14 THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNALS, ' PORTLAND, UKtuuw, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1ES1. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FINK RESTAURANT on Washington at; Ukmf In big money; house and tot elegsntly fur nished; piano; garage; sleeping porch; flowers; term; owner; WoocUtock car to door; 4614 K. 4lt st. i"Oft RENT 2 room furnished doum. Irxjuii 817 Willsmett blvd., cjot. Killingsworth. , HOUSES FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 CEEAN, mod. 6 rtn. flat, fireplace, lurun, walking distance, 1700 fur., almost new, for 410, $250 cash, pal. terms, Bdwy 1989. 689 lis via, near 18th. ' - 6-KOOM house, rent $25, part h. k. pays ex- peases, good . furniture, akin beautiful piano, nice home- N6 rnwiuM, offer refused. 4 67 f. 23d t. Auto, '.'4-12. '' , ';"'"" . FOUR room boar for rent, cheap; furniture for sale; ntiit be sold by 20th. Corner of 1st Charter. 825 Schuyler it. . e ROOM flat, rent $50 per month, furniture for aaie. all or by the piece. Located 145 ft I tth at. - - -; - - - - -6 ROOM hou for rent, furniture for aale cheap or will trade for Ford in good running condition. J-938. Journal. COMPLETELY furnished tt-room flat, modern. - furniture for : aale. rent 328.50. Inquire ftO, Market t IloL'rtW for rent Wood or coal range, ' grapbonola, dining room act for aale. 6 94 Bnrthwtck at. 1 0 ROOMS, all good, furniture, b- k. miles, pays all expenses, nice borne, long lease, $1250. ySOO down. K. 842.V SACRIFICE--9 rooim furniture, including piano, $ 1 000 ; cash", balance terms,' Cheap rent. 42 N. 2 lit st. Marshall 4012. ROOM lower flat, all large, mi bade rooms, to party buying-furniture; rlosa in on west aide; one room rented. Main 0398. 6 ' ROOM fUt. furniture for sale. 275 14 til. Bdwy. 168. 11 ROOM apartment house tor rent furniture for sale, at 423 Rant Couch st East 1794. STORES AND HALLS 314 J.' ICE corner atnre, 354 1st cor. Mill; also Inside store, 825 Clay at. near 1st. dose in. rent reasonable. Tabor 1114. FOB KENT lie cage, suitable for truck. E. 9th at Olissn. phone Eait 8233. ' 61 ORE room for rent, 25x50, just tcrou Bdwy. bridge, 292 UmiMi at. East C371. H I'OhK to rent., fixtures for sale.- 543 Vs Waxb- - Inzton at. FOR desirable space ureproot wamboas. Pbooe Bdwy, $718. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and stiaagraphio service. Phone Broadway 3715 - SUMMER RESORTS 316 rOR RENT for season. Dear Rocksway, mod ern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, furnisned Templets except linen and ail verware ; equipped with every conveinence including Is rg garage; 1 blk. from beech, 1 blk. from main auto high way, Tsbor 8487. ...... ' MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE . Classic Ridge Uous and Campe (Nehslem, Or. vis. Tillamook train), opens July 1. For res ervations address J. II.,' L H. Edward. 165-4 Fcnrth street, at Morrison. Main 7292. Service or self aerrice. 1909. COTTAGE, completely famished, at Long Beach Wash, ; flowers, ideally -.located facing the Meadows, the play ground; 3173 for season. Owner 4614 E. 4 1 at,. Woodstock car. FOR RENT 5 room furnished cottage, balance - of Jnne 325, or for the season to September 8, 3125 at Ocean Park, Wash. Write box 103, jfliiwsuKie, irr, r-oone 'onu, sttiwansie. FOB RENT In Gearhart park until Ana. 31 1 large kitchen with cooking utensils and water in kitchen, large sleeping porch with 8 beds; in good location. NEW Cannon Beach tent houses, also 16x32 house, all completely furnished new through out, right near beach. For particulars aee C. I .Wingard, W3 Morrison at FOR KENT for the season, furnished cottage, . Ocean, Park, Wash.; references required. Mrs. t-oliiwn. 448 K. Clay st AT HOOKA WAX Reach to rent, Juiy 5 to Au gu&t 1, 835, cottage, comfortably furnished for four. Phone Eaxt 4 523. FOR SALE -Cheap, by owner, lots in Ocean Park, Wash. Free camping grounds for wearybody. Bliqgerland. 460 E. Paris st. FOR RENT Summer cottage at Bockawsy beach, by month or season. Apply at 275 TamhiU st. or phone Main 5194. SEASIDE 8- room houie, $1&0 best location, Woodlawn 2614. lor season; SEASIDE 5-rooru funiihked cottasa. nurtli end of beach. Bdwy. 1762. 5-RttOM bungalow, reasonable. hill. 1178 E. Xam- FOR RE-NT Modern cottage at Seaside. Tsbor 1428.. Phone WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 bOARO and room wanted by couple employed, where t 14-mos.-old child would be taken care at. V-683, Journal. , 'WORKING man with boy of 10 wants room aud board in private family; F-4S0, Journal. 12. &0 CARE and board o children IS jrs. ' and under, ell Mt. Hood, Oregon City. HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU ' LM your booses, Oats or apartments with ; uick results and good tenants. PACKINO. MOVING STORAGE. LOAK3 SECURITx S TO RAGS gt TRANSFER CO. Fourth St.. op p. Multnomah UotaLt Phone Broadway 8718 WANTEO To rent. - 4 or 5 room modern bungalow with option of baying from owner. Hawthorne or Roe City district preferred,.: 605 " i "u, or aaareea li-oaw, Journal. couple, no children, will give excellent , .fare to home or furnished apartment until I. ,.Ti,nust b reasonable. References. Msrshall 8329. t iVE or six room bungaJovr, with guage pre ferred, desirable locality, east side preferred. 'K-854. Journal., or phone Tsbor R4 73. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 : tOW .is the time to make your reservation for tent house at Seaside; electric lights and water at the door. Phone Mar. 4431 or Mar. 77 7. OCEAN CREST, tarnished HT'K.-iUPhSne - 14 '' r Ocean Crest. Rockaway. Or. COTTAGE at tirsnidt; will rent for the season" I'hone Mar. 4431 or Mar. 777. s ' BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 600-600 H.-00J . William avenue, 83500; East 2103. APARTMENTS AND FLAT ' ' PROPERTY 402 ESTATE to be sold; make offer for 100x100 northeast corner 14tb and Taylor, west side. East 3 1 95. LOTS 403 8130 PER LOT ROSE CITY CAR LINE . . , V ' , lots In 750 st. all in cultivation, side walks and curbs in and paM. only 3H blcn-ks to csr; think of it.- 219x100 feet for 31200. 1-3 cash, balance 825 per month. J. L. HARTMAN COMFANY Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. 14 -ACRE TRACTS ' .; . . t BOO ON TERMS ON THE PEN1NSILA Clear and in cultviation with all city utilities: greatest bargains ever offered in city nroDertv BUILD YOURSELF A HOME COE A. McKKNNA A CO.. Realtors. 82 FOURTH ST. ' , - ' i ' 43x205 "" - .$1000 $100 down. 310 a month, all im provemenU paid, fine for fruit berriea and gar den, close in on east side. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Banx B'dg. M,tn 37 S7. ROSE CITY PARK Here is one of the most beautiful lots in Portland's most popular residence section; priced 3500 under actual vain; (1250; terms; N W corner E. 6ta and Sandy. Call owner, Marshall I T1, IVjrs-IItwliiw,. - - $750 81 0O DOWN $10 a month, all improvements paid; close in JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Msin 8787 BEST BUY IN PORTI-ANU H block and 5 room bouse, lots of fruit, 1 iuoc m nawxnorne ave.. eroae in; $2750 terms. Dubois, 804 Kpalding bldg. easy '. YOt'H lST CHANCE - . Ijureihurt lots at these prices. See J. A. MeCarty. 270HvSUrk. Msin 1700, evenings Tsbor 5057. YOUR OI'WIRTI XITT . IureBiuKt lots, while they last, at extreme Jy low prices. See J. A. MeCarty. 270 H 8tsrk s. Phone Msin 1700; evenings Tsbor 5057. "" " FOR SALE IlV OWNER 49 acres 2 miles from Oregon City add. 88 lots, bouse and barn chicken bouse in Irvlng ton. Phr.ne East 762. . LALREIJilRhT LOT BARGAINS fe J. A. MeCarty 270 Stark st To0; eveniags Tabor 5057. REAL ESTATE- i-f OR SALE LOTS 403 160x115 FEET 8975 - $15 MONTH i :" . -r' ' ' - - r-: ; c : 97.50 down. Wilshire,! Just east of Alameda Park in Sharer St.: corner; all cleared but few -fir trees; good garden sod; tills new tract just opened; all size tracts; branch office open every day until 8 p. m. : take Broadway car to Bryco are., go east 4 blocks. i i J. C HARTMAM OOMPANT , -f : . " 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " ' Main. 208. ; 1 : $75 ' ' BEARING FRUIT TREES 387.50 DOWN ' 815 month, 105x100 : feet, block from Bryce are., near Broadway car; wfTJ give deed to this lot and take back a second mortgage; WUshfre add.,' just opened: branch office open every day until 8 p. m. 33d and Bryce are. Take Broadway car. . i : . t , J. T HART MAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Ownmerc Bldg. . , Main 20. ' ' y ' - - I-:;. " . - - i . : W : t 60 l l.NE building lots' cltesp; all or part, owner. 4412 26th sve, 8. E. HOUSES 404 HOSE CITY BUNGALOW - TAKE LATE LIGHT CAR AND CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT 5 rooms, hath and breakfast room arranged to save steps. Extra, la'ge living room with fire place; dining room with besntiful buffet: Hard wood floors in both. Buffet kitchen, coxy break fast room, two large, light bedrooms , with largs closets and bath between. Old ivory and whits enamel finish throughout , Indirect ' lighting, beautiful fixtures, full lot, on paved street Kverything paid in full. Beautiful location on the hill, with choice neighbors and a wonder ful view of Mt St- Helens en clear days. I had this place built two years ago for a home, but find I must liave two .more rooms. me out and see it if yon want real home at about what it would cost to build now. Come to 661 East 51t N. any time Sunday or evening this reek. Take Hoe Cite car. Ownr. 1IOMESEEKERS. take notice, it you don t buy your home from us we both lose mnnev Small cash payments. . Sea our bargains. ! 82500-7 rooms, lot 50x100, fruit. Sunnvidde. 5 room funuSbed. Make offer. 83250 5 rooms, garage, large lot 81800 Building 32x60, Belmont. Business property 84200 S rooms, strictly modern. New. 330005 rooms, near Lacrelhurst Snap. 83950 7 rooms lot 75x100. Modern. 32400 -5-room bungalow. Real buy. J'w 5-room bungalows under construction. CLOW REALTY 38th and Belmont, t Anto. 228-89. -ROOM I-STORT BUNGALOW IK OVERLOOK $5250. $750 below value; urroanded by beautiful homes, on a mnwr lot. garage, hardwood floors throughout, beavuti- itu DuiniB features. Dutch kitchen, sun room, cement basement, furnace, trays, double con structed. 2 years old. every bit of work done by a first class carpenter; the value, artistic design, pleasant surroundings and completeness of this, home cannot be duplicated anywhere in the city. SEE s BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. Main 6327. 20 Falling' Bldg ROSE CTTT PARK : $4500 S ROOM BtTNf!ALOW s GARAGE Hard floors, fireplace, large rooms, music room, 2 bed rooms. ' large living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, basement snd furnace; good cement drive, large cement PLrch. This is one of the bet rustic ; bungaloir in R. C. 81O0O down. bal. $50 per mo. Csn Mairi 6201. . HAWTHORNE AVENUE 6 room modern bunealow on ft a o.StIaa r lot V, blocks from HA : f irenlace n,wl. painted and decorated : a real ' buy at $4750; $1000 cash will handle. . MAIN 7027 Vi WASKatPARK BUILDER has 2 splendid double constructed houses ready to move into; also have 8 mora nnder construction. 1 Prices from XSAnn isnnn These bouses have all the bnilt-ina, cement floors in basement and drivewaye for auto; street im provements are all in and paid for; one of the best neighborhoods In Portland, dose in. These nouses are sora on reasonable terms. If we haven't what yon want we win build one for you on our property here. Richmond car to 35th st. Owner on the property. Ant 218-32. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH 33300 Attractive. modern bungalow, with furnace, 5 rooms first floor 2 -finished on sec ond, beamed ceilings, - Dutch kitchen; i block to ear, located on comer of E. 3 let sve. '3. E.. 1 block south of 50th st Mt Scott car. R. SOMERVILLE. I BDWY. 2478., . 1 : - euu KWJM8, sewer connection, splendid lot, patent toilet, 14 bearing fruit trees, big chicken houses; Woodstock near csr; 8900 ANOTHER SURE BARGAIN $350-ropm fruit trees, bath and toilet, Woodstock; r$ 1350. j Ryder Realty Co. 4306 61st ave. S. E. ' Ant 620-96. 97 MORRIS ST.. block from Mississippi, modern 7-room house with lot 33x125, covered with fruit trees; i house : is partly furnished; belong to non-resident and must be '1 t n. 82700. For particulars RIESI-ND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. - j HOUSES FOR SALE, Free plans, free estimates, free (J rice. Talk with onr practical building man, "No cash pay. Bent down " Let us build tor you on easy repayment plan. i 'SUN-HOUSE- BCILDINU CO.. On 3d bet Stark and Wash, ' 216 Abington bldg. Hawthorne $3800 $600 CASH . N1iW. 5"ROOM BUNGLOW; MOVE BIGHT lrTHIS I"TLE DREAM. HARDWOOD tVSr0,811' FIREPLACE, BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. ALL IMP. IN AND PAID. R- SUMERVILLH !. BDWY 2478 $1200 3300 DOWN 3 -r. cottage, 80x100 lot. fruit trees, ber ries, , garden. Good little I home for very little m.mfy. i oooiiA,KH.ti MrCABK. REALTORS. 322 3-4 iaUing Bldg. MarshaU 3993. BY OWNER -V " O - room house, fnraimhtiri w, iinr.R.i.t. . electricity, oath, lot 160x100 or less. aU kinds DI berrwi., chicken run, ' vegetable garden aU in good cultivation, near earline and school, very Vo0.tittbl 1ll'.ce and ! of the proposed 1925 exposition. Mrs. E. White. 1497 Lancas ter street -' i ATTRACTIVE 5 room bungalow, block from K"llirlme Pvl street. 5 blocks J? mul" Pafk- H tore lirin room, paneled dining room, laundry tra ye. etc. . Owner must . city and wiU sacrifice for 83100. Tins is a good buy for some one. Only 8500 down. 145 E. Stafford. Wdln. 4423 MODERN room homi, hi, nt. k..rA, ' i-.i1! mij" nd pkl hlock to car. Price JohnsonDodson Co. lot r lucyiTCc, luruace, garage; ouxlOO aa Bldg.' . Main 3787. rUK SALE Snan. H mm. fall?''.?1? basement, nice lswn and rose! T i. otark st; I fi,8 f, iWS,l "l(J m aiD' to U: come and look at it Phone Tabor 811. BY OWNER -Now vacant, key next door; 5 rooms, modern. SOilOti lot with lawn 4438 40th ave. SE.: $2500. S3ft .k k.i. 252 a month and int.; will take Ford' or Chevrolet toarmg as part payment Aut. 618-77. , BUILD NOW See w lot desiirus and etim,Us free: get bLEgalow book of 100 designs 31; e tabh&bed 10 years; sstKfscticn urnvd. .i L. R. BAILEY CO. P24 N W. bsnk Bldg 4oo bargain $2 100 " . 1 "" walk !mV,2n', 5 ,1mi bth- side walk paid; splendid location, V block to car: taxes tip year. Sellwood 1250. ! $3300 ATTRACTIVE S room houseV Jull 31SR9m doubI . Owner. . Phone Aut 3-KtKiI modern house with bath, 50x100 lot chickens, garden on sdjoining lot With or . ,,,. J1U4 E. SIst N 'U.AT,B, 2T-"' j tulTbaler tlfioii- ,,;."' roses, garden all in; 23bioc0kS,i4iA,bert! ?r .fT., JEFFERSON HlGil bliitht&t 1 ana l 4-mni , . owner. 208 jvhsver r '":u". t,MC'" nd: b'l .t ieT Tabor l h. J"" bunJ"'. "Kv being built, not fin-r-ned. tn f ma t 11. Wdln. 142 NEAT 5 room bou-e. imiil nn,n, t, K, 6th st. near. Hsrriwn. ' ' " " V5s TT tf TlTT T )0 SUITE 4.5 MlBUSIMESSlKrit TT Dl rv- I W4tJtM m-va REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A REAL. HOME FOR YOU FOLKS I want yoa to call sp either on of our off ires -mske an appointment with one of the aalee- mea to show you some of the attractive homes we have to offer. I have is mind one little attractive bungalow in the Hawthorne district for 8380O with hardwood ' floors, fireplace, cement basement, etc A real downright modem bun galow and 8SOO cash will handle. Another home we have in the same district a 6 -room, colonial, with fireplace, furnace, etc., for 83950. We want you to aee thia. You'd expect to pay not leas than $5000, - Yoa make your own terms too. And over in Rose - City Park we have any number of real downright bar gains. One elassy hltie bungalow with garage that t have' in mind now that can be had for 840O0 and on a -corner lot too, with ail as sessments paid. . Another 8 room colonial for $4750. It baa a garage and located near Ala meda drive. Another 5 rooms and sleeping porch reduced from 86500 to 85250. 'ln Lanrei hurst we are offering a bungalow with hard wood floors in every room, tile bath. French doors, . solarium alcove off dining room, tiled drain, famace. garage,, etc. for' $6000. You'd expert to pay $7000. You'll appreciate the real attentive servire yoa get from my office and the positive lack of per snasive efforts on the -part of salesmen. The houses must sell tiienuelve. '. Drive out this evening or 'phone Tabor 9586. A. G.TEEPE CO. PCALTOOS A IM5UOANCC MAItt 302. 'A-iA-ST TABOR. 95i& . ' 2.offie4 - $850 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK Only V4 blk. to ear, paved street and sewer in and paid; if yon want this, you will have to hurry dandy rooms and sleeping porch, alt modern, fireplace and built-in effects; 1st floor, living, dining room and kitchen; 2d floor, 8 bedrooms and Urge sleeping porch ; large floored attic, also a full cement basement with good furnace: this place is less than blk. to the earline: may be occupied July 1; there is also a garage; owner must sell and, as the place is now rented, an appointment must be made to see if. ;. J. U HARTMAN CO.. 1 Branch office, ,45th at Sandy blvL PORTLAND HEIGHTS I REDUCED $1500 FOR QUICK SALE account owner hgVing other interacts de manding quick action. 6 " room AnngaJow and sleeping porch, h. w. floors, large living room, massive stone fireplace, dining, kitch-; en and sun porch; 3 bedrooma and sleeping porch up. Daylight closets and traMt-iss. Full basement, doable constructed, furnace, trays. All modem conveniences. 50x100 level lot. cement garage. Fine location on Montgomery drive. Will sell at ACTUAL COST if sold this Marsh & McCabe Co REALTORS 322-3-4 Falling Bide. Marshall 8993. Bungalows for Autos ROSE CITY i One of the prettiest fi room bungalows in Rose City Park, corner lot, below the hill, close to Sandy blvd. : practically new, all " hardwood floors, massive fireplace, furnace, all the builtin features. Very artistic Will, take car and some cash as first payment. ' SUNNY8IDE Modern 5 room bungalow, excellent condition, hardwood floors, East 34th st. between Haw thorne and Sunnvside can. Will take a car and little cash. - K. S0MERVTTXE, 320 U. 8. National Bank bid. Bdwy. 2478. $20504 room bungalow; full cement : base ment, with wash trays, full enamel plumbing, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. Holmes disappearing i bed in dining room. A good buy. Lot 33 ft front, .;,'; -i $3250 5 room bungalow; concrete garage.: lOOx 100 lot, nicely improved with large chicken house, berries. A real home. 1185 Boise st. $28004 room bungalow; Piedmont district; paved st, close to car. We can make easy terms on these places and con sider them good buys. It will be worth while to see them. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943. 284 Osk St FURNISHED HOME, CLOSE IN This home is located right here on East Bel mont easy to get in and out to; only one block to sunjiysiae carune. The house has 4 rooms, modern, bath and reception hall on main flopr, all newly white enameled, and 2 rooms upstairs; fine cement basement, good lot and garage; all city improvements are in and paid. The house is extra well furnished, ready to so to house keeping. Only $4500 for complete outfit For inspection ana terms see K. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Building. Main 2858. Owner Will Sacrifice ' Strictly modern home in 1 splendid condition ; large living room, library, dining room, break fast room, kitchen, 5 bedrooms and bath roc sn; extra toilet and lavatory old ivory finish; hard wood floors, large fireplace, furnace, large ga rage. 2 lots, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers: ideal location, Portland Heights. House could not te aupucatea lor price asked for property. it is a real pargaw at HSUU; terms. Owner, aisrscau ztsn. PLENTY OF FKUIT AND SHADE TREES 895 down, $22.50 . monthly buys 5-room plastered cottage, with 80x127 lot, 6 large bearing cherry trees, some nice fir trees. Total price $2045. . . f 4h Chamber of Commeroe. Furnished Bung. Snap 6 room mod. double constructed. Dutch kitchen. oak furniture, velvet rugs, buffet, etc., etc. On vts canine. ctoiaiers sacntice. . Only 331DO, Must have $1125 cash. Ryder Realty Co. 1 : 4308 lst Ave. S. E. ' : Aut 620-96 $3300, terms: COZY LITTLE BROWN BUN- . G ALOW 5 rooms. large living room, fire place. Poos esses, dining room. Dntea kitchen, pass pantry, . 2 large bedrooms, basement- fur nace, trays, fall lot fruit flowers,' lawn.; 2 blocks to ear, pleasant neighborhood. A home you will never want to part with. Owner going to ALASKA. Call Main 6327. Bey Tils 3 room house and 8 lots; garden planted; price fi.vu; terms v aown, 91a per month. WILLIAMS KivALI I CO. Grays Crowing. Aut. 617-43 FOR SALE 4 room bungalow, lot 100x100. with bsth. full . basement- concrete floor. 8 young fruit trees, 4 dozen perry bushes, big garden, planted, all fenced: outhouse with con crete floor, .sewer and hard surface paid fori pnee aou. hob r- 33a st. t. Take Alberta car to aotn and hVillingsworth ave. A COZY LITTI.K BIMiAlAJW . FOH A LITTLE MONEY KENTON 5-room modern, full lot " paved street, close to car and school; tlie -same houde next door is $5250. Ours is $8250. See our agent. 209 Failing bldg. Win 6327. FOR SALE BY OWNER CHEAP Modern 7 room house, full basement, cement floor, furnace, trays. 2 toilets. - electric: lot soiioo. garage. 228 Skidmore sti Phone wain. os2i, - - s OVERLOOK 6-room nitty bungalow, corner; garage. Let me show X jou this it fa a wonderful home, and yoa cannot help but appreciate It Call Mr. Pomeroy. Main 6827. ROSE CITY BL.ViALOW 5 rooms, modern. furnace, fireplace, built? ins; on a beautiful corner lot In a fin community, paved street on the hill clote to car and school. Main 6327. ROSE CITY PARK OWNER . Nifty C-rcom bungalow. Just now completed. See thia at 472 E. 43d r, N. l!i blocks Sandy. Phone Tsbor 1768. - FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, full lot. Urge rooms, good district on car tin.; fruit and gar den. Am leaving city; mast sell; $3300,. $1000 cash. Phone Sell. 1151. FOR b ALE by owner, $3X00; terms. Just com pleted, double constructed, strictly modern 5 room bungalow, on paved street 965 East 29th N; For appointment call Woodlawn 4619. ' 6-ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood ' floors. , furnace, fireplace, built-ina, garage; a beauti ful home in a beautiful district Call Tabor 64. ALBERTA, new modern 4 room bungalow; half block from car line: by owner; 1062 E. 14th st. !., Woodlawn 457W. FOR SALE Small houe and lOOx 100., close to car, in industrial district . Owner, 11 E. Portland Mvd. -: - - - : : FOR SALE by owner. 6 room cottage oa Sten-i ton, near Unfon ave., $2775. Terms. ; Inquire at 914 E. isth t. N. - - .: $1700 OWNER: 5 rooms, 40x100. near ear, basement, 2 bed.. n. gas, electric Bghta, frnit, Mt Scott ear. 86th st S. K. Mar. 1875. BARGAIN HUNTERS 5-rji'm bungstow, fire- place, garage, sewer rn, Aiberta. close ear; 2625; terms. Msin 867. Bdwy. 4794 eve. NEW 4-roora bungalow. $2200. 10O duwn, tin per tnnntli. HP49 41t sve. K. - - LOT. garage, hs-k. $450, $23 down. 8049 4 lat as. 8. E. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $500 DOWN PARKROSE" ' Improved acre tract, . with modern"" residence ; honse and grounds in perfect condition; 5 food rooms and bath and very Urge attic ( big enough for 2 rooms) , nice lawn, 23 bearing fruit trees. 2 1 young trees, fine strawberry patch,' variety of berries, ah grapes. There is a garage and chicken house.. This is irimleed a wonderful buy. on Prescott 'at, only 2 btoeka from Sandy blvd. and cartine; will sell on a straight contract : no incumbrances. Owner leas ing city and will give almost immediate posses sion. Price only 85250. This is $1000 less than what it ,ia worth. , : . 1. L. HARTMAN COMPANT ' 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg.. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. ; Tabor 252. OUR BEST BARGAIN . RAILROAD MEN B. P. SHOPS NEW- TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY. $3750 Walking distance to S. P. shops. 5 room bungalow, ,1 block to ear. reception hall, living room, bookcases, enamel and ma hogany finish, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, laun dry traya. The terms will surprise yoa. Has a large attic. HAWTHORNE CAR LINE 250 DOWN 6 room modern bungalow with breakxast nook and nice attic. X bis. to car. - hardwood floors, fireplace,- cement basement, laundry trays. It's hard to beat SMALL PAYMENTS BARGAINS We have a great many listings in all sections of the city that small down payments will handle. It will pay you to inspect our listings before baying,- , ;1. .-. J. A, WICKMAN CO., REALTORS "Shortest May Home." 264 Stark Rt Main -893 and 1094 SCNNY8IDE BUNGALOW $2400 5 ROOMS . $330 DOWN. BAL, 825 PER MO. Thia is the best buv in this di.trict. rkar, to school and earline, street in and paid; 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, kttctiea -and bath. House is newly painted. , Call Main ACREAGE 40S MUST SELL THIS WEEET T I acre with new 5 room cottase. at Aloha station on the red electric, macadam atreet and gas, good well, barn, small fruit trees. Total price $1400. $600 cash. See Mr. Buchanan. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ; . ,;. H ACRES $250 - , .... ; FULL ACRES $500 Beaotifnl district 62d at.: 167 tnrf, nM tn 88 days. You 11 have to hurry if you want one. Pay $3 or $10 monthly; no. interest to psy. Bull Kan water, 2 csx lines, rich soiL fine for gardes or ehickena. Remember, H acre, 4 trig atj lots, $250; full acre, 8 big city lots, $500. When these are gone you'll never hare another chance like this. Call as at once. COMTE EOHLMAN, M. 6350. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bide. FOR SALE; 5 acres near TerwiUiger boulevard. avoow. nan cuiuvaiea, small- nouse; price $3000. $50O cash: or will take good small ar and some cash first payment bal. monthly; also some small houses on large lots and a few acre tracts on very good terms. Call Main 7818 for appointment FOR RENT 15 acres, at Cornelius, all under . cultivation, good bouse and barn and fruit bearing, electric lights in, paved highway; good well water on back porch. 5241 72d at S. E. Aut 625-21. - OWNER 3 acres, Botha station. Oregon City car, 2 V clear, V acre trees, berriea and fruit trees, good paved road to front of place- a r. atfin sr.. or pnone 'la nor 4474 ACRE' tracts -on Willamette near Oregon. City car, pavea rosa to city, oniy zu minutes drive. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER A. BLACK - 602 Broadway bldg. . : Main 6199. 10 ACRES good cheap land tor- poultry farm- ing with right of way to county road; clous to hard hurfsce and Gresham ear; $133 per acre. w. niu downer 1 . aut wells- erso bide. FOR acreages, suburbsn homes, farms, , timber lands or unimproved property, see Geo. T. Parry. Milwaukie. Or. Phone 18. MilwaukW SUBURBAN HOMES 406 Mr. and Mrs. -Home-' seeker, Just Look At These! Just off E. Glisan st. with its hard surfaced street and car line, one beautiful acre,, equal to 8 city lots, with choice fruit snd' flowers, nice 6-room house, and only $3850. ! Here is another: 7 1-7 acres out Division st, and Section Line road, on hard sur faced street; has Bull Run water, telephone by the place; 1 Mi acres of bearing fruit, cherries, apples, strawberries and . other small fruit and only $4000. I have many suburban places oa which I ' can quote a homeseeker very reasonable prices, J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg, Artistic Home Site 6 Mi acres en Humphrey boulevard ia native trees, with grand view, only 12 minutes from Broadway by auto. Will make some lover of nature a beautiful, artis tic home. Price only $3000. A snap for some one. John D. Wilcox. 414 Pittock blk. 17 ACRES of rich productive soil, close to Co v lumbis river, price $680; $180 cash, bal ance $100 per year, with 6 per cent interest; on good road; very easy to clear. Jf yoa are loosing i or una it wm pay you to investigate. Johns6nDodson Co. 633 Northwestern Bank Building. 1 -" ? AT TIGARD, my equity in three acres, 2t acres in potatoes, the other in small garden and chicken park. 5 roomed plastered house, fine barn or chicken house, woodshed and storehouse. The price is reasonable. If you wish to see this plsce take the-rosd to the right of the Catholic church and inqnire at the fifth honse. DO T0U WANT A REAL HOME? " ' 1 acre around. 7 room modern house, furnace. rSt- ,TT . v. fireplace, all .white enameled, ; garage, cement walk, 6 V miles from postoffice on paved road, all kinds of bearing ,-fruit $5500; $3000 cash. Cost $7500 year ago. No agents. Deal with owner. Aut. 620-22 or call 5010 8 2d st. S. E, SUBURBAN PLACE - ' S ACRES $4000 Flowers, fruit beautiful view, chickens, cow. tools, . Courtney Station. Oregon City electric east to iMtiieia roaa, one- block south., then east on Pinehurst road. Milwaukie, , route 1. box 195. - . BEAUTIFUL HOMES IT ES acre to 5 acre tracts, cleared, near Os- Lwego Lake. Your own terms. - RALPH HARRIS CO. ' REALTORS. , 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. GREEN HILI.S - Beautiful view property the bills with the city conveniences; large wooded lot and 9 room house, modern, with large porches, gas, electne light and city water, $7000; terms. John Bain, owner. - bb i wpaiqing Olflg. - -- - BUT yourself a hi aere homeaite in one of the mist beautiful suburbs in Portisnd, Oak Grove; near the river; price $750, -$76 down. $10 mo. installments; only four tracts left , v caU J. A. COBB, Main 4694. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy modern house and 2 acres st a reasonable price; very easy terms. w n-r, .nuto. oo- I . FARMS 407 LINCOLN CO. STtMJK RANCH. 160 acres, 30 in cultivation; orchard and berries , for family, two large barns, goat shed, wagon Shed, garage, chicken house, two wagons, 2 plows, 2 shearing machines. 5 bead horses. 11 bead cattle. BOO bead goats, mowing ma chine, rake. $6,500 cash. C. W Brown. Salado, Oregon. 820 ACRES, all in wheat, good soil, good roads.- close to school, near Sunnyside, will trade for small Willamette valley farm. Might assume some. - - MONTGOMERY A MEISSNER. -. -;-: 822 Gasco Bldg. . 660 ACRES-:1 $20 under the plow, stable room - . for 100 head cattle, large, dry barn and bora stable, pig pea, root, cellars - and bunk bouse, blacksmith shop, silos, large dwelling bouse, all kinds of fruit, living water. ' Can be divided, SO minutes' drive from' courthouse, Portland, be tween Powell Valley road and Estarada earline. Owner Tsbor 2240. Residence 1033 Oregon' st CATHOLIC COMMUNITY . School and church. For you of Catholic fsith we bsve acreage , from 3 to 300 acres. Price $80 per acre to $150 per acre; excellent soil; best spot of Willamette valley, near Pacific high way, right St town.- Mr. Colt, 526 Cham, of Commerce. BARGAIN ! 40 seres, 12 in crop, good buildings, orchard, creek and springs, timber, team, wagon, hack, mower, rake, plow, harrow and crop, $1250, terms. l moo is, aw npaimng mag. FOH SALE By owner, 20 39 or 120 acres improved land, z sets semi-modern buildings, furnished, stock and equipment, 1 5 mile out of Portland- J. F. Wachtman. R. Oregon City. $0 ACRES Bargain for quick, cash sale; some improvements; creek; spring; good hunting and fishing. 1-912, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Mr. I; Rancher, Just Look at This! One ipf those fine 80-aere farms, won derfully productive soil.-10 acres in 7-year-old apples, Srutaenbergs, YeUow Newtowns and Winter Bananas; 10 acres in clover. 4 eras wheat and vetch ; 4 -room house, fine . barn, sheds - and out-bousesi with apnng water piped to the house; with the fsrm go farm implements, and all growing crops for $5500. . 1 bsve many other farms, large and smalt, from $5n to $150 per acre. ', J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor. , I 214-215 Panama Bldg. , Bachelor Can't Handle Fine ranch of 160 A., miles from Colum bia -river,! M mile from : Evergreen ' high way, between White Salmon and Lyle, Wash. Fenced and across feneed son wire; lOO acres under - enltivstion. 24 acres alfalfa,. 40 acres winter wheat, 22 acres summer follow,. 160 fruit trees. Many kinds of berries, 2 acres timber, balance willcw and hazel brush. Now being used for pastor but can practically all be cheaply cleared and put under cultivation. m gooa wells, one - strong all year flowing spring, two) honKt, two bsrns snd i other oat buildings. $16,000 buy this, ranch;' horses and all i farm implements. - For terms and particu lars' write owner. Call Box Ne. 45, Lyle. Wash. FOJt SALE 130 acres of dairy and fruit ranch in Clarke county, black rich rrfl, 20 miles from Vsncouver oa N. P. R, R.. 35 acres in cultivation, 20 acres in oats, 4 acres in fruit 4 acres in com. beans, potatoes, rome timothy and clover. 85 acres in pasture land with lots of timber, 1 0,000 cords of wood, 2 large springs and 2 good wells. :, Cream house' and separator, Irrre barn 58x60, 6 rocxs 1 boiuvi ; with iarge porch, chicken bouse, well Boure, etc.; All farm ing tools to run place. One : buggy, i one double spring wagon, ons two-hcrv farm wagon, one buggy borsei, one span of horses. IO hogs, 26 head of milk cow and beifers, 18 to freshen, 2 bulls, 75 chickens, 15 geese. 25 ducks, hobs furnished - complete. Everything goes at the price at $9000; win give terms. Writs) J. E. Bnttner. Heiwon. Wash. j i HERE IS A DANDY I : t 10 acres, good house, dandy new barn, ' fine large chickenhousea,'- storehouse, wood- f shed, all j buildings in excellent condition. ! 6 acres ih clover, 1 acre- potatoes, , 1 sere oats, balance in pasture snd fruit All im- ! plementa and tools, some good furniture, j dandy range; house neat as a pin. I 1 horse and about 60 chickens. About mile from : : paved highway and town. Step right in and get all crap and fruit Only $4600. $1500 , wUl handle. - See f - a afc a a acrjia s 11. 4ka a jiaa Phone Main 6327. :0 Failing Bldg.: r BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME U mils from Reedvilie electric line, nearly 4 acres, all in: cultivation, orchard in bearing, large new modern 7 room bungalow, gas- and lights, water system, living room- across the front of the house, 1 fireplace, bookcases, . French . doors between living and - dining rooms, large buffet, sua parlor.) kitchen all built-ina, 2i large bed room and bath downstairs,' 2 rooms up. This is beautiful modern home, all complete; new poultry boose cost $500, 125 White Leghorn chicks. Price $5000. Will . exchange for 4 or 5 room modern house up to $4000, near good school. - J I STEWART k. JOHNSON ' i ! ' 315 Northwestern Bsnk bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM I $68.50 PER, ACRE Pseifie highway, pased, - runs through place; 248 acres, 100 acres nver bottom land, adjoining lam hill river; low acres in cultivation and in erep, balance f partly cleared and In good ' pasture. Good set buildings,' orchard ; near school, church and " town.- . There is a - good chance to double your money on this land. See J. B. Ken nedy with Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. if j . FOR SALE by owner, 62 acres in Linn county; nantiam river is the boundary on 'one side; is or 20 acres fine bottom land; does not overflow; the rest is higher ground, but mostly good land; 2 acres cleared, more easy to clear; several acres slashed : good pasture and some timber ; 1 ft miles to town of Sweet Home and school and high school ; box . house, smsil barn and i other smsll buildings. Place is -in the rough yet, but it the makings ox a fine home. Price 33U00. Artirar Torgerson. Sweet Home. Oregon., ; ' CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last . great block of Canadian Pacific Railway company a re serve lands: remarkably - eheap. on long and easy terms. Landseekers excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta, on Saturday, June 2JS. Reduced railway rates.. For ifurther par ticulars seet v-snsoian I iru u- naxiwaj cumnuj. 208 Railway Exchange building. Li P. Iborn- ton, district representative. 150 ACRE farm near Newberg, cheap. By owner. 4412 26U ave. 8. E. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt maps showing Western. Oregon homestead lands, $1. . Our charges are rea sonable and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON, 5S1 By., u.xen. Diag.. raruina. 1 ' el60 A., HOUSE and stable. 45 mies from Port- - land, I IT from nve town, Vt mue irom scnooi good roadv Aut- 841-53. U-1U2, journal. FOR A HOMESTEAD LOCATION. EITHER FARMING OR TIMBER. SEE EL W. HELM. $16 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. i! TIMBER LANDS 411 FOR SALE 160 ooroA second growth fir 4 ft. - wood, $5.30 per cd..' on cars at Amity, Or, Address C. V. Murray, Powers, Or. - - -. - 1 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 , FOR SALE OB TTtADB i ! FOR PORTLAND HOME 20 acres of the finest land in the Wil lamette valley at electric station.; 18 trains : daily each way, postoffice, stores, school, . paved read, finest loganberry land in the valley, investigste. See owner at 209 Failing bldg.. Portland, Or. j - ' j WANT city or suburban home for rooming r house, close in. East Side. 21 rooms. 3 . ! story bldg. $7800; mtg. $4000, equity i ChaSe'Ringler & Co. : 225 Henry Bldg. j " BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED FARM HOME! : Oa new Inland Double Loop ? Highway to Coast, 28 miles from Portland. 57 acres finest soil, mostly cultivated, good buildings, running water, cement, walks, dairy, fruit poultry. With or without stock and tools. Exchange for mer cantile basiness outside Portland. $12,000. E. E. Jones. Forest Gpve, Or. j 4 ACRES, highly imp?, on Ore. Elec; 4 room i double constructed house, big barn, chicken house and other outbldgs. Best of soil, all in cult. Deal with owner. Want house and lot. X-318. Journal. " 20 ACRES. 30 - miles out, income iaat year i $2800, : to trade i for acreage close in with nice house, electricity, etc; close to good school. Will assume up to $2500. G-682; Jonrnsl. Don't Worry Can trade anything anywhere. 909 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED -Los Angeles or vicinit In exchange i for 8-room house and 7 tote at 2071 .Delano $ Lots in "KANSAS CITY. Mi4s0t?hl; im" t- proved, i vacant, 30x134 ; trade , for Portland property, or sell. ZX-182, Journal . WANTED TO TRADE Two clear, lota in Great -1 Falls. Mont, value $550, for used car. fit 6. Box 111. Oregon City. i LOT in Overlook add. to trade for Ford. M-728. Jfttmul. - . ' REAL ESTATE i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 FOR . SALE or trade, in Eastern i Oregon, 438 i I acres, 83 in irrigation, 21 acres in 20-year-old commercial orcards, 75 acres grain land, 73 more acres easily cleared, balance in pasture and timber; good 9 room house.: modern, hot and cold water, good barn and outbuildings, high way to ranch; one of best trout streams in East ern Oregon through the place; fully equipped: 40 head cattle. 6 head horses, sltitude 1666 feet Mast sacrifice on . account of health; terms to suit purchaser. GX-676, JournsL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 40 acres, Lin ; coin county. Ideal place for summer .resort at chicken ranch i Two room house. 100 yards from Yaquina-Abea R. H-. mile Toledo road, 8 H miles from Seal Rocks, 4 miles from Wald port Three acres bottoraj Two: small creeks by house. I Will sell reasonable for cash. John Stone. Snath- Beech, Or. - ''-' - . WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED Homes from $1000 to $4000, with liberal terms. In any part of tlte city. Harris Co. . REALTORS., -1 -.; - - y.y.X -I Main 5824. 11 4 hamper oi commerce. WANT best 4 or 5 room House that $2300 to i $3000 cash will buy; must be near Catholic church. Owners nly. Deal direct with buyer. Antoinette- 314-01. MONTANA wheat and stock ranch for sale or i trade for city property or small acreage; a bar gain. Call East 64451. ... FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 WANT to rent sancnea. Have clients of all - description for-various types of farms, ' Lbt with m st once. M. C. Peterson, 327 Henry Bide WANTED REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 4S7 WAS' TED SMALL FARMS. We are having many calls for from 10 to 60 acre, stocked and equipped, - which .can-. be bandied with 31000 to 820O0 cash. . Must be located on good road not too far from Portland. If you want to sell, see us at once. F. I- EDDY, REALTOR, ' RITTEB, LtiWE A CO.. ' ' 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. ETC. 500 FOR SALE Dry., goods, clothing, furnishing. . boot and shoe store, established 1898, high commercial ratings, for sale at j laid in stock prices. Annual sales, $50,000 to $60,000. Stock now very low. Apply Box 876. tirsnxe viile, Idaho.- - ; A COOK, married, to help couple open up a restaurant or lunch counter in some nromisinc location as working partners; if you know of a gooa location anywnere ana nave a tittle capital join me: I have a complete little outfit. 50-50 basis; will bear closest investigation. No. XX-829. Journal. COMPLETE dairy, equipment, including pas- tenruer. Doner, motor, bottle washer, tiller. cans, bottles, etc.. in- fsct everything ' necessary to carry 'on the milk business; cheap rent, long lease, close in on east side; reasonable. See F, L. Miller, 355 W ail l in Eton at Wain 8379. . . - -MEUCUAN Ta '..... . If you want to sell your . business without publicity, see or write MONTGOMERY LEAP 437 Cham, of Com. Pbooe Bdwy. 8198 FREIGHT RUN NOW OPEN. WITH NEW TRUCK. - THIS POSITION MUST , BE FILLED AT ONCE. KEQflHES SMALL IN VESTMENT. GREAT NORTHERN TRANS PORTATION, INC., 498 WEST BURN8IDE. Printing for Less' i;l Ryder Printing Co. Main 5586.- 192 3d st FOR SALE A modern electric shoe', repsir shop, machinery n No. 1 condition: doing a good- business. WUl sacrifice on account of health. Call or write Box 71. Bay City. Or, DESIRABLE employment in cooperative box plant wmcn naa operated continuously, ssoo to souu required, oixmma ISox Jfc Packaae' Co oiympia, wimi SUBURBAN BAKERY Does a who) essle and retail business; shop fully equipped; $1750 $950 will handle. J. O. Gray Co.. 718 De kum bldg. ' i WANTED Someone to t ma nee me ia a patent that will make millions. O. N. Kimball. Antelope. Or. . ( FOR SALE Profitable soft drink establishment and card room, including stock and fixture. 24 : pi. 2nd st, inquire vnhio. GROCERY snd confectionery store for sale- on- posite baseball park ; will invoice stock ; fu rores lor sale rues p. 798 Vsngnn. t MIDDLE AGED MAN with best of references, would like steady employment; has $200 ot aot ta invest X1824, Journal. CONFECTIONERY Clearing better than 8350 a month; can be had for only $3000, soma terms. J. u. I.rsy Co.. 718 Ueknm bldg. VULCANIZING SHOP : First elsas shop, good basiness; $1200. Can give some terms. L-27 5, Journal. MAN wanted to take over vulcanising shop in country town on highway, 432 Hawthorne. GROCERY store and living room; see owner and save com mission, 877 E. Stark cor. 29th. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 $6500 FOR SALE APPARTMENT PROPERTY - Store and S apartments, furnished; gsa beat garage connected; no incumbrance; excellent con. dition; permanent net income $1300 per year, See owner. 601 -Worcester bklg. Main 7276. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 TWELVE loom bouse nicely furnished; rent $55; net income between $75 and $80: on Conch st. 1 block from Wsshington; easy walking dis tance. By owner; reasons ble; no agents. Main 1646. NEAR depots, always full, - rooming house, 1 5 rooms, doing excellent transient business; will sacrifice. $800, part terms, or will trade for car. 383 Davis, cor. Psrk; owner. . FOR SALE by owner, 22 housekeeping rooms; always full; rent $75, with lease. Phone Main 4342. 15 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rent $50; close in. Price 81500. Bdwy. 4826. . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 IF YOUR place of business is for sale, phone Main 8075. We will call for listing. , WESTERN BROKERAGE CO. N. 817 N. W. Bank bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOAXS NO COMMISSION ' ' On improved pmpecty or tag improvsaseBt and easiest method of paying a loan ia our monthly payment plan.' $82.26 per month lor 8 6 months, or $21.24 per month foe 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 90 months pays a loan of $1000 aid Interest Loans of other amounts is ua proportion, Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN Actfl. $42 Stark St. Portland, Or. I HAVE THE MONEY READY - NO WAITING; SEVERAL CLIENTS AFTER ME TO PLACE THEIR MONEY FOR THEM. IF TOU WANT A CITY LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT FROM $1000 TO $12,000 AT 6 AND 7 fm INTEREST, COME AND SEE ME NOW, WHILE I HAVE THE MONEY AVAILABLE. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. $300. $400, $500, $00v, $730. $1000 AND op. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay $100 Of xeor any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., i cnamoer oi immeree Diag. wain 1STW. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on mortgages, second" mortgages and sellers' contract on real estate in Oregon and -Washington. Charls Deifel. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. - ' $800, $400. $500. $750. S1O0O AND UP Low rates. Quick acttisn. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. MONEY TO LOAM $300. $500. $700. $1000. $1500, $2000, on city improved property at I per cent. J. x weiis jo., o usaeo aiqg. BUILDING loans on city and suourban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. o00, 81000. $1500. $2000, $2500 AND UP F. H. DESHON. 615 Clismber of Com, blcig, MONEY to loan. $100 to $5000. A. H. B.IL 11 Mnlkey bldg. Main 437$. . . $1000 TO IX) AN oa city property, 7 per cent Phone East 6407. week dsys. $500 $800 7 ; title expense only. W snT. 407 Spalding bldg. . ' SEE OREGON IN v. MORTUAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON " AUTOMOBILES FDRNTTTJRE. PIANO?, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING Or VALUE. SECURITY USUALLT LEFT Uf TOUB POSSESSION. ; . Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLB! ON THEIR JIOTW WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AD'rOMOBILK CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAX THEM CP, ADVANCE YOG MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY VB IX SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. .iT.iririwT : $06-807 DEKTJM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. SALARY LOAJrt. .CBATtWU WI LOAN MONEY -an abort aotic ta salaried or arorktrignsea oa tbir own notes. Weakly, semi-monthly asontbly payaseats. . Each transaction strictly confidential. k'O MORTGAGE NO TNpORSKB , ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan oa household goods, rnaaoa. ta CALL AND INVESTIGAT . ' OOLTJMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BUILDING. MONEX TO LOA On Goods in Storige. Bank Rat. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 3 4tb St, opp. Muftnoma'j HoteL -Pnon Broadway 8718- -. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE HUT first and second mortgage sad sellers' contracts F E. Bowman Co., 2 Iw Cham ber of Commerce; bldg. Main 8026. - CASH paid for mortgages and srller?' contracts en real estate in Wsshington -r Oregon. H E Noble, 816 T nmrvrrmm bMg" MONEY WANTED 651 WANTEI. quick, $160O loan en residene hi city. . Will psy S per cent, no commission Phone Msm 777. 1 ' $14 OO WAN TED, ', 5-room coUage in fine condition, jort sold for $2850, west aide. 519 Msrxet St. Mir. 748 . iorenoon. $700O at 6 per cent for 5 years. In mt. -on city restoence. wono . i i,irv. j-w. jwu,t. SEE OREGON INV MORTUSGK CO. 22i Lumoer or ipaiiis WANTED $650 from priest party; good eunty. WoodLawB 140a. - . . . HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O CROWN STABLES. Inc. For sale or exchange. lOO . head of home. Hat some 1200 and 1850 lb. chunks, 4 snd 8 years old. well matched ,1ems, from $75 to $125. We ar going to sell or exchange these horses regardless ef cost v We are always ready to trade a big one for a little one and r-t the difference, or a little one for a big one and pay the difference, if it la coming either way. Hare sE kinds of harness, wagons Bad grading tools. We hire by .the day. week or month to responsible people. Everything guaranteed as represented. i.,,,' PHIL .TETTER, PRES.. ' 25 Fmnt t -'" IO HEAI of young horses, weight around 1200 int. racn. wnt sen cheep. White team, weight 2000 lbs., with harness. $85. . . r. .-- -- " .... - 12 head of young fsrm chunks, some well mated teema. . G. SL Howitt, . Front and Cor lumD's sts. YOUNG blorky team mares, hsrness. wagon; weigiii got to sen; wui trade lor good disc, harrow, plow. 1 block south S. P. dedpot Milwaukie. . phone 80-W. Milwaukie, Henry Smith. . " U. S. STABLES Horses and harness of all kinds for sale or nire by day or month,- 863 Union sve. &.. cor. Stephens st G. D. WiUismson A Gls-s. FOR SALE Team. lOOO and 1100 lb, each: good harness and top wagon, $100. 1 set c'onhte harness, $15; tent, 12x14. $3. Kendal Btatli'll, g-ni git rttJB tlllC. - 2700-POUND team, good barn ma and farm wag on. $210. Mt. Scott car to Tremnnt atatinn 4 blocks south to 65th ave., 1 block west to 71st St.; southwest corner. - SPOTTED, saddle horse, gentle 4nr anyone; alno itw id. norse, oo. good worker. Woodysrd, S2T rront. ' 2100. LB. farm tesm, good worsen. Harness snd . late farm wagon. $135. 4010 67th st Mt cott csr. KTALIJi for tent, teams f&r tare; 9th and Hawthorne. Nstionsl stables. , DOUBLE team $3 day, single team $1.50 day. 84 8 Front st Main 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 ; -. AUCTION SALE J ' Extraordinary Fine Jersey. Cows The well known Tom Eves herd. Two-miles west of Battle Ground, FRIDAY, - June 17, 1921, 1 p. m. ' aha rp. TEN MILCH COWS. Thia herd - has a 5.5 and .5 8 test from the Wil lamette dairy when ahipping whole milk, f This herd is from the breeding of the N. F. and Stanton Cain herds. -Seven of them are from on of the - finest registered bulla ever owned in the county. The equal of any grade Jersey herd in the state. Four senior yearling heifers, three heifer calves; also a brood sow and ! seven 7 weeks old pigs. . Col. S. Wood &Sons, Auctioneers. J. 8. EVES. Owner. Vancouver, Wash. Disposal Salle June 10, Daybreak farm, at North Portland, Pacific International Livestock Exposition; 50 besd of registered Holstein cattle; all ages; state tested; on the grounds now; come and see them and select a good one. - - $'50 TAKES year around job at $9 per day. House, barn, 8200 lb. young team, harness, wagon and other equipment included. Trrms Phone Automatic 64895. can be seen at Mil ler's spur on Portisnd Elect Ry., 1 mile west, M south. . Ask for J. A. Meader. FOR SALE Fresh goats - and coming fresh, from $25. up; sho milk and kids, and- for service two pure Sesnen and one Nubian of the best in the West st' Portisnd Gost Dairy, r2d and rremont sts. ' AcKires It. 1, Bog 4 66 TUtitiENBEKt; milk gosts for sals or trade for city property: entire herd, 7 milking does,. 4 doe kids, 1 registered purebred Toggenberg buck. Don't write but come make offer.' 795 Kenil worth ave.. Woodstock car. FOR SALE 1 fine family cow. Jersey, 5-galIonT Risley station,' first house ' east of station, right-band. FOR SALE, 6 grade gua.es, 3 nannies and 3 billies, good for milk snd good b rushers. 701 Tale st Col 639. 23RD ANb FREiiOS'tf I have Just brought in 10 hesd of fresh rows, S gsl. to 7 gat ; registered Holstein and calf. 30 YOUNG Holateia cows, all fresh or coming fresh soon, $75 per head. Also Holstein bull. E. E. Morgsn. Ysmliill. Or. j - FINE JERSEY, heavy milker, gentle and sc. customed to picket rope. 9413 68rd sve. 8. E. Automatic 646-51. " - YOUNG fresh family Jersey, big 6 gaj. HoiaUia, o-Powell valley st "2nd. is ACRES of standing clover tor sale In Monta villa. Tabor 9038. 1892 Base Line road. A FINE JERSEY family cow; just fresh. 4 to 5 gai. 1214 tireeiey st., st Johns car. FINE fresh family cow, Swiss and Jersey; 3 gsi. rvn mux. Ant. tsio-ij. FOR SALE 2 Fresh cows, 1 6-gsilon, 1 5-gal on. vrsa uro puone o-v. JERSEY cow - far ssle, 2 . gallons of milk aay, to j.. v. iiniw, - am. osi-do FOR SALE Fresh goats and coming fresh; also portable chicken coop. East 5324. 2 FINE young lresli. 5 gallon and 2-4 gallon ' cows, family cow $45. 741-753 E. Ash. FKESH Jersey cow for sale. ' 1 703 McKeiins sv. WANTED Meet, vesl snd hogs. Tsbor 7892. ONE fresh milch goat lor sale. Mar. 1730. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 BABY CHICKS AND PULLETS . White - Leghorns. O. A. C. strain, day old chicks. $16 per 100; 1 week old. $20 per 100; 2 weeks old. $30 per 100; pullets, 8 months' old. each, $1.65; 4 months old, each, $2. PORTLAND SEED CO., Main 4040. PROGRESSIVE HATCHIiRY Barred Rock and K. I. Red chirks, $20 pel 400. Whit Leghorn chickr. 1 month cd, 20c; 2 weeks. 18c: 1 week, 16e each. - Pullets, flyers. - R. I. Red hatching eggs. - 1584 E. 12 Ui N. Wdln. 14 85 $12.50 PER 100 WHITE LEGHORN BABY CH1X. ."Our Finest"-O. A. C. and Tancred stock. Prompt deliveries. Saf .delivery guaran teed. Season closes June 10. ORDER NOW. C. N. Needhsm, Salem. Or. , FROM my heavy laying strain of S. C. R. I. Reds, 50 1 -year-old hens, breeding cook birds and young chicks, at reasonable prices. W. V. Loomis, ID 2 3 Multnomah st Phone Tabof 3197 PIGEONS for squabs or fancy Kings. -Carnesux, Runts. Homers. FantaUs, Tumblers, Turbita, Trumpeters, Pouters. Owls, Magpies, Swallows, Barbs, Jackbins. 1059 E. 28th st. N. EGGS FOR HATCHING 6. A. C. Barred Rocks and K. I. Bed. lOe each, for balance ' of season. J. R. Magire. 7 87 Oregon st. near Kast 24th. BROWN LEGHORN ehlcss on band, 15c eaclT; - O A. C. White Leghorns, 16c; R. I. Red and O. A C. oBarred Rock, 20c each; ready June 17. J. B. Msguire, 787 Oregon st., nesr E. 24th st. FOH HALE 125 fl. C. - White Leghorn Hens, English strain. - George Thompson, root 2. Portland MAMMOTH Black Minorca eggs, Nixon, beat. gl.oO setting 15. for balance of Nixon's beet. . Tsbor-9468." 1243 Hslsey. FOR SALE 50 young White Leghorn lading hens. $1.25 each. 34 W, Webster st Wdln 6970. - - - LAYING year-old Wnlte Leghorn bens. $1 each. J. K. Msguire.;. 787 Oregon st. neaEast 24th it. FOR SALE Cheap, bed snd spring, dining table. 2 kitcccn tables, wood range, 8008 59th ave., Woodstock ear. 130 WHITE LEGHoHN liens and pullets lor yaie or irsae. wain, iiii. R. 4. Box 1190. TRADE fir horses or sell cheap. Ford tractor in A-l condition. Atlas Woodysrd. 827 front. PORTLAND chicken and rabbit pens for. ssle; slx some fine mesh chicken wii.SelLl 947, XHOROBRKD O. O. Bsrrso Rock bstchlag eggs, cheap. Tabor 6569. NH'E fries 25e; in large lots cnesper. 480 E. 7th nt.. ear. 48th sve. - "' 29 ENGLISH Hogsnized White Lghoms, ail laying, $1.60 each. 6012 77tb -t. S. E. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 703 PEDIGREED police dog puppies from the cele b rated Speedway kennels. Week days, Msin 2003 bet 9 a.t m. and 4 :3Q p. AIREDALE puppies, beU of tpe, 13 cham ptons in pedigree; $18 and $25 for quick sale. Tabor 2474. . -- - -- - T' PURE black Persian kittens for ssle; reasoosbl. Mar. 5726. THOSE interested in forming Cocker Kennels c.hib rhowe S-2003 nr Tsbor 6631. - - - liiJSTON terrier puppies, registered stock, psrfact marked. 896 Colonial ve. CHOICE singers and females. - Front. -' - - - ' Main 468. 634 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 LATE 1920 model Ford for sale, just like new. with starter. Call at 6620 Blind, sL B, E., or phone 624-3$. ' - ; FORD BL'G, splendid "' condition, $300, easy terms. 264 H 14th st Mar. 6079. FORD touring, fine order, extras; $275 caah. 693 Jefferson. Marshall 2492. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 8C0 AT -THE COVEY MOTOR CAlt COiUpA7T - -J ' - PLANT Sweeping reduction In the nrirs of new carl has at once affected the price of used cars. N effort on our part has been made to postpons trie usy of reckoning. We have derided w take our losses now, so ss to stimnlste mil business to a noint mora in keeping wiLh till! season of th year. The price 'read iwt men t Km emn. and f time to place your mind st ess. Now is th. time you would use your csr so ss to obtsil the maximum service In the season's driving. Th rush of mirrhaxera will undoubtedly de plete our present stock, and the early buyei will be th happy one. J916 Dodge Brothers Roadster and Tour ing :..................,...$ 871 1917 Dodge Brother Touring 650 1918 Dodge Brothers RoadSter and Touring 72J 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring 823 1920 Dodge Brothers Sedan .. 150fl 1920 Dodge Brothers Touring 950 1915 Cole 7 -pass., privstely owned car. only , ..... -756 1920 Ford Sedan, a dandy..... 750 1920 -Chevrolet Roadster In fine shape.. 505 1920 Msxwrll Redan, sn rxwllent car for 12 on 1918 Willys Knight, big snsp, only .... 12011 -1920 Nash Touring, only 13IMI 1919 Ktndebsker Big Six, 5 iias. 147B 1917 Studebaker Four Touring ........ 37.1 1919 Haynes Touring only ........... iKOti 1919 Hudson Speedster, a goodt one. . . . 175 1919 Hudson Limousine, a beautiful ear 2700 1919 Chandler Chummy KoadMrr, flue shape 1208 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap .... 140 1916 Packard 12. a wonderful bqy .... 14O0 1918 Hcripps Booth Couiw ,.t 185(1 1420 Stuts Bear Cat. a swell snspcy rsr 2750 1919 King 8 Touring, in fine rluipe, only 14(H) 1919 Peerless 8 Touring .'. I75fi 1920 Overland Roadster, s-good one.... H25 1920 Liberty Touring 150U , ' DELIVERY !ARH 1919 Dodge Brothe.ru Screen Side Da-' Uvery , ..... , 82E 1918 Dodg. Brothers Screen Side De livery 72S 1918 Dodg Brothers Panel, good snap K2.V 1919 Chevrolet IJght Delnery 4 00 1920 Ford Delivery, starter 523 The following ears are Included in our $25.00 per day reduction in price ssle. Watch thrm carefully, post your bid. 1920 Haynes Touring, was $2,500, to- . day's price j :.$1823 1820 H. V.. 8. Touring, was $2850, to day's price ' 2.173 1919 Appor!on, 4 passenger, was $297., today's price ..... 2300 1918 Chsndler Touring, wss $1200. to day's price 930 1919 Cole 8 Touring, was $2P00. to day's price 1750 1920 Hudson Super-Six, wss $2000, to day's price 1730 1918 Republic. Tmek, was $875, today's price . 623 : CADILICS Csdillao stability, luxury and ease of opera-tion- has always appealed to the critic of wid experience the man who knows the best snd wants it. On of !our excellent used and rebuilt Cad illacs will more nearly satisfy your desir for a fine car thia spring thsu to spend the ssme amount of money in the purchase of soma cheaper new ear, , All ears guaranteed and sold on easy terms. We are open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington St Main 624 4. Also a big d up lay st the new Bmsdwsy sales room downtown. Csil at" the salesroom mont convenient for you. Our sutomohile trsn.spor tstion service makes it Quickly possible for yon to look over our entire' stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Brosdwsy.' Main 6244. PORTABLE GARAGE'. FIRST QUALITY HO ft. by 116 ft. Tfr ASK ABOUT Ot'R HOUSES $150 AND X V MII.LMADR CONST. CO. WOOULAWN 2413 .-Notice, Stage Drivers W have several good . 7 psssetiger cars. Wilt take a very 'small payment down, long time m balance; then ears sre not junk. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 825 Glisan, bet- Bdwy. and 8lh. Bdwy. Bil3. - Open eve. WINTON SIX T-PASS.. REFINISHED; NEW TOP AND SIDE CURTAINS: AIXO SEAT COVERS; PRICE VERY ATTRAiTIVK. BROADWAY 1614." 529 WASIHN'CTOS ST WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO., TIRE REPAIRING 838-333 Burnsiue t Broadway i 1XIDCE SNAPS 1915 TOURING. $373. 1916 TOURING, $425. 1917 TOURING. $525. i ALL IN GOOD SHAPE AND EASY TERMS. 170 E 7TH. EAMT 6234. REO. $400: 1917: THIS 13 A SAC RIFICE. CALL ROSS, E, 1088. 7 Msf lil'T M TUB flrY i I must sell my nearly new Anderson light sit too ring car. cord tires, new paint, perfect condi tion, $1195; eont $25011. easy terms; no broker age. .Call Randall, Bdwy. 141 or Eat 70H.V. I THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who Ukes the klnU cut while you wait; alw rtalr radiators snd bodies. Isrrsdwsy 8214. 30 N. 11th st , nr Burriil. T520 DOIXiE ROA I iSTER" f This roadster haObad exceptionaily gol care, not blemish on it will be sold at great bsr gsin. Pbon Main 6244 weekdays, ssk for Earl. F. Heym. - ' Classiest - ear in city, new tint, cord tirej. lots of extras, perfect condition, easy riding; powerful end economic. $1850, with easy termi. Randall. Broadway 1641 or Est 7065. Tv DON'T FAIL TO SEB THE ACE AT 28 N. 11 TH. ', . 1919 Grant Six Touring car, in good mechan I ical condition, for sale. Will accept any rea sonable offer. Owner leaving city. Car at White Garage, 386 Coucb st I'hone Bdwy 80. OVERLAND ROADSTER A clssay vscauon i car.-- There certainly is a lot of fun tied tin in this car. See Ehrett. Iwlwir 1400. North West Auto Co., Eighteen Li SAd Aldor streets OVERLAND F73 fruirHMiHAVlT 1 Orerlsnd touring ear, in good lva, v, trade for stsndsrd make phonograph. East 6234. ! ! HLTMOBILE .- The sturdy 1017 model tliat made Hupmoliil famous. Bargain, $300 down, balance sy. Phone Msin 0244 week days. Earle F. Heym, MARMON 34. looks Ilk. new, runs tlx nan. way; lots of power; quirk getaway; price only $2000; easy payments. Mr. Ehrett, Nortiiweia Anto Co., lth ami Airr. Hdwr. 1460. 1021 1UA 8. ssiue as new: a limn iiriceil c"r at r great discount; run only 2000 milcx; fine tires, service goes with tlissr. Duffy, Hroad way 227Q. - IXIN'T FAIL TO SEE THE ACE AT 28 N. 11TH. roitti' tranmt tern reliiied and lte -ground; carbon removed wiliiont starter $6. with starter $7; Coupe and Sedn $7.60. Harry l-arey, 209- 71 E. Mth St.. st Hawthorne Es t 72Q. HENDERSON, jn-t overhauled: has 2 m:itor ARC generator, iliotliclit snd iandem ; erycbrap; easy terms. Call Johsnnen. Itlwy. 2270. BUG BODlEls in ,tock, S50 and up, or we bnnd ta order. B B. Body Work.. COO Williams eve. l-nnne r--t unit. 1919 MTUDEHAKER I.uhl 4. in t-xceileut con. dition, v-rv eiieap, easy tertus. Call Johsnnen at Bdwy. 2270. FOitll Sedan, nw motor, all n-w oerix. tire, !ood Paint and extras, $500, term.". Msin $151. - FOHl? sedan,' 1020 iimmIhI ; new tir?s, wire wbeeK romplet"- n-r'.mleA ; prioste party. 275 Ss'mon st. Msin 1914. CADHXAt. dan-lv Uz tiii or d,:itery truck, only $275.- Mr. Wsrrlism. Bro,lwsy 144U. r,rthwet Auto Cr... I8:h and Aider. FOUD rMulnter. 1920 iooil. iwrfcct - condiijon : must sell at once. 27 j SsJmou st. Maiu 1914. FOR SALE 1918 Ford. 844 E. 49th. Call Tsbor SooX WE REPAIR fetidrrs arc I wreck bodies. B. H. Body works, 500 Williams ave.; East lift. FORD TOURING. 1921, run but little.' liu-l ell. Will give reiw tenin, I -HIV. .Ioiit-ti.I. 1919 KtudVbkker, liht nix, 51it inili, $110T. '.rm A , II. Kn nl W-Hn 19I.V CHEAP 1017 Reo ; Bt-u 10 16 liutck 4. IMvi l wee day. - Hmlcli. 10 AND CHICKS, can d'cliwr. Ant H2.l-e! (Continued en Foilewina f-..) lii 'In 7'