4 -' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 29. 1821. , j, ; SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 S'Lone Tabor 6852 Km. 26 K. 7 8 th t. & rl B. MILLION A- SON CONTRACTORS :; " ' SEWERS AND cesspools See ws. Portland, Or. " W A N TED Wort on Una tor boy 16. with . family who will take aa int-ereet In hi in and -allow him home privilege, board and tone wages, CaJl Wdln, 4520. or writ iU F. IK No. 4. Box 1146, Portland. Or. ,.,.YOUNG es-rvic maa, married, desires in store, factory or any other kind of work; willing to learn some trade, moderate ..wages. -. wu'fcu -ii you us.e auy garaea won. want old lawn made now, (raw mowed or eat, hare it dim by experienced men. 65 aa hoar. . .. U. .. . . L. 1 I I Bdwy. 1 7 1 5; K. H. Kiggins. I Excavating 0enxteaiS,1 B. BAUMEK. Phone East 4313. CRT YOIiB PAINTING, decorating and sign nun toe spring rasa, za jraara' expeneaoe. From Tibor soo. , PLASTERING, cement work and stucco 4 al t a inu; wo no repair won aaso; prjoaa , able. Phone East 6694. East 8180. - IF YOU want any repair work dona on your ; - bouse, call J. W. Novel, tlie repair man. h - will do ft at once for yon. Sell. 174. WANTED Brick or tile fireplaces, chimneys. pierB.concrfte.nfW or old work, by expert til setter. Automatic 614-39. ' FAINTING AND TIN TWO IN ALL THEIR BRANCHES. REASONABLE. WDLN. 8326. VAHL BROS. CARPENTRY, remodeling, alterations, plana, es- . tiiaates, screening, troilUn work. 1st ciase. mm reaacnanle, K-869, Journal. it A Hl'VNTKH P..tJmt Hn tvn tiniMinr. ra. pair work: acreens mads to order, amp. 1 3U Hiwthorwi, Tabor 1 30. , ilOY, 14, acuuaUnued to ccmntry, will work (or hoard and kiep. N-845, Joornal. - i.Xl'KKIEN('iCO Kardriier wUbe work by tha day or boar. Call Mar. 8741 kKW'fcU connecUuna. ceMapoola, drain tilo, meftUB t, tauaa. oement work. Taaor buob. L.U1 HE paintml, 30-b5: rounu tinted. l-5; parwrina. 35 roll. Woodlawn B084. tAltPKNTKU. builder, jobbinc. buUt-in. aU - mat on new work. Anto. 620-81. -Kabhinsliii and repair prompt aerrico. Anto. 219-18. UUVV" oarpenur wanta job. 34.50 per ciij. Tabor 16oo. SfAlN'TING and kalaomininc, ( a room Qt. U. W. lax, Anto. Zl-3. y YOU need a couin4ut gardener for larce or emnll Job. phono Eart 8462. blLl.jl,k;Hfi When ou want rexbinsiuur done, rail Woodlawfi ea0. VOH OARAGES. CEMENT OB WOOD Call Tabor 1498. ,WK repair and paint your roof any color with Webfoot paint Bdwy. 609. toOK -for mabingling or fool rerair aarrieek fall Woodlawn 8598. ANT KIND work, iran and team. Call Tabor 71 1. Ol TSIDK paintinc cheap, (ood week. House - $25 to $125. Bdwy. 8553. KAPKUIii.NCHkD painter want work. Tabor 3542. ' ' HANDY MAN repair your aeren, halt price. Kepaim anything. 'Woodlawn. 6768. . tXI'EKIENCKD GAliDENEit WANTS WORK. CH0, JOl. RNAf CKMENT WOBK Satisf action euaraoteed. A. , R- Putnam. Woodlawn 6241 PAPERING, painting and tiwting. cheap: floors cleaned and poli-bed. Tabor B2B8. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2Si 1 WANT and need poeition In bu:y olfiefc. Kx- peruaced in general offios deta'l work, clt-rical and fUing. Capablo typut. timekeeFcr, eatbier wrrk. mailing c krk. Ability to meet the public with aeworaace and oourteay. Addreas H-876, . Jnnrnal. WANTED Position aa nnrae maid In well-to-do family for one or more children orer 6 years eld. -Will go .to aeaahore Jaly and August. I am a young married woman and lore children. Write Ifra. R. E. Mnir. Forest Gnwe. Or. KEAT, reliable and induauious girl desires em ployment aa MleKgirl or arrring at cteamtaoles by June 18. not altogether nnexper'. ncd. fc-387. franiil. A-l STENOGRAPHER, with soma experience, - who can read the Botes like print, wishes position, kn will work for rery reasonable sal. ary. V-41B, Journal WIDOW with 3 girl wishes position as house keeper with bachelor or widower; most have tha best" of reputation; want rood borne more tnan wages, call Sell. 8795 before 6 p. m. MIDDIi: aged lady will care for oliildran aiUr noona and - evenings while mother is absent r-t referencea. Tabor 1630. WIDOW wishes position aa housekeeper where there axe children, Mrs. Tom Smith. Gen. - Del., Portland. Or. XiAY WORK, washing, ironing, bousecleaning. Cafl before 11 a, nv or after 8:80 p. m. AIIID. Z1V-1S. dependable girl wiahee position as - overneae or tutoring by hour luring summer ymmina. mr.j pfTTerreq. ai-ti. journal. AIIDDLE -AGED widow, wants work on poultry or fruit ranch. Capable housekeeper, good far dener N-671. Jonmal. , YOUNG woman wants place with baby 8 moa, old. more far home tnan wages. Call Tabor JUNIOR high, school " girl wants position, as ' typist; referencea given. Route 1, Box 429, city. WANTED Housakeevkia, da work. 727 nicoiat st LAce ct'lif ArSS. IU.Vd LAtSDeftEft. ' It isa a. A a. 14 1 r. . t.. rJ. ciar sits, i V ANTED- Good noma for light work. State phone number and car fare. T-794, Journal. WOMAN wantn work by day. Phone Wood- lawn Z7U0. EaCB-ttrBtAlNS. HAND LAfJNDERED ;" if YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST -6196. WOMAN wishes day work. Antoms'ic 626-86. V'MIAN wantw work by dy or hour. Sell 2082. DRESSMAKING 2S6 PTEING. elaanlng. preaaing. draasmaaing, ieT medahng. raoning, altarationa, pleating, rea sonable priees. The Cabinet Dressmaking parlors. . m-m noiiumju. near a i ia. ssain Aoaa. - r LADLES' gsrmants altered and refitted. L Bet bin, ladies' tailor, 468 Kuan A Lane bldg. IilSflYcHlSiG-lny"" oolor, 8a yard; also acaiioping. AOasy piqg., 3d and Morrhoo. XiKESSMAKING and remodeling at your oome . $4 per day. Mrs. Marahman, boa 570. DUEAiAlUNG : all a mas. very reasonable. Morn on st., room B, wpwtairs. : , KMBROIDERX. Unsns hemmed; infanta' wear. ' ' Sell. 2951. t-AMLLY sewing, plain akirtii ' H.lt. 789 ti X Main. East 6062. done, nee-Uy and reasonably; children's elothing a specialty. 75 E. bta. East 1281. NURSES 257 " kiCRSB wishes maternity case; assist with house, work, or will take patient at my home rea- LOVELY borne, pieamnt surroundings, for light mviuai. case; apecia treatments, nurses care. T'-'R-IOS, Journal. 7-. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 Washington st, eor. llthj 81 day. 84.50 , wt and up. Fine downtown location. , Hot and cold water, ateim heat HtJXEL, FRANKLIN " Waahlngton atJ8th. . Ratea by the week 8fto and up hot and cold running watertub - and shower baths. , i Well Furnished Rooms Steam beat, hot and eold water, reasonable . rates. 269 H Bth st. Main 9375 ' " -i . . WASHINGTON HOTEC ' .. A,.'w sttractiT. rooms and suites; very res. ' , rates by the weak or month. 12 th and HOTEL RAPP Jl H. felXTH, BLOCKS FROM DEPOT 81 per dsy. 88 per week and op. Hotel west611 Hotel QlenwoodiBSddl BOTcuy mooern. elevator service, free bath. 'II per day and bp. special weekly rates. 455 ALDER, CORNER OF 18TH JOEAT, CLEAN SLEEPING BOOMS - ALSO ' RODPESiEEPING ROOMS. 88 TO 86 peb WEEK. BROADWAY 66B8 V " EXCEPTIONAU-Y nice sleepisg rooms. Wi"RT nuhed. clean, light and airy! elose to business 'piyr N. 17th rg NICELY furnished upstairs rooms, ft " i." ' T' : 2 Pleasant front rooms, first-floor, each 828 per month. 624 K. Morrison. East 1582 VERY' PLEASANT. WELt F V R N t S fl E S '' iOR.BX.NJHousekeeping and aleering room.1 r5 wiiK ' wtr' bafca Lhree enriines. liOOMo i for rent, either furntoked or unfurt tmngton car. aaT K, 1 5th st N BK1GUX corner room, reasonable 'walking' diet jmctjw uxu. tit irying St. TUB MAPLE. SO lTth N. near Wash. 84 per .".,1'' ,n rgn"ms' wster. elDAI. 32"S0 week, upi clean rooms, batha fr Hotel Cadillac Third staeaVjtffamoe! FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS RATES VERY REASONABLE . $4 A WtJCK A.ND UP MAXWELL, HALL 207 FOURTEENTH ' STREET . PHONE MAIN 1153. ONCOLN HOTEL U2Z1V& Very attnctiT roomf. mingim mna a suit. sirabl down town location; $1.(0 and. Hp par a. ... l: L 1 . ? a- tA ..ul SgAjMAw. 1 TTWSslJ lAQgf W ".tfV TtA WFi Jefferson Hotel 283 Modern, well famished rooms, pleasant lobby and automatic elevator. SOe-75 a night and up. Special weekly ratea. - - 1 22 NORTH Will ca.Aall7 TENTH ST. Two block north of Washington at. Pleaaant noma and soites at rery reaaooable rates By oaf or 'Week. :- ? - - l H (UiTilO i IMHJ' a JUiU cor. Morrison Modern, free bath, reduced rates, 76o per day and np. 84 a week and no. Transient trade so licited. Mrs. M. I. Walker, proprietor. HOTEL OHIO 238 FRONT ST. COR. UADISO! ' Nice sleeping and housekeeping rooms; ' not and cold water in erery room; automatic aie- Tator; reanonapie. by day or week. - Furnished Rooms : 2 or 4 clean, airy, modern ro&ms. in duiet district. Mock carhno. 31a 2V!i st . ; HOTEL BAXTER Furnished ' or unfurnished booMkaeping ee sleeping rooms. M. A. car to Alblna. ST.PAUL'HO rELM5a2Si3 A tcsppectabla downtown boteL Tranaienta 81 Bp. Si cial Bates to Permanent Guesta. : HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison at Tenth. $1 a day; weekly, 88 and up; free phone and bath ; meant beat. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished rooms, rery pleasant and dean, desirable location, walking distance, 83 a week and up. 693 Oliaaa. Mar. 847. t '. " Hillcrest Hotel f 33 ' " WASHINGTON Permanent rooms from $5 up per week. Lobby, priTste phones and baths. LARGE, airy, well furnished room, all modern eonreniencea; east side, close in. on two car lines: breakfast if desired: very reasonable. 069 Borthwick St., near Munroe. Sargent Hotel So Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. EN0N HOTEL 'liZ&?8F Best dollar-a-day bouse in town. All modern conTeniences, Kstes to permsnent rieata. bOJiK richly furnished transient rooms being refitted at special rates to permanent, weekly or monthly guests. ( All rooms fscing 6th or Btsrk St., bnsineas section. fcmpreas noteu FURNISHED 8 room flat. Phone B. 8731. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 SUITE of elegantly furnished rooms for 2 or S gentlemen: also 2 ntutle rooms. Bath, phone. centrally located. 406 2d at bet, Harrison and Hall. 2 ROOMS. 810 and 812. in a refined home. 84 N. 21st st cor. of Everett. Nob Hill. 1 block from Washington. V alking distance, large lawn and flowers. Bdwy. 8600. LARliE FRONT ROOM WELL FURNISHED; WALKING DISTANCE. BOARD IF DE SIRED. CALL MONDAY. 62 KVKEETT. BDWY. 1995. GOOD room on third floor for two or three young men. Sepnte beds; bath opening off room : electric lights and phone. Slom in. 295 W. Park. FINK LARGE SLEEPING ROOM. MODERN CONVENIENCE, i CIjOSE LN. EAST SIDE. NICE HOME FOR GENTLEMAN. EAST 7172, NICK clean room, very cheap, for nice elderly man. Anto. 622-31. 7930 BPth ave. S. E. WELL furnished room for rent in private home. gentleman only. 424 & Tillamook, One clock trora union ave. LARGE ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED, HOUSE. KEEPING PRIVILEGE; WALKING DLJ TANCE. B29 EVERETT. BDWY. 1995. I HAVE 4 nice newly rurnfrhed sleeping rooms to rent; a real home, restricted district, walk ing distance. Eaat 6518. FRONT ROOM. MODERN COTTAGE, REA SONABLE RENT. ONE OB TWO. 448 TAYLOR ST. SUITABLE room for young woman in private apt C S. preferred. Walking distance. Ceil Mar. 1132. LARGE, AIRT. CLEAN FJUJNT BOOM, FAG LN'G PARK AND BILL. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. MAR, 1761. 450 PARK ST. - NEWLY furnihed sleeping room in refined home, 10 minutes' walk from ter. Broadway 8811 62 Ella. PLEASANT furnished room, wslking distance. 1 block 2 car lines, outside antaanoe, 83 per wk. FURNISHED roont for gentleman, close in. West Side. Brealrfast if desired. Phone Marshall 115. 497 Montgomery street. NICE Bleeping room for 1 or 2 ladies. 170 K. 20th st Inquire PLEASANT rooms for gantlemea. W. side pear park blka. M. 6688. NEAT COZY ROOM. C 8. LADY. KITCHEN PRIVILEGES D7 DESIRED. MAIN 2897. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Park View Hotel cluT Under new management, rooma with or without board; transient meals served; ratea by day or month. THE ALB IN A HOTEL, 24 A LB IN A St. Rooms, with oi without board, clues to the mills and industries of the east side; rates very THE BOISE lioUM A country home in the city, home cooking, clean beds, lowest prices. 582 Boise st, 1 block to euwooa ear. Beiiwooa tits. THE HAZEL So THIRD ST. MAIN 7094 Select residential hotel, strict, modarn. all euisiae. rooms, moaerate rates. ROOM and board ia private boarding hooae. asea only. inree oiocks Broadway bridge. Phone Kei-t 2S60. 1 87S Roes St. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 TWO MEN TO SHARE FRONT BOOM. WITH -.??'J.7S.L.PE,. VEES- CALL EAST NICE LARGE ROOM WITH BOARD, WITH HOMELIKE MEALS. BY WEEK OB MONTH. CALL 617 MARSHALL ST.. OK HOME surrounded bv lovclv tr, and - - - - mmw vunsu. - umi.inwiB oreao anq plea Walking . distance to Multnomah club. ten room and board. Homemade bread and LARGE airy room, home cooking, suitable for 1 or 2 gentleman, home privileges, near Broadway bridge, phone East 4438 or call 368 Ls robes st , NICELT furnished rooms with board for gen tleman; home privileges; walking distance. WiuutffMllil. cast oobv. ROOM and board for two in Swedish family. All home privileges. , Two blocks north of Sunny on East 80th st 913 E. Aider. LEST of home cooking and home privikwee in .,v- - "onl. to gentlemen or ladies employed. -. . , ' 1 1U' BOOM and board in a widow's hone,T9 per aaTJ" UDio , 883 B rasas at Eaat - ni gn. ctt. Ol X 1 Ul Sb. .SJ JTlh . ,a'9 boarders, reai a. aa w.i icu. aVAXA 4fi Q T tj. WILL room and board 2 ehilorMi e.--hif: BEST of care given 'small children; day or hour: private home. Ante. 629-02. 729 Everett at BOOM and board verv reeawaWe. 0FPnto ave. , East 8683. CHOICE single or double roomaT Meala. Home privilegea. Walking distance. Main 9325. FIRST-CLASS room and board.' ' 894 QUtunhiaT cor. 10th. Main 2864. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ruKwiaHED 304 j-. rg to? for housekeeping, close to v. d Jton"m- 3518d.-- Phone Main 2233. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, sing5aia double: rent reasonibla u.-wrrl . T.bof9377VtrBfahl WM . 4-LIGHT rooma. heat, gas. eleetrio iighC water furnished. Woodlawn 802. . rURNlSHED H. K. rooma. 1.7" a"week "aod up. Eleetrio Bghta. 326 & 1st . w em v. ejrji luairin ufij. vraiatng distance. 8LeS& rJ Udv or ma. r uv iU 8IL. W T H,"5 aidef You can get tbeaa'at 208 Washington st Reasonable rateT VltTlS.v. T1 -' 51 honsekeetOflg room." newl? funihed. 748 Thurman. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 NICELY furnished 2 ns., h k. rooma with sleeping porch; ftame unfurnished large froat rma., in private pome, good dot. ire phone, water, light and gas, walking distance. 683 K. Salmon. K. 5236 "-- t OR REN T Nice ckran h. k. room. Also front room with kitchen 'privileges: modem omverv- encee; quiet place; walking distance, , 124 IS. 15th. Ea.it 4 504. LA RG hi clean front aleetHne room ; slso h. k. noma, Kverything farnisned. Walking dia- sance, near treat far. aT oooege st 8154. . 2 ROOM apartment in private home, private poren ana entrance; water ana leetncity tree s, private lavatory, $18 per mo. Call week gays, am. oil -pa. 2 NICE clean furniabad front n. k. rooma and poren. 318; adults. Also nice large, room for enuemen. pleasant and quiet. 811 Per roo. M 1 Koriney are. 3 NICE rooms, immaculately clean, south west side Fulton Park neighborhood, with or with out garage; telephone, Uinta, water, , etc., fur- niahed very rraaonable. Marshall 1204 CLEAN housekeeping rooms with wster, sink gaa and eiec liehta; 1 2 nn. apt. 816 mo; 1 2 rm., 817; 1 3 nn.. 320: walking distance; aiso good car service. oo u. Clay st. 1 LARGE, CLEAN. AIRT H. K. ROOM. ELEC- TKiC LIGHT. BEAT AJD GAS- 12V H. 18TH8TREET, CORNER GLISAN. FOR HOME NEEDS EITHER RENTAL OR FOR SrMVTTR MONTHS OR TO BUY, ASK MRS.; BERRY, A1A KSALu 1684. EHY nice two room suits with sleeving porch. also two pleasant sleeping rooma acd separate sleeping porch, easy walking diataoce. Moderate rent, tta ft Washin gton - DESIRABLE 2-room suite, modern, well fur. nished, newly painted and very clean; easy walkmg distance: reasonable rent 295 Mont gomery, corner of Fifth. 84 WEEK, 2-room suite, suitable for ainele man, every convenience, hot water at all hours. baths free. Save carfare, near Jefferson. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. 85 WEEK, 2-room suite, clean, large, light rooma, gas range, bar window, every con venience, hot water at all hours. Save carfare. Hotel Cadillae, 3d near Jefferson. Hotel Royal ; atS Convenient H. K. rooms, f 4 a week tip; sleeping rooms 31 per day. 34 a week up. Close In. DAVENPORT APT8. One. 2 and one 8 room apt for rent: Private path ana puone, is ana up. ; 0Oa Jefierson st. aiain &43. 812 MONTH. 2 clean famished housekeeping rooms, steam beat, laundry, hot and eold water, electric lights, yard- 406 Vancouver are.. near jsroaaway. ABSOLUTELY clean, exceptionally , light and airy two furnished housekeeping rooms, west side, walking distance; phone, light, i bath, gas ranre. jzo r. into st. THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th at. near Washington. Furnished H. K. rooms, hot and cold water ia eacn apartment. FOB RENT One larze sunny single . H. K. room, modern. 35.50: week: free caa. 235 Main. Main 6276. 2 H. K. rooms, neat an Clean, best locatjon. drapes, ivory woodwork, running water and ranges. 191 Park at 4 ROOM house. nice clean, furnished, modern, 942 Ivanhoe st N.. St Johns. yard, flowers. Columbia 1417. CLEAN H. K. rooms with kitchenette, hot and eold water and lights ; walkmg distance: sum mer ratea. 83 North 21st st CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms cheap: electric light, running water, bath, free phone. 475 E. Burnaide at 9th. East 5058. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at cor. Park and Salmon. Inauire Nobby Cleaners. 855 M Salmon at. Main 4306. 2 AND 8 ROOM H. K. suites, thoroughly clean. oacnelara or couples, near u. P. yards and near car: infants taken. 152 Rtuwell. THREE- rooms and use of kitchen, first floor, ; yard. gaa. electricity, linens included. Wdln. 6115. " TWO rooms, first floor, front room and kitchen ette: also atone rooms. Nice atuet place. See these today. 655 Flanders-t FOR RENT Two clean housekeeping rooms. with kitchen and laundry privileges: ST tier week. 583 Washington st TWO furnished, 3 unfurnished, 1. furnished suite, kitchenette, electric lights, rery reasonable. Phone Broadway 1935. ONE and two rooma, furnished h. k.. low rent Walking distance: gentlemen oref erred. 218 Mill, comer Fint. 2 ROOM housekeeping apt. nicely furnished. private entrance: walking diatanoa! fine reai- denrial district $22. 685 E. Main. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, electric light. not ana eowi wster, sink, puone. Data tree, 32.50 per week and up. 663 Hood st THREE furnished L. H. rooms, upper floor; also 2 large L. 11. rooms, lower Soar. SSI Clacka mas rt, close in. JUNE I Two furnished housekeeping, light and airy, lower floor. 320. 427 N. 21st. cornet Van-'ha. Bdwy. 6561. BELLINGHAM apta, Boosexeeptng and sleeping rooma, rates reasonable. 4214a B. Mornson St. cor. 6th. - : tWO and S room housekeeping apartments; clean, well furnished and very a reaaooable. 892 H E. Burnside, corner Grand eve. FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms, neat and clean; 816. 123 E. 46th st 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE We move you for lata. Broadway 2445. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS REA SONABLB. 261 BROADWAY. MAIN 7970. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1 H UNFURNISHED 305 dT you have any furniture to move, we do it ior icaBj storage tree in qaya, ssain ttzyv. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma with sink and ' wash trays; children allowed. Main 8156. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS r FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED - - : PRIVATE FAMILY 306 UNFURNISHED 4 rooms, ground floor, ' yard, fruit trees, free telephone and water, close in, no objection to children, 94 ft Belmont st Ante. 231-40. NICELY furnished front room, modern home, elose in. double ear aerviea. rent iMMnahl. gentleman preferred or working girla. 300 Han- COCK. AQIS, 0222(1, TWO nicely famished housekeeping rooms and" sleeping porch, private family, close in. east aide. $55 Hancock st. near Liniaa ts $3 par Ml SSA ATTRACTIVE front suite of rooms, fireplace. Hie ani. gas piste, etc.; also . tront room with kitchen privUegea, garage. Tabor FIRST floor, gink, eewly renovated, b, k. room ; atao Daseineni room. 294 Jeff arson. TWO convenient H. K. rooma, light pbone, gas, bath and laundij. Nice for two girla. Walk- "S tatatmtitjty. jiiant; a.Tlj. .1 LARGE ra tdern furnished housekeeping room. runumg water, ova laris at., near Slat and Washington st FOR RENT,, one light housekeeping room, clean linen furnished each week, basement for wash ing. Wdln. 4545. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 1244 Detroit ave.. Be. Johns ear. Wdln. 5391. SINGLE housekeeping roam, euitabla for bachelor. ia n. lata sc. 4 FURNISHED rooms including a modern 'w"t, uui. t7rtjy. iipor pet 9. THREE nicely f urnuned housekeeping rooms; no children. 667 E. Yamhill, TWO rooms housekeeping,' clean, close in. 328 Clay, between Birth and Broadway. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE LILLIAN iUaffSl Two and three rooma. modtra. large and airy rORTN OilAH. 4 rooma, hardwood floors, walking distance, clean and well fnvniaaeaV aamta. 2uu cast isut, r-none r.st e z ( o. FLORENCE APTS S" 1K Ona three room apartment with sleeping porch. $20 THREE large furnished room apartment 549 East 87th. P.mhmood ear to 27th, one mock soutn. BE SURE to aae those ciosa andT light apta.'; strictly modem; furnished and X npfurniahed; pneo reasonaoie. pqwy, au ' i. D1EL APT8., K." Ankeny st. 2 rm. and t "rm. modern. eompleUily fur. apt; light, clean, airy. ran 1SUB. JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room spC, else- . i. i. . . . . kiv. . . v. i : i Tery reasonable. 808 H Jefferson, cor. Fifth. X-ROOM apartment, rent low; as ohildrenrifur- nished. 881 Thurman st. K1CELTC urnithed outside apta.,' 1, 2 and f rooma. 14 Orand ave. r. .East 74ftl. TWO, 3 and 4 room ' furnlstta4 ' Oat, ardei garage, eoe it ars t o. CLEAN urn. room : apt Week, days. Call m. or alter p. m. s i k. sib. UNION AVK. and avniingaworta. 331.60, all cenrblete, conerete building. - Utlt pay car fareT Nioo 2 room apta, 85 up! b4Qtk watmngtea at Pawy. 3449. 2-ROOM H. K. apartments at 83e4 ' S.I lfth , vt. No objection to children. 3 ROOM apt. " clean," eompleUlj ramishrd, 380 H Lombard st Col 317, - - " FOR "RENT 3 room famished alrtevaat nd ga rage, eloee tn. 476 K. Kvevett at Furnished apt lot rent "is 2 n. i4U at FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Buena Vista 434 HARRISON Main 1063 Three room strictly modarn furnished, apta,. newly papered ia tapestry; tiled bathrooms and out side kttchesa, 86a. Adults only. THE CECrLlAN APT 3., 22d and Gliaaa For rent, S-r. unfarnished apartments; brick build ing; entirely renovated; all outside apartments with full day light and splendid view; rant 345 to sns.ou. llCKHMARK. Washington aw corner 17th I'ompH-teiy rorouned 1 room ontsiae span senta, $25 per month and op. including oath, gaa. electricity, telephone, eteasa beat Broad- wayoetsa. CHEAP -3 room fiat, newly finished, furnished or unfurnished, close in. Newly -painted store bldg. for groceries, shop or pressing. 344 Benton st Eart 2724. THE EDENHOLM ?. 2 and 9 room apta.; beat light and telephone, private batha. walking distance. 825 to 835 pes month. - Sunnymont Apartments One furnished apartment for teat Tabor 1889. King Albert Apartments - 1 furnished. 1 unfurnished, strictly modern, tile bath, elevator, 11th Montgomery. Main 359. BUNNY 2-room apt with large pantry, very pleasant clean and comfortable; also light sleeping rooms, close in. 208 17th at. Main 7628. ELABORATELY furnished 6' rooma in duplex house, west side, with the moat wonderful view m the city, walking distance, must see to appreciate: reference; $115 per mo. Mai" 1628. and newly decorated. 274 N. 21st Bdwy. 4730. NEWLY renovated, three room apt. all outside rooms, clean and light, also .aige, pleasant room with : kitchenette. Suitable for two. 214 1 8th. FOR RENT At Haalette apartments till October 16th, three room, furnished apartment. No children. Call Marshall 8406, between X and 3 o'clock p. nv ; ' JUNU 15 to September 1. Apartment flat, oc cupying entire third floor: 2 porohea; 5 large, cool rooms, completely furnished as borne. 125 North 17th. Broadway 860. Reasonable, DRICKSTON APARTMENTS 448 11TH MARSHALL 79 Dandy clean, light, modern 2 room apt, rent very reasonsDie. NICELT furnished 2 room apartments, 330 to - $42.60; private phone each apartment; adults only. Lincoln Apta.. 4 th and 1 -'"-"it THE ALTAMONT APARTMENTS ' Bth and College. 1 cozy modem 3 Aom apt Abo 3 room apt lft of June. 3-ROOM apartment, hot and -cold water, electric lights, gas, beat 85 per week, ground Moor. 363 N. 16th st 2 AND 3 -room aparUnenta, all cleaned, newly tinted, at a reasonable rent Arline Apta.. 17th and Lovejoy. Broadway 1812. FOR RENT 5 room apt, furniture for sale, 8225. Very desirable. Overlooking Ladd addi tion. 305 E. 21st near Hawthorne. NICE 3 room apartment cheap. 090 E. 10th, See Roland. O. W. K. store. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 COMPLETELY furnished S room flat, fine fur niture, ran. etc.. linen, silverware, vacuum cleaner, every modern convenience, walking dis tance t 33 ETerett. Broadway 5162. BARGAIN Apartment for rent $23;- email amount of furniture for sale at a bargain ; owner leaving city. 685 Everett, ear. 20th. Apt 1. FOB KENT 4 room flat and large sleeping porch, all modem, all kind of fruit trees; no cnuuren. fall east 1327. 595 Rodney are. Call from 8 to 1 2 in mornings. GARFIELD apta, 3 ruoma. sleeping porch, hsrd- wooa iioors. private Datn. BB1 East f'alllne one block west Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 4662, 5 ROOM apartment; no ohjeetion to 1 or 2 , i!,l ran l.n.ur. . . ttAT U. K room furnished flat, modern; no chil- aren; pun g. 22d at. South. FOR BENT 5 room furnished flat; adults only. 951 Union ave. N., Wdln. 4157. NICK clean, modern, fumi-hed flat, on car Una. Reasonable. Adults. Wdln 3219. FIVE room modern furnished flat, $25, includ ing garoage ana water; obb wunarns ave. $25 MODERN 5 room flat, partly furnished; garage. commercial, wain. let. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FOUB, room upper flat, fine view, short walking aisianoa, lurutsnea or . uniumisnea. new ana modern, porches. 349 East Glisan, near Union 555 WEST TAYLOR. 1st Door, walking din- I . . Villi IWMWVJH. V. 1111.1, CI f bath; modem, $46, including phone. FOR BENT" Three room, vpstairs. furnished flat: araee u onirea. iu4 u. riamson at cor. of 87th. 4 ROOM upper flat; private bath, partly fur nished. west aide. Main 2302. 497 Co lumbia st FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 LARGE lamef flat, 6 rooma. bath, good eondE tion. fine view, nice lawn. heat, water, gaa range, 340. 9ti Front, cor. Lowell ave, Mar shall 8978, FLAT for rent gaa. electricity, gaa range, fur- - naee to basemagt Inquire 839 Suaiaxxn st. west siae. MODERN 7 -room, lower flat, euitabla for two families. 699 1 hplaw mt rin Klnnk Wbnm. 'l 'l ' w, H0LLADAY ADDITION Modern 4 room upper iiat. witn or without garage, close in, $25. 2 a. jsa n. cor. Muitnoman. LARGE store, with living rcocas, some furni ture for sale; also 7 room bungalow. In- atnro 371 H Kussell. Apt, M. NICE 6 ROOM FLAT. DESIRABLE LOCA TION. BROADWAY 8187. , 3 ROOM3, ground floor, cheap rent to right party. Call Broadway 895a?, after 6. JiICE rooms, $T5.50, Including water. Adults, too 67th at. MS car. 6 ROOM, unfurnished flat gas eleetrio. 667 Hood street Marshall 4318 or Main I486. 4 ROOM upper sunny flat Inquire 120 N. 23L HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 MSTEB as FRANK'S rNTORMATIOV AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, up to data bits of desirable vacant bouses, apsrtmeata and flats, with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomera to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and Quickly located. ' I-', 'V-V EIGHTH FLOOR I ACRE 4 room house; water, gas, garage, chicken house with run-, barn; 10 miautaa' walk to lit Scott ear. Call Sunday morning any lime nerore 10. AUti sz-n 8 ROOM modem bouse. 1244 Moore st, Pied mont; near 5 carlinea; park, library, grammar and high school. Open 4 to 0 p. m. Sunday, all afternoon Monday. Pbone Aut 641-500. 1WO STORY HOUSE. WALKLNG DIS TANCE. RENT $25. APPLY MONDAY. 814 GRAHAM AVKNUB. WILLIAMS AVE- x i r. i Ait, FIVE- room bouse, large yard: will lease te re. sponsible party. Call evenings after 0 o'clock. ui g gveny w. - penwooq car. ELi, TRANSFER STORACl! "CO." r so xJmy Storage area. Fnratrnre moved for less. Bdwy 3448. SMALL- li trht . I-tatK Wmt-as nimt ... 1 a Ai-II S.lT,oV7d 806a. " 8 AND 4' room cottages,' electricity and gaa, good "ndition. yard, west side. Phone Broadway -r. - v av. eva-cr W I TV w gtVAjjlAJLl kvV MODERN 7 room; choice fruit, (units, f 251 E. 11th st N. near Ainaworth ave, $20. r?. tvrz, FOR RENT -Beautiful Irving ton borne; 3 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, i AQ modern. aouii. inquire Dim v-iacaamss SV MODERN 6 room house, partly furnished; Beau mont ; owner reserve one room; eajoful and mtwuamig ygojjt. ptiiy. j-notte a 3 -e I . FOR RENT 5 room liouse. 807 Tharma a'tT re finished throughout, $35 per month. In quire 905 Thurman St. 3 ROOM bouse, gas, dec, water. 100x109 lot' Inquire 2100 H oil ads v ave. Tabor 9329. FOR RENT a room oottaga, elose in oa Union ave. Sell wood 1825. T ROOM house for rent, modern, 12 Si C litfi w V " 6" ROOM bungalow or 8 rooca hoaae; river front age ; reasonable. Phone Main 9563. 7 ROOM modem, yard, walking flj.fff fig. Market St. FOB BENT, 3 room boose,' lot 60x1001 Ueladai. watar, Can Taboy 2889. WE move furniruro ot -4-e swa bouse ' for ett. i'ii iim ttnotnistign. atam ait 99. FOB BENT- beven 'room bouse. Inquire "at 817 Willamette Blvd. Cor KiTHngsworth, FOR" RENT 7 room modera houae. 680 L Harrison st.. Ant 23-69. - BEAUTIFUL grete near river, suitable fo canuJ asra. a. nereo. jenninga lcqge, ur. S-ROOM unlurnialied" house' fur rent, gaa and electricity. Call 104 Stanton st. FOR RENT June 1, room ho. " f&i .est. FOR KENT A 5, room euttage, 7 East ioUhat FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 8204 rooms and bath, upper Oat. 670 V Miaiaippi ave. $30 Modern cottage, 3 rooma. 181 - Oibba at, -. - ' ' 3304 rooms, modern, now being ren ovated. 247 N. 16th at 340 4-room lower flat, carpets, lino leum, gaa ranee included. 674 Rodney ave. $75 7 -room house, modern ia every re spect, 294 K. 25th at "Metzger-Parker Co. 269 Oak at Broadway 5855. Office Closed Decoration Day ATLAS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Piano and furniture moving. 80 days' free storage oa all household goods imil our new warehouse is filled. . 104 N. 5th st. Phone Broadway 1207 3-ROOM bouoe, 552 E 16th, Inquire Tusa- oay ai t 3. r intu. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 $100 S-room den located on ear lines fa Portland Heigrhtt: can be rented i for 8 months at $100 per month; beautiful view. ' , Metzger-Parker Co. 263 Oak st Broadway 5355. Office Closed Decoration Day FOR RENT Furnished, for the summer months or bv the rear, tha attractive country home of Mrs. W. W. Cotton, on Powell Valley road, west of Greshara; v rooms, a batha, turn ace, elec tricity and Hull Run water. Address Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Alexandra 4Jourt Give telephone number and ref erence?. - - ' FURNISHED 5 room modern bungalow, all city conveniencee, chicken house for 800, brooder house, with privilege of buying chickens or not; 1 hi acres best garden land; all kinds of berries; 4 blocks from Multnomah station; rent $50 month. Call owner. Main 8166. OR RENT, beautifully furnished 5 room hou. . on east side, dose in. Ss blk. to carune: all modern, nice lawn and some garden in; must fnmi9b reference. Phone Sell. 1819. ' LOWER suite duplex bouse, 4 rooma and bath, hardwood floors and fireplace, new rugs, beau tiful new furniture, a homelike place for $65. 1200 Cleveland ave. Pbone Woodlawn 1203. SMALL house. 237 Curry, bsth. $20. Close in, 4014 is. 4 tit St., eJeganuy lurnieneo. $100 or sell, easy term, 5 rooms, 1649 Kelley, needs repairs. , Owner 349 Salmon. FOR RENT West side, near hospital, by June 2, 14 rooms, nearly all furnished; boarding house. 7 men boarders; hardwood floors, steam beat; double garage. FOR RENT For summer, furnished modern home with garage and fruit: middle aged or elderly couple preferred; mast furnish referencea. 1333 Denver ave. Phone Woodlawn 2106. ELABORATELY furnished 6 rooms in duplex - house, west aide, with the most wonderful view in the city, walking distance, must see to appreciate; reference; 5115 per mo. Main 1B28 MODERN 9 room furnished house from June until September 15 ; bedroom, bot and cold water, automaoo heater, stoyat Ann cherry trees. cau East 36t!H. UODERN 9 room furnished house, cherry trees, . from June 15 to Sept 15. Bant reasonable. East 3828. 3 ROOMS, pantry, bath and gaa, partly furnishedT newly painted first floor. Adults Only or smalt baby. Call after 0:3 (J, 51 Rodney ave. $50 CLEAN, modern 5 room bungalow, lease if wanted. Hawthorne district Hawthorne oar. 851 East 87th. S-ROOM modera house, completely furnished; froat and back lawns, shade trees and Tinea, front and back porch; eloee in. Sell. 1068. 816 TWO room furnished house, including lights and water, children welcome. Inquire 527 Market st near 16th at tf 9 ROOM furnished house for rent. Nob Hill dis trict; an ideal home, larze, airy rooms, beau tiful outlook. Call. Mar. 459 FURNISHED 6 room bungalow in Rose City Park. Piano and V ictroia ; garage. Tabor 8866. 7 ROOMS, modera, clean, nicely ' furnished, garage and fruit, adulta. A- M". call , Sell. Il.i9 or Inquire 627' Leo ave., Seuwood. WANT to lease' 4 room partly furnished, modern, for year or more; garden space. 1641 Wil low st. near 60th and Glisan. 6-ROOM house, 4 funuahod. J. Beck. Wichita, $25. WIDOW will share pleasant home with con genial couple. Phone Wdln. 1216. FOR RENT 2 room furnished house. ln qulre 817 Willamette bird, cor. KiPingsworth. FOR RENT House and furniture at 628 K. 15th. close to Brooklyn car Una. COZY 2-room furnished house, gas, lights, water and small garden, $18. 1619 Fremont at FURNITURE of a modera 5 room flat for sale. Flat for rent, 181 Whitaker st. Mar. 6185. HOUSia-IURNrrURE FOR SALE 313 SPLENDID quarter section timber land on good read, 6 H miles from Ooldendale. Small clearing, suitable for home, half million feet fine white pine and enough good eordwood to pay for the place with local market for it at good price. Land easily elecred and when cleared would make good wheat land. '.Will trade for Portland lots or equity in house and lot Apply 169 2d st. Portland, Oregon, 3 BOOM house for rent $25; 6-boie Monarch range. For sale; groceries, dishes, ton coal, cooking utcnaila. House all newly reno tried. Will sell, or trade for motorcycle with side car. 208 Hall st Renter will be there ail gay annday. 5 ROOM house with bsth, for rent $16. Walk ' ing distance; furniture for sale cheap; 611 reaygrovc, sfc IF YOU want a nice home to lire in with all expenses paid by renting 8 rooms upfetairs tiijrib ' ikwh; -t.it, pnunf u 1 1 .1 1 -1 C -. - . L ' - " ' r " . . . ii 9 . S BOOM house, 3 rooms furnished, furniture for sale, 3100 cash; not modem, big yard and fruit trees. 184 E. 60th st N. ROOM lower flat all large, outside rooma, to party cuying lurmturs; close in on west aids; ona room rented. Main 8398. -, FOR BENT Modem 7 room honae: fruit, gar dea ia; furniture for sale. 1251 E. 11th st N. near Ainsworth. 8 A MONTH S room house, furniture for aalo, wood and garden; leaving city. 92 FURNITURE of 4 room flat for sale;' flat for rent, reesonaoiet pnone Marshal 5889 from jo a. m. 10 e p. m. trfn' nM k' I. i...,. 1 j. v -- - - " . - mytm, luiuiivn ivr aaie. 8325; very desirable, overlooking Ladd addi- mm. no j a. tin., near nswtnerne 6 ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sal 1 . . n tiuiiirc t . - nttwifiornsh room. nd gft-raa for rent, furnitura for -aw a, itc swty. V- OVAa A saOvrTT 7DIU HO USE "for" rent; furnishings in house for tale. Mast be sold at once. 674 Gideon st. Portland. STORES AND HALLS 314 SPACE for grocery. 225 I 7 Y a m h i 1 1 st. Phone Main 6 1 90," F. Waxhorn. LARGE storeroom with 7 living rooms in back; eld building, but will decorate or let you. a oo , sbtusau near vnioo, I'tiont jaat 8110, A STORH building; ajao 3 room flat above, at 823 Williams avav at Failing. Inquire 267 fining, geen ooq as an anto paint shop. DANDY stroeroom fog drag store, meat market tlt-W .I. 1 .lul -. V , -1 ; locaUon on fine street Phone Tabor 9373. FOB desirable apaee la tiraprool warehouse, Phoae Bdwy. 3718. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 FOB RENT A roll top dak and euairT Sse it at 513 Henry bldg. Owner, box 180, llil waukie. Or. DESK room, with telephone and aUaagraphie service. Phone Broadway 37 H SUMMER RESORTS - 316 ' HAPPY "CAMP," NSTABTS, OB, ' Cottages and tent houses for rent, right on the beach, protected from the strong winds, plenty of crabs, elama and aea fishing, Mrs. M, c.. tiiggn, manager. CAMP sites for rent Rock Island Park, Refer ences required. Apply keeper, on Island, or Mr. Newberger. 1333 N. rW. Bask bldg. Mar. snau sits $850 FOR SALE, small 4 room cottage, new. at Seaside, Or. ; has city water, elect light and paved atreets. This is a bargain. Q. 1L uammeler, 4 OS McKay Mdg. CZY NOOK" COTTAGES " "- Furnished, electric Bghta, fuel, everything except silver and linen. Q; Ft JsteNeiL P, O- hoi 8B, aeasige, o. AT "BEACS CESTtR, 0 room' furniahea house, running water aad electric lights, for sen on; also 3 room house. Sell. 646. CANNON BEACH ttnt honaas. completely fur. Bashed; also 16x82 bouse. For pertioalers, f5. I. . Winys-rrl, 653 Morrison. &CASIDE Four room furnished cottage t rent Wdln, 1763. 1686 E. 11th st N. FOB BENT Summer cottage at Koc-kawsy pca.cn. styiy .t sia tsmmu Pv. cor vut. 3EASIDS i-For rent. 7-rooot' house," campietely foraished. Call Weodlawn 2834. COTTAGE "at Seaside, will rent "from now" to juiy m, fnone aiaiB ZS42. SEASIDE 5 room" fur-jiiia4 cottage loi sob. ,.Bdwy. 1762. - . FOR RENT SUMMER RESORTS 316 SEATtEW Comfortable cottage, hot. cold water, bath. 4 beds, 8175 season. Box 6, Sea view. Wash. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WOULD like a. place in the country for a boy 8 years old by mother who is working; caa pay 35 per mo. A-955, Journal. HOUSES 361 RENTAL BUREAU ": IAvt vonr hnneaa. flau or ape a; qmck results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGB. LOANS fiECURITY STORAGB A TRANSFER CO. 83 Fourth at. opp. Multnomah UoteL Pwone Broadwaf 71o WANTED To rent for 2 years, 5-room modera bungalow, not east of 48th St.. oa pavement at $25 per month. Will pay 6 months ia ad vanee. Call Colombia 1326. WANT a furnished modern oottage; will lease by the year. Young couple who take care of tHnga right Z-1 84 .Journal. 5-ROOM bungalow with garage by man and wife. Must be reasonable, by Juno 1, beat of care. wiu lease. 0-144 journal. ROSE CITY PARK 7 -room modem houae. furnished or nnfur- nished, 8 months lease. Tabor 6160. MODERN 5 or 6 room bungalow; prefer Alberta district; have 2 children. Woodlawn 2383. WANTED to rent, 4 to 6 room . house, with furniture for sale. A-956, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY $2700 FOR SALE $2700 400 AT SEASIDE. OREGON Modern beach home, all improvements in and paid; 2 blocks to new ocean walk. Write or wire R. D. Kelson for appointment Seaside. $850 FOR SALE, neat new 4 room plastered house with fireplace, small lot in nice locaUoa at Seaside, city water, electric tight, street im proved, a bargain, also garage. G. t Dammeier, 48 McKay bldg., Portland. $500 FOR SALE $500 - - - - . AT SEASIDE, OREGON Two 50x100 lots, about 4 blocks from ocean, for the price of 1 lot Write R. D. KELSON, Seaside. . FOR SALE Seaside, Or., 7 room bouse, fur nished. 100 feet from board walk, in Hermoea park at 242 1st it and avenue E. Will be there after Saturday, LOT Cannon Beach, stream running through; sacrifice for cash. - C R. Thompson, 1047 HaneociE- at. FOR RENT for the season. June 15 to Oct 15. cottage at Ocean Park. Wash, References re- nired. Mrs. Collison. 443 East Clay. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 ' BUSINESS PROPERTY EAST SIDi: CLOSE IN Corner lot, 1 story building, 4 rooms, all occupied, monthly income $57. Price $4750; ternuk Propertty ia earning over 1 2, jer cent net BROWN at GRANT 201 Consolidated Securities bldg. Bdwy. 8222. FOR SALE, 4 -flit bldg., 60x100, on 4th st,. near Mill. Call at 227 . 50th at. mornings. Terms. WATERPOWER site, close in. 2 mile from paved highway; will consider trad for city property. J-4. journal. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 407 APARTMENT house proposition. West aide, close in, corner; buildings, including furniture; on 100x60: contains 24 modern apartments; on traffic street, with stores on firet floor. Yielding fine income. Owner authorises sale at 845,000 with about one half cash. Costs more to erect buildings alone today. O. H. Skotheim Co., : " Realtors 408-411 Couch bldg. Mais 1375. LOTS 403 " ROSE CITY DISTRICT S. W. corner, E. 46th and Siskiyou ata., $0x100 all improvements in and paid; $900. . B2d st. facing east 100 ft. north of Hal- sey, 50x100; all improvements in and paid, $750. WIAJIAU iLfclUHl S DISTRICT v ea.K r..;.. , oa , . i. . e. - "-' V . pWWM. V, OtW pnens, ibiidu, ail improvements in ana paid ex ospting paving; (060 cash. WESTMORELAND E- 18th St.. facing west 200 ft govrth of By- bee', all improvements ia and paid: 8800. Duke avenue, fscing north, 150 ft west of E. 15th st, 50186, an Improvements ia aad pau: 677P. HE.NDH.KHOX-BAN KUD CO., 426 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. TATE 8 ADDITION Lota at ientn rtiaa $275 and tn, including oement sidewalks. curbs, graded street and water. $1 A WEEK No Building rtaotriotiona. Take Alberta ear, get off at end of line, con tinue 1 block north to Holm an at. Then 4 blocks east to 83d st All Sunday row will find aaiwemnp on u giuuno. A. Q. TEEPE CO, 270 Stark st, near 4th. Vain 8099. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT EAST 27TB AND STEPHENS STREET CHOICE VIEW LOTS. $880 CP. Choice view lots en E. 26th and B. 27tb sta. between Stephens and Harrison ata,, only 3 blocks south of Hawthorne ave., restricted for 25 years; you will probably never again have an opportunity to buy a lot in s close in high elass restricted district of this character for th ridiculously low priees these tots are offered at Better look them over today. Terms, 20 per cent cash, balaaos easy monthly pay- ""U" HENDERSON-BAN KU8 CO.. 426 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4764. LOTS Vary choice Alameda Park. Rose City Park and Wastover Terrace lota, ranging ia price ao eordlng to beauty and location. . For particulars call .-. . - MBS. SNOW, BROADWAY 4664. 820 LUMBEKMENS BLDG. ". " IRVINGTON DISTRICT "" GO SEE TODAY Salesman will meet you at East 16th and Fremont Sunday from 1 p. m. until 8:80 p. m. See the big sign. $750 to 8875 for inside lota. 81000 to 81800 for corn era, 8100 down, $10 a month. All improvements paid. .Restricted dis trict with all Boovsniences, JohnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST r "IS o cAsii 1 6 WWthly Buys 50x100 lot. only IS minutes by street car to Washington and Broadway; price 8500; also beautifully wooded 65x100, $600, easy terms. ' - : ' . Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Rank bldg. Main 8787, PUCDMONT lot excellent iocatiua. Dtwr car line, in beet part of thfil beautiful district; $1100, or will sell lot sad a half for $1600. COE A. MrKENNA CO., REALTORS z tn at, ataia .zi LUCKY peruon, tas. notice 1 $475 buys choice, sightly tk-4 in CenreU Crest park, everlooking beautiful Tuslaria valley. $300 aash, balance $10 per month. No interest Phone 8 ell wood 1414 evening- VltLAHD g. U." 3sii6Ya..r P.htJs.J bl.d.'. i blocks to say; (in lot, level, good loeauoa; priced very cheap. $360. COX A. MeKENNA CO., BEALTOBd 89 4th st Main 4522. . LXCRldUlt'Rj 50x114 $9&0 AH improvetnetits paid; 8Va blocks Rose City ear on Multnomah st JohnsonDodson Co, 688 N. W. Rank Wde. Main 877. ROSE CITY PARK -lot, 60x100. 4 Bth aw lust off the Alameda; . Paved street. aeemeats paid. $735 caab- East 4639. 379 'Est Broadway. SOME fin' half -aer building lots, isi good loeav tioa, $200 to $500; 10 per eent down, t veers to nLV. Halev. Arral Ileifbta atoeo. fifid SoSliOO ' CdRj.ElK' fci"' WeatmoreUnu;' ''pVvVd . Street-); all lmprcvemenis in and paid: $660, COS X. McKSNNA CO.. REALTOR ; 4tn at. aula soax. VULTOMAH district bargains, " seres. 8600"; ehoic view lot $250; "4 Scree, 3500. 818 ny. men. mag. at am otq, nes, cst 7QBS. WO 60x100" djoUiag lot ""on " 640iaad Broadway; sell one or bote, Owaer. Tsbof 08T. WANTED Beat offer" for" buildiag kit 8, block 8, Hancock rt addition, in Fartlaed. Or, Dotaa As Sob, Weedateck, TO. SNAP 6 ALB tOe'ilOO Bv Cit Jot eseell.nt locatioa ea TiUamoek bay. 3350. Tabor 138. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 R1TTER, I OWE tt CO . REAL LOT BARGAINS Look these over carefully each and every Parcel a bargain la itself. Easy terms caa be arranged if desired. MONTATTLLA 8 200 K. 63d N.. facing east, 250 feet south of Hley. 800 E. 73d Nv. faring east, 150 feet north of Hsisey st. 80x114. 825 I. Irving, fscing north, 100 feet oast of K. 70th at 400 K. Hoyt at. facing south, 100 feet eaat of K. 57th No. 450 B. 70th N., facing sast 228 feet worth of E. Gliaaa at 560 E. 85th rt, facing vast, 300 feet north of E, Burnside. PENINSULA " ' 8 2 SO Humboldt, facing north, 100 feet east of Concord. 850 -Bowdoin at., facing south. 33 1-3 feet east of Hodge, 83 1-3x110. 400 Syracuse, facing south, 100 feet cast of Monteith. S3 1-3x110. 450 Wygant, just west of Patlon. facing south. 650 Sumner, facing north, 180 feet west of Patton. ' 680 Alberta, facing souths 400 feet west of Iienvev st. 60x106. . 850 NVsbster, facing south. 150 feet west of Concord st . 750 Atlantic, facing eaat, 150 feet south of Ainsworth. 800 Portsmouth, fscing southeast, 243 feet south of Houghton, running thence to Exeter st. 60x130. -8 00 Southeast cor. Oreeley and Dekum sta 1200 Bow doin st, fscing south, 119 feet eaat of Portsmouth ave., 100x100. 1200 Northwest cor. Curtis and Saratoga, with alley, 100x109. MOUNT TAB0B 8 600 E. Alder St. facing aorth, 100 feet west of E. 45th at 650 E. 68th, facing west, 80 feet south of ETAsh St., 90x100. 2230 E. Yamhill st, near Mt. Tabor park, 7500 suuar feet 2750 North side of E. Morrison st, beginning about 120 feet east of 65th St. 100x 100. WEST SIDE .;; 8 600 Corbett, facing east, 100 fact north of Custer. .. 8000 Cornell road, fscing northeast, about 200 feet west of Summit Court 8ELLWOOD 8 C25 21st near Bybee, 200 feet north of Bybee. facing east 800 Umatilla, facing north. 100 feet east of E. 19th. v 800 E. 8 2d, facing cast, 83 feet Berth of Tolman. 1500 Northwest eor. B. 18th and Bybee. - 1600 Mall facing north. 40 feet east of B. Otb. 100x78. 2000 Spokane ave., facing north, 100 feet west of east 15th, 100x100. 8000 Grand ave., facing west, between- Bea con and Brooklyn. ... ALBLNA AND WOODLAWN 3 800 E. 27th at N., facing west, 800 feet north of Ainsworth. 500 Holland St.. fscing south, 150 feet West of Williams ave. 550 K. 25th st N., faciaf vest, 160 fast south of Wygant 860 K. 15th st N.. facing west, 200 feet north of Alberta. ' 500 Southeast cor. Grand and Ashley ats. 600 E. 83d su N.. facing east, 90 feet south of Killingsworth ave., 100x100. ' 750 E. 2 it tii st. lacing west, 120 feet aorth of Going st 250 E. 88th st, facing wast, 100 feet south of Going. 800 E. 23d st N.. facing east, 100 feet north of Liberty st 380 Northwest cor. K. 33d and Emerson sts.. 61x100. 878 E. 35th st K.. facing east, 100 feet south of Preseott 400 Southwest cor. X. 12th at tt. and Church at. - For your convenience you may call Bond ays or evenings. Tabor 4189. BITTER. I-OWB e CO. REALTORS 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, LOTS IN WABASH PABC -Take St Johns car to Webaahr ava, ..Lots With paved streets, 8820 and up. , WILBUBTON ADDITION - , Take St Johns car to Portland bird. Lou $300 aad up. PARKWAY Take Mississippi car to Bryant, walk watt Lets 8400, 10 per cant down, balance two years, no interest 82ND ST. DISTRICT Between Errol ear and Estacada Una. : Half acres and lots 3178 and UP- Tracts 75x200. facing 62nd east and south. If ion, want a real buy, look than lots orer. . STANFORD HEIGHTS Lota 8250 and up. Cement sidewalks and curbing ia. - . Ws list and sell lots and property ta an parts of tha city. If you want service aad action, oail Office Broadway 1823. Bub-offioe Sellwood 8297. Sundays aad evenings BX1 wood 1788. The Johnson Realty Co. 822-828 Bear Bids. i LADD ADDITION lOT 80x100 lot, improvements all in;" terms, Bockhold Bros., 601 S wetland bldg. Main 8768. Ope Monday .LOOK AT THIS ALAMEDA PABK LOT ( On Skidmore stroet. between 82nd and Glena are. Our sign on beauuful tree. Pnoe $gou. Ion will say H' bargain. Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ...... .. GS.st;jNa BAB,c.AIN IN LOTS lots cat California street for $2400. This is a SAcrifloa price and is mad o alas aa estate. Terms can be arranged. BROWN eV GRANT 201 Consolidated Securities bldg. Bdwv. 8223 60X100," CLOoK IN oa paved si.rtwt. near Di vtsioa at, one block to oar, for low pnos of 8780. All improvements in sad psid. COS A. Ms. a..- is tu., ns,ai4tuu0 82 4th st Main 4 522. Twelve Hundred Dollars Two sots, close in. with 1 8 bearing fruit trees. FRANK T. BERRY, 727 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GBEELEY ST. lot. 60x100, paved street and oa earlinet good location, near Portland bird. Ouly 3750. r WK A. stengi a A --0.a nctuiVH 82 4th at' Msin 4622. $i-fxAvN"Y $ I' "Week" 60x160: cement walks. . Alberta ear. Cloa to school; pitch tent Why rentf W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. TOUB OPPORTUNITY THaw.HKs l.t avbiU U .a. l.e a swreasweta ImUI riiiuiw 4vaPa W ISSAW Miw lsaasfc, m v wr kiriur-ii low prices. See J. A. MoCarty, 270 U Surg st Phone Main 1700; eveninga Tabor 60S7. JioW or never. " If you "ever exiwet to own a bom ia Walnut Park, now l the time to secure a beautiful home aits in Walnut Park on moat favorable terms. Call owner,'' W. M. Killingsworth, Wdln, 861 or 8304. ' YOUR LAST CHA N ClT Laandhnrst lots at these prates. Be J. A. MoCarty. 270 Vk SUrk, Main 1700: eveninga. labor S057 i'uK SALE by wa.r, vacant lot 50x100. on East 13th st, pear Beacon, Improvements ia and paid; berries aad fruit tree. Phone Beii wooa Z2Z3 f66' Elcir -f EflVfa Three fall lota in orchard, two blocks from car; good soil, fine view ; aacnfio prioa, Owner, isoor vse. $100 " - " ' Plus assessments, is price of good lot on E. 6$th N. walks, gredo. oor. 900 Chamber of Commerce. Open Monday, NICE lot, 2 b.ocss f rum" Irviugtoa car line;" iuV provemente in. phoae Woodiawa 4659 aftet S o'clock or OVIl, Journal. 15 60 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER " Fine 68x100 lot. 76 ft off Saadys no Sena, enoic location, tanov . LAUBKLHUR8T LOT BAROINS See J. A. MeCarty. 2T0 V. Start st. Msin 170O; eveninga. Tabor 5057. Votit BtfAClllouTsStf Vac1i,Nwport, sacrl- Iioe. account seanag uregon. lid Boara of frade. 2 LOTS adjoining Esstmoretajut, $2000.' This is a real anas, UL MM ELL, A BUMMKLL, 274 Stark st LET ME SHOW TOU $1 WOWS Big lots. Tb talk of the town. It W- Car. restqenee, ami tail. OR SALE 1 lot' sOxleO.'oa R'lfth near Alberta. F, Leonard, owner. 811 ft, Kellogg st. city. JXJ YOU "like 'cherriaaf ' If so, eoeae ever to J" eita sr. sua pa a lot wita larg fruit creos on. sfl.oooFtNlS BtitbrNa 8ltE. iT. COM. lzrit A-1 A1A1-U OWJtJCa, 1543 EAST HOYT. CORNER LOT in Lents, 3300, "ear ixad for Feed. 67 E. 7h st M. $350 1 hi BlJOCKi ItOSB CITT PARK CAIt . Iie 80x100; assessments paid. Tabor 6569. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS do; WHY BUY A UT , When you can buy a full half acre for th. same pne or leas; H acres 8250 np; fnl acres $600 up; pay $8 or $10 monthly. W) charge no interest on contracts; Bull Run w.te piped free of charge, gaa available; build , small bourse or pitch a tent and forget t?i rent man. E. 5 2d at. S. : beautiful district. K Cent fare. These tracts are selling like tiof rakes; 120 sold la 82 days, Let us show yon vouay. COMTE KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 208 Chamber jofCommercebldg: OOHOO foot corner lot, 100 feet on carlinei good location for a drag store, grocery, ot Station, garage, moving picture abow, $2600. 78x100 ft corner, 100 ft on carUne, inter section of Lombard and Interstate its.; fin loca tion for buxmena or renidenre, $3 500. 60il00ft lot. St Johns, near mills, excel lent location for hotel or store, $900. C. T. ZIRKLE. 211 3d St A SNAP Near Jefierson high and 1'miiuMiU park, 60x159 (large aa two lota) : price nnt $700,' easy terms; also 50x100, $u00; $00 cash. $J0 monthly. - Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bWg. Msin S7"7 WAVEKLK1GU HEIGHTS lot on iii.ii,.Lu. ; paving ami all improvements paid; brstiiifullv situated on high ground in this fine district; for extremelyt low price of $3A0. C0K1A. Mi KEN N A CO., REALTORS 82 4th st "Main 4f'J2. ' EAST YAMH1I.U NEAR 23D $1050 $50 DOWN. $ll A MllNin AD present improvements paid, bee u at once. JohnsonDodson Co. fS3 N. W. Bank Blrlg Main S7S7 BEAUTIFUL view lot on 29ih st. In KavaTmo re land; (aces west; unobstrucUtl view; stroeta paved: 2 blocks to car. Overlooks golf links. $1150. COB A. MrKENNA CO.. REALTORS 82 4th at Msin 4522. $700 50x100. atresia paved. Three carlinrs. 959 Kst l2th stl- N. WriU ownsr. Th.av Litxer. New Li-orn. Wis."- HOUSES 404 By Owner-$fl0 4 room cottage in Woodstock, Dntch kitchen, gas, light and fix turrit, patent toilet, atrawber riea, 2 fralt trees, cement walk, no encumbrenoe, 3300 cash, $15 mo. and int Phone Col. 145. YOUR BUY 8 room house, 2 lots, on corner, 1 block from hardHurface road, fruit; mut sell price $112i. Terms. Aut 612-20. Stuns. 9220 Woodatook sve. SIX room hone ia Wondlawa district lear oar and school, all modern, with garage and fruit trees. $3150. $500 cash. Main 7036. , $1800, Terms-$30.0 Down BRAND NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW -iXJVEll ONE-HALF ACRE 8 blocks from Mt Tsbor car. Real bargain. 2200 E. TayVw. HAWTHORNE BTTNGALOWS RLrlctJy modern, from $3800 to $4500; cany terms. UUMMELL 4V RCMMELL, 274 Stark st X BEAUTUXL new modem borne. 4 room, break fast nook, full cement, basement, sltie; lots ol fruit Will sell very reasonable. wth nearly sn acre of ground. Close to Montanlla car atul 52d at lor more InrormaUoa call owner, wnln. 7P or Auto. 833-21. 12266 EA-grTEflMii I250U 4 room modem bungalow, combination dinint and living room, full plumbing, beautiful let sidewalks in, 2 blka. to car. McMonlos, witl Interstate Land Co., Realtors, 248 Stark st main Dtzv, FOR SALE direct from owner at 841 E. 6'1 ti at. o., tn beet Mount Tabor dbitriot; lo.elj view; 7 room modem bungalow, la perfect eon. dition. Property would have to be sen to Im sppretdated ; lot 50x120. Telephone Tabor 4 H 1 0 NEAR Auuneda Park. 81000 wl handle, mod em 7 room bungalow, comer lot beautifu fireplace, bookcases, built-in kib-htn, large bath room, furnace heat; only $4500; will sell fur nt'hsd. COOK. Auto. 819-97. 82400 CASH, $2600. terms, 5 room cottaVe electric, gas and good plumbing; built-in buf fet; paneled dining room and beam ceiling; ! 83x67: cine. block Richmond oar. 630 E 13th t south. , BEAUTlFUi,' . modant, 6 -room bungalow i Dekum ave.; gas fireplace; fruit and garden close to ear and school; $3000, small cab iv meet, balance $30 per month. Call Main 7UD totisy. FLNB HOUSE for large family or boarders. Yl oloan, convenient rooms, full basement, tuba light gas, good yard, fruit, berries, garage; fur Btuire cheap If denired, $5000. Owner, 96 K. Salmon st Tabor 9178. A BARGAIN By owner, 5 room cottage," modem; lot lu5i 125, Lota of fruit berram, garden; bam tru ter. yard. This week, $2360. About hai esh. 160 n. 78th N. " mV rAkKii6tr; Wi-iii Three large rooms and aleetlng porch, pantry builtins in kitchen, raniis, garden, smsl) fruit V block south of Sandy bird, and oar line oi Rocky ave.. block went of Craig road iTT $0 'CVlflf furnil ura. smirn"eat " 3 nn house, good as new, in Read enc. diatn.rt, eor.. lot, 60x100. Call Sunday or Monday only northeast cor. K. SOUt and NahsAem. Etacada or EasUnoreland ears. Owner, 88200 room, esv,t front 60x100 lot 2S blocks fri-m Alberta ear, full cement baaement Radio Pijwlea furnace, fruit trees, auuubrrj ana nnmnt. 1109 J5, zntll rt. 100x100, 8-room 'house and KaUi. 12 fruit trea. berries, chicken bouaea and runs, water ant. gas, $1400. $400 cash, bal $20. mo. wo. tut ovun 78d sve. S. K. WS ear. MODERN" six' roota cottage, full cem.nt baA- sent; furnaoe; fin location; walking d:s- terce. Would oon-nler auto a part of tint payment Y-9S6. Journal. MY $700 EQUITY in 4 rix.m ramiera buns.low, newly painted inside and out for sale foi mh or trade for lot outside lion Is or good ear. in oza st. n. $250 "'GIVES TTOSH1:SSION 1 Vetty, modern, 4-room bungalow, iAuk of condition; fine lot, near car line: bearing fruits; no liana. Prioa sa i no. n-o iienry puig Hresdwsy linn. 60 TA&Da TO CAR 6 room modern bouse, all fumlshad nrmw. only $2850; $860 dawn. baL $30 month, Ka UK. Rlilf .I."uAli11t n i l,n a tvr' mI), fnn,l.lt1 'I ..II ,i i . i - - -- .wi, t'-b, omwa, uTT.r- J?1: warr- ll'lilll ttiTl tx U ffii i Ur a. '1 . .'T "" " ' Tv A'9 g, DIV AAlUj,in-ttn,ij st wwis, m voif ttmimm mnn DsUMmtftrr,. o ...... UUww w.wi(ss 'ws arvrxj f uaavsvapa. 4F V W IIM Tm ( rtJifl f trM. 210 Hall st. BL Y flirml from owner. DiMJoctivt bunaslow in Alameda Park. 6 airy rr.nm. with , I inni1rtt built-ins and furnace: eaah 81200. halane. a. woaa. .uj r.. oiat si. rt. , 0 ROOM liHUrt. frnirj, oa oarlie., parru street, near school. Sou N J..... -t i. Johns. Lseving city, and will sell on away terns. All clear ana t. utawmmu all paid. tAJMH. ana loos ov.r our 4 end 8 rrmie cotUgee. one to three lots, well improved; $lrtf)0 lo $3000. Mrs. ohtuun. Milwaukia. Phone liJ cr 61 M. i WELL BUILT Mtt takor horn. 8 room-, hcT., tiful view, $8100: tills U the beat bantam ia Portland, Tabr 1663. owner. No unui. 0 HOOsfrf, Plate sla-a.T.ard iXZon Wi7."w panoita amine room, baaement. furnace, etc.. gtfioO; eay term. Broadway 3SR6. room bungalow, pavement kamly to ear. $500 down, tial lika rent. Von - a beat H. Broadway -8S66. A Call 68 W. Emerson, Wdln. 1861. FOB SALE by HBr."liotia.. 8 JoU, tmneiSTi in gsraan, eemee sna iiowrs; wster. gas aae range terms. 4610 81st st 8. K . cor. 46ili a.n. A GOOD double emtruoted houe gud bs'riC 4IJ lth t pw;yruiv ana SU kinds of berries. FOR SALF, 3 room hrue. " 7 S 1 1 6 "lot . " wTih garage, $2600. $500 down and k-S n.-r month ineltid;ng interact. 206 K. Murntun at ALL guea for $200. 8 room WlFous, lumi.tf.edr .," "Bt.? i1"'"- rn ""-A aad lut on Lat 3th st 846 Vt Washington st 8ELLW60D 6 larg. r.K,i,. u,.I.rn. ktreei and ew.r ta aad paid, 3 blocks to car. Owner, $21 M). .mall paym.nt down. oaOfjnw .. RICHMOND 7 ruoma, moilarii all biuitTT a faaturea, near oar and arlutoU all l... tn and paid. 1186 Iron st Aut 231-81. BY OWNER Modern home, 6 real's, sitMiung norcb. Hot water beatiiis Bvt4m I'.ll l.t and 6. P6Q li. 85th at H. RH car. BARI.AI.V N.at 3 room hou., eicenic li'irKW 1 block from ear: IS&O: ta.ma. i-i.. u.. 2050 after 7 p. m, tiioo-J3io "tMhirs 1 4 room Plastered hous. 40x100 lot h.:f block to ear. Anto. oiv-ii, EVERY purchaser ot al eataja ahmild bare h title iasured Better be safe Utat sorry. Tui A 1'Mt M.ntnttlt. S. FOR SAL : xmwvFeV s f-MJt iirn4gf WIT, If aOUpif Brill n rnnirf at 21 b'. 1 .-.th . " V i"' rrwrw iv., p. v BVi 3 V" ttl. rm. btttiae, by owner, Tai " hik.' f ruj ear; $1000 down. bal. $25 uunthly 'jta hi.r S 4 4 1 TtVJlii'r-' ' i ' - -g SLLLW00D br In, "by carter, i.e " 5 ' r(ta bnnralow, 7ia Wioksne sve. Main 7IS. biirigaiow, fruit; on 'cart.o..' Lfc . 2 etiy. $3500; $1500 n.h. Ht.il. BOSK ClfV PARK, A Owiwr. 823 S3. C84 k. llsk. .