MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON JL& AITOMOSILXS FOR SALE 800 AT TUE COVet MOTOR CAR ' COM? AN t PLANT " - There U no plac to atop id the overhauling And Vefiniahirjg the ctn we prepare for sale, until the jobhas been completely finished and th car is in as ime condition a our bast work' men can make it. .. - .Nothing is good enough, bat the best. It t Bet a question of whether w. can afford to do certain work to a ear or not wa do it anyway. -. - - Profit and Ism is not taken. Into considera tion by us at the- time of rebuilding the ear. Onr cars ara guaaantad, and moat deliver eat- icaetDcr aemce. DODGE- BROS. ' MOTOR CARS 1818 Dodg Brother Roadster and Touring ... ...,..$ 575 19lt Dodge Brother, Touring ... . 65ft 1917 Dodge Brothers Sedan ..... 97$ " 1918 Dodge Brother Roadster and - ' Touring ,, 725 " 19 IS Dodge Brothers Redan ..... 1150 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring .... 82$ 1920 Dodge Brothers Touring .... 9Zf 1 920 T.iberty Touring . . ...... 1275 1919 Hudson Limousine, In fine condition; a wonderful taxiceb .... 1 ft CO Overland Roadster, a good one 595 1918 Oldsmobli Touring ........ 775 5 1919 Peerless 8 Touring .. ... 1475 1919 King 8 Touring in fifl shape, only ........V. 1400 1930 Stuta Bear-Cat. a swell, snap car . . 2750 1918 Kcri pp.-Booth Coupe 1330 1916 Packard, a wonderful buy ... 1400 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 1919 Chandler Chummy Roadster in fin shape 1295 1919 Hudson Speedster, a good one 1785 1919 Harries Tourine. on! 1700 $75 1475 1250 1200 650 1200 850 593 900 7SO t 67j " 750 1917 &ud.haker4 Touring ...... . 1910 Studebeker Big 6, 5 -pass. ... . 1920 Nash Touring, only ........ 10M Willys-Knight, big snap, only. 1920 Maxwell Touring 1020 Maxwell Sedan, aa excellent ear for ............ . .. , 1918 Maxwell Touring ..,.,,,,. . 1920 Chevrolet-Roadster, fiat shape 1 920 Chevrolet 490 (Sedan ....... . 1920 "Ford Sedan, a dandy ...... 1920 Ford Coupe ........... ... 1913 Cole, 7-paa., privately owned car. only ... ... , , , ........ DELIVERY CARS 1919 Dodge Bros. Screen Side De- livery . $ 825 1918 Dodge Bros. Screen Side De li fery . 725 .. 1918 Dodge Bros. Panel, good shape . 775 1919 Chevrolet Panel Delivery .... 400 1920 Ford DeUrery, starter ...... 623 . The following car are included is our $25-a-day-reduction-in-pric sale watch them care fully pest your bid: Today's Was Price .12850 $2000 . 2978 ,2128 . 1200 775 1920 H.C.S. touring 1 91 9 ApprsoU, 4 pa. . . 1,918 Chandler touring... 101 ft Cole 8. tourine '2000 157.1 . 1920 Hudson Super 0 ... . 2000 1675 . 875 450 j vis Hepuouo true , CADILLACS -- Cadillac dependability cannot be limited to the original purchaser of the car. The original purchaser receive in service but a small fraction of bi total depreciation when through the pur rhtia of a new car he makes it possible for you to: buy his used one. Our careful inspection and correction of any Imperfection is your guarantee of satisfaction. Several beautiful models are now , ready for four selection. - ; ALL CABS GUARANTEED. AMD SOLD ON KASr T Kit MS. , We Are Open Sunday aiST AT WA8HLNGTON ST, MAIN 8244. Also big display at the new Broadway sales room downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transporta tln service makes it quickly possible for you to look over oar entire stock. BROADWAY I? 8 ED CAR BRANCH, gs-SO N. BROADWAY. MAIN 6244. JUST A FEW OF" OCR BARGAINS Many others to choose from, fttndebaker 4, five passenger, $425. 1018 Maxwell roadster, very good condition. $400. ford bug. top and glasa front, 32TJ1. Flv passenger Case, guod running order. 160.' f - . " - . Overlrhd, model S3, five passenger, $250. 17 Maxwell. 8 passenger. $374. 17 Ford touring, $278. Oakland Six roadrterj $275. Overland 90. $478. GRAND AVENUE AUTO -EXCHANGE ,188 Grsnd Ave. East 6583 - '' V, . Cadillac 8 - This ia a high-grade car and is in ftrst-clsss Condition every way. Same as new tirei . Must be seen to be epprenieted. Will aarUice and giv you terms. 834 E. Eighth at. N. Wood- DON'T be misled, look us up, find out tiie real . value' of .used roros and compare tbem with others. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. , . .. 1 ei Fords Exclusively. - . East Side Gnnd v'- sfd . Tamhill Weet Broadway and Ptisan RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAT- you to see ns tbeat repairhig Out RADIATOR, FENDER or BODY. Expert, guaranteed wort t- moderate pricea- . Cor Union and Hawthorne avenues. - East 849$. OUR prices -are loweH because we sell them for what tliev are actually worth. UNIVERSAL CArt EXCHANGE,. . .Oleo Evenings -and Sundays. East Side -Grand ave. and Tamhill . "West Hide -Broadway and Gliwan MAXWELL SACRlFICtS 191$ touring, newly painted and UpholsVred; 111 A-l mechanical condition. Sacrifice for $400. Need $200 cash. Terms on balance. L. B. Palmer, East 1192. ' ANY kind aud any rice. It it's -a Ford, we .. have it. . - - - ' UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE; - Used Ford Exclusive!,.. Ea.:t -Side Grand ave. and Tsmhffl Went Ride Brosdwav and Gllsen OTIS RIEDEL SOUTH FOKTLANH RADIATOR REPAIR. AUTO SHEET MKTAL WORK, o , d . Tl : K . 1 . OttD tounng and roadsters, witn starters, $375 and up. UNIVF.RSAT, CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fordsr. Exclusively. East Side Grand ' ave. and Tamhill West Side Broadway and Glisan leio El;iN scout, looks and run like' new; one nf the peppiest cart in the city. Don't overlook this snap. - Small payment down, bal aace on long easy terms. CaU Boaell, Broad- Way 860S. - - ; - ' orrl tires; car looks and runs -just like new; will take smaller car as part' payment and give terms on balance. Call Pmpst. Bdwy. 8606. , - K)R SALE A Studebaker ' 4 and EVrrl, both overhauled and ' painted. Most be seen to be Ppreciated. Apply at Percy . Sturgeon's, Or ehards, Wah. " - - IDiO STEl'HENS, 4 ias. just "Veen overiiaulea and rspainted; sold with the same guarantee as a new one. This car must be sold. CaU Propst. Broadway 8B06.' I$i8 d6rt;" cord enuipment practically new. This car is mechanically perfect, small pay ment down, balance long terms. .... CaU Boaell, Broadway 860fl. HAVE 1819 model 90 Overland in fine"" shape throughout. Thia csf looks like new, WU1 etchange for Ford roadster or touring car. Call Wdln. 721. 6aKLAn1) roadster, 5 good tires. No reasonable offer refused. , For appointment call Mar. USA 9 days, Broadway 4800, local -8 S. P 1 ' " " 1 CHEVROLET 4 90. I need tlie mmey.' so w'iil sacrifice this car. CaH owner. Woodlawn 920 . avertings. Ask for Otto. ; ilao FORD car, bought in December, has sll accessories and guaranteed in first clasa ,. hape; am leaving city and must sell. Tab. 5481. J iitDSON Super Six, most any price. Ma'se me an orrer. Will tsde and give perms. Phone 3nn, Bdwy. B91. evening. M,gerIl 5341. i il AX WELL,, original paint, 5 good tires; A-i running order. Cheaper than you can steal one. Broadway 1572. MY. Jungen. . qwDGE KOAHSTEtt 1919, oversise cords, plate glsss back troT tajw, gocw condition. $70O. East 3021. - fHEKOLET ROADSTER. FIRST-CLASS JOXDITION. LOTS OF EXTRAS; RArU iJ- F.R rA.STf: TKRM.S- TABOR 6644. A REAL bug. 4 new tires. "21 license, mechani cally perfect A small rash- payment drives this car away. Call Boell. Broadway 3605. ittJl MODEL Ford for sal by owner at a sac- rifice. Car in nlcndd shape throughout fin -tire. Extras. Call Wdm. 721. . Ve TEAR em up and. sell tne pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder near 17th: Broadway 5254; mail orders filled. WE CUT your auto seats io sleeDer: our sreem aoes nor wes ten tne txdy. K. li. Body works. SOO Wihsms eve. Eaat 1198. FAIGE f passenger. A-l condition. If yon want A family car see thix Mr. Jungers. icRlPPS-BOOTH roadster, almost new tires. Owner mut sacrifice, leasing city. Maui 2983. rwma cerms it aesireu. OLDSMOBILk ElGHfriiU'neW, at a treat U count.. - Could use a Dodge or Buick a part payjhetit - Call Johansen at Bdwy. 2270. 1921 OLDSMOBILE roadster. Factory ruarsn- A tee and service. service. See tills today. Cash Uima. , . 1 1 1 . . X. . ........ ' . -or trade WILL sell M trade tor Ford wertla about $250. Oakland tearing worth $550, a bargain; terms. mil .vii.ERrn ai. nu.j, 210,, Biain ooa. ioR SALE A lata, aaedaa roaSStT 100 . U Ik A, AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 0o - SEW prices roses . ................ ...... ,. - REDUCTIONS IN USED CARS REBUILT AUTOMOBILES ARB BETTER AND THE REASON WHT We rebuild both Hudson and Essex need automobiles and sell them with a warranty the same as given with the purchase) of new ears.- We alio give 90 day Tree terries), the same as is given on new esr. On other makes of automobiles' that -we trade in we repair and overhaul them so that masd cars that are not sold with a warranty are In first class condition and are gold with 10 days' free trial, subject to their be ing returned with full credit oa any other car you may select. . . 1919 Eisex automobile, rebuilt and repainted, sold 'wit ... tha warranty ........ .11125 1919 Essex, like new. sold with the warranty ......... 1225 1910 Hudson Super Six, rebuilt ' ; and repainted, looks just like new, sold with the . warranty j ; . . 1100 1918-1919 series Hudson Su per Six, .rebuilt and re painted, soid with the warranty j . i ......... . 1400 1920 Hudson Super Six, rebuilt and repainted, sold with the) warranty ........ 1775 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new ear; sold with the warranty ........ 1975 ! 1919 Chalmers, frrst-claa. Con dition throughout . ...... 100 1920 Chalmers.' almost new, a ' -' decided bargain ;.... 1350 1910 Maxwell, an gone over, re paired and repainted; a fine little ear 1919 OldsmobU Eight, bargain 575 985 1920 Studebaker special , full cord equipment and a bar gain at t . 1400 Our store for these used car bar gains at 40-46 Broadway, which is Broadway and Couch at. Phone Broadway 5739. Open evenings and Sundays. j C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. i - BUT IOCS .REBUILT CHEVBOLXT FROM THB USED CHEVROLET DEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT THE CHEVRO LET DISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVROLEtS ALL MODELS j ALL PRICES - EXCELLENT TERMS Grand are., between Ankeny and Borasida. Opea Daily and Sunday. Phone East 49ft. "THE HOCSB WITH CHEVROLET PR IDE" NOTICE For the convenience, of the public w hite opened a west aide branch at Broadway and Gluan. Universal Car Exchange -i USED FORDS " EXCLUSIVELY GRAD AVE. AND E. TAMHILL f West Side Location BROADWAV AND OLlftAN Fo $225, $250, Eaay tmne. , t'NrvERflAL CAR EXCHANGE, Open Evening ana Stridavi ; Ear, Side Grind are. and TlmhUl West SifleR roadway and Gliaan 11915) Paige Touring 7 passenger.' Thia car ha $100 new top, newly painted. 5 cord tires. $300 down, long time on balance. Jakes Used Car Exchange, 825 Glisan. bet. Broadway and 6th. Open 6ua days and evenings. Bdwy. 8598. Wfc have about i& Ford sedans, ail rri tu aonable. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Open Evenings and Sundays, -East Side Grand ave. and Tamhill Wft-t Side Broadway and Gliaan 19205 PASS. Paig. has been run less than 4000 miles; 4 Royal cord tires. You can hardly tell this car from a new en and priced cneap. . an jrropst nroaqway ;qjiw. passenscr KtnU. xood runnins n trier This car is a real buy at the price. CaU Pro pat. WEAVER TIRE COMPANI FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANISING CO. TIRE REPAIRING 333 333 Barnside it Broadway. HOW about a Ford delivery for $195? UNIVERSAL CAR EXC4IANGE. ' Used Fords ExdueJveJy, Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. . East 471 Eat Sid-rani ave. and Tamhill West Side Broadway and Glisan 5225.CASH Good 5-pass, touring, , runs fine, new tire, with Hi-arise. 1 JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE 1 825 Gliaan. bet Broadway and Sixth. THK only place that coaAe a specialty ui used FoMa UKITERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exctusivtly. -East Side Grand ave. and tamhill West Side-i roadway and Glisan JBOLUKS -BODIES BODIES I new Ford touring car body. 1 new Ford roadster body. 1 slightly used Ford panel de livery body. Call Tweed le. Bdwy.' 1572. evenings TaBor 8159, WE STOCK used, completely overhauled fender to fit any machine. ' Several thousand to pick from. B. R. Body Work. 800 William ave. 1$L2 MITCHELL chassis, in good running order, good rubber,.- Bosch magneto, $75., Ford bug for (ale. 517-7 f. 125 18th bet Wash, and Alder - 1920 BUICK. 5 passwiger. 6 cord tires, spot- iignt, wind deflectors and other accoaserie. Looks like new; nnat sell at a big sacrifice., 421 E. Clay street- . " , COLE 8, 7 -passenger, beautiful California top, bumper, spotlight, cigar lighter, seat covers. 6 card tiree; $1200 take this Wonderful csf, cash or terms, Broadway ' 4698. Mr. Adams. FOR SALd by owner. 10 Is Itodg touring,' good shape, cheap for cash.! 414 Oswego t, St Johns. : ' - 18l9 VElIe. fine ahprneariy new tires, on extra tire, bumper and ssotlinht Win aHa terms. Call Auto 218-11. REAR Wheel, leak again? C. 4 M. oil rsUmeA will positively stop it Curly Ford Shop. 227 Salmon, bet 1st 'and 2d. FORD transmission, bands , replaced $2.50; swrxrr iype extra. Curly Ford Shop, 2S7 Salmon, between 1st and 2dt ' 1918 OVERLAND, exceiieni shape, good rub - ber, good paint, always driven by private owner. Fuller. East 3770, LET our &timat ott Ford repairing. Our prior mueresi you. t unys x ord Shop, 227 Salmon, bet 1st and 2d. ' STUDEBAKKn . 118, 7-peenger, ' newly - painted, new top, excellent condition. $550. Tabor 363 owner, or 41 roadway 80. COMPLETE" set fender anii-ra ttle rs installed $1.60. Curly Ford Shop, 227 Salmon, bet 1 . OA . .. I . FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring ar, good con- ditinn and tir As 14(111 f.ll n. tu. A dition and tire:. $300. Call R..a I ins tn.A nd 1 19th at.,' Or fabor 8746. - -'.- tlUPMOBlLE 1914 ' - Save $250 en thia ,-car; . reasonable : tarma. price, etc. Owner. Phon Tabor 9465. 1921 MAXWELL touring cat. brand new", never run. $870. East 6284. 1920 MAXWELL touring car, juat Hk new. $850. East 8234. - . ' ' 1 USED bug body with top and windshield to th rwn, aa. trpen Run. Kaet 1198 H tiICK-3 rsuw., 1920 model, lik nw. 31250. Tabor 78 1018 CHEVROLET; bargain t $423 Urnu. Mornings or evenings. 18 E. 32J. CHEVROLET, used 4 months, hauling Uwanta ' sappered salmon. 1918 model. Sell. 5S4. BUICK touring, driven only 800 miles; like new: terms, , Ksrt 6565, . . , , ' WE REPAIR fender and wreck bodie.' 5TB. Body works, 500 Williams ave. East 1198. LARGS kttock down portable tarag for tali. 600 E. Daria. , C.Q. BLEASDALE P0BJ roadster. demoantaMe rims.- 5 ' Urea, new top and refiniahed ...,. $ 800 " .... ... . j. .i ,. FORD touring, in fin condition, good tires $ 375 CHEVROLET roadsttr. . .$200 OVERLAND 85-4 roadster. 5 good Urea. fine mechanical condition .......... $ 475 OVERLAND light eyl , 2 new tire. ' new top, rtfmlsned. motor over hauled .$ 75 8TUDEBAKER light 4 ........ . t 850 MEBCItt special......... ...$ 45 DODGE touring. 5 good tires, fine me- chanical condition........,,.... 850 OLDS light 6 madater. new tires, era, spotiixiit. .......... . bump .....$ 850 BU1CK tight 6 touring, 6 good tires, no- - tor overhauled, new top. ........ $ 750 BUICK. 1$20, 7 pas., run only 8500 miles. 2 bumpers, spotlight. 5-tiree. $1750 DODGB delivery, an ovwrhanled, 5 food tires , $ 800 ESSEX. 1920; can't be told from new; 5 good tire. . Many other standard makes. These ears have been carefully Inspected; some have been overhauled and refiniahed. PRICES $200 TO $2000 ! C. Q. BLEASDALE 580 Aider at. Broadway 1852. oLAKAMKr: ANU BKHVICS SAME AS NEW CARS Howard Automobile Co. 12TH AND ALDER BTS. ' . Broadway 1130. , VRANSON'S FOR GOOD BCTS 1914 Ford touring, extras .......$15 1917 Ford touring: a dandy 825 1918 Ford touring; extras , . 835 I is rord roadster; extrae 192( Ford roadster; tail del. ..... 375 1919 Ford eoope; extras . . i . . i . . j 40 1920 Ford touring; extras 495- 1917 Overland 75 roadster ...... . 275 1 920 Chevrolet touring . 425 1917 Dodge touring; A-l shapv).... 450 1918 Overland 90 Country Club. . . 650 1918 Overland $5 touring; like new. 600 1920 Overland 4; like new ti...... 600 1916 Oakland 6 roadster ......... 600 1918 Oakland 6 touring, eord tire.. . 650 1917 Buick 6 touring, new tires. 685 1918 Elgin 6 touring; repainted ... 850 1917 Cole 8, 7 pssenger . , 625 1918 Hup Big 4, like new . . . . . 850 60 CARS TO PICK FROM VRANRON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, Union" Ave. ajfrl Belmont St, Upstairs. Open Night and Sunday. E. 4878. BEAUTIFUL SEDAN Baby Grand Chevrolet. Run but 900 milei; 8100 worth of oxtraa. The closed car ia cooler ia summer and warmer in winter. This car going to be sold at a genuine sacrifice, 91550. If you see it you will bny It. Terms. 854 E. 8th st. N. Woodlawn 4964. Coupe, slmof-t new. 5 wire wheels and extras. A rcaJ bargain. UNIVKRSAT. CAR HXCHANGB, Used Fords Exclusively, East Side Grvtnd ave. and Tamhill West Side Broadway and- Glisan 1918 OLDS 8. jut been overhauled from sum to stern, haa been run only a few thnnunH rttles; very cheap at the price asked. Will accept small car as Part mvment: terms on h,lur if desired. Call Pro nut. Broadway 88H6. Ford Bug Class-v finv HAA Hnttn tuliMM imm jaxea t'sed lir Kxchange, 323 Gliaan, bet Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 5593. " ' STUDEBAKEft. Bt OWNatB 5 passenger, beet tires, engine in a-ood run ning orders upholstery, top. etc.. all ia good shape. No reasonable offer refused. CaU 630-27. , , A GQ0D tr.uring, $173; terms. i UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, : Used Fords Exclusively, East Side-'-Crjind ave. and Tamhill Wet Side Broadway and GUsan - BUG BUILDERS SEE THIS ' A good 4 cylinder car; good tires," is rt cellent runnirti order. It me demonstrate it 1021 license, til far the small gum of $100. Mr. Jangers. Broadway 1 572. WE bare 'lowered our prices in, accordance witk' the drop In new Fords. Onr loss your gain. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. EAst SideGrand ave. and Tamhill VVeet Sid- Broadway and Gliaan LVjDGit 5 good tires. This baa been used but not abused ; fin body. top, fender and upholstery. See by appointment Mr. s-fchipg-banerj Bdwy. 4500. local 83. - i919 7 PASS. Paige. 6 cord tires, bumper. This car in good running order. Horn snap. Small payment down takee thia car, balance on long easy terms. Call Boxell. Broadway 3606. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 USED TIKES AT A BARGAIN"""'' " AH Kinds of Vulcanising and Retreading. ' KILTON-W1LSON TIRE CO., . $84 Burn side I west aide.), at 8th,- HAYES' WIRE WHEEIJS serrio. station, 427 Stark at, Portland, Or. Enameling , and re- psinng neeuy oome. ryrwy, i)j76. ; FL LL SET of universal Tir Filler cheap. East bv.i. west aays. 8. Bl i'KET SEATS FOR SALE. CHEAP. EAST 1198. AUTO BED Have your auto seat cut to mai oeo. 7 Williams ave. AUTO Bb Have" your auto seat cut to make bed. 706 H Williams ave. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 - TRUCK OWNERS If your truck is equipped with a Continental of Buda motor. FcUler transmission, Torbenaen axle, Jacox steering gear, Sheldon or Columbia front axle, you can seeur repair part without delay from ue. W also hav a stock of used Keo truck parti. . . . . ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Inc. Republio Truck Distributors. . Paxk and Everett St. J.: FOItli, worm drive, 1-ton track, cab and atale body, overaiae pneumatic tires, used 8 mos.; biggest bargain in town. $650. Cha. C Faxi 9th and Burnside. Bdwy. 4698. - - PREFERRED freight run open with layover la s Portland. - Have new track for thi. n which- can be purchased on liberal terma; guar anteed income. 498 W. Bum'ide. FEDERAL 2 ton in tin shape; anxioua to sell -Priced far ttuick sale; Phon Jensen. Bdwy.' 691. evenings Marshall 6241. 1-TON,- worm gear Ford truck, practically new and k perfect condition. $600. cash. 772 Migaiesrppl. Wdln. 1750. Main 7993. Sunday. G- M. C. 3 hk too ia excellent shape; mu-t sell quick; terms to suit you; phon Jensen. Bdwy. 891. evenings Msrshall 5241. REPUBLIC 1 ton. Make me an offer and drive it home. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evening Marshall 6241. ... FOR SALE rheap, one 1-ton and one 2-tnn International truck. Inquire 40 N. First st Broadway 8667. A SPECIAL buy. 1 ton truck 1920 model $400 Phon Jensen, Brdwy. 691. evening Marshall Oi V x 1920 FORD light delivery, A-l conditio), new rneea tight CAI1 THREE . auto truck hack. 1 60 t?nion, 2-TON Atterbury Kan 6382. bodies and on. 2 -seated corner BelAont ' truck To7 sale; bargain. NEW 1 Diamond T trucar. pneumatic tiretC for sale less than wholesale. Aut 83Q-59. 1 W Too GM.C truck with dump body and hoit $1000. Phone week days. Sell 141. lo.irm traili-r, eneap. l'ah.,r 835 1921 FORD truck. . Aut 645-60. TRUCKS AN TRACTORS SO 2 " TRUCKS! TRUCKS t W offer for your inspection tho raoet complete stock of rebuilt trucks in the Northwest. All completely overhauled and put in first-class con dition. If you are la need of a truck of any capacity, it will pay you to look at our line. . - - 3 .. The following are typical of our -stock: DODGE eommercisl delivery, 1919 model, $800 down. G.M.C. 2-ton, excellent wood truck. $285 down. . PACKARD 8-ton, ne tire All around. 8400 down. REPUBLIC -tort, guaranteed, over hauled, $215 down. REPUBLIC 1 -ton. rebuilt tad guar anteed, $315 down. We have others to select from. Long, east terms, no brokerage. CRANKING k TREECE. " 543 Alder St, corner 17th. Broadway 1723. Broadway . 172). iXUD, worm drive, 1-Un truca, uab and stake body, oversize pneumatic tires, used 3 mos.; biggest bargain in town, $650. Chas. C. Fagin. Wth and Bnrnside. Bdwy. 4693. WHITE truck. 5 ton. dump body and hoist; 1918 snodel. This must be sold quick; make me an oner. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings Mar shall 5241. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 FOR SALE A 1919 twin Indian matorcycl. with tandem, in perfect abape. Price 8175, easy terms. Tabor 4874. ' - 1919 INDIAN, witho or without side car; me- chanically perfect; $50 down, balance easy terms. CaU BozeU. Broadway 3600 HENDERSON nst overhauled. Haa Z motor. Call Johansen, tandem and ABU generator. at Bdwy. 4 - . 197 IIARLET-DAVIDSO.n" motorcycle, just been overhauled, electrically equipped; small payment down. Call Boxcll, Bdwy. 860 6.- HARLEY-DAV IDSON motorcycle and aide oaf, electric equipment, 1918 model, $100 eaab. 489 89th St.- Tabor 5914. XV 111 A V n.At.rn-n.;. with side car and tandem a bargain at $2f. 583. 188 Grand gva.. East MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., . 44-48 Grand ave. HENDERSON Jut overhauled. Ha Z motor, tandem and ABO generator. Call Jobs use n, at Bdwy 2270. i917 HENDERSON, wfth "side car, all in A-i condition: a real snap. Call Hamilton, Broad- way 3605. 1820 HARLEY. like new. Very cheap. like new. Easy terms. CaU Johsnsen, at Bdwy. 2270 FOR SALE 1919 Henderson, just overhauled; cheap for cash; evenings after 6, Tabor 1577. 8300 CASH. Harley electric with sidecar; many extras.- 838 Rodney avenue. PUAC'ilCALLY new, double bar bicycle, fuily equipped. 828. Msrihall 8832. 1919 HAKLEY with side ear. fine condition, $273 cash. 1 3 00 terms. Call Mar, 3581. 1920 INDIAN motorcycle for asie or trade for automobile. Call East 7121. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS ' We will overhaul your car, any make, and sve you money. All work done on Xlst con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision of competent and reHTble men. Get our prices, they are. reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Ha wthOTM are. Tele phone East 8068. i FORD OWNERS FOUd overhauled $20 Rear Axle overhauled .................$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed....-,,..... 8 Magneto recharged .,..................$ 8 We hand-lap ' pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only uwd. All work guaranteed. ; GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO., : 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. FORD repairing exclutavelyT guarantee! work manship. Curly'a Ford Shop, 227 Salmon at. Main 8154. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS . RENTED , WITHOUT DRIVERS Lat Model Cars Reasonable Rstes FEARING ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 60 AUTOS ' FOR. HIRE WTfH" OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLXVAN. FASHION GA RA;E. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhfll. A-1236. NEW cars for rent without drivers,- reasonable rate. Jakes Used Car Exchange, 325 Gliaan. twiwy. 5393. ursin Sunday and evening. h. b. bnntt. cars for h1r1? without? drivers. army garage, third and Taylor, phone main 1687, AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANT good lata model light car And cash as first payment on beautiful 5 room modern bungalow in best part of Rose City Park; paved street. Owner, Tabor 9306, after 6:45 p. nv WANTED Late model Muick. must be in good order and choap. Phone Bmadway 8656 or call 854 Barnside, between Broadway and corner Park. CARS wanted to wreca, parte for all cars under half price. S. A S. Auto Wrecking Co., 1 Bth and Alder. . Broadway 636. WANTED Late model Chevrolet; must be in good order and cheap. Bdwy. 8658 or call at 834 Bumside bet Bdwy. and cor. Park. WANTED Ford with starter or other lixht car in trade for 1918 StudcbsJter Sit. Tabor 3ni. - . . Wa N'TEO A FORD. " CONDITION NO Ob ject. PHONE ACT. 633-68. " HH.HEST cash 'price 'paid lor old cars: con dition no object 121 N. 3d et WANT to trade, lot tor 1914 Cadillac. Aut 612 62. i'ILL trade $800 player for Ford. 760 Com mercial st WANT to buy late model Ford with starter. WiH pay cash. Call Woodlawrs. 721. WANT Ford touring. WiU buy or trado Tate Indian motorcycle Call Automatic 638-68. WANTEfV Ford touring car, Tabor o286. " FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 900 WHT an everlasting aggravation by leaky roof f Why not a comfortable and durable roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Mais 8120. Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing, 24 hour service! col lect and deliver. Tabor 4072. Tabor 4641. Cadwell Camp Table 6x8x42 folded. 30x42 open; supports 600 in, 50 Tburman. Broadway 8469. EvSm t 4 i .p. rtritiiv 8000 extra "Star A Star" shingles, t door 2-8x6-8, 2 cupboard doors. 1136 Senate st, Lanrelhnrst East 4847. AptNo. 6. ELECTRIC futures wholesale; 1 "light chains, $1.35; 3 light fixtures, $4. 00; 4 lights. $4.50. We do electric wiring. Reliable Elec tric. Union at Rmvell. East 3686. 1 TON chain blocks, 1 set U. S. S. dies and taps, 1 set Mosberg gocket and other hand fools. 5747 87h st S. E. SAFES Not 70 Sixth st, near Oak. econd-band steel cabinets. Herring-Hall-Marvin aafaa arKl Bushong ic Co. Bdwy. 1262. BUSINESS CARDS II Elfn ROSE CITY rRlNTERT 9 8 - -1 Ton must. bring this d. t120 6th Bt LawnMowers Sharpened WE CAUL AND OKLIYER. EAST 6424. 120 M. FEET cull lumber for sale at $5 per M., especially suitable for rough construc tion, see tie. Bacon 1144 Macadam road. FOUND A man wbo-wilj repair, upholster your lurmture at your nom; once very rea sonsble: all work guaranteed. Brosdwsy 4755. WE BUY, sell and exchange diamonds. Zell Bros. Co., Oiamond Brokers, 283 Washingtoa NEW $83 leetrie sewing machine, 650. Ma hogany gate leg table and mirror, reasonable. Indies sultctse, $10. Main 2501. . FLN'E eating cherries, 8e lb. i'ich yourself. 341 K. 72nd street near K. Mill. Tbor 121. 10.0UO LBS. "UWANTA- kippered salmon, Portland product Bellwood 854. ... FOR feAl.E Oood invalid wheel chair, cheap. 26 J7t et N. CHERRIES are ripe; pick them yourself; 89th sno k. rarx si. ELECT RIO , vacuum cleaner eold, exchanged, repaired. Ray BenUey. Main 4907. tA ILOR-MADE aiiita left on hand at half "prW" Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th st FOR HE NT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day. 85c delivered. Wdln. .1259. r VACUUM cleaners rented, $1 per day, deliv ered. Bdwy. 2872 days. Tabor 576 evening. WHAT hava you to exchange tor a cabinwt phonograph t 148 18th st Bdwy,. 2565. GET your furnace propefiy Cleaned and over hauled, don't wait Call Leonard, Aut. 326-51. "STAR A STAR" shingle., direct I rum mill. Csll Tgylor t.. dock. Main 8063. ' i'oLNii raubit fcxera tut sie. vail Tabrr 1$24. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 800 Dolan Wrecking & ' , Const. Co. - 456-70 Belmont 8b Phone East 6110. EXTRA! WE ARE WRECKING NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT NORTHWEST SHIP- TABD. ALL KINDS OF DOORS. WIN DOWS. BASINS. ' TOILETS. ' . PIP. . FLOORING. RUSTIC, BH1PLAP. "JJ5D LNG. ETC JUST AS GOOD AS NE'VT : AT HALF PRICE. DO NT MISS THIS" BARGAIN. - Special jffer We can supply, you tith any kind of m terial for the new h'-u. at a large Pr enuge of saving. Oar material is strictly and our sneea aeeond-haBd: i - New Dimemuoa . . $1 3 00 to $20 00 per M New Shiplap 18.00 to 20.00 per M New Rustic :- 25.00 to 35.00 per M New Flooring (good grade) 85.00 peril New Ceiling ..... 25.00 to 85.00 per M Star "A" Shlnclea 8.00 per M per U Standard Shingles 2.25 Special Offers 150.000 ft. of new 'pipe. H-in. to 2-lsv. galv. and black, at slashed wholesale prices. Will sen ia Any quantity. ! Doors and Windows 1500 new door t half, price. Make your selection of these, which Include 1 panel. 3 panel and 6 panel, at $2.50 each. 5000 new window And ab, front 76 to $3.00. .. ' ; : READY-MADE GARAGES. $50 EACH W also carry a complete lice of new and nned plumbing. - E? timatea furnished eat plumbing material and lastaUation, EVEKTTHIN0 IX THE BUILDING LDtS Dolan Wrecking & Const. Co. Eaat Eighth and Belmont and Morrison Stav Phon. East 6110. BOXES TRADUVO CO. 240 Washington, lit 2d MarshaU 2438 ! Ws sell. Buy and - Exchange - ; Cash Register Showcases, Fountain, Scales, Store Fixtures. ""CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your home. Tenm and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest designs. Write for catalogue. J. W. HICGLNS SON 1912-16-18 B GLISAN. . TABOR 808 WE SAVE TOTJ MONET -Hons wiring, lighting fix ture, electrical repairing stip- ' plies. Third Street Electric Store. 224 V, Third St., nJ i Salmon. Main 6055. Sewing Machines We hare thm lerzeet stock of used mi Sewing Machines is tho city. Com pare price. We rent And repair. 72 Sd, near Tamhill. 10 DROPHEAD tewing machines with attach ments. 820 each: portable elect rio machine for rent; searing machine cleaned and repairad. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave, Eaat 2359. , Sibloco- Pipeless Furnace $79.60. $135; improved principle: lesa fuel; best guarantee; nothing lost by investigating. i. T. Woodruff. 129 MaUory ave. Wdln. 2108. DICTAPHONES. OFFICE FURNITURE. SAFE ' Transcribing mch., $75; dictating, - $100; shaving, $60; universal motors, like new. Typo-, writers, add. machines, time : clocks Lowest price for year on steel filing cabinets, new and used deks, chairs, etc. Wax Office Equip. House. 24 5th St N. Bdwy. 2739 Independent Priniers- " W'e r not members of sny combine' to con trol the tric. of Drintina. Bmitb PrLOtina- Co.. I'll Nr 6th st . THE births tone for June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gift. MILLER Next Door to Majestic Theatre. IRONING -machines, slightly used; one for tii, on for $140, one for $150. Pricas on mw machine reduced. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY Fifth and Oak Sts. : ' j SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms If desired. NORHia SAFE LOCK CO. 105 Second St Main 2048. . Electric Motors Rongbt, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Work, 413 Bum side,' corner 10th. Bmadway 6674. grvrrERS. Whites. New Homes, like new, $26 to $45. Other guaranteed drop heads $15 to $18. Latest Singers, cash or terms. Rentals, 8 per month. Singer stire. 193 4th. Main 6833. 5 FLEXIBLE LAWN MOWER BLADES Installed for $2; old mowers guaranteed to eat as good aa new or money refunded. B rod war 8214. We call for and .deliver. 30 N. 11th at. near Burnside. - SCREENS SCREEN DOORS AND PORCH SWINGS FVnrer boxes and aabinef work. EstinuteB free. Call today and let ns figure with you. Tenor 8326. 11 05-1107 Hawthorne. Rugs & Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton-Beach Electric Washer; also vacuum cleaning. Wdln. 8758. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications.- A large listing will be found under these different classi fies tions. HOT WATER TANKS 80-gaL $7; 40-gaL89; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace ooil; gaa beaters installed: expert plumbing repairing. East Sid Welding Shop, 203 Adams st E. 8816. LICENSED independent electrician, wire 3 room for $12, 5 rooms $20. All new tni ferial used and guaranteed to pass inspectioa. Woodlawn 3791.; Excavating AND , GRADING. REASONABLE. A0T0. 624-88. : '. LADIES, let Tb Vogue seli your T misfit or slightly used garments. Havaj a fine lino -cured from wealthy people: CaU and see. Root 403 Alisky bldg , 8rd and Morrison sts. toilpLTliSG-SCAL. ca.b registers.' cofe mills, meat choppers and general store fii- tnres, at 228 Stark st. between 1st nd 2d. Dlonlricfrv DR. A. W. KEENS LPenilStry 851H Washington St Without Pin. Latent Nerv Blocking Method. UNl6N Apparel Ex hange sell slightly used ladies' clothes, arm . spring bats, etc 718 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. East 1826. TRUMPET, long model Bnseher cornet, silvet plated. new, with $ mouthpieces and mut. 385. 142 Shaver st. Apt 8. evenings. ..':.. BUGS wasned on your floor with Hamiltoa aBeach electric earpet washer; also vacuum Cleaning done. East 4048. FOR SALE Goosebefrie. blossom off, sent C. O. D. for 10' cent 6 pound. C. Deaa, Battleground. Wash., R. 1. . COLUMBIA PLA87 Ik WALL BOARD ' Can t bulge or burn. Joan tlrta. Oregi made. 0h.,feldt 145 Firsf t Msra 8878, FIRST CLASS, second hand lumber at 14th and Everett. Furnace and good brick. Wdln. 6714. " xtfc-Ttf'i'Vwfc'nftiK. 1 "" Phon Automatic 627-66 or call at 8603 Powell Valley -road. - --. ' - ' BEKHK;EkATO and bed davenport for al. Tabor 6878. FOK SALE Freeh milch cow, at 87 E. Kii . Patrick st' Phono Woodlawn 4974. PO't'ATOEei Prida of Multnomah, . iiOc, IT. 241 x Washington. T- "Wagner. BUT .YOUR FIREWORKS NEAR COUNCIL X J,. i J- ' " . '" " "' . '.' 1 jut.v.n tuue iwrtiuin lurmture, suite, or aep SV11";4"? rat line, walnut mahogany and ivory, at rtistic. .prompt. Smith, printers, 11 N. 6th, ! f-torv rrte! .t f.r, 441 V. Imh.rd BUCK gas. rang with alevated oven. Davi. - - 600 East KINGSTON magneto, impulse starter, firat-Ciu ;-r eondition, $23. j Phon Eaat 8833. VACUUM cleaners tor rent 85c a daj; delivret anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. t " , FOR SALE- Registers, snoweaxaeaT" vail Casb or credit 2d Salmon. a BUt 'kET SEATS FOR SALE, CHEAP. EAST 1108. . LAWN MOWERS shamenod and repairing of ail kitvls, Tfasonsble. CaU and deliver. Eact 1 $ 1 8. CUKHBUi 4o lb., Mathewa, Uarhwa at, bn. 28th and 29th. MUwauki, Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 00 - i OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, told And exchanged. ' HANSEN-WADa.Nbsa.t-s ut..a CO.. 105 Twelfth st. Bdvrr 177 MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS 90 1 . DOWNSTAIRS store. Scnwan Piano Co, I 825 Vose s Soea dark' mahogany., $195. 00 900 Steinway as Son n.ah. ....... . 895.00 560 Kimball A sjo., goiden oak.,.. 263.00 575 Chase, large, oak .......... 290.00 1050 Singer player piano . 690.00 $10 to $25 cash. $5. $8. $10. $15 monthly. - PbonORraph Dept., Used Specials. Victrola A Brunswick, 'Cab., each, .... .$03.00 Columbia :and Path., cab., each ...... , 85.00 btradlverx. $05: Grafonola, small,., i., 18.50 101 10th St. at Wash, and flurk 8ts : Security Storagg Co.. closing out to oash. $450 Spier Piano Co., upright, man...., $165 450 Starr Piano Co., upright, oak., ...,195 75 CoUard A CoUard. small up....'..., 65 00 Pianos And player piano and mutle 295 350 Pianola player and 85 player rolls.. 45 4 Parlor organs. $25. $35, $38 and.. 8 103 10TH ST.. COR. STARK ST. Piano Bargains There sra some Wonderful bsrgatns in brand 6w gratd and upright piano oifered for the next lu days in our A L Jt E uu Terms given. LIPMAN. WOLFE St CO. VlOulN string ervicLur sivciaUy. Ve carry ail Ui .imported and domeetio string of qual ity. . I . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. I 149 Sixth Street. COLUMBIA Urafonola. slightly used. $!; Psck ard piano, practically new, $438; KIndler A Collin piano (oak) $300. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st A NEW EtLAND piano, manoaany oa, tin eo edition. $195. Terms. -- U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street SILVER Conn eoyhMie,tguli bil, ' C melody. $125. Terms. " 7 U. F.-JOH'SO! PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street ' ' FINE piajer piano bargain, 5b not, priced id ell quick, $875. Terms. - U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street I'HONCMiKAl'li and records cheap; machine val ued at $255 and records $230. . Wonderful ormortunitv. Call East 5006 any cvenuig Xr' tween 6 and 7. " UMll'H sV BARNES piano, jutt Uk new. splendid buy, $315. Terms. U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. ' - 149 Sixth Street KIMBALL grand piano, mahogany caa., a tnap. jtt a allow you. SEIBERLING LUCAS MU SIC CO.; 125 4th St., bet. Wa.hingto nd Alder. - Pi-AVfcll rolls special, o roU foe 41.00. Good 88 note roll, guaranteed. U. F. JO!LNrMN PIANO COi . . 149 Sixth Street VIOLIN outfit, including violin, ease, bow, rosin nd extra strings. Special for pupils, 123. - . F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street PIANOS tor rale, none over $200. You save 400 Ab- money here. Phonographs too. Ington bM. - - - BI S 11 Ac LANki player, e4Uitl to liew, at about half price. 8EIBEUL4NG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4 th t, bet. Washington and Alder. 1-lANo TUNING and repairing. Phonograph r peJring. Work done; by experienced workmen and guaranteed. 409 Abington bldg. Main 772. WELLINGTON piano, plain oak cae, $2 76, A snap Terms given. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th t. WIIJ TRADE cabinet phonography for piano and pay cub difference. 148 13 th U Bdwy. 2355. WEIJ.INOTON piano, . plain mahogany cae. . $275. Terms given. SEIBEKLI.NG LUCAS MUSK) CO., 125 4th st ; .. GIBSON mandolin oatit. complete. HO. U. F. JOHNSON IA'0 CO. 149 Sixth Street $450 MAIL Thompson piano for sale. $200, nut 3 year old. Perfect ooduon. 40'Abinv ton bldg. ' ' ' ' Kl(BAIJj playef piano. A snap. Used for dem- ontrtion only, 'lerm given. Bt.iBttiu.xu LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4ih st. WONDERFUL bargain in Wellington piano and bench. Jake, new. Perfect condition, $300 cash. Ant 633-26. KIMRAIxL piano, $260; oak eae. A real bargain. Sew it Smberung Lucas Bituno Co., l-a 4tn St. br-t. Wehinrtnn and Alder MILTON piano, plain miogy ca.-o s, .n u a. i new. Terms given on una nargam. nr.Uie.U- LIN LUCAS MI'SIC, CO , 125 4th st. . FISHER piano. t20d. A wonderful bargain. Term given. SE1BERLINO LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. SLIGHTLY used Brunswick phonograph aud reooTd for tale. vll. a 143, $375 EQUITY in Howard player for $125. Call , Jmt. 827 90. 1 GOOD piano for sale, mahogany ce. Come and see it 82 E. 10th at. near; Oak. tMf player tuning, rebuilt V. Kremar, an Slsrxet at. fiinne Mam rrnis. SCHIRMEK upright piano. $150. See it SEl- BKR1.ING LTTC A S MUSIC CO., 12.1 4.h et GOOD upright piano $275, for quick cash 1. Phevie East 8758 for appointment FOR Kki.N T Piano, grafonola. late music. Em pire transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 135. EBER baby grand, ebony case, cheap for Im media sale by owner. Phono 818-69. BRUNSVVlCE plionogrsphs demonstrated In yoni ; own home. Nate Ardrey, Sellwood 2148, PIANO i.T rent by owner. TsboY 6683. SONORA phonograph for sale. 193 Russell t. DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 F.APEHf watch repairing Main springs $1, cleaning $1.80 and up, jewel $1, Watch glaaae 28. .- ELLIS EWING. 304 Gerlinger. 2d and Alder. Marshall 4364. 15 YEARS WITH . STAPLES (JiXist.Niv out niydiamond Jewelry At less than half price. 'Diamond ring $25 to $400. See display; only a few left. , H. A. Brown. Watch m slier and Jeweler. 252 Alder st AtiATE ieweiry ot quality, largsnt stock in town. Van Dusvn's, 463 Washington, near 18th street . HOUSEHOLD GOODS ' 902 COAL and wood ranges.'. ... .818.00 up Cook .tove. ............ .$10.00 up Gaa stoves. ............... .$10 00 up Ga water htcr. $ 9.00 up Floor coverings, yard. . . . ... , . $ .75 up Kitchen queen. ............ I 8.00 up Kitchen ' cabinets. .......... ,$12.00 up , IMnlng Room x tension table.,. $ 7 00 bp Dining room ehair. ,..,.,,.$ 1.60 up Living room rockers. ........ 4.00 up Library table. .,.. .......$ 8.00 up Simmon beds. ............ $10.60 MP Cotton felt mattree.. $ 6.75 up Steel spring-,.....,......,.. 8.00 np Coil spring. 6.00 up Dressers ...,.;.............$ 9.00 up " PORTLAND FTTRNlTCRB EXCHANGK 208-210 JTIret U SAVE MONatt" . Try onr sale dept if you want to buy or sell household good; reduced freight rates to roost all point in our through pool ear. Expert packing, repairing and ref iniahing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage, low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ge TRANSFER CO. fit Fourth at, opp. Multnomah hotel. Phon Broadway 8718.':. COOK atove, $8; gaa range. $6; ga plate. $2; , Perftctioa oU tove, $7; dining table. $7: din ing; chairs, $2; rockers, $1.25 up; sideboard. $12.7$; kitchen treasure, $3.60? sanitary couch, $7; new cotton felt mattresses, $5; bed and springs, $3.50; baby sulky, $8; several rugs cheap; garden tools. East 6957. 118 Grand ave. ; Reed Specialty Shop Sit WILLIAMS AVE, EAST 8508. Manufacturers' of high grade reed f urnitnr. Reed furniture mad. to order: also repaired and refiniahed. Buy direct from factory. ! COMPLETE furnishings of A five-room houss), including new bedding, extra door and numer ous other thing that go to furnish a bouse; bona for sale also. Tabor 1567. BRIDGE Beach range with coils, $23; heating stove, $9; couch, $2; 52 feet of lawn fence, $25; wringer, $5; rus beds. etc. 87 Mar guerite. 'l abor 3825, : . STERLING RANGE, wood or ooal. good aa new, $40; gas range. Jewel, $25; piano, Heuning, New York, grand, good too. $200. 5417 88th ae. S. E. v ' . . 4-iifiiER iu ruige, io; No.'ei ook tve, $10; gaa plate. $$;- 6 hole range. $30; dresser, dining table and chain, .. beds, cup board and other household goodV Sellwood 3051. 656 -PoweU et OAK EiTKNSION dining table mud chairs, leal table and- rockers, 9x12 Ax minster rug, ga. range, tike new; very reasonable. 6012 77th m v, Mr. Set- er. st. mi r Union ave. Woodlawn 2628. . ALL the furnisbinga and furniture of two room apt, good furniture, all for $135. Chap- man. apt. No. 3. Woofl AND COAL f lOKtNO RANGE CHETP . FfiR CASH. WARD, 4410 WOOIJSTOi'K. ON is rang 635, in goud condition. One iouta- tlc leather lounee. W rod lawn 4270. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 BOAT FOR SALE Suitable or carrying freiaht or fee. paaserigen. beam 8 H Standard engine. lxntjx 80 feet . Apply - to H. Larsen. Wanna, or. I LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 I HAVE too uianr boats; want io sail sum. of them. Tbey are as follows: On 7 h. p., one 8 h. p.. one 15 h. p.. on 25 h. p., on 30 h. p., on 120 h. p. two scows, on 40 ft. by 12 ft., on 51 ft. by IB fW new. My Urg ent boat has twin XVtsoonaini motor j I 48 ft. lont. 12 ft. beam : Is new. Will deliver. , Write f"- w events T. Smith. Stevenson, Wash. Uu. . ur aae, - rooms and bath, com pletely modern and completely furnished, on of the nicest home for two on. the river. Sell wood moorage. Honseboat No. 4. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S ALL makes guarardeed one year. Beat rnn sL New price list. stnicted tyuewritera en eoast Wholesale TypswriUr Co., $21 Washington at.. rortisnd. rr lit'BUlLT typswriters, H make. rer.Uls. rs pairing, supiUle.' Distributor COHoN A Por te hie. . SUNDSTRAND adding mtcliln, Main ri. v. pyase .o.j. litf gixni u ALL MAKES of typewriters renUd. repaired and sold on monthly payment vn. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th st. Main 8666. REMINGTON typewriter lor tale. Mi'.' of" will trade for a 2d. hand rug or what bar you f Call Harold 8. Gilbert, 10th and Yamhill FOR HKNT-4 room hnu -eboat, all modersi ooa- venlennes. Apily 16 Holf moorage. FOR RENT Underwood-ttrmingtoo, $8.6 nio. Empire Transfer, 234 Broadway. Bdy. 133. ; j ;5WAPS 925 tliiJIT ahs res of .Smith Motor stock to trade -for good Ford. 432 Hawthorn FOR RALE- ton truck ' pi r trad for t era , touring cr. Sellwood 2507. - WI.L trade a new1 Bninwlck phonograph for digging basement. Sell. 2148. W II J, do painting and tinting io exchang Tor - used car. Eaet 7880. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 9S0 $13.80 TO $25.00 METER, THE TAILOR, pay (nor for See end Hand suits, shoes, overcoat. We call day or evening. Marshall 122$. or 208 Madison street, near Third. ' - tJP-tO-DAtB BUYER vsrvthlna and anvthin in tV bur vtythiiw and Bythint In th.Mn of used furnitur and - household - goods, tool and old clothing and junk. Call Main 784. HOME iroennsia to sell 800 lbs. "U WANT A kippered - salmon to help PortUbd payrolls. Sell. 554. ' - ' . WANTED Painter outfit or- swinging sUgtl and extension laddalm separate. Stat price. H- 873, Journal. -. WANTED T-Mtlk customers near 47th and Fre mont sts, Rieh milk, 10c at del. Tabor 8200. WANTED iood heavy tired tricycle for 5-year-o!d boy. 839 E. 67th st N. Tabor 8662. WANTED Ash. oak, maple and alder timber. - Also lumber. F-904. Journal. - JUNK Good prfce for oM clothing, rags. met Is, toola, furniture. Broadway 163.', ARMV'OOOO b. S. ARMY GOODS tor aaie, wholssaie and retail) price ndaoad, ' H. Harnta 359 d at, or 804 1st at Main T57S. ATM Turkish Baths nomam hoteiu Electro Therapist 24-hour aervic to men. LANK BOOK WAKIHS DAVIS A HOLM AN, lNO.. 108 2d mum ... book msnufactntera A-8186. Main 186. CAHfCNTCrT 6B slUILOKW GENERAL contractors plan, luraisued fo all eiassa. or otuuxinga, aiterauons, acpau-j a t) ma tea given. fhone Wdln. 4280. CAT AND PO HOSPITAL KUSaS Ciil ttiJiaullal nuiritSH li M. 7 th anal Grant, Both obon, - IMS ASM gdght sarvioa. Three veterinarian. CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC. aUam batha and maausge. 10th floor Broadway bldgv MrshU 8167 rtr. Lasfi kl ' Ihrwnlns: Onra OvenlnjaV bit. McmAHON lilcMsal-His ay stem: People taking adjustments while smiling. 12th year. OtCANINO AND DVtlNO kkcaI. f:i iwr,. 'i'silon, and Hatters Cleaning and -dyeing -a apecialty. Out of town maul orders given prompt attention. . 127 N. -tilh st Portland. Or. ' , ,. ) h - OtOTHIWO. ' Qarments, price. 7I Union vo. N. Est 1636. Hk titU COAL AND WOOO SUMMER prices. Short bloek eat from new ry. ties, $7.60 per. load, .or tiaa 8 ft; short (lab, $6 per load; sawdust $8.50 per load; also carry full line No. 1 fir, oak, ash. Rock Springs and Utah coal. Standard, Wood Co., Eaat zsia, erior Fuel Co. Rnnvmar rates now on that aood coal and cord wood, heavy country alab, block wvnd. Special prices for cash. Ta. 159. Aut 315-41. Ta. 61115 800 CORDS stumnage, $I.T5 per cord. "Fin ' fir "timber- at Baker: Wash. Lea than 4 mil to pavement, - 9 miles north ot Vancouver, on Pacific highway. B. R. Lamb. BOXWOOD, DsBverwl immadistely by Fultoa Wod Csv. 1861 Macadam. Pbon Min 417$. iuo CORDS wood,' $6 per cord, 4 rord lota, cut from big timber, taken by a widow lady on debt;-must sell part of It row. AlBerta. lrv ington. Piedmont distorts. Wdln. 4807.- Qordwood ..lo'. idrt iZZl COAL Select grade Utan, $15 del. W8I8. 410 COOPKRAGE ground log fuel And wdut in truck or carload lot. . Western Cooprg Co., Columbia 62. - ''' FIU8T OUOWTH red- fir,- IS in., heavy, ju-t right for furnace or fireplace, $9.60 per aord; full measure guaranteed. Wdln. zl COUNTRY SLABWOOI) ' Gren or dry 4-foot or sawed. Star wood A Coal Co. Main 6012. NICE country alab woral $6.50 a Oord; dry 12 pnd 16 in. sUb $7.80 load; No. 1 cord- wood $6.60. Paul Fual Co., Sell. 1740. CORDWOOD, No. 1 old growlu, t8.50. Aeora Wood A Coal Co. Wdln. 2132. Mt LtJMBER f RlkLMISGd. ft'T U IUCUU, $6 PER LOAD. WDLN." $887, FIRST growtn cordwood, liberal reduction. livered frim cr. Nat Fuel Co., sf4i: DRY eouniry alabwuud,- $1 per oord. Ant. 68S-71. SECOND grade old growth and second growth fir. $7.80 cord. Auto. 636-66. flHST growth fir cordwood, $8.60 per eont Can Wdln. 6$04. 1183 tfontant'av. FIRST GlIoU'Til cordwood $6-25 per eorO. Phon Woodlawn 236$. ' - Bef'oTe ordering your winter wood call Auto. 526-86. North Bank Fuel Co. 659 Upshur St A-l iJORDWOOD. $8.60 deUvered. M. HaCrdt Pual Co.. Ksst 2456. Wfiob "sA'wBD tompiiy. '' Krn3,6T COKiiWOOD $7 SO er cord. Phone A. 623 55 DENTISTS UR. B. E. WRIQHt ' Sd fktwr. RaVigh bldg.. eor. tfe and Waabisgton at. -Mala tllOV A-9119. en t IS try SSI Washington Bt Without Pain.- Lateat N err Blocking Method. EDUCATIONAL 0ANOINO Downey's Dance Studio 464 Washington street, over Hatelwood. Former instructors vouuioa aau. D. Pattenoa Downfy. inat. RINtiLER'S DANCING ACADEMY Tt.tiT-r . r . ' a 1 w , r w S! auz-iof ai ' -? . w.u 114k m.19 .w, . U . . A way ball, Broadway and Main, Cla and prt- vat lesson rjy expert prmeaaionai ustructoT, ia all branches ball room, classical, . ballet etc. Phon or call for sppouauneota. Braadway 33HO. THE DACE STUDIO, 60t Leaausa bldg.. Waab ingtoa at Third . Privet hoar or half boat Isasnns: As v. svenin. 9:30 A. as. ta 9 . SL a Cours Stsaonr specially priced. Oas Monday, rriday. 7 30 p m- Mia mimtA tSUSIO wOHOOtS AND TEA0M8W8 L. CARROLL DAY, taaen.r Of voir aad pianw. 148 13th st Broadway 2365. T E. LAWSON 20 years' .xperlsn. ; pUo . lessons at your home. 91. Ant 648-13. t T " . .. PIANO LK8RON8 ' For beirihne, 75c. Phon Ant 812-02. FLUPP BUGS AND RUOS PORTLAND RUG CO, riuff Ruga, Made Fro Old Crpta, 1872-1674 E 17TH ST. SELLWOOD 8828. MAT CtEANEWS AND OVERS BATS rleansd, blocked, dyed robl. and iafat-tory. Boy oyai Hat Works. 223 First t, LADIES' TAItON LADIES' asrmesla allofvd and tefiUod, 1, bin, Ud'es' ulksr, 403 Bab A ian bklg (.AVSlDftV Lace Curtains Xttr.A. WANTED-lMISCELLANEOUS 9 S3 AN1EI) People ot Portland to know that I PF the highest cash price for scroiid hand licuelioM goods. No amount too taige ur too irtll. Prompt, attention "-- N. M. SKATER Pbowe K't g203. 148 Knsv t st BOOKS -Hlghet price paid tor Rook of K nowl--dge. Harvard Classic. Universal Anth'Hos:y and Story of th Great War, Address U-7U, Journal. WANTED-FURNITURE 952 BlOT CAftH k'OH U8!'l Kt'KNil'LKE " , Main 887B VNITF.n FUHNtTUnK ST0KK !T3 FIW8T STRKKf Owl Furniture Co., NF.AR MOKldSON W want your sed furniture. Mares, carvel t,d pianos; we pay th hlghet ranh piir.. ; 166 swd 168 First -t Call Msln 4827. i . ; M. R. SEATER Buys the beat s well as cheaper cradle cf .econd band furniture; 286 Grand sve. Auto. 232-6$, W E Rl'Y u-d furniture, atow, tc. llella Furniture Co , 203-205 2d Mrln 7301. PERSON .L ors GLAltl) YoTh EYEbioHT 1 employ only I lis moat modern lntrtiiu'iit and U no-.t scientific method in - an.lnlng your eyas. 20 years' experience. Thou sand of aatisfieil pstitnta. Evrnlngi and Sun days by appointment, t'haa. W. i,. o.lman, 0 klnrison. o Pre-wsr prices. Main 213 -" It U C : M A 1 lS5rTT E iTk u " Stomsch and kidney trouble, steam and min eral baths, massage. Ladies by appointment. Utili tarian institute. 710-7H bwetlsnd bldg. Mala 6980. 9 a. m.-H p. m. ' r ' aTTKNTION, ft H E I M A T 1 1 S "" W would Uk to grt in touch Kith sll rise of rheumitism, bedridden included. . Writ Hals Dept. Llord Chemical Co., Inc.. 518 Hum lie r of Commerce buig. $1 iiKTS both feet fixed up at Iir. Kslon th. , CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECLtf.lbT who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here. Exam, !rr. liloh Theater hide 11th and Wh. Bdwv. 21 H. , if THE young lady who wa. o ntlmsistTo about vwanta kipiiered salmon on a lioe l.ltv Park car last night wiU vaU Sell. 534 it wul be -to her Interest. 1 fJi . ConaulUtion FREE. aLet&WWr 4.04 Consolidated All raa. Secnrlu f'lrtg . "4 6th st. Brfsdwsy 4l.i SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed by 10 nedl method. Trial free. Josle tinie), 814 Bush 4k 1-ane bldg. Main 113 "J LtT ;oras Rtibenmein, the veteran -optician, fit youreea. Expert optical service reasonable Prices. No chares for teitinr. 226 Mnrrlon st. MArSAiE, hll. Dr. Elina Sortnsen, ho Psnsm hM. sfftln HONil, isij!ni nhvlclsn. I'hffcS'DS want M. at Mia .1 Robertson. FX -2 09. Jotirnal. ft OPTOMBTItiaTa HaVK T oTTr-eT KsfXa SiTS 1T5T . W .rcommnd and pracrib glaasr onry ftr thorough examination prove their need. Yn will find our services reliable ana charge tar reasonable. A trial will Cnvtnea, v cientific Optical Service 288 Iffrisnri St Mtn BS67. . BYES, scientifically teated-wilb "mode "V ving: aarisf aetloa guaranteed. A. B. HUKWITZ. Optom.Utst 223. 1st St th and Oak cUNTINQ, TINtTWO. PAPERH ANOIKOl . ROOF I'IN'I OR l-AlNUNG M oor hobby and w are pleased to annminc thjt th prfcr thl Ros Carfi I val week is even below pre-war prices and the Black Satia Web font Paint ia the bast that money buys. Roof Security Co., 226 Board of Trade bid. Mai . iters., nnwi. out. Wall Paper, Faints, Etc. 280 SECOND STREET. MAIN '7822 Uhl Bros., I ncv Normalcy Painting Co." PAPER HANGING AND TTNTIVO T.w,Ty'iVO W AUU 1T A Nf !HK8 ' i r!T B""' Tshnr 8742 PALVI'LMJ nd kal.-omming a,J f,lf.rralrTr1Fa1 ...t.,. price.; wnr guaranteed. Et 463 'Ji"' A t t ii, , , ... . .... i.iv. nam MWm 4 1',. PAPERING rWlng, hsuM rsintlr, ,, PWs; very,. Tabor 72 mmtmrs. gTgNT ATTORWETi C 8. GOLD R E RQ. r t. ..a. iT? right. 610 Ch.mbev of CoremercV bUa opy- PHV3ICIAeI dr. n. aTh rLTlraT- Bmdwy Iiidg. Office Pracllcs only. PLUW-.WC. amp g t rasa riTTffa Plumbing ?tii$binAfrr W. A. MYERS, j?B E. .AJlT,Tmt (-LOW prices en all kinds plumbing supplies-? 71 n Jirur on your InstallaUnna, Alberta Plnmb. Co., 517 Union r. N.. near Rnvell K 4281 t D fi"lr at giT 1 II 1 m ll.i v . . ... " KE it L Kj lNlT riisiirt ifflf n ill. l H if a rrM-$yr89rr PWTWTIW, ENQgtalVfafJ. gtlpiotrv 5 Ed5(n zi-i6 '"'Oi .25" VWW LINEV I'llll.a .4 so Liberty Printrry, 165 4th St"' Main J6. P'rlntinc fy"rr-iTru. 1 IklfclllM; and Oak. Mstn 165. r,if TUB 1 R wW-UrtrfsoN- ri pa"! T. 867 Whington. Broadway 48. A ll. ANCt PV nUNTl.l CO, fltlOLCI ice . 83 2 Wash, st. Main 47 U mOOP REPAIRIrlCi ROOFS repaired ana painted; gutterf eleaoedi Hoof SMarity. Inc. mtga VVebloot Feint. UJ4 A Trade. Wain lit- Mala $$44. oltEI.ON V I'.mung r,4 irig H- kinds of roof. lle-t Gllsontt. paial ' v"fk turntel 176 E, OU st I'hons Tbor 4817. Tihor 7239. . Boors repaired, - painted nd gutters cleaned M.h,..TC6m la, .ibj; ROOFS repairad and painted. Pricea.'n4 palil Fast 29(l7. r-eat. Ellsworth Roof .. 60ALP A8)P FACIAL rKOMtl6T8 SCALP AND FACIAL" . SPECIALIST . BaMriess, disessea Of tho sca) mn k.i. jes-fully treated ; fao massage; facial Imper- imiwni rerenuiK-any rorrscied. a '-, DR. EVEf.YN H. THELMEfl, Sulf 420 Morgan Bld. Main nil tWI6 COftsJCOTIOria ikwllXtii'lik"'" ReasAnsbl. and reliable iost E- GUsan. Tabnr 383, twtiT nimt, WORK MULTNOMAH SHEElT ' METAL WORKS ' Rocfln. gwttsring. aVMutlnc. icihi ... general repalrinc. Phnw Brosdwav 92. .228 Aih annoiv suen mcisj wiiTaa, giiuering, jobbing r. pairing, furnace work and plumbing. Good work, rea-ona hie prices. Phnne Tatior 1818 8MINOtlWa SHINLING, old and new wore, all firt-eiall work. Sell. 1667. 6TOV6 WtPAIWism Why Buy a New Stove? TWAf46Faj A SIP 6TO R A d I SECCBITT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Pa-klng-Moving Storage MONEY LOANEU ON 00iDS IS STORAGS ' 6$ Fourth at, opp. Multnomah souL Pbon. Broadway 8718. .ialVs't hippia and moving; bora, and auta vaaui a,2! vial ratM to all pointa CO. PIC TRAAKFEH A STORAGE CO. d and Pin, ata. Il roadway 6D6 A-t Oregon Transfer Co. 474 tlian St. Broadway 121 DRAYACE STOKA;K Four Wrhooas on Terminal Tracks Storage and Transfer -Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN." BROADWAT 64T0. tti-.UL i. -i s a.,r i iia iu tu ail puim kujaxnehold arooda. Pacific Coaat I'srunlln,' Co.. 9th and Hort Bly 70. CHAKI.IES espres. n-l baggage; also gene raj Hauling. Aut 527-63 VACUUM CLEANERS VI. H "f.ft'Tlt'T -TS 1 hour day, 65c, deixvered. Wdln. IZitb, mm r - . . -