TUESDAY, JUNE 11. 1CJ1. C; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. THREAT IS MADE TO FIRE REBELS' Washington, June 14. (I. N. S.) Opposition to administration's pro gram , of reorganization In grovern mental departments has grown to Such proportions ' within the depart ments themselves that cabinet offi- cers today were instructed by Presi- dent Harding to notify their bureau chiefs and; employes v that propa ganda and 'hinderances put in the way of reorganization will, be cause for 'dismissal from public service. If the guilty person can be found. CITIZENS ASK VOTE 4 (Con tinned From Psgs One) the suitability of the women who bad been . nominated: ' from other sources. They found both admirably fitted to the position, but it was deemed expedient to nominate only one and some technical question- having risen as to Mrs. Bu land's residence the choice fell upon Mrs. Beggs, who was found to be possessed In a high degree of the qualifications Information sa 1 Csssrfs WCiwfi'w iMjUav . FOR CANDIDATES m i no ,i!ki.v'!.asee..eeiw!.iMi.M w ie.fl,ie,ea Miijiay I PaBaalb ir 111? jr f a i vMiimiiiiiiiiiihiiimiiitiuiiimimumiiiiiim Teleph Pacific Long Distance telephone service is universal. It places the producer in close touch with his market. It brings the home of the traveler to his hotel. It provides a prompt and satisfactory means of communication between friends in distant cities.; . j It enables the business man to communicate immediately with his salesman and with his trade, i ' It eliminates time, it saves expense it gets results. Pacific Long Distance service is available not only to neighboring' cities and towns but to the East, the South, and to all Pacific Coast points. i- - . , Make use of this money and time-saving service; time5 saved is money earned. ' - ' i ' , - Consult your directory for rates. Ask for Pacific Long Distance 4 or dial 21 1 from Automatic telephones. . . . : .-' iiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiu both In respect to her Interest and com petence in educational matters and ber business capacity for. the position. : "Solicitation ' J of many people v re sulted in acceptance by i' E, ; T. XJt tlefleld, Charles i B. Moores and v E C. Sammons, II of . whom - passes capacity and fitness, I and who, . en Joy public confidence, Ko promise, pledge or assurance - was exacted ot asked from any of tbem except that they should, and would, earnestly undertake the duties of the office. If .elected, and give to tbem the - necessary time and attention, yf ( ' ?--r. :'..' - - CANDIDATES ABE UNBIASED I "It is believed that a ticket : freer from selfish r; flnterest "V or pactional bias was never presented toj the public and it vhas s rarely been pos sible to induce citizens of such high standing and qualifications and so well known to -. undertake the . arduous and responsible task of school director; certainly never so many at one time. On submission of the report to the full j com mittee it was adopted. ' f "We earnestly solicit the support of all voters for Mrs. James Beggs, H. Vu lit- n. vu inl and E. C the follow- tlefleld. Charles B. Moores and Sammons. ' . ; ; , : , ' . The statement Is signed by the In: The Rev. W. G. Eliot, Mrs. Oteorge Gerlinger, J. c. .tnswortn k. ju. Haotn, the Rev. W. T. : McElveen, Richard W. Montague, Hugh Hume, .Father Thomp son, Emery- Olmstead. H. B. Van Duser, Edgar Bi riper. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Dr. George Rebec, Ben - Selling, Joseph N. Teal. W. B. Ayer, J. E. Wheeler, J. B. Kerr, Marshall Jf. Dana. -. -,.;' MRS. BEGGS FIRMLY AGAINST : REDUCING TEACHERS' WAGES It would be a false economy in school management that would start retrench ment in expenditures by reducing the salaries of the 1 teachers of the public in the OOLP ON A COUMI A MILS HIGH TENNIS SWIM . IN WARM SULPHUR POOLS IN OlOHT OP CLACIAL ICS FISHCANOB MOTOR RIDS PONIES DANCE HIKE- Snowbcll la tho Mouatclaa OR TAKE THINOS EAST AND OET A BILLION DOL- -LARS WORTH OP SCENERY rftOM HOTEL VERANDAS AND OPEN-TOP OBSERVATION CARS BETWEEN -VICTORIA, B.C AND SANFP IN THE ROCKIES. SEVEN HOTELS AND MOUNTAIN CHALETS. TWO NEW MOO ER ATE-PRICED BUNGALOW CAMPS FIELD AND . LAKE WINDERMERE. , . . FOR FULL PARTICULARS WRITE. TELEPHONE OR STOP AT THIS OFFICE OF THE j CANADIAN PAQHC HAILVAy E. E. Pess, Gea. Ar't Pass. Dept. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY " S Third Street, Portland, Ore. i i. Long Distance one Service The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Go. schools. Mrs. James Beggs, candidate for school director, told the members of the Rotary club, in speaking before its noon luncheon at the Benson today. : Casting her discussion in the diction of the business man. Mrs. Beggs called the attention of her auditors to the fact that the public schools, not only of Fort land, but of everywhere, are engaged In turning out a product fundamentally and Immensely valuable . to the community and the state. In the schools the future citizen the state builders and the home builders of the country are moulded and prepared for the work that will fall to each when manhood and womanhood call them into active adult life. ? ' The teachers. Mrs. Beggs contended.: are the skilled workmen and workwomen under whose efforts and Influence the children are fashioned and made ready for the future. They produce, hand in hand with home training and influence, the finished product of the public schools the citizenry of tomorrow. -;a The taxpayers are eyeing the cost of conducting the schools, Mrs; Beggs said, and are demanding retrenchment where possible and economy at all points. There should be the strictest economy, she agreed, but she contended that low ered cost of school - operation should come', from the elimination ' of . non essentials where those might be found. It would be a great mistake for the people, or for the school board as their representatives, to start at the teachers' salaries in seeking to reduce operating costs. She argued that school teachers ought' not only of Justice but of expe diency to be given such compensation as would enable them to live in comfort so that their minds, unhampered by con tinual thoughts of financial ' worry, could be turned to their duties and .their efforts be concentrated on turning out the highest type of product possible to be' produced. . " . -;':?-. - Mrs. Beggs also told the Rotary club that she was heartened for the cause of SIX Army Auction Sales! WRITE or WIRE to SUHPJL.tTS PEOPEKTT OFFICER Q. M. C- at any of the following ad dresses for complete lists of goods to be sold by auction on the following dates: BOSTON, JUNE 21 NORFOLK, JUNE 28 NEW ORLEANS, JUNE 22 EL PASO, JUNE 28 . CAMP GRANT ( ROCK FORD), ILL., JUNE 29 CAMP LEWIS (TACOMA) WASH., JUNE 28 Merchandise to be sold consists of new - and reclaimed BLANKETS, COATS, UNDERWEAR; LEG GINGS. SHOES. COTS, SHIRTS, SLICKERS, SOCKS, MOSQUITO BARS, BREECHES, RAIN COATS, GLOVES, MOLESKIN, DUCK, JUTE PADDING, PUTTEE CLOTH, BOBBINETTE, KIT BAGS, CANVAS W ATE R BUCKETS, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, HELMETS, CUPS. FIELD RANGES, SAW BITS, CHAIN CONVEYORS, WELDING FURNACES, HOB NAILS, SLIP ROLL MACHINES. TANKS, DRILLS, DRIVE SCREWS, RATCH ETS. RIVETS, WASHERS, COFFEE URNS. BACON CANS, WATCH COMPASSES, AXLES, POLES, EN GINEERS' TOOL WAGONS, CURB BITS, SNAFFLE BITS, CURRY COMBS, HORSE BRIDLES and COLLARS, HORSE BRUSHES, HALTERS, SADDLES, NOSE BAGS. CANDLES, SALMON, TO BACCO, CONCRETE MIXERS, AND VARIOUS OTHER COM MODITIES., Sal will becin promptly at 10 m. at eari of the places oa the dato named. Uoods will be offered in lots to auit- all parehaaeis. Don't fail to attend then wUea. Surplus Property Branch ; Office of the Quartermaster General, Munitions Build- ing, Washington, D. C, education as' she went from "clrlc club to clvle club, where she saw busy men and "women taking time from their dally occupations to discuss public questions with open minds. It was a system of education In itself, she believed, which fitted men and women to meet in demo cratic comradeship and to strive for the highest ideals of citizenship. Rail Conductor, i ; Fighting Bandits, . Severely Wounded Fort Worth, Texas,- June 14. CI. N. S.) Masked men who attempted to hold up a Texas A Pacific passenger : tram early today at Tiffin switch, 90 ' miles west of Fort Worth, shot and probably fatally : wounded . Conductor- Michael Tighe. - The bandits attempted to board a day coach but Conductor Tighe, stand ing on the steps, fought -them off and was shot through the . abdomen. The bandits escaped. Bank Building Sold To New Kelso Bank Kelso, Wash., June 14. The Kelso State bank building, was sold at public auction this morning by T. H. Adams, deputy bank supervisor, to the newly organized Cowlits Valley bank of Kelso, the only bidder, at a price of $27,000. A charter will probably be Issued to the new bank immediately. - It has a capital of 130,000, surplus of $10,000. with $15,000 additional provided to purchase the building. ' Wallace Huntington is presi dent, C. C. Rulifson, vice-president, and IM. Cleek, cashier. " - - '- ' ' - $25 a Day Off Until Sold 192 Heroes Big Six Tosrlsg i Regular, vrlee . 25 , V 3Tow. dowa to.. 182 ; COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY BUILDING PERMITS S. L. Dariea, erecting residence, 760 East Thirty-third street, between Powell arena and aad Francia street; builder, same; $3500. T. H. Johnson,- erectins residence, 74T East Forty-eighth street, between Fremont and Klicki tat streets; builder, same; (3500. Mrs. K, A. Fox, erecting residence,-' 1384 Hal sey, between Forty-ninth and FUty-first" street; boilder. same: (3000. J. A. McGorty, erectins residence. S3 East Serentieth street, between Morrison aad Stark streets: builder, same; (4500. ZiM Statistics 7T2rriges,Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES ! Rush Mendenball, legal, city, and Kuth-. El kin, legal. 513 Albina are. i Ijeshe Flnmmer, 25, 208 Fourteenth street, and Mary Reach. 19. 185 Park street. Waldo W. Bill, legal. 821 Marshall street, and Mabel K. Deremiah. legal. Royal Arms apart ment. George W. Hserle, legal. 1,67 King street, and Grace K. Soden. legsl. 1047 Hassslo street. Vlggo Peterson, legal, Morris hotel, and Hes ter' M. Musgraye. legal. 811 Going street. i . Albert G. Wilson, legal, 655 Dekum street, and Grace L. Fuller, legal. 555 Dekum street., t Jake Binger, 19. 1036 Front street, snd Faa nie Blond, 16, 250 Arthur street. Frederick R. Berts, 30, 1189 Stanton street, and A dele Walter. 30, 615 Kast Burasde street. Harrjr B. Simpson, legal, 425 Fifth street, nd Dorothy D. Conrad, legal, 1293 drire, ' . Gay W. Thatcher, legal, 302 Sacramento street, and Mary E. Sullivan, legal, 91 Blan dena street. Barent 1. Baicourt, legal. 1132 Knight street, and Myrtle Agnes Smith, legal, 5241 Fifty-second Street southeast. . ..:.. -:. - i Henry J. Prairie.' 29. 588 East Jarrett street, snd Lucille M. Brown, 27, Portland. i Theodore Gulhougen. 29, Kennewick, Wash., and Gertrude A. Christensen, 24, 425 East Tenth street. - - . , John Enright, legal, 752 : East Thirteenth street, and Alice E. Molohon, legal, 584 Hoyt street . Purl I. Mandenille legal. 115 H West Kil patrick street, and Esther Carlson, legal, 169 Vs DenTer street. ' OUR GIFT TO THE JUNE BRIDE " - Before you order your wedding announcements and cards, visit THE CHETOPA PRESS. i A request for samples entitles yon to 50 beau tiful calling cards in an engraved effect, fres of charge. i BROADWAY AT TAYLOR : I WEDDINQ AND V1S1TINO - i CARD ENGRAVERS i W fl. SMITn CO. Ill Morcan Bids. - BIRTHS . LAMANTIA To Mr. and Mrs. - M. Lamantia, 625 E. 1 6th, June 8, a son. MONACO To Mr. snd Mrs. F. Monaco. 273 Porter. May 2T, a daughter. , - i KEPLER To Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Kepler, 1410 Madors, April 22, a son. BLETCH To Mr. and Mrs. U E. Bletch. 4904 45th, June 9, a daughter. SUNDT To Mr. and Mrs. W. Sundt. 1279 Belmcnt. June 8. a daughter.. 1 LOGGAN To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Loggan. 293 E. 84tb, June 4. a daughter. GEORGE To Mr. and Mrs. Otto George, 131 E. 10th, June 4. a son. WINKLER To Mr. and Mri Otto E. Winkler. slHsn4is Ifrartf .Istne ft m mn - .PATTERSON To Mr. and Mrs. George Patter son, 341 U. 16th, dune 4, son. ROOT To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Root, 296 E. Ruwett, June 1, a son. PETERS To Mr. and Mrs,' H. R. Peters, 708 E. . Richmond, .June 2, a daughter. -COON To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Coon. 619 N. Ivanhoe, June 3, a daughter. NOBLES To Mr. and Mrs, L. M. Nobles, 1489 Virginia. June 7, a son. MeALLISTKR To Mr. . and Mrs. James K. McAllister. 820 E. 11th. June 9. a son. . DEATHS MALLQN Georgev Msllon. Willametts" rirer. June 8, 40 years: drowning. HANSEN Peter H. Hansen, 46 Preacott. June 11. 57 years: carcinoma. t FERBRACHE Russia A. Ferbrache, 132 E. 39th. June 12, 87 years; senility. 1 CLINK F. W. Cline. St. Vincents sanatorium, June 12, 84 years; erysipelas. MARTIN Marie Y. Martin. Emanuel hospital, Jane 11, 40 years; streptococcemia. WILSON Frank D. Wilson, Good Samaritan hospital, June 10, 63 years; automobile acci dent. .- - -' !' - ' -ji f EBELINO Anna Ebeling, St. Joseph's borne, June 10, 83 years; senility. . , NEW TODAY FLUFF RUGS from old earpets. tmotea clothing, rag rasa, all alssi; eooi.try mail orders ! prompt attention: mattresssa. fctbsr piUows renoeated.. Bend tor booklet. . Carpet Cleaning Largest, finest eqtdppad earpet Aeantna tefittlnc works i state of Oregon. 1073 B. Lincoln .St. SxlS Rugs Steam Uleacad gUBO MATTRESSES Old mattresses made over hike new. . Separate completely equipped - mattress - - factory. , WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. MAIN OFFICE 84-60 UNION AVE.. N. Bast SB If S3T-OT : Bast ( NEW R UG S Rewoven bom old carpets save eat fcajf .. est of erdinary earpeta. Our fmff rose are velvety, doable and ertistfcb ' Guaranteed te weac . FLUFF RUGS IINORTHWESTRUGCO. The eMest ens (net equipped faetr Fluff and ras rugs woven all stsas; . 1 eta refitted; Ixll rugs steam career s 81 We cell for and dahvec. 1SS B. EletrUI St, , . FbwM Saat SSM NEW TODAY Sectional Houses and Oarages HADE TO EKDTJKK ISTestigate Free Catalogae Sedimads Bldg. Ce, Portias d, Or. fC lltta and Market Phone K. 6114 West Side Office, - Commonwealth Bid., 6th and Pine JPnone Bdwy. 4336 WHY PY MOMT FLUFF RUQI M'DI FROM OLD CARPETS Ii8. 4.00 8x10...'. ..S18.S0 4x7..;....$ S.OO 9zl2.v....S21.00 CARPET CLEANINa, SIZIMa AND REFITTIMa ; PORTLAND RUG CO. 1S7X-74 E. 17th St. Sallwood 3S22 ': , . FLUFF RUOS; Msde From An Kinds of Old Carpets One 810 Fluff Rug.... J....S1B.00 One Ss S Fluff Rug 9 4.00 OREOON FLUFF RUB CO, 4984 E. Stark SL . j Tenor 7S14 AUCTION SALES TOMORROW t'l' WIUiU.Nl AUC11KN HutfE, lott-173 SECOND HTRKET. SALE AT 1ft A. M. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE To the Lesai Voters of School Dis trict - No. 1, - Multnomah County, Oregon: Tou axe hereby notified that, pursuant to a reso lution of the board of school directors of School District No. 1, Multnomah county. Oregon, s special school tax election will be held within the district on Saturday, the 18th day of Juds, 1921, to vote upon the question of authorizing the district to lery taxes within the district upon the awessment roli for the year; 1831, larger by 8950.000 (being SDDroximtelr a S mill fery upon the assessed valuation of said district) tnaa xne amount umiiwi oy we consutution -or tne state ot Oregon, unless specifically authorized by a vote of the electors of the distirict. said amount being the amount necessary, in the opinion ff the board, to provide for the purchase of neces sary sites and the erection of : necessary school buildings in various portions of the district dur ing the ensuine sear. i - The polls will be open oa the day of election from 12 noon to 8 p. m., and the Qualifications oi voters at una election are fixed by chapter 99, General Laws of Oregon for 1917. In this election, the voter must have the property onalt. ficationa. -v i Dated this 27th day of May.! 1921. i : f GEORGE Bt THOMAS. Chairman Board of Directors, B H. THOMAS. i District Clerk. " . - j ' NOTICE OB" ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION ' Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 1, Multnomah county, state of Oregon, that the annual school election for said district will be held on the third Saturday of June, being the 18th day of June. 1921. for the purpose of electing four directors to serve for three years,' said election to be held at each ef - the several polling places is said district as provided by the board of directors, and the elec tion to begin at the hour of 12 o'clock noon and to continue until 8 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated this 27th day of May. 1921. i GEORGE B. THOMAS. Chairman of Board of Directors. R. H. THOMA3 District Clerk. ; NOTICE OV SALE: OK IRRIGATION . DISTRICT BONDS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received until the 24th day of June A. Dw 1921. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the purchase of fifteen thousand dol lars worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation district of Klamath county. Or. , Said bonds are to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually upon the first -day of July and the first day of January, of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of : directors of said irrigation district, and should be directed to th secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District, care of Fred IX . Fletcher. Loomia building, Klamath Falls, Or. The board of directors reserve the ' right to reejet any or all bids offered, i - - ; G. Jt HILTARD, " i: : Secretary of the Board ef Directors of EntersriEfc Irrigation District. NOTICE I will not . be responsible for any bills or charge accounts contracted by any one in connection with my name or house. ' ' C. L. LAMPE. 95 H N. 13th St. I WILL not be responsible for any debts made by my wife, Mrs, Hazel EL Kellogg Barber after June 14. 1921. OV B. BARBER. MEETING NOTICES 102 Dancej v; .V:; i 'Tonight . : . For Public - Everyone invited by live wire council Anchor Council No. 746. Securitv Benefit Asso ciation, Largest crowds, best music and best times. Come, get acquainted. W. O. VV. hall. 128 11th. Admission 35 cents. 1 PORTLAND LODGE NO. 281. LOTAL ORDER OB MOOSE. mm meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the new Moose temple, 4th at Taylor street " jw Inflation event first and third Wednesday of j the month. All Moose are requested to attend. Visiting Moose welcome. Bt or der of the dictator. . J. V. KENNEDY. CAMP! 1 meeta every Wed nesday evening in vv. O. W. Temple. 128 11th at. 1 CAMP tl All members requested to attend. vvitors welcome. v if u. - ti a ntr . ' 4. HERMAN SCUADET Clerk. B. P. E. ELKS No, 142 Mem bers and their friends are in vited to attend! the annual flag day exercises ofi the order which will be. held in the lodge room. Elks temple, this (Tuesday) ever ning, 8 o'clock M. R. SPA LADING. ec'y. COSMOtOl-ITAX LODCiE No. 109. Knigfata of Pythias, meets every ... Wednesday evening, third floor, Pythian bldg.. No. 388 Yamhill u Visitors al ways welcome, i ' FRED Ct E ESTER ' - Ki of K. and & 488 East Twentieth Street. REGULAR meeting of Villa Lodge No. 3 24. L O. O. F.. Wednesdsv everans. Jane 15 S o'clock, E. 80th snd -Glisan sts. Initiatory de gree will be conferred. All members requested to be present. Visiting brothers trordially invited. , . J. B. W1LSTE, N. . C. P. NELSON. Secy. LA1HKH AND GENTLEMEN I Tou are ail inriiefl to go on a river excursion, given by the Women of Moo heart Legion, on the boat Swan, on Sunday. June 19. llsst leaves foot of Yamhill st. st 9:30. a. m. r Returns st 7:80 p. m j Dancing all dsy long, i Tiekets 81, in cluding war tax and dancing jprivilege. - Come with us and have a good timi. COURT ML Hood No 1. roresten of Ameries. cneets every Tues . day night at Fonesters' ball. 129 4th st. . ' Initistion first meeting. card party and dance fourth meet. . roe each month, i All Foresters ta- viied . . i . HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. K. A.- Bi. Special com munication this (Tuetdayt .evening st 7 :30. Work in the E- A. and E M. degrees. Visiting brethren welcome. C B MILLER. Her'y EMBLEM JEWEX.HT v vwulr. ''buttons, pins, eharnM 4eeser Www.- 81-13 eth - CARDS OF THANKS WE D&8IRB to express our einrere gratitude to our many friends and acquaintances and to the Etfcsv' Masons, American Legion and base twpital 46 for your work audi loving sympathy and timely assistance and the many floral offer ings daring oar recens beresvament and death of my ' beloved hnshsnd and . eur beloved son. Mrs. E I). Stout, Mr. and Mrsj F. M. Stout.. I WISH to express to oar many friends my sincere thank and appreciation for their kind deeds and sympathy shown me during the illness and death o( my beloved .wife. Mary Monroe J.den. HKHAHH H. JORDAN. WE WISH te thank our many i friends f r their sympathy - and kindness and beautiful floral offerings during the illness snd death of my be loved wife snd our sister Rosa, A. Evans. (Signed) F. T. Evans, sisters sad brothers. DEATH NOTICES 103 KEELT At residence. 1137 Tenins ave., June . 14. Frank D. Keely, aged 43 years, husband of Alice Keely, and father of Melva, Melvin, Frank lin and Edwin Keely: brother of Mrs. J. Ander son and Charles Keely of Oakland, Cal., and George Keely of this city. Deceased was a mem ber ot Longshoremen's local No.: 18. Remains are at McEntee A Eilers, 10th end Everett ate. .rancrat notice later. STEVENSON" In this city, June 18, Mrs. - Jennie McMillan-Stevenson, aged 48 years, wife of Adsm L. Stevenson of 463 Sumner st. Remains ere at the residential funeral parlors vf Donning A McEntee. Morrison street at 12th. ennerai notice later. TIDBALL In this city. June 13. John TidhalL ' seed 83 ' years, husband of Helen TidbaJU Wellington Court. Remains are at McEntee A Eilers, directors, 16th i end - Everett. Funeral notice later, - -: ' - - CETTO In this city.- Jane 13. Lorenzo Otto. seed 60 years, husband of Carolene Cetto of St. Helena, Or. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & McEntee, Morrison street at ITeelfth. Funeral notice later. WILSON In this city. June 12. Lee Wilson, aged 40 years. The remains are at Finley'i mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of fu neral hereafter, i i. - I FTJNERAL NOTICES ' 10 HAROLD At residence, 463 North Twenty i second street, June 12, Edward Dudley Harold, aged 72 years, husband of Amelia J. Harold and father) of Mrs. R, E. Lyons, Haverhill, Mass.;' Mrs. ..John. Henry. Ethel, Katheryne, John. J., Edward D. Jr., William and Frederick Harold, and brother of Mrs. Marjorie McTiernan, Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Mary Welch. Dorchester, Mass. Funeral will be held from residence, Wednesday, June 15, at 8:80 a. mi, thence to St. Patrick's church. Nineteenth end Savier streets, at 9 a, m., where requiem mass will be offered. ; Friends in vited, j Interment, ; Mount Cslvary cemetery. MeEntee tt Eilers, : directors. St. , Johns,. New Brunswick, papers please copy. Deceased was a member of Industrial lodge A. O. TJ. W. . -' CAMPBELL In this city, June 13 Amanda lata of Springfield, Or., wife of Charles Campbell ef Springfield ; . mother . of Owen A. Thompson of Rlschly, Or.; V. X. Thompson ef Junction City, Or.; C. IL and A. V. Thompson of Eugene. Tbe remains will : be forwarded by J. P. FInley A Son Wsdnesdsy, June 15. to Junction City, Or., where service will be held ton iniermeni msae. i GAKLAND -Funeral services for i the late 'Mrs. - Margaret Garland -will be held; at 1 :80 to morrow (Wednesday) at the chapel of Cham bers company, 248-250 Killingaworth are. lu terment, Multnomah cemetery. i FUNERAL. DIRECTORS 105 ' &S0N "; (WALTER i. HOLMAN) THIRD AND SALMON ' MAIN 607 ; East Side Funeral Directors I F. B. DUNNING, INC ' ! "The Family Sets tbe Price.' 414 E, Alder St - Phone East 62 . Lercli, Undertaker .. BAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST 781 Dunning & McEntee- 1 Morrison st. at 12th I Broadway 430. Aut, 645-58. ' CHAMBERS CO. ( Funeral Directors. ! All the Conveniences of a Home. Woodlawn 8300. ' 248-250 Killingsworth ave. R. T. BYRNES ffiSl 901 Williams Ave. - Woodlawn 220 FINLEY'S MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN ' 8 DOWNING McNEMAR A homelike place. Moderate in prices.; Irvington district. Phone East 04 McENTEE A.- EILERS. tuneral parlors with all the privacy of . a home,! 1 0th and Everett sta. Phone Broadway 2133. i Aut.' 621-33. MILLER A TRACET. independent funeral di rectors. Prices as low as 320, $40. $60. Washington at Ella. Main 3ol. Aut 578-85. SHrnnroa UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4152 SltCcWCS A-2321. Corner Third and Clay. Ce-e.Aoo.fi 6M,rw1Lr- 1047 Belmont St. L91 tibA.tUa.eja.a'U'Vr'ira. Tab, 12S8. B-2346. A, R. Zeller Co. Phone East 1088. MONUMENTS 106 FRET.FREIHEIT CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS i 1141 MILWAUKIE STREET . I Out of tbe High Rent District . ' I "NCFF BED." .: ' OTTO SCHUMANN . MARBLE VrORKS l QOUJTY MXMOSUAIS E. THIRD . WNE STS PHONG. E.T-43 FLORISTS 107 lARCmftfTAIL FLCRISTLnfCr CIaCGE ACCOUITS SOUCITED 2 S TO LIES 32SMOBiaffOMST 1 MSMOWlTSOHSlI PORTLAND HOTIL MAB.. 753 6ET.IOT rAUK. MATt 2.57 Smith's Flower Shop-:.- lPortlsnd's Progressive Florist" ) Flowers for All Occasions. Main 7215. T. C LUKE. Mgr. 6th and Alder. MARTIN A. FORBES CO., florists, 354 Wash ington! Msin 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. fffliml's FLORAL SHOP vOpie S 245 Alder. .Marshall 5922. Chappell's iul-USi SfiK I LOST AND FOUND 10 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portlsnd Rsilwsy, Light & Power Co., June 11J1021; 4 umbrellas. 3 lunch boxes, 1 purse, 1 bunch keys, 2 ! suitcases, 5 hsndhsgs, 3 pain gloves. 1 book, raincoat, handbag, pillow, sweater, 6 packages, baby bootee, letter, suitbox, bundle bedding, pump, kodak. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification st First snd Alder 'street station. i THE following articles were found on the cars of the; Portlsnd Railway. Light it Power Co., June 12,! 1921: 2 umbrellas 2 lunch boxes, 3 purses, beads, 2 suitcases. 3 handbags, 4 pairs gloves, 1 i book, baby shoe, hat. f ap. rule, basket, eye shade, cane, 1 bundle bedding. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder street station,! ' LOST Black beaded bag. either on Linnton road or in front of j712 Michigan avenue. Finder may keep silver and currency but. please return purse and other content to above sd dress. - I " U LOST Saturday at Rose City speedway, peck age containing white i crepe de chine waist belonging ; to elderly huly. . Please call Auto. 642-40. I - ' . : " ' ''--, LOST Monday, large agate pin on Killingsworth ave.. between Concord and Cnion ave., or on St.. Johns! or Williams sve. car. Return to 24 E. Killingsworth. liberal rewsrd. - -1JBE1LL"REWXRD for man's gold wstch chain, valued as keepsake, lost either on Linnton mad or ! forestry grounds - Sunday . afternoon. 181 Lsurelhurxt : Tabor 6862. - ' KEEPSAKE iold bracelet inicribed "Lisisie," lost at; lAurelhurst park by - Camp Fire girl r. . . 1 . ,1 .. t. . t.- t . Li - - nauifriay. ? ourri i-i c. i ij nr-.m. LOST -A tan traveling bag between Linnton and Willbridge Sunday . afternoon.- 30 , reward. Call Heil. 1143. H. T. Williams. STOLEN from Wa-hingum high Friday. Capital bjeycle. No. 218808: .reward lor information. Tabor 978. - ' '-' - i " -j - - " - Eosfhild's tan polo coat on Morrison t or Ben t Selling's store; suitable , rewsrd. Ta'bor' 1783.- - .' ! -", ' --' "-'. IXST Gold watch with W. O. W. fob In Lanrelhurst psrk, MTedncedsy. June 8. Phone Tsbor ;" - LOSTr lark cameo ring, white face. Lost last week. I Valued as heirloom. . Reward. Msin 2004. Glen Court, Apt. 2. -'' -.; - - LOST Gold watch charm. Initials on beck J. H. Uorr.w. -aai Vt tiai-y. I'ABTY who took eoep-(st l'rys-al Lke 'lance hall Snmlsv U known-t- -ail aoio. ii-si. LOST Handmade silver chain with pendant.' K. Fox. 4705 2d st. S. E. Reward. Lo.sT 1 lb. of "Lwanta" kippered saimon. MHlwood S34. ' LOST Saturday evening. , lady's . gold writ watch, initials L. B. a us. us. newara. LOST Music roil, corner Water tu and Haw thorne ave., Sstnrtlsy.i Am. FOCND Package oi "Uwsnta' , man- : East 701 kippered fffrND-Article In Meier A Frank's. .701 Harold ave. J Call at. ITltTNTA-i-On Detroit ave., several spoons and r p. m. Tnamed . forks, f "13 31 Dewoii ave. -aii alter w y. in. Hist Bulldog with scar on back, named Jack; reward. Fbone Auto. 314-83. h g -inrf ULs 8 T 7 kaw H t BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 . VTirr be out or a job or work . AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION f . , ' Call Bt CfJos eve. and Wasco st any day except Saturday, st 11 a. m.. or write for free catalog No. 4. It will not cost you anything to find out bow we have helped over 800 graduates to good positions. .-We can help you. too. , :, ADCOX AUTO 4s AVIATION SCHOOL . Special Inducements to Ex-service Men." ' neancea itstes June i to Sept. 1 ' t West's Lexseet Ituatneas Cuiiaaa. Assures aVERX GUADLAlkt A FuSlTKUI. Aii Sniinsss ooonee, tarlmliag eostploasetn traiaiBs. i Enroll any bate day school, sight school. Write tor free catalogue. Stk SC. aw atomios pnnne nais eaw. EARN It TO Slv PER DAT Learn Automobile, Tractor, battery or Vulcan ising business. We teach the only suncesaful method, i Day and Evening classes all summer. Oregon et-servke men: The stats pars your en tire tuition fee. Special low rates. Tour credit is good, if you srs short of money. Hemphill's Auto snd Tractor Schools. 707 Hswthorae ave.. Portlands Or. ENROLL in a nusineiis schoo. wbera students se eure -individual instruction a tbe major sub jects and personal attention in all subjects, bonk keeping. stenographic, calculator, private secre tarial courses offered. Write or call, for inter view. New term now opening. , . Oar and eve ning seesiona. Oregon Institute ef Technology, vi qrn st.. wioo. i.ocsi n. TOU CAN KARA TOUR WAT THROUGH AL1SKT BLPQ- 8L AND MORRISON. MOLER BAKbER COLLEGE will teach yom -the trade in 8 weeks; receive sums pay whiis learning; : prositions secured. Oregu a - ex-service men receive state aid. Write reail lor cata- ltne. 284 Burnside st. MODERN BARB kit COLLEGE Uacnes tbe trade in 8 was., tools furnished; some pay. Posi tlons secured. - Special rata this mcmh. Writs or call for psrticnlan. 234 First it. HIGH SCHOOL giria who speciaUze with na in . the Office Appliance classes will receive larger Sblsriea and slso our come ration in securing positions. I Callan School, 4 05 Artii-sns bldg.i ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHEKS' AUKNUY . Enroll free. Frank K, Welles former asst. state sunt., Mgr.. N-W. Bank bldg Aoto. 612-1S, MEN, WOMEN, learn barber tisde: wsges while lesrnine: positions euaranteed. Mar. 22 years experience. Oregon Barber College. 283 Msdison. ..y.' icuvg. . hud Dfliucr vwirgg. a 11 a w "m. I HAVE an opeuing in class for 6 girls to learn multigraptiiiig and will assist hem to poei i i ) : j , it jr a : ku. .in 1 1 i iir ii u.niini. tw Aiim.il i i 1. SEViillAL more students for evening snd Sati nrday afternoon srteclass. See this evening, I. Vowel studio, 184 Porter St. MISS BILLY CONNELLY wishes muoio stu dents to enroll for summer class. 120 Vk Killingsworth eve. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Regins Buokel's privste school; Individual Instruction. 123 H Grand its Eait 427. LEARN TELEGRAPHS Railway Telegraph w . stitute, 484 Railway . Exchange bldg- Night elsseea. ; i WANTED At once. 2 men to learn vulcanic .ing and retreading. 482 Hswthorne. HELP WANTED MALE 201 Young Men Bakers . . Electricians . Radio Operators i ' 'Tailors' JOIN BATTALION HEADQUARTERS CO lXAuu sua &ass- June 15 Armory, and Couch WANTED! TWENTT MEN, FREFKRABLT W-KKRVICE I MEN. TO ENLIST i IN fCOMPAN''F OREGON NATIONAL GCARD AND GO TO CAMP LEWIS FOR TWO WEEKS' FIELD1 TRAINING. GOOD PAT AND EVERYTHING FOUND. APPLY ANT NIGHT TO CAPTAIN XJJJBT. ARMOR I. 10TH AND COUCH STS. : . $750 TAKES year around job at 88 per day. House, barn, 8200 lb. young team, harness, wagon- snd other eqnlnment included. Terms Phone Automatic 848-98. Can be seen at Mil ler's spur on Portlsnd Elect. Ur-i 1 mile west. 34 smith. As for J. A. Meaner. WANTED House to house men to sell house hold necessity; easy seller; liberal commis sion. Don't miss this. Call 2 to 4 p. m. Km. 812. 227 Vt Washington. - v - - ' ; 'r SALESMEN WANTED 202 1 . ; 1 ' ' SALESM AN, ATTENTION I , ! . REAL ESTATE - ; Is our . business, We are prosperons, bnt like all of us we want' to grow and make more money. We are willing to make a good proposition to -e reel Resl Estate Sslesmsm of proven ability. Phone or write for: sppointment. , I STAR REAL ESTATE & JNV. CO. I I. REALTORS I 8311 Stark St. j Rroadwge 835$. STATE4 REPRESENf AtlVE WANTED ' Come in isnd Jet me show you bow you can make between $3000 and 34000 this summer with very little effort- I am the fsctory rep resentative of a wonderful new auto accessory. Cnm. In .nH me at 510 Pittock block. Hun- day. Monday or Tuesdsy. ss my time is limited. WANTED Ford sslearaan; tio ine bilt live - wires need spply ; must own Ford ear or be able to buy one. Main 1100. - 'AGENTS WANTED 203 AGENTS wanted -Benedict Nursery Co.. Ib8 E. 7h st. N.. Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 KXl'EKIENCED girl loosing for of I ice position should regbiter with us as we re having more calls than i usual for the girla that are inex perienced we are offering a practical office ap pliance conre in typing, dictating machine, cal culator or multigraph and sssist them, in secur ing positions when qualified -I . CALLAN SCHOOL, 403 Artisans Bldg.. Broadway at Oak. MRS' L. V. SCOTT, loraaerty with the federal employment service. . furnishes competent of ftce women: also women for all other Unas of am Bloyment. 1 828 Htnry bldg, Brosdwsy 4837. ANY GIHL in seed ot a tnend. apply te lbs Salvation Army Rescue Home, klsyfslr and Alexander sts. Phone Mam 3450. I Js esr. GOI girli to help with housework ; must like - -hildren ;! positively no other need apply j wsges 825. Phone Wdln. 4884. WANTED rMiddle-agd woman a housekeeper. Small wages. Call 430 6th st. or Msin 38. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 TOl'Nii ex-service man who is working his way through college desires work for the summer. Not afraid to undertake ny work wh'ch will enable himl to return ; to college next fall, but prefers commercial or accounting work as he is specializing iin that line at college. now "" SXPE'RtE.'iCEIi auto mechanic uants work in garage or battery station. References; mar ried; no objections to leaving , town. Plione Est 4H34. . GENERAL, garden snd ! work; general houni .and yard cleaning, - painting, etc Guaranteed workmanship, Itetft refereoces. Telephone Main 3", K!. Aak for limn. ELDERLY MAN. hotel work, tve had expert ench. can keep account, country preferred, best of references. 11. K. Gethmg. 30 N. lltb st.- Phone Broadway 3a 14.. ' i YOI'NG man. ased 24, dei4res jition as man on executive office work with reliabe firm ; details and references given to interested Party. 'Mv-H, journal. CARPENTER JOBBING, rGNTHACTlNG, . . r ,rtt Class- rinisuer;- revavrr w,,a. - fall Whiter.- Wdln. 3477. -ENERGETIC snd relhible young man-wsinTs work during the summer. Csn drive or sell; also esn areeferencps- Jr'all Tabor 4943. SH INGLE R andcanwnter.. 13 years in Port land ; estimates furnished. Berkly, W din. 8101. , " PAivnvo And tintinj in all their BKANCHESV REASONABLE WDLN. VAHL BBOS. " ROOFS ' reshingled, gusrantevd. . White, . Col CONCRETE pounng. general cement work. Cell Seliwood 153tf. erter n p. m. CEMENT i WORK -Satisfaction guaranteed. K. rutnam. wwm.n - SEWER connections, eeespools, drains, Ule sep- tic tanks, cement work. Tailor 8O03. CilOlU LEADER wants vnum by cbunb or oflwr orgsniretions. ' S-088. Joiirnsl fININGnsna Unting, good clean work. Wood lawn Mil PLUMBING, repair shop. l'iione Maia 733. - 1H7 Fitt-St. '-'. ..aenier. BASEMENTS, GRAIING. GEVL TEAMING 1l.i)ntrm w -'r j.-". - PAl.NTINU and kalerjmliilmt. stains cured, 83 S . - ... VV Kin. Art In. 21 3. ' eirvMag fc ... , - 7 M I. , , T i. imi i ' AN aU around punter wilt work tot 3c per hour. phone 'Wdln. 4645. s-.i i.l Tl.H IANS. llaiu 723 We specie UxT electricsl APARTME - arUat BOAJ electncaliy wiring your noine APARTMENT or rlub janitor work by respect able man ana Wile . do vhuuicb, a was os so. X39bU5SC SITUATIONS WANTED RIALS 251 Grading and Excavation Day or contract; dnmpwsgons and teams fjt blrehy the day. Main B7 4 4. . HOl'HKS painted. 36 to 87ft. I-ed and oii; tinting snd kahwniining. Marshall M67. GALBREATU. tTie nnr We hang lt-r right side up. lowest rate.' Woodlawn 14i4. CEMENT work all Xluda FUst cleas euif. Srllwood 81 . BCHEENS made to ucao. old screens tvwueia. AoK.mstie 8 i 7-27. CARPENTEU ana caotncui, j..ioii anything rntnetniiiing una. i'nnne r-et eoo. PLUMBING done very rrsMinahie by the J b or hy the hrur. Aut 2SA-B1. I'AIN TING, kaUomiuing, paierbsiit.'iiig aii'i esl'inet wnrk, reasonable prirtw. Kat GARAt.ES built, 'raroentcr and ctnntnt work. by dy or contract. l'hine Aut.. 12-1 WILL do your cemeut work at reeionahle 7. - (ilk Wdln. 4M4. bCUKKNS mule to order, old screvus rev Aiitomstte 317-27. irwl UOCiSE painted. 5ll 3; rooms tlnt1. 5; papering. 8Sc roll. WrKiJlawn HOHi 1- RtM)Kt For rslilnsling or rtxt repair call Mar. 1072. ervlce PAINTING and paiei hanging cheaper; work. Muln 1032. CAKl'KNTKH work wanted. Tabor 15 R(K)K resliinming a ie:lalty Kast 120 1. 6. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2S4 , WILL care fur 2 children, or will go to own . - home and car for meiitally deficient chilil. room end board, gnod wages for good rare. Or will go to rmpectabie bachelor hi me ami oonk for two or three men.. Good wages, good cook ing. P-8B4. Journal. L'SKFt'L ciuniiin, mothers heler, amitit rare of chilitren. light housework, chickens, gar den, etc. Ranch or farm. ouutrr preferred. In exchsnge for board and slight compensation. G- 67.V Jonrnal. WANTED Ily widuw, iiUm as houekeeier in widower's home. No objection to oliil dren. No triflers need cill. Writs or call 130J Fessenden. Ceil. T8. ' HIGH SCHOOL GIRL with 1 s years of com mercial course; can do typing; had experience as cashier Aut. 84l'-nn. EXPERIENCED trusiworiiiy lady wisliea hoiue clesning, washing, other work. Good work guaranteed. Woodlawn oBOo LACE. SCBlM AND MAltOl tSKTf K CTU TAINS. DHAPERIES, DONE UP L1KB NEW. WILL CALL. KAST H518. HOUSE WORK by the hour ir d.y, uest swt giiarsntced. Phtne Tabor 7133. CAPABLE stenographer, years' experience, desires secretarial poxitlon. K-RS5, Journal,. liOTEL housekeeper, thoroughly experienced, nr - wcu d manage apt, or rooming hone. Kat H'J GIRL wants housework, prefer small family. B-I37. journal. WANTED Chorus girls at Casino theatre; long engagement. 25 Bnrnniile. WANTK1 -2 or 8 small children to take care. Box 117, Estaesda, Or. . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WANTED Theatrical talent; ' also amateurs. Casino theatre, 285 Burnside St. DRESSMAKING 256 DIKING, cleaning, pressing, dressmaaing, ra medeltng. reliniag, alterations, pleaung. rta aonable prices. Tbe Cablost Dressmaking parlors, 424 Morrimn. near 11th. Main 1835. LADIES' and children's dressmaking and tailor ing, also alterations. Will go out. Auto. 22-11. . ! HEU!iTITClUNlG Any color. 8n yard; also seal- loping. 209 Allnky Mtlg.. Bii and wornwin. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day or st home. Reasonable. Woodlawn 2H65. HAVE your fluffy summer dresses mads by Mrs. llsvensrroft East 2X74. NURSES 257 PRACTICAL nuns wants case; will do house work. 821 Minnesota ave, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 FCRMSHEI) SI'EEPING ltt)OM MODERN CONVENIENCES 84 A WEEK AND LP MAXWELL HALL 30T FOURTEENTH STREET PHONE MAIN 1153 Hotel Baxter corner alb!. ri NA Special Rates For Carnival week. Clean, well furnished sleep ing and Jght II. K. rooms. Close In on Est Side. Tske M. A. csr to Alhina. East 7ffjl. Lincoln Hotel MlJlluTso AT ELEVENTH Varv attractive - rooms, sinzle anil en suit. thoroughly modern; congenial atmosphere; d sirable down-town locstion; 81.50 snd up lr night. Weekly rates of t.t.SO S n d ui Hotel Royal Vt H. K. snd Bleeping rooms 81 per dsy, H per week snd up. All modern conveuieucea. Walking distance. HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH Rates by the week, 15 150 snd up, hot and eold running water, tub and shower .baths. Jefferson Hotel 225 gVKZ Modern, well furnished rooms, pleasant lohhf and automatic eletatur. &0e-70o e night and up" Upecial weekly rates. TOURIST HOTEL cm Modern, free bath, reduced rates, 7uo prr Lr and up, 34 a week and up. Transient trade lie: ted. Mrs. M. J. Wslker, roprietor. Hotel Conradlnc ft.' Two blocks north of j Wsehingtrtn at. Pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by the day or week. HOTEL OHIO 2fl FRONT ST.. COIL MADISON Nice sleeping and housekeeping rooms; hot and cold wster in every room ; . satorastie ele vstor; ressonsble, by dy or week. . HOTEL BARR 112 N. SIXTH,' 2 BLOCKS FROM DEPOT. 31 per flsy,- 33 per week snd up. . HillCrest Hotel -Washington Permanent rooms from 83 up per wees. Lobby, private phones and baths: Hotel Qlenwood'c S a..ii. . 1 .i...tA. u rrlttt frttm hath. 3 1 ! nmr H. .H niv ftnerlsl weeklv rates. AMTi t TiO lot EL . 0J NORTH THIRD Newly furnished, very clean, up tn-date serv loe, st pre-wsr prtres, Edw. K. GoddaH. Mgr. "Wei! Furnished! Rooms Steam beat, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 'J90 Vy fifth at. Main 9373. ENON HOTEL loT! Bet dollsr a day house In town. All modern conrenienres. Itstes to permanent guests. tTi:TENGEit 1 1 oteTT 4l3'i Washington st.,' cor. 1 I th. 31 a day, 84.50 a week and up. Fine downtown lura" Uon. Hot and eold water. Steam heat- VKUY yJeasan! outsile room, ei:epUnnslly well furnisiied. liglit, clean and airy, desirahls lo cstion, walking titsni:e, reasonable rates. 434 Mill St., corner 1 2th. EarTTE pleasant r'wim" siillabla for 2; very clean, well furnished quiet ami cool; rent very reasonable. The Florence Apta., 83 lltb at. Marshall 417. 455 ALDER. CORNER OF 1 3TH NEAT, CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS; AI.RO HOCSEKEEPING ROOMS, 33 TO 88 PER WEEK. ; BHOADWAx" 6J, , WAM1LM.TON HOTEL - A few ettractite toi.in. and suites; verr rea sonable rates by the week or month. 1'tb aud Washingt,in rts. tliiTt-I. I'llill t if Third Hi., Near Jefferson 81 dsy, 32.60 week up. Clean, comfortable room. : vwnrijrr, II, o .no so i,i.,i a n n . a 71 GriQii Its aargeni in oxen com.; u.wuiome. Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. St. Paul Hotel hKKS A , rsspectshle down-town, hotel. Transients 31 up. npeosi rales n icrninem ium SOME richly lurnisheo trsn.ient rooms being refitted al special rate to iwrmanenl, wsekiy or monthly guests. All rooms 1 King ui or Stark St., business section. Emprcx hotel. .. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st Tenth. 31 day; weekly. 85 sod up; free phone and bath; at earn heat. ' ! AVATufiNtlTON HOTEL A few attreeti rooms snd suites; very rea sonable rates by tbe week or month 12th and Wahington Me. ONE sleeping porch snd one ery plejinsnt aiee--' ing rum; lUi comirfetely ftirm-hed one arid twi.-n.oui ant. . All well furnished snd spot- i lewli clean: ranabl!. 033 Ws Mngton st. i hil , j i i.i. i t!i;fi; .li4 If "Ut ritnia In lovely W'tnti II im.i.jn furuifiirr, silk rlr.--erie. running atr iu escli rooiu. Large iuiug rrm and p-rvh. Hl 1 L'Hi Miin 4-1 ConUnue en rwiowlng Psesj