MONDAY. JUNE 27, 1921. -THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 80o " At HE COVKY""mOTOR "CAB COMPANY PLANT Eridenc of our frank determination to d . Br th utmost possible value in every tivd tt V sell is plainly risible at the time wben toe price reduction has canned oar present stock to be offered, in many cases, at a murh lower i titan than we paid for the car, exclusive of the rebuilding expense. The cost of the car, the amount ft win sell fat or the profit or lose involved does not alter our determination to place each, car , in the very ! beet shape possible. ', DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS 1916 Podge Bros, roadster sad tour-. ' ing .....:.$ 873. " J 91 7 Itadge Bros, touring -, , . . , 650i 1917 Ivxise Bros, sedan 975 1818 Podg Bros, roadster and tour- Ing ...... 723 ! 1 91 8 Podge Bros, sedan ......... 1 1 50 1919 Tiodg Bros, tearing.. 62.1 1920 Podge Bros, toaring ,950 1916 Cole 7-peas.. prlTately owned car, only 750 ( 1920 Ford coupe ...... it ...... 875 j ; 1920 ford sedan, a dandy...,.,. , 750 r 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan ....... -900 190 CbevroUt roadster, in fin j shape 645. 191 Maxwell touring ........... 850 1920 Maxwell sedan, en excellent i car for . . .....1200 1920 Maxwell touring ; 650 : 1918 Willys Knight, big snap. only. 1200 ; 1920 Nash touring, special price of. 1195 1919 Btudebeker Big Fix, pass . . . 1475 1917 fttudebaker 4. touring 875 . ,1918 fUudebaker coupe, a real bay. 600 : 1910 Ktudebaker 4 toaring ...... 250 N 1919 Hayne toaring. oply ....... 1700" 1919 Hudson speediter. a good one. 17 A. 1 1920 Hudson speedster, extra fine.. 1900 1919 Chandler chummy roadster, In s "fine shspe 1295 1920 Chandler, good condition, snsp 1400 '' 1910 Psrkard. a wonderful buy. .. . 140O 1918 Srripps-Booth coupe ....... . 1350 19 JO Knits Bear Cat, a swell, snappy car . -, 2750 1919 King 6 touring, in fin shape. 1400 1919 Peerless 8 toaring .. 1475 1920 Overland roadster, a good one.' 385 e .1919 Hudson limousine in fine, con ' dition. a wonderful taxicsb. ..... t ' 1920 Liberty tourins 1275 DELIVERY CARS 1919 Podge Bros, screen side del..-.$ 825 1918 iKxiBe Bros, screen side del. .. 725 1918 Podge Bros, panel, good slP 775 -1919 Chevrolet panel delivery . . . . . . 400 1920 Ford delivery, starter ...... 525 The following cars are included in our $25j day reduction in price sale: 1918 Chandler touring, was $1200, today's price' ............ . $625' CADILLACS Cad iliac supremacy is easily distinguishable in the used and rebuilt models w are offering. A used Cadillac offers such good material to warm fro as that rebuilding has been developed to the very highest degree. Bach a car is actually better Tslue than some cheap sew cars. AD. cars fusranteed and sold on eaay terms. We arc open; Sunday. 51st at Washington St. Main 6244. Also a big display st the new Broadway sales room down town. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Qur automobile transporta ' tion service makes it Quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 88-80 N. Brosdwsy. j Msin 6244. CHE VS.. BUICKS AND Good Buicks from. $650 tip, Good Chets. from 9275 nn. -One almost new Che. at big sacrifice. Other populsr makes at prices, in proportion. You can't best our prices for retiable cars njess yon steal them. Wby waste time trying 1 PORTLAND AUTO SALES. $50 Burnside 6t In Iowengart bldg., 3 doors from City Fart RADIATOR SERVICE CO. , TP WILL PAY" you to see n about repslrinr that RADIATOR. FENDER or BODY. Expert work gusrsnteed snd at moderate prices. Cor. I'nina and Hawthorn avenues. East 8498. r FOR TBAVETERS AND SIGHTSEEING A modern constructed bungslow," mounted on nr 1920 truck. Will sell chesn. Take St. Johns car, get off at Peninsula are., go - north 1 block. 287 V4 W. Russett fit. ? OTIS RIEDEL SOCTH POHTLAND HADIATOR REPAIR. ATTO SHEET METAL WORK. 846 1t nt. Phone Main 526. CHANDLER 7-pss., extra fin condition, re finished . 5 good tries, new top. Just right jor renuu, us.. 630 ALDER ST. 1921 OLDS MOB ILK 8 19) At Oldmobile 8 touring, brand new, run lea than 1000 miles; cost $2450; price $1850 if taken stones; .. t . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, V gast 3770. Grand Ave, ann HawthoTne. 4 CYL. CASE. In good mechanical condition. B vacuum cup tires, Westinghous starting. see it snd make me an offer. Phone Broad- wyr4698 for appointment. 8EO ROADSTER Here is the car you have been looking for. A dandy salesmsn's car. See It- Rid in it. Drive it? Easy terms. Mr. Ehrstt. Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co.; 18th and Alder at. ATTENTION - Best buy in town. Stndebaker Light Four tearing: motor tiut overhauled, repainted; dandy tires. 800: 233 E. 89th t. S. BEO SIX At $2170 it Is th conn try "s hest ear. Economical to operste; reliable snd trustworthy : stays out of the shop; minimum upkeep. Mr. Goodfellow, Rdeyf 1460. North west Aula Co.. 18th and Alder. - ; lilfir1 NASH $1000 This 5-pasv Xsjh tsTin perfect mechanical condition and bargain at th price we are asking. ACE MOTOR CO., t , . B27 Wsfhington. PACKARD TWIN , 7 -pass., series 3. just eompletely overhsnled; haa excellent tires. 1 nan, fin top and . a wonderful paint job ; $4000. terra. Cbas. C. Fsgan' Co., Inc., 9th at Fmmsld. Phone, Brosdwsy 4693. bn you know that you could buy, Packard 6 - for $300 1 - i ACE MOTOR CO . 027. wasnmston. CHANDLER Lte model; excellent shape; good paint.- Onljs. $975. Easj payments. Mr. Khrctt, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. - gCRTP-BOOTH Runabout, 'val,. $600; vrill xchang for first class household furniture. What, hav you. Residence 691 East 77th st. N. rnrmt Tsoor o923. ICTO pATNtiNd Best" msterials; expert wori nts. Will make your car lik new. Call Mr. Brsdl, Northwest Auto Co.fc-18U and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. - - HATE 1919 modol 90 Overland in fine shape throughout. This car looks like new. Will errhenge for Ford roadster or touring car. Call Woodlswn 1721. ' NEWLY PAINTED ROADSTER BUG ' Must b sold; no reasonabl offer refused; cat in good condition ; fender, top and wind shield. 1858 E. Harrison. Tabor 281. FOR SALE Ford touring car, slightly used. Hs Hassler shock absorber, speedometer, dssh lights, foot speed, etc. Most sell at once. A big sacrifice. 5820 92d st. . $0x8 V MH'HEUN 5 ply tires, $16.90. None better. We know how to repair tires. Vul w Tire Bhon. Grand ave. at Pint. E. 4899. " 191$ STTJDEBaKER Light "Four ia elegant condition at great saving; on easy terms. Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. 1 HAVE dandy good Maxwell,' fine condition. good tires. See this. B roadway 1572. Jnneem. TRADE your old car in for a better one. Many ' t gekMt tros. Cu aohanstn at Bdwy. WE PUT.. Steel tee th in your old flywheel: cTankuha't taming. II. P. Black, machine alwip. 884 Alder st. wneawsT 2BX1 1921 OLDSM0BELE rcsdter, fsctory nuns . ii TV t Wlu, - n, term or trsde. Cstl Jonswen st Bdwy. 2270. ROADSTER .1919 . Dodge, completely erer'- ..iuledWtOTr,?:e ."I, fUu lss, curtain. $700. Phone East 3021. FOR SALE By owner, 1 1 8 Chevrolet, first class condition, $100 down. $25 per month. Phone East 3842, ' .: tHALMERS Light Six, in fine condition. CouTd . Mf f?lintorcycl on this. Call Johansen t Bdwy. 2270. . MAXWELI, late '19, good throughout, 8575; terms er trsd for R. C. P. lot. Write or all Ml K. 67th st. N. U'ANTED A good used motorejele as part pay : ment on a good used Sato. Call Johansen at Bdwy, 2270.' FORD touring car, .overhauled. H&aeler shocks; : - license and demountable rims, brand new ton. $825. Call Bsbcock, Tsbof 4723. : PRACTICALLY . new Overland 4, A-l condi tion, for sal cheap, $380. 775 Thurman. Main 946. . - OLDS Six demonstrator at a discount Could use a Ford or Chevrolet as part payment Call Johansen st Bdwy. 2270. "T " . Ilate car and cash balsnc for apartment r rooming house. Msin 4574. FORD delivery truck. 1930; will take piano in IvsD totiring bodies, cheap. J9 18 CHEVROLET, cheap. SrtlwrHvl eae. EK 1198. 564 Gideon st FORD, 1020. wire wheels, extrss. cash or terms? must sell. 4KI h:. a nhr.nv . "wV n.L skenfic. 1 920 " Chevrolet ..touring . for ' f $425. Phone owner. East 178. j ifliV BL'll'K light six. s bock! car, excellent con- 1 oiUon; $675. easy terms. East 6234. J AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE 800 ' ' A.' ft STEVENS - - ' HATNK8 DISTRIBUTOR 531 WASHINGTON ST. AT 16TH SPECIAL JURE SALE RUMMER I"? HERE. HATE YOU A CAR EOU YOUR 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND TRIPf IF NOT, SEE OUR HA lid A INS THT8 WEEK. PRICES PI ASHED TO CLEAR OUT ALL USEO CAC3. j : : . . . ' :L- '19 Buirfc 6, in dandy shape. ....... . .$1100 '17 Haynes ft. rebuilt and ref inished . . . . 1050 '18 Chandler. 4 pass, chummy ........ . 1000 '16 Hsyses 6. all refinished ........ 650 Cedilla 8. 7 pass 800 6-40 i Hudson. 7 pass. . . ....... ..... -. 425 '17 Oldsmjbile 8. 7 peas.. . 500 ; Your Own Terms -. Within Reason Buy from ; a Responsible HouseCome in Early . .( Get First Choice i A. X. STEVENS 1614. ' 16th and Washington. SI FORDS TO PICK FROM 1914 Ford touring, extrss, A-l ..... $1 65 1917 Ford touring, extra ........ -300 1918 Ford touring, extras : .. i ..... 835 1918, Ford. rosdter. extrss', ..... . . 385 1 920 Ford roadster, extrss ........ 400 191 Ford coupe, extrss ........ . 445 1920 Ford touring. Rome . bay ...... 445 1921 Ford toaring, like new ...... 525 Ford png, lots of extrss, starter 250 Ford truk, body and cab ......... 245 1920 Chevrolet delivery, cord tires.. 435 1019 Chevrolet touring, new tires... 450 1917 Dodge touring, good shape .... 450 1918 Overland 90 Country Club.... 550 1920 Overland Bsby 4 touring ..... 695 1916 Oaklsnd 6 rosdster ......... 500 1916 Orsrit 6 touring .,....... , 395 1918 Oakland 6 toaring .......... 625. 1917 Cole 8, 7-psss i . . 625 1918 Studebsker 6, 7-psss. ........ 450 1914 Pscksrd 30. 7 pens. 450 1917 Ruick 6 touring, new tires.... 685 1917 Hup 4 touring, like new 850 VBANHON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, I nion sve. and Belmont, Upstairs. Open Evenings. . ; East 4376. THE IMPROVED REDIMADE "BUILT; TO ENDURE" The improved) construction mskes a REDIMADK a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. ' REDIMADES are the best huflt sections! build Inn built on the Pscific eosst. FIRST CLASS HOUSES. OARAGES FOR LESS Erected in Portlsnd practical to ship, . RE DIM A DE BLPU. CO., PORTLAND. OR. E. 11th and Market. Fuoue East $114. Imwnfown sales office Commonwealth bldg . 6th snd Ankeny. Phone Bros d way 4335. ; Biaick Coupe This csr is In beautiful condition, with cord" tires snd lots of equipment ;' investigation will prove it to be a snap at $l.ri00, cash or terms. Phone Aut- 815-23, - REAL BARGAINS 1018 Chevrolft roadster $275 1918 Chevrolet touring ............... 27ft 1917 Dodge roadster ................ 450 1917 Ssxnn 6 touring 295 1917 Msxwrll touring 285 1917 Maxwell touring 275 1917 Maxwell tourine- $50 , FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Eset 8770.- Grsnd Ave. and Hawthorne. PODGE I If you want a bargam in a light car see-'thia one; . tires almost new, fin mechanical oondii Uon. i ---- - 1 tUS - ' 530 ALDER ST. COUPES. SEDANS. ROADSTERS Tonringn boike. truck. All Fords and ' all prices;, terms. UNIVERSAL! CAR EXCHANGE Used Ford., Exclusively. Grsnd sve. snd E. Yamhill. Open Evenings. Vet Side. Brosdwsy snd Glissn. E. 471. . Ford Bug Classy little bug; with top and windshield, price only $275. Will take $ 1.00 down, balance 10 months. Jake's Used Car, Exchange, 325 Glisan, between Broadway and 6th. Open Sun days and evenings. . .. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEB EDA L TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. . TIRE REPAIRING 333-335 Burnside at Broadway. .Light Car Model 83 Overland, self starter and electric lights. Prio only $200. Will take 875 down. Jake's Used Car Exchange; 325 -Glisan, between Brosdwsy snd 6th. Open Sundays snd evenings. YOUK neighbor has one. Why not you? A -good touriug $175. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Used Fords Exclusively. Grand ave.' and E. Yamhill. Open Evenings, eac siae. nroaawey ana t.nsan. k. 471 THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, take th kiilks out while yon wait; rapaira radiators and. bodSes. Liberty radi ator cores for all types of csrs in stock. Bdwy. 81 1 4 30 N. 11th st., nesr Bumaid 1920 5-PASS. PAIGE, bas been run only 4000 miles; Royal cord tires all around, -has soma extras. Tins car looks and runs just like a new one, and priced right. Will accept small car as part payment, balance on easy terms. Call rTopSt, ndwy. 31'li). Sl'Olti' model Stephens Salient Six, Just been overhauled. . repaints-d a beautitful blue, has A-l tires. For sale very cheap. If you are interested in a car of this class, don't over look this one, for it must be sold. Call Boxell, Bdwy. 3605. - j 191S CHALilERS - 1018 Chalmers touring inelegant condition. You will b surprised when you see this car. Price $678. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Eas 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorn. MAXljYELL roadster, mechanically perfect, good tires and fair paint, some snap: small dst- -ment down, balance on easy terms. Call BoxeU, MUwy. sous. i STEPHENS Salient Six rosditer, overhauled, repainted; 5 cord tires; 5 wire wheels. He this todsy. C'sfh. terms or trade.' Call Johan sen, at Bdwy. 2270. FIVE passenger Glenwood Paige, A-l condition. California top, plate glass, sida v curtains and back. $50. Will take Ford in trade. tlOl S2d st, S. E. Mt. Scott csr. Grays Crossing. KKJ-Hh.31 iiro snd KaOlauir Shop. Aluminum t soldering a speelaity. Expert work gusranteed. Out of big rent district. 609 Wilhamo. E. 1198. ALMOST new 1 4 ton truck; must sell; will 'tak terms or small car in trade. Phone Wdln. 2965. 10 STUDEBAKEH 4 at a prio so low youl m .nmruMl ; 6 new .tires reosint ' Nn. 1 vnii. chsnical condition. Bdwy. 1572. Mr. jungwrs. A -NKW Gar fore, 1 H ton truck at a price that will surprise you: will accept Ford as first payment j. Mr. Jungen, Broadway 1573.-'- 1917 MITCHELL touring, in A-l condition, to trade for motorcycle, or will sell cheap tor casn. tin nsmiiton, Bairy. soon. GKA.N T tIX, fine condition, good tires, lately overhauled, $400; will take term. Msr shall 209 Bundsy or after 6- p. m. t OAKLAND 6 roadster with 5 good tins; good mechanical condition; a buy for someone. Mr. Junger. Bdwy. 15 1 2. OLDSM 0B Il.E EIGHT, like new, at a great dis- count Could use a Dodge or, Buick as part payment. tail jonsnggn pqwy.- iitg. i li 1 B " 1 1. " . Tw l.-. i ... .ll Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. Uon, dirt cheap, $825, on casf terms.' Phone East-1962. - -.- 1 .- 'A ' ... ., A NEW Chandlr. ; This is a real buy; 5 cord tires, and really you cannot hear the motor. call Mt. Jungers. Broadway 1572 1917 COLE 8. This car has been in private use. Original paint, good rubber. Will e eept small trade. Call Hamilton, Bdwy. 8606. "'ASH paid for old cars, condition no object narts for all makes of earn TTtnmrwnn A Kelly. 448 Flanders, near 11th, Bdwy. 3503. tiKA.M 6. 191 1. new peine, new top, new rub ber. f Will trade for good motorcycle. . Call r'EDEKAL 1 ton. st a reaaooable price, or trade f . f m -. - Tl w I .... . . li . J . .... w mi. wkiikt-1-., . J I it I . rOUD Biu;, A-l cumliuon. Call Boaell - 6rof way BHUfl. 1919 OLDSM6B1LE 8. run very little;" HUSo easy terms. East 6234. AUTOM03ILES FOR SALE 800 ' PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. V ' Is offering the following ears at out prices. Every ear is guaranteed as represented. - Every used Packard and Nash has gon through oar shop, delivered to you like new ear. 1918 Twin six. cord Urs. ........... $2250 1030 Naah, 7 pes..,.. 1919 Nash. T pas.,... 1450 1200 90 1000 1000 ' 850 1918 Naah, 4 P., cord tires......'... 1919 Chandler, wire wheels. ......... 1010 Pan-Aaarican. ref inished . . . . . . 1919 Chevrolet. A-l 1916 Bao 8, 7 pus., all cord tiros... , 450) 1918 Ford sedan, ft dandy 450 47$ 1918 Country Club Overland . 1920 Maxwell roadster ... 625 1918 Chandler, dandy ............. 800 We're serersl Packard! for stag ear. . Now is the rim to get In th gin. Thar ar seven! good runs to b had. - Com In and talk it over. See Unrch. ' , ANY TERMS IN SEASON 10TH AND BURNSIDE. BDWX. 621. C. Q. BLEASbALE H NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A GOOD USED AUTO AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. ALL STANDARD MAKES AND READY TO GO. ,k : FORD roadster. ; FORD touring. 5 .. CHEVROLET roadster. MAXWELL touring. OVERLAND roadster. OVERLAND touring, 4 cyU OVERLAND touring, 6 cyL . i DODGE toaring. f BABY 1RAND CHEVROLET, f MERCER touring. 5 . 8CHRIPPS-BOOTH touring, ! BUICK light 6 touring. . t OAKLAND light 6 touring , JACKSON touring, new. . CHANDLER 7 passenger. ' BUICK 1920. 7 passenger. ; ' ESSEX 1920 touring. COLE 8 cylinder 7 passenger. MITCHELL ebummy. ' THE ABOVE LIST OF CARS HAVR BEEN CAREFULLY INSPECTED :. PRICES FROM 8175 TO 82000 . TERMS. NO BROKERAGE SEE THEM TODAY C. G. BLEASDALE ' Roadster Buick4 920-Buick ; Here is on of the classiest roadsters in th city; run ctnly 6O00 miles; special top and plate glass in curtains, seat covers, 2 bumpers, spotlight, motometer, gear lock, cord tires (two of them pat on todsy ) , . original finish; lik new; a real snsp; 8500 will handle, balance monthly payments; total price 81800. : Phone Aut. 324-86 todsy for demonstration. DOIKJE touring csr. good tires, extra tire, new top; bargain at oa. call Duiiy. nroaaway 2270. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 USED TIKES AT "A BARGAIN " All Kinrtr of Vulcanising and Betreading-KlLTON-WlLON TIRE CO-. 854 Burnside (west side), at 8th. COOPER S GAR t AGE 87 N. 12TH ST. ' Storsje for rent for small ear. Call Bdwy. 4044 evening. TRUCKS AND i TRA CTORS 802 TRUCK A.rD.DtLlVEUi FORD ONE TON CAB COMPLETE WITH CURTAIN. CUSHION. FIRST CLASS. $8$. FORD 1-TON. EXPRESS BODY COM PLETE WITH CUSHIONS. WINDSHIELD, STORM CURTAINS. FIRST CLASS. $225. FORD, STAKE BODY 8 FT. WIDE. 8 FT. LONG. AS GOOD AS NEW. $78. ; FORD ONE TON, COVERED-- DELIVERY BODY, DROP TAILGATE. GOOD PAJNT. A BARGAIN. $120. - . i . ; , $ . MODEL T EXPRESS COMPLETE WITH CUSHION. STORM CURTAINS, WLVDSHIELD. $168. WE MAKE SPECIAL BODTES OUH RE PAIR DEPARTMENT OPS DAY AND NIGHT. UNIVERSAL BODY CORPORATION, 900 SANDY BLVD. PHONE EAST 7913. MANUFACTURERS HIGH GRADE COMMER CIAL TRUCK BODIES. TRUCK OWNERS If your truck is equipped with a Continental er Buda motor. Fuller transmission, Torbensen axle, Jaeox steering gear, Sheldon or Columbia front axle, you can secure repair parts without delsy from us. W also have a stock of used Rso track parts.; ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Inc. : . Republic Truck Distnbutora Park and Everett Sta. . HAULING CONTRACT WITH LARGE PORT LAND FIRM. THIS JOB IS STEADY YEAR AROUND, WITH CONTRACT; GUAR ANTEED INCOME. REQUIRES PURCHASE OF 2 H -TON TRUCK. STATES i AUTO TRUCK CO.. 430 BURNSIDE ST. HAVE 2 H -ton Morelsnd truck, 1920 modrl. ia splendid shape. $2800 paid en it; will trad for, 21-Ford touring ear, one-ton Ford truck. Th truck can be seen at lilt E. 25th st N. Aut. 311-63. SVs TON SUndsrd grvl truck with or with out dump body and hoist, will take touring ear ia trade, or give liberal terms. Phone East 418. Wilson xsyior saotor jo. oea . .ncopTci st. y . Eiwin.'u uf..... . - - ear and a anap: easy terms. B sur to sea it CaU Ehrett, Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Ants t o. , istn ana Aioer 1W19 rllKD 1-ton truck in A-l .mechanicali u.Ifinn m. K m I n mm kfl -ftA Mlinnv ton! Aoams, prosawsy s una !1' IS il.V.. ' 'ii . ik ...l LmI. for sale or trade for light touring car, , 83 Alberta st Woodlawn 1006. O. Davis. - 10'JO FORD truck: run sbout 6 months: (600. (20O down, balance ' $25 per month, 6 per cent. Auto. f!4-u 2-TON Atteibury track for sale; bargain. East 6363. " i i . i twOO WILL buy 8 Vk -ton road truck,, used 6 months: job, gusranteed. OL-en. 888 E. 13th N. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 WHITE 6-ton, completely overhauled and guar anteed; late' model. W ill trade for auto and give terms. This is a good buy. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691. Evenings Marshall 6241. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1919. oompletely rebuilt, ia mechanically perfect; will sell 8225 an tana and 8215 e-h. CaU Tabor 7882. rACKABD IH-ton just overhauled. In first class condition; easy terms. Phone Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings Marshall 0241 HENDERSON Just overhauled. Hsa Z motor, . tandem and A BG generator. CaU Johanna at Broadway 227Q. DEN BY m-itn, almost new. What's your of ferf Small cash payment easy terms. Phone Jensen. BrosdNray 691. Evenings Marshall 6241. CLEVELAND motorcycle In A-l shape, good tires and 8 carrier. Must U for $50. Mar shall S871 MACK. 8 H -ton with dump body. Priced right Phvne-Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings Mar- shall 5241. HENDERSON Just overhauled. Ha Z motor. tenders nd A BO - generator. Call Johansam. at Broadway 2270. -. INDIANA 3 V, -ton. 1919 modal, overhauled. W ill tak lisht car in trade. Phon Jensen. Broadway ei. evenings juarnnait 2i 1919 INDIAN motorcycle', rebuilt, electrically quipped, with or without aid car. CaU Bo tell, Broadway 3606. - MOTORCYCLE AND PARTS, ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. e-o ,ranq ave. 1918 HaRLEY-DAVIDSON,'1 thoroughly . evr haoled : ' smsll payment, balaaee ay terms. Lin mminflw, proaqway s ovn INDIAN motorcycle, with sidecar anJ tandem,' a nrgin st SJia. lea trrana ve. Cast 6569. 1920 HARLEY. hk new. Very cheap. - Eaay terms.- sn jonanyen t proaqway 22TO DODGE touring car for sale. CaU after 5 p. m. at 207 th st. room 2. SPEEDWELL in A-l shape. Bargain. $SO0 Call Wofxlliwn 1 666. L-297, Journal. TWIN Indian motorcycle, a good mscmne, 8951 "easy terms. East 6234. - . j AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION. CAU OWJffiM W will overhsul your ear, any ratke, and ssv you money. An work don on a flat con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed- Work under the superrisicn of competent end reliable ami. Gvt eqr price, .they are re sons bl and will surprise yoo. W specie lis en genera ter and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcsnixing and retreading: all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Uawtboraa ave. , Tele phone East 8068.: FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ................ zo Rear Axle overhauled .......... n Valves ground, carbon removed........... 8 8 Magneto recharged . . v $ We faand-lap pistons, scrap bearings, Ste which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. AD work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR tXX. -.280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. 13 DICE 90 daya adjustments on all brakes JrX-3C relfned." , . THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Bt. Main 598. FORD repairing exctusively; guaranteed work- ananship. Curly's Ford Shop, -227 Salmon at. bet. 1st snd 2d. Msin 8154. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Late Model Csre Reasonable Rates FEARING as ROBNETT CITY UA RAGE 182 12th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 640 JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE New cars for rent without drivers. Reason able rates. Open day and night. 825 Glisan st.. between Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 5593. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN, FASHION GA RAGE, MAR. 282.,- 10th at Yamhill. A-t236. It s.' BN'NfiltT. CARS FOR HIRE! WltHOu DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 2-ROOM nhsck and 50x1 UO lot at Ilaiborton. near Linaton. beautiful view. $800; lot 50x100. Mount Tabor, at 7 2d and Salmon. $600. Trade both for .Dodge car, take or giv dif ference. Main 8401. 1V4 TON SUndard gravel truck with or with out dump body and hoist, will take toaring ear in trad, or give liberal terms. Phone East siao. wiison Taylor Motor co. 848 Vancouver av WILL take car ill good condition on part pay- mant on nous en Tillamook st. Will mak terms agreeable if ear is satisfactory. Call East 7078 after 6 P-m. snd ask for B. L. Robinson. WILL take a Ford roadster in trade Jor acre are. Most be in good running order. Call r.aft 7Q7 ana ask forTS. 1 Robinson. WE-pay cash for Fords, conditio a no object. Drive them up and get your money. $00 William ve. rnrme tort 1198. UlVTlIl 1 . ...... 1 i -n4 ...... " J . - i ...VJ- 1 . . l. I, , wiu W ' ' I iWU order and cheap. Phone Broadway 8656 or. call 854 Burnside bet. Broadway and cor. Psrfc. WANTED Late model Chevrolet! nu.1 be good order and cheap. Bdwy. 8656, or call at 354 Burnside. bet Broadway snd cor. Park. CARS wanted to wreca, parts tor all cars under ' half price. B. A 8. Auto Wrecking Co., imp snq Aiqer. Brosawsy can. LATE model Ford. Will pay cash tor th right car. Tabor 4714. . - - HIGHEST cash pne paid tor old cars; con- anion no object. izt ua St. WANTED Auto' or"enis, $5U to $175 ca. . Marblmil 24B8. ' WANTED A FORI.. ' CONDITION HO OB JECT. PHONE AUT. 633-88. WANT to buy late model Ford with starter. Will pay cash. Call Woodlawn 781. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 CEDAR ; CHESTS" Direct from factory to vour home. Ten And Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; iwh ueeigns, t nxc xor csiajogu. J. VT. HIGGINd SON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOR .808 WE SAVE TOTJ "MONEY House wiring. lighting fix ture, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Eleetrie Store. 224 Third St., near Salmon. Main 6055. . SEWING MACHINE -EMPORIUM New machines sold for leas; no agent employed. Bargain in 2d hand mscbines. Parts snd repairs for alL Ma- teed. Mam 9481. 190 8d St.. near Taylor. Screens Screen Doors aitd Porch Swings . Flowsr 'boxes snd canine wnrV V.Hm.t fr. CaO todar snd let ns Hmrm with na Tabor 8825. 1105-1107 Hawthorne. SINGERS, White. Nw Homes, lik new, $25 to $46. Other guaranteed drop bead $18 to $18. Latest Singers, cash or terms. Rentals, 83 per month. 8inger muuiv, av via. jasin osjid. Rugs Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton-Beach Elective Washer; also vacuum cleaning, wain. 5708. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boat are separate classification. A large listing will be found under toes different ctaaav ficstions. FURNITURE - repairing, - npboiatering, retimab ing, cabinet work. We will call and deliver. Webster Furniture Repair Shop. .Tabor 3326. 1105-1107 Hawthorne. . LUGANBEHHLES for sale. 1 erat to 1000 a crates. Phon Tabor 1986, Main 2272 or drive out to first farm other aide of Oswego cemetery. SHOWCASES, ail sizes, cash registers, scales, soda fountain, root beer barrels, fans ; must sell this week. Call 113 Second st. . BASSINET HALF PRICE Beautiful wicker decorated bassinet, " like ner, 818. 554 TUlamook. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly used ladies" elothes. - etew snrins hata eta- 719 Union ave N., eor. Ivy. East 1826. FOR SALE Oil TRADE SHOTGUNS, RIFLES AND TYPE WRIT BBS MALI 4o. 128 rlKHT ST., AUT. 627-46 FOUND A man who will repair, upholster your furniture at your home; price vary rea sonable; all work marsntoed. Broadway 475. WE BUY, sell and exchange diamonds. Zell Bros. Co., Diamond Brokers, 288 Wasbiagtoa street War. 727. SAFES No. 70 Sixth st. near Oak. New and . second-hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safe and steel cabinets. Bnsbong at Co. Bdwy. 1262. BQQ - Bof i8rtRT s i M Yon moat bring this ad.. 120 6th St LawnMowers Sharpened WE CALL AND DELIVER. EAST 6424. 100 LBS. split Italian prunes, $4.95; Muscatel raisins, 25-lb. box. $4.05: black figs, 25-lb. box, $2.50. Beaver Grocery, 287 Yamhill st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamllton Beacb electric carpet washer j also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. Dentistry DK. A. W. KEENE 351 Washincton St Without Ptin. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. KIPE Royal Ann cherries for canning, oopper lb. 529 Columbia blvd.. 5 blocks eas? ot Union av. union avw. LOVELY tub silk sport skirt; all wool brown man tailored lady s suit, small sise, $8.50 v. ip.ku vaqt CHERRIES, raspberries 11th and Columbia blvd. Opposite Oregon Humana society. Wood lawn 1 763. ROYAL Ann cherries for sale. 6c lb. Pick them yourself. Tsbor 699. FOR SALE Royal Ann and Bing cherries. Ta bor 1696. ROYAL ANNE cherries. 3c to 4 on tree. DbUg las farm -mt. S. Troutdale. i ELECTR1U - vacuum cleaners ' sold." exchanged. repaired. ' Kay Men tie y. stain 4907 TAILOR-MADE suits left on band at half price. Modern. Tailors. 89 N. 6th st FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner: 2 Itour day, 8 Sc delivered. Wdln. 1259. GET your furuae property, eieaaed and ever y hauled, don't wait Call Ionard. Ant. 326-41. "STAR A7 STAB" "shingles, direct frosa miiT fall Tsylor t OQCk. Main 8068. LAWN mosrar ground snd repaired, knives snd ariasor sharpened. 881 E. Clay. East 8667. ALCAZAR duplex kitchen range, chsip. PhbU wopqiimi e 1 i X mornings. trad ' plwnagraph for carpenter work. Broadway 25. 148 18th at. NEW Ruud water heater, very reasonable. WQl - install. Sell. 8051. GAS FIXTURES for sal, also" gas iron, "very chesp. East 4530. - . KEKD buirgy for- sals, rerersibie; only slightly wsea. iiK e. sniniT ana vza st. kOVAL'AK.VJd cherries xor" sals. i,d lk lToT Fremont enr. 88th. Woodlswn 1210. FOR SALE CHEAP Chest containing necessary carpenter teois. ooa c zist p., nesr Pewe POTATOES Pride Multnonua. 50c, 15c, $1. L. Wagner. 241 H Waahmgton st 1 SINUElt sewing msrliine, brand new. Phone AUtQi. 31B-1 I. PERFECTION CURRANTS ' ' ' 8603 Powell Valley road. Auto. 627-66. CURRANTS 10; cherri So; already pEH ; Tabor 6021. 1695 K. Yamhill. IsAHi j K OIL painting of" Mt Hood. E. 616t. NICE EUYAL ANNE CHERRIES. TAB OB 1215 FOR SALE-ISCEUJUTCOUS 900 Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co 460 BELMONT. CORNER E. 8TH. Block of E. Morrison st. BUILDING MATERIAL 'New and the Equal " For All BnlVdlng Purposes. Complete , Hons BUls. AiteraUons, Additions. Saving on Every Item Lumber, Doors, Window. Frames. Ready Roofing. Plumbing Fixtures, J - Pip and Fitting. V Lumber stock, complete fat all grade. , dlmenMon lamkwr, - boards, sheathing, - ; : shiplsp, flooring, rnt'e. ceiling, shingles, mouldings, finCb. 500,000 feet heavy timbers. r Plsns listed, lists figured, estimates :: fornuhed. . . Garages built to order in our shops . complete at low cost. - Nsw stock galvanised and black - wrought iron pipe. H-inch to 2 -inch. Any quantity at a reduced prio to mora or stock of this material. j Bath tubs, lavatories, kitchen sinks, laundry trsys, low and high tank toilets, complete with nickel plated fittings; east iron pipe and fittings; leaS and brass ' goods, all priced low. -. New 1, 2 and 8 panel doors, $2 to, $2.60. Glass doors $4 up. Window and sash, glazed or open, 50c np. FOR ANY BUILDING MATERIAL yon may require, call, phon or writ to Dolan Wrecking & Construction Co. 460 Belmont St., corner East 8th. BOXER TRADING CO. 246 Washington. 11S 24 slannail 2438 Ws Sell. Bay and Exchange Cash Registers Showcases, Fountains, Beaies, store rixrares. CHERRIES , : Three Cents a Pound ROYAL ANNES LAMBERTS ' BLACK REPUBLICANS 517 Stafford st., bet. 10th and 11th, Woodlawn. A. L. HOWARD PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIPES, FITTINGS MUELLER PIPELESS HOT AIR FURNACE ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE . 280 Third st. Main 1808 Sewing Machines W have the largest stock of used Sawing Machine in th city. Cora pare prices. W rent and repair. 172 8d. near Yamhill. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach menu. $20 each: portable electric machine for rent; sewing machine cleaned and repaired, E. R. Stecn, 162 Grand ave. East 2358. HAVE your silver, brass, oopper, etc. cltamd and polished by Danner Co., metal expert. Don't throw that old silver awar. Wa fill out all edge and triple plate for less than half th price of new. 810-317 Busb t Lan bldg. Main 6761. THE birthstons lor June is agate. They -brine health, wealth and good lack; ideal for gradu ation gift. MILLER Next Door to Majestic Theatre. ' Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn- HEMSTITCHING and picoting attachments, $2, . buttonhole attachments $9.85; fit any sew ing machine. Personal checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order Houa box 127. Birming ham. Ala. aiot corner iwa airoqwy nvn Sibloco Pipeless Furnace t $79.60, $185; lmprovtd principle rl fuel best guarantee; nothing , lost by investigating. I. T. Woodruff, 12 Mallory av. Wdln 2103. Independent Printers Ws ar not members of any combine to con trol the price of printing. Smith Printing Co., 1 1 N. 6th st. SAFES Fin and bnrglsr proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold, and exchanged. Easy terms If desired. .. . NOKKiS SAFE t LOCK CO. 108 8econd St Main 2045. ELECTRIC fixtnres, whoteeale; Hllght fix ture, $1.25; S-light fixtures, $8.75; ;leo tric stoves, $4. We do electric wiring. He liable Electric Store, Union are. at RusselL X.'-a. gtattJO a OFFICE FURNITURE ' ' Bought, sold and exebsnged. HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth st Bdwy. 187T WHY sn everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Why not a comfortable and durable- roof f We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kind of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 6120. Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing, 24 hour r service J col. tect and deliver. Tabor 4072. Tabor 4641. FOR SALE Good drag ssw and all other tools necessary for wood cutting, with 'one year's job and aback to live in. Inquire Boring Fuel Co. This is t to cheap; bar to sell. H. C wuiey, HO WATER fAK'Kb $O gsl $T; 40-L $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnac coils; gaa beater installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Bid Welding Shop. 208 Adams st E. 8518. OFFICE FURNITURE, NEW AND USED, BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. PRICES LOWEST. WAX OFFICE EQUIP- MNT HUUSK, Z4 W. ITH. BDWY. 739. WHITE enamsl Jewel refrigerator, 100 lbs. of ice, Ice door, top and side, good as new, 870. Will take $35 or exchange for smaller. Tabor 310$. i LICENSED independent electrician, wires 3 rooms for $12. 6 rooms 820. All new ma terial used snd guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 8791. ELECTRIC FANS for sale or trad, Newman, 128 First, near Aider, Main 4496. LOGANBERRIES 20 tons, 2 tee per lb. Bring own containers, snd pick them; or picked for COM"pUT1S!J" SCALES, cam registers,' coffee mills, meet choppers and general (tor fix- tares, at izs sura st, between 1st and 2d. ' L't posts, cedar, direct from tho woods, car jots. ' D. B. SCULLY CO., 171 Front Bt STRAWBERRIES. $0e crate. You pick them. Haaipstur bogs, Cherrick, mil north Barlow. "ROTAL xiiUk cyEiifeltW 4e lb. You pick them. 210 E. Humbolt KUiingswortn bom near Jefferson high. L8PBERRIES picked, or pick them yourself. 910 Woodwardrave. Pbope 811. 1581. FOR SALE Almost new drag saw. CaU Sell 1947 CHOICE stoyaT Anne cnerriea close in, 43d and Halsy, 2 blocks south of Sandy blvd. 5c lb. ROYAL ANN citarries, 6c lb.; 50 lb box ds llvered at hons; 4e on tree. -Wdm.- 4462. KALE plants $1.50 per 1000 205 E, 234 It . - --- - ITALIAN prunes, job lot. damaged. 100 lb.; 9i. nearer urocery, xsi itmniii at .22 HIGH POWER Savage, never bean used, 682.60. Phon Main 4716. apt 41. ROYAL ANN and Black hepublican ehsmes, 6 cent pound. 1074 Holgaw st VACUUM cleaners ranted. $1 par day, defiVt ered. Bdwy, 2878, days; Tabor 6786. eves. VACUUM cleaners tor rent 85c a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 8495. FOR SALE ftegiaters. itbowra, wiS Cash or credit 84 3 Sslmen. KENTISH pi cherrle 6c on tre. 1957 "E balm on st, between 76th sad 78 th sta. A' WOOD SAW in good running order. Call at 746 Grand fv. W. FOB SALE Wood or eaal range." $40; grafo noia. 4a records, BO. g4 ttortbwtcx. LADIES. "b well dressed." Exclusive "used asrmenf ia a home. Tabor 282 PICK CHERRIES; ebaap. all kinds. East $07$ - atter n p. m. . A FEW tinner a tool . CH Monday or Tuea. evening. Wdln. f(flT Commercial. PAtN'T LN'U, ksl-omining, cabinet wort Rcasotv ante. J. Birden. East 6649. $ GLASS dressing table, old ivory, $10; Charter Oak range, 815. 50$ East Market MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 J, aV C. FISCHEK plan tor sale, $300, A real nay. ' amngton niag. NEAKLY li:W Wellington piano, mauogsiiy cal $250. ICS 10th st, near Mornson. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 . , DOWNSTAIRS store, ScOwsa a'tsno Co. 825 Vos V Son dark mahogany.. $ 198.00 900 Steisway 4k Soda man......... $95.00 650 Kimball A Co., golden oak..., 263.00 673 Chase, Urge, oak .......... 290.00 1059 Singer player piano ......... 693. OO $10 to 826 cash. $5. 88. 310, 813 monthly. Phonograph Dept. Used Specials. Victrola A Brunswick, cab., each. ... .$93.00 Columbia and Pathe, cab., each ..85.00 Stradivara. 865; Grafonola. email...... 12.60 101 10th St at Wash, and Stark Sta, . Security 8 torse Co., doring out for cash. $450 Spier Piano Co.. upright msh.,,, $1S5 450 Sun Piano Co., upright, oak...... 195 275 -Collard Couard. small- up. . . 66 800 Piano and player pianos and moato 893 250 Pianola player 'and 33 player roll.. : 43 4 Parlor ores ns, $25, $35, 538 and.. ,48 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK ST. 8278 VICTROLA. MAHOGANY CABINET 8104 WORTH OF RECORDS . 8250 tskes it; terms it desired. H. JENNINGS A SONS. 6TH AND WASH. WE NOW have the hot assortment t good tved pianos we hare had for year. "Ivera A Pond." 'Kimball," "Shoninger "Marshsll A Wendell." "Milton" and many other well known make ar in oar list Price from $175 up. Can arrant terms. SOCLE BROS. -' 166 10th st.. near Morrison. WE HAVE a fin assortment of used Phono graphs, comprising most alt th different makea, at price that cannot fail to mar them. Com in early and make your selection. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., v ' 149 Sixth Street EVERETT Piano, mahogany case; one of the 8 best pianos; com in and hear its beautiful tone. A wonderful piano at low price; $383; term. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., '- - 149 6th St-. - ' WELLINGTON piano, oak case. 6275; Im otie in mahogany case, $275' each. A bargain. Terms given. REIBERLING LUCAS MUBIO - CO., 136 4th s. bet Washington and Aide sts. VIOLIN OUTFIT, a specially good instrument, with bow and case, rosin and extra strings. $25.00. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street COLUMBIA Grafonola, slightly iued....$ 70 Packard piano, practically new. ....... 488 Eindler A Collins piano (oak) 800 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill , st BEST buy in town; modern esse, perfect copdi- Uon. Don't miss it. $195; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 th St SMITH A BARNES; one of the old reliables; specially priced at $310: terms. U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St 6 AX A PHONE, melody "(.;," is to model, silver with gold bell, all complete, $185, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . - ' 149 Sixth Street STEEL GUITAR o,tanderd make, with equip- ment and esse. 835. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street CONN CORNET, fUvsr,- with all slides, mute and case, only $55. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street LUSH A LANE piayer piano. Left by doctor to sell Equal to new. Me u. an offer. SEIBKRLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st, bet Washington snd AWrf ste. BEAUTIFUL mahogany player piano, left with ns for sale; well worth $1000; sell for $650; tak 8650. reasjnahla terms. ' BOULE BROS.. 166 10th st. ' C05.v " CORNET, silver, wita case, $40. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street KIMBALL grand, a bargain. Scibrrling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st, bet Washington and Alder ate, FISHER piano, 8200. Big snap. Ternp. given. Seiberling Lucas Musio Co., 123 4th t, bet. Washington and Aldrr ate. FINE sundard piano, lis new, latest style. $200; you'll find no others like thi. 409 Abingtnn bldg. PIANOS and phonographs tor sale; highest duality snd lowest prices; terms, too. 409 Abington bldg. KIMBALL piano. 625P; snsp; ne iU Seiber ling Lncas Musio Co., 125 4th st. bet Wash ington and Alder sta. MILTON piano, plain mahogany i1, $300. Seiberling Lure MuMo Co., 123 4tb st, bet Waliinrton and Alder sts. PLAY:K sttachment. 35, with rolls. SEIBKRLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st, bet Wsahington and Ahltr st. KENT Pisno, grafonola, iste muiJc. Em pire Tranfer, 234 Broadway. ' Bdwy. 16. BEST player piano tuning and rebuilding. V. Kremar. 254 Market st Phone Msin 6012. BRUNSWICK phonographs aemonatrsUd In youi own home. -Nate Ardrey. Seilwood 2143 FINE piano tor sale, $200 cash take iu Toa Abington biag. DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 EXPERT watch repairing Main spnngs TT. cleaning $1.60 and up, jewels $1; watch glasses 25e. . ., EIXIS EWINO 204 Gertinger. 2d and Alder. Marshall 4S64 r 15 YEARS WITH STAPLES CLOSING out my diamond jewelry at less than half price. Diamond rings 825 to 6400. Se display; only a few left H. A. Brown, Watch maker ana Jeweler, zni Aiaer st - HOUSEHOLD GOODS 002 COAL and wood rangaa. . . , . .C13.00 np Cook stoves,. ............ $10.00 np Cas stoves. ................ $10.00 np Gas wster beaten ........... 3 8.00 up Floor coverings, yard ......... $ ,73 up Kitchen queens. ............ t S.00 np Kitchen cabinets .$12.00 up Inning Room extension table. , . 8 7 00 up Dining room chairs..... ..,..$ 1.50 up -Living room rocksrs. ........ 4.00 up Library table ........$ 0.00 np Simmons beds............. 310.50 up Cotton felt mattras. ....... .$ 6.75 up Steel spring-.. .............. t 6.00 np Coil springs ................ $ h.OO up Dressers ...$ 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 200-210 First st lb. , pure cotton felt mattress; satisfaction guaranteed or your money back- . ; . . .5479 a CIIIZIC 278 Grand ., eor. Hwthorne. ""' sAVsi MONEY " ' Trv oar sslss dent If yea went to 'bar or sell household goods; reduced freight rate to most II point in our through pool car.. Expert packing, repairing and ref inishing. ; Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage, low Insurance rates, SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. - 63 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah hotel. . Phone Broadway 8716. - SPECIAL 6-bol steel range, $12; cook stov. $7; oil stove, $5: gaa range, $8; gas plate. $2; dining table. $6; dining chasm, $2; side board. $12.7$; rockers, $1.25 up; kitchen treas ure. $5.60; sanitary conch and pad, $8; new eotton mattras. $5; bedroom spring, $3.60; baby buggy, $2.60: io box, $10; sewing ma chine. 36. Several ruga, cheap. East 6967. 113 Grand ave. Reed Specialty Shop $10 WILLIAMS AYS. EAST 8508. Manufacturers of high grsd reed furnitnre. Reed furniture mads to order; also repaired and ref Inished. Boy direct from factory. SEAMLESS Wilton rug, $35; new bedroom rug. $18; 2 leather teat oak rocker, - $25; one leather seat oak rocker, $17.60; large oak dresser, $27.50; Mawson ga room heater, $15; gray enameled, cost $35; breakfast table, $2. Tabor 7927. 1 FINE imported chenil rug, 2 Wiltons, 1 Blge - low, 1 wicker lthr-eated settee, 1 wicker rocker, 1 Acorn gsa range, all used bat a few months; also houa for ssl. 1364 E. Salmon st Tabor 1667. - MEDKOOM furniture tiirect trom factory at fac tory prices; walnut mahogany, ivory, complete suites or singl piece. Se our "product before yon buy. Call at factory, 441 V tmbard st, nr Union are. Phon Wdln. 2828. GENERAL lln bous fornuhinga, new and used, also hardware, etc No better location on east side. $2500. .Real eetat or good uto np to $1000. 1895. Journal. 2 BIG Lea. rockers, lib, table, bookcase, Sealy matt s, dishes, silrerware, pictures, some bedding, sluminnra utensil, all for $75. Call evenings, Marshall 3632. FOU SALE Manning oil burner end one dining room table. 889 Minnesota ave. TWO 8-fcbt oak counter tables for aale. cheap; 1 Axmlnster rag, new, $88. 966 Aibins eve. ROUND oak dining tabla, rown window drapes, Kosy kitchen cabinet, 6 chair. Tabor 2$4. FURNIUCBE of 5 room bongaiow for sale. 168 E. 9th st N. FUMED oak bockcase. 4-in. high, 88 wide, four shelve. 616. Tabor 5 6 Ti . 4 -BURN Ell gas range, small cook stove and gas piste. Sell. 3051. , FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 WANTED New or lined heet metal prs, (Jive details and price. P-362, Journal. . -- LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 I HAVE' tuo many boats; want u sail soma of them. H Tbey ar aa follows: : On T h. p.. en 8 hw p.. on 15 b, p., on 25 k. p.. owe 80 b. p., on 1 20 hp.; two scows, on 40 ft by 12 ft. on 61 ft. by 16 ft, new. My larg est post has twin Wisconsin motors; Is 43 ft lung. 1 ft beam; is' new. Will deliver. Writ for particular. C T. Smith, Stevenson, Wash. L Clean-up Sale We hav boats for sale for les than cost Real bargain.- Hav us show ynn at foot f Kart Morrison st W. H. and K. Von der Werth. FINE new motor eano. set snd speedyl for - sate- cheap, or trad for machine. Call Oak Grov 1R. jOtt SALE On. " Ib-iC trolling koal. ' Hegel Mivvw.. 4T..I1 .at - J. 1943 E. Clay. Ts- BtallA spca, V( , a so. bar 8443. FI.VK MOTOR BOAT lor sale, reasonable. Cah Sell. 71. FOR SAI.E. cheap A first class canoe. SSs 4 7th at 8. . HOUSEBOAT for ssle; bargain; cash r terms. Auto. 611-12 or East 4051. A1UST sell my clssay motorcano at one. A snsp at $85. Marshall 3971. MOTOR boat 26 ft long. Buick motor, speed . 1 8 miles per hour. Marshall 600, Mr. Bate. V FOR SALE OR RENT ; TYPEWRITERS 90S ALL make guaranteed on year. Beat r-coo-stmcted typewriters on cosvt New pne list. Wnolesal Typewriter Co.. 831 Waahingtow, at. rTtland. Or. rtBI ILT typ.-writers, all makes, rentals, , r psiring, supplies. Distributors CORONA por- fb). SUNDSTRAND adding tbschlne. Mala 5. K. W. UEPAIKINO aWwcialty, free estimals; rentals; supplies; boy. sell, exchange; add. marb. repaired. Typewriter lnpAtion Co.. 812 Stark. Main 6649. ALL MAKES of typewriters mUd. repaired and sold on monthly payment p!an. Oregoa Typewriter Co.. 4 6th St. Mam 8868. UNDERWOOD 6. variable line - spaosr. lust overhauled. Woodlawn 6691. FOR RENT Underwood-Itemington, 63.50 mo. Empire Trannfer, 284 Broadway.- Bdwy 166. I. C. SMITH typewriter, iTinch carriage, $22.50; can be seen at 194 4th st. SWAPS 92S 2-ROOM ahsck snd 60x100 lot at Hsrborton, near Linton, beautiful view, $600; lot 00x100, Mount Tabor, at 72d and Salmon $600. Trsds both for Dodge car. tak or gi differeno. Main 8401. STUDEBAKER. 1917. in A-l condition: will accept good phonograph aa first payment. Call or write 8123 Woodstock av., MU Scott car. Grays Crossing. -. W ILL trade lot 50x100 ft, in good location, for s stock of dry goods or notions. CaU Aat 628-88. E(Jl ITY in 8 room house; lot 001140; cheap, or will trad, for light Ford truck, er Uv tock. Auto. 624 43. ... V ILL exchange denUstry for man 'a bicycle. C-080, Journal. CO ARMY OOOD8 U. 8. ARMY GOODS for sale, wholesale retail; prices reduced. H. Horenatein. 2d st. or 204 H st Main 7573. BATHS ITsasalUlavlWa Resd-IUss AT THE MULT' a Haa ifa-nauil 8JCi.UMi? KOMAH HOTEL. Electro Thersni't 24-hrnrT ' sefvlc to men BLANK BOOK W6Kg8 liAVIS A HOLM AS. INC.. 19 2d at, blank book rr lann'scturefn. A-81X3. Slam 1 W8, OftRPINTKR AND U1L0IR8 GENERAL contractor's plan furnished for all classes of buildings, alteration, tenauiag. E tlmatoa given. Phone Wdln, 4280 ' ot and dog hospital I.OSJ.: CITY VETEKINAHY HOSPITAL. Inc. E. 7th snd Orant Both phones. Day and night service. Three veterinsrians. CHIROPRACTORS ill UtoPKACTIC. steam baths and mssaage, 10th floor Brosdrsy bldg. Marchall S16T. Dr. laurs E. Itowning. Open evenings. I u I-If lllliv lU.Umk 4iia avaism- Poul tekinc dln-t'ments while smiling; 11th year. OLKANINO AND DYKING UEUAL ;leaet, Tstlora and UlasDiug and dyeing a spsclalty. Out ot town mau orders given prompt attention. 127 N. ota st Portland, fr. CLOTHING Garments children's, "TT. litUs new. .Big values, prices. 719 Union svv N East 1826. CO At AND WOOD NO. 1 cordwood. highest grsd first growth fir. I6.Z9 ner eora st oar rsra norm x-ort- land : who! t or reuii; . noni aanven aiso arranged for. 6 p. m. Fir Co.. Main 4247, 10 a. am. t Delivered immediately by Fatten Wed Co., 1261 Macadam. Phore Main 1TJ. 100 CORDS wood. $H Ir cord, 6 cord letc'cut from big timber, taken by a widow laor on debt; must sell psrt of it NOW. Alberta, Irv - ington. Piedmont districts. Wdln. 4P7 BLOCK AND-SLAB Partlr dry, 2 load lota, special price. JUUvered now. Kant 2041. 'j SUMMER PRICES Edgings. $4.60 losdl short slab, $5.50; short cordwood, $6.60; short ties, $7.50; wrecksg wood, .83.60; IV Uth $6 per M. Standard Wood CO.. East 2316. COUNTRY SLABWOOD ' Green or dry. 4-foot or, sawed. Star Wood A Coal Co. Main 6012. KHi, nMJ h-,1W Mixed 35.50 1, LflUViV ailU ta 3 Mad lets. Alw special on cordwood. Oregon Fuel-Co., Wd. 4102. NICE, country slsb vl $6.50 a cord; drr 12 and 16-in. slab $7.50 load; no, l cord wood $8.50. Paul Fuel O., Sell. 1769. Bid load of bo'xwood 5.Ed a losJl' Call Wod" lawn 6904 or 1188 Montana sve. -1e-r ..n..t.. ...l...! " .1- livered from car. Natl Fuel Co., E. 2041. GROUND HOG fuel and sawdust la earload and truck lots. Western Cooperag Co. Col. 62 Befors orderinx your winters wood call Auto. B26-SB. NurtB nana r nei t o. bo t psnnr Bt DRY WRECKING, $0.50 load. wt aid de livery. ;ol. 7 4. 3. ASH WOOD, heavy, split. $9.50 per cord. Aeom 2182. BIG load of boxwood $5.00 pr load. CaU Wdln. 3649 or 878 Wi Ixmihard. A-l C6nbw60D, K.oO asuvered.' R -estjt Fuel Co.. Esst -25). ; ft'MlI)' SAWED pronurtlyJ E.t 2s K. CORDWOOD $7.50 per cord. Phone A. 623-5B ' DENTI8T8 DR. B. E. WRIGHT Sd floor. Raleigh bldg., eor. 6t . and Washington Ste Msin 2110. A-2110. Dentistry - DR. A. W. KEENE. $11 H Wash! listen It Without Pain. Latest Kerre-Bloi.kmg Method. KOUOATIONAL DAN0INO Downey's Dance Studio 886 Vi Washington vteest, over Basel wood. Former Instrncton Cotillion fcaO. p. Pattsrsea Downer, inst RISGLER'S DANCING ACADEMf PORTLAND'S LEADING "SCHOOLS Cotillion bsll, 14th off Washington ; - Broad' way hall. Broadway and Main. Class end pri vate leaaona by expert professional instructors, ia all brandies nauroom classical, baJUt ate. Phon or call tor appointments. Broadway 8880, 018- 1HE DANCE STUDIO. 60 Dskuni bldg " W-b-ington at Third. Private hour (.r half boor Irnmna: day. avening, 0:80 a. m. ti 9 p. as. Course teason spccislly priced. Claw Monday, Frldav, 7:30 Miss Ireland. SUMMER Dancing Academy, Jii tth st Lessons day, fv. Class practice vry Fri day, 8:90 to 11. Open atl summer. Bdwy. 359 NIUSIO 8CMOOL8 AND TK6CM8W li CARROLL DAY. teacher of voio and piaaoT 148 18th st Broadway 2563. T. E. UVV.0N 30 lear.' wnind! plan lessons at your bom, $1. Aut 643-1$. ' rturr nuot and wao wuo PORTLAND RUQ CO. Fluff Rugs, Mad From Old Crpet. 1672-1674 E. 17TH ST. SELLWOOD $632. HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS HATS cleaned, blacked, dyed reaeonsbl and aat- lsfactory . Royal Hat Works, 223 First t HOUSE rtl NOVATING WfDOWcIesnW.' cleaning don by Selwood 2408. floor wsxlng and nous experienced man.. - Phone --rJ ;: UDItr TAItjOW - - - LAD1EO' gsnaenu altered and leiittad. bin. ladies' tailor. 408 Buh Lao bids. - . - a I SWAPS P2S Wlll exchange' drntwtry for new or secotii hand books. H 861. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS " 9 SO WANTED I'enule of Poruund to know tliat t psy th hichest rssh price for sreoud-bsnd bopM -hold goods. No amount too lsiga or too sacsU. Prompt attevtion. N. M. SKATER Phon 8503. 14$ Mu whil st. 812 60 TO $26.00 MEYER. THE TAILOR, pays tnor for Se ond Hsnd suits, shoes, evereost. We cell day or evening. Msrxhsll 1229, or 233 ilaUUoo street, near Third BOORS -Hiahi-t -pries paid lor Itvik nf Kiinol , edge. Harvard Classics. Universal Anthnlrwr and Story of th Great War, Address U-10, Journal. " UP tO-DATEUTietl Ws buy veryUiing and anything la th lln of used furniture sod bona hold goods, tooat and old clothing and junk. Call Mala 734 WANTlET A bencITUthe. or with a aland," 8 Inch awing. Call Broadway 8287 Mr. Kb'. WANTED rURNITURE 952 SPOT CASH FOR USED 1 1 h!S II 1 1th. Main 8378 UNITED rCRMTI RF. HTOKE 173 FIH8T 8TRFF P Owl Furniture Co. moYriIon - W' want your used furniture, tov. . carpel asd pianoa; wn pay the htgheot eaah prir i. 166 and 1fl Fit-t t Oil Main 4WJT , M. R. S EATER Puys the best as well as cheaper grsda of eeM hnd furniture. 26 Grand ave. At. 232- WK BUY uied furniture, atovss, lr. Brilsbi . Furn Itore Co.. 203 108 2d. Main T80H. PERSONALS 97S GUARD YOU 11 El i.M(iii f VJr erapliy onlv the most V Ji 1 modern ln'tmoji-nU and tU a V . tt-nst srlentlfie met bod In -satining your ayes, 20 years' exnertrnee. Thou sands of satisfied pstirnts. Errnlrr snd 8'in dcys by appoinlmrnt Chss. W. ti. odman, U Moriaon. Pre-war prices. Msin 2134. iuifit'MAtis.w" tu:Ai'ki; Rtomsch snd kidney trouble. strsm snd enln- ral bstlis, massage. Indies by appoint ment t till l Uli Maia terian' inntltute, '710-71 1 wetland bldg. 0955. 9 a. m-8 p. ni. $1 tiETS puth Iret fixad up st lr. Kslon a 1i CHIROI-ODIST and ARCH SPECIAI lbT wh dcean't hurt you; 8 yrs. here, luim free. ;ib Theater- bldg ; 1 I Ui snd Wi-h. fl lay. 2.-, fixad Lawyer Conanlutioa FREE All 404 Consolidated Securttta Pld.. H nth t. Broadway sltHX. Eet" Gorcs Itubenateiu. ttta veteran optician, fit your ryes. Expert opllrsl service, reasonable prlcea. No charge for tenting. 226 Mnrrlwn . 1'OPULAIt munic isuglit brginnrrs lal l-ii)ri players learn real jss. Parker Piano, Hri), Ouitsr school, 516 Filers bldg. MAPSAGE, bstliH. lr. Kuos tornn. fu6 Panama bldg. Main 60S0. Drajlew phyiician. Lace Curtains fVE! !J64. OPTOMCTtlT6 HAfK V6uTr.ET-ExrAliTNtf5T Ws Tworamind and prearrlb flsssrs only rte thorough sisminatmn proves their need. 'nm will find our service rallsbl ad chargee very Tea anna bla. a, trial will coaviooa, Ncienfi fie Optical Service 265 Mirriwn St Main 5367. pasaw -EY1CS acicntjinaliy Uated with tv iZ7 rn InstrumenU; glaares fitted at 6 a--ft saving; satisfaction guaranteed A, W. HUHWlTy,, Ppto.rru.t. 22.'. 1 t Bt PAINTING, TINTING. MMkMSWam it (JO a Plvt till ta I vT-ii-VT" Is our nobby and we sre pleased to snnonnr tbst th prr this Bos Csrntvsl wrek U ere pr w,r Pr snd lb Black SsUn Wb foot Paint is th best Out money bays. Roof Wall. Paper, Faints, Etc". 8 BJKD 8TBEET. MAIN 7823 Ufal Bros.. Inc. Normalcy Paintins: Co. PAPER Hivfirvn . vr. ..?..7V PAINTING "IN 'ALL ITS BRANCHES Tabor 6478. Tabor 874J. rwi.i f ii in . , i .... .. , i -. rights. 610 Chamber of Comm.rc. bl.lg. PHTSI01AN6 bu. k. A. puM.UI'Sr Br.i4ay ft Id. Office prai-tic. .nly. PLA8TEWINQ. grp. P1M8TERIX, Pair work, by te d., ATX o' - PtM-tMNG AND ITtla ig and s-w- W. A. MYERS. .V. "t ,r aonani. 17A.Tr. ti'lA mi ai .... .... .. . I i j i " am, .11-111, ijjv prines on all kin . ua fi-,. j. 7.." .r.:-,,i ' """"' i"-i r"-. 817 Union sve . "ur r"si.ion. Alherts I'lomh. p l u m r -T r . i near HuHI i: 4 9-s. st'ppf.iKk" .i u. linrTTOi-ra PRICES. HTA UK-DA VIS CO, 1s8''ih at SSIS-IHA ' ' ' tJVirv r $ rid sk.s m T fW-.a ..ja 'HZ s..OU A..ty--y y-nnicry, J fT7 V 4th rt. M.i H9 Frintlnir v JIl Br-TrTrTa - ft and Oak. Main 168. 511 66 . THK illWIN.HODfiON' Ci-TVrpTvv 1 i i . TT" " A i 28. BOO- REPAIWINO RiS P'IZd nd Painl; gutura cler... Roof Security, inc., mfita. Webfoot Palut, Ti Bo. rd of Tit xi. i in . . , t . . . f,in.t.i- os. ORritiO.V RM)KI.( c P.lnun. and r--. "d All work guarantMd. 1764 E. GlusgT at Phone. Tshor 4M7. Tabor 7L'5Q ROOri repaired. iajnterl no suitor. rn-n4; Nu-kell, Eait 6183, work inntal. V. V Msf hall 1056. ROOFS rspsirsd snd psmud. Price, snd paint . best. Ellsworth Roof Co , TCsst 2907. tF ANO A0IAL8rgCILITB 7 ' SCALP AND FACIALT" SPECIALIST Baldness, diseases of th. .a w.i. a i. .U.'CVELrS H. .THEINIEfl. Suite 420 Moras n MM m.'i- aasa - - i wi. v ig. HtlT 68 TAL WORK SHEET METAL WORKS ' nooring, . sruuerin. maai n 4..v.a.iH . fereral renelring Phorts Brodwy Q2 2.6 AK SHINQtlNa STOVE WEPAIWINO) Why Buy a New Stove? W renalr sn klivt. nt .t.. . . . h.m.-.- Fait 8931. ' ' TNANSrEW AND ITOHiflt BCCRTTT STORAGE TIMXSrER CO ' JHrk .- Mr.n at-fttf ... MONET rX)ANKI ON GOODS IN 8TORA0I - - - -w, "i'i'. flmuinmiiQ notei. Phon Broadway 8715. ALWAYS PICK THK BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPKCIAIJHT Zl aV..-...1'. 'I'L' - hipping and moving-, bona and Dial rates to all points. " C O. PICK THANHFERj1 A STORAGE CO Td end Pine at HrnedWav 596. a.iaoa Orejron Transfer Co. 474 Glissn St. ' f Broadisr 1281 - DKAYAOB I STORAOk) ' Feor Warchonaes on T.rmlnsl Trarki Storage and Transfer Clay S. rse, inc. 12TH AND GLISAN P ROADWAY 3 f 70. BrDt'CKD -KHKIGHT. HATES to sU foint. o honaeltold ""goods. Pscific 'jat Porwardins Co.. 9th snd Hoyt Bdy. 703. VACUUM CICANEA6 POTT ltET Electric i4.-uuiu c-icanr. ""si C I .-V II1VVJ M t I - LAUN0HV r-.i 7l i p 4. 1Tth Br dway 4414. B.iod'.wn alga PATENT ATTONwava hour oay. Sic, delivered. Md-a. 1.J9. - - st