SATURDAY, MAY 28, lB'Zl. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 TWO" DAYS OPPORTU. TIES Sunday, Monday W ARB HAVING i MONTH-CT) CLEARANCE BALK Or GOOO USED CARS. OCR SALESROOM WILL. BE OPEN EVENINGS AND BUNDAI. COMB AT ANT TIME. . BCT DONT FA Hi TO COME, AS THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET JUST WHAT TOO WANT AT A GUT PRICE. . Listen to this: 1920 Chandler, in A-l condition, only (1500. Reed Jtbe ads and you wiU eoe that this is $300 under them. W bar iiut put this Klein Six through our shop, and gis yoa the same guar ante s on a new on at 1825. yon are saving at least $250. Run just like new. Super Six Hudson. Ton Hft hundred of dollars oa thia at $983. a Read all' the ad and thru figure your savings on them two. Oldamobile Eight just renewed, at $885. Oldamobile Six, $550. , Soma buys, you WiU say. Hupmoblla at $483. Just come in and Me it. Light Bit Oakland, IBT5. Good tires, good top, at a mighty cheap price. , lft I ft Orerland. model CO. We want you to take a rid in this $500 ear. It 1ft Maxwell. Mora mile to the sal Ion, tbat'a a Maxwell, at $175. ou are getting 125 per cent value. Ob of those dandy Doru at $379. J oat ride in it. ford touring. New top, new paint, new eat eovsrs. borne Fogi (or $330. SATE MONET BT SPENDING A LIT TLE. TIME IN OUR SHOWROOM. Weller Motor Company WASHINGTON AT. 15TH. 1016 FORD roadster . . ..$ 200 1016 ford touring, extra. 250 1017 Ford touring, extra.....,.. tt'iH 1017 Ford roadster. Ull del...... 336 1918 Ford roadster," extra......, 350 : 1018 Ford touring ............. 350 , 1920 Ford touring, extras.. 425 J 620 Font touring, etarter, extra.. 600 1021 Ford touring .... B85 1620 Ford coupe, extra. ....... , 695 1020 Ford sedan, extras......... 750 1919 Chevrolet touring 475 J918 Oakland touring, cord Ore,, 650 1916 Dodge touring. A-l 575 1918 Orerland 65, touring ; 650 1918 Rulek light 6. touring...... 800 1917 Hup tig 4, touring. 850 1919 Mitchell light 6. touring.... 850 1919 Paige 6, 7 -passenger .1450 Packard 30, 7-paaaenger 450 Cola 8, 7 -passenger . . . , . 650 -VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH., -1 50 ttnion are., cor. Belmont. Ope renins. , East 4376. StopI Look! Listenl G all around and look them all over first, but don't buy until you bare compared our ears, both condition and price, with the beat you may find elsewhere. - We hate tin trade-ins. Every car on pur floor is there because we wanted that partic ular ear. because) it is a good buy. . Buy today and hare . your car fur Sunday- and Decoration dav. m We bar Dodges, Chevrolet. Buieks, Hudson! ' and other choice htive. No iunk. Knthinv but 4,crs picked for quality. PUKT-AN1J AUTO RALES $34 Bornsid St. . - (In Lowengart Bldg.. corner Park.) Bdwy, 8656. .Open Kves. and Sunday Afternoon. LA TP model Buick, tn excellent condition in jerery way. This car carries a 12 months' guarantee and 90 days' sen ice. It lea 7 pas senger car. but you wiU find that it wilf mt you practically no mot to run: titan a 5 pas senger. " "Just the ear for a man with large family.. Price: $1300. $520 down. $78 per month. Woodlawn. 4964. 64 -E. 8t st No. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIKE RBPAUUNO 333-835 Burns id t Broadway. PACKARD 6 $400. Thia ia one of those old Packsrda that never wears out; it lias been thoroughly ererha tiled, has good tires, 2 new. and it is soma buy at $400. L. & S. Used Car Exchange, 28 N. llth. Broadway 3214. -.g BEST BUY IN TllE CITY I must aeU my nearly new Anderson light six touring ear, cord tires, new paint, perfect condi tion. $1195: coet $2500; easy terms; no broker age. Call Randall, Bdwy 1641 or East 7065. 1918 FORD sedan with starter . and repaJnted, 'good "condition, - $595. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, G rand are, and K. Yamhill. Open Ere. - CjOtTNTRY CLUfflbhummy roadster 1800. This ' little chummy baa A wire wheels, 5 good tires. L. A S. Used Car Exchange, 23 N. llth. LATE ID li Buick light 6. This car has 5 ; ror, and we are only asking $1100 for it. L. & HuJ r,, Khn OB TU lllh U.rlw till 1920 FORD sedan, wire wheels and looks like ; new. $825. . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. , $250 MAXWELL 'IT 3250 Mechanically good, rubber fair: Cash. Some bargain. Young. Auto aiaugi, 87 N. lta. Broad ys? 4614. ' - - 191 6 FRANKLIN Thia car la right in erery . way. sew paint, good 'cord tirea and is ready o go, araall payment . down. CaU Propel, Broadway aeus. 1917 FORD TOURING, demountabla rims and many other extras ..,........,$ 300 " TJNIVKKSAL CAR EXCHANGE, . Brand Ave, and E. Yamhill. Terms, to all. LATE 1918 Cberrolet touring. This ear has 5 good tirea, spotlight, etc.; some buy at $375, terms. U8, Used Car Exchange, 28 N. llth. Broadway 8214. . ' - WANT A NEW BUICK 1 - Would you buy a new Buick from, pel rate party at a discount? If so. call Ant. 314-01 NEW ALLEN, at A decided reduction. We got - this car from a county dealer and you can buy it at wholesale cost. Mr. Ehrett. Bdwy. 1460. i FORDS FORDS FORDS ' Some good buy, $200 and up for lata models. Fast 56. 345 Union ave. N. 1918 OLDS 8. just beeu Overhauled and paint and tires good, ready to go. Call Propot. Broadway 3605. T- " CHANDLER DISPATCH - Wire wheels, good condition; your terms, or wtu -iraue. Est on. 345 union ave. M 1920 CHEVROLET, in . excellent condition - througuout. Price $500, -with terms. East us 1920 FORD coupe in A-l shape, $725. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. Liberal Terms. -X MUST have cash at once; first come gets 1918 Chalmers, $850. terms or cash. Wdln. $975. QVERLAXD touring, snap; price $325. See it - at Weller Motor company. Washington at 15th. BUG American bug, . some goer, only $225. welier Motor company. Washington at 16tn. BUG Oakland 4 cylinder. Continental motor; " low price for quick sale. 564 E. Davis at. .OVERLAND touring car tor acreage of vacant 1817 BABY. SAXON $150. 2S6 BeechaL Worjdlawti 4421. - ftPi,RLAND 85-B All new cord Urea; the best puy m town, rasr 1V19 STUDKBAKKR Uht Hi. fu'v Mquiinied. -tsaed very little. ., A. H. Krenl. Wdln. 1945. OLDSMOBILE 8 Can't be told from a new one; tor sale cheap. East 6234. " ' OVERLAND 75-4 Just rebuilt; only $100 - down, balance easy teians. East 6234. BUICK. D-45 Light 6. in -perfect - condition. Cord tires; a Snap. East 6234. : A-l STAGE car $500 Buick heavy six. Call ' ; Mawhalt 8984. - . HAVE a .good used ear. will trade for good used motorcycle, uau noeeii. uroadway 8606. '.):.. 1919 ESSEX touring, like a new car, for only Is 8lt7S;,will consider terms. Wdln. 8975. THIS i certainly a bargain mode I Hud ton jl Super' 6. $1200. terms to suit. Wdln. 5975. ; ELGIN light 6, a good ear, cheap; will consider f trade or terms. East $6. . 848 Union are. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 C. Q. Bleasdale. If you are looking for a good ajsed ear at the right price, look these ears orer. FORD Touring ear, 1919 model This Mf kit only ben run A months! Imka and rum only Beesj run aDout 6 saosiuaa: jooss ana runs like new. $450 TUDEBAKEtt IJght 4. . Good tirea, fin rum' v niug condition, i . . - $250 1CAXWI.IX Tcmriag. ; Good tires; fine mechaay . teal eoodition. ) . $2$0 MAXWELL Chassis. 1918. Orefhanltd: ready for a bug or delivery. . $300 OTEBI-AND 83 B. Good tirea; sH overhauled; ongiaal fuikth. ; This car has been well eared f or. j -, - - - $880 OVERfJtND Mode 90.' Th ia the best bay la Portland, but must be sold at eaca. i i; . - - 00 - OVERLAND 85 Cyt Refinhhed: ntw top: 2 near Urea; U oeerbauled. Tbia e a sup. $760 - DODGB Touring. Look Tike new; 8 good tirea. Yon moat coma early to get it. - ' ' ' $780 OAKLAND tight 6. ' Motor orerhsakd: good tires; Jots of power. . $000 COLE 8 CyL. Y Pass. Reftnlshfd; new top; runs like new; all orernaulsX Jont the ear for hire, ' ; ...v.--. $98$. OLDSMOBnB Rosdhtcr. New tirtH; refinUied in mardtn; 2 bumpers; spotlight. - $821! ; BUICK Roadster. Refinirhed; eord Urea, new top. ' Looks and runs like new. ,.. . 4860 BUICK Touring. 1920. : Run only 2700 miles; . 6 Urea. Thia ia as good s a nw ocu. $1425 BUICK 7 Pass, 1 920, Spotlight. 8 good tins, bumper. Run only oa Portland streets. , . ,':U; . $1800 . CHANDLER 7 aaa. I 5 good tire; eterhaukd; refiniebed. Can mot be 'told from new. V-'- i ! - ' - : $985 : The abofe Hi of 'ears "hare been eartfu,1y inrpected and are exceptional bargain. TERilS IF DESIRED NO BROKERAGE . C. G.'Bieasdale V 580 ALDER BT. BDWY. 18SX We are j ' overstocked again with Used Fords. The. Ford dealers , are sending in Fords faster than . V ever. We have priced every car down to move 1 them so ' we can make rooni for more. Buyer gets the ; benefit. Small profits mean more sales. Come' in and look our stock over. We give easy terms'; and our cars are priced very low. . Used Fords Exclusively- Grand Avenue and Ka-Tt TamhilL . Open evenings and Sunday. Phone East 471. I 0x16 Delivered ' and set up. $61. Firftt-rla-w material. i MILLMADK CONSTRUCTION CO. Woodlawn S413. : A Good Car Cheap Case 4 Cylinder light 5 passenger ear can be bought for $200 down and 19 paynente of $S5 a month; perfect mechanically ; new top and re- rinisiied. uet ouay: it you see u you u Duy. Phone now. Automatic 324-36.. 1920 FORD emipe in exevllenl condiHon ewwy way; good fares, i cords, reftntbed; 32T5 down, balance $40 per month. Just the car for Kalexman or ramuy of a. 54 J. but at. Woodlawn 4 SB. DODGE touring. 1918. by owner, mechanical . condition and appearance nn: original en amel, new Urea, all extras. Call Sunday, East 8119. ; STORAGE batteries. 6 volt, 11 plate for Buick, Chevrolet, Ford. Overland and ether cars, $28. 18 Plata for Hun. Nsh. Studebaker. Ro and others $88. Dodj-e $36. 3-yeafwritfcen guaran tee. Burtons it artery Hospital. 11U 9, uaw thorn, ave., Portland. . 1920 BABY grand Chevrolet, cord equipment driven 5000 miles. Thia car is in the paint al'op and purehaees can have the privilege of choosing color. Will sacrifice lor. $1000. - Can strange term. East 4216. , 1920 STEPHENS sport 4 passenger in real condition; will take smaller car as part pay ment and balance on easy terms; thia car as just like new m every way. Call Boaell. Broad way B80S. CHEVROLET 4410 bug, runs -and looks fine; . lots of work been put on this car. New trans mission, differential and 3 new Ureu Good top and curtains.' For sjjuick .aale, $275. Aut. 642-60. Chevrolet Bug 1919 model. In A-l condition. Terms. 886 Garfield. Wdln. 1114. lORD touring with new piston rir ga and bear- inss. transmission overhauled, new rear end, bocks, demountable rims., lock. Ure carrier, li- 3to. Tabor 4729, HHP XI. t'Kn ....if. in . tiCtll beautiful new Sedan for $1500 if taken this Week only. . Going - East reason for disposal. CAN you appreciate an opportiin'ty when of fered? Let's soar $500 takes my Uveiland touring model 83 B Privately ewned; never ar-uyco. and little nscd. Maip 7Sj 1. iOR SALE Ford truck; good condition. Or trade for light Ford. Pioneer Garage, cor Ti. inn ana .-ensi-ra FORD TOURING; good running shape.. $ 175 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, ' Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. Open Eves. ' SOME buy from owner: 6 pass. Willys 6. All extras, new rubber, perfect. condition. $7311. Fs--t 7712. , . DODGE TOURING Model 1920. first class condition, at a aacri fice. Owner. 50 Third st. NEED THE MONEY 1918 light six Mitchell. $650 cash. 281 Front, corner Jefferson. ' Ajifn Tnngj Be-covenng and repairing "UIO Ik Ops f at reasonable prices. 825 SaJrnon St., bttwtea 6th and Broadway. $400 BUICK LIGHT 4 ROADSTER $400 Mechanically extra good, tires good. Cash. Toungs Auto Shop. 87 N. 12th. Bdwy. 4644. BUICK 6, '17 model, good condiUon, 5 good cord tires: trade or terms. jast 66. 345 Union ave, K. 1920 BUICK. perfect condition. Priced to selL Private car. Will accept Liberty bonds at par value. Tabor 7853. FORD touring; overhauled; demcnntable ruaa, shock, lots extras. $360. Tabjr 4725. 490 CHEVROLET, 16 model. $240. East 56. 845 Union ave. N. STUTZ car, needs some work; aeU cheap, or trade. 832 E. N. WE REPAIR fenders snd wrecked bodies. B. B. Body works, 800 Williams ave.. East 1198. DODGE car. $ J 00. Owner 1013 It ting at. Tsbor 908. DOIHiH touring, 9I8. in fine 'Tidilioo. good rubber. Mar. 8830 i Tabor lltKT even in gs. OVERLAND 90. a good buy for $300. East ..- $0. .845 Union ave. N. - . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 A Clean New Stock of Used Cars ; Our big used ear aale cleaned tip ear stock, of used ears and now we hare a fresh new stock of cars taken th trade dur ing the sale at the sew low level prices. Wa can tit yoa out In a good car of the siae you want, light fears or aixea, with : some especially fine bays . in hght sixes. We offer you a combination of exceptional values, reasonable terms and a square deal 'all the way through. Maxwell, 1918 touring ..........$ $50 Liberty, chummy roadater, wry fine condition 1900 Chandler dispatch, very fine condi tion; an new Urea, everaiaed, with - wire wheels ..1559 1919 Oakland. $ pass., Al eoodition . throughout .... ,,. , , - 800 : 1918 Brbeoe, 6 pass. . . . ......... 450 White 80 touring, rebuilt........ 400- Jordan, 1930, ft pass ....1760 Mitchell, 1918, 8 pa,, Borg at Beck new rubber , $99 Mitchell. 1918. $ pane. ......... B00 Chevrolet delivery. 1918 375 Mitchell, 1817. 7' pass. .......... 675 1918 Studebaker, 7 pass.... 575 1918 Chevrolet, roadster 850 Mitchell, 1918, 6 peas........... 750 Come down any time and we win gladly' show you and demonatrate any need car in the house. They are all tn running order and most unusual values as priced for this big sale. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r Company Broadway and Everett st. : 88 Year ia the Northwest Phone Broadway 4675.- TO THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE PURCHASE OF A GOOD , USED CAR - s OCR POLICY i Believing that people who are contemplat ing the purchase of a ued ' oar would rather deal dinctiy with the Owner than with a dealer to whom they would have to pay a profit or commission we have listed a large number of cars of many different make, from owners who are ready to buy Maxwell- and Chalmers cars as sooa aa their present cars are sold. REMEMBER We do not care to profit in any way from the sale of these used cars; you make your own deal with the owner of the kind of a car you wash to buy. We will simply make it convenient for you to get in touch with him. Take you out to aee the car, etc OCT INTEREST LIES IX SELLING ' THE NEW CAR. We have listed roadsters, tourings, sedans and coupes at almost any price yoa wish to pay, and In moat easea convenient terms may be arranged. - : ALSO One '19 Maxwell touring ....... . .$600 One '19 Maxwell touring 650 One '19 ChaXsaera roadster ...... . .125 These ear are rebuilt and factory tuafaa- teed. t COMB IN TO SEE CS j WE rNDOCBTEDLT BATE A CAR THAT WILL SUIT YOU f MAXWELL MOTOR 8AI.E3 CORP. 1 CHALMERS MOTOR COMPANY. East Third and Oregon. 1917 STUDEBAKER 4 touring car. Good me- cnamcal condition, $850. East 1902. - TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 1920 FORD truck; pneumatio fares; new body . , :..,...,$ 875 Universal car exchange. Grand Ave. end E, Yamhill. East 4T1. - Terms to all. We stay Open Eves. FREIGHT RUN IN AND OUT OF PORTLAND, GUARANTEED INCOME, WITH NEW TRUCK. LARGE RESPONSIBLE PORTLAND FIRM. STEADY. APPLY 430 BURN SIDE, NEAR 10TH. WEST SIDE. NEW TRAFFIC TRUCK Red Real Continental motor and Boscb feiag neto, 3 ton, solid tint, $1600; 2 ton, pneumatic cord tire. $1R20; leas than wholesale price, fae-' Tory, w. s. Mipoert, us y ton, or. "THREE 3 H ton Republic trucks, aU late mod. els, suitable for any kind of work. If yoa can use any of them I can arrange terras aatis factorily. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691: evenings. MarshsU 5241. CITY AND BrBURBAN DELIVERY RUN FOR 8 ALE. WITH LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCK; $300 WILL HANDLE: GUARANTEED 1N- IUSB. APPLY 430 BURNSIPB. FEDERAL 8 M -too worm drive, completely ov erhauled and baa good rubber; I'll make you a price yon can't turn down. Phone -Jensen, Broadway 691. Evenings Marshall 5241. 1919 FORD truck; pheumaUo tires; new stake body ....$675 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave, and K. Yamhill. East 471. - THREE 3 -ton Packsrda. worm and chain drive. Work lined up for all of them. If yoa are Interested.' phone Jensen, Bdwy. 891; evenings, marsnail I FREIGHT1 RFn FOR SALE. WITH NEW TRUCK, RESPONSIBLE FIRM. WITH GUARANTEED INCOME PER MONTH VERY IlKSUtABLK KIN. APPLY 430 B v RNSIDE. MACK dump truck, 8-ton; guarantee same aa new. If yoa are interested in work for this truck, phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; Marahall 8241 evenings. nis,w iutua aAGstiiicEU Brand new 1 H ton truck, cord tires, standard make. Moat sacrifice. ; Make as an offer. REO SPEED WAGON If you want a real da- bvery truck here is your opportunity. Stays oa the road and hot in the ah op. . Mr. Good feUow. Bdwy. 1460. PACK A ED 1U ton worm drive, in first class condition, anxious to spU. We giro terms. What's your proposition ? phone Jensen, Broad way oi. evenings, aiannau azei. i. bELrVteRY-' trT;??kf6R" iis6 : Look at this for only $160. Good body.: Has lota of service in H. Call Northwest AuU Co.. ISth snd Alder. Bdwy. 1460. REAL TRUCK BARGAIN New iU-2hb ton standard make truck, solid tires, sells for $2600. WiU take $2900, with liberal terms, atuwy. 1 OS 1 FEDERAL 2-ton, special wheel base, completely overhauled, exceptionally low price and will take terms. Pbone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; eve nings, Marshall 6241. .MAXWELL Take aa economical vacation trip. Thia will help you do it. A real car good condition. C. B. Rich. Bdwy. 1460. North west Auto Cb. 18th and Alder. -- ; REPUBLIC 1 hi -ton, late model, in fine condi tion, low priced. Must go quick. This year's license. Phohne Jensen, Bdwy. 691; e renin, Marshall 5241. 1920 FORD roadster delivery. SeUatarter and other extrae $325 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. East 471. 2-TON truck, pneumatic Ures, worm drive; truck is in fine shape ; only asking $12O0. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691; evenings, Marshall 21. TO SELL-5 -ton logging truck and trailer, oa long Urae job and good profits; very attractive price if taken immediately. See E. 8. Rolstoa, at McLsne logging eamp, 'Oswego, Or. WHITE dump truck, t-ten, . completely over hauled, 1918 model. A job for this truck Is open- For information phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Evenings, Marshall 5241. - WHITE a-ten, completely overhauled and guar anteed; I have a Job 'ready for this truck. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Eves., alar. 9241. FORD TRUCK chassis ............. .$225 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. Terms to aU. 1-TON Republic, overhauled and repainted; this Job is ready for anything ia its capacity. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. Eves., , Mir. 5241. FORD LIGHT DELIVERY, Hssler shocks $195 Grand Ave, and East TamhilL Open Evea. 1-TO Packard worm drive, late model; only asking $1800. Pbone Jensen. Broadway 691. Evenings Msnnail ozii. EXCELLENT road Job. double shift, quick action required. 92 IS. lOtn. cor. llanaers. See Mr. Chaperon.;'. ..; . ,--'.- FOR TRUCK, in good running shape. . ..$195 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. end E. TamhilL . Open Evenings. 3 h. -TON Packard worm drive; mechanically right: price way below market. Phone Jensen. DitMKlway "VI. evenings sxaruiau jii f4 TON Buick truck, excellent condiUon, cash or terms. C. T. gerkle. Ill t it A 2-TON truck to sell or trade; in good condi Uon. Pbone Auto. 627-26. 3 M -TON CMC truck; jiut the thing for a wood job, ellweod 141 - TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 .Trucks! Trucks I ; - We offer for your Inspection the moat com plete stock of rebuilt tracks 1st the Northwest. All Completely overhauled and put la first Class condition. If you are in need of a truck of any capacity it will pay yoa to look At ear bae. The foUowihg are typical of our stock : 1918 Dodge delivery, good tires and In fine condition. SPECIAL PRICE . . . . t T9 6 1-Ton Republic. g 950 1-Ton Panhard express body ...... .... 60O IS -Ton O. 51. C worm drive. ........ $1075 lH-Ton Republic.. , $ 950 2-Ton Reo, large moving body ....... ..$ 450 2 -Ton Denby. ...,..,..,...,,......$1100 8-Ton Standard, like vnew. ........... $2250 S-Ton Packard.... ......$1250 Wa hava ftfhera tA select from. LONG EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE Oraranlntr Treece $43 Alder sc.. kr- 17th- Bdwy 1723 xfdwy. liz ---i- 34-toH;GMCtElICf5:: 1021 limnae. men matte tires and in extra food shape. Will trade for 1921 Ford. Price 575: terms. Phone Wdln, 3520 evenings, 1030 Blallory ate. WHITE -ton, 1920. run about 9 months, completely overhauled and - repainted, pnea matio tires, generator and electric, lights, all in A-l condition: price for quick aaie siauo. t;aii Koblnaon at Talbot V Casey. Grand are. and K. Ankeny. East 118. i- r FORD DELIVERY, in good CondiUon. . $195 , UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave, and E. Yamhill. East 471. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCYCLES OF aU MAavES WE BELL FOR LESS; GET OUR PRICE. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE: es BICYCLE CO , MAIN 61 $9. 204 80 BT. 1918 HA It LEY-DAVIDSON, with or without aide car; small payment down, balance in 10 months. . A nice buy. Call Broadway 3606. Bozeil. 1919 INDIAN and aide oar. Just overhauled and in wonderful condition. . van tummon, Broadway 3606, MOTORCYCLES AND' PART. atX MAKE? EAST SIDE MOTURCYCUS W, 44-46 Grand Ave. 1917 HENDERSON and side car, elecUic equip-me-ttt: hew paint and in excellent condition. you, ca1! Mamuton, Broaawajr goua. 1918 INDIAN and side car, new rubber and In fine condition, $SO down, balance to suit yon. Call Hamilton, nroaaway au. It INDIANS and 1 Reading Standard motor- cycles for sale or trade. What have your 8028 82d at. 8. E. . - - - 1918 INDLAN motorcvcl. with sidecar, just repainted, bargain at $273. 188 Grand are. East 6563. - - SNAP Electric Harley with sidecar. Will demonstrate. 838 Rodney ave. -; WANTED A good used motorcycle as part pay- ment on good used car. can fcast B234. 1917 INDIAN, must sell. $10(X 411 Edison St.. St, Johns. LATE model Indian with side car; run less thao 6000 miles, $360. 6128 8 2d rt. 3. E. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 Mr- Car Owner: Ton will realize; a btg saving in your repair work by bringing it to me no experimenting nor guesswork I know the automobile repair business from A to Z. ' - The only man yoa pay ia the one who does the work- no superintendent, shop foreman or office force paid with your money. Will gladly teat your ear, tell you the trouble. god glTe you an estimate of the coat. I have had experience on all makes of cars. W. A. 1HCR.1SSUN, North Pacific Wagon A Auto Works Bldg. 9th and Hoyt sta. Broadway 3S66. ATTENTION. CAJt OWNERS We will overhaul your ear, aay make, and save 70W money. All work done oa a flat eon tract basis snd absolutely guaranteed. Work under the supervision ef competent and reliable men. Get our prices, they are reasonable aad will surprise yoa. We specialise on generator and electrical Work, battery recharging aad re pairing, vulcanising ssd retreading ; sfi retreads risrsnteea tor tvvv muea xLCJarxituL, a BADE SCHOOL, 797 Hawthorne ave. T.le- pnone ttaat euoa. - FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ......820 fear axle overhauled ....., .8 8 elves ground, carbon resnoved. .......... $ 8 Magneto, recharged .... o ............. .$ t We band-lap pistons, scrap, bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine lord parte only used. All work guaranteed. . , GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR (XX. 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. YOU cannot get it done better or more rea- aonabllx- Auto repairing ia your garage or ours, by Unit, rl mecnamc. Call abast 1477, day or night. - ; ; STUTZ and all high class cars repaired and work guaranteed ; personally eupervised by Fred T. Geppert, Auto Rest Repair Shop, 10th and Salmon. Main 3237. FREE 90 day adjustments on all brakes relined. THE BRAKE SHOP 327' Fifth Street ' Main B96 FORD repairing exclusively; guaranteed work- manAhip. Curlys Ford Shop, X27 Salmon St. sisin Hies. - ff3 S Dig REPAIR ESG OCU SPECIALTY. r'JWSJ Cut prices. Guaranteed Work Ignition specialists. 855 Wheeler St H 3083. AUTO STAGE UNES 805 PACKARD stage, Portland and Tillamook, leave Rainier- Hotel, 128 a. eui sc.. K:su p. m.. Two cars daily. For information Bdwy. 3413. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Lste Model Cut- Reasonable ' Retee FEARING tt ROBNETT CITY GARAGB 182 12th 8t-. bet. Wash snd Alder. Bdwy. 849 CARS for rent without driven. Hudson, Hup mobiles, 'Liberty, Chandler, Paige; in fact, anything from Ford up. Jake'a Used Oar Ex change, 825 Glisan at., between Broadway aad nth. Ktinne Broadway ba83. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUl DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA RAPE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-1286. H. a BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE wTtHOTJT DRIVERS." ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYiXIR. PHOS B MAIN 161T. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 t CAN wse your old - Ford of Chevrolet if you can use my brand new 1821 Chevrolet, yu, touring, phono Columbia 656. WILL TAKE automobile as first payment en 45 acres good land oaf good road, with buildings, good spring and creek, near town and Pacific lugtaway. Win allow good value, .no r oraa. Bee or write latwreaco Perry, Kelso, wash:. CARS wanted to wreck, parts for all ears Under half price. B. at 8. Auto W racking Co.. llitn and Alder. Broadway 636, MY new Stradivasa phooograph and cash for a roadster, uodg, ptelcmd, rnone 17 w. Uk Grove. FORD touring body, new of nearly new, '20 or '21, must have windshield, fenders, etc State price for cash. - Write w. iy Moore, aa w. mtn. PRIVATE Dartv wants to buv Ford for cash mat be bargain. Call or write C H, Bruce, 464 Jarrett, Woodlawn 721 WANTED Bargain in 1920 or 1921 Chevro let, model 490. touring. Will pay spot cash. no dealers. Pbone -.t 8U4. WANTED FORD TOURING CAR. CON DITION NO OBJECT. yALL AUT. 633-68. WANTEO 1920 Buick for equity in Parkroae acreage and some eash. Phone ezir-68 WANT good Dodge tor cash. Price must be right. 83 E. 16tn st. CASH for old can for wrecking. CaU at Ure shop. 42 Grand ate. N. HIGHEST eesb price paid tor old cars; con dition no object.. 1Z1 w a st. WILL give $100 lor good Ford chassis mut here good engine. M-727, Journal. GOOD lot ia - Vancouver, B. C, and cash for auto. 172 West Watt st. WE buv all kinds 6f automobiles! lZ A S. Used Car Exchange, 28 N. llth. B'way 3214 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 VACUUM cleaners for renC Boo a day; delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 348S "STAR A STAR" shingles, direct from mill. uait l aytor-ST. qor. aaau ovqq. CESSPOOl-S and sewer eonnectiun and cement work. Miller, Main 181S. LADIE3 be well dressed i exclusivo used, gar merits iit-enr noroe. TsoorzBza WE GRIND and repair lawn mowers; also bui crippled ones. -- Main 962. - - ' HAIR sets., 8 for 25c, 13 for $1. Plommer Drug Co., S. E. Cor. 3d and Madison. 1 V TO 2 POUND milk-fed fryers, 85e a pound. 1534 K. iztn sr. a. wooaiswn jssj. "CWANTA" kippered salmon, anade in Portland. Help Oregon payrolls. HOME GROWN Kentucky wonder beans for planting, laner new, WANT to buy 25-20 Winchester. Must be ia 1st class condition. M-733, journal. lb JARH of home can fruit, 4Uo jar. Col. 1417, FOR SALE MTSCXLLANEOUS 06 ANYONE wanting to buy a good and strong Handmade Hammock to bang our. under toe trees at home or to take with, you on your camp ing trip this summer will Snd just What they are moKing ior at ll a, Ota St. r. ; 1 max uieae hammocks mvself and vow east save tan Kiev buy ing them from me; prices run from $3.60 to $3, IMiind boy's ad.l ,,- .-..-.,-,,-..----.- -- - WE SAVE T6rJ MOrTaTT Boose wiring. Agbttag fi. tares, electrinal repairing aup pliesT Third Street Elect n Store, 284 Vk Third aV, SMI Balasoa, Main 8055, Save Your Wife fiend von laiindrr to Bnowflake wet . Waah. Clothes washed snow white la separata earn- partmeata. , Phone East 8433. MUELLER Big 8 Convenor pipeleas Seating ays tem: na don't nav for high rent when yoa buy oar furnaoee; we are in line with the re- dueed cost. - - - i r- A. F. HOWARD ' Haiti 1806 ; 230 3d St. bet. Salmon and Main Sta. A. P. HOWARD Plumbing supplies, wholesale and retail plumbing - and beating suppuea; Mueller pipeleas furnaces -. estimates given free; also repair and overhaul all makes of hot - air furnaces. 230 3d st, pat. Salmon aad Main sta. stain laoo, Sewinsr Machines We have the largest stock of osed Sewing Machine ia the R. - Coca. pare prices. We rent aad repaix, 1 79 8d, wear- YmhiU. Window Screens and Screen Doors Mads to Order. 100 N. Third St.' SAFES Fire and burgiar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. DAsa a IVUk iu. 103 Second St. . Main 8048. i Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented And repaired, Walker Electric Works, 418 Bnra .tride.' comer 10th. Broadway .6674. Lawn Mower Hospital Sharpening and repairing. 24 hen? service; col lect and deliver. Tabor 4073. Tabor 4B41. Rugs & Carpet Washed On your floor with Hamilton Beech Electric Washer; also Vacuum cleaning. Wdln, 5758. Cadweli Camp Table 6x6x4?2 folded. 80x42 open t support 800 Pm. 650 Thnrman. -Broadway 8469. " ELECTRIC fixtures wholesale, 1 Ught chain, 1.3a; 3 light fixtures, ; electric iron, $6.95. We do electric wiring. Reliable Klao- tnc store, Union and Hnasell. East 3BB WHY an everlasting aggravaUott oy a leaky roof? Why not a comfortable and durable roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds ef leaky roofs; work fusranteed. Mais 8120. OFFICE FURNITURE Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN -WADENSTELN DESK CO., 108 Twelfth at. - Bdwy. 1877. SECOND HAND WesUnghouae air compressor, ou co. it., direct connecuon to it n.p. a. c. ttotor, equipped with automatic governor, good for 12 o lbs. Otis Elevator co, FOR BALE 25 barrels of molasses, one Ad- vanee paper cutter, good condiUon: 2 hole aluminum tireless cooker, barggsn at $25. C '1', Zerkle. 211 3d st - lICENSED independent electrician, wire 3 a.., K I9D all Maw . uuiu, v. w .wnwm , terial used and guaranteed to pass inspeetaoa. wooaiiwn syvi. PANSIES. MANY COLORS. 35e Armeria. forgetmtmots, coral and other plants. Kennedy, 69th st, one long block south 65th ave., southeast. ML Scott car to T re in on t- LADY'S whits buck shoos IS-A), $3; wool eoat, belt effect. $3; also girTe bicycle. 352 Chap man, near Mill. RCUD. Lion or Rex copper coil water heater. installed. $27.60: also any kind of dumbing done. Geo.- W. Clarke. Tabor 188Z. ARMY TEXT 16x16. somewhat damaged by smoke. $15. Cell Sunday. 1963 K. Mor rison. 1 CHEESE CUTTER, with gauge. pracUcaUy new. Make ait offer. 362 N. zsra sw Bdwy. 4921 KENRT SIM To most bring this ad. 120 6th St. WOOD SAW with o h. p. Cusbman engine, la perfect condiUon. A big bargain, with some terms. 226 E. 87U, ICE box for store or butcher. 6 V xlO H . Good as hew, $200. Main U081., 191 rsa st. e CUT F1X5WERS DOUGLASS FARM, 4 MILE SOUTH TROUTDALE GOOSE FEATHER bed. would make a fin lot of pillows $10,502 oak center table, plasterer's tool set snd darby, wain. 2001. A No. l' PEERLESS meat alicer, in best ef condiUon, for aale cheap. Jensen Creamery, 803 Alberta, Aut. 323 21. GERAN IUM8- for porch boxes and bedding, nice grass palms, 25c; laxga lots cheaper. 7 w, hillingRWortn eve. I AIR-O-LITE gasoline lamp and 1 two-light electric , lamp with shade. VOU IS. Grant, near 29th. UNION Apparel Exchange sells slighUy u--d ladiea clothes, new spring bats, .to. Tit CniQB ave. W.. cor. Ivy, fcaat 1886, SAFES No. 70 Sixth St.. near Oak. New and second hand Herring-HaTI-Marvia safes snd Steel cabinets. Bnshong at Co. Bdwy. 1261 FOUND A man who will repair and upholster ' your furniture at your home; prices very rea sonable; ail work guaranteed. Broadway 475a Bentistrv .FntSSa Without Pain. Latest Herve Blocking Method. birr: a uhi m mnr riuor with Hamiltoa- Beach electric earwet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East. 4Q4a. , . . . . LawnMowers Sharpened TAR CALL AND DELIVER. EAST 6424. PENNY ARCADE machines, 80 of them, all newly painted and varnished, for sale, cheap. esa -inurmsn sr. COMPUTING SCALES, easn registers, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store flx- tures, st Btara t-, perween is ana 'jk. HOME- mechanic, repairs anything; renews that screen for nan price; cuta tnax song grass. Woodlawn 07 no CLOSING, out crockery, chlnaware and cooking utensils; some of, the finest china ia tne u.. s). at reduced pnees. c. t. pintle. u oa ex. MUST sell my Wayne gasoline pump; will sacrl fice if token immediately: write for parUcolsrs. T. 1. Stamp. 825 Wasco st-. Portlana. GASOLINE pump and tank for sale: aheap; terms if desired. P. O. Br out, r-ortiena. EXCAVATING DONE cheap; also black loam fertiliser, delivered. Ant. 634-88. PACUTC COAST SAFE, medium size, wut sed cheap. AC 12-56. T2ARD kerosene burner, pracdcally new. Per- fect condition, cneap. mil eoster roao. FINE notatoes $1 a sack, or $1.25 delivered. Tabor 9083. 1893 Base lAne, Large aise oak heater, oak aideboard, cheap. Tabor eatti. WHAT have you to exchange for a Cabinet piienograpnT . tag nui at. pqwy. zooo STEAMER trunk and 3 common chairs for, sale cheap. woooiawn oias. $0 INDIAN blankets, very cheap. Phong Broad- way 1518. 304 Phoenix bldg. FOR SALE China closet, , $33;' folding bed. $35 221 8th. NEW pink sport jacket snd hat to match; a bar- gain. ' PbohS East 7667 CHOICE Uurbank seed potatoes $1 Phone Sell wood 2488. Per TW. FOR SALE Army tent, 16x16. Phone Sell- wood 2488. GARAGE" FOR RENT. 7112 51ST AYE. 8. E. ACT. 616-28. WHEELBARROW. garden tools, phoaograpb. aa-ayvra wu. . FOR SALE Sewing machine, good condition. Tabor 7368, Will deliver. 1619 Fremont. I DAYTON computing seal for sale. 872 Alberta. DRAG SAW 7 feet. $3; bicycle, $18; $ handsaw $2.50. , Wdln. 3505. LARGE theatrical trunk, 31x42x52, for sale cheap, 262 f ront at. NEW copper coil wster heater, never been qcd7 DANDY kitchen cabinet, real cheap. $408 99th st S. E. FOR screens, frames, mirrors, medicine eabine . . . - , . . , m rurnirnre repairing, ere,, can naia ngi. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners saM. cxi repaired,. Ray BenUey. Mam 4U7 AILOB-MADB aulta lets on band at half prW Modern Tailors, S9 w. p;n st FOR SALE or trade for wood range, Vulcan gas stove: good condition, let Beacn at SEE LEE laundry, washing and ironing earge ruiiy none, pnees reasona o ig. icoi. jtiii st. T A fUTCfll 100.000 dirty hand to use GETS-IT Beep. Ask grocer FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24 hoar day. 86c delivered. Wdln. 1269. i-. , , . ,7 ' i . i al rZT- A- ereo- sawj. pays, ibpot ,moti trfmpp. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine. showcase. 4 1st St., aear Aen. Won SALE Regutera. wall g oeott . z FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 BOXER TRADING CO. 246 Washington. 113 2d i Marshall 2438 i We Sell. Buy and Exchange Cash Registers, Showcases, Fountains, Scales, ' Store' Fixturts. CEBAfi CHESTS Direct from factory' to your borne. Teaae nd port Orford cedar: - aoltd mpps tnmaav ttaat designa. . Write for catalogue . J. W. HIGGINS ak SON 118-16-18 ! Gt.lSAX. TABOR 80S ORNAMENTAL Vases, gardesj beacbes. bird awtb lowo tsins, etc Buy direct from , faatewy. Standard Art Sum Co., 1630 M scads m sc. or 309 K llth at 6FF1CJE FURNlfl'RK. AbbtS'G mJLHLIe v-bvxtitsrffvoa fll .j'sTWR IT Kit 54 V J,! Et Ul aOA,L7, vaaan. w v i i - Burroughs 7 -bank, with sUhd. .3145 wiles w-oebk, witn stana. ............ . - T, u u, t . C flfniMi time VIMCIWUW, lltUlln, - -J writers, oomptometers and cbeekwritem al ia- oeera Of prices. wax utim aqiuiaams uww. g, rv. em. , savy. a ow SINGERS. Whites, New homes, etc.. Just like new, $2$ to $45. New Royal, Service, Davis sad other guaranteed drop beads $1$ to $18. Latest Singers, eash or term. Rentals, $3 per month. Sieger store. 193 4th. Mam 6833. HOT WATER BOILER' t-r aale. $5; Ught and heavy welding of all kinds. We weld saws ana springs. rneee ngnu si ,JO 1 " teed. Get our estimate before having your work . . . , tr.u : ciu.m SS lXraM . a .(..Li . . nt.... n 1 O 10 DROPHE AD sewing machine with attack- meata, a-v eacn; portaon r for rent s sewing maebine cleaaed aad repaired, E. B. Stoea. 152 Grand are. East 2869. . IRONING machiuea. ahghtly used; one for $125, one lor 14U. one lor siou. fnces on osw reduced, i SCOTT FX ECTRIC COMPANY Fifth and Oak SU. ATOUOBILEb, MDTOhCXCLKS, LAUNCHES or boata are aeparate claasuicationa a. aarg. Biting will be found under these ettffereaC class. fication. HOT WATER TAJiKa io-eaL $7. 40-sai. si; tested aad guaranteed; stove snd furnace coils; El oesters installed; expert plumbing repsiring. at Side Welding Shop, 208 Adams st B. 851. KOCH'S hydraulic barber chair. 1 bootblack . a t X , gaikl lekDU, fJOin IOT f I . JTassVgw 1PVJ MUSICAL,) INSTRUMENTS S01 FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS $ 450 Emerson, small upright. ....... . $19$ 900 Bteihway at Soft, pot uiu...... sub 830 L..V. Chaaej oak 295 626 Voae, dark mahogany.......... 235 850 Coaorer, fancy ............. $95 473 C. A. Smith, ebony ............ 265 600 Kran'cb A. Bach, golden. oak 845 950 Thompson, pi. poL mshog....... 495 450 Hsllet V Davis, roecwoou . . . . . 195 950 Thompson, player. . . .,.i 693 260 Collard As Collard. walnut. 63 275 H. Bord. rosewood............ 75 1050 Singer, player; dull walnut..,...' 60S 1760 Berrywood Orchestrion. ........ 495 - $16 Cash. $6, $10 to $15 Mootbly Organ it Frajctioa OrigiDsl Cost ilAA Cre.t Western hivh ton.......... $35 ISO Clourh A Warren mirror. .... 48 150 Bchaenincer. chape! ...... 38 $10 Oah. $8 and $5 Monthly SCHWAN PIANO CO 101 TENTH COR STARS ST $10 MONTHLY, as befoie tne wsr, buys new $525 pun os for $396: $15 sends it home; a. a . t-1 i . . . . , n it aooK to $395 used pianos; 410 to $15 monthly buys Used player pianos; $3 monthly buys $28, $39 to $58 mini during suuiverssry sale. (45 years in the piano business.) Schwtn Pis no Co.. 101-Itta loth st. st .wanington na ptara. UEI.I.INIiTON otano." 7a: plain mahogany . Mn beat nf condition: a big snap. Beiber- ling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4tn pet. vvaetung ton and Aider. $195 BUYS $473 used Emerson upright piano. $16 eash, $5 monthly. Iowntu store. Scbwan Piano Co., lOtn ana Btsrm, SCHIRMER piano. $150, upright ; terms given. SeiberUng-Lncas Music (jo., no stn wu Washington and AJfler. FRANKLIN piano, walnut case; a wonderful ui Strument Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st TRADE VICTRoLA for used piano, good prup- oeiHnn, Main 8?86, FUR RENT l'iano Grafonola. late uic. Empire Transfer. B4 Broadway, nnwy. 100 BRUNSWICK pbonograph demonstrated in your own, home. Kate Arurey.i seuwooq a tea WANT USED RECORDS, PHONOGRAPH OR MVSIO ROLI,'; MlS 449, Ant 037-40. PIANO WANTEI -Cash, from ptivato paruee. if hares in. Msrsnau in Liiit-hKlilNG upright piano, $185. 14s lath t. Broadway RENT a player piano, music included. Harold H. Gilbert, ate Yamnui m. PIANO WANTED rash deal. Main H5B6, DIAMONDS JEWELRY 907 1 CLOSING. out my diamond jewelry at less, than half price. liiamnnd ringa iz, to 4i. ft. A. Brown,", watchmaker and Jeweler, 252 Alder st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 COAT, and wood ranges ...., .818 0" be Cook stores -, ......81O0O Gss stoves .................$10.00 o Gas water beaters ...$ 9.00 up Floor coverings, yard .......,.$ .75 up Kitrhea Queen t 8.00 a Kitchen cabinets ,$12.00 up Dining Room extension tab lea. , . $ 7.00 a Dining room chain i.. ...... 9 1.60 up Living room rock sis ......... it 4 00 up Ubrsry tables .i ............. $ t oo up Simmon beds ............. $10.50 up Cotton felt SBsUressea. ....... $ 4.76 ap Steel springs ..........$ t.OU op CoU spriaga .............. 8 00 op Dressers .....$ 9.00 ap POBTLiiiD FURNITURE KXCliANUB 208-210 First st, , ' "SAVE MONEY Try our kales dept. if you want to buy or aeU household goods; reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool car. Expert packing, repairing and refiniatiing. Money loaned on goods in atorage. ' Fireproof storage, low in i ranee rates. 8ECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth at, epp. Multnomah' hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. w Reed Specialty Shop 819 WILLIAMS AVB i Manafaeturem of high grade reed furniture. Reed furniture made to order: also repaired and refinlahed. . Bay direct from factory. FOUR burner gas range with insulated oven, $15; iron bed with woven wire springs, $4.50; child's iron crib with high sides. Springe and mattress included, for $8. High chair, $2.50. 212 Third st near Salmon. FOR SALE Vulean 4 burner gas range, $20; one 4 -hole Bock wood and coal range with coil, $16; 1 Panama 2 earner gas plate, $3; 1 eoel- oil heater, $2. Iba7 Vincent sve. wont, zvvi WALNUT dresser, rug. writing deal, large living room chair, ivory Dreaaiaac set, sewing ma chine, stoves, etc., at a bargain. 1009 South FUMED oak ffining bible and 6 chairs, leather seats, $50; small table with marble top, to; and 1 pair good rabbits, 8 months old. .Tabor 9191. 868 E. 80th st. N. FOR SALE lias water heater and 4-burner gas range with oven;: 1 wood and coal range with eoll, 1 wood Beaton Heiiwonq gov GAS range, aa lights, eopuer coil water heater, v small cook stove, sideboard, oak dresser; very reasonable. Seuwood ooi FOR SALE Inlaid walnut card table and 4 chairs to match, call wain. osz. OR SALE Aiminster rug, old rose; 1 Bige- krw rug, pracUoally Hew. Belt J907. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 SECOND HAND Wastingbouse air eomplesaor, 60 co. ft, direct connection to IB hp. a. c. motor, equipped with asttomaUe geveraor, good for 12 lbs. rus gjevator t o. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 lACHTS, LAUNCHES, HOUSEBOATS FOR SALE AND CHARTER; MARINE SERVICE. PORTLAND YACHT AGENCY, 1812-33 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. WANTED A boat boose. Call Bdwy. 1100. 444. Btark St. HOUSEBOATS built to order; easy terms. J. Buwnett- Bellwood 2527. CRUISER Excellent eebln, b-trcain, $700. Standard Boatboose, feot of Madison. FOR BALE Furnished i Houseboat; a sacrifice. Call Tsbor 806. Cah or terms. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 REBUILT typewriters, iali makes, rentals, re pairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA por table. SCNDSTRAJtD adding machines. Mala 2285. K. W. Pease Co , 110 Bixth at. i)R SALE at a bargain, Harris visible type writer, nearly new, in perfect condition. Ad- dresa Route 3, pea Bza, Beaverton, trr ALL MAKES - of typewriter tented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. - Orsgoa Typewriter Co.. 9 6th H Mala 3668 FOR RK2T Underwood, Rerniiigton, 3 month, Emptre Transfer, 354 .Broadway. Bdwy 155. FOR SALE OR RENT ' TYPEWRITERS 90S ALL make guaranteeii on. year. Bast re-eoa airnctea typewriters oa coast. iew price use. Wholesale Typewrit Co.. 821 Waahingtoa sh. Port Is nd, Or! 9 SWAPS 925 FULLRRKD Setter for young Airedale or Col lie, or sell $26. Call or write Pickle, 117 8- owelson. 1920 BluLL. A 1 shape, reasonable, will trad, for Ford or Chevrolet; balance easy; Marahall 1779 at Montgomery jgaraye. By owner. . TON STUDEBAKER. truck, S0O. Want ford touring or roadter. 1066 Maoadam st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED People ot i'orUaua to knew that I pay the big beat cash price for second-hand household ceoda. No amount to targe or saw small : Pro rapt attentkm. n. SS. SKalKB - Pbone East 2203 - 148 Rassetl . tn.oa"Ta'ias:6d METER. THE TAILOR, pays more fof tee end Hand suits, shoes, overcaot. Wa call day or evening. Marshall laxv. ee gas axaoisoa street near Third , HOlals Ci.EA.-si.Nt, TIME Xaa we throw thinn awaa. I Bay eood nrleea for second-hand furniture and faouaehaid goods. Also tools. ek thins and all kinds of junk. Call Mara 784 Electric Fan and Refrigerator Wanted MAIN 4495. AUTO. 627-46 OR 625-a2 ft EST CASH PHI (TEA FOM ALL KINDS Of , junk supplieb. Tools and other MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, BUTUUS SELLING CALL MAIN 8483 WANTED m or 2 ton truck ' stta-hmnt. must be reasonable; UU price la tint letter Address 187 Chester St. MEN to eat "I WANT V kippered salmoit. . Mt Pbrtland. WANTED Second hand gas drag-saw. Must be good condiUon and cheap. 47 H N. Third. WANTED Drag aaw; state price and cohdiuon. P. O. box 76. WANTED-! URNITURE 952 WE BUY used furniture, stoves, eto. Reliable. Furmture u xua-Koa za maia lauav CO ARmr oooDi & ARMY GOODS lag saw, wholesale and retail! nriea reduced. H Hotaostata, kw td at. or 204 1st at Mala 757$. AWT WOWK, tWHO I PEWY ORDERS taken in embroidery, laces snd peliit ings. 498 Wash. Mrs. J. Kppstelft. ATTORNSVt E. W. EASTMAN, Uwyer and notary public. 984 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS- mi i hi Ji il'l'l.t "JT1 Turkish Baths &J&i&s: Electro Therapist 24-hour tervica to men. . LAWK SOOIt W'HtM DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC. 199 2d rfc. blaak book menufacturera. A-8188. Main 188. OARPBNTKrt AMP BUItOtBt GENERAL contractor s plans luruisued for ail claaae of buxldingi, (Iterations, repair.Bg. h tlmstes given. Phcne Wdln. 420. OAT AWO DOw HO$PITAU ' ROSE CITY VETERLNARY HOSPITAL. Ins.. E. 7Ui and Grant Both phones. : Day aad Might service. Three veterinarian. . CtMlNT WORB Wli.L io 'fi-t cemsot Wurs; price rsaaunabl. Phone Wdln. 4M4. CEMENT, chimney and repair Work. Phoae Tabor 1578. ' " ' - CEMENT WOBat OF ALL KINDS AUT. $48-77 OMIROPRAOTOW . CHIROPRACTIC, sua and luta uoor Broaaway Bias. Marshall 1I. lit. aura &. iwsaiiu. vpe" ovum. DR. McMAHON (McMan) bis syttonk People taking adjustments while aaailing; llth year. CtKANINSl AND OVBINO REGAL Clesnera, Tailors and Hatters tUeaning and dyeing a specislty. Out of town laaU orders given prompt aUeuUoo, . 127- N. ttth st, Portland, Or. - - ; , - ' - COAL AMP WOOD . r ; Peoples Fuel Co. ' 16 inch slab ii 2 load lote $11. Dry eordwood 1 6 -inch, $8.60 ler load; half dry eordwood in 2 -cord lota, $8.25 per cord. Order Low for quick delivery. U(Uoe 261 Fremvut st Phone Automatic 87-61. BOXWOOD Delivered immediately- ky Fulton Wood Ces. 1261 Macadam. Phoae Main 4178, FllirtT GHOWTH EXTRA THICK RED FIR COUNTRY SLAB AND CORDWWOD Cedar Creek Wood Fuel Co. Phone Broadway 1783. 48-50 N. 18th SPECIAL price oa 1st growth cord eood, $$.54 per cord. Phone Aut 831-47. atter o p. m. Call Wdln. 1709. Cord wood. ', $7. 60s sound 2d growth. .60 excellent arad first growth. "r Oregon Fuel, Wdln. 4102 COUNTR1 BLAB WOOll Greed ot dry, 4 -foot ef sawsd. Star Wood at Coal Co. Main 6012. . GOOD id sod It-in. country 'slat: $5.46. If ki. 1 1 , mm . nsir 769. kisd. Bargains. Delivered anywhere. Bell. BUY your winter wood now. Good heavy lirt growth fir, $8.50 per cord. F. E. Bo wtu an at Co., Main 8026. CORDWOOD. $7.50 eord. NatUenal FueTCoT East 2041 !, CORDWOOD, old growUi: $8.50; heavy aecoad erowth. 17.75 ner cord. Wdln. 2132. BUCk: ANDLiB mixed1 in ftiu, leogtL Also eordwood, CaU East 6363. FOR good old growth fir wood or heavy ouuuUy slab, call Bellwood $122. DRY 16-incb 1 and 9-inch lumber trimmings, $8.50 per load. Woodlawn 2S28. CHEAP Dry wood, eut from heavy timbers; eord or load, Colombia 74 8. FIRST growth eorawuod $9 per eord, delivered; special price on larger lota, Woodlawn 6318. BIG LOADS of box wood $5.60. CaU Wdln. 6904 or 1133 Montana ave. DRY lumber trimmings, 4 0.50 per load. Woof lawn 3387. bit CORDWOOD, $7.60. Gail Woodiawa 40li after 7 p. ra. --r FOR best prices en eordwood, slabwuod and coal call Heerdt Fuel Co., Rat 2456. COAL Select grade Utah, $1 6 del. Wdln. 4102 PIWTItTS DR. B E. WRIGHT leiab bldg., aanington , 6tb A-tllts and W, Mam 9119. Dentistry .iASrMSSf V Without fsla. fattest Nerve-Blocking Methoel KPUCATIOWAt, . O ANCIN63 Downey.'s Dance Studio 886 14 " Wsahington Street, over Hsselwaod. Former instonctor Cotillio iub H.U. - saaio ,,, D Patterson Downey, inox, sgCT. J. SI ,hHt.i t,.L l urn bldg., Waah- - ingtoa a Third. Private hour or lessons; day, evening. 9.80 a. at. to 9 p. aa. Coarse lensnna tpaciaDy priced Claas Monday, Friday. 7;8Qp m M" treisaq SUMMER'S Dancing academy. Dancing guars n- , teed to S 1-hx. k-xeuns. mi Vs t". ntar Sisrk. Club dsnce, Tne-.; class Thursday. Bdwy. $590, $UtlO tCHOOtt AND TEACMKRt L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of Voice ad piaao. 148 13th st Broadway 2655 . tt. LAW SON SOyearT le neons at your horns, 81. tsw'so! experlenre; ptaae Aut 64$-lT KLCOTRIOAL WORK n. fl ifthortvl Tt:iXEHT"eensed electrician. Let Bhorty do your electrical work, wire yoal new or old noma, automatic iir-H, PORTLAND RUQ CO. Ftaff Ri ngs. Mao rrom tyid uineta B. 17TH ST. BELLWOOD 8622 1672-1674 E. OWABiatej AWP KKeAWATIW GHADING and escavaueg, all kinds si team work, estimate given, ueorge ourneu, xv.i Hawthorne. . 'I abor zno. HAT CLtAN-Wt AWP PYtHt HATS rleaasd. blocked, dyed reasonable and ss jafactory. Royal Hat Works. 228 Firet St. tAWWPrtV. Lace CuiinsJi NURStRIES GREGORY HEIGHTS - NURSERY - " --' PerennlaK porch box plants and sbrubbery rbwle Mnn-iimi and oansv nlanfa nW. . SS 80th St, Boa CUT ear. labor $29B WANTEDfHjRNITURS 952 tl'Of CASH FOR CsKD FLluNilClTil Main 8878 . UNITED FURNITURE TOB 178 FIRST 8 TREKT Owl Furniture Co. MORiUiiON ' W want your osed furniture, stoves, carpets and plaaoai py the highest cash pricss. 166 snd 16 Fir-t st. Csll Main 4a7. M. R. SEATER Buys best ss well a eheapev grsde ef second bsnd furniture 2 AO Grand sve Aut. 23 2-53, WANTED 200 old chairs, household goods ' stoves snd tools; Will pay mors Uiaa any dealer. East 4912. PERSONALS 975 GUARD" YOUR ETKSIGHT f XWyN 1 employ V - J4 " 1 modern instt mii V, . most sdentifi only the mot trumenta and Uie sdentifia methiid in s- amlnlng your eye. SO year' experience. Ihou--aanda of aaUsfied patietitA. Evenings snd Sun days by appointment Chaa. W. Goodman, Morrison, Pre-war prices. Ms In 2 I '4. POPULAR music on plsno, bsnjo, , nisndolin, guitar. Ukulele gitea sdult beginner tlie very first lesson. Complete course, 10 lesaous, guar anteed. Advanced court for players. Parker eeliool of rag snd Jaaa; 614 Eilvr bldg. A'uou Main 4038. ELECTRIC-MANICURE, marcel, iscial ni. -,, . scalp treatments, electrio vibrator masesss. rollyanna Beauty parlors. $15 Brnadffay bjd g. Stl h.hH.l Ol 8 UA1U, inoic. waru rt moved by 10 needle method. Trial free. Jeaie Finly. M4 Htieri A l.anr tldn Main e:ion. SI (;K'IS both twt ui st 1 r. Eaton 1 the CHIROPODIST snd ARCH SPECIALIST wne doean't hiitt you; 8 rs. here. Exam free. ;t;s Thestrtbldg.llth snd Wb. Blwy. 2924. f V,a.rMM Consultation FREai. All c. Lawyer o Fmoa Bid., 84 tu ,u B rosrlwsy 4PU8. 1'AH'ft going to Califuruia by automobile haa room for 3 paaaengcra. l'hone Mr, Manlry, Hotel t'ornellus. - . aTs'ES testwi and glasses' filled by grsdust. ight spefialint as low as $5; tt-fctmn guaranteed. Zell Bmi A Co., 83 Waih. au MaSSAUE. bat n.. Dt. Kluia ttoren eh. 10 Panama bldg Msln ", Iituxlri physician. Combines made up. F. J'ierc, 24 Ktllingsworth. Woodlawn 4380. tAWNsaowErt aaiiNoiNa LAWN MOWER HOSPITAL, 24 hour ttrvics. Tsbor 4072. Tsbor 4641. - y OPTOMKTBHBT have Your eyes kxaviim:ih Ws reeorametid snd urescrlue laiMe, nnlv after thorough examination proves tl"ir need. 7nu will find ur services reliable and charges very reasonable. A triil will couvhite. 2115 Morriwt St. Msln JV367. -Mtrx GYi-b sclsnufTcslly tested "with modf "n inatnimentat glassei fitted at a aWls saving' satistsctiin giisrsntaed. A. E. HCRWlTg. Optometrist 22 5 1st St WAIMTINQ, TIWTIWQ, PA P E WM A ft OH W O Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. 230 SECOND STREET. MAIN 7822 Uhl Bros.. Unc. f 1 I. aJij-j 11 I 1 1' ' in ',1 , auijiit auu satofiininins ana ro.i rut-ainng at tn isle rate prices work guaranteed. , Phone East 4115. GET YOUR PAINTING, de.-orating and sign tiore trie spring rush, 25 years' experience. Phone Tabor 2, CROSSWIIITE aV' P It A NZ Phone' 622 33. Painting very reasonable. 7! N ('LIFTON. nalntlne i..i..rli, ilmln,,' 17th st H road way 4414. R.nidlawn 21'Jfl. RATtNT ATTORN EVa IT rig Ida. 610 Chi'mM ef Commerce bfdg. copy rHUICISNI Ttt7TCA77'7i iTXIIir Broadway Bldg. Office Practice only. rtuwsiga anp gTgaivi pittino 'Cron and Clav FIRST UrlADK PROMPT DELIVERY LOWEST PRICES ..iPcerless Pacific Co. Ti '. ' Pbone Marshall 1901. : 6-8-72 Front Street PIlirI! ft O GENERAL jobbing sndTei: " -"r er wors; pries, ressonsM it W A. MYERS, 1JB E. 6td st !S. Ant ill I' us figure on votir in.tallstlon. Alberta IMnmh Co., 617 Union ave. N., near ItuwelL K. 42H5. PLUMBING M I'l'l DH at "WIIOLLNAl.M PHK'KS ftTARK HAVIK CO. 1e 4th TKfc M. L KMVK CO , 84-86-87-89 Fmr PRINTING, KNaWAVINO, IN DIM a eMn BLl'NESS CAUDA $1.17" ' mjW LINEN fliniiS 32.60 n liberty Printory, 165 ik 4th at Main 626$. Prinf inrr F.'w. baltes a co , i "" " TBfl " inwiir-Bor.hTTcivri'iT t7" 867 Whlngton. Brodwsy M A-128, AMCI IPV PRINTING CO. 4l'ility- Srrv. 131L,1C k ice. 252 Waah. St Msln 4671. R00f RBPAIRINQ BOOKS repaired and painuoi gutlerj cleaned Hoof Brciirity, Inc. mlga Webluot I'alnl, S2H Board ef Trade. Mala 671. Main 6644. I'm, unit. Q-A. SENEY a SON " Roof J Pataiteri, Ksst 7B15. 471 Esst Hrrlon. ing all kinds of roofs. Best Gilsonlle psint used. All work gusrantsed. 1704 E. Clhtan st. Phones Tshof 4817, 7 thor 7259. WK paint, shingle sad tn roofa, rrir and renew gravel roofs. Main 1424. Aak l,,t M. Pigeon. Evening Wdln. 3190. Old roofs reshingled, luxw. remodeled, iw ScjL l.',7. paired; carpenter, contrarior. ROOFS painted, tag .and creosote Phone Tab. 829. raasonablaT gCAt ANP PAOIAt SPgCIAtlsyg Evelyn 'Treihlcs SulU 420 Morgan bldg. Plions Main 44 84 Scalp treatments and and sclenfitln facial cor. reeUon. Handruff falling of tlio hair and Ing aealp aueceaefully treatod. On or two treat ments will convince yml. Wlg CONNIOTIONb TTevvkk uoitk Rteaonabla and reliable. 1057 E. Clisan. "Tsbor 8HH hut mTAL weK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS Ttocflng. guttering, mooting. Jobbing an' general repairing. Phona Broadway t 2 ?? a . HINOtlNQ SHINGLING AND JOBBING 'Reshlngllng a specialty. Phone Msr. 851 8TOVe, RCPAIRINa Why Buy a New Stove? W repair an aind of stovea, gas ranges and fimacea Bast 6981. TRANgPBfl AMD ITORHOg. WTIO MOVES YOU ' 18 JUST AS IMPORTANT AS -WUEHC VOU MOVE Call Broadway 1281 or Aut 1169. Oar track snd careful m sr at your sernea. Oregon Transfer Co. Office and Storsgs. 474 Olli-an, SECURITY BTORAOB A TRANSFER CO. Packing-Moving Storsg. MONEY LOAXED ON GOODS IN BTORAGl tt Fourth at, opp. Mnltnnmab bout -Pboa Broadway $716. "aLWaT- TitFi hkat hor'SEiiTTOT GOODS BPECIALlrtT Storac.. packing. Shipping and moving; bora, and auto vass; scot cial rate, to all points C. O. PICK TRANHFEft A STORAGE CO ti snd Pins at. Broadway t' A-ia9l, Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morcc, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN BROADWAY 8476 :. c. ('iiAi'i'TJX Furnttur snd Pisno Movln. ; Auto truck for local and king ditanc hauls, express knl baggsge transfer. Coal for sale. 1029 E. Yarnhilljrt, Tstnr 170. fRTTA ND-lUTO TFft A KSFK RCT . inorslij st 229 Main at I'hon. Main 15S0. nine tall 617-65. Any part of city. Mb Scott gaily tripa. GET ! It FIGUliK.H Ws savs you money i atorag. and packing; mall or large truck. R HK, CITY TRANSFER rn.Jr,,T- Seduced fukT,ut KaTk.. u, aI r.i i,u-ehoH g'Ksls. PsHfic Catt lurva.iitig Co., 9tb and Uoyt Bdwy. 703.