Z4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON SATURDAY. JUNE 4. ic;i. FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 309 WIIHJW wiabe to aiiar her 5-room furnished flat with congenial people; $20 month. To day. 245 V Larrabe it J FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 BEAUTIFUL upper corner fiat, 5 room. od- ern convenience : only reliable, steady - adult need apply. Inquire 673 K. Washington at., in evening. -'- fiat, bsaement furnace. Dutcn kitchen, wash train. fs stove, water heater, disappear. ing bed in dining room. Near Jefferson high erhool; f30 per month. Call Woodlawn 37tt. 4 OK. ft ROOM upuer flat, modern, electricity, . water, phone and garbage furnished, $35. $Sth and Belmont: ready June 10. Tbor 1063. LARUE sUire, wRh liTiog rooms, soma furni ture for sUj also 7 mom bnngaiow. In quire $71 Russell. Apt. B. - ' ' - $16- WEST SIDE, 4 room, bath, lower Cat. . 58S Broadway lime, between unrn ana Sherman. Well. 1870, after 8 p. m. - HOLLADAT addition; modern 4 room upper flat, with or without carage, close in, $25. 204 ; E.- 2d ,N. cor. Multnomah. - ' - - aOtitiiiS Itobit loWek fLa. 622 DEOJ StUKLT. COB. MORRIS, 4 RCiOM pit sunny fuu iniuire'120 N. 23d. 1 HOUSES- UNFURNISHED 311 : - ! EI TRANSFER STORAQS COL ' i IS py Storag Free. Fnrnlrnr moved for Ic , Bdwy. $448. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, large yard, adult, reference, 958 Vancouver .; $4 5, Wood lawn 188. - ' E bOoM flat. 2d and Montgomery. $35; 9 room house. 585 Commercial, $40. Phone Eas 00 1 ft. 0 cottage, modem, $35 without, or $40 - with garage. No. 10 E. 6tb at. 8. Call McCoy' grocery. 83 Grand ave. ' ft AND 7 loom bouses, good condition; yard, electricity and gas, west aide. Phone Bdwy. 4489. Keys at 746 Vaughn at. WE move furniture of $-4-3 room : house for $10. For further information. Main 6290. A 'e TtOOM hotue. trtly furnished. 501 E. Slat it. Clone in. Cheap. ' 4 s' ROOM, bath, garage, ; 2 lots; Alberta, 881 - Glenn ave. 1 S.6Q. - - a-KOOll house, 552 E. 16th. - inquire Tuea- ; day at 48 X. First. 7 ' ROOM HOUSE, 812 20th, West Side, close Jin; reasonable rent; walking distance. FIVE room flat for rent, W. aide, clone in. good I furniture for aale. reaonable. Call Main 7164. SEVEN room modern hotue. yard, walking dia- tance. 686 Market at. HOUSE FOR RENT 594 E. 7th; Braokljm car. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 MODERN. . well furnished eight room attractive home on Portland Heights for one year. - May fee seeji by appointment. Call Main 849 be twecn ft and o'clock P. M. BEAUTIFUL, thoroughly modern and com j pletely furnished 8 room houses, with garage, i July and August. Alameda district. Call after noons. 762 E. 27th st. N. ;7 ROOMS, modern, clean, nicely furnished, i garag and fruit, adult. A. M. call SelL illf9 or Inquire 627 Leo are.. Hell wood. .-CLOSE IN 3 or 6 room, 2 story furnished house. ' j phone, water, bath, electricity, gas, lawn, garden, tree, view. 468 19th. Main 7282. t 1 ! FURNISHED 6 room ooue; will rent all or part, no childrenr Call evenings or Sunday. 771 East 6th N. 6-ROOM house. 4 furnished. J. Beck. Wichita, $25. FURNISHED 2 room bousa. adults only. Woodlswn 8608. - FOR KENT 2 room famished house. ln- qnire BIT W.llsmette mvd. cor. K'Hinrrworth, FURNISHED modern 8 room bous. 365 Hal- sey St. 7 ' ROOM furnished house for rent SelL 2733. HOUSES-FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 t 6-AOOM lower flat, all large, outside rooms, to I party buying furniture; close in on west side; i one room rented. Main 9388. -- - i " HOUSE FOR RENT, furniture tor sals at 824 E. 29th sc. or call Sell. 278 for further in - formation. FURNISHED 6 room modern bungalow with garage, good garden. $25 per month. 6722 40U ava. FURNITURE of a modern ft room flat for sale. flat for rent; everything goes; a bargain; west aide. Marshall 6186. IF lOU want a nice home to lire in with all 1 expenses paid by renting 8 rooms upstairs (rent of hmie $25). phone Anto 624-12. 5 ROOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale, cheap; close in. East 1784. ' iiOUSE for rent, furniture for sal. 3816 70th st. SB. STORES AND HALLS 314 A STORK building; also 3 room flat above, at ' -828 Williams ave. at Failing. Inquire 267. "Ftflmg. Been ued as an auto paint shop. . , CONCESSIONS for rent for Rose Carnival. cor. Park and Salmon. Barrand Realty Co., 348 Salmon. Main. 4245. FOR RENT-tiarage 20x22 ft. suitable for - shop and one 28x45 ft; will house 12 cars; 1 single lane enough for truck; East 8233. BIO HALL anf clean meeting room for rent Columbia hall. Oak at 2d st - FOR- desirable apace is xireprooc warehouse. Phone Bdwy. $716. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK room, with telephone and BUoagrapbie service. Phone Broadway 3711 SUMMER RESORTS 316 100 1st ave., Seaside, Ore., Cosy Nook cottages. Furnished 2 room cottages, electric - lights, fuel, complete except linen and silverware, by week or month. O. F. McNeil - , FOR RENT for Uie season, furnished cottage. Ocean Park, Wash. , references required. Mrs. ' Collisoyj. 443 East Clay st CANNON. BEACH tt nt houses, completely fur nished; also 16x32 house. For particulars, O. L. Wlnyard, 653 Morrison. LONG BEACH. Wash,. 2 bouse for rent for Juna facing ocean; $25 and $20 including v. t . , .lege HUlit.ll cottages tor rent at Newport Mar shall 4400. Apt 802. . FOR RENT 3 -room house. Seaside, for season. Woodlawn 2614. lOR RENT Sumn-er cottage at Rockaway -- beach. Anpry at 276 Tsmhill Bt cor 4 th. ROOMS 350 LARGE, well furnished, airy rooms; quiet and pleasant surroundings. Phone East 1137. after ' 6 p. tn. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 OoUNtRfUOMk WAN'TW In Christian family, vacation I time, for my 12-year-old. healthy, real American boy; not too far from Portland. Y-920, Journal. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU List your booses, flats or apartments with a; quick results snd good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOA1T9 SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 8. Fourth st. opp. Multnomah Hotal . phone Broadway 371ft '" ' ELDERLY couple w.nt house or eotiaee of 3 or 4 rooms with bath f city or suburbs; reason able rent U-66, Journal. i , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, lots in Ocean Park. - Wash.. Free camping ground for everybody., SlmgerUnd. 460 E. Pari. . laEARHART. 4 room furnished cottage, season $110. or $40 a month. 793 Missouri ave, l" corner Beech st. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 600-600 tt-0a W iUiama avenue. $5500; Eat 2195 APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY I 4Q2 .&STATE to b sold; make offer for 100x100 &orthest comer. 14th and Taylor, west side. LOTS 403 CORNER lots with all street improvements in and paid. $600 to $ 120O ea.-h; . fine street ear semes : in Westmoreland: inside hit in pro portion. For terms see Ladd Eetata Co 4A Stark t. Realtors. vo.. $700 85 50x100. atresia naved. Tii. ...w- ' 859 Eat 12th at N. Writ owner. IJtker. Nv Li-lxn. Wis. BARGAIN 60x100 cor. lot 173 63d at N n88bL.MY. ca. $600. Abo furniture. Tabor ALAMEDA Large odd shape, corner lot 1 big, to car. t Owner, 320-16. forenoon, eve nings. . - ' FOR SALE 50x100 lot in Rosa City park on - . 66th st: close to Sandy blvd.; price $550; owner. Tsbor 4698. ? : ...ALAMEDA park triangular corner lot; good view; call East 556. CTTY LOTS os Eastern Oregon land for lixht -truck. Bdwy. 2917. . V FOR SALE 2 lots. 1 comer. 1 iuaide lot, bear- ing i run trees, cheap. Woodlawn 1 216. BY owner Alameda yaxk lots cheap; East 65S. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 Irvington District Come Out Sunday To Eaat 18th and Fremont, atAh Big Ssgn. W .bev only a few lota left at these remarkably low price. Come oat Sunday from 1 p. m. until 5 P. m. and make your choice before tbey are all gone. . Inside loU from $790 to 1873. with all improvement paid, 9100 down, $10 month Corners $10T to $1300. same terms. it e wsk a jm i Jonnson-LPoason o, 633 K. W. Bank bMg. Main 3787. j Rose City District ( Nice 4t front lot, dandy little garage, all floored, Jew. You ran live in here while you bniki your bom. Basement partly excavated. Will aril a is for $550. A good buy for some one. Sea Koyal, 7 2d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. $475 1 BLOCK ROSE C1TT CAB. 60x109 lot. assessments paid. Broad way 2854. i i -' MX. SCOTT DISTRICT . 10 choice iota sale, cheap. Settling up an estate.. Heirs want quick action. Also cor ner lot on Foster road; fin location for repair and filling atatinn Phona Marshall 1745 . .""" oungaiows are vp-io-oate in every par ttaoaT t "r"'. .lM?u. i'fo-OcuUr, on corner lot, with garage ia basement; 158 Front tt. BEAUTIi'l'L corner lot. 4 kinds of fruit trees, ; lawn, walking distance Broadway bridge, gram mar and high school, on ear line, hard surface street, everything paid; cost owner $1600, pries $850: leaving city.. Phona owner. East 4870. 489 E. 12th at. N. - COK.NLU LOT, 100x105. 2 blocks from Sandy i blvd., ceramt walk.- corner 64th-FremonU Phone Broadway 4S54. ON 63U street north, between Fremont and ! Beech,' lot 60x100, for sale cheap, sidewalk laid, all liens paid. Phone owner. Marshall 1720. 1 ' HOUSES 404 FIVE-ROOM modern, on hard surfaced street; : improvements all in and paid for; sewer con-J aecicu. Dear, anune iw acnums; f.vvj vaaa payment $500. balance monthly.: I Five-room house,! cesspool - snd pat toilet, near car line; street graded, walks- in and paid; $1,000; cash payment $20. ! Five-room modern bouse,, well located, valne about $3,000. Trad for grocery with living rooms. ' ' ?i ,. ; 1 NEIL- SMITH. Phone 628-78. i 6611 Foster Rd. BUILDER ha splendid I double constructed j houses ready to move into; aLio have 6 more under construction. Prices from $4600 to $5000. These bouses have all the built-ins, cement floors la basement and driveways for auto; at im provements are all in and paid for; one of the beat neighborhoods in Portland, close in. These bouses are sold os reasonable terms.. If we haven't what you want we will build one for yon on our property hare. Richmond ear to 85th st. Owner on the property. ; Ant 21 8-82. i ' HOUSES FOR SALE " j Free plans, free estimates, free advice. Talk with our practical building man. "No cash py ment down " Let us build for yoa on easy repayment plan. SCN-HOCSE" BUILDING CO.. On 3d bet Stark and Wash. 216 Abington . bid. ! NEW WESTMORELAND 5 ROOMS Very elswy, hardwood floora, lovely Dutch kitchen, finished in ; ivory, large attic, plenty closets, furnace, fireplace, comer lot. garage, best construction, ooncreta porches. Coma see it Easy terms, comer of Claybourae and MHwaukie, or phono Sell 2706 for appointment i BEAUTIFUL-' IRVINGTON HOME ! 100x100. - SPLENDID. CORNER. DOCBLE GARAOE. STEAM HEATED; KVERTTH1NO 8TKICTLT MODERN; FREE FROM INCUM BRANCES. WILL BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE. EASY TERMS. CALL SELLWOOD 2833. $ i 65D$3(Q)n Do wn I 5 room plastered bungalow, electricity, near carllne. Good cement' foundation. Fruit and shrubbery. $300 cash baL $15 per month. See I C. E.CKENNEDY I 921 60th are. S E. Aut 617-32. BY OWNER Built for a home. Laurelton 1 Hts., new 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, big living room full width of- hbus, with fire place, bookcases, plate glass front, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; all the conveniences. 1404 : Pacific at, close to 52d at. 5 blocks north of k uumh st. I'nce i adsou. - vome to sea it from 10 to 5 Sunday. Marshall 4072. $J800, Termis $300 Down BRAND NEW i 4 ROOM BUNGALOW OVER ONE-HALF ACRE S blocks from Mt Tabor ear. Real bargain. 2200 E. Taylor. 50 TAJtDS TO ROSE tllTV CAR ON FORTY-FIRST 8TREET -Five rooms and breakfast nook, all on 1 flnnp. hardwood floors throughout concrete . carage. cor. 50x100; $1000.down, balance to suit East 8038. ONLY $5600; terms. Six - rooms, breakfast 1 room and den, modern; new paint; full base ment nice lawn, fruit You . will be proud of my home. It is in a fine district of nice homes. Home too large for me, the reason I am selling. Tabor 2S55. -t FOR SALE by owner, 3 lota, all in growing gar j den, berries, flowers, fenced; house, 3 large rooms, water, gas,! gas range. Price a 1300; $400 cash, $15 per month.. 4610 91st st S. E.; corner 48th ave. Call Sunday or after SHmns. . .- , r ARE ROSE llOME . .. ' Will trade my acre with 6 room modern home. 22 bearing fruit trees. Will accept a 6 room bungalow in city up to $3500 as part pay ment Eact 8038. BY OWNER. New 5 room semi-bungalow, fur i niture of four rooms, white, enamel Dutch kitchen, and run. Prioe $3,150. $1,125 cash, balance like rent 6521 Woodstock ave. & E., city. '. i i $3900 A SNAP Bt 0wSJER " Modern S room, nicely furnished house, with Bleeping porch, full cement basement laundry trays, furnace; grapes, berries and fruit trees. Small payment down. Auto. 617-74. . BUILD NOW See us for designs and entim-itta free; get btrgalow book of 100 designs $1; e.tafcbsbed 10 years; satfacticn assured. " L. R. BAILEY CO., 924 tt. W. Bank Bldg, $1800 6 ROOMS TERMS Four rooms down; 2 upstairs Gas, electricity, water. A . little work will . make this worth $2500. Thia is a real buy; paved street paid; near car. 5423 82d street - East 4855. . FOR SALE, by owner. $4000. modern 5 room house, i in Irvington park; fireplace, sleeping porch, sewing room, cabinet kitchen, furnace, full cement basement and garage. For further in formation call Wdln. 652. or Wdln. 4240. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. $4000 "5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, near car, doss in, garage, excellent - condition, some terms. Owner must sell ths week. SelL 2706; ere rings. Marshall 1022. i FIVE room modern bungalow and garage, on , 50x109 foot lot located in East Irvington; hardwood floors, builtins. Price $3850. $1500 aown. nil Auio. sis-39. ALBERTA new 4 room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, built-in half Hlrwh- fmm ,m. r...v.-.. . ...... ..vu, . i o , iiiii.iiTu lu nm Ivory; full basement and attic; by owner. 1062 E. 14th st. N. $3900. Woodlawn 4570 8-ROOM modern, . suitable for two families; close to school and ear; all paved. Full lot Hardwood floors. : i Terms,' $7,650. Address W-938. Journal . FOR SALE 7 rooms, modern, ldOxlOO, cor- pavements in and paid; two blocks from Irvington car. Leaving city. ; Terms. 654 Presrott st. - : : owner, new modem 4 room house, breakfast nook, cement basement full lot, close to Pen insula mills and Willamette bivd. Phone Wdln. 670 or Auto. 832-21. FOR SALE By owner, in Sellwood addition, small house at reasonable price and terms. Juo HLKMSIIED 10 room flat in 4 suites. . Income $70 month. Walking distance. Terms. Sellwood 93. 10 room house, modern west side, walking dis i tanee, garage. Rental $84 per month; for quick sale $7000.: Owner. Y-8 11 Journal. -FROM OWN'EIt, VtonUviUa, corner A ttb and Multnomah,. i new modern bungalows on very easy terra. Phona CoL 925. ROSE CITY park 5 room bungalow with garage': a?? ot "" ideraUon; owner Tabor 8JH3. ....... i ... .... . . SELLWOOD 6 large rooms, modern, street i.'iaAdr.ewe,',Jn mnd r d- blocks to car. Owner. X 7 S 11 .mall ... ,..... . . o . - . . . jt.. vv unn ave. ATT ItACTIVK 4 room bungalow. W acre, ail aoSo ,ns TOnJ'". gsrage. chicken boose, $2650 on easy terms. Tabor S438. - UY 6-room home at 864 Gantenbein ave.. near V.S oe, J. lor BT phona Automatic 319-80. Price $3.000. MT. TABOR 7 room house, tt block car; nard" S - w. a a i oon. i-.KHE b,ownr; rucm nou. lot 67x150 at N 7, - on; 212 52d V.AL -Lppet and lower flat. 5 rooms and JVh ??" '$80..; 408 Rosa st! near Broadway bridge? $4.500. PhoneVE 4972. . N ...Fi, 5 rooIn ,nd btn. ood base HoiE?L Gonial. wiA. . .vvxivv. raoDc-tAnt 2ia.ii "vwiiawBWByrj,. XT-, L'"Lt"' US50; near Tort- auto. Columbia 27S i 'i k v S i . . 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 6 ROOM, 2 atorr residence;, with 50x1.06 ft. lot at No. 221 Shaver, northeast corner Haight at.; thia house ha Just been thoroughly renovated throughout, has new pipeleaa furnace, cement basement, new electric fixtures and window shade, new roof and gutter and Just repainted on out side. Room for 2 mora bouaea on lot if you wish to build; is situated in. pleasant part of good east side residence district; 1 block from carline. -, W are offering it at a real bargain and tt will make you a splendid borne and ia ready to move right into; price , $4750. Terms can ba ar ranged that should suit. Let us show yon ice home. Automobile service. - PARISH, WATKLN'3 Y CO. ,: . REALTORS 2S2 Stark st ' I'hone Main 1644.' 2:NEW SUNNYSHDE BUNGALOWS : . PRICE $5200. AND . $5700 'Located at E. 32d and Morrison 4ts. ' you can move into tnem tn zu days; u taken at once, buyer can -select own decorations; good terms and easy payments. See owner on ground, or phone Tabor 1811. also Sellwood 1834. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Modern 6 room bungalow, with attic and full cement basement, near good school, 4 blocks to car. Just been re finished. A good buy for some one who want a well built neat, small bouse. .Price $3400. i Very reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. i Realtors. . 212 Corbett Bldg. . : , Main 6915. VACANT ANI IN FINE ORDER CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH IN HEART OF CITY tt acre with more fruit than you ever-saw on any other H acre, fine big trees. Splendidly equiiped with double-decked chicken house and fine liens. Big garden in. A dandy plastered 6- room house, with sleeping porch, and it is in 'apick and span condition. Go out to 841 88th st"S. E. and look it over, or let us show you; $4200, and the term will sur prise yon. - ' - - ! '--.-Ralph Harris Co. - 816 Chamber -of Commerce. Main 6624 SIX-LOT BUNGALOW HOME Ground all in cultivation and set out to frnit snd berries, good 8-room bungalow, $ bedrooms, full basement with large porches, linen closets, all kinds bull tins, good wood lift; splendid view; on macadamized street A real bargain. $500 cash. $20 monthly. Total pries $3050. : FREE) Vtf. IS!rtI3 m 732 Chamber "of 'Commerce. s LACRELHCRST -'' ? i 6 room, 2 story home, very modern .and well located: large room, oak floora, French doors, fireplace, furnace, full basement, garage, option of 2 lots, furniture for sale. Want action and have made pries accord ingly. Sea me and fe m.use hunting. CM; DERB M 1215 X. W. Bank bid. Mar. 224$. "A HOIK FOR EVERTBODI" 800 TO SELECT FROM f WHT PAY BENT WHEN TOU CAN OWN A HOME IN ANT PART OK THE CITTf SMALL PAYMENTS, EASY TERMS. MARSH & McCABE CO. V; Realtors. 322-323-324 Failing Bldg. Marshall 399$ i? Ro6stjs$Js1S0 $100 cash secures a very cosy plastered home, electric bghts, gas, patent toilet, sink, base ment, newly decorated . and tinted ; corner lot 33x50; sewer and paving in and naid: near Mis sissippi carline. . 1,47 Beech at Owner, . Mar, 746 forenoons. - "IRVINGTON" A strictly modern pressed brick bouse,: 7 rooms besides den, sewing room, 2 closets : in each bedroom, 2 baths, the basement second to none, garage, lot 50x1 00 tt. To reprortnee this property would cost $16,000. Price $9000, terms. R. M. GATEWOQD & CO.. 165 tt 4tn st when you can buy 4 3 room house close to car for $H50; term $10O cash, balance $15 per monto r , - WILLIAMS JttEALTY CO. Grays Crossing Aut 617-45. EY OWNER 150x100, with 3 -room house (furnished or unfurnished), bath, gas, electricity, fruit, ber ries and chicken run, vegetable garden all in good cultivation, few blocks from carline and achoot; a profitable place, and a bargain. E. White. 1497 Lancaster st. FOR SALE BY OWNER - $3800. terms; just completed, double oon- atrueted. stricUy modern 5 room bungalow, on paveo st., oetween Aioerta ana tf road way car on 29th t N. For appointment call Wood lawn 4619. 965 E. 2th st. N. ' 1 EASY -TO; BUY. i a ; 8 room bouse, furnished, $900; $300 cash, balance $15. a month. C. K. KENNEDY .. ' -T 9218 Woodstock ave. Aut' 617-32. FOR SALE byowner, 7 room double constructed r hou.se and garage, large bathroom, pantry and fire place. House can be Used for two families, kitchenette upstairs 10O feet to street ear; price $4000; 1063 E. 19th at N., Wdln. 180. $40OO West side, 467 10th St. 7 rooms, gas, . bath, "electricity, 2 fireplaces, cement base ment; lot 60x100. Call. NEARLY . new modern 4 room bungalow, in Rose. City; sleeping porch and furnace, $2100: 35Q0 cash. Broadway 5099. "' ACREAGE '405 NICE LITTLE HOME RACH $3000 8.87 seres of level land, aii wira fenced: 7 acres under cultivation, 1 tt acres in timber : fine spring; 1 acre in loganberries, 1 acre of early potatoes, acre of corn, 2 acres of oats, 1 acre of assorted berries and family orchard, the rest is small family garden; there is a 2 room house, chicken house, root house and barn, a good cow, - chickens. farm implements: only 4 miles from Oregon City; 14. miles from Portland, Reasonable terms. 9 "BEE) &Kua W ALTO Pg 732 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES in Clarke county, on main road, clote to store' and school. R. F. D. mail; also. church and a dance ball;, good soil, 18 acres, cleared, balance slashed, in pasture, all fenced, good buildings, 7 fine room house, cement founda tion, woodshed, good bars, chicken house and garage. The buildings cost $2,500 to put up. Price $4.5O0, balance at 6 per cent $2,500 each. T-579, Journal. -. IN AUSTRIAN SETTLEMENT 200 acres first class unimproved land, very eay cleared. ' Creeks and springs. On county road. 45 miles from Portland. Will sell in tracts to suit $15 to $20 per acre. Easy payments. ' You cant beat it : - A. W. ESTES, REALTOR. 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. HAVE 20 acre land near Stanfield, Oregon. 14 acres seeded to alfalfa, balance cleared and ready for seed. Will trade for late model tour ing ear. F. Johnson, 1534 Mississippi ave. ACRE tract on Willamette near Oregon City car. paved road to city, only 20 minute drive. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER & BLACK. 602 Broadway bldg. Main 6189. 40 ACRES, first growth timber, lots of fir poles, fine land, close to sawmill and school, 7 rcilse from Molalla. $1500. Owner, 489 K. 12th st Pi. r.sst 4970. 'FOR SALE- 314 acre, bouse, partly finish ed, full basement chicken house, strawberries, raspberries and a few fruit trees, - L. Oldenburg. Bellrmo Station. Ktacada car. ' CULTIVATED acre-at Garden Home, 20 min, Oregon electric, : 9c fare. Small payment Oilman. M. 8480. 20 ACRES uncleared, 3 mile from Vancouver. Wash., ob county road. Owner. $80 Ravens vlew Drive. Portland. Ore. - - FOR acreages, suburban homes, farms, timber lands or unimproved property, see Geo. T. Parry, Mirwaukie, Or. Phone 19, Milwauki. ft- ACRES, tt cleared, beautiful view. Bull Sun - water ana gas. r.aa ft ACRES, house, barn, - good wall. 10 miles fmi Portland. Main 3594. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 MULTNOMAH STATION For sale, sightly lot 80x110: . also acre, all fenced, garage; bearing frnit Telephone owner, Fraxalle, Main 6907. ' '' fowell Valley road One acre,-highly improved, modern bungalow; city conveniences. Ideal tor business or pro fcseional man. Call Owner. 634-42. BAKUA1N Uan Place. One acre, all m fruit and berries, four-room bouse, barn, chicken bouse, gas, water, near car. Owner. Main 4767. .Address D-3 0O. - Journal. HAlf.F ACRtf AND 5 BOOM BUNGALOW, $4500 AND TERMS. CALL ON OWNER. J. H. BELLAN, OAK. GROVE. t t . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 i AfllE (7c CAB FA HK) BAUUAIX 5 . room bunaalow. 4ertrw riirhrs. as f rre- plsce, full basement, chicken bouses. 10 fruit trees, jots of bsmea, full acre finest of garden soil. Half block to station and just think the far is only 7c Aeotrot of ill health must sacri fice. Pnoa only $.3700, $1500' cash, balance to suit. . . ,, . OIBSO.V (Realtor) MARSHALL 12 Suburban' Place View or mountains and city, cultivated land, fmit and flowers; small wooded ravine; chickens, cow. tqols. 5 acres, $4000. On Pinehurst road, running east from Oatfield road, almost due east from Courtney station. Oregon City electric. Milwaukie. Route 1. 185. PAY RENT if you can buy a good lot for $23 down and $10 rjer month! Bull Run water,, gas, electricity available; .commutation fare 9 cents, on O. E. Ry. between Multnomah and Manlewnod- s t s Kit. ci,.k.n. station; good school; lot from $250 to $450. m. xlorsch. owner. Maplewood, Oregon. Phone Main 2182. . : - -- '- - NEAR . Milwaukie, beautiful river view location, 4 block from fglaiMi Mt t inn N w ... . Tttc fsre; one block from river; attractive 5 room bungalow, clean, newly painted and tinted, new plumbing, gas, electricity ; Bull Run water in; lot 100x100; fine bearing fruit trees, berries, rosea, etc. Price $3300. $500 down, balance terms. L. L.! Gray, owner. beautiful: little hOmes ' I have a -number of beautiful tract of from 3 to 20 acres ia the Besverton, Hillsboro. Tigard and Sherwood sections, with or without build ing. Some with loganberries in bearing, at prices that will : surprise you. O. B Rippey, Realtor. 610-11 McKay bldg.. '3d and Stark. Main 6229. . ' SUBURBAN HOME $1,200 Neat 3 room cottage, combination living and dining room, large bed room, kitchenette and large screened porch, garage; lot SOxIOO. 73rd ave.. near 60th. Terms Call Sellwood 1301 or Ant 633-15. ' . $370 ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell fine five room house acre land. 12 fruit trees, berries, S chicken houses and chickens. A. B. Milwaukie, Oreg. Route 2. Errol Station. Box j 407 FARMS IOR SALE 180 acres of dairy and fruit ranch tn Clarke county, black rich nil, 20 miles from Vancouver on N. P. R. R., 85 seres in cultivation. 20 acres in oata, 4 acres in fruit 4 acres iu corn, beans, potatoes, romi timothy and clover, i 85 acies in pasture land with lot of timber, 10,000 cords of wood, 2 large springs and 2 good wells. , Cream house and separator, kits tarn 58x60. 6 roca bonm with iarge porch, chicken house, well bourc, etc. All farm tag, tools to run place. Cue buggy, 'one double spring wagon, cne two-horse farm wagon, one buggy facne, one span of horses, 1 hogs, 26 head of milk cows and heifers, 1 8 to freshen, 2 bulls, 75 chickens, 15 geese. 25 ducks, bouse furnished complete. Everything goes at th price at $9000; will give terms. Writa owner, J. E. Bnttner. Heiion. Wah. 40-ACRE farm, 6 room house, furnished; house is insured for $1000. Good barn, chicken house, 45 White Leghorn chickens, 10 milk cows, Na 700 milk separator, team horses, harness. ; wagon and full lino of farm imple ments, located 18 miles east from Interstate bridge" at Vancouver, W7-sh. Owing to sickness owner must move to southern climate and will sell all for $4,250. ' f - NEHi SMITH. PHONE 628-78. 6611 FOSTER ROAD. T EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH 35 acres, 17 ia cultivation, rich creek bot tom ; balance easy cleared. All fenced, good pasture and lies well. , Good buildings large creek throngh the place. Fruit and hemes. All crop and $1000 worth of stock and equipment Good .rock road to CarrolK Wash. ' No better, buy in the country. $3700; $2000 cash. A. W. ESTES. REALTOR. 005 Chamber of Commerce. , Auto. 514-63 KLAMATH County ranch, 440 acres, improved with fair buildings, 70 acres meadow, 100 teres cultivated: more plow land. In Lanceu Valley Irrication Project to be irrigated from Horsefly Dam of United States Reclamation Ser-, vice. Choice stock and dairy farm watered by five springs, adjacent to range. Price $10.00O. Will take half ca?h. balance trade. Deal direit ly with owner, H. E. Winnard, Lorella. Oregon. EIGHT ACRES, all in cultivation, in crop, good 7 room house; .crop goes with place if taken at once. Also 7 acres in cultivation and crop adjoining above place, - These places can be bought separately or together. Near Pacific high way, tt mile S. E. of Canby, only 24 miles south of Portland, on main line of . S. P. Come and see owner. D. C. Rones, Canby, Or. - SOME RANCH BARGAIN . 38 acres, 25 in cultivation ; running water; fine hog ranch or general farming; 7 room house, barn, outbuildings; 3 acres loganberries, 1 acre raspberries, 4 Jersey cows, 8 fine Durpc hogs, horse, farming tools; elosa to Woodburn, all for $10,500, terms. CROCKETT CO., Washington bldg. IF YOU want a ranch of 160 acres all stocked and equipped at rock bottom price, call. Good terms. Furnished 6 room bouse, "two lots, chickens, $3,750. Good buy. Lot on 52nd street "ear Hawthorn. ' 50x1 1 6. One room shack. $1000. Terms. . Main 5175. 35 ACRES, 8 acres cleared: new house and' barn, silo, new cream separator, new fence, young orchard, berries, spring water; chickens, 1 horse ; 1 mile to school. 1 mile to' sawmill, H' mile to store : price $3000, $2000 cash, balance 6T,; a bargain; owner. Ed Thrader, Ariel, Wash. BEST FARM IN OREGON Best 60 acre farm in Oregon. Not far out. Near ML Hood Loop. Sell 10 acres or all. Plenty buildings. For information see owner, Tim Callahan. 708 Everett st SACRIFICE 20 acres. 2 cultivated, hew 4 room house and barn, fruit Right at Oak Point Wash., on Columbia river. Only $1,500. Worth $2,000. Easy termt. Tabor 4204. 118 ACRES, 30 cultivated, balance timber. 23 miles from Portland : ' $5500. $2500 down, balance 7 years. W. Beegle, owner. Gresham. Or.' Phona 385. 160 ACRES unimproved, 8 acres in grass; road to place. 3 miles from Pacific City. Cash price $1400. Route 1. box 134, McMinnville. Or. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 160 ACRES first class unimproved irrigable ' land, 1 H miles from center of Pa3co, along main pipe line, $100 per acre. Similar land farther from towtn selling at $125. C. Ander sen. 466 10th st. Portland. 'Phone Marshall 5442. - HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt maps showing Western Oregon bomestesd lands, $1. Our charges are rrs sqnabfs and our services the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 By. Exch. - bldg.. Portland.. FOR A HOMESTEAD LOCATION EITHER FARMING OR TIMBER. SEE E. V. HELM. 316 BOARD QF TRADE BLDG, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 LINN COUNTY EXCHANGES If your bonse and lot or small acreage is clear, we can trade you a going farm including crop. Tell us what you have. Give full details in first letter. How do these' sound? 132 acre farm, 60 in rultiv. ; good buildings; water, fruit Price $10,000; trade to $4500; balance 4 years 6 . : . 280 acre stock ranch. 33 m crop; 15 timber, balance slashed pasture: fair buildings: lots of outrange. Price $5000. Take clear property to $3500. . 85 acre farm.: 30 in eultv., 40 good timber; fair -buildings, crop, stock and equipment; clear property to $3000. And many - more good trades. Tell us what you have. GIBSON & ALVIN, "THE LAND MEN." LEBANON OREGON Equity in new 5-room bungalow in . improved street in Sscramento; what have you in flats to exchange f l .C. L. MOORE. 511 ;15th st. Sacramento, Cal. EXCHANGE FARMS 80 ACRE FARM by owner, 30 seeded to fall grain, balance in fine timber; stock, implements and chickens; also 30 acres adjoining land seeded to oats, on lease; went smaller farm or country store. A-380. Journal. - Dont Worry Can trade , anything, anywlw. 909 Chamber of Commerce. Mala $488. 10 ACRES, 14 miles from Portland, on good road; all under cultivation. Has vfine house, a good well, chickenhouse and run, fruit and berries, to trade for house in Portland. Tab. 703. WANT a home or what have you? 10 acres, 3 V4 miles 8. Reedville. small bonse, chicken houses, well, good soil. 6 acre cleared. H, B. v.. E. BOtn st 10 ROOM HOUSE, modern, weyt side, walking distance, garage renta $14 per month; rental $84 per month; will- trade for good equipped farm. Owner. Z-118. Journal. 161 2-100 ACRES Harney valley; good T pas senger auto clear, to trade for good paring garage, or what have yoa. Owneii R. 218. N. 4th st, CorvallM, Or. FINE 10 acre tract close to Vancouver. Wash.. , a large lot. Irvington Park, and cash for bun galow. Phone 179. Write Box 45. Oak Grove. BRICK apartment W'est Side, close in. - Want clear property or business up to $20,000. Owner, 494 Market st. LATE model popular typewriter, for carpenter ( work. Doane Guaranteed Typewriter Service. Auto. 520-50. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WE EXCUAKGE what you have for what you want. Brace. 314 Couch bMg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE NEW HOUSE IN ROSE CITY $4 500, 1 tt story 7 -room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors: 1 tt blocks from Roe City park car. Owner wants 1 to 3 seres near car. Do not ear . much about th bi dingsi Sea Mr. Stephens. g tr icauaux vv a)iitrirKJWi a ,- Rtt alt cag 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good 240 or 320 acre ranch in Lincoln "Uty. on county road. 1 mile to school, on , mU stream, keep 25 dairy cows now or 4.0 ft tUe. Forest reserve, best outrange, plenty I timber. 240 for 84200. - Good ioining SO Mor 10 n acre. Take good small place closa ' " goou town part payment or sen ana grv terms. Nellie Davenport, Salsdo. Ore. WILL take late model car. and soma cash as first payment on my equity on a $2750 semi-bungalow, au modern.- laundry trays m basement. Dutch kitehen. bath. tat. electricity. phone, buffet, near Laurelhurst park, balance' montniy payments. : Kast B343 CANADIAN WHEAT LAND, partly improved, near town, 'for house ia Furtiana or acreage. fsO E. Baldwin rt. $2500 EQUITY, 8 room, modern, hrdwd. floors; sale or exchange, land or smaller bous; will assume. ' A-pq. Journal. OAKLAND 5 fpsaa., good condition, exchange for hon.e equity or building lot A. 11. Akenon, 420 Henry bldg".. Marshall 4079. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANT home in any good district About $300 cash, balance $40 per month. J-467. Journal. 4- TO 5 -room house, close uT about $3000, $300 downn balance terms; give description. F-403, Journal. WANT TO RENT A ' business lot or more on Rose City bar; may buy if price is right oinmpia oj evenings. WANTED From owner, 2 or 3 room shack. Small payment baL monthly. Give nri .location. T-587. Journal. ' Vv'ANT kt irt Rowmere or Rose City fark. Price right. Address Y-921, Journal. WANTED 5 lor 6 - room modem house. Give location, price, terms. J-452. Journal. 1 ACREAGE 455 WANTED FiLm owner, suburban bomesite of from 1 to 5 acres With or without huildinmi. close in. ,-Rcai'onable r Particulars in first let ter. Addreas W-936, Journal. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY. 457 WANT to rent ranches. Hava client of all ' descriptions tor various tynes of .farms, list with mo at oriee. 31. C. Peterson, 827 Henry Bldg. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 HAVE TOU jan Idea or Invention that yoa would; like jto try out or patent? If so, I can help you with sketches, drawings, blueprints, etc Will design and merintr'd con-iruc-tion if desired. Any kind of machinery, steam, gaa or electric. Satisfaction guaranteed.- I have years of i experience. Address Room 403; Goodnongh blJg., Portland, Or. Phone Auto matic 616-42.! - v 1 A CAPABLE fcusinexe man with executive ability . and experiefice for position as manager with a corporation jof local stock holders producing a well established line of food products, who will want financial! interest in this company to the amount of $2000. J-933. Journal WILL SELL ir trade my garage, situated iffl a .5ood town on ihe highway, building is 45x 100 and in Al condition. Stock, tools, equip ment and service car all go. If interested ad dress the ownet. Box F.' Lew tine. Or. 4 I MERCHANTS !..- you want to sell your business without publicity, see er write . - , '. MONTGOMERY LEAP 437 Cham, of Com. Phone Bdwv. 8198 FOR RENT The best corner on r ... building 100x100; baa siding; excellent lo cation for feed store, manufacturing plant plumbing shop and pain t' shop or lumber yard. Phone 619-84.I LN VANCOUVER, Wash., old established ice cream, confectionery, cigar stand, best loca tion, doing good business; will be sold very reasonable if taken now. Geo. E. Gray, Wash ington public market, Vancouver. Wash. QN account of poor health will sell well' estab lished and good paying transfer business; will take some cah and light car, or farm property. What have you? Phone Sellwood 174. . CONFECTIONERY and grocery; good corner and doing race business; clean stock and fix tures. Bent $25. $1200 cash. 303 Stock Ex change. Auto' 529-04. A PARTNER WAJiTED If you wish to make $200 to $300 a month, call at Room 70-71, Hotel Repose, B3d at. Saner st; $500 wiU han- dle; business marl or not - Printing for' Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 6536. 192 3d st WANTED Someone to finance me in a patent that will make millions. O. N. Kimball, Antelope, 'Or. ; FOR SALE OR TRADE Good business, "box 41, Timber,; Or. - . FOR SALE -Confectionery store with pool room, gdmd location. 383 E. Burnide. FOR SALE 19,000 lbs. "Uwanta" kippered. mii-ii, m ronana product. sell. 004 WANTED Sm&B grocery. East eide preferred. i.itiih; rroms m conrK-crion. Q-Z99. Journal. TIRE shop for sale; good proposition. W. L. ijo,eioy. i.rensm. GARAGE foi sale. 146 West K&linoTth ave. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 FOR SALE Apartment bouse at beach; fine opportunity; good business; Ant 614-10. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 23 RpomsEarning flfer Month By owner. : Unnsual money making apart menta now full and always full; 23 rooms and sleeping porch, full basement; splendid appoint ments throughout; earning $300 per month and applicants turned away daily;-' broken health and age occasion this offer; in the best of college cities. 659 Jefferson st, Corvallis, or phona Tabor 5227. - 18 ROOMS, housekeeping ; good income, good west side location; price reasonable, terms. Msin 723. 10 ROOMS, h. k., good furniture, close in, west side, modern,; price $1000; good term. Call ac mi lay lor. 9 ROOM house, part furniture for sale, in good location, shown by appointment. Main s? j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 BUYERS If you are looking for a grocery store, con fectionery, soft drink, pool room, garage, filling station or any .kind, of business, see Montgomery V Leap, 437 Cham, of Com. WANTED Small, modern hotel in country town or resort; inflated values not considered; 6044 4 2d ave. S. E. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 J CITY LOANS - ' NO OOMMISSIOX On improved property or tut isnpeovemsnt purposes. The- best and easiest method ot paying loan is our monthly payment plan. , $$2.26 per month for $6 month, or $21.24 per month for $0 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays loan ot $1000 ard interest Loans of other amounts in aa proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AJ'I. 242 Stark St, Portland, Or. ' t HAVE THE MONEY REAbY NO WAITINO; SEVERAL CLIENTS AFTER ME TO PLACE THEIR MONEY FOR THEM. IF TOO WANT A CITY LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT FROM $10OO TO $12,000 AT 6 AND 7 INTEREST. GOME AND SEE ME NOW, WHILE I HAVE THE MONEY AVAILABLE. 1 FRED S. WILLIAMS, SOS PANAMA BLDG. ; - $$00, $400. $50O. Snow. $750. $1000 AND up. Lowest : rates, quick action, pay $10O or snor any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., os l unamoer ox tjommerce otog. aaam laiu. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on mortgageav second , mortgage and sellers' contracts on real estate tn Oregon and i Washington. Charles Delfel.818 Railway Exchange bldg. ' - gaOO. 400. g&OO. X7RO SIOOO AKTl HP . Low rates, quick acttion. Fred W. German ajo., in v uiuufr o maBBics aain-osa. MONEY TO I-OAS $500. $500. $700, $1000, 61500. S2000. on city imnrovad orooerAv at T per cent. veia uo.. o piqg. 11' -ui., w.lu ucmiu in l'l ' in Hurittti, t loans. Borrowers, see me. Ward, 407 Spalding bide. I -- BUILDING loans on. city and aBurBn propwrty7 money advanced a work pingiaaaea. w. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. . S..UI1. lOOt). -Al&OU. S2000. gaUU AN1I CP F. H. DESHON, 616 Chamber of Com, bldg. MONEY to loan, $100 to $5000. A. H. BclL 11 Molkey bide Main 4S7. FINANCIAL' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 SEE OREGON IN v. MOBTUAfiS CO 233 Chamber of Commerce. tb and Stark MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS HADE OS I AUTOMOBILES i rCRNITTJRB. PIANO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SEAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING O VAkUE. SECURITY USUALLY ; LEFT Of YOO- POSSESSION. ! Also Salary Loans I TO 8ALABUID PEOPLE ON THEIR MOTHS WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR ATOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARB TOO LARGE- WE WILL PAY THEM CP, ADVANCE TOO MORE MONEY. IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US Ui SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR CONVENIENCE. I LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOaANv CO I LICENSED! ' J 06-807 DEKCM BLDG.. ID AND WASH. atALA RT LOANt CHATTEL WE LOAN MONET t I en short notice to salaried or worktograea their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly' payments. - Eacb transaction strictly cenfidentiaL . i ' I HQ MORTGAGE NO IVDOH8JCB ABSOLUTELY WO SECURITY ; I Ws also loan on household goods, pianos, eto. CALL AND INVESTIOATK ' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (LICENSED) . 218 FAILING BUTLDINO. MONEY TO LOAk ... On Goods in Storage. Rank ' Rata. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER COs, 3 4,tb St. opp. Multnomsli , HotL Phone Broadway -87 IS. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first and second mortgages snd sellers' contracts. F-. E. Bowman Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce bdg. Main 8026. j CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts oh real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E Noble.- 316 I.nmrtrmern bldg. i 1 MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED $3000. S years TU. on a 6 room Laurelhurst bungalow close to park.. C. M. Derr, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2245. ... r $2500 FIRST mortgage on improved acreiagei H mil from Council Crest .All in crop. Call Main 874 7. WANT Loan of $400 from private party; real estate security, 8 V.' G-694, Journal. BEE OREGON CSV. MORTGAGE CO., $23 . Chamber of Commeren. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CROWN STABLES, Inc. For sals or exchange 100 bead of hone. We have 9 good gentle saddle) horses, hsve all kinds of harness, wagons, f resnoes and ( farm imple ments. . We take in horses, cattle, mules in ex change. We hire by the day. week or month to responsible people. Everythmg guaranteed as represented. , PHIL 8UETTER, Pres. I 285 Front 'St I I FOR SALE 6 work horses. 2 seta of harness, II kinds of -wagons. : $78 buys 5-year-old bay mare, weight about 1300 lbs.; good worker. I j Have one gray mare, weight 1400: extra, 'good worker; $90. - - : ' W ell mated team of ' geldings, weight about 2700; sound, gentle. trua to pull, ; 6 year old. $275. j i Se these horses at 6th and East Clay, street from Ziegler Store. - ' FARMERS. TAKb NOTICE I I have 1 carload of big workhorses consigned Lto me that will be sold very cheap, from! 6 to xv years oia. 387 Water. Blue Front Stable. Chas. Oatman. - i , I FOR SALE Fresh milch goat . with 2 : enisle kids. 1 month old, giving plenty milk. Soil reasonable; also berry wagon, at yoor own price. G. - Butcher, 1 mile eat MontavjUa, Base! Line road. 3 blocks south Russellville school. 1 A DANDY white faced pony, 850 Rjs.. and harness; will trade for gaud cow. Hi mile south of Stanley st,, Eatacada car, or write A. Egge. Milwaukie. Or.. Box 115. ' SELLING out teams, dump wagons, short wood wagon and wood wagons 3 Vi to 4 inch.) Must be sold at once. Also 2 good saddle horse. Foot of Main st. . . 1 TEAM MULES. 5 yesrs old.: weight 11 60 lbs. - sound, gentle and true. Well broke; will sell reasonable on trial. i Arthur petry, Uotits 1, E'tacada. Ore. - ! -' l FOR SALE Team good work horses weighing 8200. one set good harness. ;Wfi: sell cheap. Phone Col. 809. WORK TEAMS for hire by ths day. or month. 987 water. Blue Front Stable. TEAMS for hire, with or without driver. E. Clay. ' ' - 42T SHETLAND PONIES, 3 ft high.;. 4 years old. o. Main, aivx DOUBLE team $3 day; single una $1.50 day. 46 Front st r Main 2208. i i v UVES1 OCK 701 FOR SALE Fresh goatn and .coming j fresh, from $25 up; also milk and kids, ad for service two - pure Saanen and one . Nubian of the best in the West at Portland Goat Dairy. snd Fremont st. Address It l,' Box 466 j FOR SALE 11 cows and A No. I retail route. equipment Bringing over. $400 per month, Place for sal or rent st and 67th ave. Woodstock car. 62nd TOGUENBERG, iresh doeT hornles;. has 3-month-ohi doe kid; both registered. 330 E. 4 2d st. i . - A-l MILCH GOAT, milking; no reasonable. -u. offer refused; must sell. . 9628 45th ave. Automatic 616-86. ' SE., A O 1-Year-old rm ra Toa-zenhere : milrh crista 1 fresh, 1 coming fresh, $25 each. 11221 Wilbur st I .- ' - FOR SALE Good large fatuity cow, 3 h gal i lona, fresh 2 months. 2025 E. Wash, st, corner 81st '' ' ' i T-, FOR SALE Hh grade prize winning milk goats; cheap if taken at once: 2833 71st S. E 2 GAIjLON Jersey cow price $40. L. Oldenburg. Bellro station.- T FOR SALE 3 fresh cows, one giving 7 gal. R. Buys, 4402 80th st S. E. FOR SALE Or trade for cows or heifers, 2 gooa worg norses. K. Webb. Besverton. YOUNG Jersey cow, freshen Aug. 6; tubercular testeu: tor sale. A. rock, Multnomah sta. run BALt a calves. Automs tic 612-49. 5411 97th st SE.. FRESH COW, heavy milker, no place to keep her. i-v m. oorn ana 1 liiamook. 6N ACCOUNT of sickness, an A 1 -family cow at a sacrifice. Sellwood 804. J i calves wanted i phone marshall 2178. 1 R,1Hvi rsey. S'J", f"r ' years, old. i Call 715. 1703 McKetina ave. ; YOUNO JERSEY cow, T. B. tested, S gallon oatiy. cau mornings or evenings, Wdln. 4818. WANTED Beef, vesl snd bogs. Tabor 7832T POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 $12.50 PER 100 WHlTi; LEC.HORN BABY CH1X. "Our Finest" O. A. u. and Tancred stock. Prompt deliveries. Sat delivery guaran teed. Season closes June 10. . ORDER NOW. C N. Needhsm. Hslem. Or. ' I BUICK, 5 passenger. - Some snap.- New paint; good rubber, excellent condition all around. Call Mr. 8t George, Broadway 1460, or Mar-hall 6060 after 6 1. m. - i O. A. C. WHITE L egoorn ohiok. $14 per 100, ready now; 500 mo-re Jane 9 and 17; O. A. q. WHITE LEGHORN chicks. $14 per 8-11-17. J. R. Mignrre. 787 Oregon. WILLIAMS BROS.' portable chicken house, for 25 hens, $10. 4 section, self cleaning; rabbit hutch, $5. 787 Oregon st near Eaat 24th st . . . . , 300 MILK FED broilers, weigh XV, pound, 20c a. pound; It Buys poultry yard, 4402 80th st 8. E. -1 FOR SALE- Laying hens, 1 year old, in fins j 8chneUer"s Poultry Farni. Woodlswn 1198. . A FEW Reds., Barred lioek and Buft Leghorn baby chicks, cheap ; also 15. roosters, B weeks old. 20c each. 944 E. Tsylor st. ; . FHEB Chick feed, $3.25; growing 'mash. $2.50; buttermilk, $4 keg; scratch. 82 50; egg mash. $2 50. W. 434 4. RHODE ISLAND hens, 1 rooster and 34 , chicks; 7 bantam hens and 1 rooster. Wood- town 1917. MAMMOTH .Black Minorca eggs. Nixon's beet. gl.o settmg la; Iror balance ot season. N-xon's best Tsbor 94 68. 124 5 Halsey. - H; FEEDERS, ATTENTION . Damaged millfecd for sale cheap., Cor. Rail road nd .1ark st. lower Albina . THOROBBED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs, cheap. Tabor 6559. BUI F OPINGTON hatching eggs, $1 ser set? ting oi ia. wooqiawn zia. FOR SALE Thoroughb red Boston. 1 sear. . regisierea peoigree. izt K. ozna st. rs. rtfUlKH C1IVT An. ari.K li.r.. 1... ' gind. Htm 7811 - . ...... i i. ' 1 11 . t. 1 11 v. LAYING White Leghorn year oW hen. $1 each. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon. BABY chicks. 100 8. C. R. L Red, 20c each. Wdln. 585. 1439 Cleveland ave. B. L RED mother hen with whit or brown Leg horn chicks. East 1805. 1 iuw i. u.r,u oaoy cnicss. rnona laoor t 134. Kendall gta- and S2d gt : POULTRY AND RAECITS 702 y. rKlKiRKSSIVK HATt'HliUI ' Barred Rorb and R.-I, Bed cbta-as $20 p' 100. Whits Ijghrn chickr, 1 month o.d. 20c; 2 weeks. 18c; 1 week.' 16b each. Pullets, ftyers. H. L Red hatching eggs. 1534 E. l?Ui N. Wdln. 1485 RABBITS AU breeds, Gaante, New Zealand Reds, Amer ican Bines. Himalayan. - Big .stock to choose from. Iowest prices. Portland , Seed Co. aiain st4u n a"' c u-titTi? trnA(ivn ' 600 day-old chicks, ready May 29, 15c each, $14 for 100; 800 on June 2. 600 on June 9. Week-old on band. .16e each;. 2 weeks old. 20a each. ; Also Brewn Leghorn a, 20c each. j. iv. siAtj .ia.K., 181 uregon at 1 3cBaby : Chicks 11 3c Thoroughbred White Leghorn, also R, L R. 20c. Suderstrom poultry yards". 1176 Powell valley road. fecilwood 1493. PIGEONS fori squabs or fancy Kings, Carneaux, Runts, " Homers. Fantails, Tumblers, Turbit. Trumpeters, Pouters. Owl. Magpies, Swallows, Barbs. Jaekbias. 1059 E. 28tb st N. BABY CHIC'ES ' " : White Leghorns from the O. A. -C. strain, only two mors hatches thia season, June 7 and' June 14. See the chirks at our store, Portlsnd Seed tW ..Main 4040. --. ' r WHITE Leghorn chicks, , 12tto each, 664 Una ave., Sell. LSI 8. DOCS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC 703 PEDIGREED police dog puppies from" the cele brated Sfieedway - kennels. Week days Main iiina, oet. w s. m. ana 4:8Q p. m. FOR SAI Fine Alaska dog (Malemuu), splendid . watchdog, very good compsiiion to womsn or child. Phone Msrslisll 2420. --. ST. ANDREASBERC, singers $3. .and up. labor I ooq. - . THOKOrtiHBHKl) IVx Terrier pup; 1125 E. 83rd st. X..-. Woodlawn 2012. ST. ANDREASHI'IM; rollers for aale. : 6975 or 567 Belmont - Call East DOGS-and pet- honrded iu.st tike home, -monthly MALE toy Fox Terrier, tan and while, 2 month old; extra small, East 680. FOR SALE Nic cocker spaniel puppies. Aut 1 623-26. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ' 800 USED CAR BUYERS - WE HAVE LISTED WITH US FOR SALE FROM OWNERS WHO ARE ANX ; IOCS TO PURCHASE A OOOD MAX WELL OR CHALMERS CAR. A GREAT MANY USED CARS -THAT OFFER EX CEPTIONAL VALUES TO THOSE WHO MAY BE. INTERESTED. AMONG THOSE LISTED ARB THE FOLLOWING . . i v i-. 1918 1919 1918 1920 1919 1917 1920 1918 1919 1917 1916 Maxwell. 5-passenger. Chalmers, roadster. Olds, 5 -passenger. -Maxwell, 5-passenger. Maxwell, 5 -passenger. Maxwell, 5 -passenger. Olds 8. S-paasengar. , Oakland, 5-passenger. Chalmers. 5-passenger. Hudson, 5-passenger. Chalmers, 5-passenger. ! THESE CARS, ABB TN TUB HANDS OF THE OWNERS, FROM WHOM THE PURCHASE CAN BE MADE. WITHOUT ANY COMMISSION TO VS. TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED IF DE SIRED. . - W'B WOULD ADVISE TOU TO LOOK THESE OVER BEFORE TOU BUY. MAXWELL MOTOR SALES CORP. CHALMERS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, . East Third and Oregon Street. Used Car Sale I HupmobUa , . . . . . 1 920 Saxon 1 Chevrolet Baby Grand. 700 4 50 460 00 250 2 ttulck Bite .$800 1 MaxweU r a - a I 1 Overland Bd. 12S Long '& Silva - -462 Hswtbornsw - - STUDEBAKER 4 touring, k bargain at $45$. Several Ford touring ,cars and roadster at a big reduction. 1 Ford bug, top and glass front, sacrifice at. $300. ' ' 191.7 Buick roadster, verr best of condition, $550. ' 0'd 8. 7-paas. touring. Will consider any reasonable offer. Case touring car. mechanically very good; A present at $150. GRAND AVE. AUTO EXCHANGE 188 Grand ave. N.' East 6563. FRONT ST., GARAGE , USED -CARS 'BOUGHT. " SOLD AND EXCHANGED. -SEE HEED GENERAL REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED SERVICE DAY- AND NIGHT PHONK MAIN 7647. 268-270 FRONT ST. WE HAVE A COMPLETE . - . ? -. : line of Fords ... '. Nuff Bed " UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, - Used Ford Bxcluaivrty," . - Grand Ave. and K. Yamhill St Open Evenings and Sundays. East 471. t MAXWELL SAXON . : 1917 Maxwell touring. A fin ear with elec tric lights snd starter. : $295. Saxon Six- touring A rare bargain;, tiraa good. $375. - ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. - , East S770 ' Grand Ave. snd Hawthorne . BABY GRAND For sale at a bargain for cash 1919 model Baby Grand Chevrolet; will take $700 cash if sold within next few days; need the money; this car & in fine shape and has only run about 8000 miles; can be seen at 7325 54tb av. S. E. Tel hone Aut. 628-82. ' - THE HOME OF USED FORDS . Nuff Bed UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, v . . - Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill St ; ". Open Evenincs snd Sundays. Hast 471. 1920 OLDS redan, refinUhed. new upholstering. bumper, spotlight, cord tires; runs like a new car. See this Job today. Would accept an open car as part payment - Term on' balance. Call Jonanssen, at nroaowsy sziv. 1920 MAXWELL touring, aew tires, spotlight s and " motormetert car looks just Uka new. Will sacrifice for $675 and give terms. East 4216. FOR ALE Ford bug, wire wheels and wiud- hield, tor, good rubber, $300; also Ford roadster body- $10; delivery box $10; 2025 E. Wsahv St., comer 8 1st. - 1921 OLDS 8 demonstrator, in perfect condi tion; tiiis ear carries the factory guarantee and service; see this bargain today. : Call Jobsnsen. ai r way .f'. . i MARMON 34-6, wire wheels, new cord tires, jn like new ear. Price $160O; small pay ment down, easy terms. CaD Duffy, Broadway 2270. - - i - - WE STOCK used, completely overhauled fender to fit any machinj. Several tbonsand to pick flora. H. B Body Works. COO WUujii sve, . , , As .... . . 1921. OUJ 8. same as new; a bigb priced car at a great . discount; ran only 2000 miles; fine tires ; service goes with this car. Duffy, 1921 OUDi 6 demonstrauer, like new, guarantees . and service on this Job; could us a good Ford a part, payment; terra on balance. -Call Jo harwen at Broadway 2270 for demonstration. 1920 FORD COUPE , Very good tires 1 extra), speedometer, spot light foots throttle, electric horn; by private party; $673, terms. Call Main 2704, mornings. 0LDSM0BILE 8, 1918 model; new paint and tires all cord, 2 spares;, mechanically perfect $1250; terms. East 6234.- ' - sTUTi stUTi sft'taS T Soma rodier; rebuilt; new tires. Come and e it- 465 Broadway or Auto. 620-13. FRANKLIN 4 passenger roadster, a , beauty, looks like new. Will sell at a very low price for quick sale. Phon Brodwy 901. - FOR SALE- Ford touring ear; good order; ai- most new tins, or will trade for clear acreage. C. H. Fry. Bcureiton, Ore. - . ; 1920 FORD touring,- elect, starter, extras; must raise money, will . sacrific. . Ask for Nash. East 4376. : - - 1921 .FORD roadster, like new. in wonderful shape, at sacrifice.-. 125 16th st Phon Ant 617-77. Ask for Jim. 1917, 1919, 1920 liODtJES in good condition, small payment down, easy terms. Call Duffy, Bmadwsy 2270. '-.--. 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLllt; like" new. Will trade for Ford or 490 Chevrolet with, some terms on balance. Owner Tabor 4 8T4. $250 CASH, buy 1916 Maiw.il touting ear. New cord tire. Owner: leaving town. Phone Main 4299. - OVERLAND tuuring car. in exceiiont condition. Will trade for motorcycle. Ea t 6234. 6 PASS. MfUihell auto; enw -s and nvake an offer for sne: room 2ft WsshinarUm bhig. WE REPAIR fendrrs snd wracked bodies.. W. B Bcdy works. 600 William se East 1196 WANTED A FORD.CONDITION NO OIL JECT. ftiU.VK A. 633-61. ... . AUTOMOBILES FCrt SAL "5 A Clean New Stock of : , Used, Cars' Our big used ear sal cleaned up our stock of ut ears and now we hava a frsah new stock of cars taken in trade dur. ing the aale at the new low level price. W can , fit you out in a good car of th six you want light fours or sixes, with som especially fine boys in light sixes. W offer you a combination of exceptional Values, -reasonable term and a square deal all the way through. Maxwell, 1918 touriug $ 350 i.'iieTrojfi touring liberty, chummy roadster. irj fine condition Cbndler di patch, very fine "condi tion; all new tires, overused, with vrirv w her l-i ,1919 Oakland. 5 pass.. Al condition throughout Packard twin 6, - Al condition throughout ...... White 80 Inuring, rebuilt Jordan. 1H20, 5 pans ...... k. . MitchsU, 1018, 5 paw,, Horg A Beck new rubber Mitchell, 1918. 5 pas Chevrolet delivery, 1918 Mitch. 11. 1917. 7 pass .'......-,. . 1918 Stud.-baker, 7 pas 1918 Chevrolet rodUr . . . .". . ... 450 1000 1830 806 1650 400 1750 990 800 875 67ft 375 $50 Com down ny time nd w will gladly show you and demunstrat any used cat in the house. They are "all in running order and most uuusual value as priced for this big sal. Mitcflieia, Lewis & Staver . Company Broadway and Everett st 38 Years in th Northwest Phon Broadway 4675. GUARANTEE A Mi br.KVIC8 oAjakt A3 fLW CARS 1918 BUICK Bght Ix. 7 pass., touring earl newly painted, overhauled; good tiraa, Hani' a bargain, terms. 1920 BUICK touring ear. Ilk new, fin mechanically; 6 tire, soma extras; newly painted and on that will mak a drmoustraUon. if you are in th market for a first clan used car. HERE IT IS. Terms. - Howard Automobile Co. 12TH AND ALDER STS. Broadway 1130. WE HAVE 150 FORDS t from $100.00 up Lay Terms Nuff Med UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively, Grand Ave. and E. YamhiU St. Open Evenings and Sundays, East 4 71. RADIATOR SERVICE CO "IT Will, PAY" von tn m na ihnut repairing that RADIATOR. FENDLR lor BODY. Expert, guaranteed work I at nradrrat prices, Co' Union snd aj scaur Hawthorn avenne. Eat 8498. IX)RD HEADQUARTERS What kind of a Ford do you want? " We have it Nuff Sed ! . " UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Ford Exclu".vijr, Grand Ave. and E. Vamlnil St Ojen Evenings and Sundays.- t 4 71. 1821 OLDSMOBILK 8 1921 Oldamobile 8 seven passenrer touring, brand new. used three weeks; cost $2500; nrirsv $1975. , FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 8770 r Orand Ave. and Hawthorn 1920 DODOE tounng. This car has run only 6000 miles, has 6 nearly new tires, '2 of them good cords; has about $150 worth of extras. You can hardly tell it from a new. mie. Call Propst for price and a demonstration. Bdwy. 8606. THS FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while yoa wait; also repair radiators and bodies. I'.rcadway 8214. 80 ,N. 11th st, rear Ptinilk 1920 STEPHENS salient sii. Just been over hauled, repainted, new tires all around and priced oh so low; will guarantee this car; small payment down,, balance on easy terms. tail Propst Broadway 860f. " PACKARD SIX $1000 I didn't say it waa a 1921 model, but I do say it J worth a whole lot more than I am asking for it. - May be seen st the Northwest Auto Co.,- 18th and Alder. Can Mr. Wsreham. Broadway 1 4 00. LATE MODEL FRANKLIN Touring car, almost the same as a new one. Tires are good, paint like new, everything first class. Txxjk this over if you want a Franklin. Broadway 901. - CADILLAC chassis. Dandy for a bug or de- ilvery. truck. Only 27.V Mr. Warvhaoa, Bdw. 1460. Northwest AuU Co., lath and A liter A. 1918 liUICK, 5 pass., aii in A-l condition. ' This car is priced very cheap. Will tas amail cr or motorcycle as prt payment; term on. Paiane. all Pmpst, Broadway 3IOfl. OVERLAND Roadster, a clay vaoaUon car. There certainly, i a lot of fun tied u in On ear. See Ehrrtt, Bdw. 1460. -Northwest Auto Co.. Ifcfh snd Alder ate. OVERIAND touring car, aaodel 81, in good con dition,' leather seats, mohair fwi; will exchang for acreage or lots snd pay difference if ync is right ' K-891. Jolimaf. 1919 Grant His touring car, in good Die:haa ical condition, for aalr. -Will accept any rea sonsbl offers. Owner leaving city. ?r st Wuitat naraire, 3 "6 Cnnrh t Phone Bdwy SO PAIGE BARGAIN A Palce owner ia always satisfied ; 1919 model, mechanically perfect; aacrifte. $1050; terms $400 down. Mr. Areo, Broadway 82M1, 192! FORD touring, like new. $50 worth of eitras. Will take old Ford in trade. $600. Vranson . Union ave, snd Belmont st, upstairs. East 4378. CITY Salesman, Attention: Let ina lemontraCe thai superior qualities of a Dort Rosd'ter for city work this is a real buy and will save you roitney, !) Mr. Jennings. Wdln. 63H2. -a-j J2(io MAXW iT.L ' 'j t"$ 211 6 " Mechanically good, rubber fair. Cash. Kom bargain. Young Auto ahoy, 87 N..12tb. Phon Broadway 4644. DODGE Louring,, 1918 model. In A-l eondiuoo. spotlight and extra tire. It' bargain for ' $875 eh. Can be seen Sst orSun. Phone Msrshall 4025. 5iiO Bny ft-paas.. 6-eyl. Stud-baker; overhauled and retiniabed; terms. $2o down. MR. AH;-. Broadway 8281 touring car, in A I con.Iiliori. fully quipped. Term if desired. I'hon Lt 04I. PACKARIV in eieelfcnt condition ; some buy w- 5. ' C-r- Exchange. 23 N. Uth. Bdwy. 3214. VE INSTALL air tents in auio r..i.l( a7iI make them to order. B. B. Body Work 600 Williams ave. Kv 1198 . STi; i Z :roadter fur sale or trade for light csr; in A-l cotidition; 6 tires; rebuilt sod jul painted. Call Aut. 620-13. 'NEW-. BuKk. touring car. driven bOO miles; 10 months' guarantee of serves; new cord Hre. : K t H5ft, WE HAVE several r onl burs at reMnaMe fig nres: term to suit 125 16th at. Aut 617-77. A.k for Jim. BEAUTIFUL new sedan, sai-rificed for 13. '.00, cost $4 850, driven 400 miles; leaving citj; ikt. in-. n-ovi, ,'rnrnti. OVErcLAND bug. This is th be.t bug in Uwn. Will take motorcycle a part payment, long fM on balsnee Call Bsr.ll Bdwy. 8H06. CA1ML1.AC BUG I'Oli Is ALL. AT 1320 OTi KT. N. LATE 1 9 1 8 ' Chevrolet L A 8. Used Cai Exchange. 28 N. llOi. Bdwy. 2727. I JACKMON tourin;. not uti in 3 ear, $175: '- Vrnon'. 151 Union ve.. uiistairs. HAVE good used ar will trade f-r go.id uaeil motorcycle. Call Boyell. Broadway 8006. 102O Oi.VH 6 tonring, in i,4,d artapv; vciy ica sofiblr. Call Ihitfv, Broadway 2270. ST J I I I MS If' I - BUICK light 6, late model, txtxhent, ahapv. $760; terms. Ea-6234. Oontinuad efl Followlnt Psgi