k TUESDAY, JUNE -21. 1921. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 20 WHT BE OCT Or A JOB OR VtOZK AX AS UNDERPAID POSITION f . ' -Call at Colon aaa and W asea at. any day except Saturday, at II a. m., or writa for free catalog No. 4. It will not coat you anything t find out bow we ba re helped over (00 graduates to coed nmitiona. We can help you. too. . ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL Special Inducements to Ex-Service Mem. Reduced Hatea im. 1 to Sep. 1. HELP WANTED- MALE 201 V ANTED State distributor, fin elaaa ante accessory: tit 80 per cent of ell cara; exclu sive rights; experience not necessary. " yn pas managft sub scents to do eel Una; and install ing there is bo limit to money ou can make. Article i email and good looker end'doee the : work. Show any ear owner and explain merit, aale is made. Cuts orerbead expanse, saves en gine and oil. man power. Thia is worth your time. Yon carry email stork made in Portland and sella easy. ' Manufacturer's res. 1143 B. Lincoln St., cor, $8th; Hawthorne are. ear. Phone Ant. j 224-48 for appointment , Call in person after 6:30 p. rn. lon't delay. WOODWORK Eft AND ASSEMBLER WANTED. First class mnchasic for assembling tn track .-body works. Do not apply nnlea you hare full i kit of hand tools and experienced mechanic. Unfverssl Body corporation. 000 Bandy. HOW would you like to earn $50 a week nod live in your own home town? Bee display ad on Page 8. Call or writ North Ridge Brush Co.. 205 Artisan bids. WANTED Experienced milker and chore manT Call Main 887 between 10 a. m. and 3 p. nu. Bun.,- M.on., Tncs. ' : ' CARNIV AL wanted at St Johns' Fourth of July celebration. Phone CoL 72. E. Corcoran, 209 H.- Jersey. JANITOR Colored man and wife for apt, hnusa. Mart be capable. Main 1 052. WANTED Experienced fluff rug wearer Oregon Fluff Kilg Co., 1984 K. Stark. VVANTED :A, contractor, who can give bond.'C bitild a 5 room bungalow. Call Ant. 814-01. WANTED Carpenter to figure small job. Main 7135. SALESMEN WANTED 202 A PUBLIC utility requires the serTiees of three sslesmea with good general experience. F 292, Journal. "' ' AGENTS WANTED 203 WANTED State agent for Washington, Idaho, Montana and county agents for Oregon for selling automobile equipment, easy to sell; good money for right parties. Call at 1143 E. Lin coln, corner 38th, after 6 p. m. , Phone 'Aut 224-48. ' AUENTB wanted Benedict Nursery CoJ. 188 K. . 7th t N.. Portland, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 IvXPEKlENCED girl looking for office position should register with na a we are baring mora calls tbsa unual for the girls that are Inez peneaeed we are offering a practical office ap pliance court in typing, dictating machine, cal culator or m altigraph and assist them in secur ing positions when qualified. -CALLAN SCHOOL. . 408 Arti'ann Bldg., Broadway at Oak, GIRL. 14 or orer, to help mother with her work and care of 2 small children: good home and nice' vacation for school girt. Call Ant. 816- 8 or write Milwaukie. Or., box 286A. UIKL wanted to do housework and care for 2-year-old baby; must be willing to stay home evenings; good home; 820 per mo. Main 2992. PIANO teacher for beginners. " not necessarily professional ; state experience. Address Music Papervisor. r. O. Box 884. ANY UIHb.la need et a tnend. apply to the Belvatien Army xtescne atone, aaayiair ana Alexander ate. Phone Main 84 Q. T-tt car. U'iVtEI) FJderlr ladv aa companion, gooa home. Writer Otto Bittlve, pervais. Or., R. 8. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED 100 loganberry pickers. I. will be at the St. Charles hotel Wednesday. June 22. Cel Anpinwall. Waconda. Or. r, BERRY pickers for my place, the CeJton farm; write or see H. W. Strong. Oresham. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2S1 WOULD like job hauling wood by the cord, tram or truck;, will contract hauling any amount, any place, or will buy ready eut first growth far wood in timber,. CoL 722. 621 Ttoga St., Portland I ' Grading and Excavating Day or contract: dumpwagon and teams for hire by the day. Main 6744. TWO men with dragsaw and outfit want con- tract to cut, first growth -cordwood. 1600 curd or more. 'V. V, MaiUand, 844 E. Ash, Portland. Or. Ant. 21t-16. PAtNTING " AND TINTINU IN ALL THE15 BRANCHES. , REASONABLE. WDLN. 3326. VAHL BROS. CARPENTER. Estimates given on building and repair work; screens made to order; 1367 Hawthorne, Tabor 1260. WANTED Work on farm by strong boy. 15; know bow to milk. For particulars address J06 E. 86th st. N.. Portland. -- CARPENTERING, sun oorches. ahinsUng. in terior finishing. Estimates furnished. Main 684 S. ' W TOO want a real driver, one who will deliver the goods day or night, 7 days a week, 'writ EX-373. Journal. WE DO in and outside painting, paperhanging and tinting; estirnatee given prompt attention. Our work gnaranteed. Call Main 8164. CARPENTER will repair your old bouse or build - your new one,' day or contract ".Mr. CmpbaU, Marshall 6000. . - PAPERING, painting and tinting, cheap; floors cleaned and polished. Tabor 5258. PAINTING and tinting, good clean work. Tall Woodlawn 84 71. CEMENT WORK Satisfaction guaranteed. A. R. Putnam, Woodlawn 6241. - , KUUFS For reshingung or roof repair Serrice rail Marshall 1072. GREENHOUSE MAN, years ol experience, wants ' work. T-796; Journal. PAINTING and kalsomininc. $3 a room up. t C. W. Rice. 621-63. 'BASEMENTS. GRADING. GEN'L TEAMING Contract or Day Work. Ant 622-35. CEMENT work; ail kUtOa. sTlrat Sellwood 9 1. SCREENS made to order, old screens raerirsa. Automatic 817-27. -CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing anything In the building Una Phone East 8666. PLUMBING done very reasonsbls by the job or by the hour. Ant. 235-91. ' HOUSE PAINTING, pur Telephones East B797. paint. . references. PAINTING and tinting: work guaranteed. Rea sonable. Aut 622-98. CARPENTER, builder, jobbing, built-in., eU- maten on" new work. Anto. 520-81. ROOFS RESHINGIJ5D A SPECIALTY Phone, East 1201 ' CARPENTER, jobbing, Dutch kitchen and buf fet work a specialty. Columbia 1450. WIIX, do your cement work at reasonable pricaT Wdln. 4 84. WANTED Position on farm by experienced farmer. Apply A-3SK, Journal., ; ViUTTER repairing and all kinds of sheet metal . work. Tabor 7534. . TR ODD jobs call Woodlawn 84 2S. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 UNDERGRADUATE nurse, assistant in dentist office. C S. student preferred. ; -0-175, Journal. LACE. SXTRIV AN u MARQClSETfl CUR-TADfS.- DRAPERIES, fXJNK UP USB KEW. WILL CALL EAST 8518. WANTED Position aa companion to elderly cduple or hoTTsekeeper to widower,: no objection to children. X-823, Journal. - - POSITION as housekeeper, suburbs preferred.; 1st class references. Call or address ' 6344 hi Foster road. 8. K. TRUSTWORTHY lady wants housecleaning. washing, other work ; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6805. " EXPERIENCED waitress wishes position im.- mediately. Call East 82. apartment 438.' WlLI, care for children and invalids by the hour. Broadway 2740, room 401. DRESSMAKING 256 UTEINO. clean ins. creatine. modeling. - veil n. as. alterations, plea tins, rea sonable price. Th Cabinet Dressmaking parlors, 424 ' Morrison, neer 11th. Main 1825. . RICHMOND FASHION SHOP " Dainty summer dresses to order, reasonable prices; alterations sad refittins. 1120 Division at. .Tajbor 813.'- , '..'--?:: . HEMSTITCHING Any color, bo yard ; also ecal loping. 209 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. NURSES 257 EXPERIENCED nuxse will take patient in my' heme : Haht airv rooms snd sleenina norch. . Main 1073. - - WANTED By practical nurse, experienced any kind of nursing: metern. prefrr'd. Wdln. 1686. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 - HOTEL MEDFORD 120 No. Fifth, corner Glisan st Steam heat hot. cold water; free bath, 75c a day up; mm wees up. mmg oatn room, i weeg up. FRONT room .with porch, newly papered, new. turn it ure, S3 per week, walking distance. 605 6th st Phone Main 8589. FURNISHED room and unfurnished. . able rent - 144 E. Water t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 300 rl'RNisHED "sleeping room TT MODERN CONVENIENCES - 1 . 84 Ai WEEK AI CP V MAXWELL HALL i ' ' 207 FOURTEENTH STREET s - phonic maim ii$8 ' -; Lincoln Hotel : w n Very attract ire rooms, tingle and ea suits, thoroughly modem; congenial atmosphere; de sirable down-town location; 81.60 and us per night. Weekly rates of $9.60 and an. Hotel Royal EAST M6RRlSOH D EAST THIRD H. K. and sUeping rooms 81. per day. 88 per week and op 4 Ail modern , eonveruancea Walking distance. u HOTEL FRANKLIN 4 WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 1 Rates by the week, 88.80 and tip, hot and cold running water, ton and shower betna, Jeff erson Hotel " f2VE Modern, well famished rooms, pies sent lobby and automatic elevator. 60o-76 a night ana up especial weekly rates. TOURIST HOTEL cafolrtot Modern, free bath, (educed ratea, 7 to per day and op, 84 week and up. Transient trade so licited. Mrs M. j. Walker, proprietor. Hotel Cbnradine Two block north of Washington at. Pleasant rooms and suites at eery reasonable tats by the dey or week. ' " HOTEL OHIO - . . 266 FRONT 8T.. COR. MADISON Rice alee ping and nousekeepinc rooms; hot and cold water In eeery room ; automatic ele vator; reasonable, by day or week. HOTEL BARR 112i N. SIXTH. 3 BLOCKS FROM DEPOT. 81 per day. 38 per week and up. Glenwood Hotels mSS Under new ntanatement. Clean rooms and beat serrice. Spec'al rates. . - - W 1J.I. furnished aleeping or H. K. room; large, clean, airy rooms, close in; rent very reason able. 686 Cooch st. between 18th and 19th. Broadway 164. 4.V5 ALDER CORNER OF 13TH NEAT, CLKAN SLEEPING ROOMS. ALSO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $3 TO 86 PER WEKK) BROADWAY 5652. Wei! Furnished Rooms Steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 269 H Fifth at. Main 8876. FRONT room, with, porch, newly papered, new , furniture. 82.60 ner week. Also one large housekeeping room with frtnk and water. Waik ing diatance. 606 6th st. Main 8589. HOTEL CADILLAC T . - Third St., Near Jefferson TSo day, 82.50 week up. Clenn. comfortable rooms:, bath free; hot water all hours. - ' the maple , ' " Booms 84 per week and up. Hot and -cold water in each room: attio room $8 per month. 8Q N. "17th at. ' ' ONE aleeping tPorch and one very, pleasant aleeping room ; also completely furnished on and two-room apt: an well furnished and spot lessly clean; reasonable. 855 Washington at. Sargent Hotel lLl : Houaekeeptnc : and aleeping rooms, . St. Paul Hotel corIrESeI A respectable down-to wo hotel. Transients $1 up. Special rates to permsnent guests. SOME ' richly furnished transient room being refitted at special ratea to permanent, weekly pr monthly guest. - All rooms facing 6th or Stark st.. business section. Empress hotel. i;HOTEL;OCKLEY- Morrison at Tenth. 31 a day; weekly, $5 and np; free phone and bath; steam heat. T1 WASHINGTON HOTEL A few attractive-rooms and suites; very rea sonable rates by the week or. month. . 12th and Washington st - ; i : CLEVENGER HOTEL 418 hi Washington St.. cor. 11th, 81 a day, 34.50 a week and up;, fine downtown location; hot and cold water; steam heat : ! WASHINGTON HOTEL ,J A few attractive rooms and suites: eery rea sonable ratea -by the week or month. 12th and Washington sta. - -s - FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 2 NICE SLEEPING ROOMS, $4 PER WEEK, WALKING DISTANCE; .CORNER HARRI SON AND BROADWAY. 394 BROADWAY, MAIN 4903. LOVELY -rooms, that will surely please; use of sitting room also; business men preferred. 115 74th at. corner Alder. Call Tabor 3072 evenings or F-282. Journal. - BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room, private bath, in refined home, restricted district; large lawn; walkinc distance, t 84 N. 21st cor, Everett ' CLEAN, comfortable room in C 8. home, sui able for two ladies or gentlemen, with or without meals. 414 Market st. cor. 11th. THREE large rma. with closets, private lavatory, part furnished, 1 block from car. Reasonable, 610 East Ash st E. 6989. -i 1BO.NT room, large, clean, with small kitchen, gas furnished, $4 "week to- 1 or 2 ladies, close In. ' 54 E. 7th N.. Cor. Paris. - - LARGE, clean, well furniahed rooms, phone and bath, walkinc distance. ; Broadway 2472. 553 Hoyt st. VERY fien modern furniahed room, auitable for one or two; no other, roomers; clos in. 765 E. Broadway. - - - LARGE, clean, airy room, suitable for 1, 2 or 3 persons; rent reasonable 253 N. 21st tt Phone Ant 631-08. CLEAN, pleasant furnished room, walking' dis tance; 1 block 2 carlines; outside ' entrance; gentleman employed; only $3 week.. Eaet - 2506. LARGE, light, airy room, walkinc distance buai nesa district, gentlemen preferred. 654 Everett, cor. 17th. ' '- - SLEEPING room, suitable for 1, light, clean" airy, 2d floor, close to bath ; use of phone. 128 14th St.. bet Wash, and Alder at. BEAUTIFUL 2 or 3 room apartment close in. newly decorated, piano, phone, electric, large, airy, light rooms. Marshall 3214. ' - CLEAN. airy aleeping rooms. hm block S. AJ- pert st idt E. 7tn. LARGE, pleasant front room for 2, in private home. 814 Halsey st East 8788. ONE DEN and sleeping porch, nicely furnished. elose in. 829 W. Park. 8 FURNISHED rooms, private bath and sleep ing porch. 872 E. Paris at.. $25. 2 ROOMS Private, nicely lumiahed. 42 E. 27th st S. , close in. WELL furnished room in pnvst family for 2 men. References. - Wdln. 8698. - ROOM AND BOARD 302 -NORTONIA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON ' Portland's high class downtown residential hoteL j i. , We give yes th eomfort of bom a American and European plan. Rate reasonable. LARGE rooms in private home, walking distance" West Side; use of piano; ref. Max. , 2669, mornings. . ; 1 - ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 BOOM AND BOARD for two in Swedish family. - AB home privileges. Two bloeka from Sunny sMe ear et E. SOth. 912 E- Aider. East 3437. -PLEASANT room in modern home, for 1 or 2; all home privileges, 356 E. SOth st I' rone Tsbor 8328. NICE rooms for one or two. Also 2 single rooms, clean and in walkinc dUtance; boerd ing if desired. 617 Marshall. FINE board and room, in desirable home; dose to Sunnyaide and Hawtttora car. , Inquire st 1000 East Taylor at near 34th. HAVE 2 large rooms with double beds suitable - for 2 couples or single men; board if desired; slso garage. East 4776 or 574 E. Couch. WILL GIVE room and care to child between 2 and 6 - years old on faam Dear Portland. Phone 832-18. MOTHER'S care given children, day or hour. 726 Everett Ant 629-02, ROOM and board, dose In. . quiet private home. 105 E. 12th st' East 6048. ' WILL GIVE best of care to child, 2 to 6 yean; close in. Can give good ref. East 7296. ROOM and board in private family. 94 East 85th st FURNISHED room with board near 2 carlines; 'men preferred. Csll Aut 825-69. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS r FURNISHED 304 TWO large furnished H. room, walking, di Unce. Ill N. 14tb st 2 II. K. rooms for rent 120 Graham. O-W. R. N. shop. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly decorated, very reasonable rent; see them. 658 Quimby st SUITE, of housekeeping rooms at 690 Upshur st Phone Tabor 6769. SINGLE h. k. room. litable for bachelor. tot . letn st 1 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent 182 N. 14th st. - ' FURNISHED housekeeping room, sink and hath, 812 per month. 154 E. 6th t 006 FRONT Clean, eiectnc and gaa NEAT, trim one room apt. $6 week. 170 10th. FOR RENT fitjutivr,r-lNG ROOMS FURNISHED 304 EXCEPTIONAL 2 room suite, large cleaa rooms, well - furnlshad, bay window, parlor lamp, davenport kitchen cabinet , etc 3 also pleasant room with kitchenette; moderate teat. ; 141 Lcwnsdale. eat. 15 th and Alder. r WHITE House rooms, single Tarnished book keeping, all oniaidt rooms; nice quiet place; gentlemen preferred; walking, distance; low rent. 215 Mill at-, corner 1st. - - ' - VERY pleasant X room suite; large, clean rooms, well furnished with all conveniences; desira ble location ; rent eery reasonable. 807 Market at., between 8th and th ata. , , MANOR HOTEL, 271 ft Morrison 11 U Cor. Fourth fit. H. K. and sleeping rooms. Low rate by the week. Clean, quiet and homelike. Mar. 2308. MH . BTARK. Phone Eaet 5476. i Two niceky papered and enameled . modern - housekeeping mrms. walking distance; rent eery reasonable. Three blocks east of Washington high. 2 , ROOM apt., well furnianed, modern, light and dean; also pleasant aleeping room: deair- able location, close in; summer price. , 1S3 13th cor. Morri-on. Bdwy. 4876. .. . TWO nicely furn. h. a. rooms with running water and heat. wiH.be ready Sunday morning; also 1 single housekeeping room, at 19 H. 17th. Broadway 2069. - -, 3 AND 4 ROOM basement apt., running A water, 820 and 880 per mo.; also 3 room npstaim apt., 820. No objection to children. AIo sleeping room. '688 0th at. : '- K. H. ROOMS, hot and cold running water, free phone, especially clean, new manage ment, reasonable ratea; no objection to children, 88 21st st. N., 3 blocks off Washington. TWO nice single housekeeping rooms with ga and electricity furnished. $3 50 and 84.50 per week; walking distance, 801' 17th, cor. Columbiatail honaet - TWO attic room. 2 large front housekeeping U rooms, first floor, 2 large front housekeeping rooms upstairs, 1 large housekeeping roc m. . 11T llRth st. north. Bdwy. 8886. 2 H, K. ROOMS, single or double; also on largo front sleeping room, everything fur rd&aed, walkinc distance. 8ST College st., near W. Park. Main 8154. ONE housekeeping suite, everything furnished. neat and clean: very reasonable; 1 front room, housekeeping privilege, reasonable. 370 Broad way. THE MAPLE 30 N. 17th at, off "Washington ; Urge .2 room ' suite: also single room, with kitchenette; hot and cold -; water in each apt. - 1. 2 AND a H. K. ROOMS: GLEAN AND DE SIRABr.E; ELECTRICITY, NEAR TWO CABLINES, MISS. AND WILLIAMS. $1.78 TO $4. 203 STANTON ST. f - TWO .room, single and with kitchenette, elec tricity, water, cheap. Will exchange rent for painting or auto, furniture, , etc . Phone Bdwy. 1985. i $10 MONTH 2 clean furniahed, housekeeping rooms, free phone, laundry, hot and cold water, electric light, yard. : 406 Vancouver are. near Broadway. -' ' A NICE home for 2 girls. 2 very pleasant rooms with kitchen privileges. Lovely mod ern home in. desirable location, walkinc distance. 454 Hall St., comer 18th. Main 480. LARGE airy room, electric light, etc, $4.50 per week. 619 .Morrison, Another steam heated, sleeping or h. k. room. $3.23 per week. 44 5 Cornmbia. LARGE, clean, outside h. k. room, very desir able location; 8 minutes walk frost Meier Frank's. 226 14th st. 3 CLEAN, pleasant furnished rooms. $33 mo.. including water, lia-ht. phone. R. J. McGuire. 643 N. Union. East S407. WALKING distance, 2 room suite, aleeping ' porch. Everything furnished. Satisfactory rates to permanent people. 162 N. 22d. CLKAN, single and dounie houaeaeeping rooms. running water, electricity, phone, bath. laundry trays, adults, close in. 806 12th st. TWO large, dean, furniahed front h. k. rooms, electricity, bath, range, sink, walking distance. 211 Sherman st. Marshall 2298. - . THREE nicely furnished h. k. rooms in private home, auitable for working girls, reasonable. Bell, zua. - - - - FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent; also Bleeping room; dose in. 131 18th St. Main 3659. DANDY 1 and 2 room ' housekeeping, clean ; price $12 to $20 per month. 173 N. 21st st - NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, first floor, light, heat, gas, phone ; -also sleeping rooms, desix sble for gentlemen. Main 8370. Near 23d at SACRY hoiue. 1 and 2 room lumiahed housed keeping, close In. walkinc distance, west side, low rent "545 hi 1st - FURNISHED IL K. rooms, close in. 81.75 week snd up; electric light. ; 826 hi First,' near Clay st. - s - ' . ;-- ;-.-' ' ATTRACTIVE-front suit of rooms, aleeping porch, fireplace, electricity, gas plate; gang if desired. 1441 E. Morrison. Tabor 8850.- NICE aingle or two room auitea for II. K. Good for working people; walkinc distance. 449 E. Conch. - t , ; : NICE 3-room suite, reasonable : also on sleep- ing room. 446 Taylor, off s 12th. Mar- hall 8S54. PLEASANT front H. K. room, with kitchenette, close in. 828 Clsy st LARGE airy , h. k. . rooms, gaa range, bath, laundry 'facilities. 885 Clay it cor. Broad way. Main 8640. ' - TWO large front rooms, first floor, $25; room and kitchenette $20, hot water always, bath, laundry, phone.light and heat 655 FTandere at NICELY furnished housekeeping basement room. 2 men. Wdln. 3873. 1167 iVilbur st CLEAN, desirable furnished H. K. room, kitch en, reasonable. 768 Park are., close- to City Parte and C-O car. Phone Main 4278. THREE furnished K rooms, basement Adulta. 263 Page. Williams ave. car. : East 350. - " - - SINGLE or double furnished H. K. rooms; gas; walkinc distance; free phone, light and bath. reasonable rent. 549 hi Morrison. Bdwy. 1644. 2 FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. $1.8 PER MONTH. 631 THt'RMAN. BDWY. 1487. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i UNFURNISHED 305 FOR RENT 3 room furnished and unfurnished apartments, $27.50. Call week days. Maxn 5784. 747 Noethrnp. - IF you have any furniture to move, we da it t for lees: storaa-e free 15 data Main 6290. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 $45 WERT SIDE APT. $45 VACANT JULY 1 WILL LEASE ' Four large, - right roams, closets, bath, heat phone, water furnished, ground floor; private entrance: no children. ; SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. TWO large front rooms, rurnished, 2 beds; also 2 large front rooms, first floor, clean end light running water, bath, phone, large yard: children- welcome; rent reasonable. 99 East 12th, and Washington. PLEASANT room, furnished tor aleeping or housekeeping; gaa, light, linen snd bath, for one gentleman, $4 per week. 451 10th st S., corner Jackson. 2 NICELY FUR. ROOMS, WITH KITCHEN- ETTE: CONVENIENT. ELEC. GAS, HEAT, FURNISHED. EAST SIDE; WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 4045. IX IRVINGTON. 3 clean, large, furniahed H. K. roaas, all conveniences, suitable for 3 or 4 people. TeL East 1441. v LARGE froat upstairs room, kitchenett. and aleeping porch overlooking city. , Portland Height district 604 Market drive. Walking distance. Main 6851! TWO eomfortabie rooms in private family, mod ern home, near Lanrelhurst Park ; h. k. privileges,' Sunnyside . car to 33d. 1002 E. Morrison. Tabor 4814. BEAUTIFUL FRONT FURNISHED APT. 350 Perfectly lovely, suitable for two to four per sons: large, light airy 3 rooms. You'll like it THE COLUMBIAN. 1 1 TH AND COLUMBIA FURNISHED rooms, also convenient for light ', housekeeping, reasonable, in private family, suitable for two working girls or men; break fast if desired. Phone Woodlawn 3756, 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooma for man and wife er 2 gentlemen or 2 ladies, everything fur nished, dean, good basement to wash in. lights, gaa and phone. Wdln. 4545. , JUST what you have been looking for, clean and nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in desirable residence district at 1020 E. Main su. cor. 84 th. Hawthorne ear. - ' ' '. ' FOR RENT 3 partly furnished H. K. rooms, $20 per mo., including lights and water. Call at 193 Union ave. N, Adults only. TWO H. K. rooms close in, sav carfare, water, light and phone; suitable for working couple; $20 a month. 805 Main, phone Main 4810. FOR RENT By month, ciosein. 1 basement hoosekepinc room. ,tui table for 1 or 2 work' tnc men to bach in. 828 Clay. 3 ROOMS, large, clean, modem H. K. apt for 3 or 4 people;-good residence districts 687 Glisan. MarshaU 8911. 1WO nicely furnished hoasekeeping rooms, lights, phone, heat,- etc, reasonable. 1214 Holgate. Sellwood 8400. . . - , TWO nice dean housekeeping rooms, close in; lights snd water, $6 a week. 538 E. Kelly Bt Sellwood car. FOR RENT, light housekeeping rooms, furnished. Call 207 N. 23d et 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rest 120 Graham ave., near O-w. K. ar w sbops. TWO FUR.MSUED housekeepuic rooms; no children. Phone East 4549. TWO desirable furaisned nouseseeping rooms; heal, water and iQt 690 . Burns a 'mis OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 ' VfeOoU TiBNlSHSl APARTMENT T 873. west aide, walkinc distance, all outside rooms, front porch and sleeping! porch,-3 bed room, plenty of beat and hot water, eteadj tenant; must be adults, - . ... SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX.CH. 2 LARUE front rooms, ground floor, furnished : complete for housekeeping,., walking distance, adults. 11 E. 14th at. -K. - -v- " APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Buena Vista "Mal?5 Three room strictly modern furnished apta., newly papered la' tapestry; tiled be thrones and out side kitchens. 385. Adults only. 3 OR 4 ROOM furnished apt t clean, airy rooms; quiet place: 313 2 2d at. S. Adult. -. , . i King Albert Apartments - 3 and 3 rooms, furnished, strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. 11th Montgomery; Main 859. Carlois Apartments ; 2-room apartment, very reasonable, walking distance. - Fourteenth and Market. - The Edenholm "Vr-. Desirable 2 and 8 room apts. Private baths snd usual convepiences. 325 to s per month. bTHE JEFFERY; - 2 room furniahed ants.. $18. Cor. Russell and Kerby ata. East 1584. LARGE, light, airy. 1 room apt., very nice place to live, easy walkinc distance, suitable for 2 working Crls or employed couple. 34.50 per week. 825 12th. ' THREE room apU, cheap to , someone who will look after the house; Everything furnished; elderly couple preferred, i ef. required. . 290 Jefferson. ' Davenport Apartments 8 mom furnished apt. for rent. 603 Jeffey on. Main 0489. NICELY furnished 2 room apartments., $30 to $40. including lirhta snd private phone. Walkinc distance. . Adults only. - The Lincoln, 4th ,Jui Lincoln. Main 1377. CInennra Aewo 3S8 Elerenth fit II 1U1 bilbb ns.9 Marshall 4178 One 3-room apartment with aleeping porch. - Also large pleasant room suitable for two. OPPORTUNITY to secure 3 or 3 room apt- at reduced summer rates. large, airy outside rooms: usual conveniences. Adults. The Jef femonian, comer 16th and Jefferson. COZY 8 room, everything fumisoxd, cheap; nice neighborhood, - paved st, near carline, good view. Prefer sdults. 690 E. 10th. Sell. 193. Evenmgs Bdwy. 8601. See Roland, O. W. K. store. ALT AMONT APTS. 804 College One nice 8 -room basement apartment with bath, $42.50. . THE STANFIELD " Modern 2 room "apt., light, heat, phone; low rent Main 7892. e Apts. ; ' Two snd 3 room ants., thoroughly cleaned snd newly decorated. 274 N. 21st Bdwy. 4780. 3 AND 4 ROOM furnished apt, steam heat free phone, 1 block -from 2 car lines. 843 Nelson st, near 27th and Sandy blvd. UNDER new management. Leeds apt., fireproof bldg, modern 2, 3 and 4 room apt., also sleeping rooms, reasonable rent Mar. 8S97. 3 ROOM apt., private bath, $40 per month; 6 blocks to XL & F. store, clean. Call Wiley, Broadway 200, or Main 18Q after 8 p. m. 3 ROOM, private furniture and piano, to sublet Near 234 and Washington. Call Mar. 8242 after 6 t. m. I ' FOR RENT $ room furnished apt, light, heat. hot and cold water, furnished. Call at 1092 hi nawtnorne ave.. Apt. a. ; no cnuoren. DRICKSTON APTS.1 448 11TH ST. k - Modern, dean, light, 3 room apta. Summer rates. -.- DRICKStOtt Apfg. 448 lltK St. r Modern, dean, light, 2 room apts. Summer rates. - THREE . ROOM front, apartment strictly mod ern. 4250 Clinton Apt. 523 East 16th. Sen. ,3168. . WILL sublet for th summer nice modern three room apartment cool end choice view; fur nished, including piano. Phone E. 8477. . ENTIRE upper floor apt, attractive home, ga rage; adults. A lovely place for employed people. East 2548.' 711 E. Ankeny. NICELY furnished 2 room apartments within walking distance. Rent $5 a week and up ward. 645 hi Washington st Broadway 8449J THREE room furnished apt., electricity, gas. bath, telephone, walking distance. 454 Bel mont. comer 8th st . ' ' THE JEFFERY 2-room furnished apartment. $18 per month; corner of Bnasell and Kerby. Phone East 1594.- 3 ROOMS snd private bath; rent $26.50. in eluding water, phone and garbage , Phone Wdln. 6111. ; ONE 2-r30m furnished apartment, reasonable. Sellwood 2440. i TWO room furniahed apt. for rent. $20. 455 E. Couch. East 1796, TWO room apt, reasonable. Portsmouth ave. Coi. 343. 171 ALL COMPLETE, $21.50; concrete building comer Union are, and KiHingaworth. i 2 ROOM furnished apartment. Irvington; $35 East 4852. 1-2-3-ROOM apta.. main floors, close in. summer ratea $3.50 to $10 a week. 664 Flanders et ONE 2-room and 1 3-room. furnished h. k. - apartment. Nob Hill district 693 -Johnson, WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS ' 3 room nicely furnished apartment, rent $33. 575 K Stark at. East 8182. - ONE or two room apartments, furnished; one two-room basement apartment 890 Jefferson, HUNNYMONT apts. Furnished apts. Tab. 1889. j. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WASHINGTON HIGH APARTMENTS Nice unfurnished 4 room apartment, private bath, all outside rooms, $35. 675 E. Stark st. East 3182. - " L $45 A MONTH, including heat light and hot i water, for 5-roora unfurnished apt. - ground floor, dose in on west side. 402 4 3d st $45 MONTH including heat light and hot wa ter for 5 room unfurnished apartment, ground floor. 402H 8d t- ; ' 3 ROOMS, strictly modern, tile bath, elevators. King Albert, 11th .and Montgomery. FLATS FURNISHED 309 iHREE room fist for couple employed Tree light, water, phone, gsrbsge, piano, laun dry tuba; $30 per month. Children will be cared for $6 per week. 946 - Belmont Anto. 231-40. - - ; LEAVING CITY, will sacrifice new furnishings of dean modern flat; location very desirable: everything gof-a, including walnut Vict to la. floor lamp, etc. s Main a. COZY furnished S-room flat In private home. desirable neuthbarbood, phone, lights, water, heat and garbage. Ant 814-58. j THREE nice rooms, hi bouse, comfortably fur- nished for housekeeping, including "light and phone.-$25. 467 N. 23d st Auto. 634-1Z. MODERN A room furnished flat adults only, to responsible tenants. 1193 Cora arc, near K. $9th. Sellwood 690. -. - FOR RENT Furnished flat, dean; no children. 24 H Washington st, room 4. 4 BOOMS of 5 room flat furnished, ' modera; no children, $50. Tabor 8782. . 5 -ROOM flat furniture for sale reasonable. 213 East 16th. comer of Salmon. East 7e4, PLEASANT 4-room upper flat good location; adulta 858 Sacramento st Aut 311-60. 3-ROOM furnished flat reasonable. - eouvjsr sve., Wdln. 195?. , 706 Van- FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 NICE cleaa 4 room upper flat old ivory finish. Dutch kitchen, gas range, Css water heater, linoleum on kitchen and bath room, oak finish floors;, doss ,fo Grand and 'Morrison. 325; carage space If deared.' 80 E. 8th, cor. Start. BEAUTIFUL upper corner flat 5 rooms, modern conveniences ; only reliable, steady adult need spply. Inquire 673 E. Washington st ia evening; Sunday from 10 until 2 p. m. NICB 4-room. lower flat, block from Woodstock ear.. 121 8 Mall st. bath, eieetriexty, ga.. yard, etc Reasonable rent Key npstsin. Phone Mar- shall 1204. VERY attractive lower flat 5 rooms, nice lawn, fine view; desirable' neighborhood; $40, with heat water, cas range, 861 Front cor. Lowell ave. Marshall 8978. UPPER 3 room flat, gas stove and water heater; adults. 251 East 2d street north, between Hassalo and Multnomah; $25 per month. AIRLINE APT., lZUa and Lovejoy. 3 and 3 room apta, clean and modem, at a reason able rent Broadway 1812. 2 AND 3 room modern flats, J$10 and $15. in cluding water, garbage. Phehe Bdwy. 421. UPPER unfurnished 6 rooms and bath adult only. 636 B. Stark. NEWLY -TINTED 6-room flat. $35; 2d and Montgomery. East 8013 ROOM basement apt., furnished or unfur nished; heat lirht water. 120 N. 23d at. ' 4 BOOM flat bath, water, $15 per month. In- .quire ess m. lay tor. CLEAN unfurnished 4, room flat Inquire 120 N. 23d. Four room flat for rent $25 per month. East YsnvhUL Tabor 6063. ' -53i FOR RENT HOUSESUNFURNISHED 311 FOR RENT 70th are. and 77th at S. E.. 5 room house, half aero garden, 2 barns, gar age, chicken coop, electricity. Owner at 43 27ia 8. B.. between. Anheny and Pine; Tent 820. FOR RENT 10 room house, suitable tor - boarding or rooming house, electric Ughta, bath. Call at 87 sunton si, or wme to sirs, UtniMt Biebert. Postoffice box lxn, Aurora, vr. 6327 E. 45TH St. g. K. Modern 6-room bouse. aow available: 850. O. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR. 391 Panama --Bklg. $20 RENT 3-room untumubed house, close in. South Portland, or sell $100 down; beautiful furnished house, 6 rooms, garage, piano -4614 E. 41st Woodstock car. MODERN S r., bath, basement, large garden. gas range, water heater, furnace; $25. aza at. and 76th. ave. Inquire Grocery, or Bdwy. 1823. evenings Auto. 649-49.- ROSE CITY PARK, cor. 5 2d and Sandy blvd.. upper 4 large clean rooms wtth plenty of. sir snd sunshine, $28.50: water included. 1424 Vi Bandy Blvd.. Rose City Park car. - $162 ROOM cottage and garage. 6 fruit trees, berries. 2 block of stores and as. cars. Woodlawn. 449 Magnolia. East 1826. 6 ROOM house. Council Crest, near car; part furn.. large yard, water, electric, gas, $14. inn stain 4 io after ft p. m. 16.50 LARGE clean 6 room house, walkinc i distance; near Northwestern ship yard;, water included - 651 2d near Sheridan. FOR RENT 7 -ROOM H60SV - Corner Hood and Gibbs. .793 Hood st Tabor 892. Call 6 ROOM houses, modern, built-ina, furnace, on Woodstock carline. : 89th and Gladaona. Sell- wood 3459. - l MODERN 7 room house, 2 blocks to Thompson school, 7 blocks to Jefferson high; rent snod- erate. fall at 822 Commercial st FOR RENT 6 room cottage, modem, $35, with garage, or $30 without 10 E. 6th st S. Call McCoy's grocery, 93 Grand ave. S. ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. a ' 16 : Days': Storage Ktve. -: Fnmltnre moved for lesa Brcadway 2445. $35 FIVE room bungalow, bath, electricity snd gas; newly tinted, on St Johns carina. 1173 Gay at ' Call at 1178 hi Gay. NEW 8 room bungalow, $35. Ryan station, Oregon Electric Phone Oak Grove IM. HOUSE for rent. . gas stove for sale! 980 K. Madison at - , -- -- $20 4 -ROOM cottage, fruit, garden planted. full lot. 1402 E. Flanders. Tabor 14T0. 6 ROOM house. 124 9th. near Ainsworth; 83Q per month. Tsher 54 76. HOUSE and carag for rent Inquire 843 E. i4tn it, B, , WE move furniture of B-4-6 room house for 3IU. jnor tarther Information, Main 6290. 1-HOOM modern hcaise foe on. r fw f.millAa" dose in. Call Wdln. 3232. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOR RENT funushed bungalow. w. eaa.-3artrtat Ha-hta. fruit, garden, hen . houa and garaga. Phone xaoor eyz. - run. rent during juiy ana August Only, 7 room furniahed home in Alameda Park. References requireo. rtent u per month. - Apply 603 Fenton bldg. . BavAUTlFUL. thoroughly modern, completely furnished, eight-room home, Alameda district for July and August Call afternoons, 762 East a t in sr. n FURNISHED - completely 5 room bungalow. garage, lurnaee neat; adults; to lease for one year from July 1; call 10 to 6. 2w4 Going st. near wunams ave. ATTRACTIVELY furnished Lanrelhurst bunga low for rent to t responsible parties for sum mer months. All ' electrical conveniences: ga- raie, ma a montn. tail labor OBol. iv istKiii nouse, lurnished, $60; 7 rooms rented more than . pay rent; prefer someone wno can tint-rooms, ivear 33d and Hawthorne. neTerencee. xaoor dig'i. 6 ROOM furnished house, modern: no objection to children; large yard; rent reasonable; walk Ing distance. 514 Market at. near 16th- st NICELY furnished 6 room house, full lot, fruit trees snd garage. 801 Michigan ave. Gas and electric light Tel. Wdln. 5708. 6 ROOM furnished modem bouse, an acre of ground, hi sere fruit, 7 miles from town. Rent $45 per month. Bdwy. 1437. 5 ROOM furnished house, water, garbage re moved; adults, $45. East side, nesr Jeffer son high. 147 E. Webster.- Wdln. 8662. 6-ROOM modem house, elegantly furnished; 3 bedrooms, with double beds: 350. lease. 66 E. 28th st-N. East 8019.- ' A MODERN K-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 365 HALSEY,. NEAR UNION AVE. LOWER floor, convenient, two adults,. $35, in- ehidina garage, water, dectridty. 405 E. 44th st. COUPLE will share modern home with one or two sdults, reasonable. Apply Sunday evening or Monday. 1389 B. Eighth N. References. & ROOM furnished house, after 6 p. m. Phon East 6982 5 -ROOM bungalow, furnished. Rent $35. Phono A. 620-88. Evenings A. 628-41. 8-ROOM house, Irvington district, $75. "cn East 141 FURNISHED 2 room house. 429 50th 8. K. Aut 629-89. NICELY furnished modem 5 room bungalow for rent 270 E. 36th snd Hawtome. FOR RENT Partly furnished 5 room house; will lease. 1073 E. 8th st. N. HOUSES--FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 5 ROOM house to rent walking distance, to party buying, furniture for $250, $100 down. balance 1 year. 434 11th st iURMTURE 9 rooms, including piano, $1000; hi cash, baL -terms. Kent $30 per month. 42 North 21st at Mar. 4012. 6 ROOM lower fiat, all large, outside rooms, to party buying furniture-; close in on west side; one room, rented. Msin 939S, HOUSE FOR RENT new furniture for sale! Eaet 49M9. 427 Schuyler. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT 50x75 ft floor space in down town district; suitable for warehousing or small manufacturing concern. Entrance on Alder st Reasonable rent Apply 523 Akier at Ask for Mr. Gov Jr. FOR RENT Part of store, wind-w apace and phone in a tire ah if p. 409 E. - Burnsida. Hast 4616. - HALF STORE. 1 block from depot on N. 6th. oy, we isunr, iui rourtn. FOR RENT Store room, also 3 room Cat 823 vriiuama sve. inquire ZB7 Failing. FOR desirable Phone Bdwy. space In ureproot warabona. 8713. , OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and eUaagrapbie service. Phone Broadway 8715 SUMMER RESORTS 316 - MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE Classic Ridge House and Camp (Nehalem. Or. via Tillamook train), opens July 1. For res ervations address J. II., L. H. Edwards, 165 Fourth street at Morrison.' Main 7292. Service or self service. FOR RENT, for aaason, S rm. cottage, fireplace. electricity, hot cold water, bath, ocean front, near station ' and postoffice. Tillamook beach. East 178T. CANNON BEACH, teat bouses, very desirable. furnished complete, acorn mods tea four, near the beach. For full particulars, call or sddrees C. T Wingsrd. 653 Morrison at SEA VIEW, WASH., comfortably furnished--) room cottage; good bed, running water; at tractive ground, on bouleverd near ocean. Phone East 4045. O-107. Jnnrnal. . FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, loca ia Oeeaa Park. -. Wash, Free campinc grounds for everybody. ' Slingerl nd. 460 E. Davis st FOR RENT for the season, furnished cottage. Ocean Park, Wash, ; references required. Mrs. CoIHson. 448 E. Clay st SKASIDhi 6-room furnished cottage, rent or sale; ocean view, trees. ,. "The WUmot." 126 11th ave.- Main 9264. WELL furnished house. Seaside, to August 15. Call Main 2912. - i TWO furnished Cramer houses. Sea new. WsshT; on rid re; running water. - Marshall 728. - SEASIDE 3 room nouse tor June. Wood. .26 14. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YOUNG eoual wank room and board on ranch, hosn coopinc. country style; beginning July 8 for 2 weeks; must be reasonable. lr 285, Journal. ' . - , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 WANTED TO RENT by July 1. 2 or 3 rooms. modern, furnished H. K. or flat with piano u .possible, .run elos l , Address N-679, Journal. APARTMENTS 357 WANTED To rent, 4-room apartment with - ale inc porch. Win pay $50. Call Main 7990, -HOUSES 361 . RENTAL BUBEAli ' LM yowr hooaea, Oats or spartments wtth i; qmck results and good tenant. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 33 Fourth at. opp. Mnltaosnab HoteL , Phone Broadway 3713 FIVE or six room bungalow with garage pre- - f erred; desirable neighborhood. Phone Tabor WANT to rent 4 or 5 rooms, modem bungalow?. nurxdahed. Aat. 237-30. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY '400 NOW la the time to make your reservation for tent house at Seaside; electric light and water at the door. Phone Mac 4431 or Mat. 777. OCEAN CRES. rumiehdH7"K: ant. Phone 614-10. Address Ocean Crest. Roekawsy, Or. -';" M;' LOTS ' 403 ' lacret,ht;rst tOT. $625 ' 80x122. on Senate st. between 41st and 43d st.. all improvements in and paid. ROSE CITY PARK I JOT, $350 60x100. on E. 67th at., facing west; 100 ft north of Klickitat WESTMORELAND LOT, $600 : . 80x100, on E. 18th st, facing weat, 200 ft, south of Bybee; all improvements in, and paid. - Lanrelbunit corner lot, ' all Improvements In and paid, $1250; Rose Crty corner hit,, all im provements in 'and paid, $900; Rose City inside lot, all improvementa in and paid. $750 ; Colonial Hta, district, close in, Hawthorne car. all im provementa in and paid, $1250, easy terms. Hb.llKKSU.UA.KL'S W 628 Henry Bldg. - Broadway 4754. - ' " m . . . BEAnTIFTTi CAPITOL HILL ONE-FOURTH ACRE - $400 TITAL PRICE 38 PER MONTH Build your dream home on th west aide of th river, with no bridges to cross, are these splendid H acre home tracts; 2 blocks to car; fine rich soil: all cleared; no gravel: city water to tract; telephone, gas, electricity available; 4 bloeka to public school ; the ideal homo spot; great clean-up sale; this is a wonderful never-to-be-found-again opportunity; buy now. Ask for C. W. Borders, with . . FRANK L. McGUIRE Abington Bdg, Main 1068. Third St bet. Washington and Stark. Lots $fl.(M) Per Week - $276 $275 $273 Here's your opportunity to buy lot st your own price. On Alberta carine, with cement sidewalks, curbs, graSed street and water Build your own tent house or bungalow. No re strictions. - - A. C; TEEPE CO. ----- ..... . OCAtTOOS J INSUOANCC TIO STKZY, CT x- 1 V, -tOTH AKDSkHOT MM 14 3092 -A-iaa-a. TA.POT2.95S4 ZOFFVCE3 Prospective Lot Buyers ATTENTION - :" The Laurelhurst Co. maintairis an office on' the property at E. 89th and Glisan ata.,; Mr. Delahunty, the man in charge, has 12 yesrs' ex perience selling this property. See him. We era closing out our few remaining lots st a ridicu lously low price. ' Mont villa cars pan the doer. Drive eut today or thia evening, or phone for auto. Tabor 3433; evenings. East 7738. HALF PRICE WmLE THEY LA8T. SOME CHOICEST LOTS IS MULTNOMAH DIS TRICT: RESERVED BY OWNER; CLOSE TO COUNTY HIGHWAY AND OREGON ELECTRIC STATION: WATER; GAS; ELEC TRICITY; 50x100, $200-: 76x100, 8300: lOOx 100, 8400. CHEAPER THAN ACREAGE: SE CURE CHOICE HOMESITE AT HALF PRICE BEFORE TOO LATE 819 RAILWAY EX CHANGK BLDG , MAIN 675. " $875 BEAUMONT Famine east on 40th near Alameda Drive. 2 blocks to ear, - 8 blocks to school, all improve ments paid. V ery easy terms. . . JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank "Bldg. Main 8787. I AM the owner of s great many lots snd some acreage in and about Portland. . which I am compelled to sacrifice; if yon want to buy a piece of .vacant property cheap, be sure to see me; I can supply you in almost any part of town. For particu lars see Owner, 404 Piatt Bldg. .127 Park. LOTS. CHEAP $175. KOxlOO: citv walor. eaa nntairl. 4tv Smita. no city taxes to pya; beautiful district East Zd st, 7c and 8 carfare. Psy $5 or $6 monthly. We charge no. interest Hurry, be fore they're sS sold. See us today, i COMTB 4 KOHLMAN. j 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. 6350. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $873 -60x100 facing east on E. 18th, all im provements paid. $100 down, $10 a month. Tr Johnson-Dodson Co. V: 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 50x100 LOT on Grand avenue, near Alberta; . $850. terms. Open Sundays and evenings. . SABIN tt, RUSK. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 68ft. - 50x150 $562.50" " "7 Near school esr. etc. cloue in on east side. LThig Is a real value. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. .W. Bsnk Bldg. Main 8787. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Lanrelhurst lots, while they last at extremely low prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 is Stark. Main 1700: Evenings, Tabor 6057. $525 LAURELHURST $525 t 60x120. all-improvements paid. , JohnsoiiDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8737. E2QX0I2 : Ixrt 50x100 in Walton's Docks addition, Cres cent City. Cel. A real bargain. T-928, Journal. BUY LAURELHURST LOTS ' ' DIRECT FROM LAURELHURST CO. Sea J. A. McCarty. 270 H Stark at Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 6037. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS See J. A. McCarty. 270 V HUrk St . Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor 6057. WESTMORELAND lot on Milwauk ie st near Uyborae. All improvements paid.'1 Price 8750 cash. Owner, Sellwood 2148. - $400 ROSE CITY PARK 65x100 corner, assts. paid. Tabor 6559. FOR SALE- 50x100 lot in 66th st, in Rose City district; price $500. Owner, 217-06. ' ROSE CITY 5tt ft 8. Thompson, W., facing on 4 4th, $1050. Tabor A441. ROSE CITY N. E. comer 4 lst-TiUamook, $1100: next to corner $900. Tabor 6441. . HdUSES ; 404 FIRST CLASS room of 6 rooms and reception hall, hardwood floors, furnace, frieplsce, beau tiful buffet, fine garage; a bargain if taken at once. Aut 223-71. HOUSE for sale; 5 room house, toilet and bath, first class concrete basement lot 60x100; 5 fruit trees. Price $2600 cash. 4211 68th ave. B. K. - WOODSTOCK BARGAIN 4-room cottage, gas,: gajge, good garden; $1100: terms; reduced for cash. 4128 52d at Woodstock esr. ".-. FOR SALE 5-room hotua, nice builtins; will take automobile as part payment Call Tabor 5003. 844 E. 49th. CLOSE your real estate Oeai witnout annoying details by using a Title Insurance Policy. N abstract required. Title t Tmst company BEAUTIFUL 7 room house, 4 lovely bedrooms, strictly modem ; all built-lrts, fine furnace, close to 2 carlines. $490O. Ant 223-71. , . WHEN you get a xitie ' tneuranee Policy, yoxt do not need an abstract of title. One pre. solum pays for all time. Title 4V Trust company NO COMMISSION to pay; good 6 room house. 661. Holman st, $2660, terms. . Owner, 273 'Dixon st ALBERTA Mew modern bungalow, cheap for quick sale. One-half block from Alberta car. 1065 E. 14th st K. Wdln. 4579. EVERY purchaser ot veal state anould have his title insured. Better be safe thai sorry. Title A Trnt company. - - $ 14 50 Modern new 3 room bungalow at Wood stack; easy terms, 6501 63d ave. S. . Bdwy. 2564. r- DANDY 5 room bungalow, all modem buiJUns, furnace, -fireplace, garage, full lot, hi block to ear. Term Aut 223-71. GET Title Insurance tnataaa ot a abstract. It is quicker and cheaper and yon are absolutely protected against error. Title Trust company. 8 -ROOM house on hard street, hi block from car, sleeping porch, toilet electric lights, css; price $1300; $800 cash. Ant 831-18. WE HAVE already snaanq to title to your policy without delay. Title A Trust coanpcay 3 RM. house, furniahed, 100x100 lot, fruit, 2 bike, car, $1900, terms. Bargain. Main 867. Bdwy. 4794, eves. . , 7 . 4 ROOM cottage, lot 60x100, $150 cash, bal ance $23 month. Mitchell Orr. realtor. 115 Grand sve. - . 6 ROOM house on hard surface st: lots of fruit Briee $3500. Take auto as first payment East 3182. Bdwy. 4975. ' TITLE Insurance saves tune ana montry becsa no abstract is required. Vitl at Trust em eany. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, fruit and gar den; good district; bargain. - $3500; i easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1161. - FOR SALE by owner, an attractive strictly modem bungalow in Rose City Park. : 1294 Bandy Blvd. Cor, E. 46th N. LEAVING dty, will sell my 7 rrom; modem home at sacrifice. Woodlawn' 4266. 5 OR- 6 room bungalow, any good district ; close- In residence lot as part payment aast oxe i . FOR SALE A roomi, strictly modern; caiy term a. Tabor 6143. FOR SALE 4-room plastered house, 76x100; garage Owner, Tabor 7554. REAL ESTATE FOR S ALE ¬ HOUSES 404 ; " GOOD HOCBE BUYS ..I , Sellwood- 7-room modem house, bungalow type, like new, basement, furnace, Ibt 90x100 leet, 34U00; giauu eaao, Dsisnr aasy. , tnis is a snsp. t Sunnyalde 6-room modern bouse, furnace, firplsc, lot 50x100 feet, on Taylor it, west of -28th; $4600; $1000 cash.. Snap. Rose City Park '7-room modern house, bun galow type, 2 sleeping porches, furnace, fireplace; E. 51st at: $4500. term. i Woodlawn 3 -room cottage, $1500. Make your own terms. - I Mount Scott 4 ranms, with bath, pottage, 60x 100 lot; $1300, $280 cash, balance $20 month, including 6 per, eent interest V 3-room plastered cottage, basement, lot 60s 100 feet, 2 blocks to Alberts esr; $1600; term. $945 st $10 month, -6 per cent ' 3-room cottage. Woodlawn. $1500. 'Make your own terms. ' i One large mom, lot 49x102 feet; 38th at Franklin st; $700, $200 down. 4 room cottage, Mt Scott, $1300; $260 cash, $20 month. ! R. M. GATEWOOn tt CO.. 163 hi 4th St RALPH . HARRIS CO., REALTORS V . THE WEEK'S BEST BARGAINS . -NEAR PORTSMOUTH room splendid home, with pantry and frnlt room, cement foundation and full basement sanitary wash trays; lot 100x100, with several full bearing fruit trees, berries and rosea. Price only $4800 with your own terms in reason. A GOOD HOME: Solendid little 4 room home with break f art nook; white enamel plumb ing, in excellent condition; nice corner lot with fruit snd berries'; $1,750, $500 cash. WONDERFUL BARGAIN WITH FRUIT Choice 100x1.1 00 with 6 room cottage, bath complete, 3 large bedrooms; cement foundation; 17 full bearing fruit tree, oceans of berries; good chicken house and ran, 4 block to car. Price $2200. with $300 caeh. ' Ralph Harris Co. REALTORS I 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6624. $4600 ROSE CttY PARK. ' An exceptionally attractive bungalow, located : on comer, with all as-fts. paid. Hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement . basement Garage, too., j Very easy payment. - I - -'-.- $4750 'ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room enionlal, with hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, to. ' Near Alameda drive, i $2100 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4 room bungalow with garage. J A wonder ful buy. - 1 . $3650 ALBERTA DISTRICT. An excep tionally attractive bungalow with garage. . Paring paid. Very attractive terms, A. C. TEEPE CO. " PCAtTOOS A larBUOANCC MAIN 3O0Z.- 'A-iAJaT TABOR. 95S6 h'OTICK I have ' taken over from the ; build er THREE BRAND NEW MODERN 4 ROOM BUNGALOWS, each bunga low on sn acre of finest garden ; lands, 2 blocks north from end of Alberta carline. , A MOST BEAUTIKUL HOME LOCATION. Commencing Wedneadsy. June 2 U I will offer these substantially constructed little homes at a great sacrifice. $250 first pay ment Immediate possession. Repre sentatives st houses afternoons or pbon Bdwy. 1188. ' J. W. CBOSSLEY, Custodian. - NEW BUNGALOWS ' 1.2 tn Hawthorne, $8400 to $8750.. 11 in Rose City, $4000 to $6300. 4 in Mt Scott. $2000 to $3800. These are all attractive little home. If -they are not the style that you are look ing for. we will build to suit in any loca tion you may desire. . SEE j Bruce Holman, Realtor 209 Failing Bide Main 6327. 986 E. BROADWAY You should as this beautiful ,7 -room home and garage; )uat com pleted, modern right np to the minute t v hardwood floor. Rudy furnace, tapestry paper, elegant plumbing, white enameled Dutch kitchen, large rooma; a loveable horn In an elegant dis trict on th main driveway leading to toe men UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TBUST CO.. Bdwy. 048. - v 284 Oak Bt LET US BUILD YOUR HOME to suit your requirement.- Mora than 850 satisfied customers sre living in homes built by ear builder. We now have 11 homes under construction, $2000 to $5500. SEE Bruce Holman, Realtor ;209 Failinc Bldg. - Main 6837. 1 GOOD HOUSE FOR LARGE FAM!Lf Well built 7 room bouse,- clean and in good repair, recently tinted and painted, toilet up and downstairs, nice, porcelain bath and lavatory, full cement basement; lot is 80x100: lota of fruit and berries chicken house and park. Thia ia an excellent buy for $8000 on ea terms; only i blocks from car and school. , ; STEWART JOHNSON 313 N.-W. Bank bide, i GOOD 6 room house, carage and "chicken house, lot 80x100. abundance fruit and berries. 2 bloeka to ear; owner rmt of city and will sacrifice for $2400, $230 down,, balance like rent Bee F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141.. t " MY HOME for sale. 4 rooms and bath, large '-'back porch screened in. Inside : finished in Ivory. Completely, furnished, Large garage. House newly painted , white. Lot 100x100. Rose and all kind of flowers. Garden in and np. 9 bearing fruit trees. All kinds berries. $3250. Sellwood 2836. ',' -- - j - -- - - KENTON SACRIFICE 8 room -fenngslo . 50x100 lot. paved st, close to car. BEE BRUCE HOLMAN, realtor, for this and other attractive hangalows at rock bottom prices. Msin 6327. i MUST BE BOLD Bt Jt)LT 1. " S r. house, 8500 cash, newly shingled, re finahed inside and out, water, electric light, large lot lota, of i fruit, nesr Willamette bird. ; bai. $1100 payable $20 per mo. at 6 per cent Csll 2040 K. Conch st. ' " " ROSE CITY PARK , - 6 room bungalow on 49th, just off T'mda drive; all Improvement in and paid- for; a strictly modern borne np to the minute in very, detail; exceptionally wall .built; not cheap house; $1600 cash. Tsbor 3616. MODERN 7 room bungalow, corner lot, raved street; dl Bens paid: furnace best; sll builtins; near Alameda park, close to school; $4 660, easy down payment, balance like rent - Will aell fur niture. COOK, Aut 819-97. : BEAUTIFUL VERNON CORNER . 73x100, paved, paid; 1 roomi, fireplace; fruit and shade trees, Alberta or Irvington cars, $3950.. Term.: B. W. Csry. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Msln 1643. 1 " FOR SALE BY OWNER Modem 6 bungalow full basement wash trays, newly painted, gas and electricity, only $3100, $800 to $1000. down, balance to- suit j Call 728 Garrtenbetn sve. . ., 1 . A TTTLB Insurance Ponry is a gusrsnte of the title to ymsr home When you buy your heme have the title insured. Better be safe than sorry. T-le A Trnt eowrpsny. . 6-RiKlM cottage, improvimente in and paid; $2450; $500 cash, balance assy. , SABIN cc KIM A, 1 - i 1082 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 689. BfcHI.VD areVy policy of Title insurance I S deposit with tha state of Ure on to prot tan against loss, yet ' It la cheaper than the abstract met tnon. 'i hi itun emnpany. 5 ROOM bungalow ; modem, near Jefferson bleb, between' 2 earlines; comer lot; modem eon veDiencea, only $$200; small payment down, bal snc like rent COOK. Ant 819-97. FOR SALJje By owner, new 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, foil basement $5200. half cash. Phoos 212-71. Cor. K. 33d and Stark sta. - - HOUSES built you i loU or ours. W will assist In - making plans snd negotiste loan. FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO., , - 616 McKay Bldg. ' ' BUY from owner, 6 room bungalow, A-l con dition. paved street. $2750, plus bondad street aAsesemsnts; $1000 cash. Sell wood ea. 684 T.lli ave. Aut 238-08. j MODEST, though good ctose-in home; plas tered house of S rooms, lot 80x100; nice lawn, fruit trees snd garden. $1760 cash, small bal. at $25 per mo. Phone Bell. 2008. WHEN yon purchase your Lome nave the title Insured. Get a Title insurance Foiary. TkUe V Trost company - ... ' ' NIFTY Overlook bungalow. 5 rooma, attic, breakfast room tnd full basement- CaQ 800 Longview. Wdln. 1777. TITLE Insurance u uie modern way ai haadiinc titles to reel estate. Quicker, eoau leas and no s be tract repaired. Title A Trust company. FOR SALE 4 room house with bath: phone Wdln. 2728. 1816 Omaha ave. St. Johns ear. $1660 5 ROOM bungalow, ' 1 block to ear, $ cash. 1818 Mi-eissippl ave. " ' 7-KOOM house for sale or rent at Multnonish station Main 7115. FOli SALE W'opdlawn 1264. 17 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 YOUR HOME IS HE HE 1200 Photograph of Home for sal LARGEST HOME SELLER ON . THE PACIFIC COAST Serrice men. our attorney will handle all details for securing your lean, without charje to you. Seven service men In our of fire to help you. Every home personally iruoiected and sp- - praised. 25 Sale-men at Your Service. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 0 ' $386. DOWN! THINK OK THIS4 80?30 or 4 nice, level lots with an abundance of mixed traits and berries: gareiie; cotv i venient to. Franklin liigh snd grade school; 4 .room cosy plastered buntrslnw with sleeping porch. Pr're $1225. , DON'T STOP. This is surely your bar Cain day. 77th st $T0O DOWN I $100 DOWN ! 9100 DOWN TMINK OF THIS! fl roe.nl modem substantial attractive home with very convenience; 3 light airy bedroom; ' convenient kitchen; houoe is In good con dition: paved street,' right on M. V. car. E. Glisan st Will accept soldier's loan. Price 33700. - $800 DOWN Very homelike 4-mnm arflslia bungalow in FRANKLIN HIGH DIS TRICT: all modem eonrenlencee; built- . Ins; full attic where serrrsl more rooms could be finished. THIS IS A REAL SNAP! 63d at Hurry for HI Prtca $2100; EXTRA SPECIAL! 3H00 doan. $300 DOWN CAN YOU "BEAT THIS f " A WONDERFUL HOME HAW THOkNR BARGAIN that was reduced In pn. $1000, and down payment cut Irom $1000 to $800. beraus IT HAS TO BE SOLD! On of tile most sttractive n.l well built homes in tlus dintrict Every convenience; 2 sleeping .porches; fumace, den; full attic, garage; fulj lot with fruit trees; peved street paid. E. 8)t st YOU NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A SNAP IN YOUR LIFE. READ THIHI HEAD THIS! FURNISHED! 8300 DOWN! $800 DOWN OWNER MUST SELL QUICK LY! Hurry if you want a genuine bar gain in 6-room very clean and attractive , bungalow cottage in splendid condition,; FURNISHED; leather conch. library - table, etc. f sjl furniture practically new; paved street cement sidewalks and wr all in snd paid for; this la one of the biggest values in our office. Minnesota ave.. Price $2685. . - These sr. but a few of the HUNDREDS OF UNPARALLELED HOME BARGAINS we sre offering you. . See FRANK I McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home, REALTOR. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE -PACIFIC COA.ST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sate. 25 Sale men st Your Service,. Open Until 9 n, m. Abington bldg. Msln 1068. buecemor to H. D. McGuire. . Estsblished 1880. "40 Yesrs of Service." ROSE CITY 7 ROOMS $5750 i If you ahi looking tor bargain, would likef for you to inspect this njUrn bungalow with sll of th. handy built-ina that are found In a borne of-this type, all of the room are large and light with plenty of closet space. The terms sre very easy, but we have reason to believe that if yon have the cash it will be worth win. to investigate this. ' COB A. McKENNA, Realtors. " (Meaning Reliability.) 82 Fourth Bt. Main 4S23. . AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTIA ND llfsT-" ' $150 down, $25 monthly buys a 4-room rustic cottage, with about 8-10 of an acta of. ground, all kinds of native trees and some frutt and berries. It Is in s district with s future, and we are quite confident It Is th best value for the money on the entire heights. Pric 33920. plus bonded street work. g FREE) (giaiii3 (2? pa ito wa T82 Cham, of Com. $3500, terma COZY I.ITTLB BROWN BUNGALOW 5 room. Urge livinlr roomr fireplace, bookcase, .dining room. Dutch" kitchen. pantry,' 2 lartre bed- rooms, basement, furnace, trays, full lot. fruit, flowers, lawn, 2 blocks to car. pleas ant nsigrfB&rhood. A home' you will never want to part with. Call Main 6327. "ROSE C1T? $4806 TOUR OW.V't'EnXiT' New 6 room bungalow, move right In. Strict ly modem in every re-pec t, oak floors, fireplace, all built-ina, cement basem.nt, on full lot. We have a large assortment of new 5 and 6 roTra bungslsws en our list and It would be a pleasure to show you these properties. COB A. McKENNA, Realtor (Meaning Reliability.) 82 Fourth St. Main 4 522. r SMALL HOUSES AND TRACTS near Mnlt . nomah station on the Oregon tire., ra ag ing ia price from $1375 -up. Ben Riesland Operator exclusively in Mnltnomah district, 404 i'lau Bide. 127 1'ark st t EN TON $3:.0 ' H block o fear, 3 room bungalow. ' The best buy In the dty. No, nut a new house, but built like s battleship and owners must aell before the first of the month. Your terms will suit COE A. McKENNA, Real Lor. ( Moaning .Reliability. I 82 Fourth at. . Main 432 ' $1300 ' - i Wa will fumlth Wie lot. between R. C. end M. V. ears, and build you s 4 -mora cottae, . with bath, toilet, sink, water, . lights, street: graded and walk in and all on easy trrma Come in and. talk this orer, 909 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 1 HOUSES UH SAL a, " Free plana, free estimates. I lit advice. Tanv . with oar practical building many "No cash par. stent down " Let ns build for yon ua easy ; tcpaygseo! plan. SUN-HOrSE" BCrLPINO CO.. On 3d bet Surk and Wash. 316 Abington bldg. " NEW 5 ROOM BUNGAIW . $3600 $700 CASH Nifty place, all built ins, breakfast nook, ivory; 60x100 lot. MAKHH A M'CABE, REALTORS, 823-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 8993. $4 200 NIFTY 5 room enmer bungalow, . ia HAWTHORN B. SEE Bruce Holman. Realtor 200 Failing Bide Main 6327. co2y Ffi-E" !uom ; BUNGALOW ; Newly painted outMde, painted and tinted In- p side; white ivory finish, built-in features, Duteb 1 kitchen, modera, full basement. 2 bedrooms, ' close to streetcar service sad school. Sacrifice. 1 Call owner. Tabor 1807. $T65o fAfcfcs7feVlV;T'iV ') Bungalow; beautiful 6 room, full modem In aw- 1 ery respect Hardwood floors, etc , garage, law ' and shrubbery. Msin 806. Mr. Koenigs. $200 DOWN $10 MONTHLY QITN 206 Morgan Bldg, REALTOR ; $3400 ., DungaKiW, i uo casn; aouow eon-; luunrq a-rw?ra ounginuw wim iirfpiae, on Ulif , in mil let, uuirn siicnen, Dreastaat nooa, Datn room, cement basement, all woodwork ivory fin- i lab: between Rose City and Montavill car Hoes ' In 50th. Tabor 4390. 346 E. rlOth st. N. SELLW'Ol) TlAftGAIN' Bt " OWNiriT- j ONLY $3600 11000'CASH t BaL easy. New 6 room bungalow, just fin- ' tsbed, paved St. and full basement hardwood ; floors. Don't fail to tee this It must be sold. Any reasonable offer accepted. Msin 7135. $3130 BUYS a modem 5 room bouse, fiOx 100 comer lot 1 block to esr: paved street: $500 down, 33 and interest per month: 6 interest Main 7033. $1360, EASY TERMS. eutiful,new, cheap. clean and classy bungalow now under con struction. If you wsnt a new home 'way bslow the market, see this at once. North Pnn. Park,, near school and industrial center. - Call 1645 Mis.' ave. - " A TITLE Insurance Policy u guarau'ee by a responsible company that you wU not tut far ' Ice oo seeouat Of the title to yonr real tata. When yea buy real estate get a Title Insurance t Policy. No abstract required. Title at lru4 , compear. ioo-DOWN $10. Kio.Tt,Y ; Dandy cottage borne, 3 rooms snd up. Frnit , berries, etc; block to car. Irvington Perk district. Main 306. Mr. Koenigs. QVilS 206 M'irgan Bldij. REALTOR ' OWNER will sell at reasonable prue on term, 8 and 6 room modem houses, nesr Peninsula park, 1 block from Kenton carline; H room modem house, 2 lots, Tremont station. Wood lawn 454,- ' ' BUILD NOV See nt for dcia-us and eitimtra free ; get bt rtalow boosf 100 deigns $1; e.Ubhshed 10 , tears; satafacticn assured. - I, ft BAII.EY CO. , f24 N W. fssnk Continued on Foliowlna f-w