MONDAY, MAY 30. 1821. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON -I - - - . - - NEW TODAY Willamette Heights FORECLOSURE SACRIFICE Non-realdant owner foreclosed mort trage, instructs un to accept amount of mortg-ag-e for this lovely - 8 room bousa. Corner let 75x110, south and east front, unobstructed view of mountains and river ; extra large !iv tnr room, library, dining; room, Dutch kitchen; 3 large, light, corner bed rooms ; bath with shower and. sleep Ins porch on second floor, large attic with one Tljihd. room ; hardwood floors throughout; extra toilet (down stairs; full Basement with solid con crete fruit room ; laundry room ; hot water heat. .Streets improved and paid. One block to car. A real fore closure sacrifice, far below value. Terms to suit, WAKEFIELDRIES & CO. Fourth Ht. r ; ; Broadway OWN YOUR OWN HOME ' TMIt 400M HOME BUILT OOMPLITI 8142S .'ilLirJlfil'i PORTABLE HOUSES 9160 UP MILL-MADE CONSTRUCTION CO. Phone Woodlawn 3413 " Facto Foot a Wltliami . " OWN TOUR OWN HOME . FLUFF RUGS front aid carpets, woolea alnfhlns. ni runs, all slant sottry mall orders give ' prompt attention; aeattr.aaia. feather Pillow MonW. Bead fog booklst. Carpet Cleaning t rgoa. finest equiid carpet cleaning. wbttuw works ia tt of Oresoa. ' Separata Plants; CARPET CUUNLSO BRANCS 1073 B. Lincoln St. 9x13 Bag Steam Cleaned 61 .SO WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-60 UNION ATK. H. S616 SS7-07 Ba 6968 WHY PAY MORE? FLUFF- RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS 8t S 4.00- 8xl0. . . . .S1S.BO 4T S e.OO fixl l , .61.00, CARPET CLEANINa, SIZINO AND RE FITTING PORTLAND RUO CO. 1172-74 E. 17th SL Mlwood 3622 ana SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE To ti Unl YoUn of School Dis trict No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon: Teu xa haraby itctifjed that, pursuant to a reso . hi Hon of tba board of school director of School District No. 1, Multnomah county, Oregon, a apseial eehool ta election will ba hold within tha district oa Saturday, the 1 8th day of June, : 1921, to vote upon the question of authorizing Z tba dietnat to. levy taxes within the diatrict upon ' tha assessment toJI for the year 1921, larger by 050.000 (being approximtely a 3 mill levy '-. upon ba aaaasaeif valuation of said d'.atrirrtl than tba amount h mi ted by the- fxmstlluHoh of tha 'i Mate ot-Oregon, unless apecifically -authorised by t a vote of tha alerter of tha district, said amount s being tba . amount necessary, in tha opinion rf the board., to pre rid for tha purchase of neees i aery sites ajid the erection of neeeaaary school buildings in various portions of tha diatrict dur v ing the ensuing year. Tba polls will .be ones en tba -day1 of election from 12 noon to 8 p. m., and the quaiifirations . of voters at this election are fixed by chapter 99, General Lews of Oregon for 19f7. In this ; election, tha volar must bare tba pro party quali- f icatiana. i i .v lMtad tfcb 37th day of May. J21, ' i.-,,.- UKOBGE B. TUOUAS. - 1 - fhairman Board of Ihrectora. , K. H. THOMAS, , -'J .... liiatrict Clark. M0T1CK OF SALE Or IHRlUATlOii WSTUICT BONDS Motiea la ben by gives that eealed propoaal. J will b received until tba 2h day of June A. f li., 1U31, at tha hour of 2 o'clock ia the aiterr - Boon, for the pure haute of fifteen thoonajid dol 1 lara worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation , district of Klamaut county. Or. Said bands are 4 to draw interest at tha rate of per cent per i annum payable semi-annually anon the firtt day af JuJy and U ftntt day of January of eack -i yegr until the maturity of aaid boeda, t?' Haid propoula will be received by tha board '' of director of said irrigation district, and should . be directed to tha aecratary of tha JKntarprise I IrrigatioB Duitriet, ear of .Fred IX k'leUhar, I Loomis building. Klamath Or. ; Tba board of directors resarra the right to . teejet say of U bids offered. ?., G. i. Blt.TASD. I ' Eaeratary of the Board ef Diraotorg of : Kntarpriao IrriuUoa Xnatnct- - . ; 8IA14CD BIDS will be received at tha affioe of the uamigaad, 401 Courthouse, PorUsnd. Or., nntii p. m. Juno IB, 1831, for tha hal, ; litg ad disposition of garbage and refiue from ; the aehoel buildings of School District No. 1, - Multnoouh county. Orogoo, for tha year 1931 1933, Bida will bo opened at a meeting of the .Beard of-Irireetors to be held in Boom S01 CoertlUHua at p- m. June IS, 1931. fluaaifioatiene may be obtained at the office f the Suiiertntendeiit of ropertiaii. Old Failing cbaei, Pint and 1'oeUr jtreeU, Portia nd. Or. . A eeruTiad ehaek in tk sura of twenty-fire 1 'l I it K AA . . t - . I . . . mi'' .s. aan' .i.vvi. . iams to . iv. id SobecJ tlerk anrf Busine. Manasar. must a7kM eemnany Vaeh proposal. . The Board of Directors Htnra I mot res tba nsnt to 'eject any. or all bids, dinda the award. Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School C4erk and Business Manager. Datad May Si8, 1931- V0TICK OP ANNCAL SCHOOL ELECTION Neboe is hereby guvn to tba legal voters of School Diatrict No.. 1, Multnomah county, atate ef Oregon, that the annual school election for aaid -district will be held en the third Saturday ef June, being the 18th day of June. 1921, for tha pursea of. electing four directors to aerve for three years, aaid election to be held at each ' ef the several polling places in aaid district aa pee Tided by tha board of directors, and tha elec tion to begin at the. hour of 12 o'clock noon and ts continue until ft o'clock p. m, of said day, DeU4 Ibis afta day ef May. 1931. - GEORGE B. THOMAS. Chairman of Board of Directors. JL B. "THOMAS,. District Clerk, BUSINESS CARDS ' ? WEDDING crTvs ; W G SMITH CO. Sll Morgan Bldg- MEETINQ NOTICES 102 CANTOS PORTLAND NO. 1. P. M., I. . O. F.-r-Special open meeting Tuesdsy Bight. May SI. o n. m .. i. o. r O. F. Temple. All chetsliera gad; ladies ur- i aesUr swauaated to be peewit . svsur r- BI PATTERSON, Clerk. No, 830. 1. O.- O. F.. arifl nt aa uai. 1 .T ',':'x,'":: asr.aajk, VS-, W. m Kenton, ana swx e w"f ,. . i . brothers welsoms. S. C. BLAIR. N. O. Seerota r. I 'If. WILMS ALBfcBTA'UlfJUE Nai. aa. 1. O. n. Seventeenth and Alberta ia.-v Work third degree: a tao, election of ys, owing. S o cloaki; Visiting si.o officers, brothers SJkTm JOHNSONt W. O. - fj ywfNRVV.B. See -tary. JVAaHUik LODliK No, 4. a. r., meets every Tuesday night at a o'clock, fifth floor of Pythian build ing, 8s Yamhill street. . laportast buiiinasa. Visiting brothers always A. J. BOslB. O. C. l lUK WOMEN OF MOOSEHEAHf "LEGION enll r a danee on Friday eve., June 8, at fMeea Temple, 4th and Taylor. GecU 0e, S Isdiee 85e. Prasp's ovehestra. " i LiioLLil JiWtLill k specialty, buttons, pina, t. ci-anus. Jaeger Bros,, 131-184 6Ui at. less 7 r. L - f welcome. 103 PUBLIC PICNIC: pinnie to ba given at Cedar- wil l thim . nr tdfA ; and mene - baseball games. tix- unampiensoip ooxini wnn- nan laatnnnc Btuy staseott, tba anerownea oan tamweigfat champion of the world, who baa charge of the sport committee. Leo Bell, com ing lightweight champion, and others. Baees of ail kinds. Concession refreshments. Dancing aft moon and night This ia tha nicest pork in the vicinity of Portland. Take Estacada or Oreabatn car. get off at Cedarvilie park. Admis sion lftc tor all. ijiven by the liveat council ia the state of Oregon, Anchor council No. 748, Security .Benefit association. PIRrt.B arch.' i o. r., Ko. i 811, meets. Thirteenth street and Lexington gveiuie. a o'clock every Morula j evening. Visiting brethren welcome. Order W, -5s. A. B. JiLUaON, Secretary. I -. r : .. . . '.v ; . blNNYSlDE I.01m;E So. 13, A. F. and A. M. Wpeeial comirJUni- m S1 uiia inieaaay. sisy II, at yeXS :0 p. m.. at Temple, Thirty- ninth and Hawthorne. Work in af Lf 4Mn. welcome. By order W. SI. . V. P. JKNSKN. lUwretary. waveklt L6Jy;i!, til ?.." P. and A. M. Special communica tion will be held at Warerty hall. tt - Twenty-sixth and Clinton street, gt 7:30 p. m, Tuesday, Hlf gf UTnrk lM u ff Vfcitinc brethren welcome. By order W. sfl H. B. MILLER. Secretary. LAtHKL iJJLXiU No. 1 86. I ! O. O. F.. meata averr Monday eivnmg. H o cJoek, corner Booth Jersey and vitt streets. Work in the third degree. Visit ing brethren always welcome. j P. FV FREEMAN. N. G. ;. i.rtsr. Keenrtting KecreU ry. W ASHIVfiTOX rSMMAkbETlt t No. 1 5. K. T. Meeting of the drill team Tuesday evening. May 31, at 7:80. ' O. P. EfSMAN. Ree. CARDS OF THANKS WHEREAS,.- : the members of the Portland local IMdgo cf the P. p. B. A. of A. In regular sendon awrmbled. May 28, 27. 28, 1921, do truly and faithfully recognise the members of theVsame mid amociation known aa the P. I'. B. A. before . the reorganization merger and thus feeling an keenly at present as in the put the laaa of those whoe activities have reaaed both an members and eo-feilows and wishing at the same time to expres our sympathy jointly with loved ones and friends, be it . Keaolved, That we. In a body, share the mem orial content In behalf of Messnt. S. H. Duke and William J. Waddy with their families and friends and send to the widows, Mr. Josephine Duke and Mrs. l-ouiae Waddy. a floral token of our con dolence for unpresaien on Decoration day. Com mittee of resolution, it. Harris, J. K, Spencer, j. ittmm, a. u nnsnann, coalman. WE ORAfErTCL- appreciate the many acta of onaness snown. to our beloved butbsnd and father, Joseph Behmid, during his illness, and thank our friends, neighbors and Woodmen of the World for their sympathies shewn us st the time f his death. We also thank them for the beautiful floral tributes, His nod) Mrs. Mar gsrot S-hmid. Joseph, rsnk and Otto fVhmid. DEATH NOTICES 103 WACKLVND .In UiU city. May 29. Minnie AI- beruns Wacklund. aged 9 years, wife of Hilraer -rcklud. sister of Eben snd (ieorge Larson and Mrs. Anna TroxeL all of Portland; Mrs. Mary Anderson, Winlock, Wash., snd Mrs. Ida Olaen of St. James. Minn. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell at. at I nion are. ULOWb -In this city. May 80," George Glowe, - aged IT years, son of Mrs. Hsttie Glowe ,f this city. A member of Multnomah camp, W. O. W. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 K. Alder at. Funeral notice, will appear la a later issue. - i BLASCIURD In this city. May 28." ViltVeii .William Blanohard, aged 7 years 8 months 29 days, son. ot Me. and Mrs. W. W. Blanche rd of Vancouver, B. G. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder St.- Notice of funeral will apiiear in a later issue. ' HKDDY In this city. May 29, Erauy rieddyT aged SS years, lata of 42 Brasee gtreet, be loved mother of James P., Charles M. and Mar garet Alice Reddyi sister of Mrs. C. E. Johrtaon. all of this city; Charles Estkelaon of East Or ange. N. J. He mains at Pearson's undertaking Parlors. Russell st, at Union ave. COtJRTNBY In this eity. May 29, Ceorge F. Courtney, aged ST yeara; beloved husband of Hattie Coartney. Remains are gt the resident ial funanl parin r of punning A StnEntee, "Tier? riwn street at Twelfth. Funeral notice later. BKLOTT In this eity. May 26; George Belotl, aged 86 years. " The smaina are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5to. Notice -of fu neral hereafter. - BXGEI.BRIGTSON la this eity. May 29, Anna Engelbrigtson. aged IS yearn. Funeral notice later. Remains at tha residential parlors of Miller A Treeey. SAMUELBON In this eity. May 29, Edwin Samuelson. Funeral notice later. Remains at residential parlors of Miller ft Tracey, FUNERAL NOTICES 104 avEEFE May 29. at her late residence," 778 Halsey st.. Ualvina J. Keefe. aged 74 years, mother of Mrs. A. P. Goss of this city, J. H. and Frank C. Keefe of San FrenciKoo. Cal. The funeral service will ba held Tuesday, May 31, at 4 p. m.. at the above residence. Friends in vited. Concluding service, Stillwater, Mian. J. P. Finley ek Son, directors. CALK- In tliis 'eity. May 29. Daniel Cale. "age J 60 yeara. beloved brother of O, C, Wood and Mrs. May Denoyer, both of this eity. Funeral services will be t held Tuesday, May 81, at '3 p. ra., at tha Free Methodist church, E. 9th and Mill at. Interment at Iamascus cemetery, B. mains at residential parlors of Miller A Treeey. BROWN In this eity, May 29. Vi vian Brown, infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Y. Z. Brown and twin sister of Verne of Camp Lewia, Wash. Tha funeral service will ba held Tueaday, May 81. at 2 p. m., at the Portland crematorium. 14th gnd Bybee sts. Friends invited. J. P. Finley A Son, directors. MeFARLAND In this city,- May" 28. " Ruby; sged 29 yean, wife ef H. MeFarland ef 443 Columbia at., and mother of Margaret Slkea The remains will be forwarded by J. P. Finlry A Son teu Augusta, Kan., where services will be held and' interment made. - AIXsTS-iTTir f iiniraj service "of tha lata" Wesley Allen of 5909 7 7th St. S. .. Will bo con ducted tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3 p. m., ia the mortuary chapel of A. . D, Kenworthy A Co.. SeOS-S04 9Ud st. 8. E.. in Lenta. Ftiends invited. Interment. Mt Scott rark eemeter y TAEGEB May SO, at the residence, 758"TgT 3th it. N,, Walter Taeger. aged T years, be loved son ot Mr. gad Mrs. rred Jfseger. rrt- i vate innerai serviea wiu pe eonauetea i iiesaxv. i p. m., Pearsea unaertaking Psr- Russell St. at I'nion HA RT J E- In " this "eity. May -S. KliaabeUi, TFT aced years, dsttgnter ef air. and Mrs. Law rence Hartje of 220 N. 1 Tth st. The funeral service will be held Tueaday, May 81, at 2:3(1 p. m., at Flnley'a mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Conchidinii service, Portland crematoritiw. CAMPLAN Tha funeral serviea for Emil A.' Camplan, late pf Midas, Nev., will be held Tueaday, May 81, at 10 a. m.a at Finley 'a mor tuary, Montgomery at Bth. Frienda Ittvited. Concluding service, Mt Scott cemetery. NELSON At the residence, 1 1 S East 84th at. N., May 97, Jack D. Nelson, aged IS years. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, May 81, at 10 A. M.. at tha chapel of Miliar Trace?. Interment. Riverview cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 (WALTER J. HOLMAN THIatP AT AJUktOH MAIN 807 East Side Funeral Directors r. B. DUNNING. INC. -Tba Fajnily Beta tha Price." 414 B. Alder rt Phene East 88. Dunning & McEntee : Morrison rt, at l?th. wreeewsy o. ana. oeo-oo CHAMBERS CO. avNia mm 1 lraSaaVaaT at T1 f vSs Vi. sa isaawsasss . mS ak . ITrkSBii R. To BYRNES S7aI2&S 01 WgUama tea Waodlaws 880. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTROMERT 4T rTFTHt. POWNINQ aicNaJAR--A "laselikg plaee. Moderate la peer, jrvmgtca asjeerct, Fbaas Bast 84. ......... . - MILLER A YBACEg, Indenepdent "luserat "oJ recters. Prices as law aa 880. 840. 860. Wahingtoa at Ella Mala 8681, A-7iS8. iicE.VTEE ElLERg. funeral parlors with "all uie privacy or a ncaa isis ana E-verelg sta. i-oone proaaway giaa. ant, t;i-si E a-OA-voV 6'nnnir"ll. belmaot" Bt S ivvwnj win. Tab. 18SB. BV284S, A R. ZeHer Co, Pboaa East 10SS. 3lvirr tnnliEBTAKIXa CauTTi5f dKCWeS A-2321. Coraer Thud and Clay. MEETING NOTICES ) S1 ?- s"5vi , tnm jjfew !!! nil You can buy your "Dime-a-Line" Journal Want Ad at any of the following Journal Want Ad Stations and get your present just the same as at The Journal Office: THE OWL DRUG CO. STORE, Broad way and Washington One insertion, "Dime-a-Line" three insertions, 25c par line- seven insertions; 50c per line. All ads less than 2 lines will bm charged as 2 lines. I j j! ' ; : .. - ; , , . . .... .. ,. . .. .. ... , . FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 Lerch, Unaertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHONK EAST 781 MONUMENTS 109 r.arw " B-REY-FRK1HEIT CO. MARBLE AM) GRANITE MONPMENTS H41 MILWAUKIE STREET . ..' Out of the HiKh Rent District .;. "N0FF RED." OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WOPJC5 QDAXITY MI340BIA1JS grTWtRO s-wwe-srs. - tvowg ft'y43 FLORISTS 107 1 WJiyrno w Kzxim B . ST awT ewsTVV H CaiECS ACC03STS SOLICITED Z STOCES 9A MfmOTSOM ST - 54S UOCMSOII ST. 1 rOETLAXD Writ -f REf.KTf fcTXral MAS.. 755 MA'S- ---2.57 8 Personal attenrJoc givta wed ding, reception, tea and table decorations Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETLAND" FLOWER . SHOP, Morrison at. bet. 3d and 4th, TeL Main 419. And FWal "Designs! 88 Largo No Braocb Steree. Vears aa Morrisea et. between 4 th and 81. i'el. Mais T70v Smith's Flower Shop i "Portlaod'i PregTeselve Florbvt" Flowers for AH Oreajinas. - Mala 72 IS. T. C LUKE. Mgr. eta and AMot. Japanese Flower Shop'- Flowers and planta, and an kinds of vegetable plants. 191 Third at bet. Taylor and Yamhill. JOHN NAPP & SONS. FLORIST South First and Bancroft its., tedding plants, tanging baaketa, , vase gnd windotv buxc filled rearensb'e. Phene At. 887-88. ' nRTW aV FORBES Cm, ftorlata. SS4 Wash, ngtoav Mais 2dg, A-lZea. far aA eeesHlues artietieallv srraneed. DonnJoV FLORAL SHOP reOpie S Z4S Alder- Marshall till, ChappcH'g siiF8; Morriaoa st. LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST On East 37th st. between Hawthorne ave. end E. Market, ladiea' eold srut watch, valued as keepsake from mother,. Liberal re ward, t ail Tabor SM-t. U0ST." on Taylor' Ferry rid. cemetery. 1 man's black striped coat snd boy's mixed brown eoau Call Tabor U379 after Monday. Reward. -LOST-1 Male Airedale d(, 10 raoiiLUa iAd, in Woodstack. : I nf orm a turn leading to recovery will eeeure reward. A. E. : House, 024 5TLh ave. 8. E. LOST From automobile "runaing board, " liaii3 grip containing gentleman' w oaring apparel. Phone Tabor 0192. Reward. - LOST Silk watch fub wkl) , guld niaaogium, "J. J. 8." Reward. Tabor 1809. LOST I lh, UWASTA kippered sulmou. , Box 4858. Selfwood. FfJUND 1 lb. Cwanta kippered salmoak ' Call East 7018. . . ,. ' ' LOST -About hi kt. diamopd ring. RewarX Write H-875, Journal. - BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 Advartiauig msnsRsrs earn from 83000 , ta 880.000 yearly. Enroll jisw at unr O-gbt class ef modern advertising and gualif fee egte of tha big positions. Very attractiva rates add terms ' Pacific School ef AdrertU n, , S09 is 809 Bail way Exchange bldg. BUSINESS hensaa ate eaiBag to efflsiaat of flee Bln Ooalifg to fill oaa af thee poai by apeeialisiBg oa celcnlstora. aauiUa sph, - typw- wrlter or dictating machine. Thorough and atn cieat traiaias. aBd the asautaae a aeeunig a pa aiuoa whe sualiTied, Cailaa school. Q8 tissns bias . oqvy. seem. atOLER atARBEB COLLEGE will teach yoa the trade ia 8 weeks; recaiv suaaa pay white learning; prositions secured. Orejon a-srvee aiea receive state aid. Write t call tog oata- legue. 234 Burniae a MODERN BARBER COLLEGE uacbee tba trad in g wka, tools furnished; aeiae pay. . Po tiona secured. rSiieeiai rate this anonta, ' Writ er emu inr jncn'a' .- u" w TEACHERS wanted, register free, at THE CLARKSON TKACHERS" AGCx., 813 Syca- S-nsa .71i-lrrvsn WsLt-Vk or eall for nsrtieularn. 234 First st. ROCKY MOCNTALS TEACllk-RS- A.-EXCj'--Earoll free. Frank K. Welles, former asst. ttte itirt. Mgr., N-W. Bsnt PMg anm. os - MEN. WOMEN, learn barber tiJe; wages while lea rein; peeitmne a-aranteed. Mgr. SS years' experienee. Oreaoii Barber Colh-ge, 2S9 Msdisea. Uisa Reams Buektl's private school; ; individual W.nn KTion. 4S'J t.rsiia st: ti t r i n v .p.-i run iphy Kariwav Telegraph in- - stituta. 4S Railway Exchgos bids, hfil tliiwrs i' ..." ' ;i. '..:. WITH CASH ' WANT ADS . FOR THE BIG SUNDAY JOURNAL a 12-ounce jar of Grimson Rambler HONEY FREDERICK C. FORBES DRUG CO., Grand Ave and East Morrison KILLINGS- WORTH DRUG CO.. KiDingsworth and Albina BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 200 WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORI AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION f Call at Unioa ava" and Wasco at, apy day axcept Katurday, it II L m., or write for free catalog No. 4. It Will not cost yon anything to find out how we have helped over S00 graduate to good positions. We ran help you. too. -ADOOX ACTO A AVIATION SCHOOL Special Inducements to Es-8ervice Men, Reduced Rates June 1 to Sept,' 1. West's Laraest Business GoUega. Assures EVEBX ii-AAttAlal A PUalTION. Ail sasineaa oonrsea. Uiclndisg eomptaasstaa trauung. alnroll any tisse day aebooL aoaht arbooL Writs for free catalogue, dtb gav sasst Morr-on - phono Main 690. EARN 88 TO 310 PER DAT . Leara Automobile, Tractor. Battery or Vntcsn ising businesa. We teach the only successful method. Dsy and Evening classes all summer. Oregen e-erviea men: Tha state pays your en tire tuition fee. Special low rates. Tour credit is good, if you gre short of money. Hemphill's Auto snd Tractor Schools, 707 Hawthorns eve-. Portland, Or. ENROLL in a Business echoes where atadenta se cure individual instmcUon hi the ma jog sub jects and personal attention in all subjects, book, keeping, stenographic, calculator, p first secre ts rial course offered. - Write or call for later, view. - New term now opening. Day and eve ning seseiona, Oregon Institute of Technology. 191 Sth rt.. Main 8700, Local TOU CAN BARM TOtTB WAT TBSOUGaT ALISKT BI-DO., BP ANTJ MORRISON. WANTED at once, 9 men to team TulfSPjglSg no retreaaing. t niviwni TEACHERS A posMioa for you. See Oregon ' Washinrton Tesehers' agency. Abngton bldg. HELP WANTED MALE 201 we "HAVE AN'"oPteSr?tn "6S- " oeh" Sales FORCE FOR TWO OR THREE LIVE WIRE SALESMEN. MUST BE OF NEAT APPEAR ANCE. t'LLL OF AMBITION AND WILLING TO WORK 8 OR 10 HOURS PER DAT. TO THOSE QUALIFYING WE CAN OFFER PER MANCT AND MIGHTY GOOD REMUNERA TION. APPLT TUESDAY MORNING, 9 TO 11. 104 BTH 8T- SEE MK. CULUalK. PERMANENT" positions, good pay, 8-bour day, open shop, linotype operators, pressmen, proa feeders bindery workers. Write or wire Employ. era' Exchange, Salt Lake City. OWN TOUtt JOB Several more places open )a cooperative woodworking plant. Imraediat employment. OljTUpi Bo Packtf Co., uiympia. wasn. SALESMAN to sell Ford " cars, trucks and tractors; this is an excellent proposition for a live man. a-nw, .louma-i. WANTED "at once, " three prscUcal "floor" layers - and finishers. Tabor eao, uag leat aru- wood Floor Co. Steady work, SALESMEN and sojicitors, apply at Pacific Laboratories. 801 E. Hawtherne. ADVERTISING' " man f er " newspaper thai" eaa estimate job printing. J-48S. Journal. UOUD chsnr for a reliable At auto mechanic; everything furnished- J-448, Journai. MEN to eat TJ W AN Ta" kippered salmon. "Ore gon Fmh at Cold Storage. SOLICITORS wanted at 345 W Jefferson, oornar Broadway. Good money for workers. SALESMEN WANTED 202 -WANTED ; Motor Truck Wholesale - and Retail Salesmen!;: Dependable men. possessing initiatue, ag, greeaiveness and iudgment, men who are alert end on. the job and accustomed ta handling high-grade products. We want men of these requirements ta set aa territory men; lso one or two men for retail sales locally. Wall evtabUshad line of light and heavy duty motor ttuck. - : STATES AUTO TRUCK OOMrANT 480 Burusid Street AGENTS wanted for sanitary dry hand maps, no wet or sore hands, no stooping, tto back aches. Send (2.50 for sample; good territory open. Northwest Distributing Co.. 6i Wash, ington st, , - SALESMEN wasted to sell our cemi late line of nuraery stock. Outfit free. Cash weekly. Address E. A. BENNET NUESEBT CO., Balsa, Or. AGENTS WANTED 203 AGENTS waMted Benedict NuKery' C., lei E. 8Tth st. N.. Portland. r- HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 FEMALE HELP WANTED A teaeoer wanted tur educational work during the summer. Excellent opportunity for a profitable vsoaWoa peried. Permanent far those wh uaUfy. G- 77. Journal. MRS. U V.' SCOTT: lonaeny W'l tbe fedafal aesiilmmssl service, furniibes aeeepetaaa ei- et,, elaA wn for all thev base atf eB alcyment 3 g Henry bldg. Broadway 37, ANY GTltL in seed of s fnesd, apply to tbf Salvatlea Army Reams Home, Mayfsl; gad Alexander sta. Phone Maht 8490. DM ear. HELP WANTII--MALE AND FEMALE 205 TOUNG' man orwoaiBaa "atenographrr gad secretary ia return for eomplsta aviation in n..iini emiwe. -Arwlv manager. O-W. eV I. Airplane Co.. Bdwy. 33. , iwis at Clark ficid. .FREE! . r . THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Manufactured By -CONNER & CO., Portland MATTHIEU DRUG STORE, Russell Street and Williams Avenue OVER A QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE READ THE JOURNAL EVERY DAY SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE 251 Phone Tabor 6652 Res, 29 EL 79th at, 8 B. MIM-ION A SON CONTRACTORS 1 SEWERS AND CESSPOOI Sea as. Fort land. Or. GAUDENER If yoa have any garden work. want old lawns mad new, grass mowed or eat, have it done by experienced men. Sod aa hour. Bdwy. 1718. E. 1L Kiggins, Excavating , gzs-tkauSwS. H. BAUMER. Phone East 4818. GET TOUR PAINTING, decorating gad signs before th spring ruxb, 28 ysars axperieaco. Phone Tabor 286. PLASTERING, cement work and stucco i-f all kinds: wo do repair work aaao: pi able. Phones East 6884, East 6180. IF VU.U want any repair work dune on your house, call J. W. Novel, the repair man. he will do it st once for you. BelL 174. painting and tinting in'aix TiretR' BRANCHES. REASONABI. WDLN. g33. VAHL BROS. CARPENTER Euamaies given on buildiogr re psir work; screen made to order. Shop, 1867 Hawtherne. Tabor 1260.' EXPERIENCED gardener wishes work by th day er hour. Call Mar. 8741. ELECTRICIANS, Mala 7238. W specialize ia electrically wiring your home. - GALBREATH. tha painter, W hang papa right aide op, lowest rate. Woodlawn 1484. CEMENT work" all XiaOs. rira alas eaJs. PLAaTEUiNG. chimney and cement work." 09 E. 4th st. Tabor 2658. SCREENS mad to order," eld sereea rwwiraaT Antomstie 817-87. ALL kinds of f!owr boa uad to oroet Auto. matic 817-37. CONCRETB pouring, general cement work. Call lb ,11 a . C , n , , - twitwuou x Q u, sucr e P. SO. CARPEN'l'Elt ano euuUaelur. loboioa anj In the building line. Phone East S66S. nytaiag S-TON truck want any kind af battling, Pboaa ... ji.. r PAINTING and tinting, good clean work. Wood lawn 8471. SEWER emneetieas, cesspool, drain til, Sep tie tanks, eement work. Tabor SA0S. BOUSE painted. 650-895; rooms tinted, 61-15; papering, S5e veil. Woodlawn 6084. CARPENTER, builder, Jobbing, built-in, esti mate on new work. Auto. 520-81. 8HINGLEB Rashipgiing and repair work. Itumpt service. Auto. 219-18.. PAINTING and kalaemining, S3 room up. U. W. Big, AUtO, S31-OS. SisLNGOi'llS VV ben you want reduugliog Jcne eall Waoellswri SaOS. FOR GARAGES, CEMENT OA WOOD . T Call Tsbev 1498. WE repair and psipt your roof any ' color with Wcbfoot paint. Bdwy. 609. lii'Ol'S For resbjnglins or tool repair eerrice. CB Woodlawn SS68. HANDY MAN repairs your aoreen, halt price. Repairs snythina. Woodlswn. B7SS ILXPERiENCKD' GAKDKNKU WANTS WOltaU O-SBO. JOl'BNAU CEMENT" WORK Satbttaciipa guaranteed, A. it. Putnam, Woodlgwa 8241 PAPEHING, painring aod tinting, ehagyt floor cleaned and poli bed. Tabor 6289. GRADINQ' AND EXCAVATtNQ. " MAPI 6771! BOOF resbingling a specialty. East 1201. CEMENT, chimney nd. repair work. Tabor 1587.' WAitfl'ElT-TSxoavatini'arid" grkdig". VtdinTZHSZ SrrUATION j WANTO mALE 2S4 Vi II0 W wisliee poaiUon "i"auaekeeper where there are chil.lren. Mr. Ton Sapth, Geo. Pet., Portuna. ur. MIDDLE-AGED widow."" waato" work " on poultry or fruit ranch- Capable housekeeper, good asp. asner, ri-eTi, journal. WANTED- Houasieepmg, 7 aay work. - 7374 Nteoiai at. IEAHH' EirKKIEUK JCAST VUO, ae-r, ctat xtx a r hand -uc TEARS' EXPERIENCH. ' EA STE6196.' l DRESSMAKING 256 DYEING, eleenirjg, prsssing, assss sajna, sw medcling., alteration, pies Una. rea sonable pneee. The Cabinet Prsavsiaking park). ee aemMi pear iim. as lie imj. LADIES' ganssiit alls red sad rsfittsd. I. lUa- bin, ladies' tailor. 408 Pn-h A Lao bldg. kEMSTITCHING Any color, 8a yard;- also scalloping. 209 Alisky bldg.. gd ana Movrypn. FA MILT sewing. pUia akirta, 62.28. 789 i aia m. rvi SEWING done, neatly and reasonably ; children's clothing a specialty. 75 K. Bth, East 1281. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 "" ' 453 ALDER. CORNER OF 18TB NEAT. CLEAN BLEEPING KOOMJ: IMO HOUHEavEEPINO ROOMS. 88 TQ 86 PER WEEK. BHUAtmu B3g EXCEPTIONAW.T pica Sleeping rooms, weO for nianea, eiean, pgat anw prji ciosei we iruainee ecstert rent is reason oia, gi n. itia Broadway so SICEXT lurnished " upetaira " rooms," week I 3 plsesaat front rooaas. first tS imilli fins flAA. eaeii 835 per month. S24 E- Merrisea. East 1 5.13. VEttY" PLEASANT,' ' WELL'FU R7N I8BED HLFFPING ROOMS, WALKING DISTANCE. 4 jury KMiyij.-v THE MAPLE." 8 0 1 7 th N. near Wash," $4 per week and np; hot and cold mnuing water. , . n ii u - a 1 t s. 1 ST. JOHNS PHARMACY, FOR RENT FURNIbHED ROOMS SOU NICKT-T FURNISHED ROOMS BATES TERY REASON ABL $4 A WEEK AND UP MAXWELL HALL 207 FOURTEEN TU BTKJCKT PHONE MAIN 4158. Lincoln hotel "spes Very attrsctive rooma, ainglg gad suite, thoroughly modern; congenial gtmospher; de si rah Is down town location $1.60 and VB P' nignt. weyaiy rata or and np. Jefferson Hotel Modern, wall furnished rooma, pleasant lobby and automatic elevator. B0o75 a night aad up. Special weekly rate. -; Hotel Conradine VwS Two block north of Washington ft. pleasant rooms and suites at very yaagooabl rata by nay or TOURIST HOTEL eM1 Modern, fro bsLh, reduced rata. 76 per day and up, 64 a week and up. Transient trad so- Ucited. Mrs. M. J. Walker, proprietor. HOTEI OHIO " S66 FRONT 8T., COR, MADISON Nice deeping and housekeeping rooms j not and eold water in every room; eatomaU a le vator : reasons bis, by day or week. HOTEL OCKLEY Memaon at Tenth. 81 a day; weekly. S3 and op; free phone and bath; steaa beat. KXCEPT10NALLT "well " furnished- rooma, very pleasant aad aleea, desirable leeattoa, walking distance. $3 g week and UP. 699 H tiliaga Mar. 847. Hilicrest Hotel WASHINGTON Permanent rooma from 85 up per week. , xiriveiv upmics ana pains. t T.'.'.il'"l,'i " 'j,1; i" t. "l LARGE, airy, .well furnished room, all modern eonvenbneea; east side, close in. on two car lines; breakfast If desired; very reasonable. 669 stovtnwicg St., near stunree. Sargent Hotel lit Housekeeping gad leeping rooms. ENON HOTEL 1MAsNr70i6..TH Beat dollar--day bens ta town. AH ucd!w cgBiraifcw, jsie IP piraniwin pilil. SOME richly fumisiisd" traasient room being refitted ag special rata to permanent, weekly or monthly guest. Ail rooma f suing 6th r Stark t, buaina section. Empress betel. "CLEVEXOElt HOTtt.-" 418 H vTsshington at. , eor. Jltb; $1 s day, 84.60 a wk, and up Fin downtows Jocatioa, net ana eoia water, steam neat. HOTEL FRANKLIN 1 Vfaahlngton at 13th, Bates by th week,' 83.60 and up. hot and aeld running water, tub ana snower num. Well Furnished Rooms 6 team heat, hot gnd eold water, reasouabk rates, 269 9th et. Mala 9876. wASHiaiafOM 1 Hotel A few ettractive rooms aad suite; vary rea son, la rates by th week or month. ISta aad -ev ssninston ata. HOTEL BARR IIS V. aUCTH. t BLOCKS FROM- OKt . 1 per day, 88 per week and an, Oeaa, weU fnmiabed I nasi, wttk) riuuuag water. 50e per aibt and op. FOR RENT lousekeeiiHg and altering nm; light, phone, water, bath; oar three arUnea. K32 William a II DAT, 82.80 week,' np: eisaa rooms, bath rre. uotei taauise. xnira st. near JeTiersoa FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 GOOD room oa third' floor foe" two "er three young men, Sepassta beda; bath opening off room; eieetrig light and Phooa, Clw ia. 39$ w. rark. SUITE of newly ' furnished rooms for 3" gentle. men, single room, 68.60 par week; private house; phone, bath; in business district. I'hoo W (- - 1 1 tii FINB LAHGE SLUMPING ROOM.' MODERN r.mii 4V cjtjivr.'via-vt.:,. vjireja. i.. suae r biib. NICE HOME FOR GENTLEMAN. EAST 7172. NICK clean rosea, awry cheap, for ale elderly man. Ante. S22-S1. 7980 6th ave. 8. E. WELD" furnished room f er real in private stoma, gentleman only. 44 Tlllimaok. On sleek from union ave. tARflE ROOMS. VELL- rt-ttVlSHeb, Hol'sB- KEKP1NG PRIVILEGE; WALKING D1S TANCE. 529 EVESETT- DWT, 1998. ( HAVE "4 Biee newly rureUned sleeping raumi to rent; a real beme restrit4 dUatnet, wsis tng cismnee. r.sai aoie, FRONT " ROOM:" MbDERN "t?OTf AG." lill SONABLK BINT, O.N OR TWO. 4S TAYLOR ST. SUITABLE roam" fee ' yean "weaua " ia private apt. O, S, preferred. Walking aiaUK. Can Msr. 11S3. lURGi.TliRfriclEAH-FBoyif HOOkf.-fIc INO PARK AJD HIT.!- BEAVTIFUL- VIEW, MAR. 1TS1. rj paaa st. NEWLT" lurhithed"' sjeeping "room" ia" "refine! borne. 10 minutes' walk front basin tn. ter. Benadwsy 8811. S3 H Ella. PLXASANT' firnihed" room." walking dUUaee. 1 klk h ,1 i an. .trl, . n ,, n. e,k. Si,, . Pl KVLsilKD room for genU. emaa. cke to, w d. phoaa Marshall Side. Breakfast U desired. 115. 497 Mentgovnery street NlCE sieei'ng roos. ogl of 2 lad. Inquire 170 JS. 20 at. - r J C TaWe.'. MIC FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE FRONT ROOM WJCI.L H K.VI811K.H; WALK1NU DISTANCE. HOARD IF !K- 8IRED. CAIX MONDAY.', 63 KVEKKTT, BDWY. 1995. NEAT Tblt ROOM"" CT 8. "LaDT Ife tTCHft PHlVII.KCfcS Jf PE8IREU, MA1.N K7. ROM AND BOARD 302 Park View HotePTwlf. Under now ssanagemenL rooma with er without beard; tranaieat meal aerved; rate by day or month. THE ALBINa HOTEL. 24 ALBINA BT. Rooms, with oi without board, close to th axilla and Industries ef the east aide i rates very reasonable. East 'S15Q, the BOibB noi-gsr A roiititry home in the eity. bom eonkins. clean beds, lowest prices. 682 Buia at,, 1 block I to Sell wood car. Kenwood 11745. TOTntTOEL . tUl Select residential hotel, strletiT anudern, ail outside rooms, moderate rates. ROOM and board in private boarding house. Men only. Three block Broalaay bridge. Phone F.t 2660. 873 Ross st- ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 I TWO MEN TO SHARE FRONT BOOM, WITH BOARD, 67.50 TLB nrtB, CALL EAST 6475. 411 KABT ANKENY. NICK t.ARGK ROM WITH ' BOA Hp. WITH HOMELIKE MKAIA ' BY WEFK OH MONTH. CALL 817 MARSHALL , 8T OR : BKOADWAY 3355. HOME surrounded by lovely- trees "end grass, of- ' rem rooms snd boerd. Homemade bread and pea - Walking distance to Multnomah club. rMtwy. s is EXrlGE airy room, home cooking, suitable for 1 or z gentleman, noma primages, near Broadway bridge, ebon Last 443S or call 88S I Lcrsbee St. N1CELT furnished room with board for gen tleman; home privileges; walking d stance. 835 Multnomah. - Et 8569. LKST of home eooking and home in C, R. Jiome. to gcntlrnieu or lad'ea cmpkiyed. 414 Market . eor. of 1 1 th st. BOOM and board in a widow's- home, $9 per week, on Union . 893 Brass at. East eeoa LADY with good" home will keep boarders, rea aongbl t 67.60 per weak, or will ear for children. Main 3695. WILL room and board 3 children reasonable; 1 mile from city limits. Wdln. 0711. BEST of care given email children; day ov hour; private horn. Auto. 629-02. 726 Everett t. ROOM and board very reasonable, " 669 Union ave. N- East eoSS. - . CHOICE single or aouble rooms. Meals. Home privileges, seisin nutsnre. Ma'n unjn. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 R HKNT Nks clean h k. room Aim frmit mom with kitchen privileges; mutlem cenreni noes; quiet place; walking duitaaec, 124 E. 1 stn. Ka't 44 Ia KlUd clean front sleeping room; alio h. a, rooms. Everything fumisliad. Walking dis-toiir-e. Near West Park- 887 College at. Main 8164. ' t ROOM apartment In private horns, private porch and entrance; water and electricity free; gas. private lavatory, 8 IS Per mo. Call week days, Aut. 641-53. S NICE rooms. Immaculately clean) aooth weat aid Fulton Park neighborhood, with or with- n garage; telephone, lights, water, eta, fur- d very reasons b la Msrsnsll 1204. CLEAN housekeeping rooms with water, sink, gas and alee, lights; 1 2 rm. art., 810 mot 1 2 rm., 817 1 13 rm., 820: walking distance; slap good ear aervice. 604 E.,'ly st. 1 IJIRGE, CLEAN. AIRT H. K, ROOM, ELEC TRIC LIGHT. HEAT AND GAS. 120 N. 18TH STREET. CORNER, GL1SAS. FOR HOME NldKHS '" EITHER RENTAL Olt FOR SUMMPR MONTHS OR TO BUT. ASK MRS. BERRY, MAUSAI.L 1684. NEUY nice two room suite with sleeping porch, also two pleeust rleei.lng room r,d seiarale sleeping porch, easy walking distance. Moderml rent, hbb Wasning'on K. rooms, light and airy, walking distanee, gaa range,- electrto lights, bath, running water, laundry privuV free. 476 E., Burnslda, ad UU- rnevie Kast no no DESIRABLE 2-rnem auita, modern,- well fur- msnea, newiy painted ana very clean easy walking distance: reason bl rant 295 Munt gomery, corner of Fifth.- ' . 84 WEEK. 2-room suite, suitable for single rasa, every convenience, hot water at all hours, bath free. Save carfare. Motel CgdiUae, 3d, near Jefferson. II WEEfc, 3-Tonea suite, elaan. large. " light rooma, ga range, bay window, every eon veniance, hot water at all hours. Save carfare, Hotel t adillac, gd near Jetterson. Hotel Royal MORRISON AT K. THIRD Convenient H. K- rooms, $4 a weak up; sleeping rooma 61 per day. 36 week aa. Close in. 12 MONTTC "clean foreUhed' Bousakeeplng' rooms, steam haaL laundry, hot and cold water, electric light, yard, 406 Vanoourer ara, near Broadway. i ABSOLUTELT clean, excrptrbnally light and airy two furnished housekeeping rooms, west aide, walking distance; pboaa, light, bath, ga rang, i rr. isiri at. THE MAPLE. 80 N. 1 Tth V, near Washington. Furnished II. K. rooms, bet snd cold water in escn apa rrmeni. FOR "UKNT One "Urg" aunny - single H. KT, room, modern, 88.60; week; free gaa. 283 Main. Main C2TS. 3 21, BV rooms, neat ami clean, best iocaUuei. drapes, ivory woodwork, running water aaa rangea I ran et. CLEAN H. K. rooms with kitchenette, hot and cold water and light; welkins distance; -ua- mer rates. 63 North 21K aC I'OR' RatNT---Hourkeepinf rooma at eor. Park and Salmon. Inquire Nobby Clnra, StiVk siubmi ei, stain eeue, 3 AND" 8 "ROOM H. K auitea, H. K. suite, thoroughly ale a. ounles, near U. P, ysrd god taken. 162 Wi Brnweli pacneiors ov sou, wear ear; Infan t TWO rooms, first floor, front room snd kitchen. tie; also single rooms, Mire stuef, puce. Baa these today. klanders st. iOR BENT -Two" clean " housekeeping roeai. with kitchen and lsuodry privilege; 87 per weea. oe wasnington at. CNR and two roosas," furnUhed h. k.. low rent. waving atstaaoat geauea) protarrwtr Sic Mill, corner First, FlftNlMHED howaakerping rooms, ejectric light, hot and eold water, sink, phena, bath frte, gg.po per weeg gnq up, sag nimq t. TliRKK furnished L.' H. rooms, upper floor also 2 large L. if. roosas, lower floor. 881 Clacka mas at,, close in. JUNE l- Tw furnished Wuseseeping, light. sn3 airy, lower floor, 620. .427 N. 21st, cornel Tamrhn. Bdwy. 5561. BKLLfGrHAM"apta, "tensegeeplDg1 and" eleeplns iwoaas, rates raaaongbla, 421 H K, Morriog st.( cor. ta, fWO andr" room houaeeecping " apartments; elaan. well furnished and very reasonable. a e ei. nurgiiqg. wrner onnq e. FOR RENT Two light housekeeping roema, et and clean i 61S. 136 E. 46tb st, - gz Vfr PL Bjirnsidc. eorwer tirand ave. IS III V M UTf III k I LIT. L 11 li SI W move yon for lens. Broadway 2445 rL'ftNlflliED'IlOtSKEEPINa BOOMS REaI SONABLK. 261 BROADWAT. MAIN 79TO. KICK large" teem for "housekee ping, ri'aM ' to endltorium. 661 3d. Phone Main 8283. KJCELT "furnished H, K, " rooms, single aad stouble; rent reasonable, sot Market at. 3-ROOM fiats 6 per week, siagl i7f. 343 Front, near Market. FOR" RENT Furni.ked housekeeping rooms. fL'RNISHED IL K. rooms. $1.78 a week ad up. Eleetrte rights. 326 1st at. FURNISHED U. K. rma 3.6o "per "week sJ pp. 53 H Wasblngtoa at TWO "niceiy fumwhed h. k. room. 90th. AdulU only. Walking distsnee. SINGLB K k. teams Suitabte. foe lady or mn emptnyse). 800 12th t. WHY go to east aider Yea ean get them St 208 Wa-hrnevm et fteaeonahle mtes. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 308 li you hgv ny fumiuir to move, we da it tor less: storage Ire 15 day a Main szo. FCBNISHED housekeeping" rooms with "sink gad wash trays; children allowed. Main 6156. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATg FAMILY 305 8 PLEASANT unfurnUhed rootui, 33 month Including water, light and phonal phone FOLR nifurniaJie4 " hoa seepiug" rooms," f2 - Iieteo It ave., at- Jon os eer. xoih. gJ.VCLE buuaelieeping ruete, suitable fer'beehelorV 154 N. t I H st, T FYSliTfED rooms inelutling" a modern . fcitohee; adwlt only. Tabor C4 1 6. TlfutE niee'i fumined tiouaekeeJiii fuoou; no children, 667 K. YajBhill, 1 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30$ CNFlRNlSIILfTT" roittuH,- ground floor, mi, fruit trees, free telihne end water, i Ime ill, no objection to rhildreo. pit! llulmnnt L uto. , J I u. Nlt'KI.Y furniMlisd front liiMl'rtt home, close In, double esr servire, rent reaonablr, ' gentleman preferred or working girls. 80l llau-i-o. .. Auto. 822 20. TWO nircly furuiahed hounesri'plng rooms ni sleeping porch, private family, close in. vst aide, 8ns Hancock St., near tuion ave,, 85 per week. . Eswt B40. FIRBT floor, sink, newly renovated, h. k. room; also basement room. 2 '.H J((rr.n. I LARGE mndern ftirmsiied htueki-eiip room. 'running water, 6U6 liaria at., lit r 2 lit and Wg.hington st. l.' lltTlNGT ON, 3 II. K. r.x'in'i. rleau and vriil furnuheil, with or without M... mug txiri-li ; uo obieotion to 2 rltllfiren. l'hone I'.a.t. 14 4 1, 4 NICELY iurui"sli.;il room J 2 111 Vr2 i-r 8 adults; prirste Immu 1 lilors es.t .of, inns- belle, on Ml. Meott rsr. Ant. 4:i. ' FOR RElfT. one riTiTT7.uVeri"'Tna r. mi,"'rfrsfi linen furni-hed each week,' baseuirtit for wsli- wig. Wdln. 4 54 5. HtKin anrl Hrosviwtiy. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Buena Vista 434 HARRISON Main 1052 Three room strictly modern furnished apt., newly papered In Upsvtry; tilrd bathrooms gud out sldekltrhena. $HS Adults only. TliB CKClf.! A nTa"PTS.T 22d 'gnd iiiuen For rent, 8-r. unfurnished apartments: brtrS build ing: entirely renosted; all outside enartmenfs with full lUjll.lil snd splsndld view; rent ft to 852.50. ' BUSHMARK, Vshfneton tT, corner itiS Completely furni.lil 1 room trii.iil psrl meots, 825 per month and up. Inludiu bath. gas, elsctrtrity, talephon. stosm beac Bruad- wy 64fl4 L'liKAP A room flat.' Iiely finilie.l, lurm-.lted or Iinfurnuhed, vn in. NhwIv ;ililel suira bldg. for grnrerici, shop or pressing. 84 1 Itenlon "t, Ea t 2724. THE'EDENHOLM fiJ. 3 and 8 room ants.) heat, light and telephone, private baths, walking distance, 126 to 66 per month, . Sunnynniont Apartrncnts On furnished apartment for rent Tahor Jgwil. ITXvlcSpoitf apT s. One, 2 nd one 8 room it. fur vent! rrivste bath and plinne, 888 and up. 603 Jelfersun U Main MS 5. "King Albert Apa.rtn.ents li furnished, 1 nnfurntslied, stnctlv modern, rile rath, clnvstor, 1 I th Uimiiiwiuty. Main BAH. - SUNNY 2room apt. with lar pantry, very pleasant, clean and corn'oriable : alo Hrl't sleeping rooms, cluta in. 20d 17th sC slain 7B28. ' Elbridge Apts. . Two nd three-room !., IhoroiigMy cleaned and newly decorated. 274 N. S J st. Hlr. 47HH. NEWLY renorsted, three room spt . all ouUlde ' rooms ctesu and light., eUo. .star, fsnt rnniff with kitchenxlto. SulUblo fos, two. 214 18th. Jl'NK 16 to rietemher 1, AnaHinent fist, oc cupying -nllr third 1lmir: 3 IKir'hrs; 5 large, eool rooma. completely furnished i home. 125 Nurtli. 17th, Broadway MHO. Iteannhle. JVrTiT ftsi f in apaTTtm ent's ' 446 11TH MARMIAl.I, 79 Dandy clean, light, Biodrru 2 room apt., rent very ressonsbie. IjlCEr.TnrurnTidieT room arartments, t&tjTTa 642,60; private phone eaoh aparuaeot; adult only. Lincoln Apt.. 4th aud l.iuoolq - 'J AND S - ro. .in ijMillminu. all rlimomi, tiiwij tinted, at a reasonable rent. Arlino Apis., 17th end Ixivi-lny. iroasav 112. Foil RENT 3 room apt., furniture for e, 8226. Vers desirahl. Ovrrlonking faikt i'Ml Hon. 805 E. 21st inar Hswlliorn. THE LILLIAN" al 5th hi. Marahall 13 7. Two and three room, modern, large end alrv. l'Oli I'MIMAli. 4 rioiu, hsidsood flix.i wslking diHlsni, rlcsti and well furnished, adullsSOO Eatl3lli.l,hf.n Est427fl, "FLORENCE APTS. m.TS One three room aiiertment with sleeping p.h. 42u TlllitiK isre"7ur7iin' i foo msl isTfm . n C 64 2 Kant 27th, Richmond car to 2 7 til. one bWk smith. BE SlUK to see tUuse c'ian and tFalit atria.; striftlr modern; furnished aud 1 UufuiTiULeU; price reasoriable. Bilwy. 2071. - JlFIt; M : HON APTff FronfT room spt., ele tirc lights, gas rsnfe; 4 bloi-ks pi putific aclir.f, Yery ressuiisble. 8(15 Jefferwin, rir. Fifth, 3"ft0bifajHiHmenf , rent-low; no children; fur nished. ft2l Thurmsn J, KK'ELS' fumirhad- oijtoije spls. . 1,2 aiiiii3 rooms. 14 Grand ar". N. Kent 7151 TWO, 3 and 4 room furmallsil flaU gi.riii u. garage. Ht4 Kirxt si. M. 3 IKKlM rurniliel apt Tor n.iiL 4 2i iZ Couch t Phone Last. 170H. Cl.fc.AN furn.- 2 rwitn apt-Week', iia. Calf a. ni. nr after 6 p. m. 4 31 E. Ah. IN ION AVE. and Killnwoitb . 621 6U, ell complete, concrete building. U'HY pay car faref NTce 2 room sida" 83 up. 54 5 V Washington tt. H.lwy. 5 0. v. 2-ROOM II. K. apartmotiis at 32 V N. ltth "t. No objection to children, 24 MONTH, 3 r nfurnfklied "aid. ; !! 2 -rwirnt with private' lth, ;2. 4(12 t Hd st. 3 ROOlkf - pt, clean, ontiip1teljilura!s)ied! 6S0H Lombard tCol, 6 1 7. FOR RlCNT S roomfuruialieil" apartmsnt and garage, rl'iae In. 4 76 E. Everett st. ft' R N I TIED vi. t rs..L 1 2" N 'TTi'TTTTu APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 spt'ij 3 liKiins, ftlreinn imrrfi, (isril wood floor, private hath, Mill Kt Fsllioc, on block west I'nion ve. t'lione IVoo llswn 4'1'ii. 6 Itooil iJrtuistnt: no oi ! turn t 1 or i chilcirfi. Inttuirsj tt If t horn" FLATS FURNISHED 3 0 9 COMPLETELY furnished 6 room flat, fin fur nitur. rugs, etc., linen, silvvrwste. vscu'tas laanar every modern nvenienee, walking dis tance. 663 Ersrstt, Bnidwy 6162, j,6li'Tll':Nli- room flat" and' largs sCtirtiig porch, all modem, all kinds of fruit tress; no children. Call East 1827. 5U5 lioddey are. Ceil from 8 to 1 2 in moenlngn. 665 -WEST TAVUiU, Tst floor. dis tance; living room, bedrooni, kiU:rurti and hath; modern, 64 6. including phone. S ROOM furni oed f'a t tor r-nt; "aJuTie onTJT Phone Wemllawit 4157. TlIfiF-K "room futniilisij flat, mIntu, im clTit- dren; 606 E. 22d st. HrMith. FOR REt 5 fiiniCTol flat:' a.iulla only. C51 f'nlwn see. W . W l I n. 11 tT. NICK eleeu, uiotleen. furol.hcd flut. un tar Rue. H-v-innhle. Adults. Wrlin 321 ff, FIVE room modern furnished fiat, 2", Imlii'l lng garbage and water; 5W5 tt Williams e. $25 MoI'KKN 6 rrora flat panTv funuJiedl garage. 9H C'.trnier. Il. Wdln 17. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 LA ftrf ri"! owev" flat, 8 rooms," bath, good eondV tion, fin view, nice lawn, heat, water, ga range, 840. 941 Front, cel. Lowell ar. Mar shall 3978. Fi.ATfur rant, gaa,' eleuulclly,1 gaa rsiiga,r fur. nave in basement ' luquire f 80 SUeuuin st, IBTLTAD'lY'AriTilTioS' W,;;i...Tro0,,.-uiM.r". fist, with or without gsraae, clos in, 123. xnt r.. x ri. eor. sinunomsii. LARGE , store" with lirTng ruum, some iurm tur f ir sale; also 7 room bungalow. In qilire 871 H Russell, Apt. H 1 ROOMS, "ground" f1or7"elea.p rent:"" to rigui ' party. CallBroadway 8155, after iNI'Eroirri7 8 15.86", ' Tncludiug watst. Aduitev 4ri09H W7tii st UH csr. 4fT6VU. unnrrilTIitd fist. gaa. alectnr." CO? Hood street. Marshall 4816 or Marn 14)14. 2 N'TcK"igHt frot room., , light sod slr, fumi-hed- rnt 'J"f.l. Tulme ' H I 5. MODERN FLAT," near Jefferson liTglf, "TJo". rnowe wowtiawn n 7 . 4 ROOM inkier tunny fiar. Imiuire 12' NT fid"! HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 -t AND 4 roum-eettaawa, eleetricity and gaa, u.l .-inditiim, yard, west sule. I'll one Broadway 4439. Key at 746 Vaugh n s t UllliKIIN 7 room; choLoe fruit, irur.l.n. I .'.I E. 11th t N. near Ainswor! era 2'. K 4972. FOR P.ENT Rsauiiful " lrviiiun home. 9 rooms, 3 sleeping poerhes. All modern. Adultx. Imiuire nTiO Clackamas t MOliLitN 6 nW.rn luiuue, psrtly furiuTiied i liuan nnnt; owner reserves one riMm; esreful and resrmrHble peon'e only. Phone 63 2-SI. Fun " RENT 8 rwom Cou-. "907 Tloirrns C. rvfinihed thrr.uKhout, 638 per month. In quire 905 Thurmsn at. I' IlOOU lioun. gas," el ' waterT I 00 g I iih .. Itidiiire 3100 Hol sday I, Jslior f2'-'. 7 ROOM house fur'reut, u.l. rn. . 123 1L71 1 iS t N.. g I H WE move furniruee ol a-S-e t'7 810 For f-irtlier tnforn.ett n. J tut lOit HK.M'I eiefen r"iui I".' 817 Will. melt fllvd. Cr liri'iif 4't Si Kiel