10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1C21. OSWEGO GRAMMAR L PAGEANT REFLECTS CREDIT .Activities in Osjwego Grammar school came to a close for the sum mer Thursday evening with gradua tion exercises and a school entertain? ment which took -the form of a pageant. Much credit is due Miss Blanch Cohen, music instructor, ani the teachers of the various grades, for the fine performance. The Dlav was in the nature of an en tertatnment to Miss Columbia Alice Battersby) and Uncle Sam (Kennetn Duncan), the old woman who lives In a hoe . fLols Headrick) ana "Tne aoy (John Merrick), assisted by several boys in scout uniforms were ' the - principal characters. The pupils of the lower trades each had songs and dances and there were several costume affairs. A gypsy dance was given by several girls of the upper grades, also a beauuruiiy . costumed minuet. A solo dance by i Katharine Wesslinu was very. well done, and wee Jackie Curtis sang a. song all by himself, which was received with much applause. The exercises closed i with songs . by the seventh and eighth grades and an inspection of the manual training department, where the work of the boys was on exhibit. The program was preceded by the commencement exercises of one of the largest Classes ever graduated from the school. .There were class songs, reading of the class prophecy by John Merrick, presentation of diplomas by Chairman Chinefelter, and a few words of advice by the school principal. Miss Mary Bick ner, who received a beautiful basket of flowers from the graduating class in : appreciation of the interest she has taken in it. The 16 boys and girls who have Just finished the first steps toward knowledge are Alice Battersby, Lois Headrick. Aaida Cox, Aletha Porter, Grace Cooper, Ora 1 Prlmm, . Dorothy Bmmbaugh, Marjorie Hawke, William Wessling, Garton Kastman, Donald . My ers, William Brumbaugh, Frank Mart heller, Willard Davidson, ' Merle Chuck .and John Merrick. 5" : Miss Shannon Pettlnger was hostess at luncheon Friday, honoring Miss Mary .Bickner, Mrs. Ewing, Miss Irma Yose and Miss Lawsetta Sheehan. Mra. Harry Trueblood of San Fran cisco Is in Oswego on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Owen of Glenmorrie. Miss Lois Pettlnger has returned home from O. A. C. for the summer vacation, and with Miss Shannon Pettlnger will leave shortly for Seaside. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carroll of Spokane, who are going to .Los Angeles for an extended visit, were the guests of Mrs. W. S. Wessling this week. Fred Norman, manager" of the Port land office of Pathe, who makes his home in the summer at McLean's camp, leaves today for New York on a business trip. 1 The pupils of Mrs. Ewing's and Miss Pettinger's . rooms were entertained with, a basket picnio in the tennis court and' park this afternoon by Mrs. L. C. Newlapds . and daughters. ; Next Wednesday the Oswego Woman's club will close the year with a picnic for the members and their children, . in the grove at the foot of the lake. Last Sunday a party of Oswego peo : pie motored to Wilhoit Springs for the grand opening. The trip was a pleasant one,: with a basket lunch served at the . springs. There were over 6000 people who attended. Those from Oswego who went were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilmore, Mrs. Robert Emmons, Misses Vivian and Vera Emmons and William Batif of Al bany, who are guests of the Gilmores, Mr. and 'Mrs.. P. H. Jausch and daugh ter Leona, Mr. and Mrs. Charles " Bick ner and Verne Barkley. Mr. and , Mrs. ' Monroe have recently moved into the Pollard house on Second and D streets. A baby boy was born Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staal. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ranger entertained Tuesday evening in honor of Allen Sin claire, who recently returned "from Eng land, after four years of service in the army. The guests enjoyed an evening of music and cards. "Mrs. A. B. iEu : banks was the winner of first prize at "500," while Mrs. Peter ., Swartz cap tured the boody.. When refreshments were served ; those ; at the table were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sinclaire," Mrs. A. B, Eubanks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner, Mr. and Mrs. Feter , Swarts, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Terry, the host and hostess and thai r children. Mrs. Steinaugel, who has been In poor health for some time ,1s reported to be better..'."': . Next Thursday the Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Bickner. LENTS Kasper Wilcox. Lents real estate man. who, according to P. E. Reed, ran down and badly damaged his trucks last week. .was arrested early last i week but re leased by the police on his own recog nisance. The case was set for hearing several times and Wilcox did not appear. v -Mrs. Ed Knauss has been ill at her home for several days on Ninety-third ' street. . Mrs. W. E. Goggins is reported to be much better. She is taking a radium treatment for cancer at the hospital. ; Miss Helen Purvlance and Miss Myrtle Hart, who were graduated from Franklin -high school, rave returned from Wllla mlna. Or., where they have had a very successful term of teaching. . Mrs. Ellen Kobb of Everett, Wash., has been .visiting the Culver family on Ninety-second street for several days. . Mrs. Dr. Boone and her daughter, a teacher in thf Pendleton schools, are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. Wil liam Kelly, of Eighty-ninth street. Mrs. Herbert Dilly, who was returned from the hospital to her home in Lents about two weeks .ago, is improving nicely. Mrs. Minnie Atkinson is assist ing in -the care of Mrs. Dilly. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moodenbaugh and family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mooden- ' baugh and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Burke and son motored to Tillamook the early part of the week. ! Mrs. Mary W. Trask and Mrs. Cora Wright attended the Woodcraft conven tion at Hood River, last week as dele gates, representing the Mt. Scott district. MOONLITE DANCE TONIGHT BOAT BLUE BIRD Roos Trip Tickets 35, Including Dancing East Morrison Street Bock, 8:45 P. M. Skin Troubles Soothed Vith Cuticura trmt at Owtumn LMton. tup X. SCHOO Dr. Lundberg and family, the Hedges and the Cores motored over the Colum bia River highway last Sunday. Mrs, Ross Eldred of Seattle has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Lundberg the past week and will terminate her pleas ant stay Sunday and return home. Mr. R. Eldred is a cousin of Mrs. Eldred and centerfielder of the Seattle baseball team. Mrs. E. E. Cleland has been visiting relatives in Yacolt, Wash. She will MBit friends in the. Mt. Scott district. . John Ranch, residing on Fifty-fifth avenue near Lenta, was dragged a Qia tanc of more than a mile by a run. away team last Tuesday afternoon and quite severely injured. Little Dalsv Barker was given a birth day party Monday of last week, at her grandparents home on Eighty-sixth street.. ' , While Mrs. T. : Morse, 4614 Sixty seventh street, was away from her home Tuendav. some Drowler entered her bed room and stole 1400' in currency which she had in a bag beneath ner Deo. , C. E. Sage of Lents, is building a summer cottage for Dn O. A. Hess ana family at Witches, in the mountains near Mt. Hood, where tne Messes wui enjoy the air of the higher altitude dur ing the hot summer months. Dr. JL L. Newcomb is a newcomer to Lents professional circles, having taken over the office and practice of Dr. Brun- ner, drugless physician. It is understood that the latter Intends to remove to Cal ifornia: Dr. Newcomb is from Iowa and has resided in Portland for some time. The rummage sale held at the Square Deal Candy Kitchen recently netted $50 for the M. B. church. Otto Heckel of Fifty-fifth avenue and One Hundred Eleventh street has just finished making an enlargement on his garage, where he will do automobile re pair WOrk. .: i ' : Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Harlan and Theo dore, their son, of Alpine, Or., have been visiting here for some time, with the widow of Carl Harlan, who was acci dentally killed several weeks ago by a falling tree. Mrs. A. M. Haviland, superintendent of the Haviland children's home, deliv ered an 'address at the Yeager theatre in Lents last Thursday, June 9, at 2 d. m. ' The Haviland home does not share In the community chest funds. Through the liberality of friends and the efforts of the superintendent and board of directors, many children are provided with a comfortable home. The Rev. Henry iWnite, pastor oi me Millard avenue Presbyterian church, is visiting his college town In the East. The Lents grange will give a DasKet dinner at the hall on July 2. Mrs. E. O. Shepard returned home June 10 after an extended visit to the East. She was a delegate to the quad rennial W. M. A., held at Bowling Green. Ohio, and also attended the general con ference at Indianapolis, Ind. , Loyal Beria Jr -of the Kern Parle Christian church held their second hike of the season at Rocky Butte last Sun day afternoon. The next hike will be to Gladstone next Sunday. George Hamill of Sixty-ninth street, who has been working at stone cutting in Tacoma. Wash., the past winter, re turned home on Tuesday of last week. His father has a ; business along that line in Pueblo,. Colo., which was one of the business houses reported under IS feet of . water. -" s .; : William B. Welch of Helper, Utah, his wife and Bon, W.' D. Welch, are paying a two monthB visit to their daughter, Mrs. George Howell. Welch is in the employ of a railroad company, being an engine inspector, f T. D. Cedars and wife, who are state organizers for the Ben Hur lodge, who sold their property; on Sixty-ninth street and moved to Coquille, have been heard from. They are having quite good, sue cess with their work and Mrs. Cedars has been appointed state lecturer by the national organization. . Mrs. Stella Wilson, in Laujrelwood for the past two tnontna, nas neen visiting her husband, the ;Kev. w. ij. wiison, who Is a district Baptist missionary in Western Washington and is located at Port Ludlow. i Mr. Hewitt and family of Sixty-fifth street are spending their summer vaca tion at Mount Jefferson. LAKE GROVE Honoring Miss Mary Irving, who is to be married soon to Lyman Patton of Corvallis, the members of the Spring brook Social circle held a luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. Q. Jamieson on Boone's Ferry road. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter will be hosts this evening! at a dancing party to be held in their large barn on the Bryant road. f . ' Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Simpler entertained a number of friends at a dancing -party in honor of Mrs. K. Miller of Seattle, whp is Ml-s. Simpier's mother. Those who enjoyed the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll MacFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoelzel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Commons. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Warnock, Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Shreve and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter. ' : Several women of Goodin gave -a sur prise luncheon Wednesday to Mrs. Rus sel t Robertson. Mrs. Robertson, who was occupied in a bedroom, was great ly surprised when she entered her din ing room to find a picnic luncheon served. 1 Mrs. Robertson's surprise guests,- or hostesses, .. were Mra W. E. Simmonton, Mra Roy Soule. Mrs. R. K. Kennedy, Mra H. i E. Carpenter, Mra Fred Bischoff. Mrs. Louise Wells, Mrs. John Buxman. Mra Sydney B. Vincent, Mrs. J. P. Johnson, Mra E. T. Valliant and Mrs. II. H. Albers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brodie will leave Lake Grove to take up their residence at Olympia, Wash. Their home has been leased to Airs. C. W. Twining of Oswego, who will take possession the early part of next week. i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest; Valliant enter tained Miss Mildred . Root over the week-end. Mr. rand Mrs. Robert .Kelt Kennedy opened their home Sunday last for a large picnic party. ! The guests of honor were Californians who had motored here to see the Rose Festival, r They were most enthusiastic over the beauties of Oswego lake, the artistic homes and the country life within half an hour's ride of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ken nedy were able to comfortably care for their 42 guests. i , Lake Grove claims as a resident J. Van Zante, who has the honor of being the ninth "man to defeat . little Sammy Rseshewski, the Polish chess wonder. Van Zante is modest about His victory. Mrs. Sydney B. ; Vincent entertained a number of young jpeople from Port land Thursday at a luncheon. Swim ming, boating and dancing were thor oughly enjoyed. Mra Vincent's guests were Miss May Agile Barr, Miss Helen Holmes, Miss Virginia Richards, Miss Helen Tyrell, Joe Crane, Kenneth Sprague, Loren Woodward and Donald Holden. Mrs. W.l H. Holden assisted Mrs. Vincent in entertaining the guests. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McCune of Port land are "visiting at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soule, and will remain for a fortnight. - . Mrs. : Anna Thompson has been spend ing the week-end at the home of her sister, Mra H. E. Carpenter. Mrs. Louise W. Wells was hostess at a luncheon Sunday at her cottage on the lake. Mrs. Wells' : guests, were Mrs. Martha White, Mrs.. M. Talbot and her son John. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Haywards and Mr., and Mrs. H. F. Rueger. v Honoring Mra C A. Frederickson, who left today to take up her residence in Portland, Mrs. H. p. Reese, Mrs. H. P. Lee and Mrs. Max L. Boulanger were hostesses at an afternoon Thurs day. .Other than the hostesses and the guest of honor, the women who en-1 joyed the day were Mrs. Miner, Mrs. Bangs," Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Frost, : Mrs. Briggs. Mrs. Stevens and ' Mrs. Greene. -. Mrs. Mattie Darby of Pomeroy, Wash., arrived today to spend the summer with her daughter. Mrs. R. D. Bangs of Lake Grove. . , " , - ; ' ' . J Mrs. Anna Greene of Portland has been spending the week with her daugh ter, Mrs. C. A. Frederickson. At the First Presbyterian church last Sunday, with the Rev. H. L. Bowman officiating, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Boulanger was christened Elisabeth Ann. Miss Margaret Vincent was hostess last Saturday to the members of the Philolexion . society of Lincoln high school. Many of the - young girls at' tended the picnic lunch, and enjoyed the swimming and Joating that fol lowed. , . . . A i SELLWOOD Mrs. W. E. Glider, 488 Leo. avenue, has gone to Kerry, where her husband is employed - as engineer on a logging railroad. ' Dr. Andrews and family, 514 Sellwood boulevard,: will leave shortly for an extended vacation at the beach. ' The doctor has recently disposed of his home in Sellwood to Dr. L. S. Besson and is arranging' to reside on : Westover Ter races. A. G. Whiteman, 1764 East Eleventh street, was home from Cannon Beach over the week-end, returning Monday. Mrs. Whitman joined him there -the latter part of the week for the season. -. Jenkins McCullagh and family of Ful ton, I1L, arrived here this - week for a visit with his brother, Rev. W. S. McCul lagh, and family at the Presbyterian manse at 162? East Sixteenth . street. The trip here was' made via the Cana dian route. From here they return home via . California and Col rado. " The missionary society of the Pres byterian church met with Mra Donald Junor, 117 Ogden avenue, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J." Ben Hall, 1502 Mil waukle street, and Mr. and Mra W. Bollen, 453 Maiden avenue, went to Cor vallis for commencement exercises, their sons, Kenneth Hall and Walter Bollen, having graduated from O. A C. P. B. Langdon and family, 525 Mai den avenue, are moving to their farm residence on the Boones Ferry road. : The home of Mrs. Smith, Fifteenth and Lexington avenue, is being enlarged, rebuilt and modernized. ' Henry German - building - complete modern home on his lot, corner East Fifteenth street and Lexington avenue. ' Peter Livingston of - the Beaver phar macy has been discharged from the Sellwood general hospital, where he was operated on ; for appendicitis recently. W. Broeren has bought the Sellwood Delicatessen at 1611 East Thirteenth street. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Newton motored down from their ranch home at New berg this week . for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Griffith, 52S . Lex ington avenue. The twin boys of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, 1502 East Thirteenth s street, have been quite ill with la grippe for two or three weeks past, but are some what' better. : ' 2 . i- Revival meetings are in progress in. a big tent -alongside the Sellwood commu nity house.- Rev. and Mra Suffield in charge, and are meeting with good at tendance. Mrs. L. M. Chapman, -Mrs. M. E. Holden and Mrs. E. C. Ritter, were Sellwood delegates to the convention of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic at - Pendleton this week. Frank Barge, 4412 Sixty-seventh ave nue, southeast, left for San Francisco some time 'ago to accept a good job and Mrs. Barge expects to join him there shortly. Silas H. Beach, 546 Sellwood! boule vard, G. A. R. veteran and old resident of Sellwood. died ; Saturday, ; June 11, aged 81 .years, after an illness of several months. Mr. Beach was born in New York state and was for many years in business, in Jersey City. - Funeral serv ices were conducted at the crematorium Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Jond- H. Rice, A. J. Smith post and Blackmar circle. Ladies of G. A. R. - Mrs. Beach left Wednesday morning for Lexington. Or., accompanied by her nephew and niece. Mr. and Mra Karl Beach, with whom she will visit indefinitely.. ; Mr. and Mra M. H. Johnston , have leased ' their residence at 580 Lexing ton avenue for a year and left this week, for Southern California, . where they join their daughter and husband, Mr. and' Mrs. Jess Scott, former' Sell woodites. - -. A brand new baby girl has takers up her residence with Mr. and Mra George Gillard, 595 Marion avenue. Frank Keeley died suddenly at his home, 1137 Tenino avenue Monday night. He retired 'in usual health, awoke his wife, complaining of a lump over his heart and -passed away in just a few minutes. The funeral was held Thurs day, interment being at Mt. Calvary cemetery. . i The Midway Bakery has been incor porated. Mrs. Harry Cushman and son of Mid dleboro, Vt., and .Mesdames Brisdell and Coolidge of Boston were the guests of Dr. and Mra Stearns, 496 Rex ave nue, during the Rose Festival, and the entire party motored down to the doc tor's cottage at Seaside for the week end. Mrs. Cushman is a sister-in-law of Mra Stearns and will visit at the Stearns home a couple of months. The otner jaoies leit lor Seattle tnis weea, The government of Portugal rhas of fered a prize of about $32,000 for the first Portuguese or Brazilian aviator who, flies -from Portugal to Brazil. Fennings Bakery ; Home-Made Bread and Pastry Fralts and Candles Lanches Served Phone Woodlawn 663. Corner KHHngsworth and Borthwlck Branch Bakery 827 Mississippi Ave. HAWTHORNE VULCANIZING WORKS L. KAS6CBAUM. Proprietor. I 40B HavrUMme' Ave.: ' , tteodyear Service Station. ; Auta Tire Renalrlna of Cr OeecrlpUcii. Telephone Cast S60. We Salt Atl auaranteetf TIRES and TUBES. G.H. TEMPLE Sheet Metal Workers . Furnace Work a Specialty Let Us Remodel Your Furnace i Roofing and General Repair Work; : 414 E. Morrison, Cor. Cth ' East S44 DR. B. A. BEDYNEK OPTOMETRIST EYE AND EYEGLASS CARE MY SPECIALTY OOJTSTJLTATIOS FEEE tOS.f Plttock Bloek - Bdvry. 4S9I WILLIAMS AVENUE PLANING MILL GE3TEKAL PLA2fI3f O HILL WORK. 831 Williams Avenue WOODLAWK 1528. Where to Vote at School Election Today The election of School District No. 1 is set for today, . . The polls will 4e open from 12 M. to 8 P. M. Four directors are to be selected from a field of 10 candidates r A tax 1 levy approximating 3 mills for the acquisition of sites and the erection of school buildings also will be voted upon.- - : Any citizen of the state, male or female, who is 21 years of age and who has resided in the school district 30 days immediately preceding the election is eligible to vote for school directors. . Electors who are otherwise qualified need not be registered to entitle them to vote ' tor directors. :, .. ' . .' ;. -.. To vote on the tax . levy one must possess the qualifications set forth above and in addition must be a property holder within the district or a shareholder in a firm, partnership or "corporation that owns taxable property within 'the district. The accompanying list shows how the general election precincts have been grouped into 69 school election precincts : School ; Votui Includes the Following Places General Election Precincts 1 . ' Polling Place - 1... .1-2-3-4-15-15 and part of Pre cinct 318 .........................Chapman School, 25th and Wilson 2.... 5-6-7-8-9 ...Davis School, 21st and Raleigh 3.... 11-12-12-13-14-16-17-21-23-24 ...... Old Couch School, 17th and Kearney 4.... 19-20-22-25-25 V4-32-33-34-35 New Couch School, 21st and GUsan 6....18-35-36-46-48 . ............... .Wm, J. Standley's Shop. 192 Vista Ave. 6 10-26-27-28-29-30-31-37-38-39-40- . . 41-44 .............................Atkinson School. 11th and Davis 7.... 44!4-45-46-49-49-50-58V9 Girls' Polytechnic School. 14th and Mor- - rlson S.... 42-43-51-52-53-54-55-62-63-64 ,. Courthouse, 4th and Salmon 4th St. Entrance) . . 9.... 56-57-60-61 .Ladd School, Jefferson and West Park 10....47-58-59-711S-73-74 , .Economy Cleansers' Shop, 270 16th, near 11. 12. ..77-83-84-85 .. , .65-66-78-79-79-80-81 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 82 89"90"91"9293 ,94-95 .96-98-98 .97 .322-325 tin part) 99-100-101-102-103-104-10O - ... 18 19....105-106-107 20....107-108-327 21... 119-120-121-122 and parts of Pre- etnets sve-sue " ...Lents School, Gilbert and Main : :! . .114-115-118 and parts of Precincts , 326-326 Woodmere School. 80th St and 66th Ave. S. E. ..116-123-123-125-131 Arleta School, 64th and 50th Ave. S. E. ..86-87-88 and part of Precinct 319... Ainsworth School, 20th and Elm ,.67-68-69-70-70-71-72-75-76-76 ....Lincoln High School, Park and Mill ..109-110-111-112-113 ..................Woodstock School. 50th St. and 5Xth Avei S. E." ..130-132-135-135-136-136 , ., .Creston School. 48th and Powell Valley .'..'' ' ' . TLA- . ,:"'. . - 22... 23.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.... 117-124-126-126-127-129 and part or precinct 302............ Kellogg School, E. 69th and Powell valt ley Rd. ..128-133-157-157 ..................Franklin High School, E. 53d and Dlvl- . .-.'. gion Sts..' ..134-153-154-154-155-155-156- . .. ' 156-180 .Richmond School. E. 41st and Grant . .137-138-139-140-140-141-142-151- - 151 Clinton Kelley, E. 26th and Powell ..143-144-145-145-146 (Precinct 145 includes Ross. Island).... .........Brooklyn School, Milwaukie and Fred- erick . ,.147-148-149-149-150 ............ ..Stephens School, E. 8 th and Harrison ..150-164-165 .....Ladd Addition Garage, cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne - .-.. ..158-159-160-161-213 A.. W. Lambert, S. E. cor. E. Alder St. - and Grand Ave. - - ..208-209-209-210-211-211-212-214- V i 215 Buckman School, E. 12th and Burnside ..203-204-205-206-207-207 .Kerns School, E. 28th and Couch ..162-163-166-167-168-169 ..Hawthorne School. E. 14th and Alder ..152-152-170-170-171-175-175 ....Gerage on E. 28th St, bet Main and Madison - ..I72-173-174-176-177-178-178-179 ....Sunnyside School. E. 35th and Yamhill 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36, S7. 38. 39. 40. 41 17-181-182-183 .........Glencoe School. E. 49th and Belmont 42. .. .198-198-199-201-202-202 . . 13.... 191-192-193-193 and part of Pre cinct 301 44. ...196-197 45. ...184-185 .....j.' 46. 47. . .186-187-188-190-190 ........... ..194-194-195-200-200-201-231 232-232 ..269-269-270-270 - nd part of Pre- 4S . . cinct 3io .Kennedy Kchool, E. 33d and Jessup 49.... 265-266-266-267-268-271-272-272. Vernon School, E. 23d and Wygant . 50.... 260-261-264-264 -273-273-274-275 ..Highland School. E. 6th and Wygant 51.... 259-262-263-263 Albina Homestead School, Beech and - '- - Mallory- 52.... 254-254-255-256-256-257-257 ....Thompson School, Borthwlck and Shaver 53. , . .223-237-237-239-240-240-241-242- 243-245-246 . . . . . .. .Eliot School. Rodnev Av. am! ' Tfnntt 54. 55. . 56.. 57.. 58.. 59.. 60.. 61.. ..222-244-247-248-249-249-2u0 '. .Shaver .School, Mississippi Ave. and Morris ,.226-226-227-228-235-236-236- 238-238 ... .....Irvington School, E. 14th and Thompson ..217-218-219-220-221-221-223-224- 225 Holladay School, E. 6th and Clackamas . .233-233-234-235-268 Alameda School. E. 27th and Fremont ..216-216-229-229-230-230 Fernwood SchooC Hancock and E. 33d ..276-277-278-279 Woodlawn School, Union Ave. and " Bryant ,.282-282-286-286-287 Ockley Green School, Ainsworth and . Patton Ave. ..251-25I-252-252-253-258-279. 2S0-280-281 Jefferson H igh School, Kerby and Emerson Sts. ..283-283-284 Kenton School. Fenwick and Lombard ..285-287-288-288 -289 Peninsula School. Drummohd and Lom bard ..290-291-292-293 ..................... .Portsmouth School. Gloucester and Lorn- - . - . . bard ---' .: - ..294-294-297 ....Richard Williams (Central) School, John . , :. and Jersey Sts. ..29a James John High School, Tacoma and - - '- ' Filmore Sts. - ' . ..296-296 and part of Precinct 299. .L. W. Sitton (North) School, Reno and : "' . Chapel Sts. ..298 ........... ..............M. C. George (East) School. Seneca and ..''"' Newton 'Sts. ..318 and parts of Precincts 317 and . 317 ....... I.. ,. .Linnton School, Linnton, Or. s 62.. 63.. 64.; 65.. 66.; 67.. 68.. 69.. WE RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING 15 pounds 75c, Monday, Tnesday, Wednesday IS pounds 6e, Thursday, Friday, Saturday v NEW SYSTEM WET WASH 667 East Flanders , i , East 888 f Thousands of Hudsons, Coles, Cadillacs, Dodges, Chevrolet, Max wells, Fords and every other car made are running on UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER RIGHT HERE IN PORTLAND THE OWNERS they are well satisfied. Ask them. Why DO YOU hesitate to take a free trial? Rides like air yof always get more mileage j on casings. i "UNIVERSAL" can be changed from the old to the new casing. We guarantee you will be free from punctures and blowouts. 1 , . ; - i Come to the shop and see the work done. . We. are filling tires every hour of the day at SEVENTH AND HAWTHORNE has made many friends for this office. .Our smalt overhead expense in this location allows us to do high-class dental work at small fees. OUR WORK IS FULLY GUARANTEED jerrerson Shattuck School. Park and Hall ..Commercial High School, 6th and Har rison ..Failing (New), 1st and Porter Holman School, Corbett and Bancroft .Terwllliger School (New), Corbett and Dakota Sts. ..Fulton Park School. 2d and Logan Sts. .Capitol Hill School, Capitol H1U and Spring Gardens. Rpllwood Kehool. JK. lBth and TJmatilla Lewellyn School, E. 14th and Henry A S. Duniway (Eastmoreland) School. e. 34th and Rsx Ave. r , .H. W. Scott (Laurelhurst) School, 43d ana juaureinurst Glenhaven School. 81st and Schuyler ...Mt. Tabor School. E. 60th and Ash . ...Mills Open Air School, E. 60th and Stark . Sts: ...Montavllla School. E. 76th and Fine Rose City Park School, E. 57th and Sacramento .. .. , U. S. Dentist 245 Wash. St., Cor. Second 20 Years in the Sam Location "A Personal Service Honestly Rendered" CHAMPION WAS HER CHILDHOOD LOVER Los Angeles. Cal.; June 18. (I. N. S.) Accused by her husband; I. R. Boulanger, of "carrying on a clan destine correspondence' , with Jack Dempsey, . champion r heavyweight pugilist and defender of the title in a match with Georges . Carpentier July 2, Mrs. Lilly Boulanger was lo cated today In Los Angeles. . Mrs. Boulanger denies the charges and has retained Attorney Charles Laverne Larzelere to represent her. - Dempsey's name was mentioned in a divorce action filed by Boulanger, an Osage Indian, in Pawhuska, Okla. ' ' Mra Boulanger is a pretty young woman and Is employed In a; Los. An, geles cafe. According to the story of Mra Bou langer, the purported "love letters" men tioned in connection with the case by her husband passed between herself and Dempsey when both were , "childhood sweethearts" in Colorado, a number of years ago and before the world knew of Dempsey; . "It has been six years since I have seen or written to Jack Dempsey," Mrs. Boulanger declared here today. "I was married four years ago in Emporia, Kan. ' "Naturally, when ' Dempsey i became famous I told my husband of the former friendship between Dempsey and myself when we were children. . "I suppose I should not have done this, although I still do not see where any harm was done. But my husband proved to be intensely jealous, and at times he would drink and become extremely cruel to me. . . "We separated three months ago. I came to Los Angeles, but was not here at any time while Dempsey was in Los Angeles." Mrs. Boulanger already has 1 filed a denial of the charges and a cross-complaint in the courts of Pawhuska. and will gq there to fight her husband's allegations and seek to have a -decree granted id her ' when the case is set for trlaL ' BUXTON Buxton, June 18. The corps of teach ers for Buxton school has been engaged as follows : E. G. Webb, principal ;. Wil liam Irle, intermediate, and Mrs. O. Clement, primary. The schoolhouse is being painted by C. A Peterson. Fred Riggle has purchased a large car for use as an auto stage between Scofield and Hillsboro. ; , John Kilburgr and family of Stanfield arrived Thursday for a visit with rela tives. Kilbury was a merchant in' Bux ton for five years, going to Stanfield in 1916, where he conducted a mercantile business until a short time ago. : Is there any likelihood that decreasing living costs will cause public utility cor porations to cease agitation for .higher rates? No, we don't think so, either. .TmilSMSIfSIIIHtMNIMfMIMIHIIISMSUIMlnSUIIISntMSMtUSMSUIHIKIMUSIMMIHW ! OREGON MANUFACTURERS A ly , , MADE IWjPOBTLAlTD BT HCE MACHINES From the Only Couplets Factory i the in tire Xortfcwett ARMSTRONG'S McINTOSH ICE MACHINE ;CO. 'ttg Si VITRIFIED CLAY SEWER PIPE ; CHIMNEY PIPE WELL LIN IN Q FACE BRICK FIRE BRICK j DENNY-RENTON CLAY & COAL CO. IAED FOOT OF AKTCEHT STBEET TELEPHOSE 6H-4S 1 CHAMBER OF COMMEHCE BLDO, POKTLAITD, OB. - "" "" ' 1 "' ' - ' i Moth Exterminator TJatild 8op, Crfn Potoh. Ht Bwst. ' I4o- leam Danwinc. Eureka Swcfpins CootpouM. ane AU Janitor Supplies manufactured bj na. 8 alas man wanted. Uooa temierj epttt. Coast Chemical Co. t3 OAK ST. BROADWAT SS1 BARRELS AND CASKS And All Kindt of Cooperage at Finite Bros. -Cooperage) Work tS4 Front. Uala 9141 I PHOENIX IRON WORKS & FOUNDRY j rORTLAJID. ORCSOM. Eeclneen.' Foanderaf Machinista. Bol'tmakma, Bulldinc nd Structural Iron Work. 'Noted -.for Quick u4 Satisfactory Bapsics. Wa Cuaraotia Ererjrthlna ShopeBrickCo. FACE AND MAHTKL RICK A SPECIALTY Made in Portland i IP IT BRICK, WI HAVE IT Ml U 'AT MOBRItOM U, ORTLAWD, OR. , 8TOBAGE SAT A 310 H1GHT Fhone Bdwy. 158 Always Opea Terminal Garage Oeaeral Aato Bepalrlng 8. E. COK. FIFTH AJTP HOTT STS. STAMPED SHEET METAL, 'I.J , SPECIALTIES PUNCH PRESS DIES AND MODEL WORK ARCHIBALD & MG3H0V EROS. SIS LOMBARD ST. : WD LSI. 1S0S Biddell and Duke Romance of Millions Leads to Divorce Bj V sited Newt) Philadelphia,. Pa.. June 18. After six years of married life, four years . to gether in : happiness . and two years estranged, the Angler Buchanan Dukes have come to a fight for a divorce. Mra Cordelia Duke, mother of two little sons of .the heir to the famous tobacco' for tune, has broughtvsutt here, but the al legations are kept secret. ' John C. Bell, as counsel fpr Mrs. Duke, filed the action In the common pleas court. .Thus ends the romantic union between two of America's leading society fami lies and fortunes. Duke, who is ; now 24, is possessed of $10,000,000 and Is heir prospective to 150.000,000. They met when the present M rs. Duke was t only 13 and their wedding in Holy Trinity church. Philadelphia, was attended by so many thousands of guests and curi ous people that the poliee had to be called to handle the crowds. Subsequently Capt A. J. Biddell. a brother Of Mra - Duke.: married ; Miss ftary . Duke, sister of MrJ Duke. ' Admiral H. H. Jones Named Commander Of Atlantic Fleet ; Washington, June Tf (U. P.) Ad miral Hilary H. Jones has been made commander of the Atlantic fleet, to suc ceed Admiral H. . B. Wilson, who has been transferred to the command of the naval academy at Annapolis, Secretary Denby announced today. .:. Bear Admiral K.. W. Kberle has I been made commander of the Pacific fleet to succeed Admiral Hugh Rodman. Rear Admiral W. II. Shoemaker, com mandant of the Fourteenth naval dis trict, was, promoted to vice admiral, sec ond in command ' of the Pacific fleet Rear Admiral J. D. McDonald, com mandant ot the New York navy yard, was ' made vice ' admiral and second in commandj of the Atlantic fleet. There will also i be" a redistribution of ships among the. two fleets, it was announced. Rail Brotherhoods Are Exempted From - Wage Cut Decision Chicago;; June 18. (U. P.) Members of the four big brotherhoods were not af fected by, the wage cut decision ' made recently by the United States railroad board, it' was announced here today. The beard made this announcement in answer to queries from several railroads that were under the impression the wage cut included conductors, train men and firemen. - Those Included in the cut, which" be comes effective July 1, are shop em ployes and common laborers. , The.' board -stated It would make a de cision on the pay of the members of the NOVELS CONFECTION Dellcloss? Pare asd Wholesome ASK YOUR DEALER i LLOYD BATES, PRCS) TDWINDANO LIGHTERING BATES DOCK BLDG y PMONt BROADWAY QQ7 Rasmussen&Cb. '"J j Makers of ' -'lA . Paints and Varnish ; N. . Cor. 2d and Taylor Portland, Oregon WindowSf Doors. Glass .Hears' Hsetfwere, rinkh Lumbar, Palnu 'i':S4t " Itenflns-;'.;-: ' :-':t.-:s ' We Manufacture All Our Spselal Wert HEACOCK SASH & DOOR. CO, 212-X14 FIRST ST. MAIN 4SSSI B9-t P. SHARKEY, & SON Long: Straw Horse Collars . CAST OAK. AND UNION AVE. four big -brotherhoods in case a new scale could not be worked . out in conference between j employes and rail road manager a . ' i i " - T i ' ft ' 1 ' T i ! r 1 n m i rn i nnnn in JUT J XlUiJXU VKj JOKjU.J AO Found; Camp Lewis Authorities Puzzled v-'.i"y,'i. - ; " ) ' - ' ' ' Tacoma." Wash., June 18. (U. P.) Was It a gang of bomb. plotters, bank robbers or Jail .breakers? Camp Lewis authorities today were mystified over the discovery of a cache of 150 pounds of dynamite in a deserted shack behind the camp remount depot and the hasty flight of three rough looking civilians when an army officer chanced upon their rendezvous. One theory 1a that the discovery has frustrated a plot to blow up some of the cantonment buildings. . Private ' Arthur Kentzelman, battery C, Sixteenth field artillery, stumbled upon the cache two days ago while ex ercising an artillery horse, and notified officers of his find. - t No arrests have been made. Wealthy Man's Son Facing Arrest in $180,000 Robbery i Reading, Pa., June 18. (I. N. S.) De tective Joel H. Krlck of this city is 6n his way to Springfield, Mans., to arrest Walter K, Shean. implicated In a confes sion of two bandits as a participant in the $180,000 robbery of the People's .Trust company of Wyomlssing, Pa., on February 4, at noon. Shean, who is the son of a prominent Springfield business man. the owner of the Springfield Kastern league baseball club, is' alleged to have offered $11, OUO in negotiable securities for' a loan at leading Springfield; banks. ' Kxamlna tlon of their serial numbers showed they were part of the missing securities from the Wyomisslng bank. GRESHAM An acreage tract has been" laid out and put on the market Immediately eaut of Gresham by Krlder Sl Elklngton. The property belongs to Mrs. M. K. Gunther and Mrs. M. Shoemaker and faces on what will be the Mount Hood loop road. Gresham Giants and the Honeyman Hardware company will play ball Sun day on the Union high school grounds. Miss Norma Lee Peck, who will be in charge ot the Gresham- library after September 1, is a graduate of the Uni versity of Illinois. She has been for ' two years connected with the county li brary force In Portland. Dr. and Mrs. 11. V. Addlx and daugh ter have returned from an auto trip in California and Nevada. Queen Ksther circle held a lawn party Friday, evening at the home of Mrs. A. Hevel. . 1 " - Dutch Cublnct May Quit London, June 18. -MI. N. 8.) Resig nation of the Dutch cabinet is immi nent, owing to a dispute over policy, said a telegram from The Hague to day." i AND JOBBERS j DIES-t- SPECL4LTY MANUFACTURING SCREW MACHINE WORK C.M.M.C 84 E. 17U St, 8eIlwso 10 Ohas. B. HlrsehbuhL . sVs4wsr SS2 CLARKE COUNTY IRON WGHXS PATTERNMAKERS . Light n4 Has try Fertlnf 104-106 N. 4Ut SL Cennr ot rUndets KNIGHT'S SWEET INDIA RELISH A Selieloes Appetizing1 Condiment AHU. YOL'U UHOCEJi Knight Packing Co. PORTLAND, OKEOOJT Pendleton Woolen Mills Pendleton, Or. MANUFACTU11KKS Of Pore Fleece Wool Blankets Indian Kobea. Steamer Kues, Batb Itobee and Auto Kobe COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD Cannot bolt., werp (weU er shrink. Fin f laraing, quit i ait, "uracun aiaOa." OHSFELDT, 145 FIRST STREET MOOSE PAINT, S2.SO PER GALLON THE "REST-OVER" MATTRESS eld wltb an llDocmdltional Guaiaata. ASK YOUR DEALER Msnurseturta by ALLEN-YILDEfi EEDDi:!3 CO. POBTLANDl, obeoom Portland Furniture Ufg. Co. Makers ot OVERSTrrFEB IJATEWFOItTS, CHAIRS, COVC H 8, hOUXUF., 1; JLL1. KIRWH OK UPHOLKTKBKO . rCHNITUBK and M ATT&ivbSJCS m.lti9 Maea4am Road -Fkoses Mais 801, 43.1 Multnomah Trunk & Dag Co. Wkolaeal Mfgrs. of Trunks, Suitcases, tc 86 E. Water St. Portland. Or. Phono 224.66. I . - WRITE OR PHONE for space in The Journal's Manufacturers and Job bers columns and a repre sentative will call. THE JOURNAL Ucln7173 cr