TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1921. Al TOMOBILES -FOR SALE 800 It THE CO VEX MOTOR CA& COM PAX - . PLAN T . There is no place to stop in the overhauling' and refinishing of th car, we prepare for ule, until the job ha been completely finished and . th ear ii in u fine condition as oar beat work act! can Make it. Nothing is food enough, but the best. It la" not a ameation of whether we can afford to do certain Work to a car . or not we do it anyway. Profit and lot ia not taken into considera tion by ua at the time of rebuilding tha car. Our ear are ruaranteed. and must delirer aat iaf actor; service. . i DODGE. BROS. MOTOR CARS 1918 Iodge Brother .Roadster and . Touring ...... , ....... .,.$ 575 1917 Dodge Brothers Touring; .... 650 1917 Tmdge Brother Bedan 978 1918 Dodge Brother Roadster and Touring . 725 J918 Podge Brothers "edan ......1150 -1919 Dodge Rrothers Touring .... 823 1920 Dodge Brotbera Touring .... 930 '1920 Liberty Tofcrihg . . . ...... . 1275" : 1919 Hudson Limousine, in fine condition ; a wonderful taxicab . , . . 1920 Overland Rnadiiter, a good on 595 1918 Oldsmoblie Touring -775 1919 Peerless 8 Tonring 1475 1919 Kins 8 Touring in fine shape,., only . 1400 1920 Stuta Bear-Cat, a swell, anap- car 2750 1918 Heripps-Booth Coupe 1350 1916 Packard, a wonderful buy ... 1400 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 1919 ('handler Chummy Roadster in fine shape ............... 1205 1919 Hudson Speedster, a food one 1785 - 1919 Haynee Touring, only ...... 1700 1917 tstudebaker 4 Touring ...tit 375 1919 Studcbaker "Big 6. 6 -pass. ... 1475 ,1920 Nash Touring, only ' 1250 1918 Willys-Knight, big ghan, only. 1200 1920 Maxwell Touring . ... . ..... . 850 1920 Maxwell Sedan, an excellent car for ..j.............. 1200 1918 Maxwell Touring .. 350 1920 Chevrolet Roadster, fine shape 605 ,1920 Chevrolet 490 Sedan 900 r .1920 Kord Sedan,: dandy .'... 750 - 1920 Kord Coupe ,, 675 1913 Cole, 7 -pass., privately owned car, only . . 750 DELIVERY CARS 1919 Dodge Bros. Screen - Hide De livery ...i .8 82$ 1918 Dodge Bros. Screen - Side De livery ... j ....... T25 1918 Dodge Bros. Panel, good shape 775 1 9 1 9-Chevrolet Panel Delivery .... 400 1920 Kord Delivery, start r . ..4.. 625 The following ears are included in our $25- l-ftay-reduction-in-price sale watch them care fullypost your bid; : Today's Was Price 1919 Apperaon. 4 pass.... 2975 2125 1918 Chandler touring .;. . 1200 775 1919 Cole 8, touring ..... 2000 1575 1 1920 Hudson Super 6 .... 2000 1675 1918Republic truck 875 450 ' CADILLACS Cadillac dependability cannot be limited to , the original purchaser; of the car. The original purchaser receives in service but a small fraction of his total depreciation when through the pur chase of a new car he makes it possible for you to buy bis, used one. Our careful inspection and correction of any Imperfection is your guarantee of satisfaction. Several beautiful imodela are now ready for your selection. i i ALL, CARS GUARANTEED' AND SOLD ON ( , KASr TERMS. i We Are Open Sunday 21ST AT WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 6244. Also a big display at the new Broadway sales room downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for yon. Our automobile transports tui temne makes it quickly possible for you to look overour entire stock. - BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 88-30 N. BROADWAY. MAIN 6244. BACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES ON tSED CARS ' Our ears aire in fine shape and priced way down. Here are a few for your approval; i. Liberty ehnmmy roadster ..,$1000 Chandler Dispatch 1350 Oakland touring . . . . 700 White touring, rebuilt ........ 400 Jordan Silhouette ,...... 2000 Mitchell touring . v ......... . 800 Btudebaker touring .......... 525 Packard Twin Six 1630 Mitchell Victory Six ........ 1050 Olds Eight touring 1050 Overland delivery 4O0 Briscoe touring .. .j . . . 450 Chevrolet tounng ......... ., 450 Chevrolet delivery 350 ,. . " YOUR OWN TERMS . . RUTHIN REASON MITCTTELU LEWIS STAYER CO. Broadway and K. Everett. NOTICE For the convenience of the pnblio we have opened' a wast aide branch at Broadway and GLUan. Universal Car lxclhiange USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY . GftAD AYE. AS'D B. YAMHILL West Side Location . ' BROADWAY AND GLISAN OTI9 RIE'DEL ' -& SOUTH PORTLAND RADIATOR REPAIR. AUTO SHEET METAL WORK. 846 l"t St. Phone. Main 526. ,1921 FORD touring, used nine days; dem. rims, ' starter, brand new spare tire, motometer. 1921 - license. Can save about $75 on this one. Terms. Rillingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne , ave. at 8th. !: East 720. ' I 1920 ELGIN scoHt, look and runs like new; i one of the peppiest ears in the city. Don't overlook this snap, '. i Small pay merit down, bal ance on long easy ; terras. Call Boiell, Broad way 8fl5. FORD bus, nnderslnng, 5 wire wheels, electric a tarter, . Atwater-Kent ignition, spotlight, . top, windshield and fenders. 8265. VRANSON'S CSED CAR EXCHANGE 150 I hion Ave., cor. Belmont. 1817 OAKLAND touring, overhauled and re finished: only $550; terms. Al ACTO WKs. k WAREHOTJSK CO.. 522 Alder St., corner 16th. . 1920 BL'ICK, 5 good, cord Urea) car looks and runs uat like new; will take smaller car as part payment ana give terms on balance, call Frepst. dwy. 19-0 STEl'Uk.NS. 4 pass , just been overhauled and repainted fc sold- with toe same guarantee as a new . one. This car must be sold. Call Propst, Broadway -8606 A - tk. : S . iaia A x gnucr ja uwtjs siiduw, i a i model, mechanically perfeot; Sacrifice $1250; terms 8400 down. Mr. Argor. Bdwy. 8281. 1020 INDIAN motorcycle, ran only 403 miles; ran I De told trom new. we save you I00 and give liberal terms. Wm. 'L. Hughsoa Co., i in. nroaawsy. 1918 DORT. cord equipment practically new. This car is mechanically perfect, email pay ment down, balance long terms. Call Boaell, . Breadway 3606. $500 ' To a late 1918 Stndebaker rosd'ter in splendid condition; has had best care,-$200 cash, balance in iv monuis. air. jirio, uroaaway 9291. j HAVE 1919 model 90 Overland in fine shape ) throughout. This car looks .like new. : Will exchange for Ford roadster or touring - ear. '" wdln- 731- ' " PAIGE SEDAN S.S'Ap' . . Lsvte 1918, A-l I mechanicany, good tire. Sea nce tlao; terms, air. Argo, B way 8281 1919 FORD roadster, atarter block, good condi uon, $343; terms. BtlUngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave.. at 8th. Eest 720. ' A REAL bug, 4 new tires, '21 license, mechani - eaily perfect A small eaah payment drives this car away. Call Boaell. Broadway 8605. HLgIN SEDAN SN'AP - Like new, $1009; terms. Mr. Argo, Broad way 3281. l921liDDEti Ford for sale by owner at a un- rifice. , , Car in splendid shape throughout. Fine tires. Extras. Call Wdin. 721. WE TEAR 'em up and sell toe pieces. Portland Ante Wrecking Co., 531 Alder near 17th; Broadwey 5254; mail orders filled. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, in excellent con dition. $350; liberal terms. ' William L. Hnghsnn Co., 60 X. Broagway. WE CUT your auto seats to a sleeper; our system does not weaken the Kdy. B. B. Body Work. 500 Wihsms ve. East 1198. 1921 FOKD souring. $500 if taken" at oncel BiUingsley Motor C- Hawthorne are., at 8th. Fist 780. - - - OLDSUOBILE EIGHT, like new, at a great dis- count. Could use a Dodge or Buirk as part payment. aji onansen at rqwy. .satu. tee and service. See this todsy. Cash terms. LATE CAR and cah balance for apartment or rooming house. -) Main 4874. MAXWELL touring, $300; easy terms. Cook, 1920. MAXWELL' touring car,, just like new. $650. East 6234. ? ifl'DEBAKER 6 ; touring, trade for Ford road ster. m owner, laoor at-'U evenings. roTT SALE -A lata modal . roA.ir Iftn P wa sc. o . 1916 DODGE tuucjyt. IA good taxAiXLoa, iff3! . East 623. . . . AUTOMOSHX5 FOR SALE 800 1 KEW. PRICES FORCB BEDrCTlONS " ' IN CSED CARS : REBUILT ' AUTOMOBILE ARS BETTER AND THE REAS0X WHY We rebuild ' both Hudson and Essex used automobiles and sell them with a warranty the same as given with the purchase of new fears. -We alio give 90 days' free service, the same as is given on new cars. On other makes of automobile that We trade in w repair and overhaul them so that axed cars that are not " sold with a warranty ire ia first" class condition and are told with 10 4ys' free trial. . snBjeet to their be ing returned with full Credit en iny other ear you may select. 1919 Essex automobile, rebuilt and repainted, cold with, the warranty ......... 11125 - 191ft Essex, like hew. sold with the warranty 1225 1916 Hudson Super Six, rebuilt and repainted, looks just like new, sold with the - warranty i.... 1106 1918-1919 series Hudson fin- -per Six. rebuilt a ad re painted, gold with the warranty ............ 1400 1920 Hndsott Super Six, rebuilt and repainted,' sold With the warranty ........ 177$ 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new car; sold with the warranty ........ 1675 1819 Chalmers, ! first-class con dition throughout ..... 1080 1920 Chalmers, !. almost new, a ' decided bargain .1850 1919 Maxwell, all gone over. re ! paired and repainted; a fine little' car ...v.... 575 1$ 19 Oldsmobile Eight, bargain ; At .... i . . ,-. 988 1920 Srudebakeir special 6, fall cord equipment and a bar gain at - 1400 ' Ouf store for fries ued-cr bar gains at 40-46 Broadway, which to Broadway gnd Couch st. Phone Broadway 5739. Open evenings and Sunday. j - :-. i : -f - C U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. GUAKAM'KE AND 6k.BVlCH ha.uk ah naw cabs Howard Automobile Co. 12TH AND ALDER STB. Broadway 1180. . BUT TOCR .REBUILT CHEVROLET FROM THE USED CHEVROLET DEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT tHH CHEVRO LET DISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVROLETS ALL MODELS ' ' ALL PRICES ; EiCELLENT TERMS Grand ave.. between Ankeny and Burnsidab Open Daily and Sunday. Phone East 490. ' "THE HOUSE WITH CHEVROLET PRIDE" - WEAVER TIRE COMTANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON V DLCAN1EINO C(X TIRE REPAIRING 83S-835 Snrnside at Broadway. 1917 REO touring, -all good Urea, new top and mechanirally like new. Here is a real boy for the party who wants a good, real, lightweight, de pendable car. Price is low and easy terms. A-l AUTO WKS. A WAREHOUSE CO.. . 622 Alder St., corner 16th. LARCIIMONT PAIGE ' "r: 4 pass, sport, in perfect mechanical 'Condition; like new in every way; ar splendid buy at $1800, terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. 1920 5 PASS. Paige, has been run less than 4000 miles; 4 Royal cord tires. Yon can hardly tall this ear from a new one and priced very chcsp. Call Propst, Broadway 3606. MITCHELL ROADSTER J SNAP Late 1919, fine condition; 6 tires: sacrifice lor ajUTs; terms. Mr. -Argo. Bdwy. 8281 K STOCK iteed, completely overhauled fenders o iu iuy luacame. oeverai uiousana tv picg from. B. B, Body Works, 600 Williams ave. East 119. ' 1912 MITCHELL chassis, in good running order, good rubber, Bosch magneto. $75. Ford bugs for talk. 617-71. 123 16th bet. Wash. and Alder ', 1920 BUICK. 8 passenger. 6 cord tires, spot light, wind deflectors and other accessories. Looks like new; must Sell at a big sacrifice. 421 E. C)ay street. 1919 VELIE, fine shape, nearly new tires, one - extra tire, bumpr and spotlight. . Will. give terms, veil aiuio 218-11. 1920 CHALMERS, cannot be told from new oar. To see it is) to buy it?l$50, and will give icims, uin. v v i. 1921 FORb touring. In 'dandy shape; " $533; term. Billingsley Mo tot Co., Hawthorn ara. at etn. r,at izo. FORD bags, 7 ta pick from,-at year awa psieev Vranson'a, cor. Union and Belmont ste (up stairs) . REAR wheels leak again? C. A M. oil retainera will . positively gtop it. Curlya Fr4 Shop, sT3.lA. - st a- a LIGHT g "Paflalgnattf S tUllt. 8TQoJ ' hlBfl j text nr4. This, car is & real buj at tb price VII Propst. 1920 MODEL Hudson Super. Guiesa air springs', and . jierfeot, - absolutely. $2100. Liberal terms. Wdln, 5S75. j FORD tniiumission, bands-, replaced $2-60; sterfftr type $1.00 extra. Curba Ford Shop. - - aairoon. oerween 1st and 2d.: GET our estimate on Food repairing. Our price win interest yeu., t-unys t ord Shop, H2J pginiun. pel, n ants ZQ. STUDEBAKER 6. 191 painted,- Bew toj, ?ccenfifc condition $550. axvo vwiiri vr uitWUWlJ OV COMPLETE act fender anti-rattlers imUlled $1.60. Cnxiys Ford Shop, 227 Salmon, bet. ins ana so. 192Q .CHEVROLET touring, only 550, with ., liberal terms. Frohman. at Was. anthaotx Co., 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 821. . ' . . HUPMOBILE 1919'- , Save $250 on this car; reasonable .terma. pnw, c. . vwupr, s-Done laoor veoo CHEVROLET, used ' months, hauling Cwaiua kippered salmon. 1918 model SeU. 854.' BUICK touring, driven only 800 miles; like new; terms.' East 6585. WE REPAIR fenders and wreck' bodies. Ja."8. Body works, 500 WiUisms ave. East 1198. LARGE knock down portable garage for sale. - 600 E. Davis. - - . 1820 ESSEX. A red sturdy liuie ear aad perfeot afr $1150. Terms. Wdln. 6975. DOr;E3 touring, lata '17. $535. Phooe Eaat 3BS5 FORD bug. a dandy; sell cheap or trade. East - 4376. .; s f . -A Ii21 afAlUtlX rtdster. UUi Wrand a.w. 1918 BUICK touring, in good condition. Froh - man, at 6Q N. Broadway. - 1921 FORD sedan, some extras; good as new. van evenings roast 01 SAXON H, just overhauled; a bargain if taien at once. ' Owner going eayt. Tabor 142. 1919 FORD touring car, new tires. $383. East -8234. - - j ; .- PACKAR1 6, in excellent condition, $306. il S. 11th; Broadway 2727. ' 1917 DODGE tourina car. eompieuly overhaalad. good tlrea, $575. r Fast 6234. zncs 6 iort3T5:""sf ftiii buy iL Broadway 1572, Baa. Al U I I AUTOMOSILES-TOR SALE 800 RADIATOR SERVICS ca . 1T WILL PAY you to see ns aboot repairtig that RADIATOR, FENDER or BODY. Eipert, gnnrantee-3 Work st xnoderata D rices. ' Cor Union and Tt Hawthorne avenues. East 8493. .. AUTOMOSILE ACCESSORIES 801 l tm-.D TIKES AT A BARGAIN All Kinds of Vulcaniting and Rrtreadihg. KILTON-WILSON TIRE CO.. .' ORA RnmaM. .Mt aMl Cfh. HATES WIRE WHEEI'S serv ice station. 427 Stark st.. Portland. Or. Enaitiellng .and re ps 1 ri n x Ties Uy done. rVliry. 1 7 f! . Wljt SET of universai Tire Filler cheap. East nuzf weea says. AUTO BED Hare your auto seat cut to make - a bed. 706 to Williams ave. . TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 2-tnn CMC, overhauled, repainted and guaranteed in every respect .... . 2150 2-tnn GMC, same as above, but a -few xooaths elder ............ 1 950 2-ton Diamond T. cab. windshield. lights, platform stake body. 40x10 - new rear tires. This truck is as - good as new, continental motor-, Brown-Lipe transmission, Timken . rear end and other standard units. 1950 11 -ton OMC, an big ovenriaed eord tin, tne truck is hardly worn. , has been nsed as an extra wagon by Meier eV Frank i 1450 1 -ton Federal, with 2-ton rear springs, thoroughly renewed and ' guaranteed . . . . . 1230 1 !4 -ton Reo, overhauled from start i to finish . ,. . ; 550 lH-tnn,- 4-wheel drive Winther. This truck ia in the very best of condition. . 1850 1-ton GMC on pneumatic tires . . . , 1380 1-tort Republic, equipped with stand- ' '' ' ard express body 650 4 -ton GMC. overhauled and guar anteed 750 4 -ton Buick. This truck has 85x5 ' tires, is oterhauled from stem to ' stem . . 675 Chevrolet light delivery, -express body, electric lights, self-starter, nearly new tires i ...... 4 . ; ....... t 450 Wentwortfo Irwin, !00 Second St, Cor. Taylor. TRUCKS I TRUCKS! We offer for yonr inspection the : most complete stock of rebuilt trucks -in the Northwest. All completely overhauled and put in first-class con-', dition. If yon are in need of a truck of any rapacity, t will pay yoa to look, at our line. Tha following are typical of our gtock : DODGE commercial delivery, 1919 model. -$300 down.' G.M.O. 2 -ton. excellent wood track:. 289 down. PACKARD 8 -ton. new Urea all around. $400 down. 1 REPUBLIC tt-ton. guaranteed, over hauled, $215 down. REPUBLIC 1-ton, rebuilt and guar anteed, $815 down, , We have others to select from. LONG, KASK TERMS. SO BROKERAGE. : ' " GRANNINO ft TREECE. 542 Alder St.. corner 17th, Broadway 1723. , Broadway 1723. REBUILT TRUCKS AT PRICES v THAT WILL PLEASE. " Overland delivery $ 400 " Chevrolet delivery ......... 350 Kelly-Springfield, 3H ton 1250 Jumbo, 2 ton 4 ........ . 2S00 Maxwell, 1 ton ........... . 550 Ail-American, 1 ton .. 850 Oldamobile speed wagon .... 850 These tracks all In rood Condition, and we will accept as part payment ' your light car. Reasonable terma. MITCHELIa LEWIS t STAVER CO, Broadway at Everett. TRUCK OWNERS If your track i equipped With Continental or Buda motor, Fuller transmission. ToTbensen axle, Jacox steering gear, Sheldon or Columbia front axle, you can secure repair parts without delay from s. We also have a stock of used Reo truck parts. 1 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Inc. . : Bepublie Truck Distribntors. ' Park, and Everett Sta. USED TRUCK SNAPS ' 8-ton White, good for lumber or wood haul ing; will pay for itself in a few weeks; special price and terms. 8 H -ton Federal, in excellent shape. lH-ton Federal, rebuilt; worm drive. ' 1-ton Ford, worm drive. . . WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. 60 Broadwst at Davis. r Broadway 8tl. CHEAP TRUCKS GatC. ' Packards, Atterbury, federal, 'Max well. Jetfery and many others. . A re you inter ested f, I have the track you want and can handle your terms. Phone " Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Erenmga 5lar?na II B J 1 . LOOK all through this paper for a used Reo 8peedwagoii. If ton find one, buy it. . They are always worth the money. I have a good one tor $830. Joa GoodfeUow, Bdwy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. WOOD HAUL CONTRACT I have the trucks, if you can handle the hauling of 17,000 cords of wood. $34,000 worth Of work. It takes Quick action. Call Jensen, x4wy. Kventngs, Mar. 6241 CHEVROLET Delivery Fine for a meat marl ket or grocery. Paneled body. Be sure to see it, - Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460. 1 1-TON, worm gear Ford truck, practically new and In perfect condition. 8600 cash. 777 Mississippi. Wdln. 1750. Main 7993, Sunday. FOR SALE cheap, one 1-ton and one 2-ta International truck. - Inquire 40 N. First St. pnJMwi 0001 "SPECIAL' Tht.CK RtfYM Do you rieed a truck for a wood hault Call steaeen, asreaaway Kvenrnga Marshall 8241 1920 FORD light delivery. A-l condition, new urea. xxjoa ii over..-, I nctu ngou tau ewner, jasx goua. THREE auto truck bodlea and one 2-seated hack. 160 Union, corner Belmont. U-TON . Atterbury track - lor . .ale; bargain. r.t n.iz rEVV 114 biamond T truck, pneumatic Urea, i or aaie ies tnan wnoiesaie. int. Z8U-0W. 3 4 Ton GMC truck with dump body and hoist. 3-TON loaning tfttiler. cneap. lahcr 8SV 1921 FORD truck. Ant. 645-60. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 FOR SALE A 1919 twin Indian taatorrycle with tandem, in perfect shape. Price $175. easy terms. laoor esie 1919 IndIan. witho or without aide car; me. chanically perfect; $50 down, balance eay wrms. - van xroaeii, xtroaoway anun HENDERSON Just overhauled. Has Z motor, tandem and ABO generator. Call Johansea. m a. " n s 9 A 1917 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle: iu7t - been overhauled, electrically equipped; small rwyHisnr oown. an noseu, cqwy. gntyo. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle and side ear, electric enuipment, 1918 model. $100 cash. 4S x&ast 3tr et. Taber S914. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. ALl MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. t u 44-46 Grand ave. 1917 HENDERSON, with aide car. aU in A-l condition; a real soap. Call Ha mil too, Broad way 3605. - LNDLtN motorcycle, with sidecar and tasdem, a bargain at $276. 16 Grand ave.. East 6563. 1820 HABLEY, like ftew. Very cheap.. Easy terms, wan onansen, at pqwy. saiu 1919 HARLEY with side car. fine condition. $276 cash. $300 teraa. Can Mar. 2581. 1920- INDIAN motorcycle for sale or trade for automobile. Call East 7121. - AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD; OWNERS FORD overhauled .......... .T a . .'-, $J Rear Axle overhauled 8 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. . ,.,......$ 8 Magneto recharged . : ., , . 8- $ We hand -lap pistons, scrape bearing etc, which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parte only nd, A II work riaranteed, " GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 9)0 Front L. Corner Jefferson, SW-MOMI THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ' " ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS- We will overhaul your ear, any make, and save you ' money. All work done 6a a flat con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed. Wnrh under the saperriftfen of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable, and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanising and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miios. - HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. Tele phone East 8068., , IE? t5 1UJ X3 90 days adjustmenta on all brakes rKOC rrlined. , . ; THE BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Sc. Main 996. FORD repairing exclusively ; guaranteed work manship. , Curlj's Ford Shop, 227 Salmon st. Main 8184. " ; AUTOS . FOR HIRE , ;806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Late Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St, bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 840 AUTOS FOR. HIRE W ITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L.' SULLIVAN. FASHION OA- KAGK, MAR. 282. 10th at Yamhill. A-I2B6. KXTw cars for rent without drivers, reasonable rates, Jake Used Cat1 Exchange, 32$ Oiiaen. nawy. bi. Cpen Sunday and evening. 1. S. Wti-t. CARS F6R HIRE WtTHOtff DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1887. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANTED 1H or 2 ton truck, chassis pre ferred. Must have pneumatic urea, $71)0 to $1000. , I have auto in the very heat condition to trade. Expect to overhaul . tW truck. 280 Front st. - " . WANT good late model light car and eab as first payment on beautiful 6 room modern bungalow in beet part of Hose City Park ; paved street. Owner. Tahor 9308. afapr 8:4 5 p. m. WANTED Iju mmnml.A Hnlc miut h In rnuvl order and cheap. Phone Broadway 3656 or call 354 Burnaide, between Broadway and corner Park. . CAK3 wanted to wreck, parts tor all cars under half price. S. A . gt Auto W recking Co., 15th arid Alder. Broadway 638. WANTED Late model Chevrolet; must be in good order arid cheap. Bdwy. 3656 or call at ooe rsumsiae net. nnwy. ana cor. rare. WANTED Ford with starter 5r other light car . in trade for 1918 Studebaker six. . Tabor 8H01 WANTED A FORD"! CONDITION NO ' OB- 4ECT. PHONE ACT. 633-68. klGHESI 5ST cash price pa to lor old cars: con dition no object. 121 N. td it ACTO or ehasaia, $ 50 to $175 eaah. , Marshal 2458. - WANT Ford touring oar, mint be In good order and price right; no dealers. M-735. Journal. WILL trade $800 flayer for Ford. 760 Com mercial st. WANT to buy late model Ford with starter. Will pay casn. call Weodlawn 721. GARAGE. 2 or 3 cars, lighu, Wiliianu avenue or piedmont. Marshall 960. ANTED Ford touring from, private owner; pay cash for bargain. Tabtw 8386. WANT Eord touring. Will buy or trade late Indian motorrvcle. Call Automatic 633-68. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 900 Boxer trading co. 248 Washington, 118 2d Marshall 2438 We Sell. Buy and ; Exchange Cash Kegdter ' Showcases. Fonntatna, Scales, Store Fixtures. CEDAR CEESTS ' Direct from factory to yonr home. Tennessee) and Port Ortord cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest designs. Write for catalogue. J.'" W. HIGGIN8 A SON 1912-18-18 E. GLISAN.' TABOR 80S Wr-iW Sewing Machines CsnaC3 We have the largest stock of tvu We have the largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com- f are prices. We rent i and repair. 72 8d, near YarnhiU. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged.- Easy terms if desired. NORR1S SAFE at LOCK CO. 105 Second St. ; Main 2045. 100 LBS. split Italian prunes, $4,95; Muscatel raisins, 25-lb. box, $4.85; black figs. 25-lb. box, $2.60; Italian- prunes, lob lot, damaged, 100 lbs., $2. Beaver Grocery,. 287 Yamhill st. OFFICE FURNITURE . Bought, sold and exebsnged. ' . v HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877 WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof 7 We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 6120. Lawn Mower fipspital Sharpening1 and repairing, 24 hour service: col lect and deliver. Tabor 4072. Tabor 4641. Cadwell Camp Table 6x6x42 folded. 80x42 open; supports 500 ftw 650 Thnrman. Broadway 8469. w FOR SALE CHEAP 3000 extra "Star A Star" shingles, 1 door 2-8x6-8, 2 cupboard doors. 1136 Senate at.. Laurelhurst. East 4847, Apt. No. 6. ELECTRIC fixtures wholesale: 1 light chains, $1.35; light - fixtures, $4.00; 4 lights, $4.50. We do electa wiring. Reliable Elec tric, Union at Russell. East 3686. 1 TON chain blocks, 1 set U. 8. S. dies and taps. 1 set Mosberg socketa and other hand tools. 5747 87th st. S. E. v SAFES No. 70 Sixth st., near Oak. NeW and second-hand Herring-11 all-Marvin safes and steel cabinets. Bus hong & Co. Bdwy. 1262. 15 BU SINESS CARDS 5 U gffll ROSE CITY PRINTERY Yon mnst bring this ad. 120 5th St. 4 tiEW i $40 Everlasto wardrobe trunk, $32; also 10x12 tent, $15. Call after 6 p. m., 421 E. Couch St.. - Lawn Mowers Sharpened WE CALL AND DELIVER. EAST 5424. FOUND 'A man who Will repair, upholster your . furniture at your home; prices very rea sonable; all work guaranteed. BroadWsy 4765. WE BUY, sell and exchange diamonds. Zell Brae. Co., Diamond Brokers, 283 Washington street- aiir. (4 1 fOH SALE-Gooseberries, blossoms ofk sent C. O. D. for 10 cents a pound. C. Dean, Battleground, Wtsh..' R. 1. - COLUMBIA PLASTER .WALL BOARD Can't bulge or burn, Joantlesa. Oregon made. Ohafeldt, 145 First ft. Main 6978. FIRST CLASS, second hand lumber at 14th and Everett. . Furnace and good brick. ' Wdln- 6714. ' keWtisii CrfikkiEs Phone -Automatic 627-66 or call at $603 Foweii valley road. FOR SALE Fresh milch cow. at 67 . Kil- parnck st. Phone Weodlawn 4974. - POi ATOE8 Pride "of Multnomah. uOe, $1. Z41H wasmngtorl. It. Wagner. BUY 'YOUR FIREWORKS NEAR COUNCIL CREST. MARSHALL 5210. 60 WEDDING Invitations or Announcements $6; artistic; prompt, smitiy printers, ll w. eta. BUCK gas range with elevated oven. 600 East Davis. : - '- - KINGSTON magneto, impulse starter, fiast-flaas eondiuon, gze. rhons e-ast 0353. VACIUM cleaners tor rent, 85c a day) deli vend anywhere. Woodlawn 8466. ' -FOR SALE Registers, shewcaaea, , wall cases. Cash or credit. 242 Salmon. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repairing of all kinds, reasonable. Call and deliver. East 1818. CHERRIES 4c lb.. Mathews, Harrison si. bet. 28th and 29th, Milwaukie, Or. .-- .-- 10,000 LBS. "CWANTA" kippered salmon, a Portland product. Sellwood 654. FOR SALE Good invalid wheel . chair,; cheap. 2 1 Ytn ST. JV. ELECTRIC vaouum cleaners sold,, exchanged ; repaired. Ray Bentley. Main 4907. TAILOR-MADE suiU left on band at half prioa. Modern 'lailors. 9 N. eta st. aCUUM cleaners rented, $1 per day. deliv- ered. Bdwy. 2872, days; Tabor 5786. eves, FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour. day, 85c delivered. Wdln. 1259 WHAT have yoa to exchange tor a cabinet phonograph? 148 ISth at. Bdwy. 2666. GET your furnace properly cleaned and over hauled, don t wsit. Call Leonard, Ant. 326-61. I'STAR A STAR" ahlnglea, direct . irons milT Call Taylor St. dock. Main 8065. JsEWING machine, good condition. $12. . 1171 Glenn ave. N. Or call 310-08. FOR. SALE 20 tolding chaira. . Phone Broad way ijio. NEW $23 pink sport Jacket. $li, Phone Eaat 7661 7. - CHERRIES on tree. 4c a pound. 1782 I1- LAWN mowers ground and repaired, knives and FTNE eating cherries," 4c 16. Pick "yourself, 341 E. 72d st. near .E: Mili. Tabor 121. BATHTUB with futures for $15. Phone East 3244. 18,000 FEET 1X8 new lumber, planed 2 aidea, only 813 per 1600. Main 38o. t&Z CATE. $20. Tabor 2S77. , ' FOR SALEISCEUANEOUS 900 Dolan Wrecking & ; Const. Co. 456-70 Belmont St, ' . . Phone Eaat 6110. .... ,. - 'EXTRA!' S ARE WRECKING NEW OFF1GS AUTLDlNO ti. NORTHWEST sHlP YARD. ; ALL KINDS OF DOORS, WIS DOW8, BASINS. t TOlLETSw PIPB. - FLOORING, RUSTIC, SHD?LAP, CEIL ING. ETC JUST AS GOOD AS NEW AT HALF PRICet , i DOST MISS ' TTII3 BARGAIN. Special Offer We eA npplr rod ith iny kihd of ma (rial far the hew hi use at a large per centage of saving. Oar material ia strictly , new afld our price second-hand: New rHeaeasion . .$18 00 to $20 66 per M New Shiplep ..... 18.00 to 20.00 per M New Rui tic ....... 2 5.00 to 85.00 per at New Flooring (good -r ! grade) ....... 85.00 per M New Ceiling .... . 25.00 to 86.00 per M Star "A" Shingles . 8.00 per M Standard .Shingles . 2.23 - per M special Offers 146,000 ft' of new pipe, H-ih. to 3-la. gslv. and black, at sUshed Wholesale pricea. Will sell in any ajuantity. Doors and Windows ' 1500 new doors at half price. Make ftmr selection of these, which include $ ' panel, 2 panel ana 5 panel, at $2.50 each. 6000 new window and sash from 7o ; to $8.00." READY-MADE GARAGES. $50 EACH .. . We alto carry a complete Una of new anil used plumbing. Eetimatea furnished on plumbing material gnd inatallatioo. EVERYTHING IN THS BUILDING LINE Dolan Wrecking & Const. Co. East Elihth tna Belmont Awl Morrison AtA - Phone East 6110. WB SAVE tOtT MONET -House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electna Store, 224 H Third L. near Salmon. Main 6056. DICTAPHONES! OFFICE FURNITURE. SAFE Transcribing men., $75; dictating. $100; hving, $60; universal motors, like new. Type writers, add. machines, time clocks Lowest prices for years on steel filing cabinets, new and used desks, chairs, etc. Wax Office Equip. Honse. 24 6th st N. Bdwy. 2789. lit DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $M each; portable electric machine for rent: sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. fiteeo. 162 Grand ave. East 2359. Sibioco Pipeless Furnace $79.60. $135; Improved principle; ' less fuel; best guarantee nothing lost by investigating. x.- x. woonruii, iz Mailory gve. Wdln. 2108 2 LARGE Spanish leather rockers $23 each, Dx . IS Wilton velvet rug $35, oak library table $11. mahocany book rack $5, SeaJy mattress $12, new Detux double deck spring 18. lng of pictures, aluminum cooking utensils, bedding, dishw. all frr $26, Marshal 8682 evenihgs. t Printers We are not members of any combine to con trol the price of printing. Smith Printing Co.. 11 N, 6th st. , THE births tone tor June is agate. They bring health; wealth and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gifta . MILLER : Next Door to Majestie Theatre. IRONING machutes, slighusV used; one for 8126, one for $140, one for -$150. Pricea on new machines reduced. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY . Fifth and Oak Sta. Electric Motors Bought, 'sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. , FLEXIITT.K i.awv urtu-rn nt.intg . Installed for $2; old mowers guaranteed to cut aa good as new or money refunded.' Brod way 3214. We call for and deliver. $0 N. 11th st. near Bumside. r, U4.1VU1UI, auiws jew nunias xiaw new, 4 $25 to $48. Other guaranteed droD- CTvri-ua v- r. , l . heada $18 to $18. Latest Singers, cash or terms. Rentals, $3 per month. Singer store, 198 4th. Main 6838. SCREENS SCREEN DOORS - AND PORCH SWINGS Flower boxes and cabinet work. Estimates free. Call today and let us figure with you. Tabor 3325. 1105-1107 Hawthorne. Rugs ; & Carpet Washed On your ' floor with Ha m ilton- Beach Electric Washer; also vacuum-cleaning, wain. 078. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLE. LAUNCHES ' or boats are separate claasif ioations. A large listing will be found under these different elaaai- ncations. HOT WATER TANKS 30 -gal. $7; 40-gaL $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils; ga hesters installed; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 208 Adams st. E. 8318, LICENSED independent electrician, wires 3 : rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20. AU new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass iuspection. Woodlawu 3791. Excavating AND GRADING. REASONABLE. AUTO. 624-88. LADIES,' let. The Vogue sell your misfit or slightly used garment. Have a fine line se emed from wealthy people. Call and sea. Room 403 Alisky bldg., 3rd and Morrison sta. MAN'S tailored suit, beautiful material. Com $90; only worn short time; reasonable; aue 42., R-348. Journal. TRUMPET, long model Buscher, cornet, silver plated, new,' with 3 mouthpieces and mute, 6 a. 14 a. Bftaver St., Apt. , evenings. RUGS wasned on your floor with - Hamiltoa Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. Kast 404 3. C0MPCTLNG SCALES, casn registers, caffe mills, meat choppers and general store fix tures, at 226 Stark st., between 1st and 2d. Dentistry Dk. A. W.' KEEN'S " 8 5 1 14 . Washington St witnont rain, Latest Nerve Blocking Method. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slightly, used ladies riothes, new spring nst, etc Jt rnioa ave. Ji., cor. Ivy. East 1826. FOR SALE 4 acres of hay. Tabor 2910. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 01 WELLINGTON piano, piam oaa ca. $275. A snap. Terms given, 8EIBERLING LUCAS MCSIO CO;, 125 4th at. GIBSON1 mandolin 'outfit, eompieta, $60. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 140 Sixth Street WELLINGTON piano, plain manngany cae. . $276. Terms given. SEIBERUNG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th at. 6450 MAH. Thumpeon piano ior sale, $200, not 4 2'years old. Perfect condition. 409 Abing- ton bldg. KIMBALL player piano. A snap. Used for dem - orwtration only. Terma given, - SE1BE&LING W'ONDERFTTL bargain in Wellington piano and bench. Like new. Perfect ooeditioo, $300 cash. Ant. 683-26. MILTON piano, plain man agar y ease aa good aa new. Terms given on thia bargain. 3E1BER- LING Lift AS MCBIO VO., 12 W St. KIMBALL piano, $250; oak cn-e. A real bargain. See it. Seiberling Lueaui Music Co., 126 4Ua st. Mt. Washtngton and A Iter, Eld H KM piano. . 820m. A womierful barxain. Term given. SEIBERLING LCCA8 ML'SIU CO., 125 4th :; . - -- 6sE doaen piaaoa ill0-$200: many fine atand- ard makes; no aquarec of thump boxes; no rinhniie nianna ' forms. . - 81 1 WorrMter hide ' It pianns; terms. -311 Worcester bldg., TED Niee toeed plana for all cash. Mar ill 6T69. No agenta. ' VAN shall 191$ OAKLAND touring car. Will exchange foe 1 ii. 1 ll.l. . . r, , .m jti .fivttu ..... mi in BEAUTD7UL mahogany " cabinet phonograph; Iifii. , 1 If R . i .ah. SLIGHTLY used Brunswick phonograph awl - records for sale. - Bell. 2141. GOOD piaaa for sale, manogany case. . Come and see it. O-' E. twtn St., Tiear Uag.v BEST player aHane tuning, rebuilt, V. hreiaar. n4 wsntet st. i-nott iam auis. SCHlilkER opright piano. $150. See It SEI BKMIlXfl LUI'AS Ml SIC- CO.; 128 4h t FOR RENT Piino, grafonoia, lata music. Eta- pire transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. iitLNSU ic'ii phonogrpo. ttemuostraUd in you. own bu'rae. Nste Ardrey, Beliwood 2143. feELODY C saxophone t taroa. Phea Seuwood 1684. . PIANO fug rut by owner. ,' labor 66a3. ., , MUSICAL IrHSTRUMENTS 901 ,."' v.. . '. " . : . 1 " a . A Startling Reflection!! COLUMBIA' GMFQ : KOLAS REDUCED ANOTIER $20!- ; . - -r " -' " - - - - - " Monday morriiht we place on , sale 25 cabinet grafonolaa, , , i the E model, which was re- ' cently reduced fnra $120 to . , . $85; our price while they last. , will be only. $$5.00 fHh eaAy terms If desired. Act " - quickly. You can't afford to pass up , this wanderful opportunity. Also Victrola tt Cut Price iSS-190 First St. tXIWNSTAIRS store. Sctiwin Piano Co. : $ 625 Vose & Hons dark mahogany,, .$196.00 - 900 Steinway A Sons msh. 895.00 650 Kimball It Ka.. golden oak.... 265.00 675 Chase, large, oak . , , 290.00 . 1050 Singer player piano ......... 693.66 $10 to $85 eash, $5, $8. $16. $13 monthly. ' Phonograph . Dept. Used Specials. Victroli sV Brunswick, cab., each. ..... $95.00 Columbia and Pa the, . eah. each....... 85.00 Stradivara. $65: Grafonoia, small...... 12.50. 101 10th St. at Wash, and Stark Sta. - - "ecurity Storage Co., daring out for cash. $450 Spier Piano Co.. upright, man..... $1S5 450 Starr Piano Co., upright, oak...... 195 276 Coils rd at CoUard. small up....... 65 800 Pianos and player piano and music 296 250 Pianola player and 85 player rolls.. 45 4 Parlor organs. $25. $35, $3R and. . 48 103 10TH ST., COR. STARK ,8T. Piano Bargains There are some Wonderful bargaina In brand new grst.d and upright piano offered fog ah hext 10 day In our i , GREAT JUNE SALE Terms snven. L1PMAN. WOLFE ft CO. BARGAINS PIANOS REAL CHEAP $1 10 up, aU uprights, positively fao- rebuilt piano, many just like brand new. Makes such as Weber, Kimballa, Kingsbury. Stork,- Brad bury, McPhaiL Wellington, Milton, Shonlhger, Steger, Hardman and many others of , the world's best makes. Why pay $100 to $260 more up town for the same, eqnals: easy terms. Brokerage Co., 811 Worcester bldg. .,. VIOLIN string aervice our specialty. We tarry all tha Imported and domestic strings of Qual ity. G. r. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street. COLUMBIA Grafonoia. slightly used. $10; Pack rd piano, practically new. $488; Kindler 4 Collins piano (oak) $300. Harold 8, Gilbert. 84 lamhiu st. PLAYKR rolls special, to ruiia tor $1.00. Good 88 note rolls, guaranteed. G. F. JOIOSON PI AND CO. 149 Klxtb street PHONOGRAPH and records cheap; machine val ued at $255 and records $250. Wonnerful opportunity. Call Eaat 6606 any evening be tween 6 and 7 VIOLIN outfit, including nimi, cane, bow, rosin and extra strings. Special for pupils. $29, - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 140 Sixth Street KIMBALL grand pia.no. mabogany ca.se. a suap. Let us show you. SEIBERLING LUCAS MU SIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. A NEW ENGLAND piano, mahogany case, fin condition. $195. Terms. ' G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street PIANOS tor sale, none over $200. You sav money here. Phonographs too. 409 Ab- tngtrm bldg, FINK player piano bargain, 68 note, priced to ' sell quick. $375. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street Bl'SH & LANE player, equal to new, at about half price. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 12B 4th at , bet. Washington ana AMer. SILVER Conn saxophone, gold bell. "C" melody, $125. Terms. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 Sixth Street PIANO TUN 1NU and repairing. Phonograph re pairing. Work done by experienced workmen and guaranteed. 4Q9 AQington oiag. saain iir, SMITH A BARNES Baano, jut like new. a splendid buy, si. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIAS'O CO., ; 149 Sixth Street DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 HXPERT wstch repairing Main spring $1, cleaning .. $1.60 and up, Jewel $1, . watch glaasea 26c. ELLIS EWING. 204 Gerlitiger. 2d and A Her. Marshall 4364. 15 YEARS WITH BTAFU5S CLOSING out my diamond jewetty at less than half price. , Diamond rings $25 to $400. Re display; only a tew left. It. A. Brown. Watch maker and Jeweler, 252 Alder St. AGATE jewelry of quality, largext stock in town. Van Dusen'a, 453 Washington, near 1 8th street HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 7-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE - Consisting of library table, two . rockers and two chairs with brown, chase, leather seats one tabourette and one set of bookbolders. Thia fine suite - is perfectly matched, made of solid oak and finished a rich famed, priced at only $49.50 $3 delivers it, balance $1 ' per week. No interest. - 188-190 First 8t. COAL and wood range. . , Cook stove , Gaa stoves (lit water beaten ........ Floor coverings, yard Kitchen queens. .......... Kitchen cabinets .. .tlB 00 tip . . .616.00 up . . .$10.00 tip ..'. $.00 tut . . .$ 73 U0 ...$ $.00 no ...$12 00 tip . . .$ 7 oo np . , .$ 1.50 tip . . , 4.00 Oil . . 6.00 us .. S10.50 up a .... Dining Room extension table Inning room , enair . . . . , . Living room rockers ...... Library table.. eianoM - peas, ...... i . Cotton felt mattres. . . , , . Steel sprint). Cod springe -. , ........ Dressers ......... i .... . PORTLAND FURNITURE 208-21 Firs i ..a .oo op 8h AA ft a w. v w CXCUANGK atV SAVa,' MONEY . Try onr kale dept. if you- want to bay or sTJ household good; reduced freight rate to most all points in ear threuab, pool car. Expert peeking, fwpairta' and refiniabln. Money loaned on goods ia storage. Fireproof storage, low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE J TRANSFER CO. ' $ Fourth st., opp. Multnomah hotel Phone Broadwsy $715. ' Reed Specialty Shop 319 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST $508. Manufacturer of high grade reed fumitare. Read furniture mad to order: also repaired a ad refinished. Buy direct from factory. STERLING RANGE, wood or coai. good aa new, $60; gaa range. Jewel, $28; piano. Hetlnlng, Rew York, grand, good tone, $200, 6417 38th ave. s. r. 4-ttL HNa.it gaa ranee, 10; No. 8 souk stove, $10; . gaa plate, , $$; - 6-hole range, $$0 dresser, dining table and chain, beds, cup board and ether household . goods. ,- Sellwood . ii rowen st. OAK EXTENSION dining table and chairs. lef table and rock era, 9x13 Ax minster rug, gsa range, like new; very reaeonaU. 8013 77tb st. s. k. it scott ear. HIGH CLASS bedroom iurniture, suites or ep arato linea, walnut, mahogany and ivory, at factory price. Call at factory, 441 E. Lombard St., Bear Cnion ave. Weodlawn SACRIFICE tak dining table. 6 leather eov ered chair, oak bed, dresser, springs, saattress. xanor 4 B 1 4 UOOD AND COAt. C.6KtN4 BANGri CrttJAp FOR CASH. WARD, 441Q WWIiaTtW A, ONE range $35. in good condition. On imita tion leather lounge. Weodlawn 4270. LAUNCHES AND BOA fr S ' 904 BOAT FOR SALE SuiUbl for carrying freight or passengers. Standard engine.. Length 80 feet, beam . 8 Vi feet. Apply to H. Larsen, Wanna, Or. ' - ' . HU4.KEBOAT for sale,. rooms and hath, com pletely modern and completely furnished, en ef tha nieces, bosses for two on the river. Sell- wawd wiworsee. Hiwseboat No. 4. toll RENT 4 room houseooat, ail modera coav renienooa. Apply IS Holcata toooraaew - - i LAUNCHES AND BOATS 90 I.HAVE too many boats: want to sell soma of them. They are as follows On T n. p., one 8 h. p., on 1$ h. p., on 55 b. i ft., on 80 h, p., on -120 h. p.; two tenw, one 40 ft. by 12 ft., one kl ft. by 16 ft, new. My larg est boat tiaa twin Wisconsin motors; la 42. ft. long. 12 ft. beam; is new. WiU deliver.' Writ for particulars. C. T. Smith, Stevenson, Wash. FOR )$ALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S ALL, makes guaranteed one year. Beat re-const meted typewriters en coast, fcew price list. Jtlinlesale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington sL, Portia nd. Or. . - Pl'BUILT typewriter, kll mskea, reclaU. f pairing. supplies. lU'trilS-itcr CORONA to tbl. 8UNDSTRAND dl;n msclilnea. Main t. ft. W. peas Co.. 110 PHtli -t. ALL MAKES of tyisewriters ret:td. repaired and sold on monthly payment n. 'i Oregon Typewriter 'oi 94 8th st Main nnnsj FOR RENT UnderWowt Remington, 1 a mo. Empire Transfer, 2t BrosdwSv. Bdy. in. SWAPS 925 WILL tske lot 60x100 tLi in god location, for stock of. dry good or notions. Call Ant. 62.-8. . r - WANTEll Auto in exchange for plumUing. . Main 5631- Ask for O. W, "teplie-ion. . EIGHT aharea of Smith Motor stock to trsde for good Ford. 432 Htwthorh. r . FOR SALE 2-ton trncS or trad (or Ford too ring car. Sellwood zout. TRADE for woodiaw. Ford, new tires, angih and starter. . 806 E. 2d st. .N. ..... WILL trade a new Brunswick phomigraph for - digging basement. Sep.. 2148. i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS j 950 ,,. " il2.60 TO $25.00 L MEYER. THE TAILOR, psys more ifor See end Hand suits, shoes, overcoats. We call day or evening. Msrshsll 1229, or 85$ , Madison street, near Third. BOOKS Highest price paid lor Book of Knowl edge, Harvard Claasica, Universai Anthology and Story of the Greet War. Addreas U-7U, Journal. WILL isv ui to 3450 for. bast 1019 or 1H0 Chevrolet offered, small first payment; balance montlily: best credit references. Call evenings 6 to 7 Forestry grocery. 27th and Thurvasn sta. SOME gtoreryman to sell 509 lbs. "U.STA1' kippered . salmon to Help roruna3yrotia Sell. 554. - WANTED Milk customers near-. 4 7111 and Fre mont sta. Rich milk, 10c qt. ijek 'labor fiBt. WANTED A used eream separator, i O-108, Journal. . WANTED Good aecorul-faancl gaa range, ilar- shiu HZ 14. WANTED Good bevy tired tricycle for 6-year-old boy. '859 E. 67th st. N. Tabor 86B2. WANTED Ash. oak, maple and alder timber. Also lumber. F 904, Journal. - ! " , - i i - 1 AWWIV OOOP6 I 0.' i. lkMY GOODS lot sals, wbulesala anj retail; price reduced. H. Horenatain, b66 1$ st, or 204 1st at Mila 7178. BATHS Turkish BathsMlH-HoTfeJ: Electro Therapist 24-bour trvlce to men. ' tlLAHIt SOOK MAK6R8 ' Davis v holman, lic. lua 2d -.' . book manufacrnrera A-$186. . Main 188. . OARPKNTCIt A HO) VILDKflS GENERAL contrctork plan lurnished lor aU clause of building, iterations, repairing, La- timstes given. Phone Wdln. 4280. I OAT AND DOtt MQ6PITAL I ROSE CITX VKTaUUMARX UOaPllAL, . loo.. E. 7th and Great. Both phonea, . Day an tdgbt sarvua. Three vutarinanan. j OHIROPRACTOR8 CHIROPRACTIC, steaae batha ..and mammmm. 10th floor Broadway bid. Marshall 6167. Dr. Insure si. Uowning. upti aveninga. bit. MoAlAUuN (Mcilaa) Hi. atm : I'aonU takina . adiustmenu while smiling. 12th ysar. CLEANING AND OVKINO! REGAL Cleaner, Tailors and Uatur Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. Out of town mail orders given prompt attention. . 1 NJ 8th t., Portland, Or. . - 1 OLOTHIWQ . iTX A Ladies. children.', Uk uarments new BI, falueil mu. prices. 719 Union ave. N; East 1626. COAL AMD WOOD SUMMER prices. Short blocks cut from new ry. ties. $7.50 .per load, or tie S ft; short (lab, $6 per load; sawdust, $2.60 per load; also carry full line No. 1 fir oak, ash. Rock Springs nd Utah coil. Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. ; .' Superior.) Fuel Co. - Rummer nisi now on that eood coal and cord wood, heavy country slab, block wood. Sjssclal price for cash". T. 159J Aut. 815-41. T. 6105. No. 1 cord wood, highest grade first growth fir, ma O . .. .1 . . ...... u.t in K r . , I Vi Pim. land wholesale or retail; house deliveries also arranged for. Fir Co., Main 4247, 10 a. m. t 6 p. m. BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co-, 1261 Macadam. Fbone Main 1T ioo CORDS wood, $8 per cord, 6 eord lot, cui from big timber, taken by widow lady on a debit mnt eell part of It NOW. Alberta, Irr- t. , . .i a m. J l a l i 11' ing'ion, npqmoni afircin. -wain, to i finetitinnrt " roh. uuiuvvvuu (8.50 excellent Jut growth. COAT. Select grade, Utah, $13 del. Wdln. 4102. COOPERAGE ground log fuel gnd sawdust, in truck or carload lota. Western, Cooptrag Co., Columbia 02. FIRST GROWTH red fir, 16 in.-, heavy, Ju,t right for furnace or fireplace, $9.60 per eord; fnll measure guaranteed. Wdln. 6233. COUNTRY 8UBWOOD Green or dry-4-foot or sawed. Star Wood A Coal Co. Main 6013. irv slab wood 36. SO a eord; dry v -j .mi itt-Sn .l.h t7.no load: No, 1 cord- wood $8.50. PaOl Fnel t;o., Ben. iti. COUDWOUD,, No. 1 old growth. $8.6o. Acora wood at tjoai cto. wain, aim. 1RY Lt'MBER TRIMMINGS, CUT 16 INCHES, 86 PER IX) A P. WDLN. 838TV FIRST growtn cordwood,' liberal reduction, de livered from car. nag. g uci o., aos i DRY country alabwood, $7 per eord. Pbou Aut. 632-T1. - SECOND grade old growth and second growth fir. m W - . . vr. FIRST GROWTH- eorowood $8.2h per cord. Vhnn.. U'mdUaS 2863. I Before ordering your winter a wood call Auto'. 526-36. North Bank Fuel Co. 659 tipahnr St. A-l CORDWOOD. $8.60 delivered., M. Heardt Fuel CO'. JSaat g4io. ;. : .. ' I WOOD SAWED promptly. Esst 246? FREE dry sawdust, haul it away. Main .3380". CORDWOOD $7.80 percoti. Phon A. 623-56 DKNTISTtt DR. B. E. WRIGHT $6 floor. Baleigb bldg., oo. 6th OS Waahiflgtoal $tA ' Matt) til. A-9119. fal.4... PR, A. w. KCES1 DCIUiaUJ ,,u Washinaton St Without Pam. Latest Nerve Blocking Method KDUOATIONAL OANCINa - . m Downey's Dance Studio 86 H Washington strt, over Hsseheoad. rormer "instructor Cotillioa halL D. Pittareoa fowney. int, ' 1 '........' ey. ins . : . KINGLER'S DANCING ACADEMY ...... , . m . tnv1 u' i ti .i a rVnlJWl.lv.. uvr nllMUlwi Cotillion hall. 14th oft Washington; Broad way ball, Broadway and Main. Class and pri vet lesson by expert professional Instructor, ia all brknehe. bsilroota. elasaical, ballet, to phon or call lor appeintcneota. Breadway n.AKiaaa i. i- gg DANCE otUDlO. 66 Lwas Ua.. Wask. ingtoa at Third, - Private bout or half hour i ....I., a an rtdt. 7 :80 p m i Mis Irll4 sauaiC lOMOOtl ANO TCAOHCRS L" Carroll day, tecnr 01 tw J piee 146 ISth at nroaowsy iinm. IWflOM 50 resr' experience; aiaa leseoas st yonr ansae, i- ant. a-i. PIANO LESSONS 'Tfor beginner. 75c; Phone Ant. $15-92. " Portland ruq co. Fhiff Bnga. Mad Fro Old Carre ta 1672-1674 E ltTH ST. SELLWOOD $6$. MAT CLKAWtNt AWO OVjwS BATS cleaaad, blocked, 4ya robt and saw txftctory Royl Hst Works, f 2$ First st. LADIC8' TAILOrt LADIES gar ss.iiu altered and feutied, bin, lad'es' tailor. 408 Bu-h A Isae bldg T LAUNDHV Lace Curtains iAvir. ED. M. 2266, 10 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BS0 WANTED reonie of I'lirtlsnri in kno n,.t. I t'y lh highest rh price fnt .s.'riiid hnril ; tirusehold funds. No amount too large ut too sncBlL Prompt attrMioh. N. M. SKATER Pbow FsH 9303, . IH WnwTI . " Up- f ffta TETPfTYE ft- : W 8u ewrythlna and anything In th line of used fumitare and household "gnos, tool n old Clothing snd lank t sU Main 734. JINK Good price for old cloUnni. rags Brndsv 1S theisls. tools, fufnltnre, WAN TEX URN1TURE 652 SPOT CASlT VR I KED WhNliURki Main 8078 VSITEt) FrRNITURK STORE ITS FIHHT STREET Owl Purnlture Co. uwimon . W nt your U'ed furniture, str.ven, carpet $tid rnoS; W pky the highs-t cs-h puce. 1W6 and FirM ' 'nll Mslrs 4H.'7. M. R. SEATER Pnjrt the het Ik well ks cheSfier gtsde tt Secofnt I nd f'irnitiire. 26 Grand ve. Auto. 232-63. M E Bt V u ed turtiiturr. siotea. tie. Id il.bie Furniture Co, tO3 90fl 2d. Mlln 730 PERSONAL )75 .t.ii,, .'.ii-ii L.-r i.i.iiM I 1 employ onlv !i tnot V Jl I J mottern lnt niiui-nl and tl.e Vi i aw wrwt scientlfte method in X- arr.ining your eyes, 20 years' exiwrience. llion sanda of satisfied patients. F.ieninir. and fiun-! day by appoinlment, I'haa. W. t.rnilin.n. 2U9 glorisoit. rrv-wir prices. Main V 1 x t "RlikVMATtsU T Tie XTT. IT Stomach and kidney trouble, steam tnd min eral bat lis, maasag. Ladies by aiipoititmrnt. I till tarian Institute. 710-711 Swctlaild bldg. Main BliftB. 9 a. m.-8 P. m. " ATTENTION. RHEl MATH S Ws would lik to get in touch with all ra-e of rheumatism, bedridden Included. Write ksiea Dept., Lloyd Chemical Co.. Inc., 818 Chamber , , I.,.,. ,- vi v ill lurn n mil.. $1 (;K'iS both levl filed up at t r. Estoi. the UHlKUl'UliliST and Alft ll Mt'ti.l.ti.ihT who doesn't hurt yon t A yra. here. Kxsm. frea. Clone Theater bldg.. 11th il W'h. Bdey. 2SJI. IF 1 HR young lady who was so enthusiastic about t'wanta kippered salmon on Kims City Park car last night will call SelT. 634 it aid pe to ner lnieresu 11 iHtirtrnei Consultation FREE. AU caws. UHWytlr 404 Consolidated SecuriUea I-litg , W4 nth st. Hrosrlwsy 40118. Bl'PEHFLL'Ol 8 II A lit, mol.si. arts, remnvni by 10 Bedle method. Trial free, Joaia kinley, 614 Bnsh A jn MrlgMsIn 6H6H LlCT Georua Buhenslein, th veteran oclici.n, I t your eyaa. Expert optical service, reasnnahi prices. No charse for tenting, 226 Morrtsori t. MASSAGE, hatliA. llr Lima Hon n. n, MlH Panama bldg. Main 6086. irrajlesa physician. D OPTOMKYRI6TS m iuvis your1yT:5examine-di' " " " W recommend end prescribe glasaea only f r thorough examination proves their need. Ton will find our services relisbl and charge vary reasonable A trial will eooviace. p)ci7nitic Qpfical Service 568 Morrison St Main 6867. gasjasw BYKS aciantif Ically tested with n. ern Instramsnuii glaa.es fitted at V"f sgvingt sstlsfsetlia gasrsnterd. - A. E. nURWITZ. Optomsuiat. $2$ 1st It. Wh nrl Osk PAINTIWa. TIWTIW. MEHHAWMi - ROOF PINT UR PAINTING " t our bobby snd w sr pleased to announce that the price this Rose Carnival week la eveq below pre-wr price and th Jllck Htln Webs, foot Pint 1 th best tbst money buy. Roof Security Co., 226 B'wrd of Trade bldg. Maia 871. Res., Bdwy. 600. Wall Paper Paints, Etc. 2$0 SECOND STREET. MAIN 7823 ' ; ; Uhl Bros., Inc. Normalcy Paintinc: Co. . JJ7L.IUV0INa TINTING Tahor 64 78. Tabor 8742. PAINl IN'G ami kalunning and roof rrpairiug'sl moderste prices; work guaranteed. Kt.t 4flj). J' ih fe'.l lyti f,l"t,t'., Papvrit.g, tinting" ?,J N. 17th sf. Brosdw.y 4414. Bnod.swn 2126. lAiMHMt, tinting, house painting Our work pleases; very reasona hie. Tabor 7X28 mnmlnri. lT8:srT ATTOWrirv "hta. 610 bsmber of Commere. b U. rHaieiaata Office Practice only. LUM6INq .,D 8TIAIlr;vrTi7r w a uvr. T if . V iks. fZUm rea.n.b W. A. MYERS, 1T8 E. 6td St. N. A-nt 81 1 1. LOW prices on sU kinds plumbing u,,,, f H ns figur on your installation.. Alberta PlnmH. Co., 617 Union a vs. N.. near How II K 4"85 TEE M, L KLINE m, 84-68-B'7-89Hrr7"s'' PWIWTIWO, WrAVJIa INPfWa . ii.r.ri. sis ns'iis T IS I 11. 1 4lh .t JltfDtfl) BJ.N'E8 UARUS" $1.25" T I V I' .i ...... .....' liberty Prtntery, la3H 4ih St Main 62.. Prlntintr -.w7 ba.ttct"coti ,i il.iL J" odOsk. Main 163. 61 1-6. " fiit " irwiNoTi8i7N"cxnfpANr: $87 Washington. Broadway 484 A-l 1 9 ftiiaLCl ic. 282 Wash. aC Mala 4TL 1 noor mrnmiin BO,?F? repaired and psinua; gutter, clean, t Hoof Security, lne miga Webloot PainL 24 5?r4-.?f Trad. Mala 67L Mu $044. yp, 605, OREGON luW-iNG Co. P.mung "aod" ,.;,'?: 2.$ kind ' roofs B-t tiilsontls paint nsed. All work gntranteed. 1764 K. Gliaaa at! UOOl II ..... , r.,-4 ,i.il ax "1'.knr,,J.,.n,,'t Kkh'11. East 81 3. RtKJES rejiaired and painted. Prices and oafni beat. rillsworth Roof 4 'e . Ess" 290? 6CALr AND raCIAL 6P6CIALI8T8 SCALP AND FACIAlT" SPECIALIST - Baldness, diMaea of the scalp and hair she. eeasfully treat, d; face messages: facial imrw. f.cUon. scienUflcally corrected - "tr- , DU. EVELYN H. TREINIES Suit. 420 Morgan Bldg. Main 4 44 W$N CO si NIOTION 6 Tabor3bU ""d 1UbU iesT E. Clisaa. HIIT WBTAt. WORK 'MULTNOMAH SiiHET METAL WORKS Korfln. guttortng, sneatlng. icSblng r.ro.ow.r w 2. 2.' A-h TABOR sheet metal works, guttering, jobbing ret pairing, furnace work and plumbing. ('Joed worn, reason. nic prices. flying TS Oor 181 OMINOLINtt HULNoLlNG, "old and bsw Work, all firl-cte work. Sell. 157. , gTOVt stgPAIWIP)a Why Buy a New Stove i 4,? aaVi M NgK ruraaeea East 681. ' TWAW8FIN AHO $11171" SECURITY BTOHAOR A TRANSFER CO. Packing-Moving Storage MONET LOANED ON GOOl8 IN STORAGR 6$ . Fourth at., opp. Malt noma beta, Phon Broadway $716. "irWiTI" Pl("g' Itim-lt; 1 t GOODS SPECIALIST Storse (hipping nd aaavlng; horse (ad gut4 t.h.; . 2 rial rate to all points. ' . C O. PICK TRANSFER A STrtftACR CI ti snd Pin - , Brosdwsy 6!)4. A-1 . Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Gliaan Ht. DRAYACE Four Warehouse on Terminal 1 racks Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. HTH AND OLI8AH "WOADWAT 8476 REDtC ED Htii.U I iiA I ES to ail pim. Zi huUhold good. Pacific Coast Furwari rg Co.. 9th snd Hoyt Bdwy 708 CHARLIE'S exproM n1 baggagr. a.ta g.n.rU hauling, Aut 627-68 vacuum! cctaxtfj FOR -KENT Electrw vacuuia ciu', i' hour day, 65c, delivered. Wdln. !... , WJUffl