furniture. U. S. ARMY GOODS for sale, wholes! and retail;. prices reduced. H. Horasteus, 230 2d sr., or 204 1st st. Msin 7578. ATTORMCVa LAWYER Advice free and confidential in Ujg 816 Board of Trad bldg. ATH9 Turkish Baths $U? nol Electro Therapist 24-honr service to men. LANK BOOK sUMM DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC.. 109 2d sC. bUog book msnu'scturers, . A-3183. Math 163. CA"PeNTsTR8 JMf tHJIUOKW GENERAL contractor's plan (utnisbed for sU classes of buildings, alters tlons, tepsmng. E. tlmstie riven. Phone Wdln. 4280. CAT AMD DOQ HOSSMTAL I.Of K CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, la.. E. 7th and Grant Both phont. Dsy snd night serviee. Three veterinsrlsns. CHIR0PHACT0H9 CHIROPRAGTIC. steam bUi nd massag. 10th floor Broadvay bldg, MsrrhaU 3l7. Dr, I' ura K. Downing. Open evenings. LK "lisUAHON McMan) his sysum--People taking adjustments while smiling : 13th year. CtEANINQ AND DVIINO REiAL Cleaners, Tailor and Hatur Cleaning and dyeing a spacislty. uut ot vmm mau order given prompt attention. 127 . Bt St., Portland, trr. - -. - Ot-OTHISJCv Garments -r B.gunr prices. T19 Union ave. N. East 1828. UtUe OOAL AND WOOD SAVED ON FUEL SAVED ON FUEL $ 1st amwth oordwood. 88 in load Iocs only: errantry slab, $6 per load; ' block and slab, $5. SO per load in 2 load lota only. Utah coal, $15.50. delivered in 2-ton lota only. , Wdln. 4102. NO. 1 eordwood, highest grade first growth 7ir, $8.25 per oord st our yard in North Port land; wholesale or retail; boose deliveries alas arranged for. Fir Co.. Main 4247, 10 a. ta. U 5 p. m. : - - - BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macsdam. Phot Msin 41 IJ. BLOCK AND SLAB Partly dry, 2 load lots, special price, delivered now. East 2041. SUMMER PRICKS- Edginge, $4.60 load; abort alab, $3.60; short eordwood, $6.50: short ties, $7.50; wreckage wood, $3.50; 1 14 $6 per M. Standard Wood Co., East 2313 COUNTUT BLABWO0D Green or dry, 4-foot or sswed. Star Wood A Coal Co. Main SOU NICE country alab wood $6.50 a cord;" dry 12 and 18-in. slab $7.80 load;. No. 1 aeed wood 98.80. Paul Furt Co.. Sell. 1769. FIRST growto eordwood; liberal reduction, a, livered from car. Nat Fuel Co., E. 2041. GROUND HOG fuel and sawdust la carload and truck Iota Western uoorwrag go. tjoi. ox. DRY LUMBER" TRIMMINGS, CUT 14 WCllES LONG, $6 PER LOAD. WDLN. 8$$7.V Before ordering your winter's ood call Auto! 526-86. North Bank Fuel Co. 859 Upshur St, BEST old-growth fir eordwood, $8.26 peg cord. Sell. 814. ' t)RY"VRECKIiG. .$9 ioadv, west aids de- livery. Got. 74. .. WE HAVE In elty 1 SO ' to"206 ' loads 1 6-ln. mill run wood: $250 cash for lot. R.U. 8159. BIG load of boxwood $5.50 per load. Wdln. 8649 or 878 W. Lombard. A-l CORDWOOD, $8.50 delivered. IL Xteerdt Fuel t., East WOOD SAWED promptly. East 8436. COKDWOOD 87.50 per cord- Phone A. 628-53 DENTIST DR. B. E. WRIGHT 3d floor. Bsleigh bWg.. cor. 9th and : Washingtan sta, . Msfn 2119. A-2119. Dentistry ' DR. A. W. KEENE, 351 V, Wsfchington St Wlthont Pain. Latest Nerve-Blntktng Method. OUOATIONAL OANOIMa Downey's Dance Studio 886 U Washington ttrset over B'selwood. Uioa ball, D. Pattarsoa Fermer instructor CotiUion Downey, inet, " KINtiLER'S DANCING ACADEMY PORTLAND'S LEADING SCHOOLS Cotillion ball. 14tb off Wsahington: Broad wa. hall. Broadway and Mala. Class and pri est lesson by expert professions!, instructors, ta all branches ballroom, classical, ballet, etc Phone -or rail for appoinUBcnte. Broadway aafto. SlS-SBi ' THE DANCE STUDIO. 909 Dekus bldg.. Waab- ington at Third. Private bear w half hour . Amm ...niK, ft 'XO a. SB. vc ft O. m. Coarse lesson specialty priced. Class Mn4y FrMsy, 7:30 p. m. Mis Ireland, . MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TIACHKR U" CAbB0IX"dAT, teacher of voice and piano. 149 18th at Broadway 2655 T.' E. LAWB6 20 year' .xperienc piano lesson, at your home. $1. Ant 643-13. FLOFP 8UQI AND HAO RUSI lORTLAiND RUQ CO. Fluff Hugs, Mad From Old Carpets. 1672-1674 E 17TH ST. SELLWOOD 8828. MAT OLKANK919 AND DVtSU HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed rcasonabl and sat isfactory, iioyai flax www, in sires sc. MOU8K ftKNOVATINta BTVIVIW . cleaning, floor waxing and house clesning dona by sxperieneed ansa. rhotw J Selwood 2408. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS AWHV aOOD6 i ' j WANTO)!ISCiaJANE0U3 950 VANTi-Lwpeople o Portland to know tiist I pay tae ktiguast cash price to sacoud-hand beweehoM good. - No amount too big or Um assstt. Ptwsapt attevtiew N. M. S EATER Pbone East 8203. 148 Ruses" t It 2 50 TO $25.00 METER. THE TAILOR, pay more for Sa. ewd Hand suits, shoes, overcoat, W call dsC er evening. Marshall 1229. or 253 Msdjw BOOKS Highest price paid tor Book of Knowe edge. Harvard Classics, Universal Antholoe-g snd Story of th Great War. Address U-Id. Joumat - . . UPwTO-rATE BUYER ' " J Ws bay everything end anything ta the tin or vs rerwrtwe. and household goods. nd eld clothing and luak. Call Main 734. WANTED f URN ITTJRE 952 SPOT CASH ttlR l'RK.11 FrRMIUKM .Main 8878 UNITED rrRMTIHl? STORE 178 FIFST STUFF T Owl Furniture Co MORRISON W want your used furniture, stoves, csspees atid pianos; -we pay th. highest cash prices,, 13 nd 18 Ftr. at. Call Usln 4H2T. ' ? M. R. SEATER Bays th bst a well a cheaper grade of eeor4 hand frirnitnre. 26 Grand ave. Ante. 232-5 , I WflJe pay top prices for uvd drmaeni, tahleal e hairs, stovws, carpets snd sil household goods yen have te sell. Call. East 4 919 and get the car. K Ht't1 u.ett luritilHr. alovev. lo. BeilabJ Furniture Co . 203 23 2d. fMsin 7308. PERSONALS 975 GCABDYOCH EYESIGHT I employ onlv the moat modem instrauicnt and the ret scientific method in s wining your ra. 20 years' experience. Thou sands of saUafied patients. Fven'ngs and rinn day by appointment, Che. W. (Goodman. 20& M orison. pre-war prices. M sin 212 I, 7 RHEUMATISM TREATED. Stomach snd kidney trouble, strain and min eral baths, massage. I-sdies by sppointnient. I tin ts rian iasUtute. 119-711 Hwetland bklg. Main u55. ft. a aa -8 p. m. $1 GETS both feet fixed hp at lr. k'.aton s th. CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPKCLtl.I&T who deesa't hurt you; 8 ynv here. Exam, free, ti'.ob Tliester hldg., llth and Ws-h. Bdwy. D e v rsir a Coasulteuon FREE. . All - V" Jf Vi 404 ConsoUdsted. SecuriUe 84 6h st Bmadwsy 4tH8.' LET Georg Rubenstein, the veteran optician, fit your eye. - Expert optical service, reasonable prices. No chars, for testing. 22 Morrison at. POPULAR musie tsught beginners l.t lta.-a; players lsm real jass. Parker Piano, Banjo, ' Guitar school. 818 Filers bldg. COUPLE driving ta Oakland. Cal.. Sunday.' la large car; room for one more; share exiwasa; erpert driver. East 7539. MAPSAGK, baths. Dr Kim Horteaen. 50"A, Panama bkl. Main B0n. Dmjlesa i iv.icsn. DR. W. A. TURN KR, druglnas SecilL.t. Rlvnt matism, onctiplo. 383 Third. Main 7094. D OPTOIMETRI8TS HAVE "rorrrTfcTK pVT537vvrT7r W rtcflmatnii ,mt s,,MHh. Mnl . f f.. thorough .lamination proves their need. "Ton will find wur serviee reliable end charges vary reasonable. A trial will convince. . ci?n fific Optical Serving 268 Morrisem St. Main 6367. faagassaw AiKS seienufically tested with nne pJ-T" m Instruments; glasses fitted st a saving: satisfaction guaranteed. t. K. HUKWITZ, Optometrist. 225 lt St PAIMTINQ, TINTINO. MrtRHtWQIUfl bnriir imvt .it iiiv?ai snd we are pleased to announce that the price this Ttose Carnival week is ev.n Brwy Prices snd th Blsek Satin Web- twL JtXOn iV. b.wt th mnnt' Hoof Becnrlty Co., 926 Board of Trade bldg. Mai 71. Res.. Bdwv. 60. Wall Paper, Faints, Etc. 830 8ECOND STREET. MAIN 7823 uni Bros., inc. Normalcy FaintJnir Co? Taho. si - o onsi iif.S Tsbor 8 74 2. FAINTING sad k.lsominfnF st modarat. "'""S h li'yii Minting, papering, linTTngTTn J17th st, Brosdwav 4414. sio. ts a-iiar. r.ast ssx PAINTING and tinTTna a soeTiiYi ti.-ir il et Elliott Ifarshall 1 1 56. " "'"" rATgrT ATTOWIvtva C, 8 Pivhta tin ,'i ' iraaemarss. Copy- rights. 61Q c,m(w,r nf rommerc. bldg uuiaiHKiiri n-. . . . ; . W - I MV9I0IANS "Mt. W. A. i iir,Lu s7 Broadway Bldg. Offie. Practice only. PtA8TEWIria. KTO. V. UJ.J u room, eloseu free: re- pa r work, by the dsy. Aufo. 215-22. ' n-3 ' w TKJ'-r'"'' Piumbinfr sjial ur , UTrB. ,o ' Price, reasonable. LOW price onall kinds plumbing" supTf'ie. Let Co lf?rf,3L""" "'""'" Alberta 1'Jitmb. The m. L kUvfc ,., m-U u'l. i m ...v, n I Anil'i wjk v m i n . lib 4 th (L SWINTINa, g-WOWAVIWa. BINDINO VWUl I IN1-W C1DT.. ..... trinrery, 4th at. Msfn 8263. Frintincy y- w.-wito". co.,"i.. rl,"IUlft and Oat i.s tr L, t- .V"..' ... i.. - CM PAN I . - I wntnitt"rt- Broadway 434. A-l 25 ANSLEY cU 4-lit' Wash, st. Main 471 NOOP NtPAIWINa vl5 Lp'I,a Pa uxl Psinted; gutters cleaned. SiJlS 8C2.rit?' Inc; mf- WsMoot- Paint. Tlh . uni iTTga T vy tj. ni'1- O Painting repIS-' lrw-n kinds of roofs. Best Gilsonit. paint ned- All work guaranteed. 1764 E. Glisan si. Phones Tsbor 4817. Tabor 7259 ROOFS repaired, painted and guturs cleaned"; ROOFS beat; llrorth Roof Co , East 2907 OA LP AND FACIAL SPECIALISTS SCALP AND FACIAL"" - SPECIALIST Baldness, discs saa of th, sr. l . a v.i. eessfuUy treaUd ; - face rnaSMgea; facial Imper fections seientifically corrected. DR. EVELYN H Tnviviffs Suite 420 Morgan Bldg, i,j 4484 HKT MITst WOStK MULTNOMAH SHEET 4' METAL WORKS Hoofing, rUterW. spouting, lobbing and gereral repstring Phone Broadway 92. 22 'HIW8tlWa 8HrOTieIM?r.859bl0a' t-tuatllu ck'll TOVK SUPAIWIWa Why Buy a New Stove? THAWSFgW AMD ITORAflt SECUBITT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Pscking-Moving-Stersg. ' M0N?I' E ON GrfDS IV STORAGE 83 Fourth st, opp. Multnorosh hotel Pbon Broadway 8713. ' ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOI SLUOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Hterage, packing, shipping and moving; bono and suto vans: sd- cial gate to sH points. ' C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO - 2d snd Pine ss. Broedwsy 596. A-l 916. Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Glissn St. - Broadway 1281 DRAY AGE , STORAGK Four Warehouse 'on Terminal Track? . Storage and Transfer" Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND OT.1SAN. PHOADW.AY 8470. REDUCED FREIGHT RAILS to all point en household goods. Pacific Cuut Forwsrdiag Co., ftth snd Hovt. Bdwy. 703. VACUUM CHAN3W9 ? - FOU LilNT- t.oclru; tauuiun c. , hour day, S' 85c. (Uiivered. Wdla. l. a ,. 1 I 1 J 9VJ IV 1 I -I