AUTOMOBILE "ACCESSORIES 801 FOR SALE Lsl 1918 India motorereJi, quipped with A. B. G, generator, storage hstury, spotlight, electric horn, and Hma teadem. A bargaia iC taken at one. Tba Whit. C.areae, Box ", Can by. Or. rsD''TiiiEs at-"! IrgAIN ' " - All Kind of Vulcanizing sod Retreading. . KILTON-WILSON TIRE CO.. , 54 Burn-ida (west side), at 8th. flyy'S-wheeled automobile trailer with rubber tire. 84 5. 708 V Willis-os , TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 .TRUCKS-TRUCES. 100 Per Cent SATISFACTION GUARANTEED INVESTIGATE "The .'Oar be Plan" A FEW OF OCR REAL BARGAINS WHICH UtST BH ft KEN TO BE APPRECIATED Dodge Fsnel delivery ..$1028 Bm speed ifii . Ford 1-ton worn MsxweU 1 -ton .... Chevrolet l-to . . ............' 1304 TOO ! 760 1000 50 Fanhard 1-te i ............. . Hwki ltt-toa ............. 2300 1S00 000 000 Bethlehem 2 14 -ton Master 2 V -tea ; . . Muter 8tt-tot....,......... ...... And SO othen to be sold under ' "THE OARBB FLAN" " ONE WEEK'S TRIAL W. C. GARBE.-INC. BROADWAY 4t B URNS ED E , PHONE BROADWAT l OPEN SUNDAYS AND, EVENINGS CUT'ITNO a price Is slmpry en admission. that th. goods were priced at more thaa they were worth. Our used - tracks are priced according to their value not to "what the traffic wUI bear." O. at C. 2-ton track: this truck haa tmi thoroughly overhauled- repainted, is la the beet of . condition and a bargain at. . . 12150 .00 3-tnn THamond T ae good aa a , extra large rear tire.. 18 50. 99 1-ton O. M. C. on pnenroatki i tire, hw had the very best of I i rare and hae aeea but little work 1490.00 lH-ton Morslsnd. absolutely new 2850.00 lH-ton Winther, 4-wheel driva. fust the thing where you need extra hard pulling machine. . 1350.00 1-ton Republic, entirety overhaul- ed. new Lire, new paint..... 1050.00 -ton Bepnblia on pnenmatio tires; equipped with first elsss body for bakery or similar ouai- nass . . 675.00 l-toa O. M. C. AAA-1 condition throughout, n minted oa 856 front. 80x0 rear Urea, entirely overhauled-...,... 12TB. 00 It -toa IViick, poeumstlo tine; sbsolutely new; the entire troek . . in in first elaat mechanical con dition .................. 075.00 Chevrolet light, delivery .... . 450.00 Wentworth& Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TATLOR. DODGE DET-tVEBT Five good Urea, refiniahed. hauled, ready to go. 5S0 ALD ER ST. KJtTABLIHHJSD freight trade, run averaging $15 to $20 a dav. with 1 -ton trnck, $1400; 700 down. Shepard. 93 N. 10th. h-ton whith . .......... ;;.$ 800 3-toa Winther. pneumatic Ursa ..4.... 2750 SVs-ton Atterbnry 2600 6-toa United Republic 1750 93 N. 10TH ST. ' CHEAP TRUCKS Packard S-ton $900, Jeffrey 2-trm $700. Republie 1-ton $700; terms eaa be arranged on any of these: small cash payment down, Phoaa, Broadway 691. evening Marshall 5241. FRKH5HT RUN NOW OPEN. WITH NEW TRUCK. THIS POSITION MUST BE FTLLRD AT ONCK. REQUIRE" SMALL IN VESTMENT. GREAT NORTHERN TRANS PORTATION. INC.. 49 WEST BURN8IDB. REAL TRUCK BARGAINS New 1 to -2 H -ton standard make trnek. solid sella for $2600. Will take S2000 with - Moral terms. Wdwy. 1641. 11) ll I'ORU Ught d.Uvery, paneled body, stajler and everything: In fin. Condition. Mr. Ehrett, Broadway 1480. Northwest Auto Oo-, 18ta nd Alder. : . ' REPUBLIC SH-toa. 1920. overhauled and re painted; look like new; small cash payment, balance easy terms. Phone Jensen, Broadway 1; evenings Marshall 5241. NEW TRUCK 8ACRIF1VB Brand new 1 1 -trm truck, cord tares, standard vaake. Must saenftce. Mat us aa offer, TVlwy. 1641. rORD tractor ia A-l eoodiUoo. sell cheap or - trade for : horse, cattle or Ford touring. Atlas Wnodyarrt. 827 oot. - Maxwell i ton 1920 model; $400 takes It- Phone Jensen. Broadway 691; evenings MarxhsW, 6841. FORD 1 ton truck. 1921. with opea expn body and- top. Will discount sad give terras. T-791, Journal. REPUBLIC 1-toa laU model with body: make an offer and drive it, away. Phone Jensen. Broadway not; evenings Mai-Oiall 5241. OLDSMOBILK 1-ton. pneumatic tires and start er ( make aa offer. Phone Jensen. Broadway Bin; evening MarsnaT! o-JI. . 1 W -TON Fsderal. 1st claaa condition, $850 $100 down. $100 per month. 8heppard, 92 N. 10th st. 1920 1-TON. worm drive Ford truck, uaed just 8 months, pneumaue tires, cab and stake body. $700. terms. Call Adams. Bdwy. 4693. ESTABLISHED trade, run averaging fTS to $20 a day. with 1 14 -ton truck. 11400 $700 down. Rhepard, 92 N. 10th. NEW 1 W tun Diamond T, with pneumatic tires. lB7a; terms. . .aat sisa. 1920 OLDSMOBILE ton truck in excellent coo- ; ditton. good tares, glOOO. terms. Main 19. li-TON Kelly truck: bargain. Bull tractor. $275. -JEast 1705. 404 V. E. Morrison st. 8-TON Attnrbury Eaet 63H2." truck for sale; bargain. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 WOULD pay cash for a good Reading Standard sidecar. Call or phoaa Sunday. Aut. 845-16, 5th ave. and 43d st. 1 15.1 A goaa motorcycle us axcaange on a medium light ear; this ear ia in excellent eomlition. Cu Bdwy. gnus. 1921' HA RLE T with side car, like new, cheap forcafh. Auto Painting Enameling Co., 14 th and Couch. 1919 H A RL E Y-D A V I DS ON. electrioally equipped. Small paymeat dowai easy terma. tall ttoseii. Bowyi ss. 1920 HA RLE Y, sport model. Equipped with A. B. C generator and 2 spotlight. $274. Term. 6808 47th ave, ft. K. Ma oar. 1915 TWIN ladtaa 8-speed. all eontplete- for $88y or trade for Olevelend. Auto. 641-27. INDIAN, twin cylinder, Prestolita and tank, aide car frame. $50. 0139 83d at.. 8. K.. M j cat. INDIAN suotorcjrcie, ia good condition,; trade ior phonograph.- East 6234. FOR SALE $90. new motor bicycle. I0T Inauu o 1 1 fteaeon ex. IM1AN motorocl. in runninc ahaoe. Joe's Piryele Repair Shop. 209' 4th t- TVO Otiys' bicycle in good shape, seoood hand. Joel tt cvrie Hepsir wnnpt a9 4th at. 1819 HKNDERSON, ...Tabor 27S - fully equitptd. Phone MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 ALL MAKES OF, Our over-stork- of Rebuilt Maehinea " eompeli us to take a big loss in order . to move a boat to machines in the nest ; week. i j. - .:. i - T These maehinea were rebuilt for aa ' . exporting concern and owl ox to low . exchange oa- foreign money, the order was canceled. - Thereby we are placing 50 lata s rondel 8 Teed machines on the mar ket at $100 to 1150 las than market value. ... ' , . - ; ' ' . " Come early Monday and make a selection The beat bays will go fuaV It will pay too to lay off from, work Monday and get Jhe machine you hare been wsoUag. EAST TERMS . . ' MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO. 500 Third Street, Corner Taylor. Harley-Daridscm Service Center. " I Mala 7880 ' .s Down Oo the Prices on New -CLEVELANDS! , Also on. Used Motorcycles If yoa really want a real bargain in rebuilt Into modal motorcycles saw aa. You will save money, j All late models greatly reduced, j ' . riT "Ttrnxte. . 4TB AT TAYLOR ST. MAIN 1191. Motorcycle -Bargains - EAST SIDE MOTORCTCUS CO., -,- Te week w. announced $90 redootioa la prioa of the four cylinder ACE . . A redaction which makes it posale for ynat to boy a finished tour eyllsder mashine at the nrirw of a twin. '. ' Ws also aenoaneed a correyoodtngly big Iw dnetioa in used motorcycles, VY'e sold a nam be of these during the past week and we are now (rooting rock bottom price oa a few of tba n ma mint mtemnes. s 1820 Big Valve Indian with apoutghts, neaa Tight, horn, dream tandem, auxiliary air for nigb aneea. - speeojnmeter, xucaeiea nanaieimrs with erossbar. together with side car and aide nr eover, all very oeany new. xnia is vam fineat outfit offered for sal by tbe induin Factory, and ia eorhpletoly eauiyped. Price $500. ! 19S0 EJect rie Kxeeistor. 1 nia is a Dig xutyai Blue model with wide fender. ABO gwnerator. Looks ilka a new one. la the beat ma ecoanvoaa eonditiott. $850, 1920 Electric eeminped Hr1eIXMsoo. In tba varr beat of aoaditioa. $350. 1918 Specially Built uoyai afiae nenoeraon. necial aickeled .handle bar and manifold, ABO electric equipment with two Kay Bea Spot llgbns. Price 330. , 191S J)eve4ana iigntwetgna, vKa presto jigou. Tn fina Mnniitinn k 1 1 S 1916 Power Pitts Indian with side ear. In food mechanical condition. A bargaia ax $225 we aiso nave a large numner or reouut motorcycles at prices ranging from 835 oa up. Writ, for our eoazrplete Iktt and terms. ' - Used porta fox all makes of motorcycle as a aisoouat of from IV to i a per cent. EAST 8 IDE MOTORCYCLE UU-. 44-46 GRAND AVE. Agent for Ae "FOUR" motorcycle and Shaw vieyelo motor attachment. : The ACE :" IS THK FIRST MOTOR CYCLK . . TO LOWER PRICKS Regular models were $583, now., ..$405 Llectria models wer $635. now, . . .$345 Yost can now get a real "four cr Under atotoreycl for th. same price yoU have to pay for a "twin" eyiuidec Come In and see to. , finest thing oa two wheel, j . ! MOTORCYCLES ! BICYCLES 'i", j 5- - '-i 3 We hav several good buy la Tebntlt motorcycle, wttn the earn guarantee the factory give with new ones. Price ranging from $150 to $400. Call and see us. We will be glad to demonstrate. We are agents for the famous Dayton and Rambler bicycle. DAYTON CYCLE CO. 88 3d st. 1 - ' Bdwy. 832. t ' If Bicycle Waited SEK rs AND COMPARE OTJR PRICES WITH OUR COMPETITORS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US. AGENCY FOR RAYCYCLE. RAMBLER, MIAMI, DAYTONIA . BICYCLES. Used Motorcycles at a Bargain .an So THE BIO EAST SIDEBICYCLE 8TORK . East Broadway and William. 1918 INDIAN, rebuilt, with or without aid oar has tandem, electrically equipped: small pay ment a own, i-u ttoseu. navj. ou. 1917 HENDERSON and side oar. new paint, la dandy condition, electrically equipped; loot ear. Call Hamilton, Bdwy. 9 60 8. 1818 INDIAN motorcycle with sMecar. Just e painted: bargain at $275. ; 188 Grand a. East 6608. CLEVELAND motorcycle, fin. eonditiou, juat overhauled.: good tire and a carrier; a ar gain at $65. Mar. 812. GtMl bcclf, almost new. W 11 see) cheap. Csll Sunday . m.. 1180 T.K Salmon. 1920 HA RLE Y, like new. very cheap; terms to suit. : Call Johansen, at Bdwy. 2310. 1 f ..... 1' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 BIO LOT OF CSED MOTORCYCLES WITJ, BE PUT OJf BALK THIO Vrtjilv. tittua IS TOCR CHAXCK TO ;ET A C0OD MACHINE AT TOUR -OWN PRICK. COMS EARLT J Indian Motorcycle Bicyc!e Co, Inc. Motoreycle, BusyeU and GeaereJ Repairing, Bunanea ana Bppnes Phone Main 3139. Open to 7 p. m. 204 THIRD STREET HAKI.KY DAVHWON 8 speed Harley; Preeto tank and lamp, speed ometer, good tire. .Price only . $130- 50 dowa, $20 monthly. ' Hyatt TalsJnr , Machine Co.. 850 AMer at. ' - - -- - j 1921 - EXCELSIOR nntircye, speedume4r. . tandem, electrically equipped ; has bee a run only 018 miles. Call BogeU. Bdwy. 3606. PRACTICALLY turn wheel. : electric lieht. born, eyclometer, errry thing complete and in best condition. $40. East 84T8. VAN S BICYCLE; good eonditiou; $t. ; . AtUfe. . 325-15. :-.-: , TQ20 ELECTRIO Harlej. aell or Ford. East 5804. trade .for AUTO REPAIR SHOPS ? 804 MR. CAR OWNER is. Ton will mslias a big savins fn yonr repair work by bringing it to me no expenmentuu nor guesswork I know tba autrjiobUe repair bumeaa from A .to Z- - The only man yoa pay is' the on. who does th work no superintendent, shop foreman or office force to bo paid with yonr money. Will gladly tet your ear. tell you the trouble, And give you an estimate, of the c-t. I bare had experience nn ail makes of cars. W. A. IHCK1N80N-. North Pacific Wagon dt Auto Works Mdg. th and ffovt sr. Bnwdwsy 3H0. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS We will overtiaul your car. any make, and save you money. All work dona on a fiat con tract buia and absolutely guaranteed. Work wider the auperviainn of competent and reliable men. Oct our prices, they are reaxonahla and will surprise yoa. We specialise on. generator and electricsi work, battery rerharguig and re pairing, TuleanisiaaT and retreading: all retreads guaranteed for 4000 miles. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne are. , Tele- phone Kaat 0Q8. -; FORD OWNERS!! ' ' FORD orerhaaled .................... $20 Rear Axle overhauled . .... i ........... $ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. ....,.....$ 3 Maeneto recharged ........$ 5 We hand-lap pistons, -scrape bearing, etc, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUAJIANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. STANDARD TIKE AND SERVICE SHOP bought, sold and exchanged. and retreading. 1008 Belmortf- , Tabor 8203. HJITi IC HT3 90 days adjustments on ail brakes JTVlUll-e relined. TUB BRAKE SHOP 827 Fifth Street Main 598 FORD repairing exclusively: guaranteed work manship. Curly Ford Shop. i227 Salmon at. Main 8154. - . AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS for hire1, with, or wuhout driver, day or night esTVtoe. ' .Couchman Garage 9th and Couch at. Broadway 698. Remember Our Nnmber. Broadway 8090. ' AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRTVTERS Late Model Cars Reasonable Rate ntiRna a rornett city g a RAGE 132 12th St. bet. Wash, and Aider. Bdwy. 840 CARS FOR RENT without driver, all ntakea, reasonable rates; open eve. and Sun. Bdwy. 5593. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 325 ..Gluaa, i bet. Broadway an tn. - ' autos " FOR HIRE iTtt " Oft ' wiTHdCr: DRIVERS, i Ij. SULIJ V AN, rABUlUS GA RAGE; MAR. 282, 10th at Yamhill, A-1238. it 8. RNNETT," Cars for hire without DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TATLOR. PHONE MAIN 1687. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WANT AUTOMOBILE " As ttart payment on a fine 100x100 corner. all improvement in; Suitable for residence or business; a bargain; oajanc time. J. G. GOUB1N GO., JRnua,TUttO. , Lewis Bldg. ; ' TRADE FOR FORD 2 lot 80x100 to trad for a late model Ford. Addreae or see 8. A. Dennis. 1697 Dana at.. near Columbia prg. - - :- - -- - WANTED Late model Chevrolet or Bnica; must be m good order and cheap.: Jhone Proadway 3656 or call 354 Burrside betwtei Binadway and comer- Park. NEW AUTO TIRES WANTED Win exchange new Victrola, Brunswick, Edi tion or Grafonola for. high grade, tare. ; 'Hyatt Tsllflng Machine Co.. "ft" Alder st. DELIVERY, licet truck or touring Ford or t;nvro4et ; so juna; traoe low at v oiumoia Beach, value $650. Ihckie. 117 S. Sweoson. St. Johns. ' ' - '- - " '-' ' TRADE two 490 'IS model l lierroleta for 6 evlinder car. late model: Buiek or Fnnum preferred. May trad on ear for good lot on or near pavea street, kst iao. or izi xsan Taylor st. " . . CARS wajaed-io wreck, parts for all cars under naif price. s. Aoto v reccing -o-, 5th and Alder. Broad-way 636. 160 ACRES timber at market value, on county cruise, for a late model high trad car. Ad- dre 1421 N. W. Bankybldg. LATE touring car, Dodge Drefcrred.' in ex- chana for beauuiol player piano, vaius S900. Tabor 6642. WILL TAKE CAR as first payment oa my 5 room bouse on 72nd at., near M, V. car.- Price wriry 82500. Mln 7027. 415 Plttt bldg. I HAVE cut the price of my apple orchard for quick kale. Big crop this year. Want car or truck. Herbert O. Iitndhe, guthevUn. Or. WANTED Ught ear, about $300. Have Cornell piano with mandolin accompaniment. In fine condition, for exchange. Auto. 624-13. FIRST-CLASS house and lot to trad for an uo-tnwiat S passenger toormg car. Gall En 839.' HIGHEST cash pnee paid for old cars; coo- diuon no object. IZ1 S. 3d st - skIJ. bk tRAPti for cIr. 16oo ftust: NESS PROPOSITION. 804 ABINGTON BLD. 800 PLAYER piano for sal, $600. or will trade for automobile. TOO Commercial. $230 CASH FOR FORD; MUST BE BARGAIN. AUT. 230-b. - 5-PASS. auto wanted in xcliang lot lot ia 1nt. Mr. 2376. -WANTED Auto or chassis, $100 cash. : Ma? shaU 2458. 215 Mill. Wasted a ford. Condition no ob ject. phone aut. 883-68. WANT to buy late modui Ford with starter! Will pay cash. Call Woodlawn 721. WANTED 1917 Maxwell auto body, or rodter: cash. U-64, Journal. touring WANT Ford touring. Have for exchange lata Indian motorcycle. Call 638-63. tlODGE roadster; will pay cash. It-ll 6. journal. W ANTED 1911 CadUlae to wreck. Ta 7896. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 PICK your own. Fin strawoerries SOc a crate; bring your own containevs; pay caab & week days only, C Sumner. WUsowviile. Or. UNION Apparel ' Exchange sells , slightly used ladies' clothe, new spring hats, etc; 719 Union ave. N., cor. Ivy. East 1838, - 200 MILK-1 ED Leghorn and R.. L Red t rytrs. 25e snd SOc Per lb. 1534 E. T2 th st N. Phone Woodlawn 1485. ' -RUGS washed on your floor with HamHtoo, Beach . alectrfe carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning CABINET phonograph and records, lik new. Oniiet mat smoruic at once. Ea.t 1928, Monday morning. ' - - - - PRINTING preaa. 8 isxla. with snbUir; wS7 sail cheap or trad for amallor pros. Broad way 2555. 148 13th t, -. ' - ? ' ., SAFES No. 70 Sixth st.. near Oak, New and second-hand 'Herring- HalV Marvin safe and steel cabinets. Buahong A Co. Bdwy. 1262. SPlKNDLl Keaimgton typawritar. only S22.uO; $7.50 down, $4 a month, . Hyatt Talking Machine Co.; 8SO AMer t. , 500. BUSINESS CARDS ffi fl erf. ROSE CITY PRLNTERT 4A.U' Yoa ant bring this ad. 120 6th St. LawnMowers Sharpened WK CALL AND DELIVER, .EAST 6424. NEW $83 electrio sewing machine, $30. Ms - hogany gate leg table and mirror, reasonable. Ladies' suitcase, $10. Main 2501. COMPTOMETER, taken lu on deal; price $65, $15 down. $6 a month, HyaU- Talking Ma chine Co1!350Ak1erst: : LADIES b well dressed;, excliwive used garv mrnts in our home. Tabor 2S25. FOR SA LB Traction woods w. Apply 249 25. GORO.NA typewriter. liKe n-w. . Tabor 24 14. FOLDING duubla, auto cauip bed. Mam 6aU4, Vuloani FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 800 BARBERS' CLIPPERS Ka 1 speed. ...... ,12. 0 No- 0 Prims 2.60 . " DEPECOS , No, 1.0.00 4.50 BARBER SHEARS Value $2.00 at . . . . .88c POCKET JKNIYE8 - 83.00 valnea ...... .BSe i ., Turnworks " i 3. A, Hewkle-. i'1 Rutrher Knirea Mail Orders Reoeire Prompt Attention -KEMP COTLERY CO. 124 4th at.. Portland. Or. TLLX. ME, Jack, where did you buy that en gagement ring you gave Gladys! . Why, at Miller') next door to the Majestic theatra. You. know, he buys his diamonds from outside parties,: people who- bought them when they were cheap, and he puts them up in new mountings and gee I the difference) in the prie. . MILLER'S "Charmed" wedding rings, platinum, . green gold and white gold, the very latest en-, graved styles. - r MILLER'S CLEARIXO HOUSE FOR ' DIAMONDS f ' ' Next Door to Msjestfe Theatre. O.VL A. B. combination range $90, 1 fireleas ' cooker, without kettle. $5 ; ' 1 electric quart cup for beating baby bottle, 1 folding bed with large French mirror, 2 pair double faced velour portieres,. 6 room hone for sale or rent by June 20. Call CoL 598. Take St. Johns ear to Columbia bltd. Ask for Mrs. Costello. EW i AND rSKD OFFICE Fl'RNrTCKE, -r ADD5M MACHINES, TTl'EWRiTKnS, CHECK WHITE RS, SArTlSt SAFT? CABINET8. OUR PRICES LOWEST IS' CiTTi WAX OF KICK EQUIPMENT HOUSE. 24 i. Si. 5TIL BHOADWAY 2739. J BUY TOUR PHONOIUAPH AT HYATT'et Remember, we sell you any model of Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 on payments of $& a month. Uyatt Talking lit- cntne AKifr st. PORTLAND ART GLASS WORKS - ' Technical glass of all descriptions, bending, beveling, windshields and lamp shades repaired. Spotlight lenses, all siaea. Art glass for churches and dwellings. $48 Madison, eor. 17th. klaia 9392. I -.- - :. a -,.."- -J-: PHONOiiKAPHS $3 AiOiJlnLi' " Remember, we sell you new, latest .typa' Vic trola, Kdiaon, -Columbia or Brunswick up to SO for S3 per month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 AMer st. a ! iStainpXoIlectors Breaking up large collection ; bargains; bny and sell. 94 N. 16th St. Broadwsy 2019. LADY'S dark eilk umbrella, boy's large es r press wagon and kitchen sink. All must be In good condition and reasonable. Give price and phone. J-MB, Journal. : Lawn. Mower Hospital ' Sharpening and repairing. 24 hour service; col lect and doliver. Tabor 4072. Tabor 4641. Til REE-burner gas range, with oven, for $10; $14 gas heater, 10 ft. coil, for $10; $30 gas heater for $20. All good as new. Mr. C. L. Hugh, Cornelius, Or. i " HEMSTITCHING - f COTTON, 6e; SILK, 8c MRS. JAMES. 852 YAMHILL, C4R- PARK. BABS -buggy, $4: 2 Ligh chairs. $1.50; 3 beds, mattresses, spring, linoleum, large rocker $3, child's rocker 50c, washing machine wringer $5. 1601 K. 9th st. CadweirCaimp Table T 6x6x42 folded. 80x42 open; supports 800 lb 650 Thurman. Broadway 8469. TiioK electrio washing machine, as good as new, ha been used but very little. Cost price new $150. Will sell for $90 cash. Auto. 623-90 or ran at 4714 Pove.ll at., near 47th. I NEW AL'TO l'IRKS WANTED . Will; exchange new Victrola. Brunswick, Edi son or Grafonola for high grade .tire. Hyatt Talkirg Machine Co.. 850 Alder st. - CAMPERS, Schilling auto camp, attach to an? , auto; must sell at $45, This Includes bed and tent. A bargain. Call- Tabor 4670. or 361 E. 89th st. - - , . - ELECTRIC fixtures wliolekai: 1 "light chains, $1.35; 3 light fixtures,- $4.00 4 lights, $4.50.- We do electric wiring. Reliable: Elec tric, Union at Russell. East 8886. STEEL Simmons bed, complete, almost new; $26; mahoo-any' chiffonier, j without mlrror.i. $15. Phone Woodlavm 8y8. 269 Monroe at. ; -. , SPECIAL sale of ent'.re stock of women's clothes, all style, size 248. Union Apparel Exchange, 719 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. East 1826. eoO COLUMBIA graioiioia,- mahogany case, in good condition, for $30; $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking . Machine : Co., 350 Alder st. 1 - ' - ' ' - vACTOMOBiubs: M0Y6Ret cm: launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing will bo found under these different clasai ficationa. BLACK FIGS, 25-lb. bo, 2.50 split prunes, 22-lb. box, $1; muscatel rauins, 25-lb. boxes. luu-m. sacc split prunes, BKA V r.K UKW. li.Kll, ZT Ymnin Bt LICENSED independent electrician. rooms for $12. A room S20. All new ma terial used and guaranieod to paa inspection. Woodlawn 3791. ' . vi COMPUTLNG SCALES. ash register, coffee mi Us, meet choppers i and general tor tlx tnre. at 228 Stark st- between 1st and 2d. Dentistrv J-JY Without Pain. Latest Nerve" Blocking Method. GOOSEBERRIES 5e a pound. Pick them yourself. 500 East 72nd. St.. near Division. Tabor 184T. FOU SALE Automobile engine, iriiitable for a boat or bug; in f:r?t elaa running conditioa it is , bargam. Ooltimbis 1132. TWO 12 to 16 volt Philadelpbia Diamond Grid battenn. S2 eacn. One S to 12 volt, J0 Bdwy 2455. . DUl'LEX AU-asar kitchen rang, family moving away. Excellent condition. Cheap. , Phone WoodJswn 4 1 72. . - ONE-ton chain blocks $20; set I'.TS. 8. die arid tops; set Mo? berg aockets, $5; and other hand tools. 5747 7th St., evenings. COMPLETE sot of lighting fixUirm for 20 and up. Bea ua before buying. . 359 Aukeny at.. west Side near ndvry. ttawy. asaa. WtKilJS'i'OCK typewnusr, m fin shape. only $60: $10 down. $5 a month. HyaU Talk- lng Machine On..-- 8o0 Alder st. FOR SALE Baby bassinette on wheels, trimmed in brue, and allovar aw. Price glO. Gall Woodlawn 6367. ' FOLDING camp Prentiss oil stove, auto tent man to oraer; no in new. tast zvv. s4 Victoria. GOOD combination range cheap; good bedstead springs and dresser. ; F. E. Sherwood. 4806 73d st. S. K. ! .22 auto., .22 S. A V. ; kodak, small size:' also other camping paraphernalia. Tabor 5702, to day and evenings. i IF TOU appreciate splendid watch repairing, see Miller, next door to Majestic theatre. I have never used anything but genuine watch material. OLIVER typewriter, just' like new, only $24.50; $10 down. S2.60 a 'month- Hyatt' Talking Machine Co., 850 Aider at. 2 cUSGLcl mattresses, and small l-rass cannon, . mounted on wheels. For sale cheap. 1219 K. Isvi. Tabor 6018. 4 HEAT Universal coating dish, cost $22 inn saU for $12. A real sacrifice. Hynson. Eleo- trie. 62 6th at. AN 8 lut Custiman circular wood saw, guaran teed same as new. for less than the engine would cost. See it at 415 E. Ash. - : SO WEDDING Invitations or Announcement $6; rristic; prompt. Smith, printers. UN. 6th. A FEW sacks Laorelhurst grown potatoes. $1. 1039 Pacific st. Tabor 2108.- ; ALMOST NEW dropheed sewing machin. $17. 240 East 86th St.. pt. 18. . . - FOR SALE Bed and springs, aheap. 871 E. 41st st. S. . FOR SALE White -net dress, suitable for grad- nation; size 88. Tabor 9533. CARPENTER'S tool chest cheap, bein ave. 800 Gantea- POTATOES Pride Multnomah. 5i)c to 81 sack. 241 H Warfungton st $5 TAKES a whit enameled infant's crib. 1123 - E. Stephens st. ' -.- j - - - WHAT have you to exchange for a cabinet phonograph t 148 13th st. Bdwy. 2685. WOOD ami coal range with coils, $75; gas range. $25; piano, S250-.' 829-47. GEf your furnace properly cleaned aud over hauled, don't wait. Call Leonard, Aut 326-51. FOR SALE Invalid wheel chair in fin coudi- -- tion. 1626 Portsmouth ave. "STAR A STAR'' shingle, direct from mill - Call Taylor st dock. ; Main 8065, 15 ACRKS of standing clover for sal in Monta villa. -i Tabor 9033. I 1892 Ba. Lin road. FIN E : big secoud gruwUi fir, - $7,715 per cord. S7.50 carload lots. Phone "East 7020. 40 ACRES of piling, close to railroad. SlOoO. Phone Woodlawn 4011. Hansen. DRY eordwood, $7.60; 5 aords or Phone Woodlawn 4oll alter 7 p. more, m. $7. FOR SALE ."U want " kippered aalmon. a Port- "land product. Sell. 854. -ONE 3-in. lumber wagon,, $40; 1 .mower. $40. - Sellwood 2088. j--- FOR SALE Registers, ; showrsaai, waR "casea.. -- Cash or credit. ; 242 Salmon. " V. - -- ----- SLIGHTLY used drag saw, A-l condition. at $125, some terras. 415 E. Ash. RAZOR BLADES sLarpened. 8a t faction guar anteed. - The Grinder, 67 44 th st FOR SAI-K 20 fokHng eiiaim. Broadwa ' 1 845. GOAT milk for sale. 1704 E. 21L GOAT milk for sale. "Mill dxliver. Call Col. 3. HOWE sho machine. $7. East 7035. . ' FOR SALX -MISCELLANEOUS 900 ) ...'.FOOTSTBPSI:' ARE THJCT PASSEVO BY O H tXIMINO . . 'INTO OUR STOKE f OUR PRICES WILL : .ANSWER THIS! : TO SAY That we nave the largest stock of new and used'' tools of ail descriptions la putting - j it 'Very mild." f IJT US CONVINCE YOU - , 'M- Carpenter Tools ' 120 Grade friastoa Rip Sawa, eg' i4B - Reg. $6.20. our price . . . PJ.VsJ' - 12 Grade Diss ton Rip Saws, a 4 (Oifft , Reg. $4.75, our price ; 8 Grade Diaotoa Rip Saws. r ' Reg. $.5f. ouJ price Steel Nsil Hammers i a rs re bar- tfjCif gala) Keg. $1.25, our price . . y" - No. 4 Guaranteed Hand Ate. 4 Reg. 83.00. ear price ...... ea3r , - Well constructed Carpenters Tool Boies ' $5.45 50 ffc alteei Tapes, ' flK Special this week- ...... I ' Ttiese are just a few of the hundred of . other articles in hardware that we have . to offer at ridicalonaly low prices. Going Fishing? : Buy your fishing tackle of na and save money. i - Fi.h linea. reg. $1.50, . 7K oniy ......... Fly Hooks, :; 25c tsh poles, reg. Ss.oo, ... $11.95 only .,,.... ... . f . , Salmon Eggs 15c. Can , .4". . .'. Fish Basket. (Selling . these at cost-1 . . Bird Cages We have' a complete line of cages tn th ilain and brass. i $1.95 up. Garden Hose and ies W re overloaded on Hin. Cotton Hose. . . All next week we are' offering an extra . special price on 50 ft. Coupled (ZJI fj) R Cotton Hose at ; . . . . ... . . VS - This-ia a regular $7.00 value and ab- - soiurrly guaranteed. Take advantage of tea rare opportunity. , i Many other cheaper one in and used . from 13.00 up. LAWN SPRINKLERS, reg. ffifl X.R $2.25 value, now . . . . s . . . i 8 e'U' Also a large stock of second-hand ho - t your own- price. . BUT A BICYCLE FOR THE BOY -WE HAVE THEM. FROM $10.00 up. . : Are You Going Camping? Lot us supply your wants. W bars a, otfrnplet line. ' Tents Stoves Cots - Dishes at less than elsewhere. Attention, Woodsmen Champion Douhl Bitted Axe g J J Royal "Chtoook Croa Cut Saw tfjig e-8 fee, only . ... Splitting Bar, $3.00 vlue. " " fl JJB only .... fF ' in; New Plow Steel Cable, A ST : t-r hundred feet only ..... . ' ' Hundreda of other item sold for less ' - than elsewhere. - SEE TJS FOR YOUR DRAG SAW NEW OR TJS ED , AND DON'T FORGET A LEVIN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY PUR CHASE. EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE, . Builders Hardware r Bring in yonr li of hardware fof your r bums and w will consider It a pleasure - to figure : with you. There will be money in ft for both of us. - Just a few of the many specials-? A Hx3l4 Butts, only . 2SC nTortiae " Locks'. ' "only ' ' " ' " ) , Front Door Seta with heavy bevel plate. 23. ;...$2.75 Run Locks, only - flnj IF ITS ANYTHING IN HARDWARE - OR FURNITURE WB HAVE IT. re 221.3-5 Front Street. Main 9072. Portland,' Ore. W Deliver., umbing Supplies BATHTUBS, TOILETS, LAVATORrES. SINKS. RANGE BOILERS, LAUNDRY TRAYS and GAS WATER HEATERS. W. sell to you direct at wholesale prices. Our line of PIPE, FITTINGS and PLUMBING SUPPLIES is com plete. -See' us before you buy. Mail orders filled prmnptly. . 'Mesher , Plumbing ..Supply Co. 248 3d St. Main 5377. Bet, Main and Madison Sts. ! ' FEATHER HATS Made to . order from new or your own mate rial, r W carry a big - amort meat of feather trimmings, reasonably priced. - . i -t HARTNESS PLUM8I SHOP. I Park at Yamhill. ELECTRIO FIXTURES SeveraTT thousand fix ture. from one to four Ughts each; also in direct bowls, brackets and ceiUng lights. Every thing i brand new, at one-third 'lea than you would' ordinarily pay." Call me up. Wood lavm $791.-. -v.-.-". LARGE Edison Diamond Disc (Chippendale model), in a famed-oak jcase, used but a abort time, i taxen in on - a newer model: priced spe cially,, at 8225; 8125 down, Sl5 a month, Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder at. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY" for" peoule who go camping, aa we carry a full line of camping qnipenent camp stove, tents, (tools, etc ; also k full line of handbags. and trunks for campers. 142 1st st. ELECTRIC washers rested. ' vary reasonable cliavrge. High-grade machine. We teach yon how to use them. Call Main 7870 and let us explain. - Electrio Service Co., 128 H loth St. segond-hASd Victrola, lortable type, mahog- aiiy ease, good condition . only 830; 810 down, $8 a month. , Hyatt Talking Machin. Co.. 350 AKier st. ' DON T pay large laundry bills when you can rent a nign-grao electric washer at a very reasonabl rat. - See our ad in today' paper, page 3. . first section. Electric Service Co. EDISON Amberole, as good as new, and 100 Blue Amberola records, for 840; 810 down, $S a anonth, r Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st. HYDBAULIO barber chair, lis. new. black's stand, both for $78. 8128 Boot-Wood- stock, i - ; - - - ' . HIGH grade electrio. washers rented for leas than laundry bills. ' See today's ad, Pg. 8. first section. $25 EACH, wholesale price.- 8K h, d. A. G. motors, only . 8 left. Hynjoa Electric Co.. 62 filh st. GOOD potatoes $1 a sack, 8, Hess, 60th and Killingswortb, Wdln. 8072. Call afur Sun day, i 23-JEWEL Waltham Vanguard watch, new, ' $4$; cost $120; big bargaia- for railroad man. 178 Madison st. . EDISON cylinder hornless machine and 200 in i destructible records, $50: $20 down," $10 s monthj. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. EDWARD ROOOKS Fixup Shop; furniture r- paired and refiniahed -.. 629 Columbia blvdV, gt. jonns. - . ; lO (UliLOMi leftover paint can be had. for SI 8. CjiH today at 655 K. Bnmude. CEMENT laundry trays, 314 East Washington. guaranmed,! factory. &MAU. gaa range tot sale. Apply 630, E. 8 0th 8., : or Antotnatie 215-12 VXudkN dragsaw. Buffalo forge, tire up-aet and binder; arto toola and furniture.' SO 7 2d. REFRIGERATOR, 601b. aiae, $10; bed and 'apraigs. go. auu az-4. . - - . BABY carriage. $10 ; 8x10 wool fiber, rug. $7. Selt 1945. SllLL or Usde ladies' brown Oxfords. 7 Vk, ai- WASHTRAYS. best in town ; tombstone. " tory. East First and Washington ts. Fao- LARUE. handsome trunk, 88x28; furniture, bedding, cheap. 91 East 8th street south. FOR SAJUE liar . antique gentleman's watch; 150 years old. Phone Tabor 137. WE GRIND and repair lawn mower; also buy crippled ones. Main 962. HAIR neUTs for 25c, 18 for SI Plammer Drug Co.. g. E. cor. 3d and Madison. - KALE plants, 85c per 100; $1.75. per 1000. 205 Ea.-t.23d t. N. - - - ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, ' exchanged. repaired. Ray BenUey. - Main 4907. TAILOR-MADE suits left oa hand at half price. Modern Tailors. o r. Btn at. - FOR RE NT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hour day. ttae eelivered, ; Wdln.- I2a. VACUUM cleaners rented, 81 per day, deliv ered. Bdwy. 2872 days. Tabor 5786 evenings. ONE Boy n ton special hot air f arnac., 1 ,22 special nile. Aut, 326-61. PIA-NO, sewing uiackiue, rugs. Morris cuair. bed, heater and fruit jars. Phone Marshall 1812. JUNE 12. 1C21. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 6O0 NORWOOD'S FOLDING CAMP STOVE ''1 -U.S. i ARMY GOODS FOB SALB Bib Overalla ... ........ 'SL Bala' of new army cotton nndar- 45 "If" war. a garment. e5. New Chocolate rjloT march- 33.95 tog shoe (few Lea on ion ns : - ,; 2 50 New and reclaimed army shirts front up New. U. booU S. or Rubber , hip S4.25 $ .50 Gray commercial blankets, 4x84 inch ............ Canteen and mess Uta. . D. -bra ernes r, si. so up for O. D. wool p8t $3.75 ior ....... ...... . Bhi maria pants. . $3.75 pair . . . Shelter tent for. ,,... $i.oo tin .. $7.00 up Tents, all sixes for....... ... Besides these epeeUl Items 'w hsve fn stock a large assortment f breech ev hata, reclaimed shirts, socks, mackinaws. dishes, etc H.Horenstein Army t Store j 204 First St.. 253 Second St, . ! . - Main 7878. WE HANDLE high-grade Tent only. 'When ' you buy a Tent, see that the weight 10-ox. etc., is marked on your Tent- you should ns th same discretion that you would when baying any. other merchandise. - Canvas ,1s based on weight, therefore WEIGH .the" Tent you buy. and see that you are getting, value received, This market is flooded with "No-Name TeaU." Yoa mast be the jndgs. - AS our Tents bear our name : j CONWAY ARMY TENT All our Tents are mad from government standard 2.9 -inch width duck. We also mak th ' i CONWAY AUTO TENT 7x9 Sloping topi to fit any car 8-os. .$10.50 7x9 Sloping top, to fit any car 10-o.. 12.50 f ' . . '- - . " - -y . .... . - . . i Send for Price List No. 9. . CON WAT ARMY STORE, ,Zi and Taylor Sts, HEIJX), Mrs.' Smith, bow are your Oh I I'm fine. 1 just finished reading the Sunday paper and the part I enjoy most is the classified section, especially Mr.- Miller's ads. You know he's the jeweler next door to the Majtstie the atre. I've been reading bis. ads for year, but lately. I noticed some of tbe other jeweler aping ' hi idea; but as I told Mr, all good methods r imitated. t PIANO SNAP Exceptionally nice toned Eilera Do Luxs grand piano in beautiful mahogany case ; cost $550, price tzsj; gza, down, balanoe moauuT. Jtiyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st. FINE large cherries; pick them yourself. 2o per lb. ; 3 mile tuthesxt of Bherwood-Wil- aonvill road 8 mUes. V mil. south; place known sis Alma Meyer or Bailey homestead, - A. ti. Lenman, ctnerwooa, (jr., kouio ' HI, I OK eNAP 8-cyt,. 7-P. Buiek, good mechanical con dition, Dek light and starter, good tirea: pnee 376; 160 down, id o a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder at. THE birthston for June is agate. They bring health, wealth and good luck; ideal for gradu ation gifts, r . (-.-. ' MILLER Next Door to Majeatio Theatre. iRONING Biachuias, alighuy used: on for $125, one for $140, on for $150. Prices oa new machines reduced. - SCOTT ELECTRIO COMPANY ' Fifth and Oak Sts. 8AFiS Fire and burglar proof safes, new and secondhand, atright prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy term IS desired, NOR RIM SAFE A LOCK CO. 105 Second St. . - Main 2045. Electric Motors. : Bought., sold, rented and mmi red- Walker Electric Works, 413 Bum- side, corner 10th. Broadway 5674. Rugs & Carpet Washed On your floor v with Hamilton-Beach Electric Washer; also vacuum cleaning. Wdln. 6768. - " : TSRL'jlsWiOlt Fine $160 Brunswick - and 60 fine record. CoKt-8200. Price $180. Call 461 E. 60th at., near Invtsion. WHY an everlasting aggravatjbn by a leaky roof f Why not a comfortable and durable roof I We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate ail kind of leaky roof; work guaranteed. Main 6120. SMALL portable models Wales' Visible adding . and listing machines, ready for demonstra tion, price attractive. Broadway 6879. B. JL Elliott, 206 Henry bldg. oTMce FTRK'tfCng " 1 Bought, old nd exchanged. ' HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO., 105 Twelfth st. Bdwy. 1877 HOf WAttlR TikkS SO -iS, $t; 4irir$9l tested and guaranteed; store and furnace coils; gas heaters installed : expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 208 Adams st. E. 8516. IP YOU appreciate splendid jewelry repairing or watco repairing, just onng it in to . MILLER Next Poor to Majestic Theatre. : $35 GAS RANGE 635 Regular $90 Vulcan gas range, nearly new. ; i GEOUOE POULTRY FARM, Gate and Foster Road. Belrose Station. '1RMT, CliAbd Edisun cyinder. horn ma'-liiue and 100 recorda. - 810.5O; SJ an dnvn $3 a saontb, v Hyatt Talkuig Machin. Co.. 350 Alder St. ' - FOR SALE Wood sawing machine, 4 h. p. gasoline engine mounted on 1 -ton Ford truck. This machine ia la fio. running order. - Call 429 Hawthorne avenue. A. B. C. Fuel Co. 1919 FORD Ruadater, good -mechanical eomli- uon, good tires; price $375, $125 down. $25 S month, Hyatt Talk ins Machine lo . S51I Alder st. i. TWO, things I do and do wett. Jewelry repair ing, i waton repairing. MILLER Next Door to Majestic Theatre. SPLENDID toued organ, $2; Si..0 down. 3.,-u a month. Uyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. ,.. NEW WHITE JKn'AMeL GALLON COFFEE POT. 1 DOZ. CUPS, 1 DOZ. SAUCERS; 1 DOZ. 8-IN. PLATES, $8. T-797. JOURNAL. GOAT milk tor babiea and for rU who have stomach trouble. Caa deliveT. - 1100 Henry arc- - - - REAL HAIR WlfdiIE.4 4f. 50 tp, W. F woor PIERCE. .24 KILUNGS WORTH. LAWN 4380, - - WILL aaohaoge phonograph tor prismatic field binocular. Hyatt Talking Mac inine Co., j Aider st. , FOR SALE -New Molina Side Delivery liake and tedder, -new. $80. 819 Belmont Portland, Or. AIREDALE; puppy, female, pedigreed; sale or exchange What ha.e yow? B-131. Journal. FOR SALE -Gas rang., reaaonabla. . 966 Albino ave. ' LATHE 18 in., second hand, good condition, - cheap. 288 E. Morrison st, - AlREDAaJS , puppy, temaie, pedigreed; sale or exchange. ' What have youf B-136, Journal. LAW text boogs, reading lasnp, lour panel screen. 196 . 22d, upstair. FOR SALE SUghtly used Stanley 68 plan. - 884 Miasonri ave. - r '" - FOR. SALE ilaby buggy, medium -txe, auuuet Ea-t 7609. 400 Russell st. tXIt SALE Baby buggy and gaa plat. CG9 K. 17th t. ri. ' . . LARGE ttuantity hair, very raawouable. 68 3d at.. Monday. ' GRAY Georgette crop, gown. . worn twice; oust 840.- S-8 for 815. L-278, Journal. GAS range, 6 burner,' 2 . oveua, 1st cbu. chk1 tion. 69 3d at.. Mwidsy. - - FOR. SAI.E White kid pumpe. Ue' 0 Vs ; like Pi'l Main 1267. GAS rarLie, good condition, cheap. ,69 3d U. Monday. OR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 000 Dofan Wrecking & Const Co. 458-78 Belmont St, ' Pboo East 6110. EXTRA! '! WK ARB WRECKING NEW OFF1CB BUILDING AT NORTHWEST SHIP YARD. ALL KINDS Or DOORS. WIN DOWS, BASINS, TOILETS. . PIPE, FLOORING, RUSTIC, SHIP LAP, "OKIU ING. ETC. 4T8T AS GOOD AS NEW AT HALF PHICB. DONT MISS THIS 4ARGAIN. Special Offer We can supply you Mth any kind of ma terial for the new hiu. at a targe per centage of caving. Ojr material is strictly pew and our prices second-hand:. -New Dtmenslon New Huiulao . $18 00 to $20.00 per M 13.00 to 20.00 oerM New Bu.tio ...... V4ew Xflnnrln. 1 ManA 88.00 to 85.00 per M grade! ........' $$.00 , pet M New Ceiling ..... 23.00 to 88.00 per M Star "A" Shingles . 8.00 per M BUndard Shingles . 2.25 per M Special ; Of fers 150.000 ft. of new pip. V -In. to 2-la. galr. and black.- at slabbed wholesale prioa. Will sell (a any quantity. Doors and Windows. 1500 -new door st half price. Mak your b. lection of these, which include 1 panel. 2 panel and 5 panel, at 82.50 earn. 6O00 new windowa and asah. from 15 : to. 88.00.- ..- r t READY-HADE GARAGES, $50 EACH - W also carry complete line of new fend used plumbing. EsUmates fumi&hed on ptumbina material - and Installation. . EVERYTHING IN THK BUILDING LINE Bo Ian Wrecking T Const. Co. , i East Eighth and Belmont and Morrison 81 Phons Eat 6110. i TIPS .'TENTS , - ,3i ' OUTJPITTERS FOR '" . Hiking or Camping . ; Pup Tents $2.95 7x7 8 -ok Mr Wall Tent $3 45 7x9 S o. New Wall Tent i 7.25 I Any Six. Teut at Reduced Price. ; -1 We carry everything in hiking ' or earning equipment, such a Camp Clothing, Shoe, Mid dies, Hiking t Breeches, Socks, Sweaters, Knap cka, Ponaboa, Blankats, . Leather or Canvas Leggings, etc ! By trading with its you will money on your outfit, . .-!-.'" i-i " : , ":' " ' .: ,' MAIL ORDERS FILLED - Army k Navy' Store 94 3rd, Cor. Stark-. Opp. Chamber of Conuaerc. Bldg. Writ, for Price. a F. Williamson, Mgr. WANTED Float ; pic , tures. I will pay good price for joitie good - pic tures of float represent ing Roof Securities Cos Webffoot Roof Paint. This float was entry No. -1 62. A461f Journal. ' BOXER TRADING CO, 346 Washington, 118 2d - MarxluiU 8488 -We Sell. Buy and ; Exchange . . Cash Registers . Showcases, Fosintains, Scales, Store Fixture. . - XEBAR CHESTS: i Direct from factory to your bom. Tnn and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest deaigns. Write for catalogue J. W. HIGGINS At SON ' 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOR 808 Save Your Wife , Send yoar, laundry to Snowflak. wet wash. Clothes wsahed snowy whit. In separate coxa- imrunenUb phone Eaet b483, Valuabt pre mium, given. .i . - SAY, B ILL, diamond must be going down, aren't they f 1 1 was looking at Miller's win dow, there next door to th. Majestta theatre, and- bis prices seemed to b about 80 per cent lower than the other stores. Well, you know how ha gets bis diamonds, don't you T Just go in and e-dc him, he'll gladly tell you. WB'SAVE TOO MONEY 3 Hoa wiring, lighting fig' tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Third : Street Electric Store. 324 4 Third st, Salmon. . Main 6066. ONE aeoond-hand 6-gaL Wayne Monarch gaao -- in pump, with , tank; on 1-gaj. gaaodn pump, one 2-SQ-gal. tank, on. V. 8. air com pressor, 19 en. ft. capacity; one single stag R runner sir ctmrireaaor. H. J, isU. A Son, 826 Flanders. Automatic 611-12. SINGERS, Whites, New Homes, etc, just lik. new.-626 to 85. New Roval. Servie, Davis aad other guaranteed drop heads S16 to $18. Latent Sin era, cah or- tersa. Rental. $8 per movilh. Singer store, -193 4 th. Slain nssa. NOTICE Th. Nobby Cleaner and. Dyer re- aucea tneir prices so in eta pnc. Lrry and steam clean men's cloth ei, 81.60, Sponged and pressed. 00c Ladies' suit cleaned, $1.75. Sponged snd pressed, 7 5o. Call Main 4306. Call and deliver. . r Independent : Printers - We are not members of mr combine to con trol tbe price of printing. Smith Printing Co., UN. 6th st- - FOR SALE Sheet iron letters, 26 inche high MACHINE SHOP- 4 foot two-basuUed saw. steam cylinder oiler, steam boiler water injector high power jack screw, gsrsg pump with tank. I. W. Green. 890 Vancouver ay. 10 FOOT steo ladder, lawn mower.' 16 inch cut, 60 feet 6 ply garden hose, wheelbarrow, gar den cultivator, 6 foot wood saw; all lik. new; very reaaonabla, 8012 77th st. 8. E, ML Scott ear. AUTOMATIC card printing machine and com ' plet outfit, Including about 838 worth of stock, $125; also a five chair aho. shining tend, good conditioa, $123 Penny Arcade. go q, St. '' 8-tneerl Barley, presto tank and lamp, speedom eter, good tire: price only $130, $50 down, 420 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machin Co.. 350 Alder st. IF YOU went to buy a good hanl-mado twin. hammock for the bom. or to ut en your esmptng trip this sumnvr, com to 11 E. 6th st- N. and get them direct front th. maker. Price run. from S3. 50 to 83 WfiYtTOW" TOCROC FEATHERSTWAY? ' W. clean, curl, dy. and remodel plume and feather neckwear. HARTNESS PLUMB SHOT. ;": x-ara a lamniu. COME to th. Vogue, B, 403 AliJiy bldg.. for ladie and children' dothing, hata and sbor. Pre-wsr prices, cntrsac on Third, near Morri son. FOR SALE; Good invalid wheel chair, cWpT 26 1 7th st. N. W. T. WHlTilOKfi furniture "' hospitei T3' , 7th kt, N. Phon Bdwy. 4840. kkUr.D bsoy buggy for sai.' $18; pracUcalij 76 'wVest Sumner at. : (Sir 11 FOR SALE f.TLSCLXLAr.TCL'l Grecohoiiscst;Atteiitisnl woodi W oaa giv yoa wood at greatly redu - prloea, berae w ran take tt off On ear du to yoa. Don't fall to call no A. 810-84. CRKSTON FEE I Ft'EL 1 E CO. -. 60TH AND POWELL VAl.IJY Rl DOTOU KNOW. Clara, that" I'had"t i diffneent wedding ring to my young 1 i and all bought from different Jewel-r ; V. . k. a tip from on who koewa, It V'U bought yMir ftnt from Mr. MUlwr. down i door to th Majeatio tkwatr. yoa would no have needed but the one. There ia a rerui i charm about hi wedding rings, t guee it um. t be hf. h imra e 81BLOC'Or,H'Ki.i.bS FUfcACi,d, 879.o-$13& Most efficient, cheapest a price, no b' t gnaranto. Th only radically improved mu 4 of ciretilation and heat con-ervisg fir pot. t T. WOOPRl'FF. 1291 Mallory . Woodlswn 2103. .Sewing Machines We have th tsrxexl stex-k of n Sewtng klachme In th ptty. par prtoea. W rent and rf. 172 8d, near Yamhill. JUNK time, rose time, engaaemenl time i ! -. T H mond ongagenHnt ring from -" . ' $1400. - MILLER'S CT.EATtlNtl HOUSE FOR DlAUOM8 Ksxt boor to Majeatio Theatre. 10 DROP HEAD ewiag machine with tUrh maata, $20 each; irtaM electrie auu Ium for rent; aewutg machirm cleaned retmirv.i, E. K. ateeo. 153 Grand ave, Eat 235l. VACl"UM cleaners lor rnnt,"5e a day; deli anywhere. Woudlawa 3495. musical Instruments c"j BEAUTIFUL aiahouany Cldckerinn ji!a7.'"r' eon tains piaymg featuree found in mo o,. piano. Ixmke lik and iut as good aa r Ilriirinal nrira aomethine over 11500: our rial price less. than one half. ' Imta nf f - i music, very reasonable termf. RKEDFRENCH PIANO atFO. CO. I2th and Washington. Broadwsy 731 FINE large ColuniEia Grafonola with iwit,! automatip stop snd - alburo-s equttped w-n large 4 -poring motor, with 20 brand new I'o himbia double disc" records 40 sehfUnnKi . ln. fit cost new $292. For quirk sale only $170, $10 down, balance $7.50 per month, Vern 1. W anger. 142 V Second St., npstai r, nea r Al'i.-r PIANOS Shop at every musio store in ' I 'or lsnd. then rnme to the one houxe located )". outside the high rent district W guran. to ssve you $125 to $250. Many big bargains thi week. , BEEIVFKENtm PUXO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. Hrosdwav IX ft. BRAND new (Cremona phono-raph. uiii.n ( ,,. "ish, with IS brand new Columbia double divi reoorda (80 selections). Outfit sells reul for over $05, special $35, $5 down, bslanre ti per week. Vern l, Wtnger, 142 H Second St., upstairs, near Alder St. MILTON. 11ANO Plain mahogany caae, tilTT This is a wonderful tn-tnimnt st a rwl bargain. See It. 8EIBERUNO - LUCA.i MUSIC CO., 125 4th at,, between WaahuicUia and Alder. PLAYER FIANO, a beauUfiU walnut . . standard player action, metal tubes, ever-- tiling tli latesU We wish you to so t.. piano. Pric is on half a new nnv It K.rl-r ltt.x 11 1 iA.i w asri,. i i. 12th and Washington. Bmsdwsy 7'; LARGE Columbia horn machine, fin louofto't-! lust the. thing for dan. liig or in camp, i 28 doubi dise records, only $15, $5 down. K- -snoc $1 per week. Vern L. Vngr, 142 V. Second si, upstair, hear Alder L 1'IANO SNAP Exceptionally nice tooed Eilera Da l.nxt Grand Piano in beautiful oiahugany ea. fix 3660. Price $283: $25 down, balance monui- ly. -Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder t. SPECIAL player roll week, 6 rolls of good u...-1 rolls for 11. all eusranteed. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 147-149 6tb at. SCHUBERT piano. STd very boauUul sweet, mellow tune. The pn . is only 8275. Easy terms. . Reed French I'm t Mfg. Co., 12th and Wssldngton. Brosdway 7.';". "EDISON IiIASoNIi DUfO '""' ' $120 type, with 828 worth nf record. $00; $16 down, $8 a month. HyaU Talking Machin Go., 80Q Alder su A BEAUTIFUL walnut caa. WUk piano, ail'iv finished, lust like new, ysea; term.. i. r. JOILNSON PIANO CO., 148 Sixth Street. btelsiuaVi sun. situ oui mUi. i In best of condition. Term given, tjK.llll :v-LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 128 4lh St, betwe, a Wsshinuton and Alder- A SPLENOlli buy In a Story A Clark luaas. mahasany case. $865: terms. G. F. JOILNSON PIANO ' CO.. 149 Sixth Street ST RAL1 VARA. SNA I $150 Stradl vara Ilk new, only $90; flS down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machin. Co.. $50 AMer afreet. - BTKEL guitar In good eonililioa for wis cii-... Call erenuigi, 253 8tn t, or phons 1. . . 1888. VIOLIN outfit complete, extra good qualiLy, Si . G. F. Johnson piano Co.. 1 V 7 l W BB St. "Bli('S'sU'lt.'K: Fine 8200 Brunswick only $150; easy terms. Hyatt' Talking Machin Co., S5 Alder W ELlJNGToN PIANO Plain nialioaii of ease, $2 75 joh: best of condition. BEUlliiv LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 126 4th st. BRAND new $135 FLrurall Iiiiotmgrai.h. $N5. $10 down. $5 s month. HyaU lsU.i s Marhlne Co.. 850 Alder at. ON K tenor aud -en alto horn ami un Piano for ! very reaaonabla. H. W. Toeiie. 226 Alsin. 637-27. A GOOD piayer piano. HitoOi, lor $ li 7 5 ; Urm'Z . f. Johnson piano co.. j T -1 w otn i. STEIN HAUER cabinet grand plaiio, sohd oheap for eaaii. No d eeier era. Also oUik furniture. Tabor 6605. , ' , KIM HALL 1'IANO Good coniliUon; a .... "T 8260, SE1BERIXNG-LUCAS MUSIC (,u.. 125 4th at., between Washington and AMer. UPRIGHT Steger A Bon piano for rent, t, 1 oak finish, good vxxxiluun. reeaofiabio. i- bor 719. J ''RAN KLIN PIANO Walnut oaee. W IJ . cheap. SKLUEItLING-LUCAS MUSIC Co.. 125 4th M. -; Weber-Baby Grand Ebony case. Phons Aot. 813 a 1!)7 BUYS a good dependable planed TC1- FmjRb I'laoo Mig. Go.. l.Ut ana W astunsloo. Broadway 750. AliMOST NEW. Yirtrola style XJt. WoulJ r-r i -4140 new. with record $95. 409 Ahihgf a bldg , SCillRMER PIANO. Sl&i A bargain. HtTtTZ ERXJNG-LUCAS MLHIO . 12 4Ui , between "WaahlneUm and Abler. PRIVATE owner will sell Koehler A Clis f -note player, ben -b and music on terms of 1 for ca-h. Auto. 819 97. PLATER PIANO - $3057 brand new : T. auDult! worth 6700: perfect condition. ill Worcester old. T'OR SALE Hawaiian steel guiUr iol 7.-., cost $85, wiU Uk. $15. 427 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 6561. FOR SALE Ma ran all A. Wandail piano, fcts.-1 tiful reed baby carriage, go-carta and la valid' chair. 86 Itsmeon st. BtSU As LANE Pi-AVKtt PIANO MahoTrTT case, Will sell at' almost half t.n, SEfBERMNO LUCAS M1'8H CO.. 125 4th MY $500 rriaiH.Ki.ny piano'for $22 cavJi. lje nw. Mr. Cell, Apt. 2, Altonla !' tLEcTRlC" GrafonuiaTll 50 ; IJrunjiwitA, Sonora. $76: Victor, $50 and $15; record lSc up. 254 Market st,, Mu.ic Store. $25 WASHBURN- guitar tin. guiuir, .owe o.l violins for sale. 2 54 Market st. BEST player piano tuning, repair, rebuUj. Krewsr, 284 Market et. V ork giiarnt-f. ELECTRIC Piano Orchestra, fog. dance ha v theatre, for sale. . 254 Msrket st. KtlMBALL piano,' slwuel new, oak ca,' $ 1 eah. 63 29 Sth St. S. E LOVELY "piano for sal cheap; oiut sell, a, " leaving cKf Monday. Ant. $11-24. FOR SALE Baa viol cas and bow, g uia! e .- dition. cheap. O-103. loiirnal $600 W. W. KIMBALL piano.-only S175. li condition. 811 Worcester bldg. CllICkKkiG upright P-tiw, $lbi. TT 8 1. nt, Brosdway 2555. BRUNSWICK phonographs drmbiutrst.d n own home. Nate Ardrey, Selrwoud 2 1 4:. FOR RENT Piano, grsfonols, late rnu.ic. '1 ph-e Transfer. 234 Broadway. H-iwy. 13.. WONDERFUL bargains in pianos, ea-h or U - Hrfy her nd save money. 4Q9 Abington I SAVE YOUR moo, buy Ua piano.' &TI center bldg. HOLLY G A YUAN, teacher of Sieel TZl. guitar, okoiele, 403 3d st. Ms'n T77 1. "TfitriC t-IIK SHADOW An Ltert song syecess. 'All music dr $350 DIAMOND trad vea for guud 1. Main 4424, Monday. WANTED Gopd piano, for all cu. 6709. - - SPL.ENDiD toued Organ,; $25: S7.uu oTi $2.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Mathine t BAUTU-XX Klb piano, row.o,a, nTi ca, good new. tsvlng ri-v. C. I, 1 AL-lOol Nr.iv Lru-awiva pi...!...... ords for sal cheap. Sell wood 2 Hi.