MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1821. THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 15 AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE ftOO REDUCED PRICES - REBUILT AUTOMOBILES BETTER BEBUtLT A.VD WHY BETTER? We rebuild both Hudson and Ems ' hied automobile and sell them with warranty th same aa given with the purchase of new can, We also sir 00 days' free service, the am a 1 -Cirto on new can. .,-. On other make of antnmobilrs that we trade in w repelr and over hau! thee wo that used etm that trt not aold .with a warranty ara in first rlaaa condition and are aoid with 10 days' free- trial, subject to their twins rr turned with full credit on any other - car you may select. ! 1919 Essex automobile. . ra- ;: . i built and repainted, aoid with the warranty $1125 '1919 Essex, like new. aoid with the. warranty IS I J 1917 Hudson flitper Six, rebailt and repainted, looks juat i , like new. aold with the ' warranty 117$ ; 1918-1919 wrin Hudson Super j Ha, rebuilt and repainted. i , aoid with the warranty '. i 1920 Hudson Super Six. rebuilt j' and repainted, aold with . the warranty . :j 1920 Hudson Speedster, like ! brand new ear; aold with -" Uta warra'aty ......... ) 1919) Chalmers, first-clas eon- . ' diUon throughout ...... i 192 Chalmers, almoet naw, a decided bargain ...... 1400 1775 1979 1080 1330 . 450 5T5 .9&5 fudge roadster ............ - .1 1910 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired and repainted; a una litue car 1019 OlriUmobila EijhL bar-. Sain at ' Our store for Ihtw used-ear bar 's... gain at 40-4H Kroadway. which is 1 Broadway and Couch it. , Phon , , Broadway S739. Open i evening "i and Sunday ' C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. YBANSONS USED CAR EXCIL ' Ford'" We have all kind -Ford bugs. 4 to pick from ... $825 " 191$ Kurd touring or "roadster, extra 883 lflf Ford touring, pxtraa ....... . . 400 -1020 Ford tour, extra., elcc. starter 493. 191 9 Ford coupe, extras, starter type 4 50 1920 Kord coupe, extra, starter.. 623 1920 Kord sedan, extra. starter. . . 750 1917 Chevrolet touring, nrw ton.... 835 1920 Chevrolet touring. A-l ilia pa.. 423 .1910 Oakland roadster. ........ . 493 . 1918 Oakland 6, touring, cord tires. . 650 '1917 Buick 0 touring, new tires. ... 085 1916 Dodge tounng, first claw. 674 ,1912 Packard 30. 7 iaiwenger . . . ; . 450 1917 Cole 8. 7 passenger 623 1918 Btudrbaker 6, 7 passenger.... 650 1918 Overland 83 touring, A-l.,... 650 I 1917 Hup big 4 touring, 1st clase. . 85U 'J 1918 Buick tf tounng...: ..! BOO ' Term-, Trade or Cash YBANSONS USED CAR EXCH. Union a, and Belmont aU. upstair. ' Open evenings nad Sunday. East 4376. USED CAR AND TRUCK BARGAINS j 1 Hitpraobile 1 Oakland 6 1 B. ti.i Chevrolet 1 Dodge "'. 1 Maxwell ..... . . .(650 . .. 423 . .." 42S ....... 323 ....... .... .. 250 1 Maxwell . ... . . ... ........ ... 1". 65 3 Ford trucks. 273 to 325 Long Silva : 48- Hawthorn JUST A FEW OF OCR BARGAINS. MANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE KliUU 1810 BUICK roadster, completely ,-overv - hanied and painted. ............. .8550 OLDM 7 paaseoger,- perfect condition. A - bargain at i : .. ... ... $760 FORD roadster ... ....... . $185 FORD, bug. top and glass front. ........ $825 CASK touring . $ 1 5U OAKLAND 6, roadster, a snap at, . . . . .$273 (JBANI) AVE. AUTO EXCHANGE 18R Grand Ave. Ksst 6563 ' IATB MODEL 7-PA!.. IN BRAUTTFTTL) SHAPE; REBUILT AND REFINLSHED COM PLETE; PRIVATELY OWNED AND DRLVEN. A FINE FAMILY CAR: CORD TIRES. WE CAN SAVE. YOU SEVERAL HUNpKED DOL TaBS ON THIS,CAK.. WILL CONSIDER Ko.il8TKR OR SUIJ( TOURING CAR FOB PART. SQMK TERMS. A. C. STEVENS. BROADWAY 1614. 16TH AND WASH. STS. WI.VTOIV. 4 PASS. HPORT THIS CAR HAS ONLY BEEN DRIVEN 9000 MILKS BY OWNER; PAINTED BEAVER BROWN WITH BROWN SPANISH LEATHER, ALSO BROWN TOP: EXCELLENT TIRES. INCLUDING ONE EXTRA. A. C. STEVEN'S. BROADWAY 1614. 529 WASHINGTON ST. i NEW DORT TOURING I Have $400 depoeit en a new Dort touring ear. without duubt Uia finest light car built. Unable to accept delivery and wiU transfer this credit tot $200. Balance on car may be paid $30 monih. E-701 . Journal. T"' " ' CAIII,LAC. h . ! 7-PASS.. JN VERY UOOD CONDITIO?!; $900. - T A. C. STEVENS, BROADWAY 161.4. 529 WASHINGTON ST. J920 BABY Grand Chevrolet, in perfect cotuli Uon. Iooks and runs like new car. No rea aoaable offer refused. Will consider email Chee. or Ford as part payment. ell46 Iron at. Ta- IMr 4Dlt - HUDSON " ' ' ' " "'" 1 1920 Hudson, very bast condition throughout; will give easy terms t- sacrifice price.. Phone Wnodiawn 2344. .'r, 'lire and Radiator sHopT If 11 1 an Aluminum soldering a specialty. li il Expert work guaranteed. Out of biga fJeTJ rent dMniet- B0 Williams. E. 1188. aUTCHELL.five-passenger, substantial car that i will give you, all kind of setvice; a dandy for touring. Mr. Ehrett, Northwest Auto -Co., Eighteenth and Alder. Bdwy. 1480. LATE lfllS 4 Chevrolet for sale by owner: i .a sacrifice, am leaving town. Can bo seen at Williams Ave. Garage. 480 Williams ava. Phone days East 263 ; eveninga. ; East 8842 MAXWELL touring," '17,' repainted and over : hauled, new $55 storage battery and new cur tains Fine condition. Price $325. 0028 82d au S. K. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE ACE AT 28 N. .11TH. - " - FORD BUG This, clawy bug wtiii top aid windshield, will take $125 down, balance long tima; ver low price. Jake's Used Car Exchange. $3."i Oliaan st. between Broadway and 8th. 1U-0 OAKLAND toiiritig, dandy ear tur your ramnirt vacation. Call Mr. Ehrett, B4wy. 1400 Northwest Anto Co., 18th and Alder. Auto Tops inZZZl.m'$k!?2il B si as on st.. Between Ptn ana Broadway. H B INSTALL .air venU In auto eowlea and 1 make them to order. B. :B. Body Works 600 Williams ave. East 1198. -- kU TEAR 'em up and sell toe piece. Portland ! Anto w reeling l-tx, aai. Aiaet Beat 17th; Broadway 5254; mail orders filled. V CL'T yoar auto seau to a sleeper; par system 'does not weaken the tvdy. B B. Body Works, 500 Wihams ave. East 1198. SMALL late car and cab balance. , for 1920 nodse. MaiB) 4T4.v Mrs. Owan. $74 H j m iiiiuii. TRADE that' old ca in Cur something better; many to choose from. Call Jobansen at Bdwy. 2270. 1917 HUDSON Excellent condition. . Tires in good condition, one spare". A genuine bargain. Call Mr. St. Ceorge. Broadway 1480. FORD ROADSTER. LATE MODEL, X Ai CONDITIONS CHEAP AND TERMS- CALL AUTO. 033-68. FUR SALk 1914 Hup, running condition $00. I need money. 762 E. 89U st. Sell.' 20J4. 1817 FORI isadster. or will exebang body fox EVKOLST bus. cltabi lines, a 400. DTTS 352. 80 Second. ' . ' ' Bl U '" ' v For a real bng. ealj Tabof 849Q. ; ' BUCK 19)7 light 6, will trade lor saotarsxala and iv tiimi -.. a ' T ' m TMCJBILE od ahajat. -500. 48 Wert 4820 KINO S. almost new. Will consider smaller car. Coooer.' Auto. 8 4: '" - - It Light Six. original paint, good cord Ores; sacrifife for $S5Q. Main 327 owm-r IBJir HART.UY. like nrw, tery d.eal, : term, lo - iuit, tall Johanaen at Hu. 3270, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 Twin Slates Motor Car - , Company- Sunday Specials Keeping abreant of the times, aa has al- ways been our policy, w bare alaabed price on the following , . . . USED CARS . Buick coupe , . , .waa $1500 rtbw $1250 ; Cbawdlcr coupa. .wa $3000 : now $2800 Patterson touring. waa. $100Q - now $750 Oldsmobile S ..'..was $1000 , ow $ 730 IIupnKibile waa $1250 now $1130 j ' J.; - Many other unparalleled bargains ia light and heavy standard makes of uaed cars. Come early Sunday morning, as we aim to close out our used car stock each week end, . , - - j Twin States Motor Car Company Washington at S 9th - Open' Evenings and Eundays.. B road way 494. . , GUAMA.V1EK ANU BEUV1CH SAUK AS NEW CARS Howard .Automobile Co. . 12TH AND ALDER gT8. , 'Broadway 1180. BUT TOUR BE BUILT CHEVROLET I'ROil THE USED CHEVROLET DEPOT OWNED AND OPERATED BT THE CHEVRO- LET DISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVROLETS ' ALL MODELS j ALL PRICES EXCEU-ENT TERMS . t ' Grand are.,' between Ankeny and Bnrnside. Open Daily nd Sunday. Fbnne Eaat 490. "THE HOUSE WITH CHEVROIT PRIDE"' : ; Beautiful Sedan " Baby Grand Chevrolet, run but 900 miles, $100 worth of extra The closed car ia cooler in' summer and warmer in winter. This car is going to be sold at a getraine sacrifice. If you see it you will buy it. Terms. 854 E. 8th at. N. Wdio. 4964. y-,r i ' -s - - - 1 . i PIERCE ARROW "SS" , -passenger - little pierce in the pink of con dition. 1 b 1 1 model, but has been rebailt so that it looka like the : lata model. This car has Only been driven privately and has had snlandid ears: new cord tires, Westinghouse starting and lignung system, Alemita rreasina; system, shock absorbers. In fact- everything you could ask for; price $1780. F. L. Miller, SS5 Waahiag tonit. Main 8579 or Tabor 7491. . . - BUICK LIGHT SIX IiATE 118, 5-PASS.. IN FINB SHAPE; REVABNISHED. FULLY EQUIPPED. $ TIRES. SPOTLICHT, BI'MPER. ETC. A DAVDY BUY FOR $1125: WILL TARE FORD FOR PART; SOMH TERMS. i A. C.I STEVENS. BROADWAY 1814. J 16TH AND WASH. 8T8. v-: 1 920 ; Oakland 6'- ' If you arc on the market for ft light 8 cylinder ear you surety will buy this one. This car baa 5 wire wheels and looks just like new; will take $300 down. Jake s- Used Car Exchange, 825 Uliaan. bet Bdwy. and 6 lb. , Bdwy. $,593. Open evening. OAKLAND TOURING Will aaanfice for $400. Terms. Call 523 Couch. ............ j , . : 11958 BUICK - 1918 Bnickn-Would consider Fond aa put payment. Eaay terms. , Eaat 6259. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. "IT WILL PAV yon ta aa na about ranairfnr tOrnt BAniATrtR inrMrkE-.n :w BODY.' i Expert, guaranteed work i j - awawwawawaawf rf Asvlass. w-v UBIHI sf-aaUav J TrT Hawthorns gaanoes. East B4$aV FORD FORD " TOURINO-' OAR IN A-l SHAPE; GOOD TTRES ; FIRST 1AN IN GETS A BARGAIN FOB $325, .- ; ' . BROADWAY 1814. 16Th'aND WASH STg "'I . " - : - READ "1'H a I bare one of the smoothest tunning,' nicest loelriag latest model Chalmers oa the streets of Portland : will sacrifice sid give terma. Phono Woodlawn 2344, DORT DEMONSTRATOR My lato model Dori demonatrator. better than new. at a bberal discount Mr. Rich, Broadway 1460. Kprtbweet Auto Co Eighteenth and Alder street. '- BLICK 6. 1917: the car with a reputation: a Car that will always take you there -and bring 4M8 f; teally a sacrifice. Tlain FORD roadster. Ute 1918. with Haasler. Large - steering wheel. Universal tire filler and other extras; good condition. $$2j. See John Whit. t Honeymen Hardware Co. . ' 1918 BLICK. 5 passenger! Soma snap. New paint, good rubber, excellent eonditioa all STk'S, aSan"'.. rodway 1480" or wat Hitaii vvuu 81 W W p. m. WE STOCK Uaed, completely oe;iule4 fenders to ti. any saachinjr. Several thousand to piek Works. 600 .WLl)a fa! WE pJj Steel teeth tn your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H- P. Black, aucbiavs shop. 584 Alder st Bropdway 2881? 80x3 U MICHELLV 8-ply Urea. $18.80. ifon, t better. We know how to repair Hies. Vul can Tire Shop, Grand tve. st Pine. E. 496. CASH ps id for dd cssa. -Hi . PS S" Jmak " Thompson Kelly, 44 Flandem, pear 11th. Bdwy. 8.10i BARGAIN Cadillac 8, serial 57. In A-l condit Uon. At Arrow gaxaf. 8J9 North 33rd at. Phone Auto. 628-58. " " ,fT BCICK light. . ood shape good lirea' 6rig 8327a paint: lmeiltlc U taken today. llji , ' DODUE 1919 DODGE " j 5 cod urea, bumpera. original finish' a buy for some one: $850, terms. Wdln. 2844 FtHUSALE l9itHaaaa lieht T pass.. J5 A-l order and looks and runs like new ear. Very cheap at 8850. phone Broadway 1719. 1920 MAX W ELL cheap ; f im-class condition ; ' five good tires; ran 4100 miles,,. Call Anto. 914-95. -' ., - . .. !. - , y , .-. -,.,; $65 BUTS a 1929 Chevrolet touring, like new; Fs1? 8 ,tE: -' Um- Pbooa owaar, 1 i!.45"5 er5"l"0erU"nd," model 83, and - Wiflys-Kaight roadster . model 84. Will aU t your price oa your jenna. East 8989. , 1917 BUICK nY $ Cord tires. 2 fabric tirasT bumpea; this t no wreck ; it-to a good car at the r.ght: price. Tabor 84. BUICK ROADSTER " 17. ; food running radition, $650. War. ' - ' ! I I Stl I ... i ii. - i-.-J.. u8"- aeoer 4, in excellent con ing J C 'aP' 6Vii Woodstock. Gray a Cross- hl:V' ,ro,dilf " con4itioB: term, or trade lor roni, fabor 1848. "f ' ' . ..' I ... AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE 800 PMCES iMP Now for. a Clean-Up isc. " '! ' Buy Now While Our ; Stock Is Complete : Every.Car Redeced ' Universal Car Exchange Used Fords Exclusively Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill " Opesj Sunday a4 Evenings. : Eut 471. ' M. B. FISCH Radiators, leaden, badiea, kjoda. tanks, vepai red and Temodaiad; tuto sheet-metal work a spaciaii I. 103.107 , 18a St Phono BHOADWAT 229. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 ! USED TIUES AT A BARGAIN ,' ," AH Kinds of-Vulcanising and Retreading. 1 s KILT0K WILSON TIBB CO.,- 834 Burnsirle (west side), at 8th.' ONE 2-wbeeled mtomobita trailer with rubber tires. $43. 700 1 Will ia ma av. 37x5 hk 'GENERAL cord Urt. tube and ri)ia 325. Eat 8787. AUTO BED Hate your auto seat cut to make a bed. T08 1 Williams see. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 TEOCKS-TRUCIS : 100 Pier "Cent .' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ' . INVESTIGATE v 'fTihe;Qarlbe Plan" ; j A FEW OF bvn REAL BARGAINS WHICH MUST BR SEEN TO ' BK APPRECIATED Dodge Pane) deUvtry .. ............ $102$ Beo speed wagon , ............. i, , 1200 Ford 1-ton worm 70S Maxwell 1-ton . 780 Chevrolet 1-ton . . . 1000 Panhard 1-ton ttO Master 1 V4 -ton 2300 Bethlehem 2 4 -ton .,,1200 Master 2 H -ton , 3000 Master 3 -ton , 3000 ' i -..",: And 80 others to be, sold under "THE GARBS PLAN" f ONE WEEK'S TRIAL .1 j . We Ce QARQE,' BNC.' ' " BROADWAY BCBNSIDK PHONE BROADWAY 818 OPEN SUNDAYS -AND EVENINGS DODGE DELIVERY Five good tires, refiniabed. ever hauled, teady to go. 530 ALDER ST. FREIGHT BUN NOW OPEN, WITH NEW TRUCK. THI3 - POSITION MUST BE FILLED 'AT ONCE. REQUIRES SMALL IN VESTMENT. GREAT NORTHERN TRANS PORTATION, INC.. 498 WEST BURNSIDE. 2-TON TRUCK, 1920 MODEL. ; 7r Worm drive, cab and body complete. Looks like pew. Price $1100. Must be sold within 2 days. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 891. evenings ilar rhall 5241. ' . - - " REAL TBlJCsC BARGAINS " "" ' - New 1 -8 54-ton standard make truck.-aolid tires; sails for $3606. Will take $2090 with liberal terms. Bdwy. 1841. K.EO SPEED ' WAGON Only slightly used; ii yon need a delivery truck here ia your oppor tunity; a bargain. See Mr. Ehrett, Northwest Auto' Co.. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1460, t NEW TRUCK SACRIFICE " , Brand new 1 -ton truck, cord tirea, standard make. Must sacrifice. Make ns an offefi PACKARD 3 ton worm drive, anxions to sell; small pacnent down, balance eaay terras, Pbon Jensen. ; Bdwy. f f 91. evening Marshall OVERLAND DELIVERY A 'pretty job. - Side curtains and in fine shape. A bargain, too. Call Bdwy. 1480. North wast Ante Co., 18U and Alder. Easy payments. : PACKARD TRUCK ft ' ' . 3-ton, just OTerbaoled : a special buy at $900. phoe Jensen, Bdwy. 891. evening Mawhall FORD 1 ton track. 1921, with' ppen express body and top, Will discount and give terms. T-791, Journal. , KliiSEL1 truck," 4-ton, worm drive. ' This inuat be sold quick: 1200 takee it; terma. Phone 1920 1-TON. worm drive Ford truck, used just " minjius, pneumuit urea, can and stake body. $700, terms. Csll Adsms. Bdwy. 4898. FORD tractor in A-l condition, sell cheap or . , 8 w.;0 Oort Ule ef Ford touring. Atlaa Woodyard. 82T Front. f REPUBLIC TRUCK A snap. ' In , first aUtsI condition. Call Mr. Chiaramonte, Northwest Anto Co.. 18th and Alder. Bdwy. 1480. - FEDERAL 3 i t ... - ' . iTi .4- Z . .it on ve ; -"f TC leaTiH, f tttLl W eOSCgU KfrWV fifil a.wsun:nn If. 1 ti arcal-a -- -9 '"'- r " t iruipiia earn is Until U A f A . 1920 OIDSMOBILE toa truck in excellent eon dition. good tires. ; 31000, terms. Main 19. a-TON Atterbury -truck for .ale; bargain. Ea! 8382. - MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 8Q3 1918 INDIAN motorcycle with sidecar, "lust re EM56$.brsin 2"- 8S GV. MVr. CLEVELAND motorcy.:le. fine condition Just overhauled, good tires end a tearrier; a bar gain at $65. Mar. 812. MOTORCYCLES AND ' PASTS. 'ALL MAKES ' EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 (trand eve. EOR . SALE $90. new motor bicycle. Inquire 515 H Beacon st. '" ,.-;-.- .--;., . AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ATTENTION. CAR OWNERS " we will . overhaul your car, any make, and are you money., AH work done on a flat con tract basis, and absolutely . guaranteed. - . Work under the aupervisicn of competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable and wiU surprise, you. We specialise on generator and electrical work, battery recharging and re pairing. Tuleaniaing end retreading: all retreads guaranteed for 4800 mile. HEMPIHLL'S TRADE SCHOOL. fOT &wthone are. Tele phone East 8068. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled t t 1.1. nl( " " ' ' ..$20 $ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. ..... !!$ Magneto recharged ............. " " a ve hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insuree a perfect running motor. Genuine Fend PS rt only uaed. All work guaraateed. " GUARAiiTKH AUTO HEPA1K f O., -. 2a0 Front St., Corner Jefferson. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 . UU. CAR OWNER ' Yea Will realts a big saving 1m your repair wore by bringing it to sue-. no axpenmenUaj nor guesswork-I. know Uie autrjuibilc itpair tuHtetia from A to Z. - ' Thn only man you pay Is the one who does the work no rupermtendent. shop foreman of (ffiee forae to be paid wttJi ymv money.. ' Will gladly test yoor car., tell you the trouble, and give you aa estimate of the e st ' 1 bare had experience on all flakes of cars. W. A. DICKINSON, ? North Pacific Wagon a Ante Wcrks t14c? 9th and Hrevt srs. Brrmdwy 8B80. FliSS " d"y aijuat'meDt on Drmte TUB BRAKE SHOP S 327 Fifth Street Main 898 repairing exclusively: i guarantee! wurk manship. Curiy'a Font Shop, 227, Salmon at. Main 8154. " AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 - AUTOS TtENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS t Late Model Csre-f-Reasonable Rates . FEARING aV OOBNKTTCITY GARAGE 182 12th St.. bet. Wash, and Aider. Bdwy. 840 CARS FOR BENT without drivers, gll mskas, reasonable rates; open ee. and 'Sun. Bdwy. 5593. Jake'a Uaed ' Car Exchange. 325 Glisan, Dei. oroaaway ana'otn. UTOS SX1R TURK WITH iTR WITHOUT. DRIVERS. L, SULLIVAN, FASHION GA-, RAGE, MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill.. A-1288. a "S. BNNfetT.'CATtS FOB HIRE VfflOTt DRIVERS. ARMY GABAGK. THIRD AND TAYLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANTED - Late model Chevrolet' er Buica; . mus-t be ia good order and cheapo Puone E road way $556 or call 354 Bu.Tside betwieu BiiwdMv grid eorner Park. .....- WANT good late model light cat end cash aa first payment on beautiful little 5 -room mod ern bungalow in best part of Rose City Park.. Phone owner. Tabor 9308 after B:45 p. m. CARS wanted to wreck, parts tor aU cars under half price. 8. S. Anto Wrecking Co., 18th and Alder. Broadway 688." 4 100 ACREH tioiber at market value, oa county cruise, foa a late model high grade ear. Ad dress 1421 N. W. Bank blrta. WANTED Ijght car. about $300. Have Corniah piano with mandolin accompaniment, in fine condition, for exchange. Auto. 524-12. HIGHEST CA.1U price paid lor old cats; 'con dition QJ object. 121 N. -3d at. SEi.I. OR TRADE "FOR 'CAR, $1000 BUSI- MES8 PROPOSITION. 304 ABINGTON BLD. W. ANTED- A FORD, CONDITION NlO 1 OB JECT.. PHONIC AUT. 888-88. WANT to buy late ' model Ford with starter, WiU pay cash. Call Weodlawa 721 WANTED -1917 Maxwell anto body, touring or rosdtert cash. U-64. Journal. WAST Ford touring, Have for exchapge late Indian motorcycle. Call 633-88. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Gag; Water .Heaters SIB Special double copper coil gae water hcter, $16. They are new and guaranteed. MESHKR PLUMBING - SUPPLY CO. 348 3d at. - Main 5277. Between Main and Madison at. LLECTUia. FlXTURES-VSsverai tlioiwind fi tures, from one to four lights each; also in direct bowls, brackets and ceiling lights. Every thing brand new. at one-third leva than yon would ordinarily pay. - Call me up. Wood lawn 3791. ' NEW 'AND USED OFFICE FURHITURE. ADDING MACHINES, TYPEWRITERS. CHECK WRITERS, SAFES. SAKE CABINETS. OUR PRICES LOWEST IN CITY, -WAX OF FICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 24 "jN. 8TIL BROADWAY 2739. f FINE large cherries: - pick' them yuu.rself. 2e - per lb. : 3 miles sutheast of Sherweod-Wil-aonville read 3 miles. l 'mile south; place known ss Alma Meyer or Bailey homestead. A. r. Penman, Sherwood, Or., Route 2. THE Jli tk, Uin for June Is agate. They being health, wealth, and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gifts. h - . MIIXEB Next Door to Majestic Theatre. IKONING machines, slightly used; one to $125, one for $140, one for $150. Prices oa new machines reduced. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO MP AST Fifth and Oak Sta. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, aold and exchanged. ' Easy term if desired. , NOKRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. 105 Second St. - Main 2045. :i : ; ElectHcMqtors; ; Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Worka 413 Burn aide, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. Rpgs f ; Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton-Beach ' Electric Washer; aUojaeuum cleaning. Wdlm 8T68. WHY an everlaating aggravation by a leaky roof Why not a comfortable and durable roof ? We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. - Main 5120. - - office furniture; Bought, sold and" exchanged. HANSEN-WADEXSTELN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth at. Bdwy. 1877 HYDRAULIC" barber chair, like new. Boot-. black' staad. both for $75. 8125 Woodstock.- - COLUMBIA" TLASTEB WALL BOAHIl Can't bulge or burn. Jolptlesa. . Oregon made. Obfeldt. .145 First si' Main 6978. COMPUTING SCALES, cash registers, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fix tures, at 228 Stark st., between 1st and 2d. -. Dentjstry ; fi wLhuiS st Withont Pain. Latest Xerve Blocking Method. DUPLEX Alcazar kitchen range, family moving away. Exretient condition, Cheap. Phone vooqigvm 4 1 ( ONE ton chain blocks $20; set U. S. S. dies and tops: set II os berg sockets, $5; and other COMPLETE set Of lighting fixtures for $28 and up. - See us before buying. 359 .Ankeny st.. ww aiue uwr xuwy. - puv; 19 FOR SALE Baby baasinette on wheels, trimmed in blue, and allover lace. Price $10. Call Woudlawn 8887. v " ,; yxtON ' Apparel Pxchange fens" slightly , used ladies' clothes, new spring bats, etc 719 Union ave, cor. Ivy. East 1828. ' RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton" : Baaeh electric carpet washer; '. also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. -, -. PRINTING proa; 8 ttais. wub ; uotoT:1wiiI sell cheap or trade for smaller press. . Broad . ., w. 1BU1 . b. BAFES-tXo, 70 Sixth sfc, near Oak. New and second-hand Herring Hall Marvin .safes . and Steel cabinets. " Bus hong 4k Co. Bdwy. 1282. SIS iofs'NRY $fl.S0 ' Ten must bring this sd. 120 5th St. ' ! iwnMowers Sharpened WE CALL AND DELIVER. EAST 8424. ' FOR SALE Baby buggy, metuum sise, almost new. East 7698. . 400 RuaaeU st. FOR SALE Baby bufgy and a pUte. ' 869 . , vu o . J. LAW text boogd, reading laanp, four panel screen. I5 N. 22d, npstairs. LADIES pa well dressedy exclusive used gar ments in onr bome. . Tabor 225. WE GRIND and repair lawn mowers; also buy crippled ones. A Main 982. - IIA IR Bets, 8 for 25c, 13 for $1. Plummex Drug Co., 8. E. cor. 3d and Madison. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, exebang ed. repaired. Ray BenUey, Main 4907. ' - TAILOR-MADE suits eft oa band at half price. ' Modern Tailors, 69 N. 6th st- " : FOR RE NT Elect rie yacnum clearters; 24 hour day, 85c delivered. Wdln. 1259. ' i CABINET phonograph and records, like new. Owner must acrjuce at once. East 192s. GOf,D potatoes, $1 a at S. Hess, COth and avmmgsworui. wqin. out a. Call after Sunday. VACUUM cleaners rented. SI per da v. deli v. ered. Bdwy. 2872 days. Tabor 5788 evenings. 50 WEDDING Invitations or Announcements $6; artistic; prompt. Smith, printera.' 11 N. 6th. A FEW sacks Laurelhurst grown potatoes $ 1. 1039 Pacific St. Tabor 8108. ' . FOR SALE -White net dress, suitable for $rad uation: sixe 86. : Tabor 9538. -, i i TAKES a whits anam.ied infanta ftib. J18? WHAT tnumjt;iani f loin it, rvQ wy. gODg. GKT foi)t furuac propenjF CieaufeKl ud 'oiew- fn.waTel 4Ht.' w.Si- t 11 T . ' 1 i ft M A ST Lies sx tctva., wist v wen. 1, on B.CUtlB I U. "Ul. f aD-ai, "STAB A STAE" shingles, direct from mtlL Call Taylor st, dock. Main 8068. r ' " i ii ACRES ot standing clover for -sale in Monui-. vma. motiT roaa. FINE big second growth fir. 8T.7S per cold, $7.80 carload lots. phone Fa-f V020. 40 ACRES of piling, ciube to raiiruad, $1000, Phone Woodlawn 40tt. HanFen ? DRY cordwood. $7.50; 5 cords or snore, $7. Phone VVcjodlswn 4IM1 atter 7- p m. ' FOR SALE -"Uwanta" kippered salmon, a Port- ONE 3-in. lumber wagon. $40: 1 mower, $40. SeHwoo4 20 8S. . ' , FOR SALE -Resisters, showcases, wall cases. Cash or credit. 242 Salmon. " i t f.OAT milk for Hill driver.. Call Col. 3. FOH SALE Traction woouaw. Apply 249 2o. t ... FOR SALE-1.MISCELLANEOUS 900 Vr Dolan Wrecking Const. Co. 458-70 Belmont 8L ' . . , Plsene East 6)10. ,. , . ' EXTRA !' :" t ABB waECWSQ NEW PfDtCS BUILDING AT NORTHWEST SHTP j YARD. ALL KINDS OF DOORS. - WIN-. ! DOWS, BASINS. - TOILETS. PIPE, i rLOORISO. RUSTIC, BHirtlp, CEIL I ING. ETC. :- JUST AS GOOD AS NEW AT HALF PRICE. - v DONT MISS THIS 3ARGAIN. V ' : . 'Special Offer " - We can supply gov ith any kind of tna. I terial far -the new htuse at a large per I rentage of atviag. . Par material it stricUy 'i new and our prices second hand: i i ... 4 New Dimension ,". $1 S.ok) to $20.00 per M i New Shiplap ..... 13.00 to 1(0.00 per M ! New Rustic ... . ... 25.00 ta 5.0 per M . i New' Flooring fgoo4 " f " : grade) ....... 85.00 '? ' perM . 1 New Ceiling 35.90 to $5.00 per M ! Star "A" Shingles . 3.00 - j per M Standard Shingles , 2.25 i per U .Special Offers i 158,000 ft. ef new pipe. H-tn. ta 8-la, ! galv. and black, a$ shubed wholaaale p rices. . . w in eel) t in - gay ; quantity. ; Doors and Windows I . 1509 new doors at half price. Make i your selection af these, -wbicn include 1 penal. 2 panel and 5 panel, 'at $2.50 each, 6000 new windows and sash, from 76c to $3.00. , EEADY-MADE; GARAGES. $50 EACH ' - We also carry a complete- kae ef - new . fnd used plumbing. Estimates furnished on plumbing material gad inataRation. EVEBTTHISQ IN THE sjdLDIJfa X.UiB : ' Dolan Wrecking Const. Co, East Eighth and Belmont and Morrison Sta. . . -n . . Fhooe East Clip.- BOXER TRADING CO. 246 Waabingtoa. 118 2d Marshall 243S We Sell, Buy and ': : - Exchange . Cash Regutera . Showcases, Fountains, Scales, Store Fixtures. ' . GEBAt CHESTS " ; Ihrect from factory to your boms. Tennessee gad Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings latest design. write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGIJiS sV SON " 1912-16-18 E. GLIB AN. i TABOR 808 Save Your Wife Send your laundry to SnowfUke wet wash. Clothes washed snowy' white to separate - com innments. .. phone East 8433. 4 Valuable pie. niiuais given. . . S. . '."- ' '.. ." ' " i ' ' " -i r AVE SAVE TOII MONEY -House wiring, lighting fix tures. electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electric Store. 22 H Third at., near Salmon. Main 605S. UNE 'second-hand S-saL Wayne. Monarch, aaao- . line pump, with tank ; one 1-gai. gasoline pump, pne staO-gaL tank, one U. S. au com pressor, 10 en. ft. capacity; one single stage B runner air comproaaor. H. J. LesUe 4k, Son, 0.10 c lawaers. Automauc 111-12, Sewing Machines We nave the largest stock ef need Sewing Machines in the city. Com pere prices. We rent and repair. ii: aa, near xamtuii. 10 DROPHEAD sewiae Duhima with lttuKl -: menta, $20 eacb; portable electric machine ror rent; sewing macninea cleaned and repaired. a.. s. oteen. xoz Grand arc. .Last ?33f. ... NOTICE The Nobby Cieanera ' and Dyera xe- . -. ' ... . fcu ,U J r , illy and steam clean men's clothes. 1 .50. Sponged and pressed. 50e. Ladies' suits cleaned. $1.75. Urn., I a . , . . . . t an and deliver. ent Printers - We are not -members of a nv aomhina a mm. trpl thei price of printing.; Smith Printing Co.. 11 N. 8th st. ' ' - j '" ' 10 FOOT step ladder, lawn mower, 18 inch cut. 50 feet 5 ply garden hose, wheelbarrow, gar den cultivator, 0 foot wood Sam; all like new; very reasonable.. 5012 77th at. 8. E.. ML COME to the Vogue,' K.' 408 Alisky bid., for ladiea and children's clothing, bats and shoe. Prejrwayf prices., en trance on Tnigd. near Morri- Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing, 24 hoiur service; cal lect and deliver. - Tabor 4072.' - . Tabor 4841. Cadwell Campj Table S 8x6x42 folded, 30x42 open! supports 500 ms oau innrman. nroaqwty 34 HU. AUTOMOBILES, MOl ORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or Doata are separate clasamcaaons. A large listing will be found under Meee: diff eraat claaai- ficationa. - . - " BLACK FIGS, 25-lb. bo, ga.itO; split prunes. 22-lb; box. $1; muscatel raisins, 25-lb. boxes, $5; 100-lb. sack split prunes, $4.50. pc.nrcn nnm,iisi, git ismnm at. HT YATER TANKS 30-gaL $7: 40-eal. 88: - teKted and guaranteed; stove and furnace eoiial gas beaters installed; exptrt plumbing TCpairing. rasi Biae welding snop. Adams st. K. 8518. LICENSED independent electrician.- wires 3 moms for $12, 5 rooms $20, - An new ma terial used and guaranteed to ptm inspection. Woodlawn 3791. -i FINE large" 'cberriea:' pick ' tbern yourself. ' ?e per lb. ; H miles southeast ojf Sherwood-Wil-sonrillei fbed 8 miles, H mile south.; place known as Alms Meyer or Bailey; homestead. A. C Penman. Whet-wood. Or., Route 2; ELECTRIC washers rented, very reasonable ehargs. High-grade machines. We teach yoo how to use them. CeR Mam T370 and let u explain. Electric Service Co., 128 19th St. KKED , baby buggy for sale. $18; pracuiallj - new -f 7ft Wjwfc Ullmn., L . . TACCCM cleaners tor rent, "S3e-a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. ; A-l COAL heater for sale. 471 Magnolia at. Wdln. 1955. ' - i j fx. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS f 01 A FINE bargain in a standard; maae at- low price, $193; terms. ' , . G, , F. JOHNSOV 1 PIANO CO.. ; 149 giatb Street. FISHER PIANO, $2Utl Small piain case, good condition! Terms given. 5 8EIBKRLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at. STEEL guitar in good condition fer sale cheap. Call evenings. 253 - 6th at, j ar phone Main 1398. ; " . ! rlULLa' outfit complete, extra good quality, $25. U. F. JOHNSON PUSO CO.. -147-149 flth st: WELLINGTON PIANO Plain mahogany or oak case. $275 each; best of condition.' SEIBER-LING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO., 185 4th at. A GOOD player piano. 88-aate, for $378; ternu. j O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. : 1VI-14D Btn St; KIMBALL PIANO Good ooudition; a " snap, $25. SEIBERLLNO-LBCAS MCSIO CO., 125 4th st, between Washington and Alder. FRANKLIN PIANO Walnut Iowa. Will sell eneap.i . Bt-liJH.lil-i.NU-t,UCA8 MUSIC CO, 125 4th at. - -' .-! ' - ALMOST NEW, Vietrola style ;XA. Would coi $140 new, wita records 95, : 40f Abipatpti Wdg. '" :- - -- SCHIRMEB PIANO, $159 A bargain. 8EIB-EBUNtl-LUCAS MUolCCO., 123 ,4tb ., betwcea Washingtoa and Alder, BLoH ft LANE 'lAYEii PIANO Mauogjio? ' case. Will tell- t - almost ; half price. gKtHKKI.ING-ICCA8 MI 81C CO.i-125 4th St. CHICKER1NG uprigtit pin, flti. 1 I3tii BRUNSWICK phonogcapha demonstrated in yuu ' own home. Natg Ardrey, SeUwood 2143. . FOR BENT Piano, grafonola, late music. Eo pire Transfer. 254 Broodwayi Bdwy. 155. WONDERFUL bargains an pianos, ca-h or terms! Bny be re and save money. 409 Abmgton bldg. ALMOST Nr.W Brunswick phonograpn and rse- nms for sale cheap. Sell wood 2143. USV..LY ' GAYMAN, teacher f Steel bpanui : ?iitar. nkulele. 402 Sd st. Mi n 7771. Tetei sons sticeew. Ali snnsie dealer. - BPaT piayrr tjisno funlpj, r pair,' r-buUd. ' Yt b.remar. 254 Market at. ,i ur guaranteed; . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 'I'Hm'NSTAIUS .!. Rrhsin Piano Co.'" ' $ 825 Vote ex Sons dark maeogaay. .$195.00 tu Mteinway Sona man......... ins.uu 858 Kimball ft Co., golden oak ... . Sfli.OO 575 Chase. Urge, oak 290.00 1030 -8mzer Dlaver niano ......... 693.00 $10 to 125 tub, $5, $8. $10. $15 mostbly. rasnograpn tsept., ijaeo . opeciai. Victrala k Brunswick, cab., each. . . . . .g5.00 Columbia and Patbe. cab., eeuh....... 8 5. OO BUaoivara. goo; Grefonola. small...... 101 iota. St. at Wash, and Stare Sta, Security Rtormsa Co.. closina out for cash. $450 Spiee Piano Co., upright, man..... $183 eau HUrr Piano Co.. upright, oak...... lo 75 Collard ft Coward, small-up. ..... . 03 800 11008 and .player pianos and mnsie 295 250 Pianola player and 35 player roils.. 43 4 Parlor organs. $2.5, $35, $38 and., 8 jua iuiu ST., ciik. si Attn. ex. HADDORFF GRAND -MAHOGANY case. laUt axyie, at a pig reaucuon.- usea tot aemon st ration only. Terms given. SEIBERLIN'V- ktUAa athiu to., la tn au. petween Waalungtoa and Alder. VlOLIN STRLWjiS and SUPPLIES are our riPELIALTY. We always have the pest ol Italian strings rn stock. ii. . F. JOHNSON riANO CO... I4f-14" tn st SEE us for your phonograpn bargain f we have au t'pes ot machinea at pncea frcan 310 up. Come in and look them over: terms. - - O. F. JOHNSON PLN CO.. If f lts sin st MILTON PIANO Plain mahogany caae, $275. This Is a wonderful instrument at a Teal bargain. See it. SEIBERLLNO LCCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. between Washington and Alder. ...... .... SPECIAL player roll week, rulla of good lued rolls for $1, all guaranteed. , . . Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 147-1 4S Btn St A BEAUTIFUL walnut cae Wick piano, ail re- Iinisnea. )UH use new, fse; terms. "O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 Sixth Street. STEIN WAY ft SON. $160 Old iiiodel."but In best ef eondirion. Terms grven. 83EIBER-LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. between wwninguin tim AKIit. A SPLENDIir buy in a Story ft Clark make. . mabagany case. 5J3: terms. G. V. , JOHNSON PUN0 CQ.r 149 Sixth Street. ' MARTIN "C" melody saxophone' ouUit $110; - terms, ' : v Q. F.- JOHNSON PIANO CO.,. J I - S V W VLU SI KlilBALL GRAND Used Tor demonstration only. At the price of a good nnngtit. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st., between Washington and Alder. KIMBALL ILATER PIANO At a bargain. See it. Terma given. 8EIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. ,125 4th sL, between Washington and Alder. - :-:,; COLUMBIA Grafonola, slightly used. $70; Pack ard piano, practically new, $488; Kinrfler ft Collins piano (oak) $300. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill ft. - - CONN saxophone, silver plated, with (old bell, complete outfit, $125. . U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 147-149 8th st. DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 CLOSING out niy diamoim jewelry at less than half price. Diamond- rings $25 to $400. H. A. Brown, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 262 Alder street. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 002 COAL and wood ranges. .,...$ 1 5.00 m Cook stoves. $1 0.00 up stoves'......;...,, $10.00 up Ca water heatam ........... $ 9 00 up Floor covering', yard!,.' ..,-,'.,.. .7 5 up Kitchen queens. ............ $ 6.00 up Kitchen - cabineU. . ; ..... . , .$13. 00 np Dining Room extension table. ;. . I 7 00 up . Dining room chairs.. .$ 1.50 up Living room rocker. ....... .e 4.00 up Library tables, $ 5.00 tip. Simmons beds. ............ 810.5O' up Cotton felt maUraas. ....... .$ 8.75 up Steel sprinan ...... i ...... . $ 5.00 up Coil springs. ............... 3 8.00 np ; lrKRem . . . . . ... ; . $ 8.00 up ' PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE .':.-.' 308-210 Firt st. SAVE MX1NEY . 7 Try onr aales dept. if you want to bay or sell household goods; reduced freight retea to most all point in on throueh pool cars. Expert packiag, repairing end eefinisbing. Money loaned on goods in storage. ' Fireproof storage, low insurance rates. ' ' -' SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CXX ' 03 Fourth st, opp. Multnomah boteL Phone Broadway 8715. - A WATER power washing machine ..... $ 5.00 Good sanitary couch ..............$ 6.00 Gaa ranee, six bnrnera, three ovens, suit- able for large family or small restaur ant ......$40.00 Call gt SI 3 Third St. aeae Salmon, or phone Main 46$ Monday or Tnesday between 9 a. m. as ana o p. m. COOK STOVE $8, gas range $8, gss plate $2", Perfection oil atove $7, round pedestal dining table $18.50, chairs $1.25 up, rockers $1.25 up. sideboard $12.75, kitchen treasure $5.50, kitchen table $2.60, . sanitary eouch $7. silk floss mattrese $5, iron bed and spring $3.50, ba by. buggy $2.50; several rugs cheap; cooking utensils, garden tools. East 6957. LIS Grand. :s Reed Specialty' Shop : , 819 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 8508. Manufacturers of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order; also repaired and refini'thed. Buy direct from factory. 02 FT. of lawn fenoe with rods $25, Universal wringer $5, waab tub $1. bed springs, mat tresa $5, fruit jars 60c to 5e a dozen, sanitary eoueh $H, Bridge Beech range $25. combination beater ( complete) ,$10.; 1105 HayrUiorne. Tab. 8325. - 1 ' A SLIGHTLY used bot air furnace large enough for an 8-roont house. Price 830. Call at 474 Johnson st.. Mondsy or Tnesdsy between 8 a. as. ana a p. ra.. or pnonc nroeaway -31. Wii HA K a tv-w fine i voi y and walnut bedaT chiffoniers, chiffon robee and vanity dressers at factory pneea. - Call at factory, 441 E. Imbard at., near Union ave. - IF YOU need eookstove, range or furniture, sea Williams. 8634 Foster road. Phone Auto. 887-67. .'": - V --.': . : - . Vll'CiN iu range,' 4, burner, double oven, in first class eonditioa, $40 if gold by Monday. 6205 8th st 8. B. - Ant. 614-88. HA NDHOME ivory bedrotrnt suite. -5 piece. $160) ao walnut 0 piece suite, $205. . New. 170 Champlain drive. Arlington Heightn. - LEAVINt; city, furniture and ruga of 5 rooms at at siiffrifice. 520 Failing st. COOK STOVK $, water heater $12, gaa range $8, gae plate $2. Sell. 8051. -; LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 I HAVE too many boats;' want to selt some of them-. They are as follows: One 7 h. p., one 8 b. p. one 15 h. p., ene 25 b. p., one 89 h. p., ene .130 b. p.; two aoews, one 40 ft. by 13 ft, one 61 ft. by IS ft, new. My larg est boat has twin Wisconsin motors; ia 42 ft lopg, 12 ft beam; is new. Will deliver. - Write for particulars. C. T. 8mRb, Stevenson, Wash. LAUNCH. 32x7, 15 n. p., moiium duty engine. loV Ms ps nam road. Marshall 52. -FOB" SALE Classy motor canoe, a bargain, ' $125. CH Sonday or eyenmg. Msr. 812. FOR SALE OR RENT J TYPEWRITERS - 905 ALL makes guaranteed tne year. Beat re-con-stmctcd typewriter! on coast Sew price list Wholesale Typewriter Co., 821 Washington st, r-rtlane?r Or.. - pk-BUILT -trpewxiters, li- makes, rer.taia, re pairing. stuii)liea. Distribntora CORONA por? toble. SUNDSTKAND adding mschinea. Main 2S. IS. W. Peae Co., 110 SiTt'j et J ALL MAKES of typewriters rei.Ud. repaired . and sold on monthly payment r-n. Oregon Typewriter Co., 84 6th St. Main 9808. FOR RENT Underwood-Remington, $8.50 mo. ' Empire Transfer, '254 Brosdwsy. Bdwy. 155. ; OFFICE FURNITURE 906 62 J.NC'U i oil tup da and' office furniture at 855 North rap st. near 25 th. SWAPS 925 WILL THADE 1 1000 or lea Worth of Auto- snatio. Electric Brake stock and some cash oa good roadster or ft p-ssenger touring car. . 432 Hawthorne. - 150 WHITE LEGHORN bene aed pullet for eaie or traae. vvdla. ally. . A- A, . nelson. R 4. Box 1190. HUDSON super S; fill sell or trade my Hudson, jua pverbaaled, good tires; terms.. Phone 81554.' - ' '-'- ' ' OVERLAND FOR PHONOGRAPH Overland touring car, in good shape, to trade for standard make phonograph. East 6234,. VAKTED Bbotgua, " oU stove or what hi yonf for choice poultry and some cash. T are Tb Bti. wee flays. WILL trade a new Brunswick pbozuarapII" for SALE 2 -ton truck, or Aisde for motor eyel. Sell. 2507. WArmiP-ISCEUJVNEOUS tS0 BOOKS-Higheat price paid for Book of Knowl edge. Harvard Classics, Universal Antbpioey and Story of the Great War. . Address t'-fp. Journal. -: ; ' " tP-T6DATEB"CTES '. " " We bny everything and anything in the Vne of used furniture and household good, tool and eld eloibiag aad iunk. Call Main 734. JUNK "Jiod ' prices for old Clutlllll fa. meuiis, tools, furniture. Broadway 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ; 950 WANTEf Pnla of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest eaah price for seeoud-aand bonrehold goods. Ne amount too large ee too aiEtlL Prompt altei-Uon. N. M. S EATER Tbone Eat 2203. T43 Kuwll at. 812-50 TO $25.00 -MKYER.. THE, TAILOR! pays move for See end Hand suits. , shoes, oveveoeta. We call day or evening. MarbaU 1229.-er 253' Madison street, near I turn. V ANTED Gasoline pump, one gallon lift; must be in good condition. Address H. Smith, The Dal lee. Or. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpets iu pis"i we twir ue uie11 vmii i, , Tn. ' lft and IftS "iTyt 'st. Call Msin 4H37. SPOT CASH FOR UBKll FI B-SlTfiKE Main 8878 UNITED FURXITURK STORE 178 FIRST KTREKT - - Me R. SEATER " Buy the beat as well as cheaper grade cf second l.srtd furniture. 2K8 Grand l Auto. 232-53 I AM jut Opening np a second hand store and I muH have second band dressers, tables, chairs, tools, and any . other household good you want to sell. Will pay the best prieea. Bant 12. ' OVERLAND VOa pHONOt.RAPH Overland touring car, in good shape, to trade for standard make phonograph. r-at 92v WILL exchange Dodge touring car for furniture to tii real vame ot nuu. 111 or nouse, ww-t dde preferred, good location. llimi, journal 1 wn.L pay full value tor houaebold goods. Phone "Main 8288. COMMUNITY FURNITURE STORE Furniture Co., 203-205 2d. Msin 7308. fjj-p t;.oril Rubettein. the veteran opiuiau, til u, 1 i 1 1 'i 1 ' i i ,'i 1 5 yoUf eyefc Uxiiert opUi'sl service, reaswnah.e PERSONALS 97 , prices. No charg for testing. 2-8 M.irrin st. "att$nSV.!K lefmU" 0 gu.ntecd. Sell Bros- ft Co.. 8 Wash, st. Majn59. "SnSV Mto0a " ng-era0 honVro.y ' U A HO t-'omblng' mad. up. S. V. Plorce, MASSAGE l..U. 1 n El ma Hjni ft . fi i iTlAlK 34 KUiingswoTth. Woodlawn 4380. 1-anam bldg. Mala 6080. Prunes physician. tS2 ARatY OOOOt aal re tail : priee raouoaa. tx. nw Id t. a 894 1st at Main TelB. ART , WORH, SMRODKRY. ORDERS Uken In embroidery, Ueee and ' paint " ings. . 498 Wash. Mr. J. ErWin. - - t - ' - BATHS . ' ' " ! rurkish Baths nomaS8 hotel! Electro Therapist 24-bonr ervic to men. ; BLANK BOOK MAstEBS DAVIS ft HOLM AN, INC,. 109 2d at. blaall book manufacturer,' A-8183 Main 183. csasCHTfR AMD UILDERS GENERAL contractors Plans lumiaiied for all classes of buildings, alterations, rirjJg, w timstes given. Phon W3ln: 4280. 1 0ST!ANO OOJ1JIWPITL BOSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPfTAL. la-, Ef Ttb am Grant Botk pnenaa. Day ana fxlgbt' Mrviee. Three eeterinanana. CEMENT MfORB CEMENT WORas OF ALL KINDS AUT. S48-T7 OHIROPBAOTOW CHIROPRACTIC, steam ,tUa and umis 10th floor Broadway bide- alerebaU lf. Dr. Laura nv uowrung. vjy Dit. McMAUoN iMclan) His system: Paopla taking adjustments wnue smiling. imr"'- OLEANINO AND DYEINO kEGAL Cleaner Tailor and HaUaiv--Claanina and dyeing a pecialty. - Out of town , mail orders given prompt atbaliUon. 127 N. Otft U, Portland, Or, ';- ' Garments v ' 3,. prices. .719 Tnlon ave. N. east 1828. COSt. SUP W9QO- . , Superior 'Fuel -Co; 1 Rummer ratu now en that good eoal and eordwood. heavy country slab, block wood. Hpeciel price lor casn. Ttnor xov. aauimiuc " . SUMMER prices. , hhort block cut from nw - ry. tie. $7 60 per load, or us a it; shot slab, $8 per od; sawdust, $2 80 per load; also carry full lin No. 1 fir, ok. aah. Bock Spring and Utah coat Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. BOXWOOD v DeHvered tanmediUly by Pulton Woo Ce., 1181 Macadam. Pbone Main 4178. - 10 COUDa wood, $8 per cord, 6 cord lota, cui from big timber, Uken by a widow lady on a debt; must sell part of it NOW. Alberta, Irving-. ton. Piedmont district. Wdln. 4807. HENRY DIXON. . Extra good first growth cord- wood, $8.50 a cord. Mail order to route 1, Vncouer, Wash. GOOD 1$ and U-in. country .lab. $5.80. $7.80. Heavy block, alab. $8. DRY, cord, load, ball teed. Bargains. Delivered anywhere. Sea 1769. Qordwoo4 l87:$S;,x.ti i IZZ TA L Select grade Utah, $16 del, Wdfn. 410J. BUY your winUr wood now. Good beevy fur.t growth fir; $8.50 per cord. F- E- Bowman ft Co., Main SOag- CORDWOOD for sale, $8.60. Aut " 819 41. 9.M4 48d ave. S. K. - ' ' ' COUNTRY 6LABWOOD . Green or dry 4-foot or sawed. Star Wood ft Coal Co. Main 6013. CORDWOOD $7. Bo per cord, S. K. dUtnct - Phone Aut, 623-65. FIRST growth cordwood $$.$0 Pf cord. Wdlu. zaoa. FIRST growtn cordwood, liberal reduction, d . livered from car. Nt. Fuel Co.. E. 2041. l)RT country flgbwoud, I? (wf cotd. Fhun Aut. 832-71. Before ordering your wlnter'a t wood call Auto. 528-86. North Bank Fuel Co. 659 Upshur St. DRY lo in., 1 and 2-in. lumber range . wood. 38 per load. Phone Wdln. 2828. FUtST growth euruwood $9 Wr curd, delivered special price on largr lota. Woutlln 0312, BIG load of bwood, $5.60. Call Woodlawn 5904, or 1183 Montana av. - : ': -'. PKNT8T : '"''"" : : '"" ' " PRB, BTWRIQHT - Sd floor, Raleigh Wdg.. cor, It . " .- . end Washingtoa ata. ;, I.-.. Mate XI 19. A-2119. ' . ri-tcil-r Pft-' W. KEESE , " Dentistry isiw w.bmgton st Without Patn. latest Nerre Blocking Method. EPUeATIOWAL OSNCINO Downey's , ' Dance Studio . , 88$ H Washington itreet,- over Haielwood. Former instructors Cotillion ball. D. Patterson PORTLAND'S LEADING SCHOOLS t CotilUon haU, I4fl off Wahlngton Broad way ball,' Broadway and Main. Class and pri vate lessons by expert professional Instructors, in all branch ballroom, classical, ballet, oto phone or call or appointment, Broadway 3380. 818-39. ' THi DANCE STUDIO, 609 Deeuas-bldg.. Wash. - iagtop a Third. Private hour or half pcro koaoas; day, evening. 9 ;80 a, ..$. to ' fx' av Conn lessons specially priced Claaa Monday. Friday. T :80 p m Mis Ireland. . - SUMMER'S Dancing Aeadem, fcSty 6th. Les sons day, eve. Broadway 859-0. 88U6IO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS L. CARROLL DAY, teaeber ef voicf and plaai 14 8 -18th t. ' Broadway 8656. E B. LA W SON 20 rears' xperlenre; JUa leesops at your home, $1. Ant 643- -n. FI8H DEALERS ' , s . "UWANTA" KIPPERED SALMON OREGON FISH ft COLD STORAGE CO. ftUff RUOS ANP RA6 RW PORTLAND RUO COT Tnff Rnca. Made From Old Carpet 167S-1674 K. If TH ST. SELLWOOO 8681. MAT CLEANERS ANO DYERS Lace CurlealnsIv.T " NUfERit8 . NURSERY :-- ' , Perenawlt, coreb boa plsot -gnd hpjbry Order geraniums and pane? plant now. 688 80th St., RoseCRy car. Tabor 8299 OPTOMETRISTS i--w SYE& scienufk.Ily tewted with made er rnstmmeot; glasses fitted at i ' wwk twvine: Mtisfaetion tasrsnteedl ' A. E. HTJSVTg, pptomrtriit, Hi 1ft St 5tb and Oak. PERSONALS 075 HAVE YOUR OLDFURS REMbnELED To conform with the latest etyles, su,mmr tatee now in force. We can also offer you ex captions 1 values In fur garments euitable for the aeason's-wear. We have a setect assonromt-of chokers In mink, stone marten, fitch, sutirrei, anmmer ermine and other at ".truly remarkahis pneea. tiee our wmdow dinplay and be con vinced. THE SKTRIT. FUR CO. -aj 408 Morriaon St.. Bet. 10th and 11th. ,-, GUARD Y V 71 . 1 motlcrn iiv S X n t acient GUARD YOLK EVhSlwiif ley only flie m"t tnitncnt and tl.e nlific method in ex amining vour eyes, 20 year' xierWnce. Ttiou sands of VaUKfied twtient-i, EveuiiiK! and e5un dsys by aiHxnnunvnt- Clias. W. fJ'.mlman, U Mnrison. prw-war iirictw. Main 2124. TTtTi.IT AIM AN INSTITUTE Successfully treat, su.macli and kidney 1 trouble : suatn and minerat baths, sn&a sage. . ladles by appoint menu I-aity attencUau 710-711 Swetland Bldg. Main B055. 9 a. -ui. to H p. Tn. LADIES' aim Children garment.. New at,,! alightly ued. Home wonilerful material prices. H. 403 Alisky-JSldg. EuUance on Third, near MorrWn. ' $1 GETS both feet fixed i.p at Dr. Kalmi t!, - CHIKOIHUHST and ARCH SPECIALIST w'io desist hurt you; 8 yra. here. Kxsm fret. il b Theater btilg., 11th surl Wa - h. M?. 2nJi II Con'.uluuion FREE. All ci-w JLeaWyer 404 ConsoUdUd , Kurius plrtg., K4 t'n Ht. iimnnway o. WANTED For ad.ition. baby boy-or gin, s .1 week to 1 year old. Mrs. Paul NteouU. CathlamHt. Wash, KUPLUFLUOl'g HAIR, niulw, want, tetuntvd by 10 needle method. Ttial free. Josie Finlej, 514 Biihh A iJine bldg. Maiii,fl3H . ILKCTRRi MANICURE, marcel, facial maaa, . scalp tnatnienU, electric vibratur maasesn. OPTOrltTBI9T8 HAVE YOUR EVES EXAMINED! W recommend and precrib glasses only after x thorough examination proves Iheir need. Yod will find our service rellabl and cliargsl vsr reasonable. -4 trial will convince. . . cit?ntiiTC Optical Servia? 83 Morrison t. Main 8867. - pAiwTiwo, TiwTiwa. m t n h swoiwa ROOF PIS1 OH PALNTINii b our hobby and we are pleased to announce that the price this Rose Carnival week is eve below pre-wsr paces and the Hiack Hstio Web foot Paint is th best that moneyt buys. Roof Security Co., 228 Board of Trad bldg. Uaia 071. Res., Bdsvy. 609. WalllPaper, Pa2nts, Etc. 830 PEHINII STREET. MAIN 7822. . Uhl Bros., Brsc. Norinalcy Painting Co. PAPER HANGING AND TINTING . PAINTINCf IN ALL IIS BHANtllKS Tabor fa478: Tahor 37 3. CHOSSWHITB ft PflANZ Painting very reasonable. Phon d22-33. J. -H. CLIFTON, painting, papering, tinting, 1M N. 17th i at. Brosdwsy 4414. BoodUwe 2130. PAPERING, painting, tfnling, low rates. Quick servii;. Phone Bdwy. 8 2! 7. PALNTING and kl.-uiu.iiiiui and tu l r'-i'H.ruv at moderate prieea; work guaranteed. Ks.-t 40.1. PATENT ATTOWNtTn. C 8. GOLJiBERG, patent, trademarks, oups rights. 610 Cbsmbet of Comroerr bldg. " WHY8ICIANS DR. R. ATfffiXLv3r Brosdwsy ISIJg. Office Pmctlc. only. PtUWINQ AttO STtAIH f tTTIJQ ; PIPE-w-firon and Clay - . FIRST GHADE PROMPT DELIVERY ... - LOWEST PRICES - PeHess Pacific Co. ' Phone Marshall 1901. - en-ia rront Street. Plumbirig GENERAL jobbing and sewl r work ! encti m anna h! W. A. MYERS, 175 E. 6d t. N. Ant 2 1 1 t T. LOW pr.e on sil kinds plumbing supplies. l.t u figure on your inttallationt. Alheru Plnmh. Co., 617 Union v. N., nr RiimvIJ. E. 425. PLUM RING SI ' vVlAKk v itVl tOLKS A (jt PRICES HTAKK IiAVH .r-WH 4tH st TBK M. L KLINE CO., 84 S8-B7-89 FTnTst PRIWTIWQ, ENwRAVINO. BINOINO W LINEN CARDS $2.50 Liberty Printry, 105 4th St. Main B381. raratlllcr w baltks a7TT7I.J laHBllK and Qk Msin 1 6 5. F. 1 i .0 i. . ThE " IrwijThoi son ctiSf pan t: " 897 Washington. -Brosdesr 494, A-128. 50 EDDINt, in t s or iiim:m : ('!; artisliu, pramnt. Prntth, nnnten. II K. 8i'i t AMCI IPV PRJNTINiJ CO. ajuslitrSrv. rciil3iLlL; Y ire 2r,2 w.h t Min 4btl ROOF RtPAIRINfl '.PAINTING "Best roof-paint estimate given free; afl wrk guaranteed' Main 20114, J. C. Wile... flDOFS repaired and painuo; gutterj clear. Rixif Security, Inc.. miga. Webtoot Paint 2 it Board ef Trad. Main 671. Main 664a. Col. 86$. 6KEGUN K(H,F1NU CO -ramting s.l relsTti ing a9 kinda ol rnnfa. Ilo.t t.ilaonlt psmt psed. .All work ttnarsntesd. 1 TB4 H. Glissa si. Phones' Tabor 4 WIT, ttr 72B9 , ROOF PAINTING Bt roof piimt. stimt giv-n free; U work aiiaranieeg, sism 1QV1. 4, 1 . IV lies. EOOFS repaired, painted ni gutterH-ciesti.'d: work guaranteed, ., E, E. Nickeli, Eaut 8183, CALFAN& FACIAL SPECIALISTS Evelyn 'Trelnles Suit 420 Mergaa bldg. Pbon Mtn 4484. fleslp treatment nd cieittific tarlal ot v rectiop. riandnift. failing of the hair and Itch ing scalp successfully treated. On or two trt menl will convince you. tlWIR COfvNECTIOaja hewer work ' Bessfinbl and ref'iabla 195 7 Tabor 83 3. E- Clifen, HUT METAL WORK MULTNOMAH SHEEI7 ; , METAL . WORKS Rorftng. gitttrrtng, snouting. Jobbing n general repairing Phon Bmadwsv HZ 2':H A h STOVE BCPAIBIW& Why Buy a New Stove? Wa rpir all kinil of stovas, as range anl fnrnacea East 6931. TRANSFER AND STORAGE SSOTBITT STORAGE ft TRANSFER Ca Pseking-Movin fltirsee MONEY LOANED ON GOJD8 IN STORAQJ i $8 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah boui. - I'boa Broadway 8715. ALWAYS PICK THB BEST HOTTSEnoT.n GOODST SPECIALI.-JT SUir.ite, pacr,. shipping nd moving; horse god suu vans; s. ctal vale to ail pnims. C. O. PICK TRANS FER ft iTORAGJJ CO ti snd Pin st. Brosdwsy 506. A-1 b Oregon Transfer Co. 47$ Gliean . Brwsy 1211 DHAYAOE --STORAGE - Four WarMiouse en Terminal Tracks' storage and Transfer Clay, S; Morse, .Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 84TS C. C. -CIMPPELL Fnrnil'ir nd Moving. . i Auto truck' for f(i and Ion d::-lance htn express and baaasge rsnt. ... Col for sale. 1029 K. Yarnhill t Tabor 1701, GET OUR FIGURES ' We save you - money; siorage nd packing; small or larze truck. - ROSE CITY TRANSFER CO, BDWY. 82(5 1 REIH V'ED FREIGHT RATES to alL point rs biuenold g".nl Pacific CiMtt Jforwtittui Co-.-l'th at.j Itntt Bdwy 7fi;i -f CHAKIiES "fl bjjie; a...o ge-wi'-J fcauliiig. . AuU J27-C3. ' ar-0n IB