THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOJG, JUNE 23. 1S21. trm , v 804 "-ttentiOn." car Ovvners" TV mil overhaul yonr car. any make, and AUTO REPAIR SHOPS ' tats you money. All work dona en a fiat eon tract bsais and absolutely guaranteed. Work nndr th supervlKicn of competent and reliable men. Get our price, they are reasonable and will surprise you. We specialise on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retread guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPUlf.'8 TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Tele phone fc;t 8UOX. ToKD repairing exclusively; guaranteed work manship. Curly ' Ford Shop, 227 Salmon si bet 1st and 2d. Main 8154. AUTOS FOR HIRE SOS AOTOS 1 RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Lata Model Cars Reasonable Rate FEAR IN (J BOB SETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 840 ALTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driver, uay or night service. Ccsichrnan Gara. : ittitth and Couch at. Broadway 3606. Remember Our Number Broadway 8698. WIS MAKE a apeeislty of washing, polishing, re Dairing. painting and storage. Big, new, fire proof garage. Try us once and yon -will come Sitiun. AH work guaranteed. East Side' Central Garage, E. 6th and Taylor eta. . " TaKK'8 USED CAR EXCHANGE ' New cara for rent without drivers. Reason- able rates. Open day and night. 323 Gbsnn at., between Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 6593. ALTOS FOB KIBE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. 1 SULLIVAN, FASHION OA BACK. MAR. 232. ' 10th at YavnhilL A-l 286 IL 8- BNNEt'f. CARS FtTiriRIRE WITHOUT - DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TA1LUK,---,KU.G MAIN IttSY. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 TO EXCHANGE My $1100 equity in a r, house; refinished inside and out: water Mectnts liabtv large lot, lota of fruit, near Willamette bird., for late model Iodse or Buick touring ear, bl. $500 payable 110 mo, at 6 per cent. Cat! 204ft K. Conch st. - Cash" for -Roadsters I will pay cash for some light ' roadsters of pot uiar makes. Airing your roadster to nil Aider t. -Phone 813-67, ANYONE: who has a car in good condition to , trade in on my eouitv of $600 In furniture, all in fi rut-clam condition, for $250 (Chevrolet preferred), flail Marshall 13S3, Sunday, between ii ft, rn. ani p. m WA N'T Ferd touring as part payment ta my 101ft Ha roun road-der. New paint, top and tires, motor perfect, wind deflector, motormeter, spotlight and dozens of extras. Too small for ma. Will give good trade. Thomposn, 233-18. 2-KOOM shack and . SUxllio lot at Haiborton near IJnnton. beautiful iew, (HO0; lot BOllOO Mount Tahor. at 7 2d And Salmon. 860O. Trade both for Dodgs car, j take or sivs dif ference ; Mini aiuiv 8 TON Standard gravel truck with or with. out dump body and :.lioi?t, will take touring ear in trade, or give -liberal terms. Phone 41311. Wilson Taylor .Motor Co. 843 Vancouver a. GfifHT car and $300 cash first payment T tcuu Ma, newly painted; double garage, paved street. - Glisan at K. ROth. Immediate possession. Mill, Mar. 6Q0Q, Wdln. 3928 WANTED Ford tourtog car. in good enndi lion, Will pay not more than (223;. not older than 1817 model. Apply on week days. 14S1 Lan tutor at, 2 block south of Ixjmhartl at- WANTED Coupe. Have light 5 fiaaa. car as part payment .When answering give full de scription. R-849, Journal. CADILLAC 1911 touring body or chassis : fai mechanical condition,: state price and equip Bent first letter. 851. Tyler, oorvallts, or. SAXON Six 5 -passenger ear for . sale or trail for lighter ear. Ford preferred. 1212 Mali at. -WS car. . .-.. WANT late model car. Hare lota on Killinss- worth t. and 1813 Studebaker coupa. Far, 109 K. 80th st. - : WAN'TI-.n I.nLn modoi Iluick. in Hit b in soed order and cheap. Phone Broadway 3659 .or -eall sl4 Bnmside bet. Broadway snrt eor. rant WANTED ltm mwlol Chevrolet: miD't b in good order and cheap. Kdwy. 3658, or call a 8 54 Muminne, bet. Broadway nnd ir. Fsra. CARS wanted to wreca. parts tot all cars, unde half price. & 8. An to Wrecking Co. 15th and Alder. Broadway WILL trade (100 Ubertj bond and (300 Crater Luke company stock for auto. Price, 769 DePauw."" HATE model Ford. Will pay cash for the right car. Tabor 47 14. BH.HF.8T cash pnee paid lor old cars a con dition no object, 121 N. 3d rt. WANTED'-Auto orcbfe. $50 to cU Marshall 24.8. WANTED A FORI. JKCT. PHONK At CONDITION KO OB- '. 638-68. ' WILL trad (600 player for Ford, meretal at r 760 Com WART to buy late mole! Ford with starter. Will Pay essh. Call Woodlswn" 721. WILL gire a good trade in timber for high grade 1421 Sf.W. Bank pldg. OVERLAND 4 Will pay cash for . i'sll Ks-t 955. , bargain. CAH and trade rr hiih class late model passenger car. Main 1528. Ft: UN ITU KB of S-room flat, or $500 3-stnne man s n ng, for good alitor P-370, JonimaL WANT lisht cr. Will trade acre close ia on .Base Line road. Phone rt 70TB. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 , Plumbing -.Supplies BATHTUBS. TOILETS. LAVATORIKS SINKS. 1-ANGE BOILKRS. 1-AUNDKT TBA.T8 and GAS WATER HEATEBS. We sell to you direct at wholeeale price. Our line of PD?!?, FITTINGS and PLtTMBTNG RUPPLIF.S la com plete. Be ns before you buy. Mail orders tilled promptly. Supply Co. 248 Third St Main Bet Main and Madlon Sts. 5277. Plumbing Supplies' - BATHTUBS. TOItB'ro, SINKS, BASINS. RANGE BOILERS and all kind of plumbing - supplies. We just received 8 carloads, which we bought at a very low figure. Yon loso money U you buy' be fore getting ir prices, as they are very 'reasonable. ' . Northwest Pipe Co. 187 Front St.. Be. Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main 6631. VTCTROI.A SNAP Beautiful mahogany yietrnia, style 18, and (50 worth fine records; would cost about (435; price $225; terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder tt. "PHONOGRAPHS $3 MONTHLY - ' Remember we sell you new. latest type Vtn 'trola. Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $50 for $3 -a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ' 850 AMer. - " " - ' - ' , HA RLE Y - DAV IDSON 3"ped Hartey, ; presto tank and lamp, speed ometer, good Urea: priee only $130; $33 down, $20 a month. Hyatt Talking i Machine Co.. &:fl Alder at. - : ? MAN'S tailored suit, beautiful material. Coat $90; only worn short time: reasonable; sise 42. After 8 p. m. Main 8180. Main 7173 after 3 p. ro.t Sunday. 1 BRAND new (13a Etruscan phouogiaph only $8-5; $10 down. $-" a montlu Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder st.: BASSINET HALF PRICE Beautiful wicker decorated bassinet. like new. $18. ,554 Tillamook. r ', " ONE 10 frame hive, eoropieie with sruier and 10 frames full, foundation. $3.50. 2 10 frame scper, 75? each. Maiq 931. SMALL Columbia bo rules disc! manhine. just the thing lor canoes, fxu: am aown, . a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 AMer. FOR SAIJE New tull droa suit, cost ' $150, -for $75. fixe 42. Call 341 W tidier st, oomer East Second. UNION Apparel . Exchange sells slightly ujed ladies clothes, new spring hats, etc 719 Union ave. N., cor. Ivy. Eat 1826. ROYAL ANNE cherries, 4 V e ix and pick them. Tabor lfi'20 lxiuad; you coma EVV RuuU water heater, very rtauouable. Will install. Sell. 001 I'DK SALE Medium aiaed baby buggy, cheap. 400 Rtwell et. ( EXPERT electriciasf will do your electrical re pairing at your home. Tabor 390. BICYCLE, 22-in like new; also girl a bicycle. 352 Chapman. -"- ENlilNEER and surveyor' outfit at 1-6 cost. No. 7 E. 7 1st st. Phone 'tenor 42d. DIAMOND ring, new (style setUng; cost $200. Sacrifice for $185. T-917. Journal. FOR SALE, & burner oil .stove, cheap. Hoyt st. 73 fcOYAL ANNE cherries, picked or. not picked bring containers. Mam 1565. GAS FIXTURES for sale, also gas iron, cheap. East 4530. ' . UNCALLED for suit for sale at reasonable price. L H. Boten. no "tn st. nwy. a--'o. WASHING machine, splendid model, (60. Mora. -ins. 278 W, .Baldwin ., St Johns carline. 7-FtXT woodaw for sale or trado for cbickens. . Wdln. 8505. Monday. CEMENT laundry tray, reniforced, guaranteed nonbreakable; factory. 314 E. WaxtnnEtoA. ' COLUMBIA bicycle, 22 Ira ma, fin,t class condi tion, $25. Sellwood 1347. - . 1AIPING trailer lor sale. . 371 N. 21st st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 1 GARDEN ,H0SE 8ACBIFICE CET BUST AND BUT NOW A LIMITED QUANTITY IEFT TO BELL AT THE FOLLOWING PRICKS: SO ft. Rubber Hose, 4 -ply. in. guaranteed .,..$4.95 60 ft. Kubber Hose, S'ply. Vt in.. guaranteed ...............i... 5.4ft SO ft-: Cotton Hose, in., guaran- teed . 5.00 60 ft. Cotton Hose, u, guaraa- teed ......... -i , . . 60 ft. Molded, non kink, 4 in. ' guaranteed C.98 60 ft- Molded, non kink, : H in. - guaranteed .... t ............. . T.76 THESE PRICES ARE ABSOLUTELY AT gosr WE CANNOT HOLT) IT OVER ANOTHER - ' ' SEASON Oct busy and mail ns your order or call Main 4S33, and we will be glad to fill your order. : ' OKDKBS RECEITED BT MAIL WILL. BB SHIPPED THE SAME DAT. 174 FIRST 8TREET ! OUR BRANCH STORE, 206 PHILADELPHIA. ST., ST. JOHNS, NORWOOD'S FOLDING CAMP STOOL The strongest and neatot camp-stool mans- laninrvA t-Viidft intn a. verv small space: cov ered with a aood arade of carnet: bound edges; light weight. Just tne Unrig lor auiomooues. piu- me or csmuina parties. nor sale Dy au iirsi class sporting goods stores or sent postpaid to any address. Price per pair ad.? a or each. Majiiifactured only by ' C. A. NORWOOD. PORTLAND, OK. BARBERS' CLIPPERS No. 1 apeed . . . . . .2 52 I o. 0 Prima....... 2.60 I v-. , o iX""" a K BARBER SHKARR I Value $2.00 at. ... . . 9Se I'lV't-l'T jrvtvs-n I $2.00 alue 98e Turnworks I J. A. Henkle'i i Butcher Knirea Mail Orders Keceir I Prompt Attention ; KEMP CUTLERY CO. '124 4th st.; -Portland, Or. iszes, &(u)c Fer-'Do-en Maso n ,Eco no my ,Sch rain NO DELIVERIES Wolf Furaitore Store 94 Grand are-, cor. E. Wash. HELLO, Mrs. Smith, how are yout Oh. I'm fine. :1 iust finished - reading the fttmria paper and the part I enjoy moat is the classified section, especially Mr. Miller's ads. Yon know fie a tne jeweler next door to the Majestic thea tre. ; Pre been reading his ads for years, but lately I noticed some of the other iewalers 'aping" bis ideas, but as I told Mr. Miller, all Bfni meuioua are iiDtuva. A. R. i GAS RANGE, 4 burners and aim merer, self lighter, side ovens, porcelain tray, glass door, j- canopy top, sale price (37.C0. I OWL FTJBNITUH- CO.. Sella for I .ess. . 168-168 lit St., 75 Ft. South of Morrison. Screens Screen Doors 1 and Porch Swings I lower boxen and cabinet work. ; Estimates free. Call today and let us figure with you. isnor naiga. 1100-1107 Hawthorne. SAY, BILL, diamonds must be going down. aren't they? I waa looking at Miller's win dow, there next door to the Maientie theatiw. and his prices seemed to be about 80 per cent lower than the other stores. Well, you know how he gets his diamonds, don't you f Just go I m ana asa aim; ne u gladly - telt yon. SINGERS. Whites. New Homes, like new. i $25 to $45. Other guaranteed drop heads (15 to (IS. Latest Sineers. cash or terms. Rentals, $3, per month. Singer 1 store, 193 4th. Main 6833. llliill GltADlC electVic waahmg machines rented I ' for less than your laundry bill; a demonstra-1 tor teaches vou how to operate. A - ELECTRIC 8ERVICE CO., .: 128 H Tenth st. Main 7870. NOTICiJ Electrical' contractors and w iremen: you do not need to belong to our association to get the lowest wholesale price from me. Call at 207 Chamber of Commeroe bldg., or tele phone Woodlawn 3791. HIGH-GRADE electric washing machines rented for less than your laundry bul; a demons tra tor teaches you how to operate. i ELECTRIC SERVICE CO.. 128 6 Tenth st. Main 7870. DON'T throw away your old .RAZOR BLADES. We ahamen them better than new. Also scissors and knives, , Mail orders solicited. Grinder,: 67 6th at. , ..- - The Stamp Collectors Breaking up large 'collection; bartains ; bay and sell. 94 N. 16th at. Broadway 2019. WUODHAW with 8-horaepower Coshman engine. in fint-claas condition, ready to ran. tor lees than engine would : eaat alone. ea 11 at E. Ash ; terms. ' HEMSTITCHING COTTON 6c SILK 80 MRS. JAMES, 852 YAMHILL. COR. PARK. IF vou want to rent a first-class high-grade elec- trie washing machine, eall ns: we rent them for very: reasonable rates, leas thaa your laundry hills. Main- 7S7U. 1 - CURRANTS., pie cherries, raspberries, picked or nick them yourself, mature 919 Woodward or phone Seuwood 1551. ' FOUR burner gas range, also two 50-foot lengths high pressure 1 hose, oc ft loot, uood as new. Woodlawn 175. t FIELD grade L. C. Smith gunf 12 gauge, auto matic elector., new condition. sa. . x-lo. Journal. ? ' 120 M- FEET cuB lumber tor ssle at $3 ner M., especially suitable lor rougn construe tion. See Geo. Bacon 1144 Macadam road. SilOU CASKS, ail sues, cash reitlsters. scales. soda, fountain, root hear barrels, fans: must sell this week, t all 113 Second sf- FLOUR suss. lOO-lb, sixe. laundered, $1.50 dozen, $10 per 100; mail orders. 8. Hodes, 428 Belmontt sfe- EDVVARI BROOKS' Fixup iKliop: furniture repaired and refiuisaed- 629 Columbia blvd., St. Johns. t . FOR SALE A good gas water heater; price reasonable. Woodlawn 5676 after 2 p. m. BIACK CHERRIES 60 pound, 5578.- ' CaU SeUwood I'll CUKRUIES, , oc per lb. stock sve. ' i 6830 Wood- CREAM SEPARATOR FOR SALE CHEAP NEWMAN; 12S First, near Alder. .32 HIGH POWER Savage, never been used. I (32..50. "Phone Main 4716. apt. 41. $10 BUYS my large dining room table. Eat olian st. 0G8 CHERRIES Pick yourself. 80 lb. 69th and E.- Stark. 32x4 AND 33x4 Vi tires and tubes, reasonable. Main BH04. . - ELKCT1 RIaJ I ad, lb-iueh. like new; direct cur- rent: a $40 fan for $15. Woodlawn 2525. THOR washing machine used short time; Be- gina electric sweeper. Mar. 2618, Ki-:K1 bugy tor sale, reversible : only alightiy used. 2233 K.'Aneny and 2d at ROYAL ANNE clierriea iur le. So lb. IT5T Fremont cor. 3 8th. Wmidlawn 1210. ALMOST new gas range on legs, (23. Tabor 5932. . ; ; . PLAYER piano attachment and 26 rolls, (15. K. 4BR4. 181 RUfWeUSt . FOR SALE- Be use her clarinet, Boehm system. B flat, low pitch. 127 E. I7th. FOR SALE CHEAP Chest containing necessary carpenter too a. t?Ca Hi. zlst S., near Powell. BLACbl taffeta silk draaa, 38 aixe; never worn; barirainr latest design. Main 9567. SLIGHTLY u&ed drag saw., magneto eauipped; terms., see t at 4ia r.. Asn. -BIG bamain in LINOLEUM remnants. Floor Pro dncts Co., Broadway at TaylorA POTATOES Pride Multnomah, 60c, 73c, (1. L. Wagntr. 241 Washington st. ABOUT 10 acres mixed hay in field. 4 miles - frtvm Lents. Woodlawn 2770. ROYAL Anne. Kentikh pie ctierries. 6c; black! eherrfe-t 3c on ti-een. 1263 Simnson near42d. BOY'S ,. bic.vde. good condition, JTS, '. or wiil ' xade for girl's bicycle. Mar. 3S51. TOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 900 HEW MB SE We ba-e ivat purchased all; e . the new and second-hand pipe from one of the largest shipyard- in this city. The stock consists of more thaa - we csnisndle In our yards and ware houses. " In order to make room; for that incoming pip w must sell at a sacrifice price. Call or write . for prices on new and second-band pipe and fittings from "4 -inch to 12-inclv Boy youy pipe from the relis it la Alaska Junk Coi 201 Front at. Maia 4110. bo Vbff fcviOW. Clsra. that 1 se had tTiree Oxt- ferent wedding rings in my young Ufe and all bonaht from different Jewelers; Well, take la tin from one who know, u you Bad twngnt yonr first from Mr. Miller, down next door to the Majestic theatre, you would ee-er nare needed but - the one. There ia a certain charm about his wedding rings. I gueas it mtt be his easy price. ' 1 Silver Plate Repaired William R. Uodley, maker of table I ware, botul and family plate repaired, genuine Sheffield starauines and Kpair part fust re leased from G. 1. customs. 8otid tuekel sirrer i nnbreakaMe ointa. snop iocs tea at z-i ' SUrk t.. between 1st and 2d, second floor. Keren ice- if required, - . - - - f A $2uW OOLDEN oak Brunswick and records amounting to $30. .total TsJue lor quick cash sale win sell at teas thaa half ajue or will sacrifice g-izu on tenm a per noma. Thia is a bargain of a lifetime in a most beau tiful phonograph. Do sat fail to sea it at Ore gon Eiiers M tic House, Sd floor. Take ele- rator. 287 Washington at., just ueiow ruin. TELL ME. Jack, where did you bay; that en gagement ring yon gave Uiadys? Why. at Miller's, neit door to the Majestic theatre. Tou know, he bays his diamonds from outside parties, people who bought toem when tney were cheap. and he puts uiem np in new mounungs anu gee1 the difference in tne price! M1U.ER PLAYER PIANO . Exceptiocally good toned, genuine burl wal nut case. Miller 88-notfi player, with 82 rolls and ban- Price only B35. (35 down, bs anoo monOdy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3 50 Alder. . MILLER PLAYER PIANO BxcepUonaHy good toned, genuine burl walnut ... Xfills KH.nnt. n flf.r. W1tn R mlM and bench'to match. Price only $333. $35 down, Mae monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. i;aiK jencury tnoa, mi, cuimncui iui six plate holders and plates, film pack adapter. film and Mate ru elotnna! tanas, wasnuia am. rack, tripod, tte. : Good condition, , Phone 69. Sunday p. m. or Monday. ! THE births tone for June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck. Ideal tor grad uation gifts.. - . HILLEK . Nert door to Majestic Theatre.1 PORTABLE house, 12x28, floored and painted white. $75; also child White cna pea. hand aarden cultivator tith attachments. $4 n i 1 ...1. . .so K. nlhw ari.if.l4 chMp,,; Mamhau 4B92. -evl. 7-raa. Buick. good mechanical con dition Delco lights and starter, good tires price $375: $150 down. $25 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder at. 1il.IV UWN mower, lft ft Kteo lsdder. wheel barrow. 6 ft Simons steel wooasaw,; au uae new. Terv reasonable. 5012 77th st. S. E. cor. SOth aTe. Mt.. Scott car. FURNITUIiE of 6-roora flat for sale and ilat for rent: Shetland pony, buggy and nameas, player piano and , cabinet and canary bird and cage for rale-. H- A- frumps. z vranam are. FHRNITirRB resairina. upholstering, i refuush ing. cabinet work. We will call and deliver. Webster Furniture Repair Shop. Tabor 3325 1105-1107 Hawthorne. - - - - - ' NEW tJolt's .38 officers' model 7 "A -inch barrel cost (51.00 with holiter. Hare no use for same and will sett for $37.50. It- B. Cunning- l ham. East. 4088. - ' CHEftRIES Pick them rtraraelf. Royal Annes. 6e. Kentish pie cherries 6c, black cherries 8c. 1263 Simjv son. I Dig B. oi aa st. Aioerra ear. wain, jiiu LOGANBERRIES for sale, 1 crate f 1O0O crates. Phone Tabor 1986. Main 2272 or drive out to first farm other side of Oswego cemetery. STUDEBAKER car. will sell cheap or trade for house to take down. 314 N. 20th at, cor. Qnimby. - FOR SALE Good wood or coal range, with warming closet and water eoU, $12. loaz E. Morris. LLOYD Princes baby carriage, gray ; wicker, fine condition. Want Quick sale. : Apt- 1, Lucille conrt. 223 N. 20th st. FOR SALE 3-piece parlor suite, mahogany linian, usea very 11 sue. A a, iiu tjiay at 87th. FOR SA LE 60 feet 14 -inch heavy hose, nearly sew, with noaxle. for, $5. 1109 : E. Clay, SALE of transformations and switches, all col- ors. Josephine- Woodruff-Delaney, 344 East 8th St. GRAVES LABS, cement laundry trays, bird foun tains, guaranteed. f actory ast arst . ana Washington. ' . ; . . FOB SALE Ivory reed baby carriage, good con dition: price 320. 445 E. 5Sth St. rhone Tabor 5311. - - 1 PAIR long kid gloves (new) size 7. 1 pair nearly new high gray ahoes, size 8 H AA new hat (lady's), large head sine. East 6294. 1 PR. loose pin curtain stretchers, 4 gal- dairy chum. 1 detachable hose wheel, 1 : tub hath I srray and enrtairw 643 Bryant st. 41 STORAGE battery ceils, in good condition. at one-third the price oX new. 129 aat Water St. FOR- SALE Double barrel ebotun. 4 boxes shells, belt. 10 boxes .22 shorts: salmon rod. I trout rod, reel, dip net. 116 E. 20th 8. DIAMOND SNAP Beautiful diamond ring, cost $225. Price $110. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aider. WASTED To exchange Ford road-ster body for touring body: will oar difference. . Call for Mr, Janes, ,Milwaukie garage. Mil winkle. 9 POWER binocular $85; extra high power Hush tuermanrl. night or dar. ' W73 East Stark. Tabor 4426. MASSIVE buftet. 54-in. plank top tabla and neater. 14 East Btariord. AUTO CAMP OUTFITS at reduction; used only for demonstrating. Phone Wdln. 5313 COMBINATION Heater. with new grate, and Phone Wdln. 2888 transparent door, $17. REED baby buggy, reversible body. . 61 W. Emerson. CORONA typewriter, only $37.50, coat $56. Newman, 128 First, near AMer. CHERRIES Columbia blvd. near 11th at. Op posite Oregon Humane aociety. Wdln. 1903. I FOR SALE Hpaukiing tennis racquet and case. Price $4. Inquire 447 Morgan bldg. UNDERWOOD No. 5, fine condition, $30. 200 K. 4 t St. H. BURROUGHS adding m chine, 7 bank. snap. 312 Stark. Main 6549. B ELDING hall refrigerator, capacity 60 lbs. ice excellent condition, lS.OO. Woodlawn 1988. GAS range, $3; 50-ft. high pressure lawn hose. oe per foot, good condition. ti C Wyatt, !8 K. 10th N. Woodlawn 1375. SINGER sewing machine, brand new. Phone Auto. 816-13. 1 ABOUT 85 yards, all wool ingrain carpet, pianola with 58 record. Tabor irs. AIREDALE puppy, pedigreed, sell or exchange for something useful. B-lBw, Journal. BABY suikey for sale, in good condition. Phone Sellwood 3500. SWITCHES for sale, combing-, made up. S. F. Fierce, 24 KAlungsw orth. Wdin. 4 8o. FOR SALE $53 dolman, slightly used, $10.00 527 K. line. - COIL bed spring, fine-t quality, almost new re. $28 for Main 931. RUG, 9x12, body BruseeUs, A-l condition. Phone 822-69. Sunday p. wn. or Monday. I i,Ar5 OIL painting of Mt. Hood. E. 6161 j 850 BURLAP bag-., cheap. 1147 E. Harrison. CHERRIES Royal Anne and Bing, Cc and 7c in ZO re. lots or over, 71 Colurahia Blvd. OXE GAS water beater with connection, 772 Marshall. Main 89 to. .. . FOLDING Sturgria baby buggy. aW Oriole baby buggy. Both slightly used, t all East 6834. UNIVERSAL electric grill, (8.50. General Else ti-i fn 115 Woodlawn 3840. ruie r. 8603 Powell V; ION CURRANTS ey road. Auto. 627-66. CURRANTS lOe; cherries 8c; already picked. Tabor 8021. 1895 E. Yamhill CHERRIES You pick them. Tabor $460. 1889 E. Harr ion bet. 72 awl 7&d sta. FOR' SALE Kale plants, 60 doa. 714 S Crawford st. col. 879. ; - MARIMAU scarf cheap. Woodlawn 1364. I FOR SALE acres of hay. Tabor 2910. AXMINSTER rug for sale. 10 Ivy. East 7794 BKST Kentish cherries, 5 cents lb. Sun. Tb. 754 I ANTIUI'E 'tami. inlaid. Ant. 2M1. I BICYCLE, gond s new, $15. 288 Glenn sve. 5 GALS. mixel paint. $8. Call 165 N. 16th at j CHERRIES tw sale. 6'i r-ast Pme. I RELIABLE watchdog. 205 Ea,t 231 St. N. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Elegan Fixtere $3e8S COMPLETE AS SHOWN EXCEPT SHADES SHAD-S 50o EACH ADDITIONAL Has 12 inch solid brass ceiling plate and fittings Chain is, hcarily brass plated. Wired complete ready, to hang. J"or 9 foot ceiling. Other lengths 30 cents per foot additional. Large assortment of bowls and other fixtures on display in my new sample room. Stalky Lute 205-207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - Woodlawn .3791. Country Orders Solicited. CEDAR CHESTS- THrect from factory to your home. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings latest designs. - Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGINS & SON 1012-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOR 808 WE SAVE YOT7 MONEY House wiring, lighting - fix - tures. electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electric Store. 224 '4 Third at. Bear Salmon. Main 5055. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New machines sold for less; no agents employed. Bare a in 2d hand machines. ' Parts and repairs for all. Ma chines rented and repairing mar- teed- Main 9431. 190 3d St., near Taylor. ONE used 33-inch Thor electric ironing machine. Just like new. Regular once $165. Sale price $115. -MITU-McCOY ELECT BAU CO., 104 Fifth St. Between Wash, and Stark Sta. ' Independent Printers We are not members of any combine to con trol the price of printing. Smith Printing Co., 11 N. 6th st. . SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO: 105 Second St. Main 2046. OFFICE furniture, first class, slightly used. Soda fountain, like Swetland a. . Dining room set, new dark oak. Chairs, 6 doa. kitchen, 2 doc. rockers. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. 661 Marshall st. . Broadway 450. ONE used National alecLrio washing machine. $25. SMITH-McOOY ELECTRIC CO.. 104 Fifth St. Between Wain, ant Btark Sts. ELECTRIC fixtures, wholanale; 1 -light fix ture. $1.25: 3-light fixtures. $3.75: elec tric stoves, $4. We do electric wiring. Re liable Electric Store, Union are. at Russell . East 3686. OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-WADENSTELN" DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth t Bdwy. 1877 WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? VY by not a comfortable and durable roof 7 We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 6120. Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing. 24 hour service ; col lect and deliver. Tabor 4072. Tabor 4641. FOR SALE Good drag saw and all other tools necessary for wood cutting, with one year's joJ and shack to live in. Inquire Boring Fuel Co. This is to go cheap: have to sell. IL C. Willey. - - - - - . . . Rugs ic Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton-Beach Electric Washer: also vacuum cleaning, Wdln. 6768. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES ' or. boats are separate classifications. - A large listing will be found under these different classi fications. - RASPBERRIES, currants, loganberries, cherries, pick them yourself. 500 E. 7 2d st, near Division rt., Tabor 1847.- FOR SALE OR TRADE SHOTGUXS, RIFLES AND TYPEWRITERS MAC 4495, 128 FIRST ST., AUT. 627-46 FOUND A . man who will repair, upholster your furniture at your home; prices very rea sonable; all wont guaranteed. roadway 1 oo. WE BUY, sell and exchange diamonds. ell Bros. Co., Diamond Brokers, 283 Washington street. Mar. m. - -j, . SAFES No. 70 Sixth st., near Oat. New and second-hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and steel cabinets. Bushong A Co. Bdwy. 1262. 51 BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY rBINTEBY Yon must bring this ad. 120 6th St LawnMowers Sharpened WE CALL AND DELIVER. EAST 5424. 100 LBS. split-Italian prunes, (4.95; Muscatel raisin i. 25-lb. box, $4.95; black -figs, 25-lb. box. $2.50. Beaver Grocery. 287 lamhiU at. RUGS washed on your floor with Hsmilton- . Beach electric carpet washer; a,lso vacuum cleaning done. isi suso. - - ' Dentistry f.wMSST. Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. RIPE Royal Anne cheirlK for canning, 5c per lb. 529 Columbia blvd., 5 blocks east ct Union sve. RANCHER, take notice One Lally electric Ufcbt plant, in perfect condition; in use only one year. 409 Dekum bldg. Main 78X8. ROYAu ANNE cherrie., 3c to 4c on ,tee., Doujj las farm H-mi. B. Trontdjile. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. repaired. Ray Bentley. Main 4907. TAILOR-MADE suits left on hand at half price- Modem Tailors, 89 N. 6th st. VACUUM cleaners rented. $1 per day, deliv- . ered. - Bdwy. 2872, days; Tabor 5 7 86, eves. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day, 85c deUvered. Wdln. 1259. GET your furnace properly cleaned .'and over- banled. don t wait, i:ali Leonard. .Ant. szo-01 ''STAR A STAR'' shlngiea. direct from mill. Call Taylor it. dock. Mam 8065. LAWN mowers ground and repaired, knives and scissors sharpened. 381 K. Clay, least 0001 ALCAZAR duolex kitchen range, chap. . 1'iit.lie Woodlawn 4172 mornings. WANTED Journal. -Wire fencing and cider mill. S 173 WILL trade phouograpn for carpenter work. Broadway 2j,jj. .148 13th st. - FOR SALEUMISCELLANEOUS 900 TWO NEW ELECTRIC WASHERS ' At Cost $137 Each We hare two brand new -"Rotapex" wash- - ing machines which we. will sell for Just 1 what they cost us. Tbs "Rotapex' la a cylinder machine, one of the finest on the -rnarket and will outlast the average electric - washing - machine many times, over. We do not handle these machines regularly.' . but took then two aa an accommodation proposition. We wist, to dispose of them quickly. ' Tne regular retail price is $195. . Come and get one for only (137. - This ia jnr-t wholesale coat to ns, so we will have ' to get all cash. Don't pass this up. Com :.- fn .today. SmithMcCoy, Elec. Co. 104 Fifth st. 8-DAY calendar store clock. 35: 2 milk shakers. 4.B; 13 doa lVi-in. tinted kume dolls 1 t $3.60: loo doa. pocket knives. $1.50 to $2 dos. ; serpentines. 6Ve roll; crook cranes, le I to 4c each: red. white, blue sua notion, carni val whips, rooters, paper and tin horns, paper hats, flag., rubber return balls. Portland pen nants. 1000 other items and bargains lor 4th of July celebration; Jap parasols, - Jap vases, gas and air balloons. On. sale day and night until sold. oms At. Marks, 2o 3d st. Portland. BOXER TRADING CO. 246 Washington, 113 2d Marshall 243H We Sell, Buy and Exchange . Cash Registers Showcaaes, Fountains, i Scale. Store Fixtures. LAN DIG AN S Instantaneous Gas Hot Water I heaters. Heats any size room or building cheeper and better than wood or coal. No labor. dirt or fumes. No danger of fire; no basement boiler or chimney required. Costs about $50 per room to Install. Bee demonstrating plant as uo Vancouver ave. East 6039. PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PIPES. FITTING S MUELLER P1PELESS HOT AIR fliKAC. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE 30 Third st. Main 1806 Sewing Machines We have the. largest stock of nsed Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3d, near Yamhill. 10 DROPH BAD sewing machines with attach-i ments. 20 each: portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. East 23bU. - HAVE your silver, braoi, copper, ete., cleaned and iKiluhed by IMnm-r t;o.. metal expertH. Don't throw that oH silver away. We fill out all edges and triple plato for less than j half the price of new. 310-317 Bush & Lane! bldg. Main 6761. ' THE birth Ume tor June i& agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gifts. MILLKtl Next Door to Majestic Theatre. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn-I side, corner 10th. Broadway 5874. HEMSTITCHING and picoting attachments. $2, buttonhole attachments $9.85; fits any sew ing machine. Personal checks 10c extra. lights Mail Order Una- box 127. Birminz- liam. A IS. . Sibloco Pipeless Furnace $79.60, $135; improved principle; lees fuel; best guarantee; liothing lost by investigating. I. T. Woodruff, 29 Mailory ave. Wdln. 2103. ONE used Cof field water power washing ' ma chine. Sale price $15. SMITH-McCOY ELECTRIC CO., 104 Fifth St. Between Wash, and Stark Sta. FOR SALE or trade for something I can use. . lato model Butterkist peanut and popcorn macnine. loots andi runs Uke new, cost 1 tl'U. What have youf W. W. Cohagan, 489. Wash ington at.' " IKMi' ClAiiS Edison cylinder horn machine 1 and 100 records, $15.30; $7.50 down, $3 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st - STRAWBERRIES 4c a pound; Ettersburg. the best canner on the market; bring your own container ana pica the berries. All red Rudolf. Mulloy sta., Oregon Electric ; HOT WATER TANKS 30-gal. $7; 40-gai $9; tested and guaranteed ; store and furnace coils; gas heaters installed: expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams at. E. 8516. i LICENSED independent electrician, wires 3 rooms for $12. 6 rooms (20. ATI new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlawn 3791. ACETYLENE light demonstrating generator. 2 1 lights in case, ail complete. 81a: also hot piate, ime tor summer noma or camp. Clancy, Kainier notei. ELECTRIC FANS for sale or trade. Newman, 12S First, near Alder, Main 4495. FOSt Si I T )v A lTirafin' r, , . man atumn nnll.P almost new: 'used in clearing 2 acres: will I seti less uian hau pnae. East oitsu. ; 2 liawuiome ave. 25 ACRES strawberries going at 50c a -crate; j bring yonr crates and nick them yourself. ij. ij. Mersnm-rger, ntinoaru, ur. SPLENDUA toned organ s-2. ; 1 7.00 down. la.ou a month. Hratt Talkinx Machine Co., 350 Alder st. COMPUTINGCALES. casu registers, coffee mills, meat choppers and genera - store fix tures, at 226 SUrk at, between 1st and 2d. FI V E gal, Wayne "Monarch" gaj i pump and Liberty 2-Ptage air comnresser outfit. Both real buys. H. G. Leslie &. Sons, 325 Flanders. CABINET Columbia Grafonola with 40 rec ords, $40; also miscellaneous furniture. : Call after 6 p. m.. Tabor 1072. LOtK HERE Who wants a Thor twin motor cycle with good Urea for - 818 1962 Portsmouth . ave. . CH ERRIES- Royal Annes and Bings. 5c lb. on tree. Between East 10th and 11th on Staf ford st., in Woodlawn. Phone Wdln. 3529. FOR SALE One reed- baoy carriage. $15: 1 baby bassinette, $5; in good condition. 1080 E. Taylor st. Take 8. H. ear. FENCE posts, cedar, direct from the woods, car I lots. D. B. SCTJIXT CO., 171 Front St STRAWBERRIES, 60c crate. You pick them. Hampshire hoes. Cher rick, mile north Bartow. ' 46 SACKS potatoes tor sale. Manning Warehouse and Trf. Co.. 9th and Hoyt sta. ELECTRIC, vacuum cleaner for sale; good as new and reasonable. bell wood Z373. ROYAL ANN cherries. 6c lb.; 60 lb box de livered at hoae; 4c on tree. Wdln. 4462. KALE plants $lT50 per 1000. 205 E. 23d ITALIAN prunes, lob lot. damaged, 100 lbs., s-z. Aieaver Urocery, 3!M7 xamniu st. FOR SJftE Fisher automobile bed. 449 E. Lombard. Wdln. 1577 ROYAL ANN and Black ltepublican cherries. 6 cents a pound. 1074 Holgate st GASOLINE camp stove; auto-bed. . Call Tabor! 6727. FIRST-CLASS wood furnace, good as new. Ap ply zu carter lane. main CHERRIES on the tree, 4o lb 67th st S. E., X UIOCA .Mil 1 1 Ul VACUUM cleaners tor rent. 85c a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. FOR SALE Regis tecs, showcases, wall esses. 3ash or credit 242 Salmon. LAWN MOWERS slisrpened and repairing of all kinds, reasonable call and deliver. Eat 1318. FOR SALE Candj makers marble slab. 30x60x 3; practically new. 815 Cherry st ONE HARDY camp kit, duck tent fly 12x12, lunch kit ishor ols. IXNE band -tailored blue- seme suit for! (25; coot $95; size about 39. 359 xamhill. PIE cherries 6c a pound, pick them yourself.' 87 8 Yale St., St Johns ear to Portamouth. ONE water power washing machine, A-l condi- tion. Sill AUt 33 -4 3. 15 GALS, paint, 25-ft. exteuainn ladder, $26 takes it Call 6 E. urnide. KENTISH pW cherries 5c on tree. 1967 E. Salmon st, between 76th and 7 8th ata. ftAHBEn ROCK frier uc ib. : aVo i.-U ana Scotch collie, reasonable. - Wdln. 3899. A WOOD SAW in good -running order, st 746 Grand ave. N. Call FOR SALE Wood' or coal range, $40; gralo- nola, 42 records. $80. 694 Borthwick. LADIES, ''be - well dressed." Exclusive sarment in a home. Tabor 2825. OIL heater for eale or trade, cheap. Sell. 21ei9. UOTPOINT Electric heater, like new; off off cost price. ' Sellwood 2535. UADV o satin drees, eise jjt; worn twice; $12. 232 E. - 44h. SPRING COUCM. $; tiOOD CONDITION. - 282 E. 44th. 9x12 RUG. nearly new, cost $58, will Uke (25, Phone Auto. 522-49. K8H VIEW camera. F, 6.3 iens and Optimo shutter. A real bargain. J 952. Jornnsl. FOR SALE, cheap, large reed baby carriage. slightly wed; aJ-o Boch magneto. Tabor 755. BABY carriage (9, 6x10 wool fiber rug $6.50. Sellwood 1945. - BLACK Republican cherries, 5e lb. Auto. 837- 36. 2502 71st st i ROYAL ANNE cherries Cc a pound, you them or 7c picked. 35 tz. o3d st tot Coin FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 YORBS ARE -ONLY LET TRICES SPEAK FOR THEM SELVES - - MR. HOMEBUILDER OPES WnB YOUK EYFJS Genuine Corbin Heavy, Bevel, t 65 Mortise. Locks. Regular $1.50 Beauuful Front Door Sets. ffT A B Regulsr $3.73, now. .... . J?Aatti 3x3tt Loos Via Butt, brass or old copper. Regular 43c 28 A few eidd" Mortise Lock Sets ; (to clean np), now. P . These are fust a few of the many, bargains that we have in builder' hard- : , ware...': . :.( Ajax Wooden Wheelbarrows.' ffiJI efk K. D.. regular $6.50. spcl. f'.J"U' MR. CARPENTER LIKE A BROKEN DRUM, VVB CAN'T BE BEAT. No. 5 Iron, Jack Planes. Regd- 5 Jg Ur $5.25, special...:.... ,o5e A .; May dole Hammers (world's f! "SfS best). Special, ? Coppered Take-Down Sauares ff'T) 'Jg ' .Regular $4.60. Special..... LeA . Lnfkin Steel Tapes. 100 ft A 'JS. Regular $6.60, special ...... P'Tie a ' Carpenter Aprons S 'JSH Special , An Exceptional Value Disstnn . Rip jjaws. Regular ffi) A S $8.75, special . .. . . . . . 4-S'vJ Disston Rip Saws. Regular ffi-T) fTlifh $3.25. special PWU"U',: Hand Sawa. Regular $3.75 flT-T) 'TIS special . . . f .. Hundreds of other srtlcles for the , mechanic can be obtained here at great savings. All merchandise of reputable , makes and guaranteed as represented. ' You take no char.ces. Hose! Hose! Hose! Hose! 'Hose! We still have about 6000 feet of new and used Garden Hose left. We do not want to carry thia over until next sea son. Therefore we are offering the f ol . lowing while it lasts: , New Cotton Hose H-inch, in A nie; 60 ft. lengths. Reg. $6.50 4tU' New Rubber Hose. in. in ffiS -.m ts: 60 ft. lengths. Reg. $7.50 Pi. . Used Hose in all lengths and qnalities at very low figures. Come in and look these over and we art sure we can sup ply yonr wants. Hose Bibbs, regular $1.25, ' We have everything for the garden and we can save yon money. See ns before buying elsewhere. It will be to your ' advaptage. Ijet ns fix np your outfit and yon will be well satisfied. We are headquarters for everything for the camp. Get our .prices on Tents. Frya, Camp Stoves, Cots, Chain. Folding Tables, Dishes, Etc We have them in both new and need and guarantee our prices and qualities. - MR. WOODSMAN . 8TOPH.OOK! LISTEN! Rimonds Cross Cut Saw at ! fj Sir'.ri;!;;".".;".".'.;;! s as each"1.0".010."8:1. $t Kelly Double Bitted Axea. fl ef Regular $3. each . Jl eo IVZ4.B1. 75c to $11 .SO EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE v Yaughan Dragsaw EVERYBODY KNOWS THE VAUGHN We have only 1 nsed Vaughan Drag 7.'. . 0"e?.nf $73.0(Q) Who will be the lucky man and get this! We also stock the new ones. Get our prices and terms. .. 221-3 3 FRONT STREET MAIN 9072 Portland, Or. We Deliver SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS DoSan Wrecking re construction Co. 460 BELMONT. CORNER E. 8TH. Block of E. Morrison st. "New and the Equal" For AR Building Pnrponea, Com olete House Bills, Alterations, Additions. Saving on Every Item Lumber, Doors, Windows, Frames, Ready Roofing, Phtmhing Fixtures, Pipe and Fitting Lumber stock, complete in all grades, , dimension lumber,, boards, alieathing, shiplap, floorirr. ruf c, ceiling, shingles, mouldings, finfc, 600,000- feet heavy timbers. Plans listed, lists figured, estimates - furnished. , . -,. . Garages built to order fn our shops complete at low cptt. Sew stock galvanised and black wrought iron pipe. -inch to 2-inch. Any quantity at a reduced price to move our stock of this materiaL 1 Bath tubs, lavatories, kitchen sinks, laundry trays, low and high tank toilets, ' complete with nickel plated fittings; cast iron pipe and fittings; lea- and brass goods, all priced low. , New 1, t and 6 panel doors. $3 t (2.50. Glass doors H tip. Windows and aash,- glased or open, 60c up, FOR ANT BUILDING MATERIAL' you may require, call, phone or write to ; Dolan Wrecking s Construction Co. 460 Belmont at., corner East 8th. MIfR'L!i?.VeK'.' W"??inA. T'Br,' f1fU?um green, gold and white gold, the very latest en graved style. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. Next door to Majestic Theatre. BUT TOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remember we sell you any model of Victrola. payments of (5 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma- chine Co.. 850 Aider. " " REMINGTON TYPEWRITER ' i Just like new. No. 10 Remington type riter, only $85; $15 down, (5 -a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. STAMPS FOR COLLECTORS Breaking up large collection foreign, both 19th land 20th century; good diennnta. - Sunday 11 1 to 4. 1 L. Newton. 206, 13th st FOR SALE, wood sawing machine, 4 h p, gaso line engine, mounted on 1-ton .Ford truck. Tliia machine is in fine running order. Call 429 Hawthorne ave.. A. B.C. Fuel company. FOR SALE cliAtp, 3 burner gas stove, gal vanized smoker, dresser, iron bed. springs. kitchen stable. Will deliver. Mrs. Crans, Arden- I wald station. 1st hfmse W. E'tacada car $175 PRACTICALLY new Stradivara - phono-, graph, beautiful mahogany ca; specially priced at $115: $10 down. $7.50 a month. yTt Talking Machine Co 350 Aider St. TTiAlf.KR FOR SaTe Don't be crowded in yonr ear on vonr ' vaca tion. Bay this one cheap. Inquire J. X. Hendon, Gate road, just south of Powell Valley road. WHITE enamel Jewel refrigerator. 100 Iba. of irt, ic door, top and side, good a new, $70. Will take $35 or exchange for smaller. Tsbor 2108. '-- ' ' 1 HIOH-GRADE Parker. 20 gauge. 30-inch hbls. Antomaue elector. Seu ; at sacrifice. ast :4074. . NEW Ideal model cas range, cheap, fins con ditio-; . lawn mowers, almost new. Main 7398. i. ' CHERRIES Royal Anns, 3 H c on tree: others leas. Sauries Island, near Burlington Ferry. Van Bnikirk. PICK CHERRIES cheap, all kinds. Oak Grove, 111-J. Ronte 1. Bot 118. A FEW tinn-r-s to.K Call Monday at Tues. wvenmg. iln. 189Z. 687 fiommerwial. RAKE. svtle, lawn mower and other gardf-n imrmwt. 470 I nawi ave. N. 74, PAINTING, kal-omlnina. cabinet work, able. J. nirdene. Ea-t 6649. . Re ason- pick! 3 GLASS drawing table, old ivory, (10;. Charter j Oak range, (is. aus tiM iunn. FOR SAI.E MISCELLANEOUS 900 TENTS . TENTS TENTS We now have four shoos working and are filling orders in most canes same day order ia i received. All our tents are made from guveru- tueut ataiidard 29 jnch width duck. : CONWAY ABUT TENTS ; . 7x 7. 8 ft walL 8 ox. 7x 7, 3 ft. wall, 10 ox. . ........ . it f. 3 ft wall. 8 oa. ..... .. . . . i 11.25 lli.oo 10.25 7r 9, 8 ft wall, 19 os. . ... .;, . . . 8x10. 3 ft. wall. S ox. .... , ... . . . 8x10. 3 ft. wall. 10 ox. ...... ... . . 18.25 . . . 16.50 . 16 00 10x12. 3 ft wall, 8 oa. ...... 10x12. 3 ft wall. 111 Of ...... 10x14. 3 ft. wall, 8 uk ...... 10x14. 3 ft. wail, 10 oa. 19.50 U8.75 22.25 20.6ft 124 50 , 23.50 ! 28.00 ; 26.50 181.00 1 28.00 133.50 j 82.00 ' as 00 i 40.00 141.60 12xl4 3 4 ft wall 8 oa. U ' 12x14. 3H ft wall, 10 ox. 12x16, 8 ft wall, 8 oc l Jilt). 8 Mi ft wall, 10 os. 14x16, 4 ft. wall., 8 o. 14x16, 4 ft. wall, JO oa. 14x18, 4 ft wall, fi os. 14x18. 4 ft wall, 1(1 os. ' - !-t 4 W 4 .e;.ae 4 14x21, 4 ft. wall, 8 os. 14x21, 4 ft. wall, 10 os. 16x18. S ft wall, 8 os. 16x18, 5 . ft wall, 10 oz. 16x21. 5 ft wail. 10 os. 16x22. 5 s Tt waU.10 oa. 16x24. 5 ft wall. 10 os. '44 Oft 16x30, 5 ft wall, 10 os. 66.00 If tlese sixes are not what you want, we can make any sixe tent you may want Write us. Wi also make tie - ' CONWAT AUTO TENT Is Iwt the tiling for yonr camping trio. Thee I auto, tents will fit any car. You do not need i poli-ii The frrmt flap rides on your auto tup. 7x. will fit any auto, 8 oa. .. ..$10.50 7x9. will fit any auto, 10 ca. . .;, . 12.50 Storm curtains if detuned. 7x7, 8 OS. 2 45 4 ft 9 In.x7 ft. per pair . 3.40 These curtains are made to fit front of auto tent when flap is over top of car, thereby clos ing -your tun t front They art made to fit the Weight of auto tent, 10 or., 1ft lbs. ! Weight of auto tent. 8 os.. 16 1hs ' OUR NAME. "CONWAY ARMY TENTS on utery TENT, which stsnd for Quality we nave on nana lor spot delivery ; 1Z4 tarpaulins in 8 tie. Hlzes 10X10. fH: 10x12. $6; 12x14, $8.40. and in 10 oa.. 10x16, $9.60; lZxloY gu.oo; 14XIB, (12.20. !- We am now in a position to fill dealers or i ders. Write for prices in half dosen or more lots. All our tenia are brand new and one third pitch. Wnto for No, 6 trice list CONWAT ARMY STORK. 3d and Taylor rts, ; OCTFITTERS FOR Pup Tents" $2.95 7X78 OZ. 7X98 OZ 7X7 8 OZ NEW WALL TENT4 . . . . $H.60 NEW WALL TENT! i . ; .$8.55 KW ALiiO TENT WITH WALLS . ,$8.80 Any aize tent at reduced prices EVERYTHING IN HIKING OR CAMPING ! EQUIPMENT such as khaki clothing, shoes. i middies, hiking breeches, socks, knsnsacka. ponchos, blankets, wraps, canvas or leather leg- gins, folding cots or casup stools. Shoes-Shoes vMUNSON ARMY I-IST SHOES at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, i J By trading with us you will save money on I your outfits. - ! . MAIL ORDERS FILLED i ' Army Mavy Store 94 3rd St., Cor. Stark Opposite Chamber of Commerce ldg. , C. F. WILLIAMSON. Mgr. i FEATHER HATS Maflo to order from new or your own material. We carry a big assortment of feather trimmings reasonably priced. 11ARTNESS PLUME SHOP, PARK AT YAMHILL , CASE of fancy bonis, shells, vases. Betrick's Japanese chime bells, old time bedspread (very pretty), fancy pillows, feather' bed, large 4- burner gas range, leather couch, tewing machine. 371 H RUHSeU St. Apt B. i OFFICE FURNITURE,' NEW AND USED, BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. PRICES LOWEST. WAX OFFICE EQUIP MENT HOUSE. 24 N. 8TH. BDWT. 789. RoYAL ANNE and Kentish cherries fur sale; picked or on the tree. Ladders furnished. H. W. Strong, on PoweQ Valley road Gresham. - .. , 800 TO 500 CORDS, 2d growth fir,- (140. Part terms. Pioneer Einp. Co.. 14 2d N. Broad way 2278. i LOO i-ANBERRIES 20 tons, 2 46 c per lh, Bring wn conuinera. and pick them; or picked for , sW , -..- f,lw.v T-liei' A- i Knttlk '"'"". Ponald. Or. own 8 V, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 CONN CORNET. aUv.r. with ail : slides, mute ana case, oniy sua. i ji G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ! . 149 Sixth Street ' ' $50 COLUMBIA Grafonola. mahogany case, in good condition, for $30. $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder I street PIANOS for rent several fine ones, it you come sriy Monday morning. Only $a per month. KKKD -FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. 1 BU.SH & LANE player piano. Lett: by doctor to aoll. Equal to new. Make us an -offer, i 8EIBERLING LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 125 4th t, bet Washington and Alder t.. BEAUTIFUL mahogany player piano, left with u for sale: well worth sioiio; aeU -for tiuu; tase cnau, reasoname terms. SOCLE BROS., 166 1 Qth at - SOME BARGAIN . , 8800 player piano and about i$100i worth of music, all for $163; itist think of it: terms given. Brokerage On., 811 Worcester bldg. YOU HAVE BRAINS. Buy a good piano where it means mors money In your pocket. Brokerage Co., 811 Worcester bldg. KliONEXGE 11 piano, vary latest plain niahog- any; sell less pries, terms, ill Worcester bldg.' FIN K atanda r3 piano. like new,; latest style. $200; you'll find no others like this. 409 Abmgton bldg. i ! PIANOS and phonosraoha tor sals-; 'highest quality and lowest price : terms, tou 409 Abington bldg. i i $150 BRUNSWICK, lata model, mahogany case. Uke new. with ( 1 8 worth of recorda. all lor (9i. W7 k. Kroaxiway. r;ast sao. (125 HLECTRIC grafonola. $u0 Victroia. $90 Brunwick; phonographs $5 np; all guaranteed. 234 Market at.. Muste Store. i ... 1 ...j,. 1 I it I L' KIMBALL piano. $250; a snap; sea It Seiber- ling Lucas Music Co., 12 4tn kt, bet wasn ington and AMer rts. . i VIOTROLA- $225 model. Latest record. Red Seal. dance and vocal selections, for cash. 62 E. 28th at Bargain BlaAUTIFUJj cabinet model Mnmia phonograph. (kwt $100. Price $50. CI 0i down, $6 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. MILTON plain mahogany , caxe. , $300. Seiberling Lnras Ma-in Co., 123 4th st. bet Wa-hlnrton and Alder sta. WILL trade higli-cla piano for an automobile, Dodge or Hnr preferred. Call Sunday mont Ing or Monday after fi o'clock. Auto. 515-29. SPLENDID toned organ. $23. $7.50 down. $2.50 month. Hyatt Talking Machine Oo.. SI Alder atreet. . i $150 CABINET phonograph, nd abort time, lik4 new, for good cow, chickens or whatf Tabor 7469. .' ) - 'I . PLAYER sttachment 35. with foU. i " KKIBKRLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Warrington and AIdr irta. LARGE calnnet phonograph : a 1VU V. Onttt St.: a Itmr trwiav. bargain. I'O TiSAIrE Vega turniihone. banio. mandolin. 1078 E 20th N. Call Wdln. 27. A FINE little Schuman piano, like new. rale cheap. Phone Kast 840. - 11 MED oak txxikcaxe. 48 Indies high, 88 wide, 4 shelves. (15." Tsbor S0ZI. ' WOOD or coal rante': good condiUon. $20. Mondsy. Wdln. 4104. FOR RENT Fianoy-grafonola, late niu-io, Em fiir Tranfer. 254 Broadway. Hdwy, 155, iood touen piano fur all cash. Ca'I Main 4424. $140 iflKS fine piano. W". Wv Kimball make. plain case. 811 Worcester bldg. B EhT player piano timing and rebuilding, , Kremar, 234 Market st Phone Main ' 6012. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 01 A Startling Redncttea! COLUMBIA GRAFO NOLAS REDUCED ANOTHER $20! -Monday morning we plarv) on sale 23 cabinet grafonolaa, Uie K model, which wn re- twntly reduced from $10 to - - $85; our prkte while they lut will be only (65.00 .... - With ey term, if desired. Act -quickly. - You can't afford to pass up thia wondrrtul opportunity. : Also Vletrolas at Cut Prirea. 188-190 First st IHW.STAlltH store. KrMw.n i-iauo o. $ 625 Vase & Sons dark mahogany ..$ 195.00 900 Stein way Hons n.ah. ...... .. 895,00 550 Kimball Co., golden oak.-,.. 265 00 873 Chase, large, oak .......... 200.00 1060 Singer Player nisnn 695 00 $10 to $25 cash. $5, $8. $10, $15 monthly. Fbonoeraph Ix-pt. Used Specials. Vletrola aV Brunswick, cab., each. . , . . , $05".OO Columbia and Pathe, cab., each...,.',. 86 00 StraVttvara, $68; Grafonola, amall 12.60 101 10th bt at Wash, and Stark Sta. flerurity Storage Co.. eloring out for eah. $450 Spier Piano Co., upright tnah. .... (185 450 SUrr Piano Co.. upright, oak,,.. .. 195 275 Collard A. Collard. amall up.. 65 800 I'ianns and player pianos and muai a 205 250 Pianola player and 85 player rolls., 43 4 I'arlor organs. (25. $35, $38 and.. 4 3 108 10TH ST.. COR. STARK HT. PIANOS The one .tore wners you save real TiHoney, Come to the corner of Washington and 12th at Being located JuH ouWrtir the high rent shopping district we save purchasers big rr.cney. , Big extra bargain lut for Monday. I'rirea $100, $197, $225, etc. Very eay terms. -- RKED FHENI'H PIANO MFG. CO., lt,h and Wanbington. Broadway 750. 1'IANOS Iiok everyvlur, tiieu coma hertt. - All our big.stock of brand new world famous makes cut In price to pre war values. Really it ia possible to jnirchaee a new oq for about the former price of a good iued bus, Vory-ea-y tetms. RKED FRENCH PlAfO MFG. CO.. 12th and Washington, ' llroailivay 750. WK NOW have t lie b't aoi Liiituit vit boikI u-d pianos we have had for year. "Ivers A. Pond." "Kimball," "Hhontnger,' "larphall & Wendell." "MUtim" and many other wHl known nvike are in our list Prices from (175 up. Can arrange terms. -HOUIJ5 BROS , 166 10th at., near Morrison. HEE THIS licautiful player piano, mulioi:nv case, -world (imwii atamiard action, all Ju-t as goiKl aa new, original value $850. For quirk sale. Including 50- rolls good music; only $415, terms (40 caiih, easy monthly paymentx. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 12th and Washlmrton.- Broadway 750. A DANDY , Klieiatou lirovm mahogany Edison diainomf diac Dhnnogrsnh. with attachment to play Victor and other recorda and $35 worth. Mminli a Int.! loa r.f 19i!l f ... nnif-V 1 1 will aacriflce $100, at Oregon Ktlera Moic Houae. third tloor. phonograph headqnartars. Take elevator. 287 Va Washington st, iust be Inw Fifth at. BEAUTIFUL burl walnut case player piano; pn - of the acknowledged high grades; cannot be I told from brand new. Original value $950. priced f' this sale only $535, including 60 rolls of good music. Very ea.v term. REEDFRKNCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 12th and Waohingtoii. Broadway 750. WE HAVE a fine assortment aL 'used I'h'wio- grapbs. comprising must all the diff"-rcnt makes, at prices that cannot fail to move them. Come in early and make yonr selection. Temu. - U. r. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Hltth Street YOUR choice of seven fine iited player pianoa. somt jut like new. including 60 rolls gmd rnuaic, bench and fro delivery, at irices (3i5 up. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. I 12th and Washington. Rroadwav 750. TEN fine pianos, $110 to $2.'. Why py (100 to (ir0 more at the big -stores? .Makee are Kimball, Cable, Milton, Bradbury. Kings bury, Hinxe, Wellington, many others. No rebuilt pianos. Some are uxt new. Easy terms. Brokerage .V.. 311 Worcester bldg. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Itcmember we sen yon sny model of Victrola, Edison, Colnmbia or Bnirmwk'k up to $123 on payments of (3 per month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 850 Alder at fev'ERETT .Piano' niahovany cane; one of tJ.e 3 best pianos: corns in and bear its beautiful tone. A wonderfp piano at low price; 380; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th Bt (fafiO PLAYER PIANO. onlyTITS. including 50 rolls of good music. Terms '(40 caah, eaay I psyment., REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 12tb snd Waidiington. Broadway 750. PHONiXilUl'HS 3 'MONTHLY -Remember we sell you now, latest type Vic trola. Edison, Columbia, or Brunswick up to $50 for $8 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 AMer. 1014 N OUTFIT, a specially good instrument. with bow and ease, -soain and extra strings. (25.00. - . - , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 14 9 sixth Btreet ;-..-iT'T..'r '.-.. i ..' V . . - CH"HAr,i.'no leaii n ' " 4-2 i ck.Bra piano. prarUcaliy new, 4 Kindler Collins piano (oak)... 300 HAROLD 8. GILBERT,884 Yamhill at f 150 BRUNSWICK talking machine and 1I2 Iuctinna. nracticail new. for (125, Sicial trma of (25 down, (7 50 a. month. Hyatt Tulking Machine ., 850 AUIcf street. SEVERAL pica building loU; your choice. Wul accept piano as all or part payment REED-FRKNCU PIANO MFG. CO . 12Ui and Washington. Broadway 750. 8,273 BUYS a beauUfuTpEm case' piano. Teniii r-an, iu er- moniii. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., ' 12th snd Washington. Broadway 700. BEST buy in town; modern case, iierfBct conlT- uon. Don t mts it. (J: terms. G. 9. JOH-VSON PIANO CO.. ' . 149 6th St ' FIVE stlendid rebuilt upright pianos to select from, priced from $100 up;T-aiy term. KEED-FKKNCH. PIANO MKt. CO.. X 12th and Washington. Broadway 750. SMITH - BARjfES; one of the old-rVha"b!iij specially priced at 310; terms. G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ' 149 eth-t NEW Ed Lion It CreaUorm and Victor record- Complete library; be-.t of S49rvi-e. KKED rHENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 12th and Washington. Brdway 750, """ sJLXapU6e" melotly ".;, late model, silver with gold hell, all cnmpletr. $135, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth Street BUY YOUR Edison or Victor phonograph lirrt. Portland headfiuarters. - HEED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 12th and Washington.. Brfwdway 750, -TEEL GUlfAR of standard raake' witii"Tqu!j- ment and ease, (35. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street PAYMENTS of $1 a week buy. a phonograph. See us at land b?ftamrtort. REEDFRENCH PIANO MFt.. CO.. - i 12th and W ahmto. Broadway 750. KIM HALL grand, a barsain.. SilM-riiiiii Lu Muiic Co.. 125 4th at. bat W aoliin-Uo and AlrtVf au. CON. CORNET1," 'si'iVer. ""witiV'caU', lid: " G. r. JOHNSON PIANO CO., '149 Sixth 8trrt , $16ft BUVM player piano and 50 rolis of miuie; cost new about (sou: terms. 311 Worcester bid. piano. $200. Big ni. Trrtn givnn. Heiberltiig Iura Musle Co.. 129 4th It., bet Washington and Aller afA. NEW Bru'wwii'k phonograiiti in most beauti'ill mahogany case. W ill sacrifice price great Ir for raub and qtiick sale. Phone to-lay, Main 623. W'AN'J KlL'sed apiano for viii. CaU SUr- shall 5709. No agenU. FOR SALE Gulden oak Victrola in Al condi- tion. 815 Cherry at BRUNSWICK phonograi-h ai-munat rated ia your own home. Nate Ardrey. S-Uwni 2143. iuR SALE Trap drum clie.p. Cati befure 12. 48 7th t. s. Y Caul FINE toivd vWln, bow and case, cheap, t'hone K. SH8tl. 2 K. Kvereu t. I iACiilFtCE Beautiful- t lln piano and I bench for $300 eah." Automatic 683-26. for J $350 DIAMOND lady's Til fan. exclinga iur I g-i-pn-i. """'i- WEB KM piano. Iatet styi.- cheap; make -tier. an vnr oioa. Call 1 FINE piano for ssle, (200 caah takes it 40 I Abington Bldg. - 1 1. aV C. FISCHER-piano (or tale, $300. A real l rnjy. -sua-Anmewn nwg. J NEARLY mw Welliiiiftvn piano, mi. botany . (2ftO, I (Mil vt, nese Momwn, WLBERBABY f.RANlT Ebony cawi, like new. Phone Ant. 319-89. vT $225 PIANO. fne tone, Davenport eV 'I i. . 2.4 Market at walnut case.