THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 16 SATURDAY, JUNE; 18. 1921. PORTLAND, OREGON. cl Church peoples interest Centers in Annual denominational jffijeetings Jiortlan EPISCOPAL CLERGY OF EAST IS COMING - . TO LOCAL Eastern clergymen of the Episco pal churcli axe coming West for the sixth annual session of the Oregon .' 'summer school . for Episcopal ; cler gymen, which will be held from Mon day to Friday in St." Helens Hall. Vista and Park avenues. - The object of the school is to unite ,the clergy of the Pacific dioceses for "conference and fellowship "in the com mon cause of making the church strong' er and more effective. The meetings are, held at St. Helen's hall through the courtesy of the Sisters of St. John Bap- , tist, where meals and lodging will be furnished visiting clergymen. The annual business meeting will be Thursday evening and the main social function will be a trip over the Co lumbia river highway on Thursday, aft ernoon. ;i ' .; ij - The evening lectures given by Dr. Lester Bradner of New York will be 'open to the public, especially those en gaged In church school work. I I No charge will be made for the course. A round table conference will follow each evening lecture, when matters re lating to church school, work will be ,discuased."--"':-."- , -' The school will begin Monday' at 8 p. m. with; a lecture on -The Church's Program for Parochial Education." The program for each day includes the cele bration of the holy eucharist at 7 :30 a. m.. with lectures at 9:30 and 11:15 a. m., 2:30 and 8 p. m., by the visiting speakers, who are Dr. Lester. Bradner. Dr. Ji H. Gowen, and the Rev. F, W. Moore. ..---- ; i i , The committee In. charge'of the school are the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, president; the Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, secretary treasurer ; the Rev. Edgar M. Rogers of Olympla and the Rev. George II- Sever ance of Spokane. Hundreds Will Take Bible School Course The Arleta Dally "Vacation 1 Bible school, which will open Tuesday at the Arleta public school.-Is planning to care for 600 students. A curriculum more var ied than last year's is provided for this 4 summer. At the bi-weekly assembly hour an , address of value to children will be ; given. Among those who will lecture are Mrs. M. Francis Swope, temperance worker; the Rev. Henry White, returned missionary from Slam ; the Rev. ; J. C. Austin. Baptist promotion work director in Oregon, and the Rev. A. BI Snyder, foreign mission speaker. Another feature will be the 35-minute trl-weekly- mission : study class. Mrs. J. J. Handsaker is prin cipal of the school, which is conducted - by district nine of the Multnomah Coun ty Sunday school association, and which will be free to the public. .i CENTENARY -WILBUR METHODIST EAST NINTH AND PINK : j "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" 1 ; FRANK LLEWELLYN WEMETT. Pastor i Tomorrow ' 11:00 A. M. ..'.' I .. "BEYOND THE SUNSET", . (A MESSAGE TO' OLD PEOPLE) ; 7:4S P. '.. - ; " "WONDERS OF; REDEMPTION" If usicat ITogrra Under the rHrwlion of PROF. J. MacMILLAN MUIR ; I - . : . VACATION BISLC SCHOOL BEGINS JUNE 20TH, t:00 A. M. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . EAST 13TH AND PINE WALTER HENRY NUGENT, D.Ik, Minister ' - - . ---- - 7 11 A. SI. SERMON: "The Bargaining- Versos the Trustful Spirit" i 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL P. SL- EVENING SERVICE SERMON: "The Peril of Self -Delusion" YOU WILL RECEIVE A CORDIAL '. WELCOME LECTURE .Sunday, June 19, 8 P. M. Sabjeet, "THE MESSAGE OF i THE MTARS," by Rev. Charles H. Wolfram. Teacher and Loetnrer, Theosophlcal Hall. II Central BaUding, comer Tenth and Alder streets. WW YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT THE CHURCH OF THE ELECTRIC SIGN AKK AND orvBwsy ; ft j I U 1 dren s Day program. Pag eant and sermon. Wednesdays Bvealss- Jane t9 Ben Scovell in Shakes pearean reading. Tharsdsy Evenlag, Jsne S3 Dr. J, M. Wilkinson in pic torial visualization of the Passion Play of Ober-Am-mergau. . .... . 7 til P. K. Organ Recital. Sldventists Hill Close Campmeeting 8Co morrow Evening Services at the Seventh Day Adventist camp meeting at CrVston Park, on the Mount Scott carline will close Sunday night, and on Monday over 1000 camp ers will leave for their homes In. all parts of the Northwest. Tonight at S o'clock ' President A. R. Ogden of the North Pacific Union con ference will speak on the subject "Who Changed the Sabbath From the Seventh to the First Day of the Week?" At 11 o'clock Sunday Pastor N. C. Ernston of Albany will preach on the5 subject, "Calvary Why ,Was It Necessary for Jesus to Die on the Cross?"; The 2:30 o'clock hour will be occupied by Profes sor Emmet J. Hibbard, Bible teacher, whose topic will be, "The Closing Con flict Between the Man Child and the Dragon." The closing sermon at 8 p. m. will be by Evangelist Alexander R Bell of Salem, whose subject is. "The Faith fulness of God. the Hope of M;n." Following the camp meeting Evangelist Louis K. Dickson will conduct an ex tensive series of services each night In a downtown hall, the place to be, announced later. A company of gospel workers will be associated with him. ; - Federal Protection For Armenia Asked The Portland 'Ministerial association, through Its executive committee, is lending ; its support "to the natiotr-wlde movement looking toward governmental protection for afhe Armenians. "We are asking the churches of the city to petition congress to make such representations to the foreign powers directly concerned in the Near Bast as will-7 bring safety, to the threatened Christian population i of Turkey," said the Rev. Edward Constant, president of the association. "The platforms of both political' parties expressed sympathy for the Armenians and readiness to help them. We are not assuming to dictate to the I president) or congress," . Every clergyman in Portland has been mailed information during the past week by J.! J. Handsaker, director of the drive in Oregon, giving the lat est word from - the famine-stricken country and urging the passage of resolutions to ' congress to seek perma nent protection for the Armenians. Endeayorers Will ; Take Eiver Outing - Christian Endea vorers of Multnomah county have chartered the barge Swan for ' their annual moonlight excursion next Tuesday evening. -The boat will leave the Taylor street dock at 7:45 p. m. All junior. Intermediate, senior and alumni members and their friends are in vited to Join in this social ; occasion. Members of the program committee, who promise plenty of entertainment, are Walter Dlmm, Floyd Gllman and Ward Robinson. Ned : Irwin Is in charge of the advertising and Russell Hendricks is arranging for refreshments. Tickets will be 60 cents. Proceeds from the excur sioii will be used toward bringing the 1923 international ' convention to Port land. Des Moines, Iowa, and St. Louis are. Portland's competitors. Rally By Is Conducted Bible Students A rally of all the Moody Bible Insti tute classes in Portland was held last Friday night at the First Baptist church. Harley K. Hallgren presided at the busi ness session and Dr. J. J. Staub of Sunnyside' Congregationaal church led the praise and testimony meeting. En largement of the, work in Portland was considered. The exposition of the Sun day school lesson on Friday evenings will: be continued . through , July. Ap pointments for the instructor, Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, for next week are : Monday, 8 p. m., Glencoe Baptist church ; Wednes day, 2 p. m.. Westminster Presbyterian church ; Thursday, 8 p. m., Vernon Pres byterian : church Friday. 7 :15 : p. m., Sunday school lesson,, and $ :15 study in Epheslans at the First Baptist church. "': ' - : : ! - ' ' Palmer Goes Ease James Palmer, religious work director at the T. M. C. A., has left for the East to attend the.Y. M. C. A. confer-1 ence at Lake Geneva. FIRST METHODIST TWELFTH AND TAYLOR DR. JOSHUA STANSFIELD PASTOR j ' - . . . ,-!' ... 10:30 A. M. "Man in the Making" 7:45 s."M. ft Dives and Lazarus" SUNDAY SOHOOL. 1X:1B MOON ((WORTH LEAGUE, 6:30 " THURSDAY PRAYER MEETING HOUR : BEST MEETING OF THIS CHURCH MADISON STREETS aaa ij cars to Block of Caarca 7ti P. M-Brlef concert by the Webber Juvenile Or : chestra. - - 81S P. M Dr. MeEIveen an- ..Twer8 thr questions : 1 Did Ambassador Harvey In. . suit Our Soldiers?" a "la's Bishop Manning's social T!,Th Church Not Meddlinr in Politics and . Economics. Christian r 3 Are ChrlsUans Keally Chrlst lansT" . ' - 4 iooo seats free; t Delegates lleavxng f or (East and South to Slttend Annual Convention . Interest of church people In Port- 1AUU 19 VrillVlCU tilt? asWlXl UXsVl conventions and camp meetings of their respective denominations. ; Baptist delegates have left for- Des Moines, Iowa, to attend the Northern Baptist convention, from June 22 to 29. Congregational delegates will leave in a few days for Los Aneeles to attend the national convention of their church. Adventlsts are assembled in their an nual camp meeting at Creeton park sta tion on - the Mount Scott car line, and members of the Friends church have just returned from their yearly, meet ing at Newberg. . , . Lutheran clergymen and lay delegates will leave Monday for Spokane to attend the Northwest conference of the United Lutheran church. ; Episcopal ministers from all parts of the Northwest will gather -in Portland Monday for their annual Institute, while,- the'- Apostolic Faith Mission people are making final preparations for the opening of their annual camp meeting in the Woodstock district June 26. . Bishop W. O. Shepard of the Metho dist church left for Alaska a few days ago to conduct tjie annual conference of his church there. Presbyterians , will hear the reports of their delegates to the general assembly at Winona lake, Ind., Sunday, and soon will elect dele gates to the meeting of the Oregon sy nod at Corvallis. United Brethren dele gates also have returned recently from their quadrennium meeting in the East. -' BAPTIST The Willamette Baptist Young People's association will hold its annual meeting and election of officers Friday at 8 p. m. in the main auditorium of the First Baptist church. The retiring pres ident. A. D. Bosserman, will preside and Dr. J. J. Staub of Sunnyside Congre gational church will give the address. The monthly meeting of the Baptist Sunday School Superintendent' and Workers' union will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. in tha Kast Side Baptist church. Supper will ba (erred at 6.30. The topic for disciuoion in "How to Hold Attendance Do ring Vacation Months." After leas than six months' absence from the field, tyr. George H. Tonne has returned to Oregon again to resume the position of relig ions educational director in the . state for the Baptist church. Ut. Young resigned from this position last fall to accept a pastorate in Twin Falls. Idaho. He will preach in the East Hide Baptist church the next two Sundays during Ir. W. B. Hinson'a absence from the city at the Northern BaptUt convention. Dr. Toung's fam ily expects to mote to Portland within s few weeks. - - Dr. Hinson will preach Tuesday at the fun damentals conference at Des Moines, Iowa, on "The Lord's Return," and on Sunday at the Northern Baptist convention assembled in the same city he will preach the annual sermon. Dr. George U. Ligh. pastor of the - First Baptist church at Phoenix, Ariz., will preach Sunday at the White Temple. Ha will also have charge of the midweek meeting next Thurs day. -' Fourth Sunday. After Trinity , Uniform Sunday Scbool ljesaon "Befriending the Lord." Luke 4:16-21; Matt. 23:34-40. , ? Golden Text "Verily I say unto you. inas much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. : Young People's Topics Baptist Vnion "Treasons From the Sun. and Idght." rs. 7.:iz-ii. Christian Endeavor-i-'Iesaons From the Sun and Light" Ps. 74:12-17. ; Epworth League 'Lessons From the Sun and Light." Pa. l:i'i-n. Saptltt Pint White Temple, 12th and Taylor. Preaching by Dr. George M. Lehigh. 11, 8. Kast Side H 20th and Salmon. Dr. W. B. nitunn Prmmrhintt hvHlr. Georee II. Youns. 11. "How to Secure, the True Conception of God"; 7:45, "The Seeking Father." Third Vancouver and Knott- Rev. B. B. Clime. 11. "The Characteristic Fath of a Bep- resentative Believer"; . . "The Well ia the Wilderness." Arleta 48th a vs. and 64th st 8. E. Be. Owen T. Day. 11. "Does God Believe in TJsl"; 8, 'Backward or Forward." Calvary K. 8th and Grant. Bar. J. K Tboma. 11.8. . Glencoe B. 48th and Main. Bev. W. B. Stewart. 11, 7:45. ftellwood Bethany Bev. W. K. Ferris. 11. f:s0. Grace E. ?6th sad Ash, Bar. W. H. Tol nver. 11. 7:80. 1 , Swedish 16th and Hoyt. Bay. T. O. Sjolan der. 10:30, 7 :3. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard. 11. 7:0. Highland E. th aad Alberta. Bey. Waits: L. Kuey. 11,- 8. Tabernacle E. 45th and Woodstock. 11. University Park Drew and Fiske. Key. Charles A. Davis (supply). 11. 7:30. Mt. Olivet (colored) Broadway aad Kverett Bev. 3. W. Anderson. 11.8. Elim Swedish E. 6th and Alberta. Bev. August- Olson. 2 .0. Lenta 88th at and 60th ave. Be. E. A Smith. 11, "The Christian's Equipment"; 8. Children's day exercises. Second (German) Rodney aad Uerrla, Be. F. Hod maun. 11, 7:80. , : - : - ' CaUielle ' . ' ". Pro-Cathedral 16 th aad Derta. ' 6. T:16, 6:10. :4ft, 11. St. Peters Lents Be. J. P. O'Flyaa. 8, 10:0. 7:0. . St. Lawrence Id and Sherman. Be. J. OL Hughes. 6. :30. 10 80. 7:80. Ht Francis E. 12ta and Pins, Bev. L B. Mc.Namce. 6, 8, 9:18. 11. 7:48. . Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ' aad Bunion. Bar. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 0, 11. 7:S0. Holy Bosary E. Sd and Clackamas. Be. E. B. Olson. 6. 7, 8, , 11. 7:80. St. Bose S. 63d and Alameda. Be. J. O'FairelL 8. 10:30. 4. i St. Andrew E. Uth aad Alberta. Be. J. Kiernaa 8, 10:80. 7:80. , The MadelaUM E. 24th and Siaklrou. Berv. George F. Thompson. 7 .30. 1. 11. Aacension-rJO. 7 Bin and xsmnill. Fathers. 8. 19:30. 7:30. ltlsasXf- sacrament jaaryiand ana a Rev. r. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30. " Holy Cross 774 Bowdoia. . Bev. G. Bar- end.; 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. I Ignatius 8220 43d at, S. E. Jesuit Fathers. .30. 8. 10:30. 7. St. Stephens E, 4Zd and Taylor. Be. Warren A. WaitL , 8, 8 .16, 11, 7 30. Holy Bedeemer Portlasd blvd. and Taav ouver ave. Bar. Wiiliaaa J. Devlae. 6, S. 10:80. 7:30. St. Philip Karl (Paullst FaXhersl K. ISth and Hickory. Be. M. L- Ferry. . 1 :30. . 10:80. 7:80. ; St. Clements fl. Smith are. asd Newtoa Servite Fathers. 6,8. 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center. Be. 1. Gregory. S. 10:30, 7:30. St. Agatha K. 16th and Mchalem. Be. J. Commisky, 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and rail ing. Bev. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30, 7 :80. St. Joseph (German) 18U - and Coach. Rev. Frouin Eppes. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Be. U. Balestra. 8:80. 10:80, 7:3o. St. Claire Capitol kUlt Father Aloysius. O F. M. 7:16. fr:18. St. Charles K. S3d and Alberta. 1 Bev, M. Wallaea 8. 10:80. t AU BaluU E. 88th aad G lias a. Be. Father William Cronia. 8. 10:30. St. Patrick 10th asd Savier. Rev. Charles M. Smith. Masses. 7:80, . 10:30, 7:45. St. Birgitta'a chapel Linn ton-Glen Harbor. (Attended from St. Patricks).- 0 a. w. Our Lady of Sorrows E. 62d and Wood stock. Be. G. C. Fallu. 8. 10:43, 4:80. St. Anthony's Chapel 7022 45th are. Ba. G. C. Fallu. Sam. Holy Famil Chanel FL 7th Mud Rx. Ba. G. C. Fallu. 8:45. 7:40. : ChHstMn . First Park sod Columbia. Be. Harold H. Gnffia. 11. "Denominationalum Passe"; 7:45, The Sign of the Cross." by Hen Scovell. . Emm. Side K. 12th and Tavtor He. Noraum F. Johnson. 11, "Sanctification"; 8. "Bepen tance." Church of Christ Rodney and Knott. Ba. Joseph Boyd. 11, "The Mew Christian"; 8. "A Great Certainty." i UonU villa . 7th and Gllaaa. Be. Car. roll C. Boberts. 11. 7:30. Kern Park Ba. F. H. Ghormla. H. T:SO. St. Jons Central and Osweso. Ba. Bar. bert Jones. U.S. Tabernacle E. 28th aad Alberta. Bar. K. Tibba Maxey. 11. T:S0. ' SeUwood 808 Teasno. . Be. J. B. Johnson. 11. 7:30. . i - Christssn tchntt :. Lesson snbiect: "la the Universe. Inclndine Man. Evolved by Atomic Force f First ltb and Everett. 11. 8. Seeowd E. 6th and Holladay, 11. B. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Eaeiaoa. 11. 8. DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND ; - ; ; : ' . : ; ' Wnwdwr : '; jJ a picnic in I-aurelhurst park. A picnic dinner will be serred at 0:30 p m. Beginning Sunday Rev. B, E. Close, pastor of the Third Baptist church, will deliver the first of series of summer Sunday evening discourses en "The Wells of Scripture." - These sermons will deal with the stories which have gaUtered about the wells and watering places of the olden time. Professor G. R. .Schlauch of McMlnnville col lege, who has heed preaching at the University Park Baptist church during the past nine months, will be gone daring the summer, travel ing throughout the Northwest in the interest of new students for McMlnnville college. He will resume hi services at the church upon his re turn. , During the summer his place will be taken by Charles A. Dana, s recent graduate ot McHinnville college. .. , "Backward or Forward" will be the subject of iter. Owen T. Day's sermon Sunday night at the Arleta Baptist church. At li e. m. the pastor will speak on- the subject. "Does God Believe in Csr" ' Each of the "political" parties in the B. Y. P. II. will perform stunts as a cli max to. the election of officers June 24. Children's day exercises will be held Sunday at 8 p. m, at the Lents Baptist church. Baptists throughout the Northern states are looking toward the Northern Baptist convention, which meets at Des Meine. Iowa, June 22 to 29. Among the delegates' from Oregon are Dr. W. B. Hinson, Dr. and Mrs. U. C Wright, Miss Henrietta Failing, Mrs. Jamea C. Failing, Rev. J. C. Austin, Kev. C L. Trawiu of McMinnville and Dr. I W. Riley, president ot McMinnville college. Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Sjolander and family of the Swedish Baptist church, who have just returned from a visit to Sweden, were tendered a reception by their church. Tuesday night. The church was filled to capacity and brief addresses of welcome were given by Rev. K. Bjorkquist, Dr. Oj C. Wright, Rev. C. J. tdin of the Swedish tabernacle. Rev. S. Moody of the Swed ish Methodist church, F. W. Lenegren. editor of the Oregon Posten and Axel Carlson, vice moderator of the church. CATHOLIC At St Patricks Catholic church, in ad dition to the regular Sunday services, special exercises will be held in connec tion with the quarterly convention of the Holy Name societies of Portland. The business activities of the convention will be held from 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon In the auditorium below the church. The religious exercises begin in the church at 4 o'clock. There will be a sermon, exercises according to the ritual of the Holy Name society and benediction. The general public is freely admitted both to the convention and the , religious exer cises.. ' . -- CHRISTIAN ; ' A feature of the Sunday evening serv ice at the First Christian church will be a dramatic interpretation by Ben- Scovell of William Barrett's religious produc tion, "The ' Sign, of the Cross' This play deals with the persecution of the early Christians after- the burning of Rome by Nero. Dr. H. H. Grif fis will preach in the morning. - . Fiftb-2d and 4 2d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonie temple, 868 TamhilL 11. S. Seventh Smith era. and New York. 11. -. All churches Wednesday, i j. a Congregational First Park end Madison. Dr. W. T. McEV een. 11, Children's day program; 7:45, ques tion and answer service. Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Dr. -J .J Staub. , 11, "The Prayer life ot the Christian": i,:,- "joy, not Manulactured But JeaL Atkmson Memonai E. 20th and - Everett. Rev. E. K. Flint. 11, Children's day; 7:45, "The Need of Divine Worship in Modern Life." Hicbland E. Stb and Prescott.' Re. Edward Constant. 11, "The Increasing Fruits of Chris tianity ; 8, "Divine Guidance for Human Late. Wavsrty Heights a. 8 2d and Woodward. Bev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, "The Unavoidable Christ"; 8, illustrated sermon. Laurelwood 46th ave. and 65th . 8. Jk. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 10:30. 7:30. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. 11. University Park Haven and aximnard. Bev. J H Johnston. 10:80. 7:80. Finnish Mason and Albina. Be. -A. A. Harlu. 6 and Sua. 1 St. Johns S. Ivanho and Richmond. 11, t:4o. -' : - .. - Danish-Norwegiaa E. 23d and Sumner Bev.-Ole Torgesten. 11. 7:30. First German Ebeseser E. 7th and Stanton. Bev. George Zocner. 10:30. 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Be. Henry Hagelgaas. 10:30, preaching by Dr. A. J. Sullens; 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Ba. J. H. Uopp. 11. 7:80. , Dunkard ""- Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Bral naxd. Bev- George C CarL 11. 7. !-;'.:,"' Bpaoopai Fro-CaUiediai of St. Stephens 18th and Clay. HL Kei. Waiter Taylor Kumner. bishop: Ten Kev. T. T. Hicks. 7:45. 9:43. 11. Eucharist ana sermon; 1 :4 0, evensong Truiitv lBUi and Everett. Be. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 11. St. Davids K. 12th and Belmont. Be. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, ser mon bj ut. iesier erauner ot rew lorg; 7:80, ine uoa rtom uoin secrete Are riot Hid." Ot. Marks 21xt and Marsnali. Kev. J. G. Hatton, rector. 7:30, 11. 7:46, BU Philips 242 Bu&sell. lo. 11. St Andrews Hereford St.. Portsmouth, RT John D. Kice. S, 11, 70. Grace Mexnonai East 17 th aad Weidlsr Bev. Ot W. Taylor. 11. 8. St. Michael and All angels K. 43d aad Broadway.. Kev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 11. Churea ot Our Savior 6uth ave. and 4 lit at. S. E. Bev. John B. McCormlck. 10. 11. - Bishop ' Morra Memorial Good Samaritan hospital. Bev. F. K. Howard. 7 and 940 a, am. St. Pauls Woodmen. Bev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. t i St. Johns Memorial 15th and 'Harney, Sell wood. Bev. John B. McCormick. 8, 10. St. Matthews Corbet and Bancruit. Bey. E. H. Clark, vicar. 10 and 11 a. m. Good Shepherd V ancouver : and Graham. Bev, John -Dawson, rector. 7:30, 0:45, 11.. 7:30. - Missioa at . St. Johns Bickner'a hall. Be. John D. Bice, vicar. 2. 8. St. Peters Chajiel 1073 E. Stark. 10. St. Janes Chapel E. 72d su aad 37th ava 10. 7:30. Cnapel of the Transfiguration E. 60th aad Divisioa. 8 p. m. - . EanaaeaJ East Market Street E. 6th and Market. Ba. Ezra Maurer. 11.7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Bev. Jacob Stacker. 10:49. communion; 8, "The Beatitudes of Christ." Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisaa Be. J. C. Ledin. Preaching by Be. Frits Peterson. 11, 7:30. Lents F. B. Culver. 11. 7:30. West Portland Multnomah, station. Be. H. K. Scheuerman. 11. 7:30. Free Mathediat First E. tth and Mill. Be. W. J. Johaaljn. 11. 7:30. Central E. 68tb aad Flanders. Rev. 8. O. Boper. 11. 7:30. Alberta E. 30th aad Wygant. Bay. S. L. Bnrna. 11, 7:48. SU Jonas i. Richmond and Hudson. Rev F. B. Daweea, 11. 7:30. Lents Be. O. NBlair. 11. 7 JO. First E. SB th aad Main. Rav. Hoaser U Cox. 11. "The Victory of Faito"; 7:45. "The First Martyr." xa" Seooad . 92d aad 61st ave. 11, 7:30 ?et P adsaoa Itorthwica aav Jersey. Be. Carey Jeasap. 11, 8, Jawtsh '- Coagregation Beth Israel (Reformed) 12th aad Main. Babbi Jonah B. Was Offioa 71S Chamber of Commerce bid. Satbatn servicae Friday at 8 p. m. aal Saturday at1020 a. m. Congregation Ahaval Shalom Park sod Clay ata Babbi it. Abrahamsoa. Fnday, ' 8 p. am.' Saturday. 8:80 a. as. Congregatioa Novah Zedek Talmud Toraa ai and Hall. Be. Abraham L Boaeacranta Friday. 8 p. ax. Saturday. a, , as. Sunday. 10 a. so. Beligioas school.. Latter Oar Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint E. 28th aad Madisoa Herbert CL Iversoa, saissioB president, lo, 6:30. Beorganixed Church X T6th and Irriaa. Elder C K. Jones. 10:46. 1:48. LuUmtm :- St. Ja-e W. Park and Jefferson Be. William E. Brinkman. 11, preaching by mem bers of commission of the Lotted Brethren church; 7:45. , St. p"aul- E. 12th and Clinton. Be. A. Krause, 10:30 (German), "Th Christian's Duty to Refrain From Uncharitably Juda-ing and Condemning Others"; 1 :SO (English). "Th Bible Proved God's Own Word." - Trinity (Missouri Synod) Sodrtey and ley Re. J. B. Kim bach. 10:15. (German); 7.30. (ngua). . .. ' , A anion meeting of -the members of the Disciples of Christ churches ia Portland win be held Wednesday at 8 o'clock in the church build ing at Hodney avenue and Knott street. The quarterly "get together" meeting -of the churches will be combined with the annual Multnomah district meeting. Rev. Elijah V. Stivers, presi dent of the Oregon Christian Missionary society and pastor of the First Christian church at Eugene, will give the address. The meeting will be s preparatory rally for the sixty-ninth annual gathering of Oregon Disciple at Turner, July 2 to 10. , Sunday morning at the Church of Christ Rev. Joseph Boyd will preach the concluding sermon in the series which has dealt with present-day evangelism. s. CONGREGATIONAL Delegates from Portland to the na tional council of Congregational churches at Los Angeles, July 1 to 9, are Dr. W. T, McElveen of the First church. Rev. A. J. Sullens, superintendent of Congre gational missionary work In Oregon; Rev. E, K. Flint of Atkinson Memorial church, and Rev, - Edward Constant of the Highland churcn. v .. An important item ot business at the con vention will be the election of an executive secretary to succeed the Jate Dr. Hubert Her ring, who was drowned Utt.uimmer. President King of Oberlin college will set as moderator. During the summer a number of the dele gates to the national council will preach in Portland Congregational churches. Dr. Arthur Holt, labor expert of the denomination, will speak in the city Sunday, June 26, on his way south. Dr. William E- Barton of Oak Park, I1L. author of a doxen books and pastor of a church of more than 2500 members, will preach in the Weal First Congregational church during July. Rev. John W. Wilson of Racine, Wis., and Rev, Fred T. Rouse of Worcester, Mats., will be other visitors. ' Fifty young people and children under the direction of Mrs. Ally O. Adams will present pageant entitled "The Children of the King dom" at the First Congregational church Sun day morning. Sunday evening the new organist. Mrs. J. . Hobart Mansfield,, will give a brief or gan recital, the Webber Juvenile orchestra, will give a lew selections, the chorus will sing and Dr McElveen will answer three questions : ( 1 ) "Did Ambassador Harvey insult our soldier?" ( 2 "Is Bishop Manning's social creed, 'The Church not meddling with politics and eco nomics." Christian!" - 2) "Are Christians reali Christians - Monday night the Pacific University Alumni association will hold a social meeting. Wednesday evening Ben Scovell will give a program- of Shakespearean plays and hu morous readings and Thursday night Dr. Wil kinson will give' 1 hie pictorial address on the Passion play at Oberammergau. One of the finest -pipe organs in the city is being instaOled in Sunnyside Congregational church. Its eleetrio action will be the most modern. It has three manuals, combining the pedal, swell, great, choir and echo organs, the latter carrying with it s beautiful vox humans. It also has s full ret of chimes. The echo organ will be given a unique position in the building, where it can be thoroughly appreciated by the audience Mechanics expect to have the new organ installed by the . middle of September. Dr. J. J. Staub will occupy his pulpit Sunday and conduct the interdenominational Bible class Wednesday night. .- - Decorations at Atkinson Memorial Congre Church for Deaf- Rodney and Ivy Bev. i. A. C Beyer. Our Savior' E. 10th and Grant. Bev. M. A. Cbristeiuen. 11 (English), "The Disciple and the Master. Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th aad Da via Rev. H, 1. Thorpe. II. . - Becner XvangeUaal Norwegian Free) Wy gaat aad Bodaey Be. A. A. Borrerik. 11, 1:48. Graee ; (English) E. 24 th and Broadways Bev. C. H. Bernhard. ' -11. 7:30. Bethany Denisb Evsngelleal- Unloa aad Moe ria. Be. L. P. Ejoller. 10. 11. 7:80. - , St. Johns Peninsula and KQpatrlck Be, la Lodwig. 10:48; 7:80. Swedish Augutaaa Stanton aad Bodaey Be. T. G. Ogrsa. 10:45. 7:48. ' lmmanuel 19 th sad lrnng Bev. A. T. aav dereoa . 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. S. X B. Kautsea 11. 7:30. Eloa Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap. ssaa and Balm an Be. H. H. Eoppelmna 9:18. 10:16. 7:48. - laamanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th aad Lee Her. H. C EbeUag. J0. 10:90. Ger man. Church of th Bedeemer (Eagllsh) E. 15th north and Wygant. School 10. service 11. Finaiah 179 Fargo. Kev. A. fialminaa 10: Sunday school. 7. . - St. Mark (Wisconsin Srnodl Msllorr and Skidjaore. Be. P. Hinderer. 9:80. 10 JO; except oa lourth Sundays. 9 :30. 2 :3U. - r aneUtodln Splscopal Centenary-Wilbur K. 9th : and Pine Dr. Frank L. Wemett. 11, special service for elderly people; 7:45,: "The Unrealized GospeL" Ceatrai--Vancouver aad Fargo Ke. a. H. Maclean. - 10:30, 8, sacred concert. Cliatoa-Kelly E, 40th and Powell. Be. E 8. Mace. 11, lecture on Anti-Saloon League work. . Epworth 26th and Savier. Be. Frank L. Moora 11, 8. First 12th 'and Tgylor,, Dr, Joshua Stsn field. 10:30. "Man in the Making;" 7:45, "The Dives and .Lasarns' Story." First Norwegian-Danish 18th and Ho;U Bev. C. A. Peterson. 11. "The Soul's Song of Triumph in Life's Trials;" 8, "The Challenge ot Our Times to the Church of Today." German Bodney and Stantoa. Be. F. A. Schumann. 10:45. 8. Hoyt St. 15th and Hoyt. Be. E. - E. Hertzier. 11. 7:30. Laurelwood K. S3d aad Foster. Be. K. B. Finley. 11. 7:30. Lenta1 86th and 68th are. Bev. F. B. Sibley. 11, 7:45. . Lincoln E. 62d and Lincoln. ' Be. W. N. Byars. 11. 8. MoaUvilla K. 80th aad Pin. Be. T. A. Gina 11, 7:30. Mt. Tabor E. 61st aad Stark. Be. D. U Fields, 11. 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Bev. Georgs H. Bennett. 11. 7:30. - Bose City Park E. 58th and Alameda Be. C. W. -Uuett. 11, Bad Checks on Heaven a Bank;" 8. "The Attractiveness Of Sin." - SeUwood . 15th and Tacoma. Be. W. 8 Gordon. 11, "The Shinina Pathway;" 8, "Do v People Tire of God I ; Sunnyside B. 55th and Tsmhlll, Be. T. H. Gallagher. 11; 7:45. Sr. Johns W. Leavitt aad Syracuse. Be. W. E. K tester. 11. 7:30. . Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Be. S. Moody, 11. 7:30. University Park Fiska aad Lombard. Bay.' H T. Atkinson, 11, 7:30. Vancouver Ave. N orwesian-Danl&h Skidmore and Vancouver. 11, 7:30. Weatmorelanol Milwaukee aad Midway. Be. E. 8. Mace. 10. 8.. Woodstock 44th and Woodstock 8. E. Be. L. C. Poor. 11. 8. W'oodlawi. . lota, near Durham ave. Be. J. H. Irvine. 11, "The Message of Maher-thalal-hash-bax;" 8, "Quenching God-Kindled Fires."' v African Zion 417 Williams are. Be. L A. Moore. 11. 70. DUtrict upeiinteadeat. Be. William Wallace Toungsoa. 691 E. 62d at N. Tabor 2790. .- . ag. a. aouth -First Union and Multnomah. Be. J B. Harris. 11, "The Watchword of Christianity;" 8, "Movies that Move Toward Vice and Crime." -.-,- Hazarwna First E. 10th aad Weidlsr. Be. A. U. Bowes. 11. 7:80. 8ellwood E. 9th and Spokane. Re. J. G. Bringdale. Bevival services in tent next to eonrnunity. house at 11 and 7:80. Brentwood 63th ave. aad 7th st. Rev. C. V. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th aad Jarrstt. Bev. W. P. Keebauga. 11. 7:30. Scandinavian 948 Garfield. Be. J. B. Mittby. 11 70., ' PMsbrtarlaa - -- First 12th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman. 10:30. "Human and Divine Dyna mics:" 7:80. "The lair Off Interest ot Tears." and sacred concert. (. Westminster Jaat 17 th and Schuyler. lrr. Edward H. Pence. 10:30, "Death and Acci dent;" 7:45, "Four Arguments for Immortality." Central E. 13th and Pine. - Dr. Walter Henry Nugent. 11. "The Bargaining Versus the Trustful Spirit;' 8. "The Peril of ,8eU Delu sion."- . ' - Calvary llta aad Clay. - Ke. L. Bowrlna Quick. - 11. communion aitd "Our Sin Bearer" 7:4 5. rOospeL" Mt. Tabor a. OSta aad Belmont. Be. Ward MacHeary. 11, 8.-- Veraon itn ana wygant. Be. J. u Mergler. f 11. 7:30. Piedmont Cleveland and JarretL Dr. J. Francis Morgan. 11, "How Christ Reveals Mea to Themselves;" 8. "The Present Day Need of Comfort." " Fourth First and Gisba Be. Monro O. Everett. 10:30, 7:30. . Kenilwortn . S4th aad Gladstone. Be Li. K. Grimes. 11, 8. i aiopa TStB aad Kverett. Be. K. m.' Gtlas, If. "Wonhiping God in the Sanctuary;" 8, "StTJ Cnto Hell." ' . . ' Boaa City Rev. Donala W. M. MeClue. II. "The Gift of the Sword:' 7:30. "Beariac a Monument." Forbes Graham and Gaifteobein. Preaching by Bev. George B. Lewis. 10:30, 7:30. gational church during the Children's day cele bration Sunday will include handiwork done by the children m the ' various departments. Dip lomas will be given those completing .the work in one department.' The exercises will be held during the morning worxhip hoar. A series - of special Sunday evening services will be started this Week at Waveriy Heights Congregational church by Rev. Oliver P. Avery, pastor. The first picture of "The Far-Fhing"1 line will be given this Sunday. EPIStOFAli ' Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks wl'l be In charge of all the Sunday services at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral. Donald Lamont will lead the young people's i meeting. The parish . Sunday school wilt hold its annual, picnic Monday at Peninsula park. Where it will meet all the Episcopal schools of the city in a Joint Interparo chial picnic. Transportation i will be provided for children who meet at the parish house at 9 a. m. Dr. Lester Bradner of New Tort will be the preacher Sunday morning at St. Davids Episcopal church. A feature of - the night service, when the rector will preach- will be the congregational hymn practice. On Friday, St. John Baptist day, there will be a nuptial eu charist at 9 a. m. On Sunday. June 20, the class recently confirmed will take its first com munion at 7 :30 a. m. . Services - on Wednesday and Thursday will . be omitted owing to the clergy school. EYASUELICAI. I Rev. Fritx Peterson, pastor and lec turer from Stockholm, Sweden, will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. at the Swedish tabernacle. Seventeenth and Glisan streets. At 3 p. m. he will speak at the Powell Valley mission and Monday evening will give a lecture at the Tabernacle' on "The Present Religious Conditions in Sweden." The male quar tet and chorus-will sing. . i -, :':.'.;;':' FRIENDS I Rev. Homer L. Cox, pastor of the First Friends church, has returned from the Friends' yearly meeting at. Newberg and will occupy his pulpit at both services Sunday. j - .... . - - CEi ; - - - - - : ICTHKIlAJf ! "The Christian's Duty to Refrain From Uncharitably Judging and Condemning Others" will be the subject of Rev. A. Krause ' Sunday morning at St. Pauls Lutheran church. At night he -wlll sneak on "The Bible Proved God's Own Word." - ; - ' '- ; . g ; - " '- METHODIST i - A study In sociology will' be given Sunday evening at the First Methodist church by Dr. Joshua Stansf ield, in which he will consider the proximity and relation of wickendness and want In so ciety today. In the morning! he -will preach the annual educational sermon. The old people of Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church and community are to be guests of the young people Sunday morning in an ; unique service which has been planned by . Dr. Frank TU Wemett. Automobile have been requi- Trinity Virginia ana Nebraska. Kev. Joka D. McLaaaoa. 11. 7:30. Anabel Rev. F. H. MixeTL 11. 7:30. Millard Avsnne 55th ave. and 73d at. Re. Henry White. -Preaching by Bev. A. B. Carr. 11, "The Believer'a Blessings in Christ;" 8, "Mission Work la West Africa." i Marshall Street 17th aad Marshall. Bev. A. J. Ha una. 11, 7:30. Mucpah E 19th aad Division. Bev. D. A. Thompson. 11, "Love the Fulfilling of the Law;" 7:4 5, "Character Revealed by TriaL" - Ualty E. 71st and Sandy. Be. 8. W. 8 as. man. 1 1, 7 :SO. Arbor Lodge Bryaat aad Curtis. Be. Alex aader R. Evans. 11. 7:30. ' Holt Chinese 133 V First. ' Rev. Gas Sing Hoy. I u. m., school; 8, preaching, i. Raformad Evangatieal j First 12th and Clay. Re. O. , Hafaer. .10:45. 7:30. v i Second E 8 3d aad Columbia blvd. Be. H. Heusser. 11. Third Lents. Bev. A. F. Ltenksamper, 11. '(German): 8, (English). 1 ' V, Raformad . Preibytarlaji First Minnesota and Ainsworth. Be. F. IX Fraaer. 11. 7:80. Sevtnth Day Advent let Note Regular service ot this d nomination are held oa Saturday. Central JC. nth and Everett. L. K. Diak aon l pastor. 10. 11:16. .1 Tabernacle 6th - and Montgomery.. E. . J. Hibbard. minister.. 10, 11. 1 Monuvilla E. 80th aad Everett. J. A. Ger hart. 10. 11. Lents 94th at. and 68tta ave. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11 i St Johns Central ave. and Charleston. A. & FoUenberg. .10, 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder Jons Isaac. 10. 11. 1 Salvation artny I ' Corp No. 1 243 Asb at, Adjutaat Henry B Coxens. 11. 8:15, 8. Corps No. 4 128 H 1st. Ensiira Jess'- Millaf and Captain Mrs. L. Ipton. 11, 3. 8. -. V Spiritualist ! ' First SpintnaJist E. 7th and Hassalo. 8. 8 Scientifie Christian Spirituslist AJisky bail Bev. 11. M. 8ingletoa 8, 6, 8. Spiritualist Church of Eternal Light 1S4C D-vuicn. Ke. May A. Price. 8. Independent Bible -Spiritualistic 441 E12th. Bev. Ida M. Schori. 8. Fir Spiritual Science 206 (iorr'nougb bldg. 3.' 8. lectures by Mrs. L. E. Philips and Mrs. Emma Lister, on "Put on the Armor of Truth and Trust." j Swedenbarglaa . ! New Christian Assembly room Portland hotel. Rev. William H. Beece, 11, "The i Cycle of Mental; States. J Unitarian Church of Our Fa ther Brosdway and TamhiU. Bev. William G. Elliott. 10:80, Unitad iwthran ' Conference tuperintenaenV Bev. O, E. Mo Donald - . -- .' -j '' - First E. 15 th and Morrisoa Rev. Byroa J. Clark. 11. "Children in the Kingdom," and children's day program; 8, "What Thenr" Second E. 27ta and Sumner, i Be. Irs Hswley. 11, 7:45. - I Third 67th st. and 32d are. S. E. Be. E. O Shepherd. 11. 7:44.. j Fourth Tremont. Bev. Leila Lackey. 11, 7:30. j United Evanectlcaf First E. 10th and Poplar. Be. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. Oekley Green Willamett) blvd. and Gay Bev A. P. SchmaJe. 11, 8. St, Johns Ivanboa aad John. Be. C P. Gates. 11. 7:30. ' United Pratbyterlsn First E. 87th and Hawthorne. Be. H. F. Given. 11, 7:80. . Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Rav. a Earl Ini Bola. 10:80. 7 40. Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Bev. Carl Scott Dunn. 11. 7:30. , . - . . i . .. Multnomah Multnomah station. Bev. David Steele Sharp. 10, 11. J:45. 7 JO. 1 . Maslons - '' I -' Christian and" Missionary Alliance E; 9th and Clay. Bev. John E. Fee. v ' 1 Peniel Missioa 109 Va Second. 2, 8, 8; daily except Monday at 8 p. m. Portland Commons Front aud Butmide. Bev. Myra B. Smith, supt. 8, 8. ' Peataooatal rt and Waahingtoa. Be. Will C Trouer. 11. 8. 7:30; xUUy 7:80. Glad Tidangs (Pentecostal) 20 First. 3, . Apostolic Faith Front and Buraaide. Be. Florence Crawford aad B. B. Crawford. Sun day, 10:80. 2 JO, 7:80; daily, 7:45. Peatecosta 147 1m alM. Uevrge i B, Far row. 3. 8. Chriatiaa Assembly E. 20th aad ; Aakesty. Pastor A. W. Smith. 11. 2:45, 7:46. Votuaieets of America 224 Buraaida - Ea adngs except Monday, 8 ; Sunday. 8. 8. Gospel Mission 9 4 Vmoa ave. S. 8:16, 7:topl Ban E, 28th aad Stark, i 10:30, 7:30. . .. .. : Bible Standard Mission 2nd aad Morrison. Ba. Fred Uornshuh. 1049. 240. 8. .... aewoellaneeiie - 1 T M. C. A. Sixth aad Taylor. 8: Church of God 863 Failing. Be. Harry Beaiiratioo League 148 13th. B. H, Ed ward Mills. 11. ' Divine Sdeaca 816 B. Clay. Be. T. M. Minard. 11. - - Church of Divine Truth 201 Central bldg. Nettie Taylor Eton. 11. 8. - . . Theosophlcal Society 801 Central bldg. 8. Universal Messianic 318 Abiagtoa bi ' 11international ' Bible Students" assoeisUoa . W. O. W. temple. 11th aad Alder. - 3. 8. First Churek of Pare hie Soeaea 1 1 th sad Alder. W. W. Aber. 8, messages. The Psychical Beeearrh Center Portlaad be tel 7:43. - - . rhristadelphisn 62 1 E. Wsahinrten. 11, Tha Society for Spreading tbe Knew ledge of True Prayer 201 Central bldg. Monday. 8, "Tha Two-Edged Sword of Truth. " y cwedisK Baptist Conference to ffllect QChursclay (Evening The annual meeting: of the Swedish Baptist conference of Oregon will con vene In the Swedish Baptist church. Fif teenth and Hoyt streets, next Thursday evening and will continue over the fol lowing Sunday. " 1 The annual sermon will be preached by the Rev. Andrew Johnson of Haley Thursday night Seasions will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 and 3:30 o'clockv the latter being- the women's ses sion. At 7 :45 p. m. the Revj T. O. Sjolander will deliver an address on "Present Dsy Religious Conditions In Sweden."," .-;'.;.'.' -. .-.' !.. --. ' Saturday morning new officers will be elected and conference business itrans acted and at 2 :30 p. m. the Sunday school sessions will be held. The young' people will have charge of the Saturday! nijrht program. The principal speakers Hun day. June 26, will . be the Rev. ) A. . J. Stormans of Seattle and the Rev, 1. Bjorkquist, state misslonery. , ! sitlbned to hring the infirm to church. The vacation' Bible school wUl open Monday at 9 a m.. and will continue three weeks with ses sions each, morning on the fire school days of the week. Miss Mildred Bartholomew is la charge and will be aasUted .by a con of volunter teachers. . Owing . to facilities ' the church has found H neoewary to' limit attendance to 125, and only children between the firat and sixth grades will be eligible. As long ss room is left, children outside the church will receive the same welcome as those belonging to the Sunday school - - - ) Two daily vacation Bible schools will ba eon ducted by Cefttral Methodist church, beginning Monday. One will nteet at the church each rhool day frora to 11:30 a. m. and the other at Friendly center, 126 Bussell street, from 3 to 4:30 p. m. Singing, stories, calisthenics and craft- work win be carried on. The choir of Central church will give its final concert Sunday at 8 p. . mv A choice program of sacred music has been arranged. The Hundiy school picnic will be held June 25 at Columbia park. Holiday morning at the Rom City Park Meth edi&t church Dr. C. W. lluett will endeavor to show - why so jnany "so-called prayers' are not answered and will give tha conditions he be lieves necesKary to have prayers answered with out fail. In the evening the old question as to why people ain will be discussed. All chil dren of the community are invited to the d&il) vacation Bible school,' which will open Monday at 9 a m. in the church and continue each day until 11:30 a m. This is the first school of this nature held in the Rose City Park section. Sunday will be observed as "family day" at Sellwood Methodist church. Bev. W. 8 Gordon has. asked his congregation to sit . in ' family groups in the church. Conveyances will " be provided for the aged and sick. . Old-fashioned hymns will be sung. A reception to- new mem bers will close the service. Last Sunday night the church was packed to the limit, the pastor reports. :- , - ' . - " i - A .lecture on the Work of th AntiLHaloon league will .be .given Sunday' morning at Clinton . Kelsv Methodist church. . Tbe second annual camp meeting will be held about August 19. an nounces Bev. E. 8. Mace. i Weather permitting. the Norwegian-Danish Methodist people will hold an open air meeting at East Twenty-second street and Kiliingswortb avenue fiundav at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday eve rting Bev. C. W. Huett will addrene the young people of the First Norwegian-Danish church in their Epworth league room on "The Life and Work of a .Missdonsry in Japan. j " At a recent meeting of the executive com mittee of the board of foreign mis-dona In New York the resignation of Dr. 8. Earl Taylor as eorresoondina secretary was accepted. Ill health was given aa the eauae. - . - : METHODIST. SOUTH . Evangelist D. L. Coale of Los Angeles will be In Portland frora July 8 toj 17 to assist Rev. J. B, Harris-in a series of revivsl meetings st the First Methodist church. South, The pastor will preach twice Sunday. ; The Northwest epnference of the Methodist Episcopal church. Booth, will convene at the local .First church. South, August 31. with Bishop H. M. Dufioee presiding, " ' ; ' " rU '"'" " i - UAZAUEUE ' t ' The Sellwood Nasarene church is hold ing a series of special meetings! in a large tent next to- the Sllwood Com munity house. Rev. K. W. Suf field is preaching. Services are held every aft ernoon and evening with threa services on Sunday. Rev. J. O. Bringdale has re turned as pastor f the Sellwood church. FRESBYTERIA7T ' j The '-sacred cantata "Ruth will be rendered as a feature of the Sunday evening eervice at the First PresbiterUn church. The following will participate : - Church Choir Mrs. Blanche William 8eg mten, soprano Mrs. Virginia SiiencOT-flutcli-inson. contralto; Halfrod . Young, tenor J Wedrfmeyer. director and hasao; K. Counien, orcanitit. Chorus Mraibeni Sopranos, j MUs Kvelyn Drewrey, Miss DonHhy Carpenter, Miss Marguerite Hussri, Mrs. T. W. Zimmrrrnsn, Mrs. Ethel W. Freeman; altos. Mis; hmd him. ball. Miss Velma McMsnter, Mrs. : " Cnnstantelo; tenors, " E. C. Jackson, Charters. Jsoob Zeller; basso-, W. A. SU-bblns, H is. Saunders, T. W. Zimmermsn, J. K. SUtea. Dr. H. I- Bowman will prvach both morning and evening. AU the department of the Sunday school escept the Bible rlasse will eonUnu their work through the srlrnraer a usual The Bible clsases will combine i under the leadrrship of M. O. Nelsoa Dr. Brmman will relate bla three years experience fa Beirut university before the ,San f.rael .hristisn En deavor iociety Sunday night The Thursdsy evening prayer service, giving a review ot the major and minor prophets of the Bible, will beir.n',EtILl" Pence will preach at Westminster Presbyterian church both morning and evening. Miss Pearl Staples, who has returned from a two years' study, will play tha offertory- selec tion 'at the morning service on the wlultn. ac companied at the organ by Professor HatcM son, PromoUon -exercises will feature the Sun day school proaxara in the primary dertraent Sunday About 60 children will take pert nnSeTth. direction of Mrs. L. C. Phillips" Wesr minster church la supporting the daily 'cation Bible school, which will open June 11. f .the benefit of Irivington ch.ldren at tha Lnited pre.byt.rion Church of the Stranger. Llsj havebeen provided for children from fcVto.18 'Centra Presbyterian church will hold 1U annual picnic Wednesday afUmooo and evening "(Concluded on Tage Five. Column Three) East Side Baptist Church EAST 20TH AND SALMON . j WALTER BENWELL- HINSON, D. O. ' Mlnlstae preactiln br DR. QEORQE H. TOUNO '. 11:00 A. "HOW TO SECURE THE TRUE CON CEPTION OF OOD" . I , 7;4 P. M. : ' "THE SEEKING FATHER' j (East Morrison or Hawthorne Ave. Cars) The GreatlWorM Unrest Its Cause and Cure , YOU WILX SURELY BE CLAD TO HE AH . G. R. POLLOCK OF BROOKLYN, 3f. Y. Katlosally resowsed and istereatlng leetarer sow toarlnr Parlfle Coast rlUes . aader the sssplrea ot the International Bible Students' association. Sunday, 8 P. M., W. O. W. Temple ; ' ELETE5IH STREET, BETWEEIf WASHIIfOTOX ASD ALDER SEATS FREE YOU AKE WELCOME SO COLLECTION LUTHERANS WILL MEET FOR MSI SERVICE SUNDAY A union service of the congrega tions of the United Lutheran churches An Portland and vicinity will be held Sunday at 11 a. m. In St. James English Lutheran ehurch, with members of the commission of the United Lutheran church of America as speakers. The visiting churchmen are the presi dent, the Rev. Frederick 11. Kuubc-Kof New Yorlr; the Rev. J. F. Selhert. dis trict superintendent of home missions; the Rev. F. G. Gotawald, executive sec retary of the b.iarrl of education, and Grant Hultberff of the publication board. The commission will arrive j3unday morning,' and will leave Sunday night for Spokane to attend the annual con vention of the Pacific Lutheran synod. A special meeting .for the convenience of Vancouver Lutherans has been ar ranged for 11 a. m. Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran church In Vancouver, which Or. Seibert will addresa. The commission is vlnltlnn the coast with a . view to enlarging the missionary and educational work of the church. The Pacific synod, which will hear the reports -of the members, Includes churches In Oregon, "Washington, .Idaho, and British Columbia. Among the local delegatea to Spokane are the Rev.- William K. Hrlnkman. pas tor of St. James KnKllsh Lutheran church ; the Rev. Theophllus Schoenberir. pastor of the Lutheran church -of the Redeems,- and a lay delegate. George M. Bracher of the St. James conrrega tlon. Federation. Conference; Ministers belonsrlnjr to the. Portland Federation of Church are Interested in the conference of 4he Social Workers a spool at Ion of Oregon, which will be h"!d Monday to Wednesday In the city. The morninir sessions will be at the Uni tarian church and evening sessions at the Central library. First Presbyterian Church PORTLAND, ORtQON. Alder st Twelfth HAROLD LEONARD BOWMAN THE PASTOR 10:30 A. M. HUMAN AND DI VINE DYNAMICS" 7l80 r,,Wl- "THA" 'AR-or IN TEREST OF TEARS" RUTH A Seored Cantata by Alfred R. O a o I. Will ba rendered by tha regular choir, assisted by additional ,i voices. WESTMINSTER EAST 17TH AND SCHUYLER . H. Pence D. D.t Pastor f -V lOitO "Death and Accident" "Four Great Arguments for Immortality" MISS PKARIi HTAPI-KS plays violin solo at morning service. - Apostolic Faith Mission COB. FBOST AHD BURHBIDB Meetings held at 10:80, 3:10 and 7:S0 every Sunday, 7 :4U every nlh. In the week. All nations meeting bat urday night. ALL AT EL CO ME HO COtl,ECTIOH THE GOSPEL SPREAD BT IBlLA2fE First SPIRITUALIST CHURCH EAST 7TH AND HASSALO STS. Honda Services at 8 and 8 P. M. K renins- address by MR, IRA TAYLOR, Messages by MRS. DOWNS 8, ' Solo bjr MRS. ANNA SNYDER. The Busy Boe Social Club will give another card party Tuesday evening, June 21. Admisnioo 28 cents. A