THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON. 16 SATURDAY. MAY 28, 1921. . fitting ay.; Wets Will Attend JBortl . Li A Churches to iiold ervices emoria -' T "Iff" DAY WILL RECALL TENDER THOUGHTS t OF SOLDIER DEAD As a tribute to the Americans who have given their Uvea that libertr and freedom might live in this land, and that every man might be per mitted to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. Memorial Sunday .will rbe observed tomorrow in the churches of Port land. ". iiT' . ' Civil war. Spanish-American war and "World war veterans organizations in various sections of the city plan to attend some central church in a body, where in some cases their members - will take a prominent part on the pro gram. Flowers used to decorate the churches on Sunday during the memo rial services will be laid on the graves of the departed soldiers in the after noon or on Monday. T . . A memorial jservice of a general na ture will be held at 3:30 o'clock Sunday-afternoon at the First Congrega- tlonal church. It will be in charge of the Owen Sumners camp No. 4, Sons of 'Veterans, the Betsy Ross Tent No. 1, Daughters of the Veterans, and the Sons Of Veterans Auxiliary No. 3. These or ganizations have sent invitations to all the G. A. R. posts and all the Sons of Veterans camps in the city to attend this service. The Whitney" Boys' chorus, G. A- R. quartet, and Mrs. Dudley Steels,' will furnish the music. The - offering from this-service will be given to the China famine fund. FirstPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1TH AND ALDER ST. Harold Leonard Bowman MINISTER : 10:30 A. M. "Timelessness" 7:45 P. M. "Sins of the Imagination" OregonBookand Tract Depot GOSPEL HALL, 2664 ALDER Famous Writings hy Accredited ' Authors "The Coming P.rince," "Daniel In the Critics' Den" aHid "The Honor of His Same," by Sir Robert Anderson." . "Geo. Mailer.-. "The Acts of the Holy Spirit," by DR. A. T. PIERSON". . Also writings by DR. BROOKS, WALTER SCOTT, W. P. MACKET, WM. KE1.LT, ANDREW MILLER and others. Apostolic Faith Mission COR. JFROlfT AKD BTJRIf SIDE Meetings held at 10 :30, 2 :30 and .7 :30 every Sunday, 7 :4a every night tn the week. Ail nations meeting Sat urday night. ALL WELCOME NO COLLECTION THE GOSPEL SPREAD v-; AIRPLANE BT Dr.Edw.Oarle America's Great Phychic, who astonished Ertglish scientists of London recently with his Spirit ualistic demonstration of - inde pendent slate-writing in all lan guages, manifestations and scien tific tests. Sunday, May 22, 8 p. ra. Maccabee hall. 386 Wash ington street. Discourse by Ira W. Taylor, Pastors' Studio, 328 Park St. Phone 518-72. Light on life's problems under our electric sign aX AND "uwl ana la vara to Block of Chares 11 A. M. The Gordon-Grainger and Ben Butler G. A. R. Po.U Memorial Service. Dr. McEIveen preaches on "REMEMBER" I 3:30 P. rVL -Sona and Daughters of! Veteran' Memorial V 7!f" 1- Su??ner .CMnP' Roa. Tent, and Veteran Auxiliary No. 3, invite all lovers of their coun try to a rreat Memorial Service. . 7.45 P. M. Question Service. Dr. McEIveen answers 3 questions suggested by,constitutional amendments to be voted on June 7: 1. DO WOMEN MAKE GOOD .JURYMEN? i - SHALL WOMEN AS WELL AS MEN SUBMIT TO A Pnraaar, RIAGE HYGIENIC EXAMINATION? ou"""T T PRE-MAR- 3. SHALL OUR WAR VETERANS BE PAID A BONUS V-vV - A i Id, &U etory of JSitle Hosing- jtone i 3Jts ;3opuiarity . That popular study "of ' the Bible has not lost Its attraction is seen in the constantly increasing attendance at the classes conducted in the city by Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe of the Moody Bible Insti tute. ; Dr. Sutcllffe's exposition of the Sun day school lesson -each Friday evening at 7 :15 o'clock is bringing together many leading Bible school workers in the city. This meeting Is held at the White Tem ple and is open to the public.' : . The appointments for - next week In clude Monday at , 8 p. m. at Glencoe Baptist church, Tuesday at 8 p. m.. at Rose City Park Methodist church ; Wed nesday at 2 p. m. at Westminster Pres byterian church J Thursday at 8 p. m. at Vernon Presbyterian church and Fri day at 7:15 and 8:15 p. m. at the First Baptist church, i Bible Sunday School To Be Held June 5 June 5 was authorized as Bible School Sunday in all the Protestant churches of Arleta and adjoining communities at a meeting of the general committee of the daily vacation Bible school, Tuesday eve ning. Authority, was also given to print 1000 bullteins to advertise the school. Mrs. Nettie ' Fishburn was appointed chairman of the poster making commit tee, with-Mrs. M. Frances Swope, Mrs. Lillie Perry and Mrs. Harry Hall as di rectors of the publicity campaign in the Bible schools. f - - . . ; Spiritual Science Church The First Spiritual Science church will hold memorial exercises Sunday at 6 and 8 p. m. in room 206 Goodnough building. Lecture sermons will be given by Mrs. L. K. Philips and Mrs. Emma Lister, igt "Lest We Forget' Is Theme J'Lest We Forget" will be Rev. W. G. Eliot's theme at the Church of Our Father Sunday morning. The sermon will be iri commemoration of Memorial day. Next; Wednesday at 3 p. m., B. F. Irvine will speak under the auspices of the Women's Alliance as honor guest at the regular monthly social and literary meeting. ; ... ... Alternating current can be used with a new portable electric welder that is equipped with a transformer having no moving parts. i ' CENTENARY -WILBUR METHODIST EAST NINTH AND PINE "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" DR. WEME.TT SPEAKS AT BOTH . SERVICES TOMORROW 11:00 A. M. "Life a Supreme Devotion" 7:4S P. M. "Some Debts That Can Never Be Paid - PROF. J. MACMILLAN MUIR at the own. The Male Quartet will sing "LORD TO THEE ALONE." by .Sullivan, and "GOOD NIGHT, MY BROTHER," by Main. . WESTMINSTER E. H. PENCE. D. D., Pastor. FEATURES BEAUTIFUL BUILDING WITH WORSHIPFUL ATMOSPHERE COMMUNITY SPIRIT EVERYBODY . WELCOME STRONG PREACHING A GOSPEL THAT SAVES MEN EVERY PART OF SERVICE FILLED WITH WORSHIP. GOD'S HOU8E " SERMONS: 10:30 Death; the Great Common er and Artist. 45 The; Failure to Focus Union Church Service I7V JEFFERSON HIGH I SCHOOL . KESBT AND EMERSOS COSDUCXED BY ( Chorus SUNDAY EVENING, 7:S0 O'CLOCK East Side Baptist Church EAST 20TH AND SALMON 8TS. Walter Benwel! Hinson, D. D. MINI8TER 11:06 A. M. 'KEEPING STEP" ': 7:30 P. M. "THE BLUE AND THE GRAY" 8:30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL B. V. P. U-. :30-P. M.. (East Morrison or Hawthorne Ave. Cars) MADbON STREETS Whitney Boys' 3mportantt jSew . More than $18,000 has been re ceived from -Sunday schools in Ore gon during: the past year - for ? the Near East relief. This gives Oregon seventh place in the union in Sun day school -offerings. "Thei Portland boys and girls are gladly sharing their toys with their un fortunate friends in the Near East," said J. J. Handsiiker, state director, when commenting on the results of bundle day last Wednesday. "Many a tot will find joy in the toys given by the children, as it finds comfort in the clothing - con tributed by the parents." Contributions are stili being received by the local com mittee. : BAPTIST Dr. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, was surprised at his recent birthday banquet by a life call to his present pastorate, which he accepted. Dr. Hinson will be one of the principal speakers at the : Northern ; Baptist con vention in Des Moines, Iowa, in June, and also at the conference on fundamen tals at the same place, where his topic will be "The Lord's Return." The young people ; will ; hold a service at Patton home Sunday at 3 p. m. Mr. Hansen will lead. The Sunday school gave S50 out of its fund last Sunday to the Near East relief, and - will give another offering Sunday, At the First Baptist church Ir. B. B. Sut cliffe will preach bunday. The Temple auartet will furnish special music. Sunday morning the ReT. B. . Close will de lier a memorial sermon at the Third Baptist church. - At night the ReT. O. Austin will speak on "The Baptist World' Challenge," using the aterecpticoa, to show conditions at home and abroad. They also portray the Baptist program for the New World movement in the foreign field. : The Grand Array post and Women's Belief corps of .St. Johns will attend the Sunday morning service at the University Park Bap tist church. The Rev. G. H. Suhlauch of lie Minnville will preach both morning and evening. Spanish-American war veterans will attend the Sunday morning memorial service at the Lents Baptist church, when the Rev. K. . A. Smith will DIRECTORY First Sunday After Trinity : Uniform Sunday School Lesson 'A Program for Community Welfare." Deut. 16-18-20; Mark 12:28-31; Kom. J3:8-10. Golden Text "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfillment of the law." Rom. 13:10. Young People's Topics Baptist Union "Life Sketches of Great Ad venturers." Conquest meeting.) Malt. 4:23 25: 5:1-12. 1. Christian Endeavor "Missionary Results in Africa." Acta 8:28-40. f ' Jipworth. League Junior League Sunday, i . Baptist Fir t White s Temple. 12th and Taylor. Preacliing by Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe. 11. "The Compulsion of an Weal"; 8, ""Sot Far From the Kingdom." East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B Hinson. 1.1, "Keeping Step"; ? :3l. "The Blue and the Gray." Third -Vancouver and Knott. Iter. R. E. Clooe. 11, Memorial sermon; 7 :30, "The Bap tnt World Challenge," by Kev. J. C. Austin. Arleta 48th ave.' and 64 th at. 8. B. Rev. Owen T. Day. 1 1, sermon by Dr. O. C. Wright; 8, "Freedom and Americanism." Calvary E. 8th and Grant. Rev. J. K. Thomas, 11. "Carry On"; 8, illustrated .ser mon. Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Bey. W. B. Stewart. 11, 1 :45. - SeUwood Bethany Rev. W. N. Fsrria. 11. 7:0. ' Grace E. 7th and Ash. Be. W. H. Toi liver. 11. 7:30. Swedish 1 oth and Hoyt. Bsv. T. 6. Sjolan der. 10:30. 7:80. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard. 11. 7:80. Highland E. ttth and Alberta fUy. Walter L. Uiley. 11. "The Tree of Liberty Planted and Growing in American Soil"; 8. Tabernacle K. 4 5 th and Wtodstonk. 11, "Doing the Impossible." by Dr. F. W. Thomp son. - University Park Drew and Fiska. Rev. G. R. Schlauch (supply). . 11, "The Providence of God in the History of Our Country"; 7:30, "The Beat Insurance Company in the world." kit. Olivet (colored) Uroadway and Kfarett. Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Elim Swedish K. 6th and Alberta. Bay. August Ulson. 2:30. Lenta 88th sL and 60th ave. Rev. E. A Smith. 11, "The Spirit of America"; 8, "The Old Grand Army Man" and baptism. Second (German; Rodney and Morris. . Rev. r. Uofimann. 11, 7:80. CsUmXIo Pro-Cathedral --16 th and Davis, . 7:18, 8:10. 9:48. 11. St.: Feter taenia tier. J. tr. U xiynn. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Law rears 3d and Sherman. Hughes. 6, 8:30. 10 80, 7:30. St- Francis E. 12 th and Pine. Rev. J. a Rev. L K. lic.Nimet. 0. 8, .1S, 11. 7:43. Immaculate Heart ol Mary Williams and Stanton. Kev. W. A. Daly. 6, 8. 0. 11, 7:80. Holy RosarjF E, 3d and Clackamaa. ; Hit. K S. Olson. 6, 7. 8. . 11. 7:30. St. Hose K. 63d and Aiametia. ReT. : J. O'FarralL 8, 10 30. 4. - , St. Andrews E. th and Alberta. Bar. i. Kiernan. 8, 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou. Bar. George F. Thompson. 7:30. , 11. Ascension JU. 7btb and Hmhill. tTraneiscan rathers. 8, 10:80. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena, Rev. V. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Kev. O. Ray mond. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d St. S. C. Jesuit rathers. 6:80. 8. 10:80. 7. St. Stephens E. 42d and Taylor. . Rev. Warren A. WaitU 6. 8, :15, 11. 7 30. - Holy - Redeemer Portland blvd. and Van couver ave. Kev. W uiiam J. Devine. 0, 8. 10:30, 7:30. ' Bt. FhUin ian (Faulist Fathers) m. 16th and Hickory. lUv. M. U Ferry. 7 :S0. , 10:30. 1 :0. ' - St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Nswtm Servite Fathcra. 6. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center- Rev. r. Rev. J. Gregory. 8. 10.80, 7:30. St. Agatha K 15th and Nehalem. Commisky. 8. 10:30, 7.30. v - St. SUnula us (Polish) Maryland and Fail ing. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St, Joseph (German) 15th and Couch, Rev. Frouin Eppes. - 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Michael l Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. U. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St. Claires Capitol UiiL Father AJoyslus. O F. M. 7:15.,:15. tT 8c Charles E. 33d and Alberta. Wallace.. 8, 10:30. All Saint . SOtfa and Glisaa Rot. JL Kav. isuitr wuiiam Cronia 8. 10:30. !.,8t Patrick lth and Savier. Rev. Charles M. Smith. Masses. 8. 8:15. 10:30. 7:46. St. Birgitta's chapel - Linnton-Gtee Harbor. (Attended from St. Patrick's). 9:30. Our Lady of Sorrows . 52d and Wood stock. Rev. G. C. FaUo. 8, 10:45. 4:80. St. Anthony's Chspel 7022 45th ave. Rev. G. C. Fsllu. 9 a. m. Holy Family Chapel E. 87th and Rex.' Rev. G, C. FaUu. 9:44. 7:45. Christian ..- ! ' First Park and Colombia. Rev.; Harold It. Griffis. 11, "Our Nauonal Trinity 7 :43, rive threat Amencan ideals. . i .. East Side L. ii'th and Taylor Rey. Korman V John.stm. 11. 8. Church of Christ Rodney and Knott Re. Jnxeph Boyd. 11, "The New Evangelism" ; 8. "The Cnion of Early Christians."' ., ' ' Aiontaviua is. 7 eth and Glisan. - Ren Car roll C. Roberts. 11, 7:30. - Krn i'rk F. U." Gbormley. 11. 7:30. - St. Johns Central and Oswego. ' Rev. Her bert Jones. - 11, "Birthrighta and Beans";' 8. "Well, Well. Welt" ...... ; TaDernade E. 2Mh and Alberta. Rev. R. Tibbs Uaxey. 11, 7:30. Sell wood 560 Tramo. Rev. i. R. Johnson. 11. 7:30. ; , Christ UA Selene I?(n mibject: "Ancient and Modem Neo romanr. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De nounced." .... ,. . . First 19th and Everett. 11. 8. i' ; Second K. 6th and Itolladay. 11. 8. j Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth 6 2d and 42d ave. & E. 11. Sixth Masonic temple, 868 Yamhill. 11. 8. . Seventh Smith ave. and New l'ork. 11 All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Canargav.lonal - First Park end Madison Ir. TV. T. MeEV veen. 11, "Remembering Our Sacred Dead"j 3:80. "Being Noble Sons of Noble Sires';, 7 :43, question and answer meeting. Snnnynde E (2d sua layior Rev. - J. J. Staub. lit "The Pre-eminence of Jesus Christ"; 7:45, address by Dr. J. K. Brown. Atkinson Mmiuria; K. 21tn and Everett. Rev. K K. Flint. 11, "Spiritual Democracy"; 7:45, "The Life of Contentment of Portlands Cnurches and foung preach a special sermon. Preceding the even ing service several communicants will be bap tized. : The pastor will give a memorial address Monday at Clackamas. lr. P. W. Thompson will preach Sunday morning at the Tabernacle Baptist church. A new interest is reported in the work, -which for several months past has been under the supervi sion of the Caat'Side Baptist church. Dr. O. -C. Wright, secretary of the Oregon Baptist state convention will apeak Sunday morning at the Arleta, Baptist church. The chorus choir, assisted by the junior chorns. will sing. At 8 p. tu. tlie pastor, the Kev. Owen T. lay, will deliver a memorial message. Special war poetry will 'be read. .War veterans are in vited. . ., - -. . CHRISTIAN Memorial Sunday will be recognized at the First Christian church Sunday at both services. In the morning the Rev. H. H. Griff is will present the Christian conception of the functions of a repub lic, and at night he will give an address on "'"Five Great American Ideals." . Worship in the -resent building will con tinue only for a few weeks, as the building com mittee has asked tor bids on the new structure. 1 he present building will be razed to make room for the new building. Sunday services for the summer will be held in a nearby .public asaera- oiy room. . t- The first sermon in a series of three will be given Sunday morning at the Church of Christ by the Kev. Joseph Boyd. The three themes aie: "The Sew Evangelism," "The New Church," and The New , Christian. Mrs. frank W. Bowen has been engaged as director of music. C05GBE6ATI0ITAL Three church services will be held Sun day at the First Congregational church. At the 11 a. m. service the Gordon Grainger and Ben Butler Posts, G. A. K., and the Women's Relief Corps associated with these posts, will be the guests. At 3 :30 p. m. a Sons and Daughters of Vet erans memorial will be held. The Whit ney Boys' Chorus, the G. A. R. quartet, and Mrs. Dudley Steeie will sing. There will be several readingrs and brief ad dresses by K. D. Timms and -Dr. W. T. McEIveen. The offering at the' afternoon service will go to the China famine fund. At. 7:4 5 p. m. after an organ recital by Mrs. Edward Drake and a program of music by the chorus of 35 voices, Dr. McEIveen will answer three questions suggested by the constitutional amendments to be voted on at the special elec tion. The Questions are: (1) "JJo women make OF CH URCH Highland E. 6th and Prescott, Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "In Memory of the Blessed Dead"; 8, "Fellowship With the Brave of Other. Days." , v . Waverly Heights K. 32d and Woodward Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, address by Dr. J. K. Brown; 8, "An Option on Heaven." Leurelwod--4 5t)i ave. and 6!iih at. 8- aV. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaier. 11, 7:30. - Pilgrim Missouri and Suavei. Professor Harold S. Turtle of Forest Grove, supply. 11. University paxk- Haven and i-romoard. Rev. fj H Johnston. ' 10:30, 7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina. Rev. A- A. Hsrju. 6 and 8 p. m St Johns S. Ivanhoe and' Richmond.. 11, 7:80. Danish-Norwagian E. 23d and Sumner - -Rev Ole Torgesin. 11. 7:30. First German Ebenezer E. 7th and Stanton. Rev. George Zocliex. 10:30, 7:30. Second German K. 8th and bkidmore Rev Henry Hagelganz. 11. 7:30. Zion German E. 9th. and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hoyp. 11, 7:30. Dunkard . Church of the Brethren Borthwlck and Bral fiard. Rev- George C Carl 11. 7. . Kpltcopal of St Stephens 13th, and Clay. Rt ltv. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Very Bey. T. T. Hicks. 7:45, holy communion; 11, morning prayer and ssrmon; 7 :45, erensoJA and adureiia. TrJBity IStU and Everett. Bey. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8, 11, S. St Davids E. 12 th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 0:30, 11, "The Social Significance of GoU's Names"; 7 :3o, "Vhy the Church Is Interested in Decoration Day." Bt Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G. tfattoa. rector. 7:30. 11, 7:45. BU Philips 242 Russell. 10. 11. St Andrews Hereford st. Portsmouth. Br John D. Rice. Si 11, 7:30. Grace MemoriaPwEast 17th and Weidler Bar. O. W. Tajlor. 11. 8. St Michael and Ail Angela B. 43d and Bioadway. Rev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8. 11. 6:3o. Church or Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st st a. K. Kev. John B. McCormick. 10, 11. Bishop Morra Memorial Oood Samaritan hoepitai. Kev. F. K.. Howard, 7 and :80 a as. St. Pauls Woodmere. Bev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Saints 26th and Savier. Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 10 and 11. St Johns Memorial 15th and Harney, Sell wood. Rev. John B. McCormick. 8, 10. St. Matthews Corbetx and iiancrolt Bat. E. H. Clark, vicar. 10 and 11 a. m. -Guod bhepnerd Vancouver and Graham. Rev. J ohn Dawson, rector. 7:30, 9:45, 11, 7:30. Mission at St Johns Bickner's halL Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 2, 3. St. Peters Chapel lbi3 C. SUrk. 10. Ht James Cuapel E. 7d st and 87th are. 10. 7 :30. " ' Cnapei of the Transfiguration E. 60th and Division. 8 p. m Evangelical - East Market Street K. 6th and Market Rev. Ezra Maurer. 11. 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Kev. Jacob Stocker. 10:45, "The Value of Our Graves"; o. 1 (Jiiit ou Like Men." Swedish laberuacle N. 17th and' Glisan. Rev. J. C. Ledin. 11 (Swedish), "The Gifts of the Spirit"; 7:30 (English), "The B. A. Degree From Kings College." Lents F. B. Culver. 11. 7:30. Went Portland Muitnumah station. Bey. li lt. Scheuerman. 11. 7:30. Free Methodist First E. 9th and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johns tin. 11, 7:30. Central E. 58 th and Flanders. Ray. S- G. Boper. 11. 7:30. j Alberta E. 30th and Wygsnt Rev. S. L. Burns. 11. 7:46. 3t J onus E. Richmond and Hudson. Rev. F. It- Dawxen. 11, 7:30. Lento lis, o. N. Blair. 11, 7:30. . , Fnerxu First E. 35th and Main. Bar. Homer L. Cox. 11. 7:45. Second E. 92d aad 61st ave. 11. 7:30. West P edmoa Uorthwick anc Janey. Bev. Carey Jessup. 11, S. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel (Reformed) 12th and Main. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Office 716 Chsmber of Commerce bidg. Sahbatn services Friday at 8 p. m. anl Saturday at 10:30 a- m. Congregation Ahavai - Sholom Park and Clay its. Rabbi it. Abrahaotaon. Friday, 8 p. ss. ; Saturday. 8:30 a. m. Congregation Novah Kedek Talmud Torah eth and Hall. Kev. Abraham L Koaencrants. Friday, 8 p. m. -Saturday. 9 a. m. Sunday, 10 a, m. Religious school. Latter Day SalnU Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. Herbert C Iverson. mission president lo, 6:30. Reorganized Church E. 76th and Irving. Elder C. . Jonea 10:45, 7:45. Lutheran St Janes W. fark and Jefferson Rev. William K. Brinkmsn. . 11. 7:45. I St Pauls E, 12th - and Clinton. Rev. A. Krause. 10 :30 (German) , "The Ireadful Dis coveries of an Earthly-Muided Soul Beyond the Grave"; 7 :30 (English) . "The Difficulty of a Rich Man Being Saved.'" 'i'nniLy (Missouri ay nod) nouney ana Ivy Rev. J. R. Rimbaclu 10:15; (German); 7:30, (English). . . - Church for Deaf- Rodney and Ivy R. J. A. C. Beyer. thir Savior's K. 10th and .Grant lies. M. A. Christensen. 1 1 (Norwegian) , sermon by Re. Pernell B. Hof f of Los Angeles. Betiilebem aiorweglan lutt and Dana Bev. H, J. Thorpe. 11. - Bowser EsngelMisl Norwegian (Free) Wy gant and Boaney Bev. A. A. Borrerik. 11. 1:6. nrsee (EnaUsh E. 24th and Broadway- Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 11, "Several Mysteries of the Kingdom"; 7.30. . Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Morris.- Kev. L. P. Ejoller. 10. 11. 7:30. St Johns Pemnsuia, and KHpatriek Rev. L Lndwig. 10 :4fi, 7 .80. Swedish A ugustana -Stanton and Bodney HRev. T. G. Ogren, 10:45. 7:48. immaonel 19th and lrrai Kev. A. V. Aa aersoa. 11. 8. . Portsmouth -Lovely and Fortune Bar. 8, C B. Kautsea. 11. 7:30. Zkm Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap ssaa and Salmon - Bev. H. H. Koppelmaaa. 9:16. 10:1V 7:45. imnvanuei (Missouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo Kv. H. C Ebeling. 9 :30, 10:30. Ger man . Church of tha Redeemer (English) E. 15th good jurymen T"; 2) "Shall both applicant for tlie marriage license submit to a hygienic exam ination?"; S) "Shall we pay our war veteran a bonus?" Next Friday evening the young people will have a picnic on the Willamette river a short distance south of Fulton. Sunday evening at Sunnyaide Congregational church Dr. J. K. Brown, for many years a mis sionary in Turkey, but now a resident of San Francisco, will occupy the pulpit. Two special moving picture reels will be shown and appro priate music given, in commemoration of Me morial day. Mrs. Banks, a returned missionary from Africa, will speak at the Christian Endeavor hour. Wednesday evening the interdenomina tional Bible class will study the fourth chapter of Kevelation, Dr. J. J.-Staub leading. On ac count of the Rose Festival the ladies' Aid will postpone its meeting one week. . An excellent program is being arranged for the twenty-ninth anniversary of the church on June 6. Children's day and home coming Sunday will be jointly celebrated. C. F. Gaiser is in charge of the general committee on arrangements. Invitations have been sent to all outside members. A sou venir will be iven to all attending. Fitting services are to be conducted at the Highland Congregational church Sunday in com memoration of Memorial day. On Wednesday the .Ladies Aid will meet at. the church at 10:30 a. ra. for sewing. The school is preparing spe cial program9 for Children's day. June 5. The Atkinson Memorial CongrecaUonal church will conduct two services Sunday evangelizing the thought of Memorial Sunday. . The month of June will feature special events in, the interest of Sunday school educational work, among them being commencement exercises and exhibition of hand work, class reunion Sunday, and the an nual picnic. r Dr. J. K Brown, a returned missionary from Turkey, will give the Sunday morning address at Waverly Heights Congregational church. The pastor will preach at night. ' EPISCOPAL Dean R. T. T. Hicks will conduct the Sunday services at St. Stephen's Pro Cathedral. A debate, "Resolved, that the blue law Sunday should be a benefit to mankind," will be a feature of the young people's service at 6:30 p. m. Stephen D. Claghorn will lead the affirmative and Miss M. L. Cummings the negative. The young people will hold a picnic at Mac Liay park on June 4. EVANGELICAL Memorial day services will be held Sunday at 10 :45 a. Yn. and 8 p. m. at the SERVICES IN north and Wygsnt School 10, service 11. Finnish 179 Fargo, Rev. A. Salmincn. 10; Sunday school, 1. St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Msllorv and Bkidmore. Rev. P. Hinderer. 9:30, 10:80; except on fourth Sundays, y :30. 2:30. - Method lit Episcopal Centenary-Wilbur E. th and Pine Rev. Frank L. Wemett 11, "Life's Supreme Ievo tion"; 7:30, "Some Debts That Can Never Be Canceled. " . Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. K. Maclean, 11, 7:30. Clinton-Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bev. & S. Mace; 11, "Age Long Memorial." Epworth 26th and Savier. Rev. Frank L Moore. 1 1, 8. address by Captain L. D. Mahone. First 12tn snd Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30, "America in War"; 7:45, sacred concert. Fir-'t Norwegian-Danish 18th aud Hojt Rev. C. A. Peterson.- 11, 7:30. " German Rodney and Stanton. Rev. F. A. Schumann. 10:4 5, 8. Hoyt St 15th and Hoyt Bar. E. E. Hertisier. 11, 7 :30. . Laurelwood E. 63d and Foe tar. Rev. E. C Finley. 11,7 :30. Lents 86th and 68th ave. . Bey. F. R. Sibley. 11, 7:45. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. W. N. Byars. 11, sermon by Dr. T. E. Elliott; 7:30, preaching by Dr. E. L. Mills. MoniavUla E. 80 in and tine. Bev. F. A. Ginn. 11, 7:30. Mt Tsbor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. D. L. Ilolds. . 11. 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Rev. Georgt H. Bennett 11. 7:30 - Rose City Park K. 5Sth and Alameda. Rev. C. W. Huett. Memorial service from 10. a. m. to noon; 7 :30. beUwood E. 15th and Taeoma. Rev. W. R Gordon.- 11. "The llsll of the Heroes"; 8. "Whose Are Yoii. and Where Are You Going?" Sunnyside E. SSUi and Xamoili. Rev. X. H. Gallagher. 11, 7:45. St Johns W. Leaviu and Syracuse. Bar. W. E. Klester, 11, 7:30. Swedish - Beech and Borthwick. Bev. S. Moody, 11, 7:30. University Park Flake and Lombard. Bev. H T. Atkiiuon. 11, 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian -Danish Skidmore and Vancouver. 11, 7:30. Westmoreland Miiwaukn and Midway. Bar. E. S. Mace. 10, 7:45. Woodstock 44 th and Woodstock S. JC. Bar. L. C. Poor. 11. 8. Woodiawn E. 10th. near .Durham ave. Rev J. H. Irvine. 11, "Our New America"; 8. "A Proud Spirit Conquered." - , African Zion 417 Williams ava, Bev. L A. Moore. 11. 7:30. , District superintendent. Bar. William Wallace Toungsoa. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. M. C. South First Union and Multnomah. Bev. J B. Harris. 11. "Memorial Day"; 8, "Christian Education." . Nazarene . . First E. 10th and Weidler. Bowes. 11.7 :80. Seliwood K. 9th and Spokane. Ray. M. Rev. Henry Bell. 11, 1 :au. ' Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Bev. C. V. Fowler. 11, 7:30. Highland Park E. 14 th and Jarrett Bav. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 7:30. Scandinavian 948 Gariield. Rev. J. B. Mittby. 11. 7:80. . Pretbyterian First 12th and Alder. Drf Harold Leonard Bowman. 10:30. " Timelessness"; 7:30. "Sins of- Imagination." Westminster East 17th and Scnuyler. Bev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30, "'Death, the Great Commoner and Artist"; 7:45, "The Failure to Focus." Central K. 13th and Pine. Bev.. Walter Henr, Nugent 11, "A Nation's Tribute to Its Heroic Dead"; 8, "The Old Wells." Calvary 11th and Clay. Rev. L. Bowring Quick. It, Berrmin by Kev. J. A. Towusend; 7:45, presetting by Jtev. T. Brouillette. Mt isnor E. 65tn and Belmont. Rev. Ward MacUenry. 11, 7:30. Vernon 19th and Wygant Ray. J. I Mergler. 11. 7:30. neamont vieveiana ana jarrett rtav . ters"; 8, "Elements of National Greatness." Fourth First and Gibba . Rev. Monroe G. Everett 10:30, "Our Debt and How to Pay It"; 7:30, "Daniel's Prayer at the Open Win dow." KenilworthE. 34 th and Gladstone.. Bev. L. K. Grimes. ',11, 7:30. Hope 78th and Everett Bev. H. E. Gilas, 11. 7:30. Boss City Rev. Donala W. M. McCluer. 11, Armageddon and The New Jerusalem"; 7:30, Joseph, the Dreamer." Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Preaching by Rev. George B. I.wiB. 1 1, "The Process of Spiritual Quickening"; 7:30, "The Hindrances to Spiritual Quickening." Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bev. John D. McLennon. 11, 7:80. . Anabel Rev. F. H. MiyelL 11, 7:30. Millard Avenue 55th ave. and 73d at Rev. Henry White. 1 1, Memorial Day Address; 7 :3. "The Destructive and the Creative Forces in Christianity." Marshall Street 17th .and Marshall. Bav. A. J. lianna. 11. 7:30. Mizpah E. lth and Division. Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11, "The Christian's Extra"; 7:45, "The Place of Christ in Life." Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Bev. 8. W. Sea man. 11, 7:30. Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bev. Alex ander R. Evana. 11. 7:30. Halt Chines 1 33 V First Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m.. school; 8. preaching. Reformed Evangelical First -12th and Clay. Bev. O. HafDer. 1045 7:30 Second E. 83d and Columbia blvd. Bev. H. Heusser. 11; Thud Lents. Rev. -A. F. Lienkaemper. 11. (German) ; 8, (English). " , Reformed ""resbyterlan First Minnesota and Ainsworth. Rev. T. IX Fraaec. ; 11. 7:30. eventh Day Advantlata Note Regular services at thia denorainstioa are held on Saturday. Central JC. 11th and Everett L. Ev- Dick sort, pastor. 10. 11:16, ' Tabernacle 6 th and Montgomery. & J. Hibbard, minister. ' 10, 11. Montaviiia E. 80th and Everett t. A. Gel bart to 11. Lenta 94th at and 58th ava. W. D. Hunt-J tngton. 10 11 8c. Johns Central ava. and Charleston. A. B Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and MaUory. :r Elder J oh Isaac. 10. 11, SalvaUon Army , .. " ' Corps So. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Henry B Cosen. .11. 8:16. 8.'. Corps No. 4 188 tut Enslzn Jess:- MUW and Captain Mrs. L. Upton. , 11. 3, 8. Spiritual 1st First SpintualiaV- -, 7th and Haaaalo. t. 8. People's Societies Clay Street Kvangelical church by the Rev. Jacob Stocker. ' 9 FREE METHODIST Four Free Methodist pastors were re assigned to their churches for another year by Bishop Sellew at the annual con ference which closed " a, few days ago. The St. Johns church is the only one to receive a new minister. The pastors-reassigned are the Rev. W. J. Johnston to First church, the Rev. 8. O. ltoper to Central church, the Rev. S. N. Blair to Lenta church and the -Kev. F. N. Bums to' Alberta church. The Rev. F. R. lawsen was assigned to the St. Johns church to succeed the Rev, K. D. Black man. The Kev. Mr. IMwsen is the son-in-law of the noted evangelist, the Rev. B. C. Iewey. He will preach his first sermon in bis sew charge on Sunday. LUTHERAN - A special meeting of the young peo ple's society : of Grace Lutheran church has been called for next Tuesday at S p. m. " . ... METHODIST ' Memorial day at the First Methodist church will be observed with a patriotic service in the morning. Special music will be furnished by" the ' quartet and choir, special readings on the veterans of '61 and '18. and an address eiven by Dr. Joshua Stansfield. In- the evening a grand sacred concert will be given by the choral choir under the leadership of K. Travor Jones. A special musical pro gram will also be given at the Kpworth League under the direction of Clinton O. Bay. The musical play, "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet," will be given Mon day evening in the Oxford parlors. In accordance with tlie custom at Centenary Wilbur Methodist church, the services Sundajr will reflect the church's gratitude to the nation's heroes. . Dr.. Frank L. Wemstt will apeak in the morning on "Life's Supreme Devotion" and at night will emphasize the inability of Germany ever to repair the havoc wrought by her armies during, tlie war. The pastor will also define America's obligation to tier patriotic sons. Pro fessor Muir has arranged an attractive program of patriotic music The campaign to raise $10, 000 with which to improve the church is ex pected to be completed within 10 days. A two-hour memorial service will be held Sun ( Concluded on Page Five. Column Three) PORTLAND Scientific Christian Spiritualist AlLiky bail Rev. R. M. Singleton, 3, 6, 8. Spiritualist Church of Eternal Light 184 1 1 vision. Rev Msy A. Price. 8. independent Bible Spiritualistic 441 E.12th Rev. Ida M. Schori. 8. Swedenbornlavi New Christian Assembly room Portland hotel. Rev. William H. Iteece. 11, "Seven Stages in uie creation ol Man iay Biz. Unitarian Church of Our Father Broariwa and amhiti Rev. William G. Eliot Jr. 10:30, ''Lest We forget United Bretnran Conferenea superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison. Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11. "The Fragrance and Fruit of Me morial Day"; 7:45. "The World's Call for a Man." Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, "God's Judgments Are Serious"; 7:45, "Your Eye Is Black." Third 6Tth at and 3 2d ava. 8. B. Rev. E, O. Shepherd. 11, "An Earnest Endeavor"; a, in Aiemonam. Fourth Tremont Bev. Leila Lackey, 11 7:30. United Evenaellcal First E. 10th and Poplar. Rev. H. H. rarnnam. 11, 7:30. Ocklcy Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. A. P. Schmale. 11. 8. St. Johns Ivanhoe and John. Bey. C P. Gate. 11, 7:30. United Presbyterian First E. 37th and Hawthorne. Bev. H. F. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of the StrangersGrand and Wasou Bev. S. Earl Du Bola. 10:80, 7:80. Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. Cart Scott Dunn. 11. 7:80. Multm-mab Multnomah station. Bev. David Steele Sharp. 10. 11. 6:45. 7:80. -' , . Mlulona Christian end Miwirmsry Alliance E. 9th and Clay. Bev. John E. Fee. Peniel Mission 1094 Second, 2, S, 8; daily except monoay at s p. m. Portianu Cuumuiu Front and Burnside. Rev. Myra B. Smith, supt S, 8. Pentecoatal - First and Washington. Be Will C TroUer. 11. 3. 7:80; daily 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal) 2404 First 2, 8. '7:30.'. Apostolic Faith Front and . Burnside. Bev. Florence Crawford and K. R. Crawford. Sun day. 10 J10. 2:30, 7:30; daily, 7:45. i'eniecokiai i7 ia ut ueuige R Far row. 8. 8. ' Christian Assembly E. 20th and Ankeny Pastor A- W. Smith. 11. 2:45, 7:45. Volunteeis of America 224 Bunuida. Eve alngs except Monday, 8; Sunday. 3, 8. Gospel Mission 9H Lnion ava. S. . 8:15. 7:45. Gospel Hall E. 28th and Stark. 10:80, 7 :30. Bible Standard Mission 2nd and Morrison, bar. trad liorntbuh.. 10:80. 2:30, 8. miacellaneoua Y. 1L C. A. Sixth and Taylor. 3. Church of God 363 Failing. Rev. Harry Neai. 11. 7:45.. Realization I-eague 148 13tli. Rev. H. Ed ward Mills. - 11, "Divine Unconcern." Divine Science 816. E. Clay.' Rev. T. M Minard. 11. Church of Divine Truth 201 Central bldg. Netue Taylor Kloh. 11. 8. . Theeaopmcal Society 301 Central bldg. - 8, Universal Messianic 818 Abtngtoa' blUa 11. 6. International Bible Students association W. O. W. temple. 11th and Alder. 8, 8. First Church of Psychie Science 11th and Alder. W. W. Aber. 8. messages. The Psychical Research Center Portland ho tel. 7 :45. Christadelphian 621 E. Washington. II. Tha Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Power 201 Central bldlg. Monday, 8 P m , "The Kvolution of Man's Concept of God." CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST 13TH AND PINK WALTER HENRY NUGENT. D.O., Minister 11 A. M. MEMORIAL 8CRVICES "A Nation s Tribute to Its Heroic Dead 9:46 SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:00 EVENING SERVICE" - SERMON "The Old Wells' COME TO CENTRAL YOU WILL ENJOY BOTH SERVICES. BEAUTIFUL MU8I0 BY LARGE CHORUS. YOU WILL RE CEIVE A CORDIAL WELCOME First SPIRITUALIST CHURCH EAST 7TH AND HA88ALO STS. . Sunday Services at S and 8 P. M. CHILDREN'S LYCEUM AT 4:30. MRS. LILLIAN SMITH, Pastor. ' MESSAGE OIROLES IN AFTERNOON SPECIAL VOCAL AND VIOLIN SOLOS MESSAGES BY MRS. SNYDER AND MRS. DOWNES. Calvary Presbyterian Church ELEVENTH AND CLAY STS. ' REV. L. BOWRING QUICK. Minister 11-:00 A. M. JUNIOR AND MORNING SERMONS REV. J. A. TOWNSEND, D. O. 748 P M. REV, T. BROUILLETTE, sXsut'tZ ADVENTISTS WILL disarmament The Portland Federation of churches In session at the First Methodist church Monday night,' took unanimous action urging- President Harding immediately to invite Great Britain and Japan to a conference to arrange a limitation of naval armaments by agreement. The federation' pledged Itself to support by every possible means a policy of reduc tion of armaments by agreement The federation also voted to create a department of women. The new de partment Mill be representative of the women's societies of It denominations in the federation. It will have three main Bub-commltteea, , one of spiritual re sources, another on missionary educa tion and propaganda; and the. third, so cial servic. Latter-Dav Saints To Have Conference The quarterly conference" of the North Oregon conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter' Day Saints will be held Saturday and Sunday. June 4 and 5, In the Mission chapel at 4 10 East Madison street. Klders' conference will be held Saturday at 9 a. m. General conference will be held Sunday in con nection with the regular meetings. Sun day school at 10:30 a. m. ; afternoon meeting at noon arid evening services at 6:30 n m. Prpsirlunt, r lv,r,nn will be the principal speaker Sunday evening, ine pudiic is cordially invited to the Sunday meetings. OUurch Cooperation Will Be Discussed Through the courtesy of some of Port land's citizens who are Interested in Christian cooperation, Ralph McAfee, executive secretary of the Portland fed eration of churches, left Friday for New York city to attend a week's conference of executive secretaries of city and state federations of North America. Fifty secretaries wi(l gather: from ail over the country to discuss the progress of Chris tian cooperation and the problems which concern the Christian church today.- Mr. McAfee is vice president of the National Council of Executive Secretaries and la to present a paper before' this year's meeting. - , United Brcthrert Sunday morning at the First United Brethren church. Dr. Byron J. Clark will speak to the Lincoln and Garfield posts of the G. A, R.- and Women's Relief corps, who will attend the church in a bodys ' Special music will be given by the chorus choir. The church .will be dec orated. A patriotic service In commemoration of Me- Seats Free Yob Are Welcome a y" -. 1 L HOLD 1921 MEETING AI GRESTON PARK The annual camp meeting of Seventh Day Adventlsts will be held In Portland 4hl year, June 7 to J 9, at Creston park, on the Mount Scott carllne. Erection of the tent city is moving forward rapidly with .N. C. Erntson, pastor of the Albany church, acting as superintendent of the grounds. '.. The largest pavilion tent in this part of the country forms the center of the large number of tents pitched for special meetings. J I" NT LIKE CITY The irroundH are laid out with regular streets, electric lights, cafeteria, grocery, book stand, and public reception tents for the accommodation of the. vlsltnrs And campers from the city and, nearby country who will be In attendance. - Preaching services will be .held three times dally, besides' many other meeting"! of general Interest in the smaller pavil ions.. Beginning at 6 o'clock In th morning meetings will continue all day with brief tltne between for refreshment and m eli Is during the entire time of the encampment. . Arthur G. Daniels, president of the world conference of Seventh-day Ad ventists, ia scheduled to be present, and will give a recital of what lie has seen recently in. his Journeys throughout Europe. . MUSIC TO BE FEATURE Ministers and gospel workers repre sehling the northwest and local fields will be present, and take a leading part In the services. The music will be fea tured in each one of the' regular preach. faig services under the direction of Pro fessor I. C. Colcord of Portland. . He will be assisted 'by a large chorus choir, orchestra, children's chorus, male quartet, special soloists and instru mental players. The music will be evan gelistic in style and many of the latest gospel songs will be heard for tha first time in this city. mortal d wUI be prearhed Sunday tilsht at the Third Pnited Brethren church by- tlie Kev. Is O. Sliepherd. 1 LECTURE Babjeeti "AM I TO BIAMF.I" By JiETTIE TAYLOB. KLOH AT :.' ' V' Theosophical Hall1 SOI CENTRAL- BUIIiDISO SUNDAY AT S P.M. . Is the World Getting Better? BIBLE PftOPHECY CLEARLY PICTURES AJill FORETELLS THE OUTCOME OF PRESENT CURRENT EVENT! Scriptural proof that God's plan for the uplift and brlnglng"of humanity bark to the roadltloa of perfect peace and contentment will ,ooi be apparent to all. COME AND HEAR Norman M; Lewton Sunday, 8 P. M., W. O. W. Temple Eleventh Street Between Washington 'and Alder INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION No Collection KimBall Pipe Organ For Sale Splendid toned, two manual Kimball Pipe Organ for sale to make room for larger organ: Would cost about $3000. Price $1650. Terms to reliable organization. Inquire Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 350 ALDER Dr. John G. Lake of the Portland Divine HeaMn- Instltnle, It Eoorth Htreet. Assnnnrvt MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM MEETING, HUNOAY KIMHT, JUNE IS The object of the meeting is to present-100 miracles of Divine Ileal in. Our purpose is to let the world know that LMvlne Healing; is a prco entVjay reality. Followinir are some of those who will give testimony to the following miracles of heallns;; r . Mrs. Annie K. Norton -Pronounced incurable by 736 physicians, healed of the Lord. . . Mr. O. C. Blake Healed when abandoned to die of diabetic gangrene, one toe rotted off, leg mortified half way up to the knee. Mrs. Mary Matheney Healed of 40 cancers. Bent to ue by her doc tors, who could not help her. F. J. Kelly -Healed out of bin wheel chair when helpleaa from mult tiple aorosla. He Is now working every day. , ? Orover Riedon Healed f a terribly deformed head. Wm dumb'and paralysed on one Hide and hundreds of other healed oraee will be present. We invite the puldlc to come and enjoy a night with Uod and u, and decide for yournelf that Jenua Christ ia still the name and hi power aUJl available to whosoever will.