THE OREGON SUNDAY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1S21. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 , - 1 i . 10 pet eent down, balance two year. no intercut Ii A K L I N O T O N A O K E A Take Woods-tovk car to S2nd S. E. ud our men -will--be there to ineet you. THE JOHNSTON REALTT CO.. liealtor. Bdwy. 133 622 Henry Bide. 160x115 FEET-. ' ' $!75 J $15 MONTH ' ' 197.50 down, Wflshire, just east of Alameda Park in Shaver, st; corner: all cleared but few t fir tree; good garden soil; IM net tract lut opened; all ause tract; branch office oven every day until s p. m, ; take Broadway car to Bryce ate., co eaa 4 block. . . I IIARTMAN COMPANY . ; ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. ; s - Maia 208. BEAUTIFUL IRVING'ION PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION Toff will Defer hare another opportunity to buy bomesites in Irrintrton at ths low price - we are now offering, Iots ia other cities sim ilarly located to Irvington bU for twice 'me money. " Don't let, outid speculators pick up there real bargain and. make a profit off or you. The Hughe estate want the real home owner to take advantage of tills lot sale. Drive oat today, look at tlie block bounded by titan ton, Siskiyou, E. 22nd and E. 23rd, alw block bounded by Klickitat, Fremont K. 20th and E. 21st Then aee ua for special price on particular par-eels. RITTER, IX) WE & CO.. Realtors, . 201-2-8 -5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. 80x100 TOKT ON ALAMEDA DRIVE . 330 WiLJiire add., just opened; take Broadway car to, Bryee are,, en .nut 4 block: hundred choice low price and tmns; branch otfitse opes every day until 8 p. m, -J. L. II A RTM A V "COM VA N T 8' Chamber of Ccanraerce Bldg. . "-. Main 208. ' ' LOTS near ; Tteed college and , golf i link with every improvement and ' natural advantage at an average price of about $800. Terms. May we show you Kantmorelandr JLADD ESTATE CO. 246 Stark Bt. tASTMOIlELAND $750 E. 34th, one block "to car; fine east front, jwvement, sewer, cx merit, walks ia and paid. Out of town owner. tnuH sacrifice. I on ' t , this bargain up. , K1TTKR, LOWK & ''O.. Realtors, , 2Q1 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blrle. V 80x200. 50 " ' Tour own terms, on E. 80th. st and 4tt ave. No restrictions, bare a garden, keep cow . and chickens, JolhnsonDodson Co. 639 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 37S7 $55( -BUYS a fine building lot on Webster st, sewer, cement walks, enrbs, grading, water all in and paid; easy terms; only one block" to rlavement and close to car and school. RITTEU. IXWK & CO., Realtors, S0I-2-3-B-7 B.wrd of Trail BIdg. ' ' , LACRELHlJRST ' -"' 60x100. $850. all improvements paid; 1 block to R, C car...' JohnsonDodson Co. 688 N W. Bank Ring. Main 3787 ' Is'EAR SANDY Uurner bargain for $aS0. - One i ' block to car line on E. 75th; let us tell you here it is. .: j KITTKR, IflWB eV CO., Realtrs, ; ' 2Q 1-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ; . OWN YOUR HOME T0O DOWN $1.00 week. Big. beautiful tats, $250 to $350; Alberta car. clone to school. Better tent! . then rnt It W. tary. 1219 N, W. Bank Ping. Residence, Mam 1877. BtlthlELEV $-'50. A big lot r-fos to csr. -i .Cost over 3 times that price. Many bargains in this section. BITTER, LOW K A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade BUlg. at A STM0RK1 A XD 1 0 oTHfO" I best iMirt F.aatmoreland ; everything in and paid. J200O. Terms. It U MM ELL A UUMMELL, 274 SUrk street . .': ' YtH'K OPPOHTtNI'l'J ' ' TjiurtIhnrt lotn. while they last, at extreme ly kiw pneee. Hue J. A. MnOart y, 270 H SI ark ; at. - Phone Muln 1700; eveninen Tabor B057. S1C.HT1.T Jorated lot In' Council Crest park, fao ing Fairmount blvd., for $475; 30tl down. : balance $10 iwr month; aasessmenta paid, phone Sellwood 1414 after fl p. m. ' 1 FOR SALE BT OWNER 40 acres 2 . miles from Oregon City add. 88 lots, bouse and barn, chicken house in lr?inz- ton Phcne Runt 705. . CORNER lot, 3 biks. west of Ofttley Green school near Piedmont carbarns, $425. Aut WANTED -Beat offer for building lot 6, block 6.. Hancock st addition in Portland. Or. rotca A Son, Woodstock, HI. . iaVrkiju hjiT lot bargains ..See i. A. '-Mccarty, 270 14 Stark st. Main 170O; evenine T-ibor R0.17. 3 MA'NnATfASi1 bEAt'lt lou;1 good location ; ' no reasonahle offer Tef o;ed. 24R N. 17th. HOUSES 404 - . look at this Modern 7-room huuse and sleeping porch, large bathroom., full basement furnace, biultms. dou le construction, fine lawn and fruit trees; will ?ir terms or cash price. 220 E. 80th at N. 'all Tsbir 8316. . A Tl'fLS Insurance Policy u a cuarantee try a vvsponeible eompauy tliat yon wUt not stilfer loee on account of the title to your real estata -Wlien you buy real estate -get Title Inmranca Policy. No abstract reiiuirwi Xitla Trust ' eompsny. . KENTON i-room modern bungalow. 1 block from ear; laundry tray, cement, floor, ail street improvements paid; 280l, or, furnished new $165 range, $3200. Ida R. Gillette, 1761 Denver ave. V00rSToCE Six room house, cwmeiit ba&e ' nient. .fumare and everythiruj. 100x100 lot tcarace, fruit, ganien, ronee, etc.: two blocks car; good location; $3200. Make me an offer. Phone appointment. Owner, Aut. 645-16. UX OWNEjt $2400 cash, $2600 terms. 5 room- eotOufe, electric, gaa and good plumbing, built-in buffet,, paneled dining room, beam ceil ing; lot 33x67, dose in, block to Richmond csr. 530 E. ' 18th st S. $4i5. CASil, balance tcrm; 5-room modem "' bnngalow, ba.thr'and yo- bsaement; on tnacada nlmd road, 1 blocK from car McClnre A frehmaneh Co.. tt'rm Hallway Kv.rhang bldg IHB VIEW is wonderful, the neighborhood high - -class, ' all lam exicnnvc homes. Tola on is mall, but very pretty. ' See it, for sale by r owner; terms. 4P Rex ave., nr. Sellwood park. .BEAUTIFUL. VEUNON OORNEK. 75x100 Paved and paid: T rooms, fireplace, shade trees, nut, roftes ; $350, terms. . It W. Cary, lrl S. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. ALBERTA DISTRICT RESIDENCE Snappy home of 4 rooms. 2 sleeping ponchos, fruit, etc,, only $2100 and terms. Mr. Koeniga, Ai xiue lneuraac. uutaa ol an It is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely rroiegieq E;i'nt error. line imst company. , $lou down. 25 per month, price $22U0, fine new 4 room house. Just completed. 8049 41st 'L UNISiiED 4-roum bouse, H acre fruit gar deo: ready to move into; smjaU payment down. oi r e. is. &ODEKN 5-room bungalow. Dutch kitehen, hard . wood floors, -full lot Owner. 1219 E. 18th NON-RESIDENT here a few days, will aeii mad - era bungalow. Owner, Tsbor 7226.' lii'(K, chickui - and birds ,, fet saie- Tabur " . 7363. - . ilVE room bungalow, now being buiik not fin ihed. Ovwr mn-t sell. Wdln. 1427. Jw.AT 5 room house, small payment down, 372 E. 6lh M, star liarruiori, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 CLOSE IN 7-BOOM BOUSK v ' ' f 3800 r' ' - $300 DOWN $40 A MONTH Close to Lanrelnurst and earline, in 8 8 th st; paved, and everything m and paid; 8 bedroom and sleeping porch upstairs., full cement base ment, furnace and laundry traya. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. ,5 Chamber of Commerce Bkig.. . . Main 208. Bungalows for. Autos- ROSE CITY One of the prettiest 6 room bungalows in Rose City Park, corner lot below the hill, close to Sandy bird. ; 'practically new, all hardwood floors, maatiire fireplace, furnace, all the builtin features Very aniatio, furnace, ail the builua some ath aa first payment. 8UNNYSIDE " Modern 6 room bunt-alow, excellent condition, hardwood floors. East 34 th at. , between Haw thorne and KunayudS ; can. ' ; Will take car and little cash. ' ' R. SOMF.RVILLE, 350 V. S. National Bank bid. Bdwy. 2478. $4 300 Bungalow. 6 v.. 100x100. bam, chicken houae, fruit, gulden. Carline, good street. East Side. 64300 Washington high . echooi district, bungalow, 6 r., modern, paved sti-eeL E. 20ta ft $2850 -Butt Burtuid. eoranr lot. fruit. berries, garden, tood S r. house. J230O -Eatt Alder t, 5 r. ootUfe. 82750 Milwaokie, i 100x130. fruit and ihrabbery, 4 r. cot tag. Kasy term. . $4000 Oxweeo Lake, furnished bnngalow. Jeca Harrineton, SelL 1040, with Chas. RSngler &.Co. 225 Henry Bide. Ross Caty, Bungalow Modern 7 -room bungalow, ' hardwood floors, fireplace, very fine baeement and furnace: beau tiful corner lot, which can be boueht on very reasonable terms, t'or particulars, call Mrs. Snow,1 Bdwy. 4664" HERB IS A DANDY . 10 a cr, rood boune, dandy new barn, i fine l&rxe chiekenhousea, storehouae, wood shed, ail buildincs la exceLlent condition, fl acre ia clover, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre seta, baiane ia pasture and fruit. AU im plement and tools, some rood furniture, dandy range, hon.te neat as a pin. 1 horse) . and about 60 chickens, about mile from pared bichway and town. Step right in and get all crop and fruit. Only $4500, $1500 will handle. See s w : Parrlsh Parrlsh Phone Main 6327. 209 Faillna- Bids. UOOD HOUSE BUYS , Sellwood, 7-room modern house, bungalow type, like new, ba&emcnt, furnace, lot 80x100 feet, $4000, $150 cash, balance easy. This ia a anap. i - -it .. Sunnyside, 6-room modern honae, furnace, fire place, lot 50x100 feet, ea Taylor west of 28th; 640O. 11000 caah; snap. j Woodstock. B-room modern cottage, lot 5 Ox 100 feet; 2800, $t!50 cash, balance eaiy. I nose city pars, 7-room modern house, bunga low type, 2 Bleeping porches, f,urnace, fireplace. 51st st $450, terms, t Woodlawn, 3-room cottage, $1500. Make your own terms, i - K. M. (1ATKWOOD CO., 165 H Fourth st 6-ROOM 1-STORT BUNGALOW IN OVERLOOK $5250. $750 below value; surrounded by beautiful homes, on a corner lot, garage.-hardwood floors throughout beauti ful built-in features, Dutch kitchen, sun room, ovment. . basement, furnace, trays, double con structed. 2 yearn old, every bit of work done by a first elan carpenter; the value, artistic design, pleasant surroundings and completeness of tills home cannot j be duplicated anywhere in the city. SEE BRUCE HOLMA.V,' REALTOR. Main 6327. . 20! Failing Bldg. . . ROSE CITT PAJRJl . $4600 5 ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE . Hard floors, fireplace, large rooms, music room, 2 'bed rooms, largo bring room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, basement and furnace; goqd cement drive, large cement porch. This ia one of the be? rustic bungalows in R- C. 31000 down, bfil $50 per mo. Call Mam 5201. $4500 HOLLADAY ADD. Why go into the suburbs to bny a hornet . See this 0 room honsa on full lot in this choice section, crone in. i Non-resident owner must sell.'; Full particulars apply A. H. Birre.l-Gil! Co. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. ' alar. 4114. RARE BARGAIN ." ' " A beautiful new A-rooms and attio. finished in old ivory, latest draco rations, hardwood floors, ireplace, nook, full basement, cement porch; lot 52x170, with 7 bearing fruit trees. This is built by the owner, and there is no 5 per cent real estate commission to pay. 'It ia a real home in a fine neighborhood. 7058 Powell Valley,, near 71at street. $U65$300 Down ; 5 room plastered bnngalow; electricity, near Cartine. Good cement foundation. Fruit and shrubbery. $300 eiuh, bal. $16 per month. See C. E. KENNEDY 0218 60th ave. 8. K. Auk 617-32. PIEDMONT , Modern home. 5 rooms and large attic, garace. reception hall, plate glam windows. T fruit trees, beautiful lawn: $5800. Will take i car and some cash, balance terms. " McMoniee.. with Interstate Land Oo. (Realtors), 248 SUrk j st 'Main 5429. . , .-1 . . , .. ) ATTRACTIVE 5 room bungalow. block from j Kenton earline and paved street 5 blocks .j-north of Peninsula Park. Has large living room, j paneled dining room, laundry traya, etc Owner I must lHeve city and will sacrifice for $3100. . This, is a good buy for some one. 'Only $500 nown. no r;, Mattom. wain. 44X5, jOO-'-riS UUOM, seaer connectiim. splendid lot, patent toilet, 1 4 bearing fruit trews, big chicken; Woodstock near car; $000. ANOTHER SI-RE BARGAIN $3f0 6-room, fruit tree, patent toilet, Woodstock; $1350. Ryder Realty Co., 4306 61st ave. S. K. A SNAP IN WIOSTMORELAND $4000"" Splendid 6-room house in pink of condition. corner lot. street paved and paid for; $700 t casn to Handle, balance Use rent. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark Street Main 881. $4750 ROSE CITY -U. 40TH $4750 ' Never offered before, semi-modern, 6-room bunea-lnw, all on one floor, full ewroent basement shade trnee, full lot Terms. .Main 6820. Sun day It to 2 p. m. KRNKST WKfl-S CO. 606 COT7CK BLDG. 5 RROM BUNGALOW ' 50x100, bath, gas.: electric, cement base ment, nice yard, 4 blocks to car; 2 bedroom downstairs, large attir, 37th street $3000; easy term. Sellwood 2363. 226 Chamber of Cotn rneree bldg. ' y . OWNER will take lot as first payment on ft room house. lias furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large closets, garage, hard surface street. Turn in your lot, some cash and pay balance) by month like rent A. K. Johnson, Main 8787, afta tat t r 1. lij- ... ONE 6 room houee, semi-modrn, with barn and chicken bouse, for sale, axy paymeata. One 5 room house for aaJe,. 19.10; $500 down or $1800 cash. Take bt. Johna car to ColumbU niva. fewer st FOB SALE Modern ? 5-room bungalow, Ivory "and white woodwork,' paved atreet, 1H blocks from Alberta era-must be seen to be appreci ated : $4200, $1700 cash, htiinnt terms. Own er. Woodlawn 4766. i . , UNIVERSITY; PARK. 100x100 earner, larg house suitable for h. k. room or boarder. $2750. small cash payment or amaB cat and some cash. Owner, Col. 1385. A TITLK Insurance Policy u a uaranue of taa title to your home; When you buy your bene have the title insured. Better be safe then sorry. j'ttw v i mwT company. : ; . : TWO comer iota. 2 room cottage, lota of ber ries, on hard surf ace road. 14. W. Pbiliipa. wwiurr, v.v avo ave. b. rv VtC 1AV1C .i.niin ' '.m ... property and eaa issue you a Tttla Insurance Policy without delay. Title aV .Trust company. 2-ROOM house, nice lot; must sell; $600; $79 down, $12.50 per, month. Keeue. &217 , ii it ab. n, r.. f6r SALE 6 -room modern house with garage, on paved street 3 block to oat;. $750 down, balance terma. Phrm Sellwood 2058. - KENTON 4-room -hmi, lot. 50x100, fruit, flowers, garden, $1550. ; Ida K. GUiette, 1 76 1. Denver are. 4 S00 r'lHKEK large rooms and pantry, in good condition. Eay terr. 6 942 41rt sve.i 8. E. $100 BUYS bou $500 f r lot on paved road in cii. Fruit and berries.1 Woodlawn 1763. - ' VsV- '" ., . : - ,. . : ... ' REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES 404 Homes With .an Acre An acre, right within the city lim its , nt Portland. Jut think-of it, i ' OVER EIGHT CITT LOTS and of the , - very beet garden land and a grand new of the Columbia rrver. 1 have ; , built and just finished THRKE MOD- . EBJJ rOCB. BOOM Bt'NOAXOWS, ' convenient to Alberta ear; city water, light and gas. These modern little : homes are "nifty and neat." all in . tenor In enamel and are very attrac tive. They are yast finished and ready for occtrpaney and will be OPKM t FOR INSPECTION SATURDAY AND " "SUNDAY FROM 18 NOON TO 6 P. M. Thesa "spic and spaa" little homes were not built to make a profit, but to presage the class of bomaa that , are ta be erected on the "other match ' less tracta Price of each bungalow, with acre, 84000 on terms of $500 cash and 140 monthly (including in terest). Come out Saturday or Sun day and see them. , Take Alberta car to 30th and Ainiworth. then follow the crowd 2 blocks north. Nothing like , this ever offered In Portland. Bring , : your check book along. ' , J. O. ELJiOD, OWNER. " 283 Stark at , Broadway 1188. '$58(Best Buy in City A 6-roota JEnalUh -colonial house, with sun parlor, sewing room, cabinet kitchen, lance liv ing room, furnace, fireplace, aak flora, all built in. Jit-dl cement baaement, wash trays, etc ; 1 OOx 100 (t. lot. garaae. Adjoining Alameda- Park. Price only, 85800, $1000 down, balance like rent. ' $5New - Rosemere : Bungalow A 6-room bungalow, floored' attic i cement basement, wash traya, oak floom, furnace fire place, all built-ina. cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook. Finished la Ivory and white enamel. 45x 100 lot, garage. . City improvement in and paid, : Terms easy. -. SS7e50R:ose'Cjty Park A 6-room bunealow, with oak floors, through out, furnace, - fireplace, all : builUas, cabinet kitchen, etc., full cement basement, wish trays. 50x100 lot on 44th atreet near Sandy blvd. Price only $5750. Terms to suit FUTMMEl.Lf & RTTMMELn, 274 STARK ST. THB BEST BLY IN TOWN . 6-room bungalow, very close in on the eaitt side, large lot, paved street place la absolutely modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. ; all bullt-ina, French doors between living and dining noma - This is a homo to be proud i of and an absolute sacrifice at $6000; $2650. eaah, good terms on the balance. : 9 ; Stg UtTCBt 782 Chamber of Commerce. $400 CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH $3300 -Attractive, modem .bungalow, with furnace, 5 rooms first floor, 2 finished on sec ond, beamed celling, Dutch kitchen ; block tq car, located on corner of K. Slat ate. 8. XL 1 blk. south .of 62d t B. SOMB.VliUl-Eu BDWY. 8478. MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW This ia jtut the place you have been looking for, and only for the reason that owner is leav ing here and must. ell quickly, you can buy it for less than $5000, if yon hate all or half cash; Located less than one block from Union ave. ; lot is 60 1 feet front and there is a fine new concrete- garage with reinforced concrete roof. Shown by appointment only. : Addresa owner. L-280, Journal.: FIVE room bungalow cu tease, all modern con veniehces 50x100 lot; good garage, lota of fruit paved st Price $3200, cash for equity of $1380, baL $60 quarterly and 6 per ceut interest or will consider good lot wast of Union ave. on equity. ; GEOROE T. CROW, with . ALBERT HARALA. 801 Mississippi avenue. ' ' Wvllr. 1201. Res.. Wdln. 2785. FOR SALE 8 room hcrase with a bis lot. garage, modern but beat 4- blocks to car; good basement 7 fruit trees. $504 will handle i. Also 5-roora cheap house near car, small lot Price $800. Also 4 rooms and sleeping porch $1800, $500 cash and term. Other good buys. A. N. SEABLB 1028 E. Glisan st, City. UOCSES fOR SALJb Frew plans, free estimates, free' advice. Talk with our practical building man. "No cash pay ment down " Let u build for you on easy repayment plan.' t . BUN-HOUSE" BUILDING CO.. ': On 3d bet Stark and Wash. -216 Abington bldg. $3800 $600 CASH NEW 8-HOOM BUNGALOW; MOVE BIGHT IN THIS LITTLE RREAM. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACK. BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. ALL IMP. IN AND PAID. R, SOMERVILLK. BDWT. 247 KNAP SELLWOOD $2975 . 6 rm. ' real neat attractive home, mod. plumb ing, cement bast, lights, gas, fruit trees, paved st. block car. OXLI 600 caahl Main 4803. Tabor 864. Q.C. Qoldenbsrg, Realtor Abington bit "35 1'rs. in Portland." BY OWNER 3-room house, furnished or unfurnished, gas, electricity, bath, lot 150x100 or less, aU kind of berries, chicken run, vegetable garden all in good cultivation, near carlme and school, very profitable place and in location of the proposed 1925 exposition. Mrs. K. White, 1497 Lancas ter ireer. IRVINGTON . ,' '. A strictly, modern pressed brirk house, 7 rooms besides den, sewing room, 2 closets in each bed room, 2 baths: the basement is second to none; garage; lot 50x100 feet To reproduce this property would coat $16,000. Price $9000, terms. -s R. M. GATEW00D 3c CO.. ISSH Fourth st SUNxNYSlDE $4500. Very attracUTe well butlt modern 6 room house with fine garage, lot 30x400, fine fruit trees, walnut, cherries, peaches and berries. Only one block to Bel mont ear. Nothing like this for the money asked. Sea this by all mean. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont Tbor 219. FINE WEST SIDE KESLUENCE $7200 - On 2 2d' near Glisan; 7 rooms, 2 baths, hard wood floors, fireplace; newly doc orated and painted. HENRY Vf. GODDARD, HELTOR, . 243 SUrk Street Msin 31. $1750. $700 CASH Modern 3 room eot-' - tage bnngalow and bathrocan. lot 50x115, good location, near Westmoreland, aU hard aurfaoe streets in and paid for, 50 ft from' oar. This ia a good buy. - . C iK WAG NEB CO., Main 8150. 230 Stark St $11800, Terms $300 Down ' i BRAND NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW OVER ONB-HALF AU1K , 8 blocks from Mt Tabor car. Tabor 5196 ' 2200 E. Taylor "7 Sroom m6dehn HOUSE : CIISE IN EAST SIDE $8.750 $500 CASH On comer lot near Washiugton ain or Benson' Polytechnic, walking distance, a real bargain 403 Stock Rxohanre bldg. Marshall 8324. 7 A GOOD BUY Hawthorne district, 7-rooro modern home, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, corner tot clone in to school, newly painted. Price $4750 eanh or terras within reason, . Phone Tabor 3828 after Sunday. AN ABSTRACT of title at oot a guarantee of . your title; it is merely a'kuctery of yoatr title, A Title Insurance Policy at a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yon buy property get Title Insurance Pobey. Ko abstract required. Tit! eV 'Vrut company. v . ATTRACTIVB ROSE CTTY PARK CORNR Strictly modern, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, harj wood floors, furnace, full . basenMntt fireplace, Initch kitchen, aaragw .etc ; bargain. 61i and Sandy blvd; terma Qwaer on premises, FOR RENT 0 -room bouse. Knob Hill . (west aide) district; furniture for sale., owner leav ing city: very low prtca and cheap rent 0NIOJI SAFB DEPOSIT TRUST CO, Broadway 943, 284 Oak st SUNNY81DE SNAP. $3,800. Very iord modern 5 room cottage on E. Taylor, near 32od. Extra well built Must be aeea to he appreciated. House in fine tjrixa. . H. 1L Bte-ub, 102T Belmofit Tabor 21. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW New. tnodern, wH built, 5 roa, breekfart nook, fireplace, book caaea, buffet, bard wood fleers, garage, beautiful location, paved - street fast 6th st. near Star. Mr. 1433. " kisoO buji i dandy 5 room bungalow " in good full lot. paved street, sewer in, all liens paid, on earline near Walnut park, near Jelferaan hiah. $2760. Aut 818 97. lUa' 000. TERMS Siuinyskle home. 82,1 at.- I rooms, modern, corner lot. 1 1 frnit rage; will take light car and aoxoa cash. Tabor 880. 2 ROOM, modern house with bath, 50x100 lot; : chickens, garden on adjoining lot With 'or without furniture. Fine buy for the money. Call Sunday or eves. Wdln. 3144. 1104 H. 31st N. , JEFFERSON HIGH IHSTRICt 1 7- and 1 4 -room modern bungalow, by owner, 208 Shaver st. . , 3 ROOM COTTAGE lot 60it7l0, $90. $150 .down and bai. $25 per month. Mr. Orr, 115 Grand avenue. $8.50 for 3 Best Letters WRITE THE JOURNAL IN A FEW PLAIN WORDS THE RESULTS THAT YOU RECEIVED FROM JOURNAL DLME-A-UNE WANT ADS $5.00 for the .Best Letter $2.50 for the Second Best Letter $1.00 for the Third Best Letter RULES Your letter most retch The Jon mil before Friday to compete in this week's contest The Journal Is to be sole' judy . of which letters are to receive prizes. Announcement of winners will be made by .publishing the. winning: letters in the classified pages every Sunday. If Possible, Send in a Clipping of the Reaalt-Producine; Adwertise men t and the Date on Which Adyertiaecnent Ran in The Journal. Address your letter to the "Classified Advertising Manager," Care The Oregon Journal, Portland. Oregon. 18J50 Will Be Given Each : Week Until Further Notice WATCH THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PAGES EVERY SUNDAY FOR WINNING LETTERS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 J. A. UK'KilAN CO.. Active HomeaeJlers. "t SMALL DOWN PAYMENT SPECIALS Here are a few of our SMALL DOWN PAYMENT listings; READ them carefully CALL US let us show you THEN OFFER your best down payment: i: $2000 ROSE CITT DISTRICT . 4 roams, double-constructed bungalow. i $4300 HAWTHORNE CARLINE Modern. 5 rooms and breakfast nook nothing . lacking here except furnace; only $250 . down. $3800 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' Never occupied; 5 rooms and breakfast nook; only $500 down. - ; j $4500 ROSE CITY PARK Brand NEW-i-GARAGE; a real lore BUNGALOW; . fBnly $500 down. i $3500 NMONTA VILLA E. SUrk at. on pave ment; 6 rooms on one floor. -i $2650 MT. SCOTT 5-room BUNGALOW; no, mortgage or assessment to asauma. WB HAVE MANY 0THEE good buy for small down payments. -i .. In ROSE CITY PARK, LAtTRELTXURST. HAWTHORNE and IRVLNGTON we have many good buys for payments from $1000 up. We have many buy that we will RECOMMEND. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. R.EALTORS, i - I "Shorteat Way Home" 1 264 SUrk I St Main 588 and 1094. HOMKSEEKERS, take notice, if you dou't buy your home from us we both lose motif y. Small caeh payments. See our bargains. I $2500 7 rooms, lot 50x100. fruit I Sunnvaide. 5 room furnished. Make offer. I $3250 -3 rooms, traraae. larcre lot . I $1800 'Building 32x60, Bolmont Business property. . i. $4200 5 rooms, strictly modern. New. I $30005 rooms, near Laurelhurst Sna. a;w i rooms, lor, loxi on. Moaern. $2400 5-room bungalow. Real buy. r New 5-room bunmlow under constructiorju CIXW REALTY 38th and Belmont- Auto. 223-39. LAURELIIURST BUNGALOW See this distinctive home pf 7 rooms and 1 breakfast nook, at 1260 E. Glisan st; abso- I lutely modem throughout large living room ! with ' massive stone fireplace, beautiful f ix-i tore, hrdwd. floors, French doors, wbjtel enamel kitchen and bedrooms, all built-in i features, full cement basement with wash-i trays, furnace, etc.; owner ia leaving city; and. if yon waA a real home at a very at-1 tractive price and easy terms, investigatai this immediately. F, R. Jesse, 527 Corbett! bids.. Main 7141. Owner Will Sacrifice;. Strictly modern home in splendid condition; large living room, library, dining room, break fast room, kitchen. 5 bedrooms and bathrtxvm : entire toilet and lavatory old ivory finish; hard wood floors, . large fireplace, furnace, large gas rage, 2 lota, beautiful trees, shrub and flowers; ideal location. Portland Heights. House could not be duplicated for price asked for property. It is a real bargain at $9800; term. Owner, aiato z4ao MT. TABOR BUNGALOW , $4600 ( Strictly modern bungalow, S rooms and alee-p-lng porch,' hardwood floors, fireplace, every built-in convenience, buffet, bookcases, etc; full concrete baaemout, furnace, laundry trays, etc.; good' term. ....,. ; RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. i RITTER, LOWE & CO., -201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' 6 ROOMS $2900 If looking for a good comfortable 6-room home with full lot fruit tree, see this. It is food value for the price, Can sell you "this on small ciuh payment and easy terms. A.H. Birr.ellQi!l Co. 216 'If.; W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. BUILDER has 2 splendid double constructed houses ready to move into; also have 8 more under construction. Prices from $4600 to $5000. These houses have all the built-ins. cement floors in basement and driveways for auto; street im provements are aU in and paid for; one of the best neighborhoods in Portland, close in. These houses are sold on reasonable terma. If we haven't what you Want we will build one for you on our property here. Richmond car to 35th at Owner on the properly. Aut 218-32. MUST SELL NOW ' A new B room bungalow, all modern, in good district elona to car and school; $500 i cash, balance $2500, about $30 per month. ! 7036 I HOME OF. BEAUTY AND CHARACTER T $8750 . 1 ' On MaHory a., 3 rooms with bath, first floor; floors and aUirway hardwood; 2 bedrooms and billiard room, second floar; ground 100x100: garage. Price $8750. i HENRY W. GODDAiD.-Realtor. I 848 Stark at. ! .. i Main 881. WEST SIDE, RALEIGH NEAR 25TH $b500 Well built 7-room houe in best condition, good basement with furnace, fireplace; paved streets ; good lot ' ' - I y HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 SUrk Street Main 831. I EAST DAVIS ST: Within wafting distance of west (Ida busi ness district; full lot with garagej and: good 6 room house, full basement good furnace. This is a real snap at $4150, $1150 cash Will han dle. M-730. Journal. : - i FOR SALE IN ORES HAM T 4 room honse, 6 lots. Bull Run water, tan, strawberries, all kinds young fruit .tree and garden, $2000; $900 eaah, 3 years 8 ltMnth on balance. Apply J. A, Gray. Lawrence ave. ret. nam. HIGHLAND Park bungalow for sale; combina . Uon living and dining room with fireplace.. 2 light airy bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment; in fact,: a real borne on corner lot; price $3000, $1000 cash. Owner. Woodlawn 2698. MODERN 7 room bungalow, corner lot paved street; all liens paid; furnace heat; all built in; near Alameda Park, close to school, $4300; easy down payment, balance bke rent. Will seUl turmsneri. CUUK, Aut. 3111 37. BY O.WNEIt-T-Now vacant. 6 . room . "modem, newly papered and painted inside and out; 50tx 100 lot; sewerage; complete; cheap, eaah or terms. 9tb i and Long ave.. Woodstock car. Cati rcast 746. near car shops. BAHINO everr tiolicx ol Tin. inmtranoe a, a deposit with the state of Oregon to pro tent you against lose, yet it is cheaper than the abnract method. Title aV Trqtt company. f FOR SALE By owner. 5-roora house, full base ment, lot 67x100. garage, rosea, garden all in; $3600: take Alberta car to 18th at,- go north j Diocaa, l lax. H blor-k sl mom bouse, loU of fruit 1 block to llaaeAawl aw, dose in; $2790. easy terma unaees.. ta jsta mg eiug. BUSS1&IX& DASbY " B'ti't I - 6 -room house, pavvd street. 50x124 corner lot, 1 block of canine; $3000, only $650 eaah. Mar at' II 3324. - ' FoR BALEi beven room houne, two lota, fruit ' and berries ; terms. Sea place Sunday or call Aut 640-65 tsunday night, 4517 79tb st., S. K. O.i M. Metcalf. WHEN you get a iicas Insurance Poiiey, yon do not need as abstsact of titla. One prw thhim pay for all time. Title A Trust eompaay $2350 f 800 cash. 5 room bungalow; lot 100x123; fruit. berries, garden, chicken bouse, garage; on carlme. 1 (100 14 Belmont. $5o0tl. TEHM.'i -$6,100 bungaiuw. up to ilk ; minute, paved street close m, swell aeixhboi- hood. 1000 Belmonr. FOR ALE ,nutii houe and 100x100, clcew to car. in indUMtrul district . Owner. 11 k. Portland blvd.: ,. . ' i CUUNTKY-LIKE 3-woetn place aa ia, $900. Half ca-h. 867 K. 75th st N, ; S ROOM house, 1 ti loU, fruit trees and hen. nes. 6430 824 g. Ii. - Owner. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FOLKS I want the nrivileee of showing yon .some of the best bays in ROSE CITY PARK AND LAUBELHURST. 1 nave been selling property in those districte for yean know the history of nearly every house. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with me. This organization has a number of salesmen whose business it ia simply to show you the property they are tinder positive instruction not to urge anyone to buy- the nouses mat aeu themselves, i. Sunday we have our ROSE CITY PARK AND LALftELHURST OFFICE open for the benefit of those who cannot look at property any other day. Drive out today or phone Tabor 9586 and one of the salesmen will call for you. It isn't necessary for ma to list a cumber of our houses here. Call at either of our offices where we have ' photographs and complete descriptions.' I have particularly. in mind an ex ceptionally attractive little bungalow, with garage, on a corner lot. with all assessments paid, that can be handled' for as little as $700 down, and the price is only $4600. Another colonial home of 6 rooms is offered for $4750. You'd expect to pay $6000. It's located lust off Alameda drive. And over in Laurelhurat we are offering a bungalow of superior merit with hardwood floors in every room French doors between living and dining rooms, solarium alcove off dining room, tiled bath, tiled drain, garage, etc. - Located near tht park. A rear ago you d Have paaa l&ou Price is onlv 86000. I And in other parts of the city we hsve some exceptionally attractive buys. A listing just came into my office of a. colonial home over in the Richmond district a - splendid home and the price is only 33950. I want to particularly call your attention to a little bungalow in the Haw thorne district we are offering for $8800, and it can be. handled on almost any kind of a reasonable payment. Right here I want to let you know that we will help you make your : initial payment if necessary. When yon - once get acquainted with us you u appreciate the downright attentive serv ice and the positive lack of annoying persuasive ness it's a pleasure to deal here. DRIVE OUT TODAY OR PHONE TABOR 8586. LET'S GET ACQUAINTED. J A.C.TEEPE CO. DCALTOBS A INSUOANCC IIO &TTJVRV, CT iV. 40TJ! A-WOSKKpY; 2.0FFKJES $500 DOWN PARKBOSS Improved acre tract, with modern residence: house and grounds in perfect condition; 5 good room and bath ana . very large attic itug enough fur - 2 rooms) , nice lawn, 23 bearing fruit trees, 21 young trees, fine strawberry paten, variety ot perries, also grapes. inero a garage and chicken boose. This is indeed a wonderful buy, on Prescott st. only 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. and earline; will sell on a straight contract: no incumbrances. Owner leav mg city and will give almost immediate posses sion. Price only $5250. This is $1000 lea than what it is worth. i , 3. li. UARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. ; Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. . Tabor 252. ' ; SQMfkO a imm 1miiM)n full enmeftt base -ment, with wash traya, . full enamel plumbing. hardwood floors, uutcil . kitchen. Holmes -disappearing bed (in duiioz room. A. good buy. Lot 33 ft front '': " ' "- i' 832505 room bunealnw: concrete cars ire. lOOx lOO lot. nicely Improved with large rmcaen oouh. Dexnea. A reau no me. 1185 Boise st . $28004 room bungalow: Piedmont district; paved t. close to car. We can make easy terms on these places and con- ' nder tbem good buys, it wul be worth while to see them. I UNION SAFE DEPOSIT cV TRUST CO.! Bdwy. 943. 284 Oak St $30Ot 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 i New 5 room bungalow with all built-in, fine place, cement baxernent full lot some fine fruit trees, street graded, aidewalks in end paid for. We will sell on easy terma This is one of the bent bungaiowi w ; have Seen -for the price asked. - ' - WAKEFIELD, FREES it CO.. ' Realtors 66 4th St. Bdwy. S9R0. NICE ROSB CTTY BUNGALOW ' Ia district suiounded by choice homes. This is modern, attractive, has garage, hard surface street Owner has reduced pries for immediate) sale. ' It is large value for $4600. A. H. Birrell-Qill Co. 216 N. W. Batik Bldg. Mar. 4114, , $3500. terms; CCUY LITTLE BKOWN BUN GALOW 5 rooms, large Bring room, fire place, bookcases, dining room. Dutch kitchen, pass pantry, 3 largs bedrooms, basement fur nace, traya, full lot fruit fkiwerm, lawn; 2 blocks to car, pleasant neighborhood, A home you will never want tet part with Owner going to ALASKA. Call Main 6827. ' , i s 9 room house and S lots;, rardenj-planted; erics $1200; terms $50 down, $15 per month, WILLIAMS REALTY CO. Grays Crossing. Ant 617-45, tRViS.GT'nv aiTTir.E Full SOxlOO corner lot on Tillamook t and only one block, from Irvington car; beautiful trees and rosea: S nice airy rooms and full base ment - This is the - best buy in town. 1'rii-e $4200. but I mut. hsve $2201 cah. Ask by spptnrrtment only. Address K-860, Journal. ilARGAIN FOR CASH -4 block front BroaU way near W'illiajB ave., 100x150, three houses in good repair: all improvements paid. WeU kept lawn, ahrubbery, shade and fruit trees. Good tenants on property. . McClure V Schmauoh fjo $06 Railway Exchange bldg. $1500 . WiS furnish lot iwitii walks, grade) and build you a 4 room house, bath, toilet, sink, lights; only small payment down and balance easy. Come in and see plans. "" FOR'" SALE BY OWNER-CHEAP Modem 7 room house, full basement, cement floor, furnace, trays. 2 toilets, electric; lot 60x100. garage, 22$ Skidmore at. Phone Wdln. oitii, A liOOD BUY $5550, terms. 6 rooms, break fast nook, basement fruit east front, fins' dietnet. Rose . City. My., boms is too large. Owner, A-9S7, journal. 32750 BY". OWNER 8 room house, 1020 Wma. ave., beautiful lot, 80x105; fruit trees, flowers, gardien, im. aU in and paid; eavy terras, f3U Wni. BE SOLD at great bargain art terms to suit That newly refinished 7 room house with gamge No. 495 East Ptrt st, ecrmer Tenth. Immediate possession. Do not bus this. Open ail day. t iwner on premise RO&fa! CITY bungalow. A bargain. Four large rooans. furnished Or unfurnished, Fnut, flrwrer and gsrden. 659 K. 7th it N, ', ,.. ... PAR&ROSE On sera and house, or . wit) sell half acre: City convenjencea. labor 7312 BARGAIN Beautiful horns near Soil wood blvd. , City View park, garage, rosea, fruit; eaah or terms. Owner. Sellwood 29S. ! EVERY purchaser nr real estate snould have his title insured. Better be safe tliao sorry. Titla V Trot company. $700 CASH; terma; 4 rooua up-to-date buntia low, oorneri garage; open Sunday. .1000 4. Belmont REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Designed nod BuiSt to .Embody All the' Com forts off a Real Home Located on a beautiful 75x100 ft lot street paved And all improvement in. Bun galow type that is very appealing in Its linea of construction ; has 5 rooms down . with room available for 2 bedroom and 2 sleeping porches upstairs. Massive cob blestone f ineplace and ' four large cobble stone porch, column with artistic pergola porch extending over driveway to a nifty garace designed in keeping with the linea - of the house. Living room extend acroas entire front of house, with large front entrance ; French door and nine French windows with 2 panel on eaeb aide of door. Bookcases, on each side of elegant? huff brick fireplace. Large dining room :, with magnificent, buffet and window seats. .Hardwood floors. Coved ceilings and tapes try paper in living and dauing rooms. One large bedroom with closet and four largs drawers for storage. Other bedroom is (equipped with atx Pullman windows on two aides that can beOowerad entirely out of sight thus converting into a deeping porch. Thai room also ha a large claw and storage space over cellar" stairs for trunks, etc. Linea close located in a very convenient hallway, which make all rooms easily accessible. Kitchen ia equipped with usual bins and drawers, two largs cup boards, woodli ft fruit closet, broom aloaet and cooler. Rear porch screened in. Base ment 26x28. fully cemented, with laundry traya, etc. Owner on premise today. 1293 a. uia at. nono. MAIN 7027 V WASH.H PARK ' QUARTER ACRE . : Bargain at $11250 4 room house, needs a little finishing work, but otherwise good; garage; nice lot of fruit j and finest kind of garden soil. On hard surface rued, just outside of city limits. Any REASONABLE ' TERMS. - . PETERSON & YORK 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8003. $500 DOWN $30 PER MO. Wfn buy a eozy 5 room bungalow in ROSE CITY. Laundry trays, furnace, etc Just think of the delightful garden you have on the 41x212 lot 'There are plenty of fruit trees, berries . and flowers; let us show you this well constructed bungalow; you cannot find anything better and nicer for $4000. , Shown by appointment only on week days. Aak ut. We handle real estate in any part of the city, t Star Real Estate & . Investment Co. 831 SUrk at Realtors. Bdwy. 6358. 7 ROOM house with 2 lots, for quick sals, .-:"!. at ' $2650. This i a brga!n cut from $3500. " 'For Quick sale. ., Neilan & ParkhOl 219 Lumbermen Bldf, 6th and Stark SU. . For Sale or Exchange ." 6-room attractive modern heme. Alberta dU triea, 60x100 lot, fruit T rose ; offered at a very great - sacrifice for immediate sale, or will exchange eauity of $ 1500 for larger home. Mrs. .Snow, Bdwy. 4664 OWNER KXPECTS TO LEAVE CITT WII.L SACRIFICE HIS IRVINGTON HOME) 8 -room modern, hardwood floor, fire place, bookcases, bnffet garage, furnace, 4 sleeping; rooms, fine basement flowers and shrubbery. Price $6000, value over $7000 ; $1 200 cash. See owner. C. L. Parriab, 209 Failing bldg. Phone Maia 6327. Sunday and evenings. Tabor 8473. Shown by appointment only. ... ; NEW IRVLNGTON BUNGALOW ' . $4200 Modern 5 rooms, clone 'In, every tndR-in feature, concrete, basement laundry trays, fur nace, nice lawn : and ahrubbery. This ia an unusual value. Before you build or buy you should sea thia . . ; RICHARD W. MAST,5- Realtor, RITTER. IjOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Tnule Bldg. BRAND NEW 6-ROOM BUNOALOW Thoroughly ' modern' throughout; move right' in. s Hardwood floors ; 'Uft being completed. Built for home, but must sell. Reawinable term, $4 850. Owner. Tabor 6702. or address 1670 E. YsmhiU st. 9 ROOM MODERN This Is one of the finest home in the city, vlfh fine view on the brow of Mt Tabor. Built by owner. Hot water beat Conservatory. Lerge closets and builtins. Lot 50x189. Shrubbery and fruit 87500. Liberal terms. WILBUR F. JOUNO . ' 222 Henry Bldg. MUST eaenfice modern bungalow. 5 rooms. bath, full cement baeement. laundry traya, floored attio. grounds 100x100. Fruit and shade trees, berries, mees, ehrnhbery. three blocks to ear. Value $4000. Sell for $8650. Terms. Veterans, apply small sum to secure this ideal home and your bonus will prove in vent ment. Wodlawn 6120. 1169 D. 16th N. WALNUT PARK SACRIFICE BeavulKul corner, 7 room modern home. All builtins. 2 fireplaces. Only $4750. Terms to suit Call m at Wood lawn 3389. Sunday or evoningx. Rose City District 4 rooms, bungalow style, ground 100x100, young fruit tree and berry bushes planted and growing, fins place for garden and chickens; only $1250 the ground alone is worth mots. Tahor 155, 1835 Sandy.j ' ' '! A COZY LITTLE (BUNGALOW FJR A LITTLES MONEY KENTON 3-room modern, , foil lot, . paved street, close to car and school; the same house next dofir is $5250. Our is $3250. see our rnt., 200 Failing bldg. ! Main 6327. CLOSE IN EAST BIDE i Good modern 7 room bona, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, I full basement, cluaw to school and within walking distance to business center. Pries $5500, $2500 cash,-, balance like rent Shown by appoi"tmntf only N-674, Journal. " OFELV 'FROM 1 to 0 FOK INSPECTION' " Just finished 7room 1 44 story bungalow. aU th lateat built-in, hardwood floors, furnace, beat of materials; built for a home for myself; full lot; all imp. paid. Close In at 3tt tfroadway. Come and hick it -over. 7 ROOM, 2 lpi)ig porclies, fireplace, builtins; suitable for two families. Garage. Fins fruit Center lot 50x100. $4200, email payment reaoonable tsrmn. WfTbur F. Jouno, 222 Henry ids. Bmndwav 437. UVEiii(AuK O-room nifty hunstow, corners carae. Let ma show you this It is a wonderful home, , and you cannot help but appreciate It Cat! Mr. Pomernv, Main 6827. koSB CITY BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern. furnacet, fireplace, built-ina; " on a beautiful eorwr lot in a fins eommamty, pavea street. on the hill dome to ear and school Main 6827, U-HOCM oioddrn bungalow, hardwood flour. furnace, fireplace, built-ins. garage; beauti ful home in a beautiful district Call Tsbor 64. $500 WnJ, handle modern 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, aU the boQt-ins. cement basement, $8150; wili consider some trade or bww for cash. COOK, Ant 81-ff-07. - . SACRIFICE TEEMS OR CASH $700 buys eauity In 6 room house, vacant baL $875 term. Paved st, a as, elec, no sawmts. Good location. 8423 82nd st. today or Monday. 5 ROOM modern. fumWhed ud to date : oipe- lets furnaco: ail builtins; garace; fruit snd garden; lot 50x100. $3900, terms, Wilbur F. Jow-O, 222 Henry bldg. ' WHEN you purchase your Lome have th title insured, tii At Treat compi insured. Get s Title lnsuraae Policy. Title , epafty DANDY two-room house, large lot, tardea. fruit St John's district $850. Jay term. M. Brand, 420 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Snap. Home at 349 Fargo st ; fins location, large hit skate in. Come, sad GLOSS yoor- real estate Oai antnont annoying detail by namg s Title Immrsnee Pohry h abstract required, Till aV Trust company. teSPLATTBLrXl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' HOUSES 404 WE AR HEADQUARTERS' FOR HOMES-" FOR SERVICE MEN. 6 Service M.n in Anv rtffin. ' Without charge to you, our attorney will han-'i cue au oeians lor imng application lot your loan or ponna ana assist you in every poaable way. 1200 Phnrnrranh nf TTotna vw a.i LARGEST HOME SI-XL ER ON THE PACIFIC ...;' COAST. very home personally Inspsotsd and ap praised. :. ' - Open All Day Sunday. Op" TJntil 9 a. m. Every Evening. ' - 25 , Salesmen at Your Service. .'W,,l-,,''a HOSE CITY home for sal. $6500 Spacious, beautiful 5' room bungalow, ultra modern; one of the beat built and ear active In this entire district. Terma B. 46th. .. .--$5500 IOVELY ROSE CITT that's an Meal home, built with svary device for eon fort and economy ; ' sleeping porch, .. hardwood floors, garag nice cool " grounds. E. 69th st $52502 atorv . ROSE CITT ; ever, ennven. ienoe; 7 room, close to car. E. 47th. i--o nii newest busk CITT, torn. plete In all It details; hardwood floors, , built-ina, fireplace, eta. VACANT. E. V 56th st $3090 7 rooma. in ROSE CITY'S NEWEST BUNGALOW!- Be this right wyl Massive built-in. French doors, stone pillarud front porch. E, SOth st. Terms. Ws have over 100 HAWTHORNE HOMES luted with us for sale. $5500 VERT EASY TERMS. Owner in need j of money, will sacrifice this beautiful bungalow for a quick sale. . Contain . every wanted modern feature built-int, hardwood floors. 8 airy rooms in beat - of condition. E. 87th t. SEE THIS FOR YOUR BUNGALOW BEAUT1- . ' FUL. a,. - $4790 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED, vacant. 6 room, very modern and - ' attract! vs HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW; furnace, built-ina, newly renovated; .garage; 60x 125 ft lot avith flowers, shrubs. E. .Lincoln. ' .:-- 100x100 ADJOINING LAURELHTJRST I ! $4760 Just 100 ft south of LOVELY LAU RELIIURST PARK, is this Wxception . -ally artiario 7 room bungalow ; f ire plaee, furnace, sleeping porch, built-ina. E. Stsrk. SEE THIS I . $4450 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR BUNOA- - LOW on Royal sve. ; 6 ronrni. hard t wood floor, every imaginable feature i for comfort and beauty; newly painted and kalsomlned. A BUNGALOW ; YOU'LL LOVE. Very easy terma $3800 $800 down! : Hawtbotne bungslow bsrgain ; ft slry room and sleeping porch; built-in; paved st paid, E. 46th at -$2790 Neat and comfortable Sunnyeid eot tage. right on earline; built-in buffet, i Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, tlectricity. - gas. Term. Belmont st, BELOW ARB A FEW OF THE MORE THAN 80 Alberta Home Ws.Havs for Ssls. ALBERTA! ALBERTA I ALBERTA t $8890 SUNSHINY BUNGALOW I . Adjoining Alameda, Park: 5 cool rooms, with every modern convenience. built-in. 1 et-. . Prescott st. Terma YouH like this! $3990 Artistic gem bungalow in IRVINGTON PARK I Built-in, beautiful lawn and tree. Terms., DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! ' - $3500 JUST EAST OF PIEDMONT end con : tnUnt to ' Jefferson hi ah ! 6 room -ROSELAWN AVK. bungalow, one of the tnort attractive in this. . district Well and uh.tanritllv built- for a home. No "frills" about HI The rsal thing I Terms. - -" eeaAA-a .mmh m,v tmntilnw with bnflt-ifi htif, fet, whits Dntch kitchen, gss firepUos, white enamel plnmbing, electricity, gas, " fireplace, large chicken bouse and run, 4 nice cherry trees. E. 11th. $2100 One of the neateat and most comfort . sbl bungalow eottsges you've seen, every convenience, white enemel plnmb ing. electricity, gas. Terms. Emsr- - son st ,-" MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE I r asa ht:rf: a a splendid : opportu . NITY TO OWN YOUR HOME, Large 8 room, central Peninsula' home. Five j flreplaoe, 2 baths, .furnace, 188 1-8 by , TOO. with abundance of fruit flower. , i grepea, nuts, berries,. Oatman street TERMS. $2390 $500 down! "."VACANT! NEW "4 room artistic bungalow with svery. cohven. ' ienee." N. KeJlor t. PENINSULA $250 DOWN $1790 $250 down! New Peninsula bungalow 4 room, full lot Omaha avs. OWN YOUR HOME I -Ws nave 60 home for sale in this district TatVlrtTNING LATTBELmjRST V $2850 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT nd terms essirr van rent i ? voay, moueru uiu. arHnfie 4 room bunralow. every con venience, close " to lovely Laurelhurst park. P.. 27th st BROOKLYN $500 DOWN $1590 room comfortable, modern cottage, . close- to- oar snd school, on E. 10th; hard1 surface street, paid. Here are a few of the over 100 : ' house we have for sale in Mt Scott: $3475 Txwk at this. It's a irrest bis bargain . -' for you. 6 room In an : attractive, nest, comfortable bungslow cottags on full lot eloss to car; white enamel . piiimblng, eleciricity, gs; nlee yard with fruit and shade trees.- 65th ave. .Very . easy 'terms. $1890 3-room eomfortable. oosy onttage; bv ing and dining room combined! nice . ' white kitchen; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. 64th st. $1460 $400 down. Good 4 -room cottage on 2 lots with fruit tree and chicken r "';. hnnw; woodshed etc. 86th. $ 600 $300 down. Neat 8 room Mt Scott eotraee on 41rtav. LOOK AT THIS RELLWOQD $400 down $400 down. $3550 $400 down. Think, $-room very sub stantial Sellwood home; muaic room, 4 - light airy bedrooms, every convenience; best white enamel plumbing: elsctrieity. - gas; full lot with tress, flowers, shrub i. paved street, pauL I Dioca to ear, , lxinrton st. - IMPORTANT, HOMESEEKERS Yoar dollars will do double duty here. - SEE FRANK U McGTTIRE, To Buy Your llama xteaivor. . Abington bldg. Mala 1088. SONNYSIDB BUNGALOW $2400 8 ROOMS , -$350 DOWN, BAU $25 PFR MO. Thia I the beet buy ta this dl.trict, tloa to school and earline, street In snd paid ; 2 bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen snd bitth. Houas is newly painted. Call Main 5201. $32002 LOTS, B-ROOM BUNGALOW BER RIES, LARGE CHICKEN HOUSE, PAVED STREET, CONCRETE GARAGE. CLOSE TO CAR; $780 CA811, BAL. ..TERMS: " $2800 4 -ROOM BUNAIXW, BLOf'K TO CAR. 50x100 -I-OT, GARAGE, PAVED STREET; $700 CASH, BAL, TERM.. TOO SHOULD SICE THESE PLACES TUKT ARC GOOD BUYS. . UNION SAFE DEPOSIT V TRUST CO.. ' BROADWAY 943. 24 OAK St. AIL READY FOR YOU 8 ' room house, just remodeled, new hardwood floor, old ivory enamel, up to date fixtures, first das plumbing, furnace end fireplsee; lot 54x176, . garage for 3 cars. 6 fruit trees; lust ths other side of laurelburnt at 203 East 53d at. N. Price $6000. r.00 cash, JeL like pay ing rent Call Tabor 2032 for owner. : mIPTSabor bl'.nJalow $3600 Fireplace, built-in nonven Ienoe. 8 bedrooms I snd bath upstairs, largs Hving and dining room. i Dutch kitchen, garage, 60x100 lot iswtt and fruit trees; term. RKniArtn W. MAST. Realtor, ' RITTER, LOWE A CO, 20I-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. X'U.NiJtjiir,l HLNUALOW $3030 Neat little 8 -room bunsvdoW, every built-in feature. Dutch kitchen, -large porch, garage, beautiful ' lawn jutd ahrubbery i 40x130 kit, near good public school and-oarlfne; terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor,; RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ' 207-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bid. - V WHY RENTf , - When - you can buy a $ room bungalow for $2150, on 60x100 lot near Piedmont ear bsrn on improved street for only $300 cash, had, small monthly pavmentef WILBUR F. JOUNO 222 Henry Bldg. $500 CASH $2000 SNAP A good little home, near ear, for mafl amount of money; 4 rooms and reception hall (bunga low style), porches, built-ina. china closet, base ment, i oox loo, 3d ave.; szuoo, $oo $20 month. . V. SMITH-WAGONER CO,. STOCK . EKCH, TITLE Insurance iv uis snodera trs; bandiin. titles to real estate. Quicker, coats Una and CO s bstraetrequ I red. Ti tie A Trut i pany. KENTON" S room pisstered house, $T6od cub or $1200 on- tune. 186 xtiuaetV'St,; 6 per cent Interest. r . , . .. .. ,, y NEW 2 -room bouee, lot 8wxS35,' valued $1350; Wanted. tirrrrry nor'.n nt lullingrfworta Sve, Owner, 5403 97th St, Lent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 40 $100 CASH; ALBERTA $1676 8-roora house. 80x100 ft lot. 1 W blk. to Alberta -oar, sidewalk and sewer in snd paid $350 CASH MONT A VILLA " " 1 $2475 buys a nest 5-room buntalow on ; , pved treet, sewer is, creen nd hd. Will take your vacant lot a fint payment - $500 CASH SUNNT81DE $8785 buy tills modern home in Snn nyside; ha built-in buffet and bookoa. full basement laundry trays. aU improve- . msnU paid Your own term rm balance. $500 CASH WOODtiTOOK $2730 B-room bungalow type, firn11""", built-in, sidewalks and sewer in. Nice -lawn, flower snd shmhhery. $700 CASH UOSK CITY PARK 4 room and sleeping porch, plumbing, ' tier, lights, 2 blk. from Sandy. Pries only $2100. HAWTHORNE AVE $4200 6-room modorn bungalow on E. 52d st. All imps, in and paid, - fireplaoe, bdw. floom, many built-in, full ba , ment 60x100 ft. lot Widow must sell. . DIVISION STREET. $4000 $800 cash. bal. $25, per month, buy new 5 -room bungalow near Division; fireplace, hdw. floors, many conveniences, . nios eleetrie fixtures, shade. AU ready to move in. MAIN 702fy WASHsiPARK Dekuinni & Jordan " WEST SIDE HOME A very attractive 9-roora residence on Hoyt st First floor ha large square reception ball with fireplace; living room, dining room, all with hardwood floors and deeoraud with wall paper in most attractive design. Butler's pantry and kitchen, cloiliea chute, wood lift and window si-reem, Seoond , floor hss four bedroom, bath and sleeping porch. There i on room f fnished oa the third floor. 1'he basement ha a substantial cement floor, laundry tray and hot air fur nace. Pries $3800. Tsrma Dckum& Jordan I Reltors 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Hut. I Maia 2233. RALPH HARRIS CO. ", REALTORS THE WEEK'S BEST BARGAINS NEAR POnTSMOUTII 6 " room . splendid horns, with pantry snd fruit room. Cement foundation and full basemeDt Sanitary waah tray. lt 100x100, with several full bearing fruit trees, j berrlea and rosea. PRICE only $4300, sjith practically your own terms. THIS IS i A REAL HOME Nifty B room bunglirw, in-good ltxjatlon snd in excellent con dition. ., Lot 60x100. with 6 fruit trees and berries. This is a real buy at $8000, - A GOOD , HOME Splendid little 4 room home with preakfaat norvk. White enamel plumb ing, In excellent oonditinn. Nice cornar lot with fruit and berries. $1760, $500 cash. . RALPH HARRIS CO. REALTORS. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main R624 NEW YORK DESIGNS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Two new home In Georgian Court of mnst. distinguished de sign, with bulJVIn garage, r of fered on liberal term to desirable purchasers; these residence fol low lb latest eastern suburban developments in ervantlem plan ning; they. are the first small house in the modern ilyle, planned by a member of the American Institute pf Ari-hllacts, " to be offered for sal in tti heart of Portia Dd's sxclunivs residential district By appointment only. Owner, Automatic 620-06. Super Intendeat Sellwood 608, ATTENTION Hawthorne Buyers Ws have over 20 brand new homes listed In thia popular dixtrint, foe idea a large number nf other homes. They range In price from $3000 up, and many ran be bought on -payments as mal! as $500 down. If you are la ths market for 6 bargain, ws bars it, Ws will b glad to show you these home at. any tltna You will not be obliiratsd. J. A. HUBBELL 1089 Rawthome ave, Tahor aS02. "pLUnty of Fitclx an! silAliB ikkk' " $98 down, $22.50 -monthly buy - 5 room plastered cotuga. with 80x127 lot, 8 largs bearing cherry tree, some ' nice fir trees. Total pries $2045., fr-Tv,,"? 782 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE 4 room bungalow, lot 1'jOiluO, with bath, full basement concrete floor, 6 young fruit trees, 4 doeen berry bushe, bi garden. Planted, all fenced! outhouse with con crete floor, seWer snd hard orfe paid for; price $2760. 1169 E. 83d at N. Take Alberta ear to SOth and KtlJlnwor.h ave. WEST SIDE APARTMENT BAC1U ILL .,' MUST BE SOLD 8 stories, 60 rooms, concrete tnd ttureo HrlUllng, dandy rranrement best location. Only $f 5,000. Consider E. Side lncorra property as pert payment. This t a hargaJn. Re. it, T. O BIRD. 52. Cham of. Com, LOOK AT THIS NEW EAST RWOADWAT HOME TODAY JUST COMPLfcl ED." OF iJONSTHUCTlON; 7 ROOMW RIGHT I P T THIS MINUTK. USIili APPOINT MENT. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TbXhf CO.. 284 OAK ST., BROADWAY 948, FOR SALE, by owner, $4000, modern 6 room boose, in Irvington park: firepla', aleejnng pnreb, sewing room, rablnet kltohen, fnrnara, full cement basement and garage. For further La formation call Wdln. 6t2, or Wdln. 4240. liOMK brokMi Ui, muat ell 5-room, TortiLId. corner bungalow; iiumiste poaKeaalon; se'ond hmue south of Knott st. and Margueret , Owner home Sunday snd eventnga Take light s ii to as iart J-932, Joumat. FOU SALE Comfortable 1 - room houac, 4 b f room, walking distance, rtesr schooi, on t side. Price $3500; wul Uke light automobile s part. Phone saw. 919-So. ' 5-UWlM buugaiuw witn garae. hardoood fl,nr built-in. nrwpM snd sewers paid, bet Marguerite sve. and 86th, block south of Knott 1072 Lam neit P'sre, AiHoti. tie 3 18-KH, R08K CITT PARK OWNKlT" Nifty 6-room bungalow, lust bow completed. See ttiis at 472 E. 43d st N. 1 V blm-ka Haady, I'hone Tsbor 1769. FOR SALE 5 room bunaaUw, full U lrKe rooms, good ditrict on earline; fruit and gar den. Am leaving city; must sell; $3500, 1 1000 ra-h. Phone SelL 1181. A MOST b'-auutul hntne on J. tux 100 lot; 8 largs rooms, built-lnn. heautlful scenic view from all tvlin; $10,000, term, liar rand tUmitr "n.. 4f aalmon. Main 4243 ' MUST beautiful g room reaidene ia Alameda; hsrdwood floor un-tslr snd dnwa, piste gJaa window, (ttrlftlj modern. Also far- "; lot Aut 828-71.. . HKUK ia a bargain, A 4-nxim plastered, elect ri hirbted homs, good cash offer or will eon- r'der part eaah. Frsd Selpp, 76 LuaUila. i-none bii. zt sjw. WILL sacrifice $ rnum bunealow, fumat-a nd flrepUce, lot 75x100. only $3200; uaU eath payment snd montlily payment at 6 per esnt. Broadway 609. Foil WaLe W owner, $;iilO; ' trinj.. Juet 'ciu pleted, double const r acted, atrietly modern 6 room bungslow, -oa paved street. 5 f-.a-i. 9lh N. For appointment call Wmllawn 4H 10. WEST SIDE 7 romaa, gasj bath, elettricityV J firaplacea, eement bawm.nt; lot 60x100, Owner, 467 10th t a ; ALliURTA, new modern 4 room biMii ;' i, f , block from ear line; by Owner; 1064 14Ui st. N., Woodlawn 4579. $3300 buy a djarxly 6 roo inbunKaiow in i.4 district, tmall pymnt down. monthly ;-ay- fnent to nit '?t 223-71. FOit SALE 6 riKrm, ' modern boiM wan fruit tries, garage, ganhn nd frwe, J-or il by cvner. 242 K. S)t it- H. MV cor. FOB SALE by owner, 6 rrwim eoitea. on Kn. um, near I nion ave., $2775. Terma. lnouue st 914 - K. Mh at, N.' 1 1 700 ) WNKR : rooais," 4 OxTfi'-j, r,,,r oaseviisnt, t Deai ci, ta, e fruit, Mt hcott car. t o j ts, a. h. MAIN 7027 WJW SUITE 413 WAstPAJUNiNFg5;K PLATT BLDG tePLATT BLDG. tr. 1-, ,