'THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 122t 1 FOR'RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 , ' Very Classy Mod. Front Furnished Apt. Mo. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL. NEW. MAIN 1911. THE COMUBU, 1 1TH AND COLUMBIA N. f $4 5 WEST SIDE APT. $45 " VACANT JULY 1 WIU- LEASE :. : 4 large, light mnM, closets, bath, heat, phone, wUr furnished; pwal floor, private ccuuoe; BO children. " SMITH-WAGOXKR CO.. STOCK "EXCH. Buena Vista 434 HARRISON Main 1052 Three noa strictly modern furnished epta., newly papered in tapestry; tiled bathrooms and out aide kitchens. $85. Adolf only. . - 6-BOOM FURNISHED APARTMENT $75 West side, walking distance;, outside rooms, front porch, sleeping porch. 8 bedroom. plenty of heat and ho, water; steady tenant, n.ot b adult. BMITH-WAGONKR CO.. STOCK EXCH. iU FLOOIi our residence, furnished.: 4 large too ma. sleeping porch and bath. C range, electrio lights; delightful location; 1 blk. from ear, wear Laurelhuret Can be seen Saturday and Monday 87 K. 27th N. East 2978. Duxffey Apts Modem 3 -room apt, with bath and phone. Taut 88U. - FRONT 8 -mom apt, mahogany furniture, rent $57.50 per mont.tr-. including telephone, heat and water. BKKKF.I.F.Y APTS., 39 Trinity Place. Mar. 1950. ort Apartments 8 room furnished apt for rent. 60S Jeffer- son. Main 5435., b A'ND 4 ROOM furnished apt., ateara beat, , f res phone,- newly klaomined, reaosnabls rent ; 1 block from 2 carline. 843 Nelson at., near ,27th and Sandy blvd. THE JEFFERV 2 room furnished apt., $18. Cor. RuaseO and Kexby Ma. Kasat 1694. - . CARLOIS,APTS. v Tww room apartment, very reasonable; wall ing distance, Fourteyith and Market. Florence Apts. 'ILggfl' One three room apt. with aleepinc porch; also large pleaaant room suitable for two. Bellingfoan. Apts. 421, East Morrison St - 1 and 2-monri suites H. K. rooms, reasonable. FRONT 3-raam apt. mahogany furniture, rent $37.50 per month including telephone, .heat and water. BERKLEY APTS., 39 Trinity Place. Mar. 1950. " - r . 5-ROOM cottage, compleu-iy furnished; room for 8 people: Long Beach, Wash.; July and August. ; S-room apt., elegantly furnished.; piano. garage. 4I4 r.. 4 let st -King Albert; Apts. 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished, strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. llth-Montgomery. Main 350. CUMBERLAND APTK ' 2 and 3 room furnished apts, all outside rooms: walking distance. West Park, and Co lumbia, ,- r - LNDEtt NEW MANAGEMENT . " Leeds Apts., fireproof building, modern 2 i room apartments, $20 per month: also 3 and 4 room apts., with private bath. Mar. 3597. The:Edenholm rIkIi Derahle 2 and 3. room apts. Private baths and usual conveniences. $25 to $35 per month. v Elbridge Apts.' . To and 3 rocm apta., thoroughly cleaned and j wty decorated. 274 N. 21st. Bdwy,, 4730. J . DUNDEE APTS. II. keeping- rooms, $ 2 to $3 a week. 350 Hawthorne er. East 825. PORTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors walking distance; clean, well furnished, reasonable; . adults. 200 East 13th. Phone East 4276. - . - EXCEPTIONAL 3 room apt. on first floor and pleasant 2 room apt., completely and beauti fully furnished; also sleeping rooms, $15 per mo. 33 X. 17th, just off Washington. OPPORTUNITY to secure 2 or 3 room apt. at reduced summer ra'Ua. Large, airy, outside rooms; usual conveniences. Adults. The Jef fersonian, corner of loth and Jefferson. S-HOOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS Steam heat; $30 to $40 month, including tights - and private phone. . Adults only. The Lincoln, 4thand Lincoln. Slain 1377. ONE fire-room, private bath, newly painted and furnished; also two room apt. and sleeping room. 59-1 Davis, cor, flth. D. Sc M car. $9 WEEK for furnished 2-room front apartment ' with private bath also a light 2-room court apartment at $24 month. 402 hi Third st TWO room furnished or unfurnished apartment, $14 per month, furnished: $10. unfurnished. 11 64 Interstate ave. Wdln. 3537. 3-ROOM apL, -funti-Hlied; 4 -room apt, fiirni-hed; sleeping room for children. Phone Main 9529. TH REK roomii and bath, stricty modern; no children. $42.50 mo. Clinton apts., 5?3 East lain st. South. Sellwood 3168. GARFIELD, 4 rooms witn porch, private baths, reasonable rent 361 East Failing. Phone Wdln. 4Bft2, 1 block west 'I'liinii ave. ' COZY, furnished apartment, light and cool; private bath, steam heat, 448 Clay st, near 12th. - ' ALL COMPLETE. tJl.GD; concrete building corner Cnion ave. and Killinmworth. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 CUMBERLAND APTS. S room unfurnished apt. facing Park, all outside rooms; walking distance. West Park and Colombia. ' Sid; large 2-room front apt., neat SOd clean. phon. and Ught Wdln. 5892. 242 Killings ; worth ave. FORTNOMAH -200 Est 13th sCl Garfield, hardwood 3sl East Failing; 3 and 4 rooms; floorer good, clean apartment houses. 3-itOOU apt, ail outride rooms, $30 month ;. water; light, phone included. R. J". McOuira, 645 N.' fnion ave. East 5407. $45 MONTH for 5-room unfurnished apartment, including heat, light and bat, water. ' 402 Third st. ' $4 5 M O.N' I'll includiug beat, light and hot wa ter for 5 room unfurnf bed apartment, ground floor, 402 H 3d st f - DAYTON" apt. S and 6 rtxihi apts. Porches, gas range, etc.. $65. $70. Broadway 3134.' S ROOMS, strictly modern, tile -bath, delators. King Albert. 11th and Montgomery. - ' FLATS FURNISHED 309 ALL" outside, clean, cheerful 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front balcony, fine view, ideal location, west side, walking distance. Adults, Kef. 464 Hall, near 13th. Mar. 420. before ft- a. m. -J : - 2 AT 3 rooin nuxiern apartments, $15 and $25 a month including water, light, garbage. 53 H SOth t in business section of Montavilla, Stark st car, phone Broadway 421. ALL outside clean, cheerful, modern, 4 room - sleeping porch, bath, front balcony, fine view, ideal location, west aide, walking distance, adults, referen-es. 4ft4 Hall st, near 13th. ? HREE room flat newly cleaned, electric lights, gas, bath, $25.60 with lights and water. 314 Morris st E-ROOM flat, well fumlied, modern; 1 rooin rented; Hwthonie district; no children. T bor ! - ' ' - JvUMHyii of 3 room furnished and unfurnished (lata, in good lo-jition. G. W. Nelson. 2S8 H Eiwil t. East a;38. lA EI-Y front ror.m, kitchen, bath, lights, gas, phone. No call Sunday p. m. Adults. $20. Wdln. 399C. . . NICE 4 nxim Ufrwr flat and garage, walking distance.- adultv 353 Sacramento st '311-60". t ROOMS of 5 room rist. lurnlshed, modern; no children. $50.. Tabor 8782. FL UNLSHElJ flat or U. -K. rooms, reaaonabie. Osrage. Sell. 289S t j 4-KtM modem furnished flat 12l9'E. Main 6 l;tKM fhtt, 4 rijom furnUu?d, 2 unfurnished, batii. pantry. 772 WilHam ave. t. ROt-ND floor ; flt; u.-e of bath and phone. . Ad!t. East 850;- 262 Page st. FOR RENT 3 room furnished, llat. son at-"-' - v 693,JoUn- ' FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 6-ROOM unjarnibed upper' flat -rai-modern , " liffht. water ' and phone furni-hed; $20 per tnnnth. "Call East 5331. 507 E. Washington. r'lVK rooms, fine district, reception hall, fi re vise, -urnace. modern. - water, care garbage. t: t 7217. 3-KOOM. modern witii garage. $25 per month iudud'x water. Cnion near Kusseil; adults. Fs. S195: '- SEASIDE 6 room furuLAed .cottage, rent or sale; ocean view, trees. "The Wilmot" 126 M I 111 T. Ol tt1 fv.i . $45 MONTH for 5 rtxim unfurnished lower flat, Wrt id;. free heat fcgtit and hot water. Inernire- 4 02'Tbird ft , bOiEKN i 5-room iiat. newly rainted 72 H E. .Stark -t. iwpened $22.50. and ( ROOM flat bath., water. $15 per month. In- quire 682- E. Taylor. iTaHiM upp.r Hat $25. 20SH tirand ave. p-sr M vrket. i Phone ..East 6249. tl.KAN, garase. Well fiinii bed 2. 3 ind 5 tmi bed 2 room? 854 H Ftr., near Curry. 1. MjOM uptr fiat, water. Ktrtuuie. lijrht and phone furTtihed. - Tabor 1065. -----i liooil upper flat all cleaned, gas and eleetr r. $21 including water. Inquire 604 Borthwick. FOR RENT FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 ROSE CITY PAJUx. nice large clean 4 -room light flat with plenty of air and sunshine; $28.50 per month. 1424 Sandy blvd. Take Bow City Park ear to 5 2d st $24 MODLItX $ room upper flat, in good fire proof building; : very convenient, close walking dittanc to town.': 649 2d st near Sheridan. Apply on premisee. ' . ; i s 4-ItOOM, $10 50. Incloding watex. 4609 67th at S. E. Kern Park station. CLEAN unfurnished ,4 room Oat Inquire 125 N. 23d.. HOUSESUNFURNISHED 311 ! METES FBAmfS ! INFORMATION ANTA. ! RENTAL BL'KEAO 1 !.-.. . ' Reliable, up to data fists of desirable vacant bouses,, apartments and flats, with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland win find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and Quickly located, 1 . . '' EIGHTH FLOOR ! ! FOR. KENT Completely furniahed Laurerhtmt home, only 2 blocks from park: 3 blocks to car; July and Atunirt. Everytbtnr furnished. 100 PER MONTH. PJiONB TABOB 1478. PIANOS moved $3; stairs extra, $1 eacn flight; 30 days' free storage: on aU household goods; furniture moving, 1 ton truck, $2 per hour: large truck $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing.: Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer Sc. Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th at Open Sundays and evenings. ' j ! FOR. KENT 8 rcoin. house; upstain can be sublet. ' Price $30. No. 746 E. 20th st at end of Brooklyn car. Tacant: owner there today. - Monday call ' Ralph Harris Co. ReaJtors. 816 Chamber of Cora. Main B624., W E 11AVE for. rent 3 yerv deauable 5 and 8 room Tnodern flats, close in, on east aide; also a 1' room bungalow type house, close in on west aide with the furniture tor sale. These are good- desirable places. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Broadway 943. 284 Oak at I FOE kENf B room bungalow on E. 85th lit Onry half block to carline; $37.50 per month. PHONE TABOR 1478. WHY PAY RENT? 2 new tents, 10x12 ft. board floor and aides; toilet and camp stove; $32. Camp site free, , Bull Bun water. Call before 1 o clock ; Sunday or Monday in the) old Fair Grounds, N. Portland. Graham. FOR RENT 70th are,, and 77th' st S. E-. 5 room house, half acre garden. 2 barns, gar age, chicken coop, electricity. Owner at 42 27th S. E.. between Ankeny and Pine; rent $20. FOR RENT 5 room modern bungalow, elec- tricity, i gas and Bull Bun water; right at Wichita station. : Inquire Mrs. Caroline Wet- more, first house south of station. FOR SALE or -xrent 10-rocm houe, suitable for boarding 3 and rooming bouse ; electric lights, bath, plenty of fruit on grounds. Call 97 Stanton at. ' ROSE CITY PAKE, cor. 62d and Sandy blvd4 upper 4 large clean rooms with plenty of aJ and sunshine, $28.50; water included. 1424 Sandy hlvd., Roie City Park car. IN ALB IN A, near Jefferson high, modern B rm. bungalow. $35 per month. In Alberta; paved st., 0 room modern; $40 per month. Auto. 81-.97. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow with garage, $4 3 per month. Write P. L. Bockey, 1000 Yeon bldg. or call 177 Fargo st 6 ROOMS, gas, electricity, furnace, 2 toilets, wash trays, yard, convenient location, paved st, adults only. Inquire 660 Kcrby. $16.&(i -LARGE clean fi -room bouse, walking - distance; near Northwestern ship yard; water mcnioeq , bqi ga near wtjenaan $25; TO UUIET protectant aduiU; semi-modern borne; water, fniit; garbage and care of ground free. 1219 K. Taylor. Vacant July 1. A 6-BOOM house, close in, cheap. 561 E. 21st st . Call . evenings between 1 and 8:30 or Sunday between 2 and 5. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. . 15 Days' Storage Ftve. Furnitnrei moved for less. Broadway 2445. FOR RENT House and 1 acre, on Buckley ave. and Powell Valley; gaa and water. Phone Woodlawn 3503. ATTRACTIVE bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, fireplace, furnace. 682 Junior (take Wood lawn car to 18th. 1 blk. south). MODERN 8 room house, cedar closet, and clothes! closet; running water in . bedroom. 655 Northrop. FOR RENT 6 room modern house, 1 block from Montavilla car, $30 month. 1517 E. Flanders st, cor. 57Ut FOR RENT Modern 6 room bungalow, $25. Couple, with or without baby., line garden. Phone 614-28 after 9 a. m. Sunday. $4 5 5 ROOM new bungalow, strictly modern; fruit on place. , 1424 E. Glisan, east ap proach of Iurelhurt Phone Tabor 1470. FOR KENT ii room hou.se at 473 E. Eierett ft Inquire- at 705 Powell st. Adults only. 3 iROOM house for rent: gas and electricity; near carline; 1 $15. Apply 231 E. 8 2d N. F1VE-RQOM house for sale or rent WoodHwn 1967. East 3564. 7-ROOM house. 815 Syracuse st. St Johns. $20 per month. Main 4551. . NEW 6 -room bungalow, Ryan station, Oregon Electric. $35. Marshall 3760. mornings. 7 ROOM house for rent gas range and water heater for sale. 799 Multnomah street FOR RENT 4 room cottage, garage, chicken house. 6649 S2d st S. E. 8 EOOM modern house, 976 E. Morrison. CaU 1230 E- Salmon for information. TO LET 5 rooms and bath; newly tinted. 646 10th st: WE more furniture of B-4-5 room houe for $10. For further information. Main 6260. 3 ROOM house wiOi toilet and sink. Shi Mallory ave., $15. Call Wdln. 1078.' NICE clean upstairs for rent cheap; unfurnished. 786 Corbeft st 6 ROOM cottage for rent; 3 blocks to carline. Phone Wdln. 101. - ' FOR RENT, 8 room house, just remodeled it 203 E. 53d N.. or call owner. Tabor 2032. FOR RENT Hou-e. Sellwood 8157. HOUSES FURNISHED 31 2 7 ROOM, modern house, beautifully furnished. grand, piano, garage, " near car; suitable for 2 families! $70. 1113 E. 15th N. FOR RENT, reasonable, 4 room furniihed cot tage at Long Beach. Wash. Call Marshall 3975 or apt. 40. Westfall Apts. MOPKRN every way. delightfully located, scenic, . near park, double garage, lease for 2 years. Phone Tabor 3537. . -' - 4-ROOM strictly modern turnisued house for t 2- months ; no children; best references re quired. ; 848 E. 45th. i ROOM furnished house, water, garbage re : moved: adults. $4 A. East -ide. near Jtffer son bigh.' 147 E. Webster. WdTn. 3662. 5 RtKiM well lurrushed cottage for rent, clran, fruit i and garden. Middle aged couple. O. E. S. preferred. Wdln. 12S5. $30 AND $354 and 7 -room furnished half ,i of double bouse. 542 E. 27th st Rich- mond car to 27th. 1 blk. eouth. ' ' 5-ROJM modern bouse, furnished; large yard; rent ri--oTible 600 Clinton, cor. E. 15th st Richmond ear. COMPIJ-:XELY i furnished 6-room bungalow with 1 garage, for July and Augu.-t. $75 per month. Tabor 5681. ' 8-ROOM . house, completely furnished; pis do, i fireplace, comer lot, 1 blk. from Hawthorne csr. 302 E. 87th. 5 ROOMS, -nicely furnihed, front and back porehes; shade trees and lawn. Close in. Sell, 1068. 6 BOOM modern house. month, at Multnomah. Ryan. ' - ' furnished; $40 per Main 4253. Mrs. $22. S(. 3-JJRlM furnished lioua.-. including lights, water; no objection to children. In- quirv 527 Market Bt L & AND '6 room furnished duplex house. $30; water and garbage free. 761-3 Williams ave Woodlawn 4 lo. $33 NEAT 5 room furnished bungalow and garage for the summer. Call after 11 a. m.. 1117 E. 6th st-. X. Ant. 321-33. ' FURNISHED modern Douse for the summer, reasonable rent for responsible party; adults. 1200 E. Grant at. TW 4383. ' . FOR RENT 5 ' room furnished house. $22 a 'month; lots of -berries,. 837 Moorea ave., Seliwood gardens. . - . . . 4 ROOM furnished bouse. South Portland Main 7135. ' -i - . - . . $ ROOM furnihed house for hummer, modern and attractirs, rent reasons ble. W'dlawn S81. 11 1 1 . ! " !. 5 R.H)M furnished house. Phone ; Eait 69 8 i after 6 n m Ei L-EKLY woman will sliare comfortable modern 6-rfsom tifsm-- with ccnple. 166 Skidmore. 4 ROOM fumshed house. $25 a month. Call - Ant. 622-45i Fl K. 3 EM house, $10 per mo. Mt Scott, car Firland ta. 4804 76th st S. E. S-HOOa house, lrcington district $75. Call - ; Esat 141. - , .- - FIVE room .house furnbhed. elec lights, $23 per month. 62 E. 18th vt. S. MODEltN 8 room furnished house, 365 HaLey lies r I'nion ave. Auto. 332-57. . - FURNISHED S room Uourt. S. E.' Aut 629-89. '429 50th ave. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES 824 Heights terrace. Portland Heights; 3 rooms. Urge glassed is porch, fine new of mountains and city. 20 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall at car or Morrison to 13th and Hall. 2 blocks west Sea t appreciate. Don't rorse It rent reasonable. WE W ILL, rent our cottage on Still creek, near Rhododendron, fully furnished, for the month of July. Call Maia 3067 day time oc Sell wood 458 evenings. - - OWNER, leaving city, must rent at once for July and August completely furnished 8 -room modern house, with garage; ' A lamed . district Call Woodlawn 2167. 4958 72D ST. S. Portiacd A nice home to lease for 1 year; 7-rootn modern honse. fur nished; 2 large halls, bath and toilet; sveeg Mt Scott car Eng. Firland station. - -FOR BENT 14-room residential - boarding house. Dearly all furnished. :- Will sell furni ture or rent same with lease. ; 690 Savier st M. D. car. - -x ""-' j - 10 EOOM house, furnished, $60; 7 rooms rented mors than pay rent; prefer someone who can tint rooms. Near 33d and Hawthorne. Referencea, - Tabor 8782. i. NICELY -furnished modern 4 rooms, first floor, bath, electric, gas. flowers, rose, fruit treea, $31 month. 861 Fremont st . Take Union or Williams ave. car. i $30 EXCELLENT 5 - room modern ' house, 6709 69th are. S- E. ; handsomely furnished: a real snap. Inquire at the house or Cable Realty Co.. B829 72d st S. E. Ant 613-83. " FOR RENT 4 room furnished bungalow, gaa, electric lights, fruit, garden, henhouse and garage. Phone Tabor 692. FOR RENT, July. August and Sept, beautifully furnished six room bungalow, with garage, in Rose City park; adults, only, reference required. Call any week day or evening. 656 E. 53d st N. 6 ROOM furnished modern house, an acre of ground, hi acre fruit, 7 milea from town. Rent $45 per month. Bdwy. 1437. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 A REAL bargain if sold by July- 1, lumiture of 7 rooms. $275, rent $30; 3 apartments, one apartment pays rent of Tiouaa. 952 Williams avenue. - - ' 7-ROOM house; will tell gaa range, water heat er, piano, carpets, beds, fumed oak dining room set electric caayet cleaner, etc. ; Big re dnced prices. 450 E. 19th it K, ' FOR BENT to party buying furniture, 4-room bungalow, aU new up-to-date furniture la first class condition. 1142 E. 82d st N. 5 ROOM - house to rent walking distance, to party buying furniture for $250, $100 down, balance 1 year. 434 11th st - FCRNITCRE 9 rooms, including piano. $1000; hi cash, baL terms. Bent $30 per month. 42 North 21st st Mar. 4012. 6 ROOM house, modern, close in, rent reason able ; furniture for sal cheap or trade for Ford del 421 Beech st GOING AWAY-r-Must sell furniture, - 5 room flat for rent. $16 per month. Call evenings after 5. 707 Commercial st R. 8. car. 5 BOOM modern cottage, furniture for sale, rent reasonable. 806 Jackson. house for rent furniture for sale, w- cluding piano. 8816 68th st 8. E. STORES AND HAULS 314 TOR desirable Phone Bdwy. space 1b 8715. tireproof warehouse. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and sU.casrsL.hic rnone Broaaway au ALL or part of well furnished office, with phone and attendants. 840 Cham, of Com. SUMMER RESORTS 316 MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEA3CRE Classic Ridge House and Camps (Neba-m." JT. via xuiamoog tram), opens July l. For res ervations address J. H., L. IL Edwards, 165 h Fourth street, at. Morrison. Main 7292. Service or self service. LARGE furnished bouse. Cannon Beach, stat able for large family or house party of 10 or 12; also furnished cottage and' housekeeping rooms. CaU Sunday morning. Main 282, or Monday. Main 630. CANNON BEACH cottage, facingocean. com pletely furnished: also bedding for five beds: no silver or table linen furnished. Apply Mrs, H. A. Cole, Ecola postoffice, Clatsop Co., Or. FOR SALE Seaside, Or.. 7 -room house, fur nished; 60x100 eorner lot with improvements, 1 blk. from beach, in Hermona Park. 242 1st et and A venne K. - Owner there. FOR RENT during , July, modern bungalow, fur nikhed; 4 rooms and bath; garage; every con venience; excellent location. Twin Rocks. $75. Tabor 84 67 : 2 NEW HOUSES, : nicely furnished. 4 and 5 rooms, near station and beach. By month or season, at Ocean Lake, Or., Tillamook Beach, prices right R. L. Sampson. Twin Rocks, Or. CANNON BEACH cottage. -also tent houses, very desirable, furnished to accommodate four; near the beach. For full particulars call or ad dresa C. L. Wingard. 553 Morrison. SEAVIEW. WASIL, comfortably furnished 5 room cottage; good beds, running water; at tractive ground, on boulevard near ocean, i Phone East 4045. O-107t Journal. SEAVIEW Comfortably furnished cottage, hot, cold water, bath, 4 beds. Box 96. beaview. Wash. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, lots in Ocean Park,- Wash. Free camping grounds for everybody. Slingerland. 4 60 E. Davis st 100 "1ST AVE. WEST Cozy nook cottages, 2 rooms, furnished for housekeeping. L. F. McNeil, P. O. Box 383, Seaside, Or. t ! v. FOR RENT Summer cottage at Rocks way beach, by month or season. - Apply at 575 Ysmhill St., or phone Msin 5194. FOR RENT for the season, furnished cottage. Ocean Park. Wash. Referencea required. Mrs. OoHison, 443 Bast Clay st CELEBRATE the 4th of July. Will take s crowd of 15 or more to Seaside or else where, reasonable. Call East 6775. GEARHART cottage. 5 rooms , furnished, de lightful locatiort $30 per mo. East 5679. COTTAGE at Rhododendron (Mt Hood) for rent for July. Wdln. 1364. AT SEASIDE Tent house lor rent or Mar. 777. Mar. 4431 SEASIDE, 5 room furnished cottase. north end of beach. 11th ave. and 3d st Bdwy. 1762. A 5-ROOM furnished cottage at Seaview, Wfch. Inquire 226 Stark, Portland FURNISHED bouse. Seaside, Modem. Main 2912. until August 1 5. BEACH CENTER 2-roera furnished house, run ning water, for July. $30. ran Sell. 646. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WANTED Room, walking distance Union depot. in exchange fof work evenings.: E-382, Journal. - 4 : ROOMS AND BOARD 352 GFNTl-EMAN desires room and board in private family State terms. P-487, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 HANDY man will do any kind of work for light housekeeping. 508 Davis. D. W. Button. APARTMENTS 357 WANTED Four room furnished apti or house. west side, close, in, or on I carline; must be reasonable. Adults, D-290, Journal-' HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU ' List your houses, flats or apartmenta with mt; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE, LOANS 6ECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO - 63 Fourth at. opp Multnomah HotaL .v Phone Broadway 8716 5 OR 6 room bungalow. Hawthorne or Rose City; must be modern; furnace. Marshall 223Q or Bdwy. 4384. - WANTED 7 to 9-room house with yard by July 15;' adult; prefer East side near Steel bridge or Brosilvray carline. Mar-hall 256. WANTED July 1. -5 or 6 room hrm.se or bunnlow by riwiic cja xv arter orau p. WANT to rent, 4 or a rooms, modern bungalow, unfurnished. . Aut. 237-20. - ' j ,- WANTED- Modern 6 or 7-room house, close in; r-fercBce; finder $30. East 6438 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 $850 FOR SALE, neat new 4 room! pla tered house with fireplace, small lot in nice location t -Seaside.-city wat. etectrie lighw street im peved, a bargain, also garage. G. hi Lammeier. 4q McKay bMg.. Portland. WANTED 5-pass. touring ear, late model; must be in good condition, in exchange for corner lot at Seaside, facing ocean, on- 11th ave and board walk, value $1200. Phone East 439. NOW is the time to make your reservation for tent house at Seaside; electric 1 lights and water at the door. Phone Mar.i 4431 or Mar. 777.. s L. - . . A t OCEAN CBEST, furnished HT"rptir-Ph5e ' aioareaa ucean crest, Kocfcaway. Or. WANTED Building lot in vicinity; uf Ljunnon 5 .Begcli. with ocean view. Call Marshall 4283. COTTAGE at S-afide for sale. "Eileen Helen." cm 4fh ave. Call Mar hall 4431. ; BUSINESS PROPERTY i 401 BY OWNER, small factory building cheap, ia Mt Scott adr just- the thing for small manu facturing business; better investisaie this. J-494, Journal. . - - 600-600 ii -602 M-iiliama ticnue. $5500; Est j , ' i,. ....-.... c s REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 ' IXCOMfi PROPERTY EAST SlDlS " CLOSE IS $7000 This property it renting for over $90 a month and will pay over 12 net; corner lot 63x100. 2-ctory frame building (foundation sufficient to carry a brick building), 2 storerooms 1st floor, and 4 4-room flats 2d floor (ail occupied) ; $2500 cash, balance 6 ft and easy payments, BROWN GRANT, 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg.. Broadway 8222. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 $7600 CORNER on E. 12 th st. walking dis tance, 2 modern 6-room flats, each with fur nace and fireplace, very attractive and in A-l condition; will net 14 per cent $310O cash, balance mortgage. Phone Marshall 1377 or call 831 Madison st, Monday. ESTATE to be sold: mak. offer for 100x100 northeast corner 14th and Taylor, wast aide. East 2195. . ' s. LOTS 403 8 ATE KENT NO EXPENSIVE BUHDLNG RESTRICTION'S , IN WILSUJlRJE addition; All We Ask Is That the Place Be Neat and Attractive. THE WrLSHXBJS TRACTS ABE LARGS Many tracts are lllxl 6ft feet, Price from $675 to $825 and very easy terms. AU cleared and ready fo cultivation. Some tracts in fir grove. See this property at once. Salesmen at either branch or main office, , Branch office open every day until 8 p. m. - Take-Broadway car to Bryce are., go 4 blocks east J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com, Bldg. ZOO t HOME SITES EASY TERMS NEW WILSEJBE ADDITION AH sizes from 60x100 to 115x160 ft. 10 down, easy monthly payments, we will help yon finance a- home here, bearing ' orchard. cleared lapd, natural wooded parks, you can find a tract that will please you in this beautiful .new addition. Branch office open every day until 8 p. m. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go east Dixa. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Cora. Bldg. Main 208 WESTMORELAND LOTS. $600 50x100 on the east side of E. 18th it, 200 ft south of Bybee are.; all imp. in and paid. $750 50x100 on E. 19th st. facing east, 106 ft south of Yukon st; ail imp. is and paid. - . HENDERSON-BAN ETJS CO.. 628 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. ON BEATJTTFTJL ALAMEDA DRIVE i 60x100 corner in very desirable district of beautiful homes, most attractive price for cash. Positively the most attractive corner in city for the money. MBS. SNOW BROADWAY 4664. I 50 FEET FROM PAVEMENT 5 ACRES, 6 miles from eity limits, right on ear line east of Clackamas. 2 acres fine bottom land. 2 Vt acres under cultivation, cheap 2-room fconse, spring water piped to house; total price $1100 cash, well worth $2200. JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BLTXJ.. REALTOR. Rose City Park Beautiful eorner on Sandy at 66th, southeast front: over 5000 square feet, paved street, im provements in and paid. $1150, terms. Owner, Marshall 746 $850 IRVINGTON DISTRICT 50x90, Hancock near 3 2d; beautiful shade treea; all Improvements paid $875 BEAUMONT YOUR OWN TERMS Near school, car, etc All improvements paid. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 683 X. W. Bank Bldg. )lffi 3787. ONE DOLLAR IXCWSi ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY -Splendid corner lot 40x100, 2 blocks from car at Mytrle Park, sidewalks and curbs all is; price $530. ; 8 y 732 fihamber of Commerce bldg. COLONIAL HFJGHTS DISTRICT. VIEW LOTS $850 UP. Located on E- 2Bth and E. 27th streets be tween Stephens and Harrison sta., restricted for 25 years; prices $850 to $1000 on easy terms. , HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bid. Bdwy. 4754 - ; IRVINGTON 4 room bungalow; price $3300. $800 cash, balance like rent See me today at E. 16th and Fremont My car will have our sign on it JohnsonDods6n Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. WESTMORELAND--N. E. Cos. E. 18th and Brazee; 50x100; the finest corner left in this district; very low price for cash. Go look and make offer. ' BITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $473 FORCED 8ALE $4t5 60x100 lot near Ainsworth ave. Walk ing distance to Jefferson high and Penin sula park. Mar. 2245. Mr. Pownder, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. , . ' HALF PRICED, fine building site lota near this street car. Franklin high and Creston grade schools, on nicely built up street of cozy homes. Don't wait; -it's yours for $175 and sewer. Tbomason, 6248 Foster road. Mt Scott car to Lanrelwood except-Sunday. FOR SALF Lot 3 and 5 feet on lot 4, Bay ards addition, on 59th ave. With small hou.e and some trees. . block to carline. very cheap and some terms. Apply Andrew Hoene, 823 a Eddy st.. San Francisco. Cal. $1 DOWN. $1 WEEK : AHwrta car. cement walk. 50x100, close to school, $325, including assessments. Better pitch tent than rent R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence Main 1377. LAURELHURST CORNER On E 35th, one block to Sandy; paved and paid. Price $1250. Let us show you. RITTER. IXJ WE II CO.; Realtors, 2Ul-3-s--7 Board of Trade'JBldg. LAURELHCRST CORNER, $1250 All Improvements Paid. JohnsonDQdson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. MONTAVHXA S. E. Cor. E. 78th and Mor rison. Price $500. Cement walks, sewer, water; only two blocks to car. Look it over, then see us. - RITTER, LOWE V CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS 1 aud 2 in block 22; KaUierine car. 82d and Clackamas, very cheap and ' terras. Apply Andrew Hoene, 823 a Eddy at. San Francisco. Cal 100x100, ALBERTA CAR $550 Including assesaments ; $2 down. - $2 week. It me Fhow you. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Residence Main 1377. - 10 ACRES, house, outbuildings, 18 cultivated; mile from car line. 5 milea from Vancouver, Wash,; will sell cheap to MUe estate. Phon 281-W or C-72. Journal. IRVINGTON. ON BRAZEE Fine 50x100 eor ner for $1600. See ns for lots in Irving-ton. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, -- 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMz. : YOUR OPPORTUNITY : Laurelhurst hAs, while they last, -at extremely low prices'. gee J. A. McCarty. 270 hi Stark. Main 170Q. Evenings, Tabor 5057. r " - BUY It'RELHi'RST LOTS-" - DIRECT FROM LAURELHUBST CO. See J A. McCarty, 270 H Stark st. Main 17oO. r,vemgT, labor 5057. - . BEAUTIFUL S. E. corner lot, 32 E. BurucsideZ cneap. til Aionoar. . Ant REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 : Home Builders, f Attention I haw some very fine lota in Ire . tugton, Lanrelhurst. Alameda Park and itoae City Park. Very low pricasv . See - . -..:: " : . Webster 1 Kincaid REALTOR. 401 Lewis Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. V LOTS TjOTS LOTS TjOTS i . TATE'S ADDITION $275-e-$l A WEEK Here's your opportunity to buy a lot with ce ment sidewalks, curbs, graded streetW and water, on Alberta car line, at leas than acreage prices. You never, lMver would expect to buy such lots for so little ngbney. Your own terms, too. Take Alberta car to end of Una, continue one block north, then four short blocks east Salesmen on ground Sunday. Those lots are unre&trictwi. Build a shack or put up a tent. .CuTEEPrCa ltd STKHYj CT -,1V 40TB AilO SaWtTT -OFFlC,ES $S0O BEXXJB CBEST LOT - On 64th street, 2 blocks soaf ef ear Una. Price includes all assessments. A full 60x100 ft lot. This takes cash but it is a bars. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 253. LotsLotsLots ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES t 450 Piedmont, 60x100. $ 450 Woodlawn. 50x100. $ 750-i Alameda Park; paving paid. $ 850 Rose City. 50x110. jk 1 OOO Laurelhurst, paving paid, $1050 Cbnton at eorner, lOuxlOO $1600 Irvington, 98x88 corner. Chas.-Ringler & Co. 225 HENRY BLDG." .RVINGTON DISTRtCr : COME OUT TODAY " to E. 16th and Fremont at the BIG- SIGN. Salesmen will meet you from 11 until 6 p. m. today. See these lots with paved streets, ee mgvit sidewalks, curbs, sewer and water all in and paid. Several new houses under construc tion now. Close to school, car, etc : inside lots $750 to $875. corner $1000 to $1300, $100 down. $10 a month, . johnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 878T. i 2 Big Bargains THIS WEEK The best I have offered and I have sold Iaiarelhurst property for 12 years exclusively. DRIVE OUT TODAY Office on the property at E. 39th and Glisaa. If you want a , lot bargain you will not be disappointed. Phone Tabor 8433. DELAHUNTY. T ROSE CITY PARK LOT, $650. 60x100 on E. 67th st. facing west, 100 ft north of Klickitat, $550. HENDE RSON-BANKTJS CO.. 628 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOTS Near Jefferson high and Peninsula park. $500; $50 cash, $10 monthly; 3 carhnes, 18 minutes to Washington and Broadway. JolhinsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 878T. LATJRELHTJRST LOT, $525. 50x120 lot with all improvements ia and paid. Close to Sandy. . HEN DE R S0N-B ANKTTS CO., 623 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. $100 CASH And assume assessments, gives you complete title to good lot on E. 65th N. : walks, - curb, grade; quick action necessary. 909 Cham. Cora. PLEASE READ THIS 4 lot 40x100 feet each, all adjoining, east facing, paved street, sidewalks inf street lights, 16 foot alley. xlt must sell. $250 each for cash; will sell all or part By owner. Hawthorne car. 3629 67th st S. E. . : $50 DOWN, $10 A MONTH Walking distance, E. Yamhill, near 23d. AD present improvements paid. Price $1050. JohnsonDodson Co. - 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. HAWTHORNE On Glenn ave., one block from carline; 50x100, at very low price, or make offer. Owner will sacrifice for cash. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE BARGAIN 80x100 corner, sewer, cement sidewalks and hard surface pavement, on carline; paid; suitabls for 3 bungalows; pries $1000; owner, Rasp- worthy. 697 Marshall. FOR SALE fk. real bargain; a fine building lot , ' at the S. W. corner Failing and Patten ave.. Overlook add. ; all improvements in and paid for; price $700. Write 1205 Lincoln at. The Dalles, Or. A BARGAIN ! Picturesque hillside lot, in Coun cil Crest park, for sale, or will trade for auto mobile. Call Sellwood 1414 Sunday ; after 6 p. m. weekdays. . DIRT cheap. .$300. 50x100. 75-ft 4a 33d and Alberta and pavement, curbs and walks hi and paid, sewsr bonded; terms. Phone Sell. 2231. . WILL TRADE two -lots at Roc ka way for first payment on used Dodge or Ford with starter. Car must be . reasonable and in good running rder. Box 4, Rockaway, Or. IRVINGTON CORNER. $1600 On Tillamook. All improvements paid. It's sure a dandy. J RITTER, LOWE CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON E. 11th, near Tillamook; paved, sewer; 50x100; no liens. Only $1200. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. U1-Z-3-Q-7 Board or Trade Bldg. VERY choice lota, 23 and 24, block 4 (corner 12th and Ainsworth). Win give a bargain and terms. Col. 839. 2T W. Jersey FULL 9ZE lot. close to Sandy blvd.. -good dis- w oxn. .v.; . . , ,eos Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. $300 2 blks. Bone City park car. 50x100 lot assts. paid. Well built up, no building re striction. Tabor 6559. ALBERTA -For sale or trade for an so. good building lot on hardsurface st Inquire 1024 E. Slat's N. LAURELHURST. $825 All improvement paid. on Royal Court Some bny. v . . RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, . 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. a A SNAP. 2 fine view lots. 68th and Pacific sts.. $450, some terms. 161 E. 78th st N. ' $0 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER ' Nice 5 S-x 100. assessments paid, fine location, 1 block Randy, Tabor 4803. " - $700 ROSE CITY PARK Splendid 50xl0O lot, pavement paid, close to car, .easy terms. Tabor 4893 160x100. S. W. cor. 12th and Halt 1543 E. Iloyt. - Owner, IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR LOTS in any part of the city, look over our list before hav ing Hummel! & Run mell. 274 Stark st LACRELH URST LOT BARGAIN'S'" See J. A. McCarty, 270 Stark Bt Mam 1 1 00. Evenings, Tabor 5057. FOR SALE by owner 2 houses, barn. acre, in Irvington; 85-ft addition. Phone Eat 861. LOT for sale by owner on Alberta carline; terras. Inquire 854 College St. KENTON 75x100. LOT $450 Inquire 1761 Denver ave. Wdln. S946.' 1 5 ACRES in Bremerton. Wash. ; water front. ' T. W. tt John. 71 N. 22d. Aaf S12-69. KfeNTON 50x100 lot. 2 blks. from the bank, $350 cash, 1761 Denver- ave. Wdln. 8946. DO 100 Lot, 4 blocks from the batik, Kenton. zoo. tail wcub, 34. CHOICE lot, 13th near Ainsworth, $300, terms. Owner F. M. Smith, 147 Ivy. - 50X1 AO. M and Shaver, 3 blocks Sandy blvd; $2SO: terra'. H-nry Becker. 723 E. Stark t LARGE LOT, 60x155 , near Jefferson Hlgn; Main 8787. $700; easy, terms. ON THE PENINSULA, near Lombard, 2 lots. eacn. attxiav. price soau. Call Cot 1262. ' ATTENTION, BUILDERS 34 tots ia a fine aihliticm. near carline. clear. $ioo rose city park : Nice 65xlOO eorner. assts. paid. Tabor 6559 no grading; - at half - (nice; terms. 5 John . W. ; Pavne A Co. . Main 9012. - - j FOR SALE $-50x100 lot, Mb 66th st. in Rose City district; price $S0f. Owner. 217-06. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 MODERN OREGON BTTNGALOW IN A CHARACTERISTIO , MORE-GLASS STYLE , . For aala by ewne at a re- . markably low price ' on easy terms. A special design by regu lar architect, plan arrangement . of apartment convenience with' the ' comfort of a-homa. Ex qiuaite imported dsatV rations with chamois-tone finisji. 5 rooms, sleeping porch and - breakfast nook with liberal tile work in both bath and kitchen. Take ' ; Broadway ear to 870 Dunkley are.. Alameda. Open for . in apeetion today. 8 to S p. m. or call Tabor 1922 or Sell. 605. RAND NEW BUNGALOW $2550 ' 4 rooms, with full plum bin a. laundry trays. aaectrio fixturee, etc.. 60x100 lot, house is in the course of construction and buyer can select own colors (painting and tinting). Terms, $360 cash, $25 monthly. We hare photographs of hundreds of medium-priced bungalows and cot tages and have plenty of sslewnsa to take , cars of you.. - 9 732 Chamber of Commeme. $2800 KENTON BARGAIN 6 room bungsv . low; close to ear, on pared street: all im provement in and paid for; priced low for Quick sals and on easy terms, . $3250 A dandy 6 room bungalow en Stafford street; full size lot and close to 'car, aa a. excellent Duy ana amy soao a own. Sff 500 A erackeriack in Alberta: 6 rooms and floored attic; new furnace;- a dandy home for some one and can be bought on easy terms. RYAN REALTY CO.. REALTOR". 415-416 Abington bldg. Mar. 5848. GOOD HOMS AND INOOMB Modern Cats, hardwood floors, dfasmeering beds, fireplaces and furnace. For immediate sale will make attractive price and terms or will consider small home as part payment, MRS. SNOW. Bdwy 4664. WHY PAY BENT $1600 is all that owner asks for a 4 room home, in . first-class repair. Modern and lo cated only hi block from paving and 4 blocks from car. $300 cash will handle. Offioe -open Sunday. 1 1 to Z. Otto & liarkson 418 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398.- OWNERS. LEAVING. WILL SACRIFICE PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Modern bouse in splendid condition, large hv- mr room, library, dining room, breakfast room kitchen. 5 bedrooms, bathroom, extra toilet and lavatory, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, large garage, beautiful grounds must be seen to be appreciated; will sell at very low price, terms. Owner, Marshall 2486. SPECIAL TOR TODAY ONLY Absolutely modern bungalow. Just completed, '2735. BOth at. block and half south of Di vision, on car line; full lot. all improvements in and paid. " 83200 See owner on premises or phone Tabor 423 LAURELUR5T 6-room bungalow, new and moti ero. walls artistically decorated, hardwood floors throughout; fireplace, bull tin buffet, complete cabinet kitchen and breakfast nook, latest sani tary Dlumbina- fixtures, tils bath, electric fixtures. shades, good basement, furnace, garage; this place ia very complete. Tabor 6334. Building at 1118 E. Couch. $7850. E. Nelson, owner. FINE COLONIAL HEIGHTS ROME $7000 6 very large rooms and sleeping porch, living room extra large with fireplace, furnace, all modern conveniences, large closets with windows; good garage; several fruit trees. HENRY GODDARD, REALTOR 243 Stark st Main 881 $3400 NEW bungalow, $750 casfi; double constructed 6-room bungalow with fireplace. built-in buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. bathroom, cement basement, all woodwork ivory finish ; between Rose City and). Montavilla car- lines in Bth. Tabor 4390. 846 E. Utn St. WEST SIDE HOME $6500 . w.n 1h.ii. t . m v, ..... - I. mhMa.- fireplace, furnace; guod lot; 'streets, paved; xuueign near 2 out, HENRY GODDARD, REALTOR 243 Stark st Main 831 $2noo $500 Cash FINK 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN. 4857 E 66TH ST. S. E. GA RAGE, FRUIT -AND ROSES. 1 BLOCK FROM CAR. R. SOMERVTLLE. BROADWAY 2478 A BARGAIN New, modern 4 room bungalow. large attic, breakfast room, builtins, finished in enamel. hardwood floors,. lot 75x100, fbr $3250. $1000 cash. Phone owner. Tabor 1026, or East 7163. WOODSTOCK BARGAINS 4-room eotage, gas. garage, good garden, $1100, terms, reduced for cash. New 3-room bungalow gas, plumbing. $1450. $250 down. 6128 62d st. wooustocK csr. BARGAIN R. C. BUNGALOtV New 5 room modern bungalow, aU late buQt ins. breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, 8 blks. to car. only 480U, aoo down. 661; eve. .Tabor 6442. SEE this 4-room modern; laundry trait, garage. Quarter acre. 75 chickens. Ford car: I24UU terms. See at 7104 85th st 8. E. 11 blocks Mt Scott car, 5 blocks Greaham car, 3 blocks; off paved HZd st ATTIvACtlVE ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. 6 rooms and ftleeping porch, strictly modern, auw sinnwHiaiMASi laa win re Xeyr 1 st A VeoA C'Cl MUICUcmvV - a-as v aas . ui uauut at s aisa right; terms. Owner on premises corner 61st ana snay rosa. LAURELHURST ADDITION . ' New 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, garage, oak floors, sacrifice for $4750. $250 leas than it gwst me to buid. $1500 cash. 985 Wasco st BUILD NOW See us for designs snd estimates free; get btcgalow book of 100 dexigns $1; sstabhsbed 10 years; satisfaction assured. - L K. BAli-EI CO., K4 W W. HsnK Blag. NICE 4-room bungalow, chicken house and run. eorner lot 60x100, garden in; will take ear as part payment 1316 Omaha ave. St Johns car." A TITLE Inauranc. Policy is a guarantee of the titl to your borne. When you buy your bom. bav. the till insured. Bu be safe than sorry T'' At Trust company. . I1UV 13 i i 13 1 -5-room house, modern, at 24th and East Madison; $2950, terms. Phone Monday at Proadway 16HQ. BEAUTIFUL WOODMERB 6 room modern bungalow, built-ins, Dutch kitchen; 60x100 lot: fruit, garden; Ihi ulocks to car. Ant 04W-4O. MUST SELL 6-room modern house with nice garage, fruit trees, 2 blocks north of MV carline and paved street, oy owner, Z42 t. Blt st. N. BY OWNER, nice light airy 5 room modern Dungaiow, on corner lot mis place Is in finrt class condition and a good buy; located at S40 Webster at, Wdln. 6206. Price $3200, VERY pretty 7 room house in good district; 4 lovely bedrooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet Strictly modern, close to 2 eariinea and good school. Aut 223-71. ' WEST SIDE. 7 ROOMS, GAS, BATH. Er.fMi TRICITY, - 2 FIREPLACES, CEMENT BASEMENT. LOT 60x100, OWNER, 467 10TH ST. FOR SALE Seven-room bouse, one block from ' Killingsworth are. Price $3700. Will cut price for cash. Furniture for sale. ' . Call Wood lawn 1414. $5u0 WILL handle dandy 5 room bungalow in Rose City; furnace, fireplace, etc. Full lot, fruit trees and garden, for only $4750. Aut 223-71, ' E. 1HH AND HARULSON $3300 Very good 6-room house, corner kV walking distance and niee looking. HENRY WiDIMHIl, 243 Stark 8t ROSE CITY PARK 351 E. 6 2d tt, new modern bungalow, large airy rooms, every built-in convenience; - small payment down. Owner, Sell. 3038. FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath, garage, fruit trees', berries, garden, chicken house, $3OO0; some terms. Woodlawn 8899. FOR SALE A partly furnished 3-room . house . with two lots; I lot at Archer Place. - In quire st 6110 63d eve. B. E FOR SALE Cla-sy new bungalow, now under - construction. Price $13j0. easy terms, 1650 Minnesota, ave. 1 8 blocks to Kenton ear. ' 4 ROOM modern bungalow, new, on paved street -Small payment down and monthly pay ment. ' Broadweay o!a 2 HOUSE ON 1 lot ; 5 and tt spoms. West side. Overton t ; $2750; - terms. C W. Miller-hip, 16S 4th St. Main 5275 FOR PARTICULAR PEOi'LE i this line K. C. ; corner of 6 spacious rooms; every bearfa desire, $840ft. terms. Tabor 26y. WE HAVE already examined tae uti taw.your property and can issue you a Title Insurance Policy without delay. Title A Trust eompany 1920 PAIGE to trade on modern -bungalow. ...Call Main 6327, , . ,- . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 NIFTY ROSE CITY BTWGALOW. $6001 $2000 CASH, BALANCiJ TERMS. . , s ; Mod. B room bungalow, E. 87th N.. 4 blks. Tt. C. car, best res. dist ; imp, aU in paid, near Feruwood school. Has reoep. hall with b. p. mirror door and eoat closet; larg., light liv ing room with beautiful fireplace, built-in window seat and leaded glass bookcase ; large light dining room with beautiful buffet and bevel plat glass mirror, all- with high-grade hardwood floor. . The kitchen is all white enamel with all up-to-date built-in. Two extra large white enamel bedrooms with S large windows, vent, clothes closet is each. 1 has built-in dresser-chiff. All newly tinted. Wh. enamel bath. A 1 plumbing. Full cement basement lathed and plastered, laundry rm, with wash traya and floor drain, dry room, furnace room with good furnace, store room with fruit closets snd root bins, extra fuel room. The yard is a dream, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery and fine lawn. Bent surroundings and good neighborhood.. Yes, there is a- large garage, cement runwsy, full 60x100 lot CaU owner, Aut 331-38, for appointment, or. better still, drive by And take a look youTI hk it 501 E. 37 th N. Kenton and Peninsula Qistrict , THINK A ROUT THE WORLD'S FAIR " ON THE FENINEULA t ...)( ' Following property for sale at right price and can be bought on very easy terms. - 5 rm. house, ! 100x100 lot. flneW fmlt snd berries, garage, chicken house; $1800. $200 rash. 4 room house, 100x100 M.. $2200, $300 essh. i 8 room house, modern, 100 ft from Lombard, $2200, $200 cash, $20 per month. 6 per eent 6 room modern house on paved st, gangs, fruit and berries, $2800. $300 cash. ! The above arsj a few of our many listings. Fine building lots on paved st. $10 cash, $10 a month. 6 per cent, W will help you fin live your house. a. c Mcdonald son; REALTORS 296 W. Lombard st ' Wdln. 627S. Open Sundays and Evenings. v BOY FROM -..OWNER-', Jnst completed, double constructed, with pa per between, modern 6 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, writing desk, buffet, paneled dining room. Solid hardwood floors. Dutch - kitchen, breakfast nook, table and benches ;s inside ana outside entrance to full cement basement; wash trays; beautiful electric fixtures. All rooms nice ly finished in ivory; east front; walks; 1 block south Alberta car, 1019 E. 28th at. N. Aut 822.04; $3700; terms. Open 8 to 9 p.. m. 3 ' Rooms$500 Cash Balance to suit yon seen res a larg. 3 Story building on corner lot, 50x100; st sasta. all paid, on west side, walking distance. You ean positively make a little fortune during the great fair that is coming soon: building now rented $75 per month, tenant sublets tu working, peo ple, b. w. eorner Aim ua v, rant at, aiar- aiiall 746 forenoons. Snap! Snap! Snap I ' 7 room story snd a half bungalow; over looking Willamette river; 3 bedrooms, large living room snd dining room; eorner lot; $1000 down. $25 per month; 6 per cant interest Price only $4500. - . RieSy Quffstafson: 905 Teon Building Marshall 1456. HERE'S VAIJJK FOR YOUR MONEY Lot 75x100. modern home with 6 room and sleeping porch: cement basement furnace, hard wood floors, convenient to school and fine car service ; owned by a non-resident, and h orders it sold for $4250, $1000 cash and easy term on balance. BROWN & GRANT I 201 Consolidated Securities Building ' Broadway 8222 Auto. 819-68 6 ROOM HOME i 81550 r ; $500 cash,' 80x100, near paved streets and car. 6 rooms and bath, east front, with small additional cost, can be made a vary attractive litue Home. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR RITTER. LOWE A. CO. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. !" 1 1 th ' and East Davis 6 room modern house, full basement laundry trays; imps, all in; walking dis tance. $4500 for quick sale. $2000 cash, baL arranged. 605 Couch bldg. Main 620 L One -Half Acre i Brand New 4-Boom Bungalow j $1900 TERMS $400 DOYsW 1 Is plastered, has city water, sink, toilet; ideal for berries, garden, chickens; 8 blocks Mt FOR SALE Very attractive modern how. in country, 1 acre of land, city water, gas, close to electric station. 5-room house snd sleeping porch, hardwood floor, fireplace, old ivory enamel woodwork, cement porch, garage; part in fine garden, fruit trees and berries set out z miles from 83d st, on Bsse Line rd. Phone Tabor 2090. SELLWOOD BARGAIN BY OWNER ONLY $8600 $1000 CASH BaL easy. New 5 room bungalow. Just fin ished, paved st snd full basement, hardwood floors. Don t tail to see this it must be sold. Any reasonable offer accepted. Main 7135. EAST BUUNS1DE-$U850 . Extra good S-room bouse, very larg living room, bed room and sewing room on 1st floor, 2 fireplaces, good basement and furnace; every thing in splendid condition, no - enenmbran HENRY GODDARD. 243 Stark St REALTOR. Main 881 IRVINGTON $5500 $900 CASH I ATTRACTIVE 6 BOOM BUNGALOW, PRAC TICALLY NEW; ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS; GA RAG K ANI FvltNAt r.. R. SOM ERYILLK. BKOADWA- 2478. PIEDMONT house for sale, 6 roouL. short walk to Jefferson high and 8 eariinea. Hardwood floors downstairs, sun room, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, fruit closet, fine fruit trees and roses, souou; terms, none Mr. gtoors Msin 1088; or owner, Woodlawn 4 975. STOP LOOKING This will suit you in Rose City Park. 5-room modern bungalow, hi blk. from car, with 'fur nace and fireplace. Only $1000 cash.: 415 Piatt bklg. Main 7027. KENTON 6-room modern buhgaiow lull ce ment basement, wash trays, 1 block from car, street Improvement snd sewer paid; IZIira, with furniture $320. Ida R. Gillette,; 1761 Denver ave. Woodlawn 8(146. r 1 MC'I'ERN 7 room bungalow, eorner fc.t.i paved street: all Bens naid: furnace heat ell hinlt-uvs. near Alameda Park, close to school; $4500, easy down payment balance like rent Will sell fur niture. COOK. Aut. 819 97 FOR SALE fonur 100x110, 5 room Lous. and new chicken house, capacity 200 er more chickens. Will sell cheap; must be seen to be apirreciated. Call 882 Syracuse at, or phone Columbia IJ63. - I BEAUTIFUL Alameda residence of 8 spacious rooms and reception ball; beautiful hardwood floors upstairs ami down, plate glass windows, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, built in d reuse m. furnace, garage, full lot; a wonderful home for SUUUO. AUt 1 FOR oALEs i 5-room" cottage on f r actional lots, near Montgomery Ward and American Can Co.; $2250 each, t:rm. lour maiy at. Good Invesvmsnt. SNsAP If you know value it will psy you to see my oesutiTui .. mecern Dungaiow, every built-in convenience, large; garage... 'nce 3oou. (jwner, 7235 53d eve. S K. MONTAVILLA BARtlAIN $1550, terms, for g.uick sale of 6 room bun galow, electricity, gas, aewer in and paid. 218 E. 3d at N. '-. . MOUNT TABOR For sale, 8 room house, bam, fruit trees and shrubbery; grounds 100x200. Call 63 E. 67th street Tabor o4ll. - - FOR SALE 1 acre snd new 5 room bungalow, located 10 mile from center of city, near Oswego lake, on a. P. Red cars; electric lie his snd wster. pnone t.fw-go 4oZ. ' FOH SALE -5-roovn modern l.o law n and garden, near Union ave. and Alberta at., $3OO0; would con'ider 6 acres improvedT clo-e-to Poftland, in trade. Owner, 10i E. Jlth N. NEW o-room bungalow, 1 block of Union ae.. $2800 j small down payment and would con sider trade. COOK. Ant. 319-97. 4-R'M)M biintrsl.-w, furnished or unfurnished Woodlawn 4 571 LET T!H lnuranc uv-teao ol an abstract it quirkcr and eheaiier i) you art tbsoCitely protected egitn't error, litis it rmt company BEAUTIFUL home. Setlwuod blvd: rooiu-, beautiful rwea. garage; for cash $2350, part cash $320O. Sellwood 2T8. - $2700 'NEAT 5-rooui bue-, full bsaSru. uu 1 block from car line and paved street near Franklin high; terms. Call Taber 2738.; BRAND NEW S-room bungalow for ,le for $3500; small payment down, balance terms. 4620 2th ave. 8 . E Tabr 3527. FOR SALEr Furuhnd 4-room hou. fUitUy - modern, on nod aireet, 1 - block trora narpiy blvd. Tabor 868 NEW 4 room and bath bungalow, F. Ankeny and 55th, by owner. Price reasonable; terms if wanted. K 878. Jonrnal. ' C-ltOOM furajuhed .bouae, ready 1 to move ino, all modern oonvenieneea, 2 block, from car line. Call Tabor 7sI4 SOU SALE 6-room bungalow, Imlt anid jcit den; good district; bargain. $3500; easy terms. rhotse s-llwooa li ei. fi-KOOM houws, Vs block from ca luic, lot 45x112. $2100. Tabor 0932 " 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 4f) t EASY TERM HOMES 4 BOOMS $228 CAKTT 80x100 - ft lot built-in kitchen, some fruit and berries, garden aU in. Price ouig $1360. ' 6-ROOM 350 CASH One Mock f rum MV csr. 4 rooms dowsa, 2 tip. built-lna, sawer and sidewalk. Prisaa $2750. S ROOMS' $250 CAPTI -Furniahed, near Franklin high, modem plumbing, gas and eiuctxic, 50x100 lot Price complete $2650. 6 ROOMS $350 CASH - On paved street, plumbing, gas snd elee trio, now variant. You can move right in. Pries only $0fO 5 ROOMS $475 CAPIT. Fireplace, hardwood floor. aU the buflte ins, Richmond district; a rval home. Price reduced to $3700. ft. ROOMS $250 CASH One-half acre, all in cultivation, full bear ing fruit trees and berries, south Mt. Tabor district; chicken house and yard. Price oly $2000. BOSK CITY TABK $500 CAST! 4-room cottage, mvtrn plumbing, garage, t gaa ra ng. ; block from paved street Only $2750. EAST S1ST ST. 5 BOOMS Near DivMon at. j improvement in snd paid; family orchard. lOOt-lOO ft lot Trios only $2800 $540 rush. ROSK. CITY PARK 4 BOOMS PlAStered, sleeping porch, fnodrri plumb ing. -2 blocks trom Sandy. $2100, $700 eahh. MAIN 7027 W SUITE 415 U'A;M at PARK N IBUSINESS) PLATT'BLDC $10,8 00 Bungalow. Ideal location, large grounds, strUitly complete and ' good bargain. $ 6506 I Ariel hurst 8 -room horn and ' L garage, line location and rare, bargain. ; - i Klt'U&iit 1 home, commanding . view, 4 sleeping porches, ball room, ii'tm beat; a home would eoat $40,000 to duplicate. Chas. Rangier z Co. . , . ' 225 HENltr BLDG, OWNER WIRnES TO LFAYE CITY ' WIU. H. KtFlcE ' IIIS IltvrNtJTON HOMR 8 room modern bum., a beauty: fire , place, bookcases, lanre buffet, oak floors, fine basement furnace, fin. garage, shrutw -bery and fhvera. Bfor yii buy com : and aeethis place. 1071 TUlanniok sU Value ver $7500. Will sell for $6000,; $1,200 cash, balance lik. rent C. I , l'arrish, owner,' 209 1 Failing bldg. Mala . 0327. Sunday and evenings. Tabor 2309. MoiiERN' " ll'oMri 'Al.NrT PAI1K w " 8 rooms and (Sleeping porch, in splendid fun dition and ei-lally arranged for two smail families; bath and built ins on flr..t snd sccoui flors; good basement furnace, instantaneous water heater, laundry trays and radiant fire; 60x100 lot garage, and nut and fruit tns. Price $6750, trrina. Owner will consider smaller bmi. and s ami ins a raaouabLs amount, as part payment BROWN A CHANT 201 Consolidated hecurltlos Bldg. s " Broadway 8222 i i 0,0 0 6 ifl V J N :T )N hi, inn, 675 E. S.i.l N.. near Knolt st. 60x100 lot Wonder fully improved; a real home , at pre 1 war price; 8 rooms and sleeping porrli, - also maid's quartera. You should see , . it; yes. it bat a double garage. Make -iminUnent to look by calling Broadway ' 943. ,TJNI0N SAFE DEPOSIT A TBDST CO., ' 284 Oak street I $4200 Modern B rooms, close in, every built-in fea ture, concrete basement, laundry traya, lurniw, nice lawn and shrubbery , This l an unusual value. Before ou build or buy you should see t BICTIATm W. MAST. REALTOR BITTER. -IOWM " t . . v 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trad. BMg. ' BY OWNER 5 - room cottage, modern, lot 105x180. barn,- ben bouse snd chicken yard, lots of fruit, berrit and garden in, $2250. If you have $000 cash and want a bargain see this. 16(1 li 78th st f. Montavilla. 1 block from car line. j 'CALIFORNIA BUNGAI-OW $300 70x100 LOT $300 4 room, living room with fireplace, ami French window, 2 nice bedrooms with oloart bath cabinet Kitchen, break fast nook with seal. front snd rr porch, FOSTER ROAD AT 74TTT STREET. SMITH -WAGONER Co, HTO'K FYCTT. MAKE VOCR OWN .TKIIMi CLOSE TU FKANKMN HtCTT 8S30O ATTRACTIVE MOHEUN BTT- fSA TAW. EXCELLENT FURNACE. 8 ROOM. LOCATED ON CORNER. 4B88 F 81HP AVU S. Y. 1 BIX1CK WEST OF 80TTI tit. (MT. SCOTT CAIL) - R. MOMERVII.I.K. BROADWAY 2478. $2.10 CASlTi bsl.uce $15 monih lor i-roion .with toilet and sink ; lot 6tl00; only n block from Sellwood. car, fur $&00 if sold U.is month. ' F. L'. Blanchard 4 01-2 Swells nd Bldg. FOR SAIJ-: 5-riKim houae, imwlr rtiral eiJ painted; good ligation, lOOiiOO, 23 bearing fruit tree, some berries, also a fine lawn with roses end flowers, very good garden, chicken hous. with fence. et ; aewer and gaa on the afreet; price only $1900, $r,00 down. See owner, 1649 iV'lllnw at, MontAvilla car to 631 st N. TaVe, on oT"!! FTTcic.Tn Sua Buy Oils lovely 0'roora bungalow; beantifnl 68x100 lot; ha furnace., gaa ranjre, water heater, lovely built-ins, living room, floors are eovared with beautiful Wilton carpet, damijr garage. East front very attractive, with ehoic. fruit ' snd flowers, cliw to car and pavement. $4750; terms. Tabor 7547. FOR SAX!! by owner, small new 4 room mo.Isrri house, bath, toilet, but and cold water, break fast Tfxirn built-in in kitchen; lot 60s I oil, fniit and berries, n.-ar 2 car lines. Price $1600 terms. 1481 Iinaiter at, 2 block south of Ixwibard SL Take Kenton car. Apply on weekdays. 4 . iTl lOM mwicrn house, I.K. 150100; na r rbard, cement wala and paved street., all pail; near ear line, $3000, $1000 rash, hsianc. $.'() per month plus tntxrest; a real bom. with pay ments lik. rent M. C. Cook, 4 02 N. Jersey st, St. Johns. - r ROSE CITY A beautiful home, block car, T moms, modern conveniences, now oc if.ied br r.wner; will sell furnished $5650 ; 'without $4950; con- tder discount fir all or h..rt.y each payment. Tshor ' rF YOU ax. looking for a bargain, com. out and see raf place. ft rooms, large lot 50x100, all kind fruit and berries, fiowera. lawn, close lo car, on good road. 1 his. ia a f.ne bom.; no junk; terms. Furnished or uaf urnislied. 4520 ftiith st S- K.. cor. 4.".thave. A NEW 5 room ni.Mlern iu.use, just being fin- Lshed, all built ins, firej laie. cement base ment, sidewalk snd acwer in and paid; street grail.-.!, near school; full size lot or two lots if desired. 1'36 N. Syracuse st, St John. C4 Hetlvn.od 7H5, Price $3500. se City Park Modem In every repect. K-rmtn biingslow vrlth slec.jng porch, garage, full basement, roses and shrubbery. 551 K 47'h si V On sere. Jir.ii; block to car and' pavemcn!; must be sold this wetk; no reawnahle offer rx fu ed; has modern contenlencf. By owrter; eavy term. Tabor 7547. 0-HOOM, 2-iry rodci.ce with hst.ii, den snd full Hasctnent, newly fini-hed Inside, evcllcnt condition, fiOilOO corner lot facing "t sni iMh, 1 blrw-k liortJi of Albert st. on 26UI. $3500, tertfis no par. Phone East 32 ii . 5Tti VoMTi TnVTaT.o v 50x100, bath, gas, elf. trie, cement tafemenf, nice yard, large attic . 4 Mo. ka Ui car, 37th at, 3'O0a term. 226 Chaujber of Comiuero bklg.- F. K. Scaz-Iircpt. IXJ It S A lT; M y .' -iw rn " liiu, all lu-s rn, U9 ' much lo mention, must be en U ls api'ts- eistl. ft 600 dn, balance like rent st 0, 4109 65:h t H. K. asVFIlY yurch.-r ol al -it; .-.r.rtji.J l.ave h tltl. Insured Better d. sat tna.i sorry Tit iw A- Tci f comt'riv filVE rue in of(r n ttist newly M unshed, 7 room Imu-e with gsrsee, 495 E. Pins at,, cor, 10th; Immediate ;iiw.iii; cwner on premi-cs. hViVliSryVSy.k. -at n..l. riew i.ioVl7rr. o- room bui.el.w. bar.' w-ned fjoor. 915 Ixilo- nial ave.. Woi:wn M'.-j, FOR HALE 4 rv.m bungalow, ccmoletely fur - ni.heri, at t'ai iisl Hill; font and garden in. fnfl Brdv 8631. or Mitn B'-KO. evenings. fTAIKiAlN, this week, l -ruoui mod. rn bunxnlu. pantry, basement, iarae, large lot, paved st. Owwr, 11 1w M'n!sr!a ae. FOR SALE by owner, 3 r'om mo.iern bimi-ai.., nearly new; terms like relit lti4 U4e 'if' eve. . 4 r-avim, sleejiiii poidi, n.-ar Mivueriiuii t. and St. Johns car, 1(8 W Env-r on. Udln 1 i t 6-ROOM truKSni huiigal'-'w. douhi garaze. 8 . 1 E. 7h N WiH'liswn "- Hill tlAM; H"U Wll.ll ceiuelit g.r.KS !,.) Z, lots. Sv llwoi-d I 629 8115 14th y. S. PK'JNE Main 3220, ii7 goii swsy. N'-ar.y M cre, 5 r.w.m h.mse, yrd-n. fruit. fuVlNGTON 7 room bungalow for sal. bv uri A. C. Aialui qu t, oyu li.. ijUi . La.-t 7 J