The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 29, 1921, Page 39, Image 39

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Normal School
Seniors Start
Work "on Drama
MONMOUTH. May 18. The senior
dut hu chosen the east for tb
play "Merely Mary Ann" by Israel Zang
will, which will bs given In the normal
chapel commencement week, between
June Jt-22.
Miss Helen Braaaa f Portland Is
taking the part ot leading: lady, Mary
Ann, and Jack Chute of Jefferson 1 east
as Lancelot, the leading male role.
The entire caet. follows: Mary Ann.
I- Helen Brands,' Portland; Puwie, Mar
garet Alexander, Portland ; Mrs. Lead,
beater, Barbara SptUbor. Balera i Kitty,
Zella Landon. Portland: Gladys, Marion
Sloop, Tangent; PoUy, Hope McDonald.
Monmouth ; Lady Foxwell, Edith Bragr,
La Grande; Lady Chelmer, Muriel Paul.
McMlnnvllle ; Lady Glynn, pearl reifiey,
Corvallls: Lancelot. Jack Chute, Jeffer
son; Peter, Clay Moreland. Monmouth;
Brahnson.- H. P. Blanton. Bend : Rev.
j-Samuel, Key Penny, Springfield ; O'Gor-
. man. Fred Nltsel. Monmoutn ; Jim Blar
es, David Oleman, Monmouth; Lord Tot
tlngham, Guy Lee, Monmouth.
The play is being coached by Miss
- Edna Mingua, senior elass adrlaor and
head of the English department, and by
Miss Beth God bold, head of the public
; speaking department.
Pantages May Back
Drama Next Season
Ifs reported Alexander Pantages, the
Western vaudeville magnate now in New
York, has accepted a play that he will
financially back and produce next sea
son with Broadway the goal. It win
be Pantages Initial venture in the legitl
' mate. -
Marshfield Orpheum
Undergoing Repairs
M araMJald. Or. May 28. The Orpheum
theatre, located In the "Masonie temple,
is to undergo come repairs. The founda
tion of the building is to be rebuilt and
some changes In the bouse will probabiy
be made when this work to being done.
NOVEL presentation .of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was offered by members of the Mask
and Dagger club at dregon.Agricultural College recently when the students presented
Shakespeare under the campus trees at night. : In the picture are, from the left: Bess
Walch and Alice Feike of Portland, pages; Vera Rosenquist, Salem, as Hippolyta; Otto Hath
away, Corvallis, as Philostrata; Oliver Hazen, Snohomish, WaslL, as Theseus; Margaret Sulli
van, Portland, as Helena; Augustus Denman, Tacoma, as Demetrius; Sam Doukas, Portsmouth,
W. Vaes Egens; Susan Haley, New York City, as Hermia; William Mathison, Montpelier,
Idaho, as Lysander. . -v '.-y: ; - . i-.l - r:rZ v
lit I -
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls,
May 28. More than 2000 persons at
tended the production of "Mid Summer
Night's Dream," last Friday evening.
The play was given by the Mask and
Dagger club in an open air theatre.
The evening was ideal for the produc
tion. The full moon came up directly
back of the setting and aided la the
lighting effect. A complex lighting sys
tem gave the correct effect to all the
scenes.' - Footlights were placed across
the entire 100 feet of stage, and lights
from, the wings were used to light the
back of the stage.
This is the first Shakespearean play
ever attempted at the college and la the
first play tobe given In an outdoor the
atre. Mies Norma Olson was director of
the production. .Miss Rues HJert&as of
the physical education department
worked out the feature fiance. .
Following is the cast of characters :
Theseus, duke of Athens. ' Oliver
Hazen i Kgeua, father to Hermia, Sara
Doukas ; Lysander, betrothed to Hermia,
William Mathison ; Demetrius. In love
with Hermia, Gua Denman; PUilostrate,
master of revels. Otto Hathaway; Her
mia.. betrothed to Lysander. Susan
Haley; Helena, in love with Demetrius,
Margaret Sullivan. : i -
Quince, a carpenter, George Payne ;
Bottom, a weaver. Arthur Boone ; Flute.
mm ,l ii ii 1 wrtagfr- "
a tinker, Fred Novinger ; Snout, a bel
lows mender. William Young; Snug, a
Joiner, Clorla Lay ton ; " - Starveling, a
tailor, Marlon Monroe: Hippolyta, queen
of the Amazons, Vera Rosenquest ; Ober-
on, king of the fairies. Ole Hedberg; Ti
tan i a, queen of the falxlea, Ruth. Fowler ;
Ptfck. Helen Kodoit.
Fairies: Peaseblossom,' Ken Rich
mond: Cobweb, Marjorie Brewer ; Moth,
Jean Folsom ; Mustard-seed, - Florence
Wharton. Other fairies : Mildred Wright.
Margaret Foley. Mary Foley, Genelve
Jones. Rita Conver, Agnes Galluzzo,
Anna Niles. - Other attendant: - Ruth
Ferguson, Norma Seittera. ' Paces: Bess
Walch, Alice Feike.
Can of Paint, Vest,
; Marriage Vouchers
Are Theatre Finds
. A gallon can of wan paint, a man's
vest, a marriage certificate.
end a vsrWy of things that
would supply a whole vaudeville show
wf .tt Mtaiee are wbat people leave
behind them when they go to a theatre.
At anv rate that is what they leave
when they visit "Bill" Ely's Hippodrome
theatre, and they never came sack for
their treasures.
An - occasional arlove dropped in the
semi-darkness Is not to be wondered at
nor Is a bey's hat when considered that
it once covered a small dome that is
notorious for short memory, lapse of
memory or no memory. But why the
can of paint (about four iron men
worth) t
And of all things a vest ana in win
ter. Above all that most cherished of
woman's possessions, a marriage , cer
"I wrote two letters, on addressed
to the people named In the certificate.
at the woman s address ana tne ower
to the man's and a third to the minister
who Joined the pair In wedlock and got
no answer from any or tnem. -an
von heat It?" commented Ely.
Tne janitors iouna uie vest, in w
dead of winter. I can imagine man
exerting himself with laughter at one
of our comedy acts so that he might
want to shed his coat, but the vest
pussies me.
Here is a list of the uncalled for
articles held in storage:
One srallon of paint, one text book on
electricity. 10 boys' caps and hats, one
TWO veUssV (WO nmortuaa, uireo
Lady With Famous
Legs Has Hard Time
Learning Her Lines
Paris, May 23. Mile. Mlstlnguette. the
lady with the 1 world famous legs. Is
having a dickens of a time with her new
and serious role of Madame Marechale
In Sardou's great play, "Madame Sana
Gene." So quick was her transformation
from the highly klckablo stags ' ot the
Casino da Paris to the classic boards of
the theatre Porta St. Martin that "Miss"
hasn't had quite time to master the lines
of the role that made Rejane famous.
- The other evening during the scene
where "Madame Sans-Gene" is having
her little tiff with Napoleon's sisters the
actress who plays Pauline Bonaparte
quite correctly got off her line. "Ton
take strange liberties with me." she said.
Mlstlnguette came back, quite Improp
erly, "Oh, I do, do XT WeU you ought to
sea the liberties I'm taking with the
text- '
Etfad Clayton fa Oast
Ethel Clayton's next picture will be
an adaptation of Mark Swan's comedy,
"Her Own Money."- The film version is
being prepared by Elmer Rice, author of
"On Trial" and "Wake UP. Jonathan.'
Mrs; Fiske's current New York success.
ii) id
zzy ii il
. , :. - ""t
c fin
Based on William H. Hamby Famous
belts, four .pairs of women's gloves, 69
edd gloves women's and three chil
dren's gloves, one side comb, two nair
combs, one silk purse, one coin purse,
one pair of nearly new rubbers, one
child's rubber, one baby's crocheted
bootee, ' one baby's crocheted vest and
one work basket.
Rumor Weds Gilbert
And Leatrice Joy, a
Favorite Film Star
Weddings and rumors of, weddings
(weddings being as likely a topic as
war) bring to Portland friends word of
tk ttiMtanM Imb into matrimony of
Jack OUbert. son of Walter B. Gilbert,
director ot the Baker Stock company.
The rumors say that, as a result of their
constant playing together m mouon pic
tures, Leatrice Joy and Gilbert are en
gaged. And there are some bold enough
to declare that the ceremony has already
been performed and Is a closely guarded
secret In a happy home,
- Miss Joy and the Portland youth had
not met before they were recently cast
for the same picture. Studio gosslpers
say that throughout : U20 Jack called
almost dally at Miss Joy's,, borne In
Hollywood and won bis way Into the
good graces of bis Intended's mother.
But now woe be Jack and Latrice
have disappeared. Hollywood IS sura
they have beeen married. Miss Joy
or Mrs, Gilbert, If It be 18 a New
Orleans girl who has recently made a
big place for herself in the motion pic
ture world. Gilbert has been prominent
In the pictures for several years.. Word
of his separation from bis former wife
had not reached friends bore.
"Papa" Santaella ls
ZestfuL at Arrival
Of Twins in
. Salvatore Santaella, youthful genius at
the RIvoll piano and director of the
orchestra, has played the - piano with
particular seat and with more than his
usual "pep" slnoe . Thursday morning,
when the telephone wires carried the in
formation that he was the father of
twins. " . - '
The addition to' the Santaella family
consists of a boy ; and a . girl. The
former, according to the records of the
attending physician, weignea 4 pounds
and his tiny sister a pound less. San
taella Is grateful for the fact that both
the mother and her babies are, doing
well at the Portland. Maternity -hospital.
The boy resembles his father In that he
has a wealth or black wavy nair, wnue
the little girl arrived with blonde hair,
in that resnect resembling her mother.
Mrs. Santaella ls the sister of Juanita
Hansen, the moving picture starts and
her own stage name was Bills Hansen.
Corvallis Theatre
Will Be BuUt Soon
' By Whiteside Firm
Corvallls, May 28. Excavation for the
new motion picture theatre to be built by
Whiteside brothers will be started next
week, according to Sam Whiteside, man
ager of the firm. The new building win
be erected on the corner of Fourth and
Madison streets, just opposite the city
hall. . " ,
Definite plans for the building have
not been completed.! W. H. Ryan ot
Seattle was in the city a few days ago
to confer with Whiteside on the matter.
The seating capacity will be 1Q00 or
more. .
' -i
Former Baker Player
Takes Role Suddenly
XjOuIs Leon Hall, well known here for
his work with the Baker Stock company
and also the husband of Dorothy Shoe
maker, former leading woman of the
same company, got his name in the pa
pers of the Blast " last week when he
lumped into the male lead of tne Valerie
Bergere sketch at the New York Co
lUlum, replacing Ivan Christy, who was
arrested Just previously for non-payment
of alimony. Christy was lodged in jail
while Hall bounded to success in his role
on very short notice. Mrs. Hall, nee
Shoemaker, Is still playing stock leader,
at Union 1IU1, N, J., according to avail
able local Information.
Frances White Has
Made Big Contract
Frances White, another of that leirion
of stare favorites whose careers were
started In Portland, has just signed wi
Important contract with Lee and J. J.
Shubert covering a five year period, it
is reported from the Shubert New York
offices. Miss White will be starred in
a new play opening in September.
It was a typical "small town," quiet, peaceful,
even sluggish. Then suddenly it was trans
formed into an inferno of hate, with the red
foam of passion bubbling and boiling over, all
on account of two men and one woman.
and the -Peoples
Comedy and Kinograms
sw M JBBSSSW; 1 M . ST IF.
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A wonderful romance,' a gripping drama, thrills piled on thrills,
heart interest that's irresistible, and a climax that hit like a cyclone
1 vvI'otmwth I SEWELL FORD
SALVATORE SAIITAELLA conductor and pianist
Special Sunday Concert 12 : 30 Noon, Today
Ftntisli "Aids ver
Serenxta . ............. Mario Tirenjhl
Selection "Chocolate Soldier" . . .O. Straus
Tha Lost Chord" . . . . . . . . A. Salllvs
Waltz "Bine Danube" . ...Johann Strauss
"Czardas From the Opera "Der Geist
des Wojewoden" ..... .L. Grossmann
Cmetrt NunW Tbis Weak
Aftsraooas aad Xvsalar
Fantasia "Aida" .Verdi
IN J W t L, A I i r v J' L
M :c3 )) ;