The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 30, 1921, Page 19, Image 19

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1921.:,
Batter. Kgg.
Portlaad tie e tie
tu Francisco ...... 40e lV4
Chicago , 94e 28e 14e
Kew Tor ......,...JJH lie : !
Seattle ...lie. ase , 18e (
Lor Asgele .49 - .
Bide for current receipt eggs in the
Portland market were general at 24a
den for Thursday. The market - waa
inclined to atraw activity with a further
fain In outside order for carload lota.
Then ni nnn eompatitio for country eg
efforts during the day ana Oil brought th
pno to 24e generally. Those that had bean
pajne end offering 22 9 23 for such supplies,
Quickly boosted their bid t the 84a mark and
appeared much more anxiou to aecur stock
Un prerioualy. ' ;
Tber waa a demand for carload supplies from
both th Booth add' th North and fractionally
better price war available on thia account. Cold
tare -movement eotrtinue here, but oa a de
creasing aeala while a yesr ego tha ice brma
movement tor that' period waa untuually liberal.
Lateat report f cold star atneka reflect thii.
tha Paciiin Northwest eu piJl y being but free-,
tionally mora than a year o for thia aamo pe
riod whit . a faw weeka ago the increaa waa
marked,1. T
The deairtn pelt information regarding
any market, ahoukl write tha Market Editor, Ore
os Journal, cacloalng Ump for reply.
Trade in tha butter market continue to
fleet strength for cub extra, with SO 81a
pound arailable. while prima first are, about
holding their own armnd 29c pound. ? Out
id demand continue favorable. . . i
' ' With inexsasing supplies offering, tha market
for light bene ia fractionally eaaier and oft about
la at IT 4 18 a pound. Heavy atoek aa well
aa broiler ia good demand at current value.
lucki,aot wanted.
There ia war ea for the whole! beef
trad and one of the city killer i naming aa
low s 11 12e for top ataer beef. This ia
tha lowest price that baa ru4 in torUaod for
many yean.
Price oa strawberriee ruled from 81.10
2.00 per crate, on tha markets daring the day.
Loganberries aold around f 1.25 eg-1.35, currant,
81.5061-73. Btrawoerries ot quality war
rather aearea but ether fruit waa excellent. ,,
- Home . grown celery ia now being offered in
email tot around Sl-Si per dosen. Celery
premises to be exceedingly iaesree. ia thia aeetion
within the immediate future beeauee of lease by
flood. , . . '
. Packing inUreaU paid Be for taney Royal
Ann eharri, ' .
California new crop apple ia pear hose at
Peae acarce oa tha atreet around 9 01Oe
pound.--'-" '
(String bean in ralr demand at 14a for boat.
I Country killed bo and eelvea steady and
unchanged. :
Local peaehet $1 bos. Cafiforni 11.00 1.60.
Weather bureau: advised Thumdsy: Protect
shipment during the neat 99 hour acelnat tha
following Btilnna temperature: Going north.
TO degree; aortheaat ever B. P. A 8. tt. B., 85
elerraa: seat ta Baker. 89 degres, and south to
,Aahlnd. 85 degree. Maximum tmpcrtr t
Portland torn o row about 79 degree.
retaimm y:iholaalr;
aapt a etherwiae noted: '
Dairy ProdiKt 7
BrjTTKRSJUng pHoe, bo loU: Craamery.
extra., parohment wrapped. 8ie per lb. Jobbing.
pnee:bs. extra. 9031 lb.; dairy, buy
ing price. 1 7e cr lb.
BDTTKRPAT Portland delivery beat, Ne, 1
grada. 29e; No. 2, 82Te; country aUUona.
84 a29 per lb,
CHKK8B Belling price! Tillamook, freah
Oregon fancy tripiata, 22 per lh.5 taong
America, i 8 Se peg lb.; Oregn-Wa.hinton
triplet. I T & Ve Jb. Frj-e to jobber, f, e. b.
Tillamook, triplet. IBe: foung Amanca COc.
BelhBg prieal Block Swim. tncy old. 3B40e;
pew ck, 848e Um burger, 849SSe lb.;
eream brick.. 282e per lb.
BOGS-'-Buying prieo: Current reeelpta, 24e
dea; aandled. .aellinai price, ate; aeleet, 28e dua.
IJV K poCtTBlT belling price: Heavy pen.
S( lb.j light. hena. Hat 18e lb.; broiler. 5e
-lb; eld roeatent, 10c lb-; turkey. 9840e lb.;
duet. See par lb.
Prwah Vegetable end FruH
PREBB FRUIT Orange, 94.25 09.00 bo;
banaaaa. 11 11 He per lb.j keaon. JT.eog
8.TS per caea; grapefruit, Honda. 8T.00
11. 00; Cahforuia, 3 O0 19.60; cherriaa, f
JJe per lb. ;
BEKIUK9 Btrawberriea Oregon, 91-10
1.50 erat.. 24: jodaebarrifee, 8c Jb. rap
parriaa, $1 40rl.T8; lngnberriea. 91 -29; black
aap. 82.00 (. 2.50; eurrantd. 91.30ayl.TS.
, DBIKP FBCIT8 Tiataa, Sftf farda. 9S.S0
S.TS per boa; figa, 2.0OjI 6(Jj pruaea.
10a to 80, 80-lb. boa, TS pe lb.
- ONIONS - Belling price to retailer: Local,
91.00ft 1.50; garlic, 19 b.; green onion. 80
gj 44a doaen bunche; new Imperial, 81.00(a)
'1,89 erata; red. 81T8 cental. -i
POTATOF---elUnf Price to retailer; ,Ore-
faney, II x.oo ; new poiaioea, a lav o.
fEUBTABUfciJ Baana. Oregon wag, lac
lb. I beet, new. aacke. ai.oo per ewv;
da bunchad. 0e per doa.; cabbage, crated. 9 He
per lb.; a not, bunobeo, uo per ooaen
aaveked. 8 Ha per lb. T cucumber, fancy. 91-TS
per lb. ; earroU. bunched. 60o per dose; da
Ka. 2. 91.23 01. 90; farUo, pew Uexicaa. 88c
Jb.;-green anion. 3 S 0 4 Oe do; lettuce, 9.
98.00 02.80 crate, 939 91-00 per doaen; para
ley, 60a doa.; pea. 90 10a lb. t pappern, green,
a a lb.; peppera, CaUfornia dry chili, SOe lb.;
iawripara. Mexicae dry chili tmildl. ."ic to.;
Eradiahaa, local. 93 0 40a par doxan bunchea;
rhubarb, Oregua, 8o per lb.; utaliag. aeleet.
8 He pay lb.; (quash, summer, 4 0 5c per lb.;
. tomatnea, Texa. 4 basket crates, 99.86 erata;
do California Imperial. 93.00 per 4-baket erata;
do Merced. 94.00 par lug; turnip, new, aacked.
92.33 par tat
' Meat and Provlilont '
COHKTRT M KATS Selling pricee: Cotmcry
been. 12 H 0 19o"Dr lb. for ton blocker, about
138 to 130 lb.; heavy atuff lower; aeal. top.
- 9ft to J 10 lba.. 19 0 12 H a; heavy atuif lea;
apring Jamba, IS H 14- awe Jb.
BMOhlbD MEATb-IUbu, 810 89 per lb-;
brk(t bacon, 2S0BS.
LARO haul rendered. IT H Ih.j Uere
. baM, eiimrwund. lit.
PACK1.VO HOCBK' MEATS Steer, beef.
11.H013! eowa-heifera, 01Oet lamb. 12 0
,12 H par lb.; yearlm. 7 m 9e; awe, 5 0 7e.
Plah end BheUflah
FRKSH flSH Chinoek, 18018 per lb,;
halibut. 19 0 20s per lb. aturgeon. 2O0 2'e;
black end, 11012c; kippered aalmon. 82.99
per IP-Jo. easaei; .aipperea cue, ez.30; raaor
elaaaa, 94.60 0 9.00 box; ahad. 7 0 be lb.; bug
tod. TH 08 per lb, '.
ji m io g,Mwaet - ?cr aijua. f ,
Olympia. 99.90. --.. .
. - Hop, Weoi end Hide
. nnal.iil lain lemon.
HIXKS Calfakin." lOMUe; klpa, 9 0 8c;
green hidea. 2 0 9c; aalted. S 04 per lb.
MOIIAIB Nominal. 18022o nee lb.
'a 3, Sc. " j
. CASCABA BARE -New 8e; old, 8 He lb.
WOOL Willamette valley, eoane, lOe; me
dium, 19e; fin. 20a per lb.; taaUr Qragoa-
aana taayaoiee per in.
BEANS Small white, 4 He; Urge white.
MeVUeIbV i
HONET--Per care. 98.00. ?
. BICE-Wapen atylei No. 1. 4r: Blue Roaa.
He per lb, j New Orleana haad, 8a.
COKy Kfc Boaaiad. 10 031c ia aeck ar
: jgrnma.
BAI.T Coarse. Tlf rround. 100, 919.80
alee, 88 6004 00; fancy, table aad dairy'
984.60; lump, 928.90 per tea. , ,
COAR . Qubea, 89.1f fruit and berry.
98.96: n yellow. 96.29: beat eranuleied.
. extra c. S. 13; Golden C, 95.3. , ' '
CANNED MH,K Carnatioe, Abena, Borden.
IUV. Itili 5;Av
r, SODA CRACKEB3 In bulk, 17c per lb.
r- NOTS Wlnuta. 28 0 82e li.'; almoada SB
0ej filbert. 2 1 in aaek loU; peanut. iO 0
I4c; paeans, 2 Sc: Braaila. 90e. " :
Rap. Palnia, Olla
itr. Mti'bH
COAL OH, Pearl
water whiu. ia dram
By Hy nil H. Cohea
Cherry . eanninr eheuld atart at one
If the consumer ia to receive) the bene
fit of the beat quality and probably the
lower values. Canning cherrle were of'
fered en the public market aa low aa 6c
a pound but some geleeted atocka were
eeveral cents higher. ? Thia waa for the
Itoyal Anna. Black cherrlea ara meeting
with n.o favor for canning, even the com
mercial packers laylng off thia elaaa
of tttoek becauaa of the heavy loaaea by
spoilage. 0 i '"
Strawberries were generally higher ex
cept on the public market Thursday but
loganberries were i plentiful and low
while raspberries are in greater supply
with some quoting a lower price.
Bananas are now so cheapl in sftnv
markets that tt consumer should not !
forget to buy a dozen or so for the kid
dies. TJt best stock, contrary to pop
ular belief, ta that which is turning
black or mottled, j
There Is little indication ef any lew
priced peaches this season aa the Iocs,
crop is a small one, !
Retail price ia private store:
Butter Praab creamery, 4O0 43c,
Kgga Freeh extras, 80c.
Poultwi-Chickene, dyeaaad. 29 0 36.
Fiab-BahBon 29e lb.; halibut, 2Se lb.
Pr-rrl6e ner-ln. Kturgeon. 26080a per !b.
Flour Beat local patent 82.10 02.80 per
aaek, 49 pound
. PoUtoear Burba nk. 91-80 01.78 pay aaek.
. . Onions J H 2a lb. .
Maximum prices on tha Portland public mar
ket: Canlidnwer, 26o head; carrots, 2e per lb. t
eniona, 2o per lb. : potatoes, 1 He per lb. ; dry
beena, 6o lb. ; rhubarb, 9c lb.; lettuce. 10c; per
anina, 2e per lb.: bulk honey, quarts, 78; pint.
eOe; duck. 80s lb.; gee, 4 5e lb. ; cottage
eheeii, 18o lb.j hena, 24 28e lb.; fryer. 28e;
broiler, 8 6c lb. ; egg. 82a doaen; butter. 89
lb. milk, lie quart; atrawberriea. 7a; loganber
ries, 9; raspberries, 8a box. '
Poor Cables Aid
Bears' in Cotton
New Tort. June 80.-t N. S.l Poor -bias,
with selling by Liverpool, Japanese and
New Orleans, aauaed an eaaier opening in tha
cotton market thia morning, first prises being
8 0 le lower. Thar waa also eonsiderabl com
mixion house selling ahead of tomorrow' gov
ernment report, part ef whieh was absorbed by
Wall SUat Earlier weather ad He ware (ver
able. . .....
The market wss easier durina: tha laat hour.
Th cloae waa ateady at a net decline ot 12 0 82
point. Hpot oottoo euiet today, 19 point lo
at 11.50. ... i i
61 onth.
open. - High. - Iew. rioae
January. .
March. . .
July. . .
October . .
1280 ; 1288
1812 1814
1381- 1931
11RO ; J153
1220 1238
1271 1371
, , ,
,' Chebalem Crops Good
Sherwood, Or., June SO. A trip through th
Chabalem mountain aectioa Tar-day duelosed
fin stands of wheat and hop. Cherry picking
is in progreaa ail over this section and many
children - and women find in employment.
Meet of the cherries will go to the canneries.
It is too early to-" say much about the prune,
although the crop en Chehalem mountain, it I
believed,' will be aa average one. This ia tlo
true of the crop, ia tha immediate vicinity ef
Sherwood. . j
Money aad Exrhasge
New York, June 80. -(!. N. .) Call money
oa tha floor of the New York Btoek Exchange
today ruled at 8 per eeat; Ugh. 8 per seat;,
low, B pr eeat. -
Time money was ateady.
Rate were 8 0 8 Vi-per cent.
, The market for prime mercantile paperws
teady. l fir
t'aU mnney in Iioijon today wa 3 H per cent.
- Starling exchange wa easy with buaineaa is
banker' bill at 9.3.72 H far demand.
-"?- New York Wool aad Hide
New York. Juno 30, (I. N B.) Market
ateady. Dome tie fleece, XX Ohio, 24 0 99c;
do pulled, k around baais, 18 0 76et do Texas,
scoured buia. 40 0 80c; do tarritary t, atapla,
ecotired baai. 69 0 90c ,
Hide Market quiet, Nativ ataer. 18 0
13 Ha; branded ateer. 18 013a.
Dried Emit aad Beaae .
New York. June 80 (I. N. B.)
Steady. Marrow, choice. 98.00 0 8.26
choir. 34.60; red kidney, choice, 911.78.
Dried fruit lirm. Apricot, choioe te eitre
fancy. S202THc; prune. SO to 60. SH0
16 He; do 80s to lOO. 80S He; peachaa,
choice to extra fancy. 18 01Te; seeded rauios,
choice to faney. 17 0 22c,
Feavr Clover Lati
Bherwocd. Or,,' June 80. Oregon mist began
falling her thi morning, much te the di
rtut of the namerouj farmers 'hereabout wha
have ton of fin clover and timothy hay aut
ana in in iieki. anouia tne rain continue for
two or three days, much hay will be ruined
Haying ia general in the Tualatin, valley.
Liverpool Spot Celtea
Liverpool, June 80. (I, N. 8 ) Spot eat
ton waa euiet at th opeBiag today. Price
eaaier. Baler, 3000 bales, American mid
dling, fair, 10.16; good middling. 8.26: full
middling. 7.86; middlings, 7-25: low mid
dling. 8.26: good ordinary, 6.00; ordinary,
4.29. i'uturea opened-quiet.
New Terk Coffee aad Snfsr
New Terk. Jane SO TJ. P. ) Sugar Raw,
34.00 dgUyajradj refined. fir granuisted, 93. 20
& 6. 30
Coffee No. T Bio. spot. '9H 08; No. 4
Santos, a H-0 Ike. ,
Mlnneapolls-Dnlath Flax T
, Minneapolis, June 30. (I N. 8.) Plea,
July 1.82; September. 1.88; October, 1.87.
Duluth, June 90. (I. N. S. I tix; ,Jaly.'
1.84 bid; September, 1.68 bid; October, 1.90 H
bid; track. J.84. Arriv. 1.84. .
New Terk MeUI Market
New York. Jane 80. (I. N, 8 I Metal
prices: Copper, dull; spe and July efferd H t
August J.86.
Laad ateady, apet. Jsly and August offered
4.80; arbiter ay. spot and Jly of fared 4H;
August 4-96.- . . , ';
New Terh'Lesdea Silver
New York. June 30. (t N. 8. i Commer
cial bay eilver, domeeti anchangad t 98 He;
ft reign H tower at its. .
- Londen. June 90. Bar- stiver waa Ud lower
at 86 Hd. . .
Naval More Market
New York; June 90 CI N. 8) Tnrpen
tiae Savannah. 60 0 50 H ; New York. 6b H.
Benin Savsonab. 849 0 380; New York. 600.
Wheat Sell Lew
Indianapelia. Ind., Juna 80. Number 8 red
wheat, from which-much of tha flour uaad in
Indian ia made, aold for 98 cent bushel an
tha market here. Thia ws the low eat price
xince 1914. - - !
Foreign Bend Market
Bid. Aa.
13 is
14 17
814- 3H
49 H 50 H
70 71 H
38 39
, 8T6 888
88T 378
887 877
264 294
24 374
70. 73
'TO 73
10H 12
11 - 13
12 18
13 14
12 14
,18 IS
13 14
14 ... 18 ,
15 18
89 H 9H
84 H 84
84 84
89 11-18 89
90 99
97 97
89 88
93 H 83
Raasiaa SH. 121...;,,...
Btuin 6 Ha. 1926...
Bussixn a Ha. 1819,,M,..,.
French 6.. 1881.. ...)-
r ranch 4. IS IT...
French 5s. 1820. .-.
Italian 5s, 1918...
British 5. 1922
British 6, 1927.
British 6s. 1929
British vky. 4.
British ref. 4a.j,
Belgium rest. 6. .
(iernian W. L. j Sa ......... .
Berlin. 4 . . . . , . , 4 . . . , .
namnurg a .
Hamburg 4 H t
laeipaig 4 H .
Leipeig 5a ...
Munich 4s . . .
Munich 5s ...
Frankfort 4s .
Jap 4a ......
! f 1 , .
. 4.....
Jap lt 4 Ha. .
Jap . 2d 4H..
4 t
V. K. SH. , - - I
D. K. 5H". 1022....!.
W. K, 8H. 12..., 4.
V.'K. 5H. 1937....".
or iron barrel. 17 He gL; case. (9 .,1
rGfV1lon'I?i,!;lrOB btTnl' '; easaaJTvp Ht
rt!KL 0H Baais, 8310 bbL
WHITE LEAIWToa teU. I24e; 300 lb,
TVBPENTINE Taska, 93 ftii,.
V Plans for turning the numerous eheeae
plants of the Oregon Dairymen's league
In this section into creameries for the
manufacture of butter is said- to be re
ceiving the serious attention of official
Of the organisation. - " i
Whle no official ef tha Dairymen' league
waa willing to talk for publication regarding thi
matter, the report baa been current ia tha trade
for earn weeka and effort to eecure denial or
eoaNrmetion from the league have proved fntile.
Borne of tha eheeaa plant ef the onra nixa Uon
ara aalaT to have been idle all through the aeason.
The new plant at Bank is said to have bee
completed but never operated owing to tha de
moralized condition of tha eheeaa trade. '
The MmArt J th ri. i v m,. ra tki mmtlmak
to turn ita cheese plants inte butter Plant i
eauaing oomiidereble eotnment among the trade.
much of it being favorable to tha organise u on
in new of the sorry plight of th heea told
geearally. .. . , , t
Wheat Slump Is ?
Forced by Selling
On Heavy Raiiis
bulged sharply during tha last hair hour
and closed higher after working lower
moat of the session. The market devel
oped an oversold condition on the break
and when shorts started to cover they
found offerings surprisingly light Corn
and oats rallied with wheat but finished
well under the previous levels. Reports
that Germany's order for 3,000,000 bush
els of wheat remains still unfilled had
a bullish effect. Washington reports
that the house passed the peace resolu
tion today had a favorable affect, v
July wheat closed unchanged to lc
higher and September Ulc up. July
corn lo lower, September, lc
off and December, lHl.c down. July
oats 3lKe lower. September, e down
and December c off. . j.
Chicago, Juna 80. -(1. N. S.) Reported
rain in the Canadian Northwaat sUrted scat
tered aalling ea tha openina ef tha wheat market
July waa dew I cents while September waa
orr Kwe. Jiemand, however, waa lacking,
and tha market sagged easily.
Report of a threatened etrik of arain ele
vator worker tomorrow encouraged scattered
seHing ta th corn market. July started H 0
1 H e lower, with September a higher to 1
cent dova. - .
OaU aurtcd 0 a lower for July and un
changed to He off for September, Further
losae were sustained later on the weakness ta
other grain.
Cash wheat. No. 1 hard, 188.
Com No. 1 mixed. 68089; 61. 2, 88 0
1 wHta, 63 0 60 l No. 2. 69 0 60 ;' No.
Chicago rBe by United Pram: r
- WHEAT 1 -" ?
Open. High.
July ...... 123 . 124
September .. 123 123
July ....... 81 -82
September 4. 83 83
Ixvw. . Cloae.
119 124
118 123.
60 : 60 4
00 v 61
85 I 88
8T ; 88
1775 i 1775
.... t ISOO
1050 I 1050
1085 1085
1049 - 1040
1067 -1967
116 120.
109 109
' s ; 1 B
91 A
July .......
&ptMmaMi? .
July . . . .. .
September . .
September . .
September . .
IS 88
38 H 88
179 1795
Nominal . , , .
1050 1055
1083 1090
1043 1047
I070 107T
118 120
109 H 109 H
July . . . i...
September . . ....
Caah barley 69 0 92.
San Francleoa 6Sarfca
Baa Pmneiaeo, Cat. Juna 90. Butter Ex
tra. 40e; prim firnu, 99Ha: first, 80a; aao
opriv 87 He.
Egg Extras, 84 He: extra ; firata. 83c;
dhtiea No, I, 90e; extra pullets, 27 He: un
de raised pullets. 23 He. I '
Chewa Cailforni flat, .; faey, 20; ' firata,
Saaetle assr at
SaaUl. June 30. (t N. S. I Eggs Se
lect ranch, 27 0 28e; pullet-. 2223c.
Butter City craamery, 34o; brick a. 85c.
Cheeae Oregon triplet, lea; Young America,
SSg pay Ikv " - ,
tea Angelas Market
Lc Angeje. Juna 80. (t M. 8.) Better
Per pound, 48,
Exes Extra. 8 Oe; ease count 27c; pul
lets, 260. . )
Poultry HanVI 19 0 880; broilers. 26 0 83a;
fryers, 9-e. . . .') , .,-
Oblaaoo Hoe 89 2B ' .
Chicago. June 30. Hogs Reeslpu. 2S.0O0;
aotir lOe to 15c higher. Balk. 8. 4009.15;
tap, 99 23; heavyweight. 98.75 0 9.00: medium
ajaight. 98.80 0 9 15 j Ughtweight, 89.00 0 9.20;
light hgbui, 88.6909.15; heavy packing sows,
smooth 68.00 0 8.60; packing ion, rough,
8T.T508.OO; pi,,, 88.8908.85.
CatU Bacefi. 6000; 15e te S5e higher.
Beef steer Choic end prime. 88.40 0 8.75;
med'qm nd good. 87.00 0 8.40; Ughtweight.
6 00 0 7 00; good aad choice. 88.0008.75;
common and medium. 88.25 0 8.00. Butcher
cattle fleifera, 94.25 8.00; eowa, 88.T5 0
6.60; bulls, 99.60 0 9.00. Cannera and cut
ton Cows and heifers. 91 8003.75: esnner
tr, 92 25 0 8.00; veal calves (light and
handy weight), 97.3909.25; feeder steer,
9&.7507.5O; stacker . yteer. 98.7907.35;
stock cr cow and heifer. 92.50 0 8.60.
Sheep Receipts. 9000 r ateady- Lamb (84
Ih. down), 88.00010.60; lamb (eull and
coram on) , 94.60 0 7.60; yearling wethers, 99.35
07.76; wes, 92.2909.00; ewe (eulls and
common). 91.00 0 2.00; breeding ewes, 84 90
0S.7S; feeder Umb. 98.T8 0 6.75.
Denver Ho 96.85
Denver, Colo June 8 (U. p.) 4atthi
Receipt, 2000; ateady. Bteera, 8 00 0 7.25:
eowa and betfers, - 98.60 0 8.24 ; (toeker and
feeders, 1 94 00 0 9.90: csivaa. 8T.1 0 0 8.5ft.
. ,?"rr-R2i4Hfo2800 teedy. . . Tep, 9.S5;
bulk, 38.0008.50.
h heap Receipt. 400; weak. Lamb. '38.80
0 9 50; ewea. 68 00 0 4.00; wethere. 88.09 0
5.80. i - f
I -' Kenae Olty Has 98.7B '
Kns t-jt, Mo June 80. Cattle Ra
eipu, 8000; unsteady. Hteers, 87.6008.25:
eowa and beifer; 14.00 8.25; Mocker and
feeders, 38.0007-80: calves. 87.00 0 8.00.
Hoes Becetpt. 6600: aetiva. Top. $8.75;
heaviea, I 6S 50 0 8.70; ligbta, 38.6009.75;
mediums, 88.60 0 8-73..
Sheep Receipts 1500; dull. Lamba, 89.50
0 10.25) ewe. 98.50. 1
Seattle Met 99.1S
Seattl. Juna 30 (1. N, B. Hogs Ra
eetpta 99, ateady. Prim light. 93.73 () 0.35;
rough beavies, 94.00 0 6. 50; smooth heavies,
86.78 0 7.33; pig. 98.600 10.OQ. . . . ,
battle Reecipta 108, weak. Prime ataer,
88.7307.25; common to good, 84.5505.60;
medium to choice, 38.60 0 6 60; bee cow
and heifers. 83.25 0 8.76: prim light
86.000700; benvy ealvaa, 84.0006.00:
bull. 68.50 04.00. - '
Sheep Rsoeipu 688. week. Yearling. $5 09
6.50; wethem. 83.6004.50; awe, 91.600
1.75; prim light lambs, 96.75 0 7.26; euii
Umba, 33.60 0 4 50. - -
Cbicago Dairy Fredare
Chieag, June 30. Butter Receipt 13.897
trira,. Creamery extna 84c; extra fSjatx. 93;
ttrst. 29082c; packing toek. 19 4176.
Kgg Reeeipta 10,021 ease. Current re
ceipt 24 0 25c; ordinary firsts, 23 0 24c; first.
25 H 0 26c: extra, 28c; check. 200 2b He;
dirties. 21 021.
Cheese Twins, pew, 14a; daisies, 14 014 a;
Toung America. 14 0 16c;. Longborns. 14
0 14 e; brick, 19 014c. " "
Live poultry Turkeys 90; chickens.-20 Ha;
spring. 28 0 95c: roeateK. 13ci eee. u.-
4 duek. 2c ' . ,
s Wheat tu, Uermaay '
Chicago. Juna 30. rdrrx ar reported from
Germany for about 8.000.600 bushel ef wheat
for July sbipsacat da 90 days' credit.
- Saa FranrUro Poultry Market
Ban Fvneieo, - Jnn So. (U. P.t Poul
trr Broilem 310 85c; Urge hena. 25cl best
ducks, 80. t .
Chlctga Potato Msrket
Chicago. June 30 (t N. B ) Potato -keeetpu
si i ear. u-gmiea, 64.00 0 4.26; Care,
'pnaa. 63,5S0 3,85.
Hard white
Soft white
White elab
Hard winter ...
Northern Spring
Red Wajlb ....
(Reported by
Portland Merchant Exchange.)
Wheat Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay.
41 ... . 8 ... .
21108 81S 1207 841 2301
9618 203 4057 " 693 2317
7736 J119 2998 804 9269
3824 588 1480 1581 2859
6518 289 1851 2852 2094
10486 1628 1969 1145 2671
1630 1920 1900 2032 215i
15789 2823 2879 1753 2770
17433 2414 8688 1603 2393
US ) 1 a a
6128 B4 1078 201 '983
7464 118 3384 188 864
Portland, Thnra,
Beaaoa '20-21;
1 7-18.
Baaaoa 1 4 15
Beaaoa 13-14,.
Season '12-13..
Tcoma Wed , . .
x ear ago ....
Season to data. .
Year ago.
Seattle. Wed . , :.
Beam to data . .
. Year ago. . . .
4882 ,231 673 .623 1543
6628 358 1211 668 1292
Further tosses In wheat and feedstuff
are shown in the local trade, although
so far aa wheat is concerned bo business
in old crop ia indicated In such volume
as to be considered a factor.
Intense weakness and euiet pre rails in the
market for mills tuffs and feedstuff. Grass
conditions ar eo good that only a fractional
volume pf th , uaual demand for : feedstuff ia
shown. Tha ease is somewhat aceavated by
th lowness of tha dairy product market
Whole and cracked corn, scratch feed, rolled
and whole eat a well a chicken wheat ara
showing lone a will be acted is tha general
quotation below. j
Flour market 1 vary alow at tha lowered
price and milifeed ere depressed. 1 but with no
further price change. . -
Foreign business in wheat end flouf is prac
tically at g ftanditiiv t the moment. '
" The first barveauag eparationa in TJmatilla
county this season started, when ' George Cop.
pincer, west end farmer, began, harvesting a
field of Turkey Bed wheat aaya th Pendleton
East Oregonian. The wheat, grown a an ex.
perimeat te eontrart Ifwith Hybrid 129. mxtures
early. It ia estimated that it will se 80
bushel to the acre or mere, which ia 10 bushel
greater than last year average.
FI3DR AeUing erica, mill door: Patent
88-20; Willamette valley brands, 55.60; local
atraignt. 86.50: bakera' bard wheat. 87.76; bak
ra bluestcm. 87.25; bakers' valley, 36.60; gr
nam. 38.40; whole wheat 88 00; Montane
spring wheat, patent 97.90 0 8.25 per barrel;
price far city delivery, 18 extra ; aubarbaa, 20c
BAY Buying price for eld eropt Willametto
Umothy. fancy. 822.00 0 24 00 per ton; East
ern Oregon timothy, 829 00 per tea: elover.
812 00: atraw, $14.00; aifaiXa, new crop,
916.00 016.60 per too-
GRAIN SACKS Nominal. Ne J Calcutta.
5 He: domestic, 6a ia ear lata; he amount
MII.LSTTJFFS Mill ran at mUL nek ad, ton
wts. 934.00; carloads, 931.00.
OATS Par text, buying price: Teed, 926-00
0 80.00.
BARLEY . Burin prieal Feed. 822.090
22.5ft : brewing. 824.50,
SEED Buying pnoe, nominal.
rEKDSTl FFS P. O. B. milbu Boiled b tr
ier t 386.00 88.00; whale barley. 689 00j al
falfa meal, 326.00: eocoaaut meal, 332.00;
cracked corn, 842. 00; whale corn, 839.00 per
ten; whole eU, 885.00; rolled eat. 338.09;
chicken wheat, 361.00; scratch feed. 352.00 per
Merchant' Exchange bids:
Hard whit . , . ... . , . , , 1.20
Soft white . . , . . ...... 1.18
White stub .......... 1.17
Hard winter ...... i ... 11 2
July Aug.
Bid. Bid.
1.15 1.12
1.14 1.11
1.14 1.10
1.10 1.09
1.10 1.09
Nor. apring ,1.13 1.
Bed WsJl . 1.10 r. 1
' rf.nii urr
No. 2 white) '. .. 81.00
No bid. j
No. 3 aaateni ... .f. .. .30.50
Baa Franalace Market
Saa Prancisott, Jane SO. (U. P.) Pota
toes Old crop, - 81.2802.00: new (jennets.
61.760 1.90; new white, 82,0002.23.
Omooe New red. 60078c. .
eaUle market
Seattl. June 80. lL N. a) Onion Cali
fornia, 1 H 01e.
Patatoen Yakima .gem. 880.00 0 35 00; o
eat 920.00 023.00.
tea Bneate Market
liO Angeles, June 30. (L N. 8.) Potatoes
Mostly 60 0 60c, few poorer 4 0e per lug.
No. 1 aacked. mostly 91,40 01.6ft.
Wheat Best
Spokaaa. Wash.. Juna 90. "Thi year crop
of winter wheat pramiaea to pe the beat aver
had lo the northwest," aai r. . xxaay, . isrm
expert of tha Union Trust company, today.
"Spring wheat look lib it will b much above
the average, but it ia too early to be absolutely
sura of th spring wheat Farmer re feeling
sptimUUo gnd they haven't much wheat left
over tram laat year. In Western Whitman
county there ia an exceptionally large acreage
ef winter wheat, all looking fine.
"In the district beyond JUewiston th grain
la remarkably fin appearing. The general Jak
iag which that country received last wee' fr
mar tha offset the damage by bait''
Hew Tork Batter sad Egg8
New Tork. Juna go" (L N. 8.) Butter:
Market firm. ' Creamery extra (salted and na
sal ted) . 85H087H: first (salted and unaelt
ed). 82H86; higher than extra (salted and
unsalted), 86068; state dairy, tab. 230
86c -
Cheeae Market etiv, firm. State, whole
milk apeeUla... 18019; lipcy, 1315He;
lower grades. 11014. Wiaeonaux, wboia
milk, fancy Young-America. 17c.
Kxga Market, firm. Nearby white, fancy,
40 0 42c; brown faney. 85 0 86c; extes, 39 0
94c; firata. 27 H 090c
Milk The wholesale price ia $195 per 100
pound ef 8 per cent milk, withia 290-819 sul
' Portland Bank' '
Clearing . - Thi Week. Tear Ara
Monday .., 4,105,811.42 6.409,287 18
Tueday .... 4.083.802.29 9.092.499.49
Wednesday . 8,869,178.04 7.330.675.84
Thunday ... 4,196.852.00 6.528.938.14
,$121,188.679 09 8196.943,841.99
Thursday , , .
dea rings
.9 1.424.746.00
raoema Bank
Thursday . . . . . . . .
Seattle Banks
Thursday ; 8 9,443.889.00
Thursday i v. , 871,108,00
Ban Francawe Benk
Tbumday ......... $17,800400 00
tee Angela Bank
Thursday .... , , , , , 1 0.921.781.00
j - Stasdard Oil Steeke S
i Pnrnished by Overbeek Cooke Co., Board
of Trade building: Closing
" " Bid. Aaktd
Anglo',, ....... ...... , . . 18 16
Borne Serycmr . ........... 880 37e
Buckeye 73 74
Cheeaebrough 180 : 1 60
CbeeMbrough pfd. V.. .,.,.. 86 i 100
Continental 10O 105
CTeoent ..... ......... 26 - 28
Clumberlaad J. . JIO - 120
lurek ... . 77 rr:. 80 .
Galena, a 82 '" 85 .
Galen New pfd,. 88 - 92
Galena New pfd. .;,.',....:' 8 9 J
Illinois Pips 148 188
Indian lip 78 79
National T rant it 22 23
N. T. Traruit t ,.. J2 : 123
Norther Pip . : ........ . 88 r . 90
hio (hi . .. 238 " 242 '
Intl. Pet. . .',-18 - 13
Pen, ilex. .J( 25.
t'Tairi Oil t . 895 - 405 ; :
rTri Iip .,.-.;,.,,.... 163 f 165
8oir Bfg. ...t........... 330 350
Kouthra Iip .............. Ill i 82
South Penn. tril A,..,,...,.. J68 16S
8. W. Venn OU ............ 60 68
S O. Ind. ...... ... ..... - 2 H 2
O. Kana ..... ... 650 67S
8.O. Kentucky..-..,.....,, Ti ?IM.
8.-ft. New York 4............ 802 807 "
S. O. tlhio ................ 330 ; : 850 .
S. O. Ohio pfd. t-i 109 lit
swan- V .Finch ; ir .... ... i 25 - 8
Vacuum i - ' 54 8,.,-- V'- S3 .
Vt'Ahinton ,-. -r. , 28 33
S. O. Nebraska............. 189 ';.il45 -
lxup.'rini Oil -77 . 90
Hoa. Steer. Lambs,
PerUasd ......... ..59.99 8 LOO t TOO
Chicago ........... 9.23 9.75 19.0
Deavey ..,......... 9AS JJ3 . 9A9
Kansas City ...... 8.75 8.9 S ' 19 JS
Seattle ....... . Si IJ5 fS
toga.. Cattle. Calve. Sheep. C'-
. .. 2700 18
.. 1438 14
11 1861
: 29 881 - ft
,. 1618 23
2 682 11
k . . 5
Week ago . . .286
Two weeks ago. 97
Four w'ka ago. 21 1
Year ago. . . . .870
Two year ago. 82 9
Threw y'ra ago.
Four y'r ag. 800
There were IS loads of livestock re
ported in ; the North Portland alleys
Thursday, but only a very smU supply
was available for tha market , Price Jo
all lines were nomiwUy unchanged,
Nothii.r ot eoimi aamie forward for th
sheep and lams trade at North Portland Thurs
day. There was a total run ef 2709 bead, but
ot tni amount only TOO haad ware for ale, and
theea consisted ef atoeker. . Th eastern trade
continues te absorb the bulk of the offering.
General cheap and Iamb rana :
Kat of mountain lamb. . . . . . .8
6.50 0 7.00
6.00 0 0 50
9 00 0 6.00
4.00 0 6 00
4.600 5 00
4.00 0 4.60
4.00 0 6.60
8.00 0 4.60
1.00 0 8.80
et valley lamba,.. .
Fair to good lamba...
a .... f
cuu lamb . . ,
ff ; u, i :
Meavy yearttng
t-ijnt wetner
f""y wvuianj .........
Cattle Market Qutat
Very quiet tone was shown in the cattle trade
for the day. Reeelpta were limited, aad notb.
has cam forward that brought tha xtrem
General cattle market rang:
Choice (teen .. X .,,6 9.250 T OO
aaevuuna o rooa steers (
Fair to medium a tear
Common to fair ateer .
rk.iu , . I i. .
8.80 0 8.25
4 75 0 6.90
8.00 0 6.73
5.00 0 6.60
4.25 0 5.00
8.230 4.25
2.260 8.33
1.25 0 2.85
S.75 8.50
v."-im wvw. u nwi .p .......
Medium te good cow and heifer
Fair to medium cow and heifer
common eowa ana neiiur
Cannem .........
4.50 0 8.00
3.500 4.50
air to eooq ieener
-j. i iu
luiji h.ixj t.i.e . . . . . . .
Prim light dairy calves.,,.,.,
Medium light dairy calves,
Heavy eaive ..............
, Hes Held Nominal
8.00 0
50 0 7.60
8.00 0 4 80
No carload shipments of hoes came forward
to North Portland Thunday, and price were
considered oa s nominal basis, but ateady.
General hog market reagei
Prime light .... 8.T5 9J f.ftO
Smooth heavy. 250-300 lb.... 7.000-8.00
Rough heavy, 300 lbs, up.,,,. 6 00 0 7.50
Ft pig .... 8.75 0 9.00
Feeder pig .............. , 8.600 9.00
8tga , ..... . 8.000 7.00
ay Bfterween'6 81
Ar. lb.
.. 460
. , 880
a' 978
. . 635
. . T78
I 4.75
' 4.00
8. 60
I 2 00
,. 710
6.00 I 8.
.. 918 8
496 9 4.23
17.. ...
6 ...
. 83
9 00
. . . ,
28 f . .
6 85
4 00
6 00
ea ...
- 8
e t)
-2.00 I 8.
2.00 f
121 8 2.00
130 8 3.25 1 6..
60 4-00 9. . . .
129 4.00 20. ..N
18ft 8 J.60 I
130 9 1 50
Thunday Morning Solas
Pries. I No Ar. lbs.
8.60 2... ,1006
4 50 X.l.t 880
4.75 9. .', . 692
4.60 11.... 813
8. AO 1..,, 700
4-60 1....1050
9 2.00 I 1 . . 730
.4 75 1 7.... 868
4.00 4.... 985
No. Ar, the, - Priee No. A- tha. Prioe
3.... 263 8 8.00 1.... 820 5 7.75
50.... 200 8.00. 24.... 257 8.15
6... 218 8.75 6.... 255 , 8.25
11. , . . 220 8.75
6...- 60. 8.00 -212.... 78 8.36
80, ... 99 4 00
f7.... 99 S 5.00 I 20.... K 6.50
32.... 66 6.25 I 9.... 66 4 00
11..,. 85 . 5.00 j 41.... 62 5.00
2.... 68 6.00 I 41.... 62 6,00
104.... 110 8 8.85 I
9.... 118 8 2 O0
4.... ISO 8 176 S...; 170 8 J.75
2.... lOft 8 10 I IS.-... 12ft 8 2.00
12,... 119 8.00 I
2,... 135 5 4.00 4,.,, 102 8 4.50
6,... 98 2.00 f 89.... 100 4,90
70,... 97 4.00 f
1. ...I230 8. 8,80 I. ... 4T0 8 4.50
J....U10 3 4.00
t....itlft 6 2.50 M 1.... 138ft 8 8 00
J.... 900 8 2 25
Boald Wheat Sold
Donald, Or., June 80. Jobs Miller,- George
Cea and Pater Feller Tuesday loaded ear with
grain sold to tha Albeva Milling e.
Report Good Crops
Parkplae, Or., Jun 60.- W, A Holmes, who
returned from liawiatmi, tri.l h.
. . ... - u viaaiwi
hi daughter, yeporta food . crops for that aee-
. a w ae r 9U t nOsy.
Saa Franclse Barley Market
Saa Francisco 80.- (U. P. I Barley Spnt
feed, per cetl, 107 011ft; shipping. J $0
QuoUUen furaiafaad ; by Clary, gaadgQ V
Co. , Inc. I
Security i : llaturity
Am. Cotton OH C... 9-2-24
t I' ;' 18 1-32
Am. T. T. 6s. . 3-1.24
Am. Thread 6a, .... 12-1-24
Am. Tob. 7. ,...,..11-1-81
Am. Ton. 7a. 11-1-22 .
Am. Tob. 7-,....,,Jl-l-28
Anglo Am. Oi( 7 H,. 4 1-25
Armour Ceav. 7s. . . .7-15-80
Belgian Go. 7 14. .. 8-1-45
Belgian Gov. i ;s
Beth. Steel 7a. ,.. .,7-15-23
Beth. Steel 7,..,., 7-15-23
British Go. 6 Via. .. 11-1-21
Brituh Gov. 6 W . i 1 1-1-22
Canadian Gov. U 5,, 6-1-31
Canadian Gov. 8 s.. 8-1-21
Oedahy Paeking 7s. 713-19-'3
Inter. R. T. 7.. ii. 9-1-21
Japanese Go. 4 H.. 7-1 0-2 5
Kannacott Cop. 7,.. 2-1.30
tlolin Plow 7..,,.. 9.1-21
Molin Plow 7..... 9-1-23
Molina Plow 7.t ,,,, -9-1. 3 S
Molina Plow 7i. i .... 9-1-24
Ner.-ree. Eqp. T,,. 5-15 2i
Pteific G 7....,,, 91-26
Swift 6..... . , 8-18-21
V, at. Rubber 7. ... 13-1.28
97 6
"ew York Bond Market
Furnished by Overbeek ek Cook
- ; ... ,--..-:' Bid.
v Ask.
. 66
, 80
- 96
, 78
. 80
Ateaiaoa Gen. ...........
Bal. A Ohio Cold 4a.,
Beth. Bteet Bef. 5. ....... ,
CanC Paeifi 1st 4
C. B. A Q. Cot. 4i... ......
8t, Paul Genl. 4H. , .
Chicago N. W. GvaL 4. .. . ..
L. A N. Pal. 4
New York By. 6 ..........
Northern raeifte P. U. it.,..,
Reading Gent 4a ..........
Tnioa ha. let ....
V. B. Bteel 6 . , .
t'aioa Pe. 1st Bef. 6 ......
Souther Pae, Con v. 5)..,.,.
Southern Pc Cenr, 4 ......
Penn. Con. 4 H v . . - .....
Penn.. 1st 4Hs ............
Che. A Ohm . Cop. 6 . , . .
7! t.
71 .
Oregon Short Lin 4s '
Bid. Aabed.
88 69 4
97 H 97 H
95 95
94 95 H
894 100 U
99 4 100
99 99
9 , oil
981 IH
02 hi 9 it
89 99 44
88 96
990 ,994
97 U 97 t
99 994
99 991
994 JOOVl
T8 79
84 84 Ta
2 m 89 4
4 .....
a .....
o . . . .
92 .....
994 '
95 S
YEAR OF 1920-21
Juno la the banner month of the
cereal year 1920-21 in the movement
of wheat to foreign countries with
s total of 3,416.773 bushels cleared
from this port. Sixteen carriers
clearer during the month with the
wheat which was valued at $4,696,
191. ' .:. ' ' r'v-v-:."
Reduction of- freight rtea one of
the primary causes of the heavy move
ment. This has been on th increase
since March, which was the low month
of thft year.
During: that jnonth but 622,944 bush
els left the port. In April and May
1,919,750 and 2407,097 bushels, respec
tively, was exported.
The largest part of he rrl was
shipped to th United Kingdom and Eu
rope, though th Orient came In for its
. On Juno IT. the Swifteagi cleared the
port with the. largest grain cargo.. 374,-
789 bushels, valued at f 52 4,700. This
ship was cleared for the United King-.
dom. I i -
' A noticeable I feature of tha grain
movement waa the Introduction of Jap
anese ships bound for Europe. Lower
rates than can be had. on other ships ac
count for this.
The average for the Nipponese is 55
shillings against 57s 6d for Swedish ships
and 80 ahiilinga for da BritiHh. Ship
ping board vessen, have been excluded
becaus f the rata of 65 ' nhlllings de
manded : by Admiral Benson. Despite
this the Yoeemite has been chartered by
the Houser interests and is now loading
in the harbor. .
. Other exports during the month were
114470 barrels of flour, valued at 9833,-
444;.lL13,702 feet of lumber at 9203,105
ana general cargo valued at 9-6i,dse.
As a special meeting of the dock com
mission this .morning it was tacitly
agreed, to accept the proposals submit
ted by tne steamship people and the rail
roads relative ton terminal cnargw on
trans-Pacific ft eights and . to conform.
with minor exceptions, with the tariff
sheet submitted by Seattle Interests,
The board granted authority to En
glneer O. B. Hegardt and Harry L.
Hudson to worK out the details and
present an ordinance at the neat regular
meeting of thft board. The matter of
tariff on i coastwise freight was also
passed to Hegardt and Hudson. Three
letters from A. B", Haines were read.
They all pertained to Portland and 'dock
charges. These letters were also ire
ferred. ' :
The rates agreed upon, with the ex
ceptions -which pertain to local, move
ments, and as submitted by the; joint
committee ef the rail lines and. steam
ship operators at Seattle, are as fol
A wharfage charge of 60 cents per
ton weight on export and 60 cents per
ton weight or measurement, but not ex
ceeding fl per ton of 2000 pounds, on
import traffic, moving under the rates
named in transcontinental tariiia. , Tne
tariff -will also provide for a loading
and unloading charge of 40 cents per
ton weight en expert and 40 cents per
ton weight or measurement, but not
exceeding 91 per ton of 2000 pounds, on
Import traffic between car and pile.
A handling charge wilgj be. published
at 40 cents per ton weight on export
and 40 cents per ton weight or measure
ment, but not. exceeding ft per ton, on
import. The wharfsse -charge of
cents which will be named in the tariff
will be assumed Jointly and equally by
tne steamer ana ran carriers, tne ap
sorption of the wharfage charge being
necessary to- carry out tha plari of free
wharfage and to meet the tariff of the
Seattle port commission, . . The rail- car
riers will also assume the 40 eents load
ing and unloading' charge between the
pil and th car, while the steamer lines
will take and make delivery "at the pile
at their expense. This relates, of course.
to overland import and export traffic-
in outer words, overland trans-paclf ic
traffic only.
Low rates continue to be attractive to
both exporter and owners of Japanese
steamships as the only charters rolling
around nowadays call for the flag ef
Nippon and Europe with grain. With
the Japs asking 57a 8d and taking 65s,
th British up to 60s and the Danes and
Swede daneing .around between and the
Americana Still holding fast to Benson's
rate of (as, it seems like the low man Is
In first place. -
Kerr, Gffford & Co. has added another
of. the Susukl liners for July loading.
She is th China Maru. fully due from
Kobe, having galled from the Japanese
port June 7. Two Japanese got away
with grain in June and four are on th
board for July loading' The Maiwu
Maru is sow in port and working cargo.
The China Maru is fully due and the
Baltimore Maru and Ryufuku Maru will
be due the middle of the month.
With two ships now in the harbor.
tha West Keats and West Kader, load
ing lumber and general for th Orient,
the Columbia-Pacific line has four
freighters due to arrive during the
month of July. The Pomona is due J.Q
arrive Friday morning and will carry
a 4000-ton cargo of lumber, canned
goods, flour and wheat to Europe.
She will clear the port about July 8.
Other . ships of this line due are the
West Cayote, which will make port
Sunday ; the Alaskan of the 'American
Hawaiian line, due July 7, and the
Effingham, scheduled for the middle of
the month. The West Cayote is a Williams-Diamond
ship and will be taken
over by th Cqlumwa-Pacif ic here. . .
LJbal was brought against -the Swift
eagle of the Swiftsure Oil Transporta
tion company when she put Into San
Francisco by tha Standard Oil 0C f or
$17,000, according to advice received by
the -Merchants lux change.. In the suit it
was staUd the Standard Oil Co. had
sunplied two other shin of th Swiftsur
I line with fuel oil valued at I17.Q00, which
had not been paid for. . ,
Laden with 374,787 bushels of wheat,
th Swifteagle cleared from Portland for
the United Kingdom June 17. The
value of th cargo was $324,700. The
ship was one ef the 10,000-ton tankers
butU by the Nerthwegt Iron Bridge
Coming off the ways of the Portland
Shipbuilding company Saturday, the
Hosford line : steamer Undlna will be
put 'on''tHe' -"Astoria " run Wednesday.
The- steamer has undergone extensive
repairs both on hull and machinery
and is expected to be faster than in
former daya Twenty-one feet haa !
been added to her length, and cabin!
accommodations made for 100 people, j
She will leave the Alder street . docx
bach night , at 2:20, make 'Astoria about
5 in the morning and return at 7. wo
stops will be mad between Portland
and the City by the Sea.
River reading at noon, 11,4 feeti fall.
.3 foot, --r- ''. V . - .
ine sieamsnip' Kose vity or in Dan
Pranciaco Portland Steamship com
pany, arrived up at Ainsworth. dock" from
San Francisco at daylight this morning.
She brought a heavy passenger 'list and
a full cargo of freight.
The steamer Senator of the Admiral
line reached Astoria during the night
and will dock at terminal No. 2 late
this afternoon. -. - -
The steamsnip uuraeao enea rrnm
San Francisco for Portland Wednesday
sfternoon via Coos Bay and Kureko.
She will sail fromiPonland soutlibound
on July 8.
To Ixacl at Astoria
Astoria, June 30. Eight vessels are
listed to take on cargo at the Port of
Astoria terminals before July 10. They
are: June 29. Lake Ounnl. salmon for
gulf ports s July I, Morse, salmon for
Eiast coast; July 3, Julia Luckenbach,
salmon for New York ; July 3. Weet
Togts, salmon and lumber for New
York ; July - 6. Oorontala, salmon for
Java ; July T, Pomona, flour for Europe ;
July 8, Kmdyk, flour for Europe; July
10, Robin Cioodfellow, salmon for East
coast, .,
Destroyers Reach Columbia
Arriving off Columbia river lightship
at 3 a. m. -Tuesday , morning the three
destroyers of the Fifteenth division of
the Pacific fleet will proceed Up the
river and will make the harbor shortly
after noon. Commander George T.
Swayse, senior officer in command ' of
the shins, wired Captain Jacob Speler,
harbormaster, of the time of arrival this
morning., "
To Inspect Sound Port
C, R. Sheridan, manager of the Atlantic-Pacific
company, will leave for
Seattle Friday morning. Sheridan will
look over the port situation 7f the Sound
cities and then go to San Francisco for
the Fourth of July. While in California
he will make arrangements for hia fam
ily to move to Portland. H expects to
be able to have them com on the Henry
S. Grove, scheduled to arrive here about
July 27. - '
Bit? 3Yeightera Doa
In keeping with the 10 day schedule
between .the Pacific and Atlantic coasts
the Luckenback line hes three big
freight carriers due during the month.
The Lewis Luckenback, 15,00Q tons, ia
due Saturday ; the Andrea LuckentVk
and Katrlna. Luckenback, 12,000' tons
each, are due July 10 and 20, respec
tively. '
Charter Rates
New York, June 30. Frights: Ocean
(steam) grain, steady ; United Kingdom,
5 shillings ; Germany, 24 marks ; France,
25 francs; Holland. 21 V V kronen;
general cargo, steady.
- V' a i. . ... m m um ': ' -v.
. To Rescue Log Rafts v
Astoria. June 8S. The Port of As
toria dredge Natoma has stopped work
on the channel in th Sklpanen river
for a few days and is proceeding to
Wallace Slough where it will dig out
the two sa-going log rsfts of the Ben
son Logging company which are strand
ed there.
. -. Positions of Vessels
Radio reports from North Head give
the position of the following vessels at
8 p. m, June 29 : -
News of the Port
arrivals June 30.
Bos City. American etesmer. from 8s a Prsn
eisro, paiwenger and geneeal, ,
Senator, American temr, from Baa PUg.
See Padro and Ban Prnneiaeo.
PartUr na 80,
Ell A., American schooner, far Gray Barber,
Port Said Maru. Japan tmr, for ITsitod
Kingdom.: wheat. - . .
Weetnee at nivae-a Moutit .
North Head, June 30. C-ondition t the
mouth of tin river at boor: Sea nuota ; -wind
west, 12 wile; weather cloudy.
Tide M astarl Friday :
High water. Iow water. ;
9 SO a. m., 6.9 feat. 8:44 a. m., 10 feet.
9:19 P. m.,-8.7 feeg 2:88 p. pa., 3.1 feet.
r)$ ill III II V
lihtl Ihinh
Wenatche . .
rwiatea . . ,
Umatilla . . .
Th OaU , ,
Eugene . . . .
Albany , . .
Oregon City.
Portland . . .
78 87
86 69
65 62
fi "69
-,.68 : 65
y 67
9 1
68 61
I ) Ri; 1-) pll
Tb WtlUmett rivr t Pwrtlnd , will oa
Hnu to fall, reaching atage about aa follow:
Proday, 18.0; BaturOay, 1T.8; ndsy, 17. 6,
Te SrVTr a rnivM
' ' V1-v . - ' Prom.
n . : ..; Plma
Oorontel , . . . . . Victona
Pomona ........... BeatUe
. , . Tiuly
. . . .July
Aomiral vn. , , . , .nan r uir
China Mara. ., . , . . . .Kobe .......... uly
Steel Worker New Tork ol
Robin OoodfsUuW. . , , .New fork ....... uly
Curacao ,,.S. P. and wyt., uly
Eemdijk Botterdane- .... . July
Alaska ..,..,..... San Pre, .,,,July
Effingham ......... KesUl July
West Togo , Philadelphia ....July
f awi Luckeabach ... New Tork ..... .July
twpera . . . . . .Setttl , , ..... .July . 8
O. O. Afore. . . . ..... N. Y. -Baltimore . July 6
Harry Luckenbach. , , .Mew York .....July
Tramvaal ......... .Ban Fran. .... .July
Coins Puxet Sound. . .Jaly
Kenneeott Naw York. July
Alaska. Boaton-N. T. , . July
Talxa . . . . . . , ,. , , ..Portland, M. . .July
A. V. I uckaabaek . . , .New t-rk .... . .Jul
West Togu Philadelphi , , . July 10
ft-, ........... t.Nw York,,.... July lu
Mexican ,Sw York. .July lj
Byufuka Mara ......Kobe ....... ..Jaly 12
Toahid Wars If. 1,. Antwerp 4 way July 23
Robin Adair i ...... New York ..... .July 1 5
Anniato City ....... Mobil t. ...... July 16
Kenneeott j . N. Y. and way , .July 16
West Katan . fteeiUe .Sept. 12
T Dprt Prom Portlan
Vessel roe , Oate-
Oaorgin Rolpb. .. , .San Pra ..,.,July 1
Boa City...,,. San rtn . . . , . . July -9
Senator ...,...,.B. P. A war. ; .'July r 2
Meiwu Maru.. . . .. . .Europe ....... .Jaly 3
Eemdijk . . . . , .Earop .July - 6
curarao .......... ,n. r. and way. .July 6
Pomona .......... .Knrop-.. . , , . , .July
Orontale .......... Orient ........Jaly
Alaska .......... . .Ban gran. . ... .July
Admiral Evas .,.,,.. P. and way, .Jqly
Talaa . , . , , , , , , . , , , Philadelphi ,. . .July
Effingham ........ .Burop ....... .July
West Samoa ........Orient ...v.. ..July
Harry Mickeabacfc. .. .New York .....July
Bariftwiad ,, .Europe ,Jqly 10
Admiral Babree. . ... .Han Vraa: . . . . .July 18
Ueat Keat ,. North Cbln.... July 18
-, If a ml in Per .
er Bert. '
Xasters' Martaev . .'. j .'. . . .' . '. Iwlphira
lama B. Brook. ........... .Pecifi Maria
9wifthght , .... rf Pa. Lbr.
Swif twind ...... North Btnk
West Ksder J Clrk-vVilea
Oregon Pis. . , , ............ P-eaiaeal Lbr.
Orecon rlr. ."Panlnanla Lb.
West Seat Clark-WU
Abercoe .. ....... ,Tau Pt.
Georanna, Blpb Cemah
Ypsemito .Montgomeiw
Boa City ..AirKWorih
henator ............... , . . .Terrajpal No.
" STetlee ' lo : Marlnera Z'-j-:
Oregon and Washington Columbia . river.
The folleavins aide earned away will be replaced
a soon s condition of nvex permit: ) Wal-
lao lalaad Hgkt, Jun 24; (b) Walker Mand
dike beaaoa, Jun 25; (c) K'xUsia nvr light.
Jun 22; (41 Leiser Polot lifibv Jun 22; (a).
W illew bar range lixhta terapoearily dlwontm
ued account of high water, were replaced June 23.
Th following- elds . heretofore reported torn
Ptranly di-eonunn.d were replaced: (O bU HcU
yw je"r mwer nam, June 34: (11 ju tiaian
Atty light. June 24: (h) iannci Landing ranz
light, June 23; (i) Hennd Crossing light No.
1. June 2S.
Whingtan Waahlnxtna. sound (a) - Bell
Rock beeenn eUbluhed June 1 7. a while square
eat gray cylindrical bae, 16 feet bia,h. en rock
bar at extreme low water. Position, latitude 4 8
degree -29 minute 86 seonnU north, longitude
122 dr trees 48 minute 06 second went; (b)
Bell liock buoy. No. 8, was dttnnrimird ams
Buperintandant 17th Mchthouae Inttnct.
Arrangements have been made for the
coastwise traffic of the Admiral line to
reqnaln at municipal pier 2, It wa an
nounced thi morning by A. F. Haines,
vice president and general manager of
the company, -
The agreement between the steamship
company and the dock commission I tot
an Indefinite period of time Maine an
nounced that a new slip would b built
on the dock and facilities for paiensera
and luggage constructed. A parking
strip for hotel- buses will be laid out on
Eat Washington street and a Here
house built In the rear of the pier.
negotiations are now underway for
a similar agreement for ships on thft
Oriental and intercosstal run; at muni
cipal pier I. It is planned to cen
tralise the berthings of ships of the Ad
miral line and have the passenger hip
on the coastwise run at municipal 2 and
the others at municipal L
Aatnris, Jane 80. Arrived at 4 a. en ,
er Benator. from Han lieo, (ia Pedro and
aranetneo. Bailed at 6 . m., aleamar
"". "r tniM, japan and Hanil. bailed
at li:S0 a. m.. auamer' i-aka Gunni, for New
Orleans via Puxet Hound and Ban r'ranriiea.
Arrived at 11:40 . Japanee Uamr C'
Maru, from Kobe.
Aatoria, Jun 28. Arrived at 12 88 p. m..
auhehawr 285, from Bremerton, for Nefialem.
Arrived at 12 :45 and left tin at 6 p. m , t-am-City,-from
Ban Irancuco. Bailed t
7 :30 p. m., ateamrr Benvenue, for Europe.
Hogulam. June 29. Arrived, ateetner Cihwa.
from Bap kaaoiMo, for Kuaet Bound and I'ort
Und. Tacn June 89 Baled at 6 p. m., temr
Pomona, for Portland. Arrived, at earner le
per, from west eoast, for Portland.
CUao, Jun 28 Arrived, Japanese trar.
Hayo Maru, from Portland.
Crintobal, Jane 27. Bailed. Dutch steamer
Alkmr, from PortUnd, for Kalmnmh
Ban r'rancinco, June 80. (1. N. 8.) Ar
rived tedy KaJrhaten, Corinto, 9:80 . m. ;
Oronite, NewraaUe, 9:4 5 a. m Sailixi twlay
Prnk H. Buck, aea. 8:20 a .; J. A. MoUett.
aea, 0:20 a. m. "
I'realdant, San f'rancieco for SaUl vi Via
toru, S07 miles from Beattle.
' fcquador,' Ban Pranriaco far Orient, 92Q mile
est f .Ban ir'ranci.eo. Juna EM.
t'hin. Ban PrancUcn for lionekong,
mile went .of Ban Kranciaco. June it.
Manoa, San l for Honolulu,
mile west of Ban Kranoi.oo, Jun 2M.
luriina, j Honululu for Ban f'rsncUco,
" inm n rncim, junm
Griff co. San Pmnet-eo for Honolulu, 919 mile
from Ban-f vanci-cs. Jun 2.
Bueno Aire, Kn rranciheo for AeajuUa, 230
mile south of Kan Pranvisco, Junan.
Kllcba, Ban PrnciM:a for LobUm. paming Baa
Pmnciva liahtahln
Admiral Krana. San Pranciaco for Los Aa
gele. 82 mile from Ssn Prnftlro. ,
8ran Arrow, Kan Pedro, for NgM, 63s
miles from Ssn Pedro,
(1. A. Hmith, Ban i'ranelaee for Coo By, 200
mil north of San t'ranciaca.
Admiral 'arrtm. BeatUe for Baa Pranaisoa.
79 mil from Baaltl. --
Long Credit Is
. Aid to Germans
- In Grabbing Trade
New York, June 30. So long as the
America) exporters insist on attempt
ing to Sell tri South American trnrl nn
a cash basis, so long will that field .be"
practically closed to American products,
according to a statement made today by
Paul Prukker. exporter, who haa' jut
ratymed . from Latin America. Tha
streets ef Buenos Aires, Caracas, Cailaa
and- Laplgta, he said, were filled with
representatives of German firms who'
wer getting the baslness becauaa they
wer vwilling to ettmd 90 to 130 dy
credits to Latlp American buyers. Th
German Brim, ha rnntinuarV ware nnf
much lower than those for American
v galm, June JO.Valltoas. ' Inc., with'
headquarters in Balem, filed articles ef,
incorporation with the state corporation
commUaionar hr Wednesday. The com-,
pany Is capitalised t 15.000, with th
following incorporators: K. J. Vallton,
Rosamond Vallton and R. IL Grlgg. !
Resolution of dissolution were filed
by the, Astoria-Seaside Auto line of As
toria ; the A. J. Auto line of Portland,
the Portland and Hood River Auto line
of Portland, the Portland' St. Helens
and Astoria Auto line of Portland and
Shepard's Auto Bus line of Portland.
The Brookings Land Sc. Townslte com
pany of Missouri, the C, & O. Lumber
company ef Missouri and the A. IL
Porter Lumber company of Washington
filed notle of withdrawal from th
stat of Oregon, v
i ii 'it
Olympia, Wash., t June lO.Orange
growers In Southern California have re
quested the Olympia Bos A Package
eompany to turn over tha ntlr plant'
for the making ef orange boxes from.
July I to December 1, according to
George W. Huttori, president of the com-i
pany. The offer is being considered. Ai
order for a half million lug boxes ha!
been received from the same source. Th'
company is shipping three carloads of I
Strawberry boxes and erates daily, the"
last consignments going to" Kent, HeattuT
and Portland. Orders for raspberry
bosses ar beginning to arriv etnee th
strawberry season Is almost over and!
orders of this type are bemg closed.-
Equipment Is being continually added"
to the plant A Hall It Brown planer,
cutting 8 by 29 inches and costing 15004,
ha just, been received and is being in,'
stalled. A Greenlee cutoff machine,;
easting $1000. is on th ground and will
soon be. ready for operation. -
itaupoad valuations warned
Washington, Jun 30.-(I. K. 8.) The
Interstate commerce commission today J
set the following valuations on various !
railroad properties : ,
Spokane International, 25,330,029. 4
Ington), 1400,000.
Tonopah Qoldfleld (Nevada), fl,85,-'
iso. . 1
Caddo II Choetaw (Arkansas), f 238,141.
' Teerlng Southwestern (MUeourlK.
$453,000. - ;
Lumkin, Hemphill Gulf (Texaa), 1
Government Loan Approved j
Washington. June 20. (I. N. S.) -The
interstate commerce commission today 4
approved the application of the Kansas
City Terminal Railway for a govern-'pf $330,000 to enable the car-
rler to meet five-year 4V4 per cant gold ;
notes due July 1, 192J, together with
ether maturing lndebtednegg.
' -. --
Suicide's Body Unclaimed
Vancouver, ; . With., Jtme 30. The'
body ef the man who committed sui-
id ner Rldgefield Monday is being
held for identification. .
?few Terh Polste Market
Nw Trk, Jun 80. H, N. 8.) Pn'a'"i
fin bulb, marrel or baa) Steady. beruia-a,
24c; aoutlterna. 75c (& 93.00. ;