THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY - MORNING, JUNE 5.-1921. t-: it H I J! I! . n it iV ft- : CREDIT MEN LIST I ALL PORTLAND ON i . ; t; .... . . PAYMENT VIRTUES Weekly Meetings Reveal Efforts cf Agents to Determine How hi Business Houses Pay Bills. The Portland Retail Credit Men's ;j association 'was assembled at a ! luncheon In a large downtown hoteL f,( From a list the secretary read a name. !( "Slow." volunteered one of the mem- bera of the association. ; "We had to sue on that account." 'spoke up another. jj; "Very alow, but rood.- a third said. ;; Tlie secretary read another name. i;i -Comments came from different parts of the room. All agreed that the man named was a good risk. Another name was called. T - -That fellow's a dead beat, declared, one of the credit men. "We closed his account after bringing an action against him a year ag-o," said pc . anomer. f "We refused him credit two Or three days aga," reported a third. ; , "I ".wtvuoj, WCblJJV nil ASWJUSlCU LI from a well known retail merchant at one of the more distant 'tables, 'that man opened an extensive account with me this morning-. , ,- XITTLE TKACEDT -TTJK2TS tTP -". Everybody laughed but tfle last speak- er. Reports varied. Some were excel lent, others good, several were bad, very bad, and many were Indifferent. One retailer said he had been forced to reclaim a wedding ring. Others reported on contract Bales. Some explained why certain accounts were slow and others defended old customers who were hav ing a ran of had luck. The scene is a -weekly occurrence. At these luncheons Portland passes in re view before the men who determine credit ratings. The discussions are very frank and most informal. A well- known Portland banker spoke at the last luncheon. He listened with names and to the discussion which fol 'A '. lowed. - ; -. i -v. i "Speakers Invited to address - you i" r should be shown that list of names In advance," he declared, "because some of them are sure to get so nervous that they can't talk." WAKX AGAI3JST PESSIMISM The bankercounseled the credit men against becrtning pessimists. Uater in his talk hff pointed out the action of the federal government in cancelling war time contracts had. caused -many people to become careless of their obligations. Retailers affiliated with the credit as eociation obtain information relative to (jf; ratings from the office of the Credit ;( Reporting company in the Gasco build lf ing. It is a clearing house' for the asso ,;J dation. I Reports made at the weekly . luncheons are mimeographed and sent ( out every Wednesday to tho association -j members. They In turn check up on ':; the names submitted and report back the j foUowing day. With this Information at rJiand4aj bulletins is printed and filed. ay referring to It merchant ; carrying membership in the association is given "access to Information at hand ' on any j"person desirous of opening a new ae- pount or wanting credit for a short pe ! riod of time. ; The association now has 115 'members among the retailers of the city. Almost very line of business is represented. 'jOO.OOO KAHES LISTED At the central office In the Gaco building are 100,000 names with nota tions set opposite them. The names are printed! on cards and bear all lnf orma jtlon obtainable which has to do with ' credits It is by reference to" those that credit j is extended or, refused to- hun-t dreds of people each day la Portland;. Four telephones are necessary to handle the volume of business which comes over them In the form of inquiries from re4 tail merchants. ' ; .y: " I - The secretary of the association was explaining the card index system. He ' picked up a card on which was printed the name of a prominent downtown buai- j tiess man.' . " ., - "Wei-have- information On -almost evi- erybody, the secretary laughingly ex- "plained. ' -, . - s "Numerous references In code were Contained onthe card. rHe haa been extended cre&tt in numerous retail stores, the secretary continued. "He has not always paid promptly,' either." . ' The association was organized in Jan uary. 1920. 'It takes . in 'new members now almost every week and Is growing. Freewater, Or., June 4. Henry Stave- j ly, h4s lost a valuable dog as the re- sult. lof poisoning. Several other dogs ' have been-recent "victims. ' i Fire Destroys Big Barn - j Milton. Or June 4. A barn belontrin & Fred Sams of Couse creek was de stroyed by-fire, with-about 30 tons of gnay, namess ana. macninery. - j - American machinery Is being used in the construction of and American equip ment win oe 'employed in an oil uine line Duuamg irom Havre -to Paris whicn will be - in service by' the end of the year, " - .r 5 NEW TODAY iSeetional Houses udOuaiM v , MABE TO ESBCM , -4 laveaUgate Tr Catalogse Bedimsde Bldg. Co, Porttaad. Or. E. 11th and Market Phone E. S114 West Side Office, Commonwealth Bid,. 6th and Pine Prions Bdwy. 4S35 I I WHY MT MORKT rturr boqs made from old . t t - a CARPET ' . 8x.. 4.00 6xl0......S1S.S0 txT 6.0O 9x12. . . . . .S21.00 . CARPET CLEANING. SIZINO AND - I REFITTINa . I PORTLAND HUQ CO. 1S7S-74 E. 17Ui SC 64 1 wood S82S .ht- - FLUFF RUGS Vade From All Kinds' of Old Caiveta On. Sx10 Fluff Ru........,S1S.OO Onm 8x S Fluff Ru . ' 4.00 - y - OREGON FLUFF RUQ CO. 1884 E. Stars St. Tabor 7314 NEW TODAY Before You Buy ! or Build INSTIGATE The Modern - Method of . Building Houses and - ' ' Garages REDIMADE buOdings are made up of "standardize!, built, 4-foot sec tions, . produced systematically in -quantities. - wbicb . makes 4 possible the wonderful value each , REDI MADE represents. : . The RED TMA.DE System Eliminates WASTE OF MATERIALS WASTE OP TIME -. . WASTE OF ENEBGTi . . , The - 4-foot- sections make erection quick and easy, and shipping, prac tical. . , ,. . ' - REDIMADE . FREE CATALOG K llth and! Market Phone E. 6114 West Side 2 Office, Commonwealth Building, Sixth and Artkeny. Phone Broadway 4335 You Men THAT ARE ! ,; OutbfWork HERE IS YOUR CHANCE , - If yon have a good modern bun galow in Portland and some cash, we can start you - in business where you will have a good in come, won't have to worry about how you are going to get a job that will pay enough to keep - -- your family and ; borne ; 'going. We can ( trade you one of the bes( Confectionery, Pool Hall and Card Rooms; if located in a good live coast town, doing a good business and a real money maker. ! Call Monday . forenoon and meet the owner at our office. G. j CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO. f Realtors 205 H MORRISON ST. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE PtTltCHASERS Of ' RE Alt ESTATE and MORTGAGE INVESTORS de mand ABSTRACTS of TITLE made by a reliable company. ; Other so-called, evidences of title may not be accepted when you come to sell or mortgage. - )...-.- . t All Examiners of Title readily ac cept .abstracts made by a reliable company maintaining a complete ab stract plant. , ; Ask Tou Attorney UNION ABSTRACT CO. OF PORTLAKD Members of Oregon and American - Association of Title Men 8S 4th St, Groaaft Floor Henry Bldg. FLUFF RUGS froai oat -carpsta. woolen -ivt" n tat, all da; eooctiy auil oroen lini prompt attention; - ittrniii, teattaat mUowa naovated. Band lot booklsC . j Carpet Cleaning Largest, nwert ' wnUwd aaract ---"-j tattttinc works i Mate of Otosoa. eVpaiate Plantar CARPET CLEANING BRaKCB ' , 1073 B. Unoola St 9x11 Rasa Steaai Oaaaad 91 Mt ' WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 4-0 Vm09 ATM. M. Cast est I iai-07 East 95S IRVINGTON " 718 E. 21st St. N. $7500 Nearly new. Real bargain. 7 rooms and garage. Call owner. Mar. 46. - , NEW RUGS BWOTen tnrn old earptrts bsto oas ImV . oat of ordinary earpata. Our fbaff roaa ar velvety, atacaMe aad arttatla. ' Coanatead to vamc . FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. The aMcst and bast aqaiwad faetaea . . Fluff ana m rocs voraa all atsaa; , , , pats refitted; hll rass steam natasiT - -, SI-AO We aU to aad dativac IMC. aiaMk St. V 1 'J ; ' . : Garages. jft:;1 ' ABE ' exbuee" NEW TODAY I WIL.'ll 111 Establisned 188 . ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE'BAKEB AUCTIOX HOUSE ' We have received for this sale costly and .nearly' new furnishings from a pri vate home, on North. 2 2d St., also part furnishings from -a fashionable apartment.-; -v-'-t-j S ' ' ': . . : Following , is a " partial list of what we shall, have to offer yon: "Very 'elaborate ." Uving Room Suite qaite recently new), vis: Queen Ann Davenports Rocker and -Chair - in rich velour-coverings; . Mahogany and Oak Rockers and Chairs, Mahogany Daven port and Jjlbrary Tables. Bigelow Ax minster Rug. in blue figure. Mahogany Sectional Bookcases. Oak Parlor- Desk, Library Couch. Quarter-Sawed Oak Hall Seat '- and Mirror, Axminster Carpets, several Small Rugs. ; , - William and Mary 64-inch top Dining Table ; and set of Chairs with . leather seats, also Oak Dining, Table, Buffet and Chairs. i - - ' - Very massive Brass Bed complete with best Springs and Mattress Large Colonial Mahogany Dresser, Rocker and Chair. ' : ' V. .Ivory -Simmons Steel Bed; (new de sign complete. - vr. t t - Costly Mahogany - C h e v a 1 Lady's Dresser. . ' Steel Beds, Eastern Dresser In Ivory. Birdseye maple and Oak - Dressers. . All the above Dressers are of 'good Quality With French plate mirrors. . Birdseye Maple Chiffonier and Rocker, Pictures, Books, etc - Vulcan Gas Range, Kitchen Heater, Buck Wood and Coal Range, Kitchen Utensils,, etc. ' AUCTIONEER'S XOTE r Kindly call tomorrow and look over the full list of goods for this sale.: Tou will find . them well worthy of your attention. ., ; i ArCTI03T OX TUESDAT 3TEXT . " , , AT A. M. ; On THURSDAY NEXT Househod goods from private home and various consignments of Furniture, Tent., etc. . SALE OIC THTJBST AT JTEXT AT lfl A. M. SPECIAL NOTICE The AucUon advertise'd for June 7th at the Manning Transfer Co.'s Ware house has been -postponed until Wednes day, June 22, nekt. We bny Household Goods for cash or will take your goods on consignment for Auction Sale. Sales at residences if con venient. Phone Main 3332. ? f We have a rare old Cashmere Shawl for private sale. Also Tiffany Klectric Clock in good order. - Auction Sale! The following will be Sold at Auction for freight charges,- storage and other liens. ConsisUng of 3 Carloads of SAWMILL v MACHINERY AS FOLIOWSi ! 05B BOILER- OTTE ENGINE, 05E PLANER, AUTO EQUIPMENT, CABLE, DTK A MO, The above property is now stored on the ground in front of 'the' north end of the North Bank docks, at which olaca it will be sold in one lot to the highest Diuaer. Wed., June 15th AT 10 A. M. .TERMS OF SALE CASH As far as known, the owners of this property are The Bankers' Mortgage CorporaUon or Mr.. Pulkrabek. Persons desiring to inspect the above machinery, etc., will please call at room 4, North Bank Station, llth and Hoyt Sts., Port- ana, . uregon. , , , By Order of - : BOBT. CROSBtE, . ' ' - Comptroller S. P. & S. Ry. Co. Bated May 18, 12U : W. C. BAKER and Wi H. DEAU" AUCTIONEERS - PTTHIAIf BUILDING . : Tamhin and West Park Streets (FORMERLT MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING- - Automobile Agency Opportunity! Unexcelled opportunity to secure ' the Agency, for two of the best popular-priced" automobiles on the market, backed by a wonder ' ful selling and financing svstem. located in the bes.t town inkthe Willamette Valley. includingex clusive County Agency., Fine garage building, long lease- fully equipped repair shop and acces sory business. 1920 business netted nearly 16,000. i Books . open to responsible parties. - Bus iness never been offered before. Owner wishes to retire is reason for selling. No bonus for Agency required. "Stock at invoice, which requires about 120,000 cash. Investigate. Call on Jno.' He Gibson 268 Star St Portland ' Will You Build Me an Apartment House? . I have twenty thousanl JqI--. lars to secur yonr lease, also . furniture, if you will boild a modern, close in , apartment house and flrnre leas for term of years. : Must have not less than 30 apartments. Write me. J-468, Journal, : 80 For Sale BY OWNER 2 New De Luxe - SMXiiL HOUSES GEORGIAN COURT in the Heart of Portland , Heights These dwellings are like a page from Vanity Fair, ultra modern in decoration and setting servantless plan ar rangement. Also one modern 6 room bun galow i in Beaumont. These properties priced right for quick sale. , By Appointment Only '812 Spalding Bldg. Phone Sell wood 505 VIEW HOMES AJD 8PLEXDID VIEW J HOMESITES 1 5 . OJT I We stover I Terraces I HAROLD JUNGCK j REALTOR : .. S I lis HTH ST. E PIttock Block' Bdwy. 110 E Tiiniiiunniuiiiiumiimiiimiiinuimn Did You Get One of Our Checks for We will give you : one if you give us a prospect to whom we subsequently sell a lot or acreage. The above applies Qn: " STANFORD HEIGHTS " WABASH PARK DARLINGTON WILBURTON PARKWAY THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. 622 Henry Bid. Broadway 1323 acannt Lots . In all parts of the city WAICEFIELD FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth Street WHY PAY COMMISSION? Buy From Owner "2 Irvington bungalows 'marked at lowest possible price $7250. Liberal terms. See these well-built artistic!" homes. 626 aria 630 E. 27th N. t.Open daily 2 to 5 or by appointment. t J.VT. CLARK Nortonia Hotel Laurelliurst i" NEW COLONIAI. . 1 $970 TERMS l79 I arr;e bedrooms : hardwood floors ; tile fireplace ; - tile bath and sink : - costly nliimMne- fiTtitM. : 1 j iw tapestry paper ; bevel-plate French doors and mirrors ; plate windows ; full cement uaseioeni i Uiivcwsy ana to match house. A high-class home, com plete in every detail. Holliday & Peerless Owntr aad Ballder. Estt 168. BUSINESS CARDS W. Gf fiillTB At Ca til Morcas Blda. NEW TODAY UlllllllUIIIMIIinilllllllllllllllllllllllllli: i ; I Can Of fer You f 5 , TWO. WOJCDERFFl. S NEW TODAY AucllonSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE . 169-171 Second St. - (ISEAB M0EKIS05 STKEET) MONDAY, ; WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 19 A. ST. ? Our 8AI,1CSROO!r8 are CROWDED with' SECOND HAND FURNISHINGS of all., v descriptions. If furnishing-. BOT - FAIL TO ATTEND OUR SALES. ;WK MU8T SELIr THE GOODS and YOU MAKE TOCIt OW5 PRICE. - At each of. our sales this week ' you will find all kinds of LIVING i ROOM PIECES, DINING SETS, BEDROOM FURNISHINGS, CARPETS. RUGS, LI NOLEUM, GAS RANGES, STEEL RANGES, DISHES, UTENSILS and miscellaneous effects. i OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT Offers you the ; best assortment of . HIGH-CLASS SECOND-HAND 1 v FURNITURE ! In the city. Inclvidinsr larpe OVERSTUFFED BED DAVENPORT In tapestry, "NUFOLD" DAVENPORTS, several , GOOD i WICK. ER PIECES. Mahograny and Oak LIV ING ROOM ROCKERS and CHAIRS, OAK and MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLES, SECTIONAL and other BOOK CASES, COLONIAL and PERIOD DINING SUITES; MAHOGANY, OLD IVORY and OAK BEDROOM SUITES, WILTON, AXMINSTER r and BRUS SELS RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, GAS RANGES, STEEL RANGES, GAS WATER. HEATERS, REFRIGERAT ORS in fact, almost everything-j you need -to furnish your home. -i Come In at your convenience and look through our stock. We know the prices will interest you. j v J. T. WXLSON, Proprietor We pay cash for Used Furniture. Call Main"1 1626. ' - i House Snap! Price $8500 100x100 Good nine - room modern house; furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, beau t i f u 1 shrubbery, attractive stone wall around property; hjouse could not be built for what we are asking- for the " property. Situate N. E. cor ner East First and Multno mah streets. Mall& Von 104 Second Street FOR RENTAL larre family or sah-restal parposes, this largw 10 room residence at 114 Interstate Ave. Is ideal la many re spects. Good location on an 60 foot frontage, school. ' close to Jefferson high PRICE $3M For 'Farther Information Call tOt Northwestern Bank Bid?. Mala 1077 Tabor J42J RIYERWOOD "ftlYERDAlE THE MOST BEATJTIFTT1V HOMESITES . TO BE IS PORTLAND j OR VICI2TITT Some on the river, some back on the hills. Twenty minutes south of town on west . side, opposite Waverley - Golf clubhand on Pacific Highway, i All hare city conveniences, gas. Bull Run water, electricity, daily deliveries. Fine school in center of district.! Several attractive and substantial homes for sale with grounds of an acre or more. -i I Information given gladly, t - , MRS, HELEN S. TURNER 1808 Spaldlas- Bid?. M. S. Bcs. Kirerdale, M. 7271 SAVE MONEY By bwyina year Wicker Fur niture DIHKOT FITOM FAO TORY. If it ia saada of wil low we make it . ; f.:.:.v : ' POvTTfJIND WICKKR PUH. NfTURC MAItUFAO-, ' . . )--:, TUfUMa oo. ; ... f 3 07D 8T. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIH ZOfrl. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 2S IF DAVIDS can't repair your watch, give it up. .uey ocuy use -genuine watcn ma Lena is. 4 : i . DAVIDS, ! - . JEWELERS AND OPTICIAIf S. 4 3 was ti. st. as Broadway. ROOF PINT OR FAJXTLVG ' ' ' is' our nobby and we are pleased to aanoanca that tha price this Rose Carnival week te even below pre-war prices snd the Black Satin Web foot Paint is the best that money buys. Roof security Co., 226 Board of Trade bldg. on. Keg., tsowy. out. i SPECIAL NOTICES' 101 NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given to tha legal voters of School District No. 1, Multnomah county,' stats of Oregon, that tha annual school election for said district will be beld on tha third Saturday of June, being tha 18th day of June. 1821, for uie purpose of electing tour ai rectors to serve for three years, said election ts be held at each of tha several polling places in said district as provided by the board of directors, and tha s lec tion to begin at tha hour of 12 o'clock noon and to continue until 8 o'clock p. m. of said. day. Dated this 27th day of May, 1821. , . . ! GEORGE B. THOMAS, Chairman of Beard of Directors. B. H. THOMAS.. District Clerk. MANDARIN CAFE will not be responsible for sny debts contracted by Lotus Foo. Louis Set, Lome Dai., atar June L RIVERA 101 TBCSTEK'S NOTICE OP SALE la tha dU trict court of the United &UU tor tha dis trict of Orason. la the matter of Morris Broth er,: Inc. bankrupt. . No, '5653 In bankruptcy. Node -to hereby siren that. ' by rirtua of, an order duty made and entered by tha abore en titled coart ia Uia abOT entitled eaus authoris ine and direetins tha undenigned as trustee of aid aetata to aeii tbo property, eft acta -and aasets at .the catata of - said Morris Brother, bankrupt, to the hicbest and. bast bidder therefor, in whole or in part, sealed .bids are hereby in vited and Hill be secured- by tho undersigned at tha office of said Morris Brothers in tha city of Portland. Omn. f mm and after this data -u to tha hoar of 12 m. of June 27. ior. su or -ny part 'or said property ; that is to say, intending parchssera may bid for the entire property of ilorria Brothers a it now "reniains in - mjr custody and under my eoatroU .. conaistting of real property., leasehold estatas. furniture, fixtures.' equipment, eustosn-ers'- hst,rsafa -deposit ran Its, bonds, debentures and ether securities, or they nay submit bids for any part 'or portion - of 1 same, . separately listed and considered The right ia rescrred to reject any o aS bids .either for the whole or any . part . of aaid property or to tack tha. bids for tha purpose of aecuring to .: the. estate the highest price- obtainable for the property as a whole. : Inspection of the premises and. stl physical - property- may be .had by. application to the undersigned and a complete tint of all tha Drooertr offered for sale - u well mm - Ui inrentory. and appraisement thereof may be seen.- mavecieu - ana cneeseq at tne onice et said Uorria Brothers and copies of ' said lists . wiU - be furnished bidders . residing -outside the -eity .of Portland; upon request.- No bid submitted wiU be cormiiered that Is not accompanied by bank draft or certified check for at least 10. per cent of. the amount bid and no bid will be" accepted or sale - made except upon report tbereol to the court and confirmation of such - proposed sale had by said oonrt.- .. ., ,... Dated at Portland. Oregon, stay 21, 1921.- EARL C BRONAUGH. Trust re of tha estate of Morris Brothers, inc.. Bankrupt. - , NOTICE To tha Legal Voters of School Dis ' trtct No. 1.' Multnomah County, Oregon: You axe hereby notified that, pursuant to a reso lution of tha board of school directors of School District No. 1, kiultnomsn county, Oregon, a specisl school tax - election will be held within the district on Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1021. to rote ttpon the question of authorizing tha district to lery taxes within the district upon the assessment roll for the year 1921, larger by 950.000 (being aDzrroximtel , a. a mill lery upon the assessed raluation of said district) thin tne amount . bunted by the constitution ol the state (4 Oregon, unless specifically authorised by a rota of the electors of the district, said amount being the smount necessary, in the opinion cf the board, to pro ride for the purchase of necesr sary sites and the erection of necessary school buildings ia various portions of the district dur ing the ens nine yesr. - The polls will be open on the day of election from 12 noon to 8 p. m., and the qualifications of voters at this election are fixed by chapter 88, General Laws of Oregon for 1817. in this election, tha rotar must hare toe property quali fications. : . lated this 27th day of May. 1821.' ? . GEORGE B. THOMAS, '( ' Chairman Board of Directors... i R. H. THOMAS, ;.r ' lliirtrict Clerk. - . PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES The Oregon state Board of Control wai re ceire. sesled bids on June 15, 1821, at 2 p. m. for furniahinc supplies to the Tarious state institutions, conaistinf of drygoods. clothing; furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drags, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc.. for the semi-annual period ending December 81, 1821. . Specifications and schedules will be fur nished upon application to tha secretary. : st Salem, Or., also from tha Trade and Commercial Bureau of the' Portland Chamber of Commerce. Each bid shall be accompanied by a , certified check representing 10 per cent of the whole amount bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, or where the 10 per cent amounts to $500 or more, a surety bond from some oompsny authorized to do business in Oregon, ill be accepted in plat of the check. The ame shall be held sa a guaranty of the faithful performance of the contract. The board re serves the right to treject any or all bids or to accept any part of ia bid. . - j U. B. ;GOODlN. Secretary. Oregon State Board of Control NOTICE ' OF! SALb OF IRRIGATION . DISTBICT BONDS ' Notice Is hereby given that -sealed proposals received until the 24th day of June A. D.. 1821. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the purchase of fifteen thousand dol lars worth of bonds of tha Enterprise 'Irrigation district of Klamath county. Or. " Said bonds are to draw, interest at the rate of: 6 per. cent pel annum, payable semi-annually upon the tint, day of: July and the first day of January of . each year until tha maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by tho board of directors ot said irrigation district, and should be directed to the secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District, care of Fred D. kletcher, Loomis building, Klamath Falls, Or. Tha -board of directors reserve - the right to recjet any or all bids offered. . G. J. HILTARD. Secretary of tha Board of Directors of Enterprise? Irrigation District PROPOSALS INVITED I wfH receive sealed bids at 27S Couch street, for a stock of merchandise eonsisUng of groceries amounting to 84000, inventoried at today's jobbing prices, up to 2 o'clock Tues day. June 7. 1821. Inventory may be seen and stock inspected 275 Couch and Fourth st. Terms of sale, cash, and a deposit of 10 Per cent must accompany each bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. M. GLICKMAN. In Charge. 27S 4th and Coach sts. MEETING NOTICES 102 KOSK FESTIVAL DANCE Maccabees of Portland tent No. 1 and Ladiea of review No, , 7 will be hosts at sa informal Com plimentary dancing party (text Thursday evening. June 9. Daac-ina-. a :30 to 11 11&j- r.K.. nan, 880 V4 Washingtos st. Members, friends and, - particularly, visiting Maccaoeea invited. Refreshments. Good union muaia and lire floor Cflsnmrttee. Admission free. ; rf PORTLAND STAR HOME STEAD NO. 42. BROTH ERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN. Business meeting, followed by social time. Tours day evening,' June . In the TnrnfMMii ttrnTi 9K. IttK All Teomen invited. . IETTA HAINES ,- Correspoodent. 402. AUaky bldg. . phooa Main eaao. .. .. r - s . A CJSTTED ARTISANS A benefit basket social, card and dancing party will be given by Cadets of Liberty assembly No. 628 at W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and " Alder streets. . Wednesday evening. jane a. Members ana tnends invited. Admission 26o. - WTLLAMETTB THD3B Ko. . Imp'd O. R. V- Meeto every nonaay evening . at wigwam, 208 H Sd st. Members ur gently' reouested to be erase nt. " VisiUng chiefs always welcome. ., a. olkveks, C. of K. M, W. A., Roaa City camp, meets every Monday in M. W. A. hall. 8 llth st. . (near Stark), except wax aunnt July ; ana August - no meetings, except last Monday each , month. Visitors welcome, t - J. W. SIMMONS, Clerk. F L. 8. ' Downing. Ccswnl 307 Teon bldg: M. W. A., Rose City camp.: meets every Monday in M. W. A. Hall, 8 llth at. (near Stark) . except that during July and August no meetings except last Monday, each mania, visitors welcome. - 1 . . - J. W. SIMMONS. Clerk. L. S. Downing, Consul - 07 Yeon Bldg. A STATED conclave of WuE ington command ry No. 15. K. T., will be held Tuesday evening, June 7, in Washington Masonic ball. East Eighth aad Borne uie Sojourning Sir Knights cordially in . V. EiSMAN, Recorder. WE MANUFACTURE EMBLEMS. LODGE PINS. SCHOOL FINS AND RINGS. AN U CARRY A- VERY LARGE STOCK ON HAND. YOUXJC BE CLAD YOO CAME, i T . , , DAVIDS. . ' JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, ' " ' 848 WASHINGTON AT' BROADWAY. WOODIAWN lodge No. 171. L O. O. F., meets every Monday evening at 444 De kura ave. at 8 o'clock. Work In initiatory degee. ..Visitors welcome..-.-' '- .A. S. McRJEA. Sec; . i.o-o.r. ALL railway employes- are cordially invited to attend open meetings of the C cited Association of Bail, way Employee every Monday eve ning. 8 o'clock, at W. O. W. hall. us litn. EAST GATE LODGE No. 155. A. V. and A. M-i. X. 80th .and nUssn st. -Stated communication, Monday, 7 40 I. m.. Work in . A. degree. Visiting brethem wet- uy oroer w. at. ; ., C. P. NELSON Sec " OMEGA KEBEKAH IXDGE NO 67, will hold iu reg ular meeting Tuesday evening at 6 th aad Aider. L O. O. F. halt Vlaitors welcome. attention. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend a dance and baa- QiMt given by the Ftatemal Order of Eagles at the Pacific States hall ea June 7. Begins at 8 p.- m. Everything frees, COMMITTEE. MACCABEES, tent . No. 1. kindly att-nd the funeral . of our lata Sir ' Kn'ght Sigmund Chv. Sunday, 2:80 p. m., at Holman partora. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, lima, charms. Jaegur Bros., 131-128 6U St. . SPECIAL NOTICES aCTX streets vtted. 102 PUBLIC PICNIC . -tEvtryone invited . to . largest picnic to-be given at Cedar villa park this season. Ladies' and men's baseball games. hamnlnnahW hm in . . Vil ht Oon featuring Billy Mascott, tha uncrowned ban tamweight champion of the - World, who- has charts of tha sport committee. Leo Bell, com ing lightweight champion, and others. Rades of ail kinds. - Concession refreshments. Dancing aft ernoon and night. ' This is the nicest park in the- vicinity, of Portland. Take Estacada or Gresham car, get off at Cedarville park. Admis sion 10c for alL Given by the liveat council ia tha state of Ortf on. Aschor council No. 749, SecBrity Benefit sswockton, Sunday, June 6. Elite rtainmsnt ' . and V" Dance; ;, . Enreka ; coundj 20.4 . Se curity -t.Benefit . association, will have- fres open meeting Monday evening.: June 8. JCast Hide W. O. W. hall. . East Sixth and Alder.;- Pine musical and literary program, 8:30 m. 1 Dancing lO n. m. Good amoo-musie. All welcome. r-- 2 - M. R. JOHN HON. Secretary. - PUBLIC MKKT1VG . . .. " ; J A (JAKUS A.U UiM;iS(i Kirkpatrick Council 2227. Se . curitj .: Benefit .Association. ., The members . of "this council cordially - invite .you to come and enjoy the oaxds, "500." - rood prizes. Dancing, Hoch's famous union music (4 pieces). Come where' conditions are favorable for a real good time: at the Swiss hall, 8d and Jefferson. Large hallji fine floor, live committee to see that you have a good-time. Admission 23 cents. KOVAL. NKKiHBOiUJ OF AMEUH'.A. Mar guerite camp Nov 1440, meets erery Tuesday .ere., 114 H - Tirana ie. , . tt . jsiae nusmess Mert's- rtrtb room. Nellie t'nlpan. recorder. CARDS OF THANKS WE "VVISH to express our sincere thanks to our friends and relatives who so kindly assiKted us during the death of our. beloved daughter, and also for the beautiful flowers.. Mrs, Edith Lewis, Bert C. Lewis: ! WE WISH to thank our many neighbors and - , friends -and - especially the members of the Longshoremen's local for all kind deeds - and favors shown us in our recent bereavement, and for tha many beautiful flowers. The Duns way Family. WK, WISH to tUank ail our friends for their i kindness and symiathy during the iTIness and death of our beloved daughter, Anna EngebriRt son; slso for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Engebrigtaon and Family. DEATH NOTICES 103 jAJINSToN--In this city. June 4. Andrew L. Jabnston,' aged 54 years, hnabend of Marian C. jahnston, "father of F. E. Aslop, brother of kW. O. Jahnstont and Mrs. Isabel! Uarlon,- all of this city. . Tks funeral service wtu tsaa piace at the conservatory "chapel of -the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder St.. at 10 a., ni. Mosidav. June 8. Concluding services at ths Portland Crematorium. Friends invited. , (Van couver papers please copy.) " H1VXAN In this citv. June X. Zeuha Hinsan. ' aged 64 years, sister of Mrs. F. G. Chsdina of this city, member of Loyal Order of Moose. The remains will be 'forwarded by the East Side Funeral Directors of. 414 E. Alder St. at 10 a. m. today (June 6) to Tacoma. Wash., where funeral services, will be held and interment mane. ZARKOVICH In this citr. Joseph Zarkovich aged 36 years, cousin of Marion Zarkovich of 68 N. Sd st. Kemsins are at aicr.nLee at Eilerss' parlors, 16th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later, PKOXFELT Ju this city, June 4, Mike Prox : feit, aged 87 years. Remains are at McEntee EUers' parlors, 16Lh and Everett sts. - Funeral notice later. , -J FUNERAL NOTICES 104 COHEN In this city. June 2. 1921. fiigmund A. i Cohen, aed 45 years, husband of LyrBa Cohen of I'ortlanti, orotner oi ssrs. aoipn Senders of Albany, Or., and Marion Cohen of Oakland. CaL - Funeral services will be held at r Hnlnnn'i chanel. Third and 8slraon streets, to day (Sunaayj, June o, at.a:o p. m. aoMt the auspices of Portland Elks No. 142: Dr. Wise' officiating. Interment at Beth Israel cem etery.i Albany papers please copy. TALMADGE At tne residence. 468 E. Church St., Tbursdsy, June 2, Marcus Talmadge. aged 73 years. Us is survived by- one daughter, Mrs. Julia Justus of Portland ; one son, C M., ot Wil lamina: one brother, C. W;, of McMinnville. Ftmeral servica wiU be held at 2 p. m. Mon day. June 6. at chaoel of Chambers company. 248-2S0 Killingsworth are. Interment in , tha O. A. R..- plot of Greenwood cemetery. HCLL In this city. June 8. Edward B. Hull, aged 66 years, beloved husband of Mary Hull and father of Mrs. Elisabeth Matnska of Port land and Edward B. HnU of CorvaUia. Or.; Mrs. Francis Hold en, Mrs. Era. Clairemont and Ines Hull, all of .this city. Funeral servica will be-held Monday; June 6, at 11 a. m., at the chape of Miller A Tracer. Interment at Boss oty cemetery. HALL At her lata residence, 843 Belrn&ot t, . June -8. Esther W. Hall, amd 85 years, mother of Mrs. Jennie Harper. Mite Etta Hall. Fred -R. Had of Portland and Will R. Hall of Riverside, CaL Funeral services wi be bed Monday, June , at 3 p. m. at tha lortUnd Crematorium. Remains at tha parlor of li reels and Snook, Belmont at 8Sth, until 2 p. rn. GLAKNEH Th funeral services of the late John G lamer, ace 4, will be held Tuesday, June 7, at 2 p. m. In the Third German Evan gelical Reform church. 87th at. and Woodstock ave. : Friends invited to attend. Intertnent MU Boott Park cemetery. Tha remains sra at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 6802 04 2nd et. S. E.. in Lents. -' HALL At the residence, Gresham. Or.. June 4, . John 8. Hall,, aged 80 years, beloved hus band : of Catherine Hall and father of Mrs. Addia B. Cnmmings of Monroe, Or., Albert -8. Hall i ot Portland and S. B, Hall of Troutdale. Or.- I Services will be held Monday, June . at 2 p.-; nw st the chaper of Miller A Tracey. In-, terment Mount Scott cemetery. - KKEB3 At Bandy, Or., June 3, Bern hard G. Krebs, aged 78 years, beloved husband of Mary Krebs; also survived by - seven sons snd three daughters. Funeral services will be held Sunday, June S, at 2 :30 p. xa. at the German Lutheran church, Sandy.' Or. Interment Randy, Or- ' Arrangements in "care of Miller A Tracey. FRITZ The funeral serrieea of tha lata Edward iFrit will be held Monday. June 6, at 10 a. m. in the Mortuary chapel of A. O. Kenworthy A Co.. 6802-04 82nd st, 8. E-. in Lenta, Friends invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. JORDAN In this city, June 8. 1021, Mrs. i i Mary M. Jordan, beloved wife" of Richard Jor dan.) Friends invited to attend the funeral serv ice at Holman 's funeral chapeL Third and Sal mon streets, Monday, June 6. at 2:20 p. nx Interment in ilose ttty cemetery. WATERS The funeral service for Mary I- i Water, lata of 406 hi 28th at. N.. will be held Monday at 1 p..' m. at Ftnley's Mortuary, Montgomery and 6 th. Friends invited.. Con cluding service, ML Scott Crematorium. HAMON In St. Helens, -Or., June 2. Harry . I Hamon; aged S4 years. Funeral servica will be held Monday, June -6. at 4 p. m., at the Portland ; Crematorium. '' Remains at the resi denrisl parlors- of Miller ft Tracey. PAULSEN At Oswego lake, June 8, 1821, i Ernest Paulsen, age 17 years. Tne r mains sre at Holmsn's funeral -chapel. 'Third and Sal mon streets. Notiee of funersl later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 :EDWARD I0LMAH -., ' a sou (WALTER J. ' DOLMAN) . ' THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 607 , East-SSde-- Funeral' Directors I F. 8. DUNNING, INC. The Family Seta tha Price." 414 E. Alder St lt - Phone East 62 j- Lerch, Undertaker 1 EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNE PHONE EAST 781 - Dunning : .McEntee 'Morrison at. at 12th ' 1 Broadway 430. A at. 645-69: CHAMBERS CO. - Funeral .Directors. ATI the Conveniences of s Home. Wood lawn 8306. 248-250 Killingsworth ave. T , RVDNPQ NEW RESIDENCE I O I avil CJ ESTABLISHMENT 901 William Avs. Woodlawn 220 FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN DOWNING A McNEMAlt A - homelike olace. Moderate in pnees, . arvingtoa district. PUana East 64 aTlLLERV A TEACliT. independent funeral 'dJ rectors. Prices as low as 820. 840. 860. Washington at KUC Main el, Aut 78sa. McENTEE is EILERS, funeral psrlors with all tha Drivscv of boms. 18th and Everett ata. rnon airoaawsy iiis. an. -si-i, Breeze&Snook TaTsa8.: A, R. Zeller Co. pSloVI: 2llav.r I'SfcERfAKWa C6. Main 4iS2 i3JiVCWCS A-2321. Comer Third and Clay. MEETING NOTICES If "I PKEY-PRE1HK1T CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONT'MENTS 1141 MILWAUK1E STREET Out of the Hmh Rent District. "NFl'F SEli." OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WOfcKS - QUALITY MXMOSUALS " C THIRD APiNE STS. PHOHS C743 FLORISTS 107 ilnnmitrTAit 1 wa am w . ssv-l S 1 U C1UCGE ACCCUSTS SOLICITED 2 ;s - 32SM0WiISOMyt. 548 MmaiTSOH st Perwinal attnitkm given wed ding, reception, tne and Uble decorations. . Kloral ' tributes promptly attended to. SWETLANI 'H 1 LOWER siiur. Morrison St.. bet. Mil and 4th. Tel. Main 419. And I'loral Designs. 21 Irgr Uotliouscs. No U ranch Stores. .3 Years on Munition sU between ,4th and 6th. TeL Alain 7700. - Smith's FBower Slhop - - Portland's Progress! e rlorist" I'lowers for All i waiuui. Msin 7215. T. C. LUKK, , jlur. jBth snd Alder. MARTIN A FORRES CO.. flortsTa, 854 Wash ington. Main 268, A-lL'flU Flowers' for ail occasions arrUtically arranged. 3 2" 15 Alder." Marxhall .'.023. I p. N. W. IUuk Bldg. iiTn 3 61 16. 881 Morrison Ht. lost And found', ios THE following articios were finmd on the cars of tha Portland Railway, Liglil A ' Power Co., Jl-ne 8 : 16 umbrelas, 4 lunclk mxr, 6 purr.M, knife, 4 suit cases, 1- key, 4 ;r. glove, 8 books, lawn mower, 1 nr.. runner boot-, 2 over eoata, violin in case, 2 hand saw, roller tkale, auto light, hammer, handle. 1 sack wheat, 8 pkgs. Owners . may pbtain eame upon proper identiflcstion at 1st and Ald.-r St.. iatiim. Wlfjj party who tok purse fr.;m Meier A yTn.k' hivatory containing 81 in change and 81.4a in envelope with telcpiimie numbers un ti, return fountain pen, Evrrshs rp' incil. school tickets and Eastern Star receipt! Call Autit. 81 6-1 S, or rwtiirn-to 1716 HikivoU st. LOHT Man's folding purre rontaining about 867 ia curency, 2 keys, -bctwteu Oregi n Transfer snd O-W. freight - house Hctum to J. O. rtoylsn. Oregon Eilers MihIo lloue, ur phone Wdln. 27HO. Reward. FOUND An EverKliarn , t'cil nil 2Hh ae. near 67th. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and identifying -liu il. 8231) Foster Road. Lt8T Sat. between 8 and 4. Inlies'- pursn, Wdln, or Alberta ear.. Can identify. - Ito ward. Wdln. 4S66 Sun, m-.rntn. LOKTi By a schoolboy, purse wuh hook of cjr tickets snd amajl change. Findtr please call" Tahor 4760. Reward. - - LOST Between Mississippi are. snd Kirhv U jjnd Bhavsr, mans grey vent CsU Wldn. LOHT Tuusy in shopping di-trU t. lady's dark blue Jersey jacket, calling cards In pocktt will Identify. Reward". - Phrme Main LOST Cameo' brooch. May. 80, betaeen Stan ley Stadium and Alder street depot. . Reward. Sell. 3510. , STRAYED 4 2-yeaToTd ' red be"ifera rorTiann. uoute 4, rii lini. i"u,m Woodlawti 4472.. Reward. WILL party who found gret-n silk uiohrells at 87th and -Belmont please call Tabor 7101 f Reward. - EOHT Brown auto robe between Multnnrunh FaUs and Portland Decoration day. - Reward. Phrme EaH 8185. - LOST A -pmlr of black shoes 4 the ladi -s' . hoaiery department. Meier A Frsnk Co, s will finder kindly call Brrvadwsy 214t Rewsrd, LOHT live en 2-cent ! 'n a - - 'I paper bag. Finder please trail Broadway 669.1. LOST Gold math bag, contain ng tummy and , checks; liberal reward. Fa t -1140. LOHT Brown marten neck jt-urt . in hik.uie.ts district; reward. Phone Tsbf M70. LOST A tail gate from Ford truck, color black. CsU East 6200. - BROWN MARK found in ilill-dal Call Main LOST Bead bag on 17th. hetweeo Cirb and Washington. Call Tabor 1776 - Keward ronMn I IK i;..nt. W Call East-70 18. -, LOST 1 !b. "t'waola" kippered salmun. riov 4BS, ttellwood. LOST4 L?ft at Iambs' club, Jun 8. cafl Anto.l 642-4 7. Finder LOST Male colie dogj hoouse . struppml on front leg. Sell. 80. LOST Noae g lames with black Bdwy. 1881 in forenoon. reel. Call BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 MEW WANTED Ages 18 to 45 - to become . -O F F I O B B I . . in $ha X7. S. MERCHANT MARINE Hundreds of Officer are needed to man V. 8. Cargo and Paasenger Ships SALARIES'. 8186 to 8412 per month and Expenses We can prepare you for a Position ' IN YOUR OWN HOliai In 1 8 weeks or less. SETS THE WORLD A A SHIP'S OFFICER , Merchant Marine Officers" Aoeiatj MinneapoUs, Minnesota EAfe.V 8 T6 SlO PEiOiAf Larn Automobil. Trmj-tur lUtfrv re Vt1fmm. iing business. We teach the only successful asethod. Day and - Evening classes all summer. Oregon ex-service men: The atate pays your en tire tuition fee. Special low rates. Your e radit is good, if you are short of money. lietnphiu's Auto and Tractor Schools. 707 Uawtlwrns sra.. Portland. Or. MS7: West's Largest Buatoaea CoiUa. a.vavux GnADwA 1M A FUA1TION. Ail anainaaa nonrsss. inrhidlag aomptaserst training' atnroll any uase da aebeoi. B-'i4 arhooL Writs for free catalogue, eta at. swag Morrtaow phone Msin - 880. E.N ROLL m a pusiness scnoot where studeots se cure individual instruction in the major u Jecta and personal attention in all aubjects, bora-' keeping, stenographic, cslrulator. private secre tarial courses- offered. Write or call for inter view. New term now epenmg. lay and eve ning sessions, Oregon Institute of Ttcuaoiugy, 181 nth St.. Mstn 700, I-ofsl 2. TOD CAN BAKU IUUk WAX lusOL'Od :AtTJSKT tllXT.,' L 'ANn MORniQ'. DOUBLE YOUR LsItnl.VO POf-K AdTertiaiDg mansirers earn from I30OU te 86o,tiuo yearly. Enroll now in cms a-aht class of modern - advertising and qualifv frr est of tha big positions. Very attractive rat-s aad terms Pacific School of AiirrtirU. 08 to 809 Railway Exchange bldg. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the- trade in 8 weeks; receive svtne pay whi.e learning; -pros) Hons secured. Oregua ea-aernce ten receive atate aid- Writ or ceil tec cate lcg-ne. 284 Pnmside st. 81EEN SEWING CllOJL Bieeks system of . ladies' tailoring and dressmsking taught; rut tern -cut to measure. Pbcne East 23 50, B-8807. 1.12 Grand ave., near Brlmont MODERN BARBER CGLLEGK fescues the ttaoe in 8 wka., tools furnished; soioe pay. i' -i-tions secured. Siecial rate this month, Vt rice or cH for rrtf'llsr, 234 First st, ROCKY MOCNTALS TEACHERS' AGE.NCi Enroll free. - Frank K. Wellea Utrwr a--state .opt.. Mgr:. N-W nmli tH Anin. ft T ? MEN, WOMEN, learn barbtr tisae; vif-t .. learning; positions guaranteed, aier. i ! its' experience. Oregon Barber College, 'j,4$ . -.a. MONUMENTS r a ' t t 1 Czn(J H m-aK . fTlr -mmW )Xr3LJTTmml