TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. : OREGON. 21 V AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 SEDUCED PRICES ON REBUILT AUTOMOBILES BETTER SEBUILT , t AND WHT BETTER f We rebuild both Hadwa and Essex used automobile and Mil them with warranty the same as given with th purchace of new car. Wa lso give -90 days' free service, lbs uma a ia given on new cars. ... . On other, make of" automobile that wi trad In wa repair and over haul them so ttit used cars that sra not o!d with warranty ara In first class condition and ara sold with 10 days' fre trial, subject to their-being ;'..:., returned with full credit on any oilier ear you may select. 1019. Eawi automobile. re built and repainted, acrid with the; warranty ... . . . $1125 191ft Essex, lik new, sold with " , the warranty 1223 1917 Hudson Super Si, rebuilt and repainted, look ju.st like new, sold with the warranty 1175 1918-1919 series Hudson Super 4 -i Sk, rebuilt and rcpainied, . sold with the warranty . 1400 1920 Hudson Super Six, rebuilt - and repainted,' sold with . : the warranty . ... : , 1775 1920 Hudson Speedster, like a brand new ear: aold with " the warranty ...... , , 1975 " 1919 Cbalmeri, first-clas eon dition throughout ...... 1080 1920 Chalmers. alraoH new, a " : decided bargain , 1250 Dodge roadster 450 1919 Maxwell, all gone over, . . repaired and repainted; ', a fine little car ....... &TS 1919 Oldsmobfl sin at . . Eight baf- 083 t Our store for these used-ear bsr- tams at 40-48 Broadway, which is -Broadway and Couch at. Phone Broadway 5739. Open evenings , and Sundays. . C. I- BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ! ft." by .16 ft. $40.00 TORY ARK ABOUT OUR HOUSE." I SO AND ITP MILT MADE CONST. CO. WOOULAWN 2413. PIERCE-ARROW "3r passenger little Pierce 'in the pink of con dition. 1911 model, but . has been rebuilt so that it looks like the late model This car has only been driven privately and has had splendid care; new cord tires. Westing house starting and lighting system, Alemite greasing system, shock absorbers. . In fact everything yon could ask fori price $1730. F. L. -'Miller. 333 Washing ton St. Main 3579 or Tabor 7491. - 1 unoK LIGHT SIX . LATB 1919. S-PASS., IN FINE SHAPE; RHVARNI.vriED, FULLY EQUIPPED. 5 TIRES. St"OTLIOHT, BUMPER ET '-. A DANDY HPT rff.,U-'S': WLL TiKE FORD FOR PART; HOJ1K TERMS.- A C STKVEVII 'BROADWAY 1614. 16TH AND WASH. ST. ' m: b. fisch (fiftton. femtei-t. bodies. bootU. t auio net-nietai wars pciu- 4 At 4a -i rv a. Phon. BROADWAT X29. BK ;I IIF.I by the jndgment of orer one-lialf the ear owners in the United States) and buy Ford. ; :, UN IV BUS At. CAK F.X CHANGE ; ' Used Fords F.xehnively. . Grand Ate. snd E. Yamhill. Eat 471. . Ilpfn Kreninir and Snndavs. IKIIXiK: touring: Icarlni town; must sell at ome; $ttf(. Can be seen at . &30 ALIKK STREET. THE iKXir man's car, Uie wi-ie man a car. ten by rieh and pour. A Ford -car. We hare wliat you want. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE I'ted Ford. Eiolii-iTely. Grand At, and E. Yamhill. Ea.st-471. pen ETercnif? and Stihdas. RADIATOR SERVICE CO, IT Wil l. PAT" no to sea ns abrmt IrepalHrg that' RAlMATOR. FENPEH or BOUT. Experts gusranteed work at moderate pricrs. Coe Union and iMwaii Hawthorn, "avenuea. Eat 849S. FORD FORD FORD - PORTABLE GARAGE!"" FIRST QUALITY . (Em. lid j he choice m t per cent ot car owners. There's a reason. Call and be eonrinoxd. T' UNIVERSAL CAR KX CHANGE . - Used Forda Exeluairely. Tjrana ats. gna .iiramu x.asi in. Open Etenings and Wutxlay-i. ' t-iiHii f inn TOCBINJ &AR' IS A-l 8ILAPE; OOOD TIRES: FIRST MAN IN GETS A BARGAIN FOB 9225. '' ,.. , A. 0. STEVENS. BROADWAT 1014. 16TH AND WASH 8TS ANYONE can own a Ford at the . prices and -terms we are firing. " 1 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE : Used Fords Exeluiirely. -- Grand Are., and E. Tamhill. East 471.' Open KTening and Sundays. ' 19 tS OLDS 8, jut-t been ererhanlerl from stem to- stem, -haV been run only a few thousand mile; rery i-heap at tlw price asked. Will e c.it small ear as part payment; terms on bal ance if desired Call Tropst. Broadway 8800. R HA 11 THIS I hare one of the smoothest rarining. nicest looking latest model Chalmers on the streets of Portland: will sacrifice and give terms. Phone Wrtodlawn 2344. 1920 MAXWELL, to excellent shape. Bun tike a sewing machine. A fin Vacation car. Call Mr. Ebrett. Bdwy. 140, Northwest Auto : Co., 18th and Alders ' luao 5 PASS,. I'aig. ha been run le-ia than 4000 miles; 4 Royal eord tim., Too can hardly tell this cir from a" new one and priced eery cheap. Call Piopst. Rroadwar 360H. - ULii a u, it(; ti, cr wuh a reputation; a .- ear that will always, take you there and bring yea back; all good tiees; really a sacrifice. Main L019 LIBERTY BIa.' 5 wire wheel with cord ire. - Ruti ' only j 4800 miles. Must sell. Make me an offer. : Mr. St Ueorg. after 8 p. m.. aiaranait budv. 1 1'. u oiti iJn... , jiisL oeen over- hauled and repainted; sold ' wirfT tba aam guarantee as a new one. Thin - ear must be sold.. Call Propst, Broadway 30. FORD tranemitters relined and ralre ground; - carbon remoTed without starter 96, with starter 17 Coupe and Sedan 7. 50. Harry Ieey, 269- (ii r.. rin ai., iinawmoriw. r.ai (2y. FORD roadster, late 181. with Haulers. Large steering wheel, l ofrersal tire filler and ether extras; good condition. (325. See John Waiie. tt Honeyman Hardwre Co. vr - ' LO 1 S II A TN" K ? rspaaa. , cordtires; car run less '- than lO.OHO miles. Must sU. Make me an offer. lit, SU ; George, after i ta.. Ji MAXWELL, just been overhauled and - painted, good rubber. A real ana p. timaH pay. me tit down. Call Hoaell. Broadway 89(16. -- WE Ptff Steel teeth In yaur old flywbeoi; craokahaft turning. H. f Black, aaaebuvs shop, 534 Aider at. Broadway 2681 0i3 MICHLXIN 6-ply pres. 816.iu. fcone better. We kiMur how to resiair the. Vui. can Tire Shop. Grand are, at Pine. E. 43a. CASH paid for oU cars, condituu as object: part, for all makes of cara. Thompson ft Krhy. 44S Flanders, neai1 11th. - Bdwy 3508. BUH'K light 6, . good .shape, good, tires, orig . paint; sacrifice If , taken today. Main A KKAI bun, 4 new tires. '21 license, mechan ically perfect A mull' eih "payment drlys this car away. Call Bosell, Broadway 3605. " I ...... t i, ....... n ... oerd tires. 3: riumpers, original finish: a bny for mm one; 8.-.Q, terms. Wdtn. 3344. LiKHT 5 nftjrf Suit I, good' trutinmg order. 1 hi t ar is . a real buy at the pru. Call Propat, Broadway S60(i. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 A Clean New Stock of Used Cars - .-'' ' ' ' - ' ;-;-v i r - - 1. ..; -'.- - ' Our big ased ear sale cleaned tip our " stock of ttred car and now we hare a frn new stock of ears taken in trade .dur ing th sale at the .new low lerel price. We ean fit you out in a coed ear of the - . siae you want, light fours or sixes, with some especially fine buys ia light etxes. We offer yon a combination of exceptional valuea, reasonable urma and a aqnar deal all the way through. Maxwell."' 118 touring. ... . ..t 450 Chevrolet tonring , c ............ 459 Liberty, chummy roadster, very fine condition ..................... 1000 Chandler dispatch, wry fin eondl- -f tion; all new tire, oversized, with wire wheels .....,,,.i,,,.(,..lMl. . 1919 Oakland. 5 pans., Al condition throughout .. .......... 800 ', White 30 touring, rebuilt. 400 Jordan. 1920, 5 pass 1750 Mitchell, lain, 6 pae., Borg ft Beck new rubber ..,,' 990 Mitchell, 1918. S pass. . 800 Chevrolet delivery, 1913 ... " 875 Mitchell. 1917, 7 pass. . ; ......... 575 1018 Studebaker, 7 pass. S25 Packard twin ..), A-l condition thronehout . , . . i . . . . i . , , 1850 Ortrland. model 90, delivery., 450 191 Mitchell - 5-paaa ...,..'1050 OldToobil 8, A-l condition through out ... ......... ....... f . . . .1050 f , v Com down any time and we will gladil show jotf-and demonstrate any used car in th house, ' They are all in running . order and most naasual values. Mitcfaell, Lewis & Slaver ... a ,r :.- . : Broadway and Everett at. 88 Yearst ia the Northwest Phon Broadway 4475. GUAHANTKK A.N11 fctHVlCE SAMS AS MSW CARS Hbvard Autonniobile Co, 12TH AND ALDER 8TS. ' . Broadway 1180.''. f BUT YOUR REBUILT CHEVROLET FROM THE USED CHEVROLET DEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE CHETRO- ' t '- ' LET DISTRIBUTORS ' GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEYROLETS ALU MODELS I " ALL PRICES ;:. EXCEli.EST TERMS Grand are., between Ankeny and Burns ide. Open Dally and Sunday. Phone East 490. "THE HOUSE WITH CHEVROLET PRIDE" WINTON SIX 7-PASS., " rtKFlNlSHKD; NEW TOP ' AND 8irK CPRTAI.VH; ALSO SEAT COYEiiS: PRICE VERY ATTRACTIVE. a r. TLrpvn BROADWAY 1814.' 529 WASHINGTON ST. 1X3 W first cot. Small depreciation. Mkiimum upkeep. It's a Ford. UNIVERSAL. CAR E3CCHANGS " Used Forda Kxcluidrely. '.- Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill, East 471. " Open Evenings and Bundays. WEAVER TIRE COMPAJfT FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. ' TIRE REPAIRINO 838-835 Burnsid at Broadway. i REO, 400; 1917: THIS IS A SAC i .: fclFiCK. CALL ROSS. E. 1088. SEI'IjS at a 4914 pnee. Parts at one-half price. 'The wise man's car. A Ford. UNIVERSAL CAR" EXCHANGE ' Used Fbrd Exclusively. . Grand Ave. and E. YamhilLr East 471. - fpen Evenings and Sundays. ; - BEST BCY IN THE CITY I must sell my uearly new Anderson Wght six tmring car. cord tiresi new paint, perfect condi tion, $1195; cost 82500. easy termi; no broker- age. t;au Kannall. Bdwy. 1641 or East 7065 DON'T spend a J your money for tirei aud gas. Buy a Ford. . The logical car. UNIVERSAL. CAR EXCHANGE . Used Fords Exclusively. .Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill, East 471. Qen Evenings and Snndays. THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who take the kinks out while you watt; abo repairs radiator and bodies I; read way 8214. 80 . 11th st, rear Barpsidat 1 WILL sell my Dodgs, aa I need the money ; 3 good tires: body, top and upholstering in fine prmdition. , This ia priced td sell, 8475. Mar. ?,8,Te. 6 t S day, Bdwy. 4500; house S3. m r, r MHTiuugoauer. This roadster has had exceptionally good care, not a blemish on it, will be sold at great bar Bin. Phone Main 244 weekday., ask for Karl 1921 FORD sedan. This car baa been used as f a; demonstrator and is just tiicely broken in; has ispeedometer, dash lamp, extra tire and tube. 255 Mf Twewiie? Bdwy-" 1572; eve.. Tabor 1919 "hup;- it " cord tirea, bumper, ' spotlighC rnotoraeter alemite system. 81100, terms. BiUintrsley Motor Cd. Hawthorne ave. at 8th Hi. y.tutt Ten , 1818 OVERI.ANl iM.V.nt .1,.. er( good paint. always driven by private owner. Fuller, East 8T70. ;- '-;. . FOR SALE 1917 Haynea tight- 6, 7 pass:, in . A-l order and looks end runs like new ear. tci j inrnji at tvov. t-pone Broadway 1719 FAMOUS 1916 model Ford, excellent shape' moI'1: 'rgain for eash if sold st once. Main WflOIv ;- ..'- - . ... LATE model Maxwell roadster, perfect eonditioe good rubber, small payment down, balance hjiik wrm--. -vau nozeii, oroaqway 3H0B. 1820 MAXWELL char;' first-class condition; five good Urea; run 4O0 miles. Call Aute. 644-95 M50 BUYS a 1920 Chevrolet touriug, like new : many extras; .easy terms. . phone owner, I HAVE ears,: 1 Overland, modal 83 and r Willys-Knight roadster, model 84. Will sell . jwi wi your terms. xwasc SVev. lun ariry a ' n . i! .i " . ; ' . i.. - iiira, i none urea, bumper; this is no wreck; it is a good car at The r.glrt price. -Tabor 64. " FOUD roadster, very good eouditiun; must sell quick; be-t buy in the city, for 8285 cash. Tahor 1271. after 6 p. m. Bt ICK ROADSTER " 1917. good running eondiuon. 8650. Mar. 1917 7 PASS. Studebaker 4, ia cxceUent con dition: cheap. 8125 Woodstock. Gray's Croas- ng. ' ; ' OAKLAND roadster, in fine condition; term or trade for Ford. Tabor 1840. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 AU. Kinds of Vulcanizing and Retreading.' KILTON-WLLSON TIRE CO., . - r 8 3 4 Bumside t west side ) , at 8 th. f ; ONE S-wheeled iutomobile trailer witli rubber . tires. $45. 706 H Williama ve. 85 FKNI575Ij' e"td ' Ur' ' tute ': d AUTO BED Ha ve your auto seat cut to mak a oeq. ? utj s M llliams ave. AUTO BED Have your auto seat cut to aake a bed. 706 H Williams ve. TRUCKS. ANP TRACTORS: 802 1917 BETHLEHEM 2 H -ton truck, trade for 157" r U -LMr- ,anrs. Broadway tOKD tractor, io A-l conditions aeO ehean or .., tradevfor horses, cattle or Ford touring. Atlas Woiytrsrd. 82T Front t ! 1 I HAVK a fc'a.Ul !.... m I-.-' ! - - - - - - - .--. iimjv iur . car or aeu cueap. Xtuwy. ij f2, Mr. J angers. v.. : i . ., TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 i-TON Standard, dump body and . hoist, just overhauled. : Extra.. . . Urge tire. A bargain. " : . . .. , .... ... - .-- y-? CMC 2-ton. This track has been ' .. . thorooghly overhauled, repaint ed, is in the best of condition - - and bargain at, . . . ... , . . . , . $2150 z- ...'''-.. ...:!. 5 -ton Diamond T. as rood u new. - ' extra, large rear tire. ........ 1850 " IVi-ton G M C en' pneumatic . tires, has bad the very best of - t car and ha seen but little work 1480 : 1 V4 -ton MoreUnd, Absolutely new. 2350 , 1 14 -ton Winther, four wheel drive; ' just the thing where you neeiP ' ' extra hard pulling machine... 1350 : 1-ton Republic, entirely overhauled, " new tires, pew paint........ 1050 . 4-ton Republic on pneumatic , . - tires qnwiped ( with first-class s body for bakery or similar busv ' 675 1-ton CM C. AAA 1 eondiUon throughout: mounted on 35x5 front. 36x8 rear tires; entirely overhauled ............... -ton Buick. pneumatic ties, absolutely new; the entire truck is in first -class mechanical con dsUoo ................... . , . , Chevrolet light delivery. . . . .....' 1275 675 430 WENTWORTH aV IRWIN, INC., 200 Seoond at.. Cor. Taylor. FREIGHT RUN NOW OPEN1. WITH NEW TRUCK. THIS POSITION MUST BE Flt.l.Klr AT ON K. BEtJI'f RFS ' 8MAI.L IN VESTMENT. GREAT NORTHERN TRANS PORTATION. INC.,,498 WEST Bt'RNSIDK. s Worm drive, cab ana body complete. Looks like new. Price $1100. Must be sold within 2 days. Phone Jenaan. Bdwib 691, evening Mar shal? 5241. . , REAL TUtit'K BARGAINS' New lH-2H-ton standard make truck, solid tires; sells for 92600. Will tale $2000- with liberal term. Bdwy. 1641. - NEW TRUCK HACKIFk'E t . Brant! new 1 A -ton truck, eord tiresi standard make. Miu-t sacrifice. Make us an offer. Bdwy. 1641. - PACKARD" 3-tnn worm drive, anxioua - to sell; small panent down, balance ; easy terms. Pbon Jensen. Bdwy. 691, evenings Marshall 524 I. PACKARD TRUCK 8 too, just overhauled: a special buy at $900 Phnn Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings. Marshall D.'S I. FORD I ton truck. 1921. with open express body and top; Will discount and gire terms. T-7 91. Journal. ' . kisBEL truck. 4-ton, worm drive. Tjiig niut be sold quick; $1200 takes it; terms. Phone rf-rr-n,. iviwj. Tttfi. ereningH siarsnaii 041 FEDKRAL 3-H-ton in tine shape, worm drive; '.will trade snd give terms. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings Marshall 6241. - 1920 OLDSMOBn.E too truck in excellent eon dition. good tires, $1000. terms. -Main 19. a-TON Atterbury truck Jor . !;. bargain. Eat 6362. ,' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 1919 HAKLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, elec- trteally equipped: aU in A-l condition; $50 'a.rn csj. s.au nozen, navy. oru, CLEVELAND motorcycle, fine condition, I just' overhenled,' good tires and a -carrier; a bar- sam m eo9. siar, siz. 19iT HARLEY DAVIDSON ' motorcycle, iust been overhauled, electrically enuhlJ : amall payment down. .-Call Sosell. Bdwy. 3606. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS.' ALL MAKE'S EAST SIDE MOTORtrYCLE CO., -46 Grand ave. 1917 HENDERSON, with aide ear, all in A-l a FndiUoB: real snap. Call Hamilton, Bdwy. 1819. INDIAN, witrfox without side ear, uechanZi l:ally nerfctr X.50 rinsn H. ...... I C-ll t, ii r j . . m.um. ' a 1 1 nwu, juiwj. eouo 7 H. P. Flying MerkeL.A-1 eondiUon, for sale cheap. ' i 662 Ij'nion ave. N. , FOR SAt.E $90, new motor bicycle. Inquire 515H Beacon at. . . AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 MR. CAR OWNER - Yon will realize a big saving B your repair work by bringing it to me no experimenting nor guesswork 1 scow .the autcnubiie repair buiness from A to Z. The only man yon pa th one who does Uht work no superintendent, shop foreman or vffice force to be paid with your money, i t ; Will, gUdly test your car, tell you the trouble, arid .give' you an estimate of the c .t I have had experience on all triakes ef cars. . W. A. DICKINSON, , North Pacific Wagon & Auto Wcrks bWg. gth , and Host srs. Broadwuy 3S66. A TTPWTlA v r-ai na-V-E-ua W will overhaul your car, any make. And save you money. All work done on fiat con tract basis and absolutely guaranteed. - Work under the aupervisicn of competent and reliable men. " Get our prioes, they a re reasonable and will surprise you. We specialize on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing, vulcanizing and retreading; all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorn a ve.T Tele phone East 8068. '-. , I FORD OWNERS . FORD overhauled . i'i . . , ; . , , ....... $20 Rear Axle overhauled j . . .. ,......,,,.$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed . i , . $ 3 Magnet recharged .... i ..... i . . . . . , i , $ 5 W'e .hand-lap pistons, scrape bearing, etc., which insures a pMiect running motor. Genuine B"ord parts only -uL AU work cnaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR OO.i. z ront Bt., Corner Jefferson. IP K IP IP 80 kdjuatmenta on all brake a xau-4 relined. TIE BRAKE SHOP 337 Fifth Street -1 Main 598 FORD repairing exclusively; guaranteed work . manship. Curly' Ford Shop, 227 Salmon st Main 8154. a . . - - - AUTOS FOR HIRE I. 809 ATJTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Late Model Cars Reasonable Rates A k I Vll Sv H&HUCTT 1I1TV j-lADASSZt 182 12th St. bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 840 CARS FOR RENT without drivers.' all makes, a??0? rates; open eve. and Sun. Bdwy. 5593. Jake's, Used Car Exchange, 325 GlUan. bet. Broadway and th. r -v-7. Autos Foft Hire with 6r witHOl't DRIVERS. L. SIXLIVAN. FASHIOS GA AGE MAR. 232. 10th at YamhilL A-128 6. H. S. BNNETt; CARS FOR"RIfiE WftttOCT - DRrVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. i - AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANTED Late model Chevrolet or Buick; must be "in good order and cheap. Phone Broadway , 8656 or call 354 Bu.Tid betwaen i-nornwsy .anq corner Par WANT good late model linht car and eaab a first paymeht on beautiful little -room mod ern , bungalow in best part - of Rose City Park. . ,,v.. ir" nr-n. iwr rrgxjri aner o:o p. rq. I HAVE 100 1 -year-old W. L. kens and 50 W. iS & 14 W8ek? oW to trade for bug Woodlswn 1717." --.; - CaKa warded to wreck, parte for ail cars under slJfjr ?Te. 11 8- Ante Wrecking Co., '"n ana .viaeT. proagway suit. 160 ACRES timber at market value, on county - eenia fr.f. 1.a mai kj. 1 . . j . a , .... tt. xana Oiag. WAN 1 ED Light car. abulia $300. Have , Oomish piano with marjdolin accompaniment. "nr PHHiumn, rcr excosnge. jSUto. 'HIGHEST cash price paid tor old cars; eon . flition no object. 121 X. Id st ? 4 ' tSEl.I. OR TRADE FOR CAR. 4lr0 Bt'sl- rr.3 rtttirVSITlO.X. 804 ABtNGTON BLD. v-r to vraoe. .tot for 1814 Cadillac. Aut 612-52. --. '.- i-r..-. WANTED A FDHD, CON'DltljN ' SO OB- JECT, PHONE ACT. 633 6S. WANT to buy late model. Ford with starlet. v 111 pay can. van wooaiawnr 721. WANTED 1917. Maxwell auto body, touring - rAaHifa aV FT a A : T 1 , " . 1 1 a ' " 1. . r WA.NTED T pve tiger Studebaker or Hudaon; WANT Ford touring. Have for exchange late - Indian motorcycle. Call 633-3. . FOR SALE MKCELIAIVEOUS ' 00 40.ACKKS of piiiug, close to railroad.. $1000. iwg "mtim.ii irn, nansen. REED baby buggy for sale. - $18; practieail mrm. i m e-ifc rsumner su VACUUM cleaners tor rent, 85 a day; delivered anywnere. rvooniawn J40. DjRY cordwood, $7.50; S cord er more,' $TT Phone Wovdlawn :4ull after 7 p. m. " FOR SALE "Uwanta" kippered salmon, a Port land proanrx. cscu.. o&e. FOR SALE RecUters. aho wall. Cah or credit. 24 2 Salmon. tMiA'f miik tor al. Will deliser. Call I'ol. 8. Ft'lt WAI j-i Tisc'ioi VKiodiaw. Ai.jiiy 24 tt 2d at FOR SAJLU 1000 celery plaolZ-CilSeiL,"6 3 OC FOR SAIX--MISCELLANEOUS 00 Dolan Wrecking & , ' Const. C6. ,""' ." 456-70 Belmoa 8t.'..' :''.' Phone East 0110. ." EXTRA! WE ABE, WRECKING SEW t OITICB BUILDING AT NORTHWEST ' SHIP- ' YARD. ALL KINDS OF DOORS. WIN-' DOWS. , BASINS, ' TOILETS. PIPE. FLOORING. RUSTIC. SHIPLAP, OEIL . INC. ETC JCST AS " GOOD AS NEW AT HALF PRICE. . DONT MISS THIS AARGAIN. - Special t ifer W ean supply you f.ith any kind of ma- ' terial for the new rxuse at a large per centage of saving. Ojr material is strictly new and our price second-hand! New Dimension . .$13.00 to $20.00 per M New Shiplap 1 3.00 to 20.00 per M New Rustic . 25.40 to . 85.00 per M New Flooring . (good grade) 85.00 ' peM. New Ceiling ..... "25. CO to 85.00 per M : Star a" Shingles . ,8.00 - - per M Standard. Shingre . - 2.25 - - per M j- Speciar Offers ' . 150.000 ft Of new pipe, tt-in. to S-is, galv. and black, at slashed wholesale prices. Will aell m any quantity. " - . , ,- Doors and -yirdows,; 1500 new ' doors at half price.. Make -your selection of these, which include 1 panel, 2 panel and 5 panel, at $2.50 each. 5000 new window and Mb. front 75e to 88.00. :-. - - - READY-MADE GARAGES. $50 EACH W also carry a complete lid of new and awed plumbing. Estimates furnished oo plumbing material and installation. - EVERYTHLNG IN THE BCHJJING LINK Do San Wrecking Const. Co. East Eighth and Belmont and Morrison Bta. Phone East 6110. Gas Water- Heaters $115 Special double copper coil gas water heater, $15. They are new and guaranteed. I MESHEIt PLUMBING) ' .' . SUPPLY CO. I ' 248 1 st l Main 5377. Between Main and Madison sts. I ELECT RIO FIXTURES Several thousand tix turea, from one to four lights each; also in direct bowls, brackets and ceiling rights. Every thing brand new, at one-third leas than you would ordinarily pay. Call me up. Wood lawn 3T91 THE burthscone for June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gifts. - aiiu,a.ii . Next Door- to Majestic Theatre. UtONING machines, slightly used; one for $125, one for $140, on for $150. Prices on new machines reduced. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY Fifth and Oak Sta. SAFES -Mr and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. : Easy terms if desired. NORKIS SAFE aV LOCK CO. 105 Second St Main 2045. Electric Motors -: Bought, sold, rented and - repaired Walker Electric Works, 413 Bum side, comer 10th, . Broadway 5674. Rugs & Carpet Washed On your- floor with Hamilton-Beach Electric waaner; also ractmm cleaning. Wdln. 5758. : WhY an everlasting aggravation by leaky roof f Why not a comfortable and durable rooff We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds " -j wwirtj .ni soaranupeq. main o 1 zo COME to the Vogue, R, 4tis Allsky bldg., for ladie and children's clothing, hats and shoes. Pre-war prices, entrance on. Third, near Morri- iaii v Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing, 24 hour service.; col lect and deliver. - Tabor 4"072, Tabor 4641. Cadwell CampJable 6x6x42 folded. 30x42 open; ' supports '500 lbs 650 Thnrman. Broadwav S460. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classificatioha. A large listing will be found under these different classi fication. V BLACK FIGS. 25-lb. bo. 82.50; aplit prunes, 22-Ib. box, $1; maacate! raisins, 2 5 -lb. boxes. $5; 100-lb. sack sjilit prunes. $4.80. I l , ,t , , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . pATr.n ttuLcni, zgt lamhin St. HOT WATER TANKS 30-gal. $7; 40-caX 9; tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils) gas beaters installed ; expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st, E. 8516. LICENSED independent electrician, wires 3 . rooms for $12. 5 rooms $20. Al new ma terial used snd. guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodlswn 3791. f , KINK large cherries; pick thtxn yourself. 5e v. per lb.; 3 miles southeast of Sherwood-Wil-sonville" road S miles, H mile south ; place known as Alma Meyer or Bailey homestead. . A. v.. wnmin, anerwooa, ur.. Route 2. Kl.K.CTUII' uhr n, ui. . . .. iwnuvic charge. High-grade machines. We teach you how to use them.. Call Main 7370 and let us explain. Electric Service Co.. 128 10th st - OFFICE FURNITURE" " Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-WADEN8TELN DESK CO.. 105 Twelfth st Bdwv. 187T HYDRAULIC barber cnair, like new. Boot black's stand, both for $75. , 8123 Wood stock. 7 .. ' . , -... , 120 M. FEET CUH lumber for 'sale at i 5 per . M., especially suitable for rough eonstruo- hnn fiM, Cm Vl.nAn S S A A , , .3 a - JJ..1.U.UI IUN. COI.rrMRr Pl.HTru witr. fan. tor "" Can't bulge - or bora, Joantlrea. - Orefo) maug. umieiui. iea t irst . Main 6T. COMT-CTING SCALES, caah registers, coffee ..... mmi cuvjjen ana general store lix o .1 f w ... . . . . .. . " umi m pfc., utiseen jst ana za. Oerstlell-t-v . a. w. "kEENfi" " Hr"S'i , tr7 "' "" Washington St "'"""i r-ain, iaresi merve Jilocking Method. COMPLETE set, of lighting ..fixture for "2 and rut up. ' gee aa before buvine. ASa Anl, .f irr7Ti wiuct ffesr aflwy. EKlwy.- z V t o. UNION Apparel Exchange sells sliithtlv used ladie . clothes, new spring hat, etc. 719 S cor, y. jac lao. RUGS, VSshlUl An . T-1I1 . linn. Hr. . V. TT. II i - . . . ' w i .uu AAauiuMu- necmc carpet waaaer; also Vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. PRINTING press. SHxl3. with motor; will sell cheap or trade for. smaller presa, Broad way 2635. 148 13th at . jSit-ES -Ko. 70 Sixth st, near Dak. New and second-hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safes snd steel cabinets. Bnshong Co. Bdwy. 1262 500 ; ;w RosEScrrY rIntert 'S "SO ' ' ' Ton must bring this ad. ; 120 6th St LawnMowers Sharpened WE CALL AND DtLTVER. EAST 8424.- FOR SALE- Bricks. Call .East 7122. Call evenings alter 6 POTATOES Pride Multnomah, 50c 100 " 3b. sack. 241 st - Washington st " - ; 40 GALLON feed cooker ,$15; Gleason engine fi nor power fao.- Z4Ij Washington st FOR SALE Baby buggy, medium size, almost new. hast.- fa. 4UO Kuasell st. LAW text boogs, reading hamp, four panel screen. , f . , i, . tj. u l-l n . LADIES, be well dressed exclusive used gar- ments in our Done, 'labor zszo . -in, i , WE GRIND and repair lawa mowers; also, buy cnpirrea wwa. wain V02. HAIR nets, 8 for 23c, 13 for $1. Plummer imn vjo., a. iu. rov. gg ana aiaaison. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged repaired. - itay uenuey. Main 4 V U Y TAILOR-MADB suits left on band at half price. Modern-TsUors. 89 N, 6th st - FOR BENT Electric vacuum cleaners;' 24 kour r day. 85c delivered. Wdln. 1259 . - CABINET phonograph and record, like new. Owner most sacrifice at once. East 1928 GOOD, potatoes. $1 a sack. S. Hess, 60th and KiHingsworthj. Wdln. 6072, Call after SundaV VACUUal clasnen rented, $1 per day. deliv ered. Bdwy. 2872 day. -Tabor 5786 evenings. (0 WEDDING Invitation or Announcements 86; artistic; prompt. Smith, printers. 11 N. 6th. $3 TAKES a white enameled infante crib. 1123 E. Stephen st WHAT have you to exchange for a cabinet puomisrapu i -.- aom si, puwj. zoos. GET - your furuace properly cleaned and over- u.Bi-Ti, nun Twwh vu uvnara, sail sza-oi, "STAR A STAR" shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor st. dock. Main 8063. FIN E h't stciHid growth fir $7.75 per cord, 87.50 crlMd lota. Phone E.-t 7020. -YOUNG rabbit iners for sale. Call Tabor 1S24. FOR SAIJr MISCELLANEOUS 00 NORWOOD M FOLDING CAMP STOOL i The - (trcngest snd neatest camp-stool manu factured. Folds into very small spare; cov ered with ' good grade of carpet; bound edges: light weight' Just the thing for automobiles, pior sue or camping, parties. For sal by all first class sporting goods stores or sent' postpaid to ny eddreasj Price per pair $3.25 or $1.75 each. Manufactured only by . -. "C. A. NORWOOD. PORTLAND, OR. BOXER TRADING CO. 246 Washington, 11$ 2d Msrshs 248S . VV Sell, ; Buy ad ' Exchange c Cash Registers 8howcaaes Fountains, ' Scales, Store Fixtures. ' CEDAR CHESTS . , Direct from factory to your borne. 1 Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest designs. Write for catalogue. ; - J. W. HIGGINS it SON 1915-16-18 K. GL1SAN. TABOR 808 Save Your Wife ; Send your laundry to Snowflake wet wash. Clothes washed snowy.,- white in separate eoxa- paTtmenta, plume Juiat M433. Valuable prt- l.HllU U1TH, - ,1 i WE SAVE YOU HONEY - House wiring, i lighting . fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electric ' Store. 224 ' Third t. near tsalmon. Main DV33, ONE second-band 5-gaL Wayne Monarch gaao L : line pump, with tank; one I -gat gasoline pump, one 280-gal. tank, one V4 S. air cora presaor, 10 icu. ft capacity- one single stage Brunner air ! comprensor. - H. 1. Leslie & Son, 325 Flanders. Autoroatio 61l-12i "Sewing Machines : 1 We have the largest! stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Cora- i pare prices. We rent and repair. lis aa. near iammll.i A VERY , fine Brunswick pnnnograph and many dandy ; records, cost new last Christmas $208.50; for immediate sale, will sacrifice $100; will even take , part cash and wait for balance reasonable time. Phone Main 1123, or see Phonograph I Department, Eilcrs Musir building; entrance and elevator, 287 H Washington st. 10 DROPftEAD sewing machines with 'attach ments, J0 each: portable eiectna machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Stern. 152 Grand ave. East 2359. NEW AND I SKD 1 ' OFFICE "FURNITURE, ADDING - MACHINES. TYPEWRITERS. rHr.rKWttt sirva sairt' rimvcva OUR PRICKS LOWEST iW CITY, WAX OF FICE ! EQUIPMENT HOUSE, . i, j,. 6T1L ADWAY 2789. 1 BRfl FINE large cherries;, pick thetri yourself, 2e per lb. ; 34 miles sutheast of iSherwood-Wil-sonviUe road 3 nules, H mi lei south ; placfl known as Alma Meyer or Bailey homestead. A. C Denman. Sherwood, Or,. Route 2. . " STEADY WOOD HAITLlXit: iAli ' ' ' 2-ton truck, equipped for hauling; good condi tion: hoist; cost $600.- Will sell cash 8300. Can secujre wood hauling: job and f clear $10 per pay. Main 4. , .... - Independent Printers ' -- We are not members of any cembine to con trol the puce ol printing. T Smith Printing Co.. 11 8. th'8t- .- .... "- 10 FOOT step ladder, lawn mowei, IS inch, ut 50 feet 5 ply garden hose, wheelbarrow," gar den cultivator, 6 foot wood at; all like new; very reasonable. 5012 J7th st S. Es, Mt. Seott car; " ( PRESCOTT PIANO, the 8450 model, just like new; tor sale tzsa casnor sssu terms: sio per month. Oregon Eiler Musio blouse.: Phone Main 1129. KFK11 I'wiATIIKH . Select Burbank and American Wonder. Phone Tabor 4SJ7 or J.- J. Willeyr Boring, Or. ALL our phonographs on free trial thia month. leiepuone Main liaa, or call Third Floor, Eilera Music bldg. Everything for the musician. A-l COAL heater for sale. 471 Magnolia at Wdln. 1955. ! -.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 SPECIAL player roll week, 6 rolls of good used roiii for $ 1,. all guaranteed. -- . U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO... i 147-149 8th t -'--".';- STEIN WAY At SON, $150 Old model, but in best of condition. Terms given. SEIBEit-LtNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th it. between Washington and Alder. v , , A FINE bargain in a standard mak at a low brie, $195; terms. I - ilG. F. JOHNSON PIANQ CO.. ' ! ' 149 th st i KIMBALL GRAND Ueed lor j demonstration only. ' At the price of a good upright Terms given. SE IB ERLI NO-LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 125 4 th st j (between Washington and; AHer. I V. I , ly I. " 1. ,1 . . Illll, IfJ U MIUl 1 11 1 1 1 . A BEAUTIFUL walnut case' Wick piauo, all re fiiuahed, just like new. $365i berms. , O. i JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 4 ntn st. i KIMxlALL PLAYER . PIANO At a bargain. See it. Terms given. SE1BEULING-LUCAS MUSIO CO., 125 4th St. between Washington and Alder, -j j !- , . PHONOGRAPH HEPAIRING. All makes, work guaranteed. Broadway 2831, Mi-rmrr.Ar.i- mttric .-co.. . - 129 10th St, bet Alder anil Wash. MAHOGANY Brunswick, cost new $150, guaran teed jiust like new, only $80 if sold at once. Call Phoangraph Department, 3rd floor, Eiler Music building. 887 H Wssm; etjjtist below 5th. CONN saxophone, silver plated, ;with goid ball, complete- outfit, $125. ' 1 ; G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., : J "2 - - K7-149 6th 8t.F' ' COLUMBIA Grafonola, slightly used. $70; Pack ard piano, practically new, $438; Kindler at Collin pisno (oak) $800. Harold 8. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st A SPLENDID buy in a Story Clark make. mahogany case, 8365; terras. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, - 149 6th at. ' FISHER PIAN'O. $200 Small plain case, good condition. - Terms given., t. SEIBERXJN U- LUCA8 MUSIC CO.. 125 4th t MARTIN "C" melody saxophone outfit 8ll0; terms. G. T. JOHNSONt PIANO CO., . 147-149 th at; WELLINGTON PIANO Plain mahogany or oak case, $275 each; best of condition. SE1BEB- LING-LUCA8 MUSIO CO., 125) 4tb t $176 BUYS fine $550 Bans piano and bench, mahogany; $50 down, $12.50 month, 811 Worcester bldg. ' ' .. ' $1000 - CABINET graod . pisqow only $265. terms; the world's finest piano. 811 WoTces ter bldg. ' KLMUALL PIANO Good . eondiuon; a snap, $260. - 8EIBERLrNG-LUCA8 MUSIC CX 125 4th St., between Washington- Snd Alder. $183 BUYS sweet toned piano, kimball make, $50 down, $12.50 month. ; 811 Worcester bldg. VIOLIN outfit complete, extra good quality, $25. " G, F. JOILVSON PIAXO CO., - :v 147-149 6th sfe FRANkLlN PIANO Walnut case. WiU sell cheap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th at. - ' ALMOST NEW, Victrola style A. Would cost 140 new, with records 893,1 409 Abington bide. "'': ; ; ALL onr phonographs on free (rial this month. Telephone Main 1123, Or ckU Third Floor. Eilers Music bldg. Everything for the musician. SCHIUMEU P1ANO150 A bargain. SEI&V BRLIMO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. '125 4th at, between Washington and Alder. - ' - ' A GOOD player piano, Ss-note,! for $375; term. F. JOHNSON PIASO CQ., 147-149 rjtn t BUSH at . LANal PLAYER PIANO Mahogany ease.. - Will - sell at !me-t half price. SEIBERT-IN O-LUC A S MrSIC CO.". 12 4th t CHICKERLNG uprigut piano, t. - Broadway 2555. $182 148 18th BRUNSWICK phonograph demonstrated in yeas own home. Nste'ATdrey, Seiiwood 2143. . FOR RENT Piano, gfafonol. JaU music. Em - pire Transfer. 254 Brosdwsy, VBdwy. 155. $575 WELLINGTON piano, lata plain mahogany, $200: terms. .811 Worcester bldj. WONDERFUL bargains ia pianes, cash or terms. - Buy here and save money. 409 Abington bldg. WAN TED Sweet Marshall 5709. toned . pianoj , pay- cash. ALMOST SEW Brunswick phonograph and rec ords for sale cheap. rcllwool 214. $625 W. ' KIMBALL piano, sic nprightt $ 65. -311 Wovceiter bldg. t - 1 GIBSON mandolin and sale cheap, abv violinr 1 Gibson guitar for - 668 Union aw H 325 j $725 BRADBURY maiviga Bf piauo. $200. Ea terms, 311 Worcester bids. (wS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS "001 tNJWNSTAIltli dsn. Hrhnn Piano fa CSS -Vese 4k- Hews dark aaalaeaay.$19n.00 900 Stemway 4k Sons n.ah.. ...... . 3P5.O0 550 Kimball it Co.. golden oak. ... 265.00 573 Chase. Urge, oak 190.00 1050 Singer player piano 896. OO 810 to 825 cash. . $5. $8. $10, 315 monthly, Pbonoarapa Dept. Used Specials. Ytetroia Brunswick, cab., earh ...... $05. OO Columbia and Pathe. cab., eacb....... 83.00 Stradivara, $65; Grafonola, small. .... . 12.50 101 10th St at Wash, and Stark Su. Security Storage Co.. closing out for cash. 1 $450 Spier Pisno Co., upright man..... $183 450 8tarr Piano Co., upright, oak.. ..,.193 275 Collard 4 Co Hard, smsll up. 65 800 Pianos-and player pianos and music' 293 250 Pianola player and 33 player rolls. .' 43 4 Parlor organs. $25, $35, $38 and..;: -48 ma mm sr., cott suita or. 1 IK1ZEN" pianos, 1 '$1&0 to $200. upright There may . be sales on pianos. See ount and compare them, yea will team where so buy. We invite inspection by anyone, we are proud ' to show them. . Terms given. . Brokerage Co., 311 Weeceater bldg., 8rd and Oak, - - '-. , A, LATEST imiiroved, finest model Auto Piano 'player mano, also bench and 63 roll, weil worth $1000 nowadays, on sale to close out $500; will make easy term for the mere addi tional simple interest.. See Eiler, second floor Eiler Musig building. 287 Washington, SEE sis for your plionograpb bargain i we have all types of machine at prices from $18 up. Come' in and look them over; terms. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. . 147-149 8th st HADDORFF GRAND MAHOGANY case, latrnt style, at a big reduction.: Used for demon stration only. - Terms given. ;i SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th at. between Washington and Alder. VIOLIN STRINGS and SUPPLIES are our - SPECIALTY. We always haw th best of Italian strings in stock. i. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO . " ; - 147-149 6th st A VERY fine, toned Steinway, coeis nowadays new over $900. Will take less than, half for all cash or sell on terms, $20 per month. Ask for Mrs. Preston, piano re-sale dept. Snd floor Eilers Musio bldg. Phone Main 1123, itll.TON 1'IANO Plain mahogany case, T2TT This . ia a .wonderful instrument at real bargain. See it SEIBERLING - LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st , between Wsshington and Aide.' '.-.'- .. , -..,. PRIVATE owner will sell Koahler AY Chase S8 note player, bench and music on term or lea for cash. Auto. 819-W7. JiEST player piano tuning, repair, rebuild. - V. Krcwar 284 MsrVet t. Work gnaranteed. DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 PLosLnjG out' my diamond jewelry at less than half price, i Diamond rings $25 to $400. H. A. Brown, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 252 Aider street.-- HOUSEHOLD : GOODS 902 . - CAMPERS,' , ATTENTION! - t ; . - j ..: - We bsve quite a number of smsll talking machines - suitable for camping; Grafonolaa, Victrola . and Edison, from $3 to $18.50; also a lot of slightly used double disc record at 25c each Mish Fmitire Co. 188-190 First St COAL tid wood images,..". ,.$15.00 P Cook stove. ............. .$10.00 Up Gas tove. ............. .-. $10.00 up - Gas water heater ... $ 9.00 up Floor coverings, yard. ........ .73 up Kitchen queen. ............ $ S.00 up Kitchen cabinets. .......... .$12 0(1 up I'ining Room extension table, ., 7 00 np Ihnmg room' chairs. . .... , . ... $. 1.50 up Living room rockers. .', ... .4' 4.00' up Librsry . tables. ...... ...... $ 5.00 uiA Simmons beds. ............ $1 0.60 op -Cotton felt- mattress. ........ $ 6.75 up Steel sprinri. .............. 6.00 up t.Cil apringa...,.. ......... J 8,00 up "Dressers $ 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE y,,- 208-21O- Fin t . f ' SAtE MONEY . Try our sales dept lit you want trbuy or sell bonseaold goods; reduced freight rate to most all points in our tbroush pool cars. Expert packing, repairing and ref inishing. Money loaned on good In store. Fireproof storage, low insurance rite. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah - boteL- rnone nroaaway aiis BEAUTIFUL Sheraton brown mahogany Sonora - and records,. Red Sesl and others, everything just like new. Cost $187, advertiser still owes $103, payable $15 per month and anxious to rot $20 or more for amount already paid. See about thia and several other nice used but good as new phonograph. 3rd floor, Eilers Mikuc bldg. Entrance and elevator 287 tt- Wash. t A WATER power Washing macnin . . . . . $ 6.00 Good sanitary couch .....,.!......$ 5.00 Gaa range, alx burner, three Oven, -suit-. - ' bl for large family or, small restaur ant .......................... .$40.00 Call at 212 Third st,- near Salmon, er phone Msin 453 Monday or Tuesday between 9 a. m. m in, o p. m. A VERY fine Brunswick phonograph! and many dandy records, cost new last Christmas $268.30; for immediate sale, will sacrifice $100; will even, take part cash and Wait for balance reasonable time. Phon Main 1128, or see Phonograph Department. Eilers Music building; entrance and elevator, 87 Washington st,. Reed Specialty Shop ' 119 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 3508. Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made ta order) also repaired and re finished. Bny -direct from factory. MAHOGAN T fnrnitare for sale, drawing room pieces of Adam period, very. elegant; also 9x 12 rug and beautiful Oriental screen. . Can be seen Wed. at 610 Bush tt Lane bldg.. 9 ta 3 o'clock, - . - -' . . ' - 52 FT. of lawn. fane, with rods 425, Universal wrinrer $5. wash tub $1, bed springs, mst treas $5. fruit jar 60c to 75e a dozen, sanitary couch $6, Bridge Beecb range $25, combination beater (complete) $10. 1105 Hawthorn Tab. B3Z5 A SLIGHTLY used hot air furnace large enough lor an s-room nouse. ; rnce gau, - cau at 474 Johnson at. Monday or Tuesday between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., or phone Broadway 231. WE HAVE a few tine ivory and aalnut beUa, chiffonier, chiffqnrobe and vanity dresser at factory prices. Call at factory, 441 E. Ijmnbard st, near Union ave. PRACTICALLY new Ohio electric sweeper, rea sonable; used only a short time. Phone Aut, 227-50. - ;. -- - : , - . - - - : IF YOU need cookstove, ranges or furniture, aee Williams, 6534 Foster road. Phone Auto. 637-57. - -.' .- Leaving city, furniture and ruga of 5 rooms at at sacrifice. 620 Failing t J FURNITURE for sale. 867 E, . Weidlr treet East 7870. COOK STOVE $6, water heater $12, gas range $8, Itss plate 82. 8n. 8051. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 FOR BALE Vaughn drag saw, fine eoolition; 550 E. 4 1st at also marine engine, 3 h. p. Richmond car. Launches and boats 904 I HAVE too many boat ; want to sell some of - them.-. They are as- follows: One 7 h. p., en. 8 h. p., one 15 h. p., one 25 h. p.. on 80 h. p., one 120 h. p.; two scows, one 40 ft by 12 ft., on 51 ft. by 16 ft., new. My larg est boat has twin Wisconsin motors; is 42 ft long, 12 ft besro; is new. Will deliver. . Write for particulars. C. T. Smith, Stevenson, Wash. LAL.M.U, 82x7, 15 B. p., medium duty engine. 1662 Meradam road Marshall 52 v. i il 1 1 1 BAi.1, uiasay motor canoe. bargain. 8125. Call Sunday or gVenings. Mar. 812. JFOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S Al-l, makes gua rati teed one year. Beat re-con-strricted typewriters on coast New price lit Wholesale Typewriter Co.; 321 Washington st, Portland, O. l'EBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, re . pairing, supplies. Distributor CORONA pot table. SUNDSTRAND . gdding machines. Main iiS. E. W. Pfe Co., 110 Sixth t ; ALL MAKES of typewriters fei-Ud, repaired and sold on monthly payment p'an. " Oregon Typewriter Co.. 84 Sth st. Msin 8668. FOR BEJfT Underwood-Itemini ton. $3.60 mo. - Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155, SWAPS " 92S WILL exchange Dodge touring car for furnitnr ta the real value ot"uu, I mi or nouse, aide preferred, good location. - H-a60. JonrnaL WILL TRADE good square shears and other - tinner's machines, for portable forge, . via and anvik Tabor 8883. iiO WHITE LEGHORN hen and pullet. Lt . . . . , . . i , -r , S . , v.lj tale or trede. .Wdln. 1717 A. A. Nelson, T ... st Ills HUDSON auir 6; will sell-or trade my Had-m; just . overhauled, good tires Urma. - Phone 615-54. . --' ' ' WIU. -jtrsde a new Brunswics pnunoarraph for bnirse paintln. Scilwood 2143.- -. ... ... FOR SALE I cycle. SelL -ton truck, a trade for aotor- 92S $100 EQUITY, good 7 room boo, saa. water and electricity , m -paved streets. -47 sb near Division st, to exchanee for cattle or sheep. Call or.-write 482 Hawthorne. . . - WANT chicken for phonograph. . Mar. 569. WANTED-I MISCELLANEOUS 950 W'A.N'TED People of Portland to know that 1 pay. the highest cash price for .second-band Wsi-ehoM goods. , No amount too large or to bt1L Prompt attention. y N, 31. 8EATEB . rhnn Eat?208. t4S Rnstl t . ; li.50 TO $25.0O MEYER. THE TAIIXK, pay- more for-See-end Hand suits, shoes, evereoata. We eall day or evening. Marshal 1229. or 26$ Madison street near Third. ' BOOKS Higlwat price paid lor Book of Knowl edge. Harvard Classics. Universal Anthology and - Story of" the Great War. Address U-70. JonrnaL . -': -'- - " DP-T6DltKriBUTErI . , . ... " Ws buy everything and anything In th lin of used furniture and household goods, too and old clothing nd junk.. Call Main 784. Vv'ANTED Gasoline pump, one gallon lift; must be in good condition. Address H. Smith, The Dalies, Or. - a I NK Good pr ices tor . old clothing, rags, metals, tool, furniture.? Broadway 183. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co.- We want your nsed'urniture, store, carpets at.d pianos; we pay the highest cah pneea. 168 and 16H Fir-t st Call Main 4627. SPOT CASH FOR' USED Ft 'RN ITU UK Main 8878 :J UNITED FURNITt'RK STORK . 179 FIRST STREET -- '--' M. R. S EATER - Buys the best aa welt aa cheaper grade of second hand furniture. SKO Onsnd eve. Auto. 232 68. 1 AM just oieuiut up a aecund hand ator. and I most have second hand dressers, tables, chairs, toelr, Rnd any other household good you want to veil. Will pay th best prices. Bast 4912. WE BUY used furniture, stoves, to. Reilabl Furniture Co., 203-205 '2d. Main 7308. TJLV ARMY OOODI V. at ARMY GOODS' tot sals, wholesale and retail; prices reduced. H. Horenateu. 84 St.. or Z4 1st at- Hill TBI. art Work, kmsroi&crv' ORDERS taken in embroidery, laces, and paint ings. 4 93 Wash. Mrs. J. Eppatein. ATH8 Turkish Baths $Wnrt Electro Therapist 24-boor aervice to ea. LANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAfcV INC., 109 2d at. blank book manufacturer, r A 8188. Mala 163. . ;'.--"' CAWPEWTKRW AWD UltDKWS tVkiiSERAL contractors plans furnished for all classes of buildings. sIVrraUona, repairing. tlmstes given. Phone Wdln. 42t0. ' OAT AND DOO HOSPITAL ROSE CIXX VETERJLNABT HOSPITAL. Ioe.. E. 7 Ui and Grant Both pbene. M 4 TUght servic. Three ve term nana . CtMENT WOR CEMENT WORav OF ALL KINDS AUT. 643-77 . OHIROPRAOTOWS CliiUOPRACTlC. steam bath and m. loth floor Bruedway bldg. Marshall A1I. Dr. Laura E. Downing. Open evening. bit JicjdAliO.S titciiau) His alsui: Psopi taking adjmtnienu wnil siniunn. i.m yr- - pia-nnir-a writs winsa KEGAL Cleaiwra, 'lailor and Hatter Cleaning and . dyeing a specialty. Out of town mail order given prompt attention, 127 H. VUt st, Portland, Or. OLCANINQ AND OYEINO CLOTHINO Gni r mm e rats LsUius, : children s, ,, iik new, price.- - 719 Union ave, N Big Tlne, ' litU East 1826. COAL AND WOOD ; a' SuperiorrFuel Co. 1 Summer rate now - on that good coal and cordwood,, heavy country slab, block wood. Special prices jor casu, isuor u mnn. i-n., . Hl'UUKH uricea. . Short blocks cut from new ry. -ties, -87.60 per load, or tlea 8 ft; abort alab, $6 per load,' sawdust, $2.50 per load; also carry full line ioi 1 fir, oak. asb. Hock Springs and Utah cnaL Standard Wood Co., East 2315. BOXWOOD behvered immediately by Fulton Woe Cow 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4178. iUU UOKliS wood, $8 per cord,' 6 cord lota, cut from big timber, taken ny wioow laoy on debt; roust sell Part of it NOW. Alberta, Irving- ton, fieri mont oistrwm, wain- ssui HENRY DIXON. Extra guou firaPgrtrwth cord--wood, 8.50 a eord, . Mail order to route 1, Vancouver, Wash. iBOOD 16 and 12-in. ountry slab. $5.60. $7.80. Heavy block, slab, $8. DRY, eord, load, half load. Bargains. Delivered anywhrr Sell 1769. Gordwood ,H7-oUjexnt Tt .'t COAL Select grade Utah, $15 det Wdlrr. 4102. CORDWOOD. for sale, 8. Altt 619-41. 9514 43d ave. S , CMIUNTRY 8LABWOOD Green ot .dry 4-foot or sawed. Star Wood At Coal in. Main Dill.'. CORDWOOD 87.50 per cord, H. E. district - Phone Aut 'naa-ns. DRY LUMBER TRIMMINGS.. CUT. 1 LNCUES. t4 PER 1X1 AD. WDLN. 83B7.- - FIRST growth cordwood 88,50 par cord. Wdln. 2363. ' ' "-'- - ' ' FIRST growth , cordwood, liberal reduction, de- livered from car. . rat. Fuel Co., fa. Q4I DRY country slab wood. $7-per cord. Pbona Aut. 682-Tli ', . ; ' . ; '. " Before ordfriug your winter' wood call Auto. 1 i,ii. ..i'iii ...i. . . .... ..i ..... ... DRY 16-in., 1 and 2-ln. lumber rang wood TS28-36. Ivortn nana ruei im, one unsnnv na 86 per loan. - i-rume vuin. - i BIG ld of boxwood. $5.60. Call WoisOlawn 5904, or 1188 MonUnk tt. ' -' j OCNYISTS " bk. B. fi. WRIQHT . Sd floor, Raleigh bldg.. cor. CU " BOd Washington sta, MM 2119. A-2119. Dentistry - 8i, Washington t Without Tain, Ijtest Nerve Blocking Method EDUCATIONAL OANOINO Downey's . ' ,' Dance Studio 886 e Washington street, over Hstelwood. Former instructor Cotillion halL JX Patteraon Uowney inst. RIMiLERS DANCING ACADEMY i PORTLAND'S LEADING SCHOOLS I fii Cotillion ball. 14tb off Washington; Broad way ball, Broadway and Msin. Class snd pri vate lessons by expert professions! instructors, in all . branches ballroom, clasaical, ballet eta. Pbtine or call for appointment. Broadway 3380, 81 89 -' " '-'-. THE IblXtti feTcWfj. iofr Uu. bldg .' Waabl tngton at Third. Private hour or half bowr IrsaciM: day. venin. .80 . . to t p. a. Conn lessons specially priced. Class Monday, S-noSy. fif p. m. aw iifaus SUMMER'S Dancing Academy. 854 6th. Les sons day, eve. Brosdwsy SSftO. MU CHOOtS AND TEACHERS L 'CARROLL DAY, teacher ot voice snd planet 1 4i 1 Ath at. nroeqway zaoo. T. B. LAW SON 10 yeara" expenenre; ptaaat leaaons at your home. 61. Aut. 648-18. f-ISH DEALER8 ' - " "CWANf A -KIPPERED SALMON OREGON FI?H 4t COLD STORAGE CO. FLUFF MUOS AND HAS 8U8I PORTLAND RUG COT Fhiff Bug, Mad From Old Carpet 1672-1674 E- ITTHtT BEl.LWKJlJ8Jlj. MAT CLEAN ERE AND OYER6 HATS elvased. bloesed, ded teasunable aid tM iafsctory Royal Hst Works. 828 First M. , KPirt1 TAILOR ' LADIES gLraaenta altered and lelitted. I. H bin. Isdes' tsilov, 408 Bu-h At Lane bldg LAVNDRV Lace Curtains 2it1lTd; 2264 NUR8ERIES GREGORY HEIGHTS :.' NURSERY '";.--.. Perenniah. porch o plant and b rubbery Order geraniums nd pnsy plant now. 688 80th St.,' Ro City ear. Tabor 8299 OrTOWtTRI8T EYESv scientifically tested' with mod. ern instmmeota i giasMa lifted at . ' SrPr!! asvins: sstlafsrtSTa ttlaranta. SWAPS rrnfTft?!! iCJfiJSrs J l JIv J &,(V)(V) ) UJ) I) ASi -fiv- ; , A. E. HCRW ITZ, OptometriM. 223 let St Sth and Oak. . .- - . - - ; ' WANTED-FURNITURE ' 65 2 i Wll.tl'' Tay " full value lor houaauiMd aixi. Pbone Main 8'J8. - ' COMMUNITY FURNITURE STORR PERSONALS 97$ GUARD YOUR LVLSU.H I employ only th. nt modern instrument and U n-n.t seientifie method is sa- an-lnlng your eyes, 20 years' emwrimos. Tlou saiida of satisfied patients. Evenings snd r"in dsys by Appoinlmrnt Chas. W. Godmn, lu'J Morison. Pr-visr pritea. Main 2124. UTILITA&NlN8TfrUTE Sueceaafuliy treats rhaiinuusm, tnmach and kidney, trouble ! steam and mineral baths, nur aaga Ladies by appointnivnu l ady auendanv 710-711 Swetlafid Bid. Main 6955, 9 a. in. to 8 l. m. ' LADIES'- and Children's garments. New and slightly used. Sum wonderful material and prioea. K. 408 AlUky BUI. EnUance on Third, near Morrtson. $1 GETS both leet fixed i.p at- Dr. Kalnn to. CHIROPODIST arid ARCH SPECIALIST who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here. E'lam, fret, Gltibe Theater Mdg , lltli and Wa-li. Hdwy. 2., iff n Consultation FREE. AU cases JliiWyVr 404 Consolidated Securities P M.l. 't.A a.l. iimiI... akti:4 - WANTED For adoption, bsby boy or girl, sua 1 week to 1 year. old. Mrs. Paul N annul, Cathlamet. Wash. bUPEltFLUOl'S HAllt. moles, warts ifin-l by 10 rwedl mcUiod. Trial free. Joaiv Flnley, R1 Husn l.rTie tii'i. stain nnnsi H.El 'llllU MANICI HE, iniircel, facutl masaaas scalp trestraent. electric vibratiir insaoaae, Po lysnn B"ity psrtres. 815 Brfidway M' it. CET Geurs. Rubn.uiin. the veteran opucian, fit yeur eyes. Expert optic-at serrice, reasnnabi. pricea. No char-r for testing. 2'-6 Mom-nn st. El EH toalcd and glasae titled hv graduate - aight speclalu't a low , a $": ntlsfartion gsisinnteed,. t.'il Una, ft ,t'n,f 28 Wa--h si, "UWANTA" kippered aalsuon for th pwmo lunch. Sell. 5R4. -' Csimblnos inada up. S. K. Iirrr, 24 Kilhncawnrth. Wondlawn 111"). MASSAGE, baths. lr. Klma S.rmii. 6T4 I'anam bldg. Main 50W6, Dnuloss phytnian. CrOUNG TO BAN FUANC.lS VVe.lilela r Thursday; new Hupmoblle. Photi Main 6369. ASTOMCTRIIVi HAVE YOTTft EYES KXaMINEM W recommend and prescribe glaawa only after thorough examination pre res their nrad. Too will find eur service rsliabl and charge Very re sous bl. A trial will cunvinc. cif n tifi: Optical Service 268 Mr.rrison t Main 6367. AINTINtt. TINTINO. PAtERHANQI"1 ROOK Pl.N't Oil PAINTING Is Mir hobby nd w are pleased to announc that th prme this Bos Carnival week ia eve below pre-war price and the Black Satin Wan ton Paint ia the best that money buys. Roof Security Co., 226 Hoard of Trade bldg.' Mala 671. Re., Bdwy. 609. Wali Paper, Paints, Etc. .' 230 SECOND STREET. MAIN 7823 ; : - :. Uhl Bros., Inc. :Norma5cy Paintincr Co. PAI'Kfl HANGING AND TINTINO PAINTING IH ALL, ITS BRANCHC: Tahor 6478. Tabor 874 J. HOUSE PAINTING, papering. Unting; wVr spots killed. Iteaaonable charge Tabor 7 el! 8. mornings. ' CROSS WHITE At Painting very reasonable. PKANZ Phone 622-88. J.'. J'L'ETON, painting, ppenng, tinting, 1B4 ,W. 17 th tt Brrsidway 4 4 1 4. Rood I wn 2126. PAPERING painting, tinting, low rati. Quick servif . Phone Bdwy. 8 2f. PAINTING and kalaom I n Tat and roof r-i.a!i Inn at moderate pricea; work guaranteed. East 43. PATENT ATTOWNEYn 0,1 COUiBBHO. MlentA, trademarks, tnvj. right. 610 Cbambar of Cemmerc bldg. - PHY8IOIAN8 Jjr. n. a. 1'irrxnriir Broadway Ulda. Office Practice only. tLoiwiNa and steaiti fittTnoT" PlPElLron and Cllay FIRST CHADK-PlinMPT DELIVERY LOWEST PRICES PerJess Pacific Co. Phon Msrshs 11 1801. on-la- trotit Street. - Plurnbinir eral j.bbio nT - er woraj prioes W. A. MYERS, 173 K. 6td st. W, 4 LOW prices en all kiurla iiluaibjtig su IU l,nr. ...... .I..1.1I.I i..... , 1 1 W, A. MYERS, 175 K. fid i.-Wl'ST LOW price en all kiurla pluaibitig suipiica. I.l iisnre on your installs uona. aiii-n. i'i,.. Co., 617Untnn v. N., near Russell. E. 42HS. L V M Ul S(i SUPPLIES stWli7lLI.SAl.fl tt ij 1 1 I. a -f. i nt.- t . . , ,, . . . . .. . . , 1 , T 1 . ., . . !J jL' THE M. U KLINE CO., 84-86871 9 7rjrTa' rHINTINO, E NaWAyiNQ, UI N Z I N tt IStflltfo '-"ESS CARDS $L2o ". " USES CARDS $2.60 Liberty Prlntery. 1 03 4 i th St Main n?rt. Prinltir.fr -w7TI"aTte8 "c6 '"" " sndOsk. Main 16.1. 6lts tifE" iRwot uoirsoNcTMi-rN f , 887 Wshington. Brodwy 494, A 1 2 S. 60 WLDDlNG inv t's or annc'm'ts $8; artinuc, firomrif. Smith, firititeri, I I N. flih st. AMQIf IPV PRTiN(. CO. Quality. fiirV. -nll3JL.iG I Ice. 252 Wash. st. Main 4071. hoop nrA in in a ROQF PABNTflNQ N Best roof-paint estimate given freel ail Work guaranteed. Main 2694, J. C. Uiii. ROOFS repaired and pain feo; guitars r)nU Hx.f Security, Inc., mlga Watiloot Paint. Board of Trad. Main 67 L Mam 6044. vol. IHO, OittiAlN ItOOFiNG Co. I'aintin ami ri'isfrl rng all kind of roof. Best Gjlsanlta pamt Used.- All work guaranteed. 1764 K. Glitaa au . . V- . - ft' .. 1 .fill. . wn... mmmm s nonwt i innr 9 n t I, i irntr iity. ROOF j PAINTING Best roof psint, rMmat given free; gfj work' g-isrsnteed. Msin 2694, J. C. Wilas. tlOOFS repsired, palnteJ snd lttrn""runZf- work guaranteed. E. E. Nlckell, East 8183 Fisrvrisil lOM. ROOFS re;aired and jsiinUd. Pricea ami paiti best. Elhrwonh Roof Co . Eaat 2'7.' OALrv AND fAOIAL g-gCIALIT EveSyn Treinies . Suite 420 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 4414. Acthy treatments snd tcieiitifle faial r t. rection, iMndruft. falling of ih. hair and Itch, ing acalp successfully treated. On er two trsat ments will convince yon. EWER CONNgOTION oKWERWORii Roasnnabl and reliable Tehir 833. 1967 E. Gtiwn. SHEET METAL WORK MULTNOmAH SHEET" . . METAL WORKS . Roc fin, gnttering, . rricaffn. icbblne n general verarrin PTiona Brrsidway 92 2:' t.i, TOVE REfAtWlWa Why Buy a New Stove? W repair aD kind oftos. gas rang a and t-vrneee East 6981. TRANFEW AND STORAOE SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO, Packing-Moving Slrrag. MONEY LOANED ON GOODS Lf STORAGS 3 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah botsi I'bon Broadway 8716. ,,..-.-. always ricK 7(i'KMEfwifThT7,jr,i7T GOODS SPECIALIST Stores, iein. bipcing and moving i hers and auto vanaj tvm eial ta lo li ptiinta C. O. PICK TRANSFER 4V STORAGE Co 2d nd- Pin, sta . Broadway 606 A-l " 1 Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Uliaan St Broadwav 191 ukayaoe Four Warelioiises on Torminsl 1 racks Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse Inc. 12TH AND OLI8AJI, BROADWAY 8471 C. C. CHAPPEiX" , Furnitnr. and Piano Moving. Auto trucks for local and ion du-tane. ttan!a, xpreas and "bautsge transfer. Coal for sale. 1029 E. Yatnliill t ' Tabor 17r ". ' . 1 irEfOCR FIG I: RES " V you money t iiorsg d4 pacli-i; small or large truck. ROSE CITY, TnANAFEn CO, BDffT. "4 ii.lUtE"i Ffll-lGH'l liATLfl to all poit.C bn-enold 'ids Pacific Coat Furwaii.i Co.. tlh and Hort . Bdwv 703. CHAUI-laVai eapresa and baia; a-o gunersl Lauliag. Aut 527-bS.